4 minute read
This is most likely why your physician doesn’t buy into reversing diabetes. Many of their patients just can’t seem to do it.
But it may be that following someone else’s diet may not work for you. It’s important to note that your health is unique to you. Therefore, your healing process needs to be just for you. Proper healing from diabetes should not be a food elimination process.
One of the biggest challenges that a client shared was, “Until now, there was no roadmap to help me put the pieces together.” Bringing in food that you enjoy and that supports healthy glucose levels and overall health is part of the roadmap to healing. It’s necessary to get your body into a healing mode by implementing small, healthy habits. This takes time and consistency. Getting to know how your body reacts to food, exercise, sleep, and avoiding stress will help you to achieve success.
Following ill-advised guidance from someone encouraging you to reward yourself with food that spikes your glucose must be avoided. Giving your body the time to heal and reverse the effects of diabetes is a must to be successful. How long does it take? That answer is different for everyone.
It’s very exciting to see better glucose readings. But that is not the time to quit fighting—it’s the time to continue pushing forward. Education and awareness, with the help of the right lab tests, have a place in reversing and healing from diabetes and realize you are working on your overall health as well.
The ability to reverse the effects of diabetes is not an issue, because it is possible. Finding success is in the customized roadmap set for you to improve and achieve your health goals.
Take it from someone who has done it. •
Denise A. Pancyrz is a Diabetes Reversal and Holistic Lifestyle Coach, speaker, and best-selling author of The Virgin Diabetic, Reverse the Effects of Type 2 Diabetes, Reduce Medication, and Improve Your Glucose Levels, available on Amazon. Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Denise was prescribed four daily insulin shots along with oral medication for diabetes and heart disease. This protocol helped to bring her glucose levels down; however, she did not feel as healthy and vibrant as expected. After changing her protocol by learning to rest and preserve her pancreas, she was able to eliminate all medication and insulin, regaining her energy. Visit www.ReverseMyDiabetes.net for coaching and training information, to book a free consultation, or to set up a speaking event. Contact Denise by calling 888.848.1763 or email her at Denise@ ReverseMyDiabetes.net. See ad on page 15 >
Wednesday, July 6
Academic Ascension Circle—Automatic Writing
6:00–7:00 pm, $25 donation How do you activate the voice within? How do you listen and trust that voice? Wellness Energy Institute would like to welcome you to an interactive, empowering evening where you will become the soul explorer who will learn how to channel your soul’s wisdom through automatic writing, also known as psychography. We host this meeting the first Wednesday of every month. At Wellness Energy Institute 5435 Park Central Ct., Naples, FL 34109 Register at wellnessenergyinstitute. org/event-details/academic-ascensioncircle-connecting-to-your-soulthrough-automatic-writing
Saturday, July 9
Regenerative/ Cellular Therapy
12:00–1:00 pm, Free Learn about regenerative medicine treatments, including stem cells combined with other natural treatments. How these treatments may help conditions such as knee pain, back pain, and peripheral neuropathy. At Feel Amazing Institute 3031 Airport-Pulling Rd., Naples, FL 34105 Register by calling 239.330.1000
Wednesday, August 3
Academic Ascension Circle—Automatic Writing
6:00–7:00 pm, $25 donation How do you activate the voice within? How do you listen and trust that voice? Wellness Energy Institute would like to welcome you to an interactive, empowering evening where you will become the soul explorer who will learn how to channel your soul’s wisdom through automatic writing, also known as psychography. We host this meeting the first Wednesday of every month. At Wellness Energy Institute 5435 Park Central Ct., Naples, FL 34109 Register at wellnessenergyinstitute. org/event-details/academic-ascensioncircle-connecting-to-your-soulthrough-automatic-writing
Saturday, August 6
Regenerative/Cellular Therapy
12:00–1:00 pm, Free Learn about regenerative medicine treatments, including stem cells combined with other natural treatments. How these treatments may help conditions such as knee pain, back pain, and peripheral neuropathy. At Feel Amazing Institute 3031 Airport-Pulling Rd., Naples, FL 34105 Register by calling 239.330.1000
Wednesday, September 7
Depression Workshop with Jennifer Vear Hoy, MS
10:00 - 12:00pm. Also September 14th & 21st. The workshops are designed as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, consecutively. $75 per person per workshop or all 3 for $200. All materials will be provided. Peaceful Summit Counseling 1048 Goodlette Rd N, #201, Naples. 239.307.4708. www.peacefulsummitcounseling.com
Saturday, September 10
Regenerative/ Cellular Therapy
12:00–1:00 pm, Free Learn about regenerative medicine treatments, including stem cells combined with other natural treatments. How these treatments may help conditions such as knee pain, back pain, and peripheral neuropathy. At Feel Amazing Institute 3031 Airport-Pulling Rd., Naples, FL 34105 Register by calling 239.330.1000
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