NB AY 2012 - 2013 Second Semester Issue

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Send us your views, grievances and commentaries through writing. Speak up today and be part of tomorrow’s history.


The Nation Builder Magazine is published every semester by The Nation Builder, Ground Floor, Administration Building, Cebu Technological University - Main Campus, M.J. Cuenco Avenue, Cebu City. It serves as a medium of communication between the students and the school administration, to express trust and options, to establish high-standard journalism and to promote stronger cooperation berween the school in particular amd the society in general.

Cover Concept by: Creative Team Photographs by: Vilmer Sepulveda (Front) & Naomi Jean Marie Anida (Back) Models: Rex Banggo (Back) & Bernard Joseph Sarsaba (Front) Layout and Design by: Hero Kieffer Mendoza Production Assistants: Julie MondoĂąedo & NB Creative Team

For comments, reactions, suggestions, and contributions, please send us an e-mail through nb_ctumain@yahoo.com or send us a message through our official Facebook page www.facebook.com/thenationbuilder.ctu. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or copying in any means, without written permission from The Nation Builder.


Student Involvement. Does it still mean anything? No, not the kind that makes you strut on the stage or requires you to play sports. Or the one that makes us look like the cool college ‘jocks” and “chicks”. We clearly are already involved in that department. But there is so much more to making a difference in being a student and being truly involved than that. There is so much going on in the news that requires attention and awareness. Not to mention issues that brought up tension between our country and neighboring countries, and the never-ending fight of student rights advocates for greater state subsidy on education. Do we know the reason why there are many activists? What about Kristel Tejada? Rings a bell, anyone? It’s just sad to admit that few knows what’s going on and even fewer youth or students cares. This is our constant challenge and even though it gets bigger by the year, we, the Nation Builder strived and will continue to strive to conquer whatever it is that matters and goes unheard. Because as each year pass, with each leader that comes and go in the Nation Builder, one thing remains the same. The alternative press’s battlecry: “we.will.not. be.silenced.” Call me ambitious but I believe in this team and more than that, I and this team of campus journalists believe in the CTUnian voice. Without a doubt, there is something within every one of us that longs to actually say something about issues that MATTERS. And by all means, let us help you bring that voice out. It’s about time, fellow students. You know why? Well, flip the pages of this magazine, read through, and you’re about to find out. Best of Luck and for another year we surpassed, Good Job! In the service of the people and the students,




ACADEMIC YEAR 2012 - 2013

• • • •

NB Champs Page Design and Layout in Nationals, Page 6 Umpad Defends Presidential, Page 6 CTU Faculty Grabs Best Research Paper at ICIRI, Page 9 CTU-NB Holds Cebu Students Dialogue 2, Page 11 Students Partakes in 1st


OPINION • • • • •

PCO Fun Run, Page 12 Student Scientists’ take Phase in Reorganization, Page 13 CTU Hosts Vocation Jam ‘13, Page 14 CTU-Main’s NB Hosts 73rd National Student Press Convention, Page 16 Engineering Stude excels in National PICE Quiz, Page 18 NB, SSG Attend National Training, Page 20

• • • • • •

Human Rights: The Unheeded Cry for Justice, Page 21 Time To Talk, Page 29 Back to Basics, Page 38 No Other Than Priority, Page 45 Freedom Page, Page 48 Vox Pop: What is the Most Inconvenient Place to Have Classes?, Page 61

FEATURE • • • • • • •

Unsung Heroes, Page 23 Cybercrime Law: The Nasty and Ugly Parts, Page 26 College Truths and Myths, Page 31 A Taste of Balamban, Page 35 Youth Activism, Page 39 Education is a Right, Page 42 Rebels Without a Cause, Page 46



NB Champs Page and Layout in Nat By NEWS TEAM


en delegates and one assistant adviser of the Nation Builder, the Official Student Publication of CTU Main Campus competed and won the 1st place in page design and layout at the Organization of Student Services Educator INC. (OSSEI) National Conference on Campus journalism and 6th Writing Competition last January 17-19 held at Development Academy of the Philippines, Tagaytay City.

NB Creative Director, Mark Joe RaĂąen collaborated in a team of 3 for the page design and layout category with Editor-in-Chief, April Agnes Galado and Photo Editor Angelou Sadagnot; prevailed as the champion against the other competing schools all over the country. “I was really nervous because we are up against different schools all over the

Official News Section of The Nation Builder Section Editor: Randy Brizo

Design ionals country. I didn’t think that we will actually win,” said Rañen as he was interviewed after the proclamation of their victory. He also added that he is very thankful to his two fellow NB delegates for helping him in completing the full layout of his entry. The judging was based on the news headline, photo and most especially the overall page design.

Selected Journalists of The Nation Builder took a pose as they were announced as champion in Page layout and design during OSSEI conference and writing competitition. Photo by Jose Angelou Sandagnot

The writing competition was organized by the Organization of Student Services Educators, Inc. (OSSEI) with Dr. Bella M. Villanueva as the President. NB is one of the pioneering delegates of OSSEI since it started its Writing Competition on 2008. NB had also been consistent in bringing honor to the university winning last consecutive years in Cartooning and Photojournalism categories.




Umpad Defends SSG Presidential Position By Fritz Anderson Cruda


ien Umpad successfully defended his position as President of CTU-MC’s Supreme Student Government as he earned the majority of the student’s votes defeating two opposing presidential candidates from different parties of the campus during the SSG Elections 2013 held at the Kasadya Gym last February 23. Umpad from Altruistic Students Alliance for Progress (ASAP) with 2, 398 votes dominated the SSG poll against presidential candidate from Service Motivated Accountable and Responsible Team (SMART) Rseass King Ensendencia with 1,992 votes while 745 student voters voted Leo Yape from Students Uniting for New Development (SUN-D) as president. Both candidates are freshmen from Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMarE) and Bachelor of Science

in Development Communication (BSDevCom) respectively. The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) started the tallying and canvassing of votes at exactly 7:00 pm wherein all 38 appointed COMELEC staff secured the ballot boxes. Each station was also accommodated by three poll watchers representing the three different parties. The counting was personally observed by the COMELEC Adviser, Dr. Amelia Girly Aranas and was finished at around 5:00 in the morning proclaiming Umpad as president. “I’m so thankful to the Students that they really appreciated my efforts of serving them,” Umpad expressed.

Umpad is now the first SSG president to

SSG UNITES: Newly elected SSG officers took their winning pose after the breathtaking elections in CTU-MC headed by the Incumbent President Honorable Aien Umpad (second from left). Photo by Cresente Estoce


successfully defend his position twice in a row. Third year AB English, Jason Dian also defended his position as the SSG Vice-President. Umpad and Dian are both Junior AB English students who were also in the same party, while Francisco Onde Jr., from SMART earned 2,518 of students’ votes proclaiming him as the new Auditor of the council. The COMELEC said that despite of the budget cut, the election had went well and has estimated this year’s SSG election had served a total of 5, 135 student voters from different colleges namely: College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering, College of Education, College of Nursing and College of Technology.

CTU Faculty Grabs Best Research Paper in ICIRI


rof. Nemia F. Zamora and other representatives of CTU brought another honor to our university for having presented their respective research papers during the 2012 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research Innovations (ICIRI), and was announced as one of the most innovative researchers at La Consolation University Philippines (LCUP) last December 4-6, 2012. Zamora’s winning research paper, “Therapeutic Preferences in the Treatment of Dengue Fever in Cebu City” caught the panel’s attention during the defense. Her research targets to document the therapeutic choices of families/individuals in the treatment of dengue fever, and the identification of factors which lead to the utilization of such option and to come up with a dengue prevention management program. Together with the CTU delegations were Main Campus’ CAS Dean, Dr. Edwin Pilapil, Dr. Eugenio A. Ermac, Dr. Girlie Aranas and other seven researchers from the Argao campus. CTU-Argao faculty, Crysali Therese R. Dayaganon also got the best research paper in the convention. Her paper was entitled, “Teaching Performance of Cebu Technological UniversityArgao.” The convention accommodated over 300 local and international researchers wherein La Consolation University Philippines (LCUP) welcomed the participants. This is in line with the 75th Founding Anniversary of their institution. Most of the delegates were renowned researchers coming from different countries like Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, West Africa, Nigeria, Oman, Kuwait, Australia, and the United States, among others. FAC



Delegates marked their signature to oppose fee increase during the Cebu Students Dialouge 2 at the Students Activity Center (SAC). Photo by Crecente Estoce


NB holds Cebu Students Dialogue 2 By Julie A. Mondoñedo


he Nation Builder, the official student publication of CTU-Main Campus together with the National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP), the College Editors Guild of the PhilippinesCebu chapter (CEGP), and Kabataan Partylist conducted the second Cebu Students Dialogue (CSD) in the Students Activity Center (SAC) last February 16. Themed with “Building solidarity among Cebu’s students to further the call for genuine social change,” CSD served as a venue for various student leaders in Cebu’s different universities and colleges discuss pertinent issues addressing the improper increase of tuition fees and other aspects affecting the life of students in particular, and people in general. The said event was participated by different universities namely: University of Cebu (UC), University of San Carlos (USC), University of the Visayas (UV), University of Southern Philippines Foundation (USPF), Asian College of Technology (ACT), University of the Philippines (UP) and Consolacion Community College (CCC). “Having quality education are rights not Terry Ridon, public interest environment and civil and quoted during the seminar.

and accessible privileges,” Atty. attorney for the political liberties

Social discussions engaged the issues about Tuition and Other Fees Increase (TOFI), Cyber Crime Prevention Law, and K+12 Education Program. As provided in the constitution, the State shall exercise reasonable supervision over all higher education institutions. Thus, the increase in tuition and other school fees including the introduction of new fees, in both public and private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is covered by this policy. On the other hand, Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 is an act defining cybercrime, providing for prevention, investigation and imposition of penalties therefore and for other purposes. Whoever caught to abuse and misuse the access of internet is punishable under the law. In the other development, Vocational/ Technical education takes center stage in the K to 12 curriculums as it is institutionalized in the basic educational system.


Student Scientists’take new phase in the Reorganization By Rizalino Caratao

THE FUTURE SCIENTIST The re-organized organization, FSTLP (Future Scientist and Technology Leaders of the Philippines) posed together with the University President Bonifacio Villanueva Ed. D. and the Department Heads after their oath taking ceremony.


uture Scientists and Technology Leaders of the Philippines – CTU Main Campus has achieved a remarkable phase of its reorganization when they held their Oath – Taking Ceremony at CTU Cafeteria last July 26. The oath-taking activity was attended by Dr. Bonifacio S. Villanueva, University President, Dr. Ponciano C. Bontia, outgoing Campus Director, Dr. Cornelio Duaso, outgoing College of Engineering Dean, Dr. Godofredo Loremia, outgoing Dean of the College of

Technology and Prof. Segundino G. Cuadra, NSTP Director. FSTLP is listed in CTU Student Manual as an organization whose aim is to promote Science, Technology and Innovations in the campus. It is composed of shop students from different courses to conduct researches regarding the trends in the present technology. To fund the organization’s activities and programs, students contribute a semestral payment of forty pesos (Php 40.00).


Photo by: Vilmer Sepulveda

Officers for the academic year were chosen from selected engineering students on June 13. The following are the first officers: Rizalino Caratao (President), Francis Rafael Luna (Internal VP), Leonil Mepieza (External VP), Irish Rose Comendador and Dan Marvin Bejer (Secretaries), Carlo Tenieza and Mary Carlvie Lou Deguma ( Treasurers), Ronie Sagadsad (Auditor), Dave Martjee Paug, Alecrates Tundag, Raymond Bacus and Bryan Zabate (PRO’s). College representatives were Louie Parallon (CoEd), Decemver-linn Gay Detros(CoEd), Joemar Vistal (CoT), Aljon Magdadaro(CoT), Ramel Sigue (CE),

John Mikel Naraja (EE), Ma. Verzomina Estillore (EcE) and Rizalyn Sattiera (IE). FSTLP hosted the Science and Technology Trivia during the Intramural Days. On September, with Dr. Cecilio S. Baga, CTU Vice President for Research and Extension, FSTLP assembled the Solar Cooker and Photovoltaic Charger. In addition to these, FSTLP also constructed a seven-way interlock microcontrollers with the assistance of Mechatronics students and finished it by the end of the academic year.



CTU Hosts Vocation Jam ‘13 By:Julie Mondoñedo and Khylene Rubica


ith a theme, “Witnessing the Gift of Vocation in the Light of the Faith of Pedro Calungsod,” the Archdiocese of Cebu in cooperation with the Directors of Vocations in the Philippines (DVP)- Cebu Chapter organized Vocation Jamboree at Cebu Technological University- Main Campus last February 23 and 24. The participating congregations were setting their booths and camp tents at the Main

The vocation jamboree conducted an overnight experience of prayer, sharing and encounter last February 23 at CTU-Main Campus.

Campus’ grounds for the two-day event. Seventy congregations of Men and Women Religions and the Diocesian Secular Priests participated in the jamboree and was composed of around 3,000 delegates coming from the different youth organizations, parishes, colleges and universities . The event aimed to witness the gift of vocation in the light of the faith of Pedro Calungsod. The vocation jamboree conducted an overnight experience of prayer, sharing and


encounter for all the youth to know their vocation in life or calling in life. First timer of the activity Carina Aldiano and Angel Love Tibon confessed that the event was really unforgettable.Though they have not slept, they experienced the real essence of the jamboree with their new found friends. There were four carousel stations, namely, the Eucharistic Adoration with confession and counseling (Function Hall), Vocation Talk/ Conferences (Tennis Court), Booth Hopping (Soccer Field), and the Holy Rosary (Gymnasium). “Every carousel has its own speakers but the main speaker of the event is Jesus through the priests who talk to the participants in relation to the meaning of the four carousels,” said Ms.

Era Grace Ceniza, Campus Ministry Directress. The event was supported by the University President, Dr. Bonifacio Villanueva. In fact, he requested some communal toilet since the school only has few toilets and can’t suffice the total number of participants.He also rendered his office for Archbishop Jose Palma in preparation for the 4am Holy Mass. Last year, the vocation jamboree was held at the Theotokos Shrine in Brgy. Perrelos, Carcar.



TO WRITE IS ALREADY TO CHOOSE: The Nation Builder, the school’s official student publication is one of the hosts during the NSPC on which it gathers young journalists across the country and tackled various social political issues.

CTU-Main’s Nation Builder hosts 73rd By: Khylene Marie P. Rubica


ifferent school publications from all over the country joined the 73rd National Student Press Convention (NSPC) at the University of San Carlos- Talamban Campus last April 12 to 16 with the theme of “Rock the Vote: Campus Press an Active Youth Participation in 2013 Elections” This is in line with the celebration of the 81st year existence of the College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) on continuing their advocacy of campus press freedom. The hosts of the event were The Nation Builder of Cebu Technological University, Today’s Carolinian of the University of San Carlos, and The Quill of Southwestern

University. There were various journalism seminar-workshops on basic and advanced journalism skills conducted in different literary genres for all the delegates. The event tackled various social political discussions which were explained thoroughly by renowned experts in their own fields such as Palanca awardees Jun Cruz Reyes of University of the Philippines-Diliman and Mark Angeles, an alumnus of CEGP and Vice President for Luzon in 2002-2004. Also on the list are Patrick Gerard Torres of the Central Visayas Farmers Development Center, Inc. (FARDEC), Ronalyn


National Student Press Convention Olea, an alumna of CEGP and former National President from 2002-2004, Pauline Gidget Estella, the current National President of CEGP, April Dyan Gumanao of University of the Philippines - Cebu, Arnold Padilla of Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) and Malou Mangahas, the executive director and co-founder of the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism. It was not just an ordinary event but it was also a program wherein campus journalists from different regions in the country assembled and socialized with each other while sharing their own views on the different social issues tackled in every discussions. There were also contrasting opinions regarding the discussions leading to

an interesting debate which helped open and widened the knowledge of the youth on certain issues:K+12, political dynasties, and the votebuying schemes with fraudulent manipulation of the results were also discussed. The campus press is one of the key instruments on provoking and awakening of the youth on social and political issues. CEGP believes that active participation of the youth on clean and fair election will end the political culture. CEGP further expressed, “We just cannot sit and watch and let those dreadful schemes happen during Election Day. TO WRITE, IS ALREADY TO CHOOSE.



Engineering Stude excels in National By Julie A. Mondo単edo


ourth year Civil Engineering student, Francisco Onde Jr., bagged the trophy as he emerged champion in the 31st National Civil Engineering Students Quiz sponsored by the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) at Cebu International Convention Center (CICC) last November 22. Coached by Engr. Alex Mayor, Onde toppled other representatives, placing first, across the country. The competition was divided into two parts: first was the written round which is composed of 50 items that is equivalent to 40%

and a 60% for the second round which is divided into three categories namely the easy, average and difficult. The quiz in general, covered four areas which are Mathematics, Surveying and Transportation Engineering, Hydraulics and Geotechnical Design and Construction. During the first part, Onde gathered most of the scores against his 24 opponents leading him the advantage to win. Despite of this lead on the first round, he had a hard time coping with his pace at the second round but nevertheless, he still overtook his opponents to take the top spot that concluded the favourable outcome of the competition.

Francisco Onde Jr. (second from left) was hailed champion in the 31st National Civil Engineering Students Quiz last November 22. Together with him are their coach Engr. Rosein Ancheta and his fellow quizzers Dovann Arrabis and Java Chad (from left and right respectively).


PICE Quiz Apparently, Onde is the first fourth year student to top the PICE national quiz and was seconded by Ma. Jonalyn M. Orilla and Larry C. Galvez who were both senior civil engineering students of Technological University of the Philippines (TUP) in PICE Manila chapter. “During that time, I didn’t expect to win. I am only in my 4th year in college while my competitors were already experienced seniors. I haven’t studied that much, I am just praying that my studied lessons would be the top pick of the competition, and fortunately, it was,” he confessed.

Earlier, Onde gave his alma mater its impressive championship title as he trounced his rivals in the regional quiz at the Waterfront Hotel, Lahug, Cebu City on September 7. Together with him are senior Engineering students; Rogin Ylaya, Dave Kerwin Bolarin and Sherlon Gomez. Coached by Engr. Mayor, Onde earned 16 points to place first, edging contestants from Cebu’s top universities. While, Keneth Cultura of University of Cebu seconded in his place. The two of them were chosen to represent in the 31st National PICE students quiz.

Delegates from different State Colleges and Universities got together to represent their respective School in the 4th Regional Press Conference hosted by The Nation Builder, the Official Student Publication of Cebu Technological University - Main. Photo by Vilmer Sepulveda



Student Leaders from all over the country participates in Group Dynamics Activity lead by NRYLIC youth facilitators.

NB and SSG Attends National Training

By Fritz Anderson Cruda


ix delegates including one of the technical advisers from the Nation Builder, the official student publication of CTU-Main Campus attended the 50th National Rizal Youth Leadership Institute Conference 2013 (NRYLIC) last December 16-20 at Teacher’s camp, Baguio City.

with the theme, “Kabata ni Jose: Pag-Asa ng Bayan,” wherein it was stressed -out by the Acting Supreme Commander of the Order of the Knights of Rizal, Mr. Reghis Romero II the importance to the youth on acquiring the teachings of Rizal’s because we are indeed the nation’s future during his welcome speech.

NB Executive Editor, Fritz Anderson Cruda together with the Creative Department head Mark Joe Rañen; Photo Editor, Angelou Sadagnot; Senior Photojournalist, Cresente Estoce; and Senior Cartoonist, Reynard Auza were chosen to participate in the seminar training and was accompanied by Prof. Francisco Lucero. On the other hand, SSG President, Aien Umpad together with his co-SSG delegates were also present.

Youth facilitators also accompanied the delegates in every activity done during the range of the four-day seminar training. The activities are planned to let the delegates learn the importance of unity and cooperation.

The event was in line with the 113th year of Philippine Independence and the celebration of the 116th year of Rizal’s martyrdom

The national training was spearheaded by The Order of the Knights of Rizal in cooperation with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), the Department of Education (DepEd) and the National Youth Commission (NYC). The Order of the Knights of Rizal is a civic, patriotic and cultural, nonpartisan, non-sectarian, non-profit organization that was chartered under Republic Act 646.


HUMAN RIGHTS THE UNHEEDED CRY FOR JUSTICE We know the Philippines as a free country as we are one of the few countries in Southeast Asia who embrace democracy. That means more than, or like any other countries in Asia and even the world, we stand strong on upholding human rights.




In recent years up to the present however, the Philippines as a country have not been faring very well when it comes to protecting the rights and liberties of its people. Reports of vigilantism, forced disappearances, torture, arbitrary arrest, political imprisonments, especially the growing number of extrajudicial killings have gone off the hook during the entire Aquino regime. In 2006 the U.S. State Department reported that Philippine security forces were responsible for serious human rights abuses despite the efforts of civilian authorities to control them. The report has it, that although the government generally respected human rights, some security forces elements—particularly the Philippine National Police were said to be the ones guilty of these violations.The rule of law and due process was suddenly a luxury that the poor and reported political enemies, especially human rights groups and youth activists could no more afford. In October 2012, Congress passed legislation criminalizing enforced disappearances. This is the first of its kind, in Asia. The Aquino administration so far, has promised to work on better and faster investigations on human rights abuse cases. It has taken some action against high-profile criminals such as politicians involved in extrajudicial killings. However, harassment and the threat to journalists and youth activists still

goes on. Although cases have been submitted to court for extrajudicial killings, no one has been convicted yet. The Maguindanao Massacre will reach its fifth year soon and justice has not been served. Let’s not forget that in October of 2012, freedom of expression has suffered a serious blow when Congress passed the infamous law criminalizing online libel. In 2014, www.hrw.org/worldreport/2013 reports that the Freedom House in their standardsetting comparative assessment of global political rights and civil liberties of 195 countries rated the freedom status of the Philippines as "Partly Free", with a political rights rating of 3.0; with 1.0 being the highest obtainable rating. The Philippines also obtained a 3.0 rating for civil rights and freedom rating. The ratings obtained by the Philippines ranked the highest in Southeast Asia. For a country claiming to practice and respect democracy, the rating is still an alltime low. The Aquino administration has yet again failed on its commitment to end the culture of impunity. Not one murder of a journalist, leftist and youth activist has seen to be accounted for, as of this writing. As for the rest of the countless cases of abuse of human rights in the country, we have yet to see how the administration plans on either giving justice where it should be rightly served or covering its allies’ tracks as usual.


By Christian Dominique Dumdum


Campus Watch


y making steps as you walk around a crowded suburban district, sometimes you would probably notice changes in certain things; something that you didn’t expect to happen at all. These are some of the acts that are against the public, crimes which are really alarming and other law-breaking activities that always lurks. Good thing that there are a lot of security officers scattered around in populated areas such as in commercial establishments, parks and recreation hubs and more importantly in Government Institutions like Schools, just to lessen and even avoid the growing number of individuals showing unlawful behavior. Universities and Colleges in the City have a population that increases every year and the need for tight protection and security grow higher especially to note that there are evening students attending their respective classes. Because of this, the existence of some strong, well-motivated and highly-skilled security guards are always trusted in their quest to protect the well-being of the people. In CTU, this usually white-attired personnel are seen both on the 2 gates in R. Palma and M.J Cuenco exits checking the students’ I.d’s and other individuals getting inside the campus to assure that no one will be violating its policies and regulations. Pressure is lifted into their hands as they report to work upon their time shifts’, considering a huge responsibility is being laid to them. One reports to duty at six in the morning until two in the afternoon, while the other one begins to attend to his task from two in the afternoon until ten in the evening. Another officer arrives during the graveyard shift which is believed to be that


risky, and that’s from ten in the midnight until six in the morning. He then roams around for safety monitoring of the school. Although they would always do their best to regulate and control especially the whole CTUnian populace, problems would still usually occur in a hectic schedule of the academe’s security officer. Concerns such as improper wearing of school uniforms, id’s, and haircut for the guys would normally disappoint them since they only want us to follow guidelines for the betterment of the campus. From standing at the entrances and roving more or less, it is true that their job is not that easy. They’re not just typically the official you’ve known even before while attending college. They’re one of those modern-day heroes we have now; and we have to treat them as one. We have to always remember their hard work and perseverance is also for the students’ and staff’s safety.


What’s Hot


riticisms, outcries, and massive uproars from different stakeholders overwhelm the internet blogs, newsrooms, social sites, and comment boxes targeting the newly approved law which professes to safeguard every Filipino and to give teeth to the government to go after to the cyber thugs and to those who would do wrong via digital means happens to threaten and curtail our freedom of expression, freedom of speech, the right to privacy, the right to due process of law and of the right against double jeopardy. September 12, 2012, President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III signed the Republic Act No. 10175 otherwise known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, days after Senator Vicente “Tito” Sotto III allegedly plagiarized a part of his turno en contra speech from a blog post written by American Home

Economist, Sarah Pope, and of allegedly directly translated the whole paragraph of the 1996 address of the late US Senator Robert F. Kennedy for his stand against the Reproductive Health Bill issue. The said act is divided into 31 sections and split across eight chapters which aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and to combat cybercrime offenses like illegal access (hacking), illegal interception, data interference, system interference, devise misuse, cyber squatting, computer-related offenses such as computer-related forgery, computer-related fraud, computer-related identity theft; content- related offenses such as cyber sex, child pornography, and spam; and other offenses. Sure, there are good parts in the law, but the nasty and ugly ones are of three fold degree. Here are the following reasons that make the Cyber crime

Prevention Act as a debauched and flawed law. Ugly Part # 1: Libel is both vogue and cruel While the act is hailed for penalizing those illegal acts done via the internet that were not covered by the old laws, engaged social media, journalists and netizens decry the last minute inclusion of the killer libel as censorship against free speech— a civil right usually exercised in the virtual world or cyber space. Section 4 of the newly enacted bill makes libel an online crime but fails to define how the crime can be committed. Included in the potential list of accused are: a) persons, adult or child who tweet criticisms against politicians, actors and actresses, and other persons b) persons who post Facebook status


updates and those who would re-tweet messages on Twitter. Clearly, if you own a Facebook account or public twitter, you are damned if any of your posts, or the thoughts expressed by your online friends on your accounts, happens to offend someone. You can also be punished for expressing critical thoughts against a politician or allowing your online friends to do the same or comment about on your page. Is this an image of free and democratic country? And what is more? It was he, the senator who inserted the libel provision was once a target of internet outrage for allegedly lifting speeches. Which the event brings the slang terms sinotto,’ ‘sottoing,’ and ‘sottocopy’ become


trending. Ugly part # 2: Not just one, but two libels. And one is graver than the other This is what makes libel a catch- all category. You can be charged for two libels. Stipulated under section 07 of the Act states that, ‘a prosecution under this Act shall be without prejudice to any liability for violation of any provision of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, or special laws.’ That is, any person charged for the alleged offense covered will not be spared from violations of the Revised Penal Code. A person charged with libel under the Cyber crime law can also be charged separately under the Revised Penal Code or other special laws. Libel under the Revised Penal Code is defined as, ‘the public and malicious imputation of crime, or a vice or defect, real or imaginary or any act, omission, condition, status or circumstances tending to the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory of one who is dead.’ Besides that you are damned if you are lying and telling the truth (take note of the phrase, ‘real or imaginary’), Libel under the Revised Penal Code is punishable up to 4 years and two months of imprisonment period, while the online libel is punishable by shocking 12 years of imprisonment period and may be charged a maximum of P1, 000, 000. And here is more, Libel under the revised Penal Code is a direct infringement of the freedom of expression as set in the provisions by the United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC). Ugly Part # 3: It is oppressive and unlawful In the account of what is stated on Section 07 of the Act, Libel is a clear infringement of our right against double jeopardy. As provided on Article III, Bill of Rights, Section 21 of the

1987 Constitution of the Philippines, states that ‘No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of punishment for the same offense. If an act is punished by a law and ordinance, conviction or acquittal under either shall constitute a bar to another prosecution for the same act.’ For the case of libel, it is a double jeopardy of punishment for the same act. Punishment charged under the Cybercrime Prevention Act and of the Revised Penal Code. Ugly Part # 4: Take down clause and intrusion of privacy Equally ugly provision of libel is what stated on Section 12 of the said Act, that allows ‘law enforcement authorities, to collect or record by technical or electronic means traffic data in realtime associated with specified communications transmitted by means of a computer system’. And of Section 19, ‘Restricting or Blocking Access to Computer Data, of when a computer data is prima facie found to be in violation of the provisions of this Act, the DOJ shall issue an order to restrict or block access to such computer data.’ That being said, a person who is under investigation, the authorities have the power to log and check every online activity that he is doing. The DOJ also have the power over your blogs and to immediately shut down and to restrict access to it without prior warning or notice if they found something illegal. No doubt, this is an infringement of our right to privacy, our right against illegal searches and seizures and our right to due process of law. Like just any side of a coin, the head and the tail— there is good and there is bad. But of enacting a law, the nasty and ugly parts must not be threefold degree than what is beneficial.


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say what I want to say and do what I want to do. There’s no in between. People will either love you for it or hate you for it.

My friends often laugh at me everytime I told them my stand about the issues in the school. “Be intolerant with it because it is no longer your responsibility and better focus on your study,” they said. Do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.If you will just be the usual nobody, who don’t commit responsibilities, who just tolerate issues then change will be very much invisible. Complications start, as issues get tough. Everybody must be sensitive for certain problems that might affect the students in particular.Problems we are currently facing are inevitable. It seems that we are already satisfied with the good and completely forget that we deserves the best. Things are getting worse, and I am afraid that someday we’ll have nothing to lose because we’re completely out of the track. Our educational system has been a trending topic in the campus and the outsiders. We are accepting too much students that our facilities can no longer suffice. Quality education is often at stake because of this dilemma. We suffer from the lack of competent teachers,classrooms and facilities. As an alternative, stairways, grounds, kiosks, and bus are used as a venue for learning. But this is not the thing we must be proud of. It is good to find alternatives and look for the easiest way to address these issues, but should be good enough to maintain and sustain quality education.

Students having classes in stairways and lobbies could not concentrate anymore because of the noisy by-passers. Sometimes, ears are lent to the teacher but the attention is often at somewhere else. If you’re fortunate enough to have a designated room, don’t you ever come late in class, else, you have to bring your own chair or stand until the class is dismissed. Otherwise, you will be the luckiest person if your room is TBA “Tanang Bakante Angkonon”, because there is a possibility of having no classes. Some can spare more time in their favourite subjects eBook and Dota, aren’t they? I don’t pretend to be a legal expert in interpreting the situation, but I guess there is something very wrong. We are lacking of classrooms but still we let the CREST use some of it for their own benefits. Knowing the fact that we are a state University means that we are a government funded institution. But the question is why we are still paying more than 8,000 per semester? PUP and CNU are just some of the top performing school. However, they only pay less than 3,000 per semester. They exceled in many field and received a kind of education that we ought to have. They even said that we have connection to Anglo –Japanese Association (AJA) which signified that our educational system is accredited and can compete with the International schools. But based on what I perceived, our real score is in contrast with those admin-recognized accreditations.




On the other hand, it has been part of the CTU-Main culture to hire a certain person out of his capabilities, an incompetent teacher but bloodrelated to one of the school administrators, and a doctorate level yet unable to handle the discussions during his class. Still it doesn’t make sense.

or do not have any skills either, you will be ignored. These problems are intended to be resolved properly and not to make trouble. I only want this matter to be fixed, straightened and corrected in order for it to develop and serve its purpose.

Magna Carta of students has it, that “every student shall have the right to competent instruction and quality education relevant to his/ her personal and cultural development and that of the Nation.”

This matter is not of small importance. We are talking about our future after graduation. And it’s not just that waste of time and money, it is the hard-earned money of the parents which they bend their backs over, pour sweat and even tears, and time on which we can use to work and help them earn a living.

One time, one teacher told us that he doesn’t want too much students in his Department in order he can facilitate it accordingly. However, people in the higher position keep on accepting students. Some of them failed the entrance exam but still able to take the course because of referral. The Department head is only given one option, and that is to say YES. I can still vividly remember the moment one of our school administrators stressed out in his speech, “we must be thankful because CTU doesn’t want to fail a child’s dream of having a diploma.” That is sympathizing but in order to achieve quality we must not go beyond. We can still be charitable without taking risk the quality of education. We are in the world were competence is necessary for survival. Honestly, when you are applying for a certain job, your employer will consider first where you graduated. Or else, if you are not a good speaker

Perhaps upon reading this, for sure some might ask why I keep on complaining. This is a fact and everybody deserves to know. The process for this issue is about the same when we bannered a certain issue in the newspaper such as corruption and media killing. Though we still know that foreign people might read the news and might form bad impression, we still write about it because it is a fact.According to Confucious, “The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.” Indeed we must know our stand because if we don’t what we tend to lose will be enormous. Because saying something, is a way better than doing nothing.Speak up for today and be part of tomorrow’s history.

Prime Talks

By Elton Jay Ayuda


igh School days are over, and you are still undecided. Aside from having been caught offguard, when asked what course you are going to take, you are also uncertain to which college you will enroll in. And there is more at the back of your mind, the gloomy notions about college that haunt you and your expectations. Along with the reprimands of the grownups that “college is totally different from high school,”that learning at this stage is a matter of 85% student role and 15 % teachers responsibility, comes, the common misconceptions and perceptions about college. And while you are getting excited about the fresh, new, exciting and thrilling atmosphere of college life; having new friends to mingle and gossip with, new interesting activities, the swarm of cute schoolmates and (the best amongst all) , having the chance to change you Facebook status to “in relationship” from single. Shadows are about to cloud your mind as your neighbor, who had just graduated told you that nothing beats the high school moments and experiences. That “high school days” are much better than the years you are to spend on college. While counting his fingers the

reasons: thick books to be read and to be studied, lots of paperworks to be done, long quizzes, minor subjects that are demanding, or the worst, “Terror Professors.” Your neighbor might be telling the truth. But this would not mean that your college life will run as how his college life runs too. Now, just before you scrape your nails to any sharp or rough surface, as to make a harsh noise, or finally chew your nails while thinking about all of those common misconceptions and myths, let us enlighten you about a few things and cast away those dusky shadows on your head.

College Myth # 1:

“College is harder than High School” Try to substitute the word “harder’” with “hallenging.” College stuff differ from how much value we set for the aperture and for the shutter speed



Prime Talks

to capture the best picture out of a gloomy night and with very limited light just like photographs. Lessons we have not known or lessons we have learned from our highschool tend to appear as difficult and hard to understand. But if we motivate ourselves to learn, we will see it easy as a pie. Good things about college are the sets of challenges and expectations given to us by our teachers and those people around us. Stuff like thick text books, long quizzes, examinations, lengthy assignments, reports and recitations, projects and paperworks are the things to be expected. They might seem as of pulling tight of cravat and would give you sleepless nights and heavy eye bags, but this same stuff are also the one that would mold you and shape you to be packed for teh real thing. Not until you encourage yourself to try, to free yourself from your fears— the fears of making mistakes and from being a willing victim of laziness. Instead you should see those hardships and challenges in lighter perspectives. With that, “hard” would instead become easy and everything would be as what you wanted them to be.

College Myth #2:

“All of my professors are terror. If not, strict.” Professors and their teaching styles differ from one another. Much like an author’s writing style differ from other novelists and much like an artists drawing styles vary from the other artists. Teachers do vary, may both from

how much they give consideration on grading their students and their standard in teaching. You might have a teacher who has a good consideration in grading but less standard in teaching expertise. This professor often seen as a Santa Claus for he secures those students having scholarships, as he distributes grades like Christmas bonuses. If you are not one of them, you do not have to worry, because he also assures a line-of-one grade. The problem is, he never encourage his students to study and might deter you to be equipped with sufficient knowledge. Or worst, would not be able to give the core or key components of the subject matter. Then there’s the teacher who has high standards and less “available” to student sympathy. This is the so-called “strict professor.” More often than not, he is the mentor that the students do pray not to have. For he presses his students with high expectations and enormous tasks. This professor is good at what he does but he is the one who you would want to squeal that his subject is not the only one that you have on this semester. But don’t worry, for you will surely have a teacher that would “stress you in good way.” This teacher, both has a great standard and good consideration.


up on time for class. And so, this makes them to feel easier to do not like attending classes, neither doing home works nor passing projects or research papers. But remember, whether you are of any scholar or not, the amount paid for your studies along with your books and all of that jazz is no joke. And this is what makes college life challenging, you must learn how to handle the newfound freedom, to be more responsible of your actions, to be more witty on making decisions out of the million of distractions.

College Myth # 4:

“College, is having a chance to be into a relationship.”

This professor thoroughly explains his rules to the class and his grading system. He is knowledgeable of the subject matter, he does not only rely to one book and can justify his high standard in grading his students. He is fair, and strict on tardiness and attendance. He encourages his students and has a special strategies and techniques in teaching. He is the teacher whose class should you not miss and would not make you feel bored and drowsy. He gives lengthy quizzes and heavy examinations, but never worries you, because you clearly understand his lessons. That is, every after, you would surely appreciate him when you gain good grades because you seemed to surpass his challenge.

College Myth # 3: “College means freedom and independence.”

Sure it is but do not take this to the extreme. This freedom that much vested on you by now, does not mean that you have no more accountability for anything. For some, college is their first time when they do not have their parents breathing down their neck and forcing them to do homework or to wake their

Getting into college is not only getting into, but also dwelling into a new environment—new people, new faces. Surely, there would be, of whom would catch you by her eye-tickling beauty, of her jaw dropping poise as she walks to the hallway, of the symmetrical curves of her body, and of her hips that might have stolen the curve of the crescent moon. But wait, what is your reason of getting into college by the way? At some point, thinking about college as having a good chance of turning a new leaf, of having crushes and puppy love is not bad after all. They are even the so- called glitters of college life and does what makes college life beautiful. After all, there are matters you must take into consideration, it is how you value your college life and your college days; and of how much you invest and pave the way for your coming success and glory. If you think you can do


Prime Talks management, you call it! Moreover, college should not only be deemed as one ‘big party’ or one ‘big study’. Rather partly parties and three- fold studies.

College Myth # 7:

“Your classmates know better than you.” There are students who are more outspoken than you. But it does not follow that they are smarter or doing better in classes than you. Be not feel intimidated on stating your sentiments or ideas when your teacher asks to or when you have the chance to do so. Speak out, be not afraid to ask questions—someone else is probably wondering the same thing.

these while having someone beside, then why not?

College Myth # 5:

“No assignment? An excuse is okay!” Having some important things to do as your reason of having no assignment or having it unfinished works during your high school days— this time, it isdoesn’t. In college you are expected to stay on top of your studies and to pay the role of. Your professors do not easily feel sympathy if you did not get your work done or even if you have missed an exam. If you do have a good reason, talk to your professors, they will likely be willing to give a hand. But, inasmuch as they could, they want to remain fair to the rest of the class.

College Myth # 6: College is one big party

Sure, parties are part of college. But you must remember that the prime reason that you are into college is to study, to learn, and to earn a degree. It is not bad to unwhine sometimes, to head off for trips and tours, and to join parties. After all, who does not what want to find ambiance and to chill out after the week long examination. It is all up to how you manage your schedule, so that you can have an extra day or two without any school stuffs to do, that you can spend to your heart’s content. Time

Moreover, one way of gaining selfconfidence is telling yourself that you can do better. But considering yourself that you are greater than the others is not good at all. Remember, never think that you are better than the others, and do not think that they are better than you.

College Myth # 8:

After you graduate, you exactly know what to do Throughout the twists and turns and of tasting all of the flavour of college life, everyone will be able to explore new fields, to experience variety of opportunities, to take a variety classes; and will begin on thinking about the future career. But the search of your ideal field will not be over the time you graduate. Many students who graduate do even have no idea of what career path they do like to head down. Others do have plan but unfortunately end up completely changing somewhere while going along the road. It is good to begin thinking about your career while you are in college, but do not take your expectations too high—just like how you take your kite up to the sky. You might realise that your life is not laid out for you—and like how you lost your kite along the wind’s sudden rush.

What’s Hot

By Marc Eric Cosep


ith calm beaches and sun-kissed views, Balamban is a city bum’s paradise.

Situated west from the city of Cebu, the municipality of Balamban holds untold stories and wonders. Squatting a coastal area facing Tañon Strait, it is bounded by the towns of Asturias on the north, Toledo City on the south, Danao City and Compostela on the east, and by Tañon Straiton the west.

The municipality can be reached through three land routes, namely: Naga-Uling route with 63.90 kilometres, The north route via Lugo with 123.5 kilometres and the transcentral highway route which is approximately 43 kilometres passing through the Lahug-Busay road of Cebu City.


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What’s Hot

r If you are fond of soaking your stress out, Costa Roca Resort Club is the place you should have to be. The resort is a beach facility located in the heart of Balamban, Cebu City. It does not only offer great rooms with sea views but also tranquil ambiance and great facilities for a perfect stress free holidays. The resort offers different activities both indoor and outdoor. Tennis, volleyball and basketball facilities are one of the major features they offer but if you like a more thrilling adventure the resort also offers boat kayaking and excursions to islands.

Natures calling

If your inner wild child wants to burst out then grab your nature gear and head to the Wild Wild West. Located at Balamban proper, this farm is owned by Paul Jake Castillo’s family. It is on your stirring wheels when you are heading towards the next town Asturias. Here you will find horses, fishponds and a restaurant where youcan order their famous coconut drink for only 25 php. They also feature there all terrain Vehicle that goes around a muddy trail for about 15 minutes. If you do not feel the atmosphere to be somehow get muddy you can go for horse riding or go fishing.

Adrenaline Rush


If you want a more extreme adventure that can take your stress away with just a snap. Bring your “A game� and direct your wheels to the Adventure Cafe. Situated at the top of Mt. Manungal, Adventure cafe offers best of the best in extreme adventure. The first ever cafe adventure in Cebu that offers various facilities from zip lining, wall climbing and there famous stress free wall where you throw plates to relieve

tension, stress, and anxiety. There wall climbing features different strategic methods in climbing the structure. There zip line also showcases the breathtaking views of Balamban from the moment you step on the platform to the time you glide through.




S Cr STAdBerson N E P tz An Fri

BACK TO THE BASICS There have been some observations and experiences not only have I perceived but also by other students about some of the teaching and nonteaching staff’s impolite behaviour in the campus. We, the students, are briefed to show a well-mannered disposition towards others especially to people who worked here in the campus and it is quite necessary because CTU is now a university and, therefore, it should be in line with its mission, vision and goal to promote an environment wherein students can develop self-esteem, a sense of responsibility and most importantly, respect. But is it only for the students? How about the staff here in the university? Because we cannot say that only students define the university, it also includes the staff and administrators. Respect is a very hard word to understand especially today wherein our society is constantly adopting to changes. It’s quite tolerable that when greeting someone, he or she may not respond maybe because they are in a hurry or had not noticed it. But, it would really mean something else when he or she does it all the time. Making someone greet them politely but not responding in return. Same applies to the words; “Thank you,” “You’re Welcome,” “Sorry” and “Excuse me.” It’s not that hard to pronounce right? We should learn to appreciate the people who took effort in saying those things because it shows how educated we are. This may sound a little ridiculous but all of us, students and professionals alike must look back

and remember the basic things our parents and preschool teachers had taught us. Yes, it’s having good manners. Students should also practice being more polite because it would reflect the summation of the years spent in education and our individual development not only as a person but as professionals in the future. There is also another case here in the campus wherein a student developed a certain fear of a subject because he was publicly humiliated by his teacher not knowing that the student almost committed suicide because of the psychological damage inflicted in him. You see? Where is the role of the teacher there? Is it really necessary to put him down just because he cannot understand the lesson? Of course not! Maybe some of the people here in this institution had forgotten their moral roots and therefore becoming a bad influence to others. I thought that it would be a requirement to work here in the institution to have strong moral values but why is it that some, especially working staff in the campus are not practising it? Teachers should be the students’ model in order to excel not only in academic matters but also in guiding them to becoming morally upright individuals. That’s the thing they must consider first before humiliating a student in front of many people because of a simple mistake.


By Khylene Marie P. Rubica

“I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is against. I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as much I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” -Malcolm X

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Prime Talks


uition and miscellaneous fee increases, higher state subsidy for education, recognition of human rights and rights to freedom which include freedom of speech and action, are some of the things that youth have been fighting for through the years. Youth staged demonstrations, campaigns, and revolts are ways to express their opinions and questioned those people who are in the higher seats that seems to have abusing their power such as creating laws that may affect the civil liberties of the masses and using the funds of the country for personal use.

At simplest definition, activism means vigorous and sometimes aggressive action in pursuing a political or social end; it is an act of opposition to an issue and most likely question the authority. Most of the time people misunderstand the concept itself and become the target of loathsome judgement and discrimination while only few believe and admire the principle about it. The history about youth activism trace back in 1800 wherein the youth was the forefront on saving our country against Spanish colonizers. At such young age they gain courage to set the fire against the colonizers and created the Propaganda Movement in 1872 led by Dr. Jose Rizal in which it awaken the minds and hearts of all the Filipinos. It was then followed by the Philippine Revolution of 1896 wherein lot of uprisings dominated the country. As decades passed by, another remarkable incident in the history of youth


activism was recorded. September 21, 1972, the late President Marcos placed the country under martial law. White terror spread all over the Philippines, the police, military and paramilitary all of them carried out terror. Human rights were being violated and freedom was chained under his reign. This was the time the youth was on its peak; they uncover all the dreadful deeds of the late President and expose it to the masses and where school publications became the instrument to spread news and information regarding on the current situation. They also took big part on the People Power Revolution where millions of Filipinos unite to create a change in order to free the country from the hands of a dictator. Until now, there are still youth organizations that have the same burning passion towards activism. Mostly it composed of young students, farmers, intellectuals and professionals who devote themselves in making a change in the society.

They believe that it is the role of the Filipino youth to challenge and provoke those statesmen that have been chosen by the people. The act itself has seemed to be the center of discrimination and disgrace in the state. Mostly, they wronged them as terrorists and threats in the country as the mainstream media and the government massively portrayed activism as violent. Is it an act of rudeness and arrogance if one to challenge the authority by having demonstrations and rallies? In fact, they just deliver speeches, present figures and data, sing songs of protest and hope and action and perform the poetry of the students and people. It is their way to show how the actions of the administration affect the country and make those people realize what are their mistakes and their deficiency. You cannot just remain as sweet little girls and boys who happened to live in a candy coated world by following all the rules even though it is unlawful and inappropriate. Maybe this time around we should play our own game and start to develop a new method in responding to the issues.

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Prime Talks

Educati is a Rig


on ht

By Julie A. Mondoñedo

As you amble around your fresher’s fair, you may well come across a handful of excitable young people shouting their advocacies about the right to education. They underscores that education is a constitutional right, not a privilege. They stake a claim based on justice, not merely compassion. “

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Prime Talks Going to university is now an economic choice – it’s going to become much less about what you want to study and learn and much more about how it will help you into the job market afterwards. Universities are already responding to this by tailoring their courses to what businesses want. At institutions with a large working class intake this means, out with academic subjects and in with vocational. At the top universities there is more and more private sector control over research and teaching. Thus, there are more places to broaden horizons. Most coming from an average school would probably rest as the second choice and worst is not chosen at all. The right to education encompasses the obligation to eliminate discrimination at all levels of the educational system, to set minimum standards and to improve quality. However, instead of high quality universal education for all, there will be growing inequality between the “top” institutions and those at the bottom of the file. Today, many of SUCs implemented tuition and other fees hike, pointing to insufficient funding as the reason. This is having a terrible affect on young people and adult learners who can’t afford to study in college. As of the year 2012, the breakdown of budget cut in the country showed that sector of defense owned a higher percentage. Hence, there is a lower state subsidy for education. The assigned budgetary is not enough to cater all the aspirants. “Our Constitution guarantees the right of every Filipino youth to quality and affordable education,” lamented Rep. Sonny Angara, a University of the Philippines alumnus. However, this invocation of right is exactly the rhetoric of grieving and angry Facebook posts from

students. The worst outcome for this instant happened to a 16-year-old Kristel Tejada from the University of the Philippines-Manila who committed suicide on February by drinking a chemical used in silver cleaning at their house after being forced to file Leave of Absence (LOA), owing to her inability to pay her tuition on time. The reports said she was placed under “Bracket B” of UP’s Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program (STFAP), that means she has to pay P1,000 per unit. She is also one of those students who applied for student loan but got denied. Her parents tried to appeal to extend the deadline for her tuition payment, and were also turned down. Kristel’s tragic death will hopefully galvanize the government and ensuring that it is the last, and making the constitutional right to education and innovative laws real. Furthermore, the 1987 Philippine Constitution Article XIV speaks elaborately of the right to education. It vows to protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all. Politically, according to the Right to Education Project (2008), right to education is also an enabling right. It “creates the “voice” through which rights can be claimed and protected, and without education people will be lack of capacity to ‘achieve valuable functioning as part of the living.”The state is therefore, impelled to muster political will for the realization of this right. Article adapted from: Philippine Daily Inquirer.


TLY osep BLUrNc Eric C Ma

ROLE OF THE CAMPUS PRESS When we speak of change most of us will look at the larger picture. They say, “The government should change the system, people should care about the society and we should aspire for world peace. These are the vague conventional approaches to becoming changed. It has been said that “journalism is the first rough draft of history” –since history is supposed to deal with the truth, journalism must, therefore, have “Truth” as its raw material. A Creative Writer deals in fiction – borrowing from life to wave its headaches and joys into a short story or novel. The Newspaper Man or Journalist is the “Straight Man” of literature; He or She simply reports what happens. Great journalism, it is true, has sometimes been preserved over the passage of years, aged and mellowed like a good wine into great literature. But that is not its primary aim. Journalists Informs, he does not give long preaches with highfaluting literary devices.

Same as the role of the campus press, we write because we want people to understand the bigger picture ahead of us. Because we want people to know the truth, because we want people to be changed. In class they always teach us to be fair, be just and be reasonable, but in journalism there’s none. Being neutral at all times in writing an article can never be attained, for in choosing the angle of the story, you’re already taking the side you think best suits your interest and the interest of your readers. “There’s nothing wrong of having a stand in journalism. Absolute objectivity and neutrality is not possible, but fairness and accuracy are” –CEGP. Effective campus journalism does not only end at every respective university, we should look outside of the box. Our box might be small in space but let’s not forget that the space outside of the box is much wider.


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Prime Talks


ampus activism today spans a much broader range of causes, with students organizing around international solidarity, freedom of expression, and human rights; calls for greater subsidy in higher education and attacks on affirmative action; labor issues and the growing corporate influence on higher education; and a series of environmental concerns. Unlike the civil rights movement and Vietnam War activism of the sixties, and Philippine propaganda movements ignited in the 1800’s. No single compelling issue today mobilizes most students. Student activism has become more dispersed, they say, but is it any less influential, or have our students completely gone uncaring and apathetic? Where have all this spirit and passion for nationalism came from and who, you may ask, have started it? It will come as no surprise if we ask our parents and living grandparents tales of the past on youth and student activism and the answer will be this: The students of the past generations, our forefathers, our heroes, no less, have played a vital role in our independence. Without student activism, we pretty much wouldn’t even be here and we will not know ho to live for, breather for, fight for our freedom. Cavite Mutiny 1872-After this event and the execution of the 3 beloved martryed priests, GOMBURZA, the period awoken a new breed of Ilustrados like no other, such as Marcelo H. Del Pilar, Jose Rizal, Graciano Lopez-Jaena Mariano Ponce and the list goes on, who, in one way or the other, sought social and political reforms. These men were born to be our early student activists. They came from wealthy families, went to Europe to pursue their studies, where they met other established Filipimo students. There, they joined the movement that pushed and demanded for Filipino rights. Their zeal for nationalism was influenced by the events that transpired in the last part of the 18th century and first part of the 19th century in France, namely the French Revolution in 1789 followed by the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1814. The old monarchies of Europe were overthrown and divine rights of kings were rejected, at the same time, forwarding the right of all men to be equal. Much of the ideology of liberalism that the student activists had acquired while studying in Europe motivated them to seek for reforms. The “Ilustrados,” they were called. They also saw that the Spaniards were under better living condition in Spain compared to their countrymen in their own

homeland. This fuelled their dream to fight for Filipinos who were denied freedom of expression and equal access to education and political rights compared to those born of Spanish blood, in the Philippines. There was too much hope in changing the system at the time that student activism was seen as a political and cultural revolt against the status quo which was made up of Spaniards and Filipino elitists ruling under them and above fellow Filipinos. The impact of student activism had proved to be far reaching and culminated in the Revolution of 1896. Other heroes who became involved in the Propaganda movement headed by Jose Rizal and continued after he left for the U.S were Emilio Jacinto, who occupied an important role in the Katipunan while taking up his study of law at the University of Santo Tomas; Apolinario Mabini, who divided his time between his law studies and his involvement with the revived Liga Filipina even if he was disadvantaged, the Cuerpo de Compromisarios, and the Masonic lodges, which were contributing funds to the Propaganda work in Spain; and Pio Valenzuela who was an incoming fourth year student of medicine at UST when he joined the Katipunan. However, student movements, such as the Propaganda movement, intensified more in Spain because student demonstrations in universities there were considered normal. In the Philippines, the students who were suspected of participating in socio-political activities against the system were forced to be repressed and all efforts were done so that some of them suffered persecutions. Then again, did it stop there? No. Our heroes, the rebels, as they were called by Spaniards, if anything, was only more fueled for the cause they were fighting. The battle must go on and the revolution took place. It became the greatest legacy of student activism in the 19th century. The active role in stimulating nationalism in both organizational and ideological sense just heightened. Student activism did not just arise from a vacuum or from the minds of fickle-minded goodfor-nothing vagabonds as what others who question the cries and the cause of the student activists taking their fight and cause on the streets but it was a response to the prevailing social conditions and a demonstration of disagreement and disgust to the status quo. Today, the media reports that students had become disappointing, totally disengaged and


WITHOUT A CAUSE By April Agnes Galado

civically disinterested. They call the youth apathetic of State issues and they say we have no social conscience. Let us prove them wrong shall we? After all, as student activists have been called rebels without a cause for taking their slogans and their stand to the streets, we still have little to lose compared to the ones that came before us, if we choose to be heard. The men we have known as heroes and we know now as the founders of student activism in the Philippines had fought. They have instilled what was to become a strong nationalist ideology. Let’s not let it die. Because we owe a freedom we may have never known to the blood they shed, the mind they have shared and the passion that deserves to only be passed on towards the generations of student activists or to put it more daringly, rebels WITH a cause.




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DISCLAIMER: Gripes appearing hereof are the views and opinions of the student-senders who chose to be anonymous and the publication did not influence, force, or dictate them, and will not take any responsibility with its content.

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fear of trusting people

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Bill of Rights

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The only part of the human body that has

no blood supply is the

cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air.




for what is right. for what is right.

by Steven Simblante, AY 2014-2015 Cartoonist






Toon Tones 59


Toon Tones

by Rex Banggo, AY 2014-2015 Cartoonist




better school must have conducive classrooms in order to achieve the standard learning, which hastens ones mind in preparation for the real world of employment. As an institution striving for exellence, Cebu Technological University has for years keep on producing well competitive skilled workers in their respective fields. However we can’t deny the fact that that there are certain facilities which needs more improvement , most especially classrooms. Conventionally speaking, this is the prime issue that need to be addressed sooner than later. In this section, we will try to figure out the most inconvenient place of learning our fellow students had encountered.






LAYOUT BY: Hero Mendoza Mel Jose Tutor Darien Flores Leofel Brilliantes Alvin Lacorte ILLUSTRATIONS BY: Jerolem Parcon Danilo Herrera Jude Balberos


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69 69

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, she y little rom the b le Litt out f s kes it self a a she im m h . er e . es, as tHe off pty bench s, filling th gress lls her ey aste. e ke flu r m fi and e g his finge a breath. is Gaiety ay with h steps ma n w s h in ve sa Cross then blow ob and in drive ght and e nd s s am a le, li space starts to e traced. itt . L s d stre g e in b in h a r s r n u The ld ca ted with tering eet the h eats. he co in it m ant b face t nd acqua cold and s s ted A a le a — in mu es p Alone s of sighs creat rning a e w y o t lls a shad k. he ca t the ut . ter! S used shrie fading ou ces o deep e a P p t h , h g g t li n in s e ake r. and mes glow g. at the ambe ora m Rhod olitary ch of her he co forebodin , hovering S s o r ng of of the e to and f k out of grim mes floati ir. tive c th e co olored a s— do cap With she bids lu h S t c s , m s h a in t d han is aga r. smoo nted by be r. r. pace ti ye corne re hurry; t to bothe Eyes eless pra a o Steps but have n o his man, is hop h t time— are strict d to their o in h k w o n o T have o h w to . adore


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ems o P s s intle ED 3-A

70 70

Po: Yoj Luarez BS

E. n JAD ADES? lings F recious tha e e f is p Can th it is more E BY E se Becau his to be FR e TREE. T, d th ant t n R w a U I d H get e win e is to Like th g, orth,. N, To lov pain is w the feelin ACTIO e s do an EACTION. o t But th g compare ying. t n ur R I wa , fl in see yo Noth loud nine . c Just to e is TRUE, a e ik t BLUE L his lov es my hear OVE, T L in e . tak we ar OVED But it RESS, When ed to be L to be o EXP t k oem t ST. n s p a a e is e h m W et RE SS is not I mad ET and to ADNE Yet, it U and ME. FORG from this M ENSE. o T O Y For ape ith S E, To esc rt my life w TWIC ICE. e , a t S s m S t d E L ur HR An You h ved you T MEANING e S. lo But I , this will b TEFULNES S S A u To yo full of GR paths CRO SS. O r L ’m u I o e t rb Bu ade l neve od m For G is LOVE wil . h ght s ri that way. And t g n thi eur ght I do chauff the ri se y e M s m r ‘cau . d lea nagge s I lie e My etim . m but r be o S ts. y end l neve o ch n j u e e a l B m wi par d m sa ow My worl or you ay, ane s h shy s V f e e : d r Th love this rts by xp I’m d . ot e se r My y die r hea y n u cau ng ha crifice , a a u d n I m in yo stay. I m e yo orki ur sa e fri t ys a u e, a lov ’m w h yo a B I sur I -A han rt alw t 1 t l o u l for ou as ’ e M I w B r s O i o e y . C b g V m end p To ’re thin ee S DE ne I will k you till the tor, ae B , O e e M n s n i : ‘ t e u sh y by Tha sure. ‘Ca ps me n a m er. fl that a ett r, ea el tars o could s, h r s b t t H e e e re ve at th ’ if I to ncy lin y. Mo ches m n a lo r. fa rin sk king r. ea e tha reve Loo Wande those ndless T ove r fo d ve the e , o r o n e b o M em a t ra n e, doc ove High at, up i bov Lov n a r me o kle a oved, a fl n i h d o tw gl An , er t es f t, ce. them of bein be gay Bett t com Chris acrifi ing t s s a See feeling ing bu nd day. Th Jesu ot of ta yth l the Like kes a me ’t do an y nigh s e r m v o l a e o Gi ouldn k c M s, en s ma Ic give sky, h ent star them s dark irs, par lder w ght. ose g y h n s i t i o e h M o l c n c m As d t s e t en Wa the en he m d by. My late a er wh To rases t passe o p I g clap E as at h n, My y th soo , a d o r s l e l t d e s n e ld e ver dw n, he y o wou re Of t ght e to fo bluemo ell. i n e m h w e t r h d t o h n s F r i a Iw nea s nice i tars How tar, of s ything d l ng s r r o e v w falli ream, e e a e h r t t In ce a long d ntasy Whe glan a m as I ed fro be in f ality. t u B ken r I will face re a w a e Nev have to I am I For

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Light of my life

By: Faith Janine D. Gordillo BS DevCom 1-A

From the time I came out ‘til I open my eyes, You give me love that never dies; A love that has no doubt. A kiss on the forehead, cheeks and lips, In a second you give me six. Your warm hug in winter, Makes me feel better. Then you left without saying a word. A single explanation I never heard. All night l cry ‘til my heart mourn, cause i know you will never return. But thank you for everything you have done. To replace you, there is none. You are the light in every home. You’re a goddess, my guardian angel; my mom.

Mine and Devil’s Price By bluejay

I would anticipate the deaths of two creatures-who did nothing but worsen the lives of innocent people. I would spit on their grave and toss a wine. Be glad and be merry for two souls are bid by the evil and I. I would wear elegant dress and bring a happy crowd. Throw a party and be merry all night. No time for frown faces nor shadow fears on eyes. I would make this memorable, like a baptism of child. They did throw fire by breathes and tongue. They cursed the wind and show off their large sharp-fangs . They plead the innocence to shed dirty bloods on their heart. Release dark strains of hairs, to make puppets out of white lies. Did made it, did achieved.

Made us cry

That I’ve been severely sick by: Niq waiting for you to come around Days, weeks and years were moving round and round Mild winters let’s me Making me confused and I remember the times we’ve felt that I was completely been here fainting Though I almost forgot your You came close and saved me face and I know your weren’t even I thought that was the near ending Seems like our lives are not the same since 10 years ago Things have completely you came back for you wanted changed and its about time me to really know to see When can I move on, move For so long you’ve never seen on from the pain you’ve my weary eyes caused me like hums in the dark full of Longing to let go about almost gone lullabies everything although I believe Just trying to escape from my you didn’t lied own wicked alibis But its too late,and just too Maybe its enough that we’ve much because our story had come to realize made us cried

Now that they do suffer. And now that am stupid enough. I own the limelight—the beast in me will show off a dracula smile. I will soak my hands on my pocket and show the middle finger pointed on Then say, “Oh am sorry! This is my salutation!” But beyond these times, I would manoeuvre great things. I will put them in the labyrinth and turn them insane and anxious by creepy things. But I won’t make it so hard for them to see the way out. Because I anticipate their death in my garden of forking paths. And when they seems to be free, I will set them freely-free. It is of what I bring, and of my soul craves to feel. So when they see me in the egress I hope they will be surprised But to make it more beautiful—for they are good friends of mine, I will pull the trigger and say, dear Evil, this is our price!


72 72

My d

by: A k


evoti o

n to

you, m

If I c o For e uld just giv very For c hear e you ru a For t ring wh tache th bies at e he w isdo n were s you’ve m th till b know That a at yo If I c n w ould u ha bies And ould al ve sh just Fort m spar give each o kle o ost ma w n. yo For s t tc f you ooth eardrop u sapph But I r lov h the gli For e ing w ire you tt i ng e d o n’ c a As I yes er see ch truth ords tha ried for am s t have st t ins m that u o S e re yo nes s o I’ll pi you’ ve h re Its m give you u’re wel o precio Then elpe l awa us y g d i ft d evoti s me That you’ll ha on, l more lu re ve a o wou s v W c e io ord and t ld m care us ount reasure, Just s cannot . Mot up to how s a y h er how Plea the b your s I l lue s Ever e know t ove sho love you kies w y sin hat I gle h ’ll be ed me t he our o t f the here for way you day




s Ro

By: L BSIC añojan , Len T 1A ie R . I ste ppe d ou And t I ne realized side as ede d to ta d to the rea ream l deci ded ity. The ke, on w o its s ne on hat the id path righ It ’s h e? t o a r the this rd to c one ti ome Paci on Espe me, by: up d So Fille n Akir c e i a d wi aring t g towa c l i l a a s y n i o a h d r t ns in d h r To t whe s his b everla ough th s the su With peak n th s e em e he y glo ting hop bluest nrise, min out the art b d. s ry a perm eats Setti nd r e and d kies, ng n issio ream eign e n of w From In e The s s u g o p t he v als rem ch this e. my s erythin coun oice an to and gId ide. new try w d am o I , f ear fear he bi it I we stay lcom h our h tion in m ights and to fail Tow s by umb in m e it y ards l i fe lest I fea ost with exce o p r f m r t i m o d llen y ar How y ta fall w m si e, sks, To t ce and de. rem ever, in hen no My Graspe he era o highes a a o i l n l n , c e Alm t o W w urag ith a m d with f new t diversi e sh ill catch ater r e Succ persev ould . , my espect chnolo ty, e e r s a s wi an g belo ll be nce and ved d digni y, aim univ t All t ed. confide Let t ersit y h nce, his b Con e cross y. T o S h t fu e The a But ain a lo roads o grati re the lfill this my mis t f a sion tude world grea “No s what of pain life , t of b , mos pain righ and this vision, t , p test No g reco nation, ame eople s ay gniti on.






Nobody by: Babe ’2


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Everything’s Over by: Kathleen Dawn P. Ang BEED Gen. Com 1-G

As love fades away, A brokenheart a would saty; A promise to forget, And the faults you should never regret. Remembered the past of once we have, The days, weeks, months, of endless love; But this dream did not even last, And now yesterday became only our past. If I could bring back yesterday, Then I would do everything just to let you stay; We cannot fixed everything, Because it has something. It’s time for us to let go one another, We are not meant for each other; Foget those moments we shared together, And realize everything’s over!

Nobody k nows it ’s empty Like wha t I wear I left in th e past Cause yo u left me there Nobody k no They won ws I’m crying ’t even se e When th ey think th my tears. at I am la I’m still w ughing, ishing yo u were h ere. Nobody k no When I sa ws I’m lying , y I’m mo ving on. They thin k that I’v e accepte But I can d it ’t believe you are g one. Nobody k nows I’m praying That you wil They thin l change your min k that I h d ad let you . When yo go, u left me behind. Nobody k no They thin ws I miss you, k I feel se t fr But I feel like I’m b ee ound wit Trapped h chains, in this m isery Nobody k nows I ne ed They say I can do it you, on my ow But they n. don’t kno w When I a m all alon I’m crying e.

to be a s n r u t : r e g n a r SwYuemieYutri St by:

mon e girl with com I’m just a simpl mmon life co a ed liv d thoughts an man ve an ordinary Wishing to ha and what ho w r pt me fo Who will acce I am who’s is this stranger Suddenly, here so sweet and whatever He’s tall, dark before my classmate He used to be ded with on sp re I d i” an Used to say “h a smile


t my cute but he’s no He’s somehow type brother plainly as a big I just find him and a colleague at he has , I found out th As time goes by ards me tow deep affection like him that someone I didn’t expect etly loves me secr friends came intimate Later on, we be y or st ve lo r That started ou

74 74

Mismatch by: _SIRSons_

Everything started with why’s, In which my conscious mind puzzled by, Since dodging glances time-to-time, But thou never asking somehow, By leaving my world hanging tight. , How could I disregard this feelings of mine guy, ary ordin an have to g cravin Which not But someone likes you stranger of my sight, Hoping it will not stay longer this time, I can’t believe you are departed.

Asplastarte By: Annette Pepito AB English 4-1

The chirping of birds woke me up In a brisk Sunday morning Ding! Dong! The sound of the bell ringing I heard from afar. Morning breeze got even closer With the thoughts of you in my head Your face in my mind I can’t erase Oh God, is this already love you bequeath? There I stand alone in the corner With this feeling so inexplicable Trying to gain back my composure Leaving words unutterable “Oh no, stop making me fall!” Your exuding charm amazed me Turning my days something Different from ordinary Your eyes sprarkled like a star That gleams in the night Your intent looks made my heart thumo And by your smiles You feed my hungry soul Giving energy to me Like a battery to a lamp.

Before I knew the real you, I scrutinize the man that I do, How I wish to be at your side, So that we both relish in an hour, But the world stopping us now. eath? Oh God, is this already love you bequ t, apar us ng splitti ny desti the If sovereign, Cause I’m just a ghetto and you are tonight, But I feel like numerous of chains bond “ goodbye” say to have I but oirs mem the for Thanks


drowning, Help me for I am , iseries and pains m Drowning from ne, ba d an ce ea ng r ve A soul craving fo in. pla of torment To redeem out ominy? world full of ign Am i lost to this , re he dont belong Or maybe i just y, od eb m so th wi ppy How can i be ha . dy bo up like a no If my heart end nds, e is not in my ha I know Vengeanc enly above, av he e th m fro For it comes e us? let cruelties shak But why do we t no is ce called Justi Is this what we . intended for us e a diamond Life can spark lik all of worthy to have But my life not this, l masterpiece, Im just a morta and ll tend to forget wi ay ed m That so vanish.


SHEnette Pepito By: An

road--Rocky and bumpy way. the all it d lke She wa re--Destination’s obscu vely. She pursued positi -Hard it may seemand to earn a living She traversed seven much to be afar. Even if it costs too

ded eem’s palace she lan In the King and Qu d ste tru r they en Gold of dimes in he her mind she sealed The king’s word in l be castigated!” “Take one and you’l ils growing As fast as fingerna . by d Time passe nd, Heart ’s on the me . ne go is ess Lonelin Little by little, gh. She made it throu y uit big am Crux and ugh. She surpassed it tho

The Teacher of My Life

by: Ompad, Jerson C. AB English 1-A

You are like a candle in the dark I say That consumes onese lf to light other’s wa y If heaven is to be ins pired by you Then I owe you half myself true Before I knew the rea l me It was you who saw myself and let it fre e Who sought after me a steer Your importance to prove so clear When your dominio n reign over Others might know it will end forever But for me, your sov ereignty Is just a weapon to set our immodest eg o free We may be out of ou rselves once it will ign ite And try to punish yo u but not direct and tight You, who we castig ate, are standing stil l To set the raging fire in ourselves up to kill Oftentimes we are with you But never your worth we ever knew If time we wish will never pass We will embrace the minutes ‘till the

“My First Inspiration”

by: Jazheel Jud Bragas

It was you who gave me life, It was you who protect and guide. You never let me fall, And encourage to give it all. I’ve been so bad to you, Even hate you but not so true. I didn’t even see, That your love for me was deep and free. Now that I realized, That I should do what is right. I am sorry for everything, For though sometimes I’m doing for a bad thing. My love for you mom will never ever end, As long as I live, I’ll do the same thing for you until the end. I love you mom!

last Whenever I perceive d the beauty of the day All I ever remembe r is you very gay Because you are my candle that lights my way My teacher, you ma de me a man your wa y




G a

Death warning


The night had set my roommates to sleep. I sat on my bed to see how my newlyreceived miraculous medal looked in the darkness. It was a highschool token for being a leader in a religious club. Just then, dizziness made me fall into a deep sleep. To my astonishment, I suddenly found myself wandering in the darkness along with the others whom I have never met before. As I looked at one side, my companions suddenly disappeared! But this didn’t confuse me at all. My attention was focused on the sight of a house shining brightly and overcoming the darkness around me. As I took my first step towards it, the environment changed! There was one thing I was sure – I was exactly inside the house that I’ve just seen! I didn’t know how but my mind told me it was the place for the judgment! I had no other choice but to face that truth. Fear overcome my entire self. I was thinking of the state of my soul which I was sure was unworthy to enter heaven and deserved a punishment more painful than anything else. Just then, three holes revealing different scenes caught my attention. I guessed and I was sure they showed the three different destinations of souls – heaven, purgatory, and hell. When I took a closer look on the leftmost hole, I began to envy the children running after each other. Seeing the smiles on their faces, i could say they possessed the perfect happiness, the ultimate goal of human existence. During this sight, I hopelessly said to myself, “I know I won’t be in a place as beautiful as this but somehow, after my punishment in purgatory, I’ll be here!” But the next two holes made me sorrowful all the more. As I looked at them, all I could say was that they appeared exactly the same. I could only see fires consuming the entire places. Are these purgatory and hell? I remembered my catechism teacher who taught

me, “The punisment in purgatory is as harsh as in hell. The only difference is that the suffering in purgatory is temporary while the pains of hell is eternal.” I hopelessly moved and leaned on a window ledge. Bowing my head and looking at myself, I didn’t realize I was already bursting into tears. Recalling the state of my soul, its lack of good works, prayer, sacrifice and charity, I began to weep like I never had in my life. I realized the greatest failure I had ever done in my existence is to serve God and my fellowmen. I blamed myself for omitting to do such a simple service! Sorrow made me touch the stuff around my neck. I just thanked God I found a wooden cross to which I could express how regretful I was for my sins. Seeing my tears falling into it, I suddenly heard a voice calling to me. It was my turn! I would be judged! Hopeless, sorrowful and helpless, I turned around to go to the judgment place. To my amazement, everything around me turned into an absolute darkness. I just found myself opening my eyes! I was lying in my bed! “A dream!”, I exclaimed but not a word came out of my mouth. Yes, it was a dream! Though I already knew it was a dream, I still felt the fear and sorrow while I was into it. I was breathing heavily and sweating so badly! Had I been at the edge of death? What was it? Was it a sign, a warning, a vision or just a mere dream? Was it the work of the miraculous medal I had just possessed? Whatever it is all I could say is that God was trying to tell me to change my ways, my attitude and my habits. This dream changed me days after. In the midst of our enjoyments in life, we should be prepared. Death is indeed sudden that no one can take time to flee from it. Therefore, in very simple words, beware, look around. The god of death must have been waiting for the perfect timing to drag your soul to hell.



By: Angel Maravillon


didn’t leave out a single thing. I even told him that I want to help Leila in any way I can. So I asked him if he can give Leila a favor and save her from her misery.

“If I save her what can you give in exchange?” The Lord asked.

“I-I don’t know.”

of living when I don’t even know how I have lived my life. I closed my eyes and I tried to scan my memory but all I can remember were the things after I saw myself on that cozy hospital bed. Well at least I can still remember my name but other than that, everything is a blur to me. I think it would be more meaningful to give the chance to someone who can surely make a difference.

“Happiness is a costly thing. And it would be unfair to others if I end her sufferings in one snap.”

“I’m staying here and I’ll give the chance of living to Leila’s fiancé.” I said.

“Is this final? What about you? Don’t you want to go back to your family?” The Lord asked.

“But I don’t have anything.”

“What about a decision? If you stay here in heaven, I can give your life span to Leila’s boyfriend and she can live in happiness.”

“It means I’m not going back to life?”


“I think I’ll choose…” What will I choose? I can’t even remember how I ended up in heaven. What if I left someone behind like Leila’s man did? I don’t think I can live up to that, but I can’t bear seeing Leila crying while I can do something about it. And what if I was just a troublemaker in the society? It would be worthless if I will claim the second chance

“I don’t even know if I have a family. At least if I give it to him, I’m sure that it can make someone happy.” I replied. “Well done my son, I am very proud of you.” The moment God said that, the blinding lights covered me once again and transported me back to Peter’s side. “Good job Chad! Come on, I’m going to take you back to earth.” Peter said as grabbed my arms. “Wait! I told God that I’ll stay here in heaven in exchange for Leila’s hap—“


“I know. I know. It was just a test and you passed.” “What test are you talking about? I haven’t answered any test papers or questionnaires.” I looked at him with confused eyes. Seriously, I don’t know what he’s talking about. All I did was, choose heaven and that’s it. And now he’s telling me to go to earth? “You’re being stubborn. I told you, you passed your test already you can now go back and live your life on earth.” “I already gave my life to Leila’s fiancé so she will be happy, so how can I go back to earth?” “Oh I see, I forgot to give you back your memories. Here take this.” He gave me a small tablet and told me to swallow it. “Okay, now look into my eyes.” Peter instructed. I looked up and found his eyes. “Chad Noel Dixon.” The moment Peter stated my name everything came back on my mind. I am Chad Noel Dixon, the man who lived on earth for 26 years. I’ve had my fair share of good


life as well as problems and troubles. I was no saint and I had a lot of struggles but I lived on, because I have a caring family, a loyal best friend and a loving fiancé. And speaking of fiancé, my last day on earth was supposed to be our engagement party. I recalled that I got so nervous and so excited that I drove fast and met an accident on the way. I can see myself swimming in my own blood but a few seconds I closed my eyes I saw a face. A bright tear-stained face painted with the bursting colors of fear, frustration, regret and sorrow. The only face that wanted to remember forever. The face of the woman I love the most. I smiled to myself knowing that it was Leila’s face that I saw for the last time before everything went black. Wait, did I just see Leila? She’s my fiancée? I was stunned so I blinked twice and tried to calm myself down. Is my memory playing tricks with me? I closed my eyes again but more distinct images of memory crowded my head until I completely remembered everything. There’s no escaping this, she is my fiancée. Leila really is my fiancée and I was the man who left her crying. Now, I understood what the test was all about and I was glad that I made the right choice. I pulled out from my thoughts and asked Peter to take me back to earth. “Come on Chad, we should hurry. You only have a few minutes left.” Peter announced. “Few minutes? What do you mean?” I replied. “We should hurry because in 20 minutes, the doctors are going to pull out your life support and you’ll have no body to return to.” Peter explained with a face full of worry. I felt the panic starting to fill me but I can’t give up. God has given me this second chance and I won’t waste it. I can’t lose hope, not now, not ever. The blinding lights wrapped us once again and when I opened my eyes I was in the front of a hospital.

“Thank you so much Peter, I


should keep going.” I ran up to the entrance leaving Peter behind. “Sixteen minutes Chad, it’s all you have left and don’t forget Him.” Peter said pointing up “Yes, I won’t. Never. Bye Peter it’s been a fascinating tour with you, Thanks a lot.” “Oh, go now Chad. Fourteen minutes left.” Peter grinned as he waved me off. Fourteen minutes? Oh no! I really should hurry. I approached the lady in the reception. I waved and shouted at her but she didn’t see me. Oh right I forgot, I don’t have a body and she can’t see me because I’m a ghost now. A ghost? No, ghosts don’t come from heaven and besides, ghosts have ugly faces. I’m a handsome spirit so probably, I’m a…a soul! That’s right I’m a soul in a hurry. Maybe I should try opening the doors. A while has passed but I can’t open any doors because I can barely hold them but there was still an advantage to it. I just discovered that I can walk through doors and have my own matrix moment but I suddenly stopped when I saw my hands were slowly fading. There and then, I realized I don’t have much time left and that I could disappear into nothingness any moment later. I can’t waste any more time and every second would surely count right now but how am I supposed to find my body in building with five floors and a lot of rooms? Not to mention that I was the only one who can help myself. Wait, Peter said I shouldn’t forget God, he’s always there. I should know better. I paused and said a heartfelt prayer. It was sort of embarrassing because I know I hadn’t done it when I was still alive but the despair, faith and the need of hope has overruled the embarrassment. I just uttered the last word when I heard a familiar girly voice. I turned around and saw my cousin, Gail, who was crying while running towards the elevator. I thanked God and ran after my cousin. The elevator went up and stopped at the fourth floor. My cousin got out and started running again. I ran but I slowed

a bit when I noticed that I was fading again but that shouldn’t stop me so I started to run fast again. I thought were getting better but my cousin tripped and went sprawling on the ground. We stopped but I don’t have time left so I continued running towards the rooms and started peeking through them. I finished looking at four rooms but I haven’t found my body yet and I’m fading fast too. I stood at another door preparing to barge in. “This would be the last one” I muttered to myself. Whatever happens God will take care of it. I walked in and saw the doctor pulling the tube out of my body. I ran instinctively towards my body. I closed my eyes and jumped at myself and before everyone’s eyes, before Peter, before God and before the flat line struck, I was able to make it back. The sound of the machine woke me up. I squinted when I opened my eyes. A lady was hovering at the side of my bed; I looked up and saw Leila. She was arranging the things at the bedside. I reached out to take her hands in mine. It was slow and it wore me out but I can’t help myself. I love her after all. When she felt my touch, She looked at me with a surprised face, then She blinked twice and started crying. “Oh Chad! Thank God, you’re back.” She said between her cries. She kissed my forehead and told me that she’ll call the doctors and my family. I sighed with relief and contentment. I heard the door open so I turned to see who it was but I really didn’t see anyone. It was odd but I wasn’t afraid. A noise came from the lower part of the door which sounded like a fake cough caught my attention. I lowered my gaze and found a stranger, A short bald man wearing brown slacks, white long sleeves with matching golden tie and pointed leather shoes. He stared at me and I stared back. It was endless until he winked at me and pointed up. I was puzzled. He pointed his heart then pointed above once again, after that he walked out and closed the door. Now, that was even weirder. I shook my head and closed my eyes to rest.


“Unbroken Strings of Yesterday” By: IamIzianne03 I was waiting for a jeepney at the waiting shed when someone at the opposite road caught my attention. Blurry in view due to the heavy downpour of the rain, I could scarcely identify his all-white get-up with an eyeglasses and umbrella. I do not know why but I find him very familiar. He was staring at me, smiling and without knowing, a curve in my lips was drawn. A feeling of oddity embraced me throughout that moment. Until the time I hopped in the jeepney, when I looked back, he was still there; standing under the rain and surprisingly found still starring at me. When I arrived home from a whole day tiring work, my mom welcomed me with a great big hug and a tender kiss in the forehead after then, she smiled. After that we entered our house together, actually what mom did earlier was very unusual, I just wondered. Before I went to bed I personally told mom about the man I have seen and there she painted a weird expression on her face, she had no verbal response but she just caressed my hair. I just prayed and fall asleep, later I had dreamt about this familiar guy again, his features were so vague, the guy in my dreams, makes me feel that I know him so deeply, I can feel that we are endeared with each other. I dreamt that we were in a waiting shed, eating an ice cream while having a sweet conversation under a heavy downpour, it seems that we were the only person in the world. As far as I could remember, I have been dreaming this kind of dream for almost a year and I can’t explain why this man always appear in my dreams, I have also told my mom about this but she just listens and smiles. I can feel the person have something to do with my confusion which results to tormenting headache, it gives me the scenario that I have known and love him but I don’t know how and where he is right now, and THAT IS IF he really exists. Since today is Sunday, I got no work so I decided to clean up my room and as I have removed my things from the closet, I found a box and as I open it, I got goose bumps all over my body, I By: Ghiel just found photographs, letters, petals of dried roses and a necklace engraved with a name “XANDRIA”, what a coincidence, I had the same


By: IamIzianne03



name with the girl in the love letter, well I must say. My interest was even more elated by the time I started to read the letters; there I found my name “ANDRIA” addressed by a person named “XANDER”. There he expressed how thankful he was having Andria in his life and having her as his girl. I could feel how much he loved the girl until the letter ended. Looking closely at those photographs reminds me of someone whom I could only think with this physical features and that guy is no other than the guy who always appear in my dreams. My confusions are now slowly untangled. My head felt as if being squeezed to the extent of bewilderment and as I tried to sustain my composure, many memories had flashed and I discovered that the person in my dream was XANDER, the guy on the letter and on the roadside was him…and I was the girl meant on those letters. He was my lover and I met him when I was waiting for a jeepney at the waiting shed, when he arrived, we were the only persons waiting there at that time and I noticed that we were studying in the same school so I decided to open up a conversation. He is tall, thin, maybe genius type since he wears an eyeglass and I find him so cute. And as we further conversed, I could say he is a guy with a good sense of humor, I just can’t wait to laugh every time this guy would try to make me. We continued our conversation until we rode in the same vehicle and discovered that we’re also living in the same village. From that conversation, we became closer to each other and often meet at school or even agreed place, hence, we became more comfortable whenever we are together. We got to know each other and introduced ourselves with each family. I remembered the time when his mother told me that his name was from a Greek word “Zander” which means a defender since his mother was fond of reading those kind of books, he was his mom’s only prince which I could say a very sweet little thing. I like him more because of that. I like guys who are closer to their mother because I kinda love their “princess” type of treatment to those girls around them. They’re become more admirable being like that but it’s far


different from trying hard. One night under a starry deep-blue night, he texted me to go to the park, where we used to hang around, at our village, I was surprised as I arrived; the place was filled with my favorite flowers and scented candles with our family and friends. There, he confessed his love and asked me to be his girl. He’s more of an oasis in the middle of a desert for the rest of the travellers with their camels. I cried so much for I did not expect a man to love and exert that kind of effort for me. I was the luckiest and the happiest lady on earth at that moment, the feeling even lingered until that surprising date. I am now on my second year in college yet I had never encountered a brave man to court me. We opened our relationship with each of our families and whole-heartedly accepted the love we have. My happiness was unfathomable as our love continued and blossomed for years. We were on our third anniversary as a couple at that day and as a celebration, we decided to go back to the place where we first met. He gave me a necklace and placed it around my neck. I was so much overwhelmed by his present. We were eating an ice cream at that moment when a beardy robust man sat beside me; he was horrifying with those those red eyes. I was stiffen when I saw the glimmering apex of the knife, he asked me to surrender my necklace but I firmly held it up as a sign of refusal, when Xander looked at, I can see his awe towards the situation but that had not stopped him from defending me from the thief, Xander was far abled to fight than him. Xander tried to punch the thief but the knife landed on his chest before he beat the criminal. As he started to faint the thief tried to get my necklace but I was determined not to render it, I crossed on the opposite road to ask for help but a rushing car hit me, I rolled a distance from the shed and found Xander lying on the opposite road, he tried to chase me and even had managed to utter the FOUR magical words “I LOVE YOU FOREVER� but he lost his breath and died in the middle of the road. I yelled for help but no voice came out from my mouth instead, only tears from my eyes. We tried to reach out with one another but we failed, minutes from that a heavy rain fell upon us, few more minutes I can only view darkness, that I lost my consciousness and remembered nothing anymore. Back to reality, I was taken


aback by retrieving my memory I felt very light inside as I discovered the truth by confronting my mother, she felt happy and proud for I had answered the questions I have been longing to answer by myself. I was quite indifferent to them since they concealed the truth from me. After left unconscious, I woke up after five days in the hospital and found my body lying on the bed, I survived but lost my memory, I suffered from amnesia. Xander was buried without my knowing. They choose it to be silent since I am still in a critical condition at that time. The day when he showed to me in the waiting shed, my mom welcomed me with a hug, and a kiss on the forehead was his first death anniversary. On the following morning, after the revelation, I decided to go to his grave for the first time. I sobbed and just talked to him like crazy as if he would answer me, I was almost like so helpless I could stop to blurt it all out. It was very late very I knew it. Standing right in front of his grave, a cold breeze suddenly gentled my face. I know he was there, looking at me, smiling, he might not say it but I can strongly sense that he is embracing me now. I wish I could turn back time; I could have surrendered the necklace right away instead of changing everything. I may not hug and kiss him now as much as I could but I believe he’s there, ready to guide me. Maybe it is really true that our mind might forget but heart will never fail. He has always done something to keep himself being remembered by me and now is the time for me to take my part. My selfishness had taken him away; and I will love him forever because I know he will. What I can do for now is to keep him in my heart and live my life that he had offered with our memories and by that I will never forget him for the rest of my life until I can share our love story with my children. I am now successful and had retrieved all my memories and hopeful to finally see and be with him in God’s time, by which Only heaven knows‌

Tons of Love, Andria


My neighbor had bluntly asked me, “if you are a truly blood son of your God, how come I never saw you going to church on Sundays to spend hours on praying for your soul and on asking him for more blessings?” Did neither raise my brows nor take her into my heart’s bitter chamber. I keep my mouth closed while watching the pity in her eyes. She heard nothing from me, not a single utter or any mere argument. She bid good-byes and then leaves. I did not redress the sinner image of myself on her mind and did not take the chance to purify the tainted and contaminated portrait she had seen. I chose not to dull my mind with arguments. Perhaps, she had not seen me yesterday at the church. Perhaps, she had thought I do not pray. Perhaps, I am not a true blood son of my God. Beyond the very depth of my eyes and the inner of my intuition, lines of “ Do I have to go church every Sundays just to pray for my soul to be safe before the judgment day comes? Do I have to ask for more blessings today or on every day? Or to change every after three days the flowers in our altar to show respect for my God?” these notions start to run. Perhaps you imagine me now tainted with sins, prides, guilt, and hypocrisy for having a God but holding no beliefs. So I ask you, am I not a true blood son of my God because I had not done what they expected for a son to do to his father? Am I not showing any respect and loyalty for my God for a reason that I am holding no beliefs in him?

I know I am a sinned man. And am certain I am a true blood son of my God and a devoted servant of my King. I hold this belief. Sorry if I did not suppose yours. Hearken me instead! I do not have to go to church everyday to pray for my soul to prepare myself for the judgment day. I better pray for those people who need help. I do not have to ask for more blessings every day, for it is not important if a glass of water is half empty or half full, I better be thankful that I have a glass and there is something in it. I do not have to change the flowers in our altar every after three days to show respect for my God. What I should put in mind is to how to appear—if not clean but reverent and steadfast before the eyes of my God. Prayers are heard not only in church but also in every corners of our rooms or wherever we may go. Gospels and words of my King cannot only be heard and be understood if comes not from the mouths of his knights. A book and a period of time is enough to ponder them every day. A true blood son of God is not measured by how many times you went to church, not on how many times you had called him to save your soul, not on how many times you had changed the flowers in your altar, not on how many gospels you had heard. But of how truthful you are to your God, of how unwavering you are on every tempest, of how much wisdom you have seized, of how much you give life to the dead texts, of how thankful you are by what you have, and of how much fear consume you before the eyes of God. This is what it makes a true blood son of God. And a blue blood one.

By: Clover Bell





Ni: Paul “Drag King” Gepitulan

Ni: Ivy G. Estrada

Wa naku panganduya kining higayuna Nga ang atong tagsa-tagsa ka gugma hiusahon na Gikalipay naku nga ikaw sa hingpit maako Pila nalang kagutlo ug kita hiusahon na. Akong nahinumduman sa una nga kita manag-uyab pa. Imong gisugot akong pagbati sa walay pagduha-duha. Dako nakong ngisi sa imong paglitok sa pulong Nga “Mahal kaayo tika”. Bisan pa man sa kadaghang pagsulay nga niBabag sa atong gugma, Apan pabilin gihapon tang naghiusa Hantod nga kaslunon na kita. Busa diri nalang kutob akong pikada. Sa dili magdugay ang pari magwali na. Salamat sa inyong pagpatalinghogsa Akong tinipulong nga higala.

Mga igsuon pukwata, Ang nahikatulog ninyong mga mata, Nahikatulog sama sa daot nga lira, Ug patay nga gumamela. Kinaiyahanta atimana, Mga panghitabo aninawa. Ayaw pagpakabungol ug pagpakabuta, Lihok, lihok ug pagpakabana. Lanatawa ang mga basura, Naghinabi sa usag-usa. Mga istorya sa palibot, Nangalimyon sa kahumot. Lumulupyo ning kalibutan, Gasa gikan sa kahitas-an, Inyo gayud gi-abusaran, Huna-hunaa lumalabay lang kining tanan. Panahon ng nga ipatagamtam, Pag-amoma sa atong kinaiyahan. Dili pa ulahi ang tanan, Pagbati sama sa rosas ihatag sa kinaiyahan.

Ang kalipay ug kasakit Ni: Robinson C. Igot Jr. Ang kinabuhi daghan ug mga pagsuway, Lisod mabuhi kung ikaw ra kanunay, Mao nang kinahanglan ka ug inspirasyon kunohay, Para nay magpanindot sa imong aging pinakatay.

Nindot gayud kung nagpuyo taug malinawon, Sa iyang kiliran kita malipayon, Wala’y oras na dili ta malipayon, Kay ang hustong kaalam iya gipanaug.

Tungod sa suporta sa akong mga higala, Malig-on na nibarug sa mga problema, Wala nagpadala sa kasuya ug mga gasa, Kay nakita nako ang kahayag na anaa sa imong mga mata.

Pero naa gayu’y higayon na mapuno ta sa kalayo, Kalayo na gikan sa dughan gutong muboto ug maayo, Tungod sa mga butang na walay buhat na kaayo, Puros hinaway ug kadaot ang gidangat.

Timaan sa usa ka batong gahi, Nagpabiling lig-on sa mga kasakit na nabati, Tinuod gayud na wala ko nabuyagi, Kay akong kasing-kasing purong putli.

Timaan ra ni, na ang kinabuhi dili lalim, Daghan gayud mga pagsuway na maangkon, Kay isip usa ka butang na angay sulbon, Para ang tinuod na kasinati-an ma-angkon.


Higala Pagmata

DC Familia

Ni: Ivy G. Estrada


Sa atong panahon karon, Kasagaran sa mga batan-on, Getiaw-ti-awan ang pagtu-on, Gugma getaga-an ug dakong panahon.

Sayo sa buntag, sa akong pagmata Motan-aw unsa nang orasa Motext sa classmates, “naa nab a si maam” Modalikyat og kaligo, ang pamahaw kalimtan Magdali og dagan, gukdon ang sakyanan Peligro pa basin ikaw maligsan

Kanimo akong higala, Pag-eskwela taga-e ug importansya, Dili sayop ang mahigugma, Pero ang ugma huna-huna-a. Sa imung linghod nga pangidaron, Likayan ang mga pakyas nga desisyun. Tanang butang nay limitasyon, Para sa nindot nga kaugmaon. Higala, ayaw pagpaulipon, Sa mga buhat kalibutanon, Pahimusli ang higayon, Pagbuhat sa mga butang, makalipay sa makagagahum. Ihunong ang mga buhat nga wa’y klaro, Mga buhat nga dili mayo. Tagae ug bili ang pag-eskwela, Higala ko, pagmatana.


Inig-abot sa eskwelahan Wa’y hustisya kay wa na’y naabtan Magyawyaw inig-saka sa hagdanan Kalkag pa’y el dagan atung masugatan Makasamot sa kalagot ug kakutoy sa tiyan Pagka-lunchbreak, mahyper ang tanan Labi nag overtime na si Ma’am Makabuhi na gani lakaw dayon tanan Lahos-lahos ang show usahay bigyaang kauban Adto sa Nay Basing, canteen o siomaian Naa pay lodge ug chicken feet sa may hagdan Sa hapon, di gyud malikayan Katugan ang mga banggiitan Mogawas sa classroom kay kuno kaihion Mamuhi sa lang hapit, sila wa pa gihapon Ang mga kanahan tua diay’g “Little colon” Dapit sa ST Building namalit og pagkaon Mao ni ang DC Familia Sa bisan unsang butanga magkahiusa Bisan wa’y mga kwarta Basta mao’y magkuyog, ok ayos na.

Ni: amiga ni Braile S. Sa nagpanauigon ko ug baynte uno Kaingon kog ako nahisuhito Mohimbis sa laking buotan ug gwatsinanggo Makaila kinsay matinud-anon o palikero

Sa makadiyot kami nagiring-iring Wa madugay nagsugod ug labing-labing Hay! Pagkanindot sa kinabuhing mokiringking Apan unsang hitaboa, siya kalit rang nawgting.

Dihay lakaing maayog barog og panag-away Kuko, li-og, dunggan limpyo kanunay Sapatos ug sapot sa lawas maayong pagkahapsay Susama kanindot lantawon sa iyang hinapay

Mipungko nalng ako ug naghinoktok Sa lugar na awa-aw sa ibabaw sa among atop Naminghoy ug sa pananud mitutok Nagmahay sa binogo kong lihok

Kon manlihok-lihok pormal ug swabe Utokan, tarong ug pahimutang mosulti Pastilan! Gibati ko ug kaswerte Kay kanako interesado ang talagsaong lalake.

Og karong ako nagbiling baynte uno Nakasugat nasad kog laking batasan ug dagway’ng murag santo Atong niaging adlaw gi-ingnan ko ug “ i lab u” Ambot lang kung tinu-od ba kaha to o tinonto.


Pagkumot mo sa Lawom kong Gugma ni: Randy Brizo Sa kabugnaw sa kabuntagon Ang imo’ng gugma ra ang nagpabiling init Sa dugha’ng nag-antos sa kasakit Kalimtan tika sama sa paglimot nimo sa akoa Kalimtan tika sama sa pagkumot nimo sa lawom ko’ng gugma.

Tungod sa tubig nga imo’ng giyabo Sa akong dughan napalong ang gugma Nga sama sa nagdilaab Ang mga luha sa ako’ng paghilak Akong gipagawas ug nahurot na.

Pero nagpabilin ko sa imo’ng kiliran Ug nag-antos sa mga kasakit Ang imo’ng kalipay maoy inspirasyon sa patay ko’ng gugma Pero sama sa nagdilaob nga kalayo Sa hinay-hinay ra ko mawala.

Ang mga katam-is sa atong kagahapon Nahimo na nga bato sa kadugay nga panahon Pero ang mga abo sa kagahapon Maoy nagpabilin sa pinaka-ilawom Nga suok sa nagpitik nako’ng dughan.

Kwarto na Lawanit ni: nopyinieremy Ako naglangbigit Sa grabing ka ngit-ngit Diri sa bugnaw nga kwarto nga lawanit. Wala naku natuyo Ako nanibugho Kay siya man ang gihigugma sa akong kapuyo. Usa ka gabii ni ini Akong namatikadan Anino nga makasasala Diri sa kwarto nga lawanit. Akong giablihan Akong nakit-an Akong gihigugma nay laing binuhatan Sa usa ka lalaking wa naku mailhan. Wa nako napugngi ang akong gibati Lami kaayo e bigti Pero tungod sa akong nasinati Lami kaayo patyon ang duha nga gi linti. Sila nakuyawan Sa akong pagsiyasat gikan sa dughan Ilang mga dagway murag nahuwasan Sa kainit ganiha nga ilang gisawhan.

Ang Hilas mong Dagway ni: Prince of Shadows

Ang hilas nimo’ng dagway Naglatay-latay sa utok nako’ng nagpahulay Kung Makita nako ang imong makalagot nga dagway Tibuok nakong adlaw nahugyaw. Pero wala ko kabantay Tungod sa hilas nimong panagway Akong kasing-kasing mura’g gilumay Ang imong panagway akong gipangita Nga mura’g bata nga naghanduraw Nga magtan-aw tan-aw sa hilas nimong dagway. Pero sa hinay-hinay nahigugma ko nimo Ang akong gipangayo Dungga ang akong gugma Pero nikatawa lang ka Ug wala ko kapugong sa paghilak Kay niingon ka nga “Gihigugma pud tika, dugay ra”.


Gugmang Inatay

Salamat Ako’ng Higala


ni: RSB

Nihunong og pitik ang akong dughan Sa dihang nakahibaw ko na imong kung gi-elisan Og napuno gyud ang bali sa akung luha Sa dihang dili na gyud ka naku magpakita

Sa matag adlaw nga kauban tika Walay kabutangan sa kalipay ug kalingaw Sa kasub-anan natagamtaman Ikaw maoy nagpa-baskog.

Apan,ni tuyok ang kalibutan ko Sa,dihang nag sunud-sunod ang usa ka gwapo Kay ako daw,ang babae sa iyang damgo Og makahatag niya og maayo

Sa matag kawad-on ug mga pagsulay Naa ra ka ug permi katambayayong Sa matag tulo sa akong mga luha Nabati nako ang imong pagka-pakyas.

Gi-kilig ang dahon didto sa CTU Sa, dihang naguyab na siya naku Gihigugma man daw ko niya Og gihigugma sad naku siya Gibayaw sa langit ang akung dughan

Sa mga pagsuway nga sa akoa gihatag Ikaw ang permi nga miunong Ug sa ngiob nga bahin sa akong kinabuhi Ikaw ang namahemung kauban sa kiliran Nga nagdan-ag sa akong dalan.

Sa dihang magkuyog me,nag atang ug sakyanan Usa ka gabi e kaming duha nagab-hian Og nag lakaw lakaw me,didto sa dalan Iya kung gidala,didto sa pier uno

Kung ako papilion ug balik Sa Ginoo nga makagagahom sa tanan Ug usa ka mamahemung higala Ikaw ra gihapon ang pillion ug sampiton.

Gipugos ko nimo og butang na dili maayo Ni ingon ka naku na,ikaw ra ang bahala,pero Pag duha ka buwan mura kag buwa,nikalit lang og kawagtang Gibiyaan ko nimo na burot nag tiyan Kaluoy! sa akong anak walay amahan

Salamat kaayo akong higala Ilabi labaw sa Ginoo Sa paghemu niya sa imo’ng kinabuhi Nga sa akoa permi nisuporta.

Pakyas sa Gugma ni: Ranzo

Naa na pud ko nagtanga ra gihapon Perming naghuna-huna, permi nga nagatang Dili kapugngan ang pagtulo sa mga luha Dili nako hingsabtan kung unsay hinungdan. Ang kasakit sa dughan nga nagbalik-balik Permi nalang kini nako’ng nasinati Kanus-a pa kaha kini matambalan ang kahapdos Nga tungod niining pakyas nako’ng gugma.

Kanus-a pa kaha kini mausab Sa kapakyasan unta makalikay Aron maiban-ibanan ang kasakit ug kahapdos Nga Tungod niining pakyas nako’ng gugma. O gugma, unta tagaa’g higayon Makakaplag sa akoa mahigugma Aron matambalan ang ako’ng kasub-anan Ug magmalipayon hangtod sa hangtod.


LITRA LITRA LITRA ni Anmette G. Pepito AB English 1-A



ilum nga milingkod si Argie sa lingkuranan diin nahimutang sa kinaluyuhan bahin sa ilang classroom. Samtang ang uban niyang klasmeyt nagkinabu-anangay sa usag- usa, si Argie nagtan-aw lamang kini kanila. Sa nagpadayun ang kalingawan sa iyang mga klasmeyt, usa kanila ang nakabantay ug miduol kaniya. “Bay, dili ka ba muapil kanamu?” matud pa.

“Sige lang bay! Iya sang gitubag.

Sa wala magdugay, miabot ang ilang magtutudlo. Si Ms. Sy. Naa sa 5’4 ang katasun. May pagkakulut ang buhok nga hapsay nga nakadunghay sa iyang abaga. Taliwtiw ang ilong niini ug singkit ang mga mata tungod nga may dugo kini nga Instik. Bag-u lamang kini nga nadawat isip magtutudlo. Nagtudlo kini samtang naghuman sab siya sa iyang masteral sa samang tunghaan. “Asa man ang uban ninyo? Gamay ra lagi mo ?”

Usa kanila ang mitubag.

“Wala pa man sila Miss. Basin malate lang sila ug gamay.” Daling mitindog si Argie ug mibalhin sa atubangan nga lingkoranan. Si Argie usa ka ambungang lalaki ug naa sa 19 anyos ang pangidaron. Usa siya sa ikatulong tuig ug “Banggiitan” sa ilang seksykon tungod niini. Naana siya sa ikatulong tuig sa iyang kurso nga Civil Engineering sa Cebu Technological University. Ang dili lang gyus masabtan sa iyang mga klasmeyt ug uban niyang kaila mao nga subaran siya ka hilomon, dili kaayo makipaghalubilo, ug suma pa sa uban, lisud basahun ang iyang pagkatawo. Bisan ang uban niyang magtutudlo miasuy nga dili sila katugkad sa kasiryuso ni Argie.


Usa ka adlaw niana, samatng nagdiscuss si Ms. Sys a atubangan, nabantayan niya nga nagduka lang gyud si Argie ug na kini gitan-aw sa iyang bag. Nagtutok lang gyud siya niini. Wala kaayo ni maklaro sa magtutudlo tungod sa kalayo ni Argie knaiya sanglit naa man lang gihapon kini naglingkod sa kinaluyuhan. Padayon siyang galeksyon ug wala sa niya tagda si Argie. Sa tunga- tunga sa iyang discussion, nagtanaw na usab niya pagbalik si Argie ug karon daw iyang gihapuhap ang butang nga ganiha ra niyang gitagu-tagu sa iyang bag.

“Kanang naglingkod ds luyo...

Dungan nga naglingi ang mga klasmeyt


si Argie ug nanan-aw sila kaniya. Dali –dali niyang gisulod ug gitago ang iyang gitan-aw/ “Everybody should pay attention!”

ba?” “Wala man miss’. Ug siayng miduko. Dili siya makaharung sa pagtan-aw kang Miss Sy.

si Argie.

Mihaguhol pagsamot

“Nangayo ako ug pakitabang ug gidali siya pagdala sa ospital pero wala na siya nakaabot. Nabugtuan siya sa iyang kinabuhi tungod sa kadaghan na sa dugo nga nawala.

Nahuman ang klasi ug unang migawas si Ms. Carmie Sy. Unya nagsunod –sunod ra usabang pagpanggawas sa mga estudyanti. Si Argie nagpabilin sa sulod sa room. May gikuha siya ug gihapuhap na usab kini. Iya kining gikumkum sa iyang usang kamutug gihalukan niya kini. Bisan sa layu, ma klaru ang masulub-on niyang panagway. Wala nakabantay si Argie nga naa pa di ay si Ms. Sys a gawas ug gatan-aw niya.

“Ayaw na itagu ...ipagawas kanang gibati mo. Pwede ko nimong sultihan. Andman ku nga maminaw nimo.”


“Daku kaayo ang panglantaw sa akong manghud. Gusto gani niya nga mamahimu ming propesyunal. Ako kay duktor ug siya engineer.

Sa pagakana-ug si Ms. Sy padulong sa faculty room, nagkadungan niya ang usa ka klasmeyt ni Argie ug kansa usa sa iyang mga istudyante. Iya kining gipangutana.

Ug mihagulhul pag-ayo si Argie. Gihapuhap siya ni Miss Sys a buku buku agi ug pagpakalma kaniya.

“Ug nganong dili man medisina ang imong gikuha nga mao man kaha na ang imong gusto?” nangutana ang magtutudlo.

“Dong , kanang ... si Argie ba, hilumon na siya sukad pa sa una?” “Daan na man na siya nga ingon ana Miss. Dili gani na siya makipaghalubilo ug mga tawo ug dili pud na siya mag apilapil sa among lingaw-lingaw. Magpadaplin ra gyud dna diya pirmi. “Wala gyud na siyay mga suud sa inyong mga klasmeyt?’

“Wala Miss”

Pagka-ugma, adlawng Miyerkules, samtang nag discuss si Miss Sy, iya gihapong nasigpatan Si Argie ngaa malukbit pagtan-aw sa iyang bag. Busa sa nahuman na ang klase, pagawas na si Argie, gitawag kini sa magtutudlo. “ Argie, pwede bang maisturya ka sa makadiyot”? “Ngano man miss? Mauwawon niyang ingon.

“May problema ka

Nihilak lang ug kalit si Argie. May gikuha siya sa iyang bag ug gihakgum kini niya. Sa hnay-hinay, iyang gipakita sa magtutudlo. siya?



“Ug dili pa ka andam nga isugilon ang tanan, ayaw pugsa. Masabtan ra tika.” Ug namahid siya sa iyang luha. “Mao ni siya ang akong igsoun nga si Jake. Suud kaayo mi ani niya. Siya lang gyud ang akong kaduwa sauna. Ug asa ku, tua pud siya. Naguba ang tanan sa dihang grade 5 siya ug ako pa grade 6 pa lang. Gisugo kami sa among amahan sa pagduaw sa among uma sanglit layu-layu man kini sa among balay. Samtang padulong kami didto, para madali kami pag-abut, nag gukod- gukod kami. Ako ang nahitabong hagu ug mao usab ang magukod kaniya. Kusog kaayo siya midagan palayo kanako samtang ako kusog kaayo paggukod niya. Samtang gadagan siya, milingi siya naku. Wala niya mabantayi ang dakong bato sa iyang unahan. Kini maoy nakapandol kaniya. Nahapla siya sa yuta. Dali kong giduool ang akong manghud. Nakulob siya. Sa dihang ako na siyang giaswat para pabarugon, mauy nakita ko nga naghilom-os na siya sa iyang dugo. Naumpok diay ang iyang ulo sa bato.

Naminaw lang gyud si Miss Sy kaniya ug siya mipadayon.

“Gibasol ko man ang akong kaugalingon sa pagkamatay ni Jake. Engineering ang akong gikuha sanglit mao man unta kini ang iyang gustong kuhaon. Basin man ang sa ani nga paagi matuman naku ang iyang pagpangandoy ug usa pa, para mapasaylo ko niya. Wala kapugngi ni Miss S yang pagtulo sa iyang luha. Kalit lamang kining midagayday sa iyang aping. Bisan gahilak, iyang gipangutana si Argie. “Hangtud kanus-a man nimo basulon ang imong kaugalingon? Dugay nga panahon na kadto. Ug nakasigradu ko nga wala malipay ang imong igsoon nga nagtanaw kanimo karon. Gie, hatagi ug kagawasan ang imong kaugalinon. Husto na ang pagbasol .Igo na! Argie.

Gigakos ni Miss Sy si

Didto nasabtan sa magtutudlo ang hinungdan sa daw “ mistiryoso” nga pagkataw ni Argie. Didto niya nasuta ang kapait ug ang kabug-at sa iyang gihambing kasakit. Daku ang kalipay ni MissSy para sa iyang kaugalingon tungod kay namaisugon siya sa pagdoul ni Argie samtang walay bisan kinsa ang mihimo sa susama.



ni: (Newton x meter) ‘CE


Totot..totot...tototototot.... Natimbakuwas ko sa akong pagkatug dihang kusog nga nitingog ang akong alarm clock. Pastilan katugon pa kaayo ko. Haaaay..... matug sa ko balik oi mga 10 minutes lang. Totot...totot..ug nitingog na sad pagbalik. Gikuha naku ang alarm clock ug gipalong, matulog sa ko mga 5 minutes lang uwan-uwan bitaw ron.Mao nga sa wa damha nahinanok jud ko sa akong pagkatulog. “Hala, alas sais na,drawing pa bya namo enig alas siete. Patay jud ko ni sir Tan ron, ka terror baya ato,” ang akong nasulti samtang nagkara-kara.Kapin trenta minutos baya ang biyahe padung sa akong gitonghaan. Sa akong pagdali-dali bitbit naku ang akong mga drawing materials, lakip na niini ang kahoy nga T-square ug ang akong clearbook nga puno sa photocopy. Ako diay si Esstoh Jante. Usa ka Engineering student sa evening program. Ug karon Sabado,7-10 am ang among klase.“Pagkahinay ba sad modagan aning sakyanana oy, mag-una pa siguro ko ug abot kung maglakaw ko. Hay pastilan, napay kung magsukli molugar pa gyud sa daplin. Paita ani, permi jud mi maabtan sa ‘STOP’ kada naay traffic light. Ok pa ka diha Nong? Kung wala lang ko nakaplete ay, hagbay ra ko nibalhin.” After 10 years, naabot na jud mi.Alas ocho na, unsaon nalang ni. Mosud ko? o dili? Ah, bahala na ni oy. “Good morning Sir.” Ang akong nasulti samtang nangurog. Hilom kaayo ang tibuok klase. Matud pa ni Sir Tan, ang among chinitong maestro, “always good morning”. Ataka murag nauwaw sad ko ug ¼ da, naminaw man gud ang akong crush (pero atik ra). Imbes magtanga ko, ako nalang gipagawas ang akong oslo paper, triangle, lapis, t-square ug eraser. Mana diay ug discuss si Sir Tan sa mga angay nga buhaton. Patay! dili pa baya ko kahibaw mogamit sa triangle ug t-square.Sa walay pagduha-duha akong giduol ang akong katapad. “Giiunsa mana nimo bay?”, pong pa naku. “Ambot”, tubag pa niya. Isog pa kaayo siya, abi naku ug iro ra ang manikmat. Maomaohon lang ni naku oy.Sila tanan nanggamit ug

T-square. Branded jud noon to ilaha, mga Rotring ug Staedler busa ako nalang gisuon ang ilang gibuhat. “Atot oy, garang garang man diay ning kahoya.” Sa man sad na si mama oy ana ko magpalit unya na kuno. Kanus-a pa? Kung maka 5.0 ko sa drawing?hahay..pagkapait intawn ning uyamot. “Pass your drawing,” bungat pa sa among maestro. Ug sa dihang nadawat niya akong papel, gimarkahan niya kini ug dakong REPEAT sa walay pagduha-duha.Bahala na oy! Dili pa siguro ko mahagbong sa usa ka drawing. Alas diyes na diay. Trigonometry na sad namo.Magsugod nasad ang pasakit kay siya gihapon ang motudlo. Mura ug nagka phobia naku niya da. Hilig gayud siya motungkad sa gigikanan sa formula, maong sa pagderive niya loading kaayo ko. Paggamit ani sa example, samot.Na trap akong huna-huna sa derivation, nahabilin pa jud akong calcu. Paita! Muna-muna ko ug tago haron dili mabantayan ang akong presensya.Ikaw kaha wala pa ka kasabot tawagon dayon ka, dili ka mahadlok? Expect the unexpected jud, “Mr. Jante, solve the problem on the board.” “No idea Sir,” ang akong natubag sa walay pagduha-duha. Kusog to siya moprangka, manginsulto pinaagi sa mga komedya. Uwaw kaayo ko niadto.. Kanindot na jud iundang, kung dili lang masuko si mama ay, hagbay ra.Ana bitaw ko dili ko magengineering kay dili ko kabalo mo-drawing, saun man dili kuno ko nila gastuhan.Ma, PolSci man gud akong ganahan.(Bawal mag-emote) Maayo unta ug time na oy, haron makalingkawas ko niya. Sa dili pa naku malimtan pag-istoya wala pa diay ko kaagi natong iyang


mga novena. Maong hinay pa kaayo ko mo pickup kumpara sa akong mga klasmet nga tan-aw naku mura ug mga brayt na.

Chairman ko Science Club sauna.CAT officer ug Member sa English ug Math Club.

Sa oras sa pagpaniudto, nagkinagang ko sa akong mga gidala.Loner baya kunohay ko sauna. Nagtulo ang singot, yagit kaayo ang pamorma. Mao na’y pag-ingnon, “ako na jud.”

Mga classmates taas ang pagsalig sa akoa, mga assignments, projects ug reporting sa ako mangunsulta. Pero karon, wala koy kalainan sa mga classmate naku nga dili utokan sauna.

Milabay pa ang mga semana wala gihapo’y nausab sa akong kinaiya.Kanunay lang magdali ug magkarakara.

Unsaon man kuni, luoy na kaayo ko. Hangtud kanus-a pa man ko mag-adjust?

Naa gani kausa exam sa among first subject wala pajud ko katuon, maong sa jeep nalang nagbasa-basa.Samutan pa,huot kaayo maglisod ka ug ginhawa. Sa tinud-anay lang ay, mga enumeration wala pa jud ko ka-memorya. Unsaon nalang ni? Maong sa pagsulod naku sa gate, sa notebook nagbasa-basa. “Asa imong ID?,” matud sa gwardiya. Nakahinumdom ko ako man diay to nga gibutang sa lamesa. Mao nga ako nalang giingnan nga nawagtang ug magkuha pako ug affidavit of loss. Hehe...nailad naku siya.Maro baya kunohay ko sauna. Salamat intawn ug ako nakasulod na.Samtang ako nagbasa-basa ako nakabangga lang ug bisan si kinsa.Twenty minutes late pa jud ko, hahay! Paita. Magkuha pa ko ug lingkoranan ani ron mao nga pag-abot naku number 10 na. Napa’y lingkuranan pagkalayo sa akong nakaila. Maong sa 25 items, akong kuha kay five ra. Permi ko i-bully sa akong mga classmates. Tanga kuno kaayo ko, permi katawan ug sumsuman sa mga istorya.Louy na kaau ko sa akong kaugalingon. Taas ang tan-aw ug tinahod sa mga maistra sauna. Taga human sa exam, ako ang maturnohan nga mo check sa ilang mga papel kay tungod nakakuha ko ug taas nga marka.

Kinsa man sad ganahan magtuon inig abot sa balay wala imong mama ug pamilya? Ikaw nagpuyo sa kwarto nga sama ug gi-bartolina. Wala gayud kay masumbongan sa mga problema, kay maski imong classmate ikaw gibasura. Maong hasta ikaw nawagtangan na ug gana. Ako nag-ampo nga hatagan ug paglaom sa labawng makagagahum. Salamat sa Diyos, ako nakakita ug kausaban sa akong kaugalingon. Kanunay nako magtuon, ug mo-participate sa mga leksyon. Sa dili pag-panghambog, bilib sa akong diskasyon mga maistra ug maistro kung kami mag reporting na. Niapil sad ko ug usa ka organisasyon kong diin nakapag ko ug ikaduhang pamilya. Lain-laing mga tawo ang akong nahimamat, mga dunay pagtahod sa akoa.Taas nga katungdanan ang gisalig nila. Maong ako naningkamot nga mabarugan ang akong responsibilidad.Tungod sa pagpaningkamot, nahimo akong usa sa mga dean’s lister.Katong magsige naku’g ngan ug bogo sa una, “ I don’t want to waste my time because they are good for nothing.”Bitaw sa tinud-anay lang, salamat diay sa inyoha. Mga paningkamot ni mama ug papa ang nakapaamgo sa akoa. Dili lalim ang mag paeskuyla. Kwarta nga gi-dota pinatud-an gayud ug singot. Maong bugti nga bawos ikadalit kanila , ANG MAONG PAGTARUNG SA ESKUYLA.

Permi ko i-bully sa akong mga classmates. Tanga kuno kaayo ko, permi kataw-an ug sumsuman sa mga istorya.


















































POWER in defense of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression, because power, real power, comes from our conviction which produces action, uncompromising action.

Malcolm X



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