Issue 32

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MATTERS Your local business to business journal

Points of Interest in this Issue: • The Employment Allowance (p4) • Downtime (p6) • Electrical Safety - no laughing matter (p8) • Thinking before printing (p12) • Are you Approachable or Alienating? (p15) • The End of an Era: The Death of Windows XP (p17) • The World of Packaging (p19) • The Dreaded Appraisal (p22)





The Employment Allowance By James Hill, Director at Hill Osborne The Employment Allowance comes into effect from 6 April 2014 and entitles eligible businesses and charities to cut their employer Class 1 National Insurance Contributions by up to £2,000 for the 2014/15 tax year. The allowance is available to most employers; however some public service activities are excluded such as local authorities and the NHS. This may apply to doctors and dental practitioners, where a large part of their business is in relation to NHS services. How do you get it? HMRC require the relief to be claimed at the earliest opportunity in a tax year. This means that a qualifying employer will receive relief on the first £2,000 of their Employer’s National Insurance Contributions.+LOO 2VERUQH /RJR 9DULDQW

An employment allowance indicator is ticked when completing a monthly PAYE return. Your

Payroll software should then automatically claim the allowance and reduce your monthly PAYE and NIC liability. Restrictions There are special rules for connected companies and charities which prevent more than one employment allowance being claimed. It will be up to the connected entities to decide which of them will claim the allowance. Two companies are connected if one has control over the other, or both are controlled by the same person or persons. The definition of control is broader than simple ownership and if in any doubt you should seek professional advice before claiming the allowance. For more information on the Employment Allowance and to find out what payroll services we can offer your business, please contact James on 01202 678555 or send an e-mail to:

C H A R T E R E D A C C O U N TA N T S & B U S I N E S S A D V I S E R S

Our aim is to provide you with the best possible service and we do this by giving you a direct access to the Director who is responsible for your affairs. This ensures that they will be able to develop a close relationship with you and establish a thorough understanding of your business. Clients can take advantage of a wide range of services as listed below. ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹




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Hill Osborne, Tower House, Parkstone Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 2JH Tel: 01202 678555 Fax: 01202 666071 Email:

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Editor’s Note

Keep communicating! Whilst getting a megaphone out and shouting might not be the most effective means of communicating, it would certainly get you noticed! The crux of my message this time round is that any communication in business must be an ongoing process. It is all very well to put a big campaign out or spend a short time meeting a lot of people, but unless you follow this up and keep in touch with any contacts you have made, this will all be for nothing. The old adage goes that ‘people do business with people‘ and the way that these relationships are built is through regular communication. Now it may well be that once that relationship is developed to a point that the regularity of that communication diminishes, for example an annual service contract. However, you should bear in mind that other companies may well be attempting to get their feet in the door in between times, so a more regular contact to keep your name there might be beneficial. In this digital age, as has been mentioned before, the ways of communicating with current and potential clients are myriad. All dovetail together if done properly to ensure that this process is seamless and effective. Do take a few moments to read the articles in this edition and look out for an invitation to our next networking party. Best wishes,



Stephen Corney

You can be the only company of your trade or profession represented in this local business to business journal. For details on the ‘marketing packages’ available, please contact: Stephen Corney on 01202 233580 or email New Business Matters UK Ltd 1 Moorlands Rise, West Moors, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 0JR Tel: 01202 233580

24 SAVE MONEY AND BE GREEN! The information contained within this publication is not intended to be complete. Whilst the publisher endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this publication, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed and the publisher accepts no liability for the use of, reliance on or the accuracy of such information. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and therefore the publisher accepts no responsibility for them. All artwork and editorial is copywrite and may not be reproduced without prior permission from the publisher. © New Business Matters UK Limited January 2009 Designed by: Stephen Corney Printed by: Remous Limited, Sherborne Published by: New Business Matters UK Limited

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Celebrating 50 years in the sky!

By Becci Moynihan, Event & Functions Co-ordinator Its official, the RAF Red Arrows are confirmed to

Festival created the Patrons Scheme in 2010, to

fly all four days of Bournemouth Air Festival 2014,

allow local businesses to support the UK’s biggest

to celebrate their 50th Anniversary flying!

free aviation event. Since 2010, over £60,000 has

The Red Arrows are a national treasure, famous for their fantastic aerobatic displays. However, they are also becoming well known for their incredible charity work, lead through their own charity, The Jon Egging Trust, which was formed in honour of Flt Lt Jon Egging, who tragically lost his life on route back to base after performing at the Air Festival 2011. This is one of the 3 charities which the Air Festival proudly sponsors, along with Hounds for Heroes, and the Royal Navy Royal Marines Charity. To enable others to help these charities, the Air

been raised. The Cumberland Hotel has been a proud Patron of the Air Festival since 2013. To help you celebrate Bournemouth Air Festival 2014, we at Oceana Hotels have put together fantastic dining packages, as well as having Corporate Boxes available for hire, where you can watch the fantastic air displays at eye level, and be in the mid-air flight path of the Red Arrows. For more information, or to book your front row seats, contact our dedicated Sales Team on 01202 298350 or email







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Downtime By Mark Scott of Technovox The recent dry weather and sunshine seems to have got many people thinking ahead to the summer and how they are going to manage their businesses if they manage to get away for a break. If you are the key person, or find it makes sense to have a complete shutdown for two weeks during the silly season, how can you make sure that opportunities aren't slipping through your fingers due to your office being closed ? Holiday cover is one of the things a call answering service can offer, taking messages and perhaps fielding simple enquiries and passing on the information via e-mail so you can catch up if necessary when you come off the beach each day. A good provider will allow you to dip in and out of holiday cover without having to sign up to a long term contract. A related service that is worth bearing in mind is disaster recovery. If the unthinkable should happen and your usual place of business becomes unusable, you will have a million and one things to sort out. By diverting your calls to an answering service, you can make sure that's one less thing to think about at such a critical time. In order for disaster recovery to be effective, it s necessary to plan ahead and get the provision in place before you find you need it. But enough of the doom and gloom. It looks like spring is finally here, so lets enjoy it and make the most of the opportunities that our awakening economy is presenting. For help and advice please send an email to or call Mark at:

Tel: 01202 901888 Web: 52 Warland Way, Wimborne, BH21 3NZ


MEET THE PEOPLE BEHIND THESE TIPS & ADVICE! Following the release of each new issue of New Business Matters, we hold an evening Networking Party for those who contribute to the articles in these pages and guests. This is just another way that we aim to help bring local businesses together and get new contacts made. Our next events will be held at the Suncliff Hotel on: Wednesday April 23rd Wednesday June 11th For more information about these networking events or advertising contact: Stephen on 01202 233580 or send an email to “I have to admit that I never look forward to networking, but your NBM Networking Parties always leave me on a high at the end of the meeting.� Jennie Deavin Days Hotel, Bournemouth

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Top Tips for Business Card Design By Ian Dickson, Performance Coach

Never underestimate the power of the business card and what it can do for you. It portrays the personality and image of your company and can be the difference between success and failure. Here are my top tips for business card design. 1. Be memorable! Put on your creative thinking cap and customise every detail of your card according to the audience you are marketing to and the services you are marketing. Anyone can hand out a standard business card but the professional who expresses their organisation’s message and personality through their card will have the edge on the competition.

relationship is important. Trust is the key to a lasting and profitable business relationship and giving your organisation a face can help this along. 5. Back to basics! It may seem obvious, but some people fail to list all the necessary information on their business cards. The basic elements of a business card include:

- Name

- Title

- Company name

- Telephone number

- Website address

2. Worth the weight!

- Social media information

The weight and texture of your card is the first thing someone notices when it is handed to them. Handing out a thin, flimsy card will signal that you put little thought and even less effort into the development of it. Use high-quality cards with a glossy or matte finish for a sharp look that will call your audience to action. You can also use vertical business cards to stand out among your competitors.

Try not to list more than one phone number on your card as too much information can cause confusion. Lead with your company’s name and, space permitting; include a clear, concise positioning statement or tagline.

3. Use the back of your card It’s important to give your cards as much leverage as possible, so use all available space, including the back. While the back content should be secondary in importance to contact information, you can include product information, customer testimonials, guarantees, USP’s etc. Business cards are small and supply us with limited space but it is important space. Don’t waste it. 4. Face up to the challenge! Adding your photo to a business card can be a great way to build trust, especially if you’re working in an industry where a personal

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6. Blow your horn! Tell the world if you or your organisation has won awards. Proudly list any awards on the front or back of your card as it can only enhance your contact’s interest in doing business with you. Whether you are an MD, or PhD, list your qualifications and professional status. It won’t take up much space and it will signal that you are knowledgeable and experienced. 7. Don’t break the bank! Business cards are worth every penny but you don’t have to spend a chunk of your marketing budget on them. Search for free business card offers and enlist the services of a company that can produce high-quality yet affordable cards. If you’re a small business, work with a company that allows card orders in small business-friendly quantities.

To advertise in this local journal telephone 01202 233580



Learn to be a gatherer and not a hunter!

By Stephen Corney, Director at Dorset Publications There are some that say we are descended from hunter/gatherers, but in business the distinction between the two becomes more marked. We have all I am sure have heard “horror stories” of how salespeople have tried to get into a home to discuss a particular product or service and then persisted, sometimes rather too aggressively, to get the sale. These would be classed as “hunters” and are certainly not held in any great esteem. Successful and ongoing business development is more like gardening or gathering. You start by planting the seeds, this may be a chance meeting at a networking group or by introduction via an advert. If you then water and nuture these seeds you will be rewarded with shoots that continue to grow and flourish. So the question is how do you accomplish this? Well, the main component is mentioned in my introduction to this issue: keep communicating!

A story that we have personally experienced is of a local tradesman who had been advertising every month for about four years. He then thought about rebranding his business and stopped the advert. In the first month of not appearing in the magazine he received a number of phone calls from concerned residents who thought that he might have gone out of business... all because he was no longer advertising! There are obviously other methods of keeping in touch with potential clients once you have their details, but a steady, prolonged exposure through advertising or other media should ensure that your name is remembered or should re-inforce any other contact points that you make. If you would like to reach potential residential clients in their own homes and find out how far your advertising budget could stretch, then give Stephen or Debbie a call at Dorset Publications on 01202 894397!

Would you like your business to reach 1000s of potential residential clients on a monthly basis? Full colour A5 glossy magazines distributed by our own team of distributors - you can rely on us! » Free artwork design » A free article, the same size as the advert booked in one of the months, with a 3 months booking » Free advertising on our magazine Facebook pages » A free listing on our Website Directory pages » Each magazine is fully uploaded every month on the internet via our website

Call Debbie or Stephen on

01202 894397

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Electrical safety no laughing matter!

By Kelvyn Green of Green Light Electrical Installations So what’s all the fuss about electrical safety? How many times have you or your workplace colleagues said; '…that old unit’s been going for years – it’ll go on forever.' Unfortunately, they often don’t. Not only are employers responsible under UK Law for ensuring the safety of their employees and the public, they are also liable if things go wrong. In the news recently, a company was fined £27,000 by the Health and Safety Executive for not properly maintaining their electrical equipment. The hazards highlighted in that case presented immediate and potentially fatal risks to their employees. Could your company afford this and possibly more - plus the negative press that goes with it? Take a look around your workplace or shop floor right now. Can you see any obvious trip hazards such as trailing leads across walkways, or loose sockets with overloaded plugs? Just got the old heaters down from the store for the winter? Or how about your computer systems and printers for example – how many leads and wires does each one host? Are they

safe? How would you recognise the dangers? Get a qualified electrician to carry out a full electrical safety inspection so that you don’t have to. They should discuss their findings with you and make sure that you are happy with what is proposed to make you, your staff, customers and the public safe, and legally compliant. Also remember that regular testing and inspections are a key part to ensuring that all installations are up to date. Did you know that in the event of an incident, insurance assessors are likely to ask for evidence that certain inspections have taken place, in line with current recommendations? Many insurance companies are now looking to be sure that due diligence has taken place, can you demonstrate this in your business? For more help and advice on all electrical matters in your business, contact Kelvyn Green at Green Light Electrical Installations Ltd on 01425 477943 or email him at

Green Light Electrical Installations Limited have 25 years of experience in the Electrical Industry. We offer a full range of commercial and industrial electrical services and are dedicated to providing a first class electrical service to all our customers.

• Inspection and Testing Services • Planned Maintenance • Office and car park lighting • Security and Emergency lighting • 400 volt / 3-phase supplies • Skirting and dado trunking

• Data and Voice Cabling • Distribution boards • CCTV Systems


now 1 Stag Business Park, Christchurch Road k u yo Ringwood, Hampshire se, u f BH24 3AS wa

Tel: 01425 477943 Page 8

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The Federation of Small Businesses The FSB is Britain's leading business organisation with over 200,000 members. It exists to protect and promote the interests of the self-employed, and all those who run small businesses. The FSB in Dorset has 4,000 small businesses as members.

Chancellor steers a steady course for small businesses

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has welcomed the Budget believing it shows progress on economic recovery and maintains the momentum for growth aspirations. Neil Eames, Development Manager for the FSB Wessex Region, said: ‘This was always going to be a steady Budget for business, and the Chancellor has delivered a Budget to maintain positive momentum in the economy, while incorporating fiscal prudence. Today's Budget offered a clear signal for businesses to grow through the increased investment allowance, and with a focus on manufacturing. The £7 billion package to cut manufacturing energy bills will help create jobs and strengthen this key sector. Cheaper energy bills for manufacturers, supporting investment and road improvements will help small firms.’ FSB Comment on help for business investment: Reducing the corporation tax rate will make the UK a more attractive investment opportunity for overseas investors. And, with around 57 per cent of FSB members wanting to grow in the next 12 months, doubling the Annual Investment Allowance for small firms to the end of 2015 will provide certainty and allow them to realise their investment expectations. Recent FSB research showed

that only two per cent of members knew about the recent increase to £250,000 – meaning most firms hadn’t taken advantage of it. This change should encourage greater investment, and key for Government now is to increase communication about the allowance to encourage take-up.

FSB Comment on Road investment and Flooding: Half (54%) of FSB members say problems with the UK’s road infrastructure costs their business up to £2,500 a year; a fifth say it has cost more. Recent flood damage has exacerbated the problem. The £200 million fund to repair potholes shows the Government is finally recognising the more prominent transport challenges for small firms and the importance of local roads to run and grow their business. The Government has been very supportive towards businesses and households hit by the severe flooding earlier this year. But, small businesses will remain at a disadvantage at not being included in the Flood Re scheme. Businesses in flood-hit areas were hit with an average cost of £1,531. More than a third (37%) of FSB members in these areas expect it to be more difficult to renew their insurance and more than half (59%) expect their insurance to become more expensive as a result of being left out of the Flood Re support scheme.

FSB Local Contacts: FSB Regional Office, Christchurch - Tel: 01425 280080 - Email: Neil Eames, Development Manager, Wessex Tel: 07920 846684 - Email: FSB website: - Twitter: @FSBWessex To receive a FREE copy go to

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Healthy and Happy


By Chris Wilkinson from The HR Dept Ninety-three percent of employers believe that there is a direct link to the health of their employees and the quality of work that is produced, a recent study by Jelf Employee Benefits reveals. It is believed that workers who are happy and healthy perform at a higher level than those suffering from poor health and low morale. So what can business owners do to ensure their employees are healthy, happy and productive? You can’t force people to exercise or to change their lifestyles. However, as a business owner you can provide a low cost health benefit to help with medical issues that doesn’t cost the earth. Chris Wilkinson of The HR Dept (Bournemouth) says: “Health benefits are a great way for business owners to reward their employees without breaking the bank. Putting a small amount in each month can be hugely advantageous to you as an employer, and to your members of staff. “Of course this is a great way to reduce absenteeism, but there are many other advantages. Health benefits are a great way of recruiting, retaining and rewarding talented employees. It can really help with stress too, which we find is a great hindrance to businesses. As well as all this, it gives the employee a sense of appreciation, which then has a knock-on effect with productivity. Everyone’s a winner, really!” You may think that this is a luxury you can’t afford, but with The HR Dept (Bournemouth) plans start at as little as £10 per month. For your FREE HR health check and review please call Chris on 0845 194 9294 or send an email to:

HR Dept (Bournemouth) 7 Summer Fields Verwood Dorset, BH31 6LG

Tel: 0845 194 9294 Web: Page 10

SHOWCASE YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE! Block out the competition and be the only company of your trade or profession represented in this local business to business journal. For details on our ‘advertising packages’ and the ‘marketing packages’ available please contact: Stephen on 01202 233580 or send an email to "I wanted to let you know that we have had a great response to our advert within the Oct/Nov edition of New Business Matters. During the first week of the publication we received the first enquiry, this is the first time we have advertised within NBM and look forward to a long and fruitful relationship." Simon Foster, Avonwood Developments Ltd

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Will duplicate content on the internet hurt your rankings? By Gino Cirelli from Website Internet Marketing

Search engines like Google will know when there is duplicate content on the internet. This becomes a problem because the search engine then decides what content is the most relevant and will only show this one! The search engine decides which content to rank for the search. As an example, a local used car parts business was wondering why their website was not showing up in Google searches. They had copied some of the webpage content into some online adverts like Gumtree and Google had chosen to show the adverts instead of the website. This wasn’t good for the website rankings, so to help resolve the problem the text that was copied was changed on the website. A few weeks later and the website now ranks in Google searches. There are instances when the search engines expect some duplicate content

such as websites that use quotes, the trick here is to keep the amount of text in the quote as a small percentage of the overall text on the page. The reason Google is doing this is because they are keen to give a good user experience. So rather than show two pages that have the same content, they will choose to only show one page. A common thing that is used to keep websites updated regularly is to include a feed from Twitter, the website is updated but the content is the same as on Twitter. Which will rank in a search, the website or Twitter? It would be better to have a separate blog page on the website with latest news or something other than just the Twitter feed. Regular updates on a website do help with its rankings. Call Gino on 023 8097 0351 or send an email to for more information.

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Thinking before printing By Katie Clark from Copyrite Business Solutions For today’s copy, scan and fax management, the modern approach is to think “inside the box”. As our multi-functional devices continue to evolve, you must also choose to incorporate software that is managing to keep up. Copyrite is an independent company formed in 1993 that continues to be driven by the original senior management team, including its founders. This means, as with most companies, change has had to be welcomed in order for us to continue to grow and expand. No longer are we just a provider of office equipment, we are now a complete solution provider. One of the key areas being discussed by nearly every local business we speak to is the costs associated with their print. Many companies are starting to assess ways in which the business can control costs and cut waste. We at Copyrite are heavily behind a company called PaperCut™. By implementing PaperCut™ you can: Cut Waste and Your Carbon Footprint You can encourage responsible printing with PaperCut™ MF quotas and print policies, cutting paper and toner costs and power usage. Apply Print Policies Enterprise-Wide Printing requests are intercepted at the print server to control jobs according to policies that encourage or enforce good behaviour. For example, you might route large jobs to dedicated high speed printers, display pop-ups to ask end users to confirm single sided output, automatically delete print jobs with incorrect paper sizes or suggest an alternative printer when a device is offline. Secure Print Release You are able to protect confidential documents and slash the volume of unclaimed printouts by ensuring users release print jobs at the point of printing. With Find-Me printing, users queue print jobs to a virtual queue, they can then release them on a specific printer. Secure print release

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will require a form of authentication before printing, this will ensure that only authorised users can print and collect confidential documents. Monitor and Report on Usage Real-time monitoring and reports address all areas of print/copy/fax/scan management, ranging from detailed page logs to summaries by user, department, device, or environmental impact. PaperCut™ offers more than 50 reports out of the box, in PDF, HTML, or Microsoft Excel (.csv) format. Simple Deployment An installation wizard installs server software and then proceeds to automatically detect printers and multi-functional devices on your network. Create users and groups automatically from directory services including Active Directory, Open Directory, Novell eDirectory or LDAP. As you can see, PaperCut™ MF is the easy way to automatically monitor and manage all the copying and printing in a company. It is an effective method of giving you control over your costs and environmental impact. We are currently offering local businesses a free print audit, this will involve a member of our staff visiting your business and providing you with a complete report detailing your current print costs and potential savings. To find out more, visit: Or email Katie Clark at: If you want to rate this article and/or place your vote for the next topic to be covered, then please go to

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Possession claims at highest in 5 years!

By Sharon Canning from Move on Rentals Landlords seeking vacant possession of their rental property through the courts are at its highest level in five years (since 2009), this is also up just under 13% since last year. The Government’s latest court statistics (end of 2013) shows a massive 25% rise in landlord claims since 2010. There were 126,351 possession claims made in the first three-quarters of 2013 compared with 101,415 for the same period in 2010. Move On, recently had to evict a tenant who was a single mum with three children under the age of 3. Despite being given six months’ notice, the tenant still failed to find alternative accommodation, which left the landlord with no option other than eviction through the courts. Why would a tenant put themselves through this? If she had willingly moved out prior to eviction, the council would have considered this making herself ‘voluntarily homeless’ and would not have helped her, so she had no choice other than to allow herself to be evicted. If she had then moved into a friend or relatives house she would not be seen as a priority to be rehoused. The loser is the landlord who has had to pay for the court process

fee, the bailiff fee and then (as is usual in these circumstances) pay to bring the property back to a standard for re-renting. What is the answer? In this case all due diligence had been done at the commencement of the tenancy, the tenant simply refused to move out because she thought she would be housed with a council property and unfortunately due to the housing shortage, she would have waited probably some 10 plus years through the normal channels, this way she is very likely to jump the queue! The only thing we could do was help the landlord through the court process and ensure all the paperwork was correct to enable as much as we could a smooth process through the courts, which we duly did. Could your letting agent do that? If you would like to receive quarterly newsletters with the latest up to date information then please email Did you know Sharon now produces and presents a radio show for Hope FM 90.1 every Wednesday from 12-2pm called ‘The Property Show’. Tune in and hear from the industry’s experts. Alternatively give Sharon a call on 01202 711169.

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Converting Prospects into Customers

By Dee Blick from The Marketing Gym Getting warm leads - folk interested in buying your products and services is of course not to be sniffed at. But converting as many as possible of those warm leads is vital. I spend a huge chunk of my time as a marketer helping clients to increase their conversion rates so, I thought I'd share a few of my tips - tips that have helped me and my clients to increase conversion rates by as much as 50%. Review your prospect to client acquisition process. Scrutinise every communication you send. Are you pinning your hopes on converting a customer in a great faceto-face meeting and so rushing your follow-up documentation? A detailed and bespoke follow-up summary or proposal is crucial in helping a prospect to arrive at the decision to do business with you. Each stage of the communication process is vital in moving your prospect from the tentative early stages of awareness and interest through to evaluation, desire and action. Don't put all your energy into one stage. Are you relying too heavily on e-mail as a follow-up tool? Don't! Pick up the phone at the earliest opportunity. A two-way conversation is an opportunity to ask questions, to explore needs, to listen intently and to sell your business appropriately. In my experience, Page 14

once the value of a sale climbs into four figures, the phone becomes vital. E-mail might be efficient, but it's not always effective. So, if you get an enquiry through your website, don't make e-mail your first resort, use the phone to build the relationship. Explain your follow-up process at the first meeting with a hot prospect. I work with clients that are nervous about following up a meeting, believing that in doing so they are "chasing" their hot prospect. However, explaining to your hot prospect that you will following up with a document and booking in a telephone call once it has been received, the purpose being to answer any outstanding questions, moves that subsequent telephone call from being a chase call to a helpful one instead and it primes your prospect to receive it. As your meeting is drawing to a close with a warm prospect, ask them for feedback. Be bold! How do you compare to their current provider? Are there questions you have not answered? Far too many meetings end with a whimper and an assumption that all has gone well when there may be outstanding issues to resolve - even deal breaker questions. Don't assume your prospect will proffer forth this information unless you ask for it.

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Are You Approachable or Alienating?

By Gavin Bain, Executive Director for BNI in Dorset Success in networking is a journey, not an event. There is an underlying principle that “the little things add up.” Don’t assume that because some of the tactics and tasks we will outline are simple and easy to understand that you shouldn’t make the time to practice them. Don’t discount the fact that we recommend you practice some of these simple tasks on a weekly basis. After all, repetition produces RESULTS – especially in networking. With that said, below are some simple things for you to consider based on your Attitude, Body Language, and Congruence when you are evaluating whether or not people perceive YOU as Approachable or Alienating. The reason why we believe this topic is so important is because you may be sending unknown and/or unconscious signals to others when you’re networking that will directly affect the number of referrals you receive and referral partners you make Approachable Behaviours: Attitude – Smile, laugh, and look like you are a pleasant person to talk to. Although this seems ridiculously simple, you’d be surprised as to how many people forget it, and therefore don’t practice it (see Alienating Behaviours below). Body Language – In his book “Networking Like A Pro”, Dr. Ivan Misner (founder of BNI) introduces the reader to the dynamics of how one stands when conversing called ‘Open 2’s’ and ‘Open 3’s.’ In short, if you are in a conversation with another person or persons, make sure your STANCE allows for others who walk past you to easily join the conversation. Otherwise, they might not see either one of you as approachable then…or ever. Congruence – Carry yourself as if every person you meet is the Host of that particular networking event. If you were at someone’s party, you’d go above and beyond the norm to make them feel good about themselves and the party…wouldn’t you? What we’re saying here is that you attended the

networking event to make new friends and deepen relationships with people you already know! Therefore it might be appropriate to act like it. Alienating Behaviours: Attitude – When attending networking events, leave your own problems at the door. This is true for both your conscious signals as well as your unconscious signals. For example, rambling on about your rough personal or professional life is unbecoming of a future referral partner. Listening to challenges in your relationship or that your boss has favourites in the office are not the reasons why OTHERS attend networking events. If you’re down, don’t bring other people down. They might avoid you at the next networking event, and the next, and the next. Body Language – Also introduced in Dr. Ivan Misner’s book “Networking Like A Pro” is the idea of how one stands when conversing called ‘Closed 2’s’ and ‘Closed 3’s’. In short, it is possible to alienate other people who might want to learn more about you at a networking function simply by standing in a “closed off manner” with those who you are currently speaking with. Your STANCE means everything in your approachability and allows for others who walk past you to easily join the conversation. Congruence – (or in this case Incongruence) Lacking consistency between what you say and what you do actually makes a big difference in people’s perception of whether or not you are Approachable or Alienating. If they see consistent inconsistencies, they may believe you are insincere in the reason why you went networking to begin with. The focus is to measure your weekly activities and how they relate to moving people in your network through the VCP Process® all the way from Visibility through Credibility to Profitability. We believe that this article has helped remind you of some simple, yet extremely important ideas to keep in the front of your mind especially when networking.

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Is Google stealing from you? A warning from Adrian Stephenson at Done for You PPC Imagine you’re visiting a casino. You’ve just bought a pile of chips. You look at the tables. There are different games on each. Google… Facebook… LinkedIn… etc, But today you’re going to be playing Google. You sit down and start throwing your money away. And Google loves you. Soon your chips have gone and you’ve blown the lot. How did that go so wrong? You quickly realise that everything was stacked against you from the start. You couldn’t read Google’s mind or work out how they rigged it so you lose. You didn’t stand a chance. So, how can you beat Google and come away with a fistful of cash? Well you could try getting a job at a casino and picking it up from the cardsharps. Or maybe trawl the internet for the shortcuts and tricks.

But your best bet would be to sit down with a pro gambler and having the ‘rules’ explained. And find out how to beat Google at its own game. Then the next time you sit at the table you have the upper hand. Slowly but surely Google’s chips land in your lap. And this time you walk away with all the money! It’s your choice. Google can hold all the Adwords aces or you can. If you are placing bets on Adwords I can help you win. One phone call, twenty minutes and a cup of coffee later you’ll know how to stack the odds in your favour and come away the winner. Just call me on 07956 908888 or drop a line to me at and let me show you how I’ve helped dozens of business owners in the Bournemouth area make money with Adwords! Done for You PPC - Targeted Traffic in 2 weeks or less!

Special Google Adwords Offer for NBM Readers: Up To £150 Adwords discount voucher included with all new accounts set up before 30th April 2014

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The End of an Era: The Death of Windows XP! By Clifford Johnson from PCs Made Simple

I am afraid to say it but the title is true! From 8th April 2014 the mighty Microsoft wash their hands of Windows XP for good. In fairness it has been a long time coming, Windows XP has for sometime now been somewhat of a dinosaur even compared to the failed Windows Vista. (Mainly in terms of functionality and security.) Windows XP is not the only product on the shortlist, Microsoft Office 2003 and Windows Server 2003 are for the chop too. What does this mean for you? Well Microsoft describe the continual use of these products past April 8th as “Driving a car with out an air-bag!”, which kind of sums it up really. With no more security updates from Microsoft

and anti-virus companies withdrawing support the "back door" is wide open and the safety net is removed. Microsoft have hit it on the nose with their description - the probability of being hacked, hijacked or worse is vastly increased. The hackers and virus creators out there have been waiting for this for some years, the chance to exploit the most widely used operating system on the planet! So time to upgrade and look forward – scary thought isn't it! (It's not as bad as it seems though, if you enlist the help of a qualified professional.) If you are a business user still using XP or any of the above mentioned products and you want some sound and informed advice feel free to drop us a line on 01202 830121, pop in to our shop or email us via our website.

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PCs Made Simple can usually fix any sick computer. We can also supply a new one, off the shelf or tailor made just for you.

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The World of Packaging! By Keith Sparks from Remous Limited


he world of packaging is wide and varied and normally only available to the large conglomerates who can order in huge quantities and thereby get very economical unit price per item, but due to the advance of technology in lithographic printing and the various finishing processes, it is now possible for many companies to consider having a special box produced for their top of the range products in small quantities such as only 500 units of each item.

The packaging pointers to consider are as follows: • Maximum flat sheet size (B2) 520 x 720mm • Board thickness up to 620 micron • Material Substrates - White & cream back folding boxboard, white lined chipboard, Kraft back folding boxboard • Litho printing in the CMYK process + plus one Spot PMS colour • Finishes include UV Gloss spot or overall varnish, foil blocking, embossing, window patching and latex application for blister packs. • You can also have a Press Lock base (envelope base) with tuck in lid and side glued seam for slightly lighter products, as well as Crash Lock glued base for heavier products such as bottles – so they don’t drop out of the bottom. • Product Header Cards are also available and they can be drilled or euro-slotted for display hanging or just creased and folded.

Products suitable for special packaging and individual box making include: Brandy bottles, Sparking Wine, Model Railway Kits, Military Models, Cake Mix, Gloves, Tea Bags, Chocolate, Tools & Accessories, CDs & DVDs, Pizza, Ready Meal Sleeves, Toys, Sewing Kits, Electronic Accessories, Jams & Chutneys etc. The list is basically endless, but if you have a need and want to receive advice on packaging for a particular product or some future project, then it is always best to have a meeting with an expert in cardboard technology at the initial stages, as a few well placed ideas in the beginning can save you several hundreds of pounds at the end. For a FREE one hour consultation please call Remous Printing on 01963 250920 and ask to speak with Keith Sparks or Alan Bunter. Alternatively please send an email to: quoting NBM BOX as your reference.

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Put your feet up over coffee or lunch and have a go at these!

Pop the kettle on... 4 6







4 7

9 8







2 7




Across 8 Rubber wheel (4) 9 Keyboard instrument (5) 10 X X X X (4) 11 Tremblors (6) 12 Cornhusker state (8) 13 Winking (8) 15 Customs duty (6) 17 Proceeding in small stages (7) 19 Varnish (7) 22 Respite (6) 24 Step (8) 26 Marrow squash plant (8) 28 Enrol (6) 30 Leg joint (4) 31 Step (5) 32 Latin for "Will be" (4)


Down 1 Place (4) 2 Summoned (8) 3 Dwarf ornamental tree (6) 4 Punches of sweetened milk and eggs (7) 5 Cliquish (8)

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6 Pack up and leave (6) 7 A euphemism for "Hell" (4) 14 Big (5) 16 A cloak (5) 18 Ails (8) 20 Deceased (8)

21 Where administrative workers work (7) 23 Irritated (6) 25 Do to excess (6) 27 Vases (4) 29 The founder of a family (4)

To advertise in this local journal telephone 01202 233580




Investing? OrOr propping up? up? Investing? propping According to recent research, the average SME business owner has invested £22,700 of their own personal money into their business in the last year. And the study shows that 37% of those planning to raise money outside traditional bank borrowing will use their personal credit cards (despite standard interest rates typically being around 18.9%, and often much higher). Many more will be borrowing from friends or family, or remortgaging or even selling their own homes. Now there’s nothing wrong with a business owner investing his or her own resources in their business. From the point of view of an external lender, it’s a clear demonstration of the owner’s commitment to the project. And if the funds are for genuine investment, expansion or growth, then it may well be a very good idea. But many of those who use their own personal finances to fund their business do so just to clear debts. If the investment is to support losses or finance debts, then think very carefully. There’s no point in getting yourself into personal debt which won’t solve problems that may be more fundamental and deep-rooted. If it’s your business it’s understandable that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that it stays on track. But don’t throw good money after a quick fix. Make sure that there’s a clear, realistic plan to repay the investment.

Ask yourself whether the company has a viable future and, in the worst case, what would happen if the money could not be paid back. At Burton Sweet Corporate Recovery our specialist team of experienced insolvency professionals has vast experience of businesses of all types and sizes, and of dealing with their financial problems from the most straightforward to the most complex. We will appraise the business, identify the key problems and discuss the available options in plain, jargon-free language – clear advice when you need it most. For us, winding up is always the last resort, and we’ll do everything possible to help you avoid it.

Cash flow problems …or worse? Clear, professional advice for you and your business when you need it most. CONTACT US FOR A FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION CALL: 01202 313624 | 2nd Floor, Bristol & West House, Post Office Road, Bournemouth, BH1 1BL

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6 Tips for getting the most out of Facebook By Alison Reeves from Write to Win

People seem to think that it is OK to post across their social media accounts — for example posting the same updates on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. However this goes against the whole point of social media — which is to engage ‘socially’.

and suitable links. Sometimes visitors click on a cover photo to see it more clearly and this is one more way to capture their interest. It is worth getting your graphic designer to sort out your photos when they sort out your logo as it looks much more professional.

This means that those who develop a separate strategy for each social media platform are more likely to attract interest. If someone consistently sees the same messages on all your social media platforms they will be inclined to switch off and not read anything you say — or worse disengage completely. Here are some tips for running your Facebook social media:

4. If you have a blog, then blog about your Facebook page and why readers should like it. You can offer exclusive offers, news, previews of new products, dates of events and so on. Whilst on the subject, promote your Facebook page on all of your other social media channels.

1. Create a Facebook page rather than using a personal profile. Whilst you are doing this, make sure you give the page a suitable name — the name of your business is a good choice. Once you have the right number of likes on the page (at the time of writing, this is 25) then you can select a ‘vanity’ URL for example This allows you to promote your page on your business cards, website, email signatures and so on. 2. Make sure you fill in the ‘About’ information — this obviously looks more professional and is also good for SEO — so make sure you include some of your key words. Include your website URL and links to any of your significant products. 3. Create a professional looking Facebook cover photo. The rules surrounding this do change, so check it out on Facebook. When you upload your cover photo, you are asked to provide a description — so write a short bio of your business and add in a call to action Page 22

5. When it comes to updates on your Facebook page, the magic bullet is consistency. You don’t want to spam your customers with dozens of updates every day’ equally you don’t want it to look abandoned. The general consensus is to post no more than two updates a day, or a minimum of two a week. Don’t forget that if people don’t engage in your posts, Facebook will filter your content and not show it in their feeds. Quality updates designed to promote engagement works best — for example, asking questions, posting videos and pictures. 6. Don’t forget you can schedule your Facebook posts. This is a very useful feature if you have a busy period, or indeed if you are likely to be away on holiday. If you are unable to interact with your page (for example if you have gone abroad) then you could post tips type of content. Avoid posting scheduled posts inviting a high level of interaction if you can’t get online and interact yourself. Alison specialises in helping her customers to win more business by improving their business writing skills. Check out her website:

To advertise in this local journal telephone 01202 233580



The dreaded Appraisal... the ‘5WHs’! By Audrey Davies from The Way Ahead

“I keep six honest serving men (they taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How And Where and Who.” Rudyard Kipling Almost everyone I meet shudders when you mention the word ‘Appraisal’ – bosses and employees alike. Why is this? A successful business involves continuous improvement in all the resources we manage – especially the people. Sadly, it seems there are bad experiences of the whole process. Managers don’t prepare either the appraisee or themselves properly for the event, and quite often do it on the spur of the moment: “Hey, John! I’ve got a quick 5 minutes. Shall we do it now…?” Is that really an effective way to get the best out of someone? ACAS outlines the main benefits of managing performance well; it helps everyone in the business to know: • what the business is trying to achieve • their role in helping the business achieve its goals • the skill & competencies they need to fulfil their role

• the standards of performance required • how they can develop their performance and contribute to development of the organisation • how they are doing • when there are performance problems and what to do about them Which helps employees: • take pride in their job and shows loyalty towards their line manager, team or organisation • go the extra mile - particularly in areas like customer service, or where employees need to be creative, responsive or adaptable. I have a passion for helping business leaders to improve their bottom line by becoming better managers of performance. Adopting the ‘5WHs’ principles: ‘What, Why, When, How, Where, Who’ is a good place to start. If you need help in getting on track, please call us on 01202 788277.

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