Networks of Support Children grow up surrounded by people, places and events that shape their daily lives and future prospects. With love and care, children survive and thrive in many very different environments. Inuit are careful to establish a supportive network of relationships for each child that results in a strengthened sense of connection, belonging and protection.
I drew this other image about a young couple with children and the grandparents above them, seemingly overseeing the young family. This is based on my own perspective of what I understand and believe. It is what we were taught to believe as we were growing. We were taught to respect our Elders. The Elders taught us about being children, how to treat each other, how to be a father, how to be a mother, all along teaching us to eventually replace them in their roles. They prepared us. This image represents their experience, knowledge and wisdom, knowing they have faced difficulties in life and overcome through perseverance. They show us how to avoid certain difficulties when we can prevent them from happening through being prepared and thinking ahead. They show us how to face difficulties through continually seeking solutions, working together, and never giving up in the face of adversity. They show us how to build respectful relationships and networks of support that will sustain us throughout our lives and assist us when we are in need. -Mark Kalluak 7