4 minute read
New Form of Calcium Offers Interesting Effects
New Form of Calcium Offers Interesting Effects
by Lance J. Morris
Calcium is the dominant mineral in our bodies. We can’t live without it, and paradoxically, it contributes to our aging and often untimely death caused by diseases. In Dr. Thomas Levy’s book Death by Calcium, he suggests that dysregulation of calcium as the body’s primary ion channel pump is a major contributing cause of all chronic and degenerative diseases, as well as all cancers.
In medical school, during human dissection, the one experience that is unforgettable is the amount of calcium deposited all over the bodies of elderly cadavers. We seem to have a serious problem with absorption and excretion of calcium. It spills out into both intracellular and extracellular spaces all over the body. It can layer and deposit anywhere—in the kidneys, muscles, joints, ligaments, heart, vascular system, lungs and brain.
We know the only calcium that our body can actually utilize is in its ionic form. Unfortunately, little to none of our calcium gets converted. As calcium accumulates in the body, it causes osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, dementia, vascular and heart disease, autoimmune disorders and neurodegenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s. It also influences ADD, autism and endocrine disorders.
Anti-orbital ionic calcium (AIC) is the only truly ionic calcium ever developed. This is a patented, proprietary product that until now has only been a dream of modern biochemistry. (All other claims of products that are labeled ionic calcium are false advertising.) A true ionic calcium like AIC is capable of re-establishing balanced calcium ion signaling for all cell membranes throughout the body. This is potentially the most effective product for creating whole-body systemic alkalinity—crucial for effective cancer treatment and chronic disease.
Ionic calcium binds and pulls all the extracellular and intracellular calcium out of the blood vessels, out of the joints, out of the muscles, out of the kidneys, out of the pituitary and pineal glands, the pancreas and thyroid—virtually from everywhere calcium shouldn’t be—and places it all back in the long bones of the body. AIC is only available through licensed, certified physicians.
Dr. Lance Morris is the clinical director at Wholistic Family Medicine in Tucson. Morris believes that AIC is likely one of the most important medical discoveries in our lifetimes, and he is strongly urging chronic/degenerative and cancer patients to include it in their treatment. He is currently taking new patients and doing telemedicine. Connect at 520-322-8122 or WFMedicine37@gmail.com. See ad, page 16.
View the AIC patient treatment booklet at Tinyurl.com/AICPatientTreatmentBooklet.* This article is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease.
eco tip
When the holiday classic Jingle Bells starts playing in department stores, Americans deck the landfills with extra trash. According to the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF), garbage increases by 25 percent between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day—or about 1 million extra tons each week— including 38,000 miles of ribbon, $11 billion worth of packing material and 15 million discarded Christmas trees.
As this waste decomposes, dangerous greenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxide are emitted, adding to the climate crisis. This season, include Earth on the gift list by reducing holiday-related waste.
To stop the uptick of mailed catalogs, call stores and request to be removed from mailing lists.
Reusable shopping bags are not just for groceries. Bring them to malls and boutiques to cut down on single-use store bags.
Wrapping paper, ribbons and bows are beautiful, but create waste. Consider eco-friendly alternatives like towels, tablecloths, scarves and even socks.
According to NEEF, an estimated 2.6 billion holiday cards are sold in the U.S. every year. That’s enough to fill a football field 10 stories high. Be kind to the planet by switching to e-cards or making personal phone calls.
At the holiday table, use cloth napkins and tablecloths instead of paper. They’re festive, elegant and best of all, washable and reusable.
Forgo plastic cutlery, paper plates and single-use plastic cups, too. An extra dishwasher load is better than bags full of trash, plastic being the worst non-biodegradable culprit.
Social-distancing Americans are expected to flock to the internet for gifts. Consider saving the shipping boxes and packing materials for later use or donating them to a mailing center that would be happy to reuse them.
The most environmentally friendly gifts eliminate wrapping and shipping altogether. Here are some favorite low-waste ideas:

• Charitable donations n Cooking, music, craft or other lessons n Passes to museums or amusement parks n Gift cards for restaurants or bookstores n Music downloads or spa treatments
Most towns recycle Christmas trees and process them into mulch for use in parks. Contact a local waste management agency for details.