Issue 31

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MATTERS Your local business to business journal

Points of Interest in this Issue: • Provision of Company Vans Income Tax Treatment (p4) • Good news? Shout about it! (p7) • Who owns your employee's LinkedIn account? (p11) • Why use video to Gain More Customers? (p12) • The Benefits of Managed Print Services (p13) • Starting 2014 with rent arrears? (p14) • Wake up and ‘Know thyself’! (p20)




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Editor’s Note

Have a bright idea! Well, I am sure that there is a bit of genius in all of us that can come up with a bright idea. These are the things that will enable us to perhaps break into new areas of business or slash overheads to improve profits. However, I would also like you to consider that the use of other people's bright ideas would also work! Yes, the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment of coming up with something yourself and then implementing it to resounding success cannot easily be beaten, but seeing a "new" idea that you are not currently using can equally bring about a positive change that leads to bigger things. Don't forget to also set those business goals for the year. As we make our way through the initial months the goals we set now give us targets to aim for. Through the pages of this issue and those to come, we aim to provide business tips and advice that may help stimulate or perhaps provide those "lightbulb" moments. If any of the articles trigger a chord in your business, then do contact the contributor to see how their experience can help provide a potential solution. Debbie and I wish you all success through 2014 and would love to see you at one of our bi-monthly Networking Parties where you will get to meet the people behind the articles you read in the magazine and other local business people. Best wishes,



Stephen Corney

You can be the only company of your trade or profession represented in this local business to business journal. For details on the ‘marketing packages’ available, please contact: Stephen Corney on 01202 233580 or email New Business Matters UK Ltd 1 Moorlands Rise, West Moors, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 0JR Tel: 01202 233580

24 SAVE MONEY ON INTERNAL PRINT The information contained within this publication is not intended to be complete. Whilst the publisher endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this publication, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed and the publisher accepts no liability for the use of, reliance on or the accuracy of such information. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and therefore the publisher accepts no responsibility for them. All artwork and editorial is copywrite and may not be reproduced without prior permission from the publisher. © New Business Matters UK Limited January 2009 Designed by: Stephen Corney Printed by: Remous Limited, Sherborne Published by: New Business Matters UK Limited

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Provision of Company Vans Income Tax Treatment By Andrew Hill, Director at Hill Osborne

Where a company van is “made availableâ€? to an employee for private use, a benefit in kind will arise to the employee where such employee is either a director or earns in excess of ÂŁ8,500 per annum. It is worth noting that it doesn’t matter whether or not the van is actually used by the employee for private trips that counts – it’s whether or not the vehicle was made available for such purpose. In certain instances therefore, where it is intended to avoid the imposition of the benefit in kind rules, there may be some merit in incorporating appropriate wording within the employee’s +LOO 2VERUQH such that private use beyond employment contract commuting is prohibited – this may go a long way to avoiding any subsequent argument with HMRC. /RJR 9DULDQW

Private use does not included travel to and from work or insignificant private journeys. Where a van is made available for private use by an employee the taxable benefit is a flat sum of ÂŁ3,000 per annum irrespective of age or CO2 emissions. So, for a basic rate tax payer the actual tax cost is ÂŁ600 per annum - ÂŁ3,000 @ 20%. This taxable benefit does not include the provision of fuel for private journeys. If the employer provides fuel for private use a further taxable benefit of ÂŁ564 arises for the current tax year. For more information on income tax treatment of this and other potential benefits in kind, please contact Andrew on 01202 678555 or send an e-mail to:

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Hill Osborne, Tower House, Parkstone Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 2JH Tel: 01202 678555 Fax: 01202 666071 Email:

Page 4

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“Go” At Throttle-Up!

By Mark Scott of Technovox Immediately after take off, the space shuttle was only able to operate at about two thirds of main engine power. Trying to accelerate any faster than this in the dense air at low altitudes risked damaging the structure of the vehicle. Not until 35,000 ft was the air thin enough to be able to apply full power at the “throttle-up” mission milestone. In business, we are sometimes constrained by the processes we've adopted, perhaps by habit or accident, and the way things have always been done. This is the dense air in the space shuttle analogy. How can we get into the higher thinner air that allows us to throttle up and operate at full power? Using a call answering service is not just a way of getting your calls handled reliably; it can also be an opportunity to operate more efficiently. Perhaps it means you can have fewer people in the office and more out meeting clients and solving their problems. It could mean that your office-based people can concentrate on more demanding tasks without being interrupted by the phone. If you're using your answering service to maximum effect, you'll get your calls answered consistently and efficiently, you will ensure you seize the business opportunity from every call and you'll benefit from being able to run your business at maximum power. Are you “go” for throttle up? For help and advice please send an email to or call Mark at:

Tel: 01202 901888 Web: 52 Warland Way, Wimborne, BH21 3NZ


MEET THE PEOPLE BEHIND THESE TIPS & ADVICE! Following the release of each new issue of New Business Matters, we hold an evening Networking Party for those who contribute to the articles in these pages and guests. This is just another way that we aim to help bring local businesses together and get new contacts made. Our next events will be held at the Suncliff Hotel on: Wednesday February 12th Wednesday April 9th For more information about these networking events or advertising contact: Stephen on 01202 233580 or send an email to “Just a quick email to say that I enjoyed the ‘party’ so much, it was the most relaxing yet productive networking event I have been to in such a long time.” Barbara Cox CEO of Nutrichef Ltd

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Marketing Myths That Don't Work!

By Ian Dickson, Performance Coach Myth 1 – People Always Buy Where They Get the Cheapest Price: Just look at how popular expensive German cars are. If this was true we would all be driving the cheapest cars available and only businesses that charge cheap prices would exist. This fixation on price is more of an issue for sellers than for buyers. The fact is most people are more interested in getting good value for their hard-earned money than in getting the best bargain. Those who refuse to invest in improving their sales and marketing skills will be forced to sell on price. Tip: Find ways to enhance the perceived value of your product or service and work out how to sell properly. Then test raising your price. Don’t be surprised if both your sales and your profits increase. Myth 2 – Offering Your Customers Many Options Will Boost Your Sale: The old sales adage “Too Many Choices Confuses the Customer” remains true. Presenting your customers with lots of options usually reduces sales.When confronted with several options, most customers have difficulty making a decision. They often react by procrastinating – and never make a decision. When this happens, you lose a sale you already had. Tip: Limit your customer’s decision making to either “Yes. I’ll buy.” or “No. Page 6

I won’t buy”. Don’t risk losing them by including “which one” decisions. At most give them an “either – or” option. Myth 3 – Everybody Needs My Product/ Service: That’s what YOU think. Far fewer people need your product than you think and many that do have done their research and know the alternatives. The danger of this myth is that it causes many marketers to believe they can succeed without doing as much marketing as they need to. They think their product or service is so special that it should automatically generate hordes of paying customers. Very rarely does it happen this way. When you get to the point that it does, the market is already starting to mature and there are probably many competitors. Building a successful business is hard work; most of it devoted to finding customers and making sales. Even if most people can use your product or service, you still need a marketing strategy to reach them and a convincing sales strategy to close sales. Tip: Look for narrowly defined niche markets where your product or service solves is a unique solution for your customer’s needs. Focus your marketing on them instead of trying to reach a broadly defined general market. You’ll generate more sales and enjoy a better return on your advertising investment.

To advertise in this local journal telephone 01202 233580



Good news? Shout about it!

By Stephen Corney, Director at Dorset Publications “You must stir it and stump it, and blow your own trumpet, or trust me, you haven't a chance.” — Gilbert and Sullivan Whilst some I am sure are very good at blowing their own trumpet, it is always better, I feel, to get others to do it for you! Certainly in business this adds more weight and credibility to the news. This can also take many forms, perhaps by an award or certification from an association or governing body. Alternatively, a glowing testimonial from a very satisfied client. For those that provide products or services to make improvements visually, before and after photos can tell far more than words. So once these are in hand, how can you spread that good news? Placing them on your website or social media pages will get a certain audience and if you send it to a newspaper (and are lucky enough to get it printed) more may see it.

Some publications may offer the chance to write articles that run alongside advertising campaigns. Whatever the opportunities, do make sure that you seize each and every one to broadcast the good news far and wide! If you are unsure about what to write and want to make the most of the chance, do either ask for help from the editorial staff at the publication, your web designer or social media manager. Or alternatively seek the services of a professional copywriter. These are extremely good at listening to what you want to say and then creating text that really gets the point across well. Any cost that may be involved are certainly worth it, since the text can be used for blogs, websites and editorials. So if you have some good news that you want to shout about and get local residents to hear, then give Stephen or Debbie a call at Dorset Publications on 01202 894397!

Would you like your business to reach 1000s of potential residential clients on a monthly basis? Full colour A5 glossy magazines distributed by our own team of distributors - you can rely on us! » Free artwork design » A free article, the same size as the advert booked in one of the months, with a 3 months booking » Free advertising on our magazine Facebook pages » A free listing on our Website Directory pages » Each magazine is fully uploaded every month on the internet via our website

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Does Grammar Matter? By Alison Reeves from Write to Win Correct grammar and punctuation are major hurdles for many new business owners. Depending on when and where you were educated, your English Language education may not have been as good as it could have been. The nuts and bolts of business writing really do matter – it makes sure you communicate clearly and people can understand you, and it also supports the image you are trying to create of a competent person who knows what they are talking about. Probably the most misused item of punctuation in the English Language is the humble apostrophe. You see examples of its misuse every day – a great example of this was the Stella Artois advert which proudly said ‘Perfection Has It’s Price’. Whoever was responsible for this punctuation gaffe must have learned an embarrassing and potentially expensive lesson – but we have all done it! As an ex-publisher myself I know that the publishing world has many horrifying anecdotes about huge print runs which had to be pulled because of a crucial error that everyone failed to spot. So, how can we avoid this mistake? Well the answer lies in correct proofreading. A cursory glance will no doubt miss a lot of errors because your brain tends to read what it thinks should be there, and not what is actually there. The very best solution is to find someone else to do your proofreading for you. Page 8

In the case of the wrong ‘its’, you can avoid this kind of problem by training your eyes and your brain to check that you always have the right form of its (or it’s). The rule is that the possessive form of it never takes an apostrophe. Generally, the confusion arises because the possessive form does normally have an apostrophe, for example: Fred’s car, Gill’s scarf or the dog’s bone. However, if I want to use the possessive pronoun instead of a noun then I write his book, her laptop or its bone. The temptation is to write it’s bone because this is a possessive but that would obviously be wrong. The basic thing to remember is that you only use it’s when you mean it is, as in it’s a long journey or it’s bedtime now. So when you write it’s or its, always double check that you have the right form. Don’t forget that if you write badly, it’s not only your own image that suffers. It can affect people’s view of your business as a whole. If you want more tips on grammar, punctuation or how to improve your business writing in a more general sense, read my blog or get in touch for some training. Alison specialises in helping her customers to win more business by improving their business writing skills. Check out her website:

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Electrical safety no laughing matter!

By Kelvyn Green of Green Light Electrical Installations So what’s all the fuss about electrical safety? How many times have you or your workplace colleagues said; '…that old unit’s been going for years – it’ll go on forever.' Unfortunately, they often don’t. Not only are employers responsible under UK Law for ensuring the safety of their employees and the public, they are also liable if things go wrong. In the news recently, a company was fined £27,000 by the Health and Safety Executive for not properly maintaining their electrical equipment. The hazards highlighted in that case presented immediate and potentially fatal risks to their employees. Could your company afford this and possibly more - plus the negative press that goes with it? Take a look around your workplace or shop floor right now. Can you see any obvious trip hazards such as trailing leads across walkways, or loose sockets with overloaded plugs? Just got the old heaters down from the store for the winter? Or how about your computer systems and printers for example – how many leads and wires does each one host? Are they

safe? How would you recognise the dangers? Get a qualified electrician to carry out a full electrical safety inspection so that you don’t have to. They should discuss their findings with you and make sure that you are happy with what is proposed to make you, your staff, customers and the public safe, and legally compliant. Also remember that regular testing and inspections are a key part to ensuring that all installations are up to date. Did you know that in the event of an incident, insurance assessors are likely to ask for evidence that certain inspections have taken place, in line with current recommendations? Many insurance companies are now looking to be sure that due diligence has taken place, can you demonstrate this in your business? For more help and advice on all electrical matters in your business, contact Kelvyn Green at Green Light Electrical Installations Ltd on 01425 477943 or email him at

Green Light Electrical Installations Limited have 25 years of experience in the Electrical Industry. We offer a full range of commercial and industrial electrical services and are dedicated to providing a first class electrical service to all our customers.

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The Federation of Small Businesses The FSB is Britain's leading business organisation with over 200,000 members. It exists to protect and promote the interests of the self-employed, and all those who run small businesses. The FSB in Dorset has 4,000 small businesses as members.

Dorset FSB activists influence the future of the UK economy The voice of Dorset businesses were heard at a major conference in London on January 27th. Senior Cabinet Ministers, a former advisor on small business issues to American President Obama, Karen Mills, and leading entrepreneurs came together at the Federation of Small Businesses’ (FSB) first Policy Conference. This event will shape not only the future of small businesses in Dorset but across the UK, helping influence the agenda for enterprise, growth and educational skills. The FSB, the leading voice of business, believes small firms will form a vital part of the economic and political debate in 2014 and beyond. Recent FSB research shows confidence, with many of Dorset’s small businesses, looking to grow in 2014. For this growth to be achieved and small firms to fulfil their role in the economy, hurdles such as access to finance, burdensome regulation, and the gap between skills and employability must be overcome. In the US, the Small Business Administration, formerly headed by Karen Mills, spearheaded efforts to remove barriers to growth for small firms and acted as a powerful voice in the heart of government on behalf of those

businesses. Discussions on the day were framed by the question of whether a similar institution could work in the UK, with Ken Moon, FSB Wessex Regional Chair, ensuring that the concerns and issues of Dorset businesses are taken on board. The FSB streamed the conference live to a global audience. Join the debate on Twitter by following and using #FSBGrowth and #FSBSkills. Ken Moon, FSB Wessex Regional Chairman, Federation of Small Businesses, said: ‘The role of small firms has never been more important, and we are proud to have been invited to an event where we can voice the issues that Dorset members are concerned about. We need to make sure businesses can access finance and the support they need to grow, and that they have confidence the education system will deliver school leavers with the skills they need in business. Whilst we already work with local councils and this event is an exciting opportunity for senior cabinet members, smart and influential economists and dynamic entrepreneurs to hear Dorset questions and for us to shape future UK policy.’

FSB Local Contacts: FSB Regional Office, Christchurch - Tel: 01425 280080 - Email: Neil Eames, Development Manager, Wessex Tel: 07920 846684 - Email: FSB website: - Twitter: @FSBWessex Page 10

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Who owns your employee’s LinkedIn account? By Chris Wilkinson from The HR Dept

The HR Dept is warning business owners to perform checks on who their employees connect with on social media sites like LinkedIn and Twitter, as asking an employee to delete or hand over their connections upon termination of employment is a very under represented area of employment law. If an employee connects with potential clients and contacts as part of their role through LinkedIn or Twitter, logic would say that data belongs to the business. Chris Wilkinson the HR Dept Bournemouth Director states “It turns out it really isn’t that simple and that there aren’t many precedents set or actual laws to cover LinkedIn ownership once someone has left your business.” During a period of post-employment restriction, if an ex-employee tries to solicit or tout potential or actual clients they dealt with during employment, businesses can apply for an injunction to stop them. Albeit expensive, this is perhaps a necessary step to protect a business’ interest. When someone leaves a business, updating their profile will alert all of their connections to their change in employment. If the ex-employee were approached by one, they should decline any opportunity under their postemployment restrictions. Though potentially confidential information, it is difficult to ask a leaving employee to either delete or handover their social media account because that information has been made public. The HR Dept Bournemouth is recommending to our clients that until further rules are drawn up or there are significant developments in cases currently at court that they monitor who their employees connect with through social media. Businesses should also ensure that it isn’t damaging their future business interest if employees are advertising your connections or clients, which businesses perhaps would like to remain confidential. Each individual case will be different, but it is an area which business owners should be aware of. A well drafted contract of employment will help in taking preventive measures, but we advise businesses to review any policies with regards to contacting key contacts and clients using social media for their own protection. For your FREE HR health check and review please call Chris on 0845 194 9294 or send an email to:

HR Dept (Bournemouth) 7 Summer Fields Verwood Dorset, BH31 6LG

Tel: 0845 194 9294 Web:


ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE? SHOWCASE YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE! Block out the competition and be the only company of your trade or profession represented in this local business to business journal. For details on our ‘advertising packages’ and the ‘marketing packages’ available please contact: Stephen on 01202 233580 or send an email to "Advertising in New Business Matters magazine has been great for my business. I’ve been surprised by the scope of the readership and wide ranging business sectors it is distributed amongst. I sincerely recommend New Business Matters as both an interesting read and an effective means of generating good business." Sarah Simpson, Spare Desk Ltd

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Why use video to Gain More Customers?

By Gino Cirelli from Website Internet Marketing Whether it is that our customers’ attention spans are dropping or that they are faced with more and more information, it can be harder and harder to reach out and capture their attention. So why use video to gain more customers? According to psychology expert Dr Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D., there are four reasons why we are drawn to video: 1. Part of our brain makes us pay attention to faces – this is also linked to how we gather information and how well we believe it. 2. The voice helps to carry information and turn it into meaningful content. 3. Emotions are infectious and we instinctively like to share these. 4. Movement catches our attention, most likely because our ancestors had to notice things that moved to survive!

Page 12

Before you panic and think that you have to spend a fortune on an expensive video production company, there are more cost effective ways of getting a video online. Or you may be thinking that you don’t want to get in front of a camera and speak, but there are ways of getting around this also. Whether it is to promote your product or service, build rapport or improve your customers’ experience when they visit your website, video can make a real difference. There are many uses for video such as an ‘about us’ video, customer testimonials and even frequently asked questions. Another consideration is that search engines like Google seem to give more weighting to video, have you noticed that more and more videos appear when you search now? Call Gino on 023 8097 0351 or send an email to for more information.

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The Benefits of Managed Print Services!

By Katie Clark from Copyrite Business Solutions How great life would be if when you were ill your doctor knew straight away and turned up on your doorstep with a remedy! How great life would be if when your car breaks down your roadside rescue company is travelling behind you ready to fix the problem immediately. How great life would be if when your office printer broke down your designated emergency service provider walked through the door with his bag of tools. Unfortunately life is just not like that, but all of these things are important to our state of health and our state of mind. We know when we are ill we go to our trusted local doctor, when our car has broken down we call our roadside rescue company, but who do we turn to when our office printer breaks down? How often does a small problem with your office printer create a big problem in your business? Do you often end up with 3 or 4 members of staff moving round the machine, removing paper and opening and shutting parts of the equipment? A lot of head scratching and a few expletives later, that paper jam or small technical issue has put you a few hours behind and maybe even made you miss an important deadline! With Managed Print Services that small problem no longer becomes your problem. Whilst Copyrite Business Solutions is unable to help with your car or your health, we are able to become the emergency service solution for your fleet of printers and multi-functional devices, as we have the skills and experience to analyse your current print technology and work with you to find appropriate devices when replacement makes sense.

We are able to collect live data from your networked devices using @remote or Print Audit Software; this will then provide the data to enable us to make informed recommendations with regard to your document costs. This will allow comprehensive device management with no additional burden to your own IT staff. How can @remote help reduce your print costs? • Optimize equipment placement • Increase device uptime • Enables remote service • Collects meter reading automatically • Shows individual device costs • Provides environmental reports • Allows Firmware to be automatically updated Together, we can make the world a better place for Print Services. With our Managed Print Services, we hope to dramatically reduce the amount of devices and printers being hit and kicked, and also dramatically reduce the stress levels of your staff. To find out more information on how you can save money, save time, save space and maybe some day, SAVE YOUR BUSINESS, visit or call me on 01202 848866. Copyrite Business Solutions is a provider of integrated IT, Print and Business Software Solutions. If you want to rate this article and/or place your vote for the next topic to be covered, then please go to

Copyrite use a product called @remote and this product is your devices very own doctor and recovery service. If your machine is unwell and refusing to work; we are notified straight away and are therefore able to fix the problem.

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Starting 2014 with rent arrears?

By Sharon Canning from Move on Rentals 2013 has not been easy for most people financially and Christmas is always the hardest time of the year and probably the easiest time to succumb to the temptation of buying gifts for loved ones and worry about the bills in January. Last year the national rent arrears rose by £100 million over the month December 2012 to January 2013.

landlord/agent as soon as possible, (contrary to belief, they do not have a crystal ball and know your situation in full). Apart from the possibility of losing your home, going forward rent arrears can be a large obstacle in either moving to another property or finding yourself turned down by the next landlord because you had or are in rent arrears.

With this in mind Hammersmith and Fulham council (who say 49% of their tenants are in arrears) sent out Christmas cards to their 17,000 tenants reminding them to pay their rent before splashing out on festivities, the card had a picture of a pound coin fizzing in a glass with the message ’Don’t over indulge this Christmas – pay your rent’ - the tenants reportedly found the card insulting.

If you are a landlord, then talking to your tenant and trying to come up with a payment to catch up could prove less costly than taking them to court. However, I give a word of warning to tenants who enter a payment plan, ensure it is one you can keep, a good landlord is worth keeping but at the end of the day it is a business and they more often than not have a mortgage to pay on the property.

If you are a tenant and you find yourself entering 2014 in an arrears situation, then speak to your

My recommendation... Whatever your situation, always use a good reputable Letting Agent. Call us on 01202 711169 for expert advice.

420 Poole Road, Branksome, Poole BH12 1DF

Page 14

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The Fable of the Businessman: A modern day interpretation of this age old story… By Adrian (“some call me simple”) Stephenson Once upon a time in a far off land, let’s call it Yorkshire, a business owner went broke and lost everything he had worked so hard for.

He began buying himself luxury things. He was having the time of his life. Even his ex-wife was talking to him again!

He was just another one of those statistics pedalled by the bloodthirsty media. You know, the ones that say most businesses fail in their first year and almost certainly in their second. Don’t you just hate that negative optimism?

One day another business owner who wasn't doing very well asked him, “what's your secret?”

However that was not the end of the story. The broke business man soon met someone who told him some very interesting things. Things that he had heard of when he’d started his business, but had chosen to ignore. And one Thing in particular. Once the business man understood them he went back into business with a different attitude and this time he thrived. In fact he made so much money he could afford to take a month off at a time.

When he told him, the other business owner was astonished. For he too had been frightened to explore the mysterious Things. “You mean it's that simple?” “Oh yes,” came the reply, “Anyone can build a successful business when they use this One Simple Principle.” If you would like to know what this One Simple Thing is or would like a review of your current PPC marketing, drop me an email or give me a call on 07956 908888!

Special Google Adwords Offer for NBM Readers: Up To £150 Adwords discount voucher included with all new accounts set up before 28th February 2014

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Diversification: an effective approach to sustainable business growth By Alan Bunter, MD of Remous Limited

We all know just how difficult it is to generate new business sales, attempting to persuade potential clients that your products/services would be ideal for their requirements, especially when they have been efficiently and successfully looked after by the same company for many years. Diversifying into new products or service lines can prove an effective way of achieving this new business growth, initially by enabling you to sell more to existing customers, then also offering the opportunity of introducing and eventually establishing your business within new market sectors. There are a number of reasons for considering diversification. Within the current economic climate, perhaps the most common reason is plain survival. Where a company operates with a limited range of products or services, the number of potential clients is also limited, however by adding to their established portfolio, not only does it allow cross-selling to existing accounts but also opens up a whole new target market, thereby giving opportunities for increased visibility and awareness, which in turn should lead to an increase in sustainable business growth. Concentrating on adding complementary services to those you already provide, those which offer additional added value to your existing client base, is certainly the most logical approach and possibly the most important element to consider when formulating a diversification strategy. Loyalty from existing customers comes from the confidence they have in your ability to consistently provide the right job and the quality of service, on time and on budget. It follows then, that those customers would be more than happy to allow you to introduce any new products or services,

especially if they complement what you already provide. At Remous, for example, we have complemented our established lithographic printing operations by steadily adding complementary services in digital print, packaging and short-run book and magazine production. All of these allow us to add to what we already provide our clients and all of which can also potentially generate completely new revenue streams for the business. As with any new business proposal, it is vital to weigh-up the risks as well as the opportunities. Although adding new service lines or starting a new department within your company can significantly enhance your ability to grow rapidly, it is vitally important to pursue the right strategy, both from a product/service viewpoint and a financial perspective. Therefore, assessing the risks as well as the benefits before pursuing potential new ventures, is paramount. Introducing new services might well increase the levels of business won, however it would be unsustainable if the cost of setting-up and maintaining the infrastructure need to achieve those new levels outstripped the revenues received. But, with careful planning, good market research, effective client feedback and the right products or services, diversification can be a highly effective way of driving a business forward, giving an already established business significant opportunities for rapid growth, extra turnover and, potentially, larger profits. If you are potentially considering in adding extra lines or services to your business and would like to see if there are advantages to be gained in the print or packaging area, give Alan a call on 01963 250920 or email

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Put your feet up over coffee or lunch and have a go at these!

Pop the kettle on... 3

8 3








6 2 4




2 5 3






8 6


Across 8 Sieve (4) 9 Uncompromising (10) 10 A short passage at the end of a literary work (6) 11 Longing (8) 12 Effervesce (4) 13 Unfinished (10) 17 Decorate with gold leaf (4) 18 A Great Lake (5) 19 Coral island (4) 20 Opinion pieces in newspapers (10) 22 A stupid person (4) 23 Cajoles (8) 27 Fail to fulfill a promise (6) 28 Companionship (10) 29 Appear (4)

Down 1 Made less complex (10) 2 Used (8) 3 The kookaburra bird (10) 4 Chancy (4) 5 Queen of the gods (Greek mythology) (4)

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6 Converse non-verbally (6) 7 Scheme (4) 14 Papal court (5) 15 An unpublished literary work (10) 16 Systematic religious beliefs (10)

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Are you suffering from a financial hangover? Christmas seems a long time ago, but the consequences of yuletide, with generous presents, far too much food and drink, and all the trimmings, smiles and laughter go on for many people. According to recent research conducted by Lloyds Bank, the demands of the festive season have forced nearly half of UK adults to supplement their January salaries to support their living costs. Some, of course, have budgeted for the festivities, and have savings to tide them over. Others have dipped into previously agreed, manageable overdraft facilities. For many, though, it’s been necessary to look to loans (Lloyds Bank report an 8% increase in loan applications), expensive credit card debt and – worst of all – resort to payday lenders. Other research shows that about 3 million people are still paying off debts from Christmas 2012. Eventually the time comes when the debts are simply too much to service, and meeting even the

minimum monthly repayments becomes a struggle. If you’re struggling to meet the credit card bills, you’re not alone! The fact is that no-one ever planned to get into debt. It may be true that a few recklessly build up credit, but for the overwhelming majority of people debt comes from living just beyond their means or follows some major calamity such as losing a job, the breakdown of a relationship or the death of a partner. For many families the problem of debt is a very real one, resulting in overwhelming stress and sometimes leading to health problems and relationship difficulties. Debt affects just about all aspects of life. The good news is that there is no such thing as a debt problem that can’t be solved. No-one can

realistically promise that it will be quick or easy, but there is a solution for every problem. The key is to take advice from a qualified, licensed insolvency practitioner as soon as you realise that juggling debts is starting to become a struggle. With sky-high interest charges on credit and store cards, debts can very quickly spiral out of control. So don’t bury your head in the sand, hoping that the problem will simply go away. It won’t. The earlier you act the more options are available. For further information, including a free, no obligation discussion about your financial problems, with clear, jargonfree advice, contact Graham Down or Penny Hitch at Burton Sweet Corporate Recovery.

Cash flow problems …or worse? Clear, professional advice for you and your business when you need it most. CONTACT US FOR A FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION CALL: 01202 313624 | 2nd Floor, Bristol & West House, Post Office Road, Bournemouth, BH1 1BL

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12 Reasons Why You’re Unfollowed on Twitter? By Dee Blick from The Marketing Gym

It can be baffling trying to figure out why one or more of your followers unfollows you. There could be many reasons. Here are 12. 1. They were unscrupulous with a dodgy twitter strategy! They followed you with the intention that when you followed back, they would immediately unfollow you. They want to look good, to puff up their ego, to show off to the world they have many followers but follow very few. 2. A person followed you on the basis of the content in one tweet you posted. If your subsequent tweets differed completely in their nature from that tweet, they unfollowed you because you didn't deliver what they were hoping for. Don't worry about losing these followers. You can't please everybody! 3. A person followed you hoping you would follow them back and when you didn’t they unfollowed you. 4. You’re not tweeting enough. Most folk on twitter will periodically review the people they are following. If you haven't tweeted in the last month, some will unfollow you because you’re not active. 5. You’re over tweeting. Flooding your followers’ timeline with dozens of tweets in minutes can be irritating so space your tweets apart. 6. You’re broadcasting – most of your tweets are just links and information. You’ve become a one dimensional information centre; a twitter bore! Page 20

7. You’re not responding to the @messages sent to you by a follower or your direct messages. If a follower takes the time to send you a personal message, respond back promptly. Responding several days is too little too late. Another reason to encourage you to be active on twitter. 8. You’re using twitter to sell and nothing else. There’s nothing wrong in selling your services or products on twitter. But if selling is all you’re doing, you're missing the point of social media which is to interact, chat, engage and then sell. 9. You’ve fallen into the habit of sharing dubious jokes and dodgy humour best left to your close circle of friends. 10. You have fallen into hashtag frenzy with your tweets comprising hash tags linked to isolated words. Don’t forget, a human being is on the receiving end of your tweets. 11. Your tweets are littered with spelling mistakes and written in text talk. You're rushing each tweet before publishing it. By cramming too much into those precious 140 characters you’re creating charmless and unreadable messages. 12. Spend a few minutes contemplating why you unfollow someone on twitter. Chances are you’ll be unfollowed for these reasons too! If you're concerned because you’re losing too many followers review your last 20 tweets against these tips. This should reveal where the problem lies and what you need to do to get your twitter strategy back on track.

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Wake up and ‘Know thyself’! By Audrey Davies from The Way Ahead Have you ever analysed what strengths you bring to the team effort – and what you’re not so hot at? I’m a great believer in the “Team Roles‘ (Belbin Associates®) concept, developed by Dr Meredith Belbin, and use it myself to consider whether new members of the team will “fit‘. In the 1970s, Dr Belbin and his research team at Henley Management College wanted to discover if – and how – problems could be pre-empted and avoided. Over a period of nine years, international management teams were studied. Participants completed psychometric tests, so that attributes such as personality and behaviour could be brought into play and their effects on the team could be accurately considered. The research revealed that the difference between success and failure for a team was not dependent on factors such as intellect, but more on behaviour. So, Know thyself! Are you:

Good at:

NOT good at:

being creative

being positive

negotiating with others

handling change

getting the best out of people

deciding which idea is best

getting things moving

seeing the bigger picture

providing a balanced opinion on people’s ideas

doing your fair share - but still taking the credit

keeping the harmony between team members

having to make decisions under pressure

following laid down procedures, being loyal

letting go your overprotectionism

helping raise standards, and accuracy

having a sense of humour when things get tough

keeping your skills sharpened

following up arrangements

If you feel you need some outside help, we have specialist skills available to support you. Please call Audrey at The Way Ahead, Tel: 01202 651342. We would love to help you ’discover‘ who you are!

Training today’s people for tomorrow’s world Does your business have the resources and skills needed to capitalise on any economic upturn? Have you reviewed your workforce and feel you need to inject new ideas, enthusiasm and energy? Maybe you do have the skills - lurking, or hidden somewhere…?

WE can help! • 1-2-1 coaching & mentoring • 1-day group-led workshops • Tailored programmes for your own specific business needs • Leadership & management qualifications

Call us to talk about how we can help you develop your people – whatever their age and need.

We’ll guide your business to The Way Ahead and success! Tel: 0845 803 7768 To receive a FREE copy go to

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Love is in the air at Oceana Hotels

By Becci Moynihan, Event & Functions Co-ordinator February/March at Oceana Hotels are our Love months, with Valentines in February, and our Wedding Exhibition in March. Looking for something extra special this St Valentines? Look no further, there is nowhere else that will compare to our flagship, boutique art deco styled Cumberland Hotel, Bournemouth. We offer two fantastic dining options. Dine in our candlelit Mirabelle Restaurant, including a sumptuous three course meal at £32.00, with Diane James singing Romantic songs and a glass of bubbly on arrival. Alternatively, the Ventana Grand Cafe will provide the perfect place for you and your partner to relax and unwind in pure luxury. Our specially selected gourmet menu offers a selection of fresh quality food that is sure to make an impression, only £37.90 per person with a glass of champagne on arrival.

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Or Treat your Valentine to one of our treatments or pamper days in our beautifully designed, Asian themed, Oceana Day Spa. All treatments use quality products including Wella, Zoya and Barbor. Call 01202 208666 to arrange this special day. Thinking of tying the knot? Pop along to our next Cumberland Hotel Wedding/Civil Partnership Exhibition on Sunday 2nd March 2014, also featuring the Suncliff and Cliffeside Hotels. This is an excellent chance to meet suppliers with all the products and services to arrange your special day. 2.00pm is our fabulous fashion show, and this event is Free Admission from 11.45am – 4pm. There will be promotions on the day. The team at Oceana Hotels are experts at helping to make your special day or event run smoothly. Call to enquire or book on 01202 298350 or email

16/12/2013 13:21

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N E P O up to business success talk to our local business experts Whether you are opening a business or are already up and running, talk to Barclays about how we can help make your business a success. Barclays, proud supporter of businesses in the Dorset region.

Use our expertise to help make your business idea a success too. Andrew Tapsell Business Development Manager Tel: +44 (0)7775 545851 Email:

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Barclays Business is a trading name of Barclays Bank PLC. Barclays Bank PLC is registered in England and authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Registered No.1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

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