NCCA Newsletter May 2020

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Welcome to the Nissan Car Club’s Newsletter, As you can see, WE STILL DO NOT HAVE AN EDITOR, so you are still stuck with me producing this newsletter to let you know what is happening within our car club. As you will read we are including a shortened version of the committee minutes because we cannot have general meeting’s yet due to COVID-19 but we are still having skype committee meetings which has been a great learning curb News from Motorsport Australia on licences, hopefully most people have received this email directly from them. Motorsport Australia Licence Update In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Motorsport Australia Board has approved changes to the expiration of certain licence types. These changes were the result of a month long consultation by Motorsport Australia with members and other stakeholders. Motorsport Australia President Andrew Papadopoulos said with State and Federal Government restrictions still in place across the country, there was a need to ensure licence holders were supported. “We are certainly very keen for motorsport to return, but we are currently in somewhat of a holding pattern as we wait for things to improve,” Papadopoulos said. “As such, over recent weeks, our administration has been working out the best solution for our licence holders, in consultation with State Councils and clubs, and have determined that those with national and clubman licences will automatically have their licences extended as outlined.

“We have also committed to a price freeze on all Speed and Junior licences. “The changes to the expiration dates also allow us to move National and Clubman licences on to a more regular renewal cycle, meaning that renewals can be processed every quarter, instead of every month as is the case now. This will ensure our membership team can perform as efficiently as possible, making the annual renewal of a licence as simple as possible for members and reducing any delays.” All licence holders will also be given the opportunity to utilise a buy one, get one free Shannons Motorsport Australia Championships General Admission ticket for

the round








The changes approved by the Board are as follows: • All

Junior and Speed licences to be subject to a price freeze until 31 December, 2021;

• All

National and Clubman licence holders whose licence has o

expired in the period from 1 January to 31 March 2020, and have yet to renew, will be extended to 30 June, 2020


an upcoming expiry in April, May or June 2020 will have their expiry date extended to 30 September, 2020


an upcoming expiry in July, August and September 2020 will have their expiry dates extended to 31 December, 2020


an upcoming expiry in October, November and December 2020 will have their expiry dates extended to 31 March, 2021


an upcoming expiry in January, February and March 2021 will have their expiry dates extended to 30 June, 2021

Speed licence holders will also receive a $25 Motorsport Australia estore voucher valid for 12 months if they renew prior to 30 June 2020. Papadopoulos added that “we looked at a number of options and determined that allowing members to delay their renewal and then obtain an extension was the fairest outcome”. The above changes to expiry dates will come into effect on 1 May, 2020. Anyone with queries can contact the Motorsport Australia hotline, which is still available via phone on 1300 883 959 or via email: •

Precis of the committee meeting minutes NCCA COMMITTEE MEETING HELD VIA SKYPE ON THE 16 TH APRIL 2020 LOGGED IN: Vicki Curry, Callum Wright, Lynn Cuttle, Leonie Clark, Gordon Ledwidge, Rhiannon Philpot-Hale, Aiden Peart, Jan Woods,

APOLOLGIES: Russell Seabrook and Evelyn Apted GUESTS: Keith Cuttle and Karen Ledwidge MEETING OPENED AT: 7.40pm PRESIDENT: Thank you all for joining and thanks Callum for setting up and give those less technical capable a run through last week. Vicki says thanks for sending out tonight’s invite. Today we received a letter from a member, which is under review. SECRETARY: The only thing I have is an email requesting assistance for a sports steering wheel for a car that is going to be engineered to pass VicRoads. - refer him to VicRoads for engineers. VICE PRES: Nothing from me. TREASURER: $25,133.83cr. Mail in the club post box had an unaddressed envelope with member cards in it. – Aiden will check member details and reissue new cards. MEMBERSHIP: 305 members. However, members that have Club Permits, need to be current members at all times. MOTORKHANA SEC: Evelyn not logged in, but there have been no events. Our event is due to run in May subject to Victorian lock down Stu to call Evelyn, re status of the event and pass on her contact details to Nicholas so that he can also include her with event information. - Vicki called Stu, our event will be cancelled/postponed and he will contact Evelyn and also Nicholas. RALLY SEC: VRC/ARC E-series - we have not heard too much about this yet. Maybe our locally co-ordinators could get something similar going for VCRS participants. Don’t really know what would be involved. But maybe worth talking to people about. Next week there is a VCRS meeting scheduled, but it was postponed. RACING SEC: MSCA held a meeting last week. Most events have been cancelled but tracks have just deferred bookings as present. This is another problem for Clubs who run track events. They will suffer monetary loss from track cancellation. They are not sure when things will start back up again. Are also discussing championship round and whether there IS a championship or not. They are also looking to try to encourage Club to provide officials for “Flagging” at events. They currently hire “flaggies” for each event. We will be getting flyers to soon asking club members to help at these event’s to assist with clubs finances during these trying times.

AUTOCROSS: Russell not here, but there have been no events GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. A general reminder to all event clerks of course, the committee requires that every event supplies a BUDGET SHEET before your event. We think this is VERY IMPORTANT THIS YEAR. DO A BUDGET AND PRESENT TO THE COMMITTEE 2. Expression that a pricis of the Committee Meeting minutes be put into the magazine for members to read and to let them know what is going on. This is a good idea as there is nothing else happening in motor sport at the moment, and it helps keep the members up to date with what we as a club are doing. 3. Today we received a letter via email from a club member, discussion is ongoing ATM, 4. Aiden: We need to discuss the Annual General Meeting at some stage. Maybe we should defer an AGM until we can get together properly with members. We would stay as a “Caretaker Committee” until then. (forgot to note who said this) Vicki and Aiden agree with this. Keith will check the Constitution for any reference to this sort of thing happening. •

Maybe this could be done of emails to members over a couple of nights?

Maybe group emails from different locations?

Maybe Consumer Affairs could assist with guidelines/direction with this. We will continue to discuss this point. Gordon will contact CAV for some information.

Meeting closed at 8.45pm Next meeting to be advised but no later that 4 weeks from now. Lynn suggests Thursday 21st May 2020

Committee contacts

If you need to contact any of the committee during no editor please feel free to contact: President – Lynn Cuttle – 0421 058 175 or Secretary – Vicki Curry – 0439 144 997 or Membership/CH Plates–Aiden Peart– 9467 6191 BH or •

Membership Renewals –

Expiring Memberships Member Name AHMAD AL KAZEMI PATRICK BONELLO

Expiring Memberships Member Name JAMES CURTAIN JULIA CURTAIN



A Special Note There has been an amount of confusion and anxiety centred around a past club championship. The committee acknowledges that communication to members regarding the championship form and rounds should have been better undertaken. It is considered that this was a major contributing factor to these issues. The committee therefore commits to: 1) Inform club members through the magazine and other applicable sources, which events are to be included in club championships. 2) Likewise inform the club members of progressive scores at the earliest practical opportunity (this would normally be the next club magazine or equivalent). This may of course require some input from the members on occasion as well to communicate to the relevant committee member, their participation and results. In order to prevent this from occurring again in the future, the committee will endeavour to follow, as far as possible, the intent and to update the supplied committee handbook where appropriate. Onto another issue which has crossed over somewhat with the above, there have been some postings on social media that have been somewhat derogatory towards the club or members and in fact have had a profoundly negative effect on individual members. These types of post may seem funny or a bit of a dig at the time but in reality, do nothing good for the club, it’s members or yourself. Further, the committee cannot tolerate the continuance of such behaviour, and if it continues, will take steps to ensure all possible appropriate action is taken for all occasions brought to their attention. Bear in mind that we are all members of Motorsport Australia and as such are obliged to abide by their rules including their social media policy. So, we encourage you to think twice before pressing that enter key and consider the possible outcome of your actions.

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