HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET feel good live simply laugh more
2010-2011 Complete Guide to Green & Healthy Living
Upstate South Carolina |
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Upstate South Carolina |
We offer naturally grown grass fed beef! Try our raw milk provided by local farms!
5 modalityindex
7 advertisingindex
8 ghlguide
18 healthbriefs 20 healingways 38 consciouseating
40 healthykids 44 naturalpet
20 44
52 greenliving
54 inspiration
56 wisewords 60 greenglossary
advertising & submissions How to Advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 864-248-4910 or email Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. Editorial submissions Email articles, news items and ideas to: Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month. calendar submissions Email Calendar Events to: Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month. regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit
Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
are Smart Medicine
by Gary Null, PhD
28 SPRING GREEN REHAB Give Your Home the Green Light Today
by Crissy Trask
HOME COOKING Ten Reasons to Take
Back the Plate by Rich Sanders
40 Common Sense
Defenses Against Seasonal Allergies
by Bevin Wallace
44 HERBS &
by David L. Ulin
Author Woody Tasch by Linda Sechrist
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contact us Publishers Linda & Jim Craig Editors Jean Watkins Kristin DiPrima Advertising Ed Wilmot Kristin DiPrima Linda Craig Design & Production Susan McCann Advertising Design Wendy Wilson Distribution JKC Delivery Services, Inc. Ed Wilmot To contact Natural Awakenings Upstate South Carolina Edition:
Phone: 864-248-4910 Email: © 2010 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.
elcome to our 1st annual Natural Awakenings Complete Guide to Green & Healthy Living! For the past 3 ½ months, our Natural Awakenings team has been working hard to bring the Upstate a comprehensive listing of resources for living a green and healthy life. Since this is an annual directory, we hope you hang on to it all year. We’ve used heavier paper and all color pages to make sure it stays intact and easy-to-read. As the healthcare debate continues to rage on in Congress (and in living rooms and the media), we’ve been dismayed that all of the efforts focus on forcing our broken system on more people. As Andrew Weil says, “What we have is not a healthcare system at all; it is a disease management system. Making the current system cheaper and more accessible will just spread the dysfunction more widely.” Although there are rays of hope, as most progressive medical schools now teach the value of integrative medicine, our country will only emerge as a healthy vibrant nation when we break the bonds between the policymakers and the influential lobbyists paid by the large pharmaceutical companies. As we have mentioned before, our family tries to integrate as much natural and healthy things as we can. I recently read that if you drink five cups of tea and put three spices in each meal everyday, you turn your regular food into “superfoods!” That’s why we think you’ll enjoy reading Natural Therapies are Smart Medicine on page 6 and also How to Use Alternative Therapies Safely on page 22. There are things we can learn to do affordably and easily everyday to become healthier than the day before. If you use our calendar listings to plan your healthy and fun activities for April, don’t despair. They are available this month on our website, UpstateNA. com. As with any effort in its first attempt, this publication will be larger and more robust for years to come. Give us your feedback; we want this to be your go-to guide any time you want to improve your health or the health of our planet. We are constantly amazed and gratified by the variety and richness of the green, integrative and complementary providers in our community. Thank you for your support of them, and of us.
Linda and Jim
Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. Calendar listings must be emailed by the 10th of the previous month to:
SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available by sending $24 (for 12 issues). Call or email to subscribe. Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy based ink.
Thank you for participating in our Photography Front Cover Contest Dusty Deming, YMCA of Greenville • Furman University, Greenville
Upstate South Carolina |
Equilibrium Zen Gym, Greenville
modalityindex Acupuncture............................................................................. 8 Air Purification......................................................................... 8 Alkalizing Water....................................................................... 9 Allergies.................................................................................... 9 Allergy/Nutrition..................................................................... 9 Alternative Healing............................................................9-10 Aromatherapy.........................................................................10 Art/Art Supplies.....................................................................10 Baby Products.......................................................................... 11 Bakery........................................................................................ 11 Biofeedback..................................................................... 11 & 13 Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy.......................................... 13 Bodywork................................................................................. 13 Body Care – Personal.............................................................14 Brain Training..........................................................................14 Business/Coaches..................................................................14 Camps.......................................................................................14 Cancer Care/Services............................................................15 Catering....................................................................................15 Childbirth..................................................................................15 Children’s Wellness................................................................16 Chiropractor.......................................................................16-17 Clothing – Men’s...................................................................... 17 Clothing – Women’s................................................................ 17 Coaching - Wellness............................................................... 17 Coffee/Tea............................................................................... 17 Colon Hydrotherapy..............................................................24 Commercial Cleaning Services...........................................24 Community Supported Agriculture....................................24 Compounding Pharmacy......................................................24 Construction – Builders........................................................24 Counseling Services..............................................................25 Crafts/Art...............................................................................26 Dentistry.................................................................................26 Detoxification.........................................................................27 Eating Disorders....................................................................27 Education................................................................................27 Emotional Freedom Technique...........................................34 Energy Balancing & Medicine..............................................34 Energy Products/Services...................................................34 Energy Work...........................................................................34 Environmental Consulting............................................ 34-35 Environmental Organizations...................................... 35-36 Facials......................................................................................36 Farms.......................................................................................36 Farm Stores............................................................................36 Farm Tours.............................................................................36 Farmer’s Market....................................................................36 Farms – Organic.....................................................................36 Fitness Centers...................................................................... 37 Food Co-op/Stores................................................................ 37 Food Products – Gluten-Free.............................................. 37 Food Products – Natural...................................................... 37 Food Products – Organic...................................................... 37 Food Products – Vegan........................................................ 37 Foot Therapy.......................................................................... 37 Gardening/Farming – Supplies & Services....................... 37 Gifts & Toys............................................................................ 37
Green Building Certified Professionals............................. 37 Health Clubs...........................................................................42 Health Food Stores...............................................................42 Health Care Products...........................................................42 Healthy Home & Office.........................................................45 Healthy Lifestyle Training...................................................45 Herbs & Supplements...........................................................45 Homeopathy.................................................................... 45-46 Hypnotherapy.........................................................................46 Interior Spaces – Consulting/Space Clearing..................46 Ion Foot Detox........................................................................46 Immune Disorders.................................................................46 Integrative Medicine.............................................................46 Landscape Architects...........................................................46 Landscape Design.................................................................46 Laser Therapy........................................................................47 Life Coach...............................................................................47 Massage/Bodywork........................................................ 47-48 Massage Instruction............................................................. 48 Massage & Skin Care Schools............................................ 48 Media & Communication..................................................... 48 Mental Fitness....................................................................... 48 Music....................................................................................... 48 Nutrition................................................................................. 48 Nutritional Counseling...................................................48-49 Nutritional Products.............................................................49 Outdoor Store........................................................................49 Pain Management..................................................................49 Pain/Stress Reduction.........................................................49 Paints.......................................................................................50 Personal Coaching/Career Planning..................................50 Personal Training..................................................................50 Pet Nutrition...........................................................................50 Physical Therapy/Chronic Pain..........................................50 Real Estate.............................................................................50 Recycling.................................................................................50 Reflexology.............................................................................50 Residential Services.............................................................50 Restaurants............................................................................50 Restaurants/Clubs/Catering...............................................50 Salons......................................................................................55 Skin & Body Care...................................................................55 Sleep Disorders......................................................................55 Smoking Cessation................................................................55 Solar Energy...........................................................................55 Stress Management....................................................55 & 58 Swimming Pools.....................................................................58 Tai Chi/Qigong.......................................................................58 Tennis......................................................................................58 Vegetarianism/Diets.............................................................58 Veterinarian – Wholistic.......................................................59 Vitamins & Supplements......................................................59 Voice Remapping...................................................................59 Water Purification.................................................................59 Weight Management.............................................................59 Wholistic Centers..................................................................59 Women’s Health............................................................ 59 & 61 Yoga/Pilates............................................................................61 natural awakenings
April 2010
Natural Therapies are Smart Medicine
aintaining our health seems to be on the minds of everyone today. And it’s no wonder, as the complexities of daily life consume our attention, that we are also discovering that our doctor often doesn’t have a magic pill that can heal our pain and illness. Additionally, the realization that our booming industrial, chemical and agricultural advancements have actually produced many negative effects on the overall health of our bodies and environment looms before us like a massive hurdle to overcome. The signs show up in our culture everywhere—from our youth self-medicating with illegal drugs to our elderly faced with pharmaceutical bills that easily exceed a thousand dollars per month. Yet, Americans are responding. There is an ancient proverb that says, “When the student is ready, the master appears.” Research data claiming that vitamin and herbal supplements have become a $15 billion a year industry along with statistics that show 4 out of 10 Americans are using alternative and complementary healthcare is a strong indication that we are ready. We are ready to learn more. We are ready to take responsibility for our own health. We are reawakening to the knowledge that appropriate nutrition, invigorating physical fitness, and peaceful relaxation integrated with conventional medicine as practiced in the U.S. is sound advice. Listen to your body, feel the flow of your energy, notice each breath as a breath of life—and enjoy your journey to good health. The people you find in Natural Awakenings stand ready to take this journey with you.
Upstate South Carolina |
advertisersindex A Better Way Hypnotherapy, LLC...................................46, 55, 59 A Better Way Wellness Center, LLC............................................. 59 ABC’s of Health....................................................... 8, 35, 42, 45, 59 Abiada Healing Arts............................................................. 9, 47, 49 Acorn Integrative Health.................................................... 9, 46, 47 Activz - Whole 9 +VMA ............................................................. 9, 49 Acupuncture Center of Greenville, LLC..........................................8 Acupuncture of Greer................................................................. 8, 25 Addison Homes, LLC.......................................................... 24, 37, 45 All Natural Health & Beauty Center ................... 9, 19, 42, 55, 59 Alternative Health and Chiropractic Wellness............................ 16 Amazing Savings.............................................................................. 37 An Inner View Counseling Services ...................................... 25, 42 Anne Dibala, MD PA......................................................................... 46 Augusta Street Clinic................................................................ 13, 45 Balanced Pets Veterinary Services, PC....................................... 59 Before & After............................................................................44, 45 Be Natural Weight Loss and Wellness Center............................ 59 Bella Haven................................................................................. 23, 59 Betsy S. Exton, MA ................................................... 24, back cover Birth Place......................................................................................... 42 Blissful Massage Therapy............................................................... 47 Bridge to Wellness, LLC.......................................10, 24, 27, 46, 49 Bruce’s Pool Service................................................................. 58, 59 Bruce Rowland................................................................................... 17 Buffalo Farms............................................................................. 36, 37 Butter Bath Company...................................................................... 55 Carolina Health Innovations...................................................... 8, 58 Carolina Herbs & Nutrition................................................10, 45, 46 Carolina Stress Relief................................................................ 14, 55 Carolina Structural Energetic Therapy................................... 13, 51 Carolina Waterbirth..................................................................... 12, 15 Cat’s Clayworks Studio...................................................... 10, 23, 26 CCME Seminars................................................................................. 45 City of Greenville Recycling.................................................... 35, 50 Coffee to a Tea........................................................................11, 17, 50 Core Medical Thermography.......................................................... 59 Cranium Camp at Learning Rx........................................................ 14 Creative Health.............................................48, 49, 55, back cover Cupcake Couture & Catering...............................................13, 15, 37 Custom-Med Pharmacy................................................ 16, 24, 59, 61 Dr. Cynthia Horner – Chiropractor................................................. 16 DuPuy Family Chiropractic....................................................... 16, 55 Earth Design, Inc.............................................................................. 46 Earth Fare − The Healthy Supermarket...................................... 42 Easley Farmer’s Market.................................................................. 36 Eco-Realty International/Manzanares........................... 34, 37, 50 Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)........................................... 34 Fine Redesigns............................................................................ 10, 46 Franz Family Spinal Care............................................................16, 17 Garden Delights................................................................................ 37 Gathering of the Peacemakers...................................................... 24 Green to Clean....................................................................24, 35, 50 Greenville Natural Health Center............................................. 8, 26 Greenville Organic Food Organization (GoFo)............................ 35 Green Drinks Greenville.................................................................. 35 Greenville Technical College.....................................25, 27, 48, 50 Half Moon Outfitters.................................................................. 17, 49 Hands On Healing ............................................................................. 13 Happy Cow Creamery..........................................................15, 36, 37 Healing Within/Healing Without, LLC.......................................9, 34 Hong Zhang, L. Ac...............................................................................8 InErgy Restaurant..................................................................... 50, 63 Invest in Wellness.......................................................... 9, 45, 49, 55 Jeanette Watkins ........................................................................... 50 Jennifer Ulrich, LMBT #6507.................................................. 47, 51 John Burton, Ed.D. LPC . ......................................................... 25, 27 Joni Durham, LMBT #2926...................................... 47, back cover JS Associates, LLC........................................................................... 17
Learning Rx.................................................................................. 14, 43 Less Stress Yoga...........................................................................11, 61 Life Coaching Institute...........................14, 25, 26, 27, 47, 50, 58 Lifeit Café And Detox........................................................ 27, 50, 58 Linda Goulart, LMBT #4812............................................... 13, 47, 51 Live Oak Farms, LLC....................................................................2, 36 Living Healthy Technologies, LLC.................................8, 9, 27, 45 Living Well Chiropractic..................................................... 17, 47, 48 Living Well Integrative Healthcare............................ 13, 44, 46, 61 LivN Nsidout......................................................................... 45, 61, 63 Lucy Allen & Marshall Goers..........................................................48 Lucy Allen, LMBT #4348................................................................. 15 Market for Life....................................................................42, 45, 49 Massage Therapy at Acupuncture of Greer................................ 47 Matrix Energetics............................................................................. 53 Migun of Greenville............................................................... 27, 49 Mindgarden........................................................................................ 25 Mind, Body & Spirit Massage Therapy.................................... 47, 51 Nadine Jacobs Gammon, LMBT #5360................................. 47, 51 Nancy L. Minix, RA, Lic.Cos., BS, AS............................................. 27 Native Meats..................................................................................... 37 Nutrii Veda.................................................................................. 42, 59 Nutritional Health Center........................................................ 26, 49 Oxygen Hair Studio.......................................................................... 55 Palmer Distinctive Dentistry.......................................................... 26 Palmetto Clinic of Chiropractic..................................................... 49 Pampered Sole............................................................................ 37, 51 Pawmetto Pet Treats..................................................................... 45 Perfect Balance Natural Health.9, 13, 27, 33, 34, 45, 46, 49, 59 Powerhouse Gym.............................................................................. 42 Pro Energy Consultants of Upstate South Carolina.................. 34 Qi Works Studio, LLC................................................... 11, 15, 58, 61 Quickwitz............................................................................................48 Raspberry Moon Skin Therapy......................................... 14, 36, 55 Rainbow Paints..........................................................................45, 50 Rejuvenation Lounge.................................................................. 11, 59 Riverside Tennis Club...................................................................... 58 Rose Hill Plantation.................................................................. 36, 37 Sargent Chiropractic Clinic, PC..................................................6, 17 Serendipity Esthetics...................................................................... 36 Shellie Enteen, RA, BA, LMBT #4386.......................................... 10 Sierra Club – William Bartram Group............................................ 35 Smart Pregnancy........................................................................ 15, 45 Solutions in Health Care........................................................... 10, 32 Split Creek Farm, LLC...................................................................... 36 Stress Less…For Life................................................. 58, back cover Sun Banks Solar................................................................................ 55 Sustainable Greenville....................................................... 27, 35, 48 Synapse Chiropractic............................................................ 17, 58 Tai Chi Massage................................................................................48 Terron Vawter............................................................................. 41, 47 Therapeutic Solutions..................................................................... 50 Timpanelli Family Chiropractic....................................................... 17 Upstate Forever................................................................................ 36 Upstate Local Food Connection.................................................... 37 Upstate Locally Grown Farmer’s Market.............................. 24, 36 Vision of Life............................................................................11, 15, 61 Vitamin Shoppe................................................................................. 59 Waterstone Dentistry...................................................................... 26 Whole Foods Market................................................................. 42, 57 WildEarth Landscaping.................................................................... 46 Wild Radish............................................................................. 41, 42 Willow Wellness Center........................................11, 14, 47, 50, 59 Yellowball Yoga Studio.................................................................11, 61 YMCA Camp Greenville.................................................................... 14 YMCA of Greenville.................................................................... 37, 61 Yoganize..........................................................................................11, 61 Zen Bodywork............................................................................. 48, 51 Zrii................................................................................................42, 49 natural awakenings
April 2010
Complete Guide
to Green & Healthy Living
ACUPUNCTURE Acupuncture: An ancient Oriental technique that stimulates the body’s ability to sustain and balance itself, based on the theory that an electromagnetic life-force (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”) is channeled in a continuous flow throughout the body via a network of ‘meridians.’ Disease is understood as an imbalance in the meridian system. Diagnosis of an imbalance is made by “reading” the pulse, face, tongue and body energy. To correct it, a practitioner inserts acupuncture needles at specific points along the meridians to stimulate or disperse the flow of life-force. Acupuncture principles include the yin and yang polarities and the associations of the five elements of fire, earth, metal, water and wood with bodily organs. ACUPUNCTURE CENTER OF GREENVILLE LLC 2518 E. North St. 864-363-6404-Greenville
We are a wholistic, eastern medicine clinic practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine in a modern environment. We offer acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, eastern nutrition, and lifestyle counseling.
Acupuncture of Greer
(Inside Sportsclub) Joan Massey, L. Ac. 712 Congaree Rd. 864-331-2522•Greenville Specializing in wellness, natural hormone therapy, allergies, autoimmune problems, and pain using acupuncture, herbs, laser therapy, and detoxification techniques. See ad, page 58.
Marina Ponton, L. Ac. 1901 Laurens Rd. 864-370-1140•Greenville Specializing in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and therapeutic massage therapy. We also offer natural health services and products that will help you meet your health goals including herbs, nutrition, fertility, and pain management. See ad, page 26.
111 Doctors Dr. 864-797-7100•Greenville More than 23 years experience practicing acupuncture. Some conditions treated including joint pain, neck and/or back pain, fibromyalgia, stroke rehabilitation, infertility, and menstrual cramps.
Ruth Kyle, L. Ac. 106 Memorial Dr. 864-877-0111•Greer Has great results with acute and chronic pain, migraines, frozen shoulder, sciatica, back pain, stress; specializes in orthopedic issues and more, in an educational tranquil environment. See ad, page 25.
Upstate South Carolina |
437 N. Main St. 864-329-0004•Mauldin & Clean air (oxygen) is vital to cellular health. Enjoy a healthier home environment with an air purifier that can deactivate microbes colonizing in central ductwork and in the air throughout your home (bacteria, fungi, viruses). See ad, page 35.
LIVING HEALTHY TECHNOLOGIES, LLC Mike and Pam Reekie 864-271-0330•Greenville
Residential and commercial air purification, removes airborne and surface contaminates like allergens, odors, mold, bacteria and viruses, using active natural processes, featuring a “Try before you buy” program. See ad, page 27.
Alexander Technique: A system of reeducating the body and mind to support and facilitate proper posture and ease of movement. Through gentle manual guidance, accompanied by verbal directions, the Alexander teacher coaches the student to become aware of unnecessary tension and to unlearn longstanding patterns of movement. The Alexander Technique is an established method for helping to improve chronic conditions such as back, shoulder or neck pain, nervous tension, poor coordination, breathing problems and vocal strain. It is frequently used by athletes and performing artists to improve performance level.
Bobby Caston, Preventive Health Consultant 101 College St. 864-963-2882•Simpsonville We offer preventive health programs and products that are based on a holistic approach to good health. Currently, we are offering True Water, an alkaline ionized water, that is truly one of a kind, and supports wellness in many specific ways. See ad, page 19.
Bonna & Jeff Wallace 864-979-5611•Upstate www.MyNikken.Net/BonnaWallace The Pi Water System even takes pharmaceuticals out and adds 17 minerals, including Zeolite. It’s magnetized so your body will alkalize itself.
Barbara Morris RN, BS 1934 N. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-236-8072•Greenville Ionized/Alkaline water is the best water for your health. We sell Life Ionizer Water Systems as well as ionized alkaline water by the gallon. See ad, page 33.
ALLERGIES LIVING HEALTHY TECHNOLOGIES, LLC Mike and Pam Reekie 864-271-0330•Greenville
Residential and commercial air purification, removes airborne and surface contaminates like allergens, odors, mold, bacteria and viruses, using active natural processes, featuring a “Try before you buy” program. See ad, page 27.
Barbara Morris RN, BS 1934 N. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-236-8072•Greenville We use BioSet as the platform to energetically reprogram your body. This reprogramming changes how you react to allergens and relieves stress from your entire body. See ad, page 33.
Joanne Therese Schmidt 864-380-0628 Feeling tired, frustrated and overwhelmed and don’t know where to turn next? Schedule an ASYRA body scan to detect hidden imbalances at a physical/emotional level. Call for a free consultation.
Barbara Morris RN, BS 1934 N. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-236-8072•Greenville Barbara looks at all your health needs – working with you to relieve allergies, improve immune function, relieve pain, increase energy, regulate hormones, clean up your diet and improve nutrition. See ad, page 33.
187 N. Daniel Morgan Ave. 864-542-1123•Spartanburg Center for well-being. Therapeutic massage/ bodywork, Scalar Wave Laser, Quantum Biofeedback, detoxification, couples massage, pain/stress management. Supporting the body towards balance/healing, and promoting wellness.
Elaine Hedrick, LMBT #2976 419 New Woodruff Rd. 864-848-5291•Greer An array of options to compliment your existing wellness program! Laser Therapy (FDA approved), Ionic Foot Detox, Reiki, Jin Shin Jyustu, Raindrop, and more.
natural awakenings
April 2010
6121-D Calhoun Memorial Hwy. 864-855-8805•Easley We support the application of mind, body, and spirit principles, including hypnotherapy, medical intuitive counseling, spiritual counseling and elimination of emotional blockages.
Dr. Jeanne Petan, Ph.D. 864-862-4113 Our focus is not on disease, but on physical and emotional whole life changes that emphasize detox, positive immune response, energy, hormone balance and regeneration. See ad, page 32.
AROMATHERAPY Aromatherapy: An ancient healing art that uses the essential oils of herbs and flowers to treat emotional disorders such as stress and anxiety and a wide range of other ailments. Oils are massaged into the skin, inhaled or added to a water bath. Often used in conjunction with massage therapy, acupuncture, reflexology, herbology and chiropractic or other holistic treatments. SHELLIE ENTEEN, RA, BA, LMBT #4386
864-877-8450 Registered Aromatherapist with 20+ years of experience. Pure essential oils, inspired custom blends for home, office, travel, personal use, green cleaning, healing aromatherapy bodywork, and education.
Upstate South Carolina |
ART/ART SUPPLIES Art Therapy: Uses the creative process of making art to improve and enhance physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and to deepen self-awareness. The therapist makes a diagnosis and determines treatment plans by encouraging a client to express his or her feelings and unconscious thoughts through the nonverbal creative process and by observing the forms and content created. CAT’S CLAYWORKS
1711 Old Spartanburg Rd. 864-244-0616•Greer We offer you a fully functioning ceramic studio. You buy the clay and make it and we’ll bake it. Prices start at $35. See ad, page 23.
Ayurveda: The oldest medical system known to man and a comprehensive spiritual teaching practiced in India for 4,000 years. It focuses on achieving and maintaining perfect health via the balance of the elements air, fire and water (illness is considered an excess of any element). A patient’s body type, determined according to ayurvedic principles, is the basis for individualized dietary regimens and other preventive therapeutic interventions. Ayurvedic prescriptions might include purification procedures for the restoration of biological rhythms; experience of expanded consciousness through meditation; nutritional counseling; stress reduction; enhancing neuromuscular conditions; and behavioral modification.
104 Commons Blvd. Ste. A 864-269-5420•Piedmont There is no greater joy than the beginning of a new life. Let us show you your little one before their birth day.
BAKERY Coffee To A Tea
54 Lois Ave. 864-373-9836•Greenville All natural* cakes, cookies, and confections. wedding cakes, groom cakes, special occasions, catering and special diet per request. *Artificial color used in some art cakes.
Bioenergetics: A psychotherapy that works through the body to engage the emotions. Performing specified postures and exercises causes the release of layers of chronic muscular tension and defensiveness, termed “body armor.” The unlocking of feelings creates the opportunity for understanding and integrating them.
BIOFEEDBACK Biofeedback: A relaxation technique that monitors internal body states and is used especially for stress-related conditions such as asthma, migraines, insomnia and high blood pressure. During biofeedback, patients monitor minute metabolic changes (e.g., temperature, heart rate and muscle tension), with the aid of sensitive machines. By consciously thinking, visualizing, moving, relaxing, etc., they learn which activities produce desirable changes in the internal processes being monitored. Willow Welllness Center
309 Jones Rd. 864-233-3033•Taylors Over 50 biofeedback therapies are available for relaxation and removing stress during sessions with a certified biofeedback therapist using state-of-the-art equipment. See ad, page 14.
Call Today to Reserve your space on our Yoga & Pilates Page 864-248-4910
Find Some
Peace & Quiet
in Your Day
In-home, at-work & group yoga classes. Build Strength, F lexibility & Endurance too. Classes: Mon, Thu & Sat
natural awakenings
April 2010
Upstate South Carolina |
Barbara Morris RN, BS 1934 N. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-236-8072•Greenville Your body knows best! We use biofeedback to identify what you need – nutrition, supplements, homeopathic, and many other related health issues. See ad, page 33.
Clif Caldwell, MD. Cheryl Middleton, PA-C 838 Powdersville Rd. Ste. G 864-850-9988•Easley We help women & men who suffer symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as low libido, weight gain, hot flashes, fatigue and many other symptoms. Call for your personal consult today! See ad, page 44.
BodyTalk: Developed by chiropractor/acupuncturist Dr. John Veltheim, BodyTalk is based upon bio-energetic psychology, dynamic systems theory, Chinese medicine and applied kinesiology. By integrating a series of tapping, breathing and focusing techniques, BodyTalk helps the body synchronize and balance its systems and strengthens the body’s innate knowledge of self-repair. BodyTalk is used to address a range of health challenges, including fibromyalgia, infections, parasites, chronic fatigue, allergies, addictions and cellular damage. Practitioners are usually licensed massage therapists (LMT) or bodyworkers.
BODYWORK Bodywork: Massage and the physical practices of yoga are perhaps the bestknown types of bodywork; both have proven successful in relieving tension and stress, promoting blood flow, loosening stiff muscles and stimulating the organs. Massage therapies encompass countless techniques, including Swedish massage, shiatsu and Rolfing. The same is true for yoga. Other types of bodywork include martial arts practices like aikido, ki aikido and Tai chi chuan. Some others are the Alexander technique, Aston patterning, Bowen, Breema bodywork, Feldenkrais method, Hellerwork, polarity therapy, Rosen method, Rubenfeld synergy and Trager. Finding bodywork that improves mental and physical health is a highly individual process. Several types may be combined for the greatest benefit. Carolina Structural Energetic Therapy
Greg Spindler, LMT SC#4609 107 Memorial Dr. 864-877-3500•Greer You don’t have to live with back pain anymore. Achieve quick and long-lasting results. Treatment packages available. See ad, page 51.
Migraines? Fibromyalgia? Irritable Bowel? Allergies? General Malaise? Anti-Aging? Call for Bioenergetic Testing:
Dr. Roger Jaynes 22 years experience Augusta Street Clinic 1521 Augusta St. Greenville, SC 29605
Ryan Holmes, LMBT #2357 16 E. Lewis Plaza 864-423-1496•Greenville Experience professional, restorative massage therapy with the results you deserve. 10 years of dynamic experience in both athletic and therapeutic bodywork. First time clients only $40!
Linda Goulart, LMBT #4812
Upstate Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork 864-907-4940•Greenville SET Therapy (Structural Energetic Therapy), designed to balance and rehabilitate the musculoskeletal system (muscles, ligaments, tendons). Treats acute and chronic pain conditions. Great for athletes too. Free consultation. Schedule and pay online. See ad, page 51.
natural awakenings
April 2010
Nicole Martin 1211D Laurens Rd. 864-271-2710•Greenville Waxing from Head to Toe and Everything in between! We specialize in hard wax for all of your sensitive areas. No scream cream sold here!
LearningRx m a k e s finding the solution to your child’s learning struggles simple. Schedule a cognitive skills test to discover the answer. The problem can be fixed. See ad, page 43.
864-282-8989•Greenville Using tools developed by neuropsychology, we train your brain and mind to use a positive mindset that promotes optimal inspired business decisions and balanced work life. See ad, page 26.
CAMPS CRANIUM CAMP AT LEARNING RX 1310 Garlington Rd. Suite K 864-627-9192•Greenville
Reduce time spent on homework, improve test grades, and increase attention span with Cranium Camp; a week long hands-on program designed to boost brainpower. See ad, page 43.
YMCA CAMP GREENVILLE 864-836-3291 Cedar Mountain, NC
ACA accredited summer camp, plus family camps, environmental education, women’s wellness and corporate retreats. Located in nearby Cedar Mountain, NC.
Upstate South Carolina |
864-238-1816 Certified in Oncology Massage. Charter member S4OM. Member AMTA. Also work with MS, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel, Cyclists, runners, tri-athletes, therapeutic massage.
115 Pelham Rd. Ste. 6 864-232-0775 Greenville Specializing in specialty-diet catering. Vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free. Menus custom designed with your specific needs and requests. We use the highest quality ingredients catering to your dietetic needs, without sacrificing flavor or taste. See ad, Page 13.
915 South St. 864-329-0010•Simpsonville “Where Birth Comes Naturally.” Offering attentive, personal, one-on-one care for you and your family with Midwives, Doulas, and GYN care. See ad, page 12.
Susan Smart, LM, CLDT 864-909-0042 Our goal is to create joyful birth memories for you and your family. We specialize in prenatal care, home birth, birth center birth, waterbirth and doula care. See ad, page 45.
104 Commons Blvd. Ste. A 864-269-5420•Piedmont There is no greater joy than the beginning of a new life. Let us show you your little one before its birth day.
natural awakenings
April 2010
11-D Barkingham Ln. 864-458-8082•Greenville Experienced with pregnant women, infants, children and families. We educate, motivate and support families to better health through gentle chiropractic, cranial sacral therapy and workshops on various health topics.
Chinese Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one of the world’s oldest and most complete systems of holistic health care. It combines the use of medicinal herbs, acupuncture, food therapy, massage and therapeutic exercise, along with the recognition that wellness in mind, body and emotions depends on the harmonious flow of life-force energy (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”).
CHIROPRACTOR Chiropractic: Based on the premise that proper structural alignment permits free flow of nerve activity in the body. When spinal vertebrae are out of alignment, they put pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves radiating from it, potentially leading to diminished function and illness. Misalignment can be caused by physical trauma, poor posture and stress. The chiropractor seeks to analyze and correct these misalignments through spinal manipulation or adjustment. (Also see Network Chiropractic.) ALTERNATIVE HEALTH AND CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS
Dr. Jennifer Whitmire, D.C. 7-C Brendan Way 864-288-2459•Greenville Dr. Jennifer Whitmire provides quality wellness care at affordable rates for the entire family, helping her patients live healthier lives by teaching, practicing and implementing true chiropractic principles.
Upstate South Carolina |
DUPUY FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC 1209 NE Main St. Ste. C 864-399-9563•Simpsonville
Afamily wellness educational institution that empowers its patients with knowledge about re-connecting with the inner healing power of the body. Specializing in chiropractic, whole food nutritional counseling, pulsed electro magnetic healing energy, lifestyle coaching, and muscle re-educational exercise. See ad, page 55.
205 Bryce Ct. (off Woodruff Rd in Woodruff Place) 864-987-5995•Simpsonville A health and wellness center focusing on providing the NUCCA procedure for the whole family. Long term relief with none of the cracking or popping. All adjustments done by hand! The only NUCCA practitioners in the Upstate. Also provides whole food supplementation, nutritional testing, weight loss programs, and more. See ad, page 17.
Dr. Jennifer S. Owens 864-246-5554•Greenville & Easley Our patients tell our story best: “I’ve seen four other chiropractors. Dr. Jennifer is the first to make a lasting improvement in my health.”
611 N Main St. 864-676-9922•Mauldin Helping people reach their health goals without drugs and surgery is our mission. Chiropractic care is safe, effective, and gentle. Can chiropractic help you today? See ad, page 6.
955 W. Wade Hampton Blvd 864-848-0505•Greer A wellness practice that incorporates consultation & education in a modern facility. Gentle torque release adjusting, state-of-the-art biofeedback, and neurological stress testing at reasonable rates. See ad, page 58.
4006 E. North St. 864-386-8316•Greenville Straight Chiropractic care – Adjustments only. Free consultations; no appointments necessary. Affordable monthly plans available. Your nerves control your body; your spine protects your nerves.Take care of your spine!
1420 Laurens Rd. 864-233-4001•Greenville Specializing in goods from the North Face, Patagonia, Chaco Sandals, Mountain Hardwear and more. Offering the best product knowledge and expertise in the outdoor industry.
864-884-2804 Are you getting the life results you want? If not, consider Wellness Coaching. Certified Wellness Coach with a MA degree in health. Call for more information.
Jean Squires 864-590-1021•Spartanburg Supporting people on their health journey, specializing in whole raw food and detox footspa and nutritional biofeedback; health coaching and corporate health seminars and group presentations.
COFFEE/TEA Coffee To A Tea
1420 Laurens Rd. 864-233-4001•Greenville Specializing in goods from the North Face, Patagonia, Chaco Sandals, Mountain Hardwear and more. Offering the best product knowledge and expertise in the outdoor industry.
54 Lois Ave. 864-373-9836•Greenville Fair trade & organic coffee, espresso and tea, no artificial ingredients. Also serving all natural baked goods and breakfast sandwiches.
natural awakenings
April 2010
Aloe Vera Gel for Teeth
loe vera gel can soothe burned skin, take the itch out of bug bites and help treat rashes from poisonous plants. It also appears to be good for our teeth. A recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal General Dentistry found that aloe vera gel worked as well as regular toothpaste to clean teeth and eliminate cavitycausing bacteria. Moreover, the study showed that the gel isn’t as hard on the teeth as abrasive toothpastes and so may be better for folks with sensitive teeth or gums. However, warns Dilip George, a master of dental surgery and co-author of the study, to be effective, products must contain the stabilized gel from the center of the plant and adhere to gentle manufacturing standards. To find a good aloe vera tooth gel, the researchers suggested checking with the International Aloe Science Council ( to review the products that have received its seal of quality.
The Smell of Virtue
ho would have thought that a clean-smelling room, infused with a barely noticeable scent of citrus, could turn us into better people? A new study at Brigham Young University shows that people who enter a clean-smelling environment do just that; they become fairer, more generous and more charitable. In one experiment, participants received $12, allegedly sent by an anonymous partner in another room. They then had to decide how much to keep and how much to return to their partner, who trusted them to divide it fairly. People in the cleanscented room returned an average of $5.33 to their partner, versus only $2.81 by those in a normal room. In another experiment, those in the citrus-scented clean room showed a higher interest (4.21 on a 7-point scale) in volunteering for a Habitat for Humanity service project than those in the other room (3.29). Also, 22 percent in the clean room pledged to donate money, compared to only 6 percent in the control group. Cleanliness can help shape our actions, the researchers concluded, as well as our judgments about others and ourselves. “This is a very simple, unobtrusive way to promote ethical behavior,” observes Katie Liljenquist, the lead author on the report in Psychological Science, noting its potential usefulness in workplaces, stores and other organizations that typically rely on traditional surveillance and security measures. Perhaps the findings could be applied at home, too, Liljenquist conjectures: “It could be that getting our kids to clean up their rooms might help them clean up their acts, too.” 18
Upstate South Carolina |
Tai Chi Lessens Arthritis Pain
ew research from Tufts University School of Medicine shows that patients with knee osteoarthritis who engage in regular Tai Chi exercise both improve their physical function and experience less pain. Tai Chi benefits arthritis sufferers, report researchers, because its range of slow rhythmic movements enhances balance, strength and flexibility and induces mental relaxation, all of which contribute to a more positive perception of health and well being. Source: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
How To Stop Junk Mail Junk mail not only clogs our mailboxes and the postal system, it consumes valuable natural resources and contributes to pollution, litter and landfill loads. Celebrate Earth Day by banishing this unhealthy junk; search the stepby-step guide at
Yoga’s Mindfulness Helps Control Weight
Indoor Plant Alert
e must choose carefully when adding plants to green our home environment. A recent study shows that instead of sucking up harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and breathing out healthy oxygen, like most plants do, some species can release harmful gases into the air. Among the latter group are the peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii Regel), snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata Prain), weeping fig (Ficus benjamina L.) and areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Wendl). The researchers further noted that other plants potted in plastic pots and sprayed with pesticides during their commercial production also can emit VOCs.
The Trouble with Antidepressants
Source: American Society for Horticultural Science, 2009
ew, long-term research by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center shows that middle-aged people who practice yoga gained less weight over a 10-year period than those who did not, independent of other physical activity and changes in dietary habits. The difference is that yoga teaches mindful eating. The researchers found that people who were aware of why they ate and stopped eating when satisfied weighed less than those who ate without that awareness. Yoga cultivates mindfulness in a number of ways, starting with being able to hold a challenging pose. A practitioner’s ability to be calm and observant during physical discomfort teaches how to maintain calm in other challenging situations as well, such as declining to eat when we’re not hungry or not eating extra food when it tastes especially good. Satisfaction also comes from awareness of how food looks, tastes and smells. The researchers concluded that mindfulness appears to be a state that can augment the usual approaches to weight loss, such as counting calories, limiting portion size and not eating when emotionally upset or depressed. Adding yoga practice to a standard weight-loss program may both make it more effective and promote eating behavior that is healthy and empowering.
or starters, antidepressants don’t work for more than half the people who take them. New findings from an investigation at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine suggest that antidepressants fall short because they’re aimed at the wrong biochemical targets in the brain. Research led by Northwestern psychiatry professor Eva Redei, Ph.D., using rats (their brains are remarkably similar to ours in areas related to depression), suggests that antidepressants are more suited to treating stress than depression and undermines the belief that stress itself can be a major cause of depression. Redei’s research further suggests why antidepressants that aim to boost levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine are also often ineffective. Her team did not find the dramatic differences in the levels of genes controlling the function of these neurotransmitters that would be expected if depression were related to their activity. In a Neuroscience 2009 conference presentation, Redei concluded that today’s antidepressants have been focusing primarily on the effects of depression, not its cause. Renowned integrative physician Andrew Weil comments that in his view, meditation and regular aerobic exercise are more effective depression busters. natural awakenings
April 2010
NATURE THE POWER OF TREES by S. Alison Chabonais
ecause trees are larger and older than we can ever The Nature Walk hope to be; because they provide shade, food, mediJoe H. Slate, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist and author of Concines, furniture, wood for musical instruments, fuel, necting to the Power of Nature, offers a step-by-step guide to paper, shelter, recreation and space to commune with an enriching walk in the woods as a gateway to self-empownature; and because they stretch from Earth to heaven, trees erment. “It facilitates a positive interaction with nature that have been revered since before recorded time. Even with tobuilds feelings of worth and self-assurance, while balancing day’s technology, we still rely daily upon all of their products and bringing into harmony the mind, body and spirit,” and we need trees to help counteract global warming says Slate. He has field-tested the program for and protect the planet. years, as a psychology professor, now In her new book, Lives of the emeritus, of Athens State University, Trees, Diana Wells explores the in Alabama. history of 100 distinctive tree He advises that walkspecies, from the versatile ers follow marked trails acacia to the long-lived yew, during daylight hours known in Japan as ichii, or and allow plenty of tree of God. time to soak in the ex Wells notes perience. Joining hands that the Tree of Life before and after the walk appears in cultures also reinforces the exworldwide, while pressed sense of purpose. individual trees have been conStep 1 – sidered sacred. She Formulate Goals remarks that, “The words Prior to the walk, affirm ‘tree’ and ‘truth’ share the a commitment to no original Old English word more than three defined root, treow.” goals. Think of the “Nothing contributes forest as an enormous more to men’s long lives than repository of energy the planting of many trees,” that is receptive to observed English writer and gargoals that may be as dener John Evelyn as early as 1664. simple as experiencing Scientists are even using cores from a the serenity and beauty of the forest to foster bet1,000-year-old Southeast Asian evergreen, ter health, self-insight and career success. the Fokienia hodginsii tree, to decode the climate history that affects us all. Every year, people around the world celebrate anew Step 2 – Select a Forest the complex living communities we call Select a safe forest setting with a trail for We enter the woods to trees on World Forestry Day at the spring the walk, preferably in the company of a drink in the calming, quiet partner or group that can add both proequinox (autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere). strength of the trees. tection and interactive enrichment. 20
Upstate South Carolina |
Step 3 – The Walk Upon entering the forest area, pause to experience its splendor by sensing its sights, sounds and smells. Take time to calm your mind as you breathe in the fresh forest air. Sense the forest’s energies merging with your own to permeate your total being. As you walk deeper into the forest, soak in its peace and tranquility. Notice the richness of the environment and let yourself feel the renewal and inspiration that typically accompany the walk. Periodically pause at highly energized points to reflect upon your goals. Take time to form goal-related images and let them go forth, perhaps navigating among the trees to gather the energies required for your complete success.
Step 4 – Listen to the Forest Throughout your walk, listen to the sounds and unspoken messages emerging from deep within the forest. Think of them as embracing your presence and confirming your future success and fulfillment.
Step 5 – Conclusion Upon completing the walk, turn your hands toward the forest in recognition of its empowering relevance as you affirm in your own words your complete success in achieving your goals. Once you’ve completed this healing program, you can reactivate its benefits at will by simply taking time to visualize the forest and reflecting on your interactions with it. Rather than fading with time, the rewards will become stronger as you reflect upon them, becoming sources of power that are available at will. “The therapeutic effects of this program can be worth hours of psychotherapy,” advises Slate. “For couples, it’s an excellent way to open new communication channels and find solutions to relational problems. Overcoming depression, reducing stress, building self-esteem and staying in shape are all within the scope of this program. The forest is a natural therapist.” S. Alison Chabonais is the national editor of Natural Awakenings. Connect at 239-434-9392.
Preparing for a Forest Walk American Forests ( provides many resources for children, including a link to a partnered interactive site, National Arbor Day Foundation ( offers a free downloadable Nature Explore Families’ Club kit with developmentally appropriate activities to engage families in joint explorations of Earth’s natural treasures. Rainforest Alliance ( serves up a coloring book, rainforest stories and animal facts to keep kids informed and entertained. U.S. Forest Service ( links to individual forest websites that can be searched by state or by name using their forest locator guide.
The Presence of Trees Slowly, I am remembering the language of awe, how to take in, say, the living complexity of a tree its gnarled trunk, its ragged bark, the way its leafy canopy filters sunlight down to the brown carpeted ground, the way the wind bends my heart to the exquisite presence of trees the forest that calls to me as deeply as I breathe, as though the woods were marrow of my bone as though I myself were tree, a breathing, reaching arc of the larger canopy beside a brook bubbling to foam like the one deep in these woods, that calls that whispers home. © Michael S. Glaser Previously published in Fire Before the Hands and in Between Earth and Sky by Nalini M. Nadkarni.
A Blessing for the Woods Before I leave, almost without noticing, before I cross the road and head out to what I have intentionally postponed— Let me stop to say a blessing for these woods: for crows barking and squirrels scampering, for trees and fungus and multi-colored leaves, for the way sunlight laces shadows through each branch and leaf of tree, for these paths that take me in, for these paths that lead me out. © Michael S. Glaser First published in The Christian Science Monitor. Michael S. Glaser is professor emeritus of English at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, where he served for 38 years. Poet laureate of Maryland from 2004 to 2009, he is a recipient of the Dodge Endowed Award for Excellence in Teaching and a widely sought speaker and workshop leader. natural awakenings
April 2010
alternative therapies
Here are a few pointers designed to help
you integrate conventional and alternative healing approaches. by Gary Null, PhD • Be honest with your doctor about the alternative approaches you’re using. Perhaps afraid that their physicians will criticize them, many people don’t tell their doctors what alternatives they’re trying. And that’s a problem because conventional drugs and therapies can interact—sometimes dangerously— with herbs and other alternative approaches. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) study reports that only 40% of patients told their doctors about their use of alternative therapies. Approximately 15 million Americans use prescription drugs and herbal remedies at the same time, putting them at risk of potentially dangerous interactions. The best policy is to be honest with your doctors and with your alternative providers about every approach you’re using. Everybody benefits when all your practitioners are getting the full picture. Maybe you’ll even discover that your doctor is more open-minded, or at least tolerant, than you expected. And if not, you can ask yourself if you’d feel more comfortable with a doctor who is. Here are a few pointers designed to help you integrate conventional and alternative approaches. • Get diagnosed by a conventional physician to be sure you’re not missing anything. Conventional doctors generally have much more training in the use of diagnostic tests and high-tech equipment to diagnose serious illness. Make sure your fatigue, weight loss, or other potentially worrisome symptom is evaluated by a conventional doctor before embarking on an alternative approach. You don’t want to miss a cancer or other serious illness in the early stages when it may be more treatable. Getting diagnosed by a conventional doctor does not commit you to using conventional medicine or to using just conventional medicine. But it does allow you to make a more informed decision. • Always weigh the risks and benefits of any approach. Just as you would do with conventional therapy it pays to evaluate the pros and cons of any 22
Upstate South Carolina |
Approximately 15 million Americans use prescription drugs and herbal remedies at the same time, putting them at risk of potentially dangerous interactions. alternative approach. This can sometimes be difficult because many alternative therapies have not been well studied. Things like acupuncture or herbal remedies, such as echinacea or St.John’s wort that have been used for thousands of years and which have some scientific backing, are very likely to be safe. Less is known about the newer alternatives. • Approaches that are proven to work for one condition may not work for others. Aspirin can get rid of a headache but it won’t do a thing for constipation. Similarly, the herb St. John’s wort appears to be effective for mild to moderate depression but there’s no evidence it works for weight loss. Chiropractic can relieve acute low back pain but may do nothing for asthma. When you hear that a treatment is “clinically proven,” be sure to ask, “For what?” • Just because it’s “natural” doesn’t mean it’s safe. Arsenic and botulism toxin are 100% natural, but they happen to be deadly. That said, many natural approaches, such as herbal medicines, may indeed offer a less toxic way to treat certain conditions. And with the current prices of many prescription drugs, they may save you a lot of money, too. • Be skeptical of claims on the bottle, in product brochures or those you read on the Internet. Remember the huge
marketing behind dietary supplements and other alternative approaches. For many manufacturers this is not about a new age or greater patient autonomy, it’s about money. The supplement industry in this country was a $12 billion enterprise in 1997. With that kind of money at stake you can bet that both scrupulous and unscrupulous companies will be attracted to the market. Some of the information on Internet news-groups has its origin in people who are part of multi-level marketing schemes to sell supplements. Well-intentioned as they may be, clerks in health food stores may not be reliable sources of information either. • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Nothing cures all cancers or can help every condition. If the list of ailments a remedy is purported to help includes everything under the sun, be careful. Such claims almost always reflect marketing considerations more than good science. And people who aren’t honest about the effectiveness of their products may not tell you about their potential downsides either. • Buy herbs and vitamin supplements only from reputable manufacturers. At the time of this writing, there are no federal regulations establishing purity criteria for dietary or herbal supplements. That means that you have no guarantee that you’ll get what you’re paying for. Investigations have found that some preparations of ginseng, for example, contain none of the product at all. Other times the dose may be more or less than listed. Your best bet is to buy from a company you trust. Also look for so-called “standardized” preparations which promise to deliver the amount of the substance listed on the label (though without regulations that claim is only as credible as the company that makes it). Be especially wary of patent medicines manufactured in Asia as they have been found on numerous occasions to be contaminated with heavy metals or to contain strong conventional medicines not listed on the label. • Report any side effects. Since we’re still learning about the safety of many alternative therapies, be sure to tell both your alternative and conventional practitioners if
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you develop any unusual symptoms. You’ll be helping yourself and future patients. If you develop a side effect on a dietary supplement be sure to also report it to the government’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The toll-free number of the FDA’s Medwatch program is 1-800-FDA-1088. • Whether effective or not, some alternative approaches are unlikely to cause harm. Many alternative therapies, such as massage, tai chi, yoga, meditation, and balanced vegetarian diets, have side effects—like stress reduction, improved balance and weight loss—which are almost all positive. Even if they don’t help your problem directly, they may make you feel better and are generally healthpromoting.Other approaches, such as homeopathy and aromatherapy, are extremely unlikely to cause ill effects. Even if it turns out they don’t work, at the very worst you’ll have wasted a little money. • Never forget that you’re the boss. Doctors and other health practitioners can offer advice, but ultimately what you do is your decision. Even though practitioners—both conventional and alternative—tend to be wedded to their particular system, it’s clear that most members of the general public simply want whatever will work best. And the evidence increasingly indicates that the best results may be obtained by a rational integration of alternative and conventional approaches. If your doctor tries to discourage your use of alternative approaches, listen to what he or she has to say—you might learn something that will help you make your decision. But doctors who categorically dismiss all alternative medicine (or alternative healers who have no use for conventional medicine) may simply be showing their insecurity or closedmindedness. Never forget that as a competent adult, you are free to choose any therapy you wish—as long as it’s legal. Good luck on your journey to better health! Gary Null, PhD. is the host of award-winning PBS specials and author of over 50 books on health and nutrition, including The New York Times bestseller, Ultimate Anti-Aging Program. For more information about Gary, go to the web:
C.A.T.’s is a Fully Functioning Pottery Studio Create your own Ceramic Art from start to finish. $35.00 includes 6lbs. of clay, glaze and 2 visits
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(864) 244-0616
natural awakenings
April 2010
Creative Health 14 S. Main St•Greenville 864-233-4811 Obtain optimal health by cleansing toxins and waste from the body. I-ACT certified colon hydrotherapist for 5+years, achieved advancedlevel certification. Worked at the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute. See ad, back cover.
864-704-7477•Greenville Because everyone wants happy employees and clients, we offer customized commercial cleaning plans, EPA certified cleaning products, indoor greenery to boost moral and health and much more.
607 NE Main St. 864-963-4466•Simpsonville Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. Also offers additional detox services such as ionic footbath, far infrared Bio-mat, and ear-candling. Clean professional office. Disposable supplies. See ad, page 10.
John Holland, Pharm.D. 838 Powdersville Rd. Ste. D 864-855-2323•Easley
Specializing in custom compounding, including thyroid medication, bio-identical hormone replacement, pediatrics, and pets. Professional grade vitamin brands like Xymogen and Designs for Health also available. Serving the community since 2006 – your problem solving specialists. See ad, page 16.
Donna Putney 864-901-2692•Honea Path Locally grown produce in the Upstate available online. Farmer’s market serving Greenville, Clemson, Greenwood and Anderson. Local food, local growers. Order online and pick up locally.
PO Box 25265 864-848-2667•Greenville Addison Homes, an awardwinning residential construction firm dedicated to the construction and renovation of high-performance, energy efficient, healthy homes across the Upstate of South Carolina.
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Upstate South Carolina |
Counseling Services, LLC 3113 Hwy 153 864-420-9260•Piedmont A psychotherapy practice that integrates mind, body and insight-oriented approaches to address issues such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, past trauma, and relationship conflicts. See ad, page 42.
600 East Washington St. # 608 864-467-1077•Greenville Through interactive and experiential modalities, break free of your illusions and empower yourself to reach beyond an ordinary life. See ad, page 27.
864-282-8989•Greenville Our neuropsychological coachingcounseling approach, InsightTransformation, helps individuals eliminate stress and build happiness from the inside out. See ad, page 26.
Deborah Armstrong Hickey 864-593-2752•Greenville Dr. Deborah Hickey is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist for over 25 years who specializes in Expressive and Play Therapies. Services provided include: individual & relational work for healing and renewal, Filial Family Therapy, clinical supervision for Expressive & Play Therapists, dream work circle, individual dream work, Play Days for Professionals, (PDP’s) workshops, consultations, and training.
Counseling/Psychotherapy: These terms encompass a broad range of practitioners, from career counselors, who offer advice and information, to psychotherapists, who treat depression, stress, addiction and emotional issues. Formats can vary from individual counseling to group therapy. In addition to verbal counseling techniques, some holistic therapists may use bodywork, ritual, energy healing and other alternative modalities as part of their practice.
Greenville Tech Massage Therapy students say it best! “I have always felt I had a gift for helping others; the massage therapy classes have helped me learn to focus my talent.” “Massage is an art, and I am an artist.” “This prog ram has profoundly changed my life by g iving me the opportunity to believe in myself again.” “I’ve learned about the human body, mind, and spirit and how they relate to one another.” Located on Greenville Tech’s beautiful Greer Campus, you can get started on your Massage Therapy Certificate any semester. Go to or call (864) 848-2974 to learn how Greenville Tech can prepare you for a career in therapeutic massage.
natural awakenings
April 2010
Craniosacral therapy (CST): A manual therapeutic procedure to remedy distortions in the structure and function of the craniosacral mechanism—the brain and spinal cord, the bones of the skull, the sacrum and interconnected membranes. Craniosacral work is based upon two major premises: that the bones of the skull can be manipulated, because they never completely fuse; and that the pulse of the cerebrospinal fluid can be balanced by a practitioner trained to detect variations in that pulse. CST is used to treat chronic pain, migraine headaches, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), ear and eye problems, balance problems, learning difficulties, dyslexia and hyperactivity.
1711 Old Spartanburg Rd. 864-244-0616•Greer We offer you a fully functioning ceramic Studio. You buy the clay and make it and we’ll bake it. Prices start at $35. See ad, page 23.
DENTISTRY Dentistry (Holistic): Regards the mouth as a microcosm of the entire body. The oral structures and the whole body are seen as a unit. Holistic dentistry often incorporates such methods as homeopathy, biocompatibility testing and nutritional counseling. Most holistic dentists emphasize wellness and preventive care, while avoiding (and often recommending the removal of) silvermercury fillings. PALMER DISTINCTIVE DENTISTRY
HERBS . NUTRITION . HOMEOPATHY A t Greenv i l l e N atu ral Health Center we provi de heal i ng treatm ents that work in harm ony w i th nat ure. Dis c ov er a whole n e w w ay to feel better naturally.
A balanced body is a h e a l t hy b o d y.
FREE CONSULTATIONS Marina Ponton, AP LAc 1901 Laurens Road, Suite F, Greenville 864-370-1140
Over 10 years experience
Upstate South Carolina |
Dr. John Palmer 301 The Parkway Ste. B 864-879-6494 - Greer
We practice biological dentistry and adhere to the highest standards of biocompatible dentistry as defined by the (IAOMT) International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology. One-visit-crowns, Laser-Assisted Periodontal Therapy, Ozone Therapy, fluoride-free office, amalgam-safe since 1995.
WATERSTONE DENTISTRY Beatriz T. Dennis, DMD 905 E. Washington St. 864-232-0440•Greenville
Waterstone Dentistry combines stress-alleviating relaxation treatments with state-of-the-art technology to provide the most comprehensive, most comfortable dental care available. Ample parking.
DETOXIFICATION Detoxification: The practice of resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. According to some holistic practitioners, accumulated toxins can drain the body of energy and make it more susceptible to disease. Detoxification techniques may include fasts, special diets, sauna sweats and colon cleansing. BRIDGE TO WELLNESS, LLC
607 NE Main St. 864-963-4466•Simpsonville We are a dedicated wellness center with the sole purpose of detoxifying and cleansing the body. We offer services such as Colon Cleansing, thermotherapy through the Bio-mat, Ion Foot Baths, and ear-candling. Cleanse & detox today for a healthier body tomorrow. See ad, page 10.
Latrice Folkes 864-402-9231 Change your diet into a Lifeit and join the 28 days Raw Food Cleanse. Coming soon, Lifeit Café specializing in vegan and raw living cuisine.
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Air Purification Suffer from Allergens? Does your home have? Excessive Dust Odors Mold & Mildew Bacteria & Viruses
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Located at the Mane Place 3318 Brushy Creek Rd. 864-320-2359 or 864-879-8755 x12 Allow me to relax you. Ion Spa footbath detox. Aromatherapy for mind, body and spirit. Ammonia-free/organic color, healthier hair products. Come experience the difference. New customers save $10.
Denna Cantillion PO Box 5616 864-250-8557•Greenville Greenville Technical College has served the Upstate since 1962. With more than 130 college credit programs, University Transfer and Continuing Education, we are college that works. See ad, page 25.
Barbara Morris RN, BS 1934 N. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-236-8072•Greenville Eating patterns are always based on our emotional belief system. We use a positive, non-invasive, quick method of resetting your energy and emotional belief system. See ad, page 33.
864-282-8989•Greenville We train individuals wanting to become certified coaches who are interested in learning a deep transformational framework for life coaching. In-person and teleseminar formats available. See ad, page 26.
864-313-2145•Greenville Offering classes and workshops on sustainability, green-living, organics,and sustainable agriculture. An online library and bookstore with over 1000 titles provide additional educational support.
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natural awakenings
April 2010
S pring G reen R ehab Give Your Home the Green Light Today by Crissy Trask
ith Mother Nature beautifully transforming our outdoor environment this time of year, it’s only natural to feel inspired to rejuvenate our indoor environment, too. Given this natural source of inspiration, it makes sense to do it using green products that are better both for us and for the Earth. Kelly Lerner, a principal of One World Design Architecture, in Spokane, Washington, and co-author of Natural Remodeling for the Not-So-Green House, sees a willingness among homeowners to sort through all the green options. “Yes, green materials have become stylish and chic. But homeowners are genuinely concerned about their own health and they also see the connection between their own wellbeing and the health of their homes and the ecosystem. We all depend on clean water and air, indoors and out, for example, and consumers are beginning to 28
see how their everyday actions impact the whole system.” It helps to know that making over our home doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing proposition, says Lerner. “Taking even small steps to renew a space will give us a sense of ownership, pride and comfort every time we enter it.”
Rehab Floors
Foot (and perhaps paw) traffic, spills and abuse take a toll on floors. We could just cover them up with new carpet, but carpet harbors dirt and bacteria. A hard floor is easier to keep clean and will provide more flexibility, should we decide to redecorate down the road. Among the dizzying array of flooring options, a growing number of choices are better for the environment, so doing the right thing doesn’t mean compromising on style and quality. Certified sustainable wood Forest certification began as a way to urge logging companies to adopt environmentally sound practices. Today, several certification programs exist within the industry, but according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, independent Forest Stewardship Council certification remains the only cred-
Upstate South Carolina |
ible seal of approval for wood products. Look for the FSC mark on packaging and accept no substitutes. Reputable sources include EcoTimber. com and Bamboo Bamboo, a rapidly renewable resource that grows faster than almost any other plant, has found its way into many products, most notably flooring. Dan Smith, president and founder of Smith & Fong Co., makers of Plyboo, remarks that “Bamboo easily passes the environmental test, but it’s also aesthetically and tactilely pleasing as a finish product.” To ensure quality and sustainability, select bamboo flooring that carries reputable third-party certifications of compliance with high environmental and indoor air quality standards. Some reputable sources include Plyboo. com and Cork Cork flooring is made from either the bark of a cork oak tree or recycled natural cork wine stoppers. The former renews every 10 years; the latter, each time we uncork a bottle of wine. As long as cork is harvested correctly, the cork tree is unharmed and regenerates bark 20 or more times during its lifespan.
Cork is strong, resilient and reduces noise, making it an ideal choice for many home applications. Look for formaldehyde- and PVC-free products. Intriguing sources include NaturalCork. com and Natural linoleum Natural linoleum flooring is made from renewable raw materials such as linseed oil, pine rosin, wood flour and jute. Marmoleum, produced by Forbo, comes in so many different colors that the design possibilities are limitless. But its color palette is just the beginning of the allure: “Marmoleum actually becomes stronger with age, as the linseed oil oxidizes,” explains Melanie Valerian, the company’s product line manager, “and its natural anti-static properties repel dust and dirt, making it easy to clean and maintain.” Visit
Make Over Countertops
Got peeling laminate or stained grout? Resist the popular choice, granite, which is nonrenewable and requires significant energy to extract and ship. Instead, try a renewable countertop material that rivals or surpasses granite in beauty and performance for the kitchen, bar or bathroom. Recycled composites Countertops made from recycled paper or glass are desirable for far more than their renewable status; among their fine qualities are strength, durability and a stone-like appearance. Another advantage is the ease of workmanship involved, making the installed price often lower than that for stone.
Low-impact concrete This versatile and beautifully distinctive material can be poured in place, molded into any shape and complemented with decorative accents to create custom looks. Mining aggregate is disruptive to the landscape and producing cement for conventional concrete is energy intensive. It’s better to choose a local fabricator that uses recycled, locally sourced aggregate and industrial waste byproducts to replace some of the cement. More information at ConcreteNetwork. com/Sustainable-Countertops.
Tips to Green an Outdoor Living Space (Hint: It takes more than plants.) n Select permeable pavers for walkways and patios that permit water to filter through into the soil, instead of run off into storm drains. n Build rock walls and borders using local stone.
Wake Up Walls
One of the most dramatic changes we can make to a room is changing the wall covering. Something as simple as a fresh, vibrant coat of paint can liven up a room and our mood. Here are several Earth-friendly ways to introduce decorative color and texture. Safe paint Paint that is low in VOCs emits fewer volatile organic compounds that pollute indoor air, but note that low-VOC paint can still contain harmful toxins. Other toxic ingredients like formaldehyde, acetone and ammonia are found in many conventional paints. Be good to the environment and chose paints that omit troublesome ingredients without compromising quality. Sources include and
n Use deck boards made from recycled plastic and industrial or agricultural byproducts. These keep waste materials out of the landfill and provide low-maintenance areas for entertaining. n Opt for a gas grill if home electricity comes primarily from fossil fuels (check with the local utility company). If it comes from clean sources like hydro, wind and solar—an electric grill is a good choice. n Light walkways with solar lights and install energy-efficient LED (light-emitting diode) lights in entertainment areas. LEDs won’t attract bugs. n Choose native plants, trees and shrubs that will thrive on what is naturally provided by local soil and precipitation once they are established. Opt for drip irrigation systems and rain sensors.
Good sources include and
As much as 90 percent of residential construction and demolition project waste is recyclable. ~ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency natural awakenings
April 2010
Keep Waste to a Minimum Reduce n Share project details and measurements with a salesperson or contractor to obtain material estimates and avoid over-ordering. n Measure twice and cut once to avoid expensive material waste.
Reuse & Recycle n When renovating, think deconstruction, rather than demolition. n Require that a contractor’s bid include a plan for reducing, reusing or recycling construction waste and references from similar projects. n Much of what is left over after demolition and remodeling can be recycled or reused. Use Earth911. org to identify such materials and businesses willing to take them. n Save leftover paint, adhesives and scraps that can be used later for touch-ups and repairs. n Look for a materials exchange, such as Habitat for Humanity’s ReStores ( aspx), which may offer both new (surplus/overstock) and used building materials and components. Contributing Source: Union of Concerned Scientists at action.
Natural clay plaster Plaster is a natural, environmentally friendly material, used in homes for thousands of years because of its strength and longevity. Its unrivaled beauty is now drawing the interest of modern home owners, notes Armin Croft Elsaesser, president of American Clay Enterprises, LLC. Plaster’s beauty is more than skin deep, however. “Plaster controls moisture, absorbs odors and doesn’t attract dirt,” he says, “which makes it the workhorse of wall coverings.” Learn more at AmericanClay. com. Plant-based wall coverings Who knew that covering our walls with grass or coconut shells could produce such exquisite results? Papers, tiles and panels crafted from sustainable plants and reclaimed agricultural waste will beautifully cover sections or entire walls, imbuing them with pattern, texture and color. Design-worthy sources include and
Add Architectural Detail
Architectural detail can be that special touch that really makes a room pop. Crown molding, baseboards, door and window trim, mantels, beams and wainscoting are affordable details that add interest and value to a home. Planet-friendly products of recycled and reclaimed origin ensure that we get the look we want and keep a clear conscience. Reclaimed wood Reclaimed wood comes from a variety of sources and species. Whether it’s heart pine from a 1890 Virginia warehouse or burgundy-stained oak from old California wine barrels, all reclaimed wood has a story—and the kind of character and richness not available with new wood. Choosing reclaimed goodies also keeps more trees firmly planted in the ground. Recommended sources include, ElmwoodRe-
Upstate South Carolina | and cd/env/restore.aspx. Wood alternatives Wood-like composites made from recycled plastics are as much or more effective as solid wood for interior decoration. Timbron International makes decorative moldings that are 90 percent recycled. “Our moldings can be cut, nailed, glued, sanded, caulked and painted, just like wood,” says Steve Lacy, the company’s president and CEO, “but, unlike wood, our product is more durable and impervious to water.” Innovative sources include Timbron. com and
Dress Up Windows
Window treatments should complement décor, rather than dominate or dictate it. Earth-kind window fashions that come in soft, natural colors allow furnishings and decorative touches to be the star. Select natural window treatments that are easy on the planet and anything but drab. Natural shades Natural shades enhance any design aesthetic, from traditional to modern. Earthshade, a leader in natural window fashions made from rapidly renewable plants such as grass, reed and bamboo, produces shades in an array of styles
The Great Energy-Efficiency Payback Incentives to Upgrade and Save Money by Brita Belli
The biggest obstacle to retrofitting our home with energy-saving upgrades and technologies—from storm windows to stellar insulation and rooftop solar panels—is often the cost. Even though we’re paying higher electric, gas and water bills due to leaks, drafts and outdated systems, these incremental penalties somehow seem more manageable than the upfront investment of installing say, a new geothermal heat pump. Fortunately, Americans today have access to a range of federal and state incentives, loans, mortgages and tax breaks for those who want to improve their energy use while reducing the initial cost. It’s now possible to make everything from solar heating to efficient air conditioning or a new furnace more affordable. Find the latest federal, state and local utility deals listed online at, a service of the U.S. Department of Energy. 1. Energy-Efficiency Tax Credit: Energy-efficient water heaters, furnaces, boilers, heat pumps, air conditioners, insulation, windows, doors, roofs, circulating fans and biomass stoves are eligible for a 30 percent tax credit of up to $1,500. Expires December 31, 2010. credits.tx_index
and flexible options. Principal Craig Swanson promotes the rigorous quality standards his shades must meet, as well as the fact that they are sustainably procured and fair trade crafted, all without chemicals.
2. Renewable Energy Tax Credit: Geothermal heat pumps, small wind turbines and solar energy systems are eligible for a 30 percent tax credit with no upper limit for existing homes and new construction. Expires December 31, 2016. 3. Fuel Cells and Microturbine Tax Credit: Residential fuel cell and microturbine systems are eligible for a 30 percent tax credit of up to $500 per .5 kW of operating capacity for existing homes and new construction. Expires December 31, 2016. cfm?c=tax_credits.tx_index 4. Federal Housing Administration Energy-Efficient Mortgages: Through an FHA program, lenders can borrow up to 100 percent of energy efficiency improvement costs to add to an existing mortgage loan. Loan amounts cannot be greater than the projected savings the improvements will bring.
Learn more at
silk or organically grown cotton, hemp or linen. These fabrications are much more than renewable, however. Hemp, for example, is naturally insulating and can improve a window’s energy performance. Loose linen weaves will allow natural light to filter through while protecting furnishings from harsh sunlight.
Natural curtains Natural window fabrics may be luxurious
Reputable sources include Rawganique. com and
5. Conventional Energy-Efficient Mortgages: Private lenders sell loans to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that allow homebuyers to borrow up to 15 percent of an existing home’s appraised value for energy-saving improvements as documented by a certified Home Energy Rater (search for one by state at Fannie Mae also lends up to 5 percent for Energy Star-rated new homes, including applicants who might not be income-qualified, by allowing lenders to adjust borrowers’ debt-to-income ratio by 2 percent. 6. Energy-Efficient Appliances Rebate: Consumers can receive rebates to purchase new, Energy Star-rated appliances when they replace used appliances—including boilers, air conditioners, dishwashers, refrigerators and clothes washers— using $300 million distributed through the government’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Start and end dates plus amounts vary by state. Brita Belli is the editor of E – The Environmental Magazine, and the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Renewable Energy for Your Home.
Improve Lighting
Lighting is an integral part of a room’s appeal, but the right lighting does more than enhance the beauty and utility of a room; it can also improve its energy efficiency and safety. CFL applications Use compact fluorescent light bulbs only in fixtures that are continuously on for an hour or more a day. For
natural awakenings
April 2010
fixtures turned off and on for a few minutes at a time, stick with standard bulbs. This protects your investment in CLFs, which can deteriorate faster if subjected to frequent on/off cycles. lists eco-options.
e do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. Native American Proverb
LED applications Light emitting diodes are fast becoming the new light source for ultraenergy-efficient household lighting. Bulbs designed for home applications typically house a cluster of several small LED bulbs under a diffuser lens with an Edison base. Although more expensive than a comparable incandescent bulb, an LED bulb can last up to 50 times longer and use 85 percent less energy, so the cost is recouped over time. Helpful sources include and
Light sensors We want to turn lights off to save energy, but no one likes fumbling in the dark for a light switch. Occupancy sensors enable lights to turn on automatically when a room is entered and shut off once exited. No more forgetting to turn out the light. Look for sensors using passive infrared technology that detect the heat energy from our bodies. Find some options at With a growing number of green products and materials to choose from, it’s becoming easier to remodel responsibly, safely and elegantly. Lerner concludes that “This empowers us to make healthy choices and create the life we want to lead.” Crissy Trask, the author of It’s Easy Being Green: A Handbook for EarthFriendly Living, is a freelance writer and green lifestyle consultant based in Washington state. She can be reached at
Five Relia ble Green Reha b Certifications Certification
Product Categories
LEED Compliance
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
Wood and bamboo products
Materials and resources
Smart Certified (SMaRT)
Building products, textiles and flooring
Innovation and design
Green Seal
Building products
Indoor air quality
Indoor air quality
Cradle to Cradle (C2C)
Building products
Innovation and design
Source: Green Building Alliance Note: The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) developed Leadership in Energy and Design (LEED) standards as benchmarks for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. This list of compliant certifications is not intended to be comprehensive.
Upstate South Carolina |
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1934 N. Pleasantburg Dr. • Greenville, SC 29609
Barbara Morris RN, BS
natural awakenings
April 2010
EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): A self-help procedure founded by Gary Craig that combines fingertip tapping of key acupuncture meridian points while focusing on an emotional issue or health challenge. Unresolved, or ‘stuck,’ negative emotions, caused by a disruption in the body’s energy system, are seen as major contributors to most physical pains and diseases. These can remain stagnant and trapped until released by the tapping. EFT is easy to memorize and portable, so it can be done anywhere. EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE(EFT) Shellie Enteen, BA, LMBT #4386
ADL Reverend 865-877-8450 Choose freedom! This simple but powerful method releases patterns blocking health, abundance and relationships. Self-help techniques and education. Private, phone and group sessions available.
Barbara Morris RN, BS 1934 N. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-236-8072•Greenville Your body knows best! We use a computerized system to balance your energy. The system can be applied to setting goals, resetting emotions, clearing allergens, and resolving many health issues. See ad, page 33.
864-884-4381 Pro Energy Consultants uses the latest technology to determine where your home is wasting energy and how you can start saving money on energy bills.
Upstate South Carolina |
Joanne Therese Schmidt 864-380-0628 Feeling tired, frustrated and overwhelmed and don’t know where to turn? Schedule an ASYRA body scan to detect hidden imbalances at a physical/emotional level. Call for a free consultation.
Live Green Save Green 199 North Dean Street 864-278-8088•Spartanburg How do you make your home or building more energy efficient? What kind of materials create a healthy environment? How do you get a building LEED certified? Where do you find an energy auditor? We have the answers. Call for more information. See ad, this page.
864-704-7477•Greenville Experience the feeling of living lightly. Stewardship for God’s creation. Consulting for home, church, schools, and businesses. Going green has never been easier.
864-313-2145 Greenville Start or reorganize a business to be green and healthy by incorporating a triple bottom line of profits, planet and people. Discover the importance of Vision, Mission, and Value statements.
Environmental medicine: Explores the role of dietary and environmental allergens in health and illness. Factors such as dust, mold, chemicals and certain foods may cause allergic reactions that can dramatically influence diseases, ranging from asthma and hay fever to headaches and depression.
PO Box 4801, Greenville, SC 29608 Project based non-profit aims to encourage, motivate and educate the public about organic food and sustainable agriculture, focusing on nutrition, health, wellness and the environment.
Coffee Underground Art Gallery 1 E. Coffee St•Greenville GreenDrinksGreenville/web/home Green Drinks is a free social environmental networking group that connects like-minded individuals interested in greening their lives and community. Monthly speakers. Group meets 2 n d , We d n e s d a y s @ 6 : 0 0 P M .
Eric Thompson Explore, enjoy and protect the planet. Including Greenville, Spartanburg and Union Counties, the club has about a thousand members. Monthly meetings, outings and service opportunities abound.
Recycle your tires at the collection site at
800 East Stone Avenue in Greenville. The site is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
This site also accepts: cardboard; mixed paper; glass bottles and jars; plastic bottles and jugs; aluminum cans; steel cans; CDs; DVDs; CD cases; printer/toner cartridges; cell phones and accessories; greeting cards; eyeglasses; crayons; batteries; floppy disks; VHS/ Beta tapes; and audio cassette tapes.
For more information about recycling in the City of Greenville, call (864) 467-8300 or visit
Provided in part through funds and/or services from the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control’s Office of Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling. DHEC OR-0899 3/10
natural awakenings
April 2010
864-250-0500 Upstate Forever is a regional conservation group that proUpstate motes sensible growth and prospecial places in the ten Forever tects counties of Upstate, South Carolina. Join today!
1705 Jonesville Rd. 864-553-5500•Simpsonville See the buffalo roam, walk through the veggie patch. All natural produce, Happy Cow milk, honey, eggs, poultry, Bison meat and much more available at our farm store. Open May 1st, Mon-Sat. 9am-7pm.
Nicole Martin 1211D Laurens Rd. 864-271-2710•Greenville Experience a wonderful blend of relaxation with results-oriented skincare. Our goal is to make your skin and soul glow. Dr. Caniglia, 302 skin care lines.
330 McKelvey Rd. 864-243-9699•Pelzer Our farm store has more than our delicious dairy products. We carry many items from local farmers in the Upstate too. Stop by and visit with our dairy cows. See ad, page 15.
230 Sam Davis Rd. 864-991-9839•Woodruff Certified Naturally Grown 80-acre farm specializing in heritage breeds. Animals and vegetables raised according to Certified Naturally Grown standards. No growth hormones or antibiotics. See ad, page 2.
3318 Brushy Creek Rd. 864-879-8755 x17 Greer We offer state of the art skin health, with wellness of the skin being first and foremost. Treatments are designed for each individual’s needs.
230 Sam Davis Rd. 864-991-9839 Woodruff Fresh, nutritious locally-grown food available at our farm store. Open Wed. & Fri. 10am-6pm. Thurs. & Sat. 10am-4pm. See ad, page 2.
3806 Centerville Rd. 864-287-3921•Anderson Split Creek Farm goat dairy and cheese processing plant is known for its artisan goat milk cheeses, yogurt, fudge, and soap products.
Because we don’t think about future generations, they will never forget us. ~Henrik Tikkanen 36
3806 Centerville Rd. 864-287-3921•Anderson Split Creek Farm market sells the farm’s artisan goat milk products: cheese, fudge, yogurt, milk & soap. Other products available also. MonSat.
330 McKelvey Rd. 864-243-5928•Pelzer See the “Got Milk” process from beginning to end. Our tours are sure to be educational with a touch of good ol’ farm fun! Call for available dates and times. See ad, page 15.
230 Sam Davis Rd. 864-991-9839•Woodruff Bring the family and have fun down on the farm! Enjoyable activities for families, seniors and school groups. Only $5 per person. See ad, page 2.
Upstate South Carolina |
3806 Centerville Rd. 864-287-3921•Anderson Tour Split Creek Farm-a working dairy goat farm. Educational tours by appointment. Farm shops open Mon – Sat 9-6 & Sun 2-5. Call for more info.
205 N. First St. 864-855-7900•Easley Grand opening Saturday, April 10th – this day only 10am-2pm. Every Saturday thereafter, 8amNoon. Variety of vendors and workshops monthly by Master Gardeners.
Donna Putney 864-901-2692•Honea Path First online farmer’s market in South Carolina! Order from local farmers and pick up near you. So fresh, many products are still in the field when you order.
1910 Three Bridges Rd. 864-306-0303•Easley Rose Hill offers seasonal naturally grown produce/ herbs/flowers, products from other local farms including Happy Cow & Nature’s Beef, and a large selection of gifts, including jewelry, home décor and toys.
Feng shui: The ancient Chinese system of arranging manmade spaces and elements to create or facilitate harmonious qi or chi (pronounced “chee”), or energy flow, by tempering or enhancing the energy where necessary. Feng shui consultants can be an asset to both personal and business spaces, either before or after the spaces are created.
Four local fitness branches (Eastside, Caine Halter, Golden Strip, George I. Theisen) 864-242-1111 Get a great cardiovascular workout, weight train for strength or rehabilitation, join a group exercise class or swim in one of our heated pools.
Donna Putney 864- 901-2692•Honea Path What a convenience for local small businesses! This new local food system saves time, money, transport, and bookkeeping. Order online directly from various producers; receive all the orders at once.
864-801-2320 Dedicated to healthy foods, righteous farming and local producers. Relying on diversified, pasture-based farming, our meats are free of synthetic hormones, steroids or antibiotics.
115 Pelham Rd., Ste. 6 864-232-0775•Greenville Gourmet gluten-free cupcakes, cakes, breads, and other specialty baked goods all natural and made from scratch. We use the highest quality ingredients catering to your dietetic needs, without sacrificing flavor or taste. See ad, Page 13.
1705 Jonesville Rd. 864-553-5500•Simpsonville See the buffalo roam. All natural produce, honey, eggs, poultry, and Bison meat available at our farm store. Open May 1st, MonSat. 9am-7pm.
330 McKelvey Rd. 864-243-9699•Pelzer Happy Cow dairy and butter, Wisconsin cheese, raw unfiltered local honey, freerange chickens and eggs, and organically grown Woods corn mill. Are just a few of the products at our farm store. See ad, page 15.
2710 Whitehorse Rd, Unit 360 864-878-2511•Greenville We have Happy Cow milk, organic, natural and gluten-free foods, as well as grass-fed and other fresh cut meats. “Greenville’s Little Secret Shop.”
1910 Three Bridges Rd. 864-306-0303•Easley Rose Hill offers seasonal naturally-grown produce/ herbs/flowers, products from other local farms including Happy Cow & Nature’s Beef, and a large selection of gifts, including jewelry, home décor and toys.
115 Pelham Rd., Ste. 6 864-232-0775•Greenville Gourmet vegan cupcakes and bakery items all natural and made from scratch. We use the highest quality ingredients catering to your dietetic needs, without sacrificing flavor or taste. See ad, Page 13.
Linda Goulart, LMBT #4812 864-907-4940•GVL and SPTBG Foot therapy for the SOLE. Offering Reflexology, Foot Massage, and Therapeutic foot treatments for foot problems. Foot pampering parties - great for girl’s night, birthdays, bridal, teenager slumber, etc… check out video of a foot party on our web site. See ad, page 51.
Julie Thompson-Adolf 104 S. Staunton Ct. 864-325-3355•Moore
Delight your senses with fresh produce from your backyard. We specialize in growing organic heirloom vegetable plants-the funky, delicious tomatoes your grandma grew, and fiery peppers passed down through generations. With more than 100 heirloom tomato varieties and dozens of heirloom peppers and herbs to choose from, you’re certain to find something to delight your palate!
1910 Three Bridges Rd. 864-306-0303•Easley Rose Hill offers seasonal naturally grown produce/ herbs/flowers, products from other local farms including Happy Cow & Nature’s Beef, and a large selection of gifts, including jewelry, home décor and toys.
PO Box 25265 864-848-2667•Greenville Addison Homes, an awardwinning residential construction firm dedicated to the construction and renovation of high-performance, energy efficient, healthy homes across the Upstate of South Carolina.
Live Green Save Green 199 North Dean Street 864-278-8088•Spartanburg How do you make your home or building more energy efficient? What kind of materials create a healthy environment? How do you get a building LEED certified? Where do you find an energy auditor? We have the answers. Call for more information. See ad, page 34.
natural awakenings
April 2010
Ten Reasons to Take Back the Plate
by Rich Sanders
e’re all cooks now. Or at least, we should be. The word is spreading about healthy home cooking and its connection to sustainable, local food. Here are 10 reasons to help you get cooking with conviction.
1. It’s economical
Home cooking saves money. At a restaurant, you’re spending dollars on the cost of running somebody’s business. Purchasing prepared food from the grocer’s freezer involves paying for the processing, packaging and advertising of that product. When you cook sustainably, you take savings to the next level, using locally raised and produced food, so you’re not footing the bill for transporting ingredients across the country or around the globe.
2. It’s safer
When you cook, you have more control over what goes into your body. By buying organic, sustainably raised or minimally treated meat, dairy and produce, you can dramatically reduce your consumption of food contaminated by chemical fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics or harmful bacteria.
3. It’s healthier
You have control over the nutritional value of the foods you prepare. Locally grown food is fresher and more nutritious. Cooking methods also count. For example, roasting a vegetable preserves vitamins that are wasted by boiling it; retaining the peel on many fruits and vegetables provides additional vitamins. Are you watching your salt or sugar intake or keeping an eye on fats or carbohydrates? You’re in control of all of these when you are the cook.
4. It tastes better
We’re losing our palates to an industrialized food system. Not so long ago, herbs, spices and sugar enhanced the flavor of our food. In recent decades, our taste buds have been cor38
Upstate South Carolina |
rupted by cheap chemicals and corn syrup. We’ve forgotten how wonderfully delicious fresh food tastes because we are acclimated to food polluted with preservatives. Sustainable, local ingredients just taste better, so let good food help you take back your palate, so you can take back your plate.
5. It tastes like you want it to
When you do your own cooking, you can customize the flavor to suit your own (or your family’s or guests’) preferences. Once you get the hang of it, experimentation is the name of the game. As you learn to cook sustainably, you’ll begin to find combinations of the tastes you like and which foods are especially healthy for you.
6. It’s satisfying
You’ll discover that you derive the same sense of satisfaction from learning to cook sustainably that many people get from working out. By preparing healthy meals with local ingredients, you can be confident that you’re doing something good for yourself, your family and the environment.
7. It makes reducing meat consumption easier
Many people are pledging to cut out meat one day a week for their own health and that of the planet. MeatlessMonday. com advises that going meatless once a week reduces our risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. It also reduces our carbon footprint and saves precious resources like fresh water and fossil fuel. Learning to cook helps you create signature meatless dishes, whether they’re twists on old standbys or tasty recipes that start out meat-free.
8. It’s a gift to future generations
If the good food movement is to succeed, it will be through our children; invite them to participate in cooking. Kids love to “play” in the kitchen, and there are dozens of ways they can be involved—from reading a recipe and washing pro-
Top Green Eating Tips Indulge in the Big O
Organic food is grown and/or processed in ways that support healthy people and a healthy planet. If you can’t find or afford organic options for everything, recognize that some nonorganic produce contains more pesticides than others. The Environmental Working Group offers their Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides as a free, downloadable guide and iPhone application that identifies the fruits and veggies with the most and least pesticides. Visit FoodNews. org/walletguide.php.
Feast on Fair Trade fare
Fair Trade-certified food ensures a proper wage and working conditions for those who harvest and handle it. It’s also greener for the environment. Fair Trade certification is currently available in the United States for coffee, tea, herbs, cocoa, chocolate, fresh fruit, flowers, sugar, rice and vanilla.
duce to mixing nature’s ingredients and decorating healthful homemade cookies. Take kids shopping at farmers’ markets, so they can see the source of their recipe ingredients. Even better, take them to a farm, where they can follow the food trail from the beginning. They will learn by example and in a generation, healthy, sustainable home cooking will once again be the norm and not the exception.
9. It enriches your life
Involve friends in a sustainable dinner party, a perfect opportunity to build community and spread the word about sustainable local food. Download a Sustainable Dinner Party Kit at Sharing a meal together and engaging in face-to-face conversation with family or friends reinforces a precious bond.
10. It makes a statement
Go local
Learning to cook sustainably is an opportunity to vote with your soup pot, while you lobby with your fork; make it your own special way of furthering values you believe in—stewardship, responsibility, independence and loving care—by taking control of what goes onto your plate and taking away some of the power of industrialized agribusiness.
Don’t follow the pack
Rich Sanders, a lifelong foodie, is the director of Sustainable Table, at His corporate career has consistently married technology and the arts, in television, multimedia and software and Internet business development. Connect at
Local, seasonal food cuts back on transportation, uses less packaging, is fresher and tastier and comes in more varieties. It also supports small local growers. Good sources of local foods include farmers’ markets or community supported agriculture (CSA) groups. Look for unpackaged or minimally packaged foods; experiment with bringing your own containers and buying in bulk, or pick brands that use bio-based plastic packing. Recycle or reuse any packaging you do end up with.
Compost the leftovers
Composting eases the burden on the landfill, contributes to productive soil and keeps the kitchen wastebasket odorfree. Apartment dwellers can do it, too. A useful introduction for indoor composters can be found at
Grow your own
Raise mini-crops in a raised garden bed, greenhouse or window box. Even urbanites can get a lot of good eats from not much space. Visit and search for the exact phrase, “windowsill gardening,” for an introductory article.
Eat it raw
Many people advocate the benefits of eating raw foods. Besides the possible health advantages, preparing raw food consumes less energy, and because raw food is usually fresh, it is more likely to be locally grown.
Exhibitors & Vendors
SHOW IT OFF! 3rd Annual
GREEN LIVING FESTIVAL 10am-5pm, Sat & Sun, May 15-16 LadsOn ExChangE Park (greater Charleston,sC)
you to show off your healthy & eco-friendly products/services. For more info and to register Online Call 843-821-7404 or email Overnight RV camping available
Primary source: PlanetGreen. natural awakenings
April 2010
Common Sense Defenses Against Seasonal Allergies Tips to Help Children Breathe Easier by Bevin Wallace
or one in seven U.S. children, spring brings the start of seasonal allergies that can last through the fall. Seasonal allergies such as hay fever and allergic rhinitis occur when an airborne allergen comes into contact with nasal membranes, triggering the release of inflammatory histamines. The result can be sneezing, congestion, itchy eyes, coughing and runny nose. While not life threatening, these symptoms tend to interrupt a youngster’s sleep, weaken concentration and keep him or her from participating fully in play and school. Over-the-counter allergy medications can bring relief, but like other conventional drugs, they are not without drawbacks. “I don’t think decongestants and antihistamines are appropriate for kids, period,” states Randall Neustaedter, a doctor of Oriental medicine and a homeopathic pediatrician. “They tend to make kids tired, and they don’t really address the problem. They’re like putting a Band-Aid on the symptoms. It’s more important to build up immune system function, which these medications do not do.” Long-term use of antihistamines also has been linked to depression, anxiety and impaired thinking. A better approach is to gently and naturally reduce a child’s contact with allergic substances while boosting the immune system. Here’s how.
Upstate South Carolina |
Steps for Prevention 1. Clean inside air.
Install a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, which removes pollen and dust from indoor air, and keep it running in the child’s bedroom 24 hours a day. The portable models work fine in smaller rooms and cost less than $100. On windy days and while the child is sleeping, keep the windows shut. If possible, remove old carpeting and cover air vents with filters; vacuum frequently when children are not in the room; avoid using ceiling fans; and wash all bedding and stuffed animals once a week.
2. Keep the nose clean.
It might take some getting used to, but rinsing the sinuses with a warm saline solution (salt water) is an excellent, age-old, natural remedy that helps reduce contact with pollen and lessens allergy symptoms. Sinus rinse kits are available in stores and online for about $15. A cleansing device of Indian origin called the Neti Pot is another affordable alternative.
3. Provide a low-inflammation diet. Many children who have food sensitivities don’t know it. Foods such as
dairy and wheat can promote the formation of mucus and inflammation that can create an imbalance in immune system function, advises Neustaedter. Consider limiting these foods before and during allergy season. He also suggests using nutritional supplements to build up the smallintestine lining, which helps balance immune system function. For example, glutamine is an amino acid linked to improved intestinal-lining maintenance. Also add more antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory foods such as nuts, fish, grapes, oranges, apples and tomatoes to family meals. Because they fight free-radical cell damage (which interferes with the immune system), antioxidants can help boost immunity.
Guide, Neustaedter also cites research that links allergies to vaccines. “Some researchers think that vaccination of children tends to create an imbalance in the immune responses, making children more prone to allergic responses,” he notes. The most common hay fever triggers are plant pollens. Flower pollen is usually carried by bees, so it isn’t windblown and rarely gets into people’s noses. More than 1,000 varieties
of grass grow in North America, but only Kentucky bluegrass and a few others produce allergic pollen. The most prolific culprits are weeds such as ragweed, sagebrush and thistle. Trees with the highest pollen counts are oak, ash, elm, hickory, pecan, box elder and mountain cedar. Because allergy symptoms from any source are generally the same, many holistic pediatricians don’t recommend allergy skin tests.
4. Try natural medicines.
When allergy symptoms flare up, Neustaedter recommends trying Chinese herbal formulas with Xanthium, which relieves symptoms by acting like an antihistamine. Recent studies also attest to the helpfulness of rosemary, which is deemed safe, even for children. The idea is to deliver “the most help with the least intervention,” Neustaedter says. Always consult an experienced herbalist or holistic doctor before giving any herbs to children; some can be toxic if given improperly.
5. Consider allergy-soothing teas.
Warm liquids soothe the throat and nasal passages, and there are several teas created specifically for allergy sufferers. Natural tea sweeteners include honey and stevia.
Other Factors While a genetic predisposition is often a factor, recent studies also suggest that oversensitivity to allergens might be linked to antibiotic overuse, which might explain why allergies have been on the rise for the past 40 years. “Antibiotics kill off not only disease-causing bacteria, but also health-promoting bacteria,” explains Gary B. Huffnagle, Ph.D., of the University of Michigan. In his new book, The Holistic Baby
natural awakenings
April 2010
1018 S. Bateville Rd. 864-801-2480•Greer Full-service health club. We also offer personal training, individualized cardio boxing sessions and boot camp. Open 7 days a week. Short and long-term agreements. 350+ locations, 1.5 million members strong.
Bobby Caston, Health/Wellness Consultant 101 College St. 864-963-2882•Simpsonville We offer health/wellness programs and natural products that are effective. We carry many name brand vitamins and supplements at affordable prices. Free consultations. See ad, page 19.
Market For Life
Margaret Griffin 2801 Wade Hampton Blvd, #15 864-268-9255•Taylors Natural foods, bulk foods/ herbs, nutritional supplements, herbs, homeopathic remedies, books, health and beauty aids, pet supplies. We specialize in customer service! Special orders welcome.
The Wild Radish
Jody Harris & Gigi Perry 161 Verdin Rd. 864-297-1105•Greenville Vitamins and women’s products, goat’s milk and cheeses, raw juice & smoothie bar, Sami’s wheat/gluten-free products, vegan/spelt and sugar-free baked goods, pet wellness, monthly healthy living classes. See ad, page 41.
Earth Fare − The Healthy Supermarket 3620 Pelham Rd. 864-527-4220•Greenville
1140 Woodruff Rd. 864-335-2300•Greenville Imagine a farmers market: fresh produce, meats, a fish market, a gourmet shop, a European bakery, the corner grocery store, and eat-in café, all rolled into one. Taste new foods, exchange ideas and learn about the issues important to the local food community and the environment. Monthly calendar of events. We want to be your neighborhood supermarket. See ad, page 57.
437 N. Main St. 864-329-0004•Mauldin & Quality healthcare products at competitive prices – vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes, proteins, whole food supplements, etc.; also air purifiers, water filters, shower filters, alkalizers/ionizers, and water purifiers. See ad, page 35.
Herbal medicine: This oldest form of medicine uses natural plants in a wide variety of forms for their therapeutic value. Herbs produce and contain various chemical substances that act upon the body to strengthen its natural functions without the negative side effects of synthetic drugs. They may be taken internally or applied externally via teas, tinctures, extracts, oils, ointments, compresses and poultices.
Earth Fare offers a fantastic selection of products including local organic produce, naturally-raised meats, seafood, supplements, natural beauty products, and a beautiful eat-in café, deli, and juice bar. Check out our event calendar for upcoming happenings.
RECLAIM YOUR EMOTIONAL BALANCE… Are you suffering with depression, anxiety, chronic pain or past hurts?
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A licensed, compassionate counselor is a phone call away.
Upstate South Carolina |
Rank each statement. Compared to kids the same age and gender, this behavior occurs _________ in my son/daughter.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
less often OR doesn’t apply to the age of this person at about the same frequency
slightly more considerably more significantly more
Distracted by other activities........................................█ Reading is slow...................................................................█ Poor reading comprehension.....................................................█ Often asks to have things repeated..................................................█ Poor sense of direction or reading maps..................................................█ Difficulty understanding stories or jokes..........................................................█ Has difficulty maintaining attention...............................█ Slow, deliberate speech......................................................█ Makes spelling errors in written assignments............................█ Has difficulty remembering telephone numbers................................█ Jigsaw puzzles are difficult or avoided.....................................................█ Poor at or avoids games like chess and checkers..........................................█ Has difficulty organizing activities................................█ Writing assignments take a long time.................................█ Has difficulty sounding out unknown words...............................█ Needs to look multiple times when copying......................................█ Misreads similar words.............................................................................█ Takes a while to catch on to new things..........................................................█ Has difficulty doing two things at once.........................█ Takes a long time to complete tasks...................................█ Oral reading is slow or choppy...................................................█ Difficulty following verbal directions...................................................█ Poor at or dislikes drawing.......................................................................█ Doesn’t like card games...................................................................................█ Is impulsive..................................................................█ Avoids or has difficulty with video games...........................█ Needs words repeated when taking spelling tests……..............█ Has difficulty recalling stories and jokes............................................█ Has difficulty with word math problems....................................................█ Has problems seeing the big picture...............................................................█ TOTAL EACH COLUMN AT PS
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April2010 2010 April
43 43
Herbs & Supplements for Dogs by Kim Erickson
hen your pup seems to be feeling under the weather, you probably head straight for the veterinarian. But keeping furry family members happy and healthy doesn’t necessarily mean racking up large vet bills. Minor health problems can often be treated at home with herbal remedies. When it comes to using herbs, less is more, says Randy Kidd, DVM, author of Dr. Kidd’s Guide to Herbal Dog Care (Storey Books, 2000). “Read the product label, then adjust the dose down to the animal’s size, assuming that the dosage on the label is meant for a 150-pound human,” says Kidd. For liquid extracts given internally, the general recommendation is ½ teaspoon three times a day for dogs under 20 pounds, 1 teaspoon three times a day for dogs weighing between 20 and 40 pounds, and 1 tablespoon three times daily for dogs over 40 pounds.
5 Remedies for Common Canine Ailments Problem: Bad breath Herbal remedy: Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) How to use: Mix finely chopped fresh parsley into pet food once or twice a week. Precautions: None. However, chronic “doggy breath” is a sign of periodontal disease, which should be treated by your vet.
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. ~George Bernard Shaw
864.850.9988 838 G Powdersville Rd. • Easley
Cheryl W. Middleton, PA-C • Clif Caldwell, MD
1/6 V: 2.25 x 4.75 Problem: Ear discomfort Herbal remedy:1/8: Mullein (Verbascum 2.25 x 3.25 densiflorum) How to use: In a glass jar, cover packed mullein leaves and flowers with olive oil. Let the mixture sit for two to three weeks. Strain, and apply several drops to the ear canal. Gently massage the outer ear, then let the dog shake its head. Repeat with the other ear. Precautions: None. Problem: Fleas and ticks Herbal remedy: Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) How to use: Pour boiling water over equal parts of dried herbs and steep until cool. Strain, and apply to dog’s skin. Reapply every few days as needed. Precautions: Do not give lavender internally. Problem: Hyperactivity Herbal remedy: Oats (Avena sativa) How to use: Add ½ cup of cooked oatmeal to pet food. Precautions: None. Problem: Joint pain Herbal remedy: Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) How to use: Look for an extract of this herbal anti-inflammatory and adjust the dose according to weight. Precautions: May cause diarrhea.
Kim Erickson is certified in nutrition, herbalism and bodycare and contributes articles to several leading publications. This article reprinted with permission from Delicious Living, May 2005 issue. © Penton Media, Inc.
Upstate South Carolina |
PO Box 25265 864-848-2667•Greenville Addison Homes is an awardwinning residential construction firm dedicated to the construction and renovation of high-performance, energy efficient, healthy homes across the Upstate of South Carolina.
Doug Allen, Director 864-884-5115•Greer Over 15 yrs experience in the identification and elimination of stress factors including electro-pollution, allergies, environmental sensitivities, and the underlying causes of “dis-ease”. Call for a free consultation. See ad, page 44.
Bonna & Jeff Wallace 864-979-5611•Upstate www.MyNikken.Net/BonnaWallace Patented air, water, and sleep technologies can turn your home into a wellness home; a haven to recharge your body and undo the stress damage.
LIVING HEALTHY TECHNOLOGIES, LLC Mike and Pam Reekie 864-271-0330•Greenville
Residential and commercial air purification, removes airborne and surface contaminates like allergens, odors, mold, bacteria and viruses, using active natural processes, featuring a “Try before you buy” program. See ad, page 27.
102 E. Butler Blvd. 864-288-2692•Mauldin Eco-friendly Benjamin Moore lowodor paints and Bona floor products. Knowledgeable staff to help you with your decorating needs. Locallyowned since 1970.
6121-D Calhoun Memorial Hwy. 864-855-8805•Easley Full line of NOW products, full line of nutritional products, one-on-one nutritional and health counseling, medical intuitive counseling, herbal alternative to Viagra.
437 N. Main St. 864-329-0004•Mauldin & Level One Class is free – an introduction to vital healthcare concepts that can empower you to take charge of your health. Call for current class schedule. See ad, page 35.
Empowering health professionals and all interested in living a healthy lifestyle! Classes in green cleaning, aromatherapy, flower essences, massage, feng shui, tai chi, and more.
550 Brookwood Pt. Pl. 864-228-8888•Simpsonville
Margaret R. Griffin 2801 Wade Hampton Blvd. #15 864-268-9255•Taylors Natural Foods, bulk foods/ herbs, nutritional supplements, herbs, homeopathic remedies, books, health and beauty aids, pet supplies. We specialize in customer service! Special orders welcome.
HOMEOPATHY Homeopathy: A therapy that uses small doses of specially prepared plants and minerals to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms and healing processes in order to cure illness. Homeopathy, taken from the Greek words homeos, meaning “similar,” and pathos, meaning “suffering,” employs the concept that “like cures like.” A remedy is individually chosen for a person based on its capacity to cause, (if given in an overdose) physical and psychological symptoms similar to those the patient is experiencing. Augusta Street Clinic
Functional Fitness/ Personal Training - both one-on-one or in a group setting.This specialized fitness training prepares your body and enables you to tackle every-day chores and challenges with a reduced risk for injury. Contact Glen for more details. See ad, page 63.
Dr. Roger Jaynes, DC, DNBHE 864-232-0082•Greenville Bio-energetic testing to show any energy imbalance, vitamin or mineral deficiency, and identify environmental allergies. We offer a variety of services at affordable rates. See ad, page 13.
Creating Joyful Birth Memories Prenatal Care, Home Birth, Birth Center Birth, Waterbirth, Doula Care
Smart Pregnancy & Birth Susan Smart, LM, CLDT
Licensed Midwife Respectful, Caring and Experienced
864.909.0042 W E L C O M I N G
natural awakenings
April 2010
Barbara Morris RN, BS 1934 N. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-236-8072•Greenville We use Biofeedback communication with your body to identify what type of homeopathic your body needs. This personalized approach enables superior results. See ad, page 33.
HYPNOTHERAPY Hypnotherapy: A range of hypnosis techniques that allow practitioners to bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious. The altered state that occurs under hypnosis has been compared to a state of deep meditation or transcendence, in which the innate recuperative abilities of the psyche are allowed to flow more freely. The subject can achieve greater clarity regarding his or her own wants and needs, explore other events or periods of life that require resolution, or generally develop a more positive attitude. Often used to help people lose weight or stop smoking, it is also used in the treatment of phobias, stress and as an adjunct to the treatment of illnesses. ANNE DIBALA, MD, DCH, CHT, NLP Master Prac.
31 Boland Ct. 864-335-5277•Greenville Stressed? Anxious? Overweight? Or just ready to take action on other problems? Experience powerful, effective, rapid results in one session. Free introductory gift. Call now!
Michele Senac 864-631-9335 Have a beautiful home or office without spending a lot! Using your existing furniture, artwork & accessories, I can create a harmonious space through the art of Interior Redesign & Feng Shui. See ad, page 10.
Elaine Hedrick, LMBT #2976/Patti Thomas 419 New Woodruff Rd. 864-848-5291•Greer Release toxins, heavy metals, and cellular debris while relaxing in a warm footbath. Customize with Laser Therapy (FDA Approved), Reiki, Jin Shin Jyustu, Raindrop, and more.
607 NE Main St. 864-963-4466•Simpsonville Detoxify your body through your feet! Foot baths remove toxins, energizes and are non-invasive. Cleanse & detoxify today, for a healthier you tomorrow. See ad, page 10.
Dr. W. Jeffrey Kramer 7-C Brendan Way 864-242-5810•Greenville Create a more confident and healthier you through Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy. Specializing in smoking cessation, weight removal, stress reduction, pain management, and enhanced selfconfidence.
6121-D Calhoun Memorial Hwy. 864-855-8805•Easley Benefits of hypnotherapy: Stop smoking, weight loss, stress reduction, improved study skills and self confident, and health improvement. Call for appointment now.
Clif Caldwell, MD. Cheryl Middleton, PA-C 838 Powdersville Rd. Ste. G 864-850-9988•Easley “Helping you help yourself” is our firm belief. We do not practice “disease care” as in taking care of a symptom with another pill. We work with you to uncover the basis for your problems and help you eliminate the cause. See ad, page 44.
Iridology: Analysis of the delicate structure of the iris (the colored portion of the eye) to reveal information about conditions within the body. More than 90 specific zones on each iris, for a combined total of 180-plus zones, correspond to specific areas of the body. Because body weaknesses are often noticeable in the iris long before they are discernible through blood work or other laboratory analysis, iridology can be a useful tool for preventive self-care. Kinesiology/applied kinesiology: The study of muscles and their movement. Applied kinesiology tests the relative strength and weakness of selected muscles to identify decreased function in body organs and systems, as well as imbalances and restrictions in the body’s energy flow. Some tests use acupuncture meridians and others analyze interrelationships among muscles, organs, the brain and the body’s energy field. Applied kinesiology is also used to check the body’s response to treatments that are being considered.
Barbara Morris RN, BS 1934 N. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-236-8072•Greenville Is your body confused? Does your body remember how to heal, metabolize, regenerate etc.? We use a scanning system that identifies where your body needs information to be healthy. See ad, page 33.
Professional, innovative landscape design and installation service from small scale garden renovations to commercial master planning with a focus on sustainability and local ecology.
Integrative medicine: This holistic approach combines conventional Western medicine with complementary alternative treatments, in order to simultaneously treat mind, body and spirit. Geared to the promotion of health and the prevention of illness, it neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts alternative therapies without serious evaluation.
Upstate South Carolina |
405 Johnson St. 864-898-1221•Pickens
WILDEARTH LANDSCAPING 864-242-9225•Greenville
We can create a beautiful, lowmaintenance, earth-friendly landscape to enhance your home or office or help problem-solve. Design, consultation, installation services available. Free estimates.
Elaine Hedrick, LMBT #2976 419 New Woodruff Rd. 864-848-5291•Greer Like a plant gravitating toward the sun, let your body bask in the therapeutic light of Low Level Lasers while reducing your stress and pain. FDA approved.
Massage therapy: A general term for the manipulation of soft tissue for therapeutic purposes. Massage therapy incorporates various disciplines and involves kneading, rubbing, brushing and tapping the muscles and connective tissues by hand or using mechanical devices. Its goal is to increase circulation and detoxification in order to reduce physical and emotional stress and increase overall wellness.
Willow Welllness Center
309 Jones Rd. 864-233-3033•Taylors Designed for the lay person and health practitioners: an FDA cleared, overthe-counter, low level Laser System to clear stressed and traumatized cellular memory. See ad, page 14.
864-282-8989•Greenville Our neuropsychological approach, Insight Transformation, trains thoughts and emotions from the inside out for happiness and optimal outcomes in life, work, health and relationships. See ad, page 26.
187 N. Daniel Morgan Ave. 864-542-1123•Spartanburg Center for well-being. Therapeutic massage/bodywork, Scalar Wave Laser, Quantum Biofeedback, detoxification, couples massage, pain/stress management. Supporting the body towards balance/healing, and promoting wellness.
BLISSFUL MASSAGE THERAPY, LLC Natalie Dingledine, LMBT #4937 1 Chick Springs Rd. Ste. 201F 864-386-1918•Greenville
Treat your body like the temple it is by only using natural, healthful oils and lotions free of parabens, synthetics, fragrances, etc. during your relaxing massage session.
439 Congaree Rd. #22 864-513-1516•Greenville Ready to discover yourself? Tired of the drama? Learn the tools to find contentment through dialogue in a one-on-one professional private setting. See ad, page 41.
Magnetic field therapy: Electromagnetic energy and the human body have a vital and valid interrelationship, making it possible to use magnetic field therapy as an aid in diagnosing and treating physical and emotional disorders. This process is reported to relieve symptoms and may, in some cases, retard the cycle of new diseases. Magnets and electromagnetic therapy devices are now being used to eliminate pain, facilitate the healing of broken bones and counter the effects of stress.
Dr. Jennifer S. Owens 864-246-5554•Greenville & Easley Neuromuscular, carpal tunnel, sports massage, low back (lumbar), neck (cervical), fibromyalgia, muscle release to promote lymph flow. Helping you improve your health!
Massage Therapy at Acupuncture of Greer
Rita Cunningham, LMBT #5999 864-451-9295•Greer Stressed out? In pain? Relax, and enjoy health benefits with a therapeutic massage designed just for you. Swedish, deep tissue, foot reflexology, pre-natal services. Special: $45 an hour.
Kellyann Battista, LMBT #6131 425 North Main St. Ste. C 864-356-5901•Simpsonville
Upstate Neurology 103 Clair Dr. 864-295-0051•Piedmont Want to feel whole again? Come in and speak with an attentive therapist who will listen to your needs. Swedish and Therapeutic deep tissue offered. See ad, page 51.
Upstate Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork 864-907-4940•Greenville Therapeutic therapies including SET Therapy, deep tissue, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, and relaxation massage. Our focus is alleviating your pain and stress. Welcoming HSA, Flex plans, and auto insurance claims. See ad, page 51.
Creative Health 14 South Main St. 864-233-4811•Greenville Joni utilizes many massage modalities to bring relief of pain and facilitate healing. Swedish, deep tissue, hot stones, cupping, aromatherapy. Relaxing, replenishing, therapeutic massage therapy. See ad, back cover.
Looking to release muscle tightness? Stressed out or anxious? Stress doesn’t go away, it accumulates! Swedish, Neuromuscular, Hot Lava Shell, Prenatal and Infant Massage available. Your first one hour session is only $35. Relief is just a phone call away! See ad, page 51.
864-608-1577•Greenville Specializing in fertility and prenatal massage. I have helped many runners and triathletes through their aches and pains while training for marathons and Ironman triathlons. Swedish, deep tissue and Active Isolated Stretching also available. See ad, page 51.
natural awakenings
April 2010
June Lordi, LMBT #4599 106 Memorial Dr. 864-634-3019, 864-877-0037•Greer 28 years experience in stress and pain reduction, and rehabilitative massage therapy. tai chi/massage instruction. Work with athletes, maternity, infants, elderly, and medical referrals.
a mystical sense of oneness with a higher power or the Universe. It can also help reduce stress and alleviate stress-related ailments, such as anxiety and high blood pressure.
Online network for information about the Upstate’s businesses, organizations and events focused on improving quality of life through sustainability, green living and natural health.
Duane Herndon, LMBT #6215 425 North Main St. Ste. C 864-979-8548•Simpsonville A unique massage experience tailored to meet your specific health and wellness needs. Relaxation, stress relief, and muscle pain reduction are just a phone call away. Your first session is only $40 (a savings of $20) Don’t delay – call today. See ad, page 51.
June Lordi, LMBT #4599 106 Memorial Dr. 864-634-3019, 864-877-0037•Greer Classes for the layperson in massage, tai chi and movement. 28 years experience in teaching individuals and groups for stress/pain reduction, flexibility, and general lifestyle adjustments. Call for information on classes for your group. Professional continuing education in massage therapy also available.
Denna Cantillion PO Box 5616 864-250-8557•Greenville Greenville Technical College has served the Upstate since 1962. With more than 130 college credit programs, university transfer and continuing education, we are college that works.See ad, page 25.
Meditation: The intentional directing of attention to one’s inner self. Methods and practices to achieve a meditative state are based upon various principles using the body or mind and may employ control or letting-go mechanisms. Techniques include the use of imagery, mantras and observation, and the control of breathing. Research has shown that regular meditation can contribute to psychological and physiological well-being. As a spiritual practice, meditation is used to facilitate
QuickWitz is a unique brain training program for the 55+ population. Using hands-on activities and games, QuickWitz will help you get sharp and stay sharp.
Midwife: A birth attendant who assists a woman through the prenatal, labor, birth and postpartum stages of pregnancy. The mother is encouraged to be involved and to feel in control of her birthing experience. Midwives are knowledgeable about normal pregnancy, labor, birth and pain relief options. They respect the process of birth as an innate and familiar process. Certified nurse-midwives are registered nurses who have received advanced training and passed a national certification exam. Nurse-midwives collaborate with physicians as needed, especially when problems arise during pregnancy. (Also see Doula.) Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET): A non-invasive, drug free, natural modality that tests for and eliminates allergies. NAET uses a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture, acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, kinesiology and nutritional medicine. One allergen is treated at a time. Naturopathy: A comprehensive and eclectic system whose philosophy is based upon working in harmony with the body’s natural healing abilities. Naturopathy incorporates a broad range of natural methods and substances aimed to promote health. Training may include the study of specific approaches, including massage, manipulation, acupuncture, acupressure, counseling, applied nutri-
Upstate South Carolina |
tion, herbal medicine, homeopathy and minor surgery plus basic obstetrics for assistance with natural childbirth. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP): A systematic approach to changing the limiting patterns of thought, behavior and language. Through conversation, practitioners observe the client’s language, eye movements, posture, breathing and gestures in order to detect and help change unconscious patterns linked to the client’s emotional state.
864-238-1816 (Lucy) or 864-270-5304 Contemporary and traditional folk and old-time music. Duo available for concerts, weddings, parties, dances and school programs. Listed on SC Artist Roster.
Dr. Jennifer S. Owens 864-246-5554•Greenville & Easley Nutrition Response TestingTM: Program designed specifically for you. Lose weight, think clearly, save time and money, be yourself again. Let us help your family today.
NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING Nutritional counseling: Embracing a wide range of approaches, nutritionbased, complementary therapies and counseling seek to alleviate physical and psychological disorders through special diets and food supplements. These will be either macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins and fiber) or micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements that cannot be manufactured in the body). Nutritional therapy/counseling often uses dietary or food supplements, which can include tablets, capsules, powders or liquids. CREATIVE HEALTH
Alicia Hall, CNHP, RYT 14 S. Main St. 864-233-4811•Greenville Through one-on-one consultation, Alicia provides guidance and education for a greater understanding of one’s individual health and well-being. Also a registered yoga instructor. See ad, back cover.
Alison Lively, CNHP 14 S. Main St. 864-233-4811•Greenville Utilizing Iridology and Kinesiology to identify your specific health needs, developing individualized programs for anyone seeking optimum health. Also providing specialized programs for children. See ad, back cover.
Melanie Parrish, CNHP 14 S. Main St. 864-233-4811•Greenville When given the proper tools, our bodies can heal or resist a state of “dis”ease. Allow me to assist you in reaching this goal. Specializing in Nutrition and Iridology. See ad, back cover.
Terry Hall-Hines, CNHP, CNC, MH, CTN, AANC 14 S. Main St. 864-233-4811•Greenville Terry Hall, founder of Creative Health, Greenville’s first wholistic center, continues with her mission to teach others to heal their bodies the way God intended. See ad, back cover.
4200 E. North St. Ste. #6 864-244-4123•Greenville We offer chiropractic & spinal rehab services. We also offer nutritional counseling, weight loss, BioMeridian testing, ionized water, whole food supplements and more. Achieve maximum health here!
NUTRITIONAL HEALTH CENTER Dr. John Marone, D.C. 647 SE Main St. 864-963-9304•Simpsonville
Serving Simpsonville since 1994. We provide family nutritional health improvement services and testing with dietary counseling. We specialize in women’s health, chronic pain from disease, and allergies. See ad, page 26.
Barbara Morris RN, BS 1934 N. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-236-8072•Greenville We use Live & Dried Blood Analysis and Biofeedback communication with your body to identify what type of nutrition and supplements your body needs. This personalized approach takes out the guessing and enables superior results. See ad, page 33.
Barbara Morris RN, BS 1934 N. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-236-8072 •Greenville Perfect Balance offers several options for pain management. We will develop a plan for your specific pain needs. See ad, page 33.
Activz - whole 9 +VMA
Dawn Deboskey 864-221-0710 Get your full day’s nutrition by 9:00am. Activz Whole 9+VMA contains 9 daily servings of fruits and veggies, amino acid minerals, essential fatty acids, 11 strains of live probiotics, digestive enzymes, and other essential antioxidants and enzymes in a bio-available, organic delicious meal replacement drink. See ad, page 9.
Margaret R. Griffin 2801 Wade Hampton Blvd. #15 864-268-9255•Taylors Natural Foods, bulk foods/ herbs, nutritional supplements, herbs, homeopathic remedies, books, health and beauty aids, pet supplies. We specialize in customer service! Special orders welcome.
Kristin DiPrima 864-553-9810•Simpsonville Products are based on Ayurvedic principles which help to energize, revitalize, detoxify, and balance your body internally. Endorsed by the Chopra Center for Well-being. See ad, page 42.
187 N. Daniel Morgan Ave. 864-542-1123•Spartanburg Center for well-being. Therapeutic massage/ bodywork, Scalar Wave Laser, Quantum Biofeedback, detoxification, couples massage, pain/stress management. Supporting the body towards balance/healing, and promoting wellness.
607 NE Main St. 864-963-4466•Simpsonville Relieve pain and reduce your stress levels from a warm and comfortable Bio-mat Thermotherapy session - a safe and non-invasive device that has been clinically proven to help support the body in the detoxification process. See ad, page 10.
Bonna & Jeff Wallace 864-979-5611•Upstate www.MyNikken.Net/BonnaWallace Are you enjoying your life to the fullest? Concerned about bone health? If you’re hurting we have natural products that help. Call for a sample today!
Migun of Greenville
1420 Laurens Rd. 864-233-4001•Greenville Specializing in goods from the North Face, Patagonia, Chaco Sandals, Mountain Hardwear and more. Offering the best product knowledge and expertise in the outdoor industry
4109 E. North St. Ste #100-A 864-242-1160•Greenville Relaxing Migun thermal massage system with far-infrared heat gently rolls up and down your body, reducing pain,relieving stress, and more! 60-day free trial. See ad, page 27.
natural awakenings
April 2010
102 E. Butler Blvd. 864-288-2692•Mauldin Eco-friendly Benjamin Moore lowodor/fume paints and Bona floor products. Knowledgeable staff to help you with your decorating needs. Locally-owned since 1970.
PHYSICAL THERAPY/ CHRONIC PAIN THERAPEUTIC SOLUTIONS Swati Kulkarni, P.T. 1199 John B White Sr. Blvd, 864-587-6498•Spartanburg
Unique hands-on gentle therapy for chronic pain using Myofascial Release, CranioSacral and counterstrain. Emphasizing treatment for body, mind and soul.
Using a transformational coaching framework, Insight transformation, we coach individuals to obtain the career and life desired using tools from neuropsychology for optimal thinking. See ad, page 26.
Qigong and Tai chi: Qigong and Tai chi combine movement, meditation and breath regulation to enhance the flow of vital energy (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”) in the body , improve circulation and enhance immune function. Qigong traces its roots to traditional Chinese medicine. Tai chi was originally a self-defense martial art descended from qigong and employed to promote inner peace and calm.
Denna Cantillion PO Box 5616 864-250-8557•Greenville Greenville Technical College has served the Upstate since 1962. With more than 130 college credit programs, University Transfer and Continuing Education, we’re college that works. See ad, page 25.
Live Green Save Green 199 North Dean Street 864-278-8088•Spartanburg We can help you buy a home with an Energy Efficient Mortgage or how to give your building a Green competitive advantage when selling. Call for more information. See ad, page 34.
PET NUTRITION RAW FOOD DIET EDUCATOR Jeanette Watkins 864-386-4080•Greenville
Keep your pet in optimum health. Learn how to integrate the raw diet into your pet’s current diet or transition from dry to canned to raw.
864-467-8300•Greenville GreenvilleSC.Gov Recycling collection services for city solid waste customers, along with a free drop-off site open to the public. Located at 800 E. Stone Ave. See ad, page 35.
JAN POSEY, CBT, CNHP 309 Jones Rd. 864-233-3033•Taylors Relax with a Reflexology session on the hands, feet or ears to balance the chi energy throughout the entire body and enhance the immune system. See ad, page 14.
864-704-7477•Greenville Because everyone wants a clean, happy home, we offer customized residential cleaning, seasonal deep cleans, pre/post party cleanings and green cleaning parties. Improve your indoor air quality.
54 Lois Ave. 864-373-9836•Greenville Soups and sandwiches served on all natural breads baked in house. All natural sandwich spreads, no steroids or hormones. All natural baked-goods.
550 Brookwood Pt. Pl. 864-688-1800•Simpsonville Inergy is an all-natural restaurant with organic options focusing on nutrients that provide energy for the body. We use the freshest ingredients with a “made from scratch daily” process. Now with Curbside To Go! Check out our website, call ahead and take it home. See ad, page 63.
REFLEXOLOGY Reflexology: A natural healing art based upon the principle that there are reflexes in the feet and hands that correspond to every part of the body. Correctly stimulating and applying pressure to the feet or hands increases circulation and promotes specifically designated bodily and muscular functions.
Upstate South Carolina |
Latrice Folkes 864-402-9231 Change your diet into a Lifeit and join the 28 days Raw Food Cleanse. Coming soon, Lifeit Café specializing in vegan and raw living cuisine.
Call Today to Reserve your space on our Masters of Massage Page!
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April 2010 2010 April
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TO REPAIR W by Crissy Trask
Reclaim your vitality: physically emotionally spiritually
in this empowering women’s edition.
For more information about advertising and how you can participate, call
864-248-4910 52
hat would you do if the garbage disposal stopped working, your headphones broke or one of the prongs of an extension cord snapped off? Although each of these problems can be repaired easily and economically, most Americans have become accustomed to replacing the defective item with a brand-new one instead of repairing it. When we fix things, we extend their useful life and save money. We also stop frittering away valuable resources on superfluous production of replacements. All it takes is a little expert help and the right information. Compulsively casting off injured possessions for the chance to buy something new is a relatively new behavior in our society. Before we became rabid consumers, repairing stuff was the norm in the United States, as it still is in much of the world. A halfcentury ago, any American homeowner wouldn’t have thought twice about dragging out the toolbox or sewing machine to put something that had fallen apart back together again. It all hints at a silver lining in today’s era of waste, stressed resources and economic struggle: The wisdom of our grand-
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parents’ natural fix-it mentality is being resurrected. People are waking up to the logic of shifting from a throw-away society to one that values permanence. Whether we happen to be game for a do-it-yourself project, or prefer to avoid anything to do with tools, tape, thread and glue, resources abound to help us transform what’s in need of a makeover.
Do It Yourself Many things around the house can be restored with low-cost replacement parts and basic tools by an interested do-it-yourselfer, and fixing things ourselves can leave us with a genuine sense of satisfaction. We may need to look no further than our local hardware store, but the Internet also serves up a slew of howto websites, with step-bystep DIY instructions for repairing, refurbishing, cleaning and maintaining common household items. At, people share what they do and how they do it. Founder and CEO Eric Wilhelm believes that the fiscal advantage of repairing things is just the beginning. “When you
repair something, you have a deeper relationship with it,” says Wilhelm. “Having a connection to things we used to take for granted makes them more valuable to us.”
Barter If our skill, interest or confidence in DIY repairs is lacking, bartering websites help us swap items we own or services we can provide for the services we need. The largest among them,, specializes in all types of bartering. Co-founder Barb Di Renzo reminds us that bartering isn’t anything new. “Bartering is the way our ancestors conducted their daily business and how they survived,” says Di Renzo. “By educating ourselves on the right way to barter, we open ourselves up to many resources and possibilities. It’s a way of taking care of our needs without spending money.” For example, a hairdresser used the website to trade a professional coif for needed computer repairs, without a cent exchanged.
Hire Help When hiring help to see a project through, it’s smart to do our homework. Resources like match project details to prescreened professionals in a local area and provide contractor profiles, including customer ratings and reviews. David Lupberger, Service Magic’s home improvement adviser, stresses the importance of customer feedback, “The bar for customer service in construction is set so low that it is invaluable to know we are hiring a contractor who will return phone calls, show up on time and meet or exceed our expectations.” Once we have a short list of contractors we feel good about, the experts at recommend obtaining three estimates, or bids, for the project. Before hiring any contractor, always verify that they are licensed (if required), bonded and insured. Spurred by necessity and conscience, new generations are waking up to the eco sense and common sense of maintaining things to make them last. Our future looks brighter because of it. Primary sources: Service Magic, Inc.;;; Crissy Trask, the author of It’s Easy Being Green: A Handbook for Earth-Friendly Living, is a freelance writer and green lifestyle consultant based in Washington state. She can be reached at
Instructional Websites to Fix It Yourself • •
Bartering Websites to Exchange Services • natural awakenings
April 2010
The Art of Reading by David L. Ulin
n his 1967 memoir, Stop-Time, Frank Conroy describes his initiation into literature as an adolescent on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. “I’d lie in bed…,” he writes, “and read one paperback after another until two or three in the morning. The real world dissolved and I was free to drift in fantasy, living a thousand lives, each one more powerful, more accessible and more real than my own.” I know that boy: Growing up in the same neighborhood, I was that boy. And I have always read like that, although these days, I find myself driven by the idea that in their intimacy, the one-to-one attention they require, books are not tools to retreat from the world, but, rather, ways to better understand and interact with it. As an act of contemplation, reading relies on our ability to still our mind long enough to inhabit someone else’s world, and to let that someone else inhabit ours. We possess the books we read, but they possess us also, filling us with thoughts and observations, asking us to make them part of ourselves. This is what Conroy was hinting at in his account of adolescence. In order for this to work, however, we need a certain type of silence, an ability to filter out the world’s incessant noise. Such a state is increasingly elusive in our hyper-networked culture, in which every rumor and banality is blogged and tweeted. Today, it seems it is not contemplation we seek, but an odd sort of distraction, busily masquerading as being in the know. How do we pause when we must know everything instantly? How do we ruminate when we are constantly expected to respond? How do we become immersed in something (an idea, emotion or decision)
when we are no longer willing to give ourselves the space to reflect? This is where real reading comes in, because it demands that space and restores time to us in a fundamental way. Books insist that we slow down and immerse ourselves in them. We can rely on books to pull us back from the world, to reconnect us with a more elemental sense of who we are. Text has a permanence that eclipses boundaries of time and space, whether written yesterday or 1,000 years ago. After spending hours each day reading emails and fielding phone calls in the office, tracking informa-
April 11-17 is National Library Week
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A 2008 Scholastic study found that 82 percent of children ages five to eight and 55 percent of teens ages 15 to 17 like to read for pleasure. Nearly two-thirds prefer to read physical books rather than a computer screen or digital device. Highfrequency Internet users are more likely to read books for fun every day. tion across countless websites, I find it difficult to quiet down in the evening. I pick up a book and read, but some nights it takes 20 pages to settle down. Still, it happens if we want it to, if we consider it necessary. “My experience,” William James once observed, “is what I agree to attend to,” a line Winifred Gallagher uses to set forth the theme of her book, Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life. Attention, she posits, is a lens through which we consider not merely identity, but desire. Who do we want to be, she asks, and how do we go about that process of becoming, in a world of endless options, distractions and possibilities? When I was a kid, my grandmother used to get mad at me for attending family functions with a book. Back then, if I’d had the language for it, I might have argued that the world within the pages was more compelling than the world without; I was reading both to escape and to be engaged. All these years later, I find myself in a similar position, in which reading has become an act of contemplative meditation, with all of meditation’s attendant difficulty and grace. I sit down. I try to make a place for silence. It’s harder than it used to be, but still, I read. David L. Ulin is the book editor of the Los Angeles Times.
Structural integration (Rolfing): A handson technique for deep tissue manipulation of the myofascial system, which is composed of the muscles and the connective tissue, or fascia, in order to restore the body’s natural alignment and sense of integration. As the body is released from old patterns and postures, the range and freedom of physical and emotional expression increases. Rolfing can help ease pain and chronic stress, enhance neurological functioning, improve posture and restore flexibility.
Alice Caston, Cosmetologist 101 College St. 864-963-2882•Simpsonville Over 20 years experience in Licensed Cosmetology. We specialize in multicultural hair care, color, facials and waxing services. We now offer a chemical-free hair straightening program. Free consultations. See ad, page 19.
Marla Rosenberg, Owner/Stylist 1018 S. Batesville Rd. 864-968-0200•Greer Expert haircare, certified master colorist, Chicago and European trained. Organic, European, and natural haircare products. Consultations available. Open Tuesday thru Saturday. Credit cards accepted.
864-236-5622 or 864-349-6417 SC Certified - 100% pure, fresh, & natural body care products. Made in Greer, SC. Spa-quality serums, butters, scrubs, etc. The blissful bath & body experience.
Kevin Ross 202 Siloam Rd. 864-220-7051•Easley Sun Banks Solar is a locally owned solar design and installation company. We specialize in reducing your energy bills with the use of the sun.
Bonna & Jeff Wallace 864-979-5611•Upstate www.MyNikken.Net/BonnaWallace Naturest Mattress Topper has latest RAM magnetic technology with FarInfrared fibers for deep REM sleep and recharging body. Pillow and comforter make complete sleep system.
Dr. W. Jeffrey Kramer 7-C Brendan Way 864-242-5810•Greenville Create a more confident and healthier you through Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy. Specializing in smoking cessation, weight removal, stress reduction, pain management, and enhanced selfconfidence.
Dr. W. Jeffrey Kramer 7-C Brendan Way 864-242-5810•Greenville Create a more confident and healthier you through Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy. Specializing in smoking cessation, weight removal, stress reduction, pain management, and enhanced selfconfidence.
Elaine Lang, RN, MS, CNS-BC ANCC, CNS in Mental Health Certified Yoga Therapy Practitioner ( 864-583-3621•Spartanburg Nourish yourself. Discover your own way to live life with a rich vitality - no matter what is happening. Mindfulness for health and healing...personalized oneon-one yoga therapy sessions. 8-week group programs. www.MyBodyandSoul. com. See ad, page 14.
Mickie Grist 14 S. Main St. 864-233-4811•Greenville Experience the rejuvenating, relaxing, and cleansing power of Ayurvedic facials and body treatments; a wholistic approach to skin care addressing the body, mind, and spirit. See ad, back cover.
Nicole Martin 1211D Laurens Rd. 864-271-2710•Greenville Facials, full body waxing and Colorscience Mineral make-up. Also carry Glitter Therapy, Save the Ta-Ta’s, body care items and Guy Gear for men.
natural awakenings
April 2010
wisewords Merging Social Investing and Philanthropy
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A Conversation with Author Woody Tasch by Linda Sechrist
n Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money, author Woody Tasch points the way to strategies for fixing the economy, from the ground up. His principles of responsible investing connect investors to the places where they live and to the land, offering life-affirming, culturally rich alternatives to global markets run amok. What do you mean by the term “slow money”? There are two aspects to slow money. The first is intertwined with the slow food movement, initially begun as a response to the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant in Rome, Italy. Now, this grassroots social movement, with some 85,000 members, promotes a way of living and eating that strengthens the connections between the food we eat and the health of our communities, our bioregion and our planet. The second aspect is about creating a grassroots financial movement. The initial goal is to attract the attention of one million or more Americans who are willing to invest a small fraction of their investment dollars in small-scale agriculture. This supports the health of the individual and ultimately, leads to a more robust community. Slow Money is a new nonprofit that organizes local and national networks and develops new financial products and services to bring money back down to earth. We are cur-
Upstate South Carolina |
rently steering significant new sources of capital to small food enterprises, appropriate-scale organic farming and local food systems. In addition, we seek to catalyze the emergence of the new nurture capital industry—entrepreneurial financing aimed to support soil fertility, carrying capacity, sense of place, cultural and ecological diversity and nonviolence— all of which connects investors to their local economies. Present examples include credit unions, co-ops, community supported agriculture and community development venture capital funds like Community Development Financial, which is already in place. At the heart of our organization are two questions. What if we put soil fertility into return-on-investment calculations that serve people and place as much as they serve industry sectors and markets? What if we could design capital markets built around preservation and restoration, rather than extraction and consumption? So, by contrast, how would you define fast money? Fast money refers to investment dollars that have become so detached from the people, places and activities being financed that it is impossible to say whether the world economy is going through a correction in the markets triggered by the sub-prime mortgage crisis, or whether we are teetering on the edge
of something much deeper and more challenging. Fast money creates a baffling environment that cannot be understood or managed, even by financial experts. This kind of befuddlement arises when the relationships among capital, community and bioregion are broken. If we continue to invest in ways that uproot companies, putting them in the hands of a broad, shallow pool of absentee shareholders whose primary goal is the endless growth of their financial capital, the depletion of our social and natural capital will continue. Why do you believe today’s industrial finance strategies are not working? Organized from “markets down,” rather than from “the ground up,” industrial finance is inherently limited in its ability to nurture the long-term health of a community and bioregion. These limits are nowhere more apparent than in the food sector, where financial strategies bent on optimizing the efficient use of capital have resulted in cheap, chemical-laden food; millions of acres of genetically modified corn; trillions of food transport miles; widespread degradation of soil fertility; depleted and eutrophied aquifers [where nutrient and algae overload snuff out oxygen and helpful organisms]; a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico; and an obesity epidemic that exists side-by-side with persistent hunger in this country. What do you believe is the crux of the problem with the present financial system? The bifurcation of social purpose and fiscal prudence is at the root of the problem. If the goal is to make more money through our investments as fast as possible, so that we have more money to give away for cleaning up existing problems, then we are on the wrong track. Cleaning up problems with philanthropic money may have seemed to make sense in the 20th century, but it is no longer conscionable or appropriate for the 21st century. We need more realistic expectations for smart investments that can sustain and preserve the planet’s wealth for generations to come. We have to ask ourselves this: Do we want communities whose main streets include local merchants whom we know, or do we want them made up of multinational companies, owned by people we think we know, that produce products under conditions of which we are not aware? Woody Tasch is chairman of Investors’ Circle, a nonprofit network dedicated to sustainability, and the president of the new NGO Slow Money. For more information about Woody Tasch and Slow Money, visit natural awakenings
April 2010
Our neuropsychological coachingcounseling approach, InsightTransformation, helps individuals eliminate stress and build happiness from the inside out. See ad, page 26.
31 Boland Ct., Suite 147 864-420-9839•Greenville Rebuild your body’s balance, flexibility, strength, memory & health with Tai Chi & Qigong exercises. Classes in Qigong, Tai Chi 24, 103 & for Arthritis. Natural self-healing exercises. See ad, page 15.
Bonnie Tollison, L. HeartMath Coach 864-901-4433 •Greenville Feel calm in the midst of turmoil. Experience less stress, anxiety, anger and depression through HeartMath’s stress management and biometric feedback. For adults and children. See ad, back cover.
864-884-2804•Bruce Rowland
Chlorine-free alternatives for your swimming pool. We can design a custom solution for your situation. Whole house purification systems also available.
435 Hammett Bridge Rd. 864-848-0918•Greer Enjoy eight lit clay courts. Full service pro shop offering sports massage, fitness & yoga studio. USTA league teams, group & private lessons for adults & juniors. Offering weekly junior clinics and summer camps.
Thermography (thermal imaging): A diagnostic technique that uses an infrared camera to measure temperature variations on the surface of the body, producing images that reveal sites of inflammation and abnormal tissue growth. Inflammation is recognized as the earliest stage of nearly all major health challenges.
Upstate South Carolina |
Vegetarianism: The voluntary abstinence from eating meat and/or other animal products for religious, health and/or ethical reasons. Lacto-ovo vegetarians supplement their plant-based diet with dairy (lactose) products and eggs (ovo). Lacto vegetarians eat dairy products, but not eggs; ovo vegetarians include eggs, but no dairy; and vegans (pronounced vee-guns) do not eat any animal-derived products.
Latrice Folkes 864-402-9231 Change your diet into a Lifeit and join the 28 days Raw Food Cleanse. Coming soon, Lifeit Café specializing in vegan and raw living cuisine.
J. Stuart Hovis, DVM CVA 864-233-1012 Complimenting modern medicine with the ancient art of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine for a well-balanced pet. Services include acupuncture, Chinese herbs, dietary management and Chinese massage.
Bobby Caston, Health/Wellness Consultant 101 College St. 864-963-2882•Simpsonville We offer health/wellness programs and natural products that are effective. We carry many name brand vitamins and supplements at affordable prices. Free consultations. See ad, page 19.
CUSTOM-MED PHARMACY John Holland, Pharm.D. 838 Powdersville Rd. Ste. D 864-855-2323•Easley
Vitamins and supplements compounded on-site. Professional grade vitamin brands like Xymogen and Designs for Health also available. Specializing in bioidentical hormone replacement and custom thyroid medication. Serving the community since 2006 your problem solving specialists. See ad, page 16.
1129 Woodruff Rd. Shoppes at Greenridge 864-987-9947•Greenville Our desire is to help others with their personal health and wellness goals. We have answers for every body so come by our store today. Store Hours: M-S 9am-9pm, Sun 12pm-6pm.
VOICE REMAPPING Willow Welllness Center
309 Jones Rd. 864-233-3033•Taylors Voice remapping uses light, sound and a customized computer program which relaxes and releases one toward emotional healing in an accurate and effective manner. See ad, page 14.
437 N. Main St. 864-329-0004•Mauldin & Clean water is vital for cellular health (filter out ammonia, antibiotics, chlorine, hormones, and other toxins). Quality water filters, shower filters, water alkalizers/ ionizers, and water purifiers (Distiller, RO, UV). See ad, page 35.
864-884-2804•Bruce Rowland
Chlorine-free alternatives for your swimming pool. We can design a custom solution for your situation. Whole house purification systems also available.
Dr. W. Jeffrey Kramer 7-C Brendan Way 864-242-5810•Greenville Create a more confident and healthier you through Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy. Specializing in smoking cessation, weight removal, stress reduction, pain management, and enhanced selfconfidence.
Kristin DiPrima 864-553-9610•Simpsonville Have you tried to lose weight before with no success? Finally, an all natural product that will help you lose pounds and inches and make you feel great! See ad, page 42.
Dr. W. Jeffrey Kramer 7-C Brendan Way 864-675-5703•Greenville We are a center of independent wholistic health professionals committed to providing our community with a balanced approach to wellness; including hypnotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, nutrition, massage therapy and reflexology.
806 John Dodd Rd. 864-439-0565•Spartanburg Well-Being Center for the Body, Mind, Spirit: Classes for your Health and Healing, also Therapeutic Massage, AquaChi Detox Foot Spa, Chi Machine, Thermo Therapy BioMat. See ad, page 23.
300 G E. Blackstock Rd. 864-574-5468•Spartanburg On Spartanburg’s Westside, offering herbs, vitamins, minerals, gluten-free foods, bodycare, detox footspa, cold laser pain therapy, stress reduction, biofeedback.
Barbara Morris RN, BS 1934 N. Pleasantburg Dr. 864-236-8072•Greenville Perfect Balance offers many services to bring your body back to health. These services include: Nutrition Counseling, Pain Management, Allergen Relief, Acute and Chronic health resolutions, Live & Dried Blood Analysis, BioMat, Pulsed Magnetic Therapy, Foot Detox etc. See ad, page 33.
1054 E. Butler Rd, Ste. D 864-254-9126 •Greenville For body mind and spirit. Rejuvenate, relax and relieve stress through, yoga, massage, oxygenation, Reiki, and biofeedback. Real fresh fruit smoothies and an inspirational, motivational library. See ad, page 11.
Willow Wellness Center
Jan Posey, CBT, CNHP 309 Jones Rd. 864-233-3033•Taylors Offering therapies including Quantum biofeedback, Voice Remapping, Reiki, Reflexology, ask a nurse, medical intuitive, massage, and Scalar Wave Laser. See ad, page 14.
Janet A. Krinke, CTT/Charla Bloomer, RN 864-423-6256 Thermograms are viInfrared Thermal Imaging able for all ages, hisCOR OR E Medical Thermography t o r i e s , a n d e v e n B r e a s t � � F u l l B o d y women with breast implants. As part of a multimodal approach, 95% of cancers are detected early.
natural awakenings
April 2010
greenglossary nBiodegradable: Capable of decompos- n Compostable: ing rapidly into elements found in nature, such as water, carbon dioxide and organic matter, when exposed to sunlight, air, water and microorganisms.
nBio-fuel: Fuel derived from renewable
biological material, including plantderived fuels like ethanol and biodiesel, as well as methane, which is emitted from landfills and livestock manure management systems during the anaerobic (without oxygen) decomposition of organic material. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas when released to the environment, so recovery and combustion of methane to produce energy can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
nCarbon footprint: The total amount of carbon dioxide, the principal greenhouse gas, emitted over the full life cycle of a product or service. Also, stands for an individual’s or family’s total carbon dioxide contribution resulting from their activities, including energy use and vehicle driving habits. nCarbon neutral: An entity or process that achieves a net zero carbon footprint by obviating or offsetting more carbon emissions than it produces. nCarbon offset: A carbon emissions reduction credit that represents investment in a project that reduces greenhouse gas emissions by funding clean energy projects, such as wind farms, which displace energy produced from polluting fossil fuels. Carbon offset credits are a way for individuals and businesses to offset the carbon emissions produced through daily activities. nCarbon sequestration: A natural or engineered process that captures and stores carbon emissions to prevent their release into the atmosphere and help mitigate global warming. Natural sequestration occurs when forests, soil and oceans absorb CO2, release the oxygen and store the carbon. Non-natural processes involve capturing carbon emissions from industrial processes and pumping them deep underground for long-term storage. n CFL:
Stands for compact fluorescent lamp. A screw-based CFL is an energyefficient alternative to a standard incandescent bulb. CFLs use about one quarter of the energy of a standard bulb while producing the same light (lumens) and lasting up to ten times as long. 60
Organic matter that will decompose into a nutrient-rich material under aerobic (with oxygen) conditions.
nEnergy-efficient: A system or product that uses a reduced amount of energy compared to one of comparable size and quality by using advanced technology and/or special design features. nEnergy Star: A joint program through
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy that sets energy efficiency guidelines for products, homes and businesses. (See
nFood miles: The distance food travels between its place of origin and consumption. nFossil fuels: Solid, liquid or gaseous fuels formed underground millions of years ago, by the decay and fossilization of dead organisms. The resulting fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas, are nonrenewable because they take millions of years to form. Burning fossil fuels releases pollutants into the atmosphere, including greenhouse gases that are altering the Earth’s carbon cycle and destabilizing the climate. nGlobal warming: An increase in the average global temperature brought on by the gradual and steady increase in greenhouse gases that trap the sunlight’s heat in the atmosphere. nGreen building: An approach to site selection, building orientation, design and construction that minimizes a structure’s impact on the environment. Green building considerations include minimizing site disturbance and construction waste; employing renewable technologies for heating, cooling and electrical systems; and incorporating sustainable, recycled, low-water and energy-efficient materials and products. nGreenhouse gases: Gases that allow solar radiation to enter the Earth’s atmosphere and warm its surface, but prevent thermal radiation from escaping from the atmosphere, thereby contributing to global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions come primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels to produce energy. nGreenwashing: A deliberate attempt by a business or entity to mislead the public into believing a product, service, company or practice is environmentally
Upstate South Carolina |
sensitive when in fact, it is not.
n Hybrid
(vehicle): A vehicle that combines two energy sources to power a car—the most popular being hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) in which a gaspowered engine and a battery-powered electric motor work in tandem to decrease fuel consumption.
An acronym for light-emitting diode: An extremely energy-efficient, long-life light source.
n LEED: An acronym for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design; a green building certification program developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. This nationwide program provides guidelines for residential and commercial construction projects aimed at improving energy savings, water efficiency and indoor environmental quality, reducing CO2 emissions and heightening stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts. (Visit n Locavore:
A person who eats only locally grown and raised food in order to support local economies, sustainable agriculture and independent farms.
nOrganic: In the United States, a product that has been produced in accordance with the Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program, which sets national standards for the production, handling, and processing of organically grown agricultural products. Organic growing methods and inputs serve to enhance the ecological balance of natural systems. For example organic producers conserve soil and water, use renewable resources and grow food without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers. (See nPassive
cooling: The use of building and design strategies to cool structures with no refrigeration systems and little or no mechanical assistance. Passive cooling strategies include low or high thermal mass materials (depending on nighttime temperatures), shading, reflecting, natural ventilation and evaporative cooling.
nPlug-in hybrid: A plug-in hybrid elec-
tric vehicle (PHEV), like an HEV, has both an electric and gas-powered motor. Unlike HEVs, the PHEV will run entirely in electric mode until the electric charge expires, at which time a gas backup engine is started. Once returned to the garage, a PHEV can be plugged into a standard electrical outlet and recharged.
550 Brookwood Pt. Pl. 864-228-8888•Simpsonville
The act of diverting objects from the waste stream for the purpose of turning them into useful raw material that can be used to create new products and materials. Recycling is a closed loop process; materials that are diverted from the waste stream must be bought back by consumers in a successive product form.
n Reduce: The act of making deliberate reductions in consumption levels in several areas (e.g. energy, water, packaging, consumer goods, etc.) to conserve resources, reduce pollution and avoid waste. nReuse: The act of finding continuous uses for objects and materials in order to extend their useful life or substituting pre-owned durable goods for newly manufactured items. nRenewable energy: Energy generated from renewable resources is unlimited or rapidly replenished and therefore, cannot be exhausted. Includes power generated from wind, sunlight, water flow, biomass and geothermal heat. nSmart growth: Thoughtful land development designed to achieve a number of environmental and quality-of-life goals such as reducing auto dependence; preserving wilderness areas and farmland; and restoring community through pedestrian-oriented, mixed-used developments.
John Holland, Pharm.D. 838 Powdersville Rd. Ste. D 864-855-2323•Easley
Group Yoga and Pilates classes offered. Also featuring Yo-lates- which combines both Yoga and Pilates for an excellent stress reducing, core workout. Check our class schedule from our website for a time most convenient for you! See ad, page 63.
Thyroid, perimenopausal or menopausal issues? We specialize in custom compounding including, bio-identical hormone replacement, and custom thyroid medication. Professional grade vitamin brands like Xymogen and Designs for Health also available. Serving the community since 2006 - your problem-solving special- QI WORKS STUDIO, LLC 31 Boland Ct., Ste. #147 ists. See ad, page 16. 864-420-9839•Greenville LIVING WELL Basic Iyengar Yoga to rebuild your INTEGRATIVE HEALTHCARE body for flexibility & strength. Clif Caldwell, MD. Qigong, TaiChi handforms & Cheryl Middleton, PA-C TaiChi Arthritis available for 838 Powdersville Rd. Ste. G balancing natural qi flow. Perfect 864-850-9988•Easley compliments. See ad, page 11. Do you suffer symptoms of thyroid & hormonal imbal- YELLOWBALL YOGA STUDIO ance such as, low libido, 435 Hammett Bridge Rd. weight gain, hot flashes, 864-848-0918•Greer fatigue and many other Join us for Hatha Flow Yoga and Nia symptoms? We can help. dance for all levels. Our goal is for Call for your personal conyou to develop a balance of strength sult today! See ad, page & flexibility in body & spirit. Lo44. cated at Riverside Tennis Club. See ad, page 11. VISION OF LIFE 104 Commons Blvd. Ste. A YMCA OF GREENVILLE 864-269-5420•Piedmont Four local fitness branches (Eastside, Caine There is no greater joy Halter, Golden Strip, George I. Theisen) than the beginning of a 864-242-1111 new life. Let us show Our branches you your little one beoffer yoga and fore their birth day. Pilates classes to fit your busy schedule. Visit our web site for more information or call your local branch.
nSustainable: A way of doing something
nTree free: Paper products made from non-wood fibers, including plants (hemp, kenaf, cotton), agricultural waste (wheat straw, bagassee, flax, pinzote, coffee leaves) and recycled materials (old money, textile scraps).
Yoga: Practical application of the ancient Indian Vedic teachings. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj which means “union” or “to join,” and refers to the joining of man’s physical, mental and spiritual elements. The goal of good health is accomplished through a combination of techniques, including physical exercises called asanas (or postures), controlled breathing, relaxation, meditation and diet and nutrition.
that maintains resource renewability and environmental health over time to meet both present and future needs.
n VOC:
Volatile organic compounds; found in many paints, finishes, synthetic foams, adhesives and stains; readily evaporate to the atmosphere, where they contribute to air pollution and can be hazardous to human health. Sources: U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Green Building Council.
2105 Old Spartanburg Rd. 864-325-6053•Greer Energize, revitalize, harmonize. A variety of all level classes Monday – Saturdays. $7-$12 per 1 1/2 hour class; specialized instruction. $99 monthly unlimited classes special. See ad, page 11.
Please note: The contents of this Health & Wellness Glossary are for informational purposes only. The information is not intended to be used in place of a visit LESS STRESS YOGA or consultation with a healthcare profesNicole D. Jordan, RYT sional. Always seek out a practitioner who 864-419-4204 is licensed, certified or otherwise Reduce stress and build strength sionally qualified to conduct a selected and flexibility with a private or treatment, as appropriate. group yoga session. Classes are accessible to everyone, regardless of age or fitness level. See ad, page 11.
natural awakenings
April 2010
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natural awakenings
April 2010