The Azibo Nosologies as Fantasias and Soliloquies: The Soliloquizer’s Response to the Africanity Dissimulators by Daudi Ajani ya Azibo, Ph.D. Public Intellectual
For a [colonized,] captive and enslaved people which we Blacks [worldwide] are, the highest form of mental instability could be . . . a Black who has adjusted to his [sic] condition and/or has accepted the value system of the White [or Arab] oppressor. . . . [she or he] is more in need of the services of the mental health provider than the traditional “patient.” . . . because [his or her] . . . level of adjustment [to Eurasian society] . . . is dangerous not only to him or herself and the family related, but also to present and future Black generations. – Yosef ben-Jochannan (as cited in Alexander, 1980, pp. 34–35) The number-one mental health disparity affecting people of African descent globally is not to be found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual nor the International Classification of Diseases, but mentacide-induced psychological misorientation as presented in the Azibo Nosologies—an issue the mental health professions overlook. This essay lays a foundation for reversal. In May 1890, Thayer (cited in Kimball, 2009) called Harvard University’s refusal to allow W.E.B. Du Bois to deliver the valedictorian address a “pitiable rejection of a great opportunity” for moving society forward. I find Thayer’s statement deeply relevant to the Azibo Nosologies (systems for professionally diagnosing personality breakdown or disorder in Africandescent people; ADP), which have existed since 1989 but have not yet become a standard tool of choice in the armamentarium of mental health workers (MHWs). This essay seeks to advocate for the widespread use of the Azibo Nosologies not for vainglory, fanfaronade, or cock-a-hoop, but for alleviating the greatest mental health disparity currently visited upon ADP. Although schizophrenia, depression, PTSD, racial stress (a misnomer; Azibo, 2014, pp. 61–64), and hosts of other conditions in the United Nations’ International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) may come to mind, the greatest mental health challenge that ADP face is actually psychological misorientation, defined as: 118