Essential Naples Fall 2022

Page 42

Essential NAPLES SWFL’s Resource for Essential Living The Resort at Paws Up Truly Is the Last Best Place Diane Hayden, PhD The Link between Obesity and Cancer Candice P. Rosen, RN Could Inflammation Be Causing Your Migraines? Diana Macian, MD Get Back on Your Feet with Robotic Therapy Theresa Edmunds, CHC The Master Antioxidant for Revolutionary Skincare Mindy DiPietro Struggling to Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes? Denise A. Pancyrz COMPLIMENTARYFall 2022 Health + CBD: Natural Treatment for Cancer > 9 + I Can’t Sleep > 14 Finance + 8 Year End Finance Planning Tips > 7 + Protect Yourself with Your Eldercare Team > 20 Food + The MIND Diet & Alzheimer’s > 18 + Top Foods to Eat for Brain Health > 40 Purpose +Reclaiming Your True Voice > 10 +Caregiving for Dementia > 16

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Confidence Through Guidance

Confidence Through Guidance

Confidence Through Guidance

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Nina Azwoir

Nina Azwoir

First Vice President, Investments tel: 239.687.5204

First Vice President, Investments tel: 239.687.5204

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LOCATED AT 3401 Tamiami Trail North Naples, Florida

LOCATED AT 3401 Tamiami Trail North Naples, Florida

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Securities, insurance products, financial planning, and investment management services are offered through Wintrust Investments,

(Member FINRA/SIPC),



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Investment products such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are: NOT FDIC INSURED





Securities, insurance products, financial planning, and investment management services are offered through Wintrust Investments,

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Wintrust Wealth Management Investment products such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are:


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Coming This Fall To Naples

free yoga class, sound bowl healing & DJ local wellness vendors vendor application & attendee info @rosemallowmarketnaples 1 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
You LOVE Join me in the best of the Essential Naples community’s new, exclusive, shared membership delivered via our mobile app: The Essential Experience Scan this QR code to learn more --> Talk to the Expert Live monthly interactive Q&A Zoom calls with our Holistic Practitioners Member Discounts Get incredible discounts on products and services from local businesses Gluten Free, Organic and Healthy Recipes added monthly On-demand Yoga Classes in inspirational locations



Train Your Eyes for Better Balance, Posture, and Sports Performance with Neurocentric Health and Fitness

Experience the Cutting-Edge Technology of the Continuous Glucose Monitor at Berman Health and Wellness

Cellular Restoration for Better Health with OsteoStrong

Art of Saying NO

Diana Macian, MD




22 The Resort at Paws Up Truly Is the Last Best Place

By Dr. Diane Hayden, PhD


CBD: Natural Treatment for Cancer

By Stacy Bull

Could Inflammation Be Causing Your Migraines?

By Dr. Diana Macian, MD

I Can’t Sleep!

By Dr. Josephine Perez, DMD

The MIND Diet and Alzheimer’s

By Jenni Berman, PA-C, CPT, CNS

Get Back on Your Feet with Robotic Therapy

By Theresa Edmunds, CHC

Struggling to Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes?

By Denise A. Pancyrz

Top Foods to Eat for Brain Health

By Betsy Opyt, RD, LD/N, CDE, RYT

Glutathione—The Master Antioxidant for Revolutionary Skin Care By Mindy DiPietro

Treat the Condition, Not the Symptoms—A New Approach to Neuropathy Treatment

By Dr. Richard Hiler, DABCN

34 The Link between Obesity and Cancer

By Candice P. Rosen, RN


20 Protect Yourself—and Your Family— with Your Eldercare Team

By Nina Azwoir, First Vice President of Investments, Wintrust Wealth Management


Reclaiming Your True Voice—and Your True Self

By Kristina B. Gretouce

Caregiving for Those We Love with Dementia

By Jennifer Vear Hoy, MS

3 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022 Departments 4 LETTER 6
Photo: Michael Owen
Fall 2022

Hey, I’m Dr. Diane!

Welcome to the Fall 2022 issue of Essential Naples —a quarterly holistic lifestyle publication. If this is the first time you’re picking us up, you’ll find our magazine is 100% local with expert content that interests both Southwest Florida residents and professional holistic practitioners. Fall is a great time of year in SWFL as the rainy season ends and the intense heat subsides to gorgeous sunny days in the low 80s. I have now grown to love the autumn season as I get to see colors change up here in Connecticut, and just when it starts to drop below the 60s in late October, I return to Naples to experience summer all over again! I am so grateful to have the opportunity to live in these two beautiful places.

Our Fall 2022 issue is focused on Natural Treatments for Cancer and Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease. There is a wealth of information on how food, lifestyle, and mindset affect how susceptible we are to these diseases and how we’re able to heal them. Our mission is always to help people navigate these important choices, which is now more important than ever.

Please welcome our new contributors, Kristina Gretouce and Candice Rosen. Kristina is a codependency coach and teaches women to recognize areas in their lives where they are codependent and how to reclaim their true selves. We become better people when we are honest about our needs. Candice is a registered nurse and health coach. Her latest book is Forget Dieting, which is a breath of fresh air for individuals looking to lose weight. Her article exposes the link between obesity and cancer, and the essence of Candice’s program is SelfHealth—taking responsibility for our healthcare ultimately falls on each of us.

There is a new wellness market coming to Naples this fall! I am so excited about this because it will bring many holistic practitioners and members of our community together in an outdoor market style event each month. There will be yoga classes, sound healing, music, and local wellness vendors— see page 3 for more information.

There will be yoga classes, sound healing, music, and local wellness vendors—

I’m excited to announce that we just released “The Essential Experience” membership community delivered via a MOBILE APP!

The Essential Experience is a tribe of readers and healthy lifestyle practitioners who come together to teach, learn, inspire, and support each other. The Experience includes Talk to the Expert Live Q&A Zoom calls monthly with our Natural Nutmeg and Essential Naples practitioners, exclusive products and discounts on services local to your area, and webinars and classes on natural medicine and holistic lifestyle.

Please join me in this exclusive experience o ered free to a limited number of Essential Naples readers at

4 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
Wishing you health and happiness,
Dr. Diane Hayden, PhD Publisher & Owner, ELM Publishing
“Our mission and intent is to support each reader’s wish to make a difference in their lives.
Together, we can make a difference in the local community.”
—Dr. Diane Hayden, PhD

Vol. 3, Issue 2

Essential Naples is a quarterly lifestyle publication in SWFL for health-minded locals who need credible information on holistic health and well-being trends. Our coverage is 100% local with expert content that interests both local residents and professional integrated practitioners.


Dr. Diane Hayden, PhD


Christopher Urso


Lori Emelander


Ashley Frament


Nina Azwoir, Financial Deanna M. Cherrone, MD Derrick DeSilva, MD Theresa Edmunds, CHC Betsy Opyt, RD, LD/N, CDE Denise Pancyrz, Nutrition Josephine Perez, DMD


Naples and SWFL, please contact Essential Naples Magazine

In keeping with our concern for the environment, Essential Naples is proudly printed on recycled paper with soy-based inks.

Essential Naples is a free publication supported solely by our advertisers and distributed throughout SWFL. Please email for locations near you.

© 2022 by Natural Nutmeg, LLC. All rights reserved. Parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, with permission. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your feedback.

and Anxiety

feature your business

in Essential Naples! Winter • Diet and Stress Reduction for Weight Loss • Natural Treatments for Chronic Pain Spring • Detox Your Living Space • Taking Care of Your Mental Health Summer • Healthy Aging and Genetics • How Your Mental State E ects Health and Disease Fall • Natural Treatment for Cancer • Managing Stress
Here’s What Essential Naples Has in Store for 2023! 5 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
Essential NAPLES

Train Your Eyes for Better Balance, Posture, and Sports Performance with Neurocentric Health and Fitness

Our eyes are responsible for more than just seeing well. Posture, balance, stiffness, learning abilities, dizziness, chronic pain, anxiety, and sports performance are all affected by how well our eyes and visual system work. Sure, you might have been told you have 20/20 vision. If you recall, that test is performed in a dark, quiet room. Can those results be relevant and applied to a fast-moving, ever-changing environment? The demands on our eyes and visual system are wildly different in those situations. The world is moving quickly around us. We need to be able to move our eyes and follow objects, cars, and people to safely navigate and get out of harm’s way.

Eye movements and vision are the signals that help to trigger the muscles in our body to move. When our eyes move well, accurate information is sent to the brain regarding where our body is in space. With that information, the brain commands the appropriate muscles to move. But “sloppy” eye movement can send inaccurate messages to the brain, prompting the brain to activate the wrong muscles. When the wrong muscles are activated, the body has to compensate to overcome gravity and try to prevent a fall. Compensations and the wrong muscle activation can lead to dizziness, unsteadiness, losing balance, falling, and getting injured.

Vision is more than just sight. We have six eye muscles that we can train, just like any other muscle in the body. Consciously exercising the eye muscles will improve posture, increase balance, decrease chronic pain, enhance learning and boost sports performance.

There is no better time to start training your eyes and SEE how your body and movement can improve. Check out Ildi’s digital program, “Vision Drills for Healthy Eyes”: products/vision-drills-for-healthy-eyes. For a private session, use code 50POFF to get 50% off your first consultation.

Ildi (Ildiko) Varhelyi founder and owner of Neurocentric Health and Fitness (NCHF), recently relocated her business to Naples from Boston, MA. She brings over 20 years of experience helping people with balance issues, vertigo, dizziness, and chronic pain issues. See ad on page 35>

Experience the CuttingEdge Technology of the Continuous Glucose Monitor at Berman Health and Wellness


Health and Wellness helps individuals improve their gut health and reach their goal weight while avoiding needless medications and achieving the highest quality of life imaginable. This emerging functional medicine practice is using a new technique to help their clients: a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM).

If you’re experiencing weight gain, abdominal fat, brain fog, low energy, interrupted sleep, weakness, dizziness, and hormone imbalances, you may be at risk for blood sugar instability. We must understand why blood sugar is unstable in the first place. There are several causes of blood sugar instability such as nutrition in the form of improper balance of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats for an individual), stress or cortisol response, medications, leaky gut syndrome, food sensitivities, or other GI disorders, trauma, autoimmune condition contribution, and more. Evaluating a client’s medical history, lifestyle, and CGM allows for objective changes to be made in order to treat the problems, not the symptoms.

With this cutting-edge and objective data approach, proper evaluation and treatment plans are implemented for each individual. A CGM is a monitor that inserts a small sensor under the skin to measure the interstitial glucose (sugar) level, which is the glucose found between fluid and the cells. The monitor checks the client’s blood sugar every couple of minutes, 24 hours a day, for 10 days. With tracking, we are able to assess the cause of glucose spikes and drops, which then allows the medical team to adjust the client’s lifestyle to improve glucose stability, overall health, and longevity.

Berman Health and Wellness works with clients one-onone to improve dietary plans, blood levels, and vitamins to optimize their health. With an individualized approach, it is a maintainable and sustainable lifestyle. Take the step to add quality years to your life.

Berman Health and Wellness is a Functional Medicine Center specializing in gut health. Focusing on and optimizing gut health is vital to protecting our brain, metabolism, hormones, and longevity. Call 239.431.0232 or visit to learn more. See ad on page 35 >


Cellular Restoration for Better Health with OsteoStrong The Art of Saying

It’s no secret that cancer affects the integrity of our bones. Many medications can have a detrimental impact on our skeletal system as well. When these issues are combined, many of us are left with little to no hope of restructuring our skeletal system. How can we improve the integrity of our bones after battling cancer?

The answer: Osteogenic loading.

Osteogenic loading is essential to build stronger bones and positively impacts other key health factors. OsteoStrong was designed to allow everyone access to strength training in a safe way. Our program works by triggering cellular regeneration that will affect our bones, joints, tendons, and other tissues. Cellular regeneration is impacted naturally as we age, and even more so with medications and/or health issues. OsteoStrong allows a safe, lowimpact way to trigger cellular regeneration while impacting the skeletal system with safe heavy loading.

Our four patented growth triggers were designed to lower the risk and stress applied to our bones, yet impact them with enough load to trigger the cellular regeneration that will aid in bone integrity and lower inflammation levels throughout the body.

Our machines are designed for you to load them with your force, applying more pressure to the skeletal system but in a low-impact manner. The device will track your strength progress as well as monitor the amount of benefit, or cellular regeneration, that is occurring. While you perform the movement under the guidance of a coach, you will be able to see in real time exactly how you’re performing. This provides us with key information on how you’re recovering outside the program. If recovery is poor, it can affect many aspects of our health and immune system. All of this information is tracked to give better insight into your health.

At OsteoStrong, we strive to help people better their lives. We’re happy to work closely with doctors who oversee health conditions so we can provide the best care possible here at OsteoStrong Naples.

OsteoStrong helps restore cells back to a state of health as well as trigger cellular regeneration over tissues that have been compromised. Our patented machines provide a safe, low-impact way to load the body to trigger these benefits and more. Book your consultation with us to learn more: text or call 239.350.4550. See ad on page 31 >

Iused to pride myself that I could always be counted on to say yes.

If someone needed help, I was always there for them, even if it completely depleted me. If there was a fun invitation from a friend, I would be someone they could count on to be there. Despite my best intentions, this “yes” girl became increasingly more exhausted and frustrated. I realized I struggled with saying no to people and that it was harming me. Constantly worried about disappointing them or missing out on something fun, I was no longer choosing the direction of my life. Something needed to change.

So, I began saying no. Saying no helped me feel a freedom I had not experienced for a very long time. It was amazing. I felt like I was once again choosing what I did with my life and my time. This was incredibly empowering, and I felt its effects immediately. By saying no, I now had more time to devote to my own needs and desires. I began to ask myself what my core values, beliefs, and current goals were, and this guided my decision to participate—or not—in any activity. Projects that had been moving slowly started to expand, I was doing activities like meditation and yoga more often, and I ended up being happier and more peaceful. Since I wasn’t constantly saying yes when I wanted to say no, I became less resentful, grumpy, and tired.

As a result, I experienced better communication in my relationships. I even noticed that people around me began to treat me with more respect. I wasn’t getting as many last-minute invites or requests for help. Instead, people would tell me far in advance about events and acknowledge my contribution if I did decide to say yes to helping them. I felt more connected to myself and, ultimately, to others. Learning to say no has been one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. If you want that same feeling of freedom and empowerment, take control, challenge yourself, and learn to say no. You won’t regret it.

Kristina B. Gretouce is a Certified Life and Health and Wellness Coach with over 15 years of experience. Kristina o ers a complimentary 10-minute discovery call. Please contact Kristina at 239.350.4544. 704 Goodlette-Frank Rd N, Naples. See ad on page 13 >

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FINANCE 8 Year End Finance Planning Tips Dana Mascalo

www 7 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

Dr. Diana Macian, MD: WellcomeMD Naples

As a physician for the past nine years, I have treated patients with a wide range of medical issues, from a bad cough to cardiac arrest. Board-certified in emergency medicine, I can assist with all your acute care needs and have the time and tools to help you be proactive about your health.

What sets you apart from other practitioners?

Having served in the U.S. military, dedicating over 15 years to the US Navy as a medical professional. I attended medical school at the Uniformed Services University of Health Science in Bethesda, MD, and completed my residency in Emergency Medicine at the Portsmouth Naval Medical Center in Virginia. Recently, I served the Naples Community in the Emergency Department at Naples Community Hospital on the frontline throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why are you passionate about your specialty?

Joining WellcomeMD is an exciting change for me. Switching to concierge medicine alleviates the pressure of those quick appointments with taxing administrative duties and allows me to practice medicine the way it should be. I believe it affords members the time they need to talk about their conditions while developing a trusted relationship with their doctor. It also allows me to fully understand the nature of their illness while allowing patients to ask questions in an unrushed low-pressure environment. This extra time will help to create a better roadmap for their overall care plan and achieve patient goals more easily.

The restricted membership at WellcomeMD offers each member far more access to a doctor who knows them well. This allows me the time to work new research and healthy lifestyle changes into conversations with members. WellcomeMD is a concierge primary care practice focused on patient wellness. We offer same-day or nextday appointments, 90-minute annual physical exams, comprehensive appointments, and full access: our patients have 24-hour, 365-day access to their physician.

Dr. Diana Macian • WellcomeMD Naples Physician, Board-Certified in Emergency Medicine Naples, FL 239.880.2562

Erika Dworkin— Vitathena Wellness

Before my new business, Vitathena Wellness, I owned the Manchester Parkade Health Shoppe, nutrition specialists trusted since 1956, for 12 years. Through Vitathena Wellness, my new store without walls, I continue to offer nutrition consultations to empower my clients to address a wide range of health issues with dietary and lifestyle changes. I also offer over 14,000 natural products in my online natural dispensary.

Why are you passionate about your specialty?

Throughout my life, I have witnessed people heal from tailored holistic regimens. I care deeply about the general well-being of the members of our greater community.

What sets you apart from other practitioners in the holistic nutrition field?

I have lifelong experience with both natural and Western medicine. Following in the footsteps of my mentor, Michael Dworkin, PD, CCN, a licensed clinical nutritionist with a doctorate in pharmacy, I offer personalized, evidence-based guidance that incorporates various healing modalities. Conditions I assess include hormonal imbalances, pain and inflammation, systemic yeast overgrowth, obesity, stress/anxiety, depression, and immunity.

What is the best memory you have about being a holistic nutritionist?

I have empowered thousands to live more vibrantly, so it is difficult to select just one. It was gratifying to learn that one client no longer struggled with severe menopausal hot flashes and that another’s IBS symptoms subsided.

Erika Dworkin, BCHN®

• Vitathena Wellness

Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition Wellness Guide, Generations of Holistic Guidance Sycamore Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033 (O ce Hours by Request) 860.646.8178

• Shop:


CBD: Natural Treatment for Cancer

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a naturally occurring non-psychoactive compound found in both hemp and marijuana plants. Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is responsible for the potentially intoxicating effects associated with cannabis (the “high” feeling), which may be an issue for some. Unlike THC, though, CBD is not intoxicating, making it perhaps more attractive as a natural remedy to those people who don’t like the effects of THC. Both CBD and THC interact with the receptors in our endocannabinoid system (ECS), our largest receptor system in the body, which is being studied at a rapid rate due to its relatively recent discovery and identification in the early 1990s.

The Endocannabinoid System

The ECS is responsible for the homeostasis of most systems in our body, including the immune system, inflammation, pain, stress response, emotions/ moods, cognitive function, the cycle of cell life and death, neurotransmitters, and many others. The ECS is comprised of CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are abundant in the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord) and found in high concentrations in areas of the brain associated with mood/emotions and cognitive processes. CB2 receptors are mainly in the cells as well as the tissues and organs of the immune system. CB2 receptors are key mediators of cannabinoid regulation of the immune and inflammatory systems.

Cannabinoid receptors are widely expressed on cancer cells as well as normal cells. Research indicates that ECS dysfunction is part of the pathomechanism of many diseases, including cancer. Without delving into how cannabinoid receptors stimulation leads to different outcomes in the various types of tumors, it is important for the purposes here to discuss the benefits of CBD and THC on the systems associated with cancer and/or its treatments. To do this, the main difference between CBD products and medical marijuana should be addressed.

CBD Products, Medical Marijuana, and Cancer

Hemp-derived CBD products contain a high concentration of CBD and very little THC (less than .3% is the legal limit). Full spectrum CBD products are a whole-plant extract containing the synergy of all cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids in the hemp plant. Research is showing that CBD and minor cannabinoids like CBG, CBN, and CBC are outperforming other compounds without the side effects that are caused by THC. CBD products also might be more appealing to some because of the non-intoxicating effect.

Medical marijuana contains a high ratio of THC, and when it comes to certain symptoms and signs associated with cancer and its treatments, the higher concentration of THC found in medical marijuana might be a better option. For example, high THC may help stimulate appetite, aid in weight gain, and lessen symptoms of nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy.

Preclinical and clinical research suggest some evidence of CBD efficacy, alone or in some cases in conjunction with THC (medical marijuana), in treating cancer-associated pain and neuropathy, anxiety and depression, sleep problems, nausea and vomiting, and oral mucositis, all of which are associated with cancer and/or its treatment. Studies also suggest that CBD may enhance orthodox treatments with chemotherapeutic agents and radiation therapy and protect against neural and organ damage. CBD shows promise as part of an integrative approach to the management of cancer.

We recommend starting a conversation with your physician before taking hemp-derived CBD products, especially if you’re on any medication. If you believe THC could be more beneficial to your specific symptoms associated with cancer and/or its treatments, discuss a prescription for medical marijuana with your oncologist and care team.

Stacy Bull has been the co-owner and operator of Your CBD Store Naples and Marco Island locations for nearly four years. She has her bachelor’s degree in Health Care Administration from UW–Milwaukee. She has worked in various healthcare departments including Ophthalmology, Oncology, and Cardiology before getting involved in Cannabinoid Therapy. She can be reached at 239.259.8654. For more information on this topic, visit

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“CBD may enhance orthodox treatments with chemotherapeutic agents and radiation therapy and protect against neural and organ damage. CBD shows promise as part of an integrative approach to the management of cancer.”
page 21 > 9 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

Reclaiming Your True Voice— and Your True Self

For much of my younger years, I felt I never really connected with others or even with myself. It was as though I was always in fightor-flight mode, constantly walking on eggshells, pivoting in and out of anxiety and depression or suffering from chronic busyness. I desperately longed for connection but somehow lacked the ability to cultivate relationships through which I felt some sense of peace.

These patterns persisted until one day I acknowl edged that I was displaying many of the classical codependent traits. Through honestly looking at myself I finally realized I could heal my life and cre ate and nurture the loving relationships I so desired.

The Dangers of Conditional Affection

The truth is that I never really got to know myself and had spent much of my earlier years trying to find safety through external relationships. This pattern began in childhood when people were often mad or disappointed with me and love was given or withheld based on my complying with codes of behavior. As an adult, I continued to believe that if I did the right thing or said the right words, I could avoid the anger and disappointment of others and ultimately avoid emotional abandonment.

I derived most of my self-worth and identity from the accolades of others. As a result, I spent my energy anticipating the needs of friends and family before my own in order to get what I wanted from them most—their love and affection. Not only that,

I was convinced that I was a victim and that others continued to fall short of giving me what I needed in some way. In my quest to be liked and accepted, I ended up abandoning myself until I didn’t even know who I truly was and what I really wanted.

Knowing Your True Yourself

Thus began my journey back home to me and reclaiming my unique voice. The first step in this process was noticing the recurring behaviors that were actually harming me. Below is a list of common traits of codependency:

People pleasing

Saying yes when you want to say no

Chronic dependability

Lying to keep the peace

Difficulty making decisions

Chronic busyness

Giving unsolicited advice often

Perfectionism and controlling behavior

Harboring resentment

Passive-aggressive behavior

Minimizing one’s own needs

Minimizing the negative behavior of others

Feeling like a martyr

Glorifying giving without receiving

Inability to set boundaries

Constantly apologizing

Feeling overly responsible for others

Fixing other people’s problems

Wanting to always look perfect

Unable to handle constructive criticism

10 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022 Purpose
“When we reclaim our true voice and are honest about our needs, we become better friends, lovers, daughters and sons, wives and husbands, mothers and fathers.”
—Kristina B. Gretouce

Once I started to look at my behavior honestly and objectively, I began to slowly change my habitual patterns. At first, this felt wildly uncomfortable. I felt like a horrible person saying no when someone asked for my help. I felt selfish and weak when I shared my wants and needs. To be fair, society sends us messages that glorify codependency, especially as women—for example, that being a good wife or mother requires sacrificing our own needs and putting others first.

Give from a Place of Love

I have found that the only way we can create harmony in our lives and in our homes is quite the opposite. When we reclaim our true voice and are honest about our needs, we become better friends, lovers, daughters and sons, wives and husbands, mothers and fathers. When we move with our cup running over, we give from a place of love rather than manipulation.

So when I was courageously honest, with myself and with others, about my behavior and motivation in relationships, my life began to change for the better. I know who I am and what I want now. I am unwilling to abandon myself in order to be loved. I take responsibility for setting boundaries. I am able to let go of control in more and more areas of my life. I allow myself to be vulnerable enough to express my needs, and this has allowed others to show up for me in ways I never imagined.

Over time, I wanted to share these gifts with others so that they too may reclaim the voice they left behind so many years ago.

My goal is to help women work through codependency issues including people pleasing, chronic busyness, and difficulty setting boundaries, as well as to explore the root of these behaviors and help create strategies to transform relationships and lives. It has been such a gift to hold space and witness a true transformation. I am blessed beyond measure.

Kristina B. Gretouce is a Certified Life and Health and Wellness Coach with over 15 years experience. She works with individuals who want to work around codependency issues including people pleasing, chronic business, and difficulty setting boundaries, as well as those who are ready to explore the root of these behaviors and together create strategies to transform their relationships and their life. Kristina offers a complimentary 10-minute discover call. Please call 239.350.4544 and visit www.codependencyfreedom. com. 704 Goodlette-Frank Rd N, Naples. See ad on page 13 >











11 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
< PAGE 40 “Top Foods to Eat for Brain Health” BY BETSY OPYT, RD, LD/N, CDE, RYT
YOGANIDRA&SOUND BOWLSDECEMBER11TH5PM SILENTNIGHTSOUNDSOFYINHOLIDAYCLASSDECEMBER17TH5PM GODDESSGATHERINGDECEMBER18TH5PM NEWYEARGRATITUDEFLOWDECEMBER30TH5PM October November December 4ElementsYogaNaples7935AirportPullingRoadSuite215,Naples,FL34109 < Page 20 “Stop Shaming Your Diet and Have Fun!” BY BETSY OPYT, RD, LD/N, CDE, RYT 239-297-8844 Integrative Functional Nutrition Specialist Anti-Inflammatory Living Diabetes Management Corporate Nutrition Detox/Cleansing Gut Health Nutrigenomics Immune Building Weight Management Personalized Nutrition Allergies

Could Inflammation Be Causing Your Migraines?

“Exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and helps reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and maintain a healthy weight—all things that can contribute to inflammation and subsequently, to migraine headaches.”

—Dr. Diana Macian, MD


talk about some new research on helping with a debilitating chronic condition that thirty-nine million Americans suffer from: migraines.

Migraines are severe headaches characterized by intense, throbbing pain throughout the head. It can last up to two days and attacks can occur several times a month— talk about a condition that can really diminish your quality of life! Women are three times more likely than men to suffer from the condition and women often experience more symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting.

Men, however, are more likely to have migraines with auras—flashes of light, a blind spot, a change in vision, or a tingling sensation in the face or hands. These symptoms can be very concerning and upsetting.

Track Your Triggers

I often recommend keeping a headache journal to record what you ate, what you were doing, and where you were when you felt a migraine come on. This can be useful in determining what’s triggering these intense headaches. But if your trigger is a change in weather or a drop in hormone levels during your menstrual cycle, it’s going to be extremely hard—if not impossible— to eliminate these triggers from your life.

New research by the Journal of Headache and Pain identifies inflammation as a key component in migraine attacks. The study found that inflammation, which is our body’s immune response, signals protein clusters to stimulate neurons and cause pain. Therefore, getting to the root of the issue and making changes to eliminate chronic inflammation can produce better results for migraine relief than limiting the medical response to triggers.

Common Migraine Triggers Caused by Inflammation

Key contributors to migraine-related inflammation, according to recent research:

• Stress : Prolonged stress leads to elevated cortisol in the body, which causes not only inflammation, but can disrupt the digestive system, reproductive system, and growth processes in the body.

• Infl ammatory foods : These include red and processed meat, soda and sugary beverages, refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, pasta, pastries, etc.), refined sugars, fried foods, and trans fats.

• Excess weight : Research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis confirmed that fat cells inside the abdomen secrete molecules that can increase inflammation.

12 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022 Health

• Low vitamin levels : If you’re low in vitamin D, folate, magnesium, riboflavin (B12), and CoQ10, you may be more prone to migraine headaches.

• Not eating enough antioxidants: Foods such as berries, leafy greens, nuts, olive oil, and fatty fish are all excellent sources of anti-inflammatory antioxidants.

• Ca eine and alcohol : Women metabolize caffeine and alcohol more slowly than men, and while every individual is different in tolerance levels, limiting caffeine and alcohol to no more than 1–2 servings a day may help limit the negative effects both these toxins have on the body.

• Not getting enough exercise: According to the American Migraine Foundation, regular exercise can help reduce the frequency of migraines. Exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and helps reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and maintain a healthy weight— all things that can contribute to inflammation and subsequently, to migraine headaches.

WellcomeMD Naples

WellcomeMD is a concierge primary care practice focused on patient wellness. In fact, we like to call our model Concierge 2.0—as in, the next generation in concierge medicine.

Like traditional concierge practices, we offer same-day or next-day appointments, 90-minute annual physical exams, and comprehensive appointments. But we raise it to the next level by offering the most advanced laboratory testing, allowing us to treat the “whole patient” by measuring often overlooked factors including enteric health, physical activity, hormonal balance, nutrition, sleep, and stress levels.

For more information, visit naples-florida or contact our Membership Director Pamela Ross at 239.880.2562 or pamela.ross@ 11181 Health Park Blvd., Naples.

Diana Macian, MD, of WellcomeMD Naples, is a board-certified emergency medical physician with 9 years of experience treating patients with a wide range of medical conditions. She and her team offer complimentary consultations to answer any questions you may have on how Dr. Macian can help you achieve optimal health. To schedule a tour of our practice and a free consultation, please call Pam Ross at 239.451.5105 or visit WellcomeMD at:, 11181 Health Park Blvd., Naples.

See ad on page 21 >

13 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
< PAGE 10 “Reclaiming
Your Voice—and Your True Self”
Welcome to Biological Dentistry We Understand that Oral Health is Fundamentally Connected to Overall Health Biocompatability Testing To Find Pathways To Reduce Inflammation Josephine Perez, DMD Biological Dentist (239) 692-9623 4444 Tamiami Trail N, Suite 6 Naples, FL 34103 • Mercury SAFE Practice • Metal Free Restorations • BPA and Bis GMA Free Fillings • Fluoride Alternatives • Ceramic Restorations • Oxygen/Ozone Treatments • Laser Therapy • Special Air Purification • Special Evacuation System • Oral DNA Testing PROUD MEMBER < Page 14 “There Is a Dental Shift on the Horizon” BY DR. JOSEPHINE PEREZ, DMD< PAGE 13 “I Can’t Sleep!” BY DR JOSEPHINE PEREZ, DMD

I Can’t


We have all been there with one loved one or another—our friends, parents, grandparents, partners, even our children. “I can’t sleep with your snoring!”

Some are “truck driver” snorers, some are “chainsaw” snorers. And yes, I snore! But my husband says it’s more of a purrrrr (bless his heart). All joking aside, though, sometimes snoring can be scary and dangerous. It is a sign of a problem. Our brain is sending signals that we need more oxygen. So instead of restorative (parasympathetic) sleep, we are in fight-or-flight mode (sympathetic) all night long. No wonder so many of us are so tired all the time.

Oxygen is LIFE!

If we are not receiving oxygen, our whole body is compromised. Studies show that chronic snoring leads to high blood pressure, metabolic disorders, and an increased incidence of cavities. We know that mouth breathing affects our oral health negatively, but thanks to the FOTONA Lightwalker, we can help reduce and potentially eliminate the incidence of most snoring.

Snoring affects 67% of the population, and 80% of snorers have some type of sleep disorder breathing (SDB). Obvious contributing factors include being overweight, sinus problems, sleep posture, alcohol consumption, and even menopause. Snoring occurs when air is not able to move freely through the nose and mouth during sleep. This is due to the narrowing of the airway because of the tissue laxity, and the eventual constriction of the airway causes the tissues to vibrate and make an audible sound. The medical community has traditionally focused on obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and obesity hypoventilation; several treatments have helped to a degree but can be costly, noisy, extremely uncomfortable, and can permanently change a person’s bite and cause a lifetime of TMJ problems. This new laser treatment may help these patients. Dentists are uniquely suited to treat problems with airway management.

Enter Nightlase

The Nightlase snoring treatment is a fast, painless, non-invasive, no downtime procedure that can increase the quality of sleep and

Health 14 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

ultimately the quality of life. Laser energy is used to gently heat the tissues of the airway, creating a tightening effect that helps to keep the airway open while also forming new collagen within the mucosa of the oropharynx, soft palate, and uvula. Nightlase requires no anesthesia, is quick and comfortable, and a patient can resume daily routines immediately afterward. This laser treatment helps patients sleep better and breathe better through the nose. Which in turn shows improvement in important markers, e.g., VO2 max, nitric oxide levels, and heart rate variability.

Fotona’s Nightlase anti-snoring laser treatment has been gaining worldwide recognition for its safety and efficacy.

A newly published article by Dr. Valerie Picavet, et al. in the prestigious European Archives of OtoRhino-Laryngology presents the data from a recent study that assessed the safety and efficacy of the minimally invasive NightLase therapy, comparing the results with a placebo treatment. The authors of the study concluded:

“NightLase treatment significantly reduces snoring compared to many sham treatments. Its efficacy is similar to that achieved with other more aggressive treatments. Taking into account the minimal invasiveness of NightLase, this procedure seems to represent a valuable, low-risk treatment option for primary snoring/OSAS.”

It should also be noted that the treatment was well tolerated by patients, with no local anesthesia required.

What to Expect

During the Nightlase treatment, laser light gently heats the tissues, causing tightening. It is gentle enough to be used in the sensitive tissues inside the mouth but strong enough to provide clinically efficacious heating. Research has shown that Nightlase reduces and attenuates snoring and provides an effective, non-invasive way to lessen the effects of sleep apnea.

Some patients will notice mild warmth and a tingling sensation. A minimum of three treat ments is standard protocol, each 21 days apart. Some patients will notice a change with only the first treatment; others won’t notice any change until the second or third treatment, depending on the amount of tissue and its laxity. Everyone is different. Most patients return 1–2 times a year because they want to maintain their results.

Nightlase uses two different wavelengths, Nd:YAG and Er:YAG, to treat the obstructed tissues. This state-of-the-art technology is com bined into one system: The Fotona Lightwalker Laser. We are thrilled to announce that our new Lightwalker (AKA Wally) can improve quality sleep and in some cases eliminate snoring.

And there’s more good news! The Fotona Lightwalker can also reduce and improve wrin kles, soften skin tone, plump lips, and naturally tighten and tone skin for an anti-aging facial rejuvenation that will enhance a healthy smile without fillers or toxins.

The Pure Dental Difference

A biological dentist seeks the safest, least toxic, and most conservative way to accomplish modern dentistry that is safe, functional, durable, and esthetic. It is interesting to note that the term “alternative medicine” refers to a new holistic, integrative, and functional approach to health, yet it has been in existence for thousands of years, and “modern medicine” is only about 100 years old.

Most people choose alternative medicine because of a medical condition that has not been resolved. Others are well versed in holistic ways and understand and live by it. We have known for quite a long time that there is a mouth–body connection, and as a biological dentist, my mantra continues to be A Healthy Mouth is a Healthy Body and a Healthy Life!

Dr. Josephine Perez, DMD, has been practicing dentistry for 29 years. She is a graduate of Tufts University School of Dentistry in Boston and interned at New Orleans Coast Guard/Navy Base. Her holistic approach to dentistry encom passes each person’s unique and entire (or whole—holistic) state of physical and emotional well-being. The ability to maintain health through preventive measures and treatments of oral disease is her priority. Dr. Perez focuses on the underlying condition, rather than only treating the symptoms. She tests for biocompatibility to find pathways to reduce inflammation and apply biocompatible and biomimetic materials, supplements, essential oils to restore and strengthen the oral cavity and ultimately, the whole body. After decades of restoring and transforming smiles, Dr. Perez has integrated total wellness into her oral health enhancement practice—a revolutionary style of dentistry. Visit Pure Dental in Naples at 4444 Tamiami Trail N, Ste. 6–7, call 239.692.9623 or go to See ad on page 13 >

“Snoring affects 67% of the population, and 80% of snorers have some type of sleep disorder breathing. Obvious contributing factors include being overweight, sinus problems, sleep posture, alcohol consumption, and even menopause.”
—Dr. Josephine Perez, DMD
15 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

Caregiving for Those We Love with Dementia

Ibelieve one of the most difficult jobs of all is that of providing care for someone we love who is suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia of any kind. Not only making sure we are doing everything we can for our loved one medically, but also trying to provide them with a kind, caring environment. It takes its toll in so many ways.

After several years of watching my mother decline, my siblings and I decided she needed to be in a facility—it was no longer safe for her to live alone as she had been. My mother has been suffering from Alzheimer’s disease for the past 25 years. It is amaz ing that at 97 her body was still going strong but her mind is actually gone. No memory of her children or grandchildren or her previous life at all. Pretty soon even her ability to speak was challenged.

At the same time, my late husband was suffer ing from Parkinson’s disease. I was his full-time caregiver by choice. I wanted as much time with him as possible. The emotional, physical, and mental pressure that is placed on a caregiver is enormous. The problem is, the caregiver is so

often unaware of the increasing stress, anxiety, and depression that is growing inside them during this time—it just becomes their new normal. I know with my husband, I didn’t understand about self-care and finding time to recharge myself. I did not take that time alone for self-care, I did not want to leave him at all. I thought it would be selfish.

Helping Yourself Is Helping Your Loved One

Looking back, I now understand that being a caregiver is a long-term process. You have to understand that taking a break, such as going to lunch, is not remotely selfish—it’s necessary, in fact. Unless you have been in the role of care giver, it is difficult to explain to someone what it’s like, all of the emotions it brings and the energy it pulls from you. It becomes your normal life, and in the moment, you don’t realize the toll it’s taking. Here are some important things to think about:

16 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
“The problem is, the caregiver is so often unaware of the increasing stress, anxiety, and depression that is growing inside them during this time—it just becomes their new normal.”
—Jennifer Vear Hoy, MS

We’ve all heard the stories of someone healthy who is taking care of their very sick spouse, only to later hear that the healthy spouse developed cancer (or another ailment) and passed away before the spouse who had previously been more ill.

• Another thing to remember is that the role of caregiver becomes the most important relationship to the patient. They become very dependent on this person and often do not want anyone else around them. This, of course, makes it more difficult to get some alone time.

• When it comes to giving bad news to the patient, let the doctors do as much as possible. I tried to get my husband’s neurologist to tell him he could no longer drive (David had had three accidents in five months). The doctor didn’t do it, so I had to. These situations put additional stress on an already stressful situation. It also puts more strain on the caregiver relationship, which you want to limit as much as possible. Remember, you are the one person they’re relying on at this time for all of their needs—medically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

It’s so important to remember that the role of caregiver to someone we love can be filled with many ever-changing emotions. We’re thankful we can give this time and attention to our loved ones. We also realize that this time will most likely be the last we have to share with the person we love. What a gift we can provide to that special someone—to be there, someone they know and love. And what a gift we receive, that of being able to spend this precious time with someone who means so much to us. To be the best we can be for them, we need to be the best we can be for ourselves.

Jennifer Vear Hoy has spent over 20 years in the corporate worldas a corporate strategist operating her firm in Chicago, for which she earned her first master’s degree in Manage ment and Organizational Behavior. She has since relocated to Naples, and after the death of her husband, she realized firsthand the need for professional and compassionate coun seling in the Naples area. She went back to school and earned her second graduate degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Her passion is helping others live the life they were meant to live. Jennifer Vear Hoy, Peaceful Summit Counseling, LLC located at 1048 Goodlette Road North Suite 201 inNaples. Call the office at 239.307.4708, mobile at 239.450.8090, or visit https://www. to learn more. See ad on


17 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
page 41
< PAGE 34 “The Link between Obesity and Cancer” BY CANDICE
RN < PAGE 44 “A New Approach
Neuropathy Treatment” BY
Forget ELIMINATE THE GUESSWORK GATHER DATA FOR YOUR INDIVIDUAL BODY UNDERSTAND HOW BLOOD SUGAR AFFECTS YOUR WEIGHT NO FAD DIET, GIMMICKS, OR CALORIE COUNTING it’s all about data-driven fueling CANDICE P. ROSEN Dieting! THE PRACTICE OF SELF HEALTH You are your primary caregiver. Your physician is your secondary care giver.  My latest book is out now! Available for purchase exclusively on Amazon and < PAGE XX “Article Name” BY DR 239.330.1000 3031 Airport Pulling Rd N Naples, FL 34105 FEEL AMAZING SPINE & JOINT INSTITUTE Richard
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The MIND Diet and Alzheimer’s

“The diet should be focused on polyunsaturated fats, which are healthy, “good” fats…. The “good” fats promote HDL (good cholesterol), heart health, and bowel health.”

Chronic disease has become increasingly more prevalent worldwide, which is a concern for the aging population. Specifically, 5.8 million Americans have been diagnosed with dementia. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease in which progressive damage to cells and the nervous system ultimately affects cognition, memory, mobility, coordination, strength, and sensation. AD is the most common form of dementia and is the most common neurodegenerative disease known.

Nutrition and Alzheimer’s

A large part of the AD risk factor is dependent on inheritable risk factors and genetics; however, nutrition and lifestyle factors can significantly impact the prevention and progression of Alzheimer’s disease in those with and without increased risk factors. While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and there is no known medication to stop the progression, nutrition and lifestyle modifications are variables that can be controlled by the individual to improve positive outcomes of AD.

Blood tests assessing for specific Alzheimer’s genes like APOE4 can provide risk factor analysis

for individuals; however, lifestyle modifications are recommended regardless of the genetic analysis for all individuals, especially those with a family history. According to The Dietary Guidelines for Americans from, the average American diet has progressively become too high in saturated (bad) fats, sodium (salt), refined carbohydrates (sugar), and calories. Though excess calories are harmful and can lead to obesity, excess saturated fats and sugar in the diet also negatively impact our immune system and nervous system. The effects of the bad fats and sugar in our diet significantly increase the risk factors and progression of AD.

Research has shown that reducing the “bad” fats such as red meat, full-fat dairy such as cheese and milk, coconut oils, processed oils, and fried foods is a primary goal in AD meal plans. The diet should be focused on polyunsaturated fats, which are healthy, “good” fats. The “bad” fats also increase LDL (bad cholesterol) values in our blood, in addition to causing high blood pressure and weight gain. The “good” fats promote HDL (good cholesterol), heart health, and bowel health. Research shows that specific minerals are important in maintaining a healthy status of the nervous system.

18 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
—Jenni Berman, PA-C, CPT, CNS

The MIND Diet

The MIND Diet is a meal plan that has been recommended for Alzheimer’s disease prevention and to advance more positive outcomes for the progressive disease. This diet promotes low saturated fats, lean proteins, and high-antioxidant foods. Here is a list of the food groups with specific recommendations:

• Leafy, Green, Vegetables (Kale, Spinach, Cooked Greens, Salads)

• Non-Starchy Vegetables (Vegetables, with the exception of Peas, Potatoes, and Corn)

• Berries (Fruit is naturally high in sugar, but berries themselves provide proper antioxidants with less sugar content)

• Fish (Salmon, Sardines, Trout, Tuna for higher Omega-3 Fatty Acids)

• Lean Poultry (Chicken Breast, Lean Ground Turkey)

• Nuts (Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Macadamia Nuts, Blanched Almonds)

• Olive Oil (Extra-Virgin)

• Gluten-Free Whole Grains (Quinoa, Oatmeal)

• Beans (Lentils, Soybeans)

• Herbs and Spices (Curcumin, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Thyme, Parsley, Sage)

Individuals can get many important vitamins and minerals from their diet if they are consistent with the right balance of the recommended food groups. With certain gastrointestinal disorders or autoimmune diseases, however, some individuals may not absorb nutrients efficiently through the intestines and would need additional supplementation. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can be evaluated through laboratory tests. Vitamin D3, B vitamins, and vitamin A are three specific vitamins that are important to maintaining adequate levels for AD prevention and prognosis. The amount of vitamin supplementation is specific to the individual, as it depends on their level and vitamins can reach toxic levels if not monitored properly.

Take action to make changes to your lifestyle now, not only to lower the risk factor of Alzheimer’s disease but many other autoimmune diseases and chronic diseases as well.

B erman Health and Wellness is a Functional Medicine Center that helps individuals reach their goal weight and optimize their gut health, while avoiding needless medications and achieving the highest quality of life imaginable. Our goal is to evaluate the metabo lism, gut health, and bloodwork to optimize each aspect of the client. Call 239.431.0232 or visit to learn more. See ad on page 35 >

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19 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
< PAGE 42 “Glutathione—The Master Antioxidant for Revolutionary Skincare” BY MINDY
Call (239)
Mindy DiPietro NES Practitioner
“With just one treatment the pain in the back of my knee was eliminated within 24 hours! I was blown away by the results.” -Dr. Diane Hayden

Protect Yourself—and Your Family—with Your Eldercare Team

“An eldercare team is comprised of family members and professional experts that provide the resources and support to handle the emotional, medical, financial, and legal aspects of aging.”

Medicine is advancing, and people are living longer than ever before. Congratulations— you now get to spend more time in retirement, pursuing your passions and hobbies, and increasing connections with your family and friends. A thrilling stage of life!

However, while longer life allows you more time and freedom in your later years, changes and conditions that affect personality, mental capacity, and decision-making can still appear. Yet we never want to think about our own deterioration and demise.

I’m healthy, I have a great memory—how could it possibly happen to me? Yes, it even happens in the healthiest of individuals.

Since family members may see you on a regular basis, these small changes can often go undetected. When they are eventually brought to light, children and relatives often feel overwhelmed with the responsibilities associated with ensuring the financial, medical, and legal safety of their loved ones. These feelings are perfectly normal, and it is important to remember that teamwork is paramount in developing a plan for your future care. Approximately 70% of us are going to have a chronic illness at some point in our lives. So how do we go about setting up this proverbial A-Team? Or maybe I should call it an E-Team!

What Is an Eldercare Team?

What goes into creating an eldercare team, and what exactly does it do to ensure your security as you age? An eldercare team is comprised of family members and professional experts that provide the resources and support to handle the emotional, medical, financial, and legal aspects of aging. While this group of people may not resemble the kind of team that meets every week to practice a sport, they do work together toward a common goal—making sure that you’re safe and protected.

On this team, children and other family members may act as proxies for their parents when interacting with eldercare professionals, assisting in filling out information-heavy forms, and most importantly, providing emotional guidance during this challenging life transition.

Family First

Constructing an eldercare team starts within the family. Conversations on topics such as the division of assets, the cost of end-of-life care, and the process of transferring passwords and accounts from parent to child can be difficult, but facing these uncomfortable topics head-on is essential to developing a secure and proactive plan.

Once some of these hard questions are addressed, you and your family can decide which professionals are best suited to help implement your goals.

20 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

For example, your family may hire an elder law attorney to discuss the importance of wills and estate planning, create a durable power of attorney, and provide information on government programs for seniors. A geriatrics specialist or medical care manager could provide you and your family with assistance in finding community resources that address the healthcare aspects of aging and disabil ity. They can create a medical care plan as well as provide counsel on in-home care and assisted living facilities. While many people don’t consider this, a psychologist or social worker can be an extremely beneficial addition to your team by providing therapy and perspective for you and your family during this time when it feels like power over your life is shifting.

The Role of a Trusted Advisor

If you meet regularly with your financial advisor, they may be among the first to notice a decline in your mental or physical health. Because of this, a trusted and objective financial advisor is essential during this stage of life. Among the members of your eldercare team, a financial advisor plays an important role in facilitating conversations and developing plans that help you and your family navigate the financial challenges that arise when building an eldercare team. These members of your team help to ensure your financial preparedness for health and estate issues and can appoint an advocate to deal with legacy-related aspects such as ensuring that your children, charities, and church receive what you intend to leave behind for them.

So, who will you put on your eldercare team? Choose the ones who care.

Nina Azwoir, First Vice President of Investments, Wintrust Wealth Management. © Morningstar 2020. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. This information may answer some questions but is not intended to be a comprehensive analysis of the topic. In addition, such information should not be relied upon as the only source of information, competent tax and legal advice should always be obtained. Securities, insurance products, financial planning, and investment management services offered through Wintrust Investments, LLC (Member FINRA/ SIPC), founded in 1931. Trust and asset management services offered by The Chicago Trust Company, N.A. and Great Lakes Advisors, LLC, respectively. Invest ment products such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are: NOT FDIC INSURED | NOT BANK GUAR ANTEED | MAY LOSE VALUE | NOT A DEPOSIT | NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY. See ad on Inside Front Cover >

21 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
– Rachael Quinn Founder of Your CBD Stores
< PAGE 9 “CBD: Natural Treatment for Cancer” BY STACY BULL < PAGE 12 “Could Inflammation Be Causing Your

“I’m in love with Montana. For other states I have admiration, respect, recognition, even some affection. But with Montana, it is love.”

—John Steinbeck
22 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

The Resort at Paws Up Truly Is the Last Best Place

After a 6.5-hour drive from Jackson, through Idaho, and into western Montana, we were happy to arrive at The Resort at Paws Up in Greenough on a Friday afternoon. Passing through the magnificent gates with the words, “Paws Up” etched on one side and “The Last Best Place” on the other, I couldn’t wait to experience what I had watched on videos for months before we got there.

Breathtaking Accommodations

Sometimes there are no words for such a place, but if I had to decide, some of the words I would choose are: inspiring, stunning, sprawling, rugged, grand…special. There are few places that will touch you the way that a resort like this will. With 37,000 acres to build on, the property is sprawling, yet still has an intimate feel as only 500 acres are used for the village. Each home or campsite consists of 6–10 cabins or tents and is completely secluded from the other sites, so you really feel like you’re out in the wilderness with only a handful of other people.

Built in 2005, The Resort at Paws Up offers 27 luxury homes, including six Meadow Homes, ten Big Timber Homes, and ten Wilderness Estates, as well as six tents at each of their Luxury Camping Sites: Moonlight Camp, North Bank Camp, River Camp, Creekside Camp, Pinnacle Camp, and my favorite, Cliffside Camp, which is perched on a dramatic overlook of the Blackfoot River. The campsites are eight miles from the main Paws Up village, so they really give you the feel of camping out in the backcountry. River Camp is great for kids, as it’s right on the water with a small beach. All of the sites come with complimentary bikes to use during your stay.

Upon check-in, in one of the most beautiful reception areas I’ve seen, we were handed our itinerary, keys to our home, and best of all, our own personal car for use on the property. Yes— they give you the use of a car for your stay, as well as a private

Relax on Adirondack chairs on the banks of the legendary Blackfoot River at the exclusive Resort at Paws Up in Montana.
23 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

Below: Luxury Meadow Homes are rich in comfort and Western style. Meadow Homes make an ideal refuge for smaller families and couples on a quest for privacy. All home accommodations blend Western-chic decor with a litany of amenities including use of a Lexus luxury SUV for on-ranch use for the duration of your stay.

butler and chef if you happen to be staying in one of the luxury campsites. Our home for the weekend was a Meadow Home, which is a 1300-square-foot log cabin with two bedrooms, two baths, a full kitchen and living area, a laundry room, and a back deck with, of course, your own hot tub.

Awesome Activities

Activities abound at Paws Up, including hot air ballooning, horseback riding and equestrian lessons, ATV touring, white water rafting, jet ski and boat rentals, archery and other shooting sports, cattle herding, wagon driving, hiking, fly-fishing adventures, and you can even rent your own private helicopter to take you to view Glacier National Park. There is a 76,000-squarefoot stable and equestrian center where you can hone your horsemanship.

Don’t feel like being active? Relax at Spa Town and indulge in a multitude of treatments. Spa Town is a colony of pristine white tents stitched together by a wooden boardwalk, situated just past a babbling brook and nestled among towering pines. The welcome tents feature full baths and showers, while individual treatment tents are fashioned with a lovely sink, a heated massage table, and a view of the meadows. What’s really amazing is that there is no need for the stereotypical soundtracks you hear in average spas because the brook, chirping birds, and the rustling of the wind in the trees above are played daily by Mother Nature herself. Paws Up gives new meaning to the phrase “getting lost in the woods.” You can choose from a plethora of massages, body treatments, and even a shamanic healing session.

24 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

The Fitness Cabin at Spa Town offers a unique and tranquil environment for your workout. They offer a nice variety of equipment for you to use while you’re a guest at Paws Up, including a treadmill, BowFlex machine, stationary bike, free weights, weight bench, yoga mats, yoga balls, medicine balls, stair master, and complimentary water and towels. There are also complimentary yoga sessions.

They also offer creative opportunities via a variety of workshops including watercolors lessons, photography sessions, and Montana Majesty painting workshop, as well as instruction on survival techniques and outdoor skills such as knot tying, shelter building, tracking, and edible plant identification.

Workshops and activities vary by season, so there’s always something new to discover, no matter what time of year you visit. Their Thanksgiving Weekend feast, for example, includes hayrides, wine tasting, backcountry tours, and of course, pro football on the big screen. The menus will be created by Chef Sunny Jin and special guest Chef Jason French, with music by Missoula singer/songwriter John Floridis.

Going Green

It’s exciting to see that they’re implementing many sustainable practices at Paws Up, including using earth-friendly cleaning products, energy-efficient lights, organic bath products, and the option for guests to reuse linens. They also have made some significant environmental commitments including catch-and-release fishing and sustainable farming practices. Listed below are some of the green initiatives:

• Farm and Ranch to Table dining at Pomp Restaurant and Trough Restaurant

• Members of Blackfoot Challenge—a local organization dedicated to land conservation and stewardship of the Blackfoot River corridor

• Development of 30 safari-style tented guest accommodations that provide a minimal carbon footprint. Implementation of leave-notrace construction at camps

• All guests receive a refillable/reusable Paws Up water bottle to reduce the consumption of plastics

• Employee transportation program including a shuttle bus service and carpool reimbursement

• On-property and nearby staff housing to reduce commuting times

• Development of the Bad Beetle brand, a company that converts deadfall trees killed by the North American Mountain Pine Beetle into

sustainable wooden Apple accessories: www.

• Development of the Greeno brand, a company that converts deadfall trees killed by the North American Mountain Pine Beetle into sustainable flooring:

• Development of the Paws Up gravel pit to provide material for ranch roads

And Oh, My…The Food!

After gaping in awe at the accommodations, we headed down to Tank, the on-site cocktail bar, and Trough Restaurant, one of the eateries on the property, for a late lunch. Oh, did I mention that all of your meals are included as well? I had one

25 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
Below: A luxury Meadow Home master suite rich in Western-chic decor.
Feature 26 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

of the best margaritas I’d had in ages, made with tequila, ginger, and fresh lime juice. For lunch, I had a Bison rice bowl with pickled mushrooms, carrots, cabbage, onions, scallions, and pickled peppers in a lovely garlic sweet soy sauce.

Trough offers casual fine dining with a Western flair. Home-cooked flavors mingle with traditional offerings for a rustic yet refined palette. The chef uses hand-cut meats combined with locally sourced vegetables, among many options, such as rice and grain bowls and paninis. For breakfast, you don’t want to miss the huckleberry pancakes – I had never had huckleberries until I went to Montana and they are absolutely delicious, similar to blueberries with a little more tartness.

The next day we headed out to the Farmer’s Market in Missoula, which is held every Saturday. We toured the market with Chef Dale Levitski (a former Bravo TV Top Chef) who picked out a wide assortment of fruits and veggies that he would be cooking for an event we were attending that night called The Last Best Supper. This farmer’s market was by far the largest I had ever seen and the produce was unbelievable. Vibrant, in all colors of the

rainbow, and enormous! We couldn’t wait for dinner! At the market, we were able to sample some delicious strawberries and huckleberries. There was just about every kind of product available: homemade jams, pie on a stick, fresh squeezed lemonades, kombucha, cheeses, and great organic body care products. I would live in Missoula just to go to this market every week!

We wrapped up the day at The Last Best Supper event held at the longest dinner table I’ve ever seen outside overlooking the rolling green pastures of the ranch. Chef Dale totally outdid himself with a 4-course meal paired with amazing Schug wines. We started with truffle gnocchi Parisienne with cauliflower, broccoli, golden zucchini, and huckleberry. The gnocchi was light and creamy with a delicious truffle flavoring enhanced by the fresh, crisp veggies. Next came a mountain chowder with crab, shrimp, bacon, white beans, corn, sun gold tomatoes, and kale. Again, the flavors were spectacular and it was the perfect combination of seafood and veggies. The main dish was New York strip steak au poivre with chanterelle and melted leek stovetop stuffing and morel mustard butter.

Left: From mid-May through mid-October, River Camp is a collection of six safaristyle luxury tents that allow guests to connect with the great outdoors without forgoing the creature comforts of an allinclusive glamping vacation. River Camp is situated on the banks of the beautiful and legendary Blackfoot River.

Below: Each luxury camp has its own extraordinary, talented chef who caringly prepares camp cuisine in full view of guests in a large Dining Pavilion.

The Dining Pavilion typically becomes the communal heart of each luxury camp.

27 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

Right: Kids and adult bicycles are available throughout your stay, amongst a plethora of other activities to participate in at The Resort at Paws Up.

Below: Gather with friends and family at the fire pit listening to nature and stargazing.

The steak was as tender as a filet and the melding of the stuffing with the mustard butter was mouthwatering. Last we were served the torn-apart pie with Tana’s plums, strawberries, poppyseed pie crust, cream cheese frosting, and ginger anglaise. It sounds incredibly sweet, but the plum had just enough tartness to completely balance this dessert. Scrumptious! Top all of this off with an incredibly attentive and friendly staff and you’ve got the makings for the meal of a lifetime.

A Vacation Experience You’ll Never Forget

Paws Up has accommodations and activities for everyone—kids’ activities, romantic couples offerings, and large group gatherings such as family reunions and corporate retreats. Whether you’re looking to relax and soak in the rugged Montana beauty or fill your stay with adventure after adventure, this resort has you covered from beginning to end.

Sad to say, after a brief two nights we had to leave Paws Up, but this is a place we will surely return to…it won’t be our last visit to the Last Best Place! Visit to learn more and book your own adventure.

Dr. Diane Hayden, PhD, is an entrepreneur, mindset warrior, perspective shifter, and unshak able optimist. She started a health and wellness publishing business (Natural Nutmeg and Essential Naples Magazines, ELM Media Group) with nothing more than passion, a laptop, and a dream, and has created a socially conscious print and digital plat form that has touched thousands of people over the past 13 years. She holds a B.S. in Marketing from the University of Connecticut, a PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Maryland, and is an Empowerment Life Coach.

28 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
29 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

Get Back on Your Feet with Robotic Therapy

“Our lifestyle today has changed significantly and requires us to sit for prolonged periods, and the seated position causes the large muscles on the front of the body to contract— specifically, the psoas muscle.”

Plantar fasciitis getting you down? This common complaint of the foot is estimated to affect over 3 million people in the U.S. per year. We all have foot pain from time to time, but this particular condition can be very painful. While for many people an episode can last days or weeks, for some this can become a chronic condition.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis and What Causes It?

Simply put, plantar fasciitis is inflammation in the ligament that connects the heel bone to the toes, causing pain in the heel. This happens due to excessive stretching of the plantar fascia ligament. Plantar fasciitis may be caused by a variety of variables. Things such as overuse, obesity, aging, lack of proper footwear, and walking barefoot are all cited as causes. Interestingly, there is one cause that is almost always overlooked.

One of the largest muscles in the body, which is not even in contact with the plantar fascia, actually contributes to the tension of this ligament in the foot. This muscle, the psoas, is responsible for many functions in the body, not the least of which is to keep our bodies upright!

The Psoas and Plantar Fasciitis

The psoas muscles are located on either side of the body, attaching to the last five vertebrae of the spine and running through the pelvic area to connect to the femur. The psoas is unique in that it is the only muscle that attaches the spine to the lower body. The psoas is usually responsible for back pain, as well.

Issues begin to arise as the psoas muscle becomes shortened over time. The primary reason this happens is that we spend too much time sitting. Our lifestyle today has changed significantly and requires us to sit for prolonged periods, and the seated position causes the large muscles on the front of the body to contract—specifically, the psoas muscle.

This core muscle is used in all torso movement as well as for standing, walking, and running, and it is vital for balance. The psoas muscle is also crucial in our body’s range of motion. As this muscle shortens it pulls on the structure of the body, causing other muscles to become strained. When the psoas shortens it not only causes back pain, but it can cause an anterior pelvic tilt as well.

30 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022 Health

This unnatural tilt in the hips causes the body to lean forward. As this happens, the muscles in the back of the legs tighten to compensate. This can result in the body involuntarily plantar flexing using the calf muscles. After an extended time in this position, the tension in the calves can lead to Achilles tendon problems or plantar fasciitis as the ligament becomes stretched.

Robotic Therapy Can Help

When the psoas muscle is contracted, no amount of stretching or massage can release it and lengthen it back to its natural shape. However, an innovative robotic muscular therapy technology can correct this imbalance. This non-invasive, passive therapy involves a robotic arm that applies gentle static pressure to a specific area of the muscle at programmed intervals. This light pressure lengthens the muscle fibers back to their proper state, alleviating the tension that the shortened muscle has created.

After releasing the psoas muscle, the muscles of the calf can also be released using robotic therapy. When the calf relaxes and lengthens, the machine can be used directly on the foot to take the pressure off of the ligament. The relief can be amazing and the results long-lasting.

The machine is used with many placements to relieve all types of discomfort. This innovative method of treating injuries and relieving aches and pains can dramatically decrease chronic pain. Once the muscle tissue relaxes and returns to its normal state, waste build-up is released and normal circulation returns, which promotes healing. Improvements in strength, flexibility, range of motion, and posture are all seen with this therapy.

This unique, effective therapy is now available in Naples. If you are in pain, call Precision Robotics Muscular Therapy today. We are happy to explain this technology and discuss how we can help you.

Theresa Edmunds is a Certified Health Coach and co-owner of Precision Robotics Muscular Therapy. She is passionate about helping people feel better inside and out. In addition to bringing this patented muscular technology to the Naples area, she enjoys coaching individuals and families toward a healthier lifestyle. To make an appointment for Robotic Muscular Therapy or for a free 20-minute health coaching session, contact Theresa at 734.308.7105 or

Do you struggle with high glucose levels from type 2 diabetes?

31 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
See ad on page 37 > TheShoppesatVanderbilt•Naples Experiencingthee ectsofosteoporosiscanbescary. Thefearcanleadtolivingalessactiveandenjoyablelife. OsteoStrongisaprovenandinnovativeapproachtoimproving yourbonedensity,overallstrength,andphysicalperformance. TOBOOKYOUR FREESESSION CALLORSCANTHEQRCODE 239-788-1043 Suzanne'snewDEXAScanshows 8.5%GAIN inbonedensity NOPHARMACEUTICALSSCIENCE-BACKED THESHOPPESATVANDERBILT•NAPLES < PAGE 6 “Cellular Restoration for Better Health with OsteoStrong” < PAGE XX “Article Name” BY DR Start seeing results in weeks: * • Stabilize glucose levels • Lower your A1c • Lose weight How? • Identify high glucose reasons • Learn hidden food ingredients that may sabotage your e orts • Concentrate on tasty, healing foods • No carb counting, no dieting! Denise A. Pancyrz Diabetes Reversal Coach Speaker • Author (888) 848-1763 Book a FREE consult at
Are you tired of hearing your doctor tell you to diet and exercise? Available Nationwide *Results vary < PAGE 32 “Struggling to Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes?” BY DENISE A. PANCYRZ

Struggling to Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes?

Are you getting frustrated when other diabetics are reversing their type 2 diabetes, but you can’t seem to reach that outcome?

Your glucose levels seem to improve for a while, but you never seem to get that to last. You either stay in the pre-diabetes stage or you finally succumb to taking that medication you’ve worked so hard to avoid. You never quite make it to eliminating diabetic medications or insulin as others have.

“Arguably, a diabetic patient should never be handed a list of foods to eat until there is an understanding of how their system will react.”

Every diabetic is put on the same protocol, which unfortunately works for some, but not all. That seems a bit unfair, doesn’t it?

Why Isn’t This Mainstream Protocol Working for Most People with Type 2 Diabetes?

It seems that we’ve been putting a round peg in a square hole for decades. To change the protocol, you must understand the current protocol:

• Lab testing for your fasting glucose and A1c

• Diet and exercise

• Take your prescribed medication

Let’s review why this has not worked:

• Your A1c is a guide, an average of your glucose, but does not provide all the detailed information you need.

• When you’re not taught how you reached your fasting glucose, it’s difficult to improve and sustain that improvement.

• Diet and exercise—after three days of dieting, now what? No alternatives are provided if you don’t want to or are unable to go to the gym.

• You are prescribed medication without

understanding how it works in your system while being told the benefits outweigh any side effects. You’re stuck in a cycle that no one seems to want to help you stop.

I have seen this scenario play out repeatedly, and no one seems to listen to your frustrations. This is because you are being treated within a diabetic grouping. Each patient is told the exact same thing.

What if We Change the Protocol?

Your protocol needs to be about you, and you alone. While you are part of a group of millions of people with diabetes, your metabolism is still unique to you.

• Lab testing. Lab testing can be ordered to obtain more personalized information, such as a fasting insulin and c-peptide. It can also provide information on the health of your pancreas and insulin resistance. Do you know if you’re taking a medication that is forcing your pancreas to work harder, contributing to insulin resistance? It’s time to find out.

• Diet. Learn about the foods you are consuming and foods you have been told to eat because they are healthy.

What if someone told you that some of the foods that are usually considered perfectly healthy may not be healthy for you? Eating these supposedly healthy foods may be blocking your ability to lose weight, reducing your glucose, and inhibiting other areas of your health from improving. Arguably, a diabetic patient should never be handed a list of foods to eat until there is an understanding of how their system will react.

—Denise A. Pancyrz
Health 32 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

Let’s take this one step further and test the health of your digestive tract. If it’s in poor condition, you most likely will never have long-term success to reverse diabetes. This is another piece of the puzzle in getting your metabolism working optimally. Absorbing nutrients properly has to happen in order for you to progress to the next level.

• Exercise. Understand your lifestyle and your current activity level. If you don’t like being in a gym, there are a number of enjoyable ways to improve your activity, and love it!

• Medication. After we see improvement and stabilized glucose, then you open the opportunity to begin reducing medication. Remember, it’s a process and some patience is required.

When we are armed with the right information, it can change the trajectory of your success.


What can results be like? Of course, they are always different because we are all unique. But as an example, here are my results:

• Stabilized and improved my glucose (I eliminated all medication and my four daily insulin shots)

• Maintain a non-diabetic A1c

• Eliminated seasonal allergies

• Eliminated arthritis

• Maintain a healthy weight—no yo-yo dieting and no counting calories or carbs!

• Sleep better

• Have more energy

These results are possible because we are stepping away from the current protocol. We make it personal to you so you can turn your diabetes around. If you’re tired of looking for answers, help may be right around the corner.

Denise A. Pancyrz is a Diabetes Reversal and Holistic Lifestyle Coach, speaker, and best-selling author of The Virgin Diabetic, Reverse the Effects of Type 2 Diabetes, Reduce Medication, and Improve Your Glucose Levels, available on Amazon. Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Denise was prescribed four daily insulin shots along with oral medication for diabetes and heart disease. This protocol helped to bring her glucose levels down; however, she did not feel as healthy and vibrant as expected. After changing her protocol by learning to rest and preserve her pancreas, she was able to eliminate all medication and insulin, regaining her energy. Visit for coaching and training information, to book a free consultation, or to set up a speaking event. Contact Denise by calling 888.848.1763 or email her at

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“At this very moment, researchers are working on drugs that will block cancer’s sweet tooth in hopes that it will be their death sentence, but blocking the uptake of glucose by a cancer cell via medication is only a temporary fix.”

The Link Between Obesity and Cancer

Cancer has become arguably the most dreaded word in ANY language. Although there are plenty of other illnesses people dread, including stroke, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and most recently, COVID-19, cancer is currently the mostfeared diagnosis across the globe.

When I started my nursing career 47 years ago, most of the seriously ill patients coming in had cardiac issues, bleeding ulcers, or had been in a car accident. Cancer was rare. Now cancer is on the rise, and many physicians will tell you it’s simply because people live longer. Don’t believe it.

Cancer Is a Result

Cancer is an environmental, prescription medication, and body-abuse issue. Heredity (I maintain a healthy skepticism) also plays a role, but just because Grandma or Uncle Benny had cancer doesn’t mean you will. Unless your body becomes overburdened in a way that flips the switch on any predisposition you may have, you may never receive such a diagnosis. This is to say that no matter how many family members you have who have had cancer or how old you become, cancer is never a given. Cancer is a result. But a result of what? What might some of those switches be?

We know plenty of toxins in our environment can cause cancer and that there are cancerous side effects to the various medications being doled out for self-created diseases of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, and so on. But did you know that roughly 40% of all cancers diagnosed in the U.S. are now linked to being overweight or obese? According to Roswell Park’s Cancer Center, this is the same percentage of cancer diagnoses associated with tobacco use. Meanwhile, as tobacco use has continued to decline, Americans’ waistlines have continued to expand.

Cancers Attributed to Obesity

The top eight cancers fueled by obesity are colorectal, endometrial, esophageal, gall bladder, kidney, ovarian, pancreatic, and post-menopausal breast cancer. The link between obesity and cancer is clear. The situation is worsening as over weight and obese patients not only develop cancer at a higher rate but also have worse survival rates, an increased risk of cancer reoccurrences, and suf fer from more side effects. The Annals of Oncology reports that after analyzing 80 breast cancer stud ies, obese women diagnosed with breast cancer are 355 times more likely to die of their cancer and 41% more likely to die of any disease, rather than women of average weight.

34 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022 Feature
—Candice P. Rosen

We know the link is there, but it’s essential to understand why obesity has such an impact. The increase in cancer risk for overweight and obese individuals is believed to be primarily due to a cascade of effects caused by the visceral fat cells themselves. Visceral fat cells are oversized and interfere with specific processes in the body, including the hormones insulin, estrogen, and tes tosterone. Excess visceral fat also compromises the environment for other body cells since the excess fat doesn’t leave much room for oxygen, and a low oxygen environment triggers inflammation.

Inflammation, in general, is the body’s natural response to injury and disease. When you cut yourself, the area around the cut becomes red and painful. This minor inflammation draws blood to the site to help repair the damaged tissue and aid healing. Long-term inflammation caused by excess visceral fat, however, can damage rather than repair the body because inflammation affects how cells divide and die. Consider, then, that cancer occurs when cells reproduce uncontrollably and damage the cells around them. The more inflammation there is, the more cells divide and reproduce, increasing the risk that something will go wrong and a tumor will form.

Inflammation and Food

Beyond being the primary driving component of obesity for most individuals, food choices also enter the inflammation equation more directly. Inflammation is exacerbated by blood sugar and insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. Ideally, your blood sugar should be in the range of 70–100 mg/dL, but when you consume the wrong foods for your body, the wrong amount of food, or the wrong combination of food, you are likely to raise your blood glucose to over 100 mg/ dL within ninety minutes after you eat a meal or snack. This is a state I call pancreatic abuse, which is highly inflammatory.

Poor food choices can also cause the opposite issue: disproportionally high insulin levels. When your pancreas is called into action and produces insulin to lower the high blood sugar levels, the insulin and blood sugar never meet up perfectly— one doesn’t cancel the other out. The pancreas may then make more insulin than needed, resulting in hyperinsulinemia, which is also highly inflammatory.

Clearly, high blood sugar is incredibly unhealthy for your organic machine. In fact, cancer cells LOVE glucose! Researchers and oncologists have known for a long time that cancer cells are fueled by sugar. The research was done more than 80 years ago by Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg, who described how cancer cells eagerly consume glucose. This begs the question—if cancer cells have a sweet tooth and

35 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
Are You Sick of Being in Pain? Tired of Being Fearful of Falling? Ildi taught me how my eyes and inner ear (balance system) systems are connected. Doing simple eye exercises helped my balance! Surprisingly my posture also improved! -R.S., Boston Use code 50POFF to get 50% off your first consultation. CALL (617) 678-0724 < PAGE 18 “The MIND Diet and Alzheimer’s” BY JENNI BERMAN, PA-C, CPT, CNS

you’re undergoing treatment, is it fair to expect the body to make the most out of medical treatment when food choices actually create a Petri dish for growing cancer cells? Treating the cancer yet fueling cancer cell growth just doesn’t make sense.

Unfortunately, some people in the cancer field disagree. At this very moment, researchers are working on drugs that will block cancer’s sweet tooth in hopes that it will be their death sentence, but blocking the uptake of glucose by a cancer cell via medication is only a temporary fix. If the body is inflamed and the wrong foods are fueling it, it will remain diseased and eventually break down. To prevent cancer, and especially if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, you must be vigilant about watching your blood sugar. We cannot continue to take our own responsibility for our weight, health, and well-being out of the equation.

Chemotherapy and Obesity

This brings us to another aspect of the cancer and obesity dynamic that needs to be addressed: treatment. Overweight and obese individuals are rolling the dice with chemotherapy, which is dosed according to a person’s body surface area, calculated by height and weight. Obese patients with a high body mass index (BMI) and a high BSA (body surface area) need proportionally higher doses. However, they’re at risk of receiving proportionately lower doses since dosages are often capped at idealized weight out of concern that larger doses may increase side effects.

Overdosing is easily recognized, but underdosing is challenging to assess. It may occur in 30% or more of patients receiving the standard regimen, and those patients are at risk of a significantly reduced anticancer effect. Using published data, it can be calculated that there is an almost 20% relative reduction in survival for women receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer due to unrecognized underdosing. Similarly, the cure rate of cisplatin-based chemotherapy for advanced tes ticular cancer may be reduced by as much as 10%, according to the British Journal of Medicine.

Obesity Really Is an Epidemic

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that more than 78 million U.S. adults and 12.5 million children and teens are obese. If the information already presented here hasn’t given you pause, please think seriously about how you feed your loved ones. Change is necessary, if not for you, then for the children and teens in your life.

36 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

What Can You Do to Prevent Cancer and Reduce Weight?

Understand that your mouth is not supposed to have a party at every meal!

Realize that no one cares more about you than you. Your health and well-being depend on that!

Don’t smoke (especially marijuana— it will stimulate your appetite).

Avoid hormones (including birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy).

Avoid foods advertised on television!

Cut out sugary drinks—that includes diet sodas and “loaded” coffee drinks.

Eat more fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi.

8. Exercise. Move your body!

9. Reduce your intake of red meat and animal fat. Make Wednesdays and Fridays meatless days or, better yet, vegan days.

10. Eliminate or reduce your intake of dairy.

Limit your skin’s exposure to the sun.

Practice safe sex (especially oral sex).

13. Get regular cancer screenings: pap smears, prostate exams, breast self-exams and mammography, and colon cancer. If you’ve taken the birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy, be especially vigilant about self breast examinations. If you had mononucleosis as a young adult, make sure you inform your physician—they should regularly check your lymph nodes. Those that have had mono run a greater risk of developing lymphoma.

Know your family medical history and make sure you share it with your physician (know what to avoid to not flip the switch and trigger a full-blown diagnosis).

15. Eat garlic. Use it in recipes liberally (Iowa Women’s study showed that women who ate the highest amount of garlic had a 50% decreased risk of colon cancer).

Get a good night’s sleep.

Drink green tea.

Make sure your vitamin D level is normal (check out the American Society of Clinical Oncology website).

Eat broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Swiss chard, and bok choy.

Eat soy and check that you are not buying/ eating GMO-grown soy!

proper food combining.

blood sugar

and 100 (90 minutes after eating a meal or snack).

21. Practice
22. Keep your
between 70
37 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022 Afterwepinpoint YOUR specificproblem, weusethe RX2600Therapeutic ROBOT toadminister gentlepressure in intervals toa specificareaof a muscle.Taking tensionoff andrestoring balance, greatly increasing mobility and relieving pain. Precision Robotics Muscular Therapy is changing the game with a new standard 888-339-1012 • “ Thistherapywas lifechanging forme!I couldbarely walk,wasin constantpainand scheduled forhipsurgery.Icanceledthe surgery after just3 visitsandhavebeen playinggolfandtennispain-free eversince.” Julie P.,Michigan Tired of Pain? Take Your Recovery To The Next Level Schedule an appointment today! 888-339-1012 4500 Executive Dr, Ste. 110-5, Naples, FL • Meet Your Nw Therapeutic ROBOT e < PAGE 30 “Get Back on Your Feet with Robotic Therapy” BY THERESA EDMUNDS Do You Need In-Depth Nutrition Guidance? Contact me for compassionate help with a wide range of health issues. | 860.646.8178 | Erika Dworkin, BCHN ®  Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition® Voted NaturalNutmeg 10Best 2019–2021 Former Owner Manchester Parkade Health Shoppe Take Charge Of Your Health With A Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Program • Nutrition Consultations • Online Store Supplements & More • Beyond Organic Essential Oils • FREE 20-Minute Wellness Assessments • FREE Wellness Classes Generations of Holistic Guidance Since 1956

“A cancer diagnosis can be a wake-up call—a chance to get your body in the best shape it has ever been in. But sometimes, simple information can also be a wake-up call.”

All About Soy

Part of the uncertainty with soy is due to the intricacy of soy’s effects on the body. Soy contains a high concentration of isoflavones, a type of plant estrogen (phytoestrogen) similar in function to human estrogen but with much weaker effects. Aside from their isoflavone content, soy foods are rich in nutrients, including B vitamins, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and high-quality protein. Unlike some plant proteins, soy is considered a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot make and must be obtained from the diet, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.

Some individuals are leery of eating soy-based foods due to information they’ve obtained or stories they’ve heard. But before you make a decision about soy, consider the source.

If you read about a study, was the research done on animals or humans (soy is metabolized differ ently in animals)? Who funded the study?

Are you taking hormones? What levels are cur rently in your body (organically or per prescription)?

Because soy can have estrogenic properties, its effects can vary depending on the current hormone levels in the body. Premenopausal women have much higher circulating levels of estradiol—the primary form of estrogen in the human body—than postmenopausal women. In this context, soy may act like an anti-es trogen, but among postmenopausal women, soy may act more like an estrogen. Also, women with breast cancer are classified into hormone types—either hormone-positive (ER+/PR+) or hormone-negative (ER–/PR–) breast cancer—and these tumors respond differently to estrogens.

Many breast cancer patients are warned not to eat soy products. Here’s the story, according to the Mayo Clinic: “Studies show that a lifelong diet rich in soy foods reduces the risk of breast cancer in women. This protective effect is less dramatic for women who eat less soy or who start eating soy later in life…. It was once thought that soy foods

Feature 38 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

increase the risk of breast cancer. However, eating a moderate amount of soy foods does not increase the risk of breast cancer—or other types of cancer. A moderate amount is one to two servings a day of whole-soy foods, such as tofu, tempeh (fermented soy), soy milk, and edamame.”

So, where did the idea that consuming soy products increases the risk of breast cancer come from? Researchers initially believed high estrogen levels were linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, and since soy mimics estrogen…well, you can understand. High estrogen levels have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. However, soy from food sources does not contain high enough levels of isoflavones to increase the risk of breast cancer.

Soy supplements or isoflavone supplements, on the other hand, generally contain higher levels of isoflavones. Some studies have suggested a link between these supplements and an increased risk of breast cancer in women with a family or personal history of breast cancer or thyroid problems.

Think “flipping the switch.”

Make sure that you are comparing apples to apples. Was it whole soy foods such as tofu, tempeh, and soybeans you read about, or was it about soy supplements? I believe the Mayo Clinic is correct in its soy stance.

A cancer diagnosis can be a wake-up call— a chance to get your body in the best shape it has ever been in. But sometimes, simple information can also be a wake-up call, and that’s the goal of this article. Take responsibility for your health today!

I believe in the practice of self-health. You are your primary caregiver; your physician is your secondary caregiver. You are responsible for yourself. Take an interest in your present and future health—your life depends on it.

Candice P. Rosen is a registered nurse, social worker, nutritionist, health counselor, and author. Candice was the first executive director of Gilda’s Club in Chicago (a support center for men, women, and children diagnosed with cancer) and is the creator of The Pancreatic Nutritional Program and Data-Driven Fueling. She has spent her life’s work focused on improving the wellness of both her clients and her community. Her experience as a clinical therapist and as a nurse gives her a unique perspective when it comes to nutrition counseling. As the former Chair of Healthcare Initiatives for Chicago’s Sister Cities International Program, she advocated for preventative medicine, improved disability access, promoted maternal and infant health, and worked to bring awareness to the global obesity and diabetes epidemics. Candice is the mother of four children and grandmother of one. See



n his book, The Master Key System, Charles Haamel says the following about how to learn to manifest,

“The first step is realizing you have this power.

The second step is believing you can direct it.

The third step is to center your thoughts on what you want and shut the door on every suggestion of fear or worry or lack or disease –or influence from others to the contrary.

Once you gain that ability –nothing is impossible.”

Before I even knew what manifestation was, I was doing it. I bet if many of you think back to a time from your childhood, you’ll remember you were doing it too. The first time I can remember, I was in 8th grade A school dance was coming up in a month and there was this boy I was just dying to go with. I would think about him every night. I would daydream how the phone would ring. My mother would answer it and yell that it was for me, I’d pick it up and he would be on the other end of the line. He’d say, “I was just calling to see if you wanted to go to the dance with me?” I would literally visualize this happening day after day for weeks. Well, you can guess what happened. One day, about a week before the dance, that scenario played out exactly as I had envisioned it.

Everything we see around us had to first exist as a thought. Every product, every business, every building, every vehicle, every communication device –just think about it for a minute.

Where did all of these things come from? An idea in someone’s mind. A thought. But lots of us think about things all the time that never come to fruition.

So how is it possible that some people can take a thought and create a reality? How is it that some of us can manifest some of the time but not all of the time? And how is it that others seemingly can’t manifest at all or create negative conditions of lack, limitation, and poverty?

I’ve realized that we manifest by utilizing things we cannot see. Our thoughts, our mindset, our consciousness. I don’t know about you, but for me it was very hard to understand and believe that I could make things happen without physically working harder at something. But if I think back to all of the things I knowingly manifested in my life – none of them were achieved by “working harder.” They were all accomplished by a fierce concentration of thought, an unwavering belief that it was going to happen, and taking small steps in the direction I wanted every day. The right people come into your life, you’re in the right place at the right time, and all sorts of other “coincidences” happen and BOOM you manifest.

Dr. Diane Hayden, PhD, is an entrepreneur, mindset warrior, perspective shifter, and unshakable optimist. She holds a PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Maryland. She is a professional speaker and travels nationally to present spiritual and personal development workshops.

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39 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

Top Foods to Eat for Brain Health

Our brain plays such a fundamental role in our being. It plays a role in how we communicate, our mood, memory, ability to think, forge relationships, and imagine and create experiences. It is the main operator of our body and the powerhouse behind the operations of every bodily function. But when brain fog, senior moments, trouble focusing, or forgetting names and where you put your keys starts to unfold, are we in the beginning stages of brain atrophy?

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are on the rise and we are experiencing a brain health epidemic for which there is no magic cure. Now coined as type 3 diabetes, this metabolic disorder is affecting an even younger generation, but is there a way to cure or even prevent the cognitive ability of our brain?

Food matters, toxins matter, insulin and blood sugar matters, sleep matters, stress matters, exercise matters—that your lifestyle is determining whether your brain survives or dies. It is not just a genetic factor—what is at the end of your fork is what fuels your body and feeds your mind.

If you are conscious and curious about what you can do to prevent cognitive decline, the key to your brain longevity is right here!

Visual Cortex

The memory retrieval system is the vortex to the brain. The eyes are not only the window to your soul, but the gateway to the brain. It is kind of like a phone line, and as we age the connection can become weaker and weaker as if you only have one bar on your phone. You hear some things, but

not others. What if you could strengthen the brain from fork to focus? It’s true—the eyes have been shown to be a key in brain longevity!

The Role of Nutrients

There are two key nutrients that reboot your eyes which is connected to your memory. These nutrients rebuild the retina and visual cortex, rebuilds the brain, and increases your memory.

• Choline: This is the messenger that helps your brain cells talk to each other, like our cell phones on all bars. Alpha-GPC, a special form of choline that has been known to restore brain health, not only restore but allow a faster brain response.

• Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): This nutrient is known for enhanced thinking in the brain. GABA actually slows the brain and sends info from the eyes to the brain. It can rebuild the connection to the brain and give you faster recall and a more sustained thought process.

These two nutrients are powerful, but there are other nutrients that also support brain health.

What grows in your garden is the gateway to brain health and also be important in age-related memory loss. Herbs such as Bacopa monnieri can greatly increase the ability of the brain to function, speed recall, and retain memories.

Tyrosine is another amino acid that can help your cognitive flexibility. It helps with problem-solving, mental acuity, and the sharpness of the brain, keeping your brain youthful and vibrant to recharge your memory.

40 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
“If you’re drinking alcohol or eating before bed, on electronics past sunset, or aren’t getting enough shut-eye, you are greatly affecting the way your body can detox or use melatonin for sleep.”
—Betsy Opyt, RD, LD/N, CDE, RY

Release Those Toxins and Choose the Right Foods

It’s not only what you eat, but what builds up in your brain that can slow memory. Toxins, pro tein buildup, high insulin, lack of exercise, and nutrient deficiencies wreak havoc, not to mention poor sleep. The glymphatic system is part of the lymphatic system and is the brain’s natural way to detox while you sleep. The brain shrinks by 20–30% at night to allow for this natural cleansing process. But if you’re drinking alcohol or eating before bed, on electronics past sunset, or aren’t get ting enough shut-eye, you are greatly affecting the way your body can detox or use melatonin for sleep. This buildup is what causes the protein matrix of white matter to build up, causing memory loss.

Eating right plays a huge role in brain health as well. Here are the top 25 foods to eat for brain health:

Beef and liver

Egg yolks

Chicken breast



Cruciferous vegetables

Sunflower seeds

Lemon balm




Fatty fish (non-



Olive oil

Bacopa monnieri


Pumpkin seeds

Wild rice

The most important thing to remember is that inflammation will always result in cognitive impairment. Stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, or poor diet will cause cognitive decline. We have the power to reverse the number-one fastest-growing disease without a cure. And you can start with something as simple as choosing the right foods.

Betsy is a Licensed and Registered Dietitian as well as a Certified Diabetes Educator, Integrative and Functional Medicine Nutrition Therapist, and owns 4 Elements Yoga Naples. She specializes in nutrigenomics, gut health, food sensitivities, detoxing, inflammatory diseases, and longevity living. She also understands the importance of living a mindful life and incorporates her background of mindfulness and yoga teaching to her practice. Betsy is a professional speaker and advocate for healthy living and is available for individual consultations, group programs, and speaking engagements. To learn more, visit www., www.yoga4elements. com, email or call 239.297.8844. See ad on page 11 >

41 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
< PAGE 16 “Caregiving for Those We Love with Dementia” BY JENNIFER VEAR HOY, MS To Register, visit Are you ready to take charge of your relationships & happiness? Peaceful Summit Counseling, LLC. • Jennifer specializes in Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, Crisis Management, Grief Counseling, Anger Management, and Relationships. Join her for a Depression Management Workshop, beginning September 7, 2022 1048 Goodlette Road North, Suite 201 Naples • 239.307.4708 < Page 44 “Floating, Magnesium, and the Brain” BY LYNN BREWER Come Float for Your Health Are you ready to experience a unique combination of services that will calm your mind, relax the body, amplify the spirit, and improve your overall function and well-being? RELAX ˜ REFLECT ˜ REBALANCE (239) 887-4161 13710 Metropolis Ave, Suite 104, Fort Myers, FL 33912 Floating, also known as flotation therapy, has been used for years for its mental, spiritual, meditative, and physical benefits and has a vast amount of published research to support its claims. Flotation Therapy Enhances The Immune System •
•Fish •
mushrooms •Potatoes •
•Spinach •
• Adzuki beans •
chocolate • Avocados •
farm raised) •
herb •
•Squash •

Glutathione— The Master Antioxidant for Revolutionary Skincare

Glutathione is quickly becoming the hottest new antioxidant for skincare rejuvenation and restoration. Glutathione is often referred to as the body’s master antioxidant and can be found in every cell of the human body. The highest concentration of glutathione is in the liver, making it critical in the body’s detoxification process. Glutathione can prevent damage to important cellular components caused by free radical damage and heavy metals.

Glutathione impacts nearly every function in your body. It detoxifies your body’s cells and recycles itself to increase the effectiveness of other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and D. Glutathione is one of the most studied molecules in the world, with over 165,000 studies on PubMed.

Viruses, bacteria, heavy metal toxicity, radiation, certain medications, and even the normal aging process can all cause free-radical damage to healthy cells and deplete glutathione. This can not only lead to cholesterol damage and the progression of atherosclerosis, but it is also correlated with a dysfunctional immune system and increased vulnerability to cancer, auto-immunity, diabetes, infection, and, subsequently, higher mortality.

8 Critical Roles of Glutathione

1. Neutralizes several dangerous forms of free radicals that can damage tissue and oxidize cholesterol and other healing fats in the blood.

2. Regulates the body’s ability to stop the growth and replication of cancer cells.

3. Maintains the function of the mitochondria (the engines found in all our cells) and protects their DNA from damage.

4. Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals produced by the liver’s phase I detoxification of chemical toxins.

5. Binds to toxic intermediates produced by the liver, making them water soluble and able to be excreted by the kidneys.

6. Transports toxic mercury out of cells and the brain to be safely eliminated from the body.

7. Serves as a cofactor or helper for several antioxidant enzymes that also neutralize free radicals.

8. Regenerates both vitamins C and E (also antioxidants).

42 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

How to Increase Glutathione Levels

Your body doesn’t seem to absorb glutathione well from foods. However, certain foods high in amino acids that contain sulfur may help boost your levels. These include:

• Unprocessed meat

• Garlic

• Broccoli

• Asparagus

• Avocados

• Spinach

Taking glutathione by capsules does not appear to be an effective way to get it into your body. It is thought that enzymes in the stomach may break down glutathione. Glutathione can be delivered via IV supplementation, but that is expensive and short-lived. Supplements such as N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and alpha lipoic acid are both capable of helping to regenerate glutathione levels. Fragile ingredients like glutathione have been expensive to get into the bloodstream—until now.

Since the 1800s, supplemental delivery methods have essentially stayed the same—through capsules and powders. Nothing is wrong with this form, just like nothing was wrong with listening to music on a record player. However, now we are seeing breakthrough nanotechnology (breaking large particles down) to increase the bioavailability and effectiveness of supplements.

Reducing active ingredients to nanoparticle sizes can make them exceptionally bioavailable within seconds. They can be delivered via a mouthwash and oral “swishing” for thirty seconds or longer and then swallowing. They can also be delivered via a spray delivery system for use directly on the skin.

Effects of Glutathione Supplementation on Skin

Glutathione plays a significant role in keeping skin healthy and young. It not only acts as an astonishing skin-brightening agent but is also known to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and improve skin elasticity. All these attributes of glutathione are due to its remarkable skin-protecting properties.

If you have dark spots or discoloration on your face that seems difficult to get rid of, this may be hyperpigmentation. Glutathione is the saving grace for the dreaded hyperpigmentation and aging signs.

As a master antioxidant and detoxifier, it fights against external and internal free radicals produced by pollution, sunlight, stress, drinking, and smoking habits. Free radicals deteriorate the overall structure of the skin and lead to concerns like premature aging, inflammation, hyperpigmentation, and destructed skin function. As the levels of toxins become high, your skin needs to detoxify. It is only possible when the levels of antioxidants are adequate in your body.

The primary mechanism by which glutathione effectively reduces dark spots, patches, and uneven skin tone is the inhibition of tyrosinase activity. Tyrosinase is an integral enzyme in melanogenesis (the process by which melanin is produced). Inhibition of this enzyme significantly affects the levels of melanin (the pigment that imparts color to your skin—the higher the levels, the darker the skin). This results in improved skin brightness and tone.

Delivery of glutathione via nanotechnology for skincare can:

• Help reduce pore size

• Lift and firm skin

• Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

• Smooth skin texture

• Brighten and even skin tone

• Fight skin aging pollutants

• Improve mild acne

Glutathione will give your skin a radiant glow; defies the aging process; protects skin from sun and environmental damage; lightens skin color, pigmentation, tan, and freckles; and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps to even out skin tone and make skin smooth, fresh, and bright while nourishing its overall structure. So why wait? Incorporate glutathione into your skincare routine and give your skin the glow you desire!

Mindy DiPietro is CEO of Stellar Health Sciences and has developed several medical spas. She is now the first practitioner to bring the NES system to Naples and added the Neumi system to increase glutathione levels. Mindy guides you to reestablish trust in your body and helps you to unlock your body’s natural healing abilities. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, Mindy DiPietro began her career as a speech and language pathologist in the Collier County public school system, where she worked closely with her patients to analyze, identify, treat and help prevent communication disorders. See ad on page 19 >

43 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
“Glutathione plays a significant role in keeping skin healthy and young. It not only acts as an astonishing skin-brightening agent but is also known to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and improve skin elasticity.”
—Mindy DiPietro

Treat the Condition, Not the Symptoms: A New Approach to Neuropathy Treatment

Conventional medicine says that peripheral neuropathy is difficult, if not impossible, to treat.

At Feel Amazing Institute / Hiler Chiropractic & Neurology Center in Naples, FL, we have the tools and skills necessary to diagnose and treat a wide range of neuropathy conditions. We use regenerative medicine combined with red LED and lowlevel infrared light therapy, as well as specialized electrical therapies to effectively treat stubborn neuropathy arising from chemotherapy, diabetes, or unknown causes.

• Dr. Hiler is a board-certified chiropractic neurologist qualified to treat neuropathy.

• Feel Amazing Institute is the first office in Southwest Florida to offer a comprehensive program including regenerative medicine to drastically improve peripheral neuropathy.

• More than 15 years of success and clinical experience.

• We use state of the art modalities to effectively treat neuropathy, even if you have been told that peripheral neuropathy is untreatable.

• Stem-cell allografts, red LED, low-level infrared light therapy, and specialized electrical therapies help to heal and regenerate the small nerve endings that are damaged in peripheral neuropathy.

• Supplementation, nutrition advice, and home exercises are provided, tailored to each individual.

What Is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Small fiber peripheral neuropathy is a disorder that impairs the smaller nerves under the skin, causing sensory changes. The symptoms typically start at the toes or fingertips and gradually move up the legs or arms. Some people describe the sensory loss as a tight stocking or tight glove feeling; others describe it as burning, tingling, or numbness, with occasional sharp pains. Some people have intense sensitivity, and some people have hardly any feeling. The symptoms may worsen at night and can also be related to the disorder known as restless leg syndrome.

44 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022

What Causes Peripheral Neuropathy?

There are several causes of peripheral neuropathy. Many sufferers can often attribute their condition to multiple causes, while others have peripheral neuropathy from unknown causes (idiopathic). The most common known cause of peripheral neuropathy is type 2 diabetes, though we also see many patients whose peripheral neuropathy was a side effect of prescription medication. Most doctors prescribe painkillers for neuropathy symptoms rather than treating the progressive condition with alternative methods. At Feel Amazing Institute, we are devoted to working with our patients toward improved health by treating the condition itself.

Why Have I Heard There Is No Treatment That Works for Peripheral Neu ropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy can be a disheartening diagnosis to many, because it is progressive and has historically been very difficult to treat successfully. There is no drug or surgery that can be used to actually improve the condition, so normally painkillers are prescribed to mask the symptoms but of course do nothing for the numbness. The only treatments that actually work to reverse symptoms are very specific intensive therapies, which require a time commitment most physicians aren’t able to make. At our office, we specialize in therapy and are willing to take the time your condition warrants.

What Is the Neuropathy Treatment?

The core of the treatment is a low-level infrared light therapy often combined with stem-cell allografts, which have been clinically proven to reduce the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. It is drug free and works by improving circulation and boosting your body’s natural healing capabilities. In addition, patients receive multiple other therapies known to increase balance, improve the brain–body connection, and restore normal circulation and nerve function to the extremities. Based on your personal situation, you may also receive customized nutritional or exercise plans.

What Kinds of Effects Can Be Achieved through the Neuropathy Treatment?

Clinical studies show that more than 90 percent of the people who undergo our treatment

experience excellent results with one or more of the following: reduced pain and cramps, reduced tingling and numbness, ability to experience normal touch without pain, reduced cold or burning sensations, improved balance and coordination, lowered dependency on medications, improved sleep, and reduced sensation of restlessness in the legs. Additionally, several patients also experience reduced local swelling and inflammation, increased range of motion, increased blood flow to the extremities, decreased tension, and decreased muscle spasm. An important side benefit to the treatment is that it significantly reduces the risk of falls by improving balance and position awareness of the feet.

How Long Will This Take, and How Much Does It Cost?

Our patients often report improvement within the first two weeks of treatment. The length of treatment varies, depending on the severity of the condition, on the cause of the condition, and even on different people with similar levels of severity. We will be able to tell you more after your exam, but the amount of therapy you will personally need varies on many unknown factors and can be unpredictable. You will receive a sample treatment and a price quote on the first visit.

What We Can Promise You

Your condition will be monitored throughout your course of care, and we will work with you to help you make decisions from an informed, knowledgeable standpoint. We will never perform any procedures that have not demonstrated results in the past, and we will never perform or recommend anything that we don’t think is necessary to get the results you want. We will also work with your insurance company to keep your out-of-pocket expenses as low as possible.

If you are in need of a highly experienced Regenerative Medicine, Physical Medicine, Chiropractic and Neurology office in Naples FL, look no further than Feel Amazing Institute / Hiler Chiropractic & Neurology.

At Feel Amazing Institute, we are devoted to working with our patients toward improved health by treating the condition itself.

Dr. Richard Hiler, DABCN, is a board-certified chiropractic neurologist with more than 15 years of success and clinical experience. Dr. Hiler and his medical team offer a complimentary telephone consultation. For questions or to schedule an appointment, contact the office at 239.330.1000. 3031 Airport-Pulling Rd N., Naples. See ad on page 17 >

45 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
—Dr. Richard Hiler, DABCN

COMMUNITY RESOURCES Local Experts In and Around Naples


OsteoStrong Naples Vanderbilt Naples 239.317.6084

OsteoStrong is an innovative approach to bone health. Our safe, science-based system is proven to improve bone density while strengthening your joints and muscles. It is fun and safe for all ages. The result is a more resilient body and a more confident you. Get back to living your life.

Your CBD Store

Naples and Marco Island 239.331.8073


Neurocentric Health and Fitness



NCHF brings a revolutionary brain-based approach to help achieve optimal health, longevity, and high athletic performance. Personalized programs to educate individuals to control their health using mindfulness, breathing, movement, and sensory re-education. A “fit brain” allows us to think clearly, be alert, have more energy, move with ease without pain, improve balance, and recover from injuries more quickly than using traditional approaches.


Peaceful Summit Counseling


Aesthetic Treatment Centers

Mindy DiPietro Naples 239.322.3790

Aesthetic Treatment Centers have something for every guest, whether it be relaxation, results, or both. We strive to offer organic product lines that are impactful and results oriented.

FINANCIAL ADVISOR Wintrust Wealth Management

Nina Azwoir, First Vice President Naples 239.697.5204

We are the only dedicated CBD store and carry only the top products. We carry CBD water solubles, CBD tinctures, CBD edibles, CBD capsules, CBD vape products, CBD pet care, CBD skin care, and CBD topical creams. Our products are derived from 100% organic, non-GMO industrial hemp. Stop in!


Josephine Perez, DMD Naples 239.692.9623

Dr. Josephine Perez, DMD, has been practicing dentistry for 29 years. She is a graduate of Tufts University School of Dentistry in Boston and interned at New Orleans Coast Guard/Navy Base. Her holistic approach to dentistry encompasses each person’s unique and entire (or whole, therefore holistic) state of physical and emotional well-being. The ability to maintain health through preventive measures and treatments of oral disease is her priority. Dr. Perez focuses on the underlying condition, rather than only treating the symptoms. She tests for biocompatibility to find pathways to reduce inflammation.

Jennifer Vear Hoy, MS Naples 239.307.4708

Jennifer Vear Hoy has spent over 20 years in the corporate worldas a corporate strategistoperating her firm in Chicago, for which she earned her first master’s degree in Manage ment and Organizational Behavior. She has since relocated to Naples, and after the death of her husband, she realized firsthand the need for professional and compassionate counseling in the Naples area. She went back to school and earned her second graduate degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.Her passion is helping others live the life they were meant to live.



Denise A. Pancyrz

Naples 888.848.1763

The conventional approach to managing type 2 diabetes long term is not effective. Holistic lifestyle coaching helps to reverse the effects of diabetes, guiding you away from counting carbs and diets and leading you to recognize factors that affect your glucose. Lower your A1c, stabilize glucose levels, increase your energy, and lose weight naturally.

Nina Azwoir is a licensed Financial Advisor with over 17 years of industry experience in the realm of wealth management, financial planning, and retirement solutions. Nina has the knowledge and perspective to help keep her clients and their financial future on a steady course as they navigate through life and retirement. Her highest priority is her clients and their families. Reach out to Nina for your complimentary financial plan.


Cloud 9 Float Spa

Fort Myers 239.887.4161

Floating, also known as Flotation Therapy, has been used for years for its mental, spiritual, meditative, and physical benefits and has a vast amount of published research to support its claims.


Theresa Edmunds, CHC Naples 734.308.7105

Educating clients about all aspects of natural health. Truly healthy food, living chemical-free and detoxing, healthy home, emotional well-being, reducing stress, movement, supplements/homeopathy. Helping you recover, enhance, and protect your health. Providing the foundation that you need to live your best life full of energy and vitality.

Kristina Gretouce


Kristina Gretouce is a Certified Life and Health and Wellness Coach with over 15 years of experience. Kristina offers a complimentary 10-minute discovery call. Please contact Kristina at 239.350.4544. 704 Goodlette-Frank Rd N, Naples.

46 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022


Berman Health and Wellness

Jenni Berman, PA-C, CPT, CNS 501 Goodlette Rd N Unit C202 Naples, FL 34102 239.431.0232

Berman Health and Wellness is a Functional Medicine Center who helps individuals reach their goal weight and optimize their gut health, while avoiding needless medications and achieving the highest quality of life imaginable. Our goal is to evaluate the metabolism, gut health, and bloodwork to optimize each aspect of the client.


Dr. Melissa MacVenn Naples 239.880.2562

Melissa MacVenn, MD, is a board-certified family concierge medical physician with over 10 years of experience treating patients with complex medical conditions. She and her team offer complimentary consultations to answer any questions you may have on how Dr. MacVenn can help you achieve your optimal health.


Healthy Concepts Consulting

Betsy Opyt, RD, LD/N, CDE Naples 239.297.8844

Betsy is a Licensed and Registered Dietitian as well as a Certified Diabetes Educator, Integrative & Functional Medicine Nutrition Therapist, and RYT200 yoga teacher. She specializes in nutrigenomics, gut health, food sensitivities, detoxing, inflammatory diseases, and longevity living. Betsy is a professional speaker and advocate for healthy living. She is available for individual consultations, group programs, and speaking engagements.


Therapy on the Gulf

Anthony Hansen, LMT Naples 239.262.8722

Anthony Hansen, LMT, founder of Therapy on the Gulf. We specialize in myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, and lympatic drainage. We do aromatherapy massage, pregnancy massage, and other types of massage and energy work. I am also a qigong and Reiki Master. Candace VanRee, LMT and Teresa Kennedy, LMT are both highly qualified and do the same things that I do. For further information, please feel free to call us at Therapy on the Gulf.


Nature’s Rite Online 800.991.7088


Spine, Joint, and Neuropathy Care

Richard A. Hiler, DABCN Naples 239.330.1000

Oftentimes, to simply inject a joint or nerve with stem cells for pain, inflammation, and degeneration is not enough. Boost regenerative capability and capacity with the addition of ozone, PRP, growth factors, peptides, myoneural therapies, and physical reconditioning.

The Prodromos Stem Cell Institute

Chadwick C. Prodromos, MD Naples and Chicago 847.699.6810

Dr Prodromos received his MD from the Johns Hopkins Medical School, served a surgical internship at the University of Chicago, his orthopaedic surgery residency at Rush and a fellowship in Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. He was a pioneer in surgery of the ACL and served as editor in chief of the first and only comprehensive textbook on the ACL for orthopaedic surgeons.


Precision Robotics 805.364.3051 Theresa Edmunds, CHC, RPT Naples 888.339.1012

This innovative technology uses the static pressure of the robotic arm to release muscle tension, lengthening muscles back to their original state. This reduces pressure on joints/ bones and increases flexibility. Clients report pain resolution, greater mobility, recovery from injury, increased range of motion and a general feeling of well-being.


Tom Paladino, Researcher 805.364.3051

Tom Paladino has developed scalar energy instruments that are able to negate the molecular bonds of pathogens and their associated toxins, thereby providing relief for pathogenic disease. Scalar energy is the natural energy of the Sun as well as the stars.


Candice Rosen RN, Health Counseling

Candice Rosen, RN

Candice P. Rosen is a registered nurse, social worker, nutritionist, health counselor, and author. She is the creator of The Pancreatic Nutritional Program and Data-Driven Fueling. She has spent her life’s work focused on improving the wellness of both her clients and her community. She advocated for preventative medicine, improved disability access, promoted maternal and infant health, and worked to bring awareness to the global obesity and diabetes epidemics.


TriCore Wellness Naples 239.877.1481

TriCore Wellness is a SwaS (Software with a Service) company that specializes in wellness management and high-performance health coaching. We are focused on the integration of technology, health data, and professional coaching. We capture and analyze information about your fitness, nutrition, and recovery to develop plans, coaching strategies, and detailed analysis to help you achieve any health and performance goals.

47 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022



4Elements Yoga Saturday, October 1, 9 am Lymph Flow and Let’s Glow Masks and Mats

Sunday, October 9, 6 pm

Goddess Gathering Full Moon Ceremony

Saturday, October 15, 9 am

Sounds of Yin

Saturday, October 22, 6 pm Thai and Fly Body Work and Dessert

Sunday, October 23, 6 pm Yoga Nidra and Sound Bowls

Friday, October 28, 6 pm Yin and Vin

At 4Elements Yoga Naples

7935 Airport-Pulling Rd., Suite 215 Naples, FL 34109 239.297.8844

Saturday, October 1 Regenerative/ Cellular Therapy

12:00–1:00 pm, Free

Learn about regenerative medicine treatments, including stem cells combined with other natural treatments. How these treatments may help conditions such as knee pain, back pain, and peripheral neuropathy.

At Feel Amazing Institute

3031 Airport-Pulling Rd., Naples, FL 34105

Register by calling 239.330.1000


4 Elements Yoga

Saturday, November 12, 9 am

Sounds of Yin

Sunday, November 13, 5 pm Goddess Gathering

Sunday, November 20, 5 pm Yoga Nidra and Sound Bowls

Friday, November 25, 9 am Free Flow Friday Savasana and Shop

Friday, November 25, 6 pm

Candlelight Flow Friday

At 4Elements Yoga Naples

7935 Airport-Pulling Rd., Suite 215 Naples, FL 34109 239.297.8844

Saturday, November 5

Regenerative/Cellular Therapy

12:00–1:00 pm, Free

Learn about regenerative medicine treatments, including stem cells combined with other natural treatments. How these treatments may help conditions such as knee pain, back pain, and peripheral neuropathy.

At Feel Amazing Institute 3031 Airport-Pulling Rd., Naples, FL 34105 Register by calling 239.330.1000


4 Elements Yoga Sunday, December 11, 5 pm Yoga Nidra and Sound Bowls

Saturday, December 17, 5 pm

Silent Night Sounds of Yin Holiday Class

Sunday, December 18, 5 pm

Goddess Gathering

Friday, December 30, 5 pm New Year Gratitude Flow

At 4Elements Yoga Naples 7935 Airport-Pulling Rd., Suite 215 Naples, FL 34109 239.297.8844

Saturday, December 3

Regenerative/ Cellular Therapy

12:00–1:00 pm, Free

Learn about regenerative medicine treatments, including stem cells combined with other natural treatments. How these treatments may help conditions such as knee pain, back pain, and peripheral neuropathy.

At Feel Amazing Institute 3031 Airport-Pulling Rd., Naples, FL 34105 Register by calling 239.330.1000

Have a Happening?

Do you have an event (virtual or live) that you want Essential Naples readers to know about? Reach out to us at for information on listing your event and sponsorships. Event listings are in print and online. We also accept classified listings.


48 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
< PAGE XX “Article Name” BY DR SCAN ME E-mail: (847) 699-6810 EVIDENCE-BASED, SAFE, WORLD-LEADING STEM CELL TREATMENT in beautiful Antigua. Consultations in Bonita Springs/Chicago/virtually CHADWICK PRODROMOS, M.D. Princeton AB Johns Hopkins MD, Harvard Fellowship, U-Chi/Rush Residency • Arthritis • MS • Autism • Diabetes • ALS • Crohn’s/UC • Kidney Disease • Lupus • ED • Rheumatoid Arthritis • Spine Pain • Lung • Anti-Aging • Memory • Other (A) Antimicrobial for lower respiratory r elief (B) Relie ve a sore throat b y addr essing the cause ( C) Clean & protect nasal passages Natural Protection from Respiratory Issues 20% OFF CODE SINUS22 100% SATIS FACTION GUAR A NTEED MONEY BACK 800-99 1-7088 B C 49 ESSENTIAL Naples FALL 2022
< PAGE XX “Article Name” BY DR

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