Natural Awakenings October 2015

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feel good • live simply • laugh more




The Heartbeat of Change

Natural Mood Boosters The Zen of Slow Cooking Heaven Within

October 2015


Tennessee Valley


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natural awakenings

October 2015


contents 8

6 newsbriefs 8 healthbriefs 10 practice



19 inspiration 20 healingways 22 consciouseating 27 calendar


29 classifieds 29 resourceguide

advertising & submissions HOW TO ADVERTISE Display Ads due by the 15th of the month prior to publication. To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 256-808-8044 or email

EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS* Newsbriefs due by the 15th of the month. Limit 50-250 words. Content limited to special events and other announcements. No advertorials, please. Articles and ideas due by the 15th of the month. Articles generally contain 250-850 words, with some exceptions. No advertorials, please.

CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Calendar of Events and Ongoing Calendar listings due by the 15th of the month. Limit 50 words per entry. Please follow format found in those sections.

ADVERTISE WITH US TODAY 256-808-8044 -or- *All submissions are subject to editing and will be printed at the publisher’s discretion. Article space often fills in advance. Deadline dates refer to the month prior to next publication and may change without notice due to holidays, shorter months, or printing schedules.

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Tennessee Valley

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.




by Tom Maples



by Beth Haynie


The Balancing Power of Self-Reflection for Transcendent Growth by Nancy Sheppard


Compassionate Activists Unite to Write Earth’s New Story by Linda Sechrist


19 HEAVEN WITHIN by Wayne Dyer


Safe Alternatives to Antidepressants by Kathleen Barnes



Savor Your Autumn Harvest in One-Pot Dishes by Judith Fertig


letterfrompublisher “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” ~Hellen Keller

There is a lot going on that we’re not all seeing. Real, authentic change on a monumental scale. There are a lot of interests invested in making sure we don’t see this happening. If we were to see everything that is actually going on that heralds fundamental change for the better in our world, then that change would come a lot faster, and those few who have profited off the misery of the many don’t want change to come at all. But they can’t stop it, because no one any longer is trying to make change all alone. Hearts are awakening all over the world and uniting in a rhythm that is becoming the heartbeat of change. Often, this happens before the mind understands. That is totally okay. The minds need to take a back seat to the hearts for a while as we move forward, until hearts and minds can learn to work as one. Soon we will see it, all that is happening already, and then the change will accelerate to a dizzying pace. I believe in my own heart that the world as we know it will be significantly different within a few short years from now. It will be different then because what is different now is that people are instinctively coming together to work to get things done. It’s the most natural thing in the world to work cooperatively in groups large and small. It was the way that things always got done before people were deliberately divided and kept apart by a variety of mechanisms. It’s already different, even now, and if you can’t see it yet you might be able to feel it, because a feeling in the heart is the place that it starts—the realization that

contact us 256-808-8044 Publisher/Editor Advertising Sales Tom Maples Co-Publisher Cindy Wilson Design and Production Melanie Rankin Natural Awakenings in the Tennessee Valley 14 Woodland Ave Trinity, AL 35673 Fax: 256-217-4274

the harsh reality of the way things are and have always been for most people is no longer a given, because it simply doesn’t have to be if we work together to make it into something good. We always wanted to help change the world, but we felt powerless, because we thought, “what can any one person do?” Now we find ourselves asking, “what can we do to make things better?” And that doesn’t feel powerless at all.

© 2015 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available by sending $20 (for 12 issues) to the above address. Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soybased ink.

natural awakenings

October 2015


newsbriefs Jeffrey Rich Completes Training as a Certified Systemic Constellations Facilitator


effrey Rich, LMT and owner of Shining Mountain Healing Center in Five Points, specializes in unfolding your inner Light. He has just completed a seven-month training program with Francesca Mason Boring and he is now a Certified Systemic Constellations Facilitator, capable of facilitating Family, Nature, and Organizational ConJeffrey Rich stellations. Ms. Boring is a bi-cultural author, international facilitator and trainer, and is an enrolled member of the Shoshone Nation. She is the author of Connecting to our Ancestral Past: Healing through Family Constellation, Ceremony & Ritual and advisor for The Knowing Field Constellations Journal. The purpose of Family Constellations is to uncover the hidden dynamics of your family or relationship in an experiential way, so that existing energy can be observed and changed where necessary and undue stress released or reduced in the system. This is a gentle and sensitive method of allowing family or relationship energy to reveal itself through representatives, so that a resolution can unfold. This involves allowing each member of the system to find their rightful place in the group, which involves a healthy and respectful connection to each other. This is a profound therapeutic, healing modality that may be an alternative to counseling or a complement to the therapeutic process. A private session can occur with you and the facilitator. Shining Mountain Healing Center is located at 900 Wellman Ave #5 in Five-Points. Attend the Family Constellation Workshop on 11/7 or schedule a Constellation online at Contact Jeffrey at 256-337-1699 or See ad, page 17.

The Paranormal Study Center Welcomes Mountain Gypsies Cat Young & Tess Hughes: “Mysteries of Mountain & Heritage Healing”


ountain Gypsies is a name created by Mother and Daughter team Tess Hughes and Cat Young. Both are Holistic Healers, Heritage Healers, Mountain Medicine Healers, and Reiki Master/ Teachers. Both hold various certificates in holistic healing. Cat is an Ordained Minister, Spiritual Warrior and so much more. She is blessed with a Cherokee/ Scottish/ Gypsy/ Melungeon lineage of gifted, spiritual loved ones. Spiritually gifted in Tess Hughes and so many ways, she is hard to label Cat Young with numerous abilities available since she has sight, healing, and seeing through the veil, and everything that goes with that. Tess was born in the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee, where Cherokee blood runs from all veins of her family, also comes from a long lineage of those, gifted with the sight which she uses for healing and paranormal investigating. She has always used true gifting to help those who are in need. Through the love and healing power of God she does holistic medicine and mountain medicine along with herbal treatments. Tess has worked in the field doing investigations and cleansing with her mom for years. The presentation is about The Mountains, Gypsies, It’s People, Their Heritage, Their Magic and Their Secrets. Date: Friday, Oct 23, 6:30-9pm. Location: The Hilton Garden Inn, 4801 Governors House Dr (next to Landry’s Seafood). Public Admission is $10. Info: ParapsychologyStudyGroup. com or

“I was the last person I thought that would benefit from this... Ten sessions later I am telling everyone about rolfing.” ~S.H., Birmingham

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Tennessee Valley Structural Integration in the method of Ida P. Rolf

Learn to Play the Native American Flute


re you ready to play the Native American Flute? For centuries people have been mesmerized by the hypnotic sounds from these gentle, easy to play flutes. Whether you have a musical background or have always wanted to play a musical instrument, this playshop is for everyone. We will have practice flutes or you may purchase one from us. The Native American Flute “Playshop” will be held Thursday, October 1 at 10am at Unity Church on the Mountain, Suggested offering is $20. Armand and Armand and Angelina are available for spiritual Angelina retreats, conferences, weddings, event entertainment and youth events. For more info, call 407-695-2097 or email Info@ArmandAnd Website: Location: Unity Church on the Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville. 256-536-2271. See ad, page 18.

Huntsville Feminist Chorus Fall Concert


he Huntsville Feminist Chorus invites you to join them for their annual fall concert at the Huntsville Public Library. Meet the Huntsville Feminist Chorus as they begin their new concert season of the year with an exciting and uplifting selection of music. The Huntsville Feminist Chorus (HFC) is an A Capella chorus specializing in songs that empower women, including many works by women composers. Our mission is to open hearts and minds with song. The Chorus performs several times a year, always with free admission, and has been singing since 1993.

The HFC Fall Concert will be October 4 at 2pm at the main branch of the Huntsville Public Library. Admission is free. To stay updated on HFC events please Like the Facebook page “Huntsville Feminist Chorus.”

Foods for Life (Nature’s Apothecary) 50 Year Celebration


n October 17, starting at 10am, Foods for Life health food store, now known as Nature’s Apothecary, will celebrate its 50 year anniversary. There will be vendors on site, gift basket raffles and free bags with goodies to the first 100 customers that make a purchase. Join us in celebrating this huge milestone in serving Huntsville for 50 years.

Author James Twyman Holds

Nationwide Premiere

of A Chorus in Miracles


piritual pioneer, James Twyman, best known for his NY Times bestseller, The Moses Code, is holding the largest A Course in Miracles James Twyman celebration in history by sharing his latest film, A Chorus in Miracles, in over 350 churches nationwide this October. You are invited to join us at Unity Church on the Mountain, Friday, October 23 at 7pm for our screening as we join thousands around the world in celebration of the 50 year anniversary of A Course in Miracles. A musical journey in celebration of the 50 year anniversary of A Course in Miracles, Twyman’s feature documentary film has been insightfully created as an homage to the most life-changing spiritual text of the 20th century. Because of the profound nature of the work scribed by Helen Schucman beginning in 1965, A Chorus in Miracles is a must see film for long-time A Course in Miracles students, those newly embarking on their own transformational journey and any person with an interest in spirituality and how it changes our lives. Date: Friday, October 23, 7pm. Location: Unity Church on the Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville. 256-536-2271. UnityOn Admission $10. See ad, page 18.

Nature’s Apothecary is located at 1407 N Memorial Pkwy, Ste C, Huntsville. 256-533-2050. natural awakenings

October 2015



Red/Purple Produce is Best for Our Weight and Heart


ew research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found the color of the fruits and vegetables we eat may affect our weight and heart health differently. The study followed 1,272 people over a three-year period, beginning in 2006 and 2008. The researchers compared their respective diets over both periods with levels of cholesterol, weight and waist circumference—all measures of obesity. The research grouped fruits and vegetables into red/purple, yellow, green, orange or white. Among women, greater consumption of red/ purple fruits and vegetables was related to lower weight and abdominal fat, lower blood sugar and reduced total cholesterol. Meanwhile, greater consumption of yellow fruits and vegetables was linked to weight gain over the same period. Among men, the researchers found those that ate more red/purple fruits and vegetables had reduced weight and waists compared to those that ate othercolored foods over the three-year period by an average of 13 and 14 percent, respectively. Greater yellow fruit consumption was linked to lower total cholesterol levels. Green and white fruits and vegetables were associated with reduced abdominal fat gain over the three-year period.

Colon Cancer Linked to Gut Bacteria


study from the University of Minnesota has found that two strains of virulent bacteria in the gut significantly increase the incidence of colon cancer, and a change in microbiology of the gut often coincides with colon cancer. The study tested 88 people, of which half had colon tumors. The scientists sampled and analyzed gut bacteria within the subjects to assess their microbiomes. They found that colon cancers were linked to those with microbiomes that had increased levels of Fusobacteria and Providencia species of bacteria. The latter is considered more virulent and responsible for the production of certain enzymes that have been previously linked with colon cancer. These two species of bacteria have also been linked with higher rates of inflammation and infection in other research. Fusobacteria has been found prevalent among people with ulcerative colitis. Providencia species include E. coli and Klebsiella, both found among urinary tract infections, throat infections and others. Microbiological science over the past half a century has found that better food choices can bring about significant healthful changes in the body’s microbiome. These include incorporating prebiotic and fermented foods into one’s diet. 8

Tennessee Valley

U.S. Kids Not Drinking Enough Liquids


2015 study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control has found that more than half of American children are dehydrated. The research analyzed data from the 2009-2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for children 6 to 19 years old. The study also found that boys have a 76 percent greater likelihood of being dehydrated, and African-Americans were 34 percent more likely to not drink enough water compared with U.S. Caucasians. “Dehydration accounts for hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations each year due to a number of illnesses that can lead to depletion of fluids and electrolytes from the body,” says Dr. Daniel Rauch, associate professor of pediatrics at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, in New York City. It can be difficult for parents to gauge the level of hydration in children. Researchers from the University of Arkansas have determined that urine color provides a reliable indicator of hydration levels, with darker urine indicating increasing levels of dehydration.

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. ~Helen Keller

Brain-Lymphatic Discovery May Hasten Science

Relax and Let Go


study at the University of Virginia (UVA) School of Medicine has found that the brain is directly connected to the body’s immune system through a previously unknown set of lymphatic vessels. The discovery furthers the understanding for medical scientists of how the brain’s immune system works. While it’s been known for decades that lymphatic vessels transport immune cells through the rest of the body, confirming that this also occurs within the brain has been elusive. The discovery is attributed to Antoine Louveau, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at UVA. He says, “It changes entirely the way we perceive the neuro-immune interaction. We always perceived it before as something esoteric that can’t be studied, but now we can ask mechanistic questions.” According to researchers, physicians can now examine the physical connection between the immune system and the brain instead of only studying how the brain responds to immune issues; it might also improve how diseases like Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, autism and others are understood and treated.

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2015 study has found that larger opioid medication doses increase the incidence of depression in a Veterans Administration study of 355 pain patients. An opioid is a pharmaceutical compound, such as morphine, that produces an analgesic effect in the nervous system. The study, published in the Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain, followed patients with low-back pain for two years. The patients were taking varying doses of opioid pain killers, rated by their morphine-equivalent dose. The researchers found that higher doses resulted in a doubling of depression incidences. According to Dr. James Duke, author of The Green Pharmacy, natural herbal alternatives to painkiller drugs that are free of the side effect include meadowsweet, ginger, willow bark, clove, lavender, eucalyptus, red pepper and rosemary.


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study published in Pediatric Surgery International has determined that children that listened to music or audio books experienced significantly less pain after undergoing major surgery than those that did not. Pain scores were monitored before and after treatments. Fifty-six children, ages 9 to 14, were divided into three groups—one heard 30 minutes of songs chosen by the children from a list of popular music, another listened to audio books and the third (control) wore noise-canceling headphones. Pain scores were monitored before and after treatments. Those that listened to the music or audio books experienced significant reductions in pain compared to the control group.

Compass Zyto Scans for Young Living Essential Oils Products from Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic

1900 Flint Rd SE Decatur, AL 35601 DecaturHealingArts

natural awakenings

October 2015



r. Jamie Bunis, DC, has created a comprehensive chiropractic wellness practice in Huntsville that is destined to become an influential center of healing in the Tennessee Valley. Dr. Jamie combines chiropractic care with nutrition testing and counseling, high-grade nutritional supplements, aromatherapy and essential oils, detoxification, multiple styles of massage, and educational classes offered to the public by practitioners of a wide range of healing modalities. The first thing you notice about the center is the energy: very clear,

light, uplifting and peaceful. There are aromatherapy diffusers operating in every room, diffusing a special blend of essential oils. The staff is personable and friendly. We got to witness Dr. Jamie in action during our interview when one of her regular patients from a nearby office came in with an acute pain in her back. She explained what had happened; she had bent down and twisted her back to pick something up. The patient gave us permission to watch the evaluation and treatment, and Dr. Jamie put her on the table and went to work, seeming to know exactly where

the areas of pain and tension were even before the patient could point them out. She used three different instruments, two of which I had never seen a chiropractor use before. These were the Activator, the Arthrostim®, and the VibraCussor®. These are all precision chiropractic tools that serve as extensions of the chiropractor’s hands while significantly augmenting what those hands can do. The VibraCussor is a special vibration device that relaxes muscles and fascia around the treatment areas. The Arthrostim allows for very precise and rapid adjustments to be made comfortably at specific target points on the body. It was extremely impressive to watch Dr. Jamie work, and the patient, who had been in serious acute pain with difficulty walking, got significant relief right away. While we were there, several more patients came in for their appointments. One of them had been undergoing treatment for a slipped disc, and he was started out on the TENS electrostimulation unit to relax the muscles in his back. Dr. Jamie also uses Ultrasound and a Cold Laser device to relax patients’ muscles before an adjustment. Another patient came in for an Ionizing Detox Foot Bath. One couple were both chiropractic patients and had also undergone nutritional counseling, and they were getting some refills on their supplements. Dr. Jamie recommends Standard Process® nutritional supplements, which must be prescribed by healthcare professionals. Standard Process are organic, whole food ingredient supplement formulations grown mostly on a single organic farm and produced with state-of-the-art quality controls to safeguard to nutrients in the ingredients. Founded in 1929 by Dr. Royal Lee, Standard Process has been a leader




Dr. Jamie’s Wellness Center By Tom Maples



Tennessee Valley

in the field of natural solutions that will fix these problems that are holding us back whole food supplements from full and vibrant health. for more than 75 years. Another key component of the wellness center is MasDr. Royal Lee believed sage Therapist Michelle Riviere, LMT, of Inner Harmony that, “The quality of a Massage. Michelle offers several styles of massage, including whole food supplement is Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, Muscle Energy, dependent on the qualPre-natal, and Reflexology techniques. “Massage therapy ity of the manufacturing offers many benefits, especially to those who suffer from process.” Following this chronic pain,” she says. “My focus is to provide you with a philosophy, Standard Pro- customized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs cess provides the highest rather than simply performing a ‘cookie cutter’ massage that quality food supplements only offers temporary relief.” available. One new and very promising modality that Michelle To help determine now offers is called Qi-ssage, which combines the principles which supplements each of Qi-Gong with therapeutic massage. Qi-ssage stimulates person needs, along with key nerve centers in the body in order to relieve stress and other treatment strategies, tension, relax the entire body, energize both body and mind, Dr. Jamie offers Applied as well as enhance and balance the flow of energy in the Nutritional Analysis Testbody. Qi-ssage sessions can be combined with a standard Dr. Jamie with her patient, ing, or ANA. ANA is a bodywork session or enjoyed as a separate service. Mrs. Moore non-invasive neurologiA final cornerstone of Dr. Jamie’s Wellness Center are cal muscle reflex test that uses the body’s own feedback to the educational classes offered to the public. So far there signal strength or weaknesses in specific organs or tissues. have been classes offered on essential oils taught by Dr. JaWeak reflex responses indicate dysfunction in an organ or mie and guest speaker Kim Erickson on how to restore health tissue that may be weak from toxins, allergies or nutritional and well-being with essential oils and on how to use essendeficiencies. ANA muscle reflex tial oils for pets. An Introduction testing is very effective and has of Crystals class was taught by many patient testimonials to attest Melissa Posey. There was a class to its benefits. One of the most on the healing power of Music famous is professional tennis Therapy taught by Stephanie player Novak Djokovic, who is Bolton. Dr. Jamie wants to offer currently ranked #1 in the world regular classes on a wide range in men’s singles tennis. He writes of healing modalities. “If I can’t in his book Serve to Win that a teach it myself, I want to bring muscle reflex test uncovered a in someone who can,” says Dr. TENS Electrostimulation wheat intolerance that was the Jamie, explaining the basic vision source of his allergies, which had she has for establishing her center negatively affected his breathing, focus and performance in as an educational resource for the community. playing tennis. He changed his diet as a result of the test and “My mission is to permanently and significantly change credits this with improving his game to the point where he people’s lives for the better,” says Dr. Jamie. could become World Tennis Champion. Dr. Jamie’s Chiropractic Wellness Center is located behind the Many of us have the same sort of hidden allergies, new Whole Foods at 917 Merchants Walk, Ste A, Huntsville. intolerances and imbalances that are suppressing our health and vitality every day. Muscle reflex testing can help idenFor appointments, call 256-434-7977. DrJamiesWellness See ad, page 15. tify these issues and point practitioners like Dr. Jamie to the

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natural awakenings

October 2015


Eat Healthier for Less with Plentiful Produce by Beth Haynie

Pickup Day!

Plentiful Produce volunteer, Roy Hicks

Edna Hicks (Roy’s Mom), training with Beth Haynie to be a VHO 12

Tennessee Valley


n 2013 my husband and I were faced with a dilemma. I had left my job in the mortgage industry five years earlier when we welcomed our first child to our family. This reduced us to a single income. At about 6 months old, our daughter developed a case of extreme eczema. After three and a half years of trying various medical treatments and allergy testing with little success, I Jarom and Beth Haynie had had enough. I decided to experiment with our diet in hopes that it would help her skin. As we experimented with removing processed foods and replaced them with whole foods, we noticed a significant change in her skin. As an added benefit, my husband and I started to lose weight and we felt better physically than we had in quite a while. I jumped in headfirst and started shopping only the outer aisles of the grocery store. I tried to buy mainly whole foods and steered away from canned vegetables, frozen food, and highly processed items. There was only one problem with our newfound remedy, our bank account. We realized that eating whole foods can easily become very expensive. After several months of using our savings account to make up the difference in our grocery budget, we decided that if we wanted to continue to eat this way, we would have to make a change. Either I went back to work or we came up with a way to continue eating healthier for less. We looked into some local farm shares and decided that we, along with our community, needed a different option. We wanted something that would be less of a commitment, more affordable, easily accessible, that would offer more varieties of produce, and that would operate year round. My husband, father-in-law, and I got together and created the concept of Plentiful Produce. In June 2013 we decided that we were ready to do a trial run. We had 24 participants contribute for a basket, and it worked! In the weeks and months that followed, our co-op grew by leaps and bounds. Today we operate at five locations across Madison County, with over 7,000 Facebook followers, several thousand email subscribers, and we are always open to new opportunities.

Plentiful Produce is a food cooperative created to provide our local families a way to eat healthier for less. Our participants receive weekly bushel baskets full of produce for only $20 per basket. These baskets contain half fruit and half vegetables. A la carte items such as bulk produce, local raw honey, breads, fresh herbs, and local seasonal produce are also available. There are no membership fees and no contracts. This means that you only get a basket when it is convenient for you. Each pickup location has a trade box where participants may trade in items they don’t want for something else that is better suited to their taste. The co-op runs weekly at each hub, year round, to provide the community a way to eat healthier all year. To help our contributors simplify their lives, I post a weekly meal plan using the basket contents along with recipe links and ideas on our Facebook page. I also use Facebook and Twitter to post our basket previews, volunteer needs, co-op news, and produce tips and tricks. Plentiful Produce has no employees and we depend entirely on our participants to volunteer to get the work done. We ask that participants volunteer at least once every four baskets that they get. The volunteers, under the direction of the Volunteer Hub Organizer (VHO), fill and distribute baskets each week. Our VHOs are there to make sure everything goes smoothly. If you don’t know what something is or how to use it, all you have to do is ask, and we will probably provide you with more information than you’d probably ever want to know about that particular item. We love our produce around here! Our ultimate goal is for our community to have access to a large variety of whole foods at a lower cost. This enables participants to make a true lifestyle change. We want you to be able to afford to eat right, and we believe that a real lifestyle change begins with variety. Our daughter’s skin is so much better than it used to be, and my husband and I have both dropped a combined 30 pounds by eating meals based on our baskets. We make the co-op a family affair, and our kids are always so excited to see what is in the basket each week. Our children truly enjoy eating most fruits and vegetables (seriously). Hearing stories from our contributors of how they love their baskets and how they couldn’t afford to eat this way without us keeps us going, and keeps my heart full. I truly love what I do, and I invite you to join us and contribute each week for a basket full of fresh produce to jump-start your own healthier lifestyle. Learn how to participate at or at For more info: Plentiful or 256-469-8344. See listing, page 30.

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Light Journey Reiki Barbara Caioli, RM

256-716-8419 natural awakenings

October 2015


Enneagram: Centers of Intelligence A Spiritual Community supporting the practice of knowing God in the heart of every person. ONGOING SERVICES AND CLASSES! New Thought Classes

Tuesdays, 6:30-9:00pm Wednesdays, 10:00am-12:00pm

Revealing Services Sundays 9:45am

Celebration Services Sundays 10:30am


Tuesdays & Wednesdays 6:00pm


Wednesdays 6:30pm

The Balancing Power of Self-Reflection for Transcendent Growth by Nancy Sheppard, Certified Teacher of the Narrative Tradition

Balance is the Key

The Enneagram as an ancient tool of ego-personality and spiritual development. We are born with essential gifts. We are all necessary and needed in the world. When life happens, we can overemphasize our gifts and produce imbalance and suffering to our lives. The nine types include three centers of intelligence: body, heart, and thinking types. Body types are concerned with self-worth. In dilemmas, they instinctively control, disappear or perfect their world. Heart types focus on staying connected with others. They adapt their world to gain approval and recognition from others. Thinking types sense danger, intrusion, and limitations so their thoughts go to future analysis, plans or imagination.

The Body-Based Triad

intelligence forms clear impressions of life, and they draw conclusions from a knowing “in their gut.” They’re prone to think in polar opposites—right/wrong, strong/weak, all/nothing. This limited viewpoint produces difficulties for themselves and others. Anger, sadness, and fear are universal emotions. The Heart Triad (2, 3, 4) initially responds with regret and sadness. The Head Triad (5, 6, 7) leads with doubt or fear. The Body Triad reacts with anger when feelings of abandonment, invisibility, and exclusions show up in their world. EIGHTs re-insert themselves, saying, “Here I am. Deal with me!” NINEs accept their invisibility, ignore anger or show passive-aggressive behavior. ONEs blame themselves for their imperfection, and express anger via irritation and frustration.

EIGHT: The Leader

Rev. David Leonard Transforming Lives and Making the World a Better Place

308 Lily Flagg Rd.



Tennessee Valley

Body Types (EIGHT, NINE, ONE) are at the top of the enneagram circle and are know as the instinctive types. They generally learn best through “hands on” experience. Their kinesthetic

EIGHTS are powerful, fearless people. They are courageous, determined, action-oriented, and persistent. They value truth and respect honest, straightforward communication. They quickly assess incongruities and institute justice according to their filtered belief. They are hard workers who ignore limita-

The nine types of the Enneagram include three centers of intelligence: body, heart and thinking types. This article discusses the body types. tions—physical/mental/emotional. They are indifferent to breaking rules and live by the motto, “It’s my way—or the highway!” To avoid vulnerability, they deny weaknesses. Their paradox: Hiding vulnerability creates vulnerability. EIGHTs reduce suffering and grow by balancing action and thinking. Reality becomes clearer when EIGHTs slows down and observes the total picture. Consider the “eleven-second pause” of silence as an act of power instead of cowardice. Hold the stance of firm flexibility. The virtue of innocence brings natural soft-hearted mercy to self and others.

NINE: The Peacemaker

NINEs seek harmony in the world. They believe that they are no more important than anyone else. By ignoring their own needs, they believe they will be seen. They are calm, caring, tolerant, compassionate, forgiving. They are teambuilders and good listeners and know how to blend in. They easily see all sides of a situation and often struggle with their own opinions. NINES believe in moderation in all things, and live by the motto, “ go along to get along.” They are likely to say, “It doesn’t matter, it’s not important, I don’t know.” To avoid conflict, NINEs will fall asleep to life and follow self-comforting routines. Their paradox: Neglecting self in pursuit of comfort leads to more discomfort. NINEs grow by taking a stance. As Yogi Berra said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” Integrating the virtue of engagement through expres-

Now Open

sion of personal needs and opinions will help them get in touch with their inner authority and power.

ONE: The Perfectionist


ONES want to be good and pursue excellence through high moral character. They are fair, just, pure and seek moral integrity. They want the world to be a better place. They are reliable, hard-working, industrious, practical and single-minded. Their perfectionist qualities gives them a keen eye for details. They are planners with standards, always avoiding blame or fault. In their eyes, correct behavior excludes anger, so they only show irritation and frustration. Unfortunately, it dominates their waking hours. Their motto is, “Perfect practice makes perfect.” Their paradox: All paths lead home. This right way may not necessarily be the best way. ONEs develop by becoming emotionally authentic. They thrive when they can release control of pent-up feelings and express truth through creative artistry. Transcendence includes spontaneous fun and understanding that good enough is sometimes good enough. Living in serenity, they accept reality as it is, and balance the polarity of their emotions. Next month, we will discuss the Heart Triad, personalities that need to be needed. For more information on the Enneagram, contact Nancy Sheppard at 256714-4517 or EnneagramStudy@icloud. com. See ad, page 21.

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natural awakenings

October 2015


AWAKENING THE GLOBAL HEART Compassionate Activists Unite to Write Earth’s New Story by Linda Sechrist


s individuals and in groups, more people today are expressing deep inner caring and compassion for fellow humans and all life on this planet by hitching their heartfelt energies to powerful actions that hold the promise of a sustainable future. In This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate, author Naomi Klein attests that the power of ferocious love is underestimated by companies and their government advocates. Suggesting that climate change be considered a framework for broader social improvements instead of a single issue, she invites “seizing the moment of discontent” to advance healing the planet and its broken economies and communities. Stories about how ordinary people are energizing local and online communities of practice to improve intergenerational communication, eliminate monetary influence in politics and restore democracy, and support social


Tennessee Valley

justice, community wealth building, independent media, sound health care and clean food and water are frequently missing from mainstream media. Pioneering efforts by activists such as Mario Tigueros, Pachamama Alliance program manager for the Game Changer Intensive; Joshua Gorman, founder of Generation Waking Up; and Cole Kleitsch, founder and director of Walking Civics, warrant widespread attention and support.

Hearts Afire

When hundreds of participants in Pachamama’s Awakening the Dreamer symposium, held in cities throughout the U.S., kept asking “What’s next?” Tigueros facilitated the creation of Game Changers, which explores present challenges and possibilities and ways to create a new future. He says, “We wanted to help them in awakening to their personal qualities and strengths before setting out to change the world. While engaging with others and creat-

ing a global society for all beings to flourish is a goal to strive for, we came to recognize that it takes a collective and collaborative approach within a community of practice to keep the message alive and implement what’s learned in the 12-week training.” A love for social justice prompted Tigueros to recognize the corporate capture of America’s democracy. “Suggesting that symposium participants work with Move to Amend and Citizens’ Climate Lobby made sense,” he explains. One is a nonpartisan coalition of organizations and individuals seeking to end corporate personhood and demand true democracy; the other empowers individuals to exercise their political power. It takes love to inspire the youth of GenY, Generation We and the Digital Generation, all names for the Millenials, to create a new story and transform their lives and communities. Gorman is counting on his peers to help make it happen. “We’re writing a different story than the worn-out one we’ve been led to believe is inevitable,” he says. Some of Generation Waking Up’s young leaders have formed local communities of practice that campaign to get big money out of politics, pressure universities to divest fossil fuel investments, build local and just food systems, end mass incarceration, enroll residents to go solar and inspire everyday citizens to live in more just, sustainable ways.

People have the power, when we choose to use it, to act on it, to dedicate ourselves to change. ~Rebecca Solnit “Young people have a leadership role in spearheading the change our world is calling for. Ultimately, it will only come about with every generation working together,” observes Gorman, who operates from Oakland, California. He’s encouraged when Generation Waking Up members say they want to learn from older adults that spent decades struggling for positive social change.

If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall. When we own our stories of struggle, we can write our own new endings. ~Brené Brown, Rising Strong A deep love for the potential of civic engagement prompted Gladstone, New Jersey, resident Kleitsch’s Walking Civics initiative. The intergenerational nonprofit, endorsed by the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, trains military veterans and students as young as 16 as poll workers. “I want to inspire future voters by letting them learn how to do the job competently and with integrity, and lead them to participate in democracy’s most cherished act of voting,” advises Kleitsch. It’s currently active in several jurisdictions across the country and will scale up for 2016 and beyond.

Hearts Joining Hearts

At 15, Kelsey Juliana’s love of family, friends and future generations far outweighed any trepidation she felt in acting as one of two plaintiffs in a legal strategy to protect the atmosphere, guided by Mary Christina Wood, a law professor and author of Nature’s Trust. Wood created the Oregon nonprofit Our Children’s Trust, now operating in all 50 states and internationally, to enforce the duty of government to protect natural resources for present and future generations. It supports youth in bringing legal action in courts, administrative agencies and local legislative bodies. In local Sierra Club chapters, organizers work with facilitators to educate and empower youth to lead campaigns with town councils, legislative chambers and the courts.

Mounting research is confirming what many have long suspected— extensive media coverage of negative news can trigger stress, fear and trauma. Images & Voices of Hope (ivoh) Executive Director Mallary Tenore cares deeply about how the media can benefit the world by catalyzing change and meaningful awareness of issues such as those raised by Our Children’s Trust. “At ivoh, we believe in focusing on the world we want to live in—not only problem-solving in the world we have. We are currently helping our global community of media practitioners tell ‘restorative narratives’, stories that show how people and communities are making a meaningful progression from despair to resilience. Instead of focusing solely on tragedy and trauma, these narratives extend the storyline by showing signs of renewal, recovery and restoration,” explains Tenore.

On-Task Learning Curve

James Maskell wishes every media outlet would cover the doctors and health professionals that are applying the “functional/integrative/root cause” approaches to health care. Formerly a vendor of supplements to health professionals, Maskell has morphed his focus to found the Evolution of Medicine Functional Forum, a monthly educational Web show for health professionals and industry insiders. After becoming captivated by functional medicine at a trade show,

he developed this fresh, high-tech concept that combines the latest health news, functional medicine research, practice developments and health technologies in a mixed-media format. Offered free on YouTube, it combines interviews, TED-style talks, videos and audience interaction. “With health politics raising more questions than answers and with technology changing the healthcare landscape, there’s never been a more ripe time for health innovation and accelerating a shift toward what works for most doctors,” remarks Maskell, who also recently collaborated with the Institute for Functional Medicine to live-stream Genomics and Functional Medicine, the most cuttingedge clinical Functional Forum to date. Andrew Brandeis, a licensed naturopathic doctor in San Francisco, developed a challenging new skill set in creating the easy-to-use, mobile Share Practice app, launched 18 months ago and now also available on the Internet. It’s already used by 15,000 doctors nationwide to rate and review the effectiveness of drugs, herbs and supplements. They also ask questions and receive quick feedback about patient treatments. Brandeis sees an even bigger future opportunity. “As we spot trends and see what is working where and why, we can direct research dollars. There are all kinds of off-label uses for drugs, herbs and supplements that we’ll support when we see that 10,000 doctors are using them in the same way for the same thing,” says Brandeis, who enjoys the meaningfulness of this collective contribution. Gery Juleff, of Hopewell, New Jersey, reinvented himself and his career to serve a greater good. Seeking to inspire change through intelligent discussion

natural awakenings

October 2015


The only ethical decision is to take responsibility for our own existence and that of our children. ~Bill Mollison, Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual on environmental issues he founded and hosts the Green Radio Hour broadcast on He was formerly a member of the British Foreign Service, serving for 25 years as a diplomat, mostly in Africa and Brazil. In Juleff’s last London foreign office assignment, he dealt with policies on climate change, renewable energy technology and energy security. “My love of Africa, the continent likely to be affected the most by climate change, quickened my sense of needing to do whatever I could to limit any negative effects,” he says. Even though he was innocent about the scope of such an undertaking, “When the station owner suggested I use my knowledge to host a radio show, I said yes.” In What Then Must We Do? Straight Talk About the Next American Revolution, economist and co-founder of the Democracy Collaborative Gar Alperovitz provides many examples of successful community wealth building. He’s been part of a team partnering with others in cities that include Cleveland, Ohio; Jackson, Mississippi; Rochester, New York; and Washington, D.C. As co-chair of The Next System Project, he’s dealing with the bigger picture of long-term systemic change.

“The economics of sustainability focus on partnerships with local assets like universities, hospitals and cultural institutions to facilitate broad-based economic security for the entire community,” says Alperovitz. He’s deeply committed to the concept of an ecologically sustainable society, where problemsolving activities nurture democracy.

Waking Up

This small sampling of individuals whose actions are affirming their heart’s directives is not random and signals a larger movement. It represents author Anodea Judith’s explanation for the evolution of our human journey, captured in the title and essence of her book Waking the Global Heart: Humanity’s Rite of Passage from the Love of Power to the Power of Love. James O’Dea, author of The Conscious Activist, says, “As we evolve, we recognize that it’s the heart which holds the great key to our collective healing, to real civility, the courage to face our own shadow and true progress.” Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Visit ItsAllAbout for the recorded interviews.

Unity Church on the Mountain 1328 Governors Dr. SE, Huntsville, AL 35801

What’s Happening at Unity

Ongoing Classes


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Common Dreams Conscious Elders Network Democracy Collaborative Democracy Now! Functional Forum Generation Waking Up Green Hour Radio Images and Voices of Hope James O’Dea Naomi Klein Nature’s Trust/The Children’s Climate Crusade Pachamama Alliance The Next System Project Transition United States Walking Civics

Weddings A t

Unity ChUrCh on the MoUntAin

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eaven is a state of mind, not a location, since Spirit is everywhere and in everything. You can begin making a conscious decision to look for the unfolding of Spirit in everything and everyone that you encounter. I personally do this by making an effort to look upon my world as if I were observing it through lenses that filter out the form and all of the material aspects of what I’m seeing, and I can only view the spiritual energy that allows what I’m noticing to exist. Try putting on these imaginary magical lenses and see how different everything appears. I now see spiritual energy in everyone I encounter. When I’m tempted to judge anyone, I remind myself to view them through my special lenses. When I can do so, all negative judgment dissolves. I feel more peaceful knowing that I’m not just this body that I’m destined to discard. I also feel the life-giving Spirit within me on a daily basis, and it’s exhilarating! Being more balanced spiritually and physically gives me the opportunity to be in a continual state of gratitude and awe. I see miracles everywhere. Try changing your view of the world to one of awe and wonder. Rather than looking for miracles, shift to seeing everything as miraculous. By being in a state of

awe, you won’t be able to mentally experience boredom or disappointment. Try seeing the invisible Divine flowing through and supporting everyone and everything. A rainstorm becomes a miraculous event, the lightning a fascinating display of electrical fireworks, the thunder a booming reminder of the invisible power of nature. Live the mystery by beginning to perceive what average eyes fail to notice. Wayne Dyer, Ph.D. {May 10, 1940 – Aug. 29, 2015}, affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans, was an internationally renowned author, speaker and pioneer in the field of self-development. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books (including 21 New York Times bestsellers), created numerous audio programs and videos and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. includes information on his new book, Memories of Heaven: Children’s Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth, released this month.

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natural awakenings

October 2015



caused by any number of factors that we can determine and often correct using the right approach.”

Effective Supplements

NATURAL MOOD BOOSTERS Safe Alternatives to Antidepressants by Kathleen Barnes


adness darkens the world of the 16 percent of Americans diagnosed with clinical depression and the untold millions more that try to cope without a formal diagnosis, according to a University of Colorado study published in Clinical Therapeutics. Just as daunting, an estimated 30 million Americans take prescription antidepressant drugs for premenstrual discomfort, chronic pain and anxiety, as well as depression, according to Dr. James Gordon, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the Georgetown University School of Medicine. He founded and directs the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, in Washington, D.C., and is the renowned author of Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression. While conventional medicine offers a smorgasbord of antidepressants, many are ineffective or produce harmful side effects. One University of Pennsylvania study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found scant evidence that they benefit people with mild to moderate depression because the drugs work no better than a placebo in at least 80 percent of cases. Side effects of traditional antidepressants included nausea, headaches, weight gain, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, agitation, irritability, anxiety and even violent behavior and suicidal thoughts, according to the University of Colorado research involving more than 40,000 patients. It further showed that nearly 70 percent of patients stop taking the prescription drugs within three months, largely because of intolerable reactions. Some safer and healthier alternatives exist. “We know that depression is more a symptom than a diagnosis,” says Dr. Hyla Cass, author of numerous related books, including Natural Highs. “It’s a sign of imbalance in biochemistry, 20

Tennessee Valley

Curcumin, the rhizome of the turmeric plant that gives curry powder its distinctive yellow color, addresses both the symptoms of depression and its underlying causes, says Ajay Goel, Ph.D., director of the Baylor Center for Gastrointestinal Research, in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. A recent study by Goel in Phytotherapy Research showed that this natural spice helps generate new, properly functioning brain cells that manufacture mood-elevating neurotransmitters. Along with being as effective as Prozac (fluoxetine) without the side effects, curcumin can neutralize the suicidal thoughts and violent behavior sometimes displayed in people with major depression taking prescription antidepressants. “We also know that prescription antidepressants become less effective the longer you take them,” says Goel. “Curcumin doesn’t lose its effectiveness over time.” Rhodiola rosea, the well-researched root of an Arctic plant, has brought relief even to some of Cass’ severely depressed patients. Cass points to its ability to help balance stress hormones and stimulate production of the feel-good brain chemical serotonin, much like the claims of prescription drugs, but without any known side effects. A new study published in Phytomedicine confirms that rhodiola is at least as effective as the prescription antidepressant Zoloft (sertraline) in fighting major depression. Cass also recommends 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan), an extract of the seeds of an African shrub that produces the critical serotonin with no negative side effects. A recent Indian study from the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences comparing the effects of 5-HTP and Prozac confirms that “5-HTP definitely has antidepressant effects in patients with depression.”

A Holistic Approach

An integrative approach that emphasizes physical activity and a meditation or other spiritual practice can be highly effective in treating all levels of depression, according to Gordon. “It’s a way to get unstuck, to help us move through and beyond depression and other difficulties in our lives,” he says. Exercise triggers rises in mood at least equal to those generated by antidepressant prescription drugs, according to new Duke University research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. People that are depressed often don’t want to move, Gordon comments. “Start with what you can do. Walking a couple of blocks a day is a good beginning.” He notes, “I teach specific meditation techniques such as slow, deep, soft-belly breathing and mindful walking and eating. All have been shown to decrease levels of anxiety and stress, enhance mood and optimism, and promote greater emotional stability and more reliable judgment.” A healthful diet emphasizing vegetables, fruit and healthy fats; strong support from friends and family; creative activities; and connecting with a higher power comprise Gordon’s integrative prescription for a happy life. Kathleen Barnes is author of numerous natural health books, including Food Is Medicine. Connect at

How to Step Away from Antidepressants by Hyla Cass


ever stop taking prescription antidepressants cold turkey. Intense depression and other dangerous side effects might result. It can cause severe depression, anxiety, intense agitation and even suicidal thinking. As suggested in my book, The Addicted Brain and How to Break Free, it’s best to slowly wean off the medication with the help of a qualified prescribing healthcare practitioner. The process may take several months, but it’s time well spent and safer.


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■ Consistently eat a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, healthy fats and clean protein. ■ To help create a firm nutritional base, add a basic supplementation program with a good multivitamin, vitamin C, optimal amounts of B vitamins and omega-3 fats like those found in clean fish oil. ■ Consider supplementing with curcumin, rhodiola or 5-HTP to ease the transition.

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Contact Nancy Sheppard for more information 256-714-4517 • Offering assistance in discerning your unique style True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us. ~Socrates

natural awakenings

October 2015


Light of Christ Center Mystery School


A Course In Miracles Study Group 9:15am Sundays

photo by Stephen Blancett

1-Hour Mystery School 11:00am Sundays Affirmations, Music, Mystery Message, Fellowship, An Open Communion Table

Guest Speakers

Ron & Jerrine Gray From the Dream Maker Sunday, October 4th At 11:00am

The Zen of Slow Cooking

New Moon Circle 7:00pm, Monday October 12th Open Clearance/Healing

Savor Your Autumn Harvest in One-Pot Dishes

7:00pm, Friday October 16th

Full Moon Star Knowledge Circle 7:00pm, Tuesday, October 27th

by Judith Fertig

Looking Ahead:

4-Week Past Life Workshop 7:00pm, Tuesdays November 3rd - November 24th

Our labyrinth is always open for your meditative walks.

    


Tennessee Valley


utumn’s shorter days remind us how precious time is, especially when we can spend the hours with good friends and loved ones. That’s why Chicago mothers and bloggers Meg Barnhart and Jane McKay decided to try slow cooking with a Zen approach in creating family meals. With the time they save in food preparation—especially when one recipe can yield an extra lunch or dinner—they free up moments for both family interaction and their own spiritual practices. “Slow cooking with the sacred intention of slowing down creates a sense of peace and calm after a full day of work and school,” says Barnhart. Once she transitioned to this kind of meal planning and preparation on a regular basis, she realized that it allows her to be more attentive to her family’s needs while a healthy, tasty dinner basically cooks itself. With extra time for meditation and yoga in her daily life, she realizes increased clarity and focus for other interests and demands.

McKay enjoys the creative challenge of making family-pleasing, whole food recipes and converting conventionally cooked recipes for use with a slow cooker. “I especially love the bounty of the autumn harvest, which includes seasonal picks from our family’s urban garden,” she says. She’s found that root vegetables, squash, pumpkin, leeks, mushrooms, leafy greens, Brussels sprouts, apples, pears and nuts all translate well to lower temperature cooking for a longer period. Whether it’s a quick preparation that allows for other activities or a more contemplative, mindful endeavor that can be relaxing in itself, the recipes on the pair’s website, TheZenOf, are highly suited for busy people.

Slow Cooking 101

Slow cookers have come a long way since they were first introduced in the 1970s. Today, they come in all shapes and sizes, with inserts, timers

and a wide range of Fresh garnishes, October is Vegetarian settings. Barnhart and such as the roasted Awareness Month McKay recommend pumpkin seeds or fried the five-to-six-quart sage leaves for the size with a removable insert as the Butternut Squash Soup, make a crisper most practical. Food cooks in the incontrast to the softer texture of slowsert, which can be washed and dried cooked foods, notes McKay. separately, so there’s no need to put Dishes like Sweet and Spicy Apples the entire slow cooker in the sink to can be made the day before; leftovers clean up afterwards. taste delicious for breakfast with a dol Because the slow cooker’s low lop of yogurt. Barnhart and McKay make temperature is about 200° F and the their own Sweet & Spicy Ground Spice heat is indirect, the appliance uses Blend, available on their website, with less liquid than conventional cooking. proceeds funding cooking classes for Many of Barnhart and McKay’s easier adults with developmental disabilities. recipes simply require putting the ingredients in the slow cooker, selecting Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFoodAnd the temperature, replacing the lid and from Overland turning the appliance on. Park, KS.

photos by Stephen Blancett

Mindful Fall Recipes

Butternut Squash Soup Yields: 6 servings Prep Time: 5-10 minutes 5-6 cups butternut squash, diced ½ cup or 1 carrot, chopped 1 cup or 1 small bunch scallions or spring onions, chopped 8 whole sage leaves, fresh (or 1 Tbsp dried) 1 Tbsp rosemary, fresh (or ½ Tbsp dried) 3 cups vegetable or chicken broth 1 cup organic dairy or non-dairy milk Suggested toppings: Slices of freshly toasted bread, drizzled with olive oil and cubed 1 /3 cup roasted pumpkin seeds 8 additional fresh sage leaves, fried 4 slices of lean bacon or tempeh, crispy and crumbled

Place the squash, carrot, scallions, sage leaves, rosemary, chicken broth and milk into the slow cooker. Cover and cook on high setting for 3 hours or low for 6 hours. Then, blend using an immersion blender until smooth and leave covered until ready to serve. Make the toppings available to sprinkle and stir.

Root Vegetable Gratin with Mushrooms and Blue Cheese

Put the vegetables into the slow cooker with the garlic and stir in the olive oil and oregano. Layer the mushrooms on top of the vegetable mixture, followed by a layer of onions. Next, sprinkle the blue cheese crumbles on top. Pour the broth over the vegetables and cheese mixture, and lay the sliced potatoes on top. Season the potatoes with salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Cover and cook on high for 3 hours or on low for 6 hours.

Millet and Miso Stuffed Acorn Squash with Sriracha Dressing

Yields: 6 servings Prep Time: 15 minutes 1 cup or 2 medium parsnips, diced to ½ inch 2 cups or 3 medium carrots, diced to ½ inch 1 cup or 2 medium turnips, diced to ½ inch 6 oz Brussels sprouts, trimmed and quartered ½ cup vegetable or chicken broth 4 cloves garlic, minced ¼ cup organic olive oil 1 Tbsp dried oregano 8 oz sliced Portabella mushrooms 1 large onion, sliced into half moons 6 oz blue cheese, crumbled, or vegan cheese 4 large potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/3-inch slices Black pepper to taste

Yields: 4 servings Prep Time: 15 minutes Coconut or organic olive oil 2 acorn squash, halved and deseeded 1 cup millet or quinoa ½ can garbanzo beans ½ cup raisins 1 tsp garlic powder ½ tsp black pepper 3 Tbsp fresh chives, snipped ¼ cup lemon juice 2 Tbsp white miso paste Olive oil 4 Tbsp pine nuts, toasted Dressing: 2 tsp Sriracha sauce 1 Tbsp lime juice ¼ cup plain or coconut milk yogurt

natural awakenings

October 2015


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Oil the insert of the slow cooker with coconut or olive oil. On a chopping board, halve the acorn squash and scoop out the seeds. In a separate bowl, add the millet, garbanzo beans, raisins, garlic powder, black pepper and 2 tablespoons of the chives. Mix the lemon juice, miso and 2 /3 cup water in a cup and pour over the millet mixture. Stir well. Spoon the millet filling into the acorn squash. Cover and cook on low setting for 6 hours or high for 3 hours. Mix the ingredients for the Sriracha dressing in a small bowl and refrigerate until ready to serve. Once cooked, remove from the slow cooker and sprinkle with the remaining snipped chives and toasted pine nuts. Serve with the Sriracha dressing alongside.

Sweet and Spicy Baked Apples Yields: 4 servings Prep Time: 15 minutes

2 tsp lemon juice ¼ cup soft brown, maple or date sugar ½ cup walnuts 1 Tbsp Sweet & Spicy Ground Spice Blend or apple pie spice blend Ice cream topper to serve Oil the inside of the slow cooker insert with coconut oil. Halve and core the apples and sit them in the bottom of the slow cooker insert. Pour the lemon juice over the apples. In a small bowl, mix the brown sugar, walnuts and spice blend and press onto and into the apples. Cover and cook on low setting for 4 hours or on high for 2 hours. All recipes adapted from TheZenOf by Meg Barnhart and Jane McKay.

Coconut oil 5 medium or 4 large apples

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7/11/14 12:11 PM


StickNotwith Natural Iodine All Supplements are the Same The Hidden Deficiency Having the proper amount of iodine in our system at all times is critical to overall health, yet the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finds that iodine deficiency is increasing drastically in light of an increasingly anemic national diet of unpronounceable additives and secret, unlabeled ingredients. This deficit now affects nearly three-quarters of the population.

Causes of Iodine Deficiency


Almost everyone is routinely exposed to iodine-depleting radiation

Low-Sodium Diets

Overuse of zero-nutrient salt substitutes in foods leads to iodine depletion

Iodized Table Salt

Iodized salt may slowly lose its iodine content by exposure to air


A toxic chemical found in baked goods overrides iodine's ability to aid thyroid

Iodine-Depleted Soil Poor farming techniques have led to declined levels of iodine in soil

A Growing Epidemic Symptoms range from extreme fatigue and weight gain to depression, carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure, fibrocystic breasts and skin and hair problems. This lack of essential iodine can also cause infertility, joint pain, heart disease and stroke. Low iodine levels also have been associated with breast and thyroid cancers; and in children, intellectual disability, deafness, attention deficient hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and impaired growth, according to studies by Boston University and the French National Academy of Medicine.

What to Do The easy solution is taking the right kind of iodine in the right dosage to rebalance thyroid function and restore health to the whole body.


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Museum Complex, 404 Madison St, Huntsville. 256-564-8100.

Email for guidelines and to submit entries.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16 LearningQUEST Public Program: Nogginology: Maintaining Your Brain – 12-1:30pm. People raised in the Southeastern US have a much higher risk of stroke than anywhere else in the country. Learn how to recognize stroke symptoms and to activate emergency response as soon as possible. Free. Huntsville Main Library, 915 Monroe St. 256-532-5940.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 Concert on the Dock – 6-9pm. Brandon Watson & The IKB Sound. Huntsville native Brandon Watson is a Nashville singer-songwriter whose music is a medley of folk, blues-tinged progressions, and an Alabama-soul wrenching passion like you’ve never heard before. Free. Parking $2. Lowe Mill East Dock, 2211 Seminole Dr, Huntsville. 256-533-0399.

The Breath of God – 7:30-8pm. Inspiring stories and insights from Harold Klemp, acclaimed author of more than sixty books on Eckankar. Become more aware of how the gentle breeze of God’s presence courses through your life and brings you its miracles. Free. WOW (Knology) Cable Channel 11. 256-5341751.

Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Convention – Gates open 12pm (Fri), 8am (Sat). Enjoy great competition featuring fiddles, harmonicas, mandolins, banjos, dulcimers and more. $10 per day or $15 for both days. Athens State University, 300 Beaty St, Athens. 256-233-8241.




Madison Street Festival – 9am-5pm. Come out and eat great food, be entertained, admire the works of talented local artists, and spend time with your family and friends. Free parking at Madison City School Stadium on Celtic Dr with an all-day shuttle. Free. Main Street in downtown Madison.

Concert on the Dock – 6-9pm. Debbie Bond & The Trudats. Singer, guitar player and songwriter Debbie Bond plays a dynamic mix of soulful originals and covers. Her singing has been compared to Bonnie Raitt and Maria Muldaur. Free. Parking $2. Lowe Mill East Dock, 2211 Seminole Dr, Huntsville. 256-533-0399.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 Guided Hike: Historic Old Railroad Bed Trail, Monte Sano Nature Preserve – 2pm. (2 hours / Moderate). The Old Railroad Bed Trail follows the same path as the steam locomotive that traveled from the Huntsville Depot to the Monte Sano Hotel from 1888 until 1896. Directions: Huntsville Feminist Chorus Concert – 2-3pm. The HFC sings songs of peace, love, and friendship. The concert is open to the public. Free. Huntsville Main Library, 915 Monroe St. 256-532-5940. New Futures Family Fun Day – 2-5pm. Family fun day featuring Gibson’s BBQ and live music, horse rides and a triathlon of old fashion games tournament and team tug of war tournament. Free. National Speleological Society, 6001 Pulaski Pike, Huntsville.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 Fall Plant Sale – 9am-5pm (Sat), 12-4pm (Sun). Shrubs, trees, grasses, perennials and Blue Ribbon selections and native plants best suited for our region are offered. Landscape designers and master gardeners will be on hand to help you select the right plant for the right spot. Free. Huntsville Botanical Garden, 4747 Bob Wallace Ave. 256-830-4447. Guided Hike: Young/Kennedy Trail from Monte Sano Nature Preserve’s Three Caves – 10am. (Easy to moderate). Land Trust Board member David Young will take you along the trail named for his family. Admire the Chittamwood (Smokewood) groves and the many fossils from the ocean that once covered North Alabama. Directions:


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Guided Hike: Fall on Wade Mountain Nature Preserve – 2pm. (2 hours / easy to moderate / app. 2.5 miles). Join Botanist Lynne Weninegar as she leads us to Devil’s Racetrack and teaches about the many beautiful plant species native to this semi-arid microclimate. Directions:

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 LearningQUEST Public Program: Synchronicity and Serendipity – 1:30-3pm. This program attempts to introduce some of the psychological concepts developed by Dr. Carl Jung and connect them with human experiences as they particularly relate to physiological phenomena. Free. Huntsville Main Library, 915 Monroe St. 256-532-5940. Huntsville Historic Preservation Commission Lecture Series – 6-7pm. Topics: “Going Green: Sustainability and Preservation” by David Ely, “Saving Energy, Saving Houses: Creating a More Energy Efficient Historic Home” by Jessica White, and “Our Preservation Stories: Restoring the Vaughn Residence” by Ashley Vaughn. Free. EarlyWorks

Adoptoberfest – 11am-3pm. Annual fall adoption event. $25 adoption fee (includes spay/neuter, vaccinations, heart worm preventative, microchip & a bag of food). 50% Sale at GHHS Thrift Store. Bake Sale. Food truck. Free. Greater Huntsville Humane Society, 2812 Johnson Rd SW. 256-881-8081.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 Astronomy Day – 1-10pm. Events will include family fun activities hosted by local science groups, planetarium shows and telescope observing (weather permitting). All activities are free and open to the public. Free. Monte Sano State Park, 5105 Nolen Ave, Huntsville. 256-534-3757.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 Unity Church on the Mountain Guest Speaker: Rev. Camille Bennet – 11am. Rev. Camille Bennett, from Florence, Alabama will be guest speaking at Unity Church on the Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr. SE, Huntsville. 19th Annual Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll – 2-4:30pm. History comes alive in downtown Huntsville with over 70 costumed characters, traditional music, special exhibits, scavenger hunts, and an antique auto display. Free, donations accepted. Maple Hill Cemetery, 203 Maple Hill Dr, Huntsville. 256-427-5730.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 Art Show: Zara Edwards Lowry – 5-8pm. Born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, Zara began painting at a young age. Her depictions are vivid, colorful, and intricate compositions with decorative and playful metaphors centered around the inner exploration of emotions. Free. The Little Green Store, 820 Monte Sano Blvd, Huntsville. 256-539-9699.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23 Ho’oponopono workshop with Mark Perkins – 9am (Oct 23-35). Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian ceremony of reconciliation and forgiveness. Ho’oponopono means to make (ho’o) right (pono) right (pono) to correct relationship problems. Hawaiian doctors knew that conflicts and grudges eventually cause disease. $250. Shining Mountain Healing Center. Jeffrey. 256-337-1699.

natural awakenings

October 2015


Access Consciousness BARS Workshop with Julie Perkins – 9am-5pm. Just by gently touching the Bars you effectively erase everything you have ever stored there. Learn 32 points on the head that clear issues and thoughtforms. CEUs for LMTS. $300/$150 if repeating. Shining Mountain Healing Center. Jeffrey.Rich@ 256-337-1699.

ongoingevents Email for guidelines and to submit entries.

50th Year Course in Miracles Celebration – 7pm. Join with hundreds of other Unity churches celebrating the 50 year anniversary of ACIM, by screening the full feature-length documentary film, A Chorus in Miracles, at Unity Church on the Mountain. Admission $10. 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville. 256-536-2271.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 Guided Hike: Wade Mountain Nature Preserve – 10am. (2 hours / easy to moderate / app. 2.5 miles). A dozen or more species of Ladies-tresses are known in eastern US. Doug Horacek will help you locate and learn which species thrives on the Land Trust acres on Wade Mountain. Directions:

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 Guided Hike: Birding on Whitaker Preserve with John Ehinger – 2pm. (2 hours / Easy). The flat grassland is an amazing spot for kids. We’ll be looking for grassland birds. Please no dogs on this hike. Directions:

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 Guided Hike: Walls of Jericho in Jackson County – 8:30am-5pm. (6+ hours / Difficult). The “Walls” is an Alabama Forever Wild property and was once the hunting grounds of Davy Crockett. It protects the headwaters of the Paint Rock River. Directions:

sunday A Course in Miracles Study Group – 9:15am. Shared reading and group discussions. Extra books available. Light of Christ Center, 4208 Holmes Ave, Huntsville. 256-895-0255. Revealing Service – 9:45am. Center for Spiritual Living, 308 Lily Flagg Rd, Huntsville. 256-8838596. Celebration Service – 10:30am. Center for Spiritual Living, 308 Lily Flagg Rd, Huntsville. 256-8838596. Unity Church on the Mountain Worship Service – 11am, with Adult Discussion at 9:30am. Unity is a positive path for spiritual living. Rev. Carol Landry. 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville. UnityOnThe 1-Hour Mystery School – 11am. A different service each week including ritual, music, and a message in an open, loving environment. Light of Christ Center, 4208 Holmes Ave, Huntsville. 256-895-0255. Laughter Yoga – 1-2pm. Laughter Yoga utilizes laughter as an exercise in a group. Benefits include increased oxygen levels, relaxation, increased blood circulation, and a joyous feeling. Led by Tristan Riabo, certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. Free. 4703 Wellington Pt, Huntsville. Tristan.

monday plan ahead

Beginner’s Class Tai Chi – 9:30-10:30am. $10 per class. Monte Sano Methodist Church administrative building, 601 Monte Sano Blvd SE, Huntsville. Register with Lynn at the Yurt Garden, 256-424-2221.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Family Constellations Workshop with Jeffrey Rich, Certified Constellations Facilitator – 9am5pm. Uncover the hidden dynamics of your family or relationship in an experiential way, so that undue stress can be released or reduced in the system and a resolution can unfold. $25 suggested donation. Shining Mountain Healing Center. Shining-Mountain. com. 256-337-1699.


Tennessee Valley

tuesday Hays Nature Preserve Fall Hikes – 9am and 2pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Take a guided hike around various areas. The hike will be based on the season, attendees and weather conditions. Meet in the parking lot at the picnic area near the river. Free. 256-532-5326.

Meditation – 6pm. Center for Spiritual Living, 308 Lily Flagg Rd, Huntsville. 256-883-8596. BodyFlow – 6-7pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Yoga/Pilates/Tai Chi-based exercise class that builds strength, tones your body and leaves you feeling centered and calm. Part of the Les Mills Fitness Program. $10/class and no contract. New participants are always welcome. Madison Ballroom, 9076 Madison Blvd, Suite E, Madison, AL. 256-461-1900. Prayer and Meditation Hour – 7-8pm. Led by Rev. Clifford Stocking and assisted by Rebecca Oxford. Unity Church on the Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville. 256-536-2271. UnityOnThe

wednesday Satsang – 6:30pm. Through group discussion and inquiry, we reveal the innate wisdom of the one presence living life as each one of us. Meditation 6pm. Led by Rev. David Leonard. Center for Spiritual Living, 308 Lily Flagg Rd, Huntsville. 256-8838596.

thursday HealthWorks Farmers Market – 7:30am-12pm. Fresh & local produce, delicious artisan breads, herbs, gourmet slaw, cheese, jams, jellies and more. Cash and checks only. Plaza Resource Center Tram Station at Huntsville Hospital, 101 Governors Dr. Greene Street Market at Nativity – 3-6pm. Meet farmers and find fresh, locally-grown vegetables, fruits, herbs, and organically raised beef, pork, chicken and eggs, and more. Church of the Nativity, 304 Eustis Ave, Huntsville. 256-682-4429. Youth Group – 6:30-7:30pm. 10 years old and up. Snack provided. Unity Church on the Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville. 256-536-2271. Thursday Night Swing – 6:30-10pm. Swing dance lesson, 6:30pm; Dance 7:30pm. $5 covers lesson and dance. Lowe Mill/Flying Monkey, 2nd Floor Theatre, 2211 Seminole Dr, Huntsville.

friday Public Clearance Session – 7pm. Third Friday each month. Learn effective healing through reception and application of Divine energies. Light of Christ Center, 4208 Holmes Ave, Huntsville. 256-895-0255.

saturday Madison City Farmers Market – 8am-12pm. Fresh produce, handmade treasures, and local live music featured each week. Trinity Baptist Church, 1088 Hughes Rd, Madison. Yoga by the River – 9-10am. Enjoy a relaxing, yet energizing, morning of Yoga taught by Whitnye Rose beside the gentle flowing waters of the Flint River. Cancelled if inclement weather. Free. Hays Nature Preserve, 7161 U.S. Hwy 431 South, Owens Cross Roads. Artist Market – 12-4pm. Local artists and others are invited to set up a booth and sell their wares to the public. There will be art, jewelry, vintage clothing, records and more for sale. Admission free. Flying Monkey Arts Center at Lowe Mill, 2211 Seminole Dr, Huntsville. Community HU Song – 1:30-2pm. Join others in singing HU, an ancient love song to God that can help and uplift you in countless ways. Held each Saturday. Huntsville ECK Center, 900 Wellman Ave NE #3 (near Five Points). 256-534-1751. Ballroom Dance Party – 7:30-10pm. Beginner group class 7:30-8pm, introduction to different ballroom dances each week. Practice dance party 8-10pm, for all levels of dancers. No partner needed. $10/person for group class and party. Madison Ballroom, 9076 Madison Blvd Suites C/D, Madison, AL. 256-461-1900.

classifieds Fee for classifieds is $1 per word per month. To place listing, email content to Deadline is the 10th of the month. HEALTH COOKWARE SALADMASTER sales and service. 256-412-4896.

communityresourceguide Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. Email to request our media kit. HOPE FOR LIFE COLONICS

ACUPUNCTURE ALABAMA HOLISTIC HEALTH, LLC Dr. Christina L. Berry, Ed.D., ACI, ADS 204 Lowe Ave, Suite 3, Huntsville 256-801-9162

A holistic approach to health and wellness, specializing in pain management, weight loss, natural detoxification, and mental health improvement. Auriculotherapy/ Ear acupuncture. Massage therapy. Reflexology. Lifestyle consulting. Diet and supplement recommendations. Hydro-colon cleanse. Ionic detox.


600 Saint Clair Avenue SW, Bldg 5 Suite 11 Huntsville, AL 35801 256-716-4048 Hours: T-F, 9am-5pm, Sat 8am-12pm House calls by Appointment Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Chinese Herbology, Pastoral Counseling, Beam Ray Therapy, Rapid Eye Technology, Emotion Code Technique, Nutritional Supplementation, Detoxification, BioMat.

ALKALINE DRINKING WATER BAZZ BAZZELL, CEO, BAZZ WATER Healthy Water Ionization Consultant 256-430-8407

My health has greatly improved since I started using 9.5pH Kangen Water to Alkalize my body. I would like to give you a two-gallon sample of Kangen Water and information how you can Alkalize your body for better health.


Colon Irrigation Amelia Self, Colon Therapist 2817 Hwy 72 E, Huntsville, AL 35811 256-513-2274 More than 23 years’ experience in colonic irrigation. Call for your appointment today.

Tina Pencola Owner/Certified Colon Hydrotherapist 10300 Bailey Cove Rd, Suite-7A Huntsville, AL 35803 256-270-8731 • 256-684-0020 Our goal is to live long and live strong. Young or old, male or female, healthy or sick, will benefit from an internal cleansing. Mention this ad and get $10 off your first colonic session. See ad, page 21.

JARVIS NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC 1489 Slaughter Road, Madison 256-837-3448

I-ACT Certified Colon Hydro Therapists. Do you know that 80% of your immune system is in your colon? Bathe your body from the inside to improve health. Colon irrigation aids in soothing and toning the colon, which makes elimination more effective.


Young Living Independent Distributor 256-476-6537 Want to know why everyone is talking about essential oils? Learn more about essential oils, their uses and how to safely use them. Classes held monthly or schedule your class with friends and family. For more information call or email. See ad, page 31.


Chad Gilliam, M.M.S. PA-C 1230 Slaughter Road, Suite C, Madison, AL 256-722-0555 Madison Family Care provides medical care for patients of all ages and uniquely blends Natural and Prescription medicines together to help speed the patient’s recovery. Madison Family Care is the patient’s clinic of choice when they would like to understand how natural medicines work along with prescription drugs.

natural awakenings

October 2015


FENG SHUI FENG SHUI BY TRUDI GARDNER Trudi Gardner, M.S. 256-772-6999

An interior design philosophy that invites serenity and reduces stress. Feng Shui design concepts brings positive energy into your home and office to encourage Prosperity, Well Being, Harmony, and Balance.


256-469-VEGG (8344) Plentiful Produce is a volunteer food cooperative bringing quality produce and other items to co-op participants at the lowest possible prices. Weekly produce baskets $20. A la carte local raw honey and produce. Five Saturday pickup locations across Madison County.


1900 Flint Rd SE Decatur, AL 35601 256-476-6537 Nail care for those that need more than just a pedicure. Physicians order required for care. Care includes footbath, trimming nails, thinning of thick nails, and removal of calluses and corns. For more information call or email. See ad, page 21.


HAIR SALON CJ HAIR AND ART STUDIO CJ Denison 105E Church St Madison, AL 35758 256-603-9018

Specializing in NATURAL Hairstyles. Cuts with Texture and Movement. Specializing in Fine Hair, Razor cuts, Men's Hair Pieces with A NATURAL Look. Specializing in Hair Color OFF the Scalp. Hair Painting. A Safer way to Color or HiLight Your Hair to Help in Decreasing the Exposure to the Scalp. HEALTHY HAIR is HAPPY HAIR. Also Original Art Work and Private Art lessons available. Call Today for YOUR Appointment.

HEALTH & FITNESS HEAD-TO-TOE TRAINING 8006 Madison Pike, Ste 5 Madison, AL • 256-772-2006

A Mind/Body Training Center specializing in Core Training, Corrective and Therapeutic. Offering all facets of training: group and personal. Pilates (both matwork and apparatus), Thai/yoga massage, Flowmotion, PilatEASE, CoreABS and more! Membership packages available.

HEALTH FOOD & SUPPLEMENTS PEARLY’S NATURAL FOOD & MERCANTILE 2818 B Governors Dr Huntsville, AL 35805 256-534-6233

Herbs and blends, both cooking and therapeutic. Beer and wine making supplies. Supplements. Essential and fragrance oils. Flours, grains, nuts and much more. Family owned since 1972. Mention this ad and receive 10% off.


1901 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. South Birmingham, AL 35209 205-871-1288 Call or email Joan Scott Lowe, Homeopathic Wellness Consultant, to determine your individual constitutional remedy, the FDA-approved nontoxic homeopathic remedy based on the totality of your mental, emotional, and physical condition, chosen according to the Law of Similars (“like heals like”). Achieve wellness and freedom from illness!


Tennessee Valley

HYPNOTHERAPY CENTER FOR INNER WELLNESS Becky Waters Certified Hypnotherapist and Professional Breathworker 3322 S. Memorial Parkway, Suite 643 Huntsville, AL • 256-348-5236

Creating positive change through hypnotherapy and Breathwork. Empowering you to live to your highest potential. Relieve stress and anxiety, release negativity, pain management, pre/post medical procedure, fears/phobias, weight loss, smoking cessation, and more. See ad, page 24.


Certified Hypnotist 3313 Memorial Parkway, Ste 116 Huntsville, AL 35801 256-698-2151 Hypnosis is a tool to assist you in countless ways to heal your past, empower your present and create your future. Hypnobirthing classes, quit smoking, weight loss, nail and lip biting, teeth grinding, insomnia, anxiety and stress relief, phobias and fears, pain relief, sports enhancement, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), current and past life regressions.

JIN SHIN JYUTSU® JIN SHIN JYUTSU OF HUNTSVILLE Sandra Cope Huntsville 256-534-1794 256-509-3540

Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner. An easy, effective way of restoring health and well-being by balancing the body’s energy pathways to enhance the body’s natural healing abilities. See ad, page 11.


Dixie’s Sunrise Massage Therapy 3313 Memorial Parkway, Ste #116 Huntsville, AL 35801 256-585-0504 • Dixie’s Sunrise Massage Therapy: Come in and experience Dixie’s Combo. This is not the typical massage. MediCupping Therapy is used to relax muscles and increase the blood flow, which accelerates healing. It is also effective on bloating, scars, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, migraine or tension headaches. See details on services, rates, and possible help with your Tissue Issues at



SPIRITUAL Lightworker at The Heart Space 513 Pratt Ave 901-652-5338 Spiritual Insight, Guidance and Healing using Cards and Golden Light Energy. Sessions are $1 per minute (cash) and include a Joyful phone consultation. Small group meeting room with kitchen and bathroom available for $11/hour. Blessings and Love.

At Tree of Life Behavioral Health, we believe that quality mental health care should be available to all people who need it. We offer counseling and medication management to families, children, adolescents, and adults on a sliding scale to meet all income needs. Don’t let yourself suffer any longer!

NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE ASSOCIATES Dr. Deb Gilliam, N.M.D. 1230 Slaughter Rd, Ste E, Madison, AL 256-325-0955

Dr. Deb treats a variety of health problems using natural means. She looks for why people have symptoms and treats the root cause of those symptoms. Dr. Deb is highly regarded in the integrative and natural approach to wellness. Every patent is unique, and she individualizes treatment for their optimal wellness. See ad, page 13.


Barbara Caioli, RM 7500 Memorial Pkwy SW, Ste 114 Huntsville AL • 256-716-8419 Reiki refers to the universal life force energy that is found in everything. Reiki works through gentle, focused touch or intention for the purpose of healing and balance. Light Journey Reiki offers healings as wells as Certification Workshops.

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256-656-4108 A complete system of body education that balances the physical body, improves posture, and helps resolve chronic pain. Created by Dr. Ida P. Rolf in the 1950s,  Structural Integration has been scientifically validated and has withstood the test of time, as millions of people have enjoyed the remarkable benefits.


Advanced Practitioner Lic.#249 Dr. Ida P. ROLF method 525 Fountain Row 256-508-3351 • Serving Huntsville since 1995 “When the body gets working appropriately, then the force of gravity can flow through. Then spontaneously, the body heals itself.” —Ida P. Rolf. See ad, page 6.

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October 2015



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