NCCP KidsX Holiday Leader Guide PreK-K

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Leader Guide Pre-K & K—Holiday Year 1 Copyright © 2020 Group Publishing, Inc./0000 0001 0362 4853 Visit our website:

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the publisher, except where noted in the text and in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, visit This creative team is simply honored to create Simply Loved for you: Laura Baldwin-Stout, Mollie Bickert, Adam Bohlmeyer, Jody Brolsma, Stephen Caine, Jessica Goldsmith, Becky Helzer, Jennifer Hooks, Charity Kauffman, Mikal Keefer, Jan Kershner, Steve Kyle, Peggy Naylor, Joani Schultz, Rodney Stewart, Jeff Storm, and Andrea Zimmerman. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-4707-6253-7 Printed in the United States of America. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 25 24 23 22 21 20

Contents Welcome to Simply Loved!........................................................................4 How It Works...............................................................................................5 Our Strategic Approach...........................................................................7 A Faith Foundation for Young Children..............................................8 Classroom Transition Song Lyrics........................................................9 Supply Closet Inventory..................................................................10 Christmas Lesson 1: An Angel Appears to Joseph................................................11 Lesson 2: Magi Search for the Messiah..............................................21 Palm Sunday Lesson 3: Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem on a Donkey.........................31 Easter Lesson 4: Jesus Dies and Comes Back to Life...................................41 Bonus Holiday Cards Christmas, Palm Sunday, Easter ..........................................................50


Welcome to Simply Loved! Welcome to Simply Loved Sunday school—where you and your team simply experience God’s love and share it with kids.

“Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us.” (1 John 4:11-12)

With Simply Loved, you, your helpers (we call them Crew Guides), and your kids explore a foundational, Jesus-centered journey through God’s story of love. We believe that faith isn’t a subject to be mastered; it’s a relationship to grow! So every single component of Simply Loved sets the stage for you to more intentionally grow friendship with Jesus and each other. Keep reading to find out what that’ll look like in your classroom. J oin our Simply Loved Facebook community to learn from children’s ministry leaders just like you!


Welcome to Simply Loved!

How It Works Simple Volunteer Roles

You’ll need the following volunteers: Leader: (That’s you!) The one person in each teaching space who has looked over the lesson and will direct all activities. The glance-able, structured lessons in this guide allow leaders to spend more time interacting with kids and less time glued to scripts. Crew Guide: A helper who simply shows up and participates with kids. Crew Guides don’t need to be Bible experts—simply people who love Jesus and kids!

A Simple, Flexible Lesson! Simple Prep for Leaders Prepare your heart and pray for the kids before each lesson. Plus, check off supplies as you gather them!

Opening Options Choose from two opening activities—both introduce the day’s Bible Point. Each unit creatively uses the same supplies all four weeks. That means you’ll need to gather Opening Options supplies only once a month! If you’d like, set up these Opening Options as activity stations in your room. Simply cut apart the cards you’ll find in each lesson and place one at each station to guide activity and conversation. Or, do one or both activities with all kids together. You choose! Sing & Play Gather kids to sing and discover the Bible Point. Plus, a Bible Memory Buddy connects the Bible verse to kids’ everyday lives.

Bible Discovery We’ve given you lots of options, but don’t skip this part! It’s the “meat” of the lesson where kids experience God’s greatest gift in an interactive, hands-on way. There’s no time to be bored as kids and Connect Crews follow the Leader through a memorable Bible experience. You’ll read directly from the Bible throughout the Bible Discovery, so be sure to mark your place ahead of time and choose a kid-friendly translation to read from. We’ve intentionally chosen shorter passages for young attention spans.

How It Works


Apply-It Options Consider your time frame, and take your pick: a game, a snack, or a Coloring Creation page! Each option applies the Bible Point to everyday kid life, making faith relevant to even young kids.

Goodbye Circle Wrap up your lesson with a gospel-centered Jesus connection, and remind kids that Jesus is with them wherever they go! Plus, affirm kids by name as you give each child a Bible Memory Buddy sticker at the end of each lesson.

A Simple, Flexible Format! Age-Graded Classrooms It’s simple! You’ll need one prepared leader and at least one helper (we call helpers Crew Guides) for each teaching space. We recommend having a media player handy in each space for music and each week’s Bible Memory Buddy video. Age-Graded Classrooms With a Multi-Age Opening It’s simple! Lead the Sing & Play section with all ages together. Set up a media player in your gathering area so that when you’re all together, you can sing along with music videos, introduce the Bible Point, and meet the Bible Memory Buddy! Then, disperse to age-graded classrooms for Bible Discovery, Apply-It Options, and the Goodbye Circle. You’ll need one prepared leader and at least one helper (we call helpers Crew Guides) for each teaching space. One (big or small) Room With Multi-Age Kids It’s simple! You’ll need one prepared leader plus at least one helper (we call helpers Crew Guides). Ideally, you’ll have one Crew Guide for every five to eight kids, but it can work with your church’s volunteer-to-children ratios. We recommend having a media player handy for music and each week’s Bible Memory Buddy video.


How It Works

Our Strategic Approach

There are “whys” behind every lesson component, and we want to share them with you! Here are the guiding principles behind the creation of Simply Loved Sunday school curriculum. You may have heard…

But we’ve found…

That’s why…

“It’s hard to recruit volunteers.”

When volunteers need less prep time, have fun, and feel like they’re making a difference, they’ll make serving a priority.

Simply Loved volunteer roles are important, but easy!

“Kids need to be entertained.”

Kids need to be noticed and loved.

Simply Loved lessons are designed to help you listen to kids and get to know them.

“You need a lot of supplies.”

You need only a few supplies used in creative ways.

Simply Loved incorporates minimal supplies each unit but uses them in innovative ways to introduce and apply the day’s lesson.

“We need helpers— any warm body will do.”

Helpers don’t just assist. Even though they don’t need to prep, they serve an important relational purpose and make a big difference in kids’ lives.

Simply Loved helpers have a name and an elevated role: they’re “Crew Guides”! They participate along with the kids, play a meaningful role in lessons, and make a difference by building friendships with kids.

“Kids are rarely able to remember Scripture.”

Creating a visual and emotional connection to Scripture dramatically helps kids remember and understand why the Bible matters in their everyday lives.

Simply Loved incorporates kid-friendly videos featuring Bible Memory Buddies (animals God created) to help them understand Bible truths and trigger Scripture memory. And Bible Memory Buddies help discoveries stick! (wink, wink)

“Teachers are Bible experts.”

Teachers are channels of friendship who help children understand and experience Jesus’ love.

Simply Loved uses human relationships to communicate God’s love in a tangible way. Built-in conversation starters help teachers share their personal stories and their own friendship with Jesus.

“Covering a lot of information is intimidating.”

Reaching children is simple when you focus on one Bible Point.

Simply Loved repeats key Bible Points in different ways so truths sink deep. And it combines the repetition of a Bible Point with an auditory and physical response that will stick with kids long after your lesson ends.

“Success requires getting through the whole lesson.”

You’ll clearly communicate the key Bible Point no matter how far you get.

With Simply Loved, a palette of Bible Point-supporting options gives you the freedom to choose what works for your kids and your time frame. So no matter how much of the lesson you complete, the Truth from God’s Word shines through.

“Kids’ll get bored if you repeat something they’ve heard before.”

Kids appreciate routine and repetition when it’s done in a fun way.

Simply Loved’s scope and sequence intentionally repeats the Bible verse and Point for four weeks. This strategically cements Bible learning no matter how often kids attend.

Our Strategic Approach


A Faith Foundation for Young Children

As their leader, you get to show young children what loving Jesus looks like! And Simply Loved will help. Simply Loved incorporates these Age-Level Building Blocks to create a wonderful foundation for young children to learn to love and follow Jesus.












Young children are active! They like to move and use their whole bodies to make discoveries, so Simply Loved lessons engage young kids in a variety of active, hands-on ways. Young children have short attention spans. Simply Loved lessons are broken down into bite-size pieces. Be sure to use the Simply Loved classroom songs to help young kids move from one thing to the next. Young children feel so many things! Anger, frustration, love, comfort, fear. When you’re sharing a Bible story, Simply Loved identifies a key emotion in the story and pauses to ask young children about a time they felt that way. Connecting to emotion cements learning and helps young children know that Jesus understands their feelings and is with them, no matter what. Jesus often used tangible examples to make abstract learning more concrete. So Simply Loved uses everyday preschool items like blocks, backpacks, dolls, and trains! It’s young children’s job to play! So Simply Loved incorporates imagination and play into Bible teaching. Young children learn through repetition, so Simply Loved repeats, repeats, repeats. Each Simply Loved Pre-K & K lesson is centered around one easy-toremember Bible Point that’s said over and over. Repetition helps cement Bible truths into young minds and hearts to help them—not just someday, but right now! Keep it simple. Young children need to know basic truths about God, so keep it simple! Simply Loved keeps memory verses simple and easy to understand, crafts simple so little hands can handle them, and games simple so kids can jump right in and play. We’ve left snacks up to you, so keep snacks simple and be mindful of allergies. Young children thrive when they know what to expect. So Simply Loved establishes a predictable classroom routine young children can rely on.

Young children are busy explorers! Sometimes their curiosity can lead to unexpected emergencies. Be sure to supervise your little friends as they work with small objects to prevent choking hazards. And always double check for allergies before serving food. Most times, Simply Loved leaves snack choices up to you; however, if food supplies are listed, note this allergy alert to remind you to use caution when serving your young friends.


A Faith Foundation for Young Children

A llergy alert! Check for food allergies or limitations before serving.

Classroom Transition Song Lyrics Catchy transition music signals times of welcome, cleanup, prayer, and send-off, and these songs help kids wrap up one activity and move on to the next. These high-quality songs have been professionally produced so leaders don’t need to be vocalists. But if you do want to sing along, here are the words! The Cleanup Song

God, You Are So Good

Doot, doot, doo, doo, doo. Time to clean up. Clean up! Cleanup can be fun!

God, you are so good. (extend arms up) We thank you for our food. (fold hands together) You give me what I need. (hold arms out) You take good care of me. (hug yourself) Amen. (fold hands together)

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Clean up! Cleanup can be fun! Doot, doot, doo, doo, doo. Now our cleanup— Is done! Cleanup can be fun. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Clean up! Cleanup can be fun! “The Cleanup Song” by Sam Mizell. © 2020 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No unauthorized use or duplication permitted.

Hello, My Friends Hello, my friends. (wave) Who’s here today? (shrug shoulders) Let’s say hello and play a game! (wave) C’mon, shake a hand. High-five! Spin around. Now say your name!

“God, You Are So Good” by Sam Mizell. © 2020 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No unauthorized use or duplication permitted.

Goodbye, My Friends Goodbye, my friends. (wave one hand) It’s time to go. (wave other hand) It’s time to make my way back home. (march in place) I know Jesus loves me. (hug yourself) He loves me so, oh! (spread arms wide) Everywhere I go, (march in place) Jesus loves me. (hug yourself) Everywhere I go, (march in place) He’s thinking of me. (point to head) Everywhere I go, (march in place) Jesus loves me. (hug yourself) Everywhere I go. (march in place) Goodbye, my friends. (wave) “Goodbye, My Friends” by Sam Mizell. © 2020 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No unauthorized use or duplication permitted.

Jesus loves you, (hug yourself) Yes, it’s true. (nod yes) He loves you, he loves you, He loves you, he loves you! (point to friends) Jesus loves you, (hug yourself) Yes, it’s true. (nod yes) He loves you. He loves you, and you, and you, and you, and you! (point to friends) Hello, my friends. (wave) Who’s here today? (shrug shoulders) Let’s say hello (wave) and shout hooray! (pump fist in air) “Hello, My Friends” by Sam Mizell. © 2020 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No unauthorized use or duplication permitted.

Classroom Transition Song Lyrics


Supply Closet Inventory

how God “For this is s He gave hi : ld or w e loved th Son.” ly on nd a one

Pre-K & K—Holiday Year 1 Have these items handy for some hands-on fun!

Music CD*

Mary and Joseph figurines from a nativity (optional)

Buddy Video DVD* Music Video DVD* Bible Story posters* Bible Memory Buddy poster* Bible Memory Buddy stickers* Coloring Creation pages* media player Art Supplies crayons, including multicultural crayons glue sticks Glue Dots tissue paper craft sticks washable markers child-safe scissors red, green, blue, and yellow construction paper

soft star-shaped ornament treats (optional) Easter baskets plastic eggs Odds & Ends napkins hand cleanser wet wipes paper bags wrapping paper flashlight any kitchen spice painter’s tape dark-colored plastic tablecloths towels or sheets

tape foam shapes sharpened pencils


Supply Closet Inventory

* in your Simply Loved Kit

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snack (you choose!)



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Toys & Goodies

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Program Essentials

John 3:16

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Christmas | Week 1

An Angel Appears to Joseph

We Celebrate Jesus (Matthew 1:18-24)

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son.”

Bible Point

We celebrate Jesus.

John 3:16


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u Gro 2020

Who cared for baby you? Maybe it was a mom, a dad, a stepdad, a grandparent who’s like a parent, or a non-biological parent who welcomed you as their own. No matter the make-up, God creates families. He puts people in each other’s lives for a reason.

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Young children’s worlds revolve around their family experience. They know they need care and help and comfort. Use this lesson to help kids discover Jesus’ family: his Father, who loves them so much; and his kind-of-stepfather, who cared for Jesus during his very first years on earth.

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God put Joseph in Jesus’ life for a reason. It’s through Joseph’s line that the Messiah came. God must have created Joseph to be a uniquely compassionate and loyal man, and that’s just the man Mary—and baby Jesus—needed.

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Dear God, thank you for loving us and sending your only Son, Jesus, to be our Savior. Love these kids through me today. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Opening Options

Sing & Play

Option Cards*

Music CD*

Christmas Trees: tissue paper, craft sticks, glue sticks, Glue Dots, markers, child-safe scissors

Music Video DVD*

Tall Towers: plastic eggs, paper bag

media player

Buddy Video DVD* Olivia Bible Memory Buddy poster*

Bible (bookmark John 3:16)

Bible Discovery & Goodbye Circle

Apply-It Options

“An Angel Appears to Joseph” Bible Story poster*

Game: red, green, blue, and yellow construction paper; tape

Music CD*

Food-n-Friendship: snack, napkins, hand cleanser, Music CD*, media player

Olivia Bible Memory Buddy stickers* (1 per child) media player Bible (bookmark Matthew 1:20-21, 24) Mary and Joseph figurines from a nativity (optional) washable markers

Coloring Creation: “An Angel Appears to Joseph” Coloring Creation pages (1 per child), crayons, small pieces of wrapping paper, glue sticks, Music CD*, media player

wet wipes

* in your Simply Loved Kit 11

Opening Options

Set up one—or both—of these intro activities to start your time together. Each activity connects kids to the Bible Point and to each other. Cut apart these Option Cards, and place one by each activity you choose. Crew Guides will follow the directions and build friendships with kids as they make discoveries together!

Christmas Trees

Tall Towers

Supplies • tissue paper, craft sticks, glue sticks, Glue Dots, markers, child-safe scissors

Supplies • plastic eggs, paper bag

Make and decorate Christmas tree ornaments. o you sleep well the night before D Christmas? Why or why not? hat do you hope to find under the W Christmas tree on Christmas morning? Today we’ll hear a story about a man who was visited by an angel in a dream. The angel had news worth celebrating: Jesus would be born! We’ll celebrate Jesus, too!

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Separate the eggs, and then stack the halves to make tall towers. Make different color patterns and count the eggs in your tower. Place the eggs in a paper bag when you’ve finished. What has surprised you this week? We usually see these colorful eggs only at Easter time, but today we used them in a fun and surprising new way. Today we’ll hear about another surprise for a man named Joseph, and we’ll celebrate Jesus.

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Opening Now’s a great time for Opening Options. Choose one—or both—to introduce today’s Bible discoveries.

“The Cleanup Song” (Music CD track 1)

Help kids transition by cleaning up before sitting with their Connect Crews. A Connect Crew is a smaller group of kids with one Crew Guide.

Sing & Play

Supplies • Bible • Music CD


“Hello, My Friends”

Hi, friends! Let’s spread some Christmas cheer. Show me your biggest, merriest smiles! Smile at kids. Wow! Let’s sing our welcome song and say hello to our friends.

“What Child Is This?” music video

“Hello, My Friends” (Music CD track 2) Now let’s say hi to our Crew Guides. They’re our go-to friends who are here to have fun and learn along with us. ● Kids give their Crew Guides a high-five.

Bible Point

• Music Video DVD

“Joy to the World!” music video • Buddy Video DVD Olivia Bible Memory Buddy video (Week 1) • media player • Olivia Bible Memory Buddy poster

Today we’ll celebrate Jesus. Every time you hear the words “We celebrate Jesus,” make fists and then pop your hands open like fireworks and say, “Hooray, Jesus!” Let’s try that together. Repeat several times. Repetition cements learning, so be sure to say today’s Bible Point A LOT. Have fun with it! Kids will love listening for it and responding with “Hooray, Jesus!”

Celebrating Jesus is what Christmas is all about. Why? Well, I’ll tell you. Watch, and do what I do! Jesus came to earth as a baby. (pretend to hold a baby) So…we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)

Hooray, Jesus!

Jesus is suuuper special. (give two thumbs-up) So…we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)


Jesus loves us this much. (spread arms out wide) So…we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Jesus is our friend. (hold hands over heart) So…we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Repeat several times. Jesus was a very special baby because he is God’s Son. Let’s celebrate Jesus with a song.

If kids like something, they’ll want to do it again! So embrace repetition and take time to repeat activities.

“What Child Is This?” music video

Bible Memory Buddy & Verse Let’s find out more about Jesus, the special baby, and see what our friend Buzzly Bee has to say. Bee-lieve me, he has good things to show us today. Let’s call for Buzzly. Do what I do! ● Flap hands quickly like a bee. ● Make buzzing sounds.

Olivia Bible Memory Buddy video (Week 1)


We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Olivia the barn owl can remind us of love. ● Show the Bible Memory Buddy poster. ● Trace Olivia’s face to show that it’s the shape of a heart.

“For this is ho w God oved the world : He gave his one and only Son.”

● Show kids how to shape their hands into a heart shape.

ohn 3:16)

Copyright ©

2020 Group

Publishing, Inc.,

Loveland, CO


• Printed in the

United States

of America •



Olivia the barn owl’s face is shaped like a heart. God showed his love for us by giving us the best Christmas gift ever—Jesus! At Christmas, we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Show the Bible. The Bible is God’s true story of love! Our Bible Memory Verse comes from the Bible. Let’s say it together. I’ll say a line, and then you repeat after me. “For this is how God loved the world: (make a heart shape with hands) He gave his one and only Son.” (extend arm and hold up pointer finger) (John 3:16) I’m so glad God loves me. And I’m so glad God loves you. And I’m so glad God loves the whole world! Let’s sing another Christmas song. When we sing “Joy to the world, the Lord is come,” we’re talking about Jesus!

“Joy to the World!” music video


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Christmas Week 1

Bible Discovery Today we’ll celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) People celebrate lots of special things. Let’s do some celebrating. Watch, and do what I do. ● People celebrate when their team wins the game. ● Pretend to wave pompoms and say “Hooray!” ● People celebrate getting married. ● Blow kisses and say “Hooray!” ● And people celebrate when babies are born.

Supplies • Bible • “An Angel Appears to Joseph” Bible Story poster • Mary and Joseph figurines from a nativity (optional) • washable markers • wet wipes

● Pretend to hold a baby and say “Hooray” like you’re talking to a baby. Let’s talk more about babies in our Connect Crews. ● Get comfy and sit in knee-to-knee circles with Connect Crews.

Tell about a baby you know. Who cares for the baby? Invite Crew Guides to share first.

● Crew Guides give thumbs-up when everyone has shared. Hold up a Bible. Our Bible story today tells about a special baby. It’s Jesus! God sent his Son, Jesus, to earth to show how much he loves us. But babies can’t live by themselves. They need moms, dads, even brothers and sisters to take care of them.

We call helpers Crew Guides. If you lead a small class, you can be the Crew Guide. Simply gather kids in a cozy circle around you. If you have helpers, form smaller groups so each child can be known—and so kids can befriend your helpers, too!

So God gave Jesus a family. Jesus had a mom named Mary. Hold up Mary from a nativity scene (optional). And a dad named Joseph. Hold up Joseph from a nativity scene (optional). Hmm. You all need a Mary and Joseph, too. I know what we can do! ● Ask a Crew Guide to hold up two pointer fingers. ● Use a washable marker to draw a smiley face on each pointer finger. ● Explain that one finger is Mary and the other is Joseph! ● Give each Crew Guide a washable marker. ● Have Crew Guides draw “Mary” and “Joseph” on each child’s fingers. Let’s see Mary and Joseph! ● Have kids hold up one finger for Joseph. Wave at all the Josephs. ● Have kids hold up their other finger for Mary. Wave at all the Marys. God gave Jesus a family. But Mary and Joseph didn’t know God’s plan at first. Hold up your “Mary” finger. So God sent an angel to tell Mary. Let’s sing a little song about the angel’s message to Mary.

It’s okay if kids would rather not have marker on their fingers; they can still pretend to be Mary and Joseph.


Hold up and wiggle your Mary finger, and sing to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?” This is Mary. (This is Mary.) Here I am! (Here I am!) Please take care of Jesus. You will be his mommy. Celebrate! (Celebrate!) Hold up your “Joseph” finger. While he was sleeping, Joseph got a message from an angel, too. Let’s sing to Joseph now! Hold up and wiggle your Joseph finger, and sing to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?”

Not a singer? No worries. Simply say each line instead, having kids repeat after you!

This is Joseph. (This is Joseph.) Here I am! (Here I am!) Please take care of Jesus. You will be his daddy. Celebrate! (Celebrate!) Repeat the song so kids can catch on. Now Joseph was asleep, and the angel talked to him in a dream. ● Have “Joseph” lie down in the palm of your other hand. Wrap your fingers around him like a blanket, and have Joseph “sleep.” Let’s read what the angel said to Joseph. Read aloud Matthew 1:20-21. The angel told Joseph to marry Mary and that her baby would be special. The angel even told Joseph what to name the baby—Jesus! We celebrate Jesus! (Hooray, Jesus!) ● Have everyone make their Mary and Joseph fingers dance.

Read the verses from the Bible. You’re showing kids that God’s Word is special. And don’t worry; we’ve kept the verses short for young attention spans.

● Have Josephs go back to sleep again. The angel told Joseph what God would do. And then Joseph woke up! Let’s make our Josephs wake up. Do this with me. ● Have kids repeat after you, “Joseph! Time to get up!” ● Pull Joseph out of his bed and hold him up in front of you. I wonder what Joseph did when he woke up? Let’s read and find out. Read aloud Matthew 1:24.


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Christmas Week 1

Joseph did what the angel told him to do. He and Mary got married. ● Hold pointer fingers so Mary and Joseph are beside each other. ● Later, Mary and Joseph had to go to a town called Bethlehem. Let’s have Mary and Joseph travel this way. ● Encourage everyone to march in place as they to move their fingers to the right. ● Now let’s make Mary and Joseph travel that way! ● Encourage everyone to march in place as they move their fingers to the left. ● Have everyone sit down again. Finally, when they arrived in Bethlehem, baby Jesus was born. Show the Bible Story poster. Mary and Joseph were now Jesus’ mom and dad, and they took care of him. First they needed clothes, so they wrapped him in cloths.

Appears An Angel h. at h w 8p to Jose M t e Illustrated

● Have everyone move their hands in circles as if wrapping.

by Dana Regan.

Next they needed a crib! Hmm. But there wasn’t one around, so they put baby Jesus in a manger. ● Have everyone cup their hands together to make a manger. Look at your hands. Do you see your Mary and Joseph fingers? Wiggle them a little if you do. Pause. Mary and Joseph were right there with Jesus. God had a special job for them. They took care of God’s one and only Son. Our Bible Memory Verse talks about Jesus. Let’s say it together again. “For this is how God loved the world: (make a heart shape with hands) He gave his one and only Son.” (extend arm and hold up pointer finger) (John 3:16) We celebrate Jesus! (Hooray, Jesus!) ● Encourage everyone to say goodbye to Mary and Joseph. ● Distribute wet wipes for kids to wipe off the marker from their fingers.

Now’s a great time for Apply-It Options. Choose one or more that fit your time frame to support today’s Bible discoveries before the closing Goodbye Circle.


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Apply-It Options Choose one—or all—of these activities to support kids’ learning after Bible Discovery.

Game Supplies: red, green, blue, and yellow construction paper; tape ● Post a different color of construction paper in each corner of the room. Review each color and location. ● Choose one child to be “Joseph.” Joseph will lie down in the center of the room with eyes closed and count to 10. Encourage a Crew Guide to count along. ● While Joseph counts, everyone quietly chooses a corner of the room and moves to it. ● Joseph listens carefully, then calls out the color in the corner he thinks has the most people. Joseph didn’t dream about colors; he dreamed about an angel! Imagine how happy Joseph was when baby Jesus was born and they could celebrate. We celebrate Jesus, too! (Hooray, Jesus!)


Supplies: snack, napkins, hand cleanser, Music CD, media player ● Give a napkin to a friend and say, “We celebrate Jesus.” (Hooray, Jesus!)

“God, You Are So Good” (Music CD track 3)

● Eat snack together.

When we pray, we talk with Jesus. Who has something we can talk with Jesus about?

● Pray together. ● Clean up the snack area. I’m thankful for our snack. And I’m thankful that God gave us Jesus. At Christmas, we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)

Coloring Creation

Supplies: “An Angel Appears to Joseph” Coloring Creation pages (1 per child), crayons, small pieces of wrapping paper, glue sticks, Music CD, media player We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) ● Identify and spell out the name “Jesus,” and remind kids that the angel told Joseph what to name the baby. ● Help children decorate Jesus’ name with pieces of wrapping paper. They can tear the paper into small pieces and glue it to the letters. ● Color baby Jesus. ● Play music as kids create.

“God So Loved the World” (John 3:16) (Music CD track 5)

Joseph An Angel Appears to


Matthew 1:18-24

SimplyLoved Publishing, Inc. local church use. Copyright © Group this page granted for Permission to photocopy


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Christmas Week 1

Pre-K & K, Holiday

s Week 1

Year 1, Christma

Goodbye Circle

Supplies • Music CD “Goodbye, My Friends”

It’s almost time to say goodbye. Let’s sing our goodbye song as we join hands and make one big circle!

“God So Loved the World” (John 3:16)

“Goodbye, My Friends” (Music CD track 4)

• media player • Oliva Bible Memory Buddy stickers (1 per child)

We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Why? Let’s celebrate again. Do this with me. Jesus came to earth as a baby. (pretend to hold a baby) So…we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Jesus is suuuper special. (give two thumbs-up) So…we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)

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Jesus loves us this much. (spread arms out wide) So…we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)

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● Show the Bible Memory Buddy poster, and remind kids that Olivia helps us remember we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)

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Jesus is our friend. (hold hands over heart) So…we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)

John 3:16

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● Invite Crew Guides to give each child an Olivia sticker in the following way. ● Have kids cup their hands together like mangers. ● Crew Guides will place a sticker in each “manger” and say, “Celebrate Jesus, [child’s name]!”

“God So Loved the World” (John 3:16) (Music CD track 5) ● Do Bible Memory Verse motions and move to the music. Fingers that were Mary and Joseph can wiggle, too!

Saying each child’s name in a loving way helps kids simply experience God’s love through you!



Christmas | Week 2 We Celebrate Jesus

Magi Search for the Messiah

(Matthew 2:1-12)

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son.”

Bible Point

John 3:16

We celebrate Jesus.

u Gro 2020


The wait was over. People had been hoping for the Messiah to come for hundreds of years, so when he finally arrived, those who sought and found him were overcome with joy. “He’s really here!”

Copyright ©


hi lis ub

Nothing compares to the excitement that surrounds Christmas. We get to experience that anticipation and joy each year as we hurry and hustle to make preparations and celebrate the birth of the greatest gift ever known to man: our Savior!


As you and the children you serve look forward to Christmas, pause for a moment to really imagine the depth of their excitement—and get excited, too! This time of year offers an unmatched opportunity to grab kids’ complete attention and celebrate with them one of the most incredible moments in history.

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God, thank you so much for sending the gift of your Son, Jesus. Please guide us as we celebrate you, Jesus. In your name, amen.


Opening Options

Sing & Play

Option Cards*

Music CD*

Wise Men Puppets: tissue paper, craft sticks, glue sticks, Glue Dots, markers, childsafe scissors

Music Video DVD*

Egg-cited Mix ’n’ Match: plastic eggs, paper bags

media player

Buddy Video DVD* Olivia Bible Memory Buddy poster*

Bible (bookmark John 3:16)

Bible Discovery & Goodbye Circle “Magi Search for the Messiah” Bible Story poster* Music CD* Olivia Bible Memory Buddy stickers* (1 per child) media player Bible (bookmark Matthew 2:1-2, 5, 9-10, 11) flashlight

Apply-It Options Game: soft star-shaped ornament Food-n-Friendship: snack, napkins, hand cleanser, Music CD*, media player Coloring Creation: “Magi Search for the Messiah” Coloring Creation pages* (1 per child), crayons, foam shapes, child-safe scissors, glue sticks, Music CD*, media player

* in your Simply Loved Kit 21

Opening Options

Set up one—or both—of these intro activities to start your time together. Each activity connects kids to the Bible Point and to each other. Cut apart these Option Cards, and place one by each activity you choose. Crew Guides will follow the directions and build friendships with kids as they make discoveries together!

Wise Men Puppets

Egg-cited Mix ’n’ Match

Supplies • tissue paper, craft sticks, glue sticks, Glue Dots, markers, child-safe scissors

Supplies • plastic eggs, paper bags

Make wise men puppets. Use tissue paper to create royal robes and gifts. Make puppets “travel” across the table to give their gifts. Tell about a time you gave someone a gift. We give gifts to people we love. When Jesus was born, special visitors traveled a long way to give Jesus gifts and celebrate his birth. Today we’ll celebrate Jesus, too!

Separate all the plastic eggs, and put the halves inside a paper bag. Close your eyes and reach into the bag to select an egg half. Then reach inside again, trying to find the matching half. If it’s not a color match, put both egg halves back into the bag and let another friend try. If the halves match, set the completed egg to the side and take another turn. ell about a time you searched for T something. We celebrate Jesus. After Jesus was born, some special visitors searched for him. They looked for a long time because they wanted to see Jesus and give him gifts.

Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. |


Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. |

Opening Now’s a great time for Opening Options. Choose one—or both—to introduce today’s Bible discoveries.

“The Cleanup Song” (Music CD track 1)

Help kids transition by cleaning up before sitting with their Connect Crews. A Connect Crew is a smaller group of kids with one Crew Guide.

Sing & Play Welcome Merry Christmas, friends! I’m so glad you’re here today as we celebrate Jesus’ birth. But first, let’s sing our welcome song.

“Hello, My Friends” (Music CD track 2)

Supplies • Bible • Music CD “Hello, My Friends” • Music Video DVD “Joy to the World!” music video “What Child Is This?” music video • Buddy Video DVD

Let’s say hello to our Crew Guides. They’re our go-to friends who are here to have fun and learn along with us. ● Kids give their Crew Guides a fist bump with fireworks (bump fists, then open fingers).

Bible Point

Olivia Bible Memory Buddy video (Week 2) • media player • Olivia Bible Memory Buddy poster

Today we’ll find out how we celebrate Jesus. Every time you hear the words “We celebrate Jesus,” make fists and then pop your hands open like fireworks and say, “Hooray, Jesus!” Let’s try that together. Repeat several times. Repetition cements learning, so be sure to say today’s Bible Point A LOT. Have fun with it! Kids will love listening for it and responding with “Hooray, Jesus!”

We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Watch, and do what I do! We’re going on a search, (walk in place) looking high and low (peer high, peer low) For a little bitty baby; (cradle arms, rock back and forth) C’mon, we’re on the go! (two thumbs-up)

Hooray, Jesus!


We’re looking for the King. (hands together and bow) See the gifts we bring? (display pretend gift) We’re following the star (point high above) No matter how far! (walk in place) Jesus’ birthday fills my heart with joy! Let’s celebrate Jesus with a song.

“Joy to the World!” music video

Bible Memory Buddy & Verse It’s time to talk to our friend Buzzly. Bee-lieve me, he has good things to show us today. Let’s call for Buzzly. Do what I do! ● Flap hands quickly like a bee. ● Make buzzing sounds.


Olivia Bible Memory Buddy video (Week 2) We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Let’s meet Olivia, our Bible Memory Buddy.

“For this is ho w God loved the wo rld: He gave his one and only Son.”

● Show the Bible Memory Buddy poster.

John 3:16)

Copyright ©

2020 Group


Inc., Loveland,

CO •

• Printed in

the United States

of America

• 12100003160


● Have everyone bob their head from side to side and say, “Whoo, whoo, whoo are you?” to greet friends. Olivia is a barn owl. Her excited screeches can remind us that we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Show the Bible. The Bible is God’s true story of love! Our Bible Memory Verse comes from the Bible. Let’s say it together. I’ll say a line, and then you repeat after me. “For this is how God loved the world: (make a heart shape with hands) He gave his one and only Son.” (extend arm and hold up pointer finger) (John 3:16) We celebrate God’s gift of Jesus at Christmas! Jesus was born in Bethlehem a long time ago, and we still celebrate his birthday today. When Jesus was born, angels and shepherds and other special visitors all celebrated his birthday. Let’s celebrate now with another song.

“What Child Is This?” music video


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Christmas Week 2

Bible Discovery Today we’ll celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Sometimes when we celebrate our birthdays, visitors come and bring us gifts. Today we’ll hear how special visitors searched for baby Jesus and gave him gifts.

Supplies • Bible • “Magi Search for the Messiah” Bible Story poster • flashlight

● Get comfy and sit in knee-to-knee circles with Connect Crews.

Tell about a favorite birthday gift you’ve received. Invite Crew Guides to share first.

● Crew Guides give thumbs-up when everyone has shared. Hold up a Bible. Our Bible story today is really exciting! It tells about when Jesus was born. Imagine—the King of the whole world’s birthday! Long before Jesus was born, a man named Isaiah said God would send a special gift to help his people. That gift is Jesus! But they had to wait a long time for Jesus to come. Let’s try waiting. Do what I do! ● Demonstrate first, then have kids join you. ● Stand up and get ready to jump up and down three times. ● But first, quietly freeze in place for 10 seconds. Count down from 10 as everyone waits.

We call helpers Crew Guides. If you lead a small class, you can be the Crew Guide. Simply gather kids in a cozy circle around you. If you have helpers, form smaller groups so each child can be known—and so kids can befriend your helpers, too!

● Jump for joy! ● Repeat a few times. Whew! It’s hard to be still and quiet and wait. We waited for 10 seconds— imagine waiting for something for years and years! But at just the right time, God gave the world baby Jesus. Let’s read about it in the Bible. Read aloud Matthew 2:1-2. The wise men were special visitors who traveled from far, far away. I wonder, has anyone traveled to visit you this Christmas? Invite a few responses from the whole group. It’s nice to have visitors. The wise men had been paying attention to what Isaiah said a long time ago, and they saw a sign that Jesus would be born. ● Dim or turn off the lights. ● Shine the flashlight on the ceiling.

Read the verses from the Bible. You’re showing kids that God’s Word is special. And don’t worry; we’ve kept the verses short for young attention spans.

Welcome a few responses. Be sure to summarize what kids say so everyone can hear.


The sign was a star! Look up! The wise men followed the star, knowing it would lead them to baby Jesus. Let’s follow the star. ● Have Crews hold hands and walk together around the room, following the path of the “star” as you shine the light on the ceiling. ● Have fun! Move the flashlight slowly, then faster, to different places around your space. ● After a few minutes, lead Crews back to their original location. Whew! The wise men traveled far and followed a star to find Jesus. Let’s rest while we talk in our Connect Crews. ● Have Crews get cozy and sit in knee-to-knee circles.

When have you traveled somewhere? Share a brief story from your own life to begin.

● Crew Guides gives thumbs-up when everyone has shared. These special visitors wanted to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. But one person didn’t want to celebrate. His name was King Herod. He was a mean and jealous king, and he didn’t want people to celebrate Jesus. King Herod decided to find out where baby Jesus was. Do what I do! ● Shrug your shoulders, then turn to a friend and ask, “Where is the birthday party?” ● Shrug your shoulders, then turn to a friend and say, “I don’t know!” King Herod really wanted to find Jesus, but he didn’t know where Jesus was. He asked people where to look for him, and they remembered what Isaiah had said. Read aloud Matthew 2:5. Bethlehem! Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem. His parents, Mary and Joseph, had gone to Bethlehem, and while they were there, Jesus was born! Do what I do. ● March in place like you’re traveling to Bethlehem. ● Stop and peek into a stable. ● Pretend to see a baby. ● Sing “Happy Birthday” to the baby. Baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and now the wise men and King Herod were looking for him, too. Herod told the wise men to go to Bethlehem and look for Jesus. Let’s read about what the wise men found. Read aloud Matthew 2:9-10. The wise men found Jesus. Now they could celebrate Jesus! (Hooray, Jesus!) The wise men were filled with joy. Just think; people had been waiting for hundreds of years for God’s Son, Jesus, to be born. And here he was, right before them! Let’s celebrate. Do what I do! ● Jump up and down and shout, “Hooray! Baby Jesus is born!” Repeat several times.


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Christmas Week 2

This was a joy-filled party! And there were presents, too! Let’s read what the special visitors brought for Jesus. Read aloud Matthew 2:11. ● Show the Bible Story poster. ● Have children identify baby Jesus, the wise men, and the gifts. The wise men gave Jesus gifts they’d carried during the long journey. The gifts were very special, and the visitors were very important. But Jesus was even more special and important. He was God’s Son! Just like the wise men traveled and brought gifts to celebrate Jesus, we celebrate Jesus today. (Hooray, Jesus!) That’s what Christmas is all about. Jesus is the King of all kings—greater than Herod or any other king who’s ever lived. Let’s celebrate. Do this with me. We’re going on a search, (walk in place) looking high and low (peer high, peer low) For a little bitty baby; (cradle arms, rock back and forth) C’mon, we’re on the go! (two thumbs-up) We’re looking for the King. (hands together and bow) See the gifts we bring? (display pretend gift) We’re following the star (point high above) No matter how far! (walk in place)

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Now’s a great time for Apply-It Options. Choose one or more that fit your time frame to support today’s Bible discoveries before the closing Goodbye Circle.

Illustrated by David Harrington.

2 Holiday Year 1, Christmas Week Inc., Loveland, CO • Copyright © 2020 Group Publishing, America • 1210000315977 Printed in the United States of


Apply-It Options Choose one—or all—of these activities to support kids’ learning after Bible Discovery.

Game Supplies: soft star-shaped ornament Play a game like Follow the Leader. ● Choose a child to be the leader. He or she will hold the star and guide kids around the room, moving in different ways. ● Change leaders after a minute or so. Just like the wise men followed the star to find baby Jesus, you followed a star, too. The wise men traveled far to find and celebrate Jesus. We celebrate Jesus today! (Hooray, Jesus!)


Supplies: snack, napkins, hand cleanser, Music CD, media player ● Give a napkin to a friend and say, “We celebrate Jesus.” (Hooray, Jesus!)

“God, You Are So Good” (Music CD track 3) ● Eat snack together.

When we pray, we talk with Jesus. Who has something we can talk with Jesus about?

● Pray together. ● Clean up snack. At Christmas, we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) People had waited a long time for something to celebrate. Our tummies are filled with a yummy snack, and when Jesus was born, people were filled with joy! Rub tummies as you say, “We celebrate Jesus.” (Hooray, Jesus!)

Coloring Creation

Supplies: “Magi Search for the Messiah” Coloring Creation pages (1 per child), crayons, foam shapes, child-safe scissors, glue sticks, Music CD, media player We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) The wise men traveled a long way to find baby Jesus so they could worship him and bring him gifts. ● Identify the parts of the picture children remember from the story. ● Color the picture. ● Help children glue foam shapes to the wise men’s hands. ● Play music as kids create.

“God So Loved the World” (John 3:16) (Music CD track 5)

Messiah Magi Search for the


Matthew 2:1-12

implyLoved Publishing, Inc. local church use. Copyright © Group this page granted for Permission to photocopy


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Christmas Week 2

Pre-K & K, Holiday

Year 1, Christmas

Week 2

Goodbye Circle

Supplies • Music CD “Goodbye, My Friends”

It’s almost time to say goodbye. Let’s sing our goodbye song as we join hands and make one big circle!

“God So Loved the World” (John 3:16)

“Goodbye, My Friends” (Music CD track 4)

• media player • Olivia Bible Memory Buddy stickers (1 per child)

We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) ● We celebrate because Jesus is the best gift ever. Jump up and down a few times. ● We celebrate because Jesus always loves us. Jump up and down a few times.

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● And we celebrate because Jesus wants to be our forever friend. Jump up and down a few times.

John 3:16

We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)

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● Have kids take turns standing in front of their Crew Guides and jumping for joy. Crew Guides give a sticker to each child and say, “[Child’s name], we celebrate Jesus!”

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● Invite Crew Guides to give each child an Olivia sticker in the following way.

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● Show the Bible Memory Buddy poster, and remind kids that Olivia helps us remember we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)

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“God So Loved the World” (John 3:16) (Music CD track 5) ● Do Bible Memory Verse motions and move to the music. Saying each child’s name in a loving way helps kids simply experience God’s love through you!



Palm Sunday

Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem on a Donkey

We Celebrate Jesus (Matthew 21:1-11)

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son.” John 3:16

Bible Point Copyright ©

We celebrate Jesus.

u Gro 2020


,I nc


Jesus is the rescuer we didn’t even know we needed. Young children are often in this position—thinking one thing is best for them when something else is what they actually need. You can help them celebrate Jesus today by letting them know Jesus is trustworthy and wants what’s best for them.

hi lis ub

The Israelites certainly expected a different kind of king than Jesus showed them. They expected a powerful royal in a palace, and they got the all-powerful God…on a donkey. They expected a hero, and instead they got a servant who said, “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28).


Jesus came to rescue you and me—from sin and from living life without hope and purpose. We need Jesus every day of our lives, but sometimes our expectations for how he’ll come through for us are different from his big-picture plans. We have to trust him.

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Jesus, all of us—big and small—can get confused about what’s best for us. But you know, and you provide. We celebrate you today! In your name, amen.


Opening Options

Sing & Play

Option Cards*

Music CD*

Celebration Palms: tissue paper, craft sticks, Glue Dots, markers, child-safe scissors

Music Video DVD*

Memory Eggs: plastic eggs, paper bag, markers

media player

Buddy Video DVD* Olivia Bible Memory Buddy poster*

Bible (bookmark John 3:16)

Bible Discovery & Goodbye Circle “Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem on a Donkey” Bible Story poster* Music CD* Olivia Bible Memory Buddy stickers* (1 per child) media player Bible (bookmark Matthew 21:2-3; 8-9) painter’s tape

Apply-It Options Game: construction paper, markers Food-n-Friendship: snack, napkins, hand cleanser, Music CD*, media player Coloring Creation: “Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem on a Donkey” Coloring Creation pages (1 per child), crayons, tissue paper, glue sticks, Music CD*, media player

* in your Simply Loved Kit 31

Opening Options

Set up one—or both—of these intro activities to start your time together. Each activity connects kids to the Bible Point and to each other. Cut apart these Option Cards, and place one by each activity you choose. Crew Guides will follow the directions and build friendships with kids as they make discoveries together!

Celebration Palms

Memory Eggs

Supplies • tissue paper, craft sticks, Glue Dots, markers, childsafe scissors

Supplies • plastic eggs, paper bag, markers

Cut tissue paper into strips. Use a couple of Glue Dots to attach several paper strips to a craft stick, then wave it like it’s a palm branch.

Tear a paper bag into pieces, and draw matching images on two different pieces. Draw palm branches, Jesus, crowns, pathways, and happy faces. Place the drawings in separate eggs, and mix them up on the table.

ell about some neat leaves or plants T you’ve seen. Today we’ll hear how people celebrated Jesus with some leaves called palms. Jesus came to help them be friends with God, and he helps us, too! We celebrate Jesus.

Open two eggs at a time to try to find matching pictures. If they aren’t a match, close them and try again until you find a match. hen have you had to try something a few W times before getting it right? The pictures you matched do tell a story—an important story from the Bible about why we celebrate Jesus. We’ll learn more about that today!

Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. |


Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. |

Opening Now’s a great time for Opening Options. Choose one—or both—to introduce today’s Bible discoveries.

“The Cleanup Song” (Music CD track 1)

Help kids transition by cleaning up before sitting with their Connect Crews. A Connect Crew is a smaller group of kids with one Crew Guide.

Sing & Play Welcome Hi, friends! Are you ready to have some fun? If you’re ready, show me your hand, and wave hello. Pause. Hello! Let’s sing our welcome song.

“Hello, My Friends” (Music CD track 2)

Supplies • Bible • Music CD “Hello, My Friends” • Music Video DVD “Happy Day” music video “Power in the Blood” music video • Buddy Video DVD

Let’s say hello to our Crew Guides. They’re our go-to friends who are here to have fun and learn along with us. ● Kids give their Crew Guides a high-ten instead of a high-five.

Bible Point Are you ready to hear today’s Bible Point? It’s we celebrate Jesus. Every time you hear the words “We celebrate Jesus,” make fists and then pop your hands open like fireworks and say, “Hooray, Jesus!” Let’s try that together. Repeat several times.

Olivia Bible Memory Buddy video (Week 3) • media player • Olivia Bible Memory Buddy poster

Repetition cements learning, so be sure to say today’s Bible Point A LOT. Have fun with it! Kids will love listening for it and responding with “Hooray, Jesus!”

We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Let’s cheer for Jesus. Watch, and do what I do! Celebrate! Celebrate! (jazz hands) We love Jesus—he’s so great! (hug self, then thumbs-up)

Hooray, Jesus!

Celebrate! Celebrate! (jazz hands) We love Jesus—he’s so great! (hug self, then thumbs-up)


Wave your hands in the air. (wave) Celebrate Jesus everywhere! (point to others) Celebrate! Celebrate! (jazz hands) We love Jesus—he’s so great! (hug self, then thumbs-up) Today is called Palm Sunday. It’s special because we remember when Jesus rode into a town on a donkey. People were so happy and excited to see him. They loved Jesus and hoped he would help them. Let’s sing a happy song about how Jesus helps us!

“Happy Day” music video

Bible Memory Buddy & Verse It’s time to talk to our friend Buzzly. Bee-lieve me, he has good things to show us today. Let’s call for Buzzly. Do what I do! ● Flap hands quickly like a bee.


● Make buzzing sounds.

Olivia Bible Memory Buddy video (Week 3)

“For this is how God oved the wo rld: He gave his on e and only Son.”

We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Whoo, whoo! Whoo could our Bible Memory Buddy be? It’s Olivia the barn owl.

ohn 3:16)


© 2020 Group

● Show the Bible Memory Buddy poster. Publishing,

Inc., Loveland,

CO •

• Printed in

the United

States of America

• 1210000316


● Have everyone extend their arms and wave them like wings. Owls wave their wings to fly, and people waved palm branches to celebrate Jesus. We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Show the Bible. The Bible is God’s true story of love! Our Bible Memory Verse comes from the Bible. Let’s say our Bible verse together. I’ll say a line, and then you repeat after me. “For this is how God loved the world: (make a heart shape with hands) He gave his one and only Son.” (extend arm and hold up pointer finger) (John 3:16) God gave us Jesus! He came to our world to die for us and show us God’s amazing love. Let’s sing another song about Jesus.

“Power in the Blood” music video


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Palm Sunday

Bible Discovery Hold up a Bible. Today we’ll hear how a crowd of people celebrated Jesus, and we’ll celebrate Jesus, too. (Hooray, Jesus!) Let’s begin by talking in our Connect Crews about celebrations we’ve been to. ● Get comfy and sit in knee-to-knee circles with Connect Crews.

Supplies • Bible • “Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem on a Donkey” Bible Story poster • painter’s tape

Tell about a celebration you’ve been to, like a birthday party or graduation. Invite Crew Guides to share first.

● Crew Guides give thumbs-up when everyone has shared. Our Bible story is about a celebration called Palm Sunday. Let’s experience the story of Palm Sunday now. Jesus was with his friends, who were called disciples. They were traveling to the town of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was special because at certain times of the year, God’s people traveled there to celebrate God. Pretend to travel to Jerusalem with me. ● Pat legs for about 20 seconds. ● Get in a prayer position, kneeling with palms pressed together. ● Wave hands and shout, “Thank you, God!”

We call helpers Crew Guides. If you lead a small class, you can be the Crew Guide. Simply gather kids in a cozy circle around you. If you have helpers, form smaller groups so each child can be known—and so kids can befriend your helpers, too!

On Jesus’ way into Jerusalem, he had a special job for two of his friends. Let’s find out what it was. Read aloud Matthew 21:2-3. Jesus told them to get a donkey and a colt. In our Connect Crews, let’s pretend to be donkeys! ● Have Crew Guides tap two kids at a time on the shoulder and say, “Jesus needs you.” ● When tapped, kids crawl around the Crew circle, then return to their seats. Jesus’ disciples did what he said, and when they brought the donkey and colt back to him, they put their coats over the colt and Jesus sat on it. Do what I do!

Read the verses from the Bible. You’re showing kids that God’s Word is special. And don’t worry; we’ve kept the verses short for young attention spans.


● Take off an imaginary coat and put it on a pretend colt. ● Pretend to sit on a colt and move up and down like you’re riding. ● When you say “Giddyup,” have everyone move up and down in place like they’re riding. ● When you say “Whoa,” have them stop. ● Alternate “giddyup” and “whoa” for about a minute. Jesus rode on the colt into Jerusalem. There was a crowd there, ready to celebrate Jesus. Listen to what they did. Read aloud Matthew 21:8-9. Wow! The people really celebrated Jesus! They made a special pathway for Jesus using their coats and big leaves called palms. Let’s make a special pathway, too. ● Use painter’s tape to make a pathway. ● Have kids gather along the sides of the pathway. We can celebrate Jesus, too. (Hooray, Jesus!) Let’s take turns pretending to be Jesus’ disciples following behind him while the rest of our friends act like the crowd celebrating Jesus. You could have kids wave their Celebration Palms from the Opening Options activity.

● Two kids on the end will walk down the pathway. ● Everyone on one side cheers “We celebrate Jesus!” and pretends to wave palms. ● Everyone on the other side responds with “Hooray, Jesus!” and pretends to wave palms. ● Continue by having two people at a time walk down the row and then return to the ends of the lines. ● Sit with Connect Crews again. Show the Bible Story poster. The people celebrated Jesus by waving palms and shouting out praises to him. And we can celebrate Jesus, too! (Hooray, Jesus!)

ides R s u s e J em Into Jerusal ey k on a Don:1 11 Matthew

Illustrated by David


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Palm Sunday

21 -

Harrington. Copyright

Sunday Holiday Year 1, Palm Inc., Loveland, CO • © 2020 Group Publishing, of America • 1210000315977 States Printed in the United

What are some ways we can celebrate Jesus? Invite a few responses from the whole group. Kids may mention singing, telling people about Jesus, or drawing a picture to show how much we love him.

The people in the Bible said, “Jesus came in the name of the Lord.” That means Jesus is God’s special Son who came to help people become close friends with God. That’s why we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)

Welcome a few responses. Be sure to summarize what kids say so everyone can hear.

The crowds cheered for Jesus. They hoped he’d help them and make their lives better. And he would! But it would be in a different way than they expected. Jesus would show people how much God loved them. He’d die on a cross, which would be sad. But he’d come back to life, which would be happy! Let’s praise and celebrate Jesus now. Do what I do. Celebrate! Celebrate! (jazz hands) We love Jesus—he’s so great! (hug self, then thumbs-up) Celebrate! Celebrate! (jazz hands) We love Jesus—he’s so great! (hug self, then thumbs-up) Wave your palms in the air. (wave) Celebrate Jesus everywhere! (point to others) Celebrate! Celebrate! (jazz hands) We love Jesus—he’s so great! (hug self, then thumbs-up)

Now’s a great time for Apply-It Options. Choose one or more that fit your time frame to support today’s Bible discoveries before the closing Goodbye Circle.


Apply-It Options Choose one—or all—of these activities to support kids’ learning after Bible Discovery.

Game Supplies: construction paper, markers Draw a stick figure person on several pieces of construction paper. We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Show a construction-paper person. Imagine this is Jesus and you’re the colt. You’ll crawl with the paper on your back to the other side of the room. Then those friends will have a turn! Have a donkey relay. ● Place kids in two groups lined up on opposite sides of the room. ● Give about half the kids on one side of the room a construction-paper person. ● On “go,” kids with papers will crawl with a paper on their back to kids on the other side. ● Kids will give their paper to a friend, then that person will crawl back across the room to give it to someone else.


Supplies: snack, napkins, hand cleanser, Music CD, media player ● Give a napkin to a friend and say, “We celebrate Jesus.” (Hooray, Jesus!)

“God, You Are So Good” (Music CD track 3)

Coloring Creation

Supplies: “Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem on a Donkey” Coloring Creation pages (1 per child), crayons, tissue paper, glue sticks, Music CD, media player We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Let’s show we want to celebrate Jesus by making a beautiful picture pathway. ● Identify Jesus.

● Eat snack together.

● Color the picture.

When we pray, we talk

● Tear tissue paper into “palm” pieces.

with Jesus. Who has something we can talk with Jesus about?

● Pray together. In the Bible, the crowd celebrated Jesus, and we celebrate Jesus, too. (Hooray, Jesus!) Let’s pretend Jesus has already ridden by on our special pathway. Imagine our trash is the palms and coats, and let’s clean it up!

● Glue palms all over the pathway. ● Play music as kids create.

“God So Loved the World” (John 3:16) (Music CD track 5)

salem on a Donkey Jesus Rides Into Jeru


Matthew 21:1-11

/SimplyLoved Publishing, Inc. local church use. Copyright © Group this page granted for Permission to photocopy


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Palm Sunday

Pre-K & K, Holiday

Year 1, Palm Sunday

Goodbye Circle

It’s almost time to say goodbye! Let’s sing our goodbye song as we join hands and make one big circle!

“Goodbye, My Friends” (Music CD track 4) We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) We celebrate Jesus because he came to earth to help everyone be friends with God! ● Show the Bible Memory Buddy poster, and remind kids that Olivia helps us remember we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)

Supplies • Music CD “Goodbye, My Friends” “God So Loved the World” (John 3:16) • media player • Olivia Bible Memory Buddy stickers (1 per child)

● Invite Crew Guides to give each child an Olivia sticker. Have kids stand in front of Crew Guides and wave their hands like palm branches. Each child receives a sticker as Crew Guides say, “[Child’s name], we celebrate Jesus because he helps us be friends with God.”

John 3:16

ht © Copyrig

“God So Loved the World” (John 3:16) (Music CD track 5)

how God “For this is his ld: He gave or w e th d love ” n. So ly one and on

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● Do Bible Memory Verse motions and move to the music!

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Saying each child’s name in a loving way helps kids simply experience God’s love through you!




Jesus Dies and Comes Back to Life

We Celebrate Jesus (Mark 15:16–16:8)

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son.” John 3:16

Bible Point Copyright ©

We celebrate Jesus.

u Gro 2020



Think back to when you were a child. How often did you want to read your favorite story? Was once enough? Or could your parent say it from memory due to its bedtime reoccurrence?

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The Easter story is the greatest story ever told. It’s the good news! And we can’t tell it often enough. Get ready! You’ll tell it again today! Although it’s the favorite, this story can be tough for young children. After all, death isn’t easy to talk about. But even for kids, this is an important, true story of what our God did for us. Let’s celebrate!




Dear Jesus, thanks for giving us the gift of life and friendship with you. I celebrate your love today. In your name, amen.


Opening Options

Sing & Play

Option Cards*

Music CD*

Craft Stick Butterflies: tissue paper, craft sticks, glue sticks, Glue Dots, markers, childsafe scissors

Music Video DVD*

Egg Hunt: plastic eggs, paper bags, markers, treats (optional)

media player

Buddy Video DVD* Olivia Bible Memory Buddy poster*

Bible (bookmark John 3:16)

Bible Discovery & Goodbye Circle “Jesus Dies and Comes Back to Life” Bible Story poster* Music CD* Olivia Bible Memory Buddy stickers* (1 per child) media player Bible (bookmark Mark 15:39; 16:5-6) sharpened pencils chairs dark-colored plastic tablecloths (1 for every 2 Crews)

Apply-It Options Game: 2 Easter baskets, plastic eggs Food-n-Friendship: snack, napkins, hand cleanser, Music CD*, media player Coloring Creation: “Jesus Dies and Comes Back to Life” Coloring Creation pages* (1 per child), crayons, any kitchen spice (such as thyme or rosemary), glue sticks, Music CD*, media player

towels or sheets (1 for every 2 Crews)

* in your Simply Loved Kit 41

Opening Options

Set up one—or both—of these intro activities to start your time together. Each activity connects kids to the Bible Point and to each other. Cut apart these Option Cards, and place one by each activity you choose. Crew Guides will follow the directions and build friendships with kids as they make discoveries together!

Craft Stick Butterflies

Egg Hunt

Supplies • tissue paper, craft sticks, glue sticks, Glue Dots, markers, child-safe scissors

Supplies • plastic eggs, paper bags, markers, treats (optional)

Make a butterfly out of tissue paper and craft sticks. Decorate with markers. Tell about a butterfly you’ve seen. A caterpillar stays inside the cocoon, then comes out as a beautiful butterfly. Jesus was in the tomb after he died, but he came back to life so we can have a beautiful friendship with God. That’s why we celebrate Jesus!

Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. |


Hide the eggs in your meeting area. If you’d like, fill them with treats.  Allergy alert! Check for food allergies or limitations before serving. Find the eggs and collect them in paper bags. Write kids’ names on paper bags. ell about some other egg hunts you’ve T done. We celebrate Easter in a lot of ways—like with egg hunts! But celebrating Jesus is the most important thing about Easter. So today, we’ll celebrate Jesus! Jesus died and came back to life so we can be friends with God! Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. |

Opening Now’s a great time for Opening Options. Choose one—or both—to introduce today’s Bible discoveries.

“The Cleanup Song” (Music CD track 1)

Help kids transition by cleaning up before sitting with their Connect Crews. A Connect Crew is a smaller group of kids with one Crew Guide.

Sing & Play Welcome Happy Easter, friends! Get ready to have so much fun celebrating Jesus! Let’s sing our welcome song.

“Hello, My Friends” (Music CD track 2)

Supplies • Bible • Music CD “Hello, My Friends” • Music Video DVD “Power in the Blood” music video “Happy Day” music video • Buddy Video DVD

Let’s say hello to our Crew Guides. They’re our go-to friends who are here to have fun and learn along with us. ● Kids give their Crew Guides a handshake and say “Happy Easter!”

Bible Point Today’s Bible Point is we celebrate Jesus. Every time you hear the words “We celebrate Jesus,” make fists and then pop your hands open like fireworks and say, “Hooray, Jesus!” Let’s try that together. Repeat several times.

Olivia Bible Memory Buddy video (Week 4) • media player • Olivia Bible Memory Buddy poster

Repetition cements learning, so be sure to say today’s Bible Point A LOT. Have fun with it! Kids will love listening for it and responding with “Hooray, Jesus!”

We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Jesus loves all people! Let’s cheer for Jesus. Watch, and do what I do! Celebrate! Celebrate! (jazz hands) We love Jesus—he’s so great! (hug self, then thumbs-up) Celebrate! Celebrate! (jazz hands) We love Jesus—he’s so great! (hug self, then thumbs-up)

Hooray, Jesus!


We have good news for you. (two thumbs-up) Jesus makes our hearts brand-new! (make a heart shape with hands) Celebrate! Celebrate! (jazz hands) We love Jesus—he’s so great! (hug self, then thumbs-up) Jesus is alive. He is stronger than sadness and death. And when we’re friends with Jesus, he gives us the power we need to share his love with others. Let’s sing a song about Jesus’ power!

“Power in the Blood” music video

Bible Memory Buddy & Verse It’s time to talk to our friend Buzzly. Bee-lieve me, he has good things to show us today. Let’s call for Buzzly. Do what I do! ● Flap hands quickly like a bee. ● Make buzzing sounds.


Olivia Bible Memory Buddy video (Week 4) We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Olivia, our Bible Memory Buddy, can help us remember how much Jesus loves us.

“For this is ho w God loved the wo rld: He gave his one and only Son.”

● Show the Bible Memory Buddy poster.

John 3:16)

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2020 Group


Inc., Loveland,

CO •

• Printed in

the United States

of America

• 12100003160


● Olivia can spin her head all the way around! We can’t spin our heads, but we can spin our bodies! ● Have everyone spin in a circle three times. We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Let’s check out our Bible Memory Verse. Show the Bible. The Bible is God’s true story of love! Our Bible Memory Verse comes from the Bible. Let’s say it together. I’ll say a line, and then you repeat after me. “For this is how God loved the world: (make a heart shape with hands) He gave his one and only Son.” (extend arm and hold up pointer finger) (John 3:16) God’s love makes me so happy! Let’s sing a happy song.

“Happy Day” music video


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Easter

Bible Discovery Use the chairs and dark-colored tablecloths to create a “tomb opening” area where kids will gather. If you have a big group, make one for every two Crews. Give each Crew Guide a pencil, and place the towel or sheet “inside” the tomb. Today we’ll find out why we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) We’ll hear about a sad day that led to the happiest day. ● Have everyone make sad faces and then happy faces. Let’s begin by talking in our Connect Crews about sad and happy days we’ve had. ● Get comfy and sit in knee-to-knee circles with Connect Crews.

First, talk about a sad day you’ve had. Invite Crew Guides to share first.

Supplies • Bible • “Jesus Dies and Comes Back to Life” Bible Story poster • sharpened pencils (1 per Crew) • chairs • dark-colored plastic tablecloths (1 for every 2 Crews) • towels or sheets (1 for every 2 Crews)

Then talk about a happy day you’ve had. Invite Crew Guides to share first. ● Crew Guides give thumbs-up when everyone has shared. Hold up a Bible. The Bible tells us about a sad day. Jesus was perfect—he never, ever did anything wrong. Jesus is God’s special Son, and he came to earth to help everyone become friends with God. That’s happy! ● Have everyone make happy faces. But some people didn’t like what Jesus said. They hurt him. It was very sad. ● Have everyone make sad faces. They put an ouchy crown of thorns on his head. Have Crew Guides help kids carefully feel the tip of a pencil to feel what a thorn feels like.

We call helpers Crew Guides. If you lead a small class, you can be the Crew Guide. Simply gather kids in a cozy circle around you. If you have helpers, form smaller groups so each child can be known—and so kids can befriend your helpers, too!

They said that Jesus must die. It was a dark, sad day. Have kids put their heads in their hands so they see darkness. Jesus didn’t fight back. He loves us so much that he was willing to die and take care of our sin. A Roman soldier was there. He realized that Jesus was special. Let’s read what he said. Read aloud Mark 15:39.

Read the verses from the Bible. You’re showing kids that God’s Word is special. And don’t worry; we’ve kept the verses short for young attention spans.


From everything that happened, the Roman officer could tell that Jesus was really God’s special Son. Let’s talk about some ways we know Jesus is special.

What are some things you know about Jesus? Invite a few responses from the whole group, connecting kids’ answers to what makes Jesus special.

Jesus is special. That’s why we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Welcome a few responses. Be sure to summarize what kids say so everyone can hear.

Some of Jesus’ friends were there on this sad day, too. They must have been so unhappy. Jesus was their friend, after all! He loved them. Jesus is our friend, too. And he loves us and was willing to die so we can be close friends with God. Since Jesus died, we don’t have to be sad because of sin anymore. God forgives us and loves us. That makes me happy! ● Have everyone make happy faces. Let’s stop now and thank Jesus for what he did for us. ● Lead kids to fold their hands. ● Say a brief prayer. ● Invite kids to say “Thank you, Jesus” together, and then close in prayer. After Jesus died, Jesus’ friend Joseph took his body from the cross, wrapped him in cloth, and put him in a tomb that was like a cave. ● Show the Bible Story poster. ● Point out the “cave opening” you created ahead of time. ● Have kids pretend to roll a big stone in front of the tomb like Jesus’ friends put in front of Jesus’ tomb. Guess what? That’s not the end of the story. Something amazing happened three days later. Here comes the happy part! ● Have everyone make really happy faces.

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Illustrated by David


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Easter

Holiday Year 1, Easter CO • g, Inc., Loveland, • 1210000315977 t © 2020 Group Publishin States of America Printed in the United

Harrington. Copyrigh

Jesus’ friends Mary, Salome (suh-LOW-mee), and Mary Magdalene brought some spices to the tomb to care for Jesus’ body. They walked to Jesus’ tomb, wondering how they’d move the big stone. When they arrived, the big stone was already rolled aside! Let’s enter the tomb now. ● Have kids crawl through the tomb opening into the “tomb.” ● Jesus wasn’t in the tomb! But the cloth Joseph had wrapped him in was there. Let kids pass around the towel or sheet. Jesus’ friends met someone near the tomb! Let’s read and find out who it was. Read aloud Mark 16:5-6. The angel said Jesus was alive now! Wow—that’s something to celebrate. We celebrate Jesus, too! (Hooray, Jesus!) Let’s cheer for Jesus again. Celebrate! Celebrate! (jazz hands) We love Jesus—he’s so great! (hug self, then thumbs-up) Celebrate! Celebrate! (jazz hands) We love Jesus—he’s so great! (hug self, then thumbs-up) We have good news for you. (two thumbs-up) Jesus makes our hearts brand-new! (make a heart shape with hands) Celebrate! Celebrate! (jazz hands) We love Jesus—he’s so great! (hug self, then thumbs-up) Jesus died to make a way for our wrongs to be forgiven so we can be close friends with God. That’s why we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) And that’s not all! Jesus is so powerful, he beat death and came back to life! The tomb was empty that Easter Sunday morning! Today and every day, we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)

Now’s a great time for Apply-It Options. Choose one or more that fit your time frame to support today’s Bible discoveries before the closing Goodbye Circle.


Apply-It Options Choose one—or all—of these activities to support kids’ learning after Bible Discovery.

Game Supplies: two Easter baskets, plastic eggs ● Fill the two baskets with eggs, and place them on opposite sides of the room. ● Form two teams, and assign a basket to each team. ● Have teams each try to keep their basket empty by carrying one egg at a time to the other team’s basket. Like it was almost impossible to make our baskets empty, it seemed impossible for Jesus to come back to life and leave his tomb empty. But Jesus can do the impossible because he’s God’s special Son! Jesus died and came back to life so people can be friends with God. That’s why we celebrate Jesus (Hooray, Jesus!) on Easter!


Supplies: snack, napkins, hand cleanser, Music CD, media player ● Give a napkin to a friend and say, ”We celebrate Jesus.” (Hooray, Jesus!)

“God, You Are So Good” (Music CD track 3) ● Eat snack together.

When we pray, we talk with Jesus. Who has something we can talk with Jesus about?

● Pray together. We celebrate Jesus (Hooray, Jesus!) on Easter Sunday because Jesus came back to life. Now we can be friends with God!

Coloring Creation

Supplies: “Jesus Dies and Comes Back to Life” Coloring Creation pages (1 per child), crayons, any kitchen spice (such as thyme or rosemary), glue sticks, Music CD, media player We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) When Jesus’ friends came with spices to take care of his body on the first Easter Sunday, they found the tomb was empty, and an angel told them, “Jesus is alive!” ● Identify the parts of the picture kids remember from the story. ● Color the picture. ● Place glue on Jesus’ friends’ open hands, and sprinkle spices onto their hands. ● Play music as kids create.

“God So Loved the World” (John 3:16) (Music CD track 5) es Back to Life Jesus Dies and Com


Mark 15:16–16:8

implyLoved Publishing, Inc. local church use. Copyright © Group this page granted for Permission to photocopy


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Easter

Pre-K & K, Holiday

Year 1, Easter

Goodbye Circle

Supplies • Music CD “Goodbye, My Friends”

It’s almost time to say goodbye! Let’s sing our goodbye song as we join hands and make one big circle!

“Goodbye, My Friends” (Music CD track 4) We celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!) Jesus died and then came back to life so we can be friends with God! ● Show the Bible Memory Buddy poster, and remind kids that Olivia helps us remember we celebrate Jesus. (Hooray, Jesus!)

“God So Loved the World” (John 3:16) • media player • Olivia Bible Memory Buddy stickers (1 per child)

● Invite Crew Guides to give each child an Olivia sticker. Have Crew Guides call each child’s name and have the child respond, “Whoo, me?”

how God “For this is his ld: He gave or w e th d love ” n. So ly one and on

● Then the Crew Guide “flies” like an owl to the child to give a sticker and says, “Who celebrates Jesus? [Child’s name] celebrates Jesus!” ht © Copyrig ro 0G 202

“God So Loved the World” (John 3:16) (Music CD track 5)

John 3:16

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● Do Bible Memory Verse motions and move to the music!

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Saying each child’s name in a loving way helps kids simply experience God’s love through you!


BONUS HOLIDAY CARDS! Hmm. What do you do with blank pages at the back of a leader guide? Aha! Something that’ll creatively help you share God’s love with others. Simply tear out (or print out), sign, and give these holiday cards away. Feel free to make copies and spread lots of love and cheer over the holidays this year. Enjoy!


Pre-K & K | Holiday Year 1 | Bonus Holiday Cards

You’re simply loved. Merry Christmas.

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son.” John 3:16

You’re simply loved. Palm Sunday Blessings.

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son.” John 3:16

You’re simply loved. Happy Easter.

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son.” John 3:16

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