Dean’s Note NCCU School of Law Donors In 2020-2021, the North Carolina Central University School of Law benefitted from generous corporate and nonprofit donors. Those donors provided needed resources to help us to provide opportunities for our students to be successful. Because of our location in Research Triangle Park, we are at the forefront when it comes to legal technology. In light of our history of being technology-conscious, we decided to establish the Center for Technology Law and Policy. Establishment of the Center will enable us to achieve our goals of educating our students using technology and exposing our students to the technology that is changing the practice of law. Intel Corporation committed $5 million dollars to grant us the resources we need to employ faculty and staff to operate the Center, to enrich our students with scholarships, and to endow a named professorship. Moreover, Intel Corporation provided paid internships for three of our students. The School of Law has a history of educating students from underrepresented populations. Our mission is to encourage those students to give back to the community. One ways our students contribute is to participate in public interest internships in the summer. Through our internship program, our students are able to work at organizations that provide legal services to low-income persons. In the summer of 2021, we received funding to pay our students who engaged in public interest internships from the following organizations: Duke Energy Foundation, John Paul Stevens Fellowship Foundation and the Peggy Browning Foundation. We received funding for two of our students to participate in a paid fellowship program from the African American Ancestry Network LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation. In an attempt to diversify the field of Animal Law, the Animal Legal Defense Fund provided a $25,000 scholarship and an internship for one of our students. We would like to publicly thank these organizations for providing financial resources to help our Eagles soar.