8 minute read
LAUGH LOCALLY Tucson Offers Many Outlets for Comedians
by Katta Mapes
Comedy is a lot like sports in that you can be a spectator, a player or both. There are three basic categories of comedy performance: improv, stand-up and sketch comedy. Locally in Tucson, one can watch and learn how to do all of these.
Comedy improv is totally spontaneous theater with no scripts. A comedy improv team will play off of each other to make up scenes, characters and songs. Each player adds to the skit by adding “Yes, and…” The hit show “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” was a popular comedy improvisation show. Started in 2012, the Tucson Improv Movement (TIM) “brings laughter, joy and fun to the southern Arizona community through the art of improvisation.”
TIM (TucsonImprov.com) offers a comprehensive program for enjoying online shows and learning how to do comedic performances. In November, they held the Tucson Comedy Arts Festival on Facebook Live with shows in all three categories of comedy.
Yes, and, in addition to these classes, owner Justin Lukasewicz also offers comedy improv team-building activities for groups as professional development. Even online, these fun-filled workplace events help foster better connection, communication, creativity and innovation. Surely laughing on the job will lower stress and improve employee satisfaction.
At Unscrewed Theater (Unscrewed Theater.org), a nonprofit comedy company, volunteers perform comedy improv shows for families and adults. Once they open up again, children, teens and adults can take classes and workshops.
In stand-up comedy, the comedian develops a routine with funny stories and jokes that has been written and rehearsed for the performance. Beginning comedians often practice in front of live audiences through “open mic” opportunities. Popular stand-up comedians become well known and, then, well paid. In her stand-up comedy class at TIM, funny woman Mo Urban recommends keeping a notebook handy to jot down the comical, interesting and ironic things that we might encounter in everyday life, which can be integrated into a stand-up routine.
When players learn how to do stand-up comedy, they need to have a place to practice and perfect these skills. Roxy Merari, comedian and founder of comedy at the Surly Wench Pub on Fourth Avenue, is actively

involved in providing open mic nights for stand-up comedians to go public. Right now, information about virtual shows and sign-ups is available at WenchComedy.com.
On the third Wednesday of the month, Merari also hosts a show about Tucson Comedy on local indie radio station KMKRLP (Radio.net/s/kmkr). Others host “All Things Local Comedy” on the other Wednesdays.
Linda Ray, of the Tucson Comedy Alliance, says, “Creative and driven as they are, Tucson comics quickly adapted to the virtual world. The deepest cut is not to have a live audience. Audience feedback is the reason folks do comedy to begin with. They literally feed on the feedback to evolve and grow their material and their skills.” Fortunately, there are still a few live open mic shows in Tucson at these venues: KAVA Bar, Country Line Grille, Laffs Comedy Club and Café à la C’Art. Matt Kearney hosts live shows at Brother John’s BBQ from time to time.
Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash
Sketch comedy involves scripted acts that are commonly strung together to make a larger show. Each of these acts is a sketch that starts with a comedic idea developed to show some irony or inherent contrast from life. Rich Gary of Keep Tucson Sketchy has this example of inherent contrast: “When a character is in a situation that is strange for him or her to be in—like a construction worker who is a germaphobe or high maintenance. This helps to highlight an exaggeration of something that is weird and amusing.”
Keep Tucson Sketchy rounds out the local venues with a place to see and do sketch comedy. Currently, all programs are available online only. Gary was on a public access news team originally. When that program ended two years ago, he and his team reached out to local comedians to form the comedy company. You can catch their COVID Comedy Classic 3 online on December 23 (Instagram.com/KeepTucsonSketchy, Facebook.com/ KeepTucsonSketchy).
Putting it all together, the TucsonComedyAlliance.org is the site that lists all the comedy available where Tucsonans can go to laugh locally. In 2021, this will be the place to go to find out about all local comedy events. Search on YouTube and Facebook Live for more local comedy acts. Until then, keep on laughing.

Katta Mapes, M.A., M.Ed. is a freelance writer, book author and comedian wannabe who is dedicated to promoting social, emotional and spiritual well-being for all. Connect at Katta.Connect@gmail. com (hablo español).
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Reflexology: A Body Meditation
Meditation, a powerful practice impacting the body and mind, helps cultivate inner wholeness and peace in a fragmented and conflicted world. When a meditating person is carefully monitored, distinct and consistent shifts are observed. Heart and respiratory rates slow much more than during normal rest or even sleep. Vital body functions are more regulated and the brain shows increased alpha waves indicative of a deeply relaxed state.
Reflexology, because it is so deeply relaxing, can also induce a slower and deeper respiratory rhythm, a slower heart rate, less muscular tension and an increase in blood flow through the visceral and skeletal muscles, along with a more efficient use of available energy. Interestingly, when the body is deeply relaxed and tension is released, there is a “waking up”—a sense of vitality.
The quality of conscious touch through reflexology invites this meditative state. Frequently, clients report a shift from stuck heaviness to free lightness and a mental/ emotional state of complete release and contentment, distinctively different from sleep.
Meditation and reflexology are complementary practices that can help us connect to our inherent sense of wholeness, peace and interconnectedness. What the world needs now is more of this.

Cheryl Foster, a Nationally Board Certified Reflexologist, has been in practice for 16 years. Her gentle practice, Barefoot Dreams Reflexology, is located at 1661 N. Swan, Ste. 254, Tucson, and is now offering a special introductory rate for new clients. Connect at 520-345-4554, Cheryl@BarefootDreams.net or BarefootDreams.net. See ad, page 19.
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Help for Depression with Chiropractic
With so much uncertainty in our political, health and economic world, it’s no wonder that depression and anxiety is spiking. Many people are reporting that they feel stressed out all the time. There are many behaviors that can help turn things around, such as: exercise, daily gratitude lists, calling a friend, humming, laughter, singing and meditation.
Yet, when a person is depressed or stressed out, it can be hard or seemingly impossible to find the motivation to do these things or even believe that it will help. When a person is stressed out, depressed or anxious, their nervous system is probably in a highly sympathetic mode, also known as “fight, flight or freeze”—a physiological state that supports depression, anxiety and stress. Difficulties with digestion or inflammation can also occur.
Our gut is where 90 percent of our serotonin, often referred to as the “happy chemical”, is made. With chiropractic care, many report a serotonin boost and improvement in the quality and quantity of nutrition absorption. Research has shown that chiropractic care helps to balance the autonomic nervous system and improve gut health. As a result, many people report having more energy, sleeping better and being more motivated to do all those behaviors that can boost mood.
All the benefits of having a healthy and calm nervous system build on each other, allowing a person to return to their natural state of ease and well-being.

Dr. Joanne Haupert is a chiropractor at Inspired Healing, in Tucson. Connect at 520-584-0343, InspiredHealing.org or Facebook.com/DrJoanneHaupertDC.
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