Benefit of fresh fruits

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Benefit of Fresh Fruits Research

By Nazzareno Casha 0

Research of benefit of fresh fruits

Fruit has been recognized as a good source of vitamins and minerals, and for their role in preventing vitamin C and vitamin A deficiencies. People who eat fruit as part of an overall healthy diet generally have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Eating a diet rich in fruit may reduce risk for stroke, other cardiovascular diseases. A fruit containing eating pattern is part of an overall healthy diet and may protect against certain cancers. Eating fruits can also keep your eyes healthy, and may help prevent two common aging-related eye diseases =========== An apple a day keeps the doctor away is an old proverb that most of us are familiar with, but what makes this fruit so special? What health benefits are associated with eating apples? As one of the most cultivated and consumed fruits in the world, apples are continuously being praised as a "miracle food". Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavanoids, and dietary fibre. The phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Apples won’t replace your toothbrush, but biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth, reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria. Red apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin. Recent studies have found that quercetin can help boost and fortify your immune system, especially when you’re stressed out. That’s one of the most unexpected health benefits of apples. Why You Should Never Peel an Apple A medium apple with the skin contains 4.4 grams of fibre. Without the skin, you’re only getting 2.1 grams, not even enough to qualify it as a “good source of fibre” (the cut off is 3 grams). Apples can ease breathing problems — but only if you eat the skin. The compound responsible is called quercetin, and — you guessed it — it’s found mostly in the peel. One study found that people who eat five or more apples each week have better thanks to quercetin’s effects.

Green apples provide a huge range of health and beauty benefits. There are various types of apples - the sweet ones being the most common. Green apples, on the other hand, are more the sweet and sour type (this is popularly classified as cooking apples). The sweet and sour variety is amazing, as well. Here are some general benefits and perks you can find: They offer a humongous range of health benefits, being used in the wine industry, in cooking, and, commonly they are specially grown for their healthy oils. Green apples possess glossy skin, along with a juicy flesh. They're high in fibre and help keep the digestive tract clean and healthy. 1

Red Apples vs. Green Apples Both red and green apples are good for your health. But when compared, without a doubt, green apples have a higher nutrient density against red apples. Does this make green apples better than red apples? Maybe if you're buying by weight. On all other levels when comparing a single red apple to a single green apple, researchers at antioxidant nutrition labs have found out that the differences are minimal. =============================================================

Apricots The health benefits of apricots include its ability to treat indigestion, constipation, earaches, fever, skin diseases, cancers, and anaemia. Apricots also help improve heart health, and treat strained muscles and wounds. It is also believed that apricot is good for skin care, which is why it makes an important addition to various cosmetics. Furthermore, apricots have the ability to reduce cholesterol levels, prevent the deterioration of vision, aid in weight loss, treat respiratory conditions, boost bone strength, and maintain electrolyte balance in the body. Apricots, scientifically known as Prunus armeniaca, are small drupes that resemble and are closely related to peaches or plums. They have a soft, tangy flesh beneath a thin outer skin. In the middle of the apricot is a large pit, which is inedible, so being careful when taking that first big bite! They are typically yellow or orange, with a slight tinge of red on one side. Apricots are rich in fibre and are, therefore, good for smooth bowel movements. They are often recommended to patients who regularly suffer from constipation due to the laxative properties. Fibre is a way to bulk up the stool. In this way, it becomes easier to transport through the bowels to its eventual excretion from the body. Fibre stimulates the gastric and digestive juices that help absorb the nutrients and break down the food for easier processing. Furthermore, fibre also activates the peristaltic motion of the digestive tract, and those smooth muscle movements are what keep your bowel movements regulated.


Apricots have significant or moderate amounts of all the minerals necessary for bone growth like calcium, phosphorous, manganese, iron, and copper. Therefore, eating apricots can ensure the healthy growth and development of your bones, as well as preventing various age-related conditions, including osteoporosis. Apricot juice is often given to patients suffering from fever because it provides necessary vitamins, minerals, calories and water to the body, while also detoxifying various organs. Some people also use steamed apricot to relieve fevers. Its soothing, anti-inflammatory substance can also impact the body’s overall temperature level in sickness. Furthermore, it can reduce inflammation in other parts of the body, especially for people suffering from arthritis or gout. The seeds of apricot are believed to aid in the treatment of cancer. Between the carotenoids and the other antioxidant compounds that apricots have, it is no surprise that they are a threat to free radicals. Free radicals are the dangerous by-products of cellular metabolism that can cause healthy cells to mutate their DNA into cancerous cells. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful compounds and ensure that the body doesn’t contract conditions like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and aging skin. Apricots have been directly linked to reducing the risk of cancer. =============================================================

An Avocado Pear is a berry fruit. It has medium dark green or dark green bumpy or smooth skin depending on the variety. The flesh of an avocado is deep chartreuse green in colour near the skin and pale chartreuse green near the core. It has a creamy, rich texture. Avocado trees come from Central America and Mexico. They can grow in many places, as long as it is not too cold. Avocados have much more fat than most other fruit, but most is fat that is healthy to eat (unsaturated fat). Avocados have lots of potassium, B vitamins, and vitamin E and K. Avocado can be considered as a super fruit because of its many health benefits. Avocado may be eaten fresh, raw, cooked, pureed, or juiced – practically just about how you like it. It is a very good source of Vitamin D, C, E, and B6. It also contains high amounts of dietary fibre, magnesium, folate, and potassium. All of these vitamins, minerals, and nutrients constitute the full avocado benefits. A regular dose of 300 to 600 mg of avocado per day is all that is required to reap all the maximum health benefits of this super fruit. Adding avocado in one’s daily diet is an assurance of keeping a healthy body with high immunity against dreaded diseases like cancer. Avocado can help lower down cholesterol levels. The regular intake of avocado helps high blood patients in keeping their blood pressure down and controlling their cholesterol levels. Avocado can reduce lipid production inside the


body. This fruit is a great source of monosaturated fatty acids, which can fight against hyperlipidemia. Avocado can cut the risks of cancer. Because of the high concentration of lutein and carotenoids in this fruit, it can inhibit the production of cancer cells. Avocado can also prevent many diseases associated with inflammation. Many studies have proven that the fruit can significantly reduce the risks of prostate cancer. Avocado can help treat osteoarthritis the joints, muscles, and the bones. 4. Avocado can work against diarrhoea and dysentery. Avocado can keep the skin and hair healthy. The high content of Vitamin E found in every avocado fruit is sufficient to keep the skin and hair healthy. However, it is also believed that when avocado oil is applied on the skin, it can help treat sclerosis and psoriasis. It can also speed up healing of most types of wounds. As for the hair, avocado pulp can promote hair regrowth. =============================================================

Banana is enriched in both soluble and insoluble fibre. It has as a tendency to slow down your digestion thus keeps you satiated for a long period of time. It is advisable to include banana in your breakfast to kick-start your day as it leads to surge in energy keeping you agile and healthy throughout the day. Hale and Hearty High fibre foods keep your heart healthy. Studies have shown that including banana in your diet reduces the occurrence of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease. Besides promoting heart health it also keeps you gaiety and happy as it is enriched with magnesium which is an antidepressant. Nibbling banana can keep away blues! Eases Digestion Problems Banana is said to promote gut health and eases digestion problems as it is rich source of fructooligosaccharides which acts as a probiotic thus aids in growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract. It is restores your health when you suffer from any stomach ailments such as puking and diarrhea thereby replenishing lost electrolytes to the body. Huge Repository of Nutrients It is packed with essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin and B6. These nutrients contribute to proper functioning of body keeping you in pink of health. Keeps a Tab on Blood Pressure This appetizing fruit is low in sodium and is rich in potassium thus helps in controlling the problem of hypertension. Research has shown that daily intake of banana can help lower blood pressure.


Aids in Combating Anemia Most of the young girls are anemic due which they feel weary and fatigued. It is condition where blood platelet and haemoglobin recedes. Thus it is advisable to have a diet rich in iron which increases the production of haemoglobin so banana is considered a boon for those who are tormented by anemia. You'll never look at the humble banana the same way again after discovering the many health benefits and reasons to add them to your diet. They can help to combat depression, make you smarter, cure hangovers, relieve morning sickness, protect against kidney cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and blindness. Plus they can even cure the itch of a mosquito bite and put a great shine on your shoes. =============================================================


the nutrient list

of blackberries is extensive. They are loaded with vitamin C but are low in calories (only 43 calories per 100g serving) and sodium. They are an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fibre Blackberries are also rich in vitamins A, E, K, and B vitamins, as well as antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which scavenge free radicals and reactive oxygen species that play a role in aging and chronic diseases. They are one of the best high-ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) foods available. Minerals like copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid, are also found in this fruit. The antioxidant compounds protect against aging, inflammation, cancer, and other neurological diseases. Blackberries may also have beneficial effects on your brain health. However, remember that blackberries are best consumed in their natural state in order to obtain their benefits. Freezing them also preserves the nutrients, even though the texture may change. Eating blackberries may help kill oral bacteria that cause illness. Blackberries are low in calories, virtually fat free, high in fibre and rich in nutrients, making them a good choice for anyone trying to maintain or lose weight in a nutritious manner. =============================================================



the health

benefits of blueberries and how they’re beneficial? Here are the top seven health benefits of blueberries: High in Antioxidants, Help Fight Cancer, Weight Loss, Boost Brain Health, Alleviate Inflammation, Support Digestion, and Promote Heart Health. Blueberries contain iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin K. Each of these is a component of bone. Adequate intake of these minerals and vitamins contributes to building and maintaining bone structure and strength. Iron and zinc fulfil crucial roles in maintaining the strength and elasticity of bones and joints. Low intakes of vitamin K have been linked to a higher risk of bone fracture. However, adequate vitamin K intake improves calcium absorption and may reduce calcium loss. Maintaining low sodium levels is essential to keeping blood pressure at a healthful level. Blueberries are free of sodium. Now even more great reasons to enjoy blueberries! This little fruit softens dry skin, boosts your brain, and may even prevent cancer. =============================================================

Cherry Benefits Ease Arthritis pain, swelling, and tenderness is caused by excess uric acid in the blood. Fight cancer: The flavanoids in cherries are not only responsible for the deep red colour of cherries, but also its cancer-fighting abilities. Powerful antioxidants like Cyanidin may help the body rid itself of free radicals and prevent cancerous cells from growing out of control. Choose sweet cherries with a purple tone for the most anthocyanins. Sleep well: Two tablespoons of cherry juice is all it takes to help you sleep better. Studies have shown it is just as effective as a melatonin supplement – which isn’t surprising, considering cherries naturally contain melatonin. Lower blood pressure: Cherries contain a good amount of potassium which may, in turn, help the body get rid of excess sodium – which, then, may help lower blood pressure. One cup of cherries has the same amount of potassium as a banana. When 6

you eat cherries, you enjoy much more than just their amazing taste. Cherries are packed with antioxidants and offer lots of amazing health benefits, including help with insomnia, joint pain, and belly fat, Cherries is unique in its ability to maintain your body shape as it resist fat accumulation and burn previous fat deposits therefore helps to get in shape. =============================================================

Coconut Supports immune system health: it is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasite Provides a natural source of quick energy and enhances physical and athletic performance Improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals Improves insulin secretion and symptoms associated with diabetes Helps protect the body from cancers due to insulin reduction, removal of free radicals that cause premature aging and degenerative disease Reduces risk of heart health and improves good cholesterol (HDL) Restores and supports thyroid function Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infection Promotes weight loss Helps keep hair and skin healthy and youthful looking, prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, and provides sun protection =============================================================

Figs are full of fibre, containing 16% of the daily recommended amount for an adult, or 4g. Evidence shows that a diet high in fibre can contribute to weight loss. One of the reasons fibre is so good for weight loss is because it helps with feelings of fullness, as well as reducing cravings. It also has almost a detoxifying effect as it acts as a natural laxative.


Figs are full of a wide variety of vitamin and minerals. They have the highest amount of calcium out of all types of fruits. They also are full of magnesium, iron, B vitamins, vitamin K, and potassium. They also have an assortment of antioxidants, which support immune health. It is thought that eating figs regularly can provide protection for a variety of cancer types including breast, colon, and prostate cancers. The fibre in it can help prevent postmenopausal breast cancer. Figs are also known for being rich in antioxidants and flavanoids. While antioxidants help reducing free radicals which can contribute to the formation of different kinds of cancer cells. One of the antioxidants in figs, phenols, also lowers your risk for heart disease. Phenols help prevent cell damage and eliminate free radicals, and the fibre found in figs is also supports heart health. Because figs are so high in potassium and magnesium, they can help with insulin control, which can in turn help with diabetes. One study showed that those with higher levels of magnesium and potassium were at a reduced risk for developing diabetes as compared to those with lower levels. Fig leaves also contain compounds that can help increase insulin sensitivity, which may in the future help prevent diabetes. Diets low in potassium and high in sodium can lead to hypertension. The combination of potassium, calcium, and magnesium that figs provide may help reduce this issue. In one study a control group who ate more fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy over eight weeks effectively lowered their blood pressure. A study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology showed that eating 3 or more servings of fruit a day may reduce your risk of macular degeneration. The effects of increased consumption of vegetables and antioxidants were also measured, but increasing fruits had the most substantial results. Figs contain probiotic, which help the good bacteria already existing in the digestive tract, and supports healthy digestion. One study showed that probiotic also improved the body’s resistance to invading pathogens, reducing chances of diarrhea. Eating figs can contribute to healthy skin, and fig can also be used topically. Its laxative effects not only help with weight loss, but can also clear the system of toxins which may cause acne. It has an anti inflammatory effect and can be used on the skin in lotions and scrubs to reduce inflammation and redness of the skin. The nutrients and calcium in figs also support hair health and promotes faster hair growth. Fig extract and oils are common in hair care and conditioners because they rehydrate and leave hair shiny and tangle-free. Figs provide a wide variety of health benefits, and are very versatile fruits. You can find recipes for sweet or savoury dishes, and the fruit is available fresh in the summer, and dried year round. =============================================================


Grapes Prevent cancers Studies have shown that purple coloured grapes known as concord grapes have great cancer prevention capabilities. They are a rich source of antioxidants and anti-mutagens and hence prevent all types of cancer, especially breast cancer. 1Amazing benefits of Grapes Good for eye health – Excellent for the health of your eyes, grapes effectively improve vision. They also help keeping away from age related eye-sight issues, retinal diseases and macular degeneration. A great treatment for constipation – Being a good source of sugar, cellulose, insoluble fibre and organic acid, grapes are a laxative food. Having them on a constipated stomach does great it curing and knocking out constipation. Please be careful of not having them while suffering from diarrhea or loose-motion. Wonderful food for healthy bones – Consisting of iron, manganese and copper, grapes give strong and healthy bones. In fact, having them every day can also help in avoiding bone issues arising with age such as osteoporosis and arthritis. 10 Amazing Weight-loss benefits – Grape is a fruit which is low in calories and high in water as well as fibre content. Hence, having even a large quantity of these would not increase you calorie intake too much. Rather it will make you feel fuller for a longer time so that you can avoid unhealthy snacking. Its flavanoids contents also help in weightloss. 10 Amazing benefits of Grapes Control high blood pressure – It is quite widely known that intake of sodium worsens the health condition of those suffering from high blood pressure issues. Grapes have potassium in abundance which can effectively counter the bad effect of sodium and therefore help manage and control high blood pressure. Suitable for diabetics too – For most part of their lives, diabetics keep thinking what to eat and what not to. The good news here is that having grapes does not raise your blood sugar levels tremendously. They also prevent development of insulin resistance in diabetics who rely on external intake of insulin in order to control their blood sugar level.10 Amazing benefits of Grapes A natural way of curing migraine – Juice made out of ripe grapes does great in healing and curing migraine. Irrespective of the cause of your migraine, the antioxidant content of grape juice gives it this quality. Those with frequent migraine complaints should have about one cup of undiluted grape juice every morning on an empty stomach and experience noticeable changes within a few weeks.10 its f Grapes A rich source of iron and hence a nice way of dealing with anemia – If you eat grapes, you automatically balance the level of minerals in your body and also supply it with some great amount of iron. So people with anemia must have grapes. Besides giving your body the required iron, it will make you much more energetic. 10 Grapes Anti-bacterial and anti-viral – Grapes have powerful anti-bacterial as well as antiviral properties and therefore they can strongly fight bacterial and viral infections.


Grapefruit are fruits that are high in fibre and low in calories, and they contain bioflavonoid and other plant chemicals that protect against serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, and the formation of tumors. Grapefruits increase the body’s metabolic rate, lower insulin levels, and give you a feeling of fullness. They assist the human body in fighting various conditions like fatigue, fever, malaria, diabetes, constipation, indigestion, urinary problems, excess acidity, and many more. There are plenty of health benefits grapefruits have, which are also known to be powerful drug/poison eliminators. These fruits work as a natural antiseptic for external wounds and also function as a liver tonic. They contain a high amount of water, which helps in changing the complexion of the skin and increasing the body’s metabolic rate. The pulp and fibre of grapefruits have a healthy bulking action to our food intake, which aids in bowel movements and reduces chances of colon. Grapefruits also help to quench thirst and thus, reduce the burning sensation that arises during fever. The intake of grapefruit reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer. Grapefruit is a valuable remedy for influenza since it helps minimize acidity in the system. The bitter properties arising from an essence called ‘naringin’ in grapefruits tone up the system and the digestive process. Naringin is also considered a flavanoids, which is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants have antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory qualities, making them one of the most important lines of defence in the immune system, protecting against influenza as well as many other serious conditions. The pulp or the juice of grapefruit helps patients recover quickly from fever, and it reduces the burning sensation that occurs when the body reaches a high temperature. It is also known as a way to boost the immune system against cold and other common illnesses. Grapefruit juice, when combined with water, can quench thirst very quickly and keep you hydrated for longer. Most of these benefits come from the high content of vitamin C in grapefruits, which acts as a general immune system defence system and can help the body in fighting the fever. Diabetics can eat grapefruits as they can reduce the level of starch in the body. Intake of grapefruits can help them regulate the flow of sugar in their body, effectively handling the disease. Recent studies have shown this beneficial relationship between diabetes and grapefruits due to the flavanoids content of grapefruits, along with a number of other health benefits =============================================================


Kiwifruit you thought that lemons and oranges were the highest sources of Vitamin C, then think again! According to the nutritional break-up of kiwi fruit, per 100 grams contain 154 percentage of Vitamin C, which is almost twice that of lemons and oranges. Vitamin C acts as powerful antioxidant, eliminating free radicals that could cause inflammation or cancer. It also helps in boosting the immunity of the body against harmful pathogens. Having trouble sleeping? According to a research done by Taipei Medical University, “Numerous studies have revealed that kiwi fruit contains many medicinally useful compounds, among which antioxidants and serotonin may be beneficial in the treatment of sleep disorders.” It is said that having two kiwi fruits one hour before bedtime can help immensely in inducing sleep. This exotic fruit is loaded with dietary fibre, which helps in the prevention of numerous diseases. According to a study done “Increasing consumption of fibre-rich foods can lower risks of both cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD).” According to researchers, high fibre foods keep one full for longer and control metabolic markers like blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. It also facilities weight loss and is often recommended to diabetics. Kiwi fruit contains an enzyme known as actinidain which is known for its protein dissolving properties, similar to that of papain in papaya. This is the reason why it is commonly used as a meat tenderiser. Moreover, it helps in the digestion of proteins in the body and is also known to help patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. It is not without reason that the Chinese valued kiwi for its medicinal properties. It is a good source of folate, which is said to be beneficial for pregnant women because it helps in the development of the foetus, making it healthy. It is also considered to be good for growing children. Kiwi fruit is loaded with vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins A, B6, B12, E, and potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. These contribute collectively to the proper functioning of the body such as blood circulation through the vessels, fight stress, iron absorption for healthy bones and teeth, good vision, etc. The high levels of potassium, 312 mg per 100 grams, help in maintaining blood pressure whereas magnesium helps in the nerve and muscle functions. Kiwi is alkaline in nature, which means it helps in countering the effects of acidic foods that we quite often consume. A healthy body is one which has a good pH balance, which helps in keeping you active, full of energy, and with a youthful skin.


The vitamins prevent in kiwi (C and E) are said to be great for the skin as they act as antioxidant, preventing skin degradation. Take a few slices and apply them on your skin for good results. =============================================================

Lemon and Lime these two citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C, a powerful immune booster. You need to consume vitamin C in your diet, as your body doesn’t produce it on its own. Vitamin C aids the immune system by attacking the nucleic acid of virus cells and also obliterating bacteria. Study showed that Vitamin C helps in reducing the duration of the common cold. For millennia, people have drunk lemon juice to prevent and treat asthma. The high concentrations of vitamin C and anti-oxidants are the primary factor behind the juice’s benefits for asthma. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, helping a person become more resistant to external factors that trigger an asthma attack. It also helps the lungs breathe easier. The mineral iron is vital because it helps the blood carry oxygen to the cells and produces energy for regular cell function. Both the citric acid and vitamin C found in lemons and limes facilitate your body’s absorption iron found in plant-based foods. So next squeeze some lemon juice on your next salad, spinach, or grilled vegetables. Lemon peels contain a high dosage of a terpene compound called d-limonene. In lab studies with animals, d-limonene had a considerable positive effect on cancer cells. More recently, in a study conducted on a group of 43 women with operable breast cancer, those given 2 grams of limonene daily showed a 22% reduction in the expression of tumors markers. Another study linked citrus peels to a reduced risk of cancerous skin cells. Lemons, limes, and oranges all contain collagen, a nutrient crucial to achieving younger, wrinkle free skin. Collagen delays the aging process and tightens your skin. The vitamin C present in citrus also naturally brightens skin with regular intake. Just take caution when applying directly to the skin, as it can permanently lighten the skin and can lead to brown spots with direct sun exposure. A study found that an ingredient in citrus fruit called auraptene lowers blood pressure in rodents bred with hypertension. Lemons are an age-old staple of eastern medicine, 12

which prizes them for keeping blood vessels soft and pliable, which reduces blood pressure. Lemons and limes are high in potassium, which is crucial to nervous system health. Low levels of potassium in the blood can cause anxiety and depression. The nervous system also needs an adequate amount of potassium to send sustainable signals to the heart. Lemon and lime juice are proven antibacterial and antiviral. They have powerful antiviral properties on the mucous membranes in the nose and throat when ill, and boost the immune system internally. For centuries, people have used lemon juice to speed up the recovery from canker sores. In addition, the fruits’ antiinflammatory properties help fight respiratory tract infections, sore throats and inflammation of the tonsils. The juice, skin, and flesh of these little fruits contain enough nutritional benefits to become a staple of your diet. =============================================================

Mangos have an impressive vitamin content that assures overall health. They are rich in potassium (4% in 156 mg) and magnesium (2% in 9 mg) and are a great remedy for high blood pressure. They also contain selenium, calcium, iron, and phosphorus. They are said to be vitamin powerhouses as they are rich in riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, niacin, folate, thiamine and pantothenic acid. These components help you avoid a host of diseases that can come from deficiencies of these vitamins and minerals. The vitamin E content in these fruits can even help to boost your sex life by triggering the activity of your sex hormones. Mangos have high amounts of pectin, a soluble dietary fibre that efficiently contributes to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Pectin can also help to prevent developing prostate cancer. Recently, studies at The Institute for Food Research discovered that a compound within pectin combines with galectin 3 (a protein playing a significant role in all the stages of cancer). Mango consumption is one of the easiest ways to gain weight. 150g of mango has around 86 calories, which can be absorbed easily by the body. Moreover, they contain 13

starch, which transforms into sugar and aids in gaining weight. Mango milkshakes will accelerate the process of gaining weight since they also contain milk, and are notoriously delicious! Mangos play a prominent role in eliminating problems such as indigestion and excess acidity. The digestive enzymes in them help to promote natural, efficient digestion. The bioactive ingredients in mangos like esters, terpene, and aldehydes contribute in enhancing appetite and also improve the function of the digestive system. Mangos are rich in iron, which makes them beneficial for people suffering from anemia. A regular, moderated intake can help eliminate anemia by increasing the red blood cell count in the body. Mangos are beneficial for pregnant women since they fulfil the iron requirements during pregnancy. Doctors often prescribe iron tablets during pregnancy, but instead of supplementation, you can enjoy a healthy iron-rich diet with juicy mangos. The taste buds during pregnancy usually lose some of their sensitivity, so mangos will surely prove to be the delight of your day, more than just its health benefits. Perhaps you are surprised to know that mangos are closely related to skin care. Other than bringing a healthy glow to your face, they also help to lighten skin colour. You can easily enhance your beauty by including this tasty fruit in your diet on a regular basis. Mangos effectively treat acne by opening the clogged pores of the skin. Once these pores are opened, acne formation will eventually stop. Unclogging the pores of the skin is the most effective way to eliminate acne. To enjoy this benefit, there is no need to eat them every day; you need to remove the pulp and apply it on the skin for around 10 minutes, then rinse it off. Mangos contain high amounts of vitamin A and C, which help to produce collagen proteins inside the body. Collagen helps to protect blood vessels and the body’s connective tissues, thereby slowing down the natural aging process. Therefore, mangos can rightly be called an anti-aging food. Mangos have abundant quantities of vitamin B6, which is vital for maintaining and improving the brain’s function. These vitamins aid in the amalgamation of the major neurotransmitters that contribute in determining mood and the modification of sleeping patterns. They naturally provide significant quantities of this vitamin. With mangos as a part of your diet, you can be assured of a healthy brain and effective nerve functioning. You will also be avoiding medicinal supplements, which have a long list of side effects. The glutamine acid content in mangos also improves concentration and memory. As mentioned earlier, similar to carrots, mangos are rich in beta-carotene, a powerful carotenoids. This element helps to enhance the immune system and make it impervious to bacteria and toxins. Excess beta-carotene is also transformed into vitamin A inside the body. Vitamin A is another antioxidant that gives you additional protection against the free radicals harming your internal systems. Thus, mangos are a great choice to add to your regular diet. Manage Diabetes




contains a high amount of

water similar with watermelon. Melon is very suitable to eat in scorching heat of sun. Melon is the best fruit to removing your lack of body fluid known as dehydration. The benefits of melon are abundant especially for our health. The healthy compound inside a melon is recently discovered for curing cancer and heart attack. That is one of the phenomenal examples of melon’s healthy benefits. Behind the fresh and tasty melon lies a numerous healthy benefits inside it. Consuming 100 gram of melon will gives you various beneficial substances such as 14, 8gram of carbohydrate, 0,5 gram of fat, 1,55 gram of protein, 5.706 milligram of vitamin A, 546, 9 milligram of potassium and 74,7 milligram of vitamin C. Melons can become a healthy alternative to energy drinks. This mouth-watering fruit contains vitamin B, which is responsible to produce energy in the body. It is necessary as it processes carbs and sugar that is present in the food you consume. An energetic body is a healthy body, therefore; include melons in your daily diet to get substantial energy. Proper urinary flow is important to maintain healthy kidneys. Since melons are packed with diuretic properties, it relieves gout inflammation. You can even consume a drink made with melon and lemon juice. This drink is known to flush out toxins from your body. Moreover, consuming melon in any form ensures healthy kidneys. Hence, include it in your daily diet to avoid kidney problems. Weight loss has become a primary problem. Many experts suggest eating fresh fruits and vegetables to maintain body weight. And adding melon to your salads can do wonders. It is ideal for weight loss due to the low content of sodium in it. Melons are fat and cholesterol free. Its natural sweetness reduces your cravings for sugary drinks and foods. You can always replace your chocolates and cupcakes with a big chunk of melon. The higher water content in the fruit keeps you full for longer hours. You can eat melon at any time of the day since the single serving of it contains only 48 calories. Maintaining a healthy heart is necessary for your overall health. Besides working out or performing outdoor activities, maintaining a good diet is also crucial to enhanced cardiovascular health. Melon contains an anticoagulant called adenosine, which impedes the clotting of blood cells. This clotting is dangerous as it may cause a stroke or other heart diseases. Eating melon lowers the chance of the heart problems by ensuring smooth blood flow in the body. It also relieves heartburn. Cancer is one of the most unpredictable diseases. And it is said to be effective to consume foods that contains anti-cancer enzymes and components. Being high in carotenoids, melon can prevent the symptoms of cancer by eliminated free radical cells that cause cancerous symptoms in the first place. 15

The immune system works as a shield against bacteria and germs that cause several illnesses. Being enriched with vitamin C, melon strengthens the immune system. This fruit also contains carotenoids and bioflavonoid, which function as antioxidants. Hence, eating melon provides these antioxidants to your body that are essential in maintaining a stronger immune system. There could be a number of reasons behind weak eyesight. But melon has properties that protect your eyes from further damage. These melons are a great source of vitamin A. It has carotenoids that ensure better health of your eyes. Melons are enriched with beta-carotene that prevents cataracts, risks of the lutea to UV-rays, and macular degeneration. Diabetes is another threatening illness. The possibility of diabetes is even present in the young adults. You can reduce risks of diabetes by consuming melon as it is known to prevent it. This fruit contains a huge number of pectin and dietary fibre that controls glucose levels in your bloodstream from the sugars and carbs we consume. Moreover, sugary food and drink are usually not allowed to diabetic patients. This sweet flavoured fruit can also satisfy their sweet cravings. =============================================================

Watermelon Anti-inflammatory: Besides high levels of lycopene, other health benefits of watermelon include phenolic compounds such as carotenoids, flavanoids, and triterpenoids. These compounds help in reducing inflammation making watermelon among common foods that fights inflammation. Ripe watermelons have high phenolic compounds. Heart Health: Due to high lycopene content, watermelon is effective in protecting cells from damage resulting in lowered risk of heart disease. In addition, benefits of watermelon such as potassium, arginine and citrulline are important for maintaining a healthy heart as they help improve blood flow and reduce accumulation of fats. Studies show that watermelon extracts can be used by overweight and obese adults to improve blood pressure. Cancer Prevention: As a source of antioxidants, watermelon is helpful in reducing the risk of some common. In addition, lycopene helps prevent cancer from progressing. Just like tomatoes, lycopene in watermelon is linked in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Hydration: Since watermelon is 92% water, it can help you stay hydrated, especially during summer. This is also a reason why watermelon smoothies and popsicles are common during summer. In addition, because it contains significant amounts of potassium (an electrolyte) watermelon can help prevent heat stroke. 16

Muscle Health: Potassium is essential for maintaining healthy muscles. For this reason, those who drink watermelon juice before exercising will experience less muscle soreness the next day. In addition, potassium can help reduce the risk of heart pain during exercises and improve circulation. The heart is also a muscle. Eye and Skin Health: As a food rich in vitamin A beta-carotene, watermelons can help with vision and protect against night blindness and age-related macular degeneration by improving production of the pigments in the retina. Other watermelon health benefits are hydrating the skin to prevent dry, scaly, and aged skin. Digestive Health: Watermelon also contains dietary fibre, which can aid in digestion. Its high water content and dietary fibre make watermelon an effective food that gets rid of constipation. =============================================================


Prevent Various Types of

Cancer: Citrus is more than just a fresh, sour flavor used for livening up food and drink. The citrus limonoids common in oranges are proven to help fight a number of varieties of cancer. In tests on animal and human cells, researchers proved citrus could help fight cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon. Boosts Immune System, Citrus fruits are also a great way to keep you health in the present. That’s because they are filled with Vitamin C, which you need to produce the white blood cells that destroy viruses, bacteria and other foreign invaders. Oranges also contain vitamin A, folate and copper, nutrients that assist Vitamin C in keeping your immune system in tip-top shape. Help Reduce Kidney Stones: Not all citrus juices are created equal. A recent study found that orange juice, but not lemon juice, can prevent painful kidney stones from forming. The high levels of potassium found in oranges is thought to be responsible for keeping kidney stones at bay by flushing harmful free radicals out of the organs. Promotes Heart Health, Potassium, an electrolyte mineral, is responsible for helping the heart function well. Potassium is involved in every heart beat, as it helps the heart squeeze and send blood through the body. Lowers Cholesterol, Oranges do not contain any cholesterol, but they can lower the levels of cholesterol in your body. The Vitamin C in oranges is the antioxidant in oranges that contributes to their ORAC value of 2,103. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, which is used to measure antioxidant levels with cardiovascular benefits. Vitamin C neutralizes the free radicals that oxidize cholesterol, which is what makes it stick to the artery walls.


Lowers Blood Pressure, The hesperidins flavanone found in oranges can lower high blood pressure. One word of warning: if you want the cardiovascular benefits of this phytonutrients, don’t juice your oranges. Hesperidin’s is located in the white pulpy part between the inner orange flesh and the outer skin. Regulates Blood Sugar: Oranges may be sweet, but they’re high in fibre, which keeps blood sugar levels low. Fructose, the natural sugar found in oranges, prevents blood sugar levels from spiking after eating. Therefore, oranges are a great desert or can be added as an ingredient to an entree. Prevents Ulcers, Not only do oranges prevent stomach cancer; they also prevent painful ulcers from forming in your stomach. Stomach ulcers are agonizing sores that form inside your stomach and mess with the digestive process. Although they are fairly easy to eliminate, it is better to prevent them from forming in the first place. A study found that people with diets high in Vitamin C were less likely to get ulcers than people who are Vitamin c deficient. An orange contains up to 89% of Vitamin C. Good for Respiratory System: Oranges are loaded with beta-cryptoxanthin, a phytonutrients that may significantly reduce risk of lung cancer. =============================================================

Blood Oranges You probably skip blood oranges at the store and choose their more popular cousin, the orange. However, blood oranges have some nutritional benefits just like the other. To clearly distinguish the blood orange from the orange, you can note of the pigmented pulp of the former which is due to anthocyanins. When it comes to taste and smell, blood oranges are actually more like raspberries and are less acidic than oranges. As for the health benefits, here are what you can get when you eat blood oranges: Anthocyanins The compound responsible for the red to reddish purple pigment of the fruit, anthocyanins is an antioxidant that is beneficial to the body. Antioxidants, as you may already know, can fight free radicals and inflammation that cause several illnesses and infection. Cancer, heart disease, and bad cholesterol are among those that anthocyanins can prevent. There are three major types of blood oranges which are easily available in market; these are Moro (most colourful and bright amongst all), Sanguinello (reddish skin with presence of fewer seeds and a nice sweet taste) and Tarocco (the sweetest of all and has the best flavour). ============================================================= 18

Mandarin Oranges


like oranges, rich in vitamins such as vitamin A and B. The vitamin c found in mandarin is useful in combating unstable molecules otherwise known as free radicals. This is because it is an anti-oxidant. The work of anti-oxidants is to destroy the free radicals hence prevent damage on the They are also rich in minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Mandarins are rich in fibre, They are low in fat. They contain both soluble and insoluble fibre like hemicelluloses and pectin both of which are useful in preventing absorption of cholesterol in the body. This is due to the presence of synephrine which regulate the production of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDLs) in the body. Bad cholesterol or LDL is responsible for cholesterol which lodges itself on the artery walls, leading to cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack. It has been found in a research that mandarins help to combat liver cancer to a great deal. This is due to the presence of Vitamin A .The juice extracted from mandarin contains a high content of beta cryptoxanthin,the substance responsible for combating hepatitis C.The substance limonene found in mandarin is known to contain anticancer properties and hence useful in preventing breast cancer. Mandarins are useful in helping to reduce blood pressure. This is because they contain minerals such as potassium which is useful in lowering blood pressure. They ensure smooth flow of blood along the arteries and help to regulate normal blood pressure. Due to its high fibre content, it gives you a ‘fullness’ feeling in your stomach for long, hence you eat less. This is useful in controlling your weight. Doctors have also found that mandarins lower insulin which ensures that you burn the stored fats instead of storing sugar. More insulin production leads to storage of more fat in the body. The vitamin C is useful in fighting cold and ensuring proper functioning of the immune system. Mandarins contain microbial properties that prevent bacterial functions. Over and above that, they prevent disorders of the digestive system such as spasm, cramps and vomiting. They purify blood and remove toxins from the body. Mandarins reduce ageing signs like wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes. This is due to the presence of anti-oxidants which protect the skin from UVA rays hence prevent damage caused by the sun as well as free radicals. =============================================================



According to a study,

stone fruit like peaches, plums, and nectarines have been shown to ward off obesityrelated diseases such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. The study suggests that stone fruits have bioactive and phenolic compounds with antiobesity and anti-inflammatory properties that may also reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) associated with cardiovascular disease. The authors attribute the benefits to four major phenolic groups in stone fruits: anthocyanins, chlorogenic acids, quercetins, and catechins, all of which work together and complement each other to fight off obesity-related illness. As an excellent source of the strong antioxidant vitamin C, peaches can also help combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer. While an adequate vitamin C intake is necessary and very beneficial as an antioxidant, the amount necessary to consume for treatment purposes for cancer is thought to be beyond oral intake.2 High fibre intakes from all fruits and vegetables are associated with a lowered risk of colorectal cancer. The antioxidant vitamin C, when eaten in its natural form (in whole foods such as peaches) or applied topically, can reduce wrinkles, improve overall skin texture and help to fight skin damage caused by the sun and pollution. Vitamin C also plays a vital role in the formation of collagen, the support system of your skin. Another study showed that peaches and plum extracts were effective in killing even the most aggressive types of breast cancer cells and did not harm normal healthy cells in the process. Studies have shown that type 1 diabetics who consume high-fibre diets have lower blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetics may have improved blood sugar, lipids, and insulin levels. One medium peach provides about 2 grams of fibre. The fibre, potassium, vitamin C, and choline content in peaches all support heart health. An increase in potassium intake along with a decrease in sodium intake is the most important dietary change that a person can make to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease. In one study, those who consumed 4069 mg of potassium per day had a 49% lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease compared with those who consumed less potassium (about 1000 mg per day).3 A higher intake of fruits (3 or more servings per day) has been shown to decrease the risk and progression of age-related macular degeneration. High fruit and vegetable intake is also associated with healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, lower weight, and lower risk of mortality. =============================================================


Pears a single serving of pears provides 18% of the daily requirement for fibre intake, they can be a very strong agent for improving digestive health too. Most of the fibre in pears is a non-soluble polysaccharide (NSP), which means that it acts as a bulking agent in the intestines. This fibre accumulates the food and adds bulk so it is easier for the food to pass through the intestines. Furthermore, it stimulates secretion of gastric and digestive juices. It also regulates bowel movements and reduces the chances of constipation, as well as diarrhea and loose stool. Also, the gritty nature of pear fibre helps it bind to cancer-causing agents and free radicals in the colon and protect the organ from their damaging effects. One of the complaints that some people have about various fruits is the calorie content, mainly derived from natural sugars. However, pears are one of the lowestcalorie fruits; an average pear has just over 100 calories, which is 5% of daily calorie allowance of a healthy diet. However, the nutritional supplementation they give you is immense, and the fibre makes you feel full. Therefore, people trying to lose weight often turn to pears to get the most “bang for their buck�. It is a high-energy and highnutrition food with low impact on weight gain and obesity. Antioxidant Activity Like many other fruits, pears are a wealth of antioxidants that combat various diseases and conditions within the body. Antioxidants work to eliminate the free radicals that accumulate in the body following cellular metabolism. These free radicals mutate healthy cell DNA into cancerous cells and can cause a number of other devastating conditions. Therefore, antioxidant components of vitamin C, vitamin A, and flavanoids compounds like beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, all of which are found in pears, can help rid the body of these dangerous compounds. Antioxidants are primarily praised for their anti-carcinogenic activities, and pears have been connected to prevention of a number of different types of cancer, including colon, rectum, breast, prostate, and lung cancer. Pears are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C that are beneficial for the immune system, as they stimulate white blood cell production. They have also been known to boost the immune system, which helps to eliminate conditions like common cold, flu, and other mild illnesses. Pears are a wonderful source of potassium, which means that they can have a significant impact on heart health because potassium is a well-known vasodilator. This means that it lowers blood pressure, which reduces strain on the entire cardiovascular system and makes it harder for clots to form or harm you. Furthermore, it increases blood flow to all parts of the body, which oxygenates the


organs and promotes their effective function. Lowering blood pressure is also connected to a lower chance of cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. Finally, potassium works as a fluid regulator in the body, meaning that it keeps the body hydrated, and ensures the balance of essential fluids in the cells and organs. Without potassium, many of our essential functions would be either slowed down or stopped altogether. Speed up Healing Vitamin C is also an essential part of synthesizing new tissue in various organs and cellular structures of the body. This keeps the body’s metabolism running smoothly and ensures that all functions operate properly. Furthermore, wound healing is sped up with high levels of ascorbic acid, which pears do provide. It also helps to repair damaged blood vessels, which reduces the strain on the cardiovascular system and prevents certain heart diseases from developing. Improve Circulation For patients suffering from anemia or other mineral deficiencies, pears can be very helpful, due to a high content of copper and iron in them. Copper facilitates and improves the uptake of minerals into the system, and increased levels of iron mean that the red blood cell synthesis increases. Iron is an important part of hemoglobin, and anemia is another name for iron deficiency. You can prevent fatigue, cognitive malfunction, muscle weakness, and organ system malfunction by consuming foods high in iron and copper, both of which are found in significant amounts in pears. Folates are other valuable nutritional components of pears. Folic acid has been positively correlated with a reduction in neural tube defects in newborns. So eating folate-rich fruits like pears can protect the health and happiness of the baby, a major reason why pregnant women are encouraged to monitor their folic acid levels. Reduce Inflammation The antioxidant and flavanoids components of pears can also induce antiinflammatory effects in the body, reducing the pain associated with inflammation. This includes the reduction in symptoms of arthritis, rheumatic conditions, gout, and similar conditions. The high mineral content of pears includes magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, and copper. These aid in reducing bone mineral loss and debilitating conditions like osteoporosis and the general weakness of the body due to lack of support from the bones. =============================================================



are packed with an immense

range of phenols and flavanoids, which offer an impressive range of health benefits. These fruits contain vitamin C and phytonutrients such as lutein, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, neochlorogenic, and chlorogenic acid. These components possess effective antioxidant qualities which help in preventing the damage caused by oxygen radicals called super oxide anion radicals. The phenols present in plums also extend their protective effect on the essential fats in the neurons and cell membranes against any injuries caused by oxidative stress. Plum extracts are valuable for treating obesity and other complications associated with obesity. Studies have shown that consumption of stone fruits such as plums helps in fighting metabolic syndrome, due to the presence of bioactive compounds. The flavanoids and phenolic components such as anthocyanins, chlorogenic acids, quercetin, and catechins present in them exert anti-obesity and antiinflammatory effects on the cells, including the fat cells, and they also help in preventing obesity-related problems such as cholesterol disorders, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Plums exert anti-hyperglycaemic effects and help in combating diabetes. Studies have shown that the consumption of plum extracts aids in the reduction of blood glucose and levels of triglyceride in the body. The flavanoids present in plums exert protective effects against insulin resistance and help to enhance insulin sensitivity in the body. Prevent Osteoporosis Consumption of dried plums exerts anabolic and anti-restorative actions, which aid in maintaining healthy bones. Flavanoids such as caffeic acid and rutin present in plums help in inhibiting the deterioration of bone tissues and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Polyphenols, along with the potassium content present in dried plums, encourage the formation of bones, improve bone density, and prevent bone loss caused by ovarian hormone deficiency. Research has demonstrated that regular consumption of dried plums helps in the restoration of bone density that has already been lost due to aging. They are a good source of dietary fibre, along with the components sorbitol and isatin, which help in regulating the digestive system. According to research, dried plums or prunes are more effective in treating digestive disorders such as constipation as compared to other remedies such as phylum husk. Sorbitol and isatin have a laxative effect and encourage the secretion of fluids in the bowels and promote the efficient flushing of waste through the colon.


Studies have shown that the flavanoids present in plum juice are effective in providing protection against age-related cognitive impairment. The beneficial phytonutrients present in plums help in reducing inflammation in the neurological areas to improve learning and memory functions. Regular consumption of plums also helps in preventing age-related neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Research has provided supporting evidence regarding the fact that the regular intake of dried plums helps in promoting fluidity of blood in the arteries. This protective effect aids in the prevention of various cardiac disorders, including the development of atherosclerosis and the reduction in chances for heart attack and stroke. Plums are beneficial in strengthening the immune defence of the body due to the presence of high vitamin C content. This vitamin promotes the body’s resistance against infections and inflammations. Research has shown that oriental plums have immunostimulatory constituents that encourage the production of nitric oxide in the body, impede the metastasis of tumors cells, and are valuable in preventing various diseases. Dried plums or prunes help in preventing hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia. A comparative study has proven the efficacy of prunes over grape-juice in maintaining healthy levels of plasma and liver cholesterol. The fibre content present in them also adds to the protective effect of the heart by reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol and helping to elevate the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. Plums contain potassium, which is an electrolyte and is required for the efficient functioning of cells and tissues of the body. Consuming potassium-rich plums helps in regulating muscle contractions and acid-base balance of the body. . Plums and prunes contain vitamin K, which helps in normal clotting of the blood and promotes bone health. Deficiency of vitamin K in the body can result in excessive blood loss and other health concerns such as weak bones. =============================================================

Pineapple fruit is known to offer several benefits. Treats Arthritis one of the most celebrated uses of pineapple in terms of health is its ability to reduce the inflammation of joints and muscles, particularly those associated with arthritis, a debilitating disease that affects millions of people around the world. Pineapple contains a relatively rare proteolytic 24

enzyme called bromelain, which is primarily associated with breaking down complex proteins and has serious anti-inflammatory effects. Bromelain is also positively correlated with reducing the signs and symptoms of arthritis in many. A single serving of pineapple has more than 130% of the daily requirement of vitamin C for human beings, making it one of the richest and most delicious sources of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps in reducing illnesses and boosting the immune system by stimulating the activity of white blood cells and acting as an antioxidant to defend against the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are dangerous by-products of cellular metabolism that can damage various organ systems and disrupt function, as well as cause healthy cells to mutate into cancerous ones. The vitamin C content of pineapple defends against this. One of the commonly overlooked benefits of vitamin C is its essential role in creating collagen. This is partly the reason why it is seen as a healing vitamin because collagen is the essential protein base of blood vessel walls, skin, organs, and bones. High vitamin C content in pineapple helps you heal wounds and injuries quickly, and also defends your body against infections and illnesses. Pineapple has been directly related to preventing cancers of the mouth, throat, and breast, as it is rich in various antioxidants, including vitamin A, beta carotene, bromelain, various flavanoids compounds, and high levels of manganese. Manganese is an important cofactor of super oxide dismutase, an extremely potent free radical scavenger that has been associated with a number of different cancers. Eating pineapples regularly can protect you from a vast amount of health conditions, including constipation,diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, atherosclerosis, and blood clotting, as well as high blood pressure. Pineapple, being rich in fibre, promotes the passage of food through the digestive tract at a normal rate and stimulates the release of gastric and digestive juices to help food dissolve. It also bulks up the loose stool, which helps in treating diarrhea and IBS. Furthermore, the bromelain in pineapple stimulates protein digestion, reduces gut inflammation, and therefore, treats digestive diseases. Pineapple is rich in both bromelain and vitamin C, therefore eating pineapple helps in preventing and treating respiratory illnesses, while eliminating phlegm and mucus from your body if you’ve already contracted an illness or infection. The immune system boosting property of vitamin C is well known, but the special enzyme, bromelain, is also connected with the reduction of phlegm and mucus build up in the respiratory tracts and sinus cavities. Although pineapple is not famous for having strong calcium content, which most people immediately associate with bone health, it does have an impressive amount of manganese. Manganese is another trace mineral essential for the strengthening of bones, as well as their growth and repair. It is the most prominent mineral in pineapple, and a single serving can provide you with more than 70% of your daily requirement of this mineral. Along with the antioxidant compounds that protect against oral cancer, pineapple also has astringent properties, which strengthen gums and teeth. Astringent agents help tighten up tissues and tone the body so that tooth loss, hair loss, muscle weakness and


skin loosening do not occur. Pineapple is a very powerful astringent and is often prescribed as a natural remedy to fix the loosening of teeth or for the retraction of gums. The eye is the most important sensory organ of the human body and pineapple has the ability to improve eye health and prevent other age-related eye diseases. Macular degeneration affects many elderly people, and beta-carotene present in pineapple can help delay this vision problem. Pineapple is a valuable source of many minerals, and potassium is among them. Potassium deficiency can result in a wide array of health hazards. The vasodilator action of potassium eases the tension and stress of the blood vessels and increases blood circulation to various parts of the body. When your blood vessels relax, the blood pressure is reduced and the flow of blood is less restricted. This can prevent clots from blocking the flow of blood and reduce the accumulation of plaque in the arteries and vessels which, in turn, help prevent conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. So, eat pineapples for a healthy heart! In a related benefit to the vasodilating potential of potassium, pineapple also provides the body with copper, another essential mineral that functions in a number of enzymatic reactions and compounds in the body. Most notably, copper is a necessary element for the formation of healthy red blood cells. High red blood cell count increases oxygenation to the various organ systems and makes them function at optimal levels. It also increases cognitive abilities and can maintain neural pathways to prevent neural disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. =============================================================

Pomegranate the delicious pomegranate fruit is one the most important fruits that we should consider to have in our diet everyday. This fruit is harvested from the end of September up to the first fifteen days of January, but you can find it in every grocery during the whole year. The pomegranate was first planted in Persia and then it was sent in the Southern Balkans and after a few thousand years it became known for the rest of Asia and Europe. Since the first years when it was planted, pomegranate was used as a medicine. Only with the development of the medicine technologies it was concluded that pomegranate can “boost� your health.


Prostate cancer: It is found that pomegranate juice if it is used frequently can slow down the development of cancer in the prostate. Cholesterol: The pomegranate juice helps to raise the good cholesterol and lowers the bad one. Lung cancer: Some studies made on animals show that pomegranate juice helps in preventing and stopping the development of lung cancer. Alzheimer: Another benefit of pomegranate is that it might help in preventing Alzheimer’s disease development. Breast cancer: Pomegranate juice helps in preventing breast cancer cells forming and can also destroy those already formed. These are some of the benefits that I included in this post, but for your curiosity and information you can surf the web and find many more. Something else that I would like to add is that you shouldn’t consider as useless the pomegranate peel. In Albania the pomegranate peel is used to treat cold. How is it prepared? In the simplest way possible: After peeling the pomegranate do not throw the peel , you should dry the it for one or two days, until it colour turns into a golden brown. Then take the peel and drop it inside a pan with boiling water. Let the peel boils along with the water for fifteen or thirty minutes. When the water changes colour ( it should turn into light brown or yellow) than it is ready to be drunk. So this is some kind of tea that is used to treat cough, fever, running nose and sneezing. =============================================================

Papaya is a orange coloured juicy fruit, which is not only fragrant and delicious but also very healthy. The health benefits of papaya. Papaya helps in digestion It promotes weight loss It regulates menstruation It prevents infections It provides relief from a toothache It has anticancer properties It helps in skin care It improves heart health Papaya reduces the symptoms of acne and burns It has anti-inflammatory effects 27

Papaya is good for macular degeneration It helps in treats constipation It helps prevent arthritis It improves immunity It has been famous for hundreds of years and was once called the “fruit of the angels�. Papaya is a natural source of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the normal functioning of the body. It is famous for its luscious taste and sunlit colour of the tropics and can be eaten as a fruit in the raw form, a smoothies, a milkshake, or as a vegetable in various recipes. Late derived from the raw papaya fruit is used as a meat tenderizer and is also used in the manufacturing of several cosmetic, skin, and beauty products, as well as certain chewing gums. They are available for consumption throughout the year. The whole fruit, including other parts of the tree, are beneficial to health in several ways. Papaya in raw form contains enzymes, which are used in the preparation of dietary supplements and chewing gums. Papaya is rich in antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, flavanoids, and vitamin C. It is also a good source of fibre and minerals such as magnesium. Together, these nutrients help improve cardio vascular health and protect against colon cancer. =============================================================

Raspberry health benefits of raspberries include their ability to aid in weight loss, improve skin health, and strengthen the immune system. This fruit is high in dietary fibre and manganese. Fibre aids in slowing down the digestive process, making you feel fuller longer. The trace mineral manganese keeps your metabolic rate high, and thereby burns fat. If you are looking for a delicious and effective way to lose weight, raspberries can be the best natural option. Raspberries work like magic on wrinkles. They protect the skin from the harmful sun rays. The antioxidant powers of vitamin C effectively reduce the age spots and discoloration. By filling in minor wrinkles, they can help you restore your youthful appearance. They can be made into great facial masks for glowing skin; just mix 1 cup of plain yogurt and 2 cups of fresh raspberries, then blend the mixture until it becomes completely smooth. Apply the mixture to your entire face and keep it on for 15 minutes and wash it off with tepid water.


Three servings of raspberries per day can prove to be a brilliant natural remedy for macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is an age-related medical condition that affects your vision. This leads to a loss of vision in the midpoint of the visual field due to damage to the retina. This can occur in both “dry” and “wet” forms. You can add these berries to your morning cereal or lunchtime yogurt. You can alter the taste and look of any green salad with a handful of these fresh raspberries and an addition of balsamic vinegar. Mix the frozen raspberries with a spoonful of honey and some vanilla soy milk, then freeze this mixture for 20 minutes and spoon it into serving cups. Garnish with mint and enjoy the healthy treat. Raspberries, blackberries, and grapes all have metalloproteinase enzymes. These are essential for the development and renovation of tissues; however, if they are produced in abnormally high amounts, they may act as a catalyst for cancer development. They have high amounts of vitamin C, riboflavin, folate, magnesium, manganese, niacin, potassium, and copper. This makes them a complete fruit to offer overall, healthy prosperity. They are generally good for all, especially pregnant women, and lactating mother’s milk. Strengthen Immune System Raspberries are rich in effective antioxidants as well phytonutrients. These elements proficiently reinforce your immune system and help your body fight diseases. High Nutrient Value Other than the outstanding phytonutrients content, raspberries are rich in traditional nutrients, primarily in the antioxidant and B vitamin categories. As mentioned earlier, they are an excellent source of manganese and vitamin C, two important antioxidant nutrients that protect the body’s tissue from oxygen-related damage. Raspberries are also good sources of riboflavin, niacin, folate, magnesium, potassium, and copper. When complemented with a strong B vitamin and mineral content, they are termed as “excellent” sources of dietary fibre. The nutrient content of raspberries makes them a great choice for having a negligible effect on blood sugar level. =============================================================

Strawberry There are many diseases of eyes are caused by free radicals and oxidants. The most common problems of eyes are due to degeneration and dry eyes. Strawberries contain many antioxidants like flavanoids, phenolic photochemical and ellagic acid which will make our eyes healthy.


The more strong our immune system lesser will be infection. One of the main nutrients required for healthy immune system is Vitamin C. Strawberries contain 150% of Vitamin C. All berries are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Berries have allowed glycolic index, which means eating strawberries should not spike blood sugar levels. Strawberries are a great addition to healthy lifestyle and provide many health benefits. Eating strawberries can lower blood sugar levels, improve heart health and help prevent cancer. Degeneration of muscles and tissues, drying up of the fluid which helps increased mobility of the joints, and accumulation of toxic substances and acids (such as uric acid) in the body are some of the ill effects of free radicals. These are the primary causes of arthritis and gout. As mentioned earlier, strawberries are abundant in antioxidants and detoxifiers, which help in treating these conditions. It is said that a serving of fruits every day will remove the “rust� from joints. This old adage is definitely true for strawberries since it has powerful anti-inflammatory ability to ease the inflammation and associated pain from these types of conditions. Prevents Cancer Vitamin-C, folate, anthocyanins, quercetin, and kaempferol are just a few of the many flavanoids in strawberries which possess excellent antioxidant and ant carcinogenic properties. Together Strawberries are rich in antioxidant properties and help to reduce inflammation. =============================================================

Star fruit many of us try out various diets for losing excess weight. Consuming Star fruit is a great way to shed those extra pounds. Star fruit contains 31 calories of energy for every 100 grams of fruit. This energy content is very low in comparison to many other high-calorie foods. Star fruit has very low-fat content which makes it ideal for weight loss. It is rich in water and fibre which makes you feel satiated and fuller for a longer period of time. When you eat star fruit as part of your meals or half an hour before your meals, you tend to eat smaller portions of your meals or carbs helping in weight loss. Star fruit contains insoluble fibre which lowers the levels of various harmful fats or lipids in our body like LDL .As the accumulation of harmful fats or cholesterol in the body is the main reason behind the development of various heart diseases, star fruit surely aids in preventing heart ailments. Star fruits contain many helpful substances like polyphenols, flavanoids, saponins and phytosterols. This property of blood sugar control makes star fruit really good for people with diabetes. In addition to these effects, they also possess significant antioxidant properties. 30

Free radicals are produced in our body due to various metabolic processes. They adversely affect our health. They lead to disorders of the heart, brain and also many types of lethal cancers. We need to consume foods with antioxidants to fight the free radicals effectively. Star fruit contains many antioxidant substances like lutein zeaxanthin, vitamin C, and vitamin E. They fight the free radicals and help in the prevention of cancers, heart and brain disorders. Heart diseases are becoming very common these days. Modern lifestyle, high consumption of junk foods, high-stress levels, a high prevalence of people with diabetes, high cholesterol levels has led to the high incidence of heart diseases. Free radicals also play a pivotal role in causing heart diseases. Star fruit has many beneficial substances which help in reducing the levels of high blood sugar and harmful cholesterol or fats in the body. They also help to fight the free radicals. These properties of star fruit ward off heart ailments and also prevent them if eaten regularly. We need a healthy immune system to fight all infections. People with weak immune system tend to suffer from many health ailments and they often catch infections like cold and flu. Star fruit contains vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C content of star fruit is really high. It boosts the immune system and helps in treating cold and flu fast. If you eat star fruit regularly, you will suffer from cold and flu less often. It also detoxifies our body and fights the free radicals which make star fruit a very good fruit for boosting our immune system. Anemia is caused due to deficiency of hemoglobin n the body. Star fruit contains good amounts of iron which helps in the formation of hemoglobin in the body. The high vitamin C content of star fruit further assists in the absorption of the iron and acts synergistically along with iron to promote hemoglobin formation. Many women suffer from the problem of inadequate breast milk supply. Mothers get really worried when they are unable to give sufficient milk to their newly born baby. Star fruit helps in increasing the breast milk supply in the breastfeeding or nursing mothers. So, you can use it as an adjunctive food along with the drugs prescribed by your doctor to boost breast milk supply. Star fruit or carambola contains many antioxidants which make help in fighting free radicals. Free radicals are implicated in causing various cancers in the body. So, the free radical fighting ability of star fruit helps in preventing cancers. Star fruit contains good amounts of fibre. This fibre absorbs the water and makes the stool soft and easy to pass through the digestive system. Star fruit is a must have food for people suffering from constipation. Constipation leads to many more problems like haemorrhoids or piles, anal fissure, colorectal cancer, etc. So, eating star fruit regularly can save you from all these maladies. Many people suffer from lack of sleep or insomnia. This makes them restless and irritable during the daytime. Star fruit is rich in essential minerals like magnesium. This makes the nervous system strong and relaxed. It improves the quality of your sleep. =============================================================


Tomato is a fruit, shiny and smooth. Tomato is considered both, a fruit and a vegetable and forms an integral part of cuisines across the globe, especially in the Mediterranean region. Daily consumption of tomatoes provides a great boost to the health. The health benefits of tomatoes include eye care, good stomach health, and a reduced blood pressure. They provide relief from diabetes, skin problems, and urinary tract infections too. Furthermore, they improve digestion, stimulate blood circulation, reduce cholesterol levels, improve fluid balance, protect the kidneys, detoxify the body, prevent premature aging, and reduce inflammation. Tomatoes consist of a large number of antioxidants that have been proven to fight different forms of cancer. They are also a rich source of vitamins and minerals and exert a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases. Regular consumption of tomatoes can provide relief from gallstones. There have been various studies to prove their efficacy against many chronic diseases and varieties of cancer. The antioxidant properties of tomatoes can also be derived from processed foods like ketchup and purees. Daily consumption of tomatoes fulfils the requirement of vitamins and minerals and exerts an overall protective effect on the body. Fresh tomato juice is an excellent natural source of important vitamins A and C. Regular consumption of tomato juice could therefore, prevent vision-related diseases, strengthen the immune system of the body that protects against different diseases and also maintains good health of the bones and teeth.



Fruit is an incredibly healthy food group: packed with

There is no longer any question about the There is no longer anyofquestion about the importance importance fruits and vegetables in ourof fruits and vegetablesdiet. in our The greater the quantity Thediet. greater the quantity and and assortment of fruits consumed, the lower the and incidence of heart attacks, strokes, assortment of fruits vegetables and cancer. But there's thing know forofsure: consumed, theone lower thewe incidence heartfresh fruits have powerful anti-cancer attacks, strokes,agents. and cancer. There is still some controversy about which foods cause which cancers and whether certain types of fat are the culprits with certain cancers, but there's one thing we know for sure: raw vegetables and fresh fruits have powerful anti-cancer agents. There is no longer any question about the importance of fruits and vegetables in our diet. The greater the quantity and assortment of fruits and vegetables consumed, the lower the incidence of heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. There is still some controversy about which foods cause which cancers and whether certain types of fat are the culprits with certain cancers, but there's one thing we know for sure: raw vegetables and fresh fruits have powerful anti-cancer agents. vitamins, nutrients, fibre and water. There is no longer any question about the importance of fruits and vegetables in our diet. The greater the quantity and assortment of fruits and vegetables consumed, the lower the incidence of heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. There's one thing we know for 33

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