Offshore Energy Newsflash no. 27

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News Flash Offshore energy




Read more about: The rise of renewables 01 Offshore WIND Conference program 02 Time to break down borders 03 Industry news 04 Dutch Energy from Water Association (EWA) strategic partner of Offshore Energy 06


Exhibition & Conference - 13 & 14 October 2015 - Amsterdam RAI

The rise of renewables According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), as the world’s population increases, the energy demand will rise by 40% in 2040. But, at the same time, the energy industry faces challenges presented by a changing climate. Changes that require a drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. So, it’s no surprise that renewable energy will be a very important part of the worldwide energy supply. The IEA even reported recently that renewable energy could surpass coal, nuclear power, and natural gas as the world’s largest source of electricity within just 15 years. In this light it speaks for itself that Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2015 (OEEC), one of the leading international conferences on all facets of offshore energy, saves some spots for the developments and innovations in renewable energy. P37 floating wave and wind power platform (Credit: Floating Power Plant)

Although it’s nothing new for countries

is now the largest wind power market

not only from waves and tides, but also

energy, taking advantage of its coastline

To allow attendees to gain information

and companies to invest in renewable

in the world. They have increased their

from salinity and temperature differences

and tide. Recent developments in the

on several levels of offshore energy,

energy, it seems like this “alternative”

power generation from renewables from

in the ocean. Ocean water is always in

offshore industry also deserve a range

the annual Offshore WIND Conference

form of energy production is growing

really nothing 10 years ago to 25% now.

motion, and this can be converted into

of programs dedicated to shedding light

(OWC) will take place on Monday, October

faster than ever. For example, the

These are very important signals that

vast amounts of useable energy. An

on those subjects. Offshore Energy 2015

12th, a day prior to Offshore Energy 2015,

European Union set themselves a target

China is moving into the right direction.”

available form of offshore energy that is

wants to update the industry on the

at the Amsterdam RAI. The theme of the

still in its infancy, but has huge potential.

various possibilities and innovations that

sixth annual Offshore WIND Conference

of a 20% share of renewable energy in 2020, and, according to the European

But ahead of them all must be Australia.

In terms of both cost and because this

are available. That’s why Marine Energy

is “Building an industry without borders”.

Commission’s biennial progress report,

The Conservation Council of Western

type of energy generation has less of a

will be featured in one of the Technical

A theme that hopes to not only exceed

it looks like the EU as a whole is going

Australia recently released a report

strain on the environment. Ocean energy

Sessions at the conference.

international borders, but also break

to achieve this.

stating that the South of Australia could

offers many possibilities worldwide

down the barriers in legislation as well

be powered completely by renewable

to produce substantial amounts of

Offshore WIND Conference 2015

as mental barriers, discovering how

China may be seen as a conservative

energy in around 15 year’s time. And

renewable energy.

Wind Energy is one of the best known

people can promote the growth of

country, but on clear power it’s

even though they set themselves a really

forms of renewable energy. The total

the industry.

definitely a force to reckon with. The

challenging target, the report states that

A couple of weeks ago Chile signed

worldwide installed wind capacity in 2014

country spent more than $80bn in new

this goal is achievable based on extensive

a declaration to co-finance the local

was 7GW, which is expected to grow to

renewables generating capacity, giving

modeling of future power needs.

Marine Energy Research and Innovation

as much as 140GW by 2040. The coming

Centre. It’s the first center of its kind in

years will see the realization of new

them a big lead over the EU ($46bn), Japan ($37bn), and the USA ($34bn)

Marine energy

Latin America, and the state will finance

projects in many new locations. Last year

respectively. The Executive Director of

Another alternative energy source

58% of the total costs of $20 million

35% of the companies attending Offshore

the International Energy Agency, Maria

explored the last couple of years is marine

(€17.6m). Chile expects to become a

Energy Exhibition & Conference were

van der Hoeven, told BBC News, “China

energy; energy that can be extracted

regional and world reference in marine

working in the offshore wind industry.

Stay in touch!

@NavingoOE #OEEC

Offshore Energy Amsterdam

Continue reading on page 2


The rise of renewables Continued from page 1

Public opinion

become a ‘global power in solar and

Check or

It’s becoming increasingly clear for

wind energy’, the vision of a long-term

companies in the offshore energy

future powered in the main by

for the full program or to register

industry that there is a lot to gain

renewables is one none of us can

for Offshore Energy Exhibition

with renewable energy. In an interview

ignore.” van Beurden also wants to

& Conference 2015 and Offshore

with Blue & Green Tomorrow, CEO

encourage all OPEC members to take

WIND Conference 2015.

of Royal Dutch Shell Ben van Beurden

these developments in renewable

speaks out about the necessity

energy quite seriously: “Not least

of extending the investments in

because I believe twenty years from

renewable energy: “In a world

now, if we don’t act, global public

where, as we heard recently,

opinion will be unforgiving.”

Saudi Arabia has ambitions to

Offshore WIND Conference program 12 October 2015 Plenary program 08.30 - 09.00

Breakout sessions A

Breakout sessions B

Offshore spatial planning

Operations & Maintenance and HSE

Financing and insurance

Construction and (port) logistics

Welcoming coffee

09.00 - 09.30 09.30 - 10.00

Opening session: Building an industry without borders

10.00 - 10.30

Refreshment break

10.30 - 11.00 11.00 - 11.30 11.30 - 12.00 12.00 - 12.30 12.30 - 13.00

Networking lunch

13.00 - 13.30 13.30 - 14.00 14.00 - 14.30 14.30 - 15.00 15.00 - 15.30

Refreshment break

15.30 - 16.00 16.00 - 16.30

Closing session: Optimizing stakeholder cooperation

16.30 - 17.00 17.00 - 17.30 17.30 - 18.00

Networking reception

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Afternoon program, networking lunch & reception

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Full day program, networking lunch & reception

Logo + link in relevant Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference emails

€ 450

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Column By Mike Hay Sector Specialist | Offshore Wind Team, UKTI

Time to break down borders

Column Offshore wind is an industry experiencing major developments. The United Kingdom may have more installed MWs than all other countries in the world combined, but that will change as other markets develop and grow. This provides a great opportunity for the learning and experience we have built up over the past twelve years to be shared overseas. This is challenging, but also quite exciting.

Mike Hay Sector Specialist | Offshore Wind Team, UKTI

“Yet, offshore wind cannot just be a small North Sea industry, we need China and the United States to succeed as well.�

environment to do business in, and

of October as part of the Offshore

we have built strong relationships

WIND Conference and Offshore

with all key companies in the sector

Energy Exhibition & Conference. We

regardless of nationality. A good

touched on this subject last year as

example is JDR Cables, a British

well, but this year we will show with

company that has been successful

greater clarity the future Dutch

the UK delivers the most MW, closely

They are seen in the market.

in German projects by working in

offshore wind tenders and a number

followed by Germany, however it is

Everyone needs support like this

partnership with a Dutch installation

of large British projects which are in

China where the future opportunities

of some kind, even the big players

contractor. A good example of

the throes of procurement. In 2015

lie we all look for. These opportunities

value it, as it helps to be promoted

international collaboration and

we expect to see more business

will only be utilised when we all work

under the banner of the British

breaking down borders. That is

being done; especially now the

together. The challenge lies in

Government. We have delivered

important because we need a global

Dutch government is looking at

translating the learning from Europe

large scale, commercial offshore

offshore wind industry to drive

expanding the Dutch offshore wind

into markets such as China. A key

wind successfully and that is worth

down costs.

industry in the coming years which

function of the UKTI is to ensure the

a lot in places where it is still an

might form the biggest market

capability the British market has built

emerging technology.

As part of expanding our knowledge

opportunity in Europe in the

up over twelve years in the sector

abroad UKTI organizes missions

offshore wind industry. Yet, offshore

is also made available for other

to bring UK companies into key

wind cannot just be a small North

countries to tap into. UK companies

There is a lot of collaboration

markets. This year we will be

Sea industry, we need China and

come on UKTI missions, they attend

ongoing between European countries.

bringing some of the UKs leading

the United States to succeed as

conferences and, when they are

The UK has always been an open,

offshore wind companies to

well, to help drive innovation and

successful we help to raise their

collaborative and productive

Amsterdam on the 12th, 13th and 14th

industrialization. At the moment

profile both at home and overseas.

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Industry news Sif, Verbrugge to join forces at new Rotterdam terminal Following today’s news that Sif Group is expanding its business to Rotterdam, the Port of Rotterdam Authority released more details about the planned facilities in Rotterdam, which reveal that Sif Group and Verbrugge are planning to set up a joint venture to bring the storage and logistics of foundations under one roof.

Artist’s impression of Sif-Verbrugge Terminal MV2

The Port of Rotterdam Authority,

“By combining production as well

and further strengthen our leading

in the market. The fact that this is

For loading the components and

Sif Group, and Verbrugge International

as handling and storage services

position in foundations for offshore

now possible at one of the most

steel foundations, crane capacity

have signed an agreement in principle

for heavy cargo, Rotterdam will

wind and Oil&Gas in the North Sea,”

wonderful locations in a world-class

will be installed onshore for high

for the construction of a production

gain a strong position in offshore

said Jan Bruggenthijs, Sif Group CEO.

port only makes us more ambitious.”


and storage/handling terminal in

wind energy with top players in


their respective markets,” said

Martin Verbrugge, CEO of Verbrugge

gointo operation in mid-2016. The Port

In addition to this, the new plant

Allard Castelein, CEO at the Port

International, said: “We have built up

Authority said that Sif Group and

and the new terminal will create

of Rotterdam Authority.

an excellent track record in offshore

Verbrugge will put Rotterdam’s

around 200 jobs. The Port Authority

wind projects in recent years.

offshore cluster more firmly on the

will build a 400-metre deepsea quay

At the terminal, which covers around 42 hectares, Sif Group will produce

The new terminal is expected to

steel foundations for offshore wind

“This location on Maasvlakte 2 fits

We are ready to take the next step:

map as a location and supplier for the

for Sif Group and Verbrugge, with

farms and the oil and gas industry.

in perfectly with our profile for

to professionalize and optimize

offshore wind industry. The operations

a depth of -16.50m NAP, with the

Verbrugge will take care of the logistics

further expansion of Sif Group at a

our service. In Sif Group, as market

will strengthen the existing offshore

possibility to deepen it further to

at the terminal, as well as the handling

deepsea port. The strategically good

leader in the field of foundations,

cluster by generating extra activities,

approx. -19m NAP.

of sea-going vessels.

location means that we can provide

we have found a fantastic partner

such as the supply of components,

our clients with optimum service

to further extend our ambitions

assembly and handling.

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First foundations for Block Island OWF on their way Loading the first jacket foundations for Block Island offshore wind farm on to a barge that will ship them to the installation site started on Friday, according to social media posts by Deepwater Wind’s CEO Jeff Grybowski.

Tocardo to install 5 tidal turbines in western Netherlands Tocardo Tidal Turbines has announced plans to install an array of 5 tidal turbines in the Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier.

Tocardo’s tidal turbine array

Subject to weather conditions, the barge is expected to

The Eastern Scheldt storm surge

that could fulfil 10-20 percent of

Ben de Reu, Representative for the

arrive to the offshore construction site by mid-July. All five

barrier is designed to protect the

the world’s electricity needs.”

Zeeland Province, said: “We are the

foundations are scheduled to be installed in the following

Netherlands from flooding from

two months.

the North Sea. The location will now

For this project, Tocardo is working

which is why tidal energy is such a

deliver the combination of water

with co-shareholder Huisman, the

good match for us. The knowledge

The five steel jacket foundations were constructed by

defences and hydroelectric power.

designer of the turbines’ suspension

that we’re building here can be

Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc., which started working on

Tocardo’s five T2 tidal turbines are

structure. Other partners of the

used in other delta regions across

them in January 2015 at its facilities in Houma, Louisiana,

expected to be operational this

project include Strukton that will be

the globe.”

with Rhode Island-based Specialty Diving Services in

autumn and have a total capacity

responsible for project management

charge of additional fabrication work on components

of 1.2 MW. The array will supply

during installation, Mammoet,

The project has also received

of the foundation substructures.

electricity to 1.000 households,

Istimewa Elektrotechniek,

funding from the European Regional

Tocardo’s press release reads.

Van der Straaten and Hillebrand.

Development Fund, the Dutch

Hans van Breugel, Tocardo’s CEO, said:

According to Tocardo, the company,

Zeeland as part of the Operational

only province with land in the sea,

government and the province of

Block Island wind farm will feature five Alstom’s Haliade 150 6 MW offshore wind turbines.

“This project marks an important step

together with its partners, is planning

Programme for Zuid-Nederland.

The first U.S. offshore wind farm, for which the Massachusetts

in the development of tidal energy.

to increase the number of turbines in

Earlier this year, Tocardo installed

Chapter of the Sierra Club said is an “Apollo moment“,

With our turbines in the Eastern

the future. The province of Zeeland,

an array of three T1 100 kW tidal

will be operational in the fourth quarter of 2016.

Scheldt storm surge barrier, we can

where the Eastern Scheldt barrier is

turbines at Afsluitdijk, Den Oever.

now show the world what tidal

located, has provided a significant

The array has been connected to the

energy is all about, namely providing

financial contribution to the project,

Dutch grid, and is expected to power

a clean and reliable source of energy

Tocardo’s press release reads.

100 homes.

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Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news about the tidal energy industry? Check


Azura wave energy device produces clean power in Hawaii Following the deployment and grid-connection of NWEI’s Azura wave energy device conducted last month, the device has now started producing clean power to Hawaii’s electricity grid. The device has been installed in a 30-meter test berth at the Navy’s Wave Energy Test Site (WETS)in Kaneohe Bay, on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. It is now delivering power to Marine Corps Base located on the island. According to US Department of Energy (US DoE), the launch of 20 kW demonstration project at WETS

VBMS connects last cable at Westermeerwind

has already proven valuable in gathering performance and reliability data from the device in deep water, open-ocean conditions.

Dutch subsea cable specialist, VBMS, has installed the last cable at the Westermeerwind offshore wind farm.

The data collected will be used to further optimize Azura’s performance and refine existing wave energy

“In total, we have installed 48 inter array cables between

Nico Verburg, project manager VBMS said: “Despite the

computer simulations, ultimately supporting

the wind turbines and six export cables that connect

exceptionally bad weather during the cable installation

commercialization of this technology.

the offshore wind farm to the mainland,” said the

period, we completed the cable installation without

VBMS spokesperson.

causing any delay for the project.”

behind the device, with $5 million in additional funding

Now, the company is doing the terminations, connecting

The wind farm will be built in the IJsselmeer (Lake IJssel),

from the Energy Department, will apply lessons learned

the cable to the turbine, which should be completed

between Urk and Lemmer (the province of Friesland),

from this current phase of development to modify

early August.

the Netherlands. Each of the 48 turbines has a capacity

Northwest Energy Innovations (NWEI), the developer

the device design in order to improve its efficiency

of 3MW while the entire project is scheduled to go online

and reliability.

by mid-February 2016.

NWEI plans to then test the improved design with a full-scale device rated between 500 kW and 1 MW at WETS at even deeper test berths of 60 to 80 meters

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over the next several years, according to DoE. Northwest Energy Innovations is a Portland-based wave energy developer that has built Azura wave energy converter.

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news about the tidal energy industry? Check

Airbus reveals offshore helicopter of the future Airbus Helicopters has revealed the concept phase start-up for a new European helicopter, the X6, at the Paris Air Show yesterday. The company has said that it will now embark on a two-year

for how our customers’ needs and the industry itself

definition period on this next-generation heavy-lift rotorcraft

will evolve in the future.”

that will be tailored for oil and gas missions. Airbus Helicopters said that the X6 would be a twin-engine “X6 will be for the heavy segment in the next decade what

rotorcraft that is mature and all-weather ready - including

the H160 is today for the mediums. It will set new standards

full de-icing - from the first delivery, adding that one

in the industry not only for design, but for its production

of the major innovations to be integrated on X6 is the

strategy as well, as we will rely on the industrial capacities

Fly-by-Wire flight control system. Once adequate program

of our core countries, including the upcoming pillar in

maturity has been achieved in the concept phase,

Poland,” explained Guillaume Faury, the President & CEO

a subsequent development phase will follow, leading

of Airbus Helicopters. “Our objective is to bring to the

to an X6 entry into service anticipated in the 2020s.

market the most efficient helicopter solutions adapted

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news about the tidal energy industry? Check

Azura wave energy device


Dutch Energy from Water Association (EWA) strategic partner of Offshore Energy Dutch Energy from Water Association (EWA) has joined Offshore Energy as a supporting partner. Both parties will collaborate to organize a dedicated marine energy event during Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2015. Marine energy has been included in the Offshore Energy conference program since 2011. 2015 is expected to see an explosion

at the Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge

Thermal Energy pilot plant on the

of tidal energy activities in the

barrier in the province of Zeeland.

Caribbean island of Curaçao, using

blueTEC floating tidal energy platform Credit: Bluewater

difference in temperatures of surface

Netherlands. A floating tidal turbine

and deep water to generate power.

platform, the first of its kind, was

Later this year the Dutch government

recently installed at the offshore test

is expected to start a public tendering

site of the Tidal Testing Centre in the

process in order to open up the

This should give us all enough to

Marsdiep this year. The consortium

Brouwersdam and improve the water

talk about at the marine energy

led by Bluewater, includes Van Oord,

quality. Bidders will be invited to

event in October. The organization

Damen Shipyards, TKF, NIOZ, and

include tidal energy integration into

of Offshore Energy and EWA look

The mission of EWA, founded in 2010, is to promote obtaining

Vryhof Anchors, and they will test

their scope; if anything, because

forward to welcoming you to the

energy from water as a key technology for the EU. A technology

various tidal turbines supplied by

they can!

first Marine Energy program, and

to help the EU meet its strategic objectives and promote the most

to making it a big success.

optimal regulatory environment in the Netherlands. To bring the

Schottel and Tocardo. Tocardo also

Energy from Water Association (EWA)

installed a unique array of three

Meanwhile, start-up company

turbines this year, using a clever

RED-Stack is producing electricity

For more information about

dam-integrated solution in the

at the Afsluitdijk, simply by mixing

the Marine Energy program at

Afsluitdijk - the 32 km long causeway

fresh lake water with sea water

Offshore Energy 2015, please visit

EWA is part of the Duurzame Energie Koepel (Renewable Energy

in the North of the Netherlands -

and using the difference in salinity

Association NL) and is affiliated with the European Ocean Energy

a mere finger exercise for the 3 MW

gradient. Bluerise, another start-up,

Association (EU-OEA). Additionally, EWA board members act as

array project under construction

is developing a unique 500kW Ocean

observers in the International Energy Agency on Ocean Energy

sector to full commercial readiness and stimulate new clusters for innovation.

Systems (IEA-OES). Please visit:

for more information about EWA.

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About Offshore Energy 2015

Practical information Exhibition

Still limited stand space available Offshore Energy 2015 is slated to be bigger than ever before. With over 550 companies already confirmed we are selling out rapidly. There is still limited stand space available for you to participate in this successful event. Make sure you don’t miss out and book your stand now!

Space only You are free to design your own stand. Offshore Energy has large space-only areas available on premium positions. Space only does not include the full service package. Space only € 299 per m² - starting at 24m²

Ms. Annemieke den Otter Exhibition manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092606 Email: Ms. Ashley Hofmann Project Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092646 Email: Ms. Nancy Slob-Corpeleijn Exhibition Coordinator Tel: +31 (0)10 2092651 Email: Conference Ms. Femke Perlot-Hoogeveen Conference Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092634 Email: Ms. Lieke Heijnis Conference Coordinator Tel: +31 (0)10 2092689 Email: Sales

Full service participation with standard stand construction Make the most of your time and resources and leave the planning to us. Shell scheme stands are available in various sizes. These come with an all inclusive package consisting of: system walls (height 2.50m); anthracite carpet tiles; fascia board with company name and company logo; one triple spotlight per 4m2; power supply socket; power use up to 2kW; complete stand furniture; full catering service; stand cleaning; invitation service; Wi-Fi and two parking tickets.

Full service participation rates € 3,750

6x3 meter (18m²) € 6,875

6x2 meter (12m²) € 4,995

6x4 meter (24m²) € 8,600

4x3 meter (12m²) € 4,995

8x3 meter (24m²) € 8,600

4x4 meter (16m²) € 6,125

8x4 meter (32m²) € 11,150

4x2 meter (8m²)

8x2 meter (16m²) € 6,125

Mr. Laurens Kuiper Sales Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092649 Email: Ms. Sieneke Hopmans International Sales Tel: +31 (0)10 2092673 Email: Mr. Stephan van Plateringen Account Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092604 Email: Marketing Mr. Philip Mulder Marketing Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092674 Email: Ms. Iris Lommerde Marketing Coordinator Tel: +31 (0)10 2092682 Email: Mr. Fabian Schellevis Marketing & Communications Tel: +31 (0)10 2092658 Email:

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€ 75 per technical session

Navingo BV Las Palmas Building Wilhelminakade 302 3072 AR Rotterdam The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)10 2092600

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13 & 14 October 2015 Venue Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands Europaplein 22, 1078 GZ Amsterdam Halls 8, 9, 10 & 11 13 October 2015 09.30 - 18.00 14 October 2015 09.30 - 18.00


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