Offshore Energy Magazine Edition 3 2023

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Offshore Energy Magazine



ARTICLE World’s 1st green containership

ARTICLE Action needed to reach net-zero

ARTICLE OEEC 2023: Changing Currents

Zero emissions: The next step. Something big is about to happen. At this year’s Offshore Energy event in Amsterdam, Damen will unveil a milestone in the maritime energy transition – the SOV-E. The innovative concept represents the first large offshore vessel to operate fully electrically. Equipped to charge offshore from turbines and substations, the SOV-E paves the way for zero emissions offshore wind operations. Damen will present the concept at 13:30 on 28 November on the STAGE (in the back of the exhibition floor), followed by an extended product launch at stand number 1.313 from 15:30. We’re looking forward to sharing this exciting development with you.

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Pictured here: Service Operations Vessel 7017

table of contents Are we ready for ammonia?

page 6

Fugro enlisted to combat India’s emissions with ccus page 14

UK’s offshore energy investments page 12

OEEC 2023: Changing Currents page 32

3 Editor’s note 5 Guest Column: Arie Koedood 6 Are we ready for ammonia? 10 Low-emissions hydrogen growth threatened 12 UK’s offshore energy investments hit £200 billion by 2030 14 Fugro enlisted to combat India’s emissions with ccus 16 Ireland preparing next offshore wind tender 20 Laura Maersk: world’s 1st green containership

24 New scour protection solution to cut costs by 70% 26 Repair yard shortage puts maritime energy transition at risk 28 Denmark puts wind in carbon capture and storage industry 30 Swift action needed to reach net-zero by 2050 32 OEEC 2023: Changing Currents 36 Building floating wind installation on oil & gas experience 40 Damen Shipyards introduces the new Fast Crew Supplier

44 Transport ship 'Canopée' sails into the maritime future 48 TMA Logistics: your trusted partner in offshore wind handling 50 First electric Service Operations Vessel for the offshore wind sector 54 Vessels specifically designed for floating offshore wind 59 What Is Happening 72 Colofon 72 Advertisers Index






Editor's note In this era of transformation, knowledge sharing and collaborative problemsolving are imperative. This magazine provides valuable market insights through articles and guest columns, covering a broad spectrum of the offshore energy sector. It delves into topics ranging from renewable sources like marine energy and offshore wind to traditional offshore energy practices, with additional focus on the supply chain, maritime, and subsea sectors. Next to publishing this magazine, the media company Navingo organizes an yearly event. The Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference in Amsterdam stands as Europe's premier event for the entire offshore energy industry. It offers a prime opportunity to connect with industry leaders, esteemed experts, and professionals from global markets. Taking place on November 28th and 29th, this event promises two days brimming with networking opportunities, knowledge exchange, and collaborative efforts to shape the future of energy. Mirroring the content program of the Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference, the magazine offers a comprehensive overview of ongoing developments and highlights key drivers of change. This year, the spotlight will shine on hydrogen and nature enhancement, as well as offshore renewables such as wind, wave, and solar, alongside the maritime and fossil energy industries. Whether attending the event or not, you can stay informed by exploring the content program on the website at The editorial team



Special transport |



‘A skipper always has a fixed port, but innovation is something that is never finished. As long as the engine is running, I will remain committed to making the sector more sustainable.’

The NIM: Nederlandse Innovatie Maatschappij or Dutch Innovation Company is a young company with the focus on innovation. The business-model of the NIM has ensured that we can grow in a short time and set a strong ambition. Collaboration is a core concept within the NIM, by giving innovative companies the opportunity to participate in large projects to make the maritime industry more sustainable and efficient.

Combustion technologies and fossil energy carriers will not give up their place in propulsion systems in the coming decades. There is a great opportunity and responsibility here for the sector to deal with the transition to environmental friendly alternatives as best as possible.

In addition, there will be a development in advanced technologies for reducing carbon emissions. This can be achieved by switching to low-carbon fuels. However, adapting existing systems and making them more efficient will also pay a major role in reducing emissions.

We have set our mission to decarbonize the maritime sector. This mission signifies the need to drastically reduce carbon emissions associated with maritime activities.

By encouraging the adaptation, the first step towards a sustainable, economical and more efficient fleet can be taken. From here, technological developments can be further developed to create a standard for new systems in the maritime sector.

This will mainly be based on the areas of fuel transition and emission reduction. Within the fuel transition there is a need for the transition to cleaner and renewable energy sources. Research into hydrogen, methanol and alternative fuels will comprise a large part of our work.

Because innovation in a complex ecosystem with many connected players, like the maritime sector, can be experienced as difficult, collaboration is one of the basic principles of inno-

vation in our opinion. By not having to reinvent the wheel, technological progress will accelerate. The expertise of many companies can be combined and multiplied together. You cannot innovate alone. Many links are needed for the innovative chain development, so collaboration in the sector is key. We remain agile and open to emerging technologies and companies to stay at the forefront of innovation. In the coming years our goal is to expand our reach and impact to create a lasting positive change for the environment and industry. Arie Koedood Founder and CEO NIM


Are we ready for ammonia? Over the course of the past year, the maritime industry has witnessed a remarkable surge in projects centered around ammonia as a sustainable ship fuel. Ammonia-powered ship types, fueled by zero-emission ambitions, have taken center stage at this year’s Gastech in Singapore, capturing the imagination of industry stakeholders and environmental advocates alike.

The exhibition and conference paved the way for the unveiling and clearance of several ammonia-powered vessel designs including Hanwha Ocean’s carbon-free LNG carrier, Samsung Heavy Industries‘(SHI) 200K cbm ultra-large ammonia carrier as well as partnerships on ammonia-fueled ammonia bunkering vessels and collaboration on integrating ammonia-powered engines on new ships between WinGD and SHI. Data from the Global Maritime Forum’s 4th edition of Mapping of Zero Emission Pilots and Demonstration Projects shows that over 30 Approvals in Principle (AiPs) for ship technology projects

were registered in 2022 and 2023, compared to 7 in 2021, most of them featuring ammonia and larger ships.

handed out in the past year being for ammonia-powered ship designs,” the report reads.

The mapping report has registered 373 projects, up from 203 registered projects in the third edition, with new trends emerging. Over one-third of registered projects have progressed to a new phase or reached an important development milestone since the third edition, such as AIPs.

“For smaller ships, the leading technologies remain battery technology, hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen internal combustion engines and methanol.”

“Ammonia is the dominant fuel focus for larger ship types and has seen important progress since the third edition, with most of the Approvals in Principle

This surge in ammonia-related pilots and demonstration projects signifies a pivotal shift in the maritime sector’s journey toward decarbonization, with technology advancements and collaborations at the forefront, as it gears up to embrace ammonia as a prominent player in the quest for cleaner and greener seas.


The 15,000 TEU vessel was designed as a potential receiver of ammonia fuel from bunker vessels currently under design and development. The project is connected to the Singapore Ammonia Bunkering Feasibility Study (SABRE) consortium, focusing on developing and demonstrating an ammonia supply chain in Singapore. ABS has also greenlighted the design of Korea Maritime Consultants’ (KOMAC) ammonia-fueled 3,600-TEU containership. According to KOMAC, the modularity and flexibility of small-scale vessel operations make them more adaptable to new fuel technologies as they can be more easily retrofitted or designed from scratch to accommodate ammonia-fueled propulsion systems. Photo by CBM

AIPs Some of the most recent AiPs involving ammonia include the Nordic Green Ammonia Powered Ships (NoGAPS) project consortium’s design of the ammonia-fueled gas carrier M/S NoGAPS which has secured clearance from DNV. The NoGAPS project brings together key players in the value chain, including Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping (MMMCZCS), Nordic Innovation, Global Maritime Forum, BW Epic Kosan Ltd., Yara International, MAN Energy Solutions, Wärtsilä Marine, DNV, Danish Maritime Authority and the external ship designer Breeze Ship Design. It is one of five projects awarded grants by Nordic Innovation as part of the Nordic Innovation Mobility Mission with the aim of decarbonizing Nordic ports, and the transport of people and goods – on and between sea and land.

The first phase of the project ran from 2020 to 2021 when a proof of concept was developed on how the barriers to the adoption of ammonia as a zero-emission maritime fuel can be overcome, focusing on safety and efficiency, sustainable and steady fuel supply chains, as well as commercial viability. The second phase, which is still ongoing, involves producing an initial ship design that will lay the foundation for a shipyard tender and the potential construction of the vessel optimized for commercial operation in the North Atlantic and northwestern European waters. In the container-shipping sector, in July 2023, Seaspan Corporation and MMMCZCS, in collaboration with Foreship, received Approval in Principle from ABS for the design of a 15,000 TEU ammonia-powered containership.

This agility in adopting new technologies positions small-scale vessels as early adopters of alternative fuels like ammonia. Viridis Bulk Carriers, a joint venture of Norwegian shipping consultancy Amon Maritime and compatriot shipowners Navigare Shipping & Logistics and AS Mosvolds Rederia, has also won approval for its ammonia-powered short-sea bulk vessel, this time from Bureau Veritas. The approval is an important step towards being able to order the first series of vessels. The company expects to place orders for ships during 2023, with deliveries starting in 2025. Meanwhile, the China Classification Society (CCS) has given clearance for an 85,000-dwt ammonia-fueled bulk carrier jointly developed in cooperation with Singapore’s SDTR Marine and Shanghai’s Merchant Ship Design & Research Institute (SDARI).


In line with this, Japanese shipping giant Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) and compatriot trading and investment company Mitsui & Co. recently received AiP from ClassNK for the design of a 210,000 dwt Capesize bulker with a main engine fueled by ammonia. These are just a small portion of some of the most recent design approvals involving ammonia as fuel in the shipping sector, with many more in the pipeline. The recent surge in the development and approval of ammonia-powered vessels has sparked a wave of orders for ammonia-ready ships. With the technology for ammonia propulsion becoming increasingly viable and environmentally attractive, shipowners are seizing the opportunity to future-proof their fleets. Ammonia-ready orders According to data from DNV’s Maritime Forecast 2050, the adoption of vessels capable of running on ammonia as a fuel is poised to accelerate as the technology becomes more readily available. Notably, 58 ships within DNV Class have been commissioned as ‘ammonia ready,’ indicating that preparations for potential conversion to ammonia propulsion were made during the construction phase (DNV, 2050). Overall, data from Clarksons released in June this year showed that there were 191 ammonia “ready” ships on order. Some of the most recent orders that made the headlines include Eastern Pacific Shipping’s (EPS) order for three ammonia dual-fueled 210,000 dwt bulk carriers from Qingdao Beihai. The contract was signed on September 5, as confirmed by China State Ship-

Photo by Maersk McKinney Moller Center

building Corporation (CSSC), and it involves the construction of three firm and three optional 210,000 dwt ammonia dual-fuel/ dual-fuel ready bulk carriers. EPS has also ordered two 93,000 cbm liquid ammonia carriers, the world’s largest in terms of carrying capacity, from Jiangnan Shipbuilding. The latest order brings Eastern Pacific Shipping’s orderbook to a total of six VLACs of the same size. In September, Norwegian shipowner Grieg Maritime Group exercised options for two additional ammonia-ready open hatch bulk carriers taking the total to four ships. The 82,300 dwt open hatch vessels will be built by CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Longxue in China and they are slated for delivery in 2026. A number of companies have added ‘ammonia-ready to their newbuildings. Some of the notable mentions include Norwegian RoRo shipping company Höegh Autoliners which has a total of 12 ammonia-ready car carriers under construction at China Merchants Heavy Industry (Jiangsu) and Ocean Network Express (ONE) with ten methanol/am-

The ships’ engines would need to be retrofitted or replaced with an engine capable of efficiently burning ammonia, which is not yet commercially available. This may involve modifying the combustion chambers, fuel injectors, and control systems to optimize the combustion process and ensure compatibility with ammonia as a fuel source. However, the engine remains the missing puzzle. Engine development When it comes to engine technology, considerable progress has been made on this front as well over the past year. The most notable one may be critical milestone achieved by German engine developer MAN Energy Solutions in the development of its highly anticipated ammonia-powered engine. Namely, in July 2023, the company completed successful combustion on its two-stroke ammonia engine at its Research Centre Copenhagen (RCC) as part of planned engine tests. The combustion was performed on a MAN B&W two-stroke 4T50ME-X type and produced positive results with particularly promising data regarding pilot-oil amount and combustion stability.

monia-ready containerships on order. Over the past few of months, the industry has also seen the delivery of Kriti Future, the world’s first ammonia-fuel-ready tanker, and the world’s first ammonia-ready containership CMA CGM Masai Mara. All of these ships have been designed so that they can easily be converted to run on ammonia at a later stage, which means that they have additional piping and storage tanks already in place or are provided for in advance.

MAN Energy Solutions aims to have a commercially available two-stroke ammonia engine by as early as 2024, followed by a retrofit package for the gradual rebuild of existing maritime vessels by 2025. The general design of the engine is expected to inherit the main features of the well-known LGP supply system for liquid injection. Uwe Lauber, CEO of MAN Energy Solutions, is confident that ammonia-powered ships are on the horizon, ushering in a new era of sustainable maritime


'We will bring emission reduction to the next level' transportation. “In five years from now, I think we’re going to do the next step with MAN Energy Solutions. We will bring emission reduction to the next level because the regulations are showing us the path to 2050 to reach zero emissions,” Lauber said at a recent naming ceremony for the world’s first methanol powered containership. The company’s counterpart WinGD is also making significant progress in this aspect as the company eyes the delivery of its first X-DF-A dual-fuel ammonia engine by the first quarter of 2025. The estimation is backed by recent rapid progress in developing an engine concept capable of using zero-carbon fuel efficiently, WinGD said. The company expects the first X-DF-A powered vessels in service from 2026. The engine developer has teamed up with Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co. on the development of ammonia-powered vessels in both designing the vessels and completing the fuel chain with its ammonia fuel supply system (AFSS). Ammonia bunkering However, the utilization of ammonia as a maritime fuel presents unique challenges. While the industry has experience with ammonia as a cargo in gas carriers and refrigerants in refrigeration plants, it has not been used as a primary fuel source. Given the pressing need to decarbonize the shipping sector, the deployment of ammonia as a fuel may progress more rapidly than the adoption of liquefied natural gas (LNG), DNV estimates in its Maritime Forecast 2050.

The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF) has offered guidance on conducting safe operations during LNG bunkering and similar guidance is needed for bunkering ammonia, methanol, and hydrogen. Factors like proximity to populated areas, the type of fuel, and the bunkering facility’s design can affect the acceptability of bunkering in certain locations or in conjunction with other operations. Earlier this month, SGMF teamed up with the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD) to collaborate on developing guidelines on the use of ammonia as a marine fuel. The center has already completed a 9-month ammonia bunkering safety study which includes inputs from 22 industry partners and feedback from 8 regulatory agencies. This is expected to serve as groundwork to support SGMF and its stakeholders in developing guidelines as the maritime industry pivots towards using ammonia as a low/ zero-carbon fuel. DNV said in its Maritime Forecast that Nordic ports see safety and regulatory concerns as key barriers against supplying zero-carbon fuels, including hydrogen, ammonia, and methanol. These concerns extend to ammonia, with safety aspects being particularly critical. Ports require training to address issues such as potential threats to nearby residents, handling ammonia leakages, space requirements for safety zones, the absence of a regulatory framework, and uncertainty surrounding lengthy regulatory processes.

The practice of refueling while simultaneously performing other operations (SIMOPs) with ammonia will require coordination among various stakeholders, including regulatory bodies, terminal operators, fuel suppliers, bunkering infrastructure owners, and receiving ships, according to DNV.

Safety studies have indicated that operational parameters, including ammonia storage conditions, transfer flow rates, and release durations, significantly influence ammonia dispersion during potential leaks (S. Dharmavaram, 2023) (DNV, 2021b) (Clara Kay Leng Ng, 2023).

Additionally, even small ammonia leaks, though not necessarily harmful, can generate panic due to the pungent smell, potentially leading to significant public responses. As such, ship-to-ship ammonia bunkering at sea or in designated areas with minimal simultaneous operations presents a lower risk compared to port operations, DNV said. Approximately 18 to 20 million tonnes of ammonia are transported annually by ship, with around 170 ammonia carriers currently in operation, 40 of which transport ammonia continuously, data from IRENA and AEA, 2022 shows. In comparison, seaborne methanol transport amounted to approximately 30 million tonnes in 2018, with over 100 major ports already equipped to handle methanol, 47 of which have storage facilities exceeding 50,000 tonnes. DNV believes that the existing ammonia and methanol terminals globally could serve as a foundation for establishing distribution networks, reducing the “last-mile” distribution costs for ammonia and methanol as shipping fuels. In conclusion, the maritime industry is experiencing a significant shift towards embracing ammonia as a sustainable ship fuel, driven by the urgent need to decarbonize the sector and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This shift is evident in the growing number of projects, approvals, and developments related to ammonia-powered ships. In light of these developments, it is clear that the maritime industry is actively preparing for the adoption of ammonia as a cleaner and greener fuel source. While challenges remain, including safety and regulatory considerations, the momentum behind ammonia as a maritime fuel is growing. By Jasmina Ovčina Mandra


Low-emissions hydrogen growth threatened by lack of policy and high costs, IEA report shows

While interest in new low-emissions hydrogen is on the rise, the slow roll-out of financial incentives and cost pressures put investment plans for future projects at risk, according to a new report published by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The latest edition of the IEA’s annual Global Hydrogen Review 2023 published on September 22, 2023, shows that the number of announced projects for low-emission hydrogen production could reach 38 Mt annually in 2030 if all announced projects are realized, although 17 Mt come from projects at early stages of development. The potential production by 2030 from announced projects to date is 50% larger than it was at the time of the release of the IEA’s Global Hydrogen Review 2022. However, only 4% of this potential production has at least taken a final investment decision (FID), a doubling since last year in absolute terms (reaching nearly 2 Mt).

remain low as developers wait for government support before making investments. As such, low-emissions hydrogen still accounts for less than 1% of global hydrogen production and use and will need to grow more than 100-fold by 2030 to get in line with the Net Zero Scenario, IEA says in the review. “We have seen incredible momentum behind low-emissions hydrogen projects in recent years, which could have an important role to play in energy-intensive sectors such as chemicals, refining, and steel,” said IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol.

Of the total, 27 Mt is based on electrolysis and low-emission electricity, and 10 Mt on fossil fuels with carbon capture, utilization, and storage. Even though the number of announced projects contin-

“But a challenging economic environment will now test the resolve of hydrogen developers and policymakers to follow through on planned projects. Greater progress is needed on technology, regulation, and demand creation to ensure low-emissions hydrogen can realize its full potential.”

ues to expand rapidly, and more than 40 countries worldwide have set out national strategies, installed capacity and volumes

Deployment of electrolyzers Deployment of electrolyzers does not

seem to be slowed down by economic headwinds. By the end of 2022, electrolyzer capacity for hydrogen production reached almost 700 MW. Based on projects that have reached final investment decisions or are under construction, total capacity could more than triple to 2 GW by the end of 2023, with China accounting for half of this. If all announced projects are realized, a total of 420 GW could be achieved by 2030, an increase of 75% compared to the IEA’s 2022 review. Manufacturers have announced plans for further expansion but their ambitious plans will depend on solid demand for electrolyzers, which today is highly uncertain. Such uncertainty is already resulting in delays to these expansion plans, some of which are being put on hold, IEA explained. Low-emissions hydrogen Global hydrogen use reached 95 Mt in 2022, a nearly 3% increase year-on-year, with strong growth in all major consuming regions except Europe, which suffered a


hit to industrial activity due to the sharp increase in natural gas prices. IEA linked this global growth to general global energy trends rather than the success of policy efforts to expand the use of hydrogen. Despite reaching a historical high, demand remains concentrated in industry and refining, with less than 0.1% coming from new applications in heavy industry, transport, or power generation. Low-emission hydrogen is being taken up very slowly in existing applications, accounting for just 0.7% of total hydrogen demand, implying that hydrogen production and use in 2022 was linked to more than 900 Mt of CO2 emissions. Furthermore, the review notes that government action has been focused on supporting low-emission hydrogen production, with less attention to the demand side. The sum of all government targets for low-emission hydrogen production accounts for 27-35 Mt today, but targets for creating demand account for just 14 Mt, less than half of which is focused on existing hydrogen uses. Direct purchase agreements with private sector consumers are beginning to emerge but remain at a very small scale, IEA says.

Future steps The IEA’s report also outlines how low-emissions hydrogen can be an opportunity for countries to boost their economies in the future by creating new industrial supply chains. Some countries already introduced government funding programs through schemes such as the US Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit, the European Union’s Important Projects of Common European Interest, and the UK Low Carbon Hydrogen Business Model. However, the lengthy time lags between policy announcements and implementation are causing developers

to delay projects, IEA warns. Finally, the review offers several steps for governments to reduce risk and improve the economic feasibility of low-emissions hydrogen such as effective delivery of support schemes, bolder action to stimulate demand, and addressing market barriers such as licensing and permitting. Moreover, establishing international markets in hydrogen requires cooperation to develop common standards, regulations, and certifications, IEA concludes. By Ajsa Habibic

Map of announced low-emission hydrogen production projects. Courtesy of IEA


UK’s oil & gas, offshore wind, CCS, and hydrogen investments to hit whopping £200 billion by 2030

The UK has set its cap on pursuing energy security alongside decarbonisation to lay the groundwork for its transition to net-zero by 2050. While several things have been ticked off the list of items needed for this transformation into a green superpower, a lot of ground is still left to cover. In line with this, a new report from Britain’s representative body for the offshore energy industry, Offshore Energies UK (OEUK), outlines that the country’s total offshore energy spend could reach £200 billion (around $249.7 billion) this decade.

Within its Economic Report 2023, OEUK underlines that the UK needs to “supercharge homegrown offshore energy” to deliver its growth and netzero targets. The report pinpoints the actions policymakers are required to take in partnership with businesses to get the needed investment moving and tackle the energy challenges facing the nation and its households. The findings from this report estimate that Britain could dish out £200 billion by 2030 for oil and gas, offshore wind, carbon capture and storage (CCS), and low-carbon hydrogen. This entails £80 billion (over $99.8 billion) in offshore wind, of which OEUK members are

helping to develop 13 GW of the offshore wind pipeline capacity by 2030. These projects alone require almost £30 billion (more than $37.4 billion) of private investment. Furthermore, members of Offshore Energies UK are also developing the UK’s first wave of carbon capture and hydrogen cluster projects with a possible spend of up to £20 billion (nearly $25 billion). In addition, OEUK has in its sights approximately £35 billion (around $43.7 billion) of potential oil and gas capital investment over the next ten years, of which about half will go on projects in existing fields and half on new

fields. This is part of wider oil and gas expenditure that could be £90 billion (almost $112.4 billion) through to 2030. However, about half of the £200 billion investment – £100 billion (close to $124.9 billion) – is waiting on final investment decisions (FIDs) from businesses that need renewed certainty to sign off. In light of this, the report underscores that the UK needs to unlock £100 billion of private sector investment, so that, its supply chain and skilled workforce can build “key projects to safeguard today’s energy security” and the renewable infrastructure to get Britain to net-zero by 2050.


and argument, but we know big engineering projects only succeed through collaboration. The transition to net-zero will be the biggest engineering project this country has ever seen. We need consensus to support the very industries and workers whose skills are vital for building our energy future. “In recent months we have felt the direct impact of underinvestment in homegrown energy on job security for our workers, the competitiveness of our firms internationally and our future energy bills. Our report shows that with the right frameworks in place, this industry can make longterm investments to help the UK tackle these challenges head-on.”

Unleashing investments To unlock these funds, Offshore Energies UK has pinpointed concerted policy support, a stable and globally competitive tax regime, and improved planning and regulatory timelines as “critical.” In lieu of this, the report details the key moves necessary across all areas of the energy mix to make the UK globally competitive. As a result, OEUK is calling for pragmatic policy across all political parties ahead of the next general election race to safeguard energy security and the homegrown jobs and supply chains needed to build the low-carbon future. This comes as the Energy Bill returns to the House of Commons for debate this week. David Whitehouse, CEO of Offshore Energies UK, commented: “Parliaments may thrive on opposition

Decision time The UK is in the process of mulling over whether to head for the exit from a multilateral energy treaty – known as the Energy Charter Treaty – if a much stronger focus on promoting clean, affordable energy, such as carbon capture, utilisation and storage as well as hydrogen and other renewables, are not incorporated within the treaty’s framework. Many are demanding an immediate withdrawal from what they see as a “climate-wrecking” energy treaty, as eleven countries including Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Ireland have decided to exit the treaty, with the European Commission proposing a coordinated EU withdrawal in July. With this in mind, a new poll was conducted between 25 and 26 August 2023 in the UK by Yonder Consulting on behalf of Global Justice Now. The results show that less than one in ten (9 per cent) believe Britain should remain in the Energy Charter Treaty. Whitehouse further added: “The UK mustn’t just become a good place to do energy business, it must become irresistible. Our Economic Report

shows that as the global race for energy investment accelerates, the UK must compete by making the most of its diverse homegrown industry, from oil and gas to offshore wind, hydrogen and carbon capture. Globally, this is the lesson other countries have learnt. We must not get left behind. “Our sector recognises that our energy mix must change and shares the UK’s climate goal ambitions. As we look to successfully manage the shift to a lower carbon world there is no simple choice between oil and gas and renewables, we need both as we cut emissions and decarbonise the economy. Many of the companies investing in opportunities like carbon capture, hydrogen, and offshore wind will require the cash flow from a stable and predictable oil and gas business to fund these opportunities.” Road to net-zero Moreover, the independent Office for Budgetary Responsibility (OBR) forecasts that £1.4 trillion (about $1.75 trillion) is needed to get to net-zero, with £1 trillion (almost $1.25 trillion) required from the private sector, as the UK faces an accelerating global energy investment race. OEUK explains that President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and ambitious plans across Asia and the EU are all attracting investment and talent from around the world, thus, the UK “must not be left behind.” Therefore, private investment is seen as critical in this endeavour. “Today the offshore oil and gas industry supports around 220,000 jobs and in 2022 generated almost £30 bn in GVA, representing around 1.5 per cent of the total UK economy. This is the bedrock of expertise on which we can build future energy infrastructure for the benefit of everyone in the UK,” concluded Whitehouse. By Melisa Cavcic


Fugro enlisted to combat India’s emissions with carbon capture utilisation and storage The Netherlands-headquartered geo-data specialist Fugro will pool resources with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai, to step up net-zero initiatives in a bid to slash India’s carbon footprint with the help of carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) projects.

ture and storage (CCS) has emerged as a potential solution that could pave the way for a carbon-free world.

ments to combat climate change. While some fear that CCUS will lock in fossil fuel use, since they see it as a lifeline the oil and gas industry can grab to extend its reign over the energy throne and keep on thriving in a low-carbon economy, this decarbonisation tool is quickly gaining ground on the global scene.

of CCUS in India – the world’s fastest-growing economy – will play “a critical role” in meeting the UN’s climate action targets. With this in mind, the geo-data giant has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay to advance the development of CCUS projects in India.

Governments are facing increased pressure to intensify their commit-

CCUS According to Fugro, the deployment

Soumendra Ganguly, Fugro Country Manager India Land, commented:

As heatwaves push climate change to the forefront, the world is intensifying its efforts to produce a climate plan rich in tangible action to cut greenhouse gas emissions. In this search for solutions to mitigate climate change, carbon cap-


'CCS could pave the way for a carbon-free world'

of public and private stakeholders to create synergy across India’s CCUS roadmap. While this roadmap is expected to be announced later in 2023, the country’s state-owned energy player, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC), recently revealed plans to invest around $12.03 billion by the end of the decade in multiple low-carbon and green initiatives, including CCUS, renewables, green hydrogen, and green ammonia to scale up its renewable portfolio to 10 GW by 2030 and turn its low-carbon aspiration into reality. In addition, it will spend approximately $1.2 billion annually on oil and gas exploration by 2025. “The signing of this MOU signals a strong commitment from both parties towards a greener future. This partnership represents a significant step forward in advancing India’s efforts to address climate change and reduce carbon emissions.” Under the five-year agreement with IIT, Fugro will act as a technical advisor, lending its geo-consulting expertise and geo-data technologies to support IIT in identifying, assessing, and developing pilot projects in the CCUS domain. Devendra Narain Sing, D.L. Shah Chair Professor for Innovation at IIT’s De-

partment of Engineering, remarked: “This technical collaboration between IIT and Fugro will be instrumental in realising the potential of the sinks (subsurface geological formations) in the vicinity of CO2 emission sources, an important precursor to developing CCUS infrastructure. We will also train Indian industry and academia in this domain.” Decarbonisation quest IIT is home to one of two National Centres of Excellence in CCUS – supported by India’s Department of Science & Technology – which are responsible for mapping country-wide CCUS innovations and coordinating a network

In addition to supporting decarbonisation initiatives, Fugro is committed to reducing its own emissions to reach net-zero by 2035 through the adoption of remote and autonomous technologies, electrified vehicles, and greener fuels such as methanol. The Netherlands-headquartered giant reported a revenue of over €1 billion for 1H 2023, representing a 24.1 per cent growth from €833 million in 1H 2022 due to continued high client demand in energy markets, such as offshore wind site characterisation solutions and related nearshore activities. By Melisa Cavcic


Ireland reparing next offshore wind tender

After awarding nearly 3,100 MW in the first offshore wind auction under the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (ORESS) in May, the Irish government is working on launching its next offshore wind auction soon.

This summer, the Irish Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) organised a consultation process on the principles for the design of the country’s Phase Two offshore wind auctions under the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (ORESS 2). The first auction, ORESS

2.1, is planned to be opened by the end of this year or early next year and will offer an area off Ireland’s South coast for development. Through the consultation, the stakeholders had an opportunity to provide feedback on key design principles to

help ensure ORESS 2 auctions are attractive to the offshore wind industry, deliver a route to market for significant amounts of clean renewable energy, and ensure value for money for electricity consumers, the government said in a press release issued earlier this year.


where Ireland’s transmission system operator EirGrid has identified currently available onshore grid capacity for further offshore wind connections of approximately 900 MW in total. This additional offshore wind capacity, coming after the capacities awarded to the Irish Phase One projects earlier this year, is intended to be split into two connections of approximately 450 MW at two locations. ORESS 2.1 participants will compete for support to develop 450 MW offshore wind projects within each of these sites, or a 900 MW project within a single ORE Designated Area. This first ORE DMAP only comprises an initial, proposed geographical area within which future offshore renewEcosystem-based approach ORESS 2 auctions will be geographically aligned with available onshore grid capacity, with the first auction to be organised for the development of offshore wind projects within Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Designated Areas under the country’s Designated Maritime Area Plan (DMAP). The establishment of DMAPs is taking place according to an ecosystem-based approach, with full consideration for the protection of marine environment and biodiversity, and will provide comprehensive opportunities

for public and stakeholder engagement, and for local coastal and marine communities, according to the Irish government. The government published the first DMAP Proposal for Offshore Renewable Energy on 13 July, the same day it also officially launched the new permitting authority, the Maritime Area Regulatory Authority (MARA). 900 MW capacity The area proposed to be awarded in the upcoming ORESS 2.1 will be located off the South coast of Ireland,

able energy development may take place, which will be further refined following public engagement and consultation, environmental impact assessments and other expert analysis of the maritime areas. More in 2024 The government said it would publish a Draft DMAP that encompasses a significantly smaller footprint than the one initially outlined in the proposal after completing public consultation. Following this, a further statutory public consultation was scheduled to take place, before the Draft DMAP is presented to the Minister for Housing


and both houses of the Oireachtas for approval, DECC’s press release from July said. The location of subsequent Phase Two designated areas and ORESS 2 auctions is being determined by the availability of additional onshore grid capacity that may arise should Phase One projects fail to achieve a route to market or planning consent, according to information available on the government’s website. In the consultation document issued this summer, the Irish government stated that a second Phase Two auction is planned to be held shortly after the first one, later in 2024, and that this round would focus on DMAP(s) off Ireland’s East coast. Green hydrogen Beyond Phase Two and the goal of having 5 GW of offshore wind installed by 2030, the Irish government also plans Phase Three, which targets an initial 2 GW of floating wind capacity off the

South and West coasts. These projects are expected to be in development by 2030 and may include projects available for green hydrogen production and other non-grid uses. Namely, under its Offshore Energy Programme, Ireland not only aims to have 5 GW of offshore wind by 2030 but also a further 2 GW in development by that time for non-grid use such as green hydrogen production. The programme also sets a total offshore wind capacity target for 2050 to at least 37 GW. The Offshore Energy Programme will be backed by a new National Industrial Strategy for Offshore Wind, which is expected to be published in spring 2024. National strategy The strategy, announced earlier this year by the Irish Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, will set out how Ireland can maximise the economic opportunity arising from the production of offshore wind energy.

Photo by Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC)

According to information shared by the Irish government this year, the National Industrial Strategy for Offshore Wind will be developed with the objective of ensuring that Ireland fully captures the value of both the supply chain to deliver an offshore wind sector at scale, and the routes to market for offshore wind projects. The offshore wind strategy will include measures to develop Ireland’s supply chain capabilities to support the offshore wind development, as well as measures to minimise risks to meeting the country’s targets arising from supply chain constraints. Furthermore, the strategy will also support the development of both domestic and export demand for energy derived from offshore wind and will support the development of clusters in locations that are key to the development of the offshore wind sector. By Adrijana Buljan


Laura Maersk is born:

Ursula von der Leyen christens world’s 1st green containership

The world’s first containership powered by green methanol has been officially named in the picturesque city of Copenhagen, Denmark by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

“I name you Laura Maersk! As you sail the waters of the world, may your journeys be smooth and your tasks successful. May you bring happiness to the crew and be a safe haven for all who board you and may you bring prosperity and pride to all. I wish you Godspeed,” von der Leyen said before smashing the bottle of champagne over the ship’s bow and officially revealing the feeder’s name on September 14. The ship was named after the company’s first steamship vessel, Laura, which was also the first vessel to wear the white seven-pointed star on

a light blue background. The ship was bought by Captain Peter Maersk Moller in 1886 during the Industrial Revolution. This symbol later would become the logo of A.P. Moller – Maersk. The green methanol-powered Laura Maersk symbolizes a new era for the company which has become a first mover for the shipping industry as it enters a new chapter of a decarbonized future. This groundbreaking event marked a major milestone in the shipping industry’s transition towards

sustainability and environmental responsibility. It was attended by a diverse audience, including distinguished guests, industry leaders, and environmentally conscious individuals from around the world. The cutting-edge 2,100 TEU container vessel, powered by green methanol, and classed by ABS, was built at South Korea’s Hyundai Mipo Dockyard. MAN Energy Solutions and Hyundai Engine and Machinery, in collaboration with Hyundai Mipo and Maersk, developed the methanol propulsion configuration for the vessel. The main


for change and celebrating Denmark’s role as a pioneering green nation. The program included insightful speeches from key figures in the shipping and environmental sectors, highlighting the importance of this momentous occasion. Among the notable speakers were Robert Mærsk Uggla, Chairman of A.P. Moller Maersk, and Vincent Clerc, CEO of A.P. Moller Maersk, both emphasizing the urgency of the industry’s transition towards greener alternatives. “While the vessel is fairly modest in size, 2,100 TEU, which is around ten percent what the world’s biggest containerships usually carry, its importance and its impact transcends its physical dimensions,” Robert Mærsk Uggla said while delivering a speech during the naming ceremony.

Photo by Maersk

engine was supplied by Hyundai Engine and Machinery, while the auxiliary engine was supplied by Himsen. The feeder will be followed by 24 large ocean-going vessels of 9,000-17,200 TEU capacity which are scheduled for delivery in 2024 and 2027. Times are changing The ceremony began with a stunning performance by the Danish female choir UngKlang, who beautifully sang Bob Dylan’s “The Times They Are A-Changin'” and the Danish anthem, “I Denmark er jeg født” (In Denmark, I was born). These songs set the stage for the day’s events, emphasizing the need

“Similar to Laura the steamship, this ship represents an industrial revolution yet of a green character. Two and a half years ago many in our industry argued that liquefied natural gas (LNG) was the future fuel for shipping. However, LNG is still a fossil fuel, and the occurrence of methane slip is considered highly damaging to the environment. At the time, many did not see any green alternatives. But a lot has happened in the last few years. This very ship has become the catalyst for such change,” he added, explaining that methanol offers a window of opportunity for companies that want to start their transition now. He expressed optimism about the future, with over 170 ships in development or earmarked for retrofitting to run on green methanol, marking the beginning of a green revolution in global supply chains.

“This is the beginning of a green revolution of our global supply chains. Together with partners in this room, and elsewhere, we are exploring other pathways to decarbonize trade including other fuels. The most important question is no longer how to develop new technologies but rather how to speed up the implementation of available solutions, and scale the global supply of green fuels.” By 2030, Maersk will need approximately 5 million tons of green fuels for its ships and today’s global production of green methanol is below 100,000 tons, therefore the acceleration of production and scaling up is of major significance. Significant moment Speaking at the naming ceremony, Vincent Clerc, CEO of A.P. Moller Maersk, revealed that the construction of the lion’s share of these ships has already been kick-started. “Neither we nor the climate can afford complacency or waiting for other solutions to emerge in the late 2020s. In the past two years, we have locked orders for 25 ships able to operate on green methanol. Nineteen of those are already in production and they will be in the sea by 2025,” Clerc said. In 2021, Maersk ordered the world’s first methanol-enabled container vessel following a commitment to the principle of only ordering newbuilt vessels that can sail on green fuels. “Transition in the propulsion of a vessel is very rare. We have seen three major changes in the past 140 years of existence of our company and Maersk has taken part in all three. They were all revolutionary and they all took time,” Clerc said.


“Now, as we embark on the next transition, this time as a first mover, we like to see it as a testament to how when we unite to determine efforts and partnerships a tangible and optimistic path forward to a sustainable future will emerge. This day is a long-awaited culmination of the efforts of many individuals and years of united work. Yet, we are acutely aware that this is just the beginning as even greater challenges lie ahead. But as is the case with all significant advancements, it starts with one.” Clerc highlighted the significant progress made by Maersk in adopting green methanol as a viable fuel source and the company’s commitment to achieving climate neutrality. He praised the collaborative efforts of partners, regulators, and customers in making this transition possible and emphasized the importance of leadership and vision in driving change. “Laura Maersk is a historic milestone for shipping across the globe. It shows the entrepreneurial spirit that has characterized Maersk since the

Photo by Maersk

founding of the company. However, more importantly, this vessel is a very real proof that when we as an industry unite through determined efforts and partnerships, a tangible and optimistic path toward a sustainable future emerges. This new green vessel is the breakthrough we needed, but we still have a long way to go before we make it all the way to zero,” Clerc added. He also voiced his excitement about the followership within the container shipping industry with regard to the adoption of methanol as a greener fuel choice as there are more than 100 methanol-powered container vessels ordered by various companies – all dedicated to climate neutrality trajectory. “The strong and rapid involvement from the industry is essential to accelerate the innovation and adoption of new technologies. This is fundamentally required to meet our goals,” he noted. It’s reality “This is exemplary action by our partner A.P. Moller – Maersk. They are showing

the world it’s possible and inspiring other shipping companies to follow their lead. This is an extraordinary real-life example of green shipping, and at the same time, it reminds us of developments that need to take place in order for this first-mover action to be followed by industry wide up-scaling,” said Bo Cerup-Simonsen, CEO of the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, commenting on the ship’s naming ceremony. “Most importantly, we need fuel producers to start ramping up investments and we need the IMO community to succeed in implementing the newly agreed updated GHG strategy,” continued Bo CerupSimonsen. The highlight of the ceremony was the presence of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, who served as the godmother of the vessel. Madam President played a pivotal role in including shipping in the European Green Deal, and her participation underscored the global significance of the event.


Ursula von der Leyen: 'Four years ago, a net-zero shipping sector was a distant dream'

“Four years ago, when I took office, the idea of a net-zero European shipping sector seemed like a distant dream. Something crucial was missing to spark significant investments in eco-friendly technologies. We needed clarity and a defined path to embark on this journey. In 2019, the European Commission stepped up and introduced the European Green Deal, offering a clear vision for Europe to become the world’s first climate-neutral continent. This initiative came with binding legislation, endorsed by all 27 member states, creating the much-needed predictability for industry leaders to act,” the president said. When running on methanol at sea, the feeder saves up to 100 tons of CO2 on a daily basis when compared to running the vessel on conventional fuel, and when you look at the greenhouse gas impact using methanol provides a reduction of about 65% compared to conventional fuels, according to Maersk. The potential is to go up to 95% depending on how the methanol is produced. The ship’s maiden voyage has been fueled by green methanol by Dutch OCI Global. Moving forward, the ship will receive green methanol from Equinor in the Port of Rotterdam until European Energy starts producing e-methanol from its new plant, which is set to be commissioned in the second half of 2024. The ship is slated to start operating at the beginning of October, bunkering in the Port of Rotterdam every five weeks. By the end of this decade, Maersk anticipates that 25 of their vessels

will be sailing on green methanol, saving a remarkable 2.75 million tons of CO2 emissions annually. Notably, these green fuels will be produced in Denmark, using solar power, a remarkable achievement that reflects the need for vision and leadership in driving change. Von der Leyen commended Maersk’s leadership in embracing the transition to cleaner fuels and highlighted the economic opportunities that come with ecological responsibility. She reiterated the need for global collaboration and robust regulatory frameworks to accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices in the shipping industry. This transformation is not only about transitioning to cleaner fuels but also about reshaping the economy of the future. The European Green Deal has brought together political ambition, public investment, and private innovation, and the Laura Maersk vessel stands as a testament to this collaborative effort, the President of the European Commission pointed out. As explained, the next crucial step is securing green fuels at scale. By 2030, the European Union aims to produce and import 20 million tons of renewable hydrogen annually, driven by the increasing deployment of renewable energy sources. This shift will pave the way for more investment in alternative fuels like green hydrogen, ammonia, and methanol, von der Leyen noted. “We are already deploying renewable energy like never before. This year for the first time in Europe we generated more electricity from wind and sun

then from gas,” Madam President said. Recognizing that shipping is a global endeavor, efforts to reduce emissions extend beyond Europe. Collaborative work within the International Maritime Organization has led to ambitious global actions. The agreement reached in July to cut the carbon footprint of international maritime transport is a significant milestone, the Commission President continued. “It must now be coupled with a robust global pricing mechanism for greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime sector, which will protect pioneers like Maersk and inspire others to join the journey towards sustainable high-seas travel.” “In conclusion, Laura Maersk and this moment symbolize Europe’s dedication to leading the fight against climate change. We are turning a generational task into a new growth strategy.” “As we sail into the future, our only limit is the horizon. We are confident in our destination, and with sailing ships like this, we are on a clear course. We rely on the collective efforts of industry leaders and innovators to take the necessary action,” she concluded. As the ceremony concluded, it left a lasting impression on all those in attendance, reminding them of the urgency of our shared responsibility to protect the planet for future generations. In the words of primatologist Jane Goodall, “We have not inherited this planet from our parents; rather, we are borrowing it from our children.” By Jasmina Ovčina Mandra


New scour protection solution has the potential to cut costs by 70%

Earlier this year, Scottish company Balmoral presented a scour protection solution that could replace rock dumping and is set to potentially cut costs by up to 70 per cent when compared to this conventional method.

In an interview Balmoral revealed that the initial concept behind its new system, named HexDefence, was aimed at a solution for the oil and gas industry but was further developed with the offshore wind industry in mind and that its design was inspired by – turtles. Safeguarding foundations The Scotland-based engineering company introduced HexDefence saying it could drastically reduce scour phenomena around fixed offshore wind

turbines that cause seabed erosion and a reduction in foundation strength and stiffness.

HexDefence allows for cost reduction that reaches far into a project’s lifespan, the company says.

The structure provides a non-invasive approach to protecting the monopile and the immediate surrounding area and eliminates the need for rock installation which can cost up to 70 per cent more when compared to this new solution, according to Balmoral. So, where do the cost savings come from? Besides not using rock installation vessels,

OpEx savings “The savings also come through operational cases such as allowing, for instance, CPS systems to become much shorter because scours become shorter, which enables faster burial and thus having less cable exposed in a highly dynamic environment. These are all going to make cables last longer and, in


wind projects, including hinge designs, segmented sections, quick-connects and other features designed into the system which allow for an ROV-installable process. Easy decommissioning Dr Gill pointed out that the system was also a more advanced end-of-life solution that can be easily decommissioned and removed. “Once a project reaches the end-of-life stage, you have to decommission it and leave the site as you found it. With rock, this means complex and time-consuming operations but with things like HexDefence, we do not have to go in and disturb the seabed since only a traditional lifting operation is needed to take the system off”. Furthermore, the structure can be produced by using environmentally friendly materials, if required. While this would increase the cost at this time, in the future, this version could be more aligned with environmental protection and sustainability requirements in project development tenders. Oil & gas origins

HexDefence Balmoral

terms of OpEx, will potentially reduce servicing and lead to less downtime”, said Dr Aneel Gill, Product R&D Manager at Balmoral. The OpEx savings are at the front and centre of the structure’s application on existing offshore wind farms, where HexDefence is seen as a retrofit option in case the conventional solution that was already employed has been damaged or removed and there is excessive erosion that could be causing issues to the cable and the monopile. The new scour protection structures can also be outfitted specifically to enable easier installation at existing offshore

The company says that it approached the development of the system as it does with most of its products – getting input and feedback from project developers/ owners on potential issues which they are looking to minimise or solve. “We always start at the top, at the developer and the operator side, and the reason we do that is to get a glimpse into a lot of the issues that they see at their level, which is important for us as a product solutions provider. This then steers our product developments and highlights what we should be looking at”, Dr Gill said. “HexDefence, in its inception, originated as an oil and gas solution to reduce vortex-induced vibration, or VIV, for drill stacks and we have done a lot of work in that area, long before moving onto the issues with scour protection. We have built further on that hydrodynamic shape and followed it through to where it is now, which is the point where it is showing some really strong figures in terms of reduction of scour compared to traditional protection methods”.

Further solutions Balmoral says it has adapted and transitioned a number of its existing buoyancy and protection solutions for use in the fixed and floating offshore wind sector and that, with the increased offshore wind activity in the UK and globally, it is finding significant traction for its products around the world. This summer, the company was awarded a new, multi-million-pound contract for a fixed offshore wind cable protection system (CPS) in the UK. In addition to HexDefence, the Scottish engineering company has launched several subsea solutions for the offshore wind sector over the past few years, including a bend stiffener connector which features diverless installation and an elevated level of operational performance. Introduced in August, the full Balmoral BSC system consists of a lead-in cone, BSC and dynamic bend stiffener. The BSC is drawn through a bellmouth located beneath a floating platform and, as the BSC latching system engages with the bellmouth, the anchoring mechanism comes into action. This latch secures the mechanism during descent and maintains system stability as the anchors find their place on the tapered neck of the bellmouth, the company explained in a press release introducing the new system. By Adriajana Buljan

Dr Aneel Gill


Repair yard shortage puts maritime energy transition at risk

A shortage of repair yards with experience in conversions may hinder the take up of alternative fuel technology by the existing fleet, according to the findings from LR’s new Engine Retrofit Report.

The report has identified that retrofitting a significant number of the 9,000 and 12,900 large merchant vessels estimated to be part of the global fleet in 2030, could rapidly accelerate the maritime energy transition. However, it warns that these ambitions could be jeopardized by the limited number of repair yards currently capable of performing such conversions. Beyond this timeframe, it’s anticipated that all new vessels will be built with net-zero or near-zero carbon fuel capability. However, the practicality of retrofitting older vessels (beyond

ten years) and smaller vessels may remain a challenge. Even converting a fraction of this potential market will necessitate new capabilities and technologies from ship designers, shipyards, and operators. “Decarbonising the existing fleet is crucial for reducing the maritime industry’s greenhouse gas emissions. Without significant progress in this area, there could be as many as 20,000 commercial vessels relying on fossil fuels by 2050,” Claudene Sharpe-Patel, Technology Director, Lloyd’s Register, said.

“We must, therefore, focus industry efforts on addressing the issues that LR’s Engine Retrofit Report raises such as yard capacity, conversion capability and system integration, helping stakeholders from the maritime value chain navigate the obstacles to installing future fuels technology on the existing global fleet.” Fleet readiness for zero-emission fuels is on the rise, with 225 ammonia-ready and 120 methanol-ready vessels in service or on order. While “fuel-ready” notations certify aspects of alternative fuel conversions, they


What is more, fuel conversion packages have yet to be deployed at scale and in many cases remain under development. The report looked at cases of methanol, which is already used as a ship fuel, and ammonia, which is emerging as a fuel candidate. Advanced stages Methanol engine conversions are on the cusp of being introduced at wider scale following an outlier early adoption in 2015. At least two suppliers are ready to install engine retrofit packages imminently, with more in advanced stages of development.

don’t encompass detailed designs, costs, and conversion plans. This leaves uncertainties regarding the actual costs and timelines required to make a vessel labeled as “ready” practically capable of operating on zero-carbon fuel. To address these uncertainties, a proposed Zero Ready Framework aims to provide clarity over vessel readiness, enabling stakeholders to better plan retrofits effectively. “By committing to only financing, building and ordering vessels that meet a clearly defined readiness level by specified dates, stakeholders can better manage the risks of the energy transition across existing fleets,” the report said.

Ammonia engine conversions are a more challenging and more distant prospect. Newbuild engine concepts have yet to be finalized and the safety issues around using ammonia as fuel, already expected to be challenging on vessels built for that purpose, will mean more complexity around retrofit packages and their installation. While alternative fuel engine conversions have made progress, challenges remain, particularly in integrating wider fuel systems on existing vessels. These challenges include accommodating larger tank volumes, fuel preparation, piping, safety arrangements, and ensuring crew safety when handling toxic and flammable fuels. Risk management The report highlights regulatory issues, including IMO requirements for using methanol as fuel and the absence of such requirements for ammonia. Approvals for ammonia-based fuels are risk-based, necessitating robust risk management processes in design appraisal. The report also

touches on NOx certification requirements under MARPOL after a major conversion. Namely, the regulations require a converted engine to be recertified for NOx emissions. If an identical certified engine does not exist, as will be the case for many early retrofits, recertification means testing at sea or testing a suitable engine at a testbed, which can be challenging. Consideration for crew working with new fuels is paramount, including ergonomics, roles, and responsibilities, competency and training, resourcing, procedures and processes, occupational health, and managing process safety hazards.Integrating alternative fuel systems on existing ships demands new skills from repair yards in naval architecture, electrical engineering, and fuel handling. Only a limited number of repair yards are currently capable of performing these conversions. Techno-economic modeling suggests that using renewable methanol or ammonia today would increase fuel costs for vessels across segments, with the tipping point for cost competitiveness dependent on carbon pricing. Retrofit costs remain uncertain, significantly impacting the business case for owners and operators. The report evaluates investment readiness across different vessel segments, indicating that while some sectors are close to adopting methanol fuel retrofits, the business case for retrofitting with ammonia remains hypothetical. By Amir Garanovic


Denmark puts wind in carbon capture and storage industry’s sails with tendering plans of nearly $4 billion

While climate change wreaks havoc around the globe with heatwaves beating down upon the world unabated, Denmark is taking steps to curb greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by turning to carbon capture and storage (CCS) to step up its decarbonisation game with a new proposal for the next round of CCS tenders of almost DKK 27 billion (around $3.96 billion). As it reaffirms its position as a trailblazer and stronghold for renewable energy, the country hopes this will help pave the way for a carbon-free world.

The CO2 capture and storage industry is gaining ground in Denmark. With the first CCUS tender out of the way, three large-scale storage permits have been granted and the first international agreement on storage has been signed. The Danish Energy Agency granted the first-ever permit for a CO2 storage project in Denmark at the end of 2022 to INEOS and Wintershall Dea for the Greensand pilot injection project.z Come February 2023, the partners received the first full-scale CO2 storage permit for the Danish North Sea. When 8 March 2023 rolled in, INEOS and Win-

tershall Dea marked a major milestone and a world first with the first-ever injection of CO2 in the North Sea as part of Project Greensand. However, Denmark put on hold the second tender round for the award of offshore CO2 storage licenses in the North Sea until the decision is made on whether the state participation share of future licenses should be set higher after the first tender round in the North Sea. To reap the benefits of CCS, Denmark’s Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities, together with the country’s Minis-

ter for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, and Thomas Danielsen, Minister for Transport, presented on Monday, 21 August 2023, the government’s new proposal on CO2 capture and storage, which is perceived to be one of several necessary tools to achieve climate goals in Denmark, Europe and the rest of the world. Curbing carbon footprint As reductions of at least 3.2 million tonnes of CO2 need to be achieved by 2030, the Danish government decided to present this proposal to ensure clarity, speed up the development of the


'CO2 capture and storage industry is gaining ground'

mark, Europe, and the rest of the world requires us to take action in many areas – and CO2 capture and storage is one of the main pillars when we are to build all the way to the climate goals. “Therefore, we are also moving the requirement for full capture from 2030 to 2029, so that we get more CO2 from the air and in the underground faster. The initiative will also ensure a clearer framework for the emerging industry and in this way get the Danish CCS industry to go up in scale and down in price.”

industry for capture and storage of CO2 in Denmark, and set the requirement for projects to be fully operational a year earlier than previously planned.

26.8 billion (about $3.93 billion), which instead of several smaller drips will be combined into two large tender rounds of at least 0.9 million and 1.4 million tons of CO2 annually, respectively.

Morten Bødskov, Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, remarked: “With this initiative, we are setting the stage for our talented Danish companies. By pooling resources and creating clear framework conditions for CO2 capture and storage, we pave the way for a strong Danish industry that not only reduces our climate footprint but also creates growth and jobs. We aim to use our competencies and innovation to lead the green transition.”

In line with this, around DKK 10.5 billion (almost $1.54 billion) and approximately DKK 16.3 billion (close to $2.4 billion), will be allocated over 15 years. While there will be a requirement for projects to be fully operational as early as 2029 instead of 2030, there is also a possibility of capture and storage from 2028. The first of these two CCS tenders is expected to start in June 2024 and the second a year later.

Denmark’s new proposal contains a plan to combine the funds from the CCUS and the Green Tax Reform pools for the next CCS tenders of approximately DKK

Tackling climate change with CCS Lars Aagaard, Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities, commented: “The fight against climate change in Den-

Furthermore, this will mean that more actors can bid and thus create greater certainty that carbon capture and storage can deliver its share to meet the CO2 reduction targets. The Danish government also proposes to continue the model of 20 per cent state ownership for future carbon storage licences, which already applies to the three existing licenses. In addition, the initiative aims to ensure clear framework conditions for the industry on ownership and regulation for the transport of CO2 via pipes. The Danish government also intends to expand the existing rules for the transport of CO2 to cover all forms of transport, which is especially important for the transport of carbon dioxide for use in PtX plants and for CO2 to be shipped via ports for storage offshore. By Melisa Cavcic


Swift action needed to ratchet up carbon capture and reach net-zero by 2050 As the energy transition spreads its wing, new low-carbon and green sources of supply are springing up, however, Wood Mackenzie, an energy intelligence group, believes that these emerging sectors will not be able to usher in a net-zero by 2050 era without carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). As a result, the company emphasizes the need for additional investment in decarbonization through more CCUS projects.

Lately, reviews of global energy transition progress tend to show dark clouds on the horizon, as net-zero by 2050 aspirations seem to be slipping through the world’s fingers. Some are adamant that there is still time to achieve climate change goals as long as the world phases out fossil fuels and ups the renewables ante. Others argue that oil and gas still hold the keys to global energy security and will remain in the energy mix alongside renewables and other low-carbon sources for years to come. This was confirmed by OPEC, which forecasts the combined share of oil and gas in the energy mix to be 54% in 2045. DNV’s new Energy Transition Outlook also warns that it will take the next 27 years to move the energy mix from the present 80% fossil and 20% non-fossil split to a 48/52 ratio

by 2050 if the world does nothing to accelerate net-zero plans. If the world cannot turn its back on fossil fuels as quickly as some have thought, what is left on the decarbonization board to mitigate emissions and meet net-zero by 2050 targets? According to Wood Mackenzie, one of the emission reduction tools that can lend a helping hand is CCUS. This was confirmed by Mhairidh Evans, head of CCUS research, during Wood Mackenzie’s Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference in Houston. Evans points out that urgency is needed to meet the 7 billion tonnes of carbon capture (Btpa) required to meet net-zero goals in 2050. “Energy efficiencies, renewables, and alternative fuels will not be enough to meet net-zero by 2050. We need

a huge amount of carbon to be captured out of our industries and the power sector to decarbonize the last miles that can’t be easily reached by green electrification or alternatives. Right now, we are on track to meet our base case scenario, which forecasts 2 Btpa of CO2 capture and removal by 2050 – though this corresponds to a 2.5-degree global warming scenario. For net-zero by 2050 and a 1.5 degree compliant scenario we would need 7 Btpa. To come close, we need to get shovels in the ground quickly,” explained Evans. Challenges and hurdles Currently, Wood Mackenzie is tracking globally planned CCUS capacity at 1,400 Mt CO2 Pa, across all types of capture, transport, and storage projects and the U.S. is in the lead with


33% of all projects. Despite opportunities for growth, Evans elaborates that governments and developers still face several challenges and hurdles to scaling up the industry. Evans further highlighted: “We do see an exciting project pipeline and some markets are well-positioned for strong growth, particularly the U.S. While no country has the perfect approach, the U.S. market stands out as the global leader in many ways. There is substantial support for emitters to decarbonize with the Inflation Reduction Act 45Q tax credit, and for companies to build out the infrastructure value chain of CO2 transport and storage with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. “The U.S. also has vast geological carbon storage resources that can be developed by companies with upstream oil and gas know-how. It is really the most attractive market in the world to start a CCUS business right now.” However, the International Energy Agency’s new edition of the

Net Zero Roadmap reduces projections for CCS deployment in 2030 by around 40% compared to the original NZE scenario, due to “a history of unmet expectations.” Many environmental activists and organizations claim that CCS is being touted as a climate silver bullet, but they see it as a lifeline for new oil and gas development.

it should cover many. We expect costs to fall, potentially up to 30% this decade. However, with the 45Q tax credit being open to projects starting construction as far away as 2033, companies could decide to wait for costs to fall before committing. This would mean a delayed impact of projects, and climate change is not waiting.”

Limited pool Nevertheless, Evans concluded: “It’s clear we need investment, but the industry is still somewhat hesitant as developers are facing high costs, evolving technologies, unclear business models, and nascent policy and regulation.

By Melisa Cavcic

We also need more emitters to come on board with carbon capture. There are companies proposing new CO2 storage hubs every month at the moment, but there is a limited pool of ready customers. “Costs are an issue as well, as the 45Q tax credit isn’t quite enough to cover the cost of carbon capture for every project, though

Anne Haase, Renewables Director, Aquaterra Energy-cropped


Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference: Changing Currents

Navingo, the media company behind this magazine, is also the organizer of Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference. This event focuses on the entire offshore energy industry. It gives a home to markets like offshore wind, fossil energy, marine energy and the maritime industry. Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC) is held on 28 & 29 November in RAI Amsterdam.

Change is the only constant and with that in mind we can see that the offshore energy industry is transforming. Different activities become more and more intertwined. One of the main drivers behind this development is the transition of the energy mix. This change is addressed in the content program of Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference.

ments that will shape the next decades of the industry.

The theme of this year’s content program is ‘Changing Currents’ and the focus is on innovations and develop-

One thing is certain-these are turbulent times where past performance provides no assurance of future re-

The central question at the heart of the gathering is: will the energy transition accelerate towards accomplishing the ambitions set out by governments, or will it take an unexpected course, shaped by a myriad of forces at play?

sults. Against this backdrop, OEEC gathers industry leaders, innovators, and visionaries to chart the path forward. Collaborations We explore the critical factors that will empower the offshore energy industry to not only keep pace with change but to lead it. What strategies, technologies, and collaborations are necessary for the industry to step up to the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow?


tion & Conference please keep an eye out for the news websites and These online platforms are part of the portfolio of Navingo too. Breaking news delivers expert coverage of the industry sectors that matter most to you and your business. This includes news and updates on wind farms, projects, markets, vessels, equipment, turbines, research, contractors and the authorities dominating these markets.

From breaking news, technological advances to project activities, experienced and well-respected team of editors, columnists and correspondents will keep you well informed. gives an overview of the world of maritime and offshore energy. It reports on markets like offshore wind, fossil energy, marine energy and the maritime industry. In the age of climate change it focusses on the energy transition and sustainable solutions

Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference promises to be a catalyst for change, sparking conversations, doing business, and building connections needed to navigate the ever-shifting currents of the offshore energy landscape. Because a transforming market means business opportunities for those who have the right knowledge and network. The content program gives an overview on what is going on, but also singles out important drivers of change. It shows which way the industry is going, what the future of offshore energy will be.

For the content program of Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2023 please visit:

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JOIN US! Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC) is the continent’s foremost annual gathering for the offshore energy industry and brings together industry leaders, innovators, and decision-makers across global markets. Created and produced by


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Building floating wind installation and O&M strategies on oil and gas experience

Floating assets have long been installed, operated and maintained to support oil and gas (O&G) production. The emerging floating wind sector has specific challenges to overcome, but also opportunities to build strategies informed by O&G experience.

Opportunities and challenges The global offshore floating wind market is expected to soar from 60 MW to more than 25 GW by the mid2030s, with some forecasts anticipating 260 GW by 2050. However, operators face installation, and operations and maintenance (O&M) challenges relating to complexity, equipment size and distance from shore. While some of these challenges are unique

to the sector, there is an opportunity for floating wind developers to build installation and O&M strategies that are informed by O&G experience. Increased and larger mooring equipment As floating wind units transition from 2-MW prototypes to arrays of 1 GW or more, the mooring industry must scale up supply chain capability to

meet demand. The industry has a long history of mooring mobile offshore drilling units (MODU) and floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels, experience which can be exploited for floating wind. However, there are additional challenges for floating wind. For example, a typical MODU has eight mooring lines and anchors compared with three for a floating wind turbine, but a complete


The combination of a jump in volume and size presents manufacturing production line efficiency challenges and will require bulkier cargo consignments. It is a similar story for drag anchors. Again, the O&G sector has valuable experience on which to build new installation strategies, but with the challenge of increasing volume and scale. For instance, common O&G drag anchors weigh 12–18 tonnes, whereas floating wind anchors are likely to be 35–40 tonnes. That means they can no longer be moved by road, necessitating fabrication or assembly close to port facilities. The O&G industry is, of course, familiar with fabricating and lifting large assets such as production topsides – an experience that may be valuable for the floating wind sector. Additionally, with multiple floating assets required, a careful manufacturing mindset is needed to avoid costly design or fabrication errors that are replicated across multiple units. [1]

Acteon’s O&M services

floating wind farm may require 200 or more1. That is a huge increase in the volume of chain that will be needed, on top of existing demand. In addition to a step change in chain volume, there is also the logistical challenge of handling larger diameter chains. For instance, some floating wind turbine designs specify 220mm diameters. While the O&G sector has experience handling large chains for the permanent mooring of some FPSO vessels, working with such large chains is rare. More typical diameters are 76 or 84 mm for MODUs and 120 mm for FPSO vessels.

https:// basics-offshore-oil-gas/

Greater storage and handling capacity An installation vessel with project personnel and equipment can be expensive, as much as £80,000 or more per day, so ensuring mooring equipment is in the right place, at the right time and ready for efficient mobilisation has a major impact on overall installation costs. Effective delivery scheduling and good portside handling capacity can help to minimise storage requirements, but large temporary storage areas will be needed to accommodate the volume and size of equipment required to facilitate efficient installation campaigns. To meet this challenge and to build the capacity needed to support the floating wind industry, mooring companies need to invest in facilities designed for O&G operators.

Engage early for streamlined planning and budgeting Engaging with mooring specialists early to create a concept model helps to inform vessel needs and procurement strategies. Even in the initial project stages, site data such as water depth, and metocean and seabed conditions can be leveraged to develop mooring scenarios. Specialists can generate multiple configurations of hull types and mooring arrangements to aid in concept development. Such a mooring and anchoring feasibility study, informed by multi-sector experience, helps in developing the concept model and establishing installation timelines, vessel requirements and procurement plans. This information streamlines planning and budgeting and provides technical details for consenting and project viability assessment. Holistic, risk-based O&M A holistic, risk-based O&M approach can help to reduce ownership costs and extend asset life, particularly for wind farms with many floating structures using long dynamic power transmission cables. This approach, commonly used in the O&G sector, proactively tailors inspection schedules to reduce repairs by integrating risk assessment, monitoring, inspection and response digital twins. The risk assessment process guides data collection frequency and type based on critical design aspects. It is used to establish inspection and maintenance schedules to prevent failures, with periodic updates to align with asset performance and degradation. Continuous monitoring, using low-power sensors and advanced communications systems, can assess a floating wind platform’s state of fatigue and corrosion, stability, motion, and condition of its ballasting systems and moorings. Digital response twin technology further enhances understanding of floating asset behaviour by predicting the


Quayside mooring chain loading

structural performance and options for life extension of an entire wind farm using a minimal set of monitoring sensors. The digital twin is a near-real-time dynamic virtual model that uses the inputs from the sensors to build a long-term picture of normal and abnormal asset behaviour. This can be used to inform changes in inspection requirements, with opportunities to decrease inspection frequency if the response is better than expected. A comprehensive risk mitigation strategy should include proactive and re-

active methods, with a Mooring Emergency Response Plan outlining the options and steps to take in the event of a mooring system emergency. Building on O&G experience The O&G industry has a wealth of experience installing, operating and maintaining floating assets. While companies supporting floating wind operators face specific challenges, notably gearing up to meet the new demands of scale and equipment size, they also have opportunities to build strategies informed by O&G experience.

Acteon has supported the energy transition since the late 1990s and actively employs its cross-sector experience to benefit offshore renewable and energy transition projects, which now make up 40% of the company’s business. It has extensive experience in moving, mooring and anchoring large floating assets, and providing O&M and integrity services, for instance, response digital twins for floating assets and comprehensive monitoring systems, across sectors. In the UK, Acteon is investing in readying its dedicated 25,000 m² of quayside storage in Montrose and 12,000 m² in Aberdeen to meet ScotWind developer needs. The company also has subsea O&M experts to help operators adopt strategic and proactive approaches that aim to simplify processes, streamline operations and improve the profitability of floating wind farms. These approaches include the use of low-logistics technologies designed to reduce vessel mobilisations, operational costs and carbon footprints. Engaging early with experienced suppliers is key to success Contact I

TetraSpar – Installed logger on leg

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Damen Shipyards introduces the new Fast Crew Supplier 3210 Hybrid

Damen Shipyards is introducing a new addition to its popular Fast Crew Supplier (FCS) crew transfer vessel range. The FCS 3210 Hybrid has been designed to transport technicians to the new generation of wind farms that are being built further offshore than ever before. The new vessel is based on Damen’s existing FCS 2710 but at 32 metres in length it is five metres longer. It has also been designed looking ahead to the future.

The additional length not only increases its sea-keeping capabilities, it also ensures that free space will be available for future, low or zero carbon propulsion systems and their fuel tanks. In its initial design the FCS 3210 Hybrid will have a diesel-electric power plant. Four diesel gensets will generate electricity to both power the drive trains

and charge the onboard batteries. Having a fully electric drive train from the outset will maximize flexibility for owners when they come to make the move to alternative fuels, and the batteries will allow the vessel to operate with zero emissions when required and can be charged using just one genset for extended, low speed, low-emissions operations.

To further minimise emissions, the vessels will be able to connect to shore power where available to charge the batteries as well as provide electricity for their hotel systems. The diesel-electric power plant ensures that the necessary electrical infrastructure is in place to handle all the power that may be required to operate the


vessel. This gives owners flexibility in selecting the actual systems that they use to supply the power. At present this is done by the four diesel gensets and batteries, but in the future they can be upgraded to bigger batteries, fuel cells, methanol gensets or a combination of the above. In fact, flexibility is a feature throughout the vessel. Damen has also designed the machine room so that it can accept Volvo IPS, Fixed Pitch Propel-

lers, Controllable Pitch Propellers and waterjets, according to each owner’s requirements. The FCS 3210 Hybrid can carry up to 14 crew and 28 technicians for near shore operations. For long range deployments out to sea lasting up to a week it has berths for ten personnel in five cabins with the option of another two cabins on the lower deck accommodating another four personnel. With a range of up to 1200 nautical miles it

is more than capable of handling long distance assignments, aided by a top speed of 24 knots using diesel / electric propulsion and 14 knots on full electric. The larger hull makes the journey smoother in higher sea states than smaller equivalents, further enhancing its flexibility. “The need for vessels of this type is now a reality, with the Dogger Bank


Wind Farm producing electricity for the first time in early October,” says Ruben de Jong, Design & Proposal Engineer at Damen Shipbuilding. “On completion its 277, 13 MW wind turbines will be on average 160 kilometres off the UK’s east coast. It and similar projects around the world will require fast, economical support vessels.” The FCS 3210 Hybrid retains many of the features that have made the FCS 2710 a success. However, the larger hull together with feedback from operators of the FCS 2710 has enabled a number

of additional enhancements. These include a larger wet room for clothing and other gear, and there is also deck space available at the stern that can be used for containerised storage of equipment.

range,” continues Ruben de Jong. “We already have an order for three vessels from Purus Wind for delivery in early 2026 and will be building them in series for accelerated delivery.”

The bridge deck has been extended to take two additional cabins plus a ship's office. Like the FCS 2710, however, personnel and equipment transfers are still made via the foredeck.

Contact I

“The FCS 3210 Hybrid will be a valuable addition to our Fast Crew Supplier

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The collective KIVI membership

Your employees up to date Good employership starts with happy employees, who are motivated, challenged and upto-date. In our present time with technological developments at top speed, innovations and transformations professional agility is paramount. Would you, as an employer like to make a structural contribution to the technical development of your employees? Consider a collective membership at the Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI: Koninklijk Instituut Van Ingenieurs). Sign up ten (or more) of your top engineers and they can immediately benefit from all advantages the largest engineering platform in the Netherlands has to offer.


Reducing emissions Transport ship 'Canopée' sails into the maritime future

The state-of-the-art transport ship 'Canopée' has been specially designed to transport rockets, components and satellites for the space agency ESA. In the future, it will transport all parts of the Ariane 6 launcher from Europe to the spaceport in French Guiana. ESA's specifications for the construction of the ship were challenging in many respects.

Much emphasis was placed on the design of the freighter to ensure that all parts of the rocket could be transported in a single trip and that the sensitive cargo will arrive safely at the spaceport in French Guiana. To achieve this, the Canopée must also be able to navigate the narrow and

shallow Kourou River. In addition, the ship should be equipped with the latest technologies for the most emission-free and economical journey possible. Pioneering transport ship The result is a 121-meter-long and 22-meter-wide transport ship with a draught of only 3.80 meters in river ser-

vice. What makes the Canopée so special, however, are the four electrically adjustable and retractable articulated wings, each 363 m2 in size, which act as sails. These make a significant contribution to reducing fuel consumption and thus harmful emissions. In addition to sail propulsion, the ship is equipped with diesel engines.

45 45

Canopée sails with wind support during sea trails. Photo by Tom van Oossanen

Certified hardware The Canopée's electrical installations, energy management system and en-

"With just a few clicks, we were able to configure a fully redundant system with intelligent data management in atvise® scada. This was very impressive and saved us a lot of time." Jeroen Nobel, Lead engineer C-Systems B.V.

gine room alarm system were developed by C-Systems B.V., based in the Netherlands. This young and dynamic company specializes in the implementation of intelligent control and software systems in shipbuilding, among other applications. An important part of the system developed by C-Systems are the robust Bachmann processor modules from the M200 series, which are certified for maritime use. Simple redundancy The OPC UA-based software atvise®

scada is used as SCADA system and HMI. The simple setup of redundancy and the atvise® connect communication interfaces were particularly convincing. "With just a few clicks, we were able to configure a fully redundant system with intelligent data management. The secure integration of further ship systems was also possible without any problems due to the existing interfaces. This was very impressive and saved us a lot of time," explains Jeroen Nobel, Lead engineer at C-Systems.


The bridge of the Canopée

Complex alarm system In total, there are about 1,200 alarm points on the transport vessel and up to 600 data points that are recorded. In addition to analyzing real-time data, a number of trend alarms have also been implemented. In this case, the system checks the current value of a parameter and compares it with the historical trend. To do this, the system needs data over a certain period in the past. However, storage space on a ship is usually limited. "The challenge was to minimize the stored data without losing actuality and accuracy," says Nobel. "With the alarm system we developed, we can store data for 12 months," he continues. Reliable partner The construction of the Canopée was bound by a tight schedule. Therefore, it was important for C-Systems to have a reliable partner on its side. "We already knew Bachmann from other projects. The products and support are excellent and the delivery times simply unbeata-

"The products and support are excellent and the delivery times are simply unbeatable. That's why we chose Bachmann." Arco Boon, Managing Director C-Systems B.V.

ble. That's why we chose Bachmann," explains Arco Boon, Managing Director at C-Systems. The Canopée has successfully completed its first transatlantic crossings - without sails. The installation of the so-called 'wing sails' was recently completed. This is truly a forward-looking step towards zero-emission shipping.

I/O modules of the Bachmann M200 controller system

Contact Bachmann electronic GmbH I

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TMA Logistics: Your Trusted Partner in Offshore Wind Handling

The offshore wind industry has been rapidly evolving, introducing in a new era of clean and sustainable energy. One company that has been at the forefront of this revolution is TMA Logistics. With a remarkable track record dating back to 2015.

TMA Logistics has established itself as a reliable hub for offshore wind logistics, offering a range of services that includes storage, handling, and mobilization. In this article, we'll dive into what makes TMA Logistics the go-to choice for offshore wind projects and how they have shaped the industry with their expertise. Experience: A Foundation of Excellence One of TMA Logistics' key strengths lies in their extensive experience in

the offshore wind industry. They have been actively involved in offshore wind logistics since the beginning of this sector. This experience has equipped them with a deep understanding of the in and outs of the industry, ensuring that every project is in safe hands. Tailor-Made Solutions for Unique Needs. Your Success, Our Priority The offshore wind industry is known for its diverse and ever-evolving projects. TMA Logistics recognizes that no

two projects are alike, and that's where their flexibility sets them apart. They understand the importance of tailoring their solutions to meet the unique requirements of each project. This adaptability ensures that every client's needs are met efficiently and effectively. Whether it's storage, handling, or mobilization, TMA Logistics offers solutions that perfectly align with the project's demands. At TMA Logistics, they firmly believe that their success is intertwined with their clients' success.


'Pioneering Excellence in Offshore Wind Logistics'

development to meet this challenge head-on, ensuring a skilled and capable workforce to continue driving the industry forward." And the Opportunities? TMA Logistics sees a bright and promising future in the offshore wind industry. With our multi-purpose terminals, renowned for flexibility, vast space, and handling capabilities, we are well prepared to seize the opportunities that come our way. As the world pivots towards cleaner energy solutions, offshore wind will play a crucial role, and TMA Logistics is well-prepared to be a significant player in shaping the industry's future. Therefore, a service-minded approach is at the heart of everything they do. Their dedicated team goes the extra mile to deliver exceptional service, making every step of the journey with TMA Logistics smooth and hassle-free. They understand the importance of providing peace of mind to their clients, knowing that their projects are handled with utmost care and efficiency. Customer Testimonial: Siemens Gamesa Simens Gamesa, one of TMA Logistics customers, commends the company's service, with Steef Grundtvig Strijbos, Construction Project Manager, stating, "As always, TMA has provided a fan-

tastic service to the project. Your flexibility has helped us tremendously on many occasions, and I can honestly say that you are by far the best port operator I have ever worked with." What are the Challenges? Willem Mantel, Terminal Director at TMA Logistics, shares his perspective on the challenges of finding qualified personnel in the industry, saying, "The offshore wind industry's rapid growth presents exciting opportunities, but it also comes with challenges, particularly in finding skilled and dedicated personnel. At TMA Logistics, we are committed to investing in training and

Join hands with TMA Logistics and be a part of the offshore wind revolution!

Contact TMA Logistics E I

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Damen Shipyards introduces its first, fully electric Service Operations Vessel for the offshore wind farm sector

This November at the Offshore Energy Conference 2023, Damen Shipyards unveiled a groundbreaking design concept for a fully electric, 70-metre Service Operations Vessel (SOV). The concept design is the result of ongoing consultations with wind farm operators, charterers and manufacturers of the charging connectors.

Together with Damen, they have committed resources to develop a vessel that can not only remain in wind farms for extended periods of time but can also take full advantage of the abundant clean energy available there to reduce their emissions to virtually zero. This new class of offshore wind vessel is based on the proven design of

Damen’s Service Operation Vessel (SOV) and has been named the SOV E. Cheap clean power, every day The premise that underlies the SOV E as an emissions-free vessel is that it will recharge its batteries at least once a day. This is feasible due to the nature of their operational profile, which is

based on deploying technicians to the wind turbines and then loitering nearby until it is time to retrieve them. They will therefore generally have idling time in each 24-hour period which can be used for recharging the vessels, using just a small part of the energy generated by the wind farm.


The vessels will have sufficient capacity to reach the wind farms from their berths but will be fitted with diesel generators as a back-up to charge the batteries. These will enable them to undertake alternative duties at any point in the future, thus extending the lifetime of the vessels and making them even more sustainable. While still at an early stage, the concept has generated a lot of enthusiasm from the wind farm

developers and operators. Initial concerns have been that an electric vessel of that size just isn’t feasible yet, but the Damen team has developed a detailed operational profile and run the numbers to demonstrate its financial viability.

of charging the ship’s batteries within the time available.

Collaboration is key Working with industry specialists, much work is going on to ensure that the cable connecting the SOV E to the turbine is safe as well as being capable

With battery technology advancing at a rapid pace, the team has been looking at what is available that can meet not only their performance requirements but also their sustainabili-

The expectation is that a windfarm will have no less than two charging points – for redundancy – and in all likelihood no more than six.


ty goals, in line with Damen Shipyards commitment to being a leader in this field. Not only must the batteries be recyclable, they need to be viable for at least ten years. This will be down to the materials being used in the batteries with the lifetime being the main consideration and a high-speed charging cycle less important. For the wind farm operators, having zero emission wind farms not only offers cost savings as the penalties for emitting carbon dioxide start to take effect, it also helps fulfil their promise

of delivering 100% clean energy. In the meantime, the process of developing and identifying all the technologies that will be required to make these vessels a reality continues.

Sustainability is within reach, and Damen is determined to play its part in giving its customers the vessels they need to achieve it.

Damen is a leader in developing solutions that will help decarbonise the maritime sector. Its electric harbour tugs are one example, and many of the new designs across its portfolio are laid out so that future conversions to low-carbon fuels or fully electric power systems can be undertaken efficiently and economically.

Contact I

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The next step for offshore wind and the role of vessels specifically designed for floating offshore wind The global energy landscape is undergoing a significant transformation as the demand for clean, renewable energy sources continues to grow. Wind power, in particular, is playing a pivotal role in this transition.

Offshore wind farms have proven to be a highly effective means of generating electricity. To facilitate the expansion of offshore wind energy, efficient, cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions are required. One of the key advancements in this sector is the development of Floating Offshore Wind (FOW).

The Rise of Offshore Wind Energy Offshore wind energy has rapidly gained prominence, and for good reason. To unlock the full potential of offshore wind energy, projects have started moving to deeper waters, where wind resources are more abundant and reliable.

Commercial-scale development of FOW requires new installation methods and strategies and the equipment to enable them. This is where the Enhydra design series comes in.

Traditional fixed-bottomed installations have limitations on available development sites and wind speeds. This is where floating foundations with large-capacity turbines come into play.

Floating Wind Installation and Operations & Maintenance At last count, more than 120 floating wind foundation designs are in the market. Although there are many differences between them, for installation purposes, they can be categorized into three main types: semi-submersible, spar, and tension leg platform (TLP), which share common installation requirements. Recent demonstration models and small-scale FOW farms have used currently available subsea construction vessels as vessels of op-


portunity. Although competent vessels, their design and operational methodology do not provide the operational and logistical capabilities to support commercial-scale FOW developments. The Enhydra Series The need for new vessel designs and concepts for the floating offshore wind market has been emerging for some time. Based on these emerging market needs, trends, and timelines, GustoMSC launched the first design in the Enhydra series in early 2023. The Modular Service and Operations Vessel (MSOV) concept provides all the capabilities of an SOV while adding modular capability to execute heavier

maintenance jobs such as cable repair. It also increases the operating window by enhancing workability, specifically with a view on SOV operations for FOW.

FOW installations are foreseen to be delivered in a campaign-driven methodology, with the majority following the below sequence:

The Role of Floating Wind Installation Vessel Based on the same design principles as the MSOV, including modularity and versatility, the newest Enhydra design has been specifically developed to enable efficient commercial-scale deployment of FOW.

1. Pre-lay of mooring lines 2. Hook-up and tensioning of mooring lines to the Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT) 3. Dynamic cable installation and/or connection to the FOWT

The Enhydra Floating Wind Installation Vessel (FWIV) is specially designed and equipped for mooring installation, hookup, and deployment of dynamic cables.

These operations are similar to floating production unit installations but on a much larger scale. Commercial floating wind farms are expected to need 50 or more turbine installations.


as FOW expands into new regions where the environment and foundation designs will vary greatly. The Enhydra FWIV combines mooring and dynamic cable installation and hookup capabilities. This modular capability greatly enhances the Enhydra FWIV’s role as a key asset for FOW developments. Future Prospects The use of FOWTs is poised to further expand the offshore wind industry. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more demand for efficient and innovative installation vessels like the Enhydra FWIV. The deployment of these vessel designs will enable the industry to unlock the offshore wind energy potential, reduce carbon emissions, and contribute to the global transition toward clean energy.

Key Features of the Enhydra FWIV The Enhydra FWIV’s key design features enable the commercial-scale development of floating offshore wind farms. Vessel design: The Enhydra FWIV design combines input and requirements from developers, vessel owners, and industry experts, leveraging GustoMSC’s extensive design expertise and experience in the offshore wind industry. The vessel can

Source: Intelatus interpretation of information from Equinor and Shell

accommodate multiple sets of mooring systems including chain/fiber rope needed for the deep and ultra-deepwater FOW developments. Hybrid battery and regenerative power systems and being methanol-fueled make this vessel future-proof. Versatility: The Enhydra FWIV is a versatile concept and can accommodate a full range of mooring systems in various water depths. This flexibility is crucial

GustoMSC will introduce the Enhydra FWIV to the market at Offshore Energy 2023 in November. Contact GustoMSC | NOV I E

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Petrobras breaks production record for its 70th birthday Brazilian state-owned oil and gas giant Petrobras has broken its quarterly record of operated oil and gas production in the third quarter of this year, reaching 3.98 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe) per day, 7.8% above the previous quarter.

Jan De Nul puts world’s first all-electric launch and recovery system to test MacArtney has delivered what it says is the world’s first all-electric launch and recovery system (eLARS) to Jan De Nul, supporting the company’s dedication to a sustainable energy transition. Jan De Nul utilized the eLARS on its offshore support vessel Symphony and the new cable trencher Swordfish. According to MacArtney, the supplied eLARS system includes an eA-Frame, docking head, and winch. The leg height of the eA-Frame is 14 meters, with an 11-meter distance between them. The 500 kN A-frame has a safe working load of 50 tonnes and advanced PLC technology, allowing full remote system control.

Iv-Offshore designs IJmuiden Ver beta offshore converter platform Engineering company Iv-Offshore & Energy has signed a contract with Seatrium for the design of the 2 GW IJmuiden Ver Beta offshore converter platform in the North Sea. Under the contract, Iv will be responsible for the detailed engineering of the offshore converter platform for both the topside and the jacket as well as for the delivery of equipment and auxiliary systems. This platform is the first in a series of 2 GW platforms that the GE-Seatrium (GSC) consortium will supply for TenneT under a contract signed with the Dutch-German transmission system operator (TSO) in March. The IJmuiden Ver Beta will arise approximately 62 kilometres off the Dutch coast and, with its 2 GW capacity, sets a new standard in the development of the offshore energy transition and the reduction of fossil fuels, said Iv. TenneT plans to build the connections for future offshore wind farms according to its new 2 GW standard. With this new standard, the power generated offshore will be brought ashore via a High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) connection, with land substations as the link between wind farms and the high-voltage grid. The transmission system operator (TSO) awarded land station contracts this February.

Petrobras also reported that it had reached a monthly record of operated production in September, with a volume of 4.1 million boe, 6.8% higher than the August volume. The company said that the result was mainly due to the production increase of the Almirante Barroso platform, which operates in the Búzios field, and the P-71 platform, in the Itapu field – both in the Santos Basin pre-salt – and the Anna Nery and Anita Garibaldi units, in the Marlim and Voador fields – which operate in the Campos Basin. Another relevant factor was the lower number of maintenance stops in the platforms during this period, the Brazilian giant stated, adding that this record in monthly operated production was also accompanied by a monthly record in operated production in the pre-salt in September when the mark of 3.43 million boe was reached in this layer.


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What is happening


First power flows from world’s largest offshore wind farm

Major breakthrough in molten salt reactor tech for maritime use The development of molten salt reactor technology for maritime use has taken a huge step forward with the successful start of pumped-salt operations at a dedicated facility in the US. Specifically, Southern Company, TerraPower and CORE POWER have kick-started pumped-salt operations in the Integrated Effects Test (IET) facility installed at TerraPower’s laboratory in Everett, Washington. Project partners CORE POWER, Southern Company, and TerraPower see this as a major achievement, taking the project to bring TerraPower’s first-of-a-kind Molten Chloride Fast Reactor (MCFR) to market into an important new phase. The project team has already completed mechanical, electrical, and control verification and commissioned all systems at the facility. Chloride salt has now been loaded into the primary coolant salt loops and pumped-salt operations have begun. It marks the start of a multi-month test campaign which is set to provide valuable salt operations data and know-how for the MCFR program. The IET is a nonnuclear, externally heated, up to 1-megawatt multiloop system – the world’s largest chloride salt system developed by the nuclear sector. The project was initiated by Southern Company and TerraPower under the U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Reactor Concepts (ARC-15) award, a multiyear effort to promote the design, construction and operation of Generation-IV nuclear reactors. The project team also includes CORE POWER, EPRI, Idaho National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Vanderbilt University. “The startup of the Integrated Effects Test is a milestone achievement in the development of the first fast-spectrum molten salt reactor, and we are immensely p roud to contribute to its success,” said Mikal Bøe, president and CEO of CORE POWER. “The Integrated Effects Test allows us to collect that crucial last-mile data for a design and build of the Molten Chloride Fast Reactor, and takes the team one step closer to a genuinely unique way to do new nuclear that is appropriate for the commercial marine environment.“ “New Nuclear for Maritime is the only solution that can take the ocean transport industry to actual zero. It’s the end game of our energy transition and with solid progress being made in building a new nuclear technology that actually works for shipping, we see the momentum continuing to build.” The IET will inform the design, licensing and operation of an approximately 180-megawatt MCFR demonstration planned for the early 2030s time frame.

The world’s largest offshore wind farm under construction, Dogger Bank, has started producing electricity for the first time for British homes and businesses. The 3.6 GW Dogger Bank Wind Farm is being constructed in UK waters some 130 kilometres off the coast of Yorkshire and in three 1.2 GW phases known as Dogger Bank A, B, and C. Power from the project’s first offshore wind turbine at Dogger Bank A is now being transmitted to the UK’s national grid via a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission system, this being the first-time use of HVDC technology on a UK wind farm. Each rotation of the 107-metre long blades on the project’s first operational turbine can produce enough clean energy to power an average British home for two days, said SSE Renewables. The first two phases, Dogger Bank A and Dogger Bank B, will comprise 95 Haliade-X 13 MW turbines each, while Dogger Bank C will feature 87 Haliade-X 14 MW turbines. When fully complete, Dogger Bank’s 3.6 GW capacity will comprise 277 wind turbines capable of producing enough energy to power the equivalent of six million British homes annually.Each of these turbines will be progressively commissioned between now and full commercial operation in 2026.

What is happening


European Parliament nods ‘yes’ to increase the use of renewable energy The European Parliament has voted to boost the deployment of renewable energy, setting the goal of increasing the share of renewables in the EU’s final energy consumption to 42.5% by 2030. The members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have agreed on increasing the share of renewables in the final EU’s consumption, in line with the Green Deal and REPowerEU plans, as part of the update to the Renewable Energy Directive (RED).

also speed up procedures to grant permits for new renewable energy power plants, such as solar panels or wind turbines, or to adapt existing ones. According to the agreement, national authorities should take no longer than 12 months to approve new renewable energy installations, if located in so-called ‘renewables

go-to areas’. Outside such areas, the process should not exceed 24 months. In the transport sector, renewables deployment should lead to a 14.5% reduction by 2030 in greenhouse gas emissions, by using a greater share of advanced biofuels and a more ambitious quota for renewable fuels of non-biological origin, such as hydrogen.

In addition to the new target of 42.5%, it was agreed that the member states should aim to achieve 45% of renewable energy in their final consumption. The legislation will

Spanish developer proposes three floating wind farms in Portugal Capital Energy, a renewable energy project developer based in Spain, has submitted applications for environmental assessments for three floating offshore wind farms in Portugal with a total capacity of 2 GW. Named Parque Eólico Offshore Barlavento, Parque Eólico Offshore Carvela and Parque Eólico Offshore Âncora, the first two are proposed to have 40 wind turbines and an installed capacity of 600 MW each, while the Âncora floating wind farm would have a capacity of 765 MW and 51 wind turbines.

All three floating wind projects are planned to use wind turbines with a nominal capacity of 15 MW per unit. Reuters reported on 25 September that the Spanish developer requested a preliminary environmental analysis for the three wind farms, citing the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA). According to the application documents, Capital Energy is also looking at using (a portion of) the electricity the wind farms would be generating for the production of green hydrogen.

DNV clears Oceans of Energy’s offshore solar design for North Sea conditions DNV, the independent energy expert and assurance provider, has issued a statement of conformity to Dutch floating solar company Oceans of

Energy for its offshore solar solution, which clears it for deployment in rough sea conditions like those in the North Sea.

The recognition not only validates feasibility but also establishes a clear path for future scalability of offshore solar, marking also a significant milestone in the development of Oceans of Energy’s technology. The statement of conformity verifies that the design methodology complies with the comprehensive set of requirements and guidelines provided by DNV’s Recommended Practice for the design, development, operation and decommissioning of floating solar photovoltaic (FPV) systems – DNV-RP-0584, the world’s first of its kind, published in 2021.


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What is happening


SeaRenergy to secure OSS permit for Ocean Winds’ Polish offshore wind farm Ocean Winds and the Polish office of SeaRenergy have signed a contract under which SeaRenergy will prepare a conceptual design, construction permit design documentation and obtain a permit for the offshore substation (OSS) for Ocean Winds’ BC-Wind offshore wind farm in the Polish Baltic Sea.

Norway, Poland strengthen offshore wind collaboration Norwegian Offshore Wind has strengthened its collaborative efforts in the Polish market by signing two agreements (MoU) in Gdansk. The first memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between the Norwegian Offshore Wind and the Polish Offshore Wind Energy Society (PTMEW).

SeaRenergy, which already started working on the project, will prepare the OSS topside concept design, including electrical design, which creates a basis for the construction permit. The integrated service contract also includes the preparation of the documentation necessary for applying for and obtaining the construction permit for the offshore substation. The company will engage its in-house specialist companies Seartec and Elbe1, and also said it would execute the project by including experienced partners also involving as much local content as possible to contribute to the Polish offshore wind development.

According to Norwegian Offshore Wind, this MoU will play an important role in building closer relationships between the two countries in shaping offshore wind projects both in Poland and Norway. A second MoU was also signed with the Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies at a ceremony at Gdańsk University of Technology, highlighting Norwegian Offshore Wind’s dedication to advancing composite technologies within offshore wind projects. Norway has set a target of reaching net zero by 2050 and has committed to establishing 30 GW of offshore wind power by 2040.

First wind turbine stands offshore france’s normandy The first wind turbine has been installed at the Fécamp wind farm offshore Normandy, France. The 71-turbine Fécamp offshore wind farm is being jointly developed by Eolien Maritime France (EMF), a joint venture between

the French company EDF Renouvelables; EIH S.à.rl, owned by Enbridge Inc. and CPP Investments; and Skyborn. Following the load-out of the first four wind turbines from the port of Cherbourg, DEME Offshore’s Innovation proceeded with the installation of the components of the first wind Siemens 7 MW turbine on the construction site located between 13 and 24 kilometres off the coast of Normandy. When commissioned, scheduled for the winter of 2023-2024, the 500 MW Fécamp offshore wind farm will supply low-carbon electricity for the annual electricity consumption of 770,000 people, equivalent to 60 percent of the population of Seine-Maritime, EDF Renewables said.


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What is happening


Hexagon Purus to deliver hydrogen fuel storage system Danish Hvide Sande Shipyard has ordered a hydrogen fuel storage system for a training ship from Hexagon Purus Maritime, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Norwegian Hexagon Purus. Under the purchase order, Hexagon Purus Maritime will deliver its hydrogen fuel storage system incorporating type 4 hydrogen cylinders to be used onboard the training ship SKULEBAS. The training ship is owned by Vestland County in Norway and operated by Maaløy Upper Secondary School to educate future mariners in Norway.

Delivery of the hydrogen fuel storage system is scheduled for the second quarter of 2024.

Estonia and Finland to create green shipping corridor Estonia and Finland have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to create a green shipping corridor on both sides of the Gulf of Finland, to ensure and accelerate netzero goals.

The goal of this green corridor is to accelerate the transition to climate-neutral and sustainable journeys for both passengers and cargo on the sea routes of Helsinki- Tallinn and Muuga-Vuosaari.

As informed, a green corridor will be formed between Helsinki – Tallinn and Vuosaari – Muuga connections. The shipping route is an umbrella or several projects at sea and in shore operations in Helsinki and Tallinn which aim to reduce emissions and increase the use of solutions of zero or near zero emissions.

According to the partners, this means that there will be joint roadmaps for shipping companies, cities and ports with founding – and other partners – to assist them with achieving zero-emission goals. Each roadmap will consist of specific milestones, which are achieved taking into account priorities and possible funding.

Jan De Nul Orders World’s Largest Cable-Laying Vessel board contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions and optimal fuel usage. It combines the generators with a 2.5 MWh battery and drive technology, designed for peak shaving, load smoothening, spinning reserve and optimized engine loading.

Jan De Nul has placed an order for an extra-large cable-laying vessel (CLV) at China’s CMHI Haimen shipyard, which, with its cable-carrying capacity of 28,000 tonnes, is said to be the world’s largest. Named Fleeming Jenkin, the CLV will be equipped with three cable carousels, two mounted

on deck and third below deck, and a large hold for fiber optic cables, capable of laying up to four cables simultaneously. The vessel is powered by engines that can run on biofuel and green methanol and the hybrid power plant on

Jan De Nul stated that negotiations were ongoing for key equipment to be delivered from Europe and that recruitment had already started for extra crew and staff members to operate the vessel. It will join the Jan De Nul fleet in 2026 – currently consisting of two jack-up installation vessels, three floating crane installation vessels, five rock installation vessels and two multipurpose vessels.


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What is happening


DEME Offshore bags Hollandse Kust Zuid rock installation contract Subsea rock installation record for Van Oord vessel Van Oord’s flexible fallpipe vessel Nordnes has installed 20 million tonnes of rock, a record that the Dutch company said was unparalleled in the subsea rock installation market. Nordnes has been installing rocks on the seabed since 2005 and has now installed 20 million tonnes of rock in total. The milestone was achieved while the 167-meter-long vessel was working on the Ormen Lange project. Van Oord said that its fleet of flexible fallpipe vessels is equipped with a unique flexible fallpipe system and remote operating vehicles (ROVs) allowing them to install rock at a high level of accuracy.

Vattenfall has contracted DEME Offshore to carry out rock berm installation works at Hollandse Kust Zuid offshore wind farm site in the Netherlands. According to Vattenfall, rock installation works will take place between the fourth quarter of 2023 and the first quarter of 2025. “Based on lessons learned in the offshore wind industry, Vattenfall are taking proactive measures to reduce risk and increase the lifetime integrity by stabilizing the Inter Array Cables (IAC) at HKZ 1-4 with rock berms,” said Sam Gardner, Project Manager. Prior to rock berm installation works commencing, Vattenfall contracted Fugro to carry out IAC inspections and scour pad surveys. The surveys, which are currently ongoing and are expected to be completed next month, are executed using one of Fugro’s Blue Essence uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) with Blue Volta, an electric remotely operated vehicle (eROV).

Tocardo concludes 8-year demonstration of Eastern Scheldt tidal energy array Tocardo, a joint venture of QED Naval and HydroWing, has completed the demonstration of 1.25MW five-turbine tidal energy array in the Netherlands after eight years of operation. As ‘the world’s longest operational tidal array’, the five Tocardo T-2 turbines have demonstrated reliability and performance, instilling confidence in the team and key industrial stakeholders and providing valuable insights for the development of the next-generation T-3 turbine series, according to Tocardo. The project, installed and operated at the Dutch iconic Eastern Scheldt barrier, has come to the end of its lifecycle, and the assets from have been formally handed over to Rijkswaterstaat as part of the decommissioning process. The Eastern Scheldt Tidal Project represented over 50% of EU’s operational tidal capacity today and contributed to over 30% of EU’s total

tidal power generation before its finalization. Leveraging the knowledge gained from the T-2 turbines operated at Eastern Scheldt barrier, Tocardo is now channeling its efforts and resources towards the development of the highly anticipated T-3 turbine series which integrates key blade and

control innovations to provide 50% improvements in yields, the company said. In that regards, Tocardo is shifting its short-term focus to the UK market as its two parent companies HydroWing and QED Naval secured the total of 14.5MW of turbine orders – or 15% of the total allocated capacity – through the latest UK government’s contracts for difference round.

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What is happening


Equinor gets clearance to dispatch Odfjell rig for drilling ops in North Sea Norwegian state-owned energy giant Equinor has received consent from the country’s offshore safety regulator for exploration drilling in the North Sea off Norway, using one of Odfjell Drilling’s rigs. Located in the central part of the North Sea, six kilometers southwest of the Grane field, in a water depth of 120 meters, the Svalin field was discovered in 1992, and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 2012. Equinor added additional wells to the Deepsea Aberdeen rig’s backlog in May 2023, which was enabled by the contract Odfjell and the Norwegian energy giant entered into in November 2020, following a letter of intent from October 2020. The original contract for the rig covered

a scope of fifteen firm wells with an estimated duration of 2.5 years, plus nine optional wells. The rig received an Acknowledgement of Compliance (AoC) from the PSA in February 2021.

Seaturns launches wave energy demonstrator offshore France French start-up Seaturns has deployed a scaled wave energy prototype at Ifremer’s sea trials site in Sainte-Anne du Portzic, near Brest.

The 1:4 scale prototype will undergo trials to validate the performance and reliability of the device in marine and operational environment, which is one of the necessary steps before developing the technology at full-scale. Seaturns’ wave energy converter can be seen as a floating oscillating wave surge converter using the principle of the oscillating water column. It works by having mooring lines coiled around the device, covering the surge induced by the incident swell into pitch.

Using this principle, a cylindrical float whose axis is parallel to the wave crest is set into oscillatory pitch motion. The mooring line is held at both ends by two anchors and two submerged buoys to keep the necessary tension. Within the cylinder, a water pendulum induces compression and decompression cycles into two separate air-filled chambers. The pressure differential between the two chambers generates an oscillatory air flow, which goes through an air turbine that produces electricity.

Havkraft explores wave power for lowering offshore drilling emissions Norwegian company Havkraft has signed a contract with Equinor to conduct a feasibility study exploring the integration of wave energy as a sustainable energy source for powering mobile offshore drilling units. Havkraft‘s wave energy converters are said to be capable of producing electricity in remote offshore areas, making them a viable solution for powering mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs), where emission reduction, environmental conservation, and sustainable development are desired, according to the company. Equinor, as one of the leading global energy companies, is eager to explore the potential of wave power as a sustainable energy source for the industry. There-

fore, Equinor has engaged Havkraft to conduct a study that will investigate the feasibility of integrating wave power solutions on MODUs, with the goal of significantly reducing operational CO2 emissions and promoting sustainable development within the industry.


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Cover Photo Offshore installation vessel ‘Green Jade’ from DEME with the Offshore Mast Crane by Huisman Equipment in operation


ARTICLE World’s 1st green containership

ARTICLE Action needed to reach net-zero

ARTICLE OEEC 2023: Changing Currents

© 2023 Navingo BV. The entire contents of this publication are protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of the copyright owner. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this publication, neither the publisher nor the editor are responsible for the views and opinions

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cover 3

Netherland Maritime Technology

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Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference

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RPPC / Port of Rotterdam

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Saltwater Engineering

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expressed in this publication or for any inaccuracies in the articles. About: Offshore Energy Magzine is a publication by Navingo BV, a maritime multi media company based in the Netherlands.

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