The book of dishes

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The Taste of Good Cooking


Head Chef N.Casha

Introduction This cookbook is a collection of food recipes, or instructions, that explain how to do something and what you need to do it. This cookbook is a set of "recipes" for food lovers. This book provides all the information you need to get started with modernist cooking. It is all presented in an easy to understand format, along with more than 120 recipes that can be applied immediately in your kitchen. Using the recipes and techniques presented in this book you'll be using all the best applications of modernist cooking in your everyday meals and also impressing your friends with some recipes on those special occasions. I'm just someone who likes cooking and for whom sharing food is a form of expression. With this book, I want to bring you recipes that are elegant enough to serve to guests, but simple enough to make for a family meal!


Head Chef N.Casha

Herbs Every Cook Should Use








Head Chef N.Casha









Head Chef N.Casha

How to Prepare Herbs for Cooking For most recipes, unless otherwise directed, mince herbs into tiny pieces. Chop with a cook's knife on a cutting board or snip with a kitchen scissors. Some recipes may direct you to cut large leaves, such as basil, or into thin strips. An easy way to do this is to stack several leaves (about 3 to 5), roll into a tight roll, and then cut into thin (1/16 to 1/8 inch) strips with a sharp knife. While some recipes call for a sprig or sprigs of herbs, normally the part of the herb you harvest will be the leaves. For herbs with sturdier stems, such as marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme, you can strip off the leaves by running your fingers down the stem from top to bottom. With smallleaved plants such as thyme, you can use both leaves and stems for cooking early in the season. Be careful if using a food processor to cut herbs -- it's easy to turn them to a paste rather than tiny pieces.

When to Add Herbs during Food Preparation Unlike dried herbs, fresh herbs are usually added toward the end in cooked dishes to preserve their flavour. Add the more delicate herbs -- basil, chives, cilantro, dill leaves, parsley, marjoram and mint -- a minute or two before the end of cooking or sprinkle them on the food before it's served. The less delicate herbs, such as dill seeds, oregano, rosemary, tarragon and thyme, can be added about the last 20 minutes of cooking. Fresh herbs can be added to refrigerated cold foods several hours before serving. Allowing time (at least a couple of hours, if possible) for cold foods with herbs to chill helps the flavors to blend.


Head Chef N.Casha


Can be eaten as a starter or main dish or

side dish Salads can be healthy, satisfying meals on their own or perfect accompaniments to main dishes. Whatever sort of salad you're after, I've got a great selection of salad recipes to please.

Potato Salad

Ingredients 500 grams new potato, 1/2 Lemon, juiced, 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard, 1 stalk Spring onions, finely chopped, Salt and freshly ground black pepper, 40 ml Olive oil, 75g cooked ham diced, chopped fresh parsley

Method Boil the potatoes in salted water until they are just soft. Drain and peel off the skin. Whisk together lemon juice, mustard, pepper and salt until blended. Then start to slowly beat in the olive oil. Add in the spring onions. Dry fry the ham cubes over a low heat for 5 minutes. Add the ham to the dressing. Thickly slice the warm potatoes and add to a serving bowl. Then pour the dressing over.

Toss to mix through. Sprinkle the parsley over before serving.


Head Chef N.Casha

Chef Reno Mushroom Salad

Ingredients 16 medium white mushrooms very thinly sliced, 60ml olive oil , 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice, Salt and freshly ground pepper, Finely grated zest of 1 small lemon, 60g thinly sliced mint leaves.

Method Arrange the sliced mushrooms on a platter. Drizzle with the olive oil and lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. Scatter the lemon zest and mint over the mushrooms and serve right away.


Head Chef N.Casha

Greek Salad Pita Sandwiches Serves 4

Ingredients 3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon brown vinegar, 300g cut in halves cherry tomatoes, 250g diced seeded peeled cucumber, 250g chopped green bell pepper, 150g chopped red onion, 100g chopped radishes, 120g chopped fresh parsley, 250g crumbled feta cheese, 4 8-inch-diameter whole wheat pita breads, halved

Method Whisk olive oil and vinegar in large bowl. Season the dressing with salt and pepper. Mix tomatoes, cucumber, green pepper, red onion, radishes, and parsley into dressing. Stir in feta cheese. With a spoon, fill salad mixture to pita bread halves. Serve sandwiches immediately.


Head Chef N.Casha

Salad Nicoise with Avocado Serves 4


Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients 450g potatoes, (220g green beans, 2 romaine lettuce hearts, 225g tomatoes, 300g tuna canned in oil , 1 avocado, 85g pitted black olives, 4 tablespoons olive oil, juice of one lemon, salt and pepper, 1chopped clove garlic.

Method Wash the potatoes (you can peel them if you want, Put them in a pot, cover with water and bring to a boil. Cook over medium heat until almost soft, then add the green beans and continue to cook until both potatoes and beans are tender but not over. Meanwhile, chop the romaine lettuce, tomatoes and olives and transfer to a bowl. Drain the potatoes and beans, cut potatoes into bite-sized pieces and add both to the veggies. Top with tuna and chopped avocado. Mix together the remaining ingredients for dressing, pour over salad and gently combine. Adjust seasonings to your liking and serve.

This hearty salad is full of fresh ingredients and Mediterranean flavours.


Head Chef N.Casha

Apple Cabbage Salad Serves 2

Ingredients Red apple chopped diced, 370g chopped green cabbage, 1/2 small red onion, chopped, 1/2 a lemon, freshly cracked pepper, sea salt Combine apple, cabbage, and onion in a serving bowl. Juice the lemon over the top. Adjust seasoning, toss and drizzled with good olive oil and serve.


Head Chef N.Casha

Spinach Feta Pesto Tortellini Salad

Ingredients 40g shelled pistachios, 2 cloves garlic, 60g Parmesan cheese, 50g crumbled feta, 400g baby spinach, packed, 65g fresh basil leaves,3 tbsp. olive oil, 500g spinach ricotta tortellini

Method Put all of the pesto ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Boil pasta according to package instructions, when cooked drain and cool. Then cover the pasta in the pesto sauce, chill before serving.


Head Chef N.Casha


Serving soup depend on whether the soup is served

as a starter or a main course and also how rich the soup is, but generally 1 litre of soup would serve 4 to 6 people.

Homemade Tomato soup with Basil Ingredients 750 g fresh tomatoes, 2 tbsp olive oil, 2 stock vegetable cube (to make 750mL of stock), 2 cloves of garlic, 1 red onion, 2 tsp of paprika powder, fresh basil

Method Make a stock by dissolving 2 stock cubes into 750mL of hot water. Dice the tomatoes, onion and garlic. Put the onions and garlic in the pan and fry it shortly. They shouldn't change colour. Add the tomatoes and paprika and cook it for 5 minutes on medium/high heat while stirring. Add the stock and bring it to boil, than let it simmer for about 25 minutes. Take the hand blender and blend all ingredients into a nice soup. Then pass it through a sieve so you can get rid of tomato seeds and peel. Season the soup with some salt & pepper and serve it with a sprig of fresh basil and [optional] flavoured garlic croutons.


Head Chef N.Casha

Leek, Bacon & Potato Soup

Ingredients 25g butter, 3 rashers chopped streaky bacon, 1chopped onion, 400g trimmed leeks, sliced and well washed, 3 medium potatoes, peeled and diced, 1.4ltr hot vegetable stock, 142ml pot single cream, 4 rashers streaky bacon, to serve.

Method Melt the butter in a pot, and then fry the bacon and onion, stirring until they start to turn golden. Top in the leeks and potatoes, stir well, then cover and turn down the heat. Cook gently for 5 mins, shaking the pan every now and then to avoid catching with the pot. Pour in the stock, season well and bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for 25 mins until the vegetables are soft. Leave to cool for a few mins, and then blend in a food processor in batches until smooth. Return to the pot, pour in the cream and stir well. Adjust seasoning if necessary. Serve scattered with tasty crisp bacon and eat with toasted crusty bread on the side.

Minted Pea and Potato Soup 13

Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients 2 tsp vegetable oil, 1 large chopped onion , 800g potatoes, peeled & cut into chunks, 1 vegetable stock, 350g frozen peas, handful chopped fresh mint

Method Heat the oil in a pot and then fry the onion for 5 mins until softened. Add the potatoes, peas and stock, just cover the vegetables and then bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for 15 = 20 mins until tenderly cooked. Blend the soup in a food processor or using a hand blender until smooth. Adjust seasoning and served with chopped or sprigs of mint leaves. Serve the soup with crusty fresh baked bread on the side.

Cream Mushroom soup Ingredients 14

Head Chef N.Casha

60 g Butter, plus 20g extra, 1 Leek, white part only, washed and finely sliced, 2 cloves Garlic, crushed, 700 g Mushrooms, 2 tbsp Plain Flour, 1 liter Chicken or Vegetable Stock, 300 ml Cream, 120g Goats Cheese [optional] and cracked Black Pepper.

Method Melt butter in a large saucepan and add the leek. Cook over medium heat for 5 mins, stirring occasionally, until soft and lightly golden. Add garlic and cook for 1 min. Meanwhile, set 4 mushrooms aside and roughly chop the rest. Add chopped mushrooms to the pan and cook for 3-4 mins, stirring often, until soft. Sprinkle the flour over the mixture, and cook, stirring, for 1 min. Add stock gradually, while stirring constantly. Bring to the boil, then reduce heat to medium low and simmer for 5 mins. Use a hand blender to puree soup until smooth (alternatively, cool slightly then puree in a food processor). Stir in cream and reheat gently. Melt extra butter in a small frying pan. Slice reserved mushrooms and cook for 2 mins each side over medium heat, until golden. Serve soup in small bowls, topped with crumbled goats cheese, sliced mushrooms and cracked black pepper.

Carrot Soup Ingredients 15

Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients 25g butter, 454g carrots, cleaned and grated; 1 chopped onion, 1 chopped stick of celery, 710ml of vegetable stock, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of thin cream

Method Melt butter in a pot, and carrot, onion and celery, cook gently for 10 minutes to soften vegetables. Add ž of the stock and the sugar simmer gently and cook for 20 mins. Liquidize the mixture and then add rest of the stock, test for seasoning, (if stock is well flavoured, extra seasoning may not be necessary). Boil up the soup. Stir in cream. Heat up the soup, but do not boil again. Serve the soup sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Vegetable Soup 16

Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients 2 marrows,4 potatoes,2 onions.400g pumpkin,1 small cabbage,1 small cauliflower,2 turnips,2 tomatoes,2 carrots,1 teaspoon tomato puree’,200g pasta (small, short tubes) or any small pasta for your likes,750ml of water

Method Cut diced all the vegetables and put them in a pot. Add 750ml of water, tomato puree’ and season. Bring to boil and let simmer until vegetables are tender about 50 minutes. Add a spoonful of olive oil. Add pasta and keep simmering until the past is cooked. Serve with parmesan cheese and toasted sliced French sticks.

Pasta 17

Head Chef N.Casha

Pasta is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine, with the first reference dating to 1154 in Sicily. It is also commonly used to refer to the variety of pasta dishes. Typically, pasta is a noodle made from a durum wheat flour mixed with water and formed into sheets or various shapes, then cooked and served in any number of dishes. It can be made with flour from other cereals or grains, and eggs may be used instead of water. Pastas may be divided into two broad categories, dried and fresh. Chicken eggs frequently dominate as the source of the liquid component in fresh pasta. Both dried and fresh pasta come in a number of shapes and varieties, with 310 specific forms known variably by over 1300 names having been documented. In Italy the names of specific pasta shapes or types often vary with locale. For example the form cavatelli is known by 28 different names depending on region and town. Common forms of pasta include long shapes, short shapes, tubes, flat shapes and sheets, miniature soup shapes, filled or stuffed, and specialty or decorative shapes. As a category in Italian cuisine, both fresh and dried pastas are classically used in one of three kinds of prepared dishes. As pasta asciutta (or pastasciutta) cooked pasta is plated and served with a complementary sauce or condiment. A second classification of pasta dishes is pasta in brodo in which the pasta is part of a soup-type dish. A third category is pasta al Forno in which the pasta incorporated into a dish that is subsequently baked. Pasta is generally a simple dish, but comes in large varieties because it is a versatile food item. Some pasta dishes are served as a first course in Italy because the portion sizes are small and simple. Pasta is also prepared in light lunches, such as salads or large portion sizes for dinner. It can be prepared by hand or food processor and served hot or cold. Pasta sauces vary in taste, colour and texture. When choosing which type of pasta and sauce to serve together, there is a general rule that must be observed. Simple sauces like pesto are ideal for long and thin strands of pasta while tomato sauce combines well with thicker pastas. Thicker and chunkier sauces have the better ability to cling onto the holes and cuts of short, tubular, twisted pastas. The ratio of sauce to pasta varies according to taste and texture, however traditionally the sauce should not be excessive as the pasta itself must still be tasted. The extra sauce left on the plate after all of the pasta is eaten is often mopped up with a piece of bread.

Spaghetti and Meat Sauce Chef Style 18

Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients 255g dried spaghetti, 100g bacon, 255g minced beef , 1 small onion finely chopped, 1/2 small carrot peeled and grated, 2 cloves garlic finely chopped, 118.29 milliliters dry white wine, 400g canned whole tomatoes, 2 tablespoons tomato ketchup, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, 1 teaspoon oregano

Method Put a large pot of salted water on the stove over high heat.


Head Chef N.Casha

Add the bacon to a pan over medium high heat and fry until a good amount of fat has rendered out of the bacon. Add the ground beef and brown it, breaking up the meat with a spatula until it's cooked. Transfer the meat to a bowl, leaving a little of the fat in the pan. Add some olive oil. Add the onions, carrot and garlic, and sautĂŠ until the onions are soften, this should take about10 minutes. This is where your sauce gets a lot of its flavor. Turn up the heat to high, and then return the meat to the pan. Add the white wine and boil until there's almost no liquid left, stirring to prevent burning. Turn down the heat to medium-low and add the canned tomatoes, ketchup, salt and pepper. Put the oregano. Us a spatula to break up the tomatoes, being careful not squirt tomato juice on yourself. Then simmer the sauce for about 20 minutes. By now your water should be boiling. Add your pasta and stir during the first few minutes of cooking to keep it from sticking together. I usually boil pasta for 1 minute less than what the package directions. Your meat sauce is done when your pasta is done. You can either plate the pasta and topped with the sauce, or dump the pasta straight into the sauce and toss it together before serving. Serve grated Parmesan cheese separately.

Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni


Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients 250g or dry cannelloni, 450ml bĂŠchamel sauce, 450g ricotta cheese, 450g fresh spinach, 2 eggs whole, a pinch of nutmeg, 150g Parmigiano cheese, salt and pepper

Method For the filling, clean well the fresh spinach and boil in very little salted water. Then put them to drain, squeeze very well in order to get more cooking water out as possible. As soon as spinach is cool, chop them finely with a knife and place in bowl with the crumbled ricotta, nutmeg, eggs, pepper and grated cheese. Stir well and mix everything evenly, then add the salt. Meanwhile prepare the bĂŠchamel sauce.

Oil or butter your baking pan large enough to hold all cannelloni forming a single layer. Then spread on the bottom 2-3 tablespoons of bĂŠchamel.

If you choose fresh pasta prepared by you:


Head Chef N.Casha

Make rectangles of dough of approximately 4x3 inches boil for 1-2 minutes in salted water and then put them to dry on a clean cloth. Put at the centre of each of them a spoonful of filling and roll the dough to form cylinders that sink into the pan. The pan must be previously greased and sprinkled with white sauce, with the terminal part of the dough down.

If you choose the dry store bought cannelloni pasta: Cook them according to the pack, then fill a pastry bag with the mixture of ricotta and spinach, and stuff all in. Place them side by side in a baking dish and cover with remaining bÊchamel sauce, sprinkle it with parmesan cheese. Continue until the end of the ingredients, and then cover all with white sauce, sprinkled with parmesan cheese. Bake at 200°c for 20-25 minutes, using the grill for the last 5 minutes to brown the surface.


Head Chef N.Casha

BĂŠchamel sauce Ingredients 450ml milk, a few parsley stalks, 1 bay leaf, 10 whole black peppercorns, 1 slice onion, 5 mm thick, 40g butter, 20g plain flour, salt and freshly ground black pepper

Method First place the milk in a small saucepan and add the parsley stalks, bay leaf, peppercorns and onion. Then place it over a low heat and let it come very slowly up to simmering point, which will take approximately 5 minutes. Then remove the saucepan from the heat and strain the milk into a jug, discarding the flavourings. Begin by melting the butter gently in a pot - don't over-heat it or let it brown, as this will affect the colour and flavour of the sauce. As soon as the butter melts, add the flour and, over a medium heat and using a small pointed wooden spoon, stir quite vigorously to make a smooth, glossy paste. Now begin adding the boiled milk a little at a time - about 25ml first of all and stir again vigorously. Then, when this milk is incorporated, add the next amount and continue incorporating each bit of liquid before you add the next. When about half the milk is in, switch to a balloon whisk and start adding large amounts of milk, but always whisking briskly. Your reward will be a smooth, glossy, creamy sauce. Now turn the heat down to its lowest setting and let the sauce cook for 5 minutes, whisking from time to time. Adjust seasoning with salt and black pepper. Sauce is ready to use.

Spaghetti Carbonara Nazarene 23

Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients 225g dried spaghetti, 1 tbsp olive oil, 150g smoked diced pancetta, 1 garlic clove, 2 eggs, 150ml fresh cream, 100g grated parmesan, salt and freshly ground black pepper, 1 tbsp chopped parsley, handful rocket leaves, lightly dressed with olive oil and lemon juice, to serve,

Method Boil the pasta in a large pan of boiling salted water according to packet instructions. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large frying pan over a medium-high heat and fry the bacon and garlic for 2-3 minutes, until the bacon is crisp and browned. Reduce the heat to low. In a bowl, lightly beat the eggs with the cream and most of the grated cheese, reserving a little cheese for the garnish. Adjust seasoning with freshly ground black pepper. Drain the cooked spaghetti, reserving a few tablespoons of the cooking water. Tip the spaghetti into the pan with the bacon and pour in the cream and egg mixture. Than mix well, over a very low heat, adding a little of the reserved pasta water to loosen the mixture if needed. Divide the pasta between two servings and sprinkle with the remaining cheese and the chopped parsley. Serve immediately with the rocket salad on the side.

Best Baked Pasta 24

Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients For the Meatballs 200g Minced Meat, 50g Breadcrumbs, 50g grated Parmigiano Cheese, 10g chopped Parsley, 1 Eggs, 1chopped clove garlic, Salt and Pepper, 1g Nutmeg For the Tomato Sauce: 500ml tomato Passata, 65ml Water, 1chopped small Onion, 30ml Olive Oil, 1chopped garlic clove, Salt, 3 leaves Basil 500ml bĂŠchamel sauce For the Baked Pasta 300g Rigatoni Pasta, 150g diced cheddar cheese, 2 hard boiled eggs, 30g grated Parmigiano cheese

Method For the Meatballs: Combine all the Ingredients in a bowl and mix until you have a smooth mixture. Cover the mixture and let it rest in the fridge while you make the Tomato Sauce.


Head Chef N.Casha

For the Tomato Sauce: In a large pot, sauté the Onion and Garlic together. Add the Passata, the Water and cook over low heat. Meanwhile, mould small Meatballs and add to the Tomato Sauce. Adjust seasoning. Cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. Add the Basil Leaves 5 minutes to the end. Boil Salted Water for the Pasta. While the Water is brought to a boil, make the Béchamel Sauce Boil the 2 Eggs and cool them under the Water. Half-cook the Pasta. Drain the pasta and coat the Pasta with the Tomato Sauce. In a large oven dish spread a thin layer of Béchamel Sauce on the bottom. Pour over the Béchamel Sauce half of the Pasta, trying to spread the Meatballs evenly around. Peel the Eggs, slice them and add half of them over the Pasta. Scatter with half of the cheddar cheese cubes. Make a second layer of Béchamel Sauce. Add the remaining Pasta. Cover with remaining cheddar cheese and Béchamel Sauce. Sprinkle with Parmesan Cheese. Bake at 180° for 35 minutes. Serve.

It is a step by step recipe and easy to do for your family

Pappardelle Al Salmone 26

Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients 160g pappardelle, 120g smoked salmon finely sliced. 200ml fresh cream, 1 leek chopped, 10g of fresh dill chopped, 15g chopped parsley, Olive oil, Salt, Pepper

Method Bring a pot of salted water to the boil and cook your pappardelle according to the packet instructions. Allow 80 grams of pasta per person SautĂŠ chopped leek on a medium heat in a drizzle of olive oil with a few grinds from the pepper mill to add depth to the flavour. It takes about 6 to 8 minutes to get the leek nice and soft, keeps it moving in the pan while you cook it to prevent burning pieces. Remove the leek from the heat, drain your pasta and keep a small amount of the liquid to one side. Save a small amount of pasta water to loosen the sauce if required without loosing flavour. Return the strained Pasta to the saucepan, mix in the fried leek, salmon and chopped parsley and dill, and then stir on a very low heat for around a minute to keep the pasta nice and hot. When the salmon starts to turn light pink as it begins to heat through add the cream and a spoonful or two of the reserved pasta water if the sauce needs thinning, adjust seasoning and serve immediately.

Stuffed Jumbo Pasta Shells Wife’s Style 27

Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients 27 Jumbo Shells, 250g finely chopped onion, 2 chopped garlic cloves, 10ml olive oil, 450g minced chicken, 450g crushed tinned tomatoes, 10g chopped fresh basil, 5g chopped fresh marjoram, salt and pepper, 400g ricotta cheese, 250g mozzarella cheese, shredded, 1 egg, 400g frozen spinach, thawed and squeezed well, 75g grated Parmesan cheese

Method Boil water and cook shells according to package directions, make sure to cook them al dente. While the pasta is cooking, sautÊ the chopped onions and garlic in oil. Add minced chicken and salt and brown until cooked, breaking up in small pieces. Add tomatoes, salt, pepper and basil, and then simmer on low, covered, about 15 minutes. Preheat oven to 180c°. In a large bowl, mix together ricotta, egg, spinach, mozzarella, and parmesan.


Head Chef N.Casha

Once shells are cooked and cool, fill each shell with cheese mixture and place on a large baking dish, or two smaller dishes, covering the bottom of the dish with a little sauce. Top the pasta shells with half of the sauce, cover with foil and bake 40 minutes; uncover foil and bake 5 more minutes. Serve with additional sauce on top.

As a starter three are more than enough and if you are going to serve these shells as main dish six with a salad on the side are more than enough to fill you up.

Penne with Tomato-Mushroom Sauce 29

Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients 500g penne rigate, 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, 2 chopped medium onions, salt, and freshly ground black pepper, 3 chopped cloves of garlic, 300g sliced or roughly chopped white mushrooms, 60ml red wine, 120g chopped parsley, 5g oregano, 400g can tomato polpa, 100g thinly sliced fresh basil leaves, 125g grated parmesan cheese.

Method Cook the penne rigate al dente in boiling salted water while the sauce is simmering. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the onions, salt and pepper, cook, covered until the onions are softened for about 6 minutes. Add the garlic and mushrooms and cook, covered, for another 6 minutes. Add the wine and cook, uncovered, for 3 minutes. Stir in the chopped herbs, and cook for 5 minutes. Add tomatoes and simmer slowly for 10 minutes. In the last 2 minutes put in the basil. Toss the pasta in the sauce and arrange the pasta to plates, and sprinkle with the grated cheese. As a starter it is sufficient for four portions.

Linguine with Pesto 30

Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients: 450g linguine, For the Pesto sauce: 500g fresh basil leaves, 20g Pine nuts, 15g walnut, 60ml olive oil, 2 small chopped garlic cloves.20g freshly grated Parmesan cheese, 20g grated Pecorino Romano cheese, salt.

Method Blend garlic, pine nuts and walnuts in a food processor with 20 ml olive oil until creamy. Add the basil and a pinch of salt then blend a bit at a time turning the blender on and off so you don’t “cook” the basil. Add the rest of the oil, blend again (not too much). When the pesto is smooth put in a bowl and add the cheeses, mix in by your hand hand. Add a few spoons of hot milk and mix it. Add just enough milk, to make it creamy. Be careful don’t add so much milk that the pesto gets watery, keep a creamy consistency. Toss the cooked pasta in a little butter, than add the pesto, mix well and serve immediately. If desire sprinkle roasted flaked almonds on top


Head Chef N.Casha


is oven-baked flat bread generally topped with tomato sauce and

cheese. It is commonly supplemented with a selection of meats, vegetables and condiments. Pizza is sold fresh, frozen or in portions. Various types of ovens are used to cook them and many varieties exist. Several similar dishes are prepared from ingredients commonly used in pizza preparation, such as calzone.

Pizza Dough Ingredients 600 ml of warm water, 1kg flour, 25g yeast, 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 1tablespoon salt, 2 teaspoons sugar

Method Sprinkle the yeast into a medium bowl with the warm water. We don’t mean hot, and we don’t mean cold… we mean warm! That’s the kind the yeast likes best. Stir until the yeast dissolves. Place almost all of the flour on the table in the shape of a volcano. Pour the yeast-and-warm-water mix, along with the other ingredients, into the “crater” of the volcano. Knead everything together for 10 to 15 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic, keeping your surface floured. Grease up a bowl with some olive oil and put the dough inside. Turn the dough around so the top is slightly oiled. Cover the bowl and put the dough aside to let it rest for at least four or five hours. Preheat the oven to about 200°C. Dump the dough out of the bowl and back onto the floured surface. Punch it down, getting rid of any bubbles. Divide the dough in half and let it rest for a few minutes. Roll each section into a 12-inch disc. Now’s your chance to decide how thick you want your pizza to be!


Head Chef N.Casha

Transfer the dough onto an oiled pizza pan or baking sheet. Add tomato sauce and add the desire ingredients on top, brush the edges of the crust with a little bit of olive oil. Bake each pizza for about 10 minutes, then add mozzarella cheese (sliced or grated) on top, on the other ingredients. Let the pizzas bake until the crust is browned and the cheese is melted. By lifting up the pizza to peek underneath, you can make sure the bottom has browned, too. Remove your pizzas from the oven and, garnish with a few fresh basil leaves.


Head Chef N.Casha

Cheesy Calzone Ingredients 500g pizza dough, 240g cheddar cheese shredded, 240g mozzarella cheese shredded, 60g parmesan cheese grated, 120g ricotta cheese, 240ml tomato sauce [optional].

Method Preheat oven to 200°c. Divide the pizza dough in two. Press dough onto floured working top forming a 12-inch circle with a rolling pin. In a large mixing bowl stir together cheeses then spoon 1/2 of mixture onto dough. Fold dough over filling to form a half-circle. Seal edges, and then use the edge of a spoon to make decorative edge, if desired. Cut slits for escape of steam. Repeat for the other piece of dough. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes or till filling is heated through and cheese is melted. Cover with foil after 10 minutes of baking to prevent over-browning. Cool on wire rack for 5 minutes before serving. Heat the tomato sauce and serve with calzone for dipping.


Head Chef N.Casha

Pizza Toppings Pizza Margherita: to honor the Queen You will want 125ml tomato sauce or chopped canned tomatoes, about a 120g of shredded mozzarella, and 3-4 fresh basil leaves. Spread the tomato sauce on the dough, sprinkle with the mozzarella, and drizzle with a few drops olive oil, add the basil and bake. Pizza Marinara: the garlic-lover's delight You will want two cloves (or more or less to taste) finely sliced garlic, and 125ml tomato sauce or chopped canned tomatoes. Spread the sauce over the pizza, sprinkle the garlic, drizzle with a few drops olive oil and bake. Pizza al Prosciutto: a standby You will want 75g finely sliced cooked ham, shredded, 125ml tomato sauce or chopped canned tomatoes, and 120g shredded mozzarella. Spread the tomato sauce, sprinkle with the mozzarella and ham, drizzle with a few drops olive oil and bake. Pizza Prosciutto e Funghi: another standby You will want about a 150g finely sliced mushrooms, 125ml tomato sauce or chopped canned tomatoes, 75g finely sliced ham, and 120g shredded mozzarella. Spread the tomato sauce, sprinkle the other toppings over it, drizzle with a few drops olive oil and bake. La Napoletana: yet another standby 125ml tomato sauce or chopped canned tomatoes, 150g shredded mozzarella, 3-4 anchovy filets or more to taste, 1 tablespoon or so rinsed salted or pickled capers, a dusting of oregano. Spread the tomato sauce over the pizza, dot it with the remaining ingredients, drizzle with a few drops olive oil and bake. Pizza Quattro Stagioni: 125ml tomato sauce or chopped canned tomatoes, 3-4 canned artichoke hearts, quartered, 5-6 black olives packed in brine, 150g finely sliced mushrooms, 50g finely sliced ham, shredded, and 120g shredded mozzarella. Spread the tomato and the mozzarella, arrange the other four toppings each in its quarter of the pizza; drizzle with a few drops olive oil and bake. Pizza Capricciosa: 125ml tomato sauce or chopped canned tomatoes, 120g shredded mozzarella, 1 finely sliced hot dog about 2 inches long, and shredded, 8 thin slices salami, 50g thinly sliced ham, shredded, 2 canned artichoke hearts, quartered. Spread the tomato sauce over the pizza, sprinkle the remaining ingredients over the sauce, drizzle with a few drops olive oil and bake.


Head Chef N.Casha

Pizza ai Quattro Formaggi: 125ml tomato sauce or chopped canned tomatoes, 75g shredded mozzarella, 50g shredded pecorino, 75g cheddar cheese, 40g crumbled blue cheese, one black olive. Spread the tomato, and sprinkle it with the cheeses; the pizza will look almost white. Dot it with the olive and bake. Pizza Vegetarian: Again lots of variability, though the vegetables used are almost always cooked: stewed peppers, stewed eggplant, artichoke hearts, spinach, and what have you Begin with the standard 125ml tomato sauce or chopped canned tomatoes and 120g shredded mozzarella, and go from there, adding the cooked vegetables you prefer. Drizzle with a few drops olive oil and bake.


Head Chef N.Casha

Rice Dishes Carrot and Raisin Basmati Rice

Ingredients 1 medium onion sliced, 1kg shredded carrots, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 500ml water, salt, 750g raisins, 400g white basmati rice, 5 tablespoons raw slivered almonds 1/2 teaspoon olive oil for topping.

Directions In sautĂŠ pan, heat oil and cook onions at medium heat until translucent for about 5 minutes. Add the shredded carrots and continue cooking at medium-low heat for about 7 minutes Add the water, salt and raisins and bring to the boil 37

Head Chef N.Casha

Add rice and stir well. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 25 minutes Roast the slivered almonds in a hot oven or in a non-stick pan with a 1/2 tsp of vegetable oil until golden brown. Uncover the rice and quickly and gently fluff it up with a fork. Put the lid back on and let it sit, off the heat, for 10 minutes. Serve in bowls and scatter on top with almonds before serving. This recipe is suitable for four persons.

Basmati is a variety of long grain rice which is traditionally from North India and Pakistan. Basmati was introduced to the Middle East by Indian traders. Through cultural exchange, it remains not only an important part of various Indian/ Pakistani cuisines but now is also used extensively in Persian, Arab and other Middle Eastern cuisines and in Europe countries as well. India and Pakistan are the exclusive growers and exporters of this type of rice.

Raw Basmati Rice


Head Chef N.Casha

Chef Reno Arancini

Ingredients Pinch of saffron in 5 tsp of hot water, 60ml olive oil, 1 medium onion, finely chopped, 2 cloves garlic, very finely chopped, 750g Arborio rice, 500ml white wine, Ltr 2.250 of water, or vegetable stock, Sprigs of sage, or parsley, 125g butter, 400g grated Parmesan cheese, divided, salt and freshly ground black pepper Filling 500g mozzarella


Head Chef N.Casha

Optional Fillings (you can add one or more of these if you like) 500g finely chopped spinach 250g mushrooms, cleaned, finely chopped, and sautĂŠed

Coating 1kg all-purpose flour, 4 eggs, lightly beaten, 1 kg seasoned breadcrumbs, Vegetable oil for frying Accompaniments Marinara sauce, optional Pesto sauce, optional


Make the Risotto: In a large saucepan, warm the oil over medium heat. Add the onion and cook for about 2 minutes or until translucent. Add the garlic and cook for another 30 seconds until you can smell it. Stir in the rice, making sure it is well coated with the oil. Add the wine and saffron with its steeping water, and cook, stirring, until the wine is absorbed, about 3 minutes. Stir in 125ml of the hot water or stock and cook, stirring constantly, until the liquid is completely absorbed, about 3 minutes. Continue adding liquid, 125ml at a time and stirring constantly until each addition is absorbed before adding more. The stirring helps release the starch in the rice, creating a creamy sauce. About halfway through add the herbs. The rice is done when it is tender but still is a little firm when you bite it, a little harder than al dente. You may not use all of the liquid. Remove it from the heat and stir in the butter and 300g of the Parmesan, making sure it is evenly distributed. Taste and add salt and pepper if needed. Spread the risotto out on a baking sheet to cool. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight. The rice must be thoroughly cold before using for the Arancini.


Head Chef N.Casha

Make the Arancini: Remove the rice from the refrigerator and return to room temperature. With damp hands, form the rice into 1 to 2-inch diameter balls. Press two fingers into the centre creating a hole. Press a piece of cheese or any of the fillings in the centre and cover with the rice, adding more if needed to completely encase the filling. Set them on a baking sheet as you make each one. Continue until you have used all the rice. If you run out of fillings, don’t worry, they will be just as delicious without them!

Set up a breading station next to the baking sheet with the flour, beaten eggs, and breadcrumbs in three separate containers. Working with one rice ball at a time, coat them in the flour, tapping off the excess. Set them in the egg and then roll in the breadcrumbs, coating thoroughly. Place them back on the lined baking sheet. Line a second baking sheet with paper towels and set next to the stove. In a deep saucepan, heat about 5 inches of oil to 180°c, using a deep-fry thermometer to monitor the temperature. Use a slotted spoon or spider; gently put one rice ball at a time into the hot oil. Cook about 4 to 5 at a time, turning, until deep golden brown all over and crispy, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer to the paper towel-lined baking sheet to drain. Sprinkle them with the remaining Parmesan cheese and a light sprinkling of salt if desired. Serve immediately. Garnish with fresh sprigs of sage or parsley. You can also serve a small bowl of tomato sauce alongside the hot Arancini.

Arancini (Arancini or arancine in Sicilian), are stuffed rice balls which are coated with breadcrumbs and fried. Arancini are usually filled with ragĂš (meat sauce), tomato sauce, mozzarella, and/or peas. The name derives from their shape and color, which is reminiscent of an orange (the Italian word for orange is arancia, and arancina means "little orange


Head Chef N.Casha

Stuffed Green Peppers with Rice

Ingredients 1 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. rosemary crushed, 60g cornflakes crushed, 3 green peppers seeded and halved, 35g chopped parsley, 250g finely chopped onions, 1chopped clove garlic,250g good white rice, 250g can sweet corn, 50g diced sweet pimentos, 750ml water, 120g chopped celery, 40g butter or low fat margarine.

Method Bring water to boil in medium saucepan. Stir in rice and salt, cover tightly and simmer until most of water is absorbed. While rice is cooking, cook peppers in boiling water just until tender, about 5 minutes; remove and drain. SautĂŠ the onion, celery and garlic in 20g butter until tender, about 5 minutes. Combine sautĂŠed vegetables, drained corn, parsley and rosemary with the cooked rice. Arrange the green peppers in buttered baking dish and fill the rice mixture into each pepper. Melt the remaining butter and combine with the cornflakes. Sprinkle the cornflakes over peppers. Bake uncovered in a preheated 180Âşc oven until nicely golden brown for about 12 to 15 minutes.


Head Chef N.Casha

Baked Rice Grandma Style Ingredients 250g minced meat, 1 tbsp cooking oil, 1 onion, chopped, 50g tomato paste, 100g can tomatoes polpa, 300ml beef stock, salt and freshly-ground black pepper, 250g long grain rice, 4 eggs, beaten, 25g parmesan cheese grated.

Method Heat the oil in a frying pan then add the onions and meat and fry until the meat is browned. Stir in the chopped tomatoes and the tomato paste. Bring to a simmer then add the beef stock. Bring to the boil and simmer and cook for 30 minutes. Bring a pan of salted water add the rice and cook for about six minutes, or until half done. Take off the heat, drain and wash under cold running water. Stir the rice into the sauce. Remove rice mixture off the heat and then stir in the beaten eggs and the grated cheese. Adjust seasonings to taste then pour the mixture into a wellgreased baking dish. Transfer to an oven pre-heated to 180°c and bake for about 45 minutes, until cooked through and the top has formed a golden brown curst. If desire sprinkle some grated cheese on top before serving. Serve hot.


Head Chef N.Casha

Rice and Cheese Croquettes Ingredients 1 tbsp Olive Oil, 1 small onion, chopped, 1 clove garlic, crushed, 210g can tomatoes polpa, 80g white rice, 1chicken stock cube 180ml water, 1 tbsp Tomato Paste, 1/2 tbsp chopped fresh basil, 175g Breadcrumbs, 50g mozzarella cheese, plain flour, 1 egg, lightly beaten, 1 tbsp milk, oil for shallow frying.

Method Heat olive oil in a pan; add onion and garlic, stirring until onion is soft. Stir in undrained crushed tomatoes, rice, crumbled stock cubes, water, paste and basil. Bring to boil, simmer, uncovered, about 12 minutes or until rice is tender and mixture is thick; cool. Cut cheese into 1cm x 5cm pieces. Roll 2 tablespoons of rice mixture into logs, press 1 piece of cheese into the centre and roll into croquette shapes to enclose cheese. Repeat using remaining rice mixture and cheese. Toss croquettes in flour (shake away excess flour). Dip into combined eggs and milk, and toss in the breadcrumbs. Just before serving, fry croquettes in hot oil until browned. Drain on absorbent paper and serve.


Head Chef N.Casha

Home Made Sandwich Breads Ham Roll Sandwich Ingredients 1 long White Bread roll, 2 small Tomatoes, 3 slices Cooked Ham, 1 bunch green lettuce, few pickles, 2 garlic cloves, 30 grams soft butter.

Method Rinse and tap dry lettuce leafs, slice the tomato and pickles. Keep aside. Chop garlic and add it to the soft butter and mix well. Cut open sandwich bread and spread the garlic butter on both sides. Assemble the sandwich with the remaining ingredients.


Head Chef N.Casha

Ciabatta Breakfast Roll

Ingredients 1 Ciabatta roll, 2 sliced Edam cheese, 4 slices of Smoked Ham, 1 egg

Method Toast the Ciabatta roll in toaster or on a grill pan. Place one slice of cheese on each side of the hot roll. Fry egg in pan, cooking both sides. Place ham on both sides of roll, then place cooked egg in the middle. Adjust seasoning with ground fresh salt to taste.


Head Chef N.Casha

Ciabatta Rolls Recipe Ingredients Starter 177g All-Purpose Flour, 227g cool water, 1/16 teaspoon instant yeast

Dough All of the starter (from above) 2 teaspoons instant yeast, 361g all-purpose flour, 2 1/4 teaspoons salt, 14 ml milk, 152g lukewarm water, 35g olive oil

Method To make the starter: Mix the starter ingredients in a small bowl until well combined. Cover the starter and let it rest at room temperature overnight,. It will become bubbly. Place all of the dough ingredients, including the starter, into the bowl of your mixer, and beat at medium speed, using the flat beater, for 7 minutes. The dough will be very smooth, soft, shiny, and elastic. Transfer the dough to a greased bowl cover it and let it rise for 2 hours, deflating it midway through. Lightly grease your work surface, and two half-sheet baking pans (18" x 13") or similar large baking sheets. Grease your hands, as well. Turn the dough out of the bowl onto a lightly greased work surface. Divide the dough into 12 pieces, about 80g each. Round each into a ball. Gently stretch the balls into flattened disks, about 3 1/2" wide. Transfer the rolls to the baking sheets, leaving about 3 inches between them. Lightly cover the rolls with heavily oiled plastic wrap and allow them to rise for 2 to 3 hours, or until they're showing some signs of puffiness. Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 220°c. Spray the risen rolls with lukewarm water, and gently but firmly dimple each one with your fingers, making fairly deep pockets.


Head Chef N.Casha

Immediately place the rolls into the oven. Bake them until they're golden brown, about 18 to 20 minutes. Remove them from the oven, and cool on a rack. This recipe yield 12 rolls.

Filled Ciabatta with Lettuce, Cheese and Salami Milano


Head Chef N.Casha

Bagel with Cream Cheese and Smoked Salmon Ingredients 4 white seeded bagels, halved horizontally, 150g cream cheese, 5G chives, finely chopped, chive stalks to garnish, 100g smoked salmon slices, 1tbsp lemon juice.

Method Toast the bagel halves until golden brown. Meanwhile, dress the smoked salmon with the lemon juice in a small mixing bowl. Soften the cream cheese using a spoon in a mixing bowl and spread onto the bottom half of the toasted bagels. Arrange the slices of smoked salmon evenly on top of the cream cheese and sprinkle over the chopped chives. And rest the toasted top halves of the bagels on top. Serve immediately.


Head Chef N.Casha

Crusty Bread Rolls Family Style Ingredients 400g thin sliced smoked turkey breast, 4 bread rolls, 8 slices grilled bacon, 8 slices tomatoes, 4 crispy lettuce leaves.

Garlic Spread 200ml Mayonnaise, 1 chopped clove of garlic, salt and pepper

Method Garlic spread; Combine all ingredients together and let sit for at least 45 minutes. Preheat oven to 180°c. Heat the bread rolls for 5minutes. Slice in half and spread 1 tablespoon with garlic spread on each side. Assemble sandwiches with turkey slices, 2 slices bacon, 2 slices tomato and 1 lettuce leaf. Top with other half of bread. Served with baby dill pickles or if desire potato crisps.


Head Chef N.Casha

Real Simple Best Sandwiches Ideas

Tomato, Bacon, and Garlic Mayo Sandwich

Roast Beef with Roasted Tomatoes Sandwich Roast the tomatoes with olive oil and rosemary until tender to add an extra juicy flavor.

Turkey, mashed Peas, and Pesto Sandwich Plain turkey gets a bright lift from mashed peas, onion rings and pesto.


Head Chef N.Casha

Fish Dishes

Grilled Rosemary Swordfish Ingredients 2 swordfish steaks 150g each, 2 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 garlic chopped cloves, 5g fresh rosemary, 5g grated lemon peel, salt and pepper.

Method In a large plastic bag, combine the ingredients; add the swordfish. Seal bag and turn to coat; refrigerate for 1 hour. Drain and discard marinade. Moisten a paper towel with cooking oil; using longhandled tongs, lightly coat the grill rack. Grill swordfish, over medium-high heat for 4-6 minutes on each side or until fish just turns opaque. Served with buttered fine green beans, French fried potatoes and lemon wedges. Serves for two


Head Chef N.Casha

POACHED SALMON Ingredients 4 x 150g salmon steaks, 125ml white wine, 250ml water, 2g teaspoon sea salt, 1 handful julienne vegetables mix (peppers, carrots, celery, zucchini), 8 asparagus spears, 1 tarragon sprig, a few rings of white onion, a few leaves of cilantro, 1 sprig parsley, juice of ½ a lime

Method Put all the ingredients, except salmon, in a large poaching pan and bring to a boil. Add the salmon steaks and reduce the temperature to simmer. Cover the pan with a lid and poach the salmon fillets for about 5 minutes. When ready, remove the onion and the fresh herbs from the broth. Share the julienne of vegetables in four plates and place the salmon fillets over them. Pour the poaching liquid over the salmon and garnish the plates with a slice of lime and a few balls of sweet melon. You can cut the melon balls with a small Parisian scoop.


Head Chef N.Casha

Baked Halibut with Tomato Caper Sauce

Ingredients Serves for six portions

For the tomato caper sauce 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, ½ medium onion, finely chopped, 4 garlic cloves, chopped, 70g capers, drained, rinsed and finely chopped mixed with the chopped garlic, 2kg tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped, Salt, freshly ground pepper to taste, Pinch of sugar, 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme leaves, 10g fresh basil leaves

For the baked halibut Recipe tomato-caper sauce, above, 6 X 150g halibut steaks, Salt, preferably sea salt, freshly ground pepper, 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, 6 lemon slices


Head Chef N.Casha

METHOD For the tomato caper sauce Heat the olive oil in a large, heavy frying pan over medium heat, and add the onion. Cook and stirring often until tender and add the garlic and the capers. Cook, stirring, for three minutes, until the onion has softened thoroughly and the mixture having a pleasant scent Add the tomatoes, salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar. Bring to a simmer and cook, stirring often, for 15 to 20 minutes, until the sauce is thick and fragrant. Taste and adjust seasonings. Keep the sauce warn at a side. Preheat the oven to 180°c. Oil a baking dish large enough for the fish to lie flat. Season the fish with salt and pepper, and arrange in the baking dish. Drizzle the olive oil over the steaks, and place a round of lemon on each one. Cover the dish tightly with foil, and place in the oven. Bake for 15 minutes. Check the fish; if you can cut into it with a fork, it is done, if not return to the oven for five minutes more and check again. Remove the lemon slices from the fish. Place a spoonful of sauce on each plate, and place a piece of fish partially on top. Spoon some of the liquid from the baking dish over the fish. garnish with basil leaves and serve.

Raw Halibut Steak

Pan Fried Fish with a Rich Lemon Butter Sauce 55

Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients For six servings

Lemon Butter Sauce 250ml dry white wine, 125ml lemon juice, 20g garlic, 10g chopped spring onions, 1 salt, freshly ground black pepper, 1 dash of Worcestershire sauce, 1 dash hot pepper sauce[ if desire], 125ml fresh cream, 250g butter.

Seasoning the fish steaks 5g paprika, salt, 5g garlic powder, black pepper, pinch of cayenne pepper, 2g dried oregano, 2g dried thyme, 6 x 150g white fish [ flounder, cod or any white fish of your choice] 125g flour, 2 tablespoons olive oil, fresh parsley for garnish.



Head Chef N.Casha

Heat a large pan over high heat. Add the wine, lemon juice, garlic, and shallots. Cook for 3 minutes. Stir in the salt, pepper, Worcestershire, and hot sauce and simmer until the mixture is syrupy for about 3 minutes. Stir in the cream and cook for 1 minute. Over low heat, whisk in the butter a few at a time. Continue whisking until all of the butter is incorporated into the sauce. Serve immediately or keep warm until ready to use. Seasoning the fish Mix fish spice blend ingredients together. Season both the fish and flour with spices and coat the fish in the seasoned flour mixture, coating completely. In a large sautĂŠ pan, heat the olive oil. Add the fish to the sautĂŠ pan, pan-frying for about 4 minutes on each side. Serve, drizzle some lemon butter sauce on each plate. Top with fish and drizzle more sauce over top of fish. Top with fresh chopped parsley. Serve with fresh steamed vegetables and baked potatoes.

Fish Fillets with Tomato Vinaigrette 57

Head Chef N.Casha

Ingredients 4 x 150g skinless white fish fillets, (halibut, cod, sea bass, etc., about 1 inch thick), salt, 160g canned artichoke hearts, drained and sliced in half lengthwise 20g cornflour, 60ml olive oil, 60ml white 3 chopped garlic cloves, ½ onion, peeled and cut in half.

Tomato Vinaigrette: 110g cherry tomatoes, plus 60g more for garnishing the fish, 12g spring onion peeled and use the white part only, 30ml white vinegar, salt, ground black pepper, and 10g chopped fresh parsley

Method Preheat the oven to 180°c. Salt the fish on both sides and let it rest at room temperature for twenty minutes.


Head Chef N.Casha

The artichokes, drain on a paper towel or clean kitchen towel to get rid of excess moisture and cut in half lengthwise. Toss the artichokes in the cornflour. Meanwhile, heat 60ml of olive oil in a nonstick pan over medium heat. Add the artichokes and cook for about 5 minutes, until they are golden. Add the garlic and cook it very quickly, for about 30 seconds only. Strain it through a sieve set over a bowl. Save the oil. Place the artichokes and garlic on a paper towel lined pie plate. Adjust seasoning with salt while they are still hot. Add 30ml of olive oil and 60ml white wine and pour the flavored oil back into the pan and place the onion in the center of the pan cook for 3 minutes over medium heat. Place gently the fish around the onion, than spooning some liquid over each fish fillet. Cover the pan with a lid and place it in the preheated oven, cooking for 15 minutes. Use two spatulas to turn the fish over, cover with the lid again and cook until the fish is tenderly cooked. Place the artichokes in the oven after you flip the fish over, so that they will heat up. When the fish finishes cooking, take it out of the oil and place on a plate. Cover with aluminum foil so that it stays warm. Turn off the oven but keep the artichokes in there to stay warm while you make the vinaigrette. Place 110g of tomatoes, chopped spring onion, white vinegar, salt, ground black pepper and the liquid that you used to cook the fish into a blender. Process it until it's smooth Arrange the fish on serving plates pour the vinaigrette around the fish and garnish with the artichokes on top with thin slices of the remaining tomatoes, and fresh chopped parsley. Serve this fish with boiled potatoes buttered baby carrots and steamed broccoli.


Head Chef N.Casha

Roasted Butterflies Prawns in GarlicParsley Butter

Ingredients 500 grams large prawns, defrosted, 1 teaspoon table salt,3 cloves garlic, peeled,1 small handful of parsley ,55 grams unsalted butter, softened at room temperature, Salt and freshly ground black pepper, Zest and juice of â…“ lemon, Garnish: chopped parsley leaves and lemon wedges.

Method Butterfly the prawns (without the heads): Twist the heads off the prawns. Using a pair of sharp kitchen scissors, snip off the sharp, pointy spike at the tail and trim off the prawns legs if desired. Cut using the kitchen scissors, the prawns shell along the middle of its back all the way to the end of the tail to get an incision.


Head Chef N.Casha

Lay the prawn flat on a chopping board. Use a sharp knife and slice the prawn along the incision to make a deeper incision, taking care not to cut all the way through the shell. Open the prawn up like a butterfly and press it down gently so that it stays open. Rinse the prawn and remove the intestinal track. Season the butterflied prawns with 1 teaspoon of table salt and set aside for 5 minutes. Rinse the prawns, pat dry with paper towels and lay them on a baking sheet (lined with parchment paper). Garlic-Parsley Butter: In a food blender, combine the peeled garlic cloves, parsley and salt until a paste forms. Combine the paste with the softened butter and season with black pepper. Add in the zest, and the lemon juice. Spread the butter mixture onto the prawns and refrigerate the prawns until needed. Roasting the prawns: Preheat the oven to 200. Roast the prawns for 5 to 7 minutes until the prawns are pink. Serve garnished with chopped parsley and lemon wedges on the side and if desire serve steamed basmati rice.

Cut off the front legs

Cut off the spiky part of the tail

Use a sharp knife and make the incision slightly deep.

Open the prawn up like a butterfly and press it down gently so that it stays that way. Give the prawns a good rinse and get rid of the intestinal track. Step-by-step how to butterfly king prawns.


Head Chef N.Casha

Cod Fish Fillet Paprika Ingredients 4 potatoes (medium), salt, 4 cod fillets 120g each, 4 chopped clove of garlic. 5 table spoons olive oil, Half tablespoon sweet paprika and fresh chopped parsley.

Method Peel, wash and slice potatoes. In a deep pan put water slightly salted to a boil. Cook potatoes in boiling water for 12 - 15 minutes. Than add cod fish fillets to the pot with the potatoes and simmer for 7 - 8 minutes more or until potatoes and cod are tender. Transfer potatoes to a big plate and put cod fillets on the potatoes , keep warm. Keep 250ml of the boiled water. Peel and chop cloves of garlic. Than heat 5 tablespoons of olive oil in a pan. When warm add the sliced garlic and cook over low heat for 2 minutes or until golden. Turn off heat and set pan at aside. Add the reserved 250ml of boiled water, 1/2 tablespoon of paprika and chopped fresh parsley to the pan and mix well, bring to the boil and spread the paprika sauce over the plate with potatoes and cod fish.


Head Chef N.Casha

Prawns on Couscous

Ingredients 120ml plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, 1 small onion, chopped, 1 carrot, finely diced, 1 garlic clove, peeled and smashed, plus 2 garlic cloves chopped, 400g tin chopped tomatoes in their juice, 60ml dry white wine, 240ml water, 180g plain couscous, 1kg king prawns, shelled and deveined, 1 lemon, juiced, 1 tablespoon red pepper flakes, Chopped parsley leaves, for garnish

Method In a large pot, heat 60ml olive oil. When almost smoking, add onion, carrot and 1 clove smashed garlic and sautĂŠ until vegetables are soft, about 5 minutes. Add the canned tomatoes and their juice and white wine. Bring to a boil and simmer on medium heat for 10 minutes, uncovered. Remove from heat and allow cooling slightly. Carefully pour


Head Chef N.Casha

tomato mixture in the bowl of a food processor and puree. Add a couple of tablespoons of water if needed - you want to end up with a broth. Check for seasoning. Return broth to the pot. Add water and 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and add couscous. Cover pot and remove from heat. Let rest for 10 minutes, allowing the couscous to absorb all the liquid. Fluff with a fork and season with salt and pepper. In a large pan, add the remaining oil and the 2 cloves of minced garlic. Heat the oil, making sure not to burn the garlic. When the oil is hot, add the shrimp and stirring occasionally, cook the shrimp until they start to turn pink, about 5 minutes. Be careful not to overcook the shrimp or they will become tough. Remove from heat and add the lemon juice, red pepper and chopped parsley. Check for seasoning. Serve the couscous in the centre of a platter and top with the shrimp.

Fresh king prawns


Head Chef N.Casha

Chicken Dishes Chicken for Cheese Lovers

Ingredients Serves 4 -5 portions. Tomato Sauce 20ml oil, 50g chopped white onion, 2 large garlic cloves, peeled and chopped, 400g can polpa tomatoes, 1/2 teaspoon fresh basil, 6g brown sugar, Salt and pepper Breaded Chicken 400g skinless chicken breast fillets, 2 eggs, 20ml milk, 50g plain flour, 200g breadcrumbs, 135ml oil for frying. Cheese Topping 140g grated mozzarella cheese, 40g grated cheddar cheese, and 25g grated parmesan cheese

Method 65

Head Chef N.Casha

Heat the oil in a heavy-based medium saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and garlic and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes, until onion has softened but not browned. Add tomatoes, basil and brown sugar, increase heat and bring to the boil. Once boiling, reduce heat and simmer for about 30-35 minutes, stirring occasionally, until sauce has reached the desired consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste. Set aside for 10 minutes, and then puree sauce in a blender. . Trim any fat from the chicken breasts. Cut them in half horizontally. Cover chicken with a freezer bag and lightly pound with the flat side of meat mallet to flatten. Whisk the eggs and milk together in a bowl. Coat one piece of chicken in flour and shake to remove excess. Then dip the chicken into the egg and milk mixture ensuring that all of the flour is moistened. Then coat the chicken in breadcrumbs, pressing firmly to ensure crumbs stay attached. Repeat with remaining pieces of chicken. To fry chicken, heat some of the oil in a heavy-based frying pan over medium-high heat. I cooked the chicken in two batches, the number of batches will be determined by the size of your frying pan and you'll need to divide the oil evenly between each batch. Fry the chicken in a single layer, without overcrowding the pan, until golden brown and cooked through. Wipe the pan out with paper towels between each batch of chicken to remove any crumbs. This prevents the overcooked loose crumbs attached to the next batch of chicken. Drain cooked chicken on kitchen paper towels. Place cooked chicken in a large baking dish and spread with sauce. Sprinkle with combined cheeses. Bake at 180°c. until cheese is melted and golden. Sprinkle chopped parsley before serving.

This chicken recipe can be served with rice or mashed potatoes and steamed green vegetables and buttered baby carrots.

Fresh steamed vegetables


Head Chef N.Casha

Pastry-encrusted chicken stuffed with mushrooms Reno Style

Ingredients 170 g mushrooms, olive oil, 1 or 2 cloves of garlic, peeled & finely chopped, salt & freshly ground black pepper, 1 handful of fresh leaf parsley, chopped, 4 x 200 g skinless chicken breasts, 500 g puff pastry, 1 egg, beaten, 2 heaped tablespoons whole grain mustard, 1 large wineglass of white wine, 140 ml fresh cream

Method Preheat the oven to 200°c. Chop up the mushrooms – half rough and half fine. To a hot pan, add a couple of spoons of olive oil and slowly fry the garlic with the mushrooms for about 10 minutes. Season to taste and stir in the chopped parsley. Allow to cool. Slit the chicken breast from the side and stuff the chicken breast with the cooled mushrooms. Using a little dusting of flour and a rolling pin, roll the pastry out to around 45 cm in length, 20 cm wide and just over 0.5 cm thick. [I used puffed pastry] Slice into 4 pieces, lengthways, and wrap around each chicken breast. Brush the pastry with a little egg, and cook in the preheated oven for 35 minutes. While the chicken is cooking, put the mustard and white wine into a hot pan and allow reducing until you’ve cooked away the alcohol smell. Add the cream and simmer until the sauce coats the back of a spoon, then remove from the heat and season to taste. Slice each chicken breast in 3 and serve with a bit of sauce and a little drizzle of olive oil if you like. Serve with roasted Rosemarie potatoes and fresh steamed vegetables.


Head Chef N.Casha

Chicken Parmesan on a Bed of Spaghetti Ingredients 350g toasted breadcrumbs, 10ml olive oil, 130g grated Parmesan cheese, plus extra for serving, 130g plain flour, 5g garlic powder salt and pepper, 3 large egg whites, 10ml water, 2 large boneless, skinless chicken breasts, butterflied and cut into halves (4 pieces total) 500ml tomato sauce, about 140g shredded mozzarella cheese, 10g chopped fresh basil leaves.

Method Adjust an oven rack to the middle position. Preheat the oven to 180. Spread the breadcrumbs in a shallow dish and stir in the Parmesan cheese. In a second shallow dish, combine the flour, garlic powder, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper together. In a third shallow dish whisk together the egg whites and water. Line a shallow baking dish with foil and grease the foil with vegetable oil spray or melted butter. Pat the chicken dry with paper towels, then season with salt and pepper. Lightly dredge each chicken piece in the flour to coat completely, shaking off the excess. Then dip into the egg whites and finally coat with the breadcrumb mixture. Press on the breadcrumbs to make sure they adhere. Place the chicken pieces on the prepared shallow baking dish. Bake until the chicken is no longer pink and feels firm when pressed with a finger, about 15 minutes. Remove the chicken from the oven. Spoon 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce over the top of each piece of chicken and top with 2 tablespoons of the shredded mozzarella. Return the chicken to the oven and continue to bake until the cheese is melted for about 5 minutes. Sprinkle with the fresh basil and serve on a bed of spaghetti if desire with extra grated Parmesan cheese and tomato sauce.


Head Chef N.Casha

Chicken Cacciatore

Ingredients 6 large skinless, boneless chicken breasts, 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped, 1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped, 1 yellow or orange bell pepper, seeded and chopped 1 medium onion, chopped, 2 large diced stalks of celery, 3 large carrots, diced, 350g fresh button sliced mushrooms, 2 tablespoons chopped garlic, 550g can of diced tomatoes, Âź teaspoon basil, Âź teaspoon oregano and 25g chopped garlic, 120g tomato paste, 150ml chicken stock, 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 60g cornflour, 2-4 tablespoons water, salt and pepper, to taste

Method 69

Head Chef N.Casha

Place chicken breasts inside the bottom of a pot. Add in the bell peppers, onion, celery, carrots, mushrooms, basil, oregano and garlic. Pour the juice from the tomatoes into a medium bowl, and then put the tomatoes into the pot. Into the bowl with the tomato juice, add the tomato paste, chicken stock, and balsamic vinegar. Mix well, and then pour on top of the tomatoes, and vegetables. Cover and cook on low heat for 11/2 hours, until the chicken is tenderly cooked. Mix the cornstarch and water together until no lumps remain, and then pour over the top of the vegetables. Stir, turn the pot to medium high, and allow to cook for another 5 minutes, or until the sauce has thickened. Adjust seasoning. Serve over basmati or brown rice or egg noodles, pappardelle or spaghetti. This recipe serves for 6.

Sticky Baked Chicken Wings Ingredients Serves 4 Wings: 1kg chicken wings, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon lime juice, from 1 lime.

Sauce: 3 tablespoons honey, 1 tablespoon chili paste, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 2 teaspoons sesame oil, 2 teaspoons lime juice, 1 clove of garlic, peeled and chopped.



Head Chef N.Casha

For the wings: Place the wings in a bowl. Add the sesame oil, soy sauce and lime juice to the wings. Mix the wings to coat in the marinade and seal the bowl with stretch and seal. Place in the refrigerator and marinate for 3 hours. Preheat the oven to 180. Spread the wings on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. For the sauce: While the wings are baking, combine the honey, chili paste, soy sauce, sesame oil, lime juice and garlic in a small saucepan over medium heat. Whisk until smooth. Bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to low and cook until the mixture has thickened, about 5 minutes. Remove the wings from the oven and brush with the sauce. Use a metal spatula, toss to coat well. Return the tray to the oven and cook an additional 5 to 10 minutes or until glazed and cooked through. Toss the cooked wings to coat well and serve.


Head Chef N.Casha

Enjoy Delightful food By chef Nazzareno


Head Chef N.Casha

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