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Nerve Impingement
less treatable, however, once it has greatly enlarged or spread to other organs (liver, lungs, bones).
If breast cancer is detected, a multimodality approach is ideal. This approach would incorporate nutritional supplementation, dietary modification, and detoxification. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy, and/or vaccine therapy may also be warranted.
The Natural Approach - Key Breast Cancer Risks
Some breast cancer risk factors are beyond your control. Women in their mid-30s to mid-40s have the highest escalating risk. the disease occurs more frequently in industrialized countries. Europeans and North Americans are thought to have five times more breast cancer than non-American Asians because their genes cause them to process hormones differently. Women whose mothers, sisters, or daughters had breast cancer before age 65 have at least twice the risk of getting it themselves. Those who become pregnant after age 30 have as much as five times more risk than women who have had a child before age 24. In the January 2007 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers reported that “a substantial fraction of breast cancers” can be attributed to extensive mammographic breast density. Women in the study who had at least 75% dense breasts showed five times more likelihood of cancer than women who had less than 10% density.
Although you may not be able to control age, geography, or genetics, there are some things you can do to minimize your breast cancer risk. Eat a healthy diet that is low in refined carbohydrates/ sugars, trans- and saturated fats, and most soy products, but high in stable monounsaturated fats (olive/canola oils), fish, antioxidants, cruciferous (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale) and other vegetables, and low-sugar fruits. Exercise regularly to control stress and maintain a healthy body weight. Avoid excess estrogen [e.g., from oral contraceptives, pesticides, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT)], milk from cows given recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), excessive alcohol, underwire bras, and antiperspirants. Make a concerted effort to avoid X-rays (especially of the chest), which have cumulative effects.
Finally, visit your doctor regularly to ensure proper management of your blood sugar, thyroid, and hormones. Both insulin resistance and hypothyroidism increase breast cancer risk. ’Estrogen dominance‘ over progesterone levels, and DHEA & melatonin deficiencies, also increase risk.
Cutting-Edge Researched Nutrients
Like appropriate doses of vitamins A and D, the plant-derived nutrients discussed below may lower your risk of breast cancer.
Natural Transdermal Progesterone Cream
In “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer: How Hormone Balance Can Help Save Your Life”, John R. Lee, M.D., writes that breast cancer is unique in that excess estrogen
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