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Disc Syndromes
Kensington Naturopathic Welcomes New Physician
Kensington Naturopathic Medical Center would like to announce the newest member of our clinic, Dr. Justin Roth. He is originally from Glastonbury, CT and worked as a chiropractor for two years in Wethersfield, Ct.
Dr. Justin Roth received his Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Connecticut. He then attended Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa where he received his Doctorate of Chiropractic. Following his doctorate degree, he completed an additional two years of schooling specializing in upper cervical specific care. Upper cervical care is a rapidly growing form of chiropractic that focuses on the intimate relationship between the first two bones in the neck, called the upper cervical spine, and a vital portion of the nervous system, known as the brain stem. This relationship is absolutely essential to the body’s ability to preserve and restore health. Correcting an upper cervical misalignment can help with a wide range of ailments including but not limited to; migraine headaches, digestive problems, high blood pressure, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, multiple sclerosis, frequent cold/infections, carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma, arm pain, depression, fibromyalgia, sinus problems, and dizziness.
Dr. Justin Roth received his upper cervical certification from the prestigious Kale Institute in Summerville, SC. Dr. Roth’s special focus is working with patients with multiple sclerosis and migraine headaches. A passion of Dr. Roth’s is providing upper cervical specific care to sick people around the world through health mission trips. He has traveled to many countries including Brazil, Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.
Visit Dr. Roth’s website at www.kensingtonchiropractor.com. For more information on upper cervical care go to www.uppercervicalcare.com, www.upcspine.com. Contact Dr. Roth at RothUpperCervical@gmail.com.
Conscious Conception Series in Norwalk on Monday, October 3rd
Prepare your body/mind/spirit for a healthy journey to conception. Learn from leading local practitioners who share integrative approaches to support preconception health. Dr. Joel Evans, founder of Center for Women’s Health, Stamford, CT and author of the “Whole Pregnancy Handbook” will kick off the series with a educational seminar on mind/body approach to conception. Other speakers include Vicki Kobliner owner of Holcare Nutrition, who will speak about “Cleaning Toxins Within and Without: The Role that Nutrition and the Environment play on Preconception Health and the Health of Your Baby”, Alexandra McGloughlin will give insights into a “Natural Approach to Pregnancy using the Creighton Method”. Teresa Bulit-Gordon will be leading a session on “Core Energetics” and how this transformational technique can help you release the emotional blocks that get stored in your body’s cells. The Seminar Series is being hosted by Nina Antolino, Founder of Limitless Potential who will present “The Empowered Path to Conscious Creation” as well as “Stress and Fertility” and lead you through a session on Yoga for Conception. 7:30pm. TLC 152 East Ave. Norwalk, 914-393-9221. Pre-registration required.
Fertility Massage Helping Women Reach Optimal Health and Natural Births
Sergiana Bruno is a certified fertility massage specialist who helps women become healthier and prepares them to conceive a baby. She is the only massage therapist in Fairfield County who is certified in Fertility Massage. Sergiana learned about Fertility massage when she worked in an acupuncture office. The intention of therapeutic fertility massage is to support the body in cleansing, reducing stress hormones, balancing reproductive hormones, and stimulating the reproductive organs with reflexology. The session is also designed to support the client in achieving a state of balance emotionally with visualizations, affirmations and prayer for those who feel most comfortable with that focus. Castor oil packs are applied on the abdomen during the session for the cleansing effect. This special technique helps treat endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, fibroids, hormonal imbalances, and stress.
Sergiana Bruno has her own private practice in 1081 East Putnam Ave, Riverside, CT 06878. For an appointment or more information, please call (203) 807-3238 or visit www.painlesshealing.com.