Nothing But Good News Magazine

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From the Editor A Message from Kandee G This issue of Nothing But Good News Magazine is about embracing the journey you are on. We are all on our own journey. What do we want it to be? How will it “show up” for us? How will we show up for our life’s journey? Will you welcome the excitement of change? Will you seek out your own truth and be grateful for whichever way that path may lead — expected and unexpected turns? This issue we are blessed with inspiring and thought provoking articles from some of the cast members in my newest movie, Embrace the Journey. Bobby Donahue will share his perspective on the “first perspective.” Tina Frizell-Jenkins will share her graceful journey. Though leaders such as Don Boyer, Janet Beckers, and Dr. Stan Harris will share their wisdom on love, happiness, success, true leadership and the entreprenuers’ journey. From our regular contributors you can learn to heed your inner hero, embrace your body image, and get fit in no time flat. And our “Big Sexy” friend Dee Wallace continues her conversation with us on our own creation. I have included some very special features this issue. I have brought you inside my home to see how I love to shower my family with Christmas delights. I also have included an article from myself, just to remind you how you truly have the power to do that remarkable thing that you want to do. Check out The Big Dream Showcase with Dr. Elizabeth King. This is a woman who knows how to “do something remarkable.” And speaking of journeys, I invite you to take one with Dee Wallace and me. On February 11, we are hosting a full day workshop with only 25 participants: Two remarkable mentors and friends together for one remarkable day. Come and spend a playful, incredible, educational. love and light filled day at my home. Lots of surprises. Check out all the info on pages 22-23. So turn off the phone, shut down the email, and close out your Facebook. Put on some soft music, and really immerse yourself in this issue of Nothing But Good News Magazine. And embrace the journey upon which you are about to embark. I hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as we’ve enjoyed putting it together. As always, I welcome your questions and comments: Thanks...bye for now...and go Do Something Remarkable!

Kandee G

Winter 2012 - Kandee G Enterprises



M a g a z i n e

Publisher Kandee G Executive Editor Kandee G Managing Editor Tracey Tarrant Arlie Froetschel Creative Directors Erin Dillenbeck Nigel Anderson Art Director Erin Dillenbeck Photography Michael Hansen Director of Sales and Marketing Tracey Tarrant Staff Writers Hank Eder Erin Crowe

What is Nothing but Good News Media? In this age of sound bites, providing good news in the media is our primary intention and the purpose for Nothing But Good News New World Media. Kandee G Enterprises’foundational principles are based on “truth in media” which is the basis for our magazine, radio, webinars, blogs, online presence and in all the work that is delivered. We are dedicated to bringing high quality information to the public through all our programming and to satisfy the increasing demand for integrity, honesty and impassioned living. To find out more go to

Contributing Authors Bobby Donohue Dr. Stan Harris Tina Frizzell-Jenkins Don Boyer Dee Wallace Janet Beckers Dana Gore Emanuel Gonzales Kandee G

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Biography Kandee G is a radio talk show host, television personality, coach, author, speaker, magazine publisher and the founder of Nothing But Good News Media. She is also the originator of The Vision Program, specializing in developing sustainable long term visions to transform companies and individuals from the inside out yielding extraordinary results. She has a strong desire to effect real change, as she,herself, rose from a life of meager existence, as a single parent, to a life of bounty and joy. In this age of sound bites, providing good news in the media is the primary intention and the purpose for Nothing But Good News New World Media. Kandee G’s principles are based on YOU living your remarkable life; which is the basis for the magazine, radio, webinars, blogs, online presence and in all the work that is delivered. Kandee G is dedicated to bringing high quality information to the public through all of the programming and to satisfy the increasing demand for integrity, honesty and impassioned living. Kandee G’s mission is to help others create their vision. She feels that the true path to having the life you want begins with having a strong, clear, vision. Kandee G has brought her expertise to hundreds in an affordable new coaching and membership program, iVisionMyLife™. With coaching calls, guest speakers and a community forum, people all over the world are enhancing their life and living the lives they dream. Visit for more details. Kandee G is also a Cast member of The Journey, starring Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, Don and Melinda Boyer plus other exciting cast members! Released in December 2010. She is currently filming and producing the sequel, Embrace the Journey, along with cast members Brian Tracey, Les Brown Dee Wallace and Bill Walsh just to name a few,set to release in 2012. Les Brown, the world’s leading motivational speaker says that, “Kandee G has been gifted with the ability to help people change their lives.” Les Brown also states “Kandee G is recognized as being among the top in the industry.” “Join me on this adventure of possibilities and and go Do Something Remarkable!!” Kandee G Be sure and check out the radio archives for Nothing But Good News Radio and Nothing But Good News magazine, you can sign up for G-Notes and get a daily dose of inspiration. For more information please visit:

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Table of Contents The First Perspective • 8 by Bobby Donohue

Breakthrough Principles To Increase Life, Love & Happiness • 11 by Dr. Stan Harris


Tina’s Journey By Grace • 12 by Tina Frizzell-Jenkins

The Secret of True Leadership • 14 by Don Boyer


The Virtual Reality of Creation • 19 by Dee Wallace

Do Something Remarkable! • 20 by Kandee G

Get Fit in no Time Flat • 25 by Erin Crowe

Nothing But Good News Magazine is a self-help and inspirational magazine, published by Kandee G Enterprises. With four editions a year, NBGN is published to enlighten and inspire our community of business owners and institutions of people seeking inspiration and motivation.

On The Cover: Designer: Nigel Anderson A Very Kandee G Christmas Eve (See Page 40)


Beating All Odds, Dr. King “Pays it Forward” • 28

The Interview of Dr. Elizabeth King, by Hank Eder

Heeding the Voice of Your Inner Hero • 31 by Hank Eder

Embrace Your Entepreneurial Journey with The Success Quadrant • 34 by Janet Beckers

Does Your Body Image Prevent You From Embracing Life Fully? • 36 by Dana Gore

No Limitations Means an Empowered Life • 39 by Emanuel Gonzales

A Very Kandee G Christmas Eve • 40 A Photo Expose

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The First Perspective by Bobby Donohue

Once there again, I would immediately get to work imagining all of the wonderful things I want in my life, and appreciating all the wonderful things I have. And I would do that right up to the moment some new thing came along and would knock me right back down. Again. This roller coaster of emotions is probably not unique to me. I’m sure just about everyone experiences something similar to this.

I’ve noticed recently that I have two main ways of looking at my life. From one perspective, I like to look at the big picture and imagine only the best for myself and my family. It’s from this perspective that I see “me” the way my Soul sees me: as perfection. I see limitless possibilities. I see an endless flow of abundance and prosperity. I see a perfect physique and a perfect body in perfect health. I see an overflowing bank account. I see myself doing fulfilling work living up to all of my passions. I see inspiration, creativity, fun and adventure. I see travel and luxury. I see the houses, cars and clothes I desire. I see it all. I wish that were the only perspective from which I view my life. Unfortunately, I also have that second perspective. The one that’s focused on “what is” instead of what will be. When I’m in


the grips of this second perspective, I see the limits of being a human at this moment. I see lack. I see obstacles. I see annoyances. I see failures. As a student of various Law of Attraction teachings, I quickly saw the logic in making my way to that first perspective. I would do all sorts of things like reading and meditating to get myself up to that perspective, or that vibration. And when I got there, I would hold on as long as I could. But it seemed that inevitably, something would happen to knock me off that pedestal, right down to the ground where the second perspective is king. There I would languish, taking solace in my “rightness” for being angry about this or upset about that. Until eventually, the melancholy or anger would subside and I would drift back up the higher vibration of that first perspective.

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I recently discovered something about myself that has been helping me make tremendous gains in my life and businesses in a very short amount of time. Any Law of Attraction practitioner will know it’s best to try and ease your way back into a good feeling place, (the first perspective) than to wallow in anger or despair. I knew it too, and would try all sorts of suggested games and tactics to do so. What I learned about myself was that this was pretty hard to do in a reasonable amount of time. I was beginning to feel like this cycle of ups and downs would have its way with me forever. When I was up, I was happy. When I was down, I was annoyed. I knew I was down, and worse, I knew I shouldn’t be down. I knew I needed to do something to deliberately ease my way back up. That’s pretty easy to say when you’re already up, but when you’re down that’s the last thing you want to hear. Then I began thinking of this cycle from outside myself. I imagined what I must look like as I move up and down the emotional scale. Putting myself in this third party position made me feel neutral to the effects of changing perspectives. I was no longer looking at my life from one perspective or

Aeature rticle F another. I was simply looking at me on an emotional ride.

begin worrying.

There was no money anymore, no wants or desires, no worries or anxiety, no deadlines or to do lists; nothing. Just me. Being. The first time this happened I was having a great day, but someone said something that gave me a reminder of “lack”. I immediately felt my mood shift. Suddenly, I was no longer on top of the world but filled with worried thoughts. Then, just as quickly, I recognized the abrupt change in mood and thought to look at myself from the outside. I could immediately see that absolutely nothing around me had changed. There was no reason to get upset and

my Soul sees everything. In fact, I don’t think I should call it my first perspective anymore. I think I should call it my only perspective. Because that lowly second perspective is a lie.

In that moment, I said to myself “Enough!”. I had had enough of this vicious cycle. And in that moment, I began feeling better immediately. I could see from the outside that my first perspective was the true perspective. It’s the perspective through which my best self sees me. It’s the perspective through which

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Bobby Donohue is the creator of Be A Rock Star, a Law of Attraction reality TV show and coaching program, and co-creator of Planet Bonehead, an educational TV series teaching kids about the environment.




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Aeature rticle F Breakthrough Principles To Increase Life, Love & Happiness! by Dr. Stan Harris

Have you ever wondered how two people can grow up in the same home, have similar experiences, same parent(s), and while one enjoys life, the other does not? By the way, LIFE stands for L-Live I-In F-Freedom E-Everyday! Don’t you have a desire to live in freedom every day? It has been said, “It’s your attitude, not your aptitude that determines your altitude.” Some people simply resist the journey they find themselves on while others embrace it, and instead of being broken by pain or adversity, they allow pain to push them to become record breakers. My new motto for this year is simple yet powerful and thought provoking. “I run with the runners, occasionally I walk with the walkers, I don’t have much time to talk with the talkers, I’m not going to sit with the sitters and by God’s grace I’ll never quit with the quitters – so tell me which one you are, that way I can know what I’m going to do with you. (Wow, that’s good, read that again.)

anointed to be disappointed, I am too realizing that as long as I can look up, I elated to be agitated, and I am to legit can get up! to quit! I commit to paying for my dreams with Circumstances are aligning themselves preparation so that I won’t have to live in my favor. I am healthy, physically with my nightmares of regret. I do not fit, and intellectually equipped. I have procrastinate, because procrastination wisdom far beyond my years. I am an leads to devastation, it is the extraordinary person with incredible assassination of my destination, thus I abilities, which I will use to add value will act now. I am a doer and I get results to other people’s lives knowing that as that last. I now release the champion I help others reach their dreams I will that is inside of me. I am the leader that automatically reach my own. many people are looking for. I choose to succeed today and everyday hereafter. I anticipate meeting the person or group Watch out world, here I come!!! of people today, who are willing to use their power, wealth, and influence to Wow, I get excited every time I read help me achieve my dreams. All day it. As a matter of fact, I have it in mp3 long people will go out of their way to format set to music, and people from bless me. Today I will add great value to all over the world listen to it. If you someone’s life; I will show compassion would like your own copy of it, email to those in need, I will give strength to me @ and the weak, and inspiration to the weary. request the mp3 of the “Daily Attitude Someone needs what I have to offer Adjuster”, or visit one of my websites: and I gladly make myself available! for free downloads. I close with the I embrace abundance and it embraces powerful words of Mohamed Ali who me. I am abundant in every way. I am an said something that I want you to never abundance magnet. I like money and it forget. “I said that I was the greatest a likes me, it is attracted to me. It comes long time before I ever believed it.” In abundantly from many sources. I use other words, determine what you want my money wisely, because it is also a to have, do and be, and start saying tool to help those in need. I may have it now as if you believe it, and one been broke, busted and disgusted, but day you will. The greatest book in the now I declare that I am rich, growing, world (Proverbs 23:7)says “As A Man and overflowing! Thinketh In His Heart, So Is He.”

I’m going to turn your attention to powerful words of affirmation that I refer to as “My Daily Attitude Adjuster”. I speak these words out loud daily, and I challenge you to do the same for the next 21-30 days. These powerful words set my attitude and cause me to focus on what I want, instead of what I may be experiencing at the moment. This is a small excerpt from my International bestselling book “Your Break Through I am experiencing great victories, Is Guaranteed - Seven Simple Steps To supernatural turnarounds, and Your Success”. miraculous breakthroughs in the midst of great impossibilities. I am an over comer! If my mountain can’t be Daily Attitude AdjusterWow, what a great day to be alive. I removed, I will develop and practice feel dynamite and I’m exploding with my mountain climbing skills. I may gratitude. I like me! I accept me!! I love experience a setback, but setbacks are me!!! I’m going to have a super fantastic only setups for comebacks; setbacks day today because: I am too blessed to pave the way for comebacks. I’ll make be depressed, I am too blessed to be lemonade out of life’s lemons, and if life stressed, too glad to be sad, I am too knocks me down, I will fall on my back

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Dr Stan Harris aka Dr BreakThrough is a Master Motivator who has spoken in all 50 states and 27 Countries. He holds a 10th degree Black belt in Isshin’ryu Karate and has been voted into both the Motivational Speaker and Black belt hall of fame. He and his wife Nadia reside in Florida and travel as a team. Visit www.DrBreakThrough. com to watch him break 22” of bricks representing barriers that we can break through.



Tina’s Journey By Grace by Tina Frizzell-Jenkins

According to a bestselling book, “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times; having all that you need, you may abound in every good work.” Webster defines the word abound as to be plentiful, to exist in large numbers, to be filled, having abundance and being wealthy. Therefore, if we insert the definition into the scripture it would read something like this. God is able to make grace plentiful to you, so that in all things at all times; having all that you need, you may be plentiful or wealthy in every good work. Wow! I believe every life has a purpose. Couple life’s purpose with grace and awesome things are possible and they occur. My life/journey speaks to that. I was born and raised in our great nation’s capital; Washington, D.C. by loving and highly supportive parents. I was educated in the public school system. In elementary school, it became obvious that learning would


be a challenge to me. It was in third grade where two teachers pulled me aside and quizzed me on some basic math. They asked, “What is seven plus seven?” I would reply quickly 14. Then they would ask, “What is seven plus eight?” I would hesitate, think and calculate to get the answer of 15. It was clear to them that I should have been able to respond just as quick to the second question as I did the first because I had only to realize that I needed to add one to my previous answer to get the next answer. I remember seeing the puzzlement in their eyes and hearing the comment of, “see she does not get it.” It was also around that same time that I remember working with a speech therapist to assist me in speaking correctly. Add to that the fact that reading and reading comprehension were thorns in my educational existence. In sixth grade however, I was chosen to give the sixth grade graduation Welcome Address where I received a standing ovation. I also remember getting several acknowledgements and awards. That journey of my life was the first in confirming that God is able to make all grace abound to me, so that in all things at all times, having all that I need, I may be plentiful. Grace put the correct people in my life to assist me in my learning challenges. Grace gave me parents who inspired me. Grace provided me with the platform to give a speech and build my confidence. It was in junior high school where I met my high school sweetheart and now husband, Willis. I worked hard to keep a B/B+ average and that is also where my athletic abilities flourished. It was there that grace afforded me the gall to presume that I could accentuate that part of me, my

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intellect, which appeared not to be my best quality. It was in high school, H.D. Woodson, that I had the time of my life. I was voted the friendliest in our senior year book, and was inducted into the National Honor Society in my junior year. It was in high school that I decided to pursue engineering in college. However, I had a high school math teacher who told me I was not engineering material. Although I was doing well in math it was too much of a struggle for me and I would not make it through engineering math. The comment stung but I was familiar with the concept called grace. I went on to college where the road was tough and the obstacles were plentiful. Fun was in limited quantities and it was there that I had an advisor who suggested I take another career path. My struggles were not worth it in his opinion. During this journey of my life, my mom would regularly send me positive affirmations to display around my room. Therefore, I reached back into my memory and recalled that God is able to make all grace abound to me, so that in all things at all times, having all that I need, I may abound in every good work. I finished my undergraduate work in December 1983 with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University. I started my professional career in the private sector in January 1984. I worked for a company called E-System, Melpar Division until I started government employment with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in 1989. In 1995, I requested and received a General Contractor’s permit to build our second home that my husband and I designed. I went through the county’s permitting process and was approved. Our

Article finances were in order. I put together and I quote, “one of the best loan packages I have ever seen.” This is what the bank agent said. Surprisingly, Mr. VP would not sign the loan. I talked to the vice president and to make a long story short he did not believe in me despite my qualification. I felt I was being mistreated because I was a young black female and it hurt. Around that time, Mom had to remind me of grace and she advised me to contact my congressman. The very next day after the vice president was contacted by the congressman’s office, my construction-build loan was miraculously approved. In my life, this was one of the “all things” that grace abounded in. Prior to starting a new professional career path as a facilities engineer, I started a private career path that would eventually lead me twenty plus years later to the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC). It was at this point in my life/our lives that if became obvious that we had to learn how to keep the money we were making and not let taxes consume the fruits of our labor. I started giving a Power Point

presentation in my basement that not only encouraged home based business owners to keep the money they earned but it taught them how. The business thrived. While providing support it became clear that I could better serve my clients if I could offer an additional skill set that I recognized to be Coaching. It wasn’t enough at this point to provide awareness, give direction, and advice. I became interested in having my clients buy into their own success and the process to get there. Working with a coach could do that for the client.

A call came in to become a NASA coach. I interviewed and the panel rejected me. In summation, I was told that I lacked similar background knowledge. I was crushed. Then I remembered, God is able to make all grace abound to me, so that in all things at all times; having all that I need, I may abound in every good work. Good work in this case was coaching and I believed that I could be and would be plentiful; I pursued coaching for self improvement. I found coaching to be the most

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awesome and rewarding self development I had ever done. My pursuit of coaching and willingness to conquer the quest on my own got the attention of NASA’s Coaching Council and I was invited to be a member with them. I accepted the invitation and I am pleased to be collaborating with the team.

Coaching is good work. Coaching is a service and serving feeds my soul. Coaching is a piece of the puzzle of my journey that makes me who I am. I am someone who provides ongoing client stimulation and encouragement for personal improvement while facilitating guidance towards life’s purposes and goals. I am an empowermt coach who specializes in home based business taxes, leadership and relationship building.


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The Secret of True Leadership by Don Boyer

adopting the mindset of “It’s possible” Want to become a millionaire? It’s possible. A new home, dream car, your perfect mate, your own business? It’s all possible. There is no such thing as an unrealistic goal, just an unrealistic time frame. The only reason why people are afraid to dream big is because they inwardly believe it’s not possible for them. All the authors in this book are here to tell you that dreams, no matter how big, are possible to achieve.

You need a Team

When the average time frame to write and publish a book is over a year, many have asked me how in the world I produced four mega selling books in a nine month period. Well, in order to work with over 30 different authors, a team of graphic artists, two editors, numerous proof readers, my own personal staff, business associates, a sales force, a printing company and at the end of all this have four professionally published books took a great deal of leadership. I can assure you, working with such a diverse group of individuals and attempting to get everyone to work on the same deadlines was no easy task. In fact, had I not tapped into the true power of effective leadership, not only would this have been an impossible task, but I would have ended up in the nut house with my hair standing straight up, wearing a straight jacket, saying “which way did he go George…which way did he go?” Here are the secrets I used to tap into the power of effective leadership that allowed me to produce not only this book you are now reading, but also


19 additional books and four movies that are now selling world wide.

You Need a Dream

Everything starts with a dream. When you have a true dream, built inside of that dream are motivation, action, ingenuity, passion, drive, persistence, and the energy to get things done; all the ingredients of effective leadership. Your dream has all the components for you to become an effective leader. It gives you the drive to find the answers you need to make that dream a reality. The strength of your dream determines the strength and quality of your leadership. That is why Napoleon Hill said that the first step to success is a “Burning Desire”. How do you develop a burning desire? By

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You will never be able to fully reach your dream without a team. As the saying goes “Teamwork makes the Dream work”. The success of your dream lies in the hands of the team you assemble and build. When I started working on the first of our Mentorship books, I started with a dream and then I went about building my team. I knew exactly what I wanted my end product to look like. I wanted to create one of the greatest books on Mentorship that would contain the insight and wisdom of some of our best speakers and coaches today. But what did I know about publishing a book? Not much. So, I started with the best mentor I could find for this project; Gregory Scott Reid, the Millionaire Mentor. The next thing I needed was a powerful team of business partners which I found in my wife Melinda

rticle FAeature and Mel Brodsky, who opened doors allowing us to align ourselves with industry greats like Jim Rohn, Charlie Tremendous Jones, Bill Bailey, Denis Waitley, Bill Bartmann and Brian Tracy. Once that was in place, I went to find the best editor I could, the best graphic artist, the best photographer, and best printer on the market. If I was going to produce the best book on the market, I had to assemble the best team on the market. One of the most valuable lessons Gregory Scott Reid taught me was not to look for the cheapest labor and material I could find, but the most expensive I could afford. That one golden key, that gem of information, is what helped me accomplish what the book industry would term impossible. The quality of your team will determine the quality of your results. If you go about and spare no expense in building a championship team, your results will be spectacular. When you are out recruiting your team for your business, network, or social projects, you cannot afford to pick up a slacker, that weak link could sink the whole ship. The members you want to have on your team are individuals like yourself. If you are at the top of your game in the realm of integrity, honesty, and character, and you build that kind of team, you will have harmony that will produce the results you want. Here is a key point to remember: a failure will not follow the guidance of a successful leader nor a successful person follow a leader who is a failure in conduct, action and results. If you are a successful leader (that is one who is successful themselves) and do not recruit people like yourself, but instead recruit failures, after much heart-ach you will find yourself leading no one. It will be just you and perhaps your dog named Boo, but unless you feed him, he will bite you in the butt and take off too! In order to attract better people, you must first become attractive. Build the best you that you can build and you

will attract like minded people on your team.

You need an Income Stream

You must have a dream and develop a team that you can turn into an income stream! It is learning how to turn your passion into a profit. Turning your play-day into a payday. People ask me, “Can my passion support me?” My answer is, if your passion has a plan, your plan will support your passion. Whatever your passion is, someone in the world is doing it - and making a ton of money from it. Does everyone who follows their passion make money or become rich? The majority of people who become wealthy followed their passion; most who follow their passion remain or go broke. If both sets of individuals followed their passion why did some get rich and some go broke? The answer is found in having a plan. You must treat you passion like a business and not a hobby if you want to turn your play day into a payday. Unless you have a well developed plan of how you are going to turn your passion into a highly profitable venture, chances are you are headed for a financial flop. This goes back to the part of developing your team. Your team should consist of five top quality mentors who can assist you in building a business plan for your passion, a pre-paid legal plan for legal advice and protection, as well as a top rated tax accountant.

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With a little help from your mentors and a little ingenuity on your part, it is a pretty simple task to figure out how you can turn your passion into a profit stream. The first place to start is to ask yourself how your passion can help and serve other people. The bottom line is, it’s the service your passion provides that will be the channel that the money comes to you. The better and more your passion helps people, the more profitable your passion will be. There is no greater joy than to be working everyday from your passion, the very thing you love (and would do for free if you were a millionaire) and be making a ton of money from it. Knowing that you are impacting and improving the lives of individuals is a wonderful feeling. When you tap into these leadership secrets, the dream, team, and income stream, here are the qualities that you will see manifest in your life.


Massive excitement

You will be motivated even in challenging times. You will have the energy, drive and desire to keep going when circumstances tell you to quit.


Positive Attitude

Because you are excited, motivated and working from your passion, you are happy and it automatically causes you to have a great attitude.

3. Eliminate Procrastination When you are working on your dream that creates massive excitement and having a positive attitude, nobody has to be on you to get things done. It is an automatic response; you are just at the top of your game. The only reason people procrastinate is because they are not working from the three elements of the dream, having a team, and an income steam.


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The Secret of True Leadership (continued)... 4. Magnet for Good Things Because you are working from strength and a position of positive energy, you are putting the law of attraction to work for you to bring you more good things. Most people use the saying “when it rains, it pours” in conjunction with bad times, but I am here to tell you that it works the same way for good times. You will start attracting all the good things you have always desired. The people, opportunities and money will start showing up…it’s amazing!

5. Self Confidence You start believing in yourself and your abilities. You realize you can reach your dreams; you can be more, do more and have more. When you


have healthy self confidence you are in the position to not only help your dreams come true, but helping other people reach their dreams as well. Self confidence makes you feel good about yourself and about others, and that’s a good thing.

6. You start caring for people. It is a lot easier to care for people when you, yourself, are happy and fulfilled. It is human nature not to be in a good mood or have much compassion for people when you feel like your life is stuck in the misery of a perpetual challenge. On the other hand, when you are happy and your life is absolutely great, it’s human nature to give to others. And when it comes to leadership, if you are going to be effective, you must want to help

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people, not use people.


Natural Leader

All of a sudden, due to your results and example, people are following you, you are helping people and you wake up one day and realize you are a true leader. And it came so natural. Now you have it, the true secret to leadership. Create a dream, build your team, turn it into an income stream and you will find that you have become an effective leader. In the end, you will find that you cannot lead other people to places you yourself do not want to go.


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“Kandee G’s favorite book of 2011”



The Virtual Reality of Creation by Dee Wallace

all sorts of machinations to create us being able to create. We are repeating the same need for rituals that old religion did and calling it New Age. Creation should be fun and joyous. Indeed, creation doesn’t happen without that. And yet here we are, toiling away to figure it out. So obviously, there is a belief in place that creation is hard, and as we believe, it is delivered. You can see what awesome creators we are. We are delivering some substantial struggle in our lives.

This creation stuff is tricky business. We are so locked into the old rules and regulations of how it has to be done that we can’t see the forest for the trees. Especially because even what we knew of it a year ago, has changed and expanded. If we are still holding on to the illusion that the forest and the trees are there regardless of our focus and creation of them, we are missing the newest, most unlimited thought possible. What if God was merely energy that was created for us? That energy - let’s call it the Creative Force - loved us so much that it simply wanted us to play with the creation and manipulation of It, so it could have awesome experiences of everything It could possibly imagine. And let’s pretend that It didn’t call any of those experiences bad; war was simply an exercise in the creation of war, love was dabbling in a different vibrational exercise, etc. Our world of us would be a virtual reality game where we could create anything and everything without fear of judgment; being wrong, committing sin, losing love, or death from decision in any way. It’s a description of freedom that is

difficult to understand from the limited thoughts of a fearful society. Our perspective is the most important creation tool in the creation process, and we have heard that principle expressed in a myriad of ways throughout the years. Seeing the glass half full or half empty, “As you believe, it will be delivered to you,” and as Henry Ford so aptly put it, “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” These statements are all saying the same thing: reality is created by choice. Choosing the reality we want, then, should be a no-brainer. Easy. Effortless. It appears to be so easy that it is hard to grasp. “If it is that easy,” we argue, “why don’t I have what I want?” Because you don’t believe it’s that easy!! And as you believe…. We just can’t seem to allow ourselves the unlimited thought that daydreaming and imagining and being happy and being joyful is all we have to do to create that in our lives. It has to be more complicated. We have to learn and study and meditate for hours and go through

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There are five components to Creation: Know, Believe, Allow, Be Happy, Release. Let’s take money. I know I am the creator of it. I believe the money is created, I allow it to manifest from anywhere, I choose to be happy. I release it to the Universe to deliver. If you can see it, you can create it. But with ease and grace, not force and manipulation. Our minds want to fight that. Our minds want to play by the old rules and regulations of power, manipulation and control. That doesn’t work in the world of virtual reality, because it limits everything and enters the creation game with limitations in place. Who wants to create a virtual world with limitations? We want the virtual worlds of freedom, unconditional love, wellness and more-than-enoughness. The games that invite us to pick up the sword and the gun are the virtual worlds we create, until we know that the greatest power of creation is Love. That is our power. Create that virtual world. Yippee! Contact Dee Wallace at:



Do Something Remarkable! by Kandee G

up in ways that are less than satisfying. “This is not my vision, this is not what I want my life to be...” Often times those little things are lessons in commitment, self-discipline, and sacrifice, sticking with it even if we don’t want to, even if there was something more exciting going on somewhere else, even if we couldn’t see where our mundane service position is leading us. It has been my experience that those “service” spots are very important. They help us learn. They help us grow. Stick with it. Give it your all. Keep a good attitude and always be the best you can be right where you are. With the new year upon us and all that my amazing team and I do here at KGE, a general theme always seems to emerge for us. What has shown up this year is to “do something remarkable”. Just pick yourself up, make the decision, define your commitment and just do it! I am finding that people are so tired of talking about what is not working and are ready for a new reality. I say “hooray” for you! You can bring the reality of your choosing into creation! Yes, you can create it. We know that it is true. We are not meant to merely sit around dreaming about things we can do and be. That’s a good place to start, but a poor place to stop. It is up to us to turn our dreams into action. We all have untapped gifts and talents inside us, and the way to develop our potential is by stepping out in faith and making the most of every opportunity. It’s not how much you have, but it’s how you use what you have that matters. Are you making the most of your gifts and talents? Do you know how to tap into what your gifts are? Do


you know or have an inkling of what you really want to do, but some internal conversation is holding you back? It is our beliefs that bring our dreams to light. When we step out in faith and use the talents and believe in ourselves that is when we create the actions that cause us to succeed. It is what I call the perfect mix of belief and ignorance. Belief in yourself and your dreams, and then being ignorant of what could go wrong. Don’t get stuck in the “how” of things, but instead get stuck in the power pictures of a dynamic future. It is then up to us to create a powerful vision or image of what we want things to look like. Our vision is our road map. It is our compass. It is the thing that keeps us on track. When we have a dynamic picture of where we are going (our vision), it is also the thing that gets us back on track. Some times when we are working on “our vision,” circumstances may show

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Many people are not willing to go through the tough times. They’re not willing to stick it out. They’re not willing to use their talents when their efforts go unnoticed. So many just sit back and wait to be given an opportunity. When we can have a good attitude about everything that we do, not just when the circumstances are fun and exciting; those things that we really want to do will come with much greater ease. Your gifts and talents will make room for you; that means if you’ll stick with it, be persistent, and continue to use what has been given to you, those gifts will cause you to move forward and help you to make progress in your life. You will rise to the top. You have a deep well of talent on the inside of you, but the only way to get that talent up and out of you is through persistence. You must be determined. You’ve got to learn not to embrace the obstacles but embrace the opportunities. When we stay with it and do our best, listening and learning

Article from the lessons, the opportunities for our talents to shine will come upon us. Never give up and never give in. The only way that you fail is when you quit. Allow that vision to guide you forward. Stay connected to your vision; stay focused on your vision. Find ways to reconnect with your vision when life’s circumstances temporarily derail you. Be relentlessly persistent. I look at my own circumstance with over thirty years of study and implementation and over a decade of commitment to Kandee G Enterprises and sharing the Vision Program. I feel as though I have been climbing this huge mountain, step by very careful step. Sometimes I slipped back a bit, but always caught my footing and proceeded upward. I now stand on the top of this mountain and have an extraordinary view of the days ahead. Only now I stand surrounded by some of the most heartfelt, talented, amazing

people that I have ever met in my entire life. I am honored and blessed to have the opportunity to spend my days surrounded by folks that help me share a message of hope. I know in my heart of hearts that these years have been spent in preparation to drive this information forward. Today I honor the path that I have been asked to walk and all those that walk it with me. I do have to tell you though, I stand here on this mountaintop and take in this fresh air and this gorgeous view and as I look out, what I see on the horizon is more mountains to climb. I also know that as we stick to that vision, continuing to put one foot in front of the other, it is truly amazing how we can find our selves doing something remarkable. I know the journey is long. Make a commitment to the remarkable within you! visit:

“Sometimes a man can become possessed by a vision. Perhaps it makes no sense to anyone else; perhaps it is a revelation to everyone. Yes, this man will say to himself, this is the way the world is supposed to be. This is how I am supposed to fit into it. He will know, like a man trying on shoes, that he has finally found a pair that will serve him for a very long walk indeed. So he begins, one step at a time.” --Anonymous

where good news has a voice

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Feature A rticle

Do Something

Beyond The 10th Element: Remarkable The Secret Law That Governs Success by Don Boyer

visit Don at


Are YOU asking yourself these questions? Can I really create the life I want? The answer is “yes!”

Dee Wallace

What if you had someone who already figured it out to show you the way?

What is holding me back?

You! The answer to that is always YOU. Your life is your responsibility. But what if you had a mentor (or two) to help you understand your own blocks and show you how to stop holding yourself back?

Two amazing women come together to share decades of learning. Dee Wallace and Kandee G want to help you succeed. True success breeds a desire to help others who want to help themselves.

Why? Why would such successful women want to

Kandee G

help me? Did you read the last statement? They want to help you because you want to help yourself!


One of the most valuable assets your career can have is a good mentor. A mentor is defined as a trusted counselor or guide. A mentor is an individual, always more experienced, who helps and guides another individual’s development.

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Get Fit in no Time Flat by Erin Crowe

and while I do spend some time just lounging with a cold drink, I also get out on the water and wakeboard, which is super fun and also a great workout. The point is, be creative with your workout; sometimes I just let my dog chase me around the yard.

Now that the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is over, it’s time to hustle yourself back into shape. If you’re like most, the thought of dieting sends a shiver of dread up your spine, but did you know that “dieting” isn’t really necessary? Nor is it necessary to spend countless hours at the gym. Here are a few tips to help get you back in the swing of things. Eat six small meals a day. Many people who are new to trying to lose weight think this method sounds a bit backwards; why would one want to eat more often? The answer is simple. By eating small, nutritious meals every 2-3 hours, your body is able to keep insulin levels balanced,

hunger at bay and energy up. All of these factors help you lose weight because the less hungry you are throughout the day, the less likely you are to gorge yourself on some unhealthy craving because you’re starving and can’t wait. Work out. Nobody wants to, and you don’t necessarily have to kill yourself and climb Everest, but some kind of physical activity is required to be able to lose weight. Go for a walk, alternate jogging and walking if you can and work your way up. Take a bike ride. Go for a swim. Take a dance class. What people often misunderstand about working out is, it’s not supposed to be torture, it’s supposed to be fun! Over the summer, my friends and I go out boating,

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Be consistent. So many of us expect a quick fix and unfortunately there is no such thing. Find a time during the day to carve out for exercise. I recommend the morning, that way, it’s done and out of the way and you can enjoy the benefits of your already revved up metabolism throughout the entire day. Track your progress. Write down what you eat and record what physical activity you do, even if its something small. Studies show that being held accountable for what you eat helps you think before you reach for that cookie or bag of chips. If you know you’re going to have to write it down and hold yourself accountable, you’re likely to think twice. Cravings happen. When one of these pesky little urges rears its ugly head, don’t try to ignore it; accept it. Accept that this is something that is happening in your mind right


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Get Fit in no Time Flat (continued)

now and you have the ability to control it. Someone once told me that when they got a craving, they would head to the bathroom or somewhere private and take a good look at their problem area(s), and that usually helped them stay on track. It’s a bit extreme, but it may work for some! The good news about cravings is, you’re allowed to give in. A little. If you have a craving for ice cream, just eat a few bites, that way you’ve gotten a taste of what you want without eating the whole carton. Also, if you just can’t bring yourself to eat even a tiny bit of that food you crave, swap smart; try eating a little piece of dark chocolate (which is good for you by the way) in place of that giant chocolate doughnut.

even while asleep, is not good. The trick is, of course don’t gorge yourself on a meal that is comparable to a Thanksgiving feast, but make smart choices. The best options for nighttime meals and snacks are foods that digest slowly. Some examples of these include: complex carbs, proteins and unsaturated fats. Whole wheat rice or pasta, beans, veggies, eggs, lean meats, low fat milk, low fat yogurt, tuna, seafood, olive oil and nuts. This way your body uses up the nutrients slowly. If you choose foods that digest quickly; processed foods like white bread, white rice, soda, cookies, doughnuts and candy bars, your body burns through them, then stores what is left over as fat.

Fun Facts: Below are two interesting pieces of information I stumbled up while researching this topic. I hope you find them as helpful and interesting as I did. Who says you can’t eat before bed? Many believe that doing so causes weight gain, but this is only partially true. When you think about it, while youre asleep, your body is essentially fasting; and depriving your body of what it needs to function, 26

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Drink up! According to Dr. Robin Miller, the medical director of Triune Integrative Medicine in Medford, Oregon, your body will burn 74 calories for every 8 glasses of ice water you drink per day. It’s not much, but burning 74 calories for doing what we already should be doing daily sounds pretty easy to me. I hope that you found this article helpful. Of course it is much easier to eat whatever you want, sit on the couch and do nothing, but if you take small, consistent measures to manage your weight, you’ll look and feel better, live longer and be better equipped to embrace the journey that is your life.

Erin Crowe is a resident staff writer for Nothing But Good News. We love her light hearted look on life an her “delicious” sense of humor. Look for more great stuff from Erin in upcoming issues of Nothing But Good News Magazine. Erin is a freelance writer, so if you are interested in having someone “spice up” a story for you; contact: and she will pass along your info.

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Dream Big Showcase Article

Beating All Odds, Dr. King “Pays it Forward” The Interview of Dr. Elizabeth King, by Hank Eder

What Exactly is the Dream Big Showcase? Do you know someone who had a dream and went for it? Are they living their dream despite the odds? Each issue of Nothing But Good News Magazine will feature a unique individual that threw caution to the wind and went after their dream. Submit your ideas to

s Some people joke about making lemonade out of life’s lemons, but this inspirational woman has made it by the tubful and found her life’s mission in helping others. Dr. Elizabeth King, founder and CEO of the International Holistic Center in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, has literally “walked the walk,” even when her doctors told her she would never walk again. At the age of three with the Dominican Republic in the midst of war, Dr. King was stricken with a severe case of polio and not expected to survive. Against the odds, she not only survived, but also came through some very rough years with her spirit intact. “Starting with that as a framework was how my life has evolved,” Dr. King said. “From there we came to the United States, and from the age of seven to the age of 17, I had 33 surgeries. Most of those surgeries required that I be hospitalized for three months all the way up to a year. That was a difficult and very dark time,


but I never allowed it to take my spirit away. Mostly it’s because my mother and teacher gave me such incredible strength and tools to overcome this. It was a really trying time for a young person to go through all that surgery.” Dr. King spent her childhood in New York, in a special education program where kids with disabilities, either physical or mental, were clustered together. “Basically, we were labeled as the ones who wouldn’t be able to make it,” Dr. King recalled. “But my teacher and my Mom, both incredible women in my life, never allowed me to be a victim. They always created a sense of survivorship and of opportunity, and that’s what I knew, so I’ve been able to make a lot of lemonade out of a lot of lemons.” Anyone tempted to complain about hitting the big 4-0 might be humbled by Dr. King’s experience during that time in her life. Following two more surgeries (bringing the number to 35), an accident with a falling file cabinet had devastating results. Bedridden

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for two years, Dr. King had to step aside from the life she had built as an educator and administrator and do some deep soul-searching. “I was told that I was not going to be able to walk again, so I had to take a hard look at my life and see really what my purpose was. There were not times that didn’t want to go on, but I had no choice but to continue my life.” During this time, due to the complications of a seriously compromised bone structure, at least 15 doctors refused to take her on as a patient. “The two years in which I was bedridden were really dark years,” she said. “That’s where I really started trying to figure it out, and that’s where I really started questioning it all. But one thing that has always continued throughout my life as a common theme has been that your mind is really powerful and that attitude is everything. Being a very spiritual person, I just kept reminding myself, that there is a God and there is a purpose in everything.

Dream Big Showcase Article A transformational moment occurred one morning while Dr. King watched television from her bed. “I was in excruciating pain,” she recalled, “taking eight to ten pain pills a day, sometimes more than that. I just happened to turn on the TV, and there was a minister on that morning. Her name was Paula White. She was saying how God doesn’t give you anything you cannot handle. At that moment I remember just breathing profoundly and thinking, really reflecting. ‘Okay, I know I can handle what you’ve given me, but why me?’ And something internally said, ‘Because you have to fulfill a purpose.’ That’s when I knew that I had to start fighting again. I knew that I had to go find the answers. That was the beginning of my healing, because it reminded me that after dark there’s always light, there’s always daybreak.” During this time, Dr. King met a doctor who started her in a new direction. “This doctor said, ‘Why don’t you look into holistic health?’ I told him I didn’t believe in any of that. He asked me, ‘What do you have to lose?’ And then I realized he was right. I had already lost everything, so I was ready to listen. I started my journey, and within four months I was walking without medication. I learned how to combine mind, body, and spirit. When I started walking, I said to myself, ‘This is a gift and I have to pay it forward.’” Dr. King has been “paying it forward” through the International Holistic Center, a “boutique” center that combines conventional and nonconventional treatments to really get to the core of someone’s problems, not just treat symptoms. “The heart of the center is that it’s a healing place, where people are heard,” Dr. King said. “We really want to help make a difference for every individual who walks through the door. I never want anyone to go through what I went through.” Holistic healing brought Dr. King to her true life’s work. “I found out about

holistic health, and in a few months I started to walk,” she said. “I knew then that my purpose in life was to create a healing place for other people, so they could also get their life back, and to give them hope. So I have opened the International Holistic Center. It is a healing place where I’m an expert in finding the experts. Together we help people to get their life and health back on track.” Dr. King uses her own difficult life lessons to help ease others’ burdens. “I strive every day to give back,” she emphasized. “I feel very blessed that I have been given a gift to help other people and to see life in a way that I feel like I can inspire others. I tell people who ask, ‘Why me?’ that I always ask myself, ‘Why not me?’ I know that the why me is because I can take my experiences and share those with other people. I’m no better than anyone else, and if I can do it so can they.”

Dr. King has become a voice of hope for those might otherwise be hopeless. The motto of the International Holistic

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Center is “Feeling Good Is Now An Option.” Dr. King has made it part of her personal philosophy. “What I am doing now is finding ways to share this information and empower people, so that they can take control over their lives. They can live better lives and not accept anything less than that. It’s so beyond who I am as a person. It really is the calling and purpose in life that I have embraced, and I know that my voice has to be loud. You don’t go through 35 surgeries and all I’ve gone through to not be a voice for the greater good.” For those with dreams of their own, Dr. King offers this advice: “I would say if you have a dream, go for it without fear because you don’t have the right not to fulfill your purpose. Step out of your head in thinking that this is about you because it isn’t. It’s about carrying out your destiny. If you put it in those terms, you will see that your fears will wither away and nothing will stop you.”

Find out more about Dr. King and the International Holistic Center by visiting their website: http://www., or by giving them a call at 954-903-9426.


Hank Eder

Creative Services

Now working with Kandee G Enterprises to launch the groundbreaking site,

Creative services include: • • • •

Public Relations Copy Writing Screenplay Writing Corporate/Personnel Communications

• • • •

Coming Soon! Press Releases SEO Writing B2B Publications Editing and Proofreading

Web Site:

Cutting Edge Solutions for Health, Well-Being, and Sustainable Living:

Blogs: • •

EMF Pollution Solutions – Protect yourself and family from EMF and microwave radiation: The Great Write Way writing blog:


Hank’s photos for sale on Redbubble:

Special Projects:

We are in the early stages of pre-production of an Indie film project, Bipolar Express. Executive Producers and Producers are needed. Contact Hank for more information.

Phone: 828-689-5787


Article Heeding the Voice of Your Inner Hero by Hank Eder

and there I decided to shrug it off like a worn out overcoat. For a few weeks I basked in the warm glow of total liberation, putting off telling my mother until I came to some decision about what I really wanted to do. That decision took more than 30 years! Have you ever heard the axiom, “If you don’t know where you’re going, it doesn’t matter how you get there?” The writer must have been talking about me.

I was in my junior year at the University of Florida when I realized, once and for all, that I did not want to be a lawyer. My major had been journalism, with the notion that I would take pre-law requisite courses and apply to law school. Then I would specialize in law as it pertained to mass communications. Or so I thought. To be honest, the journalism major fulfilled a small part of my dream to become a writer. I wrote for the college paper, took fiction courses, dabbled in the Great American Science Fiction Novel. It all seemed like so much fairy dust next to the big picture – becoming a lawyer. That would assure me of making a good living, and that’s what my parents always emphasized as most important. One glorious fall day I sat in the sunshine at Lake Alice on the UF campus, pondering the question

of now I fit into the Universe. That’s when I heard the voice of my Inner Hero (that voice of true wisdom from my Higher Self) loud and clear, asking, “Are you sure you’re really following your own path?” “What do you mean?” I queried. “Are you doing what brings you joy, or are you just playing the tapes your parents programmed into you? Think about it – whose idea was it to become a lawyer?” I wanted to shout out, “Mine!” But I could not. The answer hit me like an upper cut from Mohammed Ali. Becoming a lawyer had always been my mother’s dream. “My son, the lawyer,” she’d be able to tell her friends some day. The dream had never been mine. So right then

I spent the next 30 years trying out different vocations. News reporter and editor, graphics designer, advertising copywriter, and public school educator – each experience was but a note in a grander symphony of selfrealization. The one thing I chose decisively during those years was my wife, Barbara. She has been a guide, a best friend, and a good shove in the right direction whenever I needed it. We’ve been together for close to 32 years. She’s never told me what to be, but always encouraged me to be my best. What a blessing! I learned a lot about the things I didn’t want to do. Maybe that’s the hard way, but for quite some time it was my way. Then one day something magical happened. Barbara and I looked at the things we had done, and we realized that everything we have in this life we drew to ourselves through dreams and visioning. Success or failure was a function of our willingness to accept full responsibility for our station in life. No more playing

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Heeding the Voice of Your Inner Hero (continued)...

the “blame game” and pointing a finger at things outside ourselves. Have you ever heard people talk about how the “Universe” is testing them? So-called failures and misfortunes are lumped into this category. I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but that’s just New Age psychobabble for “I don’t want to take responsibility for my own success.” Does that sound harsh? Well, it isn’t. It’s just honest. We are the ultimate arbiters of our own success or failure. It’s all in the choices we make and the actions we take.

to build strength and character. Perhaps if you’ve succeeded at everything you’ve ever set out to do, maybe you need to stretch yourself a bit further.

Here’s a long-kept secret: We live in a Universe of Limitless Abundance. The key lies in the power of our visions. Paint a clear picture of the life you want, and then listen to your own Hero’s Voice as it fills in the action steps you need to succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Then take those steps. It’s really that simple!

Believe me, everyone doesn’t just succeed at everything automatically. The great visionary, Walt Disney, once said everyone needs a few monumental failures


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So while the Universe won’t test you for some obscure purpose, you must strive to test yourself, to hone your skills in the forge of your own call to action. This is the only way to unlock the Hero within. This is how to embrace life to the fullest.

Hank Eder lives near Asheville, NC, with his wife, Barbara, and two cats. Hank is a selfemployed writer and public relations/marketing specialist. Current projects include working with Kandee G to launch the groundbreaking iVisionMyLife. com. Hank is writing an eBook titled “Your Life On the Hero’s Journey,” two novels, and is the co-writer of the screenplay, “Bipolar Express,” currently in the earliest stages of development by an Asheville film production company. Catch up with Hank at

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Shelli Blair

Founder & Publisher OF “U.B.U.” A Spiritual Health-Oriented & Conscious Newsletter

Phone: (954)-527-7737 Email: Winter 2012 - Kandee G Enterprises


Article Embrace Your Entepreneurial Journey with The Success Quadrant by Janet Beckers

You have a passion for your topic and entrepreneurial spirit. In fact, you may have a problem in that you are passionate about many things and aren’t sure which is the one you want to focus your business on. You may not be clear on who your target market is and what the unique offering is you bring to the market but you know, if you can just get clear on this, you will be successful. Cash Flow is a bit challenged. You know you don’t have much money to invest in your business so, until it starts paying its own way, you are going to have to learn how to do everything yourself.

Shooting Star Over the past 3 years I’ve been privileged to mentor thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide and there is something important I have noticed: Entrepreneurs tend to fall into one of 4 categories when building their business. Even though the steps to create success are the same for each entrepreneur (there are in fact 5 and a half steps), the ORDER in which they follow them is different for each group.

fall into, I have developed a simple quiz and Blueprint for you to follow depending on what “Star Type” you are on The Success Quadrant. You can do the quiz and get your one page action plan over here but to get you started, let’s see if you can relate to one of the following categories.

Star Gazer

If you have been modeling successful people and not getting the success you expected, it is very likely because you are following the path in the wrong order. To help you identify what group you


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The Shooting Star is very similar to a Star Gazer except for one big difference. You have money to invest in your business. This has advantages but also disadvantages. The advantage is you know, once you are clear on your niche and the value you bring to that niche, you can move fast. You can afford to outsource the areas you really don’t want to master and so can concentrate your time and energy on the things you are good at. It can sometimes be even more frustrating being a Shooting Star

Article rticle A than a Star Gazer (I’m sure Star Gazers will disagree though). Sometimes you can feel like a sprinter stuck at the starting line. You’re psyched for the race, you know you have the ability to win but you can’t take off until the Starter Gun goes. This brings us to the disadvantage I mentioned. Because you have the resources and ambition to succeed it can be very easy to have a false start and use your valuable resources on a business that was never going to succeed.

Cash flow is likely very tight and it’s about time you started getting paid what you are worth!

Super Star

Cash flow is likely quite variable for Super Stars. Like Shooting Stars you have resources to invest in your business but you also know that some months can get pretty tight. You’d love cash flow to be much more predictable.

Can you identify which Star Type you are on the Success Quadrant? A Super Star may seem like they have achieved success, and they have to a great extent, but they may not agree with you. In fact, they haven’t got time to disagree with you! This is because they are getting excellent results with people and are in great demand but they are at risk of burning out.

Star Blazer

A Star Blazer differs from a Shooting Star and Star Gazer in that they are very clear on the niche / topic they will be building their business on. Further than that, they are already helping people in their area of expertise and passion and getting results. This doesn’t mean you are making money though. You may be helping people for free or for buying you lunch or a coffee. You may have transitioned into charging for the solutions you provide but you don’t have near enough paying customers and it can be difficult to get them to continue spending money with you. You suspect you’re not really charging enough though it’s a bit of a Catch 22. You’re worried if you charge more, you may end up with fewer customers. There is also a chance you are getting results for people but you are not in your own business. You may have an employer and you now want to go out on your own.

Very often a Super Star may be in a service or coaching business and often working one-on-one or on projects that require a lot of their input. Sometimes they are running lots of workshops and travelling which they enjoy but they only have so much time available to do this and they’re a bit over the travel. If this sounds like you, you’re probably hanging out for a holiday but know when you are away your income will drop. Your income may have reached a ceiling because the only way to bring more money in is to work more hours and you’ve reached your limit. For some Super Stars, there’s a chance you have already started creating information products and group programs so you can leverage your knowledge and start making income that is not tied to the number of hours you work. If that’s you, that’s brilliant. Your challenge now is to make this your major source of income so you can really enjoy the success you deserve.

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If you haven’t done The Quadrant Quiz yet I recommend you head over to now. It will only take you a few minutes and we’ll let you know where on the Success Quadrant you fall. As a bonus I’ll also gift you The Success Quadrant Blueprint so you have the 5 (and a half) steps to Shine Online, with steps on how to embrace your new entrepreneurial path specifically for your Entrepreneurial Star Type. Let’s make 2012 your year to shine.

Janet Beckers Founder Wonderful Women International author, speaker mentor and multi-award winning entrepreneur. I’d love to know what Star Type you are.


Aeature rticle F Does Your Body Image Prevent You From Embracing Life Fully? by Dana Gore

want it. While this may be true under certain circumstances, when it comes to our health and well-being, slow and steady wins the race. So how does this relate to embracing life fully? Just keep reading!

A few years ago, as I was browsing through the forum of a health and fitness website I visited often, I noticed a post from someone looking for advice on how to lose as much weight as possible in three days for a last minute trip to Las Vegas with her friends. She sounded panicked and I, along with everyone else who had a response, informed her that it looked like she was out of luck. I would have sat back and put myself in this woman’s shoes for a moment, yet I didn’t have to. I knew all too well how she was feeling since it had been my own reality often enough. How about you? Have you ever been invited to an event you really wanted to attend but declined because you weren’t happy with the way you looked? Or perhaps you decided to go, but only if you could drop a few sizes within a week? Whether it’s a blind date, an upcoming reunion, or even a job interview… every one of us has had something come up that required our attendance and often enough, the opportunity presented itself out of nowhere. Since this is how life often works, wouldn’t it be a breath of fresh air to simply be ready for anything at any given time? I feel that as time moves forward and technology makes everything seem possible within a moment’s notice, we as a society have taken on the notion that with enough scrambling, we can get exactly what we want when we


The simple truth is that when we feel we look our best, we are more confident. When we are confident, we are at peace with who we are and where we are at the present moment and therefore, we’re ready for anything. We know that while we may try on dozens of outfits before an event, it is done out of the eager anticipation of how well we feel we will present ourselves. Our heads are held high, we’re relaxed and we give our full attention to the present moment. If, on the other hand we suffer from a negative body image, we feel selfconscious and uncomfortable. These feelings prevent us from wanting to participate in life’s activities and since most of us prefer to avoid pain, this is where we frantically look to “fix” whatever it is that ails us. Quick fixes in regard to health and wellness come in the form of fad dieting, exercise programs that are too advanced for our level of fitness and a LOT of stress and negative self-talk. These methods of shrinking our bodies do not promote optimal health. In fact, many of these can be very detrimental to both mind and body. Restricting calories causes muscle to have to be broken down in the absence of nutrients and since muscle dictates a large portion of our metabolism, we need to hang on to as much of it as possible. Strains and sprains are common when trying to overdo it with exercise, so whipping oneself into shape within a short period of time won’t work either. The idea is to spend time every day practicing habits that lead to good

Winter 2012 - Kandee G Enterprises

health. When there is effort put into treating ourselves with dignity and respect it shows. This isn’t about size. We are all designed in our own unique bodies. When we practice sound nutrition and partake in challenging, yet safe and structured physical activity we are actively pursuing bringing our best selves to the surface. Eating foods that support our living cells is quite literally taking in life. The right amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteins all play a pivotal role in contributing to the “house that carries our spirits”. Physical activity makes us strong, agile and yes, toned. Exercise distributes oxygen throughout our bodies, releases endorphins that have been known to cause feelings of happiness and makes us feel proactive in the pursuit of a fit physique. I’m going to suggest trying this scenario on for size… Your fridge is stocked with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains because you eat for optimal health. You enjoy this because you have trained your palate to appreciate high quality and nutrient dense foods. You made the decision to find a form of fitness you love and as a result you have created a routine that keeps you fit and looking sharp in everything you wear. Your friend calls you and invites you on a last minute trip to Las Vegas that will take place in three days. Your biggest problem is you have too many wardrobe options! Do you think you might embrace this fully? Contact Dana at:

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1-888-KandeeG • (1-888-526-3334)

Kandee G is a vision specialist, international speaker, emcee, author, radio/ tv host, cast member and co-producer of two movies, creator of The Vision Program and founder of Nothing But Good News Media. Feed your Spirit

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Article No Limitations Means an Empowered Life by Emanuel Gonzales for decades, and compared to them it is a David and Goliath moment. When an athlete begins to put limits on himself because his opponent has more experience, the energy, performance, and desire will not be at the level needed to succeed. This is because limitations set off a chain of events. Better yet, limitations begin to align your body, mind, and soul with the energy produced by that single limitation. Whether they are good, bad, or indifferent, your body — all the way to the subatomic level — will become aligned with that single limitation.

We tend to give ourselves so many limitations. Some of the greatest people, many of them nobody has ever heard of, end up never achieving their full potential or even their heart’s desires simply because they put limitations on themselves. A single limitation is probably the most dangerous thing a person can have.

language, “No.” As human beings we are wired for success, meaning we have unlimited capabilities and the power to create whatever it is we desire. However, because of limitations, we hinder ourselves from believing, seeing, and manifesting our desires. This means we become programmed for failure.

The experience we call “life” has unlimited possibilities. All dreams, goals, desires, needs, and charities we wish to achieve and create are at our fingertips. The first step would be to get rid of those limitations holding us back and then open our minds to the things that will bring value to our dreams. When we build a foundation that does not revolve around limitation, no one and nothing can stop us!

Growing up we were programmed to fail. This may be odd to read, but it is true. As children we were given so many limitations. One of them derives from one of the shortest and most commonly used words in the English

Think about an Olympic athlete. All Olympians train for many hours, days, months, and even years to get where they desire to be, the world Olympics. Some athletes go up against opponents that have been competing

To learn more about Emanuel and his mission visit Emanuel’s website at

Winter 2012 - Kandee G Enterprises


rticle FAeature A Very Kandee G Christmas Eve by Erin Crowe, Photographed by Joann Munoz For many, Christmas Eve dinner consists of eating rich, traditional foods, sitting around with family you only see once a year, and awaiting the following morning. The Kandee G Christmas Eve is much different. It’s one heck of an awesome, unique party that includes gourmet dishes, exquisite wines, and gifts for all in attendance. This year marked the Seventh Annual Kandee G Christmas. I myself am lucky and proud to say that I have been in attendance every year since it began and this year was as delicious and wildly entertaining as ever. Let me start at the beginning. Kandee G began this tradition to bring our blended family together. She has turned this tradition into an awesome celebration with lots of fun, laughter, and love. Guests arrive at the Casa de Kandee G at around 6 pm and enjoy cocktails, while the catering staff puts the final touches on the twelve-course meal. This year Kandee G even engaged her friend and professional photographer, Joann, (see ad on page 45) to take professional pictures of the family, the guests, and of course, the food. After the pictures and cocktails, guests took their seats at the elaborately decorated table by finding their name cards, carefully placed in reindeer place card holders. Once everyone was seated, we were invited to join Dave (Kandee G’s husband and my Dad), in a prayer. We were then invited to open our first “course.” Now I know what you’re thinking; how can a person open a course? Well at the Kandee G Christmas party, courses can be either food items or gifts. This year began with a gift. We popped open our first gifts and inside we found a scroll with a series of blessings for the coming year. Every line is a clue that corresponds to the next coming gift course, and trust me, the gifts are nothing short of creative and hilarious.


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rticle FAeature We began the meal with a tempura stone crab claw with grapefruit ponzu alongside a curried pumpkin soup, and it was, of course, fabulous. Catered bytoJudith Able, owner/ In addition the food and gifts, I should mention operator of Chef of Distinction that Kandee G andsome Daveof carefully select fine in Ft. Lauderdale, the wines correspond to every course, and as menu that items included prosciuto wrapped filet, lobster and apple true wine connoisseurs, they do a wonderful job. frisee salad with a champagne The next gift followed the appetizer course -- a vinaigrette and parmesan pine paper crown that weplate all donned nut crisp, a cheese with immediately. a jalapeño jelly, a cucumber Other gifts included: festive party wine stoppers, andnose a baileys asorbet Rudolph (that and everyone coffee crème brulee. There arewore and took very seriously), stick-on mustaches, pens with no words to describe what a fabulous job the catering staff funny sayings and much more. did. The fact that they spent their Christmas Eve making ours

unforgettable was something we will not soon forget. The theme of the evening is to eat, drink, laugh and love every second. It’s something that Kandee G puts a huge amount of effort into every year, and every year it is evident how much family and Christmas traditions mean to her and everyone in attendance.

Winter 2012 - Kandee G Enterprises


Article A Very Kandee G Christmas Eve (Continued)...

Catered by Judith Able, owner/operator of Chef of Distinction in Ft. Lauderdale, (see ad on page 44) some of the menu items included prosciuto wrapped filet, lobster and apple frisee salad with a champagne vinaigrette and parmesan pine nut crisp, a cheese plate with a jalapeùo jelly, a cucumber sorbet and a baileys and coffee crème brulee. There are no words to describe what a fabulous job the catering staff did. The fact that they spent their Christmas Eve making ours unforgettable was something we will not soon forget.

Kandee G with her husband Dave, along with daughters Kaitlin and Erin and son-in-law Doug. Not present, (but missed) daughter Kelly.


Winter 2012 - Kandee G Enterprises

Article The theme of the evening is to eat, drink, laugh and love every second. It’s something that Kandee G puts a huge amount of effort into every year, and every year it is evident how much family and Christmas traditions mean to her and everyone in attendance.

Winter 2012 - Kandee G Enterprises


Article Chef of Distinction

Quality without comromi

Catering your events with style and flavor

Premier off premise catering and personal chef services. Kandee G readers require and demand superior service and quality. At Chef of Distinction we offer nothing less. We give our clients unsurpassed quality without compromise. With Chef of Distinction your events are only limited by the imagination and ones sense of epicurean adventure. Exclusive only to Kandee G readers, Chef of Distinction is offering a 10% discount on all services. This offer is a limited time. Make sure you mention Kandee G to receive your discount.

Judith Able Executive Chef/Owner Office: (954) 458-5407 Fax: (954) 458-5408

622 N.E. 8th street Hallandale Beach, FL 33009


Life is not about waiting for the storms to’s about learning to dance in the rain. 44

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This Thing Called Successimo by Erin Crowe

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FAeature rticle

The Power Of Gratitude by Emma Beck

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Aeature rticle F


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~ Client Appreciation ~ Valentine’s Day ~ Easter ~ Mother’s Day ~ Father’s Day ~ All Themes/Occasions

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An Exclusive One-of-a-Kind Women’s Networking Group. The Women of the Roundtable are women of Courage, Honor and Dignity. We are a sisterhood of love, honor, and connection. We exist to encourage one another, as well as, to help further the goals, aspirations, and relationships of other women around the world. We strive to inspire, empower and enhance the qualities of women so that we can travel the road of excellence in our professions, personal relationships and our communities. The Women of the Roundtable, Networking Group & WRT Charitable Foundation, a non-profit organization. Meetings for the East Chapter are scheduled the last Thursday of each month and the Weston Chapter meetings are scheduled the third Friday of each month. For more information contact, Doris R. Muscarella, President at (954) 704-0088 or (954) 240-4853;

The Networking Knights of Broward County is an exclusive networking

group in the Greater Fort Lauderdale area with the sole purpose of doing business with one another. When we network amongst each other, we broaden our business sense, scope, and contact base, while forging positive relationships. The Networking Knights compliment the women’s group, The Women of the Roundtable. Together, we have created a high potential for quality relationships. Text the word NETWORKING to 69302 or fill in your information on the right to receive updates on your phone about group activity. Message and Data Rates Apply. The meetings for the Networking Knights are scheduled the third Wednesday of each month. For more information contact, Michael Snyder at (954) 482-1179;; or Doris R. Muscarella, President at (954) 704-0088 or (954) 240-4853;

Corporate Headquarters


2699 Stirling Road • Building B, Suite 200 • Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312

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“We hear a lot about reinvention – in business, politics, science and technology. It’s the mantra of the age: Reinvent or relent. Businesses that fail to constantly challenge and remake themselves run the very real risk of becoming irrelevant.” - Success Magazine

Call today for a free consultation to get a Marketing Action Plan for 2012. Doris Muscarella

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Ask us how you can showcase your business on “Nothing But Good News Radio!� If you would like to advertise in this magazine, call us at 678-509-4387 or email at tracey@

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