A Decade of Change - Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa

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Université d’Ottawa


University of Ottawa

une décennie de changements

The Faculty of Engineering


imagination vision innovation

genie.uOttawa.ca | engineering.uOttawa.ca

Une décennie de changements The last 10 years have seen the Faculty of Engineering become a more diversified engineering and computer science powerhouse. Deux plans d’action successifs (2006-2011 et 2011-2016) articulés autour des plans stratégiques Vision 2010 et Destination 2020 de l’Université d’Ottawa ont permis à la Faculté de génie de devenir le leader incontesté au niveau de deux objectifs institutionnels clés : l’intensification des études aux cycles supérieurs et l’internationalisation. In 2016, the Faculty of Engineering translates into: More than 10,000 requests for admission; more than 1,600 entering students; total student enrolment in excess of 5,000, including 1,600 at the graduate level and close to 2,000 international students; 1,000 degrees conferred; $100M in annual operating and research revenues. Student Enrolment and Degrees Awarded

2006 - 2007 Undergraduate Graduate

Student enrolment

2015 - 2016 total Undergraduate Graduate total







International student enrolment







Degrees awarded







Resources Full-time professors

2006 - 2007

2015 - 2016



Full-time support employees


Facilities (# of buildings/m )

2 / 17,500 m


75 2

4 / 21,540 m2

Au cœur de notre mission : la formation et l’avancement des connaissances Études au premier cycle 1. Programmes agréés par le BCAPG – Bureau canadien d’agrément des programmes de génie • Génie chimique • Génie civil • Génie électrique • Génie informatique • Génie mécanique • Génie mécanique biomédical 2. Programmes agréés par le CIPS - Canada’s Association of Information Technology Professionals • Computer Science

3. Programmes agréés par le BCAPG et par le CIPS • Software Engineering * Cooperative education: Mandatory in Software Engineering; optional in all the other programs.

Formation aux cycles supérieurs Graduate Diploma • Technology Project Management Professional Master • M.Eng.: - Advanced Materials and Manufacturing

- Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Engineering Management - Environmental Engineering - Mechanical Engineering • Master’s: - Computer Science - Electronic Business Technologies • M.Sys.Sc,: - Systems Science

What makes us different Our collective reputation as an excellent engineering and computer science school has continued to grow during the last ten years. To further strengthen this status and to differentiate ourselves from other institutions, we have developed a number of key initiatives – thanks to the generous support of many alumni and friends. Entrepreneuriat et innovation • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Endowment Fund (EIEF): - Endowed Fund of more than $2M (donations + uOttawa matching funds) - Annual Prizes in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (PEI) student competitions (3) - Entrepreneurship Bridges Lecture Series • Michel Brûlé Entrepreneurship Awards (in support of the Entrepreneurship Concepts (EC-PEI) student competitions): Donation of $75,000 (2013 – 2018) • Chair in Entrepreneurial Engineering Design (CEED1): Grant of $1M from the Chair in Design Engineering program of the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada (2015 – 2020) • Centre for Entrepreneurship and Engineering Design (CEED2): Donation of $1.05M (2015 – 2020) • Women’s Startup Network

Research Master • M.A.Sc.: - Advanced Materials and Manufacturing - Biomedical Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Mechanical Engineering • M.Sc.: - Computer Science - Electronic Business Technologies - Systems Science

Student activities and participation to pre-professional competitions • Fonds de dotation en génie : contributions annuelles (50 $) par tous les étudiant(e)s au premier cycle en génie • Centre de projets et d’entrepreneuriat étudiants en génie du Groupe Brunsfield : Don de 500 000 $ du Groupe Brunsfield (2010 – 2020) • L’Atelier Makerspace Richard L’Abbé : Mis en place en 2014 • Maker Mobile uOttawa : Mis en place en 2015 Femmes en génie et en informatique • NSERC – Pratt & Whitney Canada Chair for Women in Engineering and in Science (Ontario region) (2011 – 2016) • Annual Go Eng Girl and Go Code Girl events

Doctorate • Advanced Materials and Manufacturing • Chemical Engineering • Civil Engineering • Computer Science • Electrical and Computer Engineering • Electronic Business • Environmental Engineering • Mechanical Engineering * Cooperative education: Optional in Computer Science.

Financement de la recherche (Avril 2015 – Mars 2016)

Gouvernement fédéral : Gouvernements provinciaux : Secteur privé : Autres sources :

8 459 073 $ 1 415 900 $ 3 007 316 $ 3 659 260 $

Research and other Chairs in the Faculty of Engineering in 2015 – 2016 (Avril 2015 – Mars 2016)

Canada Research Chairs: uOttawa Research Chairs: NSERC Chairs:

8 6 2



Un regard vers l’avenir Opportunities and challenges • En 2016 encore, les femmes demeurent largement sous-représentées en ingénierie et en informatique. Notre faculté a été à l’avant-garde de plusieurs efforts visant à corriger cette situation, notamment par l’entremise du programme de Chaires pour les femmes en génie et en sciences du CRSNG. Compte tenu que les femmes représentent le plus grand potentiel de croissance des effectifs étudiants domestiques, nous devons miser sur ces atouts et redoubler nos efforts. • Because of the rapid growth that our faculty has experienced since 2008, the resources available are no longer sufficient in a number of areas: Physical space; support personnel; full-time, teaching-intensive professors. Corrective measures are urgently needed. • For a number of years now, unit (i.e. per student) operating expenditures have increased at a faster rate than unit revenues with a resulting need for continual growth in student enrolment. This is not compatible with our objective to improve the quality of the university experience of our students and innovative solutions are urgently required at both the revenues (e.g. philanthropy, for-profit continuing education and professional development) and expenditures levels. • Favoriser l’émergence d’une culture entrepreneuriale et intrapreneuriale à tous les niveaux, en plus de s’occuper de l’amélioration et de l’intensification de la formation de nos étudiants en conception sont pour nous une priorité. C’est ainsi que ces éléments de différenciation permettront à notre faculté de continuer à se distinguer.

imagination vision innovation

genie.uOttawa.ca | engineering.uOttawa.ca

Dr. Claude Laguë, P.Eng., ing.,FEC | FIC, FCAE | MACG, Doyen, Faculté de génie (21 août 2006 – 30 juin 2016) Nous sommes la plus grande école d’ingénierie bilingue au Canada. Together, we educate the engineers and computer scientists that will serve society in the XXIst century here and abroad. Nous contribuons à l’avancement des connaissances et de la pratique professionnelle en étroite collaboration avec nos nombreux partenaires des secteurs privé et public. We promote and support an entrepreneurial spirit among our students, alumni, professors, and staff. Nous offrons un milieu d’apprentissage axé sur l’excellence et l’innovation, l’éthique et le sens des responsabilités envers la société. We can and we must build on that strong foundation to become the ‘go to place’ for the innovative and entrepreneurially-minded students and professionals who will be changing our world for the better in the years to come.

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