Rotary Club of Narayangarh

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PHF PHF Rtn. Rtn. Ramesh Ramesh Shrestha - IPP PHF - President PHF Rtn. Rtn. Sahan Sahan Pradhan PHF PHF Rtn. Rtn. Ishwor Ishwor Shrestha - President Elect PHF - President Nominee PHF Rtn. Rtn. Rajendra Rajendra Oli PHF PHF Rtn. Rtn. Sanjaya Sanjaya Shrestha - Vice-President PHF PHF Rtn. Rtn. Sudeep Sudeep Shrestha - Secretary RFSM RFSM Rtn. Rtn. Anukul Anukul Shrestha - Joint-Secretary Rtn. - Treasurer Rtn. Sushan Sushan Lal Pradhan Rtn. - Voc. Ser. Dir. Rtn. Niranjan Niranjan Pradhan MPHF - Club Ser. Dir. MPHF Rtn. Rtn. Arun Arun Piya Rtn - Comm. Ser. Dir. Rtn Bishal Bishal Shrestha Shrestha PHF PHF Rtn. Rtn. Suman Suman Kumar Shrestha - New. Gen. Ser. Dir. PHF PHF Rtn. Rtn. Bigyan Bigyan Lal Shrestha - Int. Ser. Dir. RFSM RFSM Rtn. Rtn. Arun Arun Kumar Khanal - Sgt.-At-Arms Rtn. - Editor Rtn. Narayan Narayan Pradhan Pradhan


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What is ROTARY? Rotary is (1) Business and professional persons united worldwide, who (2) provide humanitarian service, (3) encourages high ethical standards in all vocations and (4) help build goodwill and peace in the world.”

Father of ROTARY

ROTARY'S Mission? The Mission of Rotary International is to support its member clubs in fulfilling the object of Rotary by:    

Fostering unity among member clubs; Strengthening and expanding Rotary around the world; Communicating worldwide the work of Rotary; and Providing a system of international administration.

The 4-Way Test Is it the TRUTH ?  Is it FAIR to all concerned ?  Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS ?  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned ? 

Paul P. Harris (1868-1947)

Paul P. Harris, the father of Rotary Movement, was born on April 29, 1868. When he passed on January 27, 1947, he left behind for mankind a rich legacy of fellowship and brotherhood for international understanding and services to humanity, Today, the seed he sowed in 1905 has blossomed into a large tree having more than 1.2 million members from clubs within 200 countries.

Object of ROTARY

 The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster Ideals of Service as a basis of worthy

enterprises.  Functional  Development of Acquaintance as an opportunity to serve;  Promotion of high ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of worthiness of all vocations, and dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve;  Application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business and community life; and  Advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship and business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

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Message from ASSISTANT GOVERNOR /f]6l/og ;xg k|wfgHo" cWoIf, @)!#÷!$ /f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 /f]6/L jif{ @)!#÷!$ df gf/fo0fu9 /f]6/L Snasf] g]t[Tj ;dfNg cfpg' ePsf]df oxfF tyf oxfFsf] af]8{sf ;Dk"0f{ /f]6l/oxg ;fyLx?nfO{ ;kmn sfo{sfnsf] xflb{s d+undo z'esfdgf JoQm ug{ rfxG5' . of] jif{sf] /f]6/L cGt/f{li6«osf cWoIf /f]= /f]g l8= a6{gn] lbg'ePsf] Theme Engage Rotary-Change Live /x]sf] 5 . dfgj hLjgdf ;fgf ;fgf sfo{sf] cefjn] 7"nf 7"nf ;Defjgfx? r's]sf 5g\ . l7s ;dodf u/]sf] Pp6f ;fgf] ;xof]un] s'g} JolQmsf] hLjgdf 7"nf] kl/jt{g cfPsf] tkfO{+ xfdLn] xfd|} hLjgdf cg'e"t u/]sf 5f}+ . :jfy{eGbf dfly ;]jf eGg] efjgfn] xfdLx? cufl8 a9\bf ;dfhdf /x]sf bLg, b'Mlv, c;xfox? hf] cj;/sf] cefjdf ;fgf] ;xof]usf] cefjdf cufl8 a9\g kfO/x]sf] 5}gg\ . ltgnfO{ ;fgf] ;xof]usf] xft cufl8 a9fpFbf pgLx?sf] hLjgdf 7"nf] kl/jt{g cfpF5 . To;}n] /f]6/Ldf ;+nUg x'Fb} ltgsf] hLjgdf kl/jt{g Nofpg oxfFsf] Sna o; jif{ ;Ifd x'g]5 . dxfg\ rf/ j6} slzdf v/f] x'Fb} cufl8 a9\b} hfg ;Ifd x'g'x'g]5 . ;dfh kl/jt{gsf] dfWodaf6 dfgj hLjgnfO{ ;sf/ fTds ?kdf kl/jt{g u/fpg ;Ifd x'g' x'g]5 . oxfFsf] o; kb:yfkg ;df/f]xdf k|sflzt x'g] o; :dfl/sfn] ;sf/fTds ;dfh kl/jt{g Nofpg ;a} ;a}nfO{ /f]6/L cfGbf]ngdf ;dflxt ug{ ;Ifd x'g]5 eGg] z'esfdgf klg ub{5' .

Message from PRESIDENT 2012-13 Dear fellow Rotarians, First of all, let me congratulate to all the Rotarians, spouses, Rotaractors, annets and AG for making this Rotary year 2012/13 a grand success. I would like to express my cordial thanks to chartered president, past presidents, IPP, members, annes, annets and all club family members who inspired, motivated and participated in every program of the year. I would like to express my gratefulness to all the Rotary members of our club for the successfully completion of matching grant #77976 of school support program, girls toilet at RCC,18 days vocational trainings of fibre shopping bag making to domestic violence affected women, dental camp, lauka cultivation training to needy women, free veterinary and medicine distribution program etc. I am very thankful to Rotaract President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola for 8 Joint Projects between Rotary Club of Narayangarh and Rotaract Club of Narayangarh. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the District Governor, district officer, AG for their kind support to our club. I would like to wish a grand success of up coming Rotary year 2013-14 under dynamic leadership my fellow Rotarian Rtn. Sahan Lal Pradhan. Rtn Sahan Lal Pradhan has the wonderful and dynamic leadership and vision to lead the Rotary Club of Narayangarh. I would like to congratulate Rtn Sahan Lal Pradhan and his entire team for the successful tenure of Rotary year 2013-14.

wGojfb ¤ ho /f]6/L ¤¤ Yours in Rotary,

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Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha President 2012-13


Message from PRESIDENT 2013-14 Dear Fellow Rotarians, First of all I would like to express my sincere thanks to charter president, all the past presidents and my Rotary friends for providing this opportunity to lead Rotary Club of Narayangarh for Rotary year 2013-14. I strongly believe on the fact that for running and operating any social organization and implementation of long term vision set by predecessor require team work. As The Rotary international theme for this year is ”ENGAGE ROTARY CHANGE LIVES” given by RI President Ron D. Burton, my prime concern will be to strengthen team work and engage Rotarians to change lives of needy people of the community. I am confident that I will be getting precious suggestions, persistent inspirations and valuable guidelines from all District Officers, past presidents, Rotarians, Rotaractors, Spouses and my committee members during my presidential period. The confidence and cooperation laid upon my leadership would always inspire me to perform to the best of my capabilities. I take this opportunity to thank and congratulate IPP Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha and his team for their successful tenure. I express my deep sense of gratitude to Publication Chairman PHF Rtn. Bigyan Lal Shrestha, Advertisement Committee Chairman Rtn. Anukul Shrestha and contributors for their assistance especially in the form of collection of ads, article and other Rotary information to bring out this publication in this shape. Yours in Rotary

Rtn. Sahan Pradhan President 2013-14 Rotary Club Of Narayangarh

Message from DRR 2013-14 To, Rtr. Ujjwal Shrestha President 2013-14 Rotaract Club of Narayangarh Dear Rotaractor Friends of RAC Narayangarh, I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of Rotaract District Committee, to congratulate you all for your successful rotaract journey till date and also would like to wish you good luck for the future. Also, its matter of appreciation that since your charter, you have well served in all service avenues and brought about change in the same. We Rotaractor are change agent of the society and our contribution to the same is immense. At an average, a Rotaractor spend at-least 7 hours a week involving in Rotaractivity. In a year with 52 weeks, one Rotaractor contribute 364 hours and if we multiply that with one club strength, which is at an average 15, then total hour one club devote for its member development and for society reaches to 5460 Hours. Again if we take it to district level where there are 85 clubs, the hour we are contributing reaches 464,100 Hours. If we covert it into a year, then it is 56.979 years of one generation, which we contribute to nation and society in one Rotary year. If we analyze the way we are contributing to our society being a Rotaractor, then its by developing our leadership, professional and personal skill and also serving the community. This is great contribution we are making to the society and nation being youth of society, who are partner in prosperity and solution and are competent human resource of a country. For any country to prosper competent and qualified human resource is required and Rotaract is a platform which is providing opportunity to become one. Now, the need of an hour for us is to acknowledge this strength of ours and be grateful toward this platform and reach to other youth and encourage them to be part of this platform to grow and be a competent human resource of the nation and also contribute to nation building by serving in various avenues of service. Rotaract is a ‘Leadership Institute’ which provide platform to be leader who practice high ethical standard, applying four way test in every decision and takes charge of not only of the nation but of world all together. I would like to congratulate your club for being platform for the youth to hone their capabilities and contribute to the nation. You truly stand as a ‘Leadership Institute’ and involving youth in service and bring them together for making nation prosperous and also by making them global ethical and competent leader. Regards Long Live Nepal, Long Live Rotary

Rtr. Ashish Chaulagain District Rotaract Representative 2013-14 Co-Chair Rotaract Sub Committee, Rotary District 2013-14

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Message from PRESIDENT 2012-13 Dear Rotaractors, It gives me a real sense of pleasure this time to come across a successful President tenure 2012-13. Inspite of being a learning phase club,all my young and energetic Rotaractors really tried hard to work for the best. The new steps which would easily slip finally created a history of glorious 2 years. The hearts full of enthusiasm and commitment towards service got in one feeling of Rotaract to achieve the common goal. It is a matter of great pride for me to find my team of Rotaractors always co-operative. The continuous guidance and support of my sponsoring Rotary Club’s Rotarians made me easier to carry out a number of excellent projects that became historic in Rotary-Rotaract Partner-In- Service. A dream to link Rotaract, my Veterinary profession and the community turned into reality in the Rota Year 2012-13. The 2 successful Animal Health Camps conducted within this period left a unique image of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh in District 3292. Our club could win Outstanding Project Award for Animal Health Camp and got nominated in key avenue of RotaractCommunity Service. My sincere thanks to the Charter President and IPP Rtr.Manoj Piya who established a good foundation and convenient plateform for me to work. Special gratitude to the sponsoring club Rotary President 201213 Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha who always joined hand with us. I'm indebted to the encouraging words of my RCC and sponsoring Rotary Charter President Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan. I’m much thankful to my Secretary Rtr. Riddhi Shrestha, Rtr. Sweejan Piya,Rtr.Sanjiv Pandit, Rtr.Ujjwal Shrestha, Rtr. Dipana Maharjan, Rtr. Manoj K. Mahato, Rtr. Mahesh K.C. and Rtr.Isha Pradhan who made the things simpler and easier for me. My attachment to Rotaract and Service won’t be less than this even in the days to come. Finally, I would like to congratulate our newly elected President Rtr.Ujjwal Shrestha and wish him best of luck for his Rota Year 2013-14.

Message from PRESIDENT 2013-14 Dear Rotaractors, It's a matter of great pleasure for me to stand as a President of Rotaract club of Narayangarh for the upcoming Rota year 2013-14. I'm much enthusiastic to lead the club which is in progressive path in a short span of time. Rotaract Clubs have always been playing a pioneer role is serving the community. Inspites of the personal & professional busy schedules, the youths take out time to contribute. Something for the humanity. During the process, the talents of the youths too get exposed to the world. Similarly, the youths got in a bond of teamwork and fellowship, thus pronouncing motto of Rotaract "Fellowship through Service". I will try my best to work in all the avenues of service during my tenure. I'm determined not to leave any effort to keep the name of my club high in the community. To achieve these, there's a need of good teamworks & guidance. I hopes to get support & cooperation sponsoring Rotarians & my Rotaractors to make this Rota Year 2013-14 a historic one.

Rtr. Ujjwal Shrestha President, 2013-14 Rotaract Club of Narayangarh

Rtr. Sirjan Bastola President, 2012-13 Rotaract Club of Narayangarh



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Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan (ID: 5848651) Spouse: Anju Classification: Bankers Name of Firm: Nepal Bank Limited Address: Main Road-180, Narayangarh-1 Phone No.: 520170 (O) / 520895 (R) Mob: 9845026689 E-mail: Date of Birth: 24th April Blood Group : AB +ve Date of Marriage: 18th Magh

Rtn. Manesh Lal Chuke (RFSM) (ID: 5852180) Spouse: Nima Classification: Internet Service Provider Name of Firm: World Link Chitwan Communications Pvt. Ltd. Address: Saheed Chowk, Narayangarh Phone No.: 571172, 571173 (O) Mob: 9855055440 E-mail: Date of Birth: 2nd September Blood Group : A+ve Date of Marriage: 8th Magh





MPHF Rtn. Manoj Pradhan (ID: 5848653) Spouse: Rosy Classification: Pharmaceuticals Ind. Name of Firm: Time Pharmaceuticals P. Ltd. Address: Lionschowk, Narayangarh Phone No.: 523804 (O) / 522744 (R) Mob: 9855055423 E-mail: Date of Birth: 1st July Blood Group : O +ve Date of Marriage: 30th November

MPHF Rtn. Arun Piya (ID: 5852177) Spouse: Bandana Classification: Plastic Manufacturer Name of Firm: Piya Plastic Industries Address: Mainroad-3, Narayangarh Phone No.: 524310 (O) / 522510, 520210 (R) Mob: 9855055210 Fax: 524111 E-mail: Date of Birth: 30th November Blood Group : A +ve Date of Marriage: 8th May

PHF Rtn. Chun Narayan Shrestha (ID: 5852142) Spouse: Prabina Classification: Lecturer Name of Firm: Balkumari College Address: Main Road-3, Narayangarh Phone No.: 521842 (O) / 520931 (R) Mob: 9855055331 E-mail: Date of Birth: 22nd May Blood Group : Date of Marriage: 1st December

Rtn. Bishal Shrestha (ID: 5852186) Spouse: Sangita Classification: Grocery Name of Firm: Nibi Stores Address: Pulchowk, Narayangarh Phone No.: 523587 Mob: 9845023213 E-mail: Date of Birth: 22nd February Blood Group : A +ve Date of Marriage: 22nd January



Rtn. Rohit Kumar Shrestha (ID: 5852183) Spouse: Indu Classification: Contractor Name of Firm: Rohit Traders Address: Putalibazar-3, Narayangarh Phone No.: 533173 Mob: 9855055800 E-mail: Date of Birth: 24th Sept. Blood Group : A +ve Date of Marriage: 25th November



PHF Rtn. Suman Kumar Shrestha (ID: 5852179) Spouse: Nira Classification: Furniture Manufacturer Name of Firm: Narayani Furniture Center Address: Mainroad-3, Narayangarh Phone No.: 526915 (O) Mob: 9855055693 E-mail: Date of Birth: 30th December Blood Group : B +ve Date of Marriage: 16th January



Club Roaster









PHF Rtn. Bigyan Lal Shrestha (ID: 5852168) Spouse: Sunita Classification: Printing Name of Firm: Pinnacle Digital Flex Print Address: Bhrikuti Path-3, Narayangarh Phone No.: 528896 (R) Mob: 9855055387 E-mail: Date of Birth: 11th August Blood Group : O +ve Date of Marriage: 26th January

PHF Rtn. Sahan Pradhan (ID: 5852166) Spouse: Barsha Classification: Broadcasting System Name of Firm: Synergy FM Pvt. Ltd. Address: Mainroad-3, Narayangarh Phone No.: 526916, 526917 (O) / 520859 (R) Mob: 9855055400 E-mail: Date of Birth: 16th March Blood Group : A +ve Date of Marriage: 19th January

PHF Rtn. Rajendra Oli (ID: 6436481) Spouse: Sharada Classification: Plastic Distributor Name of Firm: Oli Plastic Centre Address: Shahidchowk, Narayangarh Phone No.: 521183 (O) / 527758 (R) Mob: 9855056183 E-mail: Date of Birth: 20th June Blood Group : O +ve Date of Marriage: 25th November PHF Rtn. Sudeep Shrestha (ID: 6908278) Spouse: Sumeeta Classification: Hotelier Name of Firm: Chitrawati Leisure Centre Pvt. Ltd. Address: Kshetrapur-2, Narayangarh, Chitwan Phone: 056-527782 Mob: 9855056993 Date of Birth: Bhadra 22nd Blood Group : A+ve Date of Marriage: Magh 21st

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PHF Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha (ID: 5990243) Spouse: Durga Classification: Edible Oil Producer Name of Firm: Mohan Oil Industries Address: Sangam Chowk-4, Narayangarh Phone No.: 571287 (O) / 571269 (R) Mob: 9855055040 E-mail: Date of Birth: 5th April Blood Group : O+ve Date of Marriage: 24th February

PHF Rtn. Iswor Shrestha (ID: 5852163) Spouse: Bimala Classification: Garment Supplier Name of Firm: Shrestha Kapada Pasal Address: Bharatpur Municipality-4, Narayangarh Phone No.: 570347 (O) / 570106 (R) Mob: 9855056406 E-mail: Date of Birth: 10th May Blood Group : B +ve Date of Marriage: 6th July PHF Rtn. Sanjaya Shrestha (ID: 6612033) Spouse: Punam Classification: Plastic Wholesalers Name of Firm: Shrestha Brothers Address: Narayangarh Bus Park, Narayangarh Phone No.: 056-524618 Mob: 9855055159 E-mail: Date of Birth: 30th April Blood Group : O -Ve Date of Marriage: 5th May

Rtn. Anukul Shrestha 'Pranav' (RFSM) (ID: 8516716) Spouse: Dr. Surakshya Classification: Modular Kitchen Supplier Name of Firm: Chitwan Kitchen Concept Address: Narayangarh, Chitwan Phone No.: 522793 (O) Mob: 9855063302 E-mail: Date of Birth: 28th July Blood Group : AB+ve Date of Marriage : 9th May









Rtn. Sushan Lal Pradhan (ID: 8567947) Spouse: Samjhana Classification: Beverage Ind. Name of Firm: Pradhan Mineral Water & Beverage Ind. Address: Bharatpur-3, Narayangarh Mob: 9855063218 Date of Birth: 20th August Date of Marriage: 18th November

Rtn. Narayan Pradhan (ID: 5852181) Spouse: Nilima Classification: Liquors Distributor Name of Firm: Pradhan Distributor Address: Mainroad-3, Narayangarh Phone No.: 528600 (O) / 521603 (R) Mob: 9855055700 E-mail: Date of Birth: 17th December Blood Group : A +ve Date of Marriage: 9th February

Rtn. Bhola Nath Lamichhane (RFSM) (ID: 8282783) Spouse: Bhagawati Kumari Classification: Medicine Wholesaler Name of Firm: Janapremi Medicine Address: Bharatpur Mob: 9855057210 Date of Birth: 25th Baisakh Date of Marriage: 1st Magh

Rtn. Bishwo Mohan Singh (ID: 5852184) Spouse: Rachana Classification: Hatchery Industries Name of Firm: Hytech Hatchery Address: Belchowk-4, Narayangarh Phone No.: 571191 (R), 571517 (O) Mob: 9855055091 Date of Birth: 20th Poush Blood Group : O +ve Date of Marriage: 22nd Asar


Rtn. Arun Kumar Khanal (RFSM) (ID: 8237426) Spouse: Sarita Classification: Furniture Manufacturer Name of Firm: Chitwan Furniture Address: Narayangarh, Chitwan Phone No.: 526883 Mob: 9855061267 E-mail: Date of Birth: 11th Mangsir Blood Group : B+ve Date of Marriage: 11th Baishakh

PHF Rtn. Aman Lal Pradhan (ID: 6222809) Spouse: Sushma Classification: Pure Drinking Water Production Name of Firm: Pradhan Mineral Water & Beverage Industry Address: Harihar Marga-3, Narayangarh Phone No.: 521918/522828 Mob: 9855055707 E-mail: Date of Birth: 6th September Blood Group : A +ve Date of Marriage: 8th December Rtn. Bishwas Shrestha (ID: 5852158) Spouse: Anjali Classification: Exterior and Interior Paint Distributor Name of Firm: Akrista Enterprises Address: Pragatipath-3, Narayangarh Phone No.: 524094 Mob: 9855055058 E-mail: Date of Birth: 9th Baisakh Blood Group : O +ve Date of Marriage: 20th Baisakh

Rtn. Deependra Kumar Shrestha (ID: 8047505) Spouse: Sujina Classification: Engineer Name of Firm: Code Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Address: Sahid Chowk-4, Narayangarh Phone No.: 571523 (R) / 531305 (O) Mob: 9845024144 E-mail: Date of Birth: 29th Oct. Blood Group : AB +ve Date of Marriage: 8th March



Club Roaster MEMBER








Rtn. Kiran Narayan Shrestha (ID: 6709362) Spouse: Purnima Classification: Cable Operator Name of Firm: Chitwan Unique Cable Pvt. Ltd. Address: Mainroad, Narayangarh, Chitwan Phone No.: 522855 Mob: 9855055201 E-mail: Date of Birth: 31st Aug. Blood Group : A +ve Date of Marriage: 25th Ashadh

Rtn. Navin Pradhan (ID: 5852162) Spouse: Renu Classification: Hotelier Name of Firm: Baba Guest House Address: Main Road-3, Narayangarh Phone No.: 524964 (O) / 522806 (R) Mob: 9845047533 Date of Birth: 9th Feb. Blood Group : A +ve Date of Marriage: 13th June

Rtn. Ramesh Paudel (ID: 5852154) Spouse: Shanti Classification: Hardware Name of Firm: Welcome Hardware Address: Saheed Marg-3, Narayangarh Phone No.: 523616, 525348 Mob: 9855059348 E-mail: Date of Birth: 7th October Blood Group : O +ve Date of Marriage: 8th March 1993

Rtn. Yagya Muni Bajracharya (ID: 8047513) Spouse: Elina Classification: Engineer Name of Firm: Code Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Address: Narayangarh, Chitwan Phone No.: 531305 (O), 523605 Mob: 9845023456 E-mail: Date of Birth: 16th Chaitra Blood Group : A +ve

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PHF Rtn. Krishna Prasad Shrestha (ID: 5852160) Spouse: Rajkumari Classification: Hardware Store Name of Firm: Pragati Hardware Address: Sahid Marga-4, Narayangarh Phone No.: 520019 (O) / 572153 (R) Mob: 9855055319 Date of Birth: 16th Dec. Blood Group : A +ve Date of Marriage: 12nd Dec.

Rtn. Prasanna Shrestha (ID: 5852147) Spouse: Srijana Classification: Restaurant Name of Firm: Taas & Sekuwa Mahal Address: Teku, Kathmandu Phone No.: 01-4263755 Mob: 9851109820 E-mail: Date of Birth: 30th August Date of Marriage: 24th November

Rtn. Ravi Pradhan Spouse: Sabina Classification: Auto Parts Name of Firm: Pradhan Auto Centre Address: Narayangarh, Chitwan Phone No.: 520552 Mob: 9855055835 E-mail: Date of Birth: 5 Oct. 1978 Blood Group : Date of Marriage : Chaitra 19

Rtn. Krishna Pd. Devkota (ID: 8698813) Spouse: Bishnu Classification: Tile Supplier Name of Firm: Puja Interprises Address: Bharatpur-9, Gondrang Phone No.: 523942 Mob: 9855064718 E-mail: Date of Birth: 13th December Blood Group : O +ve Date of Marriage : 19th March


Rtn. Bimal Shrestha (ID: 8698813) Spouse: Mansa Classification: Sanitary Name of Firm: National Trade Center Address: Bharatpur-3, Narayangarh Phone No.: 571930 Mob: 9855057450 E-mail: Date of Birth: 29th September Blood Group : O +ve Date of Marriage : 12th December


Office Secretary Mr. Moti Krishna B.K. Address: Narayani Nadi Kinar, Lilachowk Ph: 056-528188 (O) Cell: 9845248141, 9815258850 E-mail: Blood Group: O+ve


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;of}+ y'Fuf km"nsf xfdL, Pp6} dfnf g]kfnL ;fj{ef}d eO{ km}lnPsf, d]rL–dxfsfnL . k|s[ltsf sf]l6–sf]l6 ;Dkbfsf] cfFrn jL/x¿sf /utn], :jtGq / c6n . 1fge"ld, zflGte"ld, t/fO{, kxf8, lxdfn cv08 of] Kof/f] xfd|f], dft[e"ld g]kfn . ax'n hflt, efiff, wd{, ;+:s[lt 5g\ ljzfn cu|ufdL /fi6« xfd|f], ho ho g]kfn . President 2012/'13 Rotary Club of Narayangarh Name : Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha Classification : Business Address : Sangam Chowk, Narayangarh, Chitwan Tel. : + 977-56-571269 Mob. : 9855055040 E-mail : Involvement : Narayani Kala Mandir Visit : India, China, Pakistan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Hongkong

President Elect 2012/'13 Rotary Club of Narayangarh Name : Rtn. Ishwor Shrestha Classification : Poultry Business Address : Tridev Poultry Farm Tel. : + 977-56-570106 Mob. : 9855056406 E-mail : Visit : India


/f]6/L ufg

/f]6/L g]kfn . /f]6/L g]kfn .. dgn], argn], sd{n] xfdL ;a} ljZjaGw' /f]6/L g]kfn Pp6} 5 cfsfz Pp6} ;xaf; Pp6} 5 rfxgf d+un sfdgf ;]jf / ;b\efjgf /f]6/L g]kfn 3fd / h"g, xfjf / kfgL Pp6} xf] dfG5], Pp6} xf] k|f0fL afFr]/ /x] lg, d/]/ uP lg ;'uGw 5f8L lgzfgL /f]6/L g]kfn President 2013/'14 Rotary Club of Narayangarh Name : Rtn. Sahan Pradhan Classification : Broadcasting System Address : Mainroad-3, Narayangarh Tel. : 056-526916, 526917 Mob. : 9855055400 E-mail : Involvement : Narayani Kala Mandir, CCIC, Visit : India, USA, China, Saipan, South Korea, Hongkong, Thailand

Secretary 2012/'13 Rotary Club of Narayangarh Name : Rtn. Sudeep Shrestha Classification : Business Address : Kshetrapur-2, Narayangarh, Chitwan Tel. : + 977-56-527782 Mob. : 9855056993 E-mail : Visit : Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, India

We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

11 th Installation Ceremony of

Rotary Club of Narayangarh

CONSORTIUM OF DESIGNERS & ENGINEERS Harihar Marg, Narayangarh, Ph./Fax: 056-531305

Consulting Engineers - Valuers - Loss Adjusters Kupondole, Lalitpur, Nepal Tel.: 01-5542605/4248768, Fax: 056-533525 E-mail: We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of 11 th Installation Ceremony of Rotary Club of Narayangarh

- Elina Shakya

Managing Director

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- Manual & Computerized

 Language Classes  Lok Sewa Preparation Classes

SECRETARY REPORT - 2012/13 - Rtn. Sanjaya Shrestha Respected Chief Guest, Guests, Fellow Rotarians, Ann, Annet, and Rotaractors, It is my great pleasure to present the Club Report of The Rotary Club of Narayangarh as Club Secretary for the Rotary Year 2012/2013. We are assembled here today to celebrate 11th installation ceremony of the Club. On this great occasion, it is matter of my pride to present the Achievements and Activities of the Rotary year 2012/13 along with the Vision and Goals we had set at the beginning of the year, under the Active and Dynamic Leadership of Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha, which are as follows: 1. Attendance ( Chairman: Ishwor Shrestha) Members’ attendance in regular meeting was satisfactory. The average attendance in regular meeting was 54 %. In order to improve the attendance in the regular meeting, necessary follow up, SMS follow up, home visit, and telephone calls were made to all members. 2. Classification Roaster Classification Roaster is updated for the year 2012/2013. There are 26 filled and 4 unfilled classifications. During the Rotary Year, we lost 5 Rotarians and welcomed 3 new members in the Club. At present we have 31 members in the Club. 3. Meetings Regular Meeting: 51 Board Meeting: 8 Club Assembly: 5 4. Installation Ceremony The 10th Installation Ceremony was successfully organized on 11th July, 2012 in gracious presence of RI District 3292 DGN Rtn. Rabindra Kumar Piya, AG Zone XII Rtn. Bhadra Narayan Piya, Rtn. Bhojaraj Koudel, and Ann, Annet, Rotaractors with altogether 60 participants from our Club, peer Rotary Clubs, and other Organizations. Rtn. Bigyan Lal Shrestha (President -2011/12 conducted the Ceremony with award distribution and closed by Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha (President- 2012/13). The Ceremony was followed by a grand fellowship at the evening. Installation Ceremony was conducted by PN Rtn. Rajendra Oli. 5. COTS Program COTS program was organized by The Rotary Club of Narayangarh on 25th June, 2012. COTS program was chaired by president Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha and Resource persons were DG Elect Rtn. Dilendr Raj Shrestha, Rtn. G.Narayan Bahadur Chhetri, AG Zone XII Rtn. Bhadra Narayan Piya, and Rtn Mitra Raj Dawadi. Board members and Chairmen participated the program. 21

6. Rotary Information (Media Chairman: Rtn. Suman Kumar Shrestha) Rotary Club of Narayangarh has started the 15 minute's Radio Program on Synergy FM from 2nd August, 2012. This program is on air every Friday at 5:00 pm. First episode was inaugurated by Charter President of Chitwan Rotary Club, Rtn. K.L. Bhushan and episode sponsored by CP RC Narayangarh, Rtn Niranjan Pradhan. This Radio Program will help for spreading the awareness and Rotary information in the society. Main objectives of this program are Introduction to Rotary, Rotary International, and district 3292. The program includes profile of a club within Chitwan along with major activities conducted every week, previous week's activities in Rotary, and forthcoming Rotary events (national and International). 7. Souvenir ( Chairman: Rtn. Chun Naryan Shrestha) The Club Souvenir “Pinnacle” was published on 11th July, 2012 and released on the occasion of installation Ceremony. Souvenir publication and advertisement committee chairman was PP Rtn. Chun Narayan Shrestha. 8. Guest Speaker ( Chairman: Rtn. Sahan Lal Pradhan) We were grateful to have Dr. Tulsi Dharel, Purna Chandra Koirala, Chiranjivi Shrestha, Prabhat Kumar Joshi, Rabindra Regmi, Narayan K.C., Dr. Hom Bahadur Basnet, Dr Sujit Kumar, Dr. Suryadev Shrestha, and Dipak Sapkota as our guest speakers during the 2012\2013 Rotary year. 9. Membership Growth This Rotary Year 3 new member have been inducted and added in the club roaster. Names and classifications of the members are as follows: Name Classifications Sushan Lal Pradhan Beverage Industries Ravi Pradhan Engineering Workshop Anukul Shrestha Modular Kitchen Suppliers 10. Fund Permanent and Sunshine funds are as follows: Permanent fund - Rs. 7,920/ Sunshine fund - Rs. 59,750/11. Charter Day Celebration Program ( Chairman : Rtn. Ramesh Poudel ) The Rotary Club of Narayangarh has celebrated it's 10th Chartered Day on 27th November, 2012. In this occasion, Club President PHF Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha has announced to raise and increase the Permanent Funds every year for the sustain and stability of the club. In this occasion Club has distributed 20 blankets to needy, old, and helpless people at Harihar Mandir Parisar and it's surroundings. Chartered President Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan, Past Presidents Rtn. Bishal Shrestha, Rtn. Rohit Kumar Shrestha, Suman Kumar Shrestha, President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha and other Rotarian jointly handed over the blankets. 12. Club Election Election Committee of Rotary Year 2012/2013 organized meeting on June 15, 2013. As per “By Laws of Club” the election Committee conducted the election procedure and declared the Board Officers for Rotary Year 2013-2014 as follows: 22

President IPP President Elect President Nominee Vice President Secretary Treasurer Joint Secretary

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Chairmen: Club Administration : Club Membership : Club Public Relation : Club Service Project : Rotary Foundation : Sergeant At Arms : Editor :

Rtn. Sahan Lal Pradhan Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha Rtn. Ishwor Shrestha Rtn. Rajendr Oli Rtn. Sanjaya Shrestha Rtn. Sudip Shrestha Rtn. Sushan Lal Pradhan Rtn. Anukul Shrestha Rtn. Arun Piya Rtn. Suman Kumar Shrestha Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan Rtn. Bishal Shrestha Rtn. Manoj Pradhan Rtn. Arun Kumar Khanal Rtn. Dipendra Kumar Shrestha

13. DG Official Visit On 13th Februarary, 2013 regular meeting was held at Hotel Kitchen Cafe, Narayangarh which was accompanied by DG visit. RI District 3292 DG Rtn. Yogendra Man Pradhan, the chief guest of the program, DGN Rtn. Rabindra Kumar Piya, and AG Zone XII Rtn. Bhadra Narayan Piya were also present at the program. Club Service Director Rtn. Chun Narayan Shrestha, Int. Service Director Rtn. Manoj Pradhan, Vocational Service Director Rtn. Bishal Shrestha, Community Service Director Rtn. Suman Kumar Shrestha and New Member Service Director Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan presented the activities during this Rotary Year. Club president Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha also informed the guests about the various club activities. New members were also pined-up by DG. President offered a token of appreciation to Chief Guest on behalf of Club. The program was accompanied by fellowship program at the evening with family. 14. Fellowship Program (Chairman : Rtn. Narayan Pradhan) • 30 minutes fellowship before regular meeting. • All board meetings are hosted in board member’s residence. • A fellowship program was celebrated on the occasion of charter day celebration. • A fellowship program was celebrated on the club assemblies • On 19th April 2013 family fellowship tour organized a one night stay at Palpa • On the occasion of Nepali new year 2070. Most of Rotarians, Anns and Annets participated. • A fellowship Trekking at Chitlang on 27th August, 2012. In that program CP Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan, President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha and Rtn Anukul Shrestha participated. • Short fellowship trip to Maulakalika Mandir, Nawalparasi on the occasion of Vijaya Dashami 2069 were conducted. President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha, PP Rtn. Chun Narayan Shrestha, Rtn Anukul Shrestha, Rtn. Sushan Lal Pradhan, Spouse and Annets participated. * Trekking of Lamjung Khasur CP Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan and PP Rtn. Suman Kumar Shrestha.


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Tour to Mumbai PP Rtn. Suman Kumar Shrestha, PN Rtn. Rajendra Oli and Sec. Rtn. Sanjaya Shrestha. Europe Tour during RI convention, President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha and Ann Durga Devi Shrestha, PP Rtn. Suman Kumar Shrestha, PN Rtn. Rajendra Oli, Sgt At Arms Rtn. Bhola Nath Lamichhane and Ann Bhagawati Lamichhane, Rtn. Krishna Prasad Shrestha and Ann Rajkumari Shrestha. Japan and China Tour By PP Rtn. Arun Piya Family Tour to Dubai by PP Rtn. Manoj Pradhan and Sgt At Arms Rtn. Bholanath Lamichhane.

15. Greetings On behalf of the club greetings were wished to the club members and families on the occasion of their Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Arrivals and Departures (international), and Congratulations on their Happy moments and Successes. 16. Blood Donation Program. A blood donation program was organized at Saheed Chwok, Narayangarh on July 28, 2012. The program was coordinated by the health chairman PP Rtn. Rohit Kumar Shrestha and chief guest was AG Zone XII Rtn Bhadra Narayan Piya as a blood donor. 76 (8 women and 68 men) valuable donors donated their blood at the program, among which 6 were Rotarians and 4 were Rotaractors. Donor Mr. Dhruba Thapaliya, who donated blood for 98 times, was honored at the program. 17. Computer, Sports, Educational and Stationary Material Distribution Rotary Club of Narayangarh organized the Stationary and Computer Distribution Program at RCC Siddhakali Lower Secondary School, Gohitar, Tanahun on 6th August, 2012. The program was chaired by President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha, chief Guest was AG Zone XII Rtn. Bhadra Narayan Piya and the program was coordinated by RCC chairman Secretary Rtn. Sanjaya Shrestha. Chief guest and president have jointly handed over the Computer to RCC Coordinator Mr. Basudev Tiwari. Football and Volleyball were handed over to Game Teacher by Charter President Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan .Copies, Pens, Pencils, Eraser and Sharpeners were distributed to students by Rotarians and Rotaractors. Chief Guest Rtn Bhadra Narayan Piya emphasized to Rotary Club of Narayangarh to initiate to literate whole villagers not only school students. Chief guest gave thanks to President and club because Program was matched with District Goal. President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha suggested to RCC and Concerns to Absorb the skills and abilities given by Several Trainings organized by the club. Rotary Club initiates to show the way and should walk itself for willing destinations. PP MPHF Rtn. Manoj Pradhan, PP Rtn. Bishal Shrestha, PP Rtn. Rohit Kumar Shrestha, PP PHF Rtn. Suman Kumar Shrestha, IPP PHF Rtn. Bigyanlal Shrestha, PN PHF Rtn. Rajendra Oli and other Rotarians Rotaractors participated. Stationary and Computer worth close to Rs. 30,000/- were distributed. 18. TRF Contribution On the Rotary Year 2012/13 following Rotarians have contributed for The Rotary Foundation: • President Rtn. Ramessh Shrestha PHF • PP Rtn. Arun Piya MPHF • Sec. Rtn Sanjaya Shrestha PHF • Sgt At Arms Bhola Nath Lamichhane RFSM • Rtn. Arun Kumar Khanal RFSM • PP Rtn. Manesh Lal Chuke RFSM 24

19. Local Festival Celebration On 9th August, RC Narayangarh jointly organized ritual festival Ropai Jatra with Local Organizations. 20. Participations • 11th Installation ceremony of RC- Ratnanagar • Membership Development seminar held in Dhulikhel on 18th August,2012. • 21st Installation ceremony of RC- Chitwan • Charter Day ceremony of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh. • Inter club relation meeting with RC- Dhulikhel on 8th September,2012. • Workshop on partner service with Rotaract program on 13th October,2012. • Joint meeting of RC Chitwan and Rotaract Club of Chitwan on 24th October,2012. • Diabetes society of Bharatpur. • Desk Bench distribution program of RC Narayani Midtown. • District Award ceremony on 15th June, 2013 at Hotel Shankar, Kathmandu. • 2nd General assembly of Miteri Foundation 21. Emblem Sticking Program Rotary logo Emblem sticking program in own Rotarian vehicles was organized by club on 25th July, 2012. This program supports Rotary identification and Rotary Image in Society. 22. Financial Aid to Sustamanasthiti Kalyan Sanstha and Raute The Rotary Club of Narayangarh supported of Rs. 5,000/- Cash to Sustamanasthiti Kalyan Sanstha,Chitwan,sports division to Special Olympics Nepal for Mentally Challenged People on 5th September,2012. The cheque was handed over to the Principal of Sustamanasthiti Kalyan Sanstha Mr. Purna Chandra Koirala by Club President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha. On the Incoming occasion of Dashain Tihar Festival, Club has supported of Rs. 2,000/- Cash to Nomadic Tribe Raute of Sallyan District. On the occasion of sarwaswati pooja, educational material of equal to Rs. 1,000/- was distributed to a government school at Gaindakot. 23. Say No To Drugs Program The Rotary Club of Narayangarh and Rotaract Club of Narayangarh jointly organized a two days of "SAY NO TO DRUGS" awareness program in the chairmanship of Health Chairman PP Rtn. Rohit Kumar Shrestha on 15th September, 2012. Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and other public places were selected for Flex Banners sticking. Say No to Drugs Flex Banners were placed on various places like Balkumari College, Balkumari Higher Secondary School, Birendra Campus,Bharatpur Municipality Office, Chitwan Medical College, District Administrative Office, Governmental Hospital Bharatpur, East West Highway Pulchowk, Rampur Agriculture Campus and Narayani Nadi Kinar. Many Rotarians and Rotaractors participated the program. 24. Teej Festival Celebration Teej is called Dar Khane Din. On this day the women, both married and unmarried assemble at one place, in their finest attire and start dancing and singing devotional songs. Amidst all this, the grand feast takes place. The jollity often goes on till midnight, after which the 24-hour fast starts. The Rotary Club of Narayangarh celebrated Teej on 17 September, 2012 in the chairmanship of Rtn. Narayan Pradhan at 25

Pulchowk, Narayangarh. In that program most of Rotarians, Anns and others were assembled and enjoyed the program. 25. Free Dental Awareness Camp A huge free 3 days dental awareness, check up and treatment camp was organized jointly by Rotary Club of Naryangarh and Rotaract club of Narayangarh from September 1 to 3 , 2012 with the technical assistance from United Doctors Dental Clinic at Balkumari English Boarding School,Narayangarh.625 students and 45 staffs and teachers were checked up and 81 students were treated by the doctors. Dr Sirjana Dwa Pradhan, Dr Laxmi Neupane and Dr Pujan Bhusal.Health sub committee chairman Rtn Rohit Kumar Shrestha from RC Narayangarh and VP Rtr Swejan Piya from RAC Narayangarh were the cocoordinators. 26. Fibre Bag Making Vocational Training Program The Rotary Club of Narayangarh, The Rotary Club of Budhanilkantha and Chamber of Commerce and Industries- Chitwan jointly organized Women Empowerment for Sustainable Development and Women Self Dependence Training program. 18 Day's Training Program� Fiber Based Shopping Bag Making Vocational Training Program" inaugurated here in Chamber Building Naryangarh on 5th May,2013. Chief Guest of the program was Senior Vice-President Kalyan Joshi. This Training Program aimed to involve women who are most in need. Certain criteria are established from the very start, and the primary objective of the organisers are to provide handicraft-related skills training raw materials of banana's steam, jalkumbhi jhar and outer layer of maize( makaiko khoselta) making shopping bags,wallets,purses and many more others to poor Nepalese women so that they may become self-supportive. The 30 women being trained variety of social, economic and ethnic backgrounds. Many of them come from rural villages and are widowed, divorced, disabled or abused; some have been cast out from their homes and villages. In the Training they would be trained by material cutting, sewing, weaving, dying, business management and various other skills related to handicraft production. The resource person of this program was past president of RC-Budhanilkantha Rtn. Shyam Badan Shrestha. Training program completed on 22nd May, 2013. 27. Wheel Chair Distribution Program The Rotary Club of Narayangarh and The Rotaract Club of Narayangarh have jointly distributed 5 wheelchairs to Disabled People at Spinal Injury Center, Bharatpur Hospital on 4 January 2013.Wheelchairs were received paying little amount of Rs. 5,000/- NPR beside the Matching Grant Project of Rotary Club of Rajdhani. AG Zone XII Rtn. Bhadra Narayan Piya, DGN Rtn. Rabindra Kumar PIya, Ramesh, CP Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan, Health chairman PP Rtn. Rohit Kumar Shrestha, PP Rtn Bishal Shrestha, President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha Had jointly handed over the Wheelchairs them in that program. Rtr. Swejan Piya and Rtn Ujjwal Shrestha participated the program. 28. Rota Quiz Contest The Rotary Club of Narayangarh participated the Zonal Rota Quiz Contest held in Royal Century Hotel, Bharatpur on 30 Dec., 2012. The Program was hosted by Rotary Club of Narayani Midtown. In that Contest, Club's Participants were PP Rtn. Manoj Pradhan, PP Rtn. Chun Narayan Shrestha, PN Rtn. Rajendra Oli and Rtn. Narayan Pradhan. Our Club Explored the 4th position in that tough competitive contest because Among the 50 questions, most of 45 were solved and answered by the participants by win and loose like 26

equals. The quiz Master was Coming AG Zone XII Rtn. Mitraraj Dawadi. AG Zone XII Rtn. Bhadra Narayan Piya and Past AG Dr. I.P. Dhakal were the promoters of the contest. 29. The Rotary Foundation Stewardship Seminar with RI President The Rotary Club of Narayangarh participated on The Rotary Foundation Seminar held in Hotel Yak & Yeti, Kathmandu on 21, November, 2012.Teh Seminar was chaired by District Governer, 3292, Nepal, Rtn. Yogendra Man Pradhan and Distinguished Chief Guest was Rotary International President Rtn. Sakuji Tanaka. Inaugurating the Seminar RI President Sakuji Tanaka said The Rotary Foundation is a charitable organization supported entirely by voluntary contributions. The Foundation’s mission is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through projects that improve health, support education, and help alleviate poverty. The Rotary Foundation has become in this stage because of the supports of Rotarian’s slogan "Service above Self". The Rotary Club of Narayangarh President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha, President Elect Rtn. Ishwor Shrestha, Secretary Rtn. Sanjaya Shrestha, Vice President Rtn. Sahan Pradhan, Past President Rtn. Arun Piya and Member Rtn. Aman Lal Pradhan has participated in the Seminar. The special Recognition Letter of PHF and MPHF by RI President Sakuji Tanaka. 30. Deep Shrestha Musical Night The Rotary Club of Narayangarh has organized an enchanting musical night entitled "Deep Shrestha Musical Night” on Saturday 3rd November,2012 in his best place at the Central Palm Hotel in Narayangarh,Chitwan. Club President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha has lightened about the objective of the Program that in the Aid of Chepang Children for their Education. Deep Shrestha described the experience as a ‘self-satisfying’ one as it enabled him to contribute to Chepang Children. The singer had requested his listeners at the beginning of the show to sing with him and if needed help and towards the end the audience was singing with him mesmerized in melody. Shrestha has presented the song Ma Pattharko Deuta hoina, his first song which was sang and composed when he was 14. Mero ankhama hardin badal, Biteka kurale...... and lots of his popular songs has presented during the program. Shrestha also sang a duet with his daughter. Approximately 400 audiences participated and enjoyed the program. The program has operated by IPP Rtn. Bigyan Lal Shrestha and coordinator was President Nominee Rtn. Rajendra Oli. 31. School Toilet Construction The Rotary Club of Narayangarh and District Development Committee, Tanahaun jointly constructed the Girls and Gents urinary tiles Toilet at Siddha Mahakali Lower Secondary School, Gohitar, Tanahun. The total cost of toilet was Rs. 250,000/- The project was handed over under the presence of DG Rtn. Yogendra Man Pradhan. 32. Matching Grant Project The Rotary Club of Narayangarh has handed over the Girls Toilet and distributed 30 pcs. Dual Desks, 30 pcs. Chairs, 1 pc.ComputerTable,8 pcs. Visitors Tables, 3 pcs. Steel Darajs, 3 pcs. Steel 8 Door Locker Darajs, 1 pc.Sound Systems, 3 pcs. Office Tables, 8 pcs. White Board and Science Instruments worth NPR 755,000/- under the Matching Grant Project #77976 to Siddha Mahakali Lower Secondary Government School at RCC Village of this Club, Gohitar, Tanahun on 13th February 2013 through the hands of Chief Guest RI 3292 DG Rtn. DG Yogendra Man Pradhan speaking on the occasion expressed gladness that RC Narayangarh has chosen perfect RCC as well as really needy place. “Except the construction of buildings, 27

Rotary is ready to join the hands on making other infrastructures” DG has promised to School Principle and RCC co-ordinatior Bashudev Tiwari. Providing school desks and other School Support materials is a very good thought he added that social service is in blood of Rotarians. Our old scriptures also have evidence of social service. Government alone can’t do everything. There is lot of vacuums leftover, which these organizations have to fill the gap. It is important that organizations like Rotary International and many other must come forward to support the government. AG Zone XII Rtn. Bhadra Narayan Piya said that Rotary Club's programs are not only for Schools but also for needy communities. CP Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan, Past Presidents, Rotary Members, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh Members were present on that Program. Program was chaired by President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha and Operated by Secretary Rtn Sanjaya Shrestha. Girls and Boys Toilets which construction cost Rs. 250,000/- was jointly constructed by District Education Office Tanahun, Rotary District Simplify Grant and Rotary Club of Narayangarh. 33. Holi Celebration The most boisterous of Hindu festivals, Holi waves goodbye to winter and welcomes in spring in a rainbow of colours. In Nepal it’s predominantly celebrated in all over the country, and is quite rightly known as the Festival of Colours for the raucous events on Holi’s final day, when children and adults take to the streets throwing colorful abir (powder) over each other. In Nepal, the festival is also known as Fagu and is a muted mix of India’s Holi and Thailand’s Songkran. Falling late in Nepal’s dry season, at a time when the country is heating up, water is sprayed about as a reminder of the cooling monsoon days to come. Holi’s origins are little known but references to it have dated back to around the 3rd century. The Rotary Club of Narayangarh has celebrated the HOLI jointly with Narayani Kala Mandir, Narayangarh. 34. Synergy Rising Star-3 Grand Finale Synergy FM 91.6 MHZ, the first and foremost radio station of Chitwan has led a remarkable history in media sector in Nepal since the establishment in 2058 B.S. In Searching the singer Icon, The Rotary Club of Narayangarh has successfully organized the Synergy Rising Star-3 Grand Finale at Narayan Kala Mandir Narayangarh on 8th March,2013. Contestant Kiran Gurung become the Rising Star. Guest Judge was actress Jharana Thapa, Judges were Singer Sahan Lal Pradhan, Deepak Pradhan and Ram Prasad Shrestha. 35. Vegetable Training Program The Rotary Club of Narayangarh and Rotaract Club of Narayangarh has jointly successfully organized One Day "Vegetable Training Program" First Phase of Theoretical on 11th April,2013 and Second Phase of Practical on 15th April,2013 at Harrayia, Shardanagar-3 Chitwan. Gourds are one of the earliest crops to be domesticated, having been grown for at least 10,000 years and now a day Gourds are used as healthy Juice. In that training program, Trainees were trained how the Gourd (Lauka kheti) harvesting, taking care gourds plants and saving seeds . Gourds are large plants that grow on a vine and are related to cucumbers and squash. Gourds need plenty of space to grow and spread out. Growing gourds takes some time. The seeds might need indoor plantation before the last frost, and then transplant of the seedlings outside. Chief guest and resource person of the program was Mr. Mohan Dutt Sharma, Professor of Rampur Campus. Main Beneficiaries were Locals of Laliguras Mahila Samuha. Participants from our clubs were PP Rtns. Rohit Kumar Shrestha, President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha, PE Rtn Ishwor Shrestha, Rtn Anukul Shrestha and Rtn Susan Lal Pradhan and 5 Rotractors.


36. Veterinary Camp The Rotary Club of Narayangarh successfully arranged one day “Free Veterinary Medical Treatment Camp” on Saturday 16th March,2013. During this camp More than 330 sick animals suffering from pneumonia, stomata's, indigestion, Pyrex, lameness and diarrhea were treated. In this camp, a large no. of Members of Rotaractors Club of Narayangarh and students of Rampur Agriculture Campus, Club Members and Bijaya Dairy Sahakari Sanshta have participated. During all the camping day Two Doctors of Rampur Agriculture Campus regularly treated and guided the students. The Chief Guests was AG Rtn. Bhadra Narayan Piya and Professor of Rampur Agriculture Campus Rtn. Dr. Hom Bahadur Basnet also participated the camp. Club President PHF Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha extended gratitude to worthy sponsors, Doctors and free medicine donators for their donations. In the last, Club demonstrated a strong commitment to work for animal welfare. The camps were jointly organized by The Rotary Club of Narayangarh, The Rotaract Club of Narayangarh and Bijay Dugdha Utpadak Sahakari Sanstha. 37. Participation on Elephant football Tournament The Rotary Club of Narayangarh has supported Rs. 5,612/- to Elephant Football Tournament held at Sauraha, Chitwan on 31st Dec, 2012- 2nd Jan,2013. President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha, PP Rtn. Suman Kumar Shrestha, PE Rtn. Ishwor Shrestha, PN Rtn. Rajendra Oli and Rtn Sushan Lal Pradhan participated the program. 38. Grant Management Seminar On 26th February, 2013, Grant Management Seminar held on Shalimar Apartment, Jawalakhel, lalitpur. TRF chairman PP Rtn. Manoj Pradhan, PE Rtn. Ishwor Shrestha, Sgt At Arms Rtn. Bholanath Lamichhane and Rtn. Anukul Shrestha participated the program. 39. GSE Team Visit A hearty welcome by president to GSE Team Leader Rtn. David Hood,,Debora O’Brien, Nighet Mallik, Sarah Durman and Tum Eskine in our 533rd Regular meeting. President highlighted the main activities of our club.GSE Team Leader also shared their experiences, feelings about our hospitalities and their club activities. The club also recognized GSE team in Nepali Traditional way distributing Bhadgaunle cap and shawl. 40. Participation in Badminton Tournament Sgt At Arms Rtn Bholanath Lamichhane and Rtn Bishow Mohan Singh participated the Men’s Rota Badminton Tournament held in Butwal on 10th March, 2013. 41. District Conference On 14th-16th March, 2013, District Conference was held in Kathmandu. From our club President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha, PE Rtn. Ishwor Shrestha, Sgt At Arms Rtn Bholanath Lamichhane and Rtn Sushan Lal Pradhan were participated the program. Chief Guest of the program was Honorable Vice-President Parmananda Jha and RI International director PT Prabhakar. 42. Participation in 104th RI Convention On Sunday, 23rd June 2013, the world, or at least representative parts of it, came to Lisbon Portugal, as Rotarians from more than 225 countries and geographic areas gathered for the opening plenary session 29

of the 2013 Rotary International Convention, Lisbon: A Harbor for Peace. Peace took center stage all day. During his opening remarks, RI President Sakuji Tanaka, who selected Peace through Service as this year’s RI theme, shared how he came to make a connection between peace and service. He recalled that he was still very young when he heard the radio broadcast by Japanese Emperor Hirohito announcing the end of the World War II. “Until that day, the country had been working together to win the war. Now, we would work together to rebuild. And we would work together to build a new identity for Japan: one that was committed to peace,” he said. Tanaka said when he joined the Rotary Club of Yashio, Japan, years later, he learned about the idea of Service Above Self. “Through Rotary, I realized that I was working to make other people’s lives better. I wanted to serve my customers, not only for my own profit, but so that they would be happier from my work and my employees would also have better lives,” he said. “Now, I see my business in a very different way. And I see Rotary service as an idea that is not limited to my Rotary club. Everything we do for other people helps to make the world a better place.” Tanaka said that by meeting basic human needs and engaging in international service projects, Rotary builds peace daily. He said he has seen the many different ways that Rotarians build peace through service during his year as president. “Here in Lisbon, at this Rotary convention, we have the chance to experience the world as it could be: with people from every continent united to make their world a better place,” he said. “Here, we see how little our differences matter. Here, we focus on what is truly important: what we can do to help others live better and happier lives.” President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha Ann Durga Devi Shrestha, PP Rtn Suman Kumar Shrestha, PN Rtn. Rajendra Oli, Sgt At Arms Rtn.Bhola Nath Lamichhane and Ann Bhagawati Lamichhane, Rtn Krishna Prasad Shrestha and Ann Rajkumari Shrestha have participated in that Convention. 43. Financial Support to Rotaract Club of Chitwan The Rotary Club of Narayangarh has handed over Rs. 5,000/- to Member of Rotaract Club of Chitwan Rtr DR. Manita Dhaubanjar. She has been selected from South Asia for her Great Participant in Coast to Coast trip which was held in Italy in August 23-September 4, 2012, Sponsored by Rotaract Clubs of Italy. The sponsored Amount of cheque was handed over by President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha In the very auspicious occasion of 21st Installation Ceremony of Rotary Club of Chitwan which was inaugurated by DG 3292, Rtn. Yogendra Man Pradhan. 44. Sponsorship of RYLA Rotary International District – 3292 (Nepal and Bhutan) has organized the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) 2013 at the training center of Agricultural Development Bank in Bode, Bhaktapur on Friday. The 4-day long program, with the theme "Awakening Youth", featured workshops being felicitated by people from different walks of life. RYLA, which is Rotary's leadership training program for young people, emphasizes leadership, citizenship, and personal growth and aims to demonstrate Rotary's respect and


concern for youth, provide effective training and experience for selected youth and potential leaders, encourage leadership of youth by youth and recognize the young people who are rendering service to their communities. Addressing the opening ceremony of the program, DG Rtn Yogendra Man Pradhan said that it is important to train the young leaders as they are the base of development of the nation. Rotractor Ujjwal shrestha and Dipana Maharjan participated the program from Rotaract club of Narayangarh. Rotary Club of Narayangarh has supported Rs. 6,000/- for that program. 45. Strategic Management Seminar On 6th April, 2013 RC Narayangarh organized the strategic management seminar at Jungle Safari Sauraha, Chitwan. Resource persons were DGE Rtn. Dilendra Raj Shrestha and Rtn. Prafulla Man Pradhan. President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha, PP Rtn. Manoj Pradhan, PP Rtn. Chun Narayan Shrestha, PE Rtn. Ishwor Shrestha, Sgt At Arms Rtn. Bholan Nath Lamichhane, Rtn. Anukul Shrestha and Rtn. Sushan Lal Pradhan participated the seminar 46. Participation in RLI On 15th Feb, 2013 first phase of Rotary Leadership Institute started at Hotel Royal Century, Bharatpur. Resource person was DGE Rtn. Dilendra Raj Shrestha. President Ramesh Shrestha, PP Rtn. Manoj Shrestha, PP Rtn. Bishal Shrestha, PP Rtn. Rohit Kumar Shrestha, PE Rtn. Ishwor Shrestha, Joint Sec. Rtn. Sudip Shrestha and Rtn. Anukul Shrestha participated the program. 47. Participation DTS On 16th Feb, 2013 District Training Seminar started at Hotel Avocado, Hetauda. Resource persons were DGE Rtn. Dilendra Raj Shrestha and Prafulla Man Pradhan. President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha, PP Manoj Pradhan and PP Rtn Suman Kumar Shrestha participated the seminar. 48. Club Monthly Letter (CML) “Pinnacle” Club Monthly Letter (CML),“Pinnacle” was published each month under the publication chairman IPP Rtn. Bigyan Lal Shrestha and editor Rtn. Arun Kumar Khanal. It was sponsored by Rtn. Anukul Shrestha. The Letter highlighted activities performed during each month. 49. Participation on District Membership Seminar On 18th August, 2012 District Membership Seminar has been organized by Rotary at Hotel Radison, Kathmandu. Resource person of that seminar were Rtn. Anurudh Roy Chaudhary and Rtn. Ullans Kolatkar. President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha and CP Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan participated the seminar. During this Rotary Year 2012/2013, we conducted and organized different activities under the various Avenues of Services in cooperation of club members, district officers, family members, and annets. On this occasion, I take this floor to express my gratitude to all for making this Rotary Year a Grand Success! Thank You and Jay Rotary !


We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

11th Installation Ceremony of

Rotary Club of Narayangarh

Sugam Transport Nepal (P.) Ltd. Baghdurbar, Kathmandu Nepal

Contact: Mr. R.K. Sharma Service: National & International Transportation We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

11th Installation Ceremony of

Rotary Club of Narayangarh

Bishnu Sharma Bhairahawa, Nepal



Installation Ceremony

500th Regular Meeting

Blanket distribution program on Charter Day

Blood Donation Program

Board Meeting

Closing ceremony of 18 days vocational training of fibre bag making


Deep Shrestha Sangeet Sanjh

Dental Camp

Desk & Benches distributed under MG#77976

Steel Cupboard & Drawers distributed under MG#77976_A

Fellowship Tour Tansen

Fellowship Tour to Chitlang


Fellowship Trip to Tansen

Girls toilet inauguration at RCC by District Governor

GSE Team

Participation in DG Installation Program

Participation in district membership seminar

Participation in Ropain Jatra


Participation in Rota Badminton Competition

Participation in Rotaract Charter Day

Participation in Rotary Foundation Seminar

Rotary Emblem Sticking Program

Rotary sandesh program at Synergy F.M.

Stationary and Computer Distribution at RCC


DG official visit

Synergy rising star

Teej Celebration

Vocational Training on Fiber Bag Making

With DG and RI President Sakuji Tanake

4 way test rotary flag to guest speaker

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More About Rotary Rotary Avenues (Service Wings)

The Corner Stone of Rotary

The Soul of Rotary

The Heart Beat of Rotary

The Vision of Rotary

Club Service

Vocational Service

Community Service

International Service

New Generation Service New Generation Service

Rotary Months (Specific Service Month) 1. July (Internal) 2. August : Rotary Membership Development & relation month. 3. September : Rotary Youth activity & New generation month. 4. October : Rotary Vocational Service month. 5. November : Rotary Foundation month. 6. December : Rotary Family month. 7. January : Rotary Awareness month. 8. February : Rotary World peace & understanding month. 9. March : Rotary Literacy month. 10. April : Rotary Magazine month. 11. May (Internal) 12. June : Rotary Fellowship & recreation month.


Rotary at a Glance A. Rotarians Clubs District

As on 31 Oct. 2011 : 12,14,714 : 34,216 : 538 As on 4 Oct. 2011

B. Rotaractors Clubs

: 2,04,102 : 8,874

C. Interactors Clubs

: 3,15,836 : 13,732


Community Corps : 7,209 Members : 1,65,807

Rotary Clubs: Who Meets Where & When


Rotary Clubs: Who Meets Where & When


R.I. 3292 District Goal for Rotary Year 2013-2014 Support and Strengthen Clubs

Membership Development - Membership growth by 10 percent - At least 25 members in clubs which have less members - Net growth of at least two members in larger clubs - At least one new female members in each club - District Membership Seminars o Kathmandu o Dharan o Birgunj o Damauli - Rota quiz o Club level o Zonal level o District level 

Extension - Three new clubs in districts which don’t have Rotary clubs o Dhangadhi o Bara o Banke

Trainings - Build a strong training team o Three TOTs before and during Rotary year 2013-14 o Area specific trainings - RLI Trainings o Kathmandu o Biratnagar o Butwal - Regular Training Programs (before and after Rotary year 2013-14) o AGTS/DTTS o Grant Management Seminar o PETS o District Assembly - Orientation on Strategic Planning to AGs and roll out strategic planning in clubs before July 2013 - TRF Seminars o Kathmandu o Itahari o Hetauda o Palpa


- 

District Leadership Seminar

Consolidation - Twinning of clubs in Kathmandu valley with clubs outside Kathmandu - Twinning of clubs between districts o District 9830 o District 7510

Humanitarian Projects

Health - Prolapsed Uterus Surgery - Blood Bank o Lalitpur o Birgunj - Screening of children for rheumatic heart disease and awareness campaign - Cancer awareness and screening program o 25000 pap-smear tests o Mamo van - Support to Nepal Ambulance Service o 200 patron members o 5 new ambulances o Extension of NAS service - Pokhara - Biratnagar - Butwal - Birgunj - Mega health camp o Parbat - Nepal Orthopaedic Hospital Incentive Program o Service to Rotarian and Family o Service to patients referred by clubs - Rabies Control Project o Sterilization of 5,000 stray dogs o Vaccination o Awareness - Establish/support Rotary Vaccination Fund 

Basic Education and Literacy - 100 percent literacy o Each club make a ward (municipal areas) or a VDC 100 percent literate

- - -

School toilets o 200 school toilets Rain water harvesting in 50 schools School benches o Provide 5000 school benches to different schools - Adult literacy program o Send SLC students and Rotaractors to villages - Continue scholarship programs o HISSAN o PABSON  Disaster Preparedness and Relief - Support Disaster Relief Fund - Prepositioning of 200 Shelter Boxes - Develop Community Volunteers o Training to Community Volunteers o Training to Rotaractors  Youth Service - Three RYLA camps o Biratnagar o Chitwan o Palpa - Revitalize weak Rotaract/Interact clubs - New Rotaract/Interact clubs in Rotary clubs which does not have them yet - Joint sports program to Rotaract and Interact - Rotaract District Rota-quiz - Youth exchange programs  Family of Rotary - Three family exchange programs - Constitute RCC District Council - At least one RCC per club - Each club organizes one program for Rotary family


Rotarian Action Group and Rotary Fellowship - Each club will have at least one member registered to o One or more action group o One or more Rotary Fellowship

Vocational Service - Select candidate for ‘Gopal Kamala Rajbhandari’ Vocational Award - Journo Award for 4 journalists - At least one vocational training program by each club - Promotion of 4-way test - At least one career counseling program by each club

 TRF - Contribution to TRF $200,000 - Two Vocational Training Teams o Health o Tourism - Three regional Rotary Seminars


Public Image 

Public Image - Continue media campaign - Marathon in collaboration with Nepal Amateur Athletics Association - Two scholarships in journalism

Public Relation - Update website regularly - Three interaction programs with media - Two meetings/seminars on ‘Working together’ - GML

RI District 3292 (Nepal)

Rotary Club of Baglung Bagmati Balaju Baneshwor Bhaktapur Bharatpur

President and Secretary 2013-14

Desgn. President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary

Name Bhaban Raj Baral Laxman Prasad Sharma Rajendra Prasad Kayastha Rajesh Mani Ghimire Yudha Raj Oli Kaushalendra Das Maj. Gen. Shiva Ram Pradhan Arun Kumar Bansal Om Krishna Shrestha Raju Man Bajracharya

Tel (O) 068 520080


4281357 4282325 4426492 4428255 6610430 6613971


Purna Chandra Sapkota

056 571012

056 570922


Dr. Rebanta Bhattarai

056 592369

056 521257


Pradeep Murarka

021 524126


Sudhir Agrawal

4373321 4370147 4444009 4671504 4005300

Tel (R)

068 520925 4721372/4720868

Cell 98576 20182 9857620276 98510 46997 9851027014 98510 47283 9851033522 9851100505 9851021715 98510 25272 9841285577 98550 55940 98455 81640 9855055572

98510 24883

Biratnagar President Secretary President Biratnagar Midtown Secretary President Birgunj Secretary President Birgunj Metropolis Secretary President Birtamode Secretary Biratnagar Downtown



Secretary President Butwal Secretary President Butwal Downtown Secretary President Butwal South Secretary President Chandragiri Secretary President Charumati Secretary Chitwan Damak Damauli Dang


Neetu Todi Kiran Karna Bhairab Prashad Rijal Dinesh Shrestha Abhishek Choudhary Neha Poudel Sandeep Mohta Vinit Lohia Jitendra Basnet Binaya Raj Pokhrel

9852020247 021 524027 021 526497

051 524033 051 525335 051 531886

Radheshyam Bhandari Kanchan Kumar Lama Krishna Prasad Aryal Uddhav Chandra Gautam Rabi Lal Pokharel Bimal Raj Bhattarai Dr. Khima Nanda Pandey Dhruba Dhital Purusottam Man Shrestha Rajani Shrestha Krishna Thapa Bhuban Bajra Bajracharya

0510524389 051529964 051 526821 051 523162

5522117 4498748 071 545856

071 438757 071 542071

071 543027 071 548048 071 438860 4421159

5548177 5533155

4354046 4017684


Dileep Piya

056 520022

Secretary President

Raju Poudel Ganga Prasad Dhakal

056 572294 023 580650


Dilliram BK

Secretary President Secretary

Rajin Lal Shrestha Prakash Narayan Shrestha Rajendra Kumar Regmi

056 520271 522271 023 581110 065 560024

082 560934 082 560035

065 560128 082 561934 082561553

98520 23027 9852021244 98520 21704 9842023398 98550 20544 9845032795 98550 22991 9855021146 98526 77762 9852671267 9851026952 98495 93094 9851007521 98570 26503 9847026200 98570 31137 9857025948 98570 30221 98510 33499 9841282617 98510 45635 9851039701 98550 55026 9855056394 9852670050 98460 21489/ 98560 60024 9856060128 98578 30090 9857830069

email sudhir.agrawal@sunrisebank. com

Rotary Club of




Yougal Kumar Shrestha

Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary

Robin Shrestha Dr. Paras Pokharel Tulasi Prasad Wosti Udaya Bhushan Ranjeev Shrestha Samjhana Pokharel Indra Shekhar Khadka Bipin Rai Anjay Giri


Dilip Devkota

Jawalakhel Manjushree

Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary

Kishor Jung Thapa Ram Adar Pandey Lekh Raj Pokhrel Rajendra Tandukar Nirmeeta Shakya Laxmi Kumari Thebe Anita Adhikari Dr. Suniti Acharya Dr. Subash Pyakurel Rajendra Bam Laju Pradhan



Gopal Tamang

Dharan Dharan Ghopa Dhulikhel Dillibazar Durbarmarg Kathmandu Gorkha Hetauda Himalaya Patan Itahari Jawalakhel

President Secretary President Kasthamandap Secretary President Kathmandu Secretary Kathmandu Elite President President Kathmandu Metro Secretary

Tel (O)

Tel (R)


025 520662

025 523393

98520 20542

025 525467

9852047136 98511 21971 9852047776 98510 76555 9851175960 98510 19913 9851022936 9851047998 9851116289 98560 40228 98460 88225

025 531317 011 490715 4421453 4433832

011 490155 011 490079 4421453 4442899 5013536 5523808

064 420529 057 521157 057 520656 5527084


025 581059 025 583242

025 531992 025 582364 4422033

4107192 5555707

5591196 4273833

023 562168

023 562517

4429957 4246160

4438460 4434509 4411205 5590108 4771977

98550 67022 9855067287 98510 30669 98420 36819 9802710243 98510 15234 9851115306 98510 09555 9851082965 9804921517/ 9852672326 98510 31641 9851105760 98510 21149

Pravat Yonjan Dilip Adhikari Upendra Poudyal Sanjeev Rijal Dan Bahadur Chand Surendra P. Shah Ranjan Shrestha Dip Prakash Panday Sunil K.C.

4246101 4246160



Saroj Shrestha


98510 33866


Paras S.J.B. Rana


4224925/ 4266948

9851003030 9851041520 98010/98510 33866 98010/98510 32233


Rishi Raj Upadhyay



98510 37293


Ajaya Regmi


98510 97553

President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary

Geeta Rana Gurung Madhav Khakurel Pawan Kumar Shrestha Rajeev Man Shrestha Gautam Kumar Shrestha Mohan Dhoj Joshi

4439737 4471063 5536437

Kavre Banepa


Raghunath Ghimire


President Secretary

Nirmal Siddhi Bajracharya Govinda Neupane


Kathmandu Midtown

5590357 4268770

9851052396 9851091944

Kathmandu North Kathmandu Northeast Kathmandu Sunrise Kathmandu West



4228165 4274651

98511 08708 9851103407 9851038389 9851110627 98510 21888 9851020809

011 663608


98511 33306


4271497 4107804

9851033650 9851014640

5535210 Â 5534268

email yougalkumarshrestha@gmail. com paras. Ajaya.silvermountain@gmail. com

Rotary Club of Lalitpur Lalitpur Midtown

Desgn. President Secretary

Name Shanta Lal Tamrakar Rajan Lal Shrestha


Secretary President Lamjung Secretary President Lekhnath Secretary President Lumbini Siddharthanagar Secretary President Madhyabindu Kawawoti Secretary President Madhyapur Secretary President Mahabouddha Secretary President Mt. Everest Lalitpur Secretary President Nagarjun Secretary President Narayangarh Secretary President Narayani Midtown Secretary President Newroad CityKathmandu Secretary President Palpa Tansen Secretary President Parbat Secretary Pashupati Patan Patan Durbarsquare Patan South Patan West Pokhara Pokhara Annapurna Pokhara Fishtail

Cell 9851039590 9851118401

Prachanda Man Shrestha



Rajendra Das Shrestha 4281548 Ishwor Shrestha 066 520004 Nitesh Gorkhali Bishwo Prasad Karmacharya 061 521130 Ibindra Raj Tiwari Devi Gurung


9851023781 98400 50663 9849417213 98560 29428 9846028270 98570 21713


Chuman Jung Shahi


Jeevan Kumar Shrestha


Chandralekha Kayastha


Biswo Bijay Shrestha


Narendra Prasad Shrestha


Sunil Gupta

Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary

Emmanuel Kurian Madhu Sudan Bista Ashok Man Shakya Meenu Shrestha Kunwar Jagan Nath Shrestha Rosh Gurung Yogendra Kunwar


Narayan Prasad Sharma

Secretary Pokhara Midtown President


Tel (R) 5538141

Farsu Ram Sharma Jaysor Bhusal Ganesh Ram Prajaati Raju Shrestha Dharma Bajra Bajracharya Kabiraj Rai Birendra Raj Pandey Naresh Man Tuladhar Surendra Sitaula Madan Rana Magar Sahan Pradhan Sudeep Shrestha Rajendra Kumar Shrestha Ashesh Bhandari Sunil Ratna Tuladhar Arjun Kumar Shrestha Dr. Savana Sharma Krishna Bahadur Rawal Shiva Sharma Poudel

Roshani Koirala Michael Karmacharya

Tel (O) 2121588 5533989

6634836 5528081 5530818 4278625 4374887 4354133 056 520859 056 527781 056 520131 078-402004 4007200 4117142 075 520587

061 533766

email prachandashrestha@hotmail. com

98570 27752 9847041641 9808249878 9841248051 98510 77238 9851008142 98510 38828 9841240817 98510 57214 9851050081 98550 55400 9855056993 98550 57456 97450 15589 98010 45025 9841236099 97410 43430 9847566120 98576 30039


98510 45085

shahichumbanjung@hotmail. com

078 575545 6630836 6630655 5538698 4276178 4425734 4431593 4354133 056 520117 056 52131 056-533967 4260009 5014614 9747025556

420349 075 521336

2020097/ 5523758 4257919







98510 54149



061 527444 061206530 061 461096

061 527574 061550234 061 461096

98460 30775 9846025313 98560 20776

061 460262/ 536104

061 460262/ 461637

98560 28779

061 521571

061 523688

98560 20328 narendra_shrestha2004@yahoo. com roshgurung8@hotmail,com


Rotary Club of Pokhara Newroad Rajdhani Ratnanagar Rudramati Rupandehi Sainbu Bhainsepati Swoyambhu Thamel The Himalayan Gurkhas Thimpu TilottamaRupandehi Tripureshwor Tulsipur City Yala

Desgn. President Secretary

Name Subash Sigdel Puspa Kamal Poudel


Kedar Narayan Manandhar

Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary President Secretary

Devendra Lal Shrestha Buddha Ram Joshi Nirajan Khanal Juju Raj Tuladhar Mohan Bahadur Karki Gopal Prasad Neupane Gautam Bhusal Madan Mahat Bikash Neupane Raj Kumar Shrestha Rajendra Prasad Shrestha Ashok Man Kapali Narayan Gurung Krishna Prasad Adhikari Minjur Dorji Lam Dorji Bal Krishna Aryal Gopal Ghimire Rajendra Shakya Dr. Bijaya Sainju



Secretary President Secretary

Urmila Amatya Deepak Kumar Shrestha


Tel (O) 061 466685 4411506 056 560121

Tel (R) 061520916 061 525750 4390320/ 4390321 056 560821

Cell 9856020916 9856030063


98510 32804

9851116353 98450 23931

98413 62797 9841288938 98470 24856

4262071 4425041 4376941 4424456 4224542 +9752326952 +975 2 322056 071 544165


Baishya 082 520073 4311804 4242530

5590928 5551578

9851052417 9851040177 9841458914

4431348 4033175

98510 40188 98510 22922 98510 26326

5530996 5260488

98419 80341 9841218634 +975 17 111722 +975 2 325973 +975 17111170 98570 28160 4276616 98510 17751 4280771 9851030656 dharmendrabaishya@yahoo. 082 520154 98578 20450 com

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We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

11th Installation Ceremony of

Rotary Club of Narayangarh

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ut jif{ a}s + sdf ePsf] /f]6/L sGe]g;gdf efu lnFbf g} of] ;fn ln:ag kf]r'{undf x'g] !)$ cf}+ /f]6/L cGt/f{li6«o sGe]G;gdf efu lng] ;f]r agfPsf] lyPF . To;}n] @)!@ l8;]Da/ !% cufj} cgnfO{g /lhi6«]zg u/]df o" o; 8n/ @^% df g} /lhi6«];g x'g;Sg] x'Fbf d}n] l8;]Da/ !$÷@)!@ df g} /lhi6«]zg u/]F / oxL s'/f d}n] af/Daf/ xfd|f] Snasf] lgoldt a}7sdf ;fyLx¿nfO{ atfPsf] lyPF . ;fyLx¿ klg kf]r'{unsf] sGe]G;gdf efu lng pT;fxL lyP . o;}n] xfd|f] Snaaf6 PP PHF /f]= ;'dgs'df/ >]i7, PHF /f]= /fh]Gb| cf]nLHo"n] klg cgnfO{g /lhi6«]zg ug'{eof] . d}n] sGe]G;gdf d]/f] >LdtL b'uf{b]jL >]i7nfO{ klg lnP/ hfg] ;f]r agfPsf] lyPF / ;f]xL cg';f/ k]k/ 8s'd]G6 tof/L u/]sf] lyPF . d}n] d]/f] Anne nfO{ lnP/ hfg] va/n] PHF /f]=s[i0fk|;fb >]i7 / /f]= ef]nfgfy nfld5fg] klg n /d]z hL xfdLx¿ klg xfd|f] kl/jf/nfO{ lnP/ hfG5f}+ eGg' eof] / ToxL cg';f/ pxfFx¿n] 8s'dG6 tof/L ug'{eof] . kf]r{'un hfgsf nflu g]kfndf kf]ru{' nsf] /fhb'tfjf; gePsf]n] k|mG] r /fhb'tfjf;af6 lehfsf nflu lgj]bg lbg'kg]{ /x]5 . xfdL ;a}n] k|m]Gr b'tfjf;df lehfsf] nflu lgj]bg lbof}+ . xfd|f] Snaaf6 lgj]bg lbg'x'g] ;a} / kl/jf/n] lehf kfpg'eof] . ;fyLx¿ lrghfg]sf ;'e]R5'sx¿sf] xfdLn] awfO{ kfof}+ . o"/f]ksf] lehf nfUg' eg]sf] g]kfnLx¿sf] nflu uf}/jsf] s'/f /x]5 . xfdLx¿n] kf]r{'un hfFbf sGe]G;g l;l4Pkl5 c? o"/f]kn] L b]zx¿ klg hfg] ;f]r agfof}+ . o"/f]kdf ;]Gh]g lehf lbObf]/x]5 . pQm lehf k|fKt u/]kl5 sl/a @* cf]6f d'ns ' df e|d0f ug{ ;lsg] /x]5 . xfdLn] l6s6 xf]6n / 3'd3fdsf] nflu o; 6«feN; 86 sd b/af/dfu{ sf7df08f}+df ;Dks{ /fVof}+ . pxfFx¿n] xfd|f] 6«fen Joj:yf ul/lbg'eof] . /f]= ;'dg s'df/ >]i7 / /f]= /fh]Gb| cf]nL a]nfot klg hfg] sfo{qmd ePsf]n] pxfFx¿ xfdLeGbf cufl8 g} o"/f]k e|d0fsf] nflu k|:yfg ug'{eof] . 49

@)&) ;fn c;f/ & ut] tb\cg';f/ @! h'g @)!# df xfdLx¿ d nufPt d]/f] >LdtL b'uf{ >]i7 /f]= s[i0fk|;fb >]i7, efph' /fhs'df/L >]i7, /f]= ef]nfgfy nfld5fg], efph' eujtL nfld5fg], /f]6/L Sna ckm bdssf rf6{8 k|]l;8]G6 /f]=hubLz cfrfo{ /f]=uf]kfn cu|jfn * hgfsf] 6f]nL stf/ Po/j]haf6 /ftLsf] *M@) ah] stf/sf] bf]xf tkm{ xflgof}+ . sl/a $ 306fsf] p8fg kl5 bf]xf Po/kf]6{df em¥of}+ . bf]xf Po/kf]6{df k|;:t g]kfnLx¿ ToxL Po/kf]6{d} sfd u/L/x]sf e]6\of}+ . pxfFx¿sf cg';f/ sl/a @ xhf/ g]kfnLx¿ dfq} pQm Po/kf]6{df sfo{/t 5g\ . bf]xf Po/kf]6{ ljzfn / eJo /x]5 . sl/a $ 306fsf] 6«fGhL6 kl5 xfdL stf/ Po/j]haf6 g} :jLh/Nof08sf] h]g]ef tkm{ p8\of}+ . h]g]ef k'Ug nfUbf laxfg sl/a *M#) ah]sf] lyof] / hxfhaf6 x]bf{ g} :jLh/Nof08 c;fWo} ;'Gb/ /x]5 . Po/kf]6{ 7\ofSs} g]kfnsf] lqe'jg Po/kf]6{ h:t} nfUof] . rf/}lt/ xl/ofnL tfnx¿ 8fF8fsfF8f b]lvof] . o;n] g]kfnsf] ememNsf] lbof] . g]kfndf 6«fen Ph]G;Ln] Oldu|]zgsf] nflu OG;'/]G; nufot ljleGg 8s'd]G6x¿ agfPsf] lyof] . t/ h]g]efdf Oldu|]zgdf xfdLnfO{ s]lx lrhx¿ cfjZostf k/]g / ;lhn};Fu xfdLx¿ o"/f]lkog o"lgogdf l5¥of}+ . sl/a !M#) ldg]6sf] 6«flGh6 kl5 ToxfFsf] 8f]d]l:6s Po/nfoG; TPA af6 ln;agsf] nflu xfdL p8\of}+ . pQm Po/kf]6{df af]l8{·kf; d]lzgaf6 lgsfNg'kg]{ /x]5 gf}nf] cg'ej eof] . sl/a 8]9 306fsf] p8fgkl5 ln;ag cGt/fli6«o ladfg:yndf k'Uof}+ . d clxn] ;Dd sl/a * cf]6f d'n's 3'd] ;a} d'n's 3'Dbf d}n] Oldu|]zg l:nk e/]sf] lyP . t/ o"/f]lkog o"lgogdf Oldu|]zg l:nk g} eg'{kbf]{ /x]g5, d}n] ;f]r]sf] lyP ls xfdLnfO{ ln;agdf Oldu|]zgdf hfg'kg]{ ;f]r]sf] lyP . t/ xfdLnfO{ slxF ;f]wvf]h ul/Pg . sl/a ;jf !! ah] xf]6naf6 xfdLnfO{ l/l;e ug{ cfpg'ePsf] /x]5 / xfdLx¿ * hgf Pp6} Eofgdf a;L xf] 6] n EMBAIXADOR LISONN-PREMIER lt/ nfUof}+ .

df};d udL{ ;do ePtf klg Tolt udL{ nfu]g af6f]x¿ ;kmf;'Gb/ ePklg cln sd km/flsnf] nfUof] . ÇnfO{cf]e/x¿ b]lvPgg\, 6«flkmssf] rfFk klg sd lyof] . 3/x¿ rfxL k'/fgf z}nLsf lyP . cfw'lgs 3/x¿ nueu b]lvPgg\ . kf]ru'{ ndf cfÇgf] ;Eotf / ;+:s[lt 5 .To;}n] pgLx¿n] gofF 3/ agfpg glbO{ k'/fgf] 3/x¿nfO{ g} dd{t ;Dxf/ u/]/ /fVg'kg]{ /x]5 . pQm lbg xfdL xf]6ndf uO{ Psl5g cf/fd u¥of}+ / /f]6/Lsf] sGe]G;g x'g] 7fFp cf]l/oG6f] lt/ nfUof}+ . xfdLn] xf]6ndf ;f]Wof}+ / pxfFx¿n] ;aeGbf /fd|f] d]6f« 6] g]« af6 ;lhnf] x'g] s'/f atfpg'eof] . d]6f« :] 6]zgdf uof}+ / xf]6naf6 glhs} klg /x]5 . l6s6 sf6\g vf]h]sf] d]lzgn] sf8{af6 sf6\g'kg]{ /x]5 oft nfOg nfu]/ sf6\ g'kg]{ /x]5 . efiffsf] clnslt ;d:of eof] . h]gt]g l6s6 lnO{ cf]l/oG6f] tkm{ nfUof}+ . 6«]gdf g} bdsdf 3/ eO{ xfn ln;agdf a:b} cfO/xg' ePsf /fd sfsL{;Fu e]6 eof] pxfFnfO{ e]6\bf c;fWo} v'zL nfUof] . pxfFsf cg';f/ sl/a % xhf/ g]kfnLx¿ ln;agdf dfq a:g'x'Fbf] /x]5 . kf]r{'undf c? o"/f]k]nL d"n's eGbf j}wflgs sfuh l56f] aGg] /x]5 To;}n] w]/} g]kfnLx¿ oxfF cfP/ j}wfgLs sfuh agfP/ kl5 cGo d'n's hfg] /x]5g\ . cf]l/oG6f] c;fWo} ;'Gb/ 7fpFdf /x]5, ;d'b|sf] lsgf/ ;/;/ xfjf auL/xg] dfyLaf6 s]a/sf/ bf}8L/x]sf] tn dfG5]x¿sf] cfjft hfjt lsgf/af6 kf]r"{unsf] ;aeGbf nfdf] emf]n'·] k'n b]lvg] dgdf]xs b[Zo c;fWo} ;'Gb/ 7fpF /x]5 . xfdL sGe]G;g :yndf k'Ubf /ftsf] & ahL;s]sf] lyof] t/ /lhi6«]zg ;f9] ^ ah];Dd dfq x'g] /x]5 . To;}n] ef]nL g} /lhi6«]zg ug'{kg]{ eof] . crDdsf] s'/f ToxfF t /ftsf] !) ah]dfq} 3fd c:tfpg] /x]5 . & ah] a]n'sL t oxfFsf] lbpF;f]sf] #–$ ah] h:t} emndNn s8f 3fd nfUg]/x]5 . pQm lbg xfdL 3'ldlkm/L xf]6n d]6«f]6]«gaf6 kmls{of}+ . ef]nLkN6 @# tfl/vaf6 sGe]G;g ;'? x'g] lbg To;}n] /ftL rfF8} ;'Tof}+ . @# tfl/vdf rf8} p7L a|]skmf:6 lnof}+ . xf]6]ndf OG6/g]6 jfOkmfOsf] ;'ljwf ePsf]n] ;a} ;fyLx¿n] efOa/ 50

:sfOkaf6 3/df ;Dks{ eof] / xfdL eGbf cufl8 g} ToxfF k'Ug'ePsf xfd|f /f]6/Log ;fyLx¿ /f]= ;'dgs'df/ >]i7 / /f]= /fh]Gb| cf]nL;Fu klg efOa/af6 ;Dks{ eof] / pxfFx¿;Fu xfdLn] sGe]G;g :ynd} e]6\g] sfo{qmd agfof}+ . sGe]G;g :yndf /f]6/Log ;fyLx¿sf] le8 lyof] . ljZjsf sl/a @ ;o b]zaf6 cfpg'ePsf sl/a @% xhf/ /f]6/Logx¿sf] ToxfF pkl:ylt lyof] . ljleGg e]ife"iff, hft, j0f{sf /f]6/Log ;fyLx¿;Fu e]6 eof] . ToxfF k'Ubf /f]6/Log x'g'sf] dxŒj d}n] ;Dem]+ / /f]6/Log ePsf]df cfkm}n] cfkm}nfO{ uj{ nfUof] . Opening Plenary Session df sl/a @% xhf/ /f]6/Logx¿sf] pkl:yltdf kf]r'{unsf] Ps dGqLn] pQm ;Dd]ng pb\3f6g u/] . ToxfF ;'?df em08f]Qf]ngsf] sfo{qmd lyof] . g]kfnsf] em08f km/km/fpFbf xfdLx¿ ;fx|} uf}/jflGjt eof}+ . d}n] pQm ;Dd]ngdf !)) hgf eGbf a9L g]kfnLx¿n] efu lnPsf] s'/f yfxf kfPF . c;fWo} eAo ePsf] pQm sfo{qmd @ 306fsf] lyof] . xfdLx¿ xfp; ckm k|m]08;Lkdf klg uof}+ . otfptf 3'Dbf 3'Db} a]n'sL e};s]5 dnfO{ xfd|f] /f]6¥\ ofS6 Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf k|l] ;8]G6 /f]6o\ fS6/ l;h{g afF:tf]nfn] /f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 / /f]6\¥ofS6 Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf] ;+o'Qm k|f]h]S6 lgMz'Ns kz' hfFr / lgMz'Ns cf}ifwL ljt/0f d]3f}nL sfo{qmdsf] kmf]6f] k7fPsf] 5', x]g'{xf]nf eg]/ cg'/f]w ug'{ePsf] lyof] . t/ b'ef{Uojz d}n] pQm 7fpFdf k'Ug ;lsg / d}n] /f]= /fh]Gb| / /f]= ;'dgnfO{ pQm kmf]6f] e]6]df kmf]6f] lvRg cg'/f]w u/]sf] lyP . pxfFx¿n] klg pQm kmf]6f] e]6\g ;Sg'ePg . a]n'sf km]/L d]6«f]6«]gaf6 g} xf]6n kmls{of}+ . cfh xfdLx¿ nufot /f]6/L sGe]G;gdf efu lng cfpg'ePsf cGo g]kfnLx¿nfO{ NRN af6 ;fgf] cGtlqm{ofsf] nflu lgDtf] cfPsf] lyof] / pxfFx¿n] xfdLnfO{ g]kfnL /]i6'/]06df sfo{qmd /fVg'ePsf] lyof] . sl/a !%÷@) hgf /f]6/Logx¿, :yfgLo g]kfnLx¿, xf]6n Joj;foLx¿ cflb u/L nueu $) hgfsf] hd36 lyof] / ToxfF kf]v/f, gf/fo0fu9, kj{t cflbsf /f]6/Log ;fyLx¿ e]6 eof] . /]i6'/]06 k'Ubf g]kfnd}

k'u]F em} nfUof] / pxfFx¿n] xfdLnfO{ ;Ddfgsf ;fy :jfut xfdL * hgf eP/ ;]o/ ubf{ xfdLnfO{ k|ltJolQm s]lx ;:tf] ub}{ l8g/ / l8«ª\;sf] Joj:yf ug'{ePsf] lyof] . kg{ uof] . @$ tfl/v oxFfsf] 8f]d]l:6s Po/nfoG; Jetways xfdLx¿ cfh xfd|f] l;6L 6'/sf] sfo{qmd 5 To;} cg'¿k laxfg #M)% ah]sf] p8fgaf6 :k]gsf] /fhwfgL d]l88 tkm{ nfUof}+ . ( ah] xfdL l;6L 6'/sf] nflu a;df lgl:sof}+ . a;x¿ b'O{ Tof] Kn]gdf ! hgf ofq'nfO{ Pp6f dfq nu]h lbg]/x]5 . tNn] /·Lr·L x'g]/x]5g\ dfyL v'N'nf x'g]/x]5 / ko{6sx¿n] xfd|f] @ cf]6f nu]h lyP To;}n] k|ltnu]hsf] o"/f] #) 5'§} Po/kmf]gaf6 ljleGg efiffdf Tof] 7fFpsf] j0f{g u/]sf] x'g] ltg'k{ ¥of] . d]l88 ljdfg:ynaf6 xf]6n;Dd 6\ofS;Ldf uof}+ . /x]5 . sl/a @÷# 306f hlt ln;ag ;x/ 3'Dof}+ . ln;ag cf]xf] oxfFsf] 6\ofS;L emg\ slt dx·f] . oxfF t 6\ofS;L w]/} dfyL eg]em}F cfkm\g} ;+:s[lt, ;EotfnfO{ hLjGt /fVb} ;'Gb/, dx·f] /x]5 ln;ag eGbf w]/} dx·f] . Po/kf]6{af6 xf]6n zfGt / k'/fgf] ;x/ /x]5 . xfdLnfO{ lbpF;f]sf] sfo{qmd cfpg sl/a $) o"/f] nfUof] . xf]6]n ;x/sf] aLrdf /x]5 . s]lx gePsf]n] /f]= /fh]Gb| / /f]= ;'dgn] CABO DA ROCA d]l88 ln;ag eGbf w]/} Jo:t le8ef8o'Qm nfUof] . a]n'sf cyf{t End of Europe hfg] ;Nnfx lbg'eof] . kf]r'{un Psl5g d]l88 ;x/ 3'd]/ Ol08og /]i6'/]06df vfgf vfO{ o"/f]ksf] ;a}eGbf klZrd xf]6n tkm{ nfUof}+ . @^ h'g kg]{ ePsf]n] ToxfFaf6 ;fpy xfdL cfh laxfg} cd]l/sf ;aeGbf glhs a|]skmf:6 lnO{ d]l88 ;x/ kbf]{/x]5 . To;}n] CABO DA ROCA nfO{ End of a;df 3'Dg lgl:sof}+ . xfd|f] Europe eGg] /x]5 . of] xf]6n cfh Ps lbg Ps j6f 7fFprfxLF k|l;4 ko{6s :yn xf]6n / ef]nL csf]{ xf]6n /x]5 . sl/a ToxfF ! 306f /x]5 . clGtd ;dodf dfq al;of] . ToxfF v'a xfjf yfxf eof] . xf]6nn] !@ ah] rNg] /x]5 clg ToxfF Pp6f eGbf cufl8 g} r]scfp6 /f]6/L :tDe klg /x]5 . ug'k{ 5{ eg]sf]n] xfdL d]l88 cfh /ftL klg u}F8fsf]6 ;x/ 3' d ] / xtf/–xtf/ lgjf;L efg' ;fksf]6fn] xfdLnfO{ l8g/sf] nflu cfdGq0f u/L csf]{ xf]6n tkm{ nfUof}F . lbpF;f] ! l5g xf]6n a;]/ ug'{ePsf] lyof] . a]n'sL xfdL l;w} pxfFsf] /]i6'/]06 kf]v/f # ah] Toledo Tour sf] nfuL uof}+ . xfdLn] $÷$ hgf /]i6'/]06 tkm{ nfUof}+ . w]/} ;'v b'Mvsf s'/f eP / pxfFn] ;fyLx¿sf] ef}r/ lnPsf lyof}+ . t/ /f]= hulbz cfrfo{, /f]= uf]kfn cu|jfn ;dodf cfpg g;Sg' ePsf]n] xfdL $ xfdLnfO{ c;fWo} ld7f] ef]hg u/fpg'eof] . @% h'g hgf s[i0fhL, /fhs'df/L efph', d / b'uf{ dfq} Toledo Tour cfh xfdL kf]r{'un 5f]8]/ :k]glt/ nfUb} 5f}F . xfd|f] df uof}+F . Toledo eg]sf] k'/fgf] ;x/ /x]5 . ToxfF lsnfx¿ # ah]sf] p8fg 5 . xf]6nn] xfdLnfO{ a|]skmf:6 pknAw Do"lhPdx¿, !^ cf}+ zftfAbLsf 3/dxnx¿ b]Vof}F . sl/a * u/fpF5 / xfd|f] # ah]sf] p8fg x'gfn] xfdLx¿ a|s ] kmf:6 lnO{ ah] kmls{ k'gM ToxL ef/tLo /]i6'/]06df vfgf vfP/ ;'Tof}F . ;lk·sf] nflu cf]l/oG6f]sf] ef;sf]lbufdf k'U5f}+ . kf]ru{' nsf @& h'g cfh xfd|f] ;f9] ^ ah]sf] k]l/;sf] nflu 6«]g 5 . ;fyLx¿sf] egfO{ cg';f/ c? o"/f]lkog b]zsf] t'ngfdf ] kmf:6 lnO kf]r{'un s]lx ;:tf] 5 . t/ g]kfnL ¿k}ofdf ¿kfGt/0f xfdLnfO{ cfh lbge/L km';b{ 5 . To;}n] laxfg a|s ug]{ xf] eg] oxfF g} xfdLnfO{ c;fWo} dx·f] nfUof] . 6\ofS;L xf]6ndf r]scfp6 u/L nu]h xf]6ndf /fv]/ ljZj ljVoft r9\of] eg] @) o"/f] cyf{t g]kfnL ? @% ;o r9L xfN5 . l/on d]l88 /·zfnf x]g{ d]6«f] r9L uof}+ . /·zfnf leq 51

k|j]z z'Ns !( o"/f] nfUg] /x]5 / c;fWo} eAo nfUof] . *% xhf/ bz{s c6\g] pQm /·zfnfdf ko{6sx¿ k|z:t cfpg] /x]5g\ . leq lel8of]df u]dx¿ x]g{ ;lsg] /x]5 ljleGg skx¿, d]8nx¿ /flvPsf] /x]5 . k|Voft v]nf8Lx¿ h:t} /f]gfN8f], /f]af]6f] sfnf];{ , d]zL cflb v]nfl8sf ToxfF kmf]6f]x¿ lyP . pgLx¿;Fu a;]/ kmf]6f] klg lvRg ;lsg] /x]5 . v]nfl8x¿sf] k|;] ;]G6/ r]lGh· ?d, afy?d ;a} x]g{ / kmf]6f] lvRg ;lsg] /x]5 . 3'Dbf 3'Db} $ ahL;s]5 . l56f] l56f] d]6«f]af6 cfO{ xf]6naf6 nu]h l6k]/ xfdLx¿ /]nj] :6]zglt/ nfUof}+ . /]nj] :6]zg c;fWo} Jojl:yt lyof] . 6«]gx¿ Kn]6 kmd{df 6«]g 5'6\g] !%÷@) ldg]6 cufl8 dfq cfpg] /x]5 . l7s 6fOddf 6«]g 5'6\g] /x]5 . xfd|f] 6«]g cf]e/gfO{6 6«]g ePsf]n] ;'Tg] Joj:yf klg lyof] / pQm 6«]gaf6 xfdL k]l/; tkm{ nfUof}+ .

lyP . ToxfF sl/a @ 306f latfO{ ;]g gbLsf] qm'hofqfdf uof}+ . ljleGg jf:t'ljb\x¿ k'nx¿, ejgx¿, ! 306fsf] ;o/df b]lvFbf] /x]5 . qm'hdf ljleGg efiffdf Po/kmf]gaf6 hfgsf/L lbOPsf] lyof] . xfdLn] k|mfG;sf] Pkn :6f]/af6 d}n] @* h'g Pp6f IPAD / s[i0fhLn] IPAD / Mic lng'eof] . xf]6n lxhf] l7s ^M#% df 5'6]sf] 6«]g ljxfg !) ah] kmls{+bf a]n'sf e};s]sf] lyof] . k]l/; k'Uof] . k]l/; k'Ubf l;dl;d kfgL kl//x]sf] lyof] / #) h'g :k]g eGbf lgs} sd tfkqmd lyof] . l7s !) ah] /]naf6 cfh xfd|f] :jL6\h/Nof08sf] nflu laxfg *M@# sf] em/]/ xfdLx¿ xfd|f] xf]6ntkm{ nfUof}+ . k]l/; ;x/ klg 6«]g 5 To;}n] laxfg} 6\ofS;L r9]/ 6\«]g :6]zg tkm{ nfUof}+ . 6\ofS;Laf6 x]bf{ p:t} k'/fgf] ;+:s[lt 3/x¿ k'/fgf] b]lvof] . ljxfg eP/ xf]nf ;8sx¿ ;'g;fg lyP . 6«g] l7s !) ldg]6 cfOkmn 6fj/ klg b]lvof] . k]l/; ;x/ d]l88 eGbf cem cufl8 Kn]6 kmd{df cfpg] /x]5 . l7s 6fOddf hfg] /x]5 . dx·f] nfUof] . k]l/;df xfdLnfO{ /fv]sf] xf]6n c;fWo} eAo Tof] 6«]g xfO{:kL8 6«]g /x]5 . ##) lsnf]ld6/ k|lt306f;Dd /x]5 . xf]6ndf r]sO{g u/]/ xfdLx¿ km]/L d]6«f]af6 k]l/; s'b\g] /x]5 . af6f]df :jL6\h/Nof08sf] xl/ofnL b]lvof] . ;x/ 3'Dg lgl:sof}+ . xfdLnfO{ ef]nLkN6 k]l/; 3'dfpg] kf]i6sf8{df b]v]em} :jL6\h/Nof08 c;fWo} xl/of] b]lvof] . l;6L/fdf PS;k|]; 6«fensf] clkm; kQf nufpg lgl:sof}+ . l7s !@M@^ df h'/Lr k'luof] . Tof] lbg cfOtaf/ ePsf]n] clkm; kQf nufP/ s]lx vfgsf] lglDt Ol08og /]i6'/]06 k;nx¿ ;a} aGb lyP . :jL6\h/Nof08df :jL;\ k|m]ª\s rNg] vf]Hof}+ . sfl:d/ /]i6'/]06 eGg] kQf nufof}+ . t/ c;fWo} /x]5 . ! o"/f] a/fa/ !=!& k|m]ª\s x'g] /x]5 . dx·f] /x]5 Ps vfgfsf] @) o"/f] kg]{ /x]5 . ! h'nfO{ @( h'g cfh laxfg (M#) ah] xfd|f] dfp06 l66\ln; hfg] laxfg a|]skmf:6 lnP/ l;6L 6'/sf] nflu lgl:sof}+ . sfo{qmd 5 . laxfg xf]6n qmfpg Knfhfaf6 oxFfsf] 6«fd dfyL eg]em}F k]l/; k'/fgf snf ;+:s[ltsf ;x/ /x]5 ejgx¿ rl9 xfdLnfO{ dfp06 l66\ln;;Dd k'¥ofpg] a; :6]zg;Dd k'/fgf lyP . ;x/ ;kmf lyof] / cGtdf ax'k|ltlIft cfOkmn uof}F . 6«fd clkm;df l6s6 lng nfUbf ToxFf o'/f] glng] s'/f 6fj/ k'Uof}F . slt w]/} ko{6sx¿ o"/f]kdf ko{6gsf] c;fWo} yfxf eof] . ToxFf glhs}sf] kf]i6 clkm;df :jL; km¥ofs /fd|f] dfs]{l6· /x]5 . dfG5]x¿sf] ;fx|} 3'Orf] lyof] . xfd|f] ;f6]/ 6«fd rl9 xtf/–xtf/ a; :6]zg k'Ubf (M@) eO;s]sf] l6s6df bf];f| ] tNnf;Dd dfq hfg] Joj:yf lyof] . t/ xfdLn] lyof] . a;n] xfdLnfO{ g} klv{ /fv]sf] lyof] . laxfg xf]6ndf c? ^ o"/f] lt/]/ dflyNnf] tNnf;Dd uof}+ . dfyL c;fWo} a|]skmf:6 lnFbf nfoG; OG6/g]zgnsf] sGe]G;gdf efu lr;f] lyof] . ljZjsf ljleGg b]zx¿af6 cfPsf ko{6sx¿ lng cfpg' ePsf s]lx kf]v/fsf ;fyLx¿nfO{ klg e]6\of}F . 52

a;fO{ kl5 csf]{ 6«]g r9]/ e]lg; ;x/ cfOk'Uof}F . e]lg; O6fnLsf] k|lz4 ko{6sLo ;x/ /x]5 . of] k'/fgf] / ;fgf] ;x/ /x]5 . /]nj] :6]zgaf6 6ofS;L rl9 xf]6n Pg6f]gL uof}F . oxfF 6\ofS;L ef8f dxª\uf] nfUof] . Pp6f 6\ofS;Lsf] sl/a #) o'/f] nfUof] . xf]6ndf s]lx a]/ cf/fd ul/ ;lk· ug{ elg Eofn] ;]G6/ uofF} . e]lg;df ;fj{hlgs a;sf] /fd|f] Joj:yf /x]5 . a;x¿ ;kmf cf/fdbfoL / Jojl:yt /x]5 . ?6x¿ a; g+= cg';f/ x'Fbf]/x]5 . ( g++= a; rl9 ;lk· ug{ Eofn] ;]G6/ k'Uof}F . c;fWo} /fd|f] ;lk· dxn a; ToxFfaf6 dfp06 l66\ln;sf] nflu k|:yfg u¥of}F . a; /x]5 . sl/a @ 306f ToxFf latfO xfdL xf]6ndf kms{g] n';g{ ;x/ x'Fb} ofªunju{;Dd hfg] /x]5 . af6f] el/ qmddf Pp6f rfOlgh /]i6'/]06df uO{ d:?d lkhf vfof}F . c;fWo} xl/ofnL b]lvof] . tfnx¿ b]lvof] . ufO{ kmfd{x¿ O6fnLdf lkhf k|Voft /x]5 . b]lvof] . c;fWo} ;'Gb/ b[Zox¿, xl/ofnL, ;'Gb/ 3/x¿ x]b}{ # h'nfO{ ofªunju{;Dd k'uf}F . ToxFfaf6 s]ansf/ r9\g' kg]{ /x]5 . cfh laxfg (M!% ah] xfd|f] d'/fgf] a'/fgf] hfg] s]ansf/ r9]/ dflyNnf] :6]zgdf k'Uof}F . s]ansf/ rflx sfo{qmd 5 . ;a} hgf lxhf] ysLt lyP / cfh p7\bf s]lx xfd|f] dgsfdgf s]ansf/ h:t} /x]5 . ToxFfaf6 $) hgf l9nf] klg eof] . To;}n] ;a} hgf xtf/ xtf/ ul/ % g++= hlt c6\g] csf]{ s]ansf/df rl9 ljZjsf] klxnf] /f]6]6Lª a; r9]/ /f]df :6]zg k'Uof}F . ToxFf af]6x¿ nfUg] /x]5 . s]ansf/df r9\g k'Uof}F . Tof] /f]6]6Lª s]ansf/af6 r9]/ ljleGg :6]zgx¿df ;fj{hlgs af]6x¿ x'g] /x]5g\ . xfdLn] dfly sl/a #^)) ld6/ ;d'Gb| ;txaf6 dfly dfp06 xf]6ndf g} af]6sf] k|lt JolQm ;ft o'/f]sf] b/n] l6s6 sf6]sf l66\ln; k'Uof}F . cfxM slt w]/} lxp c;fWo} /fd|f] nfUof] . lyof}F . e]lg; zx/df ;d'Gb|nfO{ g} k|To]s 3/x¿df af6f] rf/} lt/ lxp g} lxp lyof] . ljleGg lxpdf v]Ng] lrhx¿ h:tf] agfP/ nlug] /x]5 . ToxFfsf] k|fo ;a} 3/sf] Ps–Ps lyP . ko{6sx¿ k|z:t lyP . df};d klg 3dfOnf] lyof] / j6f af]6 x'g] /x]5 . e]lg;df ko{6sx¿sf] cToGt 3'Orf] xfdLx¿ efUodfgL lyof} ls df};dn] xfdLnfO{ ;fy lbPsf] nfUg] /x]5 . xfd|f] b]j3f6df df3] ;ªqmflGt em}F ToxFf ljleGg lyof] . sl/a $ 306f lxpdf ljleGg v]nx¿ v]n]/ xfdL b]zaf6 cfpg' ePsf ko{6sx¿sf] 3'Orf] lyof] . af]6df g} h'/Lr kmls{of}F . ut !@ jif{ b]lv e]lg;df al; /xg'ePsL bln cfrfo{;Fu @ h'nfO{ e]6 eof] . pxFfsf] 3/ g]kfndf a'6jndf /x]5 / pxfF rf6{/ laxfg &M)( ah]sf] 6«]gdf a;]/ cfhsf] xfd|f Psfp06]G6 x'gx' bF' f] /x]5 . pxFfnfO{ e]6b\ f cToGt} v';L nfUof] ofqf O6fnLsf] e]gL; ;x/;Dd 5 . To;}n] laxfg ;a]/} / pxfFsf cg';f/ sl/a %)) hgf g]kfnLx¿ e]gL; ;x/df p7]/ laxfgsf] gf:tf klg /fd|/L glnO{ h'/Lr /]nj] :6]zg a:bf /x]5g\ . tkm{ nfUof}F . /f]= ef]nfgfyhL, efph' eujtL, /f]=hulbz sl/a (M!) ah] xfdL d'/fgf] a'/fgf] hfg] :6]zgdf / /f]= uf]kfn cu|jfn 6«fdaf6 g} /]nj] :6]zg;Dd cfpg] k'Uof}F . ToxFfaf6 sl/a $% ldg]6sf] qm'h ofqf kl5 d'/fgf] OR5f ug'{eof] / afFsL xfdL rf/ hgf 6ofS;Laf6 /]nj] eGg] 7fpFdf k'luof] . of] 7fpF sfFrsf] nflu k|lz4 /x]5 . :6]zg;Dd nfUof}F . :6]zgdf xfd|f] l6s6sf] a'sLª dfq xfdLx¿sf] cufl8 g} ToxFf sflnu9n] sfFrsf] udnf / u/]sf] /x]5 . l/h/e];gsf] nflu k'gM l6s6 sf6\g' kg]{ 3f]8f agfP/ b]vfpg'eof] . Tof] sfFrsf] snfTds ;fdfgx¿ /x]5 . ef]nfhLx¿ cln l9nf cfO k'Ug' eof] . xfdLx¿n] ljZj k|lz4 /x]5g\ / sfFrsf] sflnu9 aGgnfO{ !% b]lv pxFfx¿sf] klg l6s6 lnO{ ;s]sf] lyof}F . sl/a $ 306fsf] @) jif{ nfUg] /x]5 . xfdLx¿nfO{ ToxFfsf] ;f]?d b]vfOPsf] ofqf kl5 ;]G6«n ldnfgf] :6]zgdf cfO{ k'UofF} / $% ldg]6sf] lyof] hxFf sfFraf6 ag]sf ljleGg ;fdfu|Lx¿ lalqmsf nflu 53

/flvPsf lyP . t/ lt ;fdfu|Lx¿ c;fWo} dx·f] lyof] . To;kl5 xfdLnfO{ a'/fgf] cfONof08 nluof] . ToxFf k'/fgf] rr{ kfs{x¿ cflb lyP . xfdL kms{bf !M#) ah]sf] lyof] / xfd|f] bf];|f] sfo{qmd e]lg; k}bn 3'Dg] / ljZj k|lz4 uf]G8fnf /fO8 lyof] h'g @M$% df ;'? x'GYof] / $M$% df ;lsGYof] . t/ cfh g} /f]dsf] nflu xfd|f] 6«]g ^M@% df lyof] . To;}n] gld7f] dg u/L xfdL uf]G8fnf /fO8 gul/sg xf]6n tkm{ kmls{of}F . /]nj] :6]zg k'Ubf ^M!% eO;s]sf] lyof] / xtf/xtf/ ul/ /]n r9\of}F . of] /]n klg xfO l:k8 /]n /x]5 / k|lt 306f @%) lsnf]ld6/;Dd bu'b{ f] /x]5 . /f]d :6]zgdf sl/a !)M!) df cfOk'Uof}F . hxFf xfdLnfO{ /f]= uf]kfnhLsf ldq k"0f{ tfdf· kvL{ /xg'ePsf] lyof] / pxFfnfO{ e]6\bf ;f/} v';L nfUof] . pxFfn] glhs} g]kfnL vfgf vfg] /]i6'/]06 5 eGg'eof] . w]/} lbg /fd|f] vfgf gkfOPsf]n] d]6«f] /]n rl9 l9nf eP klg sf7df8f}F /]i6'/]06df uof}F . ToxFf g]kfnL bfn eft t/sf/L df;'sf] hDdf $ o'/f] lnof] . c;fWo} ;:tf] / c;fWo} ld7f] klg nfUof] . ToxFfsf] ;fx'gL lblb c;fWo} ldng;f/ / ut cf7 jif{ b]lv /f]ddf a:g' ePsf] /x]5 . /ftsf] ! alh ;s]sf] lyof] To;}n] 6\ofS;Ldf rl9 xf]6n lt/ nfUof}F . xf]6n t c;fWo} k'/fgf] /x]5 . e¥ofª klg k'/fgf] sf7sf] lyof] . ln6df hDdf b'O{ hgf JolQm dfq c6fpFYof] . sf]7f klg Pp6f tNnf a}7s / csf]{ tNnfdf ;'Tg] Joj:yf lyof] . v}/ Ps lbg dfq /ft latfpg' lyof] / c;fWo} yfs]sf]n] ;'ltof] .

h'nfO{ $

cfh xfd|f] o'/f]k e|d0fsf] clGtd lbg / kms{g] lbg xfd|f] /f]dsf] l;6L 6'/ @M#) ah] x'gfn] laxfg a|]skmf:6 lnO{ xf]6n r]s cfp6 ul/ l;6L 6'/sf] nflu k'Ug' kg]{ uGtJo :yn lt/ nfUof}F . /f]d ;x/ klg k'/fgf] P]ltxfl;s nfUof] . sl/a !% ldg]6sf] lx8fO kl5 pQm :yfgdf k'Uof}F / /]nj] :6]zgdf


s]lx a]/ ;lk· klg u¥of}F . To;kl5 OlG8og /]i6'/]06df vfgf vfP/ /f]d ;x/sf] e|d0fdf lgl:sof}F . af6f]x¿ Tolt km/flsnf] lyPg . 3/x¿ k'/fgf] lyP . uf8Lsf] al9 eL8 lyof] . a·fnLx¿ k|z:t e]l6P . xfdLx¿ sf]nf]lhod uof}F . of] k'/fgf] /·zfnf /x]5 . ToxFf dfgj–dfgj s':tL x'g] x'Fbf]/x]5 . xfd|f] 6'/ PlG;PG6 /f]d 6'/ /x]5 h;n] ubf{ xfdLnfO{ k'/fgf rr{ lsNnf cflb dfq b]vfOof] . xfdLnfO{ Tolt /f]rs nfu]g . kl5 g]kfndf cfP/ dfq yfxf eof] of] sf]nf]lhod t ljZjsf] ;ft cfZro{ dWo Ps /x]5 . 6'/ ;s] kl5 xf]6ndf kmls{of}F / Po/kf]6{ tkm{ nfUof}F . Po/kf]6{ hfg] af6f] km/flsnf] / /fd|f] /x]5 . uf8L sl/a !@)–!$) lsnf] ld6/ k|lt 306fsf] tLj| ultdf Po/kf]6{ tkm{ cfof}F . /f]d Po/kf]6{ w]/} 7"nf] /x]5 . leq u]6df hfgnfO{ 6«]g klg r9\g' kg]{ /x]5 / stf/ Po/j]haf6 bf]xf x'Fb} g]kfn kmls{of}F . ;du|df xfd|f] !# lbgsf] o'/f]k e|d0f cToGt Jo:t /x\of] xfdLn] Kn]g d]6«f] 6«]g a; tLj| ultsf] 6«g] qm'h cflb ;a}sf] cg'ej ug{ kfof}F / ;du|df o'/f]k c;fWo} d·uf] nfUof] . ! o'/f] a/fa/ sl/a ?=!@^ kg]{ x'gfn] g]kfnLdf ¿kfGt/0f x/]s lrh dx·f] x'g] /x]5 o'/f]k cfg} ;+:s[lt ;Eotf ePsf] d'n's /x]5 . k|fo ;a} o'/f]lkog b]zx¿ :jL6\h/Nof08 afx]s p:t} p:t} nfUof] . Pp6f s'/f xfdL s] cg'ej u¥of}F eg] o'/f]kdf ko{6gsf] c;fWo} /fd|f] dfs]{l6ª ul/Psf] /x]5 . hxFf klg ko{6sx¿ k|z:t dfqfdf b]lvP . rfx] Tof] dfp06 l66\ln; xf];\ e]lg;df xf];\ d]l8«8sf] l;6L 6'/ jf lnhjgsf] l;6L 6'/ . xfdLn] klg xfd|f] b]zsf] ko{6gsf] /fd|f] dfs]{l6ª u¥of}F eg] nfv x}g s/f]8df ko{6sx¿ cfpg ;S5g\ lsgeg] xfdL;Fu ko{6snfO{ nf]Eofpg] lxdfn, jgh·n, tfnx¿, k|fs[lts ;Dkbf, r/fr'?· cflb e/k'/ dfqfdf 5g\ . 

We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

11th Installation Ceremony of

Rotary Club of Narayangarh

jflNdsL lzIff ;bg k|f= ln= jflNdsL lzIff ;bg pRr df= lj= j}lbsgu/–^, s[i0fk'/, lrtjg kmf]gM )%^–%@$%%), df]=M (*%%)^)$%) -lk|lG;kn_

b]zaGw' clwsf/L lk|lG;kn


We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

11th Installation Ceremony of

Rotary Club of Narayangarh

lrtjg Knfi6 s]o/ e=g=kf=–%, /fd3f6, lrtjg ;Dks{M

jf;' -k|ho_ l3ld/] uLtfgu/–!, pHHjngu/, df]=M (*%%)^%^@* We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

11th Installation Ceremony of

Rotary Club of Narayangarh

- Prasanna Shrestha

- Romit Shrestha

Taas & Barbecue Ratnanagar-2, Chitwan  : 056-562850, Cell.: 9841572374


kfNkf >Lgu/ /f]6/L km]nf]l;kM Ps ;+:d/0f

s'g}klg ;fdflhs ;+3;+:yfdf k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ;+nUg x'g] x/]s dflg;sf] ;fdflhs lqmofsnfk / pQ/bfloTj xf] . To:t} u/L x/]s ;dfhsf] ultljlw cjnf]sg / cWoog ug'{klg Ps dfgjLo / ;fdflhs cfjZostf xf] . dnfO{ klg cGt/f{li6«o ;+hfnsf] ?kdf k}mlnPsf] /f]6/L Snasf] Ps lx:;f eO{ k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj s]xL xb;Dd k"/f u/]sf] cg'e"lt ljut Ps bzs b]lv ePsf] 5 . gf/fo0fu9 /f]6/L Snasf] :yfkgfsfnb]lv g} x/]s /f]6/L lqmofsnfksf] k|d'v lx:;]bf/sf] e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{] df}sf kfPsf] 5' . /f]6/L Snan] :jfy{sf] w/ftneGbf dfly p7]/ u/]sf] ;fdflhs ;]jf Pjd\ sfo{x?df cfˆgf] klg ;xefuL b]lvg' cfk"m cfk"mdf Ps cfTd ;Gt'li6 x'g' :jefljs} xf] . d]/f] ljut Ps bzssf] cg'ejdf /f]6/L Snasf] ;sf/fTds kIf cGt/f{li6«o ;b\efj / efOrf/faf6 ;dfhdf ljBdfg ;d:ofx?sf] klxrfg u/L To;sf] lg/fs/0f / Go"lgs/0f ug{ ljleGg kl/of]hgf ;+rfng ug'{ xf] eg] cfˆgf] /f]6/L kl/jf/nfO{ klg pRr k|fyldstfdf /flv kfl/jfl/s d"No, dfGotf / ;b\ efj sfod /fVg ljleGg sfo{qmd ;+rfng ug'{ xf] . o;} ;Gbe{df x/]s jif{ em}+ o; jif{ klg gf/fo0fu9 /f]6/L Snan] cfˆgf ;b:ox?sf] kfl/jfl/s ;b\efj / d"NonfO{ hf]8 lbFb} g]kfnsf] ;'Gb/ / /d0fLo gu/ kfNkf >Lgu/df /flvPsf] @ lbg] km]nf]l;k sfo{qmddf d}n] klg lx:;f lnO{ gjLg cg'e"lt ug{] cj;/ k|fKt u/]sf] lyPF . Tolx ofqfdf a6'n]sf cg'ejx?nfO{ ;d]6]/ ofqf ;+:d/0f n]Vg] sf]l;z u/]sf] 5' . !_ k|:yfgM klt /f]= r'ggf/fo0f >]i7af6 /f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf] km]nf]l;k cGtu{t kfNkf >Lgu/df Ps 57

PgL k|jL0ff >]i7

/ftsf] a;fO{ hfFb}5f}+ eGg] s'/f ;'Gg] lalQs} lgs} v';L tyf pT;flxt e}/x]sf] lyPF . o;}qmddf @)&) j}zfv !) ut] dËnaf/ lbgsf] !!M)) ah] lsrg Sofkm]df e]nfeO{ hfg] s'/f yfxf x'g cfP cg';f/ lsrg Sofkm] k'luof] . ToxfF k'u]kl5 ;a}hgf lsg} xlif{t / pT;flxt ePsf] kfPF . lsrg Sofkm]af6 6«feN;sf] a;df !$ hgf /f]6/Log !@ hgf PgL tyf @! hgf PGg]6 u/L hDdf %& hgfsf] 6f]nL kfNkf >Lgu/ tkm{ k|:yfg ul/of] . a;n] gf/fo0fLsf] k'g sf6\g yfNbf gyfNb} ;a}hgf olt /dfpg yfn]sL aRrfx? cfˆg} w'gdf d:t, PgLx? cfˆg} tfndf clg /f]6/Log aGw'x? cfˆg} ;'/df . ;a}hgf pT;flxt /f]dfl~rt, d:t cem laGbf; zAbsf] k|of]u a9L pko'Qm xf]nf . @_ dgf]/d kfNkf tfG;]g, >Lgu/M ;fFem s/La $M#) ah]lt/ a'6jnsf] gfª\nf] Sofkm]df vfhf vfP/ xfd|f] kfNkflt/ cufl8 a9\of] . ha a;n] cln cln prfO lng yfNof] lr;f] lr;f] xfjfsf] :kz{n] lrtjgsf] k|r08 udL{af6 uPsf xfdLx? ;a} k|km'Nn x'g yfNof}+ . lr;f] xfjf vfFb}, k|fs[lts dgf]/d b[Zox? lgofNb} kxf8L kfNkf tfg;]g l5rf]Nb} a; >Lgu/ tkm{ cufl8 a9\of] . ;Nnfsf ?vx?sf] aLraf6 gfua]nL kb{}, lr;f] l;/]6f]sf] :kz{ lnFb} >Lgu/ 8fF8f k'Ubf xfdL ;a}n] :ju{df g} k'u]sf] cg'ej ug{ yfNof}+ . ;d'b|tnaf6 !%@$ ld6/ -sl/a %))) kmL6_ cUnf] of] dgf]/d :yfgdf k'u]kl5 s;nfO{ cfgGbsf] cg'e"lt gxf]nf / < tfg;]g ahf/af6 cfwf 306fsf] psfnf] lx8fOaf6 k'lug] of] x/fe/f :yfgaf6 k|s[ltsf] ct'ngLo b[Zofjnf]sg x'g] /x]5 . Psftkm{ sfGhL/f]jf, wjnflu/L, cGgk"0f{ / ndh'Ë lxdfnsf] clt ;'Gb/ lxd >[+vnf eg] csf{]tkm{ df8L pkTosf / j/k/;Dd t/fO{sf] kmfF6n] cfslif{t ul//x]sf] h:tf] nfUg] /x]5 .

#_ sfo{qmdM >Lgu/sf] ;'ljwf ;Dd ====== l/;f]6{df xfdL s/La ;fFem &M)) ah] k'u]sf lyof}+ . ;a}hgf cf–cfˆgf] sf]7fdf uP/ k|]mz ePkl5 ;fFem s/La &M#) ah]af6 l/;f]6{sf] /]i6'/]G6 kl/;/df Sna P;]DanL z'? eof] . k|]l;8]G6 /f]= /d]z >]i7sf] cWoIftfdf ljleGg 5nkmn ePkl5 Fellowship with Cocktail Dinner z'?eof] . ;a} kl/jf/ Ps;fy a;]/ /dfpg kfpFbf ;a} cToGt} cfglGbt lyP . o;} qmddf /f]6l/og aGw'x?n] lu6f/ ahfP/ uLt ufpg z'? u/] nuQ} gfFRg] qmd z'? eof] . ;fFRr} of] gfrufg klg clj:d/0fLo g} /Xof] . $_ e}/jgfy dlGb/sf] bz{g / k"hfM ef]lnkN6 laxfg e}/jgfy dlGb/ k|:yfg u¥of}+ . 8fF8fsf] 6'Kkfdf laxfgsf] ;do b[Zo ;fFRr} g} dgf]/d lyof] . e}/jgfy dlGb/ tn ;8saf6 s/La !% ldg]6sf] 7f8f] psfnf] pSn]kl5 k'Ug] /x]5 . ToxfF /f]6 r9fPkl5 dgf]sfdgf k"/f x'g] ljZjf; /x]5 . 7"nf 7"nf lqz'n -Plzofs} 7"nf] lqz'n_ dfem aln r9fObf] /x]5 . >4fn' eQmhgx?sf] eL8;Fu} k"hf cr{gf u/L /f]6 r9fpFbf ;a} v'zL, cfglGbt tyf ;Gt'i6 lyP . %_ bf}8 k|ltof]lutf km]nf]l;k ;+of]hs /f]= gf/fo0f k|wfgn] e}/jgfy dlGb/ r9\g] a]nfdf ;a}eGbf klxn] dlGb/ k'Ug] PgnfO{ k'/:sf/sf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 eGg] s'/fsf] 3f]if0ff ug'{eP kl5 jftfj/0f g} /f]dfl~rt aGg k'Uof] . ;a} Pgx? cf– cfˆgf] emf]nf ;DalGwtnfO{ a'emfO bf}8g tof/ eP . clg z'? eof] Pgx?sf] bf}8 k|ltof]lutf . :jfF–:jfF / ˆjfF–ˆjfF ub}{ psfnf] plSng yflnof] sxfF ;lsFbf] /x]5 / < Pg k'gd >]i7 k|yd tyf Pg Plngf zfSo ah|frfo{ låtLo x'g'eof] / jxfFx?n] k'/:sf/ k|fKt ug'{eof] . awfO 5 alxgL k'gd >]i7 tyf Plngf ah|frfo{ . ^_ pTs[i6 tyf clj:d/0fLo sfo{qmdM e}/jgfysf] bz{gkl5 a|s ] kmf:6 lnP/ >Lgu/ kfs{ uof}+ . ToxfFaf6 7f8f] cf]/fnf] lxF8/] kfNkf embf{sf] cg'ej 5'§} clj:d/0fLo /Xof] . kmf]6f] lvrfpFb,} /dfpFb} / clj:d/0fLo 58

cg'ej a6'Nb} s/La !@ ah]lt/ kfNkf ahf/ 3'd/] xfdL a'6jn lt/ k|:yfg u¥of}+ . @M)) ah] a'6jndf vfgf vfPkl5 s/La $M)) ah] ToxfFaf6 gf/fo0fu9 lt/ k|:yfg u¥of}+ . To;kl5 a;df z'? eof] k'/:sf/ ljt/0f sfo{qmd . Man of the Fellowship Program sf] cjf8{ /f]= ;xg k|wfgn] k|fKt ug'e { of] eg] ;a}eGbf w]/} Family Member Participate u/fpg'ePsf]n] /f]= ;'dg k|wfg klg k'/:s[t x'ge ' of] . To;/L g} ljleGg ljwfdf Pg]6 tyf Pgx?nfO{ Past President x?af6 k'/:sf/ ljt/0f ul/of] . olt a]nf;Dd a; /hx/ cfO k'lu;s]5 . ca z'? eof] 3/wGbfsf] ;Demgf – aRrfsf] xf]djs{, :s"n o'lgkmd{, l6lkmg cflb cflb . xfdL Pgx?nfO{ 3/ kmls{g} dg gnfu]sf] cg'ej eof] . o;/L /f]6/L Snasf] km]nf]l;k ;fFRr} g} clj:d/0fLo pTs[i6 / /f]dfl~rt lyof] xfdL Pgx?sf] nflu . ;fw'jfb 5 /f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 President /f]= /d]z >]i7, Fellowship Chairperson /f]= gf/fo0f k|wfg clg ;a} cfb/0fLo /f]6/Log aGw'x?nfO{ .

/f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 tyf /f]6¥ofS6 Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf] jif{ @)!#÷!$ sf] gofF sfo{ ;ldltsf] k"0f{ ;kmntfsf] z'esfdgf JoQm ub{5f}+ .

kfj{tL z' sn]Szg d}ofb]jLdfu{, gf/fo0fu9 df]=M (*)&@(%)%$

We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

2nd Installation Ceremony of

Rotaract Club of Narayangarh

Dr. Srijana Dwa (Pradhan)

Mob.: 9845049776

United Doctor's Dental Clinic Lions Chowk, Narayangarh, Chitwan, Nepal Ph: +977-56-527322 E-mail:

/f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 tyf /f]6¥ofS6 Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf] jif{ @)!#÷!$ sf] gofF sfo{ ;ldltsf] k"0f{ ;kmntfsf] z'esfdgf JoQm ub{5f}+ .

/fh OG6/k|fOh]h e/tk'/–@, a]n6fF8L -lrtjg_ df]=M (*%%)%*()) 59

/f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 tyf /f]6ยฅofS6 Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf] jif{ @)!#รท!$ sf] gofF sfo{ ;ldltsf] k"0f{ ;kmntfsf] z'esfdgf JoQm ub{5f}+ .


Deterioration of Concrete and its Prevention ď Ž

Yagya M. Bajracharya

Civil Engineer, CODE Nepal Pvt. Ltd.

INTRODUCTION Concrete consists of three basic ingredients; Portland cement, aggregates (both fine/sand and coarse/stone) and water. The ingredients are mixed to form a flowable mixture that can be placed in forms that mold the concrete into the desired shape. After the concrete ingredients are mixed, the Portland cement begins to hydrate. This process involves the chemical bonding of the cement with the water molecules, which will eventually form a hardened matrix. Reinforced concrete is a very versatile construction material. Properly designed concrete structures are both strong and durable. However, concrete structures are vulnerable to a number of factors that can cause deterioration. Deterioration can result in loss of strength and unsafe conditions. Therefore it is important to have an understanding of the vulnerabilities of concrete structures in order to help minimize long-term repair and maintenance costs. The long experience of construction engineers in concrete has come to prove that deterioration of concrete through it cannot be completely avoided, it can at least minimize. CAUSES OF CONCRETE DETERIORATION Concrete deterioration typically occurs when the material is exposed to weather, water or chemicals over an extended period of time. Not only by acid in form of water solution and even by alkalies but a large number of other substance such as fertilizers, insecticides and certain organic compounds are harmful to concrete is also caused due to corrosion of the various aggressive chemicals. 1. Decomposition of Concrete: It may be caused by the dissolution of the ingredients of hardened cement by the aqueous solution. When the leached out lime react with atmospheric carbon dioxide gas, the concrete surface gets covered with white residue of calcium carbonate, known as white death of concrete. 61

2. Crystallization: The accumulation or crystallization of salts in pores of concrete may deteriorate concrete. Free water within the concrete and entering outside from the concrete dissolves salt. The crystals are formed near the surface during the process of alternate drying and wetting. 3. Chemical Interaction: The chemical reaction products formed may be either water soluble and may get removal from the internal structure of concrete by a diffusion process, or the reaction products if insoluble in water may get deposited on the surface of concrete, as an amorphous mass having no binding properties, with the result that it can be easily washed out from the concrete surface. 4. Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement: The useful service life of a concrete structure is typically a function of the corrosion rate of the reinforcement. Before the corrosion can start, aggressive elements such as chlorides or carbon dioxide must penetrate the concrete in sufficiently high concentrations, to the depth of the embedded reinforcing steel. The process fractures the surrounding concrete and weakens the steel as it rusts. Iron oxide with colour red and black cause about 3-4 times increase in volume of steel, ultimately leading to concrete to fail. PREVENTION OF CONCRETE DETERIORATION Using dense permeable concrete, adequate cover to reinforcement, rich cement factor, low water- cement ratio, salt free water and salt free aggregates can reduce the deterioration. Protective treatments for concrete by construction chemicals are available for almost any degree of protection required. Construction chemicals are the significant player in the construction scene, make construction work not only safer but also more economic, efficient and environmentally compatible. The concrete technologies used in admixtures system products enable ease

of placement and workability and continuation of construction in extreme temperatures. They not only enhance the final strength and durability of concrete but can also accelerate or delay hardening and are actively used in the areas of building systems, concrete and masonry rehabilitation, waterproofing, sealing, flooring applications, wall treatments, architectural coatings, exterior insulation, expansion joints, athletics surfaces or the provision of enduring beauty. Basically construction chemicals are used to achieve the design requirement either during mixing and placement (plastic stage) or during its services life (hardened stage).

Requirements during mixing and placement stage: o Workability o Setting time o Retention of slump etc. Requirement during services life: o Strength development o Water tightness o Resistance to chemical attack o Bond with old structure etc.


Application Areas



PCC/ RCC Slab, Columns, Beams


Waterproof coating between PCC/ RCC in Protection against ingress of subsoil water basement


Basement/ Underground godown, Shopping Bone dry Condition complex, office etc.


Retaining wall (in case of existing water to source Protection against ingress of water main construction near structure)


Damp Proofing Course (DPC)


Neat Cement Finish/ In- situ mosaic/ Marble/ Protection against dampness Mosaic Tiles on flooring


Sunken Pit


Sealing of peripheral gap between pipes and Leak proof joints at wall to avoid dampness, fungus or Excavated hole at toilet/ kitchen etc moss formation


Exterior and interior plastering

Protection against dampness


Overhead water storage tank

No Leakage


Indoor cracks and gaps

Filling gaps with flexible waterproof sealant


Tile cladded roof and wall

Longer watertight performance



Protection against water seepage to prevent reinforcement corrosion.


Better strength and water tightness

Protection against ingress of subsoil water

No leakage of water from bottom or side walls

We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

2nd Installation Ceremony of

Rotaract Club of Narayangarh k|f]= hubLz hf]zL df]= (*$%)@#*&$

Go" ?jL u]i6 xfp; zlxbrf]s, gf/fo0fu9, lrtjg kmf]gM )%^–%@!*@% We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

2nd Installation Ceremony of

Rotaract Club of Narayangarh

:jl:ts ax'p2]ZoLo ;xsf/L ;+:yf ln= xl/x/dfu{, gf/fo0fu9 kmf]gM )%^–%@@(^^



g]kfnsf] ljQLo If]qM l:ylt tyf r'gf}tLx?

ef]nf/fd >]i7

k"j{ sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs, g]kfn /fi6« a}+s

!= ljifo k|j]z g]kfnsf] jt{dfg ljQLo ahf/nfO{ d'VotM ;+ul7t -cf}krfl/s_ / c;+ul7t -cgf}krfl/s_ ahf/ u/L b'O{ efudf ljeQm ug{ ;lsG5 . ;+ul7t jf cf}krfl/s (organised or formal) ljQLo ahf/ eGgfn] k|rlnt s'g} lgofds lgsfosf] dftxt k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd ;~rfng x'g] ahf/nfO{ hgfpFb5 . o:tf] ahf/df ljQLo ;+:yfn] cf}krfl/s tj/df ljleGg ljQLo ;]jfx¿ k|bfg ul//x]sf 5g\ . o;sf nflu F Lahf/ (capital market) d'bf| ahf/ (money market) tyf k"h ;Fu ;DalGwt ;+:yf tyf pks/0fx¿ (instruments) k|o'Qm ePsf x'G5g\ . cgf}krfl/s (informal) ljQLo ahf/ eGgfn] s'g} lgodgsf/L lgsfo cGtu{t g/xL art tyf shf{sf] sf/f]af/df ;+nUg JolQm jf ;d"x eGg] a'lemG5 . o;df ;fx'dxfhg, Jofkf/L, Oi6ldq, gftfs'6D' j, ;'grfFbL sf/f]af/ ug]{ JolQm, 9's'6L ;~rfns cflbnfO{ lng ;lsG5 . o;sf cltl/Qm sltko u|fdL0fIf]qdf :jfjnDag ;d"x, ;fd'bflos ;+:yf h:tf cw{;+ul7t (semi-organized) ¿kdf ;~rfngdf /x]sf 5g\ . 5l/P/ /x]sf] art (surplus fund) nfO{ Pslqt u/L cfjZos k/]sf] If]q (deficit sector) df n}hfg tyf pTkfbgzLn If]qtk{m x:tfGt/0f u/L artstf{ / ;f]sf] pkof]ustf{nfO{ Pp6} 5ftfdl'g /fvL b'j}sf] lxtsf nflu d'b|f tyf k"FhLahf/sf] lqmofsnfkaf6 of]ubfg k'u]sf] x'G5 . artstf{x¿af6 art, lk|ldod, ;~rosf]if, cjsfz sf]if, ;fd"lxs art cflbsf dfWodaf6 ;+slnt ljQLo ;|f]tnfO{ hf]lvd d"Nofª\sgsf cfwf/df oyf;Dej pRr k|ltkmn k|fKt x'g] ljleGg If]qdf nufgL ul/G5 . . o; k|of]hgsf nflu a}s + tyf ljQLo ;+:yf, ;Demf}tLt (contractual) ;+:yf, ;b:otf jf ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t (member/community-based) nufot ljljw k|s[ltsf ;+:yfn] ljQLo dWo:ytfsf] e"ldsf


lgjf{x ub{5g\ . lgIf] k tyf shf{ sf/f] a f/ ug] { cf} k rfl/s ;+:yfx¿sf] ljsf; ePkl5 ljutdf b]lvPsf pkxf/ sfo{qmd h:tf ljs[lthGo lqmofsnfkdf sdL cfPsf] 5 . ;du|df b]zdf pBf]uwGbfsf] ljsf; / cfw'lgsLs/0fsf cltl/Qm /f]hfuf/Lsf cj;/x¿ ;[hgf u/L cy{Joj:yfsf] ;'b9[ Ls/0fdf ljQLo k|0ffnLsf] dxŒjk"0f{ e"ldsf /x]sf] 5 . @= ljQLoIf]qsf] ljsf;df ;/sf/ / s]Gb|Lo a}s + sf] e"ldsf g]kfnsf] jt{dfg ljQLo k|0ffnLsf] ;+:yfut k|j4{g / ljsf;df ;'?b]lv g} ;/sf/sf] dxŒjk"0f{ e"ldsf /x]sf] 5 . b]zsf] cfly{s ljsf; / ;j{;fwf/0fsf] ;'ljwfsf nflu ;/sf/n] a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] k|a4{gdf dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf /x]sf] 5 . ljutdf g]kfnsf] PsLs/0f ug]{ /fhf k[YjLgf/fo0f zfx tyf /f0ff k|wfgdGqL hª\uaxfb'/ /f0ff, /0ff]2Lk l;+x / h'4zdz]/sf] sfo{sfndf :yfkgf ul/Psf sf};L tf];fvfgf, ;/fkmvfgf, ;b/ d'n'sLvfgf, t]hf/y / g]kfn a}+s o;sf pbfx/0f x'g\ . To;}u/L lj=;+ @)!^ b]lv @)%% ;Dddf g]kfn cf}Bf]lus ljsf; lgud, /fli6«o ;xsf/L a}s + , /fli6«o jfl0fHo a}s + , s[lif ljsf; a}s + , /fli6«o aLdf ;+:yfg, lgIf]k tyf shf{ ;'/If0f lgud, g]kfn cfjf; kmfOgfG;, g]kfn :6s PS;r]~h, gful/s nufgL sf]if, u|fdL0f ljsf; a}+s nufotsf ljQLo ;+:yfx¿sf] :yfkgf eof] . o;k|sf/ ;/sf/L If]qaf6 a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfb]lv k"FhLahf/, aLdf / ;xsf/L If]qsf] k|a4{g ul/Psf] 5 . TodWo] sltko ;+:yfx¿ g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] k|ToIf cu|;/tf / ;+:yfksTjdf v'n]sf lyP . kl5sf jif{x¿df ljQLo pbf/Ls/0fsf ;Gbe{df clwsf+z ;+:yfaf6 b'j} lgsfon] sltko ;+:yfaf6 cfˆgf] :jfldTj sd u/]sf jf lkmtf{ lnPsf 5g\ .

g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] klg :yfkgfsfnb]lv g} b]zsf] ljQLo l:y/tf sfod ug]{b]lv ljQLo k|0ffnLsf] k|j4{g, ljsf;, lj:tf/ / cfw'lgsLs/0fsf nflu cxd e"ldsf lgjf{x ub}{cfPsf] 5 . ;/sf/n] cjnDag u/]sf] ljQLo pbf/Ls/0f gLltaf6 b]zsf] cfly{s ljsf;df ;xfos x'g] ljleGg ;+:yfx¿sf] k|a4{g tyf ljsf; ;Dej ePsf] 5 . ;/sf/ / s]Gb|Lo a}+sn] o; If]qsf] sf] ljsf;df ;xhLs/0f / k|f]T;fxgsf nflu ;do;fk]If tj/df pko'Qm jftfj/0f tof/ ug{ e"ldsf lgjf{x u/]sf] kmn:j¿k o; If]qdf lghLIf]qsf] klg Jofks ;xeflutf /x]sf] 5 . ;du|df g]kfnsf] ljQLo k|0ffnLn] ljut ;f9] b'O{ bzssf] cjlwdf pNn]vgLo km8\sf] df/]sf] 5 .

x'nfs art a}s + sf %( sfof{non]n] ?=! cj{ #* s/f]8 lgIf]k kl/rfng u/]sf 5g\ . ;fy} ;Demf}tLt ;+:yfsf ¿kdf /x]sf sd{rf/L ;~rosf]if / gful/s nufgL sf]ifn] qmdzM ?= ! va{ #$ cj{ / ?= #^ cj{ *) s/f]8 ljQLo ;|f]t ;+sng u/]sf 5g\ . $= ljQLoIf]qsf] ljBdfg l:ylt tyf r'gf}tLx¿ ljQLo pbf/Ls/0fsf ;Gbe{ d f s] G b| L o a} + s nufotsf lgodgsf/L lgsfosf] kl/jtL{t e"ldsf cGtu{t lhDd]jf/L klg qmlds ¿kdf a9\b} uPsf] 5 . ;dosf] cGt/fn;Fu} g]kfndf ljQLoIf]qsf] ljsf; / lj:tf/;Fu} o; If]qdf ljleGg ;d:of b]lvPsf 5g\ . a}+lsª\, n3'ljQ / aLdfIf]qsf ;+:yfx¿df sdhf]/ ;+:yfut ;'zf;g ;femf ;d:ofsf ¿kdf /x]sf 5g\ . ljQLo k|0ffnLdf ;+nUg ;+:yfx¿sf] ;+VofTds / sf/f]af/df ePsf] a[l4af6 o; If]q hf]lvdd'Qm x'g;s]sf] 5}|g . sdhf]/ ;'zf;gsf] l:yltsf sf/0f s]xL 7"nf ljQLo ;+:yf vf/]hLdf uPsf], ;d:ofu|:t ePsf] / s]xL ;+:yf ;d:of]Gd'v x'Fb}uPsf] ;Gbe{df ljQLo k|0ffnLk|lt ljZj;gLotf sd x'Fb}uPsf] 5 . o;af6 ;do ;dodf lgIf]kstf{ hf]lvddf k/]sf 5g\ . xhf/f}+sf] ;+Vofdf /x]sf ljQLo ;xsf/Lx¿sf] kof{Kt cg'udg x'g;s]sf] 5}g . o;af6 ;j{;fwf/0fsf] 7"nf] lgIf]k hf]lvddf k/]sf] 5 . o:tf] l:yltdf lgofds ;+:yfx¿sf] Ifdtfdf k|Zg p7\g' c:jfefljs xf]Og . csf]{tkm{ ljQLo ;]jfsf] kx'Fr b]zsf s'gfsfKrf;Dd k'¥ofpg], d'b|f:kmLlt lgoGq0f u/L df}lb|s tyf ljQLo l:y/tf sfod ug]{ sfo{ ;xh 5}g . shf{ / lgIf]kaLrsf] pRr cGt/, nufgLof]Uo If]q, nufgLd}qL jftfj/0fsf] cefj h:tf ;d:ofaf6 a}+s tyf ;]jfu|fxL kLl8t 5g\ . o;} ;Gbe{df g]kfnsf] ljQLoIf]qsf ljljw ;Defux¿sf] ljBdfg l:ylt / To;df cGt/lgxLt k|d'v r'gf}tLx¿ af/]df ;+lIfKt ¿kdf k|sfz kfl/G5 .

#= ljQLo k|0ffnL;Fu cfj4 ;+:yf / ltgsf] sf/f]af/ g]kfnsf] ljQLo k|0ffnLdf @)^( c;f/;Dddf @!# a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf -#! jfl0fHo a}+s, *( ljsf; a}+s, ^% ljQ sDkgL / @* n3'ljQ ljsf; a}+s_, Pp6f :6s PS:r]~h, @% aLdf sDkgL, tLg ;Demf}tLt ljQLo ;+:yf, Ps x'nfs art a}+s k4lt -!!^ sfof{no ;lxt_, sl/a !@,))) art tyf C0f ;xsf/L ;+:yf -h;dWo] !^ ;+:yf /fi6« a}+saf6 ;d]t cg'dlt k|fKt_ / ## ljQLo dWo:ytf ug]{ ;+:yf ;~rfngdf /x]sf 5g\ . o;sf cltl/Qm b]ze/ %! /]ld6\ofG; sDkgL, !^% dgLr]Gh/ / Pp6f lSnol/ª\ xfp;n] klg ljQLo ;]jf k|bfg ul//x]sf 5g\ . o;}u/L lwtf]kq Joj;fo, dr]{06 a}+lsª\, Do"Ro'on km08 cflb k"FhLahf/ ;DaGwL sfo{ ug]{ sDkgLx¿ lqmofzLn 5g\ . oL ;+:yfx¿sf] k|d'v lgodgsf/L lgsfosf ¿kdf g]kfn ;/sf/ nufot g]kfn /fi6« a}+s, g]kfn lwtf]kq af]8{, aLdf ;ldlt / ;xsf/L ljefu /x]sf 5g\ . ljQLoIf]qsf] sf/f]af/tkm{ b[li6ut ubf{ @)^( r}t;Dddf a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] lgIf]k tyf shf{ qmdzM ?= !! va{ ^) cj{ / ?= ( va{ $$ cj{ k'u]sf] 5 . aLdfIf]qtkm{ hLjg tyf lghL{jg aLdf sDkgLx¿n] em08} ?= @) ca{ aLdfz'Ns -lk|ldod_ ;+sng u/]sf 5g\ . To;}u/L $=! a}+lsª\If]q art tyf C0f ;xsf/L ;+:yfx¿n] ?= ! va{ $* cj{ / cgf}krfl/s If]qsf] pkl:ylt nufgL ?= ! cj{ #* s/f]8 lgIf]k ;+sng u/]sf 5g\ . ljQLo k|0ffnLsf] cfw'lgsLs/0f e};s]sf] jt{dfg 66

kl/k|]Iodf klg cgf}krfl/s ljQLo ahf/ k|rngdf /x]sf] 5 . ljleGg ;dofjlwdf ;/sf/, s]Gb|Lo a}+s, u}/;/sf/L ;+:yf / bft[;+:yfx¿af6 ;DkGg ePsf cWoog tyf ;j]I{ f0fx¿jf6 klg u|fdL0fIf]qdf shf{sf] nflu hg;ª\Vofsf] 7"nf] c+z ce}mklg cgf}krfl/s If]qd} lge{/ 5g\ . o;sf] k|d'v sf/0f tL If]qdf ljQLo ;]jfsf] ;+:yfut Joj:yfsf] ;'lglZrtfsf] cefj g} xf] . d'ns ' df ce}mklg 9's6' Lk|yf, x'08L h:tf cgf}krfl/s / u}/sfg'gL k|rng ljBdfg /x]sf] 5 . vf;u/L sf7df8f} pkTosf / aflx/ 9's'6Lsf gfddf u}/sfg'gL ljQLo sf/f]af/ x'g] u/]sf] 5 . sl/a 8]9jif{ cl3 ul/Psf] Ps cWoog cg';f/ o:tf] sf/f]af/sf] cfsf/ ?= % cj{eGbf a9L /x]sf] kfOPsf] lyof] . To;}u/L jflif{s c/jf}+ /sd x'08L sf/f]af/dfkm{t jflxl/g] u/]sf] cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 . cgf}krfl/s tj/df x'g] o:tf] sf/f]af/ kf/bzL{ gx'g] x'Fbf To;nfO{ lgoGq0f ug]{ sfo{ r'gf}tLk"0f{ 5 .

k}mnfj6 zx/L If]qdf cTolws /x]sf] 5 . u|fdL0f tyf b'u{dIf]qdf To;sf] ;+Vof lgs} sd /x]sf] 5 . t;y{ ToxfFsf ;j{;fwf/0f ce}m klg a}+lsª\ ;]jfaf6 ljd'v eO{ shf{sf nflu To:tf ju{ ce}m ufpFsf ;fx'dxfhgdf lge{/ 5g\ . lhNnfut ¿kdf sf7df8f}+sf cltl/Qm sf:sL, lrtjg, ¿kGb]xL, sfe]| cflb :yfgdf cTolws a}s + tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] pkl:ylt /x]sf] 5 . Ps} :yfgdf cTolws a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf s]Gb|Ls[t ePsf sf/0f tL ;+:yfaLr c:j:y k|lt:kwf{ x'gu/]sf] kfOG5 . o:tf] l:yltaf6 a}s + x¿aLr cfk;L ldn]dtf] (cartelling) nfO{ k|f]T;fxg x'guO{ ;]jfu|fxLsf] lxt ljkl/tsf sfo{ x'g] ;Defjgf x'G5 . clwsf+z n3'ljQ sfo{qmd ;d]t t/fO{ / /fhdfu{;Fu hf]l8Psf ahf/Ls[t If]q / cw{;x/L If]qlt/ a9L s]lGb|t 5g\ . Ps cWoogsf cg';f/ k"jL{ t/fO{ / dWodf~rn If]qdf w]/} n3'ljQ ;+:yf s]lGb|t /x]sf 5g\ . lxdfnL tyf kxf8L If]q / klZrdL e]udf n3'ljQsf] kx'Fr sd /x]sf] kfOG5 . cTolws ;~rfng nfutsf sf/0f n3'ljQ ;+:yf To;tkm{ cfslif{t gePsf] kfOG5 . u|fdL0fIf]qnfO{ s]Gb|ljGb' agfO{ vf]lng] a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf nflu sd r'Qmfk"h F L ePk'Ug] nufotsf pbf/ gLlt klg k|efjsf/L x'g ;s]sf] b]lv+b}g . ljQLo ;]jfsf] kx'Fr ;a} :yfgdf k'Ug g;Sg'sf] d'Vo sf/0f a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;'ljwf tyf ;x/d'vL x'g' xf] . o;sf nflu vf;u/L b'u{d tyf kxf8L lhNnfdf k"jf{wf/sf] sdL / ;'/Iffsf] l:ylt klg lhDd]jf/ 5g\ . ljQLo ;dfj]zLs/0fsf cfwf/df cy{Joj:yf ;'xfp+bf] ;+/rgfcg'¿k ljQLo ;]jf k'¥ofpg] sfo{ r'gf}tLk"0f{ 5 . o;sf nflu ;/sf/n] To:tf :yfgdf ;'/Iffnufot ;'/Iff nufot ;8s, ljB't h:tf cfjZos k"jf{wf/sf] Joj:yf u/L a}s + tyf ljQLo ;+:yfn]:j:km"t{ 9+un] sf/f]af/ ug{;Sg] jftfj/0f tof/ ug'{kb{5 .

b'O{ k'/fgf a}+sx¿sf] l:ylt a}+lsªIf]qsf] 7"nf] c+z cf]u6]sf] ;/sf/L :jfldTjsf b'O{ k'/fgf jfl0fHo a}+sdf pRr v/fa shf{ / cToGt gfh's ljQLo cj:yfdf k'u]sf] ;Gbe{df ljQLoIf]q ;'wf/ sfo{qmd -;g\ @))# – l8;]Da/ @)!!_ sf] k|lqmof / To;kl5sf lbgdf ePsf k|of;af6 b'j} a}+ssf] v/fa shf{df pNn]vgLo ;'wf/ cfPsf] 5 . s]Gb|Lo a}+saf6 :jLs[t dfu{lrq (road map) cg';f/ ;/sf/L :jfldTjsf] /fli6«o jfl0fHo a}+s / ;j{;fwf/0f ;d]tsf] :jfldTj /x]sf] g]kfn a}+ssf] k'g;{/+ rgfsf qmddf ;~rfngdf cfw'lgsLs/0fsf cltl/Qm ljleGg k|lqmofaf6 c/jf}+ k"FhLsf] k|jfxdfkm{t b'j} a}+ssf] k"h F Lsf] cfwf/ ;'b9[ ePsf] 5 . a}l+ sª\ ;DaGwL sfg'g, lgodg tyf ;'kl/j]If0fnfO{ qmdzM cGt/f{li6«o dfkb08cg'¿k agfpg'sf cltl/Qm ;du| ljQLoIf]qsf] ;'wf/ sfo{qmd hf/L a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;+VofTds j[l4 5. a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] a[l4 cTolws ;+Vofdf x'Fbf s]Gb|Lo a}+ssf] lgodg tyf ;'kl/j]If0f r'gf}tLk"0f{ zx/s]Gb|Lt ljQLo ;]jf x'F'b}uPsf] 5 . ;+:yfsf] ;+Vof, ;f]xL cg'¿k a9]sf] sf/f]af/ / n3'ljQ jfx]ssf a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx¿sf] zfvf hf]lvdcg'¿k s]Gb|Lo a}s + sf] Ifdtf j[l4 x'g;s]sf] 5}g . To:tf ;+Vof @)^( r}t;Dddf @$%& k'u]sf] 5 . t/ tL zfvfx¿sf] ;+:yfsf] ;+Vof sd ub}{ hfg'kg]{ cfjZostf bft[lgsfox¿n] 67

;d]t cf}+NofPsf] ;Gbe{df s]Gb|Lo a}+sn] ljQLo ;+:yf Ps csf{df ufEg ;xhLs/0f ug]{ p2]Zon] s]xL jif{cl3b]lv To; ;DaGwL ljlgodfjnL nfu' u/]sf] 5 . ;f]xL cg'¿k @)&) c;f/;Dddf $) eGbf a9L a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf Pscfk;df ufleO{ !( ;:yfdf kl/0ft ePsf 5g\ . o;nfO{ pT;fxhgs g} dfGg'kb{5 . tyflk ck]lIft gtLhf k|fKt gePsf] ;Gbe{df s]Gb|+Lo a}+sn] yk s]xL jif{leq dh{/df hfg] a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ ;x'lnot k|bfg ug]{ gLlt lnPsf] a'lemG5 . ;fy} ljQLo ;+:yf vl/b ug]{ jf k|fKt ug]{ (acquisition) ug{;Sg] sfg'gL Joj:yf ug]{, ljQLo ;+:yfsf] cj:yf x]/L afWofTds dh{/ ug]{ u/fpg] gLlt ;d]t lnOPsf] kfOG5 . oL sbdx¿af6 cfufdL b'O{ jif{leq a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;+Vofdf pNn]vgLo sdL cfpg] cfzf ug{ ;lsG5 . ;'\zf;gsf] l:ylt ;~rfngdf /x]sf clwsf+z a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;'zf;gsf] l:ylt sdhf]/ /x]sf] 5 . s]xL ljQLo ;+:yf vf/]hLdf hfg', ;d:ofu|:t 3f]lift x'g' / ;d:of]Gd'v x'g'df ;'zf;gs} sdhf]/L k|d'v sf/s tTj /x]sf] 5 . Pskl5 csf]{ ljQLo ;+:yf ;d:ofu|:t uPaf6 ljQLoIf]qsf]= ljZj;gLotfk|lt ;j{;jfwf/0f ;z+lst ePsf 5g\ . ;'zf;gsf] sdhf]/Lsf sf/0f 7"nf ljQLo ck/fw ;d]t x'g] u/]sf 5g\ . o;af6 nufgLstf{, lgIf]kstf{ nufotsf ;/f]sf/jfnf hf]lvddf k/]sf 5g\ . sltko a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf lghL sDkgLsf 9fFrfdf kfl/jfl/s 9+uaf6 ;~rfng ePsf 5g\ . ;j{;fwf/0fsf] lgIf]k;Fu v]naf8 ul/Psf s}og pbfx/0f 5g\ . s]Gb|Lo hfFr Jo"/f] (Central Bureau of Investigation) sf] tYofª\s cg';f/ ljut tLg jif{sf] cjlwdf @)&) c;f/;Dddf vf/]hLsf] k|lqmofdf /x]sf tLg ljQLo ;+:yf;lxt !! a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfaf6 sl/a ?= !) ca{ ckrng ePsf] 5 . a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf clwsf+z ;+:yfks tyf ;~rfnsdf ljQLoIf]qsf] 1fg 5}g . clwsf+z d'n'sdf nufgL ug]{ Ifdtf ePsf JolQmn] a}+s vf]N5g\, t/ cfk"mx¿ gLlt lgdf{0f / Joj:yfkg txdf ga;L aflx/sf lj1 ;~rfnsx¿af6 ;+:yf rnfp+5g\ . t/ g]kfndf o:tf] 68

kl/kf6Lsf] ljsf; x'g;s]sf] 5}g . clwsfFz ljQLo ;+:yfdf k'FhL nufgL u/]s} cfwf/df ;+:yfksn] cWoIf jf ;~rfnssf] kb cf]u6\g] u/]sf] b]lvG5 . shf{u|fxL pBf]uL tyf Jofkf/L ;d]t a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf k|j4{g u/]sf 5g\ h;af6 Ps} JolQm pBf]uL / a}+s/ x'g k'u]sf 5g\ . o;af6 :jfefljs ¿kdf :jfy{ afe\mg] l:ylt (conflict of interest) pTkGg ePsf] 5 . csf]{tkm{ sltko a}+s jf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] z]o/ :jfldTjdf ck|ToIf tj/n] s]xL JolQmsf] ar{:j /x]sf] kfOG5 h;af6 lg0f{o k|lqmofdf k|ToIf k|efj kb{5 . shf{ cg'zf;g C0fLx¿df shf{ cg'zf;gsf] sdL 5 . a}+ssf] C0f lnPkl5 ltg'{k5{ eGg] dfgl;stfsf] cefj 5 . csf]{lt/ s]xL a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfn] klg hyfefjL shf{ nufgL ug]{ u/]af6 shf{ c;'nLdf ;d:of pTkGg x'g] u/]sf] 5 . ljutdf 3/hUufdf ul/Psf] cTolws shf{ nufgL / ;f] If]qdf cfPsf] dGbL, C0fLsf] af/]df kof{Kt hfgsf/Lljgf g} shf{ k|jfx nufotsf sf/0faf6 shf{sf] c;'nL k|efljt ePsf] 5 . shf{ ;"rgf s]Gb| (Credit Information Bureau) sf] tYofª\s cg';f/ sfnf];"rLdf kg]{ JolQm tyf kmd{sf] ;+Vof k|ltjif{ a[l4 x'Fb}uPsf] 5 . pbfx/0fsf nflu cf=j= @)^%.^^ df s'n %( C0fL sfnf];"rLdf /x]sf]df cf=j= @)^^.^&, @)^&.^*, @)^*.^( / @)^(.&( df To:tf C0fLsf] ;+Vof qmdzM !&), @@#, #)% / ^^) k'u]sf] 5 . s]Gb|sf] sfnf];"rLdf @)^( kmfu'g;Dddf $)#% C0fLx¿ ;"rLs[t ePsf 5g\ . To:tf C0fLx¿af6 c;'n ug'{kg]{ shf{ sl/a ?= #^ cj{ /x]sf] 5 . To;}u/L shf{ c;'nL Gofoflws/0f (Debt Recovery Tribunal) df ;of}s + f] ;+Vofdf o:tf k|sl[ tsf d'2fx¿ ljrf/fwLg /x]sf 5g\ . ;du| ljQLoIf]qsf] lgiqmLo shf{nfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug],{ shf{ c;'nLsf nflu nfdf] ;dob]lv s'/}df ;Lldt /x]sf] ;DklQ Joj:yfkg sDkgL (Asset Management Company) / ;'/lIft sf/f]af/ ;DaGwL lgsfo -;]So'8{ 6«fGhfSzg /lhi6«L_ sf] :yfkgf klg eO;s]sf] 5}g . shf{ c;'nL GofofwLs/0f eg] s]xL jif{cl3 g} :yfkgf eO{ lqmofzLn

/x]sf] 5 . q]ml86 /]l6ª\ ug]{ k4lt eg] xfn} ;'? ePsf] 5 . x'nfs art a}+ssf] k|efjsfl/tf u|fdL0fIf]qsf] ljkGgju{df a}+lsª\ ;'ljwf k|bfg u/L hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ljgfemGem6 art ug{ clek|]l/t ug]{ p2]Zon] lj=;+= @)## lgodg lgsfoaf6 ;do;dodf x'g] gLlt ;DaGwL b]lv ;~rfng x'Fb}cfPsf] x'nfs art a}+s k|efjsf/L 9+un] x]/k]m/af6 a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf k|efljt x'g] ub{5g\, ;~rfng ePsf] kfOFb}g . x'nfs a}+lsª\ k4lt ;'? ePsf] oBlk ljQLo l:y/tf / ;'zf;gsf b[li6af6 tL Joj:yfsf] nfdf] ;do JotLt eO;Sbf klg g]kfndf o;af/] kof{Kt k|rf/ ckl/xfo{tf /x]sf] x'G5 . clwsf+z a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] k|;f/ x'g ;s]sf] kfO+b}g . art ;+sng / kl/rfngdf bIf hf]lvd Joj:yfkg sdhf]/ /x]sf sf/0f cfGtl/s tyf hgzlQmsf] sdL, ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] cefj, b]zsf] ef}uf]lns jfx\o ¿kdf cfOkg]{ cfsl:ds ljQLo em6\sf (shock) y]Ug l:ylt, c;'/Iff, a}+ssf] n]vfk/LIf0fdf pbf;Lgtf h:tf g;Sg] cj:yfdf /x]sf x'Fbf cfsl:ds kl/jt{gaf6 t'?Gt ;d:of / sdhf]/L b]lvPsf 5g\ . a}+ssf] nflu cfjZos k|efljt x'G5g\ . k"jf{wf/ / k|ljlwsf] klg cefj 5 . a}s + x¿df hfg ufx|f] dfGg] a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ljljws/0f, ;+VofTds ;fgf] /sd art ug{ OR5's u|fdL0fIf]qsf ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ / kl/df0ffTds a[ l 4sf ;fy} o; If] q df ;~rfng nlIft u/L o:tf a}+ssf] ;'b[9Ls/0f ug'{ cfjZos b]lvG5 . hf]lvd (operational risk) ;d]t a9\b} uPsf] 5 h;n] ;dofGt/df k|0ffnLut hf]lvd (systemic risk) glgDTofpnf gub sf/f]af/sf] afx'Notf eGg] 5}g . xfn}sf lbgx¿df s]xL ljQLo ;+:yfaf6 eP u/]sf a}+lsª\If]qsf] pNn]vgLo cfw'lgsLs/0f eO;s]sf] lqmofsnfkn] ljQLoIf]qsf] ljZj;gLotfdf wSsf k'Ug] sfd jt{dfg kl/k|]Iodf klg n]gb]gdf gub sf/f]af/ Jofks x'g uPsf] dx;'; ul/Psf] 5 . To:tf s]xL 36gfx¿ lgDg rngrNtLdf /x]sf] 5 . vf;u/L 3/hUuf nufotsf adf]lhd 5g\M ;DklQsf] vl/bljqmLdf gubsf] Jofks k|of]u x'g]u/]sf] • P=l6=Pd=sf8{sf] b'¿kof]uaf6 x'g]u/]sf hfn;fhL kfOG5 . o:tf] sf/f]af/df Pp6f a}+saf6 7"nf] /sd lemsL • hfnL shf{ sf/f]af/ / ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] dfWodaf6 csf]{ a}s + df t'?Gt} hDdf ul/G5 . o;jf6 a}s + x¿n] cgfjZos ePsf cfly{s ckrng emGem6 Joxf]g{' kg]{ x'G5 . gub :yfgfGt/0f ubf{ n'l6Psf s}o+ f}+ • u'8 km/ k]d]G6 r]ssf] b'?kof]u / ;f]sf] lwtf]df k|jfx 36gf 5g\ . t;y{ o:tf] sf/f]af/nfO{ lg?T;flxt ug{ ljB'lto ul/Psf] shf{ /sd :yfgfGt/0f tyf e'QmfgLof]Uo (good for payment) r]s cflbsf] dfWodaf6 gub sf/f]af/nfO{ k|lt:yfkg ub}{ a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] juL{s/0f nfg'kb{5 . n]gb]gsf] qmddf tf]lsPsf] /sdeGbf a9L /sd a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] juL{s/0f r'Qmfk"FhLsf sf/f]af/ ubf{ gubsf] abnf :yfgfGt/0f (transfer) af6 cfwf/df x'g] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . vf;u/L æuÆ ju{df e'QmfgL kfpg] ;DalGwt JolQm jf ;+:yfsf] vftfdf /sd juL{s[t sltko ljQ sDkgLn] 7"nf] r'Qmfk"FhL sfod u/]klg hDdf ug]{ Joj:yf x'g' cfjZos 5 . o;af6 gub sf/f]af/ p;nfO{ ;j{;fwf/0fn] x]g]{ b[li6sf]0f km/s /x]sf] b]lvG5 . Go"gLs/0f u/L d'b|f Joj:yfkg sfo{ ;d]t ;xh agfpg tL sDkgLdf æa}s + Æ zAb ghf]l8Psf] x'bF f sltko ;j{;fwf/0f ;3fp k'Ub5 . e'mlSsg] u/]sf] kfOG5 . ljutdf ljQLo ;xsf/Lx¿n] cfˆgf] gubsf] cTolws rngrNtLaf6 gf]6 l5§} e'mqf]d}nf] gfd cufl8 ækmfOgfG;Æ zAb k|of]u ug]{ u/]sf]n] ljQ eO{ gf]6 5kfO vr{ ;d]t j[l4 x'G5 . t;y{ ;j{;fwf/0fdf -kmfOgfG;_ sDkgLnfO{ clwsf+z ;j{;fwf/0fn] ;f]xL¿kdf gf]6nfO{ htg;fy /fVg] afgL ePdf gf]6 l56f] e'mqf]dn} f] geO{ lng] u/]sf] kfOG5 . o; ;Gbe{df a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] d'b|fsf] 5kfOdf nfUg] 7"nf] /sd art x'g ;Sb5 . ljsl;t ' x¿sf] rngrNtLdf /x]sf gf]6x¿ nfdf] cjlw;Dd ;kmf juL{s/0f ug]{ Joj:yfdf k'g/fjnf]sg cfjZos b]lvG5 . d'ns 69

/ ;'lsnf] /xg'df ;j{;fwf/0fdf gf]6sf] htg ug]{ afgL, gf]6 ;§fegf{ lbg s8fO{ / gubdf gu0o sf/f]af/ ug]{ k|j[lQnfO{ lng ;lsG5 . t/ xfd|f] b]zsf ;Gbe{df u}/gub sf/f]af/df ljZjf; gug]{ k|a[lQsf sf/0f gub sf/f]af/nfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug]{ sfo{ ;xh 5}g . ;do;dodf ahf/df ;do ;dodf g]kfnL, ef/tLo / cGo kl/jTo{ d'b|fsf gSsnL -hfnL_ gf]6x¿ rngrNtLdf cfpg] u/]sf] kfOG5 . o:tf cj}w sfo{ ljZjs} ;d:of ePsf] x'Fbf o;nfO{ k"0f{ ¿kd} ;dfKt ug'{ ;Dej x'b}g . t;y{ gub sf/f]af/nfO{ lg?T;flxt ub}{ ;/sf/L If]qaf6 ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ ;';"lrt / ;hu u/fpg] sfo{af6 hfnL gf]6sf] sf/f]af/nfO{ lg?T;flxt ug{ ;d]t ;3fp k'Ub5 . k|ltalGwt gf]6x¿sf] rngrNtL / ef?sf] sf/f]af/ g]kfndf 7"nf b/sf gf]6x¿ nufot k|ltalGwt\ ef/tLo d'b|fsf 7"nf b/ -?= %)) / ?= !)))_ sf ef/tLo gf]6sf] rngrNtL eO/x]sf] kfOG5 . ef/tsf] sfg"gn] g} ef/tafx]s cGoq k|ltalGwt o:tf 7"nf b/sf gf]6sf] cgf}krfl/s k|rngnfO{ /f]syfd ug{ sl7g x'g]x'Fbf To:tf gf]6nfO{ sfg"gL¿kn] u|fx\o agfpg pBf]u jfl0fHo If]qaf6 ;d]t dfu ePsf] b]lvG5 . o;f] x'g;s]df 7"nf] kl/df0fsf] ef? sf/f]af/nfO{ a}+lsª\If]qsf] bfo/fleq Nofpg ;lsG5 h;af6 ;f] d'bf| sf] ;l~rtL a[l4 x'G5 . o;sf nflu ef/tsf ;DalGwt\ clwsf/Lx¿;Fu pRr:t/Lo 5nkmnaf6 lgsf; lgsfNg'kg]{ cfjZostf /x]sf] 5 . $=@ n3'ljQ g]kfndf n3'ljQsf ljleGg 9fFrfx¿ ljBdfg 5g\ . To;df lgb]{lzt shf{, u|fdL0f a}+lsª\, ;fgf ls;fg ;xsf/L, yf]sljQ k|bfos, ljQLo ;xsf/L, cfof]hgfdf cfwfl/t sfo{qmd, / ljQLo dWo:ytfsf] sfo{ ug]{ u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx¿ 5g\ . blIf0f Pl;ofsf sltko d'n'ssf] t'ngfdf g]kfnsf] n3'ljQ If]q a9L Jojl:yt / lgoldt ePsf] dflgG5 . ;/sf/n] klg cfˆgf gLlt tyf sfo{qmddf n3'ljQnfO{ dxTj lbO{ n3'ljQ gLlt @)^$ ;d]t ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] 5 . 70

;~rfngdf /x]sf n3'ljQ ljsf; a}+s, ljQLo dWo:ytf ug]{ ;+:yf / n3'ljQ ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ ;xsf/Lx¿n] @$cj{eGbf a9L n3'shf{ k|jfx u/]sf 5g\, h;af6 sl/a !* nfv 3/kl/jf/ nfeflGjt ePsf] cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 . n3'ljQn] ;x;|fAbL ljsf; nIo (Millenium Development Goal) df ;d]t :yfg kfPsf] 5 . ljkGgju{ klg a}+lsª\ sf/f]af/ ug{ of]Uo (bankable) /x]sf], ljgflwtf]sf] shf{ klg ;'/lIft /x]sf], /f]huf/Lsf cj;/df a[l4 ePsf], shf{sf] c;'nL k|efjsf/L /x]sf] / n3'ljQ ;]jfaf6 ljkGgju{sf] ;fdflhs tyf cfly{s pTyfgdf ;xof]u k'us ] f] d"Nofª\sg ul/Psf] 5 . tyflk n3'shf{sf] dfu / cfk"lt{ aLrsf] 7"nf] vfN8f] ce}m ljBdfg 5 . ljkGgju{sf] ;fgf] c+zn] dfq n3'ljQ ;]jf k|fKt ug{;s]sf] 5 . kof{Kt cg'udgsf] sdL, pRr ;~rfng vr{, bIf hgzlQmsf] cefj h:tf sf/0fn] sltko n3'ljQ sfo{qmd tyf kl/of]hgfx¿sf] bLuf]kgf af/] k|Zg p7\g] u/]sf] 5 . n3'ljQIf]qsf] tYofª\ssf] cefj, cfw'lgs k|ljlwsf] pkof]udf sdL / C0fLsf] ;Lldt Ifdtf o; If]qsf] ljsf;df afwssf ¿kdf /x]sf 5g\ . ;du|df g]kfnsf] n3'ljQ If]qsf sdhf]/L tyf r'gf}tL / To;;Fu hf]l8Psf k|d'v ljifox¿ b]xfoadf]lhd 5g\ . ax'shf{sf] k|efj PseGbf a9L n3'ljQ ;+:yf /x]sf sltko cw{;x/L :yfgdf ;Lldt JolQm jf ;d"xnfO{ ljleGg n3'ljQ ;+:yfaf6 bf]xf]/f]t]xf]/f] (overlapping/multiple) n3'shf{ k|jfx ePsf] kfOG5 . PseGbf a9L ;+:yfsf] ;b:otf lnO{ shf{ lng], cGoqaf6 C0f glnPsf] egL 9fF6]/ shf{ lng] k|a[lQ ;d]t kfOG5 . Ps} JolQmdf cfjZostfeGbf a9L shf{kj| fx (over's ' f] abnf financing) eO{ ;]jfu|fxLsf] cfly{s:t/df ;'wf/ x'g C0fu|:ttf (indebtedness) a9\g hfg] x'G5 . ;fy} shf{sf] b'¿kof]u x'g], C0fL shf{ cg'zf;gdf ga:g], Ps ;+:yfaf6 shf{ lnO{ csf]{df ltg]{ h:tf unt lqmofsnfkaf6 csf]{ ljkGgju{ shf{ kfpgaf6 jlGrt x'g] / ;+:yfsf sd{rf/Ldf e|i6frf/ df}nfpg] ;Defjgf /xG5 . clwsf+z n3'ljQ ;+:yfdf shf{ c;'nLb/ (% b]lv ztk|ltzt /x]sf]df o:tf] k|a[lQ /xL/x]df v/fa shf{sf]

kl/df0f a9\b} hfg] ;Defjgf x'G5 . o;n] n3'ljQ ;]jfsf] ljZj;gLotfdf g} k|Zg p7\g ;Sb5 . ef/tsf] cfGw|k|b]z / s0ff{6ssf s]xL ;kmn n3'ljQ ;+:yf ;d:ofdf k/L aGb ePsf] k|d'v sf/0f bf]xf]/f] shf{ k|jfx g} lyof] . o;} ;Gbe{df s]Gb|Lo a}+sn] bf]xf]/f] shf{sf] ;d:ofnfO{ sd ug{ @)^* dª\;L/b]lv nfu' x'g]u/L shf{ k|jfx ug'{cl3 n3'ljQ ;+:yfaLr lgz'Ns shf{ ;"rgf cfbfgk|bfg ug'{kg]{ afWofTds Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . w] / } n3' l jQ ;+ : yfsf] pkl:ylt /x] s f :yfgdf ;+:yfx¿aLr c:j:y k|lt:kwf{sf sf/0f bf]xf]/f] shf{sf] ;d:of pTkGg ePsf] xf] . o:tf] k|a[lQn] ljs/fn l:ylt lng'cufj} lgoGq0f ug'{ h?/L x'G5 . o;sf nflu ljQLo ;+:yfn] :jlgodg / / C0fLn] cfTdcg'zf;gdf /xg' cfjZos 5 . bf]xf]/f] shf{sf] /f]syfdsf nflu ;'?sf] ;j]{If0f, ;d"x u7g cflbb]lv shf{sf] pkof]u h:tf kIfdf lg/Gt/ lgu/fgL / cg'udg cfjZos x'G5 . cGo ljQLo ;+:yf h:t} n3'ljQ ;+:yfsf] ;+Vof klg rflxg]eGbf a9L ePdf c:j:y k|lt:kwf{ ce}m a9\g;Sg] ;Defjgf x'G5 . ljutsf] cg'ejnfO{ ;d]t dWogh/df /fvL gofF ;+:yfnfO{ Ohfht lbg'eGbf ljQLo dWo:ytfsf] sfo{ ul//x]sf ;Ifd u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx¿nfO{ n3'ljQ ljsf; a}+sdf ljsl;t ug{ Ohfht lbg' >]o:s/ x'G5 . pRr nfut / Jofhb/ dfly pNn]v ul/Pe}+m n3'ljQ ;]jf u|fdL0fIf]qnfO{ nlIft ul/Psf] sfo{qmd x'gfn] ;~rfng vr{ pRr x'G5 . ;fgf] cfsf/sf] shf{, ljs6 sfo{:yn, :ynut shf{ k|jfx / c;'nL nufotsf ljlzi6 sfo{k4ltsf sf/0f n3'ljQ ;]jfsf] ;~rfng vr{ pRr x'G5 . o;;Fu lzIff, :jf:Yo, ;/;kmfO{ h:tf kIfx¿ klg hf]l8Psf x'G5g\ . o;k|sf/ n3'ljQ :jefj}n] dxFuf] ;]jf ePsf] x'Fbf o;sf] Aofhb/ pRr x'g] tYonfO{ gsfg{ ;lsGg . g]kfndf n3'ljQ ;+:yfsf] sf]ifsf] s'n ;|f]tdWo] a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfaf6 k|fKt x'g] ljkGgju{ shf{sf] c+z ^) k|ltzteGbf a9L /x]sf] 5 . tL ;+:yfsf] nfut (cost of fund) a9\bf ljkGgju{ shf{sf] Aofhb/ klg pRr x'g] ub{5 . o;af6 71

n3'ljQ ;+:yfsf] sf]ifsf] nfut klg a9\5 . pRr nfutdf lbuf] tj/n] n3'ljQ ;+:yf ;~rfng ug]{ sfo{ lgs} r'gf}tLk"0f{ 5 . n3'ljQ ;+:yfnfO{ lbuf]tj/n] ;~rfng ug{ oyfy{k/s Aofhb/ sfod ug'{ ckl/xfo{ x'G5 . tyflk n3'shf{nfO{ pRr k|ltkmno'Qm kl/of]hgfdf nufpg ;lsPdf pRr Aofhb/df klg ;]jfu|fxL nfeflGjt x'g x'G5g\ eGg] dfGotf /x]sf] 5 . ;fy} ;+:yfut Ifdtfdf a[l4 u/L Aofhb/nfO{ pko'Qm txdf sfod ug{ ;lsG5, oBlk of] sfo{ r'gf}tLk"0f{ 5 . s]xL n3'ljQ ;+:yfdf a9L d'gfkmfd'vL k|a[lQ a9]sf] 5 . s]xL o:tf ;+:yfn] n3'ljQsf] ;j{dfGo l;4fGt, d"No, dfGotf / ;+:s[ltcg'¿k ;]jf k|bfg ug{;s]sf] 5}g . k|ltkmnsf nflu s]xL ;+:yfn] Jofhb/ pRr sfod ug]{ u/]sf] kfOG5 . o;af6 ;dfhsf ;a}eGbf ul/a (Poorest of the poor) ju{df n3'ljQ ;]jf k'¥ofpg sl7gfO{sf] ;fdgf ug'{k/]sf] 5 . ljkGgju{ shf{ k|jfxdf tTk/tfsf] sdL ljkGgju{ shf{ k|jfx ug{ jfl0fHo a}s + tyf cGo ljQLo ;+:yfdf tTk/tfsf] cefj b]lvG5 . tyflk o:tf] shf{ k|jfx ug{ clgjfo{tf /x]sf] x'Fbf cGo ljQLo ;+:yfdfkm{t ljkGgju{ shf{ sfo{qmddf ;xefuL x'G5g\ . sltko a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ljkGgju{ shf{ k|jfx ug'{eGbf xhf{gf ltg{ tof/ x'G5g\ . s]xL n3'ljQ ;+:yfn] ljkGgju{ shf{jfkt k|fKt sf]ifsf] ;xL pkof]u ug'{sf] abnf d'2lt vftfdf /fvL Aofh cfh{g ug]{ k|a[lQ b]lvG5 . o;k|sf/ sltko ljkGgju{ shf{sf] ;xL pkof]u x'g;s]sf] 5}g . csf]{tkm{ ljkGgju{ shf{ n3'ljQ ;+:yfsf] ljQLo ;|f]tsf] k|d'v ;fwg ePsf] ;Gbe{df k|fyldstfIf]q h:t} ljkGgju{ shf{sf] clgjfo{tf x6fOPsf] cj:yfdf n3'ljQ ;+:yfnfO{ ljQLo ;|f]tsf] cefj ce}m ulxl/g] qf; sltko n3'ljQ ;+:yfdf :jefljs ¿kdf /x]sf] kfOG5 . cgfjZos x:tIf]k ;/sf/L :jfldTjsf n3'ljQ ljsf; a}+s x:tIf]kaf6 k|efljt ePsf] kfOG5 . n3'ljQ h:tf] ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t ;+:yf ;d]t o'lgogsf] ultljlwaf6 d'Qm 5}g . lghLIf]qsf n3'ljQ ;+:yf klg o:tf ultljlwaf6 c5'tf] 5}gg\ .

åGåsf] l:ylt ;dfKt ePsf] cj:yfdf klg ljz]ifu/L k"j{ / dWot/fO{sf vf;u/L u|fdL0f Onfsfdf ;+:yfsf sd{rf/Ldfly n"6kf6, rGbf c;'nL / wDsLn] sltko n3'ljQ ;+:yf cfqmfGt 5g\ . ljleGg /fhgLlts / cfk/flws ;d"xsf gfdaf6 ;'/Iff ;DaGwL r'gf}tLsf] ;fdgf ug{'kb{5 . csf]{lt/ x8\tfn / aGb h:tf ultljlwn] klg ;+:yfsf] ;~rfngdf afwf k'Ug] u/]sf] 5 . n3'ljQ ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ gfddf /fhgLlts tj/af6 ljleGg gfddf ;[hgf ePsf ;+:yfx¿sf] Aofhb/af6 klg n3'ljQIf]q k|efljt x'g]u/]sf] kfOG5 . sltko sfo{qmd gf/fsf ¿kdf NofOPsf] / To;n] lg/Gt/tf klg gkfPsf] b]lvG5 . o:tf sfo{qmdaf6 n3'ljQ ;+:yf k|efljt x'G5g\ . o;} ;Gbe{df /fhgLlts p2]ZonfO{ dWogh/df /fvL n3'shf{ k|jfx ug]{, Aofhb/ lgwf{/0f ug]{, shf{ tyf Aofhdf ;x'lnot lbg] h:tf sfo{af6 6f9} /xg' kb{5 . cGoyf n3'ljQ ;+:yfsf] lbuf]kgfdf gsf/fTds k|efj kg]{, C0fL shf{ cg'zf;gdf gj:g] h:tf ljs[lt pTkGg x'g;Sb5 . ;]jfu|fxLsf] Ifdtf n3'ljQsf nlIftju{ ;dfhsf lk5l8Psf ljkGgju{sf clwsf+zM dlxnf /x]sf 5g\ . o:tf ;]jfu|fxL clzlIft / zLk/lxt x'g] x'Fbf cfoa[l4 x'g] sfo{qmddf ;lqmo ¿kn] ;xefuL x'g ;Sb}gg\ . kmn:j¿k cfk"mn] ;~rfng ub}{ cfPsf] cfly{s lqmofsnfknfO{ qmlds a[l4 ub}{ n3'pBdtkm{ cl3 a9\g Ifdtfsf] cefj /x]sf] x'G5 . o:tf ;]jfu|fxL n3'ljQ ;+:yfaf6 k|bfg ul/Psf] n3'shf{sf] clwstd pkof]u u/L nfeflGjt x'g sl7g x'G5 . csf]{tkm{ sltko ;]jfu|fxLsf] aLr}df ;d"x 5f8\g] k|j[lQn] ubf{ n3'ljQ ;]jfaf6 kfOg] kmfObfaf6 jl~rt x'G5g\ . ;+:yfut ;'zf;g cGo a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf h:t} sltko n3'ljQ ;+:yfdf ;'zf;gsf] cj:yf sdhf]/ /x]sf] 5 . ;~rfnsx¿df k]zfut bIftfsf] cefj, kfl/jfl/s ;b:ox¿sf] jfx'Notf nufotsf sdhf]/L kfOG5 . c:j:y k|lt:kwf{sf sf/0f 7"nf


shf{ k|jfx ug{ cu|;/tf, bf]xf]/f] shf{sf] ;d:ofnfO{ klg ;'zf;g;Fu hf]8\g ;lsG5 . ;+:yfut ;'zf;gsf] cefjsf sf/0f sltko ;+:yfn] ;~rfng / ljQLo :jIfdtf xfl;n ug{ g;s]sf] cj:yf 5 . kmn:j¿k sltko n3'ljQ ;+:yfx¿ Go"gtd zt{ klg k"/f ug{ g;Sg] ePaf6 yf]s n3'ljQ ;+:yfaf6 shf{ ;'ljwf kfpgaf6 al~rt x'g'kg]{ cj:yf 5 . o;af6 ;+:yfsf] lbuf]kgfdf ;d]t k|Zg p7]sf] kfOG5 . $=# k"FhLahf/, aLdf tyf ljljw g]kfnsf] lwtf]kq ahf/df sf/f]af/sf] kl/df0f pNn]Vo tj/n] a9\g ;s]sf] 5}g . To;df klg jf:tljs If]q (real sector) sf] sf/f]af/ sd 5 . @)&) kmfu'g;Dddf g]kfn :6s PS:r]~hdf ;"rLs[t @@( ;+:yfdWo] clwsf+z ;+:yf ljQLoIf]q cGtu{tsf 5g\ . lwtf]kqsf] d"Nodf klg ;f]xL If]qsf] pRr /x]sf] 5 . o;sf] k|d'v sf/0f ;f] If]q a9L kf/bzL{ / ;zQm lgodgdf /xg'nfO{ lnOG5 . tyflk Ps}If]qsf] cflwkTo x'Fbf s'g} sf/0faz ;f] If]qdf ;d:of cfPdf o;n] gsf/fTds k|efj kfg{ ;Sb5 . lwtf]kqdf ;+:yfut nufgLsf] cefj /x]sf] x'Fbf JolQmut nufgLstf{x¿sf] jfx'No 5 . sltko ;+ul7t ;+:yfdf ;'zf;gsf] sdL 5 . lgodg lgsfosf] Ifdtf / :jfoQtfsf] clea[l4 kof{Kt tj/df x'g;s]sf] 5}g . bf];|f] ahf/df ;/sf/L C0fkqsf] sf/f]af/ pT;fxhgs x'g;s]sf] 5}g . :yfkgf ePsf] nfdf] ;dob]lv cf]=l6=l;= dfs]{6 ;lqmo x'g;s]sf] 5}g . sfg'gsf] cefjdf j:t' ljlgdo ahf/sf] lgodg x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . k"h F Lahf/k|lt nufgLstf{sf] ljZjf; clea[l4 ug]{ sfo{ r'gf}tL klg lgofds lgsfonfO{ 5 . /fhgLlts cl:y/tfn] klg lwtf]kq ahf/ k|efljt 5 . lwtf]kq ahf/df cj;/sf ;fy} hf]lvd klg a9\b} uPsf] ;Gbe{df nufgLstf{sf] lxt ;+/If0fsf nflu lwtf]kq ahf/sf] ;'kl/j]If0f k|efjsf/L agfpg lgofds lgsfosf] Ifdtf clea[l4 ug'{kg]{ cfjZostf /x]sf] 5 . lwtf]kq sf/f]af/df ;+:yfut nufgLstf{sf] e"ldsf pNn]vgLo gx'g', lwtf]kqsf] d"Nodf c:jfefljs / cjflG5t ptf/r9fj x'g', klg k"FhLahf/sf r'gf}tL x'g\ .

ljQLoIf] q sf] pbf/Ls/0f;F u } aLdf Joj;foLsf] ;+VofTds a[l4 ePklg o; If]qn] ljleGg ;d:ofsf] ;fdgf ug'k{ /]sf] 5 . ;j{;fwf/0fdf aLdf ;DaGwL r]tgfsf] cefjsf sf/0f of] If]qn] k|fyldstf kfpg ;s]sf] 5}g . ;dfhsf] 7"nf] lx:;fdf art ug]{ Ifdtf gePsf] sf/0f aLdf sfo{qmddf ;xeflutf Go"g 5 . vf;u/L u|fdL0fIf]qdf aLdf;]jfsf] lj:tf/ kof{Kt g/x]sf] cj:yf 5 . sdhf]/ ;'zf;gsf sf/0f ladf sDkgLx¿aLr :j:y k|lt:kwf{ gePsf] / ;~rfngdf kf/bzL{tfsf] cefj /x]sf] b]lvG5 . o;sf] k|ToIf pbfx/0f s]xL ;docl3 sltko aLdf sDkgLx¿ 5g\ . aLdfdf ;xefuL x'g] JolQm / ;+:yfn] bfjL e'QmfgLdf l9nf;':tL x'g]u/]sf] kfOG5 . aLdf Joj;fodf ;'wf/sf nflu sfg'gdf kl/dfh{g ug{ klg cfjZos b]lvPsf] 5 . ;fy} lgofds lgsfo -aLdf ;ldlt_ sf] Ifdtf clea[l4 ug{ cfjZos sbd rfNg'kg]{ b]lvG5 . aLdf Joj;fonfO{ cGt/f{li6«o dfkb08cg'¿k u'0f:t/Lo agfO{ b]zsf b'ud{ If]q tyf Go"gcfoju{;Dd k'¥ofpg' r'gf}tLk"0f{ sfo{ xf] . lghL{jg aLdfnfO{ ;fdflhs tyf k|fs[lts hf]lvdaf6 pTkGg x'g;Sg] Iflt Joj:yfkg ug]{ / hLjg aLdfnfO{ cfly{s ;'/Iff, bL3{sflng k"FhL kl/rfng ug]{ k|efjsf/L dfWodsf ¿kdf ljsf; ug'{ aLdfIf]qsf r'gf}tL /x]sf 5g\ . ;/sf/L :jfldTjsf sltko ljQLo ;+:yfsf] lgodgsf/L lgsfo :jo+ ;/sf/ g} /x]sf 5g\ . 7"nf] kl/df0fsf] cfly{s sf/f]af/ x'g] u/]sf] sd{rf/L ;~rosf]if / gful/s nufgL sf]ifsf] lgofds tf]Sg] k|of; nfdf] ;dob]lv ePsf] ePklg cfjZos sfg'gsf] cefjdf To;df ;kmntf kfpg ;lsPsf] 5}g . sltko ;+:yfsf] n]vfk/LIf0f ;dod} x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . o;af6 To:tf ;+:yfsf] sfdsf/jfxL / ljQLo cj:yf kf/bzL{ x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . ;a} If]qsf] lgodg ug{ ;/sf/;Fu cfjZos bIftf x'Fb}g . To;}n] pko'Qm / ;Ifd lgofdssf] Joj:yf ug'{kb{5 . ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ ;'/lIft tj/n] ;~rfngsf nflu cfjZos kg]{ lgodg Joj:yf (Prudential regulations) 73

/ dfkb08x¿sf] lgdf{0f / sfof{Gjogdf bIf lgofdsx¿n] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{ ;Sb5g . %= pk;+xf/ ljQLo k|0ffnLsf] ljsf;;Fu} o;df b]vfkg{ ;Sg] ;d:of tyf r'gf}tLx¿nfO{ :jfefljs ¿kdf lng'kb{5 . To;sf] ;fdgf ug{ lgodgsf/L lgsfox¿sf] Ifdtf a[l4 ub}{ nfg'kb{5 . o; ;Gbe{df cy{dGqLsf] cWoIftfdf pRr:t/Lo ljQLoIf]q ;dGjo ;ldltsf] u7gnfO{ ;fdlos sbd dfGg'kb{5 . ljQLoIf]qk|lt lgIf]kstf{, nufgLstf{ nufotsf ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿sf] ljZjf; clea[l4 ug{ a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ultljlwk|lt uxg lgu/fgL /fVg'kg]{ cfjZos b]lvPsf] 5 . vf;u/L s]xL 7"nf ljQLo ;+:yf ;d:ofu|:t ePsf / z]o/sf] d"No pT;fxhgs x'g g;s]sf] ;Gbe{df d'b|f tyf k"FhLahf/sf lgofdsx¿ / ;/sf/sf r'gf}tL a9\b} uPsf] 5 . o; ;Gbe{df tL lgsfon] cfˆgf] ;Ifdtf clea[l4 ub}{ hfg'kg]{ ckl/xfo{tf /x]sf] 5 . ;j{;fwf/0f lgIf]kstf{ tyf nufgLstf{ nflu r]tgfd"ns ;"rgfx¿ k|jfx ug'{kb{5 . d'b|f tyf k"FhLahf/ ;DaGwL ;+:yfsf] ;~rfngdf kf/bzL{tf, hjfkmb]xLtf, k]zfut bIftf / :jfoQtf h:tf ;'zf;gsf d"ne"t tTjx¿sf] clea[l4 ug'k{ b{5 . ljQLo k|0ffnLleqsf ;+:yfx¿n] :jlgodgdf /xL ;/f]sf/jfnf / ;]jfu|fxLsf] lxt ;+/If0ftkm{ ;w} ;hu /xg'kb{5 . o;af6 ljQLoIf]qsf] l:y/tfdf ;xof]u k'Ub5 . ljQLoIf]qsf] ljsf;sf nflu ;/sf/ / s]Gb|Lo a}+ssf] e"ldsf ;xhstf{ jf ;dGjosf/L lgsfosf ¿kdf x'g'kb{5 . a}+s vf/]hLsf] cj:yfdf ;j{;fwf/0fsf] artsf] k|Tofe"ltsf u/L ljQLok|0flnk|lt ljZjf; sfod /fVg h?/L x'G5 . o;} ;Gbe{df s]Gb|Lo a}+ssf] ;'kl/j]If0fsf cltl/Qm lgIf]ksf] ;'/If0f ug]{ sfo{ @)^& sf] cGtb]lv ;'? ePsf] 5 . lgudn] @)^( r}t;Dddf !*$ a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfdf ;'/If0fsf] kl/lw -xfn ?= @ nfv k|lt k|fs[lts JolQm k|lt

;+:yf_ leq /x]sf s'n ?= @ va{ #! cj{ lgIf]ksf] ;'/If0f u/]sf] 5 . a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf vf/]hLdf uPsf] cj:yfdf lgIf]kstf{x¿sf] artsf] ;'/If0f ug]{ lgsfo -lgIf]k tyf shf{ ;'/If0f lgud_ nfO{ ljQLo tyf Joj:yfksLo tj/n] ;'b[9 ug'{kb{5 . clxn]sf] k"FhL ;+/rgf kof{Kt 5}g . lgudnfO{ cd]l/sfsf] k]m8/n l8kf]lh6 OG:of]/]G; skf]{/]zg (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) n] h:t} ;d:ofu| : t ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ lgoGq0fdf lng] jf k'g?Tyfg ug{;Sg] u/L lgudnfO{ sfg'gL tj/n] clwsf/;DkGg ug{ ;s]df eljiodf kg{;Sg] ljQLo ;+s6;Fu ;fdgf ug{ ;3fp x'G5 . ;fgf lgIf]kstf{n] cfk"mn] lgIf]k /fv]sf a}+sx¿sf] ljQLo :jf:Yo cg'udg ug{ ;Dej gx'g] x'gfn] lgodg lgsfox¿n] To:tf lgIf]kstf{sf] lxt ;+/If0f ug]{tkm{ ;hu x'g'kb{5 . lgudn] lgIf]k ;'/If0fdf ;xefuL a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ lk|ldodsf] nfesf b[li6n] dfq gx]/L lglZrt dfkb08 tf]sL ;+:yfut ;'zf;g ;an ePsf] ;+:yfnfO{ dfq lgIf]ksf] ;'/If0fdf ;xefuL agfpg' kb{5, cGoyf a}+s vf/]hLdf uPsf] cj:yfdf 7"nf] bfloTj Joxf]g{' kg]x{ G' 5 . o:tf] dfkb08af6 a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;'zf;gdf ;~rfng x'g bafa ;d]t kb{5 . lgIf]kstf{x¿df cfˆgf] lgIf]ksf] ;'/Iffk|lt r]tgfsf] sdL /x]sf] kfOG5 . clwsf+z ;j{;fwf/0f cfsif{s Aofhb/ / pkxf/sf] k|nf]egdf ;+:yfsf] ljQLo tyf Joj:yfksLo l:yltsf] cWoog gu/L cfˆgf] lgIf]k /fVg] ub{5g\ . jf:tjdf ;a} lgIf]kstf{ hfu?s x'g' ;Dej / Jofjxfl/s x'Fb}g . o;af6 lgIf]kstf{x¿ hf]lvddf kg]{u/]sf] kfOG5 . cfˆgf] artsf] ;'/Iff ug{ ;j{ky| d lgIf]kstf{ cfk}m rgfvf] x'gk' b{5 . s]Gb|Lo a}+sn] klg ;do ;dodf ;fj{hlgs ;"rgfdfkm{t ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ ;hu u/fpg' kb{5 . lgIf]kstf{sf] lxtnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL ljQLo ;+:yfx¿sf] lgodg tyf cg'udgnfO{ ;'b[9 agfpg' kb{5 . cy{tGqdf art kl/rfngnfO{ k|f]T;fxg ug{ / To;nfO{ pTkfbgzLn If]qdf k|jfx ug{ a}+lsª\ k|0ffnLnfO{ ;'b[9 / ljZj;gLo agfpg' kg]{ x'G5 . ljQLo l:y/tfsf 74

nflu ;du| cy{Joj:yf, lgodg tyf ;'kl/j]If0f / jhf/sf nflu cfjZos k"jf{wf/ ;DaGwL ;'b[9 Joj:yf sfod x'g' cfjZos 5 . ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7g;Fusf] cfa4tfsf ;Gbe{df g]kfnn] cfly{sIf]qdf cfˆgf] Ifdtf klg clea[l4 ug'k{ g]{ cfjZos 5 . t/ ljZj cfly{s d~rn] ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] ljZj k|lt:kwf{Tds k|ltj]bg @)!!÷!@ n] ljZj cy{tGqdf g]kfnsf] k|lt:kwL{ Ifdtf ToGt Go"g /x]sf] pNn]v u/]sf] 5 . ;/sf/LIf]qsf] k|If]k0fsf] ljkl/t cf=j= @)^%.^^ b]lv g]kfnsf] cfly{s a[l4b/ vl:s+bf] 5 eg] cf=j= @)^$.^% b]lv d'b|fl:kmltb/ a9\bf] 5 . blIf0f Pl;ofdf g]kfnsf] :yfg ;a}eGbf sdhf]/ /x]sf] b]lvG5 . e|i6«frf/ csf]{ r'gf}tLsf ¿kdf /x]sf] 5 . 6«fG:k/]G;L OG6/g]zgnn] xfn} ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] Ps cWoogn] klg ;j}h;f] If]q e|i6«frf/af6 d'Qm x'g g;s]sf] b]vfPsf] 5 . ljQLoIf]qsf] :j:y ljsf;df o:tf kIfn] k|efj kfg]{ tYonfO{ gsfg{ ;lsGg . g] k fnsf] /fhgLltdf ljBdfg nfdf] cjlwsf] ;+qmd0fsfn / cl:y/tf, ;+ljwfg lgdf{0f x'g g;s]sf] cj:yf h:tf sf/s ljQLo :yfloTjdf afwssf /x]sf] 5 . csf]t{ k{m /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]un] g]kfnnfO{ sdljsl;t d'n'saf6 qmdzM ljsl;t d'n'sdf ¿kfGt/0f ug]{ dxTjfsf+Iff xfn} ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] b:tfj]hdf pNn]v 5 . oL nIox¿ k'/f ug]{ sfo{ cToGt r'gf}tLk"0f{ /x]sf] 5 . ljBdfg ljZjJofkLs/0f / ljQLo pbf/Ls/0fsf ;Gbe{df If]qLo tyf cGt/f{li6«o ;+:yf;+Fu ;/sf/af6 ul/Psf k|lta4tfx¿ k'/f ug'{kg]{ bfloTj klg d'n's;fd' 5 . g]kfnn] ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7g (WTO) sf] ;b:otf k|fKt u/]kl5 ljb]zL a}+ssf] k|j]zaf6 a}+lsª\If]qdf pRr:t/sf] k|lt:kwf{Tds jftfj/0f pTkGg x'g] b]lvG5 . o;sf nflu ;du| ljQLoIf]qsf] ;Ifdtf clej[l4 ug'{kg]{ cfjZostf 5 . ;'b[9 sfg'g, lgodg tyf ;'kl/j]If0f o;sf cfwf/zLnf x'g\ . xfnsf lbgx¿df lgofds lgsfox¿af6 lnOPsf gLlt tyf ;f]sf] sfof{Gjogaf6 eg] of] If]qsf] :j:y ljsf; / lj:tf/ x'g]df cfzfjfbL x'g ;lsG5 .

I don't know

We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

2nd Installation Ceremony 

Rtr. Shova Baral

I don't know why the sky darken up After the sun goes Neither I know Why the loneliness hovers up Whenever your memories sows Drizzling shower of recalled thoughts Dozing out again of those nuts Fumes of plentiful memories Rushes of those whole stories I don't know Why the land erodes up After the stream change the pace Neither I know Why those exquisite moment diminish up After you turn away your face. Whispers of breeze shatters me. Regressing ownself towards those melody Recurring dreams of those exhausted moments Overwhelming me failing in every seconds. I don't know Why the greenary fades up After the winter approach Neither I know Why the tears sheds up After you expropriate the seeds of hope I don't know Whether I am in agony or fear of despair. Just the facts I know is: Am entirely unknown. Am seriously unknown. 



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We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

11th Installation Ceremony of

Rotary Club of Narayangarh and

2nd Installation Ceremony of

Rotaract Club of Narayangarh

Prof. Dr. Moha Dutta Sharma Agriculture and Forestry University Rampur, Chitwan


jftfj/0f ;+/If0fdf gf/fo0fu9 /f]6/L Snan] v]n]sf] e"ldsf z'qms'df/ k|wfg 

k"j{ dT:o ljsf; lgb{]zs

ljut kfFr 5 jif{ cl3b]lv dnfO{ gf/fo0fu9 /f]6/L Snaåf/f ;+rflnt ljleGg ;fdflhs sfo{x? af/]df s]xL hfgsf/L 5 . Snan] :yflgo hg;d'bfodf hgr]tgf hufpg] lgs} ;sf/fTds sfo{x? ub{} cfPsf] 5 . o;af6 d cfk"m :jod\ k|efljt ePsf] / s]xL /fd|f s'/fx? klg l;Sg] df}sf kfPsf] 5' . xfd|f pd]/sf k':tfx? / clxn]sf o'jf k':tfx?df ;fdflhs sfo{df ;+nUg x'g'df w]/} cGt/ cfPsf] dnfO{ cg'ej 5 . clxn] xfd|f kfnfdf pd]/ 9Ns]kl5 cyf{t\ ^) jif{ gf3]kl5 3/ Jojxf/af6 s]xL k"m;{b ePkl5 dfq æ;fdflhs sfo{Æ df nfUg'k5{ eGg] dfGotf lyof] / a'9fkfsfx? ;fdflhs sfo{df nfu]sf] kfOGYof] . t/ clxn] ;do kl/jt{g ePsf] 5 . dfgj hLjgsf] o'jf cj:yfb]lv g} cfˆgf] pBf]u, Jofkf/ Joj;fo ;+rfng ub{} cyjf pRr lzIff cWoog ubf{ ub{} klg s]xL ;do lgsfn]/ ;fdflhs sfo{x? ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] pbfx/0f gf/fo0fu9 /f]6/L Snasf o'jf ;b:ox?n] k|ToIf ?kdf b]vfPsf 5g\ . o; Snan] xfn ;+rfng ub{} cfPsf ;fdflhs sfo{x? dWo] s]xL sfo{qmdx? o; k|sf/sf 5g\ – lgMz'Ns :jf:Yo lzlj/, u/La tyf h]x]Gbf/ 5fq 5fqfx?nfO{ pRr lzIff xfl;n ug{ – 5fqj[lQ k|bfg, jftfj/0f ;+/If0f / lbuf] kmf]x/ Joj:yfkg sfo{qmd, ljleGg ;f+:s[lts sfo{qmdx? ;+rfng, lzIff :jf:Yo ;/;kmfO{ af/] hg;r]tgf hufpg] sfo{qmd, nfu' kbfy{ lgoGq0f ;DaGwL hg;r]tgf sfo{qmd, j[Iff/f]k0f sfo{qmd, o'jf :j/f]huf/ ;DaGwL hgr]tgf sfo{qmd, u/La / lk5l8Psf hg;d'bfosf] nflu :j/f]huf/ sfo{qmd, k|fs[lts k|sf]k lgoGq0f / Joj:yfkg tyf ;xof]u sfo{qmd cflb 5g\ . pRr lzIff xfl;n u/]sf o'jf Joj;foLx? / ;dfhdf ljleGg of]ubfg k'¥ofpFb} cfPsf hfFul/nf, k"mlt{nf, OdfGbf/ JolQmx? o; Snadf ;+nUg /x]sf] kfOG5 . oL o'jfx?df cfˆgf] b]z / hgtfsf] nflu s]xL of]ubfg k'¥ofP/ ;dfh kl/jt{g u/f}+ eGg] efjgfsf ;fy cl3 a9]sf] kfOG5 . oL eP /f]6/L Snan] ub}{ cfPsf c;n / ;sf/fTds ;fdflhs sfo{x? . 77

ca k|;Ë abnf}+, Snan] ;+rfng ub{} cfPsf dfly pNn]lvt c;n ;fdflhs sfo{x? dWo] Ps sfo{ xf] ‘jftfj/0f ;+/If0f / lbuf] kmf]x/ Joj:yfkg’ . gf/fo0fu9 /f]6/L Snan] o; ljifodf lgs} ;sf/fTds ?kdf hgr]tgf hufpg] sfo{ u/]sf] 5 . ;fy} ;xof]u u/]/ klg pbfx/0f b]vfPsf] 5 . ;do ;dodf Snadf ;b:ox?sf] ;+nUgtfdf ;/;kmfO{ cleofg ;+rfng ub{} cfPsf] 5 eg] ljeGg ;~rf/ dfWodx?af6 hgr]tgf hufpg] sfo{qmdx? klg ;~rfng ub{} cfPsf] 5 . h'g clxn]sf] ;dosf] Pp6f k|z+;lgo sfo{ eGg ;lsG5 . clxn]sf] ;dfh eg]sf] ;a} If]qsf r]tgzLn hg;d'bfox?, jftfj/0f ;+/If0f sfo{df nfu]/ xfd|f] eljio pHHjn, v';L / ;d[l4 agfpg' k5{ eGg] /x]sf] 5 . x/]s a:tLdf, ufpF, zx/df, :s"ndf, sn]hdf, snsf/vfgfdf, ahf/df of cGo 7fpFx? klg ahf/df Pp6f ;'Gb/ au}+rf -kfs{_ agfpg' k5{ eGg] ;f]r cfO;s]sf] 5 . k|fs[lts ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f / ;Da4{g ug'{k5{ eGg] /x]sf] 5 . o:t} ;f]r lnP/ gf/fo0fu9, /f]6/L Sna klg cl3 al9 /x]sf] 5 eGg] d]/f] k"0f{ cg'ej 5 . oxL d]/f] cg'ejnfO{ oxfF lrq0f ug{ gf/fo0fu9 /f]6/L Sna nfu]sf] 5. cfˆgf] #% jif{sf] ;/sf/L ;]jf -s[lif ;]jf_ af6 cjsfz kl5 cfˆgf] cg'ejnfO{ ;dfhdf s]xL of]ubfg u/f}+ eGg] ;f]+rn] :yfgLo:t/df ‘jftfj/0f ;+/If0f / lbuf] kmf]x/ Joj:yfkg’ ug{} sfo{df ;+nUg /xL sfd ub{} cfPsf] 5' . 7Ls @ jif{ cl3 cyf{t\ @)^* efb|b]lv gf/fo0fL lsgf/ / j/k/sf :yfgx?df ;/;kmfO{ ug{] p2]Zon] ‘gf/fo0fL lsgf/ afn Sna’ u7g u/]/ ;–;fgf :s"nsf :yfgLo 5fq 5fqfx?;Fu ldn]/ sfd yfn]sf] lyPF . gf/fo0fL lsgf/df a:g] :yfgLo hg;d'bfo / ;dfh;]jLx?sf] ;+of]hsTjdf of] sfd z'? u/]sf] lyPF . o; sfo{nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg / afnaflnsf tyf :yfgLo hg;d'bfonfO{ xf};nf a9fpg gf/fo0fu9 /f]6/L Snan] cfˆgf] sfof{nodf ldlt @)^* sflt{s ^ ut] Ps ljz]if sfo{qmdsf] cfof]hgf u/]/

:6]zg/Lx? / vfhf ljt/0f u/]sf] lyof] . To;}{ dlxgfdf afn Snasf ;b:ox?;Fu ldn]/ /f]6/L Snan] gf/fo0fL lsgf/sf] ;/;kmfO{ cleofg klg ;+rfng u/]sf] lyof] . pQm ;dodf Snasf cWoIf nufot cGo ;b:ox?sf] ;xefuLtf lyof] . pQm cleofg sfo{qmdaf6 :yfgLo hg;d'bfox? / afnSnasf 5fq 5fqfx? lgs} k|efljut ePsf lyP . pgLx?df 7"nf] xf};nf hfu/0f eof] . pgLx?df ;/;kmfO{ ;DaGwL r]tgfsf] nx/ cfof] . kmntM o; sfo{af6 :yfgLojf;Lx?df jftfj/0f ;+/If0f ;DaGwL 1fg xfl;n eof] . pgLx? lzlIft eP . To;kl5 cf–cfˆgf] 3/ cfFugaf6 lg:sg] b}lgs kmf]x/x? ‘8i6lajg’ ;+sng u/L plrt 7fpFdf tx nufpg] sfo{ ug{ yfn] . To;kl5 pQm 7fpFdf k|To]s lbg sfo{ ug{ yfn] . kmf]x/sf] Joj:yfkg ;Fu ;Fu} Knfli6ssf emf]nfx? klg Jojl:yt tj/n] ;+sng u/L tx nufpg] sfo{ x'g yfNof] . Snan] z'? u/]sf] c;n sfo{df cGo ;fdflhs ;+:yfx?n] klg ToxfF xft a9fpg] sfd eof] . gf/L cEo"bo s]Gb|sf tkm{af6 afn SnanfO{ :6]zg/L / vfhfsf] ;fy} ;/;kmfO{ ug{] emf8, 8f]sf] h:tf ;fdu|Lx? pknAw u/fOof] . pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3–lrtjg / Knfli6s Joj;foL ;+3, lrtjgaf6 kmf]x/ ;+sng ug{} Knfli6ssf aflN6gx? k|fKt eof] . cGo ;fdflhs ;+:yfx? h:t} cå}t ;+:yf, ‘;"O/f] sfo{qmd’af6 ;d]t, emf8', Knfli6s ;+sng ug{ ‘;"O/f]’ x? k|fKt eof] . s]xL ;dfh;]jL JolQmx?af6 afnSnanfO{ :6]zg/Lx?, vfhfx? / emf8'x? k|fKt eP . o;/L /f]6/L Snan] z'? u/]sf] c;n sfo{nfO{ cGo ;+3 ;+:yfn] klg ;xof]u u¥of] . kmntM 6f]n ;'wf/ ;ldltsf o'jfx? gf/fo0fL lsgf/df b}lgs ;/;kmfO{ ug{ nfu] . o; :yfgsf] ;+/If0f / ;Da4{g ug{ nflu k/] . clxn] o; sfo{nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbFFb} cl3 a9]sf] 5 . 6f]n ;'wf/ ;ldltx?sf] ;lqmotfdf ljleGg bftfx?sf] cfly{s ;xof]udf clxn] gbL lsg/fdf a:gsf] nflu #! uf]6f l;d]G6sf] s'lr{ ag]sf 5g\ . To;} u/L bftfx?s} ;lqmotfdf lzj kfj{tLsf] @ uf]6f dlGb/ / a'4sf] Pp6f ;'Gb/ d"lt{ ToxfF lgdf{0f e};s]sf] 5 . ut jif{ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3– lrtjgsf] jftfj/0f dxfzfvfsf] ;+of]hsTj / e/tk'/ gu/kflnsfsf] cfly{s ;xof]udf gbL lsgf/sf] blIf0f efudf @!) uf]6f ljleGg hftsf lj?jfx?sf] j[Iff/f]k0f ul/Psf] 5 . tL j[Ifx? /fd|/L x'ls{P/ a9\b} uPsf] b]Vg ;lsG5 . clxn] rf}/ ;kmf ug{ b}lgs @ hgf pBf]u jfl0fHo 78

;+3–lrtjgsf sd{rf/Lx? vl6Psf 5g\ . o; sfo{af6 clxn] pQm :yfg Pp6f ;'Gb/, xl/of], ;kmf kfs{sf] ?kdf kl/jt{g ePsf] 5 . o;nfO{ ;kmf / ;'Gb/ /fVg /f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf ;b:ox? lg/Gt/ nfuL k/]sf] 5 . cfˆgf] / efjL k':tfsf] nflu Pp6f ;'Gb/ kfs{ rflxg] /x]5 eGg] ;sf/fTds ;f]r Nofpg] sfdsf] nflu /f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 nfuL/x]sf] 5 . o; jif{sf] ljZj jftfj/0f lbj;sf] lbg gf/fo0fL lsgf/ ;/;kmfO{ ug{ klg Snasf ;b:ox? ;lqmo ?kdf nflu k/]sf] lyof] . o;}u/L /f]6/L Snasf ;b:ox?sf] ;+nUgtfdf ljleGg ;+rf/ dfWodx? dfkm{t\ k|rf/ k|;f/ u/L gf/fo0fL lsgf/sf] jftfj/0f ;+/If0f /fVg d2t k'¥ofPsf] 5 . o;df l;ghL{ Pkm=Pd=, cleofg 6]lnlehg, a];f] Rofgn, lqmi6n 6]lnlehg, lrtjg kf]i6 -b}lgs_ k|z+;fsf kfq x'g\ . gf/fo0fL lsgf/ hxfF s/La @–# jif{ cl3 htf;'s} kmf]x/sf] y'k|f] / Knfli6ssf emf]nfx? ˆofFlsPsf] b]lvGYof] . clxn] ToxfF ;'Gb/ kfs{ aGb} u/]sf] b]Vg ;lsG5 . clxn] ;fFem laxfg 3'Dg cfpg] o'jfo'jtLx? / cGo ljleGg JolQmx? tyf afnaflnsfx? k|z:t ToxfF b]Vg ;lsG5 . :jR5 xfjf 5, lztn jftfj/0f 5 , ;kmf 5 gf/fo0fL lsgf/ clxn] . of] x'g'df z'?sf] e"ldsf gf/fo0fu9, /f]6/L Snan] v]n]sf] xf] eGg' cTo'lQm gxf]nf . o;df d]/f] z'?b]lvsf] cg'ej 5 . o;} ;Gbe{df gf/fo0fL lsgf/nfO{ :jR5 x/fe/f agfpg] qmddf /fli6«o k|fylds ljBfno, gbL lsgf/sf @%) hgf 5fq 5fqfx?, ToxfFsf k|wfgfWofks, lzIfs lzlIfsf tyf cGo ;a} sd{rf/Lx?sf] klg 7"nf] of]ubfg /x]sf] 5 . pQm ljBfnosf lzIfs lzlIfsfx? / 5fq 5fqfx?n] k|To]s z'qmaf/ lbgsf] !! ah] s/La ! 306f lgoldt ?kdf rf}/ ;/;kmfO{ ub{5g\ . cGtdf, clxn]sf] o'u eg]sf] xfd|f] jftfj/0f ;+/If0f / lbuf] kmf]x/ Joj:yfkgdf nfUg] o'u xf] . xfdLnfO{ :j:y /xg, ;'vL /xg, dgf]/~hg ug{, bL3{ hLjg lhpg, cfˆgf] glhssf] :yfgdf Pp6f x/fe/f, ;kmf / ;'Gb/ kfs{ lgdf{0f ug'k{ 5{ eGg] ;f]r Nofpg] sfd /f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9n] NofPsf] 5 . ctM o:t} /rgfTds lgM:jfy{, ;dfh;]jfdf nfu]/ /f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9n] c?sf] nflu klg pbfx/0f aGg ;kmn x'g]5 eGg] d]/f] ljZjf; 5 . d]/f] z'esfdgf 5 gf/fo0fu9 /f]6/L SnanfO{ . c:t' .


Rotaract Club of Narayangarh Club Roaster Charter PRESIDENT / Editor

Rtr. Sirjan Bastola Classification: Student Address: Bharatpur, Chitwan Phone No.: 056-592533 Mob: 9845436000 E-mail: Date of Birth: 1st Oct. Blood Group : A+ve


President Nominee

Vice President


Joint Secretary


Club Service Director

Community Service Director

Professional Service Director

International Service Director

Rtr. Ujjawal Shrestha Classification: Student Address: Bharatpur-5, Chitwan Mob: 9845363294, 9845674124 E-mail: Date of Birth: 29th Dec. Blood Group : O+ve

Rtr. Nischal Senchury Classification: Student Address: Lila Chowk, Narayangarh Mob: 9811269768 E-mail: Date of Birth: 1st Jan.

Rtr. Isha Pradhan Classification: Student Address: Kshetrapur-1, Narayangarh Mob: 9845111871 E-mail: Date of Birth: 1st June Blood Group : A+ve Rtr. Nisha Pradhan Classification: Student Address: Kshetrapur-1, Narayangarh Mob: 9845418543 E-mail: Date of Birth: 12th June Blood Group : O+ve Rtr. Yogendra Raj Pant Classification: Veterinary Student Address: Mulpani-5, Baglung Mob: 9849555137 E-mail: Date of Birth: 17th Dec. Blood Group : B+ve



Rtr. Manoj Piya Classification: Student Address: Mainroad, Narayangarh Phone No.: 056-526129 Mob: 9845366689 E-mail: Date of Birth: 27th Dec. Blood Group : A +ve

Rtr. Sweejan Piya Classification: Student Address: Pokhara Buspark, Narayangarh Phone No.: 056-522031 Mob: 9807200474 E-mail: Date of Birth: 19th Aug. Blood Group : A +ve Rtr. Robin Agrawal "Gullu" Classification: Student Address: Mainroad, Narayangarh Phone No.: 056-525702 Mob: 9845367657 E-mail: Date of Birth: 14th May Rtr. Nisha Shrestha Classification: Student Address: Bharatpur-12, Chitwan Mob: 9845582083 E-mail: Date of Birth: 28th Oct. Blood Group : O+ve Rtr. Sunita Shrestha Classification: Veterinary Student Address: Bharatpur-13, Kalyanpur Mob: 9845655004 E-mail: Date of Birth: 19th Feb. Blood Group : O+ve Rtr. Anisha Rana Magar Classification: Student Address: Gaindakot-2, Nawalparasi Mob: 9845418645 Date of Birth: 11th Nov. Blood Group : A+ve

Club Roaster

Rotaract Club of Narayangarh












New Member

New Member

New Member

Rtr. Aakash Pradhan Classification: Student Address: Bharatpur-2, Chitwan Mob: 9845220102 E-mail: Date of Birth: 1st March Blood Group : B+ve Rtr. Riddhi Shrestha Classification: Veterinary Student Address: Ugrachandi-3, Kavrepalanchok Mob: 9803836357 E-mail: Date of Birth: 3rd Oct. Blood Group : A +ve Rtr. Mahesh K.C. Classification: Veterinary Student Address: Atithpur-6, Mahendranagar Mob: 9841234588 E-mail: Date of Birth: 25th Bhadra Blood Group : AB+ve Rtr. Kabita Pandey Classification: Veterinary Student Address: Shankarnagar-7, Rupandehi Mob: 9806980885 E-mail: Date of Birth: 14th February

Rtr. Shova Baral Classification: Veterinary Student Address: Malepatan-5, Pokhara Mob: 9845324226 E-mail: Date of Birth: 21st Aug. Rtr. Prayash Shrestha Classification: Student Address: Bharatpur-1, Pokhara Buspark Mob: 9845114265 E-mail: Date of Birth: 13 Dec. Rtr. Rojina Gautam Classification: Student Address: Bharatpur-6, Chitwan Mob: 9845176999 Blood Group : O+ve


Rtr. Lisa Shrestha Classification: Student Address: Mainroad, Narayangarh Phone No.: 056-526720 E-mail: Date of Birth: 26th Bhadra Rtr. Dipana Maharjan Classification: Veterinary Student Address: Satungal-9, Kathmandu Mob: 9841056000 E-mail: Date of Birth: 6th Feb. Blood Group : A +ve Rtr. Sanjiv Pandit Classification: Veterinary Student Address: Bharatpur-10, Chitwan Mob: 9845329542 E-mail: Date of Birth: 17th Baisakh Blood Group : O+ve Rtr. Manoj Kumar Mahato Classification: Veterinary Student Address: Sharadanagar-3, Chitwan Mob: 984513098 E-mail: Date of Birth: 26th Sept. Blood Group : B+ve Rtr. Asmita Shrestha Classification: Veterinary Student Address: Bharatpur-2, Pokhara Buspark Mob: 9845390272 E-mail: Date of Birth: 11th Nov. Rtr. Abhishek Piya Classification: Student Address: Bharatpur-2, Kshetrapur Mob: 9801059900 E-mail: Date of Birth: 24th July Rtr. Suman Thing Classification: Student Address: Bharatpur-2, Kshetrapur Mob: 9811819070 E-mail: Blood Group : B +ve

We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

2nd Installation Ceremony of

Rotaract Club of Narayangarh

Putalibazar-3, Narayangarh Ph: 056-531046, Cell: 9855064376

Remember us for all kinds of stationary & books 82

Rotaract Club of Narayangarh RI District – 3292 Sponsored by: Rotary Club of Narayangarh

Secretary ReporT Rtr. Riddhi Shrestha Secretary 2012-13 Dear Chairman, Respected Rotarians, Rotaractors, Anne’s and Guest It's an immense pleasure for me to present the secretary report of the year 2012-13. It's a matter of glory that in a very less time, our club has achieved heights of success through it's committed members. I am proud to state that despite several hardships our club has accomplished several admiring project not in a single avenue but in all the avenues of Rotaract services. Here, I highlight the ameliorative projects achieved during the successful tenure of President 2012-13 Rtr. Sirjan Bastola. Club Activities 2012-13 Number of general Meetings: 25 Average attendance: 78.8% Number of board meeting: 8 Club assembly: 2 Club Bulletins released 3 No. of Joint Meeting with sponsoring Rotary Club 4 No. of Joint Meetings with Twin Club 1 No. of Sponsoring Rotary Club's Meeting attended 15 Membership Strength 27 Annexure Used: 1. Club Service: 2. Community Service: 3. Professional Service: 4. International Service:

Annexure Annexure Annexure Annexure

1 2 3 4


CLUB SERVICE - Dir. Rtr. Nischal Senchury Installation Ceremony On 11th July 2012, Joint Installation ceremony (10th Installation ceremony of Rotary Club of Narayangarh and 1st Installation ceremony of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh) was held at The New Kitchen Cafe, Pulchowk, Narayangarh. The Chief Guest of the program was DG Nominee Rtn. Rabindra Kumar Piya and other guests were Assistant Governor of Zone-12 Rtn. Bhadra Narayan Piya and Past Assistant Governor 2011-12 of Zone-13 Rtn. Bhojraj Kaudel. In the program, President 2011-12 Rtn. Bigyanlal Shrestha handed over the Rotary chain, hammer and gabble to the President 2012-13 Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha and a 15 members board to be led by Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha was installed. Similarly,Charter President 2011-12 Rtr. Manoj Piya handed over the Rotaract chain, hammer and gabble to the incoming President 2012-13 Rtr. Sirjan Bastola. Rtr.Sirjan Bastola addressed the ceremony with his presidential message and installed his new board for 2012-13. President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola President Nominee Rtr. Ujjwal Shrestha Vice-President Rtr. Sweejan Piya


Secretary Rtr. Riddhi Shrestha Joint-Secretary Rtr. Isha Pradhan Treasurer Rtr .Rabin Agrawal Club Service Director Rtr. Nischal Senchury Community Service Director Rtr. Rojina Oli Professional Service Director Rtr. Sanjiv Pandit International Service Director Rtr. Shova Baral Sergeant-At-Arms Rtr. Nisha Shrestha Editor Rtr. Dipana Maharjan In the formal program, both Rotary Club of Narayangarh and Rotaract club of Narayangarh gave the awards to the Rotarians and Rotaractors under different categories. Following Rotaractors were awarded under mentioned categories: Best Rotaractor Rtr. Rabin Agrawal Highest Attendance Award Rtr. Rojina Oli Best Chairman Award Rtr. Isha Pradhan Presidential Award Rtr. Sweejan Piya Special Recognition Awards Rtr. Sirjan Bastola, Rtr. Ujjwal Shrestha and Rtr. Nischal Senchury Rotarians as Guest speakers On 14th July 2012,Rotaract club of Narayangarh welcomed Chartered President and President of Rotary Club of Narayangarh Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan and Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha respectively to the 15th regular meeting of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh as guest speakers.In fact,it was the 1st meeting of the Rota year 2012-13.Both guest speakers emphasized that the youths should take a lead to serve the community and develop the leadership skills and the plateform is provided by the Rotaract.They make club members aware about the roles and responsibilities of the Rotaract in the community and the nation. Dr. Srijana Dwa as Guest Speaker On 18th August 2012, Rotaract club of Narayangarh welcomed Dr. Srijana Dwa, doctor from United Doctors Dental Clinic, Narayangarh. She was welcomed as a guest speaker on the 18th regular meeting of Rotaract club of Narayangarh. Rotaractors put forward their queries regarding dental health and she gave her explanations. Rotaractors become interested to serve the community by organizing a program related to dental health. Dr. Dwa gave the information on different aspects while organizing such program. In the meeting, 11 members and 2 guests were present. Charter week celebration Rotaract Club of Narayangarh, in order to mark the Charter Day on 30th August, organized a “CHARTER WEEK” celebration from 25th Aug to 1st September. Chartered week celebration was through 7 different programs for 8 days which are as follow: 25th Aug. 1st Club Assembly th 26 Aug. Food Distribution at Devghat 27th Aug. Hosting Zonal meeting 28th Aug. Fellowship Tea party 29th Aug. Sports Item Distribution 1st Joint meeting with sponsoring Rotary Club 30th Aug. Charter Day Celebration 30th Aug. –1st Sept. 3 days Free Dental Check up,Treatment and Awareness 31st Aug. Talk Program on Beso Channel for Rotaract Promotion 1st Club Assembly On 25 August 2012, RAC Narayangarh had its First Club Assembly. In the program 3 new members were pinned up into the club. They were Sunita Shrestha, Aakash Pradhan and Anisha Rana. Chartered President and President of o Rotary Club of Narayangarh Rtn.Niranjan Pradhan and Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha welcomed the new members by providing the Rotaract pins .In the program President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola presented the plan of Action for Rota Year 2012-13. th


Zonal Meeting On 27th August 2012, RAC Narayangarh hosted “Zonal Meeting” at Hotel Image Palace at 5.30 pm. Rotaractors from

Zone-II showed their active participation by their bulky mass and their raised voice. The Rotaractors from RAC Chitwan, RAC Bharatpur, and RAC Narayangarh attended the meeting. The issue were regarding the bidding of PS meet by RAC Palpa Tansen and delaying in appointing Rtr. Laxmi Shrestha as ZS of Zone-II. In the program, 19 Rotaractors were participated. Fellowship Tea Party On 28th August 2012, RAC Narayangarh organized a “Fellowship Tea Party” of Rotaractors at Hotel Image Palace. Rotaractors from RAC Narayangarh , RAC Chitwan and RAC Bharatpur were participated. They discussed on different aspects for club development and about the right and responsibilities of Zone-II in the District. Charter Day Celebration On 30th August 2012, RAC Narayangarh celebrated its Charter Day by organizing a small party at Hotel Image Palace. It was a day of celebration of a successful year of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh. President Rtr.Sirjan Bastola cut the cake and started the program..He explained the progress of club during a year since charter presentation.He expected the similar support from Rotaractors and Rotarians in the remaining period to mark the Rota Year 2012-13 a memorable one. In the program, Rotarians from parent Rotary club of Narayangarh Charter President Rtn. Niranjan pradhan, President Rtn. Ramesh shrestha and Rtn. Anukul shrestha ,and Dr. Srijana Dwa from United Dental Clinic were also present on the ceremony. Similarly, Rotaractors from neighboring clubs, RAC Bharatpur and RAC Chitwan also congratulatd the club for its success. Everyone appreciated the optimistic views of the President. Talk Program on Beso Channel On 31st August 2012, President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola was invited on Beso Channel to share his words about Rotaract and its activities.VJ Rtr.Isha Pradhan conducted an hour program in asking questions to the President.The telephone calls of the audience was also entertained. The President conveyed his message to the youths to be a Rotaractor to serve the community and to develop personality as well. World Peace Day Today the world is confronting the problem of the violence as the major obstruction of the development. Peace is the essence of development of any country. Keeping in view the modern critical scenario of the world, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh jointly with Club Innovative celebrated World Peace Day by glowing candles at Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science(IAAS), Rampur on September 21st,2012. The program was successfully conducted with the appreciating participation and acclamation of public , students and the host club members. A peace logo between two pigeons was made from the lightened candles. The President of host clubs Rtr. Sirjan Bastola(RAC Narayangarh) and Mr. Dawan Tamang (Club Innovative) gave their speeches on the importance of peace in Nepal and in the whole world. The celebration was not simply a project but the approval that youth can do something profound for the sake of peace in the world. The program also proved to be a good medium of fellowship and interaction between the members of two clubs. President Secretary Meet President and Secretary Meet is an event organized by District. With beginning of the Rota Year, PS meet this time was hosted by 3 clubs namely, Rotaract by RAC Dillibazar , RAC Kathmandu- metro, RAC Palpa-Tansen .The venue was a cool and charming place of Palpa Tansen. On September 29,2012 ,Rotaractors from different Rotaract Clubs around District 3292 Nepal showed their good participation in the first mega event of the District of this Rota Year 2012-13.President Rtr Sirjan Bastola, Secretary Rtr.Riddhi Shrestha and Vice-President Rtr.Sweejan Piya were too present representing RAC Narayangarh. The event was honored by presence of District Rotaract Representative(DRR) Rtr.Bikesh Raj Bajracharya who put forward the important agendas on which discussions were laid down among Rotaract Presidents and Secretaries. RAC Narayangarh also participated in a banner competition. The home club tried its best to present all the activities carried till the date in the banner ,thus enabling Rotaractors all around the Nepal to know how a new club is in progressive path. Letter Head Exchange Apart from providing social services, Rotaract also provides the great platform for the fellowship among the fellow Rotaractors. The strong bond of friendship can be created among the Rotaractors. With such motive in mind, Rotaract Clubs of Narayangarh and Patan utilized the PS Meet, held in Tansen Palpa on 29th September, 2012.The Presidents of two Rotaract Clubs took it as a bestowed opportunity and conducted the Letter Head Exchange Programme. In that programme, President of RAC


Narayangarh Rtr. Sirjan Bastola & President of RAC Patan, Rtr. Shailendra Shakya exchanged the letter head of their respective clubs. It was the matter of pleasure and pride for Rotaract Club of Narayangarh to be in close relationship with the club of District Rotaract Representative(DRR). President Birthday Celebration President of Rota Year 2012-13, Rtr. Sirjan Bastola has been acting like the head of the Family for RAC Narayangarh. He is the one who left the meal, sleep and lassitude for the promotion and the welfare of the club. His tenure is moving so smoothly because of his skill to plan, conduct the project and mobilize the club members for the project which help in their personal development as well as successful accomplishment of the project. 1st October was the very special day for the RAC Narayangarh as it is the day when the President. Sirjan Bastola came in earth. So all the members of RAC Narayangarh organized the surprise birthday party to the president to make the day memorable. The birthday was celebrated with the small cake cutting program and wishing the best wishes to the President. Charter President and President of Rotary Club of Narayangarh Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan and Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha respectively also moved forward to give best wishes to the President and congratulated the President for running the club successfully till date.Likewise, President Pratik Dhebaju of RAC Chitwan, President Dhilendra Patel of RAC Bharatpur, District International Service Director Rahish Piya were also part of the celebration and wished best of luck for his future life and successful accomplishment of his tenure. Zonal COTS Club Officer’s Training Seminar (COTS) is a training for club members to learn and know about their duties and responsibilities either as a general member or a director of any avenue. It is a platform where one can put forward his queries about Rotaract and get solution from the trainers. It was a fortune and opportunity for a new club, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh to participate in the Zonal COTS hosted by the Rotaract Club of Ratnanagar, Tandi on October 6,2012 . It was during which the club members realized their duties as a member and especially the directors from each avenues got benefited by knowing their responsibilities as well as getting informed about the type of projects to be carried out under each avenues.In the seminar, DRR Rtr. Bikesh Raj Bajracharya along with his District members Rtr. Utsav Mani Kharel, Rtr. Bikash K.C. and Rtr.Rahish Piya gave proper guidance to the participants. They shared their ideas and experiences as well as trained the Rotaractors of the 5 different Rotaract Clubs by organizing them in groups.9 Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Narayangarh attended this first fruitful event of Zone-2 to furnish them with important club running qualities. Workshop in Partner in Service With a view to strengthen the Rotary-Rotaract relationship ,Rotary and Rotaract District 3292 organized a day Workshop on Partner in Service on October 13,2012 at Alfa Beta Complex, New Baneshwor. The workshop to establish the working spirit between the Rotarians and Rotaractors was inaugurated by District Governor Rtn.Yogendra Man Pradhan. 8 Rotary clubs, namely Rotary Club of Bagmati, Balaju, Baneshwor, Butwal, Dhulikhel, Kasthamandap, Nagarjung, Pokhara Midtown, Patan, Pokhara Annapurna and Pokhara Midtown hosted the program in which 250 participants including 170 Rotaractors and 80 Rotarians showed their remarkable presence. PDG Rtn. Tirtha Man Shakya put forward a paper illustrating how Rotaractors could contribute in Partner in Service at present context. Similarly, DRR Rtr.Bikesh Raj Bajracharya presented his paper on the behalf of Rotaract. The motivational speakers PDG Rtn. Ratna Man Shakya and PP Rtn.Siba Bhakta Raj Bhandari and Mr.Bikal Prasad Serchan were able to allure the participants towards the important issues of collaborative efforts for service with their powerful presentations. Round table group discussion was held to discuss about the topics of Roles and Responsibilities of Rotarians and Rotaractors towards each other, bonding between them for service ,communication and mutual respect, etc. Finally, the workshop amended the guidelines of both Rotary and Rotaract clubs of Nepal for better coordination in the future. President and Secretary of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh, namely Rtr Sirjan Bastola and Rtr.Riddhi Shrestha and President and President Elect of the sponsoring Rotary club namely, Rtn.Ramesh Shrestha and Rtn.Ishwor Shrestha were too among participants with an enthusiasm to learn a successful partnering attitude. The Presidents of Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Narayangarh got much inspired and were determined to continue the habit of working together in remaining period of their tenure too. Previously the two clubs had successfully accomplished two projects jointly namely, blood donation program and 3 days free dental checkup, treatment and awareness program.


Twin Club formation Twin Club formation is an important practice in Rotaract. Its main aim is to establish a working and friendship relationship

with the clubs within the district. RAC Narayangarh formed its twin fellow with RAC Rudramati-Babarmahal on 14th October, 2012. President of RAC Narayangarh Rtr. Sirjan Bastola & President of RAC Rudramati-Babarmahal Rtr. Deepak Adhikari formed an Intra-district twin club with each other by “Exchanging MOU” in presence of Zonal Secretray of Zone-5 Rtr. Pratik Dhital at the regular meeting venue of the RAC Rudramati-Babarmahal situated at ICA hall, Babarmahal, Kathmandu.The Secretaries of the two clubs, Rtr.Riddhi Shrestha from RAC Narayangarh and Rtr.Bipan Adhikari from RAC Rudramati-Babarmahal were also present in the program.In the programme, the ZS, Pradeep Dhital emphasized on the ‘Twin Relationship among Clubs and their role’The Presidents of twin clubs made the commitment to work together by bringing the new and innovative projects in action in the running rota year. Maulakalika Visit and 2nd Joint Meeting with RC Narayangarh In order to regard the presence of mighty lord and to increase the bond of relationship with Rotarians through fellowship, RAC Narayangarh with its sponsoring Rotary club made an initiative to visit Maulakalika on 17th October 2012.The programme was brought to success with the appreciating participation of both Rotarians and Rotaractors. The program formed the platform to extend and share greetings of Great Dashain. Rotarians and Rotaractors extended their best wishes for the success of both the clubs in the running Rota year 2012-13 After visiting the temple, Rotaray and Rotaract family of the Narayangarh had a joint meeting on a site nearby. It was the 2nd joint meeting between two parent and daughter club. The Presidents of the Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Narayangarh Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha and Rtr. Sirjan Bastola respectively conducted the regular meetings of their clubs in a style different than normal trend. The site was totally a religious place and was filling the Rotary and Rotaract Presidents with enthusiasm and excitement. Dashain Fellowship There was a wave of happiness everywhere. It felt like the country was glowing with the flame of harmony, love and extremes of happiness as the greatest festival of Hindus, Bada Dashain had come to ameliorate the homes of every Nepalese. In such exhilarating occasion why not we share few words of happiness, a few well wishing greetings among us Rotaractors. Hence, a Dashain fellowship programme was opined and was successfully conducted at residence of President of Rotaract Club of Narayagarh Rtr.Sirjan Bastola on October 22,2012 at IAAS, Rampur. The programme was honored by IPP and the Charter President of the club Rtr. Manoj Piya. In the programme Rtr. Sirjan Bastola, the President of the club picturized the projects successfully accomplished by the club to the IPP. The environment was full of joy and fun with taste of delicious food items prepared by the president himself. The president also made the moment memorable with his beautiful Nepali folk songs. The programme was not simply a glimpse of festive mood but a platform to sense the sense of togetherness, an inspiration to the participants in the club activities with the similar interest and thereby increasing the fellowship. Bharatpur- Lumbini Cycle Tour 2012 With a view to create awareness about the reduction of pollution and promotion of health through cycling habit, Rotaract Club of Bharatpur co-ordinated Bharatpur Lumbini Cycle Tour 2012 from Bharatpur to Lumbini. Rotaract Clubs of Narayangarh, Chitwan, Narayani-Midtown and Ratnanagar also co-chaired the event to make it grand and successful. In a 3 days tour from 2nd -4th November 2012,17 cyclists departed from Bharatpur towards the birthplace of Lord Budhha Lumbini on November 2.Among them,15 were Rotaractors from 5 Rotaract clubs namely, Rotaract Clubs of Narayangarh, Chitwan, Bharatpur, Narayani-midtown, Ratnanagar. Rtr. Sweejan Piya, Vice-President of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh also showed his participation in this mega event of the Rotaractors of Chitwan district. It was a matter of pride for the Rotaract Club of Narayangarh as he also accomplished the task of presenting club bulletins and souvenirs to other Rotaract Clubs who were welcoming and boosting the cyclists on the journey. Honouring Cyclists Realizing the irreplaceable efforts of the Youths Cyclist of Bharatpur Lumbini Cycle Tour 2012, ‘a day honoring cyclists’ was coordinated by Rotaract Club of Narayagarh on November 10, 2012 at Hotel Image Palace, Pokhara Buspark. In a program conducted under the chairmanship of President of Rotaract club of Narayangarh, Rtr.Sirjan Bastola, the chief guest was Membership Growth Chairperson of Rotary Club of Bharatpur Rtn.Rajendra Piya .The special guest was the coordinator of the Cycle tour Rtr.Bishnu Kanta Kafle who is also the vice-president of Rotaract Club of Bharatpur. The President, the chief guest and the special guest felicitated the 17 cyclists with words of congratulations and khada.


Deusi Bhailo Program The project Deusi Bhailo as proposed by Rotaract Club of Narayangarh was an inspirational beginning. Eventually the proposal was made successful by the active participation of the member Rotaractors in the program on 12th November, 2012. The programme became exhilarating moment for all the members as we wandered around the town in the homes of the Rotarians with the melody of the Deusi Bhailo. The project was significantly not merely an honor to the club but an inspirational step to conserve and respect the culture and traditions followed since time immemorial. It also proved to be a good fund raising program for the club. Bike Rally In order to celebrate the birthday of Shankhadhar Shankhwa who developed Nepal Sambat, Newa Deya Dabu organized a bike rally round the Narayangarh Bazar on November 24. The rally started from Balkumari Kanya School and went around the Narayangarh visiting different places of the bazar.The people from different organizations participated to remember the contributions of the historical figure. Rotaractors from RAC Narayangarh Rtr.Sirjan Bastola, Rtr. Ujjwal Shrestha, Rtr. Sanjiv Pandit and Rtr.Nishchal Senchury also participated in this rally. The main objective of the rally was to promote and conserve our culture and tradition propounded by our ancestors. World Human Rights Day For the protest against the violence and with the aim of securing human rights, Amnesty International organization, Rampur youth network had organized a candle lightening ceremony in the vicinity of Rampur campus on December 10, 2012. Rotaract Club of Narayangarh also took steps in protection of human rights through the full participation and support in the program. Rtr. Sirjan, Rtr. Kabita, Rtr. Sanjiv and Rtr. Riddhi participated in the program. with the aim in minimization of violence, discrimination of society and establishment of society acceptable, incentive environment together with protection of human rights. 2nd Club Assembly Rotaract Club of Narayangarh successfully oganized 2nd club assembly under the chairmanship of Rtr. Sirjan Bastola. As a usual trend the program was conducted by organising a picnic at Sauraha, Chitwan on 15th December,2012.The program was ameliorated by music and dance of enthusiastic Rotaractors. In the program president Rtr. Sirjan Bastola presented the 1st bulletin of the club. A few discussions were led by the president about upcoming events and projects. In the program two new members Juna shrestha and Prayash Shrestha were introduced into the club by the President. President Nominee Rtr. Ujjwal shrestha was announced as President Elect by the president and a new board was formally announced by the president elect Rtr. Ujjwal Shrestha. He presented his board as follows: President Rtr. Ujjwal Shrestha Immediate Past President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola President Nominee Rtr. Sweejan Piya Vice-President Rtr. Nischal Senchury Secretary Rtr. Rabin Agrawal Joint Secretary Rtr. Isha Pradhan Treasurer Rtr. Nisha Shrestha Club Service Director Rtr. Nisha Pradhan Community Service Director Rtr. Sunita Shrestha Professional Service Director Rtr. Yogendra Raj Pant International Service Director Rtr. Anisha Rana Sergeant-At-Arms Rtr. Aakash Pradhan Editor Rtr. Manoj Piya Finally the program was ended by the best wishes remarks of the president to the new board.The co-ordinator of the program was Rtr.Ujjwal Shrestha. Chitwan Mahotsab Rally The pride of Chitwan, The Chitwan Mahotsab, once again came up with a new hope, new direction to reflect and ameliorate the economy of Chitwan by improving the vast expanding business fields. Chitwan Mahotsav, organized by Chitwan


Chamber of commerce and Industry in every two years is like a festival for Chitwan and the neighboring districts. Besides commercial values, it has also proven a platform for reflecting and preserving cultures of various tribes living in Chitwan. It has also been a stage to expose one’s hidden talents. With such motives, Chitwan Mahotsav started from January 9-18,2013 at a venue on Narayani riverside. On the opening day on January 9,a rally was organized from the venue which went round Narayangarh Bazar and finally ended at the same venue. Different social and business organizations, ethnic groups, schools, colleges, clubs formed a bulky crowd to make the rally a successful one. Among them, with a banner showing names, slogans and emblems, Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Chitwan district-Narayangarh,Chitwan,Bharatpur,Ratnanagar,Narayani-midtown were also walking to make to mark the opening of the this trade festival. Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Narayangarh were also present in appreciating number. It helped in promoting the image of the new club like RAC Narayangarh in the community and building its relationship with other organizations. Rally communicated better to the public about this historic event due to massive participation of people. Handing over Club Bulletin to DG and AG Rotary Club of Narayangarh constructed a well facilitated girl’s toilet at its RCC, Shree Siddha Mahakali Lower Secondary School, Gohitar, Tanahu under matching grant #74703 and with the aid of District Development Committee. In a formal program conducted under the chairmanship of President of Rotary Club of Narayangarh Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha,the Chief Guest DG Rtn. Yogendra Man Pradhan laid on the terms of matching grant. Assistant Governor of Zone-12,Rtn.Bhadra Narayan Piya yet was not left to lay the contribution of Rotary clubs. On the same occasion.The President of RAC Narayangarh Rtr.Sirjan Bastola presented club bulletin to DG and AG and elucidated about the activities of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh till the day.It was a wonderful experience for the Rotaractors to be in close communication with DG and AG and to get encouraging remarks from them. Hosting Twin Club Members and Interaction Program Rotaract Club of Narayangarh held its first interaction program with its twin club ,Rotaract Club of Rudramati-Babarmahal. The two days program was begun by welcoming the three members of twin club on the first day and their accommodation. Secretary Rtr.Bipan Adhikari,President-Elect Rtr. Dilli Prasad Upadhayaya and the member Rtr.Suman Paudel from the twin club were welcomed at Pokhara Buspark on 19th Jan, 2013 and were managed to stay in the home of Vice-President Rtr.Sweejan Piya The next day on 20th Jan, 2013 at Hotel Image Palace, an Interaction program was honoured by President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola and initiated by introduction of member Rotaractors from both the clubs. In the program, President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola from Rotaract Club of Narayangarh shared the achievements made by the club and further plan of action with the twin club members. The Secretary of Rudramati- Babarmahal, Rtr. Bipan Adhikari shared the projects accompanied and orchestrated in the return.The President Elect of the twin club expressed his happiness on the progressive statistics of the club activities of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh and congratulated the club. The program was terminated by fellowship , thus strengthening the bond of cooperation between the two clubs and with the promises of performing joint projects. Rotaract Week Celebration To mark the World Rotaract Day on March 13, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh carried a week long activities from March 10-16 which are as follows: March 10-11 Sanitation Awareness and Sanitary Items Distribution at Chepang Community of Kanda March 12 Fixing “Say No To Drugs” board at IAAS, Rampur March 13 Celebration of World Rotaract Day cum 3rd Joint Meeting with Rotary Club of Narayangarh March 14 Interaction with KOICA Volunteer March 15 Book Donation for Library Support March 16 Joint Meeting cum Fellowship with Twin Club Celebration of the World Rotaract Day cum 3rd Joint Meeting with Rotary Club of Narayangarh Initiation or creation of any event into existence is remembered as a great achievement and the date is enjoyed as celebration. The date of establishment of first Rotaract Club :Rotaract Club of North Carolina is also celebrated as the Rotaract birthday.On this day,Rotaract club of North Carolina was chartered in the university of North Carolina. In course of celebration of Rotaract week from March 10-16, on the 4th day, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh also celebrated 45th World Rotaract Day in its own way with lots of cheers, eagers and enthusiasm among Rotaractors and Rotarians. A cake


cutting ceremony was organized on March 13,2013, at The New Kitchen Café, Narayangarh in the presence of Rotaractors and Rotarians. Remembering the contributions of Rotaract Clubs in society, President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola forwaded his views and opinions. Finally , the candles were blown, cake was cut and Rotaract birthday celebration was done. The treasurer of the club, Rtr. Rabin Agrawal co-ordinated the program. During the celebration of Rotaract Week from March 10-16 ,the third joint meeting of this Rota Year 2012-13 was held on March 13,2013 at The New Kitchen Café ,Narayangarh under the good presence of Rotarians and Rotaractors.The meeting was conducted as a normal trend in Rotary and Rotaract.Firstly,the regular meeting of Rotary club of Narayangarh was held under the chairmanship of President of Rotary club of Narayangarh Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha and then of Rotaract club of Narayangarh under the chairmanship of President of Rotaract club of Narayangarh Rtr. Sirjan Bastola. Joint Meeting cum Fellowship with Twin Club On 16th March,2013, the first formal meeting with twin Rotaract Club of Rudramati-Babarmahal was conducted.Malekhu was chosen as the venue for the meeting considering distance management to both the clubs.The twin members decided to make the meeting a memorable one by conducting it under the cool shade on the bank of Trishuli river . 11 members from Rotaract Club of Narayangarh and 6 members from Rotaract Club of Rudramati- Babarmahal joined the meeting . It was the final day of celebration of Rotaract week. In meeting, both the Presidents from both the clubs highlighted the major projects accomplished till the date and talked about remaining plan of action.President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola gifted his twin President the club activity banner and club souvenir.The banner with name of the program “Book Donation For Library Support” was handed over to Rtr. Deepak Adhikari establishing a system of new civilization in the Rotaract Movement and being a milestone step in sharing programme information and creating an intimacy among rotaractors. The meeting was ended through fellowship programme with talks and songs among both the club members.President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola and Rtr. Manoj K. Mahato from Rotaract club of Narayangarh sang beautifully some Nepali and Hindi songs which were admired by all the Rotaractors present over there. Synergy Rising Star Grand Finale Synergy Rising Star, a grand mission in search of the hidden talents of the musical world is not only the pride for Synergy FM but also a mission to inspire and enrich Nepali music by browsing the hidden melodies in the people. This mission has already given the two stars in the Nepali musical world and it is the the third time.The grand finale of the Synergy Rising Star 3 was hosted jointly by Rotary Club of Narayangarh and Rotaract Club of Narayangarh on March 21,2013 at Narayani Kalamandir,Narayangarh. The top 5 finalists: Kiran Gurung, Nirmala Godami, Jitu Thapa, Binod Babu Rasaili and Sushma B.K. were welcomed with the applause of the audiences where they gave their stunning performances in three different rounds. Finally Kiran Gurung from Gunjanagar won the title of Synergy Rising Star 3 by winning heart of majority people which was revealed by the maximum number of SMS votings in his favour..A good amount of fund was generated which was already mentioned to be spent for the feasibility of education of children of Chepang community. Holi celebration Considering the importance of the festivals and with the motive to preserve the cultural value of festival and increase friendliness and brotherhood, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh’s members got involved in the holi programme organized on March 26, 2013 at Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences(IAAS), Rampur Campus, Rampur,Chitwan. All the members experienced the peculiar deuda dance of far western part of Nepal organized by students of IAAS.Holi got limited not only within the Rotaract family but the Rotaractors marked the festival by playing the colours with President of Leo Club of Narayangarh Balkumari,Leo Maddat Shrestha. Farewell to Community Service Director It is a natural rule to get departed at any part of time from the dear friends and family members. But it gives immense pleasure when we could celebrate the occasion. With such motive at the eleventh hour, RAC Narayangarh arranged for a small farewell program on March 26,2013 at Narayangarh Bazar. It was a farewell to the Community Service Director Rtr. Rojina Oli who was departing to Australia the next day for higher studies. She was an active and energetic Rotaract member and so it was hard to say her goodbye. In spite of emotional hindrances, Rotaractors wished her best of luck for her bright future. She was pleased to see the love and care of Rotaractors and told that this Rotaract relationship would be continued even though she


would not be at her motherland. Prabesh Piya as Guest Speaker On 13th April 2013,Prabesh Piya was invited as guest speaker in the regular meeting of RAC Narayangarh.He had good skills in photography and he shared his knowledge about how one can be a good photographer even with a simple camera. He requested the President to organize a Photography Training for the Rotaractors to enhance their skills. Best Wishes Sharing on New Year New year comes with new hopes, new enthusiasm and new determination for cherished moments.For Rotaract club of Narayangarh,this new year 2070 B.S. and new year day celebration was not only limited for fellowship among the Rotaractors but also dedication and devotion towards the society,its people’s happiness and cheers for togetherness. So RAC Narayangarh chose Shree Satya Sai Bal Ashram, Bharatpur-11, a girl orphan home for new year celebration. RAC Narayangarh organized the best wishes and greetings sharing program in this orphan home on 1st Baisakh, 2070 B.S.(14th April,2013). .This orphan home situated at Bharatpur-11, gives settlement and bright future to 16 girls of 4-14 year old. The club distributed the drawing sheets and colour pens and made them to make the beautiful greeting cards to exchange with their friends. The blossom face of the girls and their beautiful card creation and exchange programme reminded us our childhood memories of exchanging the wishes among the friends through greeting cards and posters. The customs which was diminishing nowadays was again continued. Also, RAC Narayangarh distributed drawing books, stationary items and chocolates among them as their new year’s gifts. World Labor Day Labors are the extensive force of the society that breaks up the stone of the efforts, works, deeds into the stream of the yields and returns. Laborers sow up their sweat and harvest the fruits of their efforts. With the aim of securing the rights of such devotees of society, Amnesty International organization, Rampur Youth network organized a campaign against the deleterious and discriminate violence of labor force for the protection of their rights on May 1,2013 at Rampur campus, Rampur. Rotaract Club of Narayangarh with due respect to the invitation by Rampur Youth network and also raising the voice against the inhumane behavior to labor force that provides labor for the dynamic change of society participated in the campaign program. Video clips presentation about the situation of labor, recognition of their rights, and upgrading ways was done in the second session followed by formal program in the beginning. Rampur Youth Co-ordinator Miss. Bhawana Ghimire advocated her powerful words on the behalf of female labors who are not paid properly and even sexually abused. Rtr. Sirjan Bastola, Rtr. Riddhi Shrestha, Rtr. Sanjiv Pandit, Rtr. Dipana Maharjan, Rtr. Kabita Pandey, Rtr. Shova Baral participated during the full time of campaign through which information and knowledge about Amnesty International formation was gained. The program ended bringing the stimulation to labors, youths against the violence and were deployed for security and protection of their rights. DRR visit DRR visit was made at Rotaract Club of Narayangarh on May 4,2013 at Hotel Image Palace, Pokhara Bus Park accompanied by Zonal Rotaract Representative Rtr. Bishnu Adhikari and District International Service Director Rtr. Rahish Piya . The event was forecasted to be a great one due to well decorated scenario along with presence of appreciating number of Rotaractors and sponsoring club Rotarians. And it proved to be so due to powerful presentations of the reports. In the program, the directors of five avenues presented the projects accomplished by the club under each avenue along with power point presentation and also handed over a draft of the projects accomplished to DRR. The club President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola delightfully illustrated the achievements made by the club. He enlightened the fact that despite being a new club, it is praise worthy to state that it has been able to perform a lot of great projects which have been exemplars in the Rotaract history. On this occasion, the club released its 3rd club bulletin through DRR. Two new members Asmita Shrestha and Yogendra Raj Pant were inducted into RAC Narayangarh and they were provided the Rotaract pins by DRR. The Editor of the club Rtr. Dipana Maharjan also demonstrated her collection of magazines, bulletins and leaflets to DRR. Her own art of Rotaract logo was presented to DRR as a token of love of the club ,thus reflecting the sense of creativity of the club members. DRR was likely to be inspired by the club achievements. The creative banner of the club which was conveying the message to reduce the banner cost by attaching the hand drawn piece of the main activity on the main club banner, was also one of the main attractions. The slogan of the DRR visit “Reduce the banner cost, Think about the project first” was catching the attention of the DRR and he praised the way the club has been collecting savings to generate the fund.


RYLA 2013 Nepal Bhutan “Awakening Youth” Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is Rotary’s leadership training programme for young people with a focus on leadership, citizenship, and personal growth of the youth. Rotary International District-3292 (Nepal and Bhutan) has organized the RYLA 2013 at the training centre of the Agricultural Development Bank in Bode, Madhyapur Thimi in Bhaktapur district from May 24-27, 2013. The four days long programme, with the theme ‘Awakening Youth’, is slated to feature workshops facilitated by people from different walks of life was hosted by 12 Rotary Clubs namely, RC Bhaktapur, RC Biratnagar, RC Birgung, RC Butwal, RC Chitwan, RC Dhulikhel, RC Kasthamandap, RC Kathmandu North, RC Madhyapur Thimi, RC Thamel, RC Tripureshwor, RC Yala. The programme incorporated 70 youths from 16 districts of the nation. Rotaractos from Rotaract Club of Narayangarh President Elect Rtr.Ujjwal Shrestha and Editor Rtr.Dipana Maharjan also participated in RYLA to learn a lot of leadership skills which is of utmost necessity for a progressing club like ours. 5th District Awards 7 Rotaractors from RAC Narayangarh attended the 5th Rotaract District Awards hosted by RAC Annapurna on June 8,2013. 0It gave an immense pleasure for the Rotaractors for their home club to win an Outstanding Project Award for Animal Health Camp and to get nominated in Community Service Avenue (Key avenue of Rotaract Club).The club also received a certificate of apprecitation for successful conduction of the DRR Visit. Thus ,Award Function also spoke about the successful tenure of Rota Year 2012-13 for RAC Narayangarh. Participation in Sponsoring Club: Rotary Club of Narayangarh’s Projects July 18 500th Regular Meeting July 25 Rotary Emblem Sticking Program August 6 Stationary and Computer Distribution at RCC Village October 15 2nd Club Assembly September 15 Teej Program February 13 Girl’s Toilet Handover and School Support Material Distribution at RCC Village February 13 DG Official Visit February 21 School Support Material Distribution at RCC Village Participation in other Rotaract Club’s Activities July 21 1st Club Assembly of RAC Chitwan August 10 19th Installation Ceremony of RAC Chitwan October 20 Hamro Dashain by RAC Bharatpur October 20 Changa Chait of RAC Chitwan November 20 Charter Day Celebration of RAC Bharatpur

Annexure 2

COMMUNITY SERVICE - Dir. Rtr. Rojina Oli Blood Donation On 25th July 2012 , blood donation program was jointly organized by Rotary Club of Narayangarh and Rotaract Club of Narayangarh. The program was organized to meet the scarcity of blood in the hospitals of Chitwan. Technicians from Regional Blood Bank and Nepal Red Cross Society, Bharatpur provided their technical assistance. Rotary Health Sub-Committee Chairman Rtn. Rohit Kumar Shrestha was the chairman of the program. Altogether 77 persons donated the blood, among which there were 68 males and 9 females. 6 Rotarians and 4 Rotaractors also donated the blood. Assistant governor of Zone-II Rtn. Bhadra Narayan Piya, the Chief Guest of the program was also the donor. Dhurba Thapaliya, in his journey to make hundred met his 98th donation in the program. Assistant Governor rewarded him in the program. President of Rotary club of Narayangarh Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha and President of Rotaract club of Nayangarh Rtr. Sirjan Bastola distributed certificates to the donors. Drinking Water Distribution On 30th July 2012, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh organized Water Distribution Program at Devghat. It was organized keeping in view the the Bolbam visit of the devotees of Lord Shiva on Monday of Shrawan. Devghat, holy pilgrimages get crowded on Monday of Shrawan.


To facilitate the visit of visitors, worshippers and devotees, Rotaractors chose a site and started distributing drinking water to those who were thirsty from 8 am to 12 pm. Then they had a fellowship visit to the temples around Devghat. Thus Rotaractors marked the day with service and pray. The drinking water jars were sponsored by Pure Drops and Taaj . Ropain Jatra On 9th August 2012, Narayani Kala Mandir organized “Ropain Jatra” at Narayangarh. It was also the day of Shree Krishna Janmasthami. The jatra was full of youths, children and their guardians who were dressed beautifully in typical Nepali dress and also singing and dancing in melodious Nepali folk tunes. Jatra made a complete around the bazaar. Rotaractors from Rotaract Club offered their volunteer service to control the Jatra. 9 volunteers from Rotaract club of Narayangarh co-operated with local people and Rotaractors from neighboring Rotaract club of Chitwan to control the mass of people. Rotaract club of Narayangarh had also volunteered in the same program last year. Everyone appreciated the enthusiasm of the youths in helping the society. Food and Fruits Distribution Program Seniors citizens are like our teachers who offers guidance and blessings to youths. They are in need of our love and care rather than any materialistic pleasures. We should make the habit of visiting elder home to make them feel that they are not alone in this world. Similar feeling was in the Rotaractors of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh which made them to visit Rotary Karunalaya at Devghat during the celebration of Charter Week on the 2nd day. On the 26th August 2012, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh organized “Food and Fruits Distribution Program” at “Rotary Karunalaya”, Devghat. Rotaractors from Rotaract club of Narayangarh distributed biscuits and fruits to the elderly people at “Rotary Karunalaya”. They were much more glad to see the arrival of the Rotaractors and wished us best of luck for our future programmes. The chairman of the program was President Nominee Rtr. Ujjwal Shrestha. In the program 50 elderly people were served. Sports Material Distribution Program With a view to develop the sportsmanship and discipline, on 29th August 2012, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh organised a “Sports Material Distribution Program” at Asna Child Rehabilitation Home at Shantichok, Rampur Chitwan. It was a home with family environment for 25 homeless children. Rotaractors from Rotaract club of Narayangarh distributed Table tennis bats and balls, badminton rackets and corks, chessboards, snake and ladder game items and skipping rope. Rtr.President encouraged the children to be active and sporty to be physically and mentally fit. The program co-ordinator was Rtr. Manoj Kumar Mahato. 3 Days Dental Check up, Treatment and Awareness Camp Teeth say a lot about personality and health of an individual. But still the people do not lay much emphasis on the dental health It is well known fact that majority of the diseases of the mouth are related to the teeth. Inspite of this,dental health is given the least priority in comparision to other parts of the body.Majority of children are the victim of the teeth diseases due to poor food habit and not having dental check up. In order to convey the message regarding the dental health, Rotary club of Naryangarh and Rotaract club of Naryangarh took initiation to organize a 3 days Free Dental Check up, Treatment and Awareness at Balkumari English Boarding School, Narayangarh. The 3 days program was conducted from August 30 to September 1,2013 as a sequential program during charter week celebration(August 25 to September 1) of Rotaract Club of Naryangarh .Rotarians and Rotaractors marked August 30, the charter day of Rotaract club of Narayangarh by implementing the motto of “Service Above Self” into practice in an important but ignored field of health. Rotaractors and Rotarians took out their time in spreading awareness to the children about dental health while doctors from united dental doctors clinic rendered their volunteer service whole the day for 3 days. Dr. Srijana Dwa, Dr. Pujan Bhusal and Dr. Laxmi Neupane were busy in checking and treating the school students. 650 students had their teeth checked up while 81 students got the treatment.Rotaractors also assisted the doctors in their work by managing the instruments and carrying the simpler jobs. In the final day, the program ended with a small formal program under the chairmanship of Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha,President of Rotary club of Narayangarh. The Chief Guest was the team leader of the volunteering doctors, Dr.Srijana Dwa. Rotary Health Sub-committee Chairman Rtn.Rohit Kumar Shrestha conducted the formal program.President Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha thanked the doctors and school teachers for their co-operation and distributed certificates of appreciation to them.The Co-ordinator of this 3 days program was Vice-President of Rotaract club of Narayangarh, Rtr. Sweejan piya.


Stationary Distribution on World Disabled Day Disabled persons should not be ignored but should be loved. They are also the human beings and are in need of continuous love, care and support. With a view to draw the attention of our society towards this neglected group, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh organized a Stationary Distribution Program at Susthamanasthiti Kalyan Bidhyalaya, Phulbarai-6 on the occasion of Word Disabled Day on December 3, 2012. This place was a care centre for 30 intellectually retarded children which has been doing its best to meet the all basic needs of those helpless children. Driven by emotions of love and brotherhood, Rotaractors from Rotaract club of Narayangarh distributed the stationary materials including copies, pencils, erasers and sharpeners to them. The children were pleased to be intimate with new people and to feel their love. On a formal program organized under the chairmanship of President of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh Rtr.Sirjan Bastola with Chief Guest Saraswati Katila (pricipal of the centre), the Co-ordinator of the program Rtr. Isha Pradhan shared her words of thankfulness to the Rotaractors for being much helpful in this issue of service. Finally, the President ended the program with a commitment to continue the care and support to the marginalized group of the community. Traffic Awareness Programme Many school children are killed in road accidents every year. The reason behind it is the carelessness of both drivers and children and very often due to the lack of knowledge and awareness on traffic rules and regulations in children. That is why the knowledge on traffic rules and regulations is indeed an essential part of education now and has been an important step in minimizing the road accident. Despite the knowledge on traffic rules, many people seem to avoid them due to their recklessness. Hence awareness is to be created in the minds of every people not the children alone regarding the possible risk of not abiding the traffic rules .The awareness program for the school level children could be a worthful project in reducing the road accidents was analyzed by the Rotaract Club of Narayangarh. The project was brought into light in cooperation with district traffic office-Chitwan in Balkumari English Boarding School at Narayangarh Bazar on December 5,2012. In a day program, the children learnt the basics of traffic rules and regulations as demonstrated by Traffic Police Krishna Thakuri.He showed the significant videos and powerpoints to clarify this lectures. 362 students from class 6 to 10 were aware about the traffic rules from his knowledge The program was co-ordinated by Rtr.Sweejan Piya, the Vice-president of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh. Wheel Chair Distribution to Patients of Spinal Injury “Service above Self”, the sacred principle of Rotary was once again enlightened by wheel chair distribution to 5 patients in the spinal injury centre at Bharatpur hospital. On 3rd January,2013 Rotary Club of Narayangarh and Rotaract Club of Narayangarh jointly handed over the wheel chairs in a program organized by Spinal Injury Centre, Bharatpur hospital. The wheel chairs were donated to the patients disabled by spinal injuries due to accidents and diseases. Nisha K.C( from Maadi), Sadananda Pangeni( from Arunkhola, Nawalparasi), Ramji Adhikari(from Ratnanagar-4),Surya Bahadur Bote (from Mangalpur-5) and Amrit Adhikari were much thankful to the Rotary and Rotaract family and felt glad to be supported. In the program, District Governor Nominee Rtn.Rabindra Piya, founder member of Miteri Foundation Dr.Hom Bahadur Basnet, Dr.Bijaya Poudel of Bharatpur Hospital, President of Rotary Club of Narayangarh Rtn.Ramesh Shrestha and the President of Rotary Club of Ratnanagar Rtn.Bijaya Neupane shared their words. The program was conducted under the chairmanship of Chief Medicine Superintendent of Bharatpur hospital Dr. Bijaya Raj Neupane. Charter President of Rotary Club of Narayangarh Rtn.Niranjan Pradhan, Past Presidents Rtn.Bishal Shrestha and Rtn.Rohit Kumar Shrestha ,and President elect and vice-president of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh Rtr.Ujjwal Shrestha and Rtr. Sweejan Piya were also present in the program. Volunteering in Chitwan Mahotsav 2069 The pride of Chitwan, The Chitwan Mahotsav, once again came up with a new hope, new direction to reflect and ameliorate the economy of Chitwan by improving the vast expanding business fields. Chitwan Mahotsav, organized by Narayangarh Chamber of commerce and Industry in every two years is like a festival for Chitwan and the neighboring districts. Besides commercial values, it has also proven a platform for reflecting and preserving cultures of various tribes living in Chitwan. It has also been a stage to expose one’s hidden talents. This trade fair was organized from January 9-18,2013 on a venue at Narayani riverside. In such a glorious fair, Rotaractors from Rotaract club of Narayangarh also got an opportunity to volunteer. President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola, President-elect Rtr.Ujjwal Shrestha ,Rtr. Robin Agrawal actively participated in the volunteering through


managing the stalls,crowd control, helping parents to find out the lost ones, helping the traffic police and cooperating in blood donation programme etc. Stationary Distribution to School Students Saraswati pooja, the day of goddess Saraswati(the symbol of knowledge) was celebrated in Nawadurga Lower Secondary School situatated at Gaindakot-1,Nawalparasi. With the feeling of worship, respect and honour to goddess Saraswati,on 15 th February,2013, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh conducted stationery distribution in this school. Students in this school were from poor family background so were lacking small things like copy, pencil,eraser,sharpener, etc..180 students were studying in the school and their happiness knew no bound when the they received these materials.It was a normal trend to worship the goddess and receive “Prasad” on the day of Sarawati Puja but the way the club celebrated was also to motivate young bud like children to be more sincere towards study. On a formal program conducted under the chairmanship of President of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh Rtr.Sirjan Bastola, the Chief Guest was principal of the very school Shaki Prasad Kandel He shared his thankfulness to the club for bringing such a motivational program on a suitable occasion. President Rtr. Bastola gave his best wishes to the students for their bright study. The co-ordinator of the program was Rtr. Anisha Rana. Volunteering in Animal Health Camp Animals also feel the same pain as we human being do. Scream of the people is easily visible but the silent unseen pain within the animals is really difficult to feel. So, a day for animals was donated by the Veterinary doctors from Rampur Campus, Dr. Dinesh Kumar Singh and Dr. Shyam Kishor Shah.Rtr. Sirjan Bastola and Rtr. Sanjiv Pandit joined their hand of volunterism in the Animal Health Camp held in Padampur - ,Chitwan on February 16,2013.A day animal health camp was organized by Padampur Livestock Service Sub-centre at Padampur-9,Chitwan. Sanitation Awareness and Sanitary Items Distribution at Chepang Community of Kanda In celebration of Rotaract Week from March 10-16,2013,Rotaract Club of Narayangarh moved for a week long activities. Accordingly,Rotaract Club of Narayangarh organized a sanitation awareness and sanitary items distribution program in the Chepang community of Kanda ,Lothar-9,Chitwan on March 10-11. Though of similar generation to us, lack of knowledge, progressive skills,awareness and limited access to the facilities and development,the lifestyle of the Chepang community lags behind centuries than us. With a view of bringing rays of many positive changes and attitudes in them about health and development, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh put its hands forward in upliftment of Chepang society through awareness program.It was indeed a admiring job solely undertaken by the female Rotaractors of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh. A group of 5 female Rotaractors under the co-ordinatorship of Rtr. Sunita Shrestha personally visited the homes of Chepang people and made them aware and conscious about the personal hygiene and cleanliness. Rotaractors also cleaned the children and taught them how to be clean and benefits of cleanliness together with the distribution of comb, shampoo, soaps, nail cutters and other basic requirements for personal hygiene. Also,stationary distribution to 101 children and also explanation of importance of study for their development was accomplished by the Rotaractors. The two days awareness program was able to bring much improvement in the personal hygiene of Chepang people which could be reflected on their clean hands and clean dresses. It was a 4 days project with 8 hours walking on the hills to reach the place on the 1st day(March 9), real program of sanitation awareness and sanitary items distribution on 2nd and 3rd day(March 10-11), and returning back by 8 hours walk on the last day(March 12). Our small effort was able to make them access to personal hygiene resources for about 3 months and were planning to go back again for further improvement of their livelihood. Fixing board about "Say No To Drugs" Drug abuse is a global issue in the present world which has misled and deteriorated thousands of youths. Youths being the pillars of development have been distracted from their responsibilities due to the hypnotization by these drugs. Youths of Rampur and Rampur College cannot be isolated in the matters of drugs abuse. There are many exemplars of addictions and wrong track holders here. Keeping in this mind, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh proposed to conduct an anti drug abuse campaign as a project under Rota week. As an effort, a flex saying “Say No To Drugs” was attached near the Rampur campus gate on 12th March 2013, thus, enlighting all the youths to keep away themselves from drug abuse.. The event was organised to mark the third day of celebration


of the Rotaract Week. Book Donation for Library Support On 15th March,2013, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh donated the volume of books compiled by the common effort of the Rotaractor members to Aashna Child Rehabilitation Home at Shantichowk,Rampur,Chitwan. Cupboards without books are incomplete. With the feelings, the President Rtr. Sirjan bastola, member Rtr. Kavita pandey and the guest Yogendra Raj Pant donated their school level books.The books were also collected from college and school students who have the school level books at home but have nothing to do with them at present.This very small help created a small library for the children of this center. The children in the rehabilitation have hunger to learn and they showed their gratitude for this small effort . Few children delievered their short speech full of gratitude.The Co-ordinator of the programme was the Secretary Rtr. Riddhi Shrestha. Free Animal Health Camp Livestock farming is an integral part of Nepalese economy. Hence, improving livestock sector would certainly strengthen the national economy Keeping in view the problems arising in the livestock sector, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh jointly with Rotary Club of Narayangarh and Bijaya Dairy Co-operative conducted a day free Veterinary Health Camp at Mangalpur-8 , Bijayanagar. The program was conducted with joint efforts of these three organizations with a view to address in the economically backward people by providing free check up and medicines . Dr. Shyamkishor Shah and Dr. Dinesh Kumar. Singh were the chief attractions in the camp who successfully managed to examine about 133 animals(cattle, buffalo, goat. dog) with majority of animals having reproductive/ breeding problems. 9 Rotaractors who are also the veterinary students from Rampur Campus,volunteered in the camp by putting into practice their learnt know-how.The camp also became meaningful and successful in giving exposure to a number of diseases and health problems to the Rotaractor and other Veterinary students from Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science(IAAS),Rampur Campus, Rampur. The senior doctors not only checked and treated the animals but also taugtht students a lot of useful and important things through theoretical and practical approach. Thus the farmers as well and the students got benefitted through a single camp. The medicines were sponsored by Virbac, Vet Mankind ,Intas and Vetoquinol pharmaceuticals. The formal program was hosted by secretary of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh Rtr. Riddhi Shrestha under the chairmanship of President of Rotary Club of Narayangarh, Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha, with chief guest Assistant Governor of Zone-XII, Rtn.Bhadra Narayan Piya. There was appreciating participation of Rotaractors, Rotarians and farmers. The camp became a grand success and formed a milestone in the history of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh and Rotary club of Narayangarh.In the program, Dr. Shyamkishor Shah laid down his emphasis on the proper identification of the reproductive problems of the domestic animals for increment of animal productivity.The local community representative Krishna Baniya thanked the organisations for carrying an effective work in the community which not worked to provide veterinary service but also conveyed an important message to the community about the different aspects of animal health. Finally, the program was declared to an end by the closing remarks of the President Rtn.Ramesh Shrestha.The co-ordinator of the camp was professional service director of Rotaract club of Narayangarh Rtr.Sanjiv Pandit. Bottlegourd Cultivation Training (Lauka Kheti Talim) Nepal is an agricultural country and to promote agriculture is key responsibility of every aware citizen.With the commercialization in agriculture ,the country only could achieve its desired GDP and economic development.Keeping this things in close view, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh in association with the Rotary Club of Narayangarh conducted a training on Bottlegourd (lauka) Farming to 27 members of Lali Gurans Womens Group with a view to shifting the traditional methods of farming into scientific methods and hence contributing in their economic development through increase in production.The trainee were all the females from the Tharu community of Haraiya village of Sharadanagar-3 V.D.C. The village was chosen as the key place to serve as the Tharu community people possess land but due to lack of scientific skills of cultivation,the land remain unproductive for them and they have to depend upon the market to buy vegetables. So, the training was launched to make the village dependent on their own land for vegetables as well as to make them enable to the sell the surplus in the market. The training was conducted in two phases- orientational and practical. The first phase of the program i.e orientational or theoretical was conducted on 11th April,2013 at Shree Shanti English Boarding School, Haraiya. In this phase ,the resource person Prof. Dr. Moha Dutta Sharma taught the women of the group about the cultivation of the vegetables in different seasons and their nutritional values. He laid his major emphasis on the cultivation of summer crops as the summer was arriving. Bottelegourd was chosen as a major topic as it is a summer crop and it represents the cultivation of most of the summer crops.. After the theoretical information was imparted, Dr. Sharma demonstrated how to dig the land with appropriate length,breadth and height parameters and each female farmer were told to make three ditches of 45cm×45cm×45cm at a distance of 2m away


from each other. On 15th April,2013 , practical phase of the training was successfully accomplished with appreciating participation of Rotarians, Rotaractors as well students from Institute of Agirculture and Animal Science(IAAS),Rampur Campus. In the program, the Resource person of the training Prof. Dr. Moha Dutta Sharma demonstrated on the application of manures and fertilizers and the plantation of the seeds.The demonstration was done on one of the trainees’ kitchegarden.Then Rotarians,Rotaractors,IAAS students and female farmers were divided into 5 groups.The group visited the field of each of the female farmers of the group and assisted them in applying the learnt agriculture practice.Each trainee were given the seeds of the bottlegourd and all the required types of fertilizers in required amount,sufficient for the three ditches.When the seeds get germinated and climbers start to appear on the land and creep,the organizers would again manage them the second lot of fertilizers and this would be monitored by the Rotaractors by visiting the place from time to time. The co-ordinator of this whole program was Rtr. Manoj Kumar Mahato, who was the also resident of the village. Volunteering in Blood Donation Program Rotaract club of Narayangarh, a club dedicated to the social welfare, forwarded its step for fellowship through service by volunteering the International organization, Nepal Youth Red Cross Circle, Rampur in the blood donation program. With the theme “Blood donation, Life donation”, NYRC, Rampur had organized this yearly program of blood donation dividing it into two sessions. The blood collection work was done by Red Cross technicians and the volunteering work was done by our Rotaract club of Narayangarh’s members with Red Cross volunteers. Rtr. Sirjan Bastola, Rtr. Shova Baral, Rtr. Sanjiv Pandit, Rtr. Kabita Pandey, Rtr. Mahesh K.C and Rtr. Ridhhi Shrestha had assisted and put their hands involved during the program in assisting the Red Cross workers ,controlling the lines and crowds, arranging the breakfast, calming the donors during the donation, distributing the fruits and juices to donors and recording the entry of the donors. Though the program was organized during the off-season, it broke the previous records of the donors with 141 donors with participation of male and female donors. Rotaractor volunteers assisted in the program from the beginning to the end. RAC Narayangarh got a great opportunity for developing good interaction and brotherhood with the international organization through the international service of volunteering and assistance. The program was ended with the conclusion program where the details of the program were discussed together with interaction, and knowledge and information sharing program between Rotaractors and Red Cross members. Dog Sterilization for Rabies Control Rabies is one of the fatal viral diseases caused by biting of the infected dogs. Especially the street dogs are highly susceptible to infection by rabies. Hence controlling the population of the street dogs could minimize the chance of rabies infection to the human. Carrying this very concept, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh opined to conduct a day Dog Sterilization program as a strategy to control Rabies among human with a theme “Control Babies, Control Rabies”. A field survey was made to study the population of stray dogs in different wards of Mangalpur V.D.C and ward no. 6 was chosen for conducting the project due to the considerable population of street dogs there . A team of Veterinary students including President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola, Rtr. Sanjiv Pandit , Rtr. Manoj Kumar Mahato , Prashant Kumar Karna, Sudhir Yadav , Surendra Kanu set out for accomplishing the project on April 24,2013 at Mangalpur-6, Thulogadhi A total of 9 dogs (3 females and 6 males) were sterilized successfully in the program. It took whole the day. Each dog was sterilized(surgical operation) in about 45 minutes. The co-ordinator of program was President of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh Rtr. Sirjan Bastola. The project was certainly a new concept and a new approach for rabies control. If we could control the population of the street dogs then certainly rabies will automatically be controlled though it will take a few more time than in euthanizing (killing) those dogs. But it is more humane to neuter them concerning the matters of animal rights.

Annexure 3

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - Dir. Rtr. Sanjiv Pandit World Youth Day On 14th August 2012, Rotaractors from Rotaract of Narayangarh marked the World Youth Day 2012 by participating in a Youth Motivation Program, organized by Technical Students Association of Nepal (TSAN)at Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences (IAAS),Rampur Campus, Rampur, Chitwan. TSAN President Ravi Kiran Adhikari showed PowerPoint presentations to motivate the youths towards the right activities. Rotaractors felt being benefitted by development of positive attitudes. 5 Rotaractors were present in the program.


Master Training of Trainers (TOT) From 25th- 27th August 2012, Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Narayangarh participated in the Master Training of Trainers (TOT) organized by Technical Students Association of Nepal (TSAN) at Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences (IAAS),Rampur campus, Rampur, Chitwan. The Resource Person of the program was Yadav Humagain, a senior training specialist from Narayani Residential Training and Research Centre. He imparted the skills and know-how to be a good trainer. The 3 days program was a much fruitful to develop confidence and speaking skills in the participants. 6 Rotaractors participated in the training. Clinical Veterinary Surgery Training From 1st - 7th September 2012, Rotaractors from Rotaract club of Narayangarh participated in the Clinical Veterinary Surgery Training jointly organized by Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS) and Himalayan Animal Rescue Trust (HART). Dr.Ilona Otter, Clinical Director of Worldwide Veterinary Service International Training Centre taught the different surgery techniques in small animals. Rotaractors thus got a chance to enhance their professional skills sharper. Rotaractors showed their active participation by being punctual for a week and practicing on a large no. of animals. Dr. Ilona suggested the students to more responsible and serious towards the profession. On the final day, the certificates were distributed to the participating students by the Past President of Rotary Club of Bharatpur Prof. Dr. I.P. Dhakal. 8 Rotaractors participated in a week long training. International Youth Conference on Human Development In order to achieve positive changes in youths Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA),Nepal organized a youth oriented “International Youth Conference On Human Development 2012” from 27th -28th October,2012 at Alfa Beta Complex, Kathmandu with the themes - Promoting Youth Leadership for Change, Visioning Sustained Planet Earth, Rising Influences of Social Network Sites and its Impact on Youths, Encouraging Youth Volunteerism for Local Development. These themes were properly dealt and facilitated by renowned Resource Personnels like Prof.Dr. Robertson Work, Mr. Anil Chitrakar, Mr. Allen Bilochan Tuladhar and Mr. Dilendra Raj Shrestha on the first day 4 Rotaractors from RAC Narayangarh including President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola, Secretary Rtr. Riddhi Shrestha, Rtr Sanjiv Pandit and Rtr. Dipana Maharjan utilized this platform of building up important characteristics for positive change in the individual and in the whole community. There was an appreciating participation of college students, Rotaractors and foreigners with a total of 120 participants. Photography Training On 10th November 2012, 5 Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Narayangarh participated in the Photography Training organized by Rotaract Club of Chitwan at building of Chitwan Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The Resource Personnel Prashant Dhewaju taught the participants about the use of a digital camera to take good photographs. The particiapants felt proud to gain knowledge about the most useful instrument whose most efficient functions were unknown to them till the date. The President of RAC Chitwan Rtr.Pratik Dhewaju ended the program with his promises to bring such more programs in the days to come. He also requested the participants to make the full use such programs too. Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop Leo club of Bharatpur in collaboration with UNYSAN conducted a one day national workshop on disaster risk reduction with a goal to minimize the loss of lives during such devastating catastrophe. The workshop was conducted in Saptagandaki Multiple College on December 1,2012 with appreciating participations from different clubs and organizations. The resource persons Mr. John Galetzka (California Institute of Technology), Mr. Ganesh Kumar Jimee (Nepal Society For Earthquake Technology) and Col.(Rtd.) Rabindra Khatri Kshetri(Strategic center for Disaster Risk) dealt about the earthquake prone topographical belts, preventive measures to minimize the losses after earthquake and rescue measures after the earthquake respectively. Since our club also could also contribute something to the society, considerable number of members of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh actively participated in the workshop. Rotaract club of Narayangarh with the view of strengthening the relationship with other international organization and developing the plateform for mutual co-ordination, brotherhood organized the event of sharing souvenir and pin exchange in the formal session of the workshop.The President of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh,Rtr. Sirjan Bastola handed over his club souvenir and the Rotaract pin to the President of Leo Club of Bharatpur Leo Rajesh Mishra.Similary,the Leo President also pinned his District Theme pin to the Rotaract President.


SPSS Training The modern science is highly research based. The dynamicity of the biological and social face of the world has provoked the need of the research based study. Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science(IAAS), Rampur Campus being a technological institute of the biological sciences, the knowledge of analytical tool is indeed impartial for research excellence. Realizing the fact, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh in association with Nepal Terai Students Committee, Rampur Campus conducted a three days Statistical Package for Biological and Social Sciences(SPSS) training program from December 2-4,2012 at IAAS, Rampur. The programme was successfully accomplished with the participation of 50 students from both Agriculture and Veterinary science under the co-ordinatorship of Rtr.Sanjiv Pandit ( Professional Service Director). Among them,9 were the Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Narayangarh. The training was given by the resource person Associate Professor Mr. Ramashish Shah, the master of analytical tools. On the final day, the training ended with a formal program. The chief guest was the Dean of the IAAS, Prof. Narendra Kumar Choudhary who appreciated the joint approach of the two organizations to conduct an educational program for the welfare of the science students of modern era.The resource person Mr. Ramashish Shah told that the students that program would be meaningful when the students would be able to implement the statistical tools by their self effort and suggested them to be more practical. The participants of the training were awarded with the certificates of participation for their patience and enthusiasm in learning the difficult scientific know-how. Finally, President of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh Rtr. Sirjan Bastola formally declared the end of the program with promises to organize the similar student oriented programs in the days to come. Free Animal Health Camp (Learning Through Serving) With the objectives of imparting practical skills to students and to serve the remote community through the teachinglearning procedure, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh in collaboration with Rotary Club of Narayangarh and Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan organized the Free Animal Health Camp in Meghauli-4, Sajhapur. The programme was supported by Livestock Service Centre and Sajha Namuna Dairy Co-operative of Meghauli. Being the coordinator of the programme, Rtr. Mahesh KC took the full responsibility and the camp was accomplished successfully on May 10, 2013. Apart from helping the farmers, the objective of the camp was to provide exposure to the Veterinary students to the practical field. Final year (8th semester) and 6th semester students of B.V.Sc and A.H worked in the scorching sun with full enthusiasm. Students were exposed to different clinical cases and they got idea to apply the theoretical knowledge practically and also learned the technique to deal with farmers.The camp provided community service in one hand and in another hand, helped Veterinary students to develop their professional career. Among them,11 were the Rotaractos from Rotaract Club of Narayangarh. Junior Technical students (JTAs) of the community also grabbed the opportunity to learn theoretical and practical knowledge. The reknowned Veterinary doctor.Dr. Shyam Kishor Shah of IAAS, Rampur, helped in animal health check up and side by side taught the students to handle the cases in the field. KOICA volunteer Dr. Kim Jhong In also actively participated in the camp and helped in animal health check up. 90 Cattle/Buffalo, 102 Goat/sheep and 5 dogs were brought for check up and Fecal Examination of 105 sample was done.The medicine was distributed for free which were sponsored by Intas,Vetoquinol,Qmed,Asian Pharmaceuticals and Natural Herbs. The formal programme was conducted by Mr. Hari Prasad Subedi,head personnel of Livestock Service Sub-centre,on the chairmanship of Pesident of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh Rtr. Sirjan Bastola. In this programme Dr. Shyam Kumar Shah was Chief Guest and Dr. Kim Jhong In was the special guest. The Chief Guest highly appreciated this step of the organizers in the upliftment of Veterinary profession and thanked all the students for their active involvement during the learning and serving activities and special thanks was given to Rotaractors for providing a learning platform to the other students of the college. The slogan of the camp “Serving the community and Learning the experiences” was depicted in the activities of the Rotaractors, Veterinary students and Junior Technical Assistants (JTAs).The camp became very fruitful to both Veterinary students and farmers. After the end of the camp, students visited different dairy farms around Meghauli and gave suggestions to the farmers about improving the production from the dairy farm and gave special advice regarding management of farm and nutritional diet to the animal to enhance the production. Training on Social Media for Bridging Urban and Rural Youth A day training on social medial for bridging urban and rural youth has been successfully completed in 2070/01/29 B.S. (May 12 2013 A.D.) at IAAS Rampur campus with more than 40 undergraduates of Agriculture and Veterinary Science as participants. Aim of training was to provide knowledge about social media and its wise application and bridge the gap between the rural and urban youths via different social media such as blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In etc. It was organized by environment


activists - Mr Jiban Panthi. and Mrs Kavita Gautam and was supported by Youth Action Fund. In this programme, Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Narayangarh- Rtr. Sirjan Bastola (President), Rtr. Riddhi Shrestha (Secretary), Rtr. Dipana Maharjan (Editor), Rtr.Kabita Pandey and Rtr.Mahesh KC showed their active participation.

Annexure 4

INTERNATIONAL SERVICE- Dir. Rtr.Shova Baral Welcoming International Guest On 7th September, 2012, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh organized an Interaction Program at Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences(IAAS) , Rampur Campus , Rampur .In the program, the Rotaractors welcomed the Clinical Director of Worldwide Veterinary Service International Training Centre Dr. Ilona Otter. Rotaractors also welcomed the Assistant Governor of Zone-13 and Past President of Rotary Club of Bharatpur Rtn. Prof. Dr. I.P. Dhakal. We told her about the role of Rotary and Rotaract in the Nepalese Community. She shared her knowledge about the service of Rotary in her motherland Finland and in India. It was an hour program. At the end, Rtn. Prof. Dr. I.P Dhakal gave the Joint Souvenir book of our club to Dr. Otter. She got impressed by the feeling of brotherhood in the Rotarians and Rotaractors. In the program President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola taught her to sing Nepali song “Chari maryo sisai ko golli le”. Welcoming Rotary 2012-13 GSE Team Hospitality, respect and gratitude to the guest is our moral conscience. Generous reception of guests is also a determinant factor that reveals person’s characters and club’s performance. With the view of hooking up the bond with parent Rotary Club tightly and strengthening the relationship and flourish club activities to the GSE team, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh also organized an event to welcome Rotary’s GSE team and handing over club souvenir on March 6,2013 at The New Kitchen Café, Pulchowk. Rotaractors welcomed GSE team in the 53rd regular meeting of Rotary club of Narayangarh. The meeting was conducted under the chairmanship or Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha, President of Rotary Club of Narayangarh with the Chief Guest RI District 3292, AG Rtn. Bhadra Narayan Piya, guests from GSE team Rtn.Tom Erskine, Rtn. Nighat Mahle, Rtn. Dabid Hood, Rtn. Deborah Tom Obrien and Rtn. Sargh Duan, together with other Rotarians and full participation of Rotaractors. Rotarians as well as Rotaractors presented Nepali cap and traditional Dhaka’s shawl that represent our culture, customs as a small gift that would memories their visit to Nepal and prospers our customs and tradition. Also, souvenir of our club was handled to them as a memory as well as for the promotion of activities of our club. Interaction with KOICA volunteer Rotaract Club of Narayangarh as an initiation of fellowship and recognition of the club outside the boundary, conducted an interaction program with KOICA (Korean International Co-operation Agency) volunteer. The program was held on March 14, 2013 at Veterinary Teaching Hospital, IAAS, Rampur as a 5th day of celebration of Rotaract Week. The KOICA Nepal, volunteer Dr. Kim Jong In, forwarded the activities, missions, goals, policies and strategies, targets and achievements of KOICA. KOICA was founded as a government agency on April 1, 1991 to maximize the effectiveness of Korea’s grant aid programs for developing countries by implementing the government’s grand aid and technical co-operation program. He presented the video-slide of KOICA activities in Asian and south African countries. Similarly, under the presence of Rtr. Sirjan, Rtr. Shova, Rtr. Manoj, Rtr. Sanjiv, Rtr. Dipana, and Rtr. Kabita, the activities of our Rotaract club together with global perspectives of Rotaract club was presented. Also souvenir exchange was done during the program. Interchangement of culture, practices together with linkage establishment, club promotion was also done. The program was co-ordinated by President Rtr. Sirjan Bastola. Interaction with Rotary Club of Gangtok South Rotaract Club of Narayangarh got a golden opportunity to have an interaction with an international Rotary Club, Rotary Club of Gangtok South, RI district 3240 during a tour to Sikkim. The interaction was an incidental and unexpected programme during a 9 days educational tour of final year students of Veterinary science. It was fortune for the club president Rtr. Sirjan Bastola who happened to meet Rtn. Prakash Sundas, the President Elect of Rotary Club of Gangtok South and proposed for an interaction program. The interaction was held at Grand Hotel at Gangtok, Sikkim where President-elect Rtn. Prakash Sundas of Rotary club of Gangtok South, President of Rotararct club of Gangtok Rtr. Laxman Tamang were present representing their respective clubs and R.I District 3240 as a whole. Immediate Past President of Lions Club of Chitwan Central, Prof. Lion Dr. Krishna Kafle was also pleased to be present in a program organized by his students who were also the Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Narayangarh.


In the programme, Rtn. Prakash Sundas expressed his views on Rotary- Rotaract relationship and gave flash back of the projects accomplished and projects targeted. It was really appreciating to hear that being an Indian he showed an interest over the burning issues of Nepal like Drug Addiction and miserable situation of street children. He also informed about their appreciating project “Gift of Life” in which the children needing cardiac surgery were operated free of cost. Similarly, Rtr. Laxman Tamang also gave the activities of his club in nutshell. The President of RAC Narayangarh Rtr.Sirjan Bastola later highlighted major projects of his home club. Rtr. Sirjan Bastola also gifted his club souvenir to the Rotary President-elect. Finally an hour interaction program came to an end with promises from Rotarian and Rotaractors to link up internationally to bring effective project s in the community in the upcoming Rota year 2013-14. Honoring the Contributors of the Rotary Foundation The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is a foundation for raising fund which is utilized for health, hunger and humanity (3-H) all over the world. The contributors of such a foundation are who strive for peace and humanity. The Rotaract Club of Narayangarh delightfully honored the contributors of Rotary Foundation from the Rotary Club of Narayangarh on 29th May, 2013 at The New Kitchen Cafe, Pulchowk. In the program, 17 contributors from the club- 2 MPHF,11 PHF and 4 RSFM were honored. The President of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh Rtr.Sirjan Bastola along with Charter President and President of Rotary Club of Narayangarh Rtn.Niranjan Pradhan and Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha respectively felicitated Rotarians with “ Abir and Khada”and handed over the token of love to them. This was definitely an admiring job of the Rotaract Club of Narayangarh that enlightened the intimacy of Rotary-Rotaract relationship all around the year. A destinator and a follower should go parallel in order to be successful and this has been obviously shown by the relationship of Rotary and Rotaract clubs of Narayangarh. It was the final and really an admiring and glorious project for the club as appreciated by the Rotarians. Finally the President Rtr.Sirjan Bastola concluded his final program of Rota Year 2012-13 with emotional words of thankfulness to all the Rotarians for their continuous care and guidance throughout his presidential tenure. Avenue wise Summary of Projects and Activities of RAC Narayangarh during Rota Year 2012-13 Club Service 50 Community Service 19 Professional Service 9 International Service 5 Total 83

We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

2nd Installation Ceremony of

Rotaract Club of Narayangarh

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Laxmi Kirana Pasal Bharatapur-4, Belchowk, Narayangarh Ph: 056-571753


We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

2nd Installation Ceremony of

Rotaract Club of Narayangarh

Rose Impex Gangotri Marg, Narayangarh Ph: 056-524413, Cell.: 9845026870

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1st Installation Ceremony

Joint Meeting with Rotary Club of Narayangarh

Joint Candle Lightening on World Peace Day

Deusi Bhailo

Participation in Partner-In-Service Workshop

Rtr. Sweejan Piya in Bharatpur Lumbini Cycle Tour


Joint Meeting with Twin Club at Malekhu

2nd Club Assembly at Sauraha

Fixing SAY NO TO DRUGS board

New Year Best Wishes Sharing at Sri Satya Sai Bal Aashram

DRR Visit

Receiving Outstanding Project Award in 5th District Awards


Blood Donation Program

3 Days Dental Check-up,Treatment and Awareness Camp

Free Veterinary Health Camp at Bijayanagar

Bottlegourd Cultivation Training

Traffic Awareness Program

Stationary Distribution to Intellectually Disabled Students


Lady Rotaractors at Chepang Community, Kanda

Dog Sterilisation For Rabies Control

SPSS Training

Interaction with KOICA volunteer Dr.Kim

Honoring RI contributors of Sponsoring Club

Interaction with Rotary Club of Gangtok South (R.I.D.3240)

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Enhancing Dairy Industry through Social Changes 

Rtr. Sirjan Bastola

President 2012-13

Dairy industry is a flourishing sector of agriculture in Nepal which contributes 8% of the national GDP. The higher cost of production, milk deficit in the market and competition with foreign products are the major challenges of this industry. Farmers should raise productive dairy animals, feed green forages and apply proper sanitary measures to decrease the cost of production. There is a need of commercialization in dairy farming to meet the current milk deficit (44.5 lakhs litres/year) of the nation. The government should provide finance and credit, and insurance facilities to the small householders who want to commercialize in dairy. Scientific pricing, dairy heifer rearing practice and establishment of powder plants need to be included in the government plans and policies. It is also necessary to root out the untouchability, gender inequality and politics in co-operatives in rural society. The government is equally responsible for creating an environment so that domestic milk and milk products can hold good market share while competing with foreign products. There must be regular checking and monitoring of these dietary items for quality improvement. Milk processing companies should support the farmers to maintain a continuous supply of raw milk. They should also be able to motivate the consumers towards their products through advertisements, packaging, product diversification and awareness. Consumers equally play a role to promote dairy industry by changing their dietary habits and prioritizing domestic products.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Gandhi


My Journey in Rotaract (Rotaract experience) 

Rtr. Mahesh K.C.

Until 3 years ago, I was completely unaware about Rotaract and Rotary Organization. Joining RYLA in Chitwan was the turning point of my life which encouraged me to be involved in this reputed organization. Then after establishment of Rotaract club of Narayangarh and becoming charter member of this club was another milestone in my life. Slogan of the organization “ FELLOWSHIP THROUGH SERVICE ” has been always motivating me to work for the social welfare. This has provided me with an opportunities to build up strong leadership capability and gaining much more experiences. As a Rotaractor, I have been engaging in various social activities and productive works. Being involving in social works, my heart usually get satisfaction. Whenever I used to help needy people, I feel proud. I always want to contribute in society from my early days. Rotaract provide me the platform to be involved in social welfare activities. There is no joy in doing anything in life individually. Life is about sharing feelings, objects, food, ideas…and many more. Group work of the Rotaractors and the guidance of Rotarians encourages us. Bringing smile on crying face of needy child gives a lot of happiness in yours. Rotaract life brought a lot of change in my life. My shy behavior has turned into the leading capacity. I am also happy to utilize my leisure time in some productive life and linking my profession with Rotaract while performing any things related to my field Veterinary. All of these experiences have reminded me, how one kind thing and one effort can make a difference to an individuals. I am honoured to be a part of Rotaract Club. I am also blessed because every individual involved has touched my life and taught me a lesson.

Remember the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more. -H. Jackson Brown

We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

11th Installation Ceremony of

Rotary Club of Narayangarh

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11th Installation Ceremony of

Rotary Club of Narayangarh

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Competition – motivation or torture…? 

When we organize a reading competition in class, children start off with a lot of enthusiasm but most give up very soon. Although, they want the reward that is not enough for them to keep up the effort because they do not enjoy the activity. So they decide that the reward is not worth but the torture. Only those who derive pleasure from reading itself, sustain it till the very end and have a chance of actually winning the prize. Let us now talk a while about the competition. To find out the answer regarding the topic, we need to understand about the types of motivation, i.e, Extrinsic and Intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is when we work hard to achieve the prize, position, reward or grade whereas intrinsic motivation is when we work because we derive pleasure, satisfaction from doing activity itself. Empowered with this perspective, competition comes under extrinsic motivator; those who feel that they have a chance of winning. For rest it is a torture. The people who are in the top of their chosen fields are the one who have reached the pinnacle of success; have passion for their work. They value and enjoy rewards but reward by itself is not the reason why they work relentlessly. Competition should be with own self, we must try to do our own previous performances. If we are improving our own previous work, we are achieving. This principle is applicable everywhere, whether in class of students or to the one who are preparing for the competitive exams of medical and engineering. Only those students are successful who leave no stone unturned and put in their best, without stressing about what others are doing. Einstein, Shakespeare, Rudyard Kipling, Wright brothers achieved the feats in the way by putting their best in their chosen fields not competing with anyone else.


Rtr. Kabita Pandey

Alfie Khan in his famous essay ' A Case Against Competition' has put up many convincing arguments against completion: • Competition leads to self doubt. • Winning doesn't build up character. • Feelings of self worth become dependent on external resources of evaluation and validation. • Success is in spite of competition not because of it. • Competition reduces productivity as children get stressed thinking about competition. • Rivalry develops. • Aggressiveness and less empathic towards each other. Participatory in competition does not guarantee success. Success comes only to the capable. Capability is developed by intrinsic motivation and a strong sense of self.

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We extend our best wishes for the Grand Success of

11th Installation Ceremony of

Rotary Club of Narayangarh

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Being a girl next door to RYLArian…… 

Rtr. Dipana Maharjan Member

Being a girl next door, she had a plain life. She was quite, calm, decent, innocent and stereotype. Even though, she was happy in her own life. She had a dream to achieve her ambition, a dream to get success, a dream to be happy in her own world. And in this world she had limited friends and was happy with them. As nobody remains with you till the end, she was left alone after the departure of her limited friends to abroad. In the mildst of her tumultuous period, she joined Rotaract and made new friends. She was enlighted with importance of empowering youth. Through Rotaract she served the community of those in need of help, support and love. She was growing by knowing people. In the journey of Rotaract she took one more step by attending RYLA. RYLA, where she was witness to friendship beginning, confidence expanding, self-respect blossoming. She was the part of workshops, trainings and learned these are invaluable for Youths. Sharing intimately with friends, wisdom and laughter, she learned to be strong and stand her ground, voice her opinion to make good choice. Knowing scholar Rotarian and Rotaractors, was the amazing opportunity, a truly amazing experiences she got in RYLA. Now the Scenario is something different, girl next door has turned to RYLArian, she can’t explain the joy of being part of Rotarct and RYLA. She gained the greater understanding of how to live and sustain. Now she can trust in her instincts and modify them to achieve the goal in her life. Something like this happen to me as well. And I can’ t remain without thanking Rtn. Ramesh Shrestha (IPP of RC NARAYANGARH) for his unconditional support and assistance. Because of his support, I became Part of RYLA and became able to cope with twists and turns that life takes and can easily maintain the balance and harmony in fast paced world. Jay Rotary! Jay Rotaract!!! 


;dfh;]jf 

/f]6= ;'lgtf >]i7 sDo'[lg6L ;le{;

;dfh;]jf, cGo zAb h:t} Pp6f zAb xf] t/ o;sf] ulx/fO / dxŒj leGb} 5 . Pp6f JolQm jf ;+:yfn] ;dfhsf] ;fdflhs cj:yf ;'wfg{sf lglDt lbg] ;]jf g} ;dfh ;]jf xf] . xfdL ;dfhdf hGdG5f}, x's{G5f} / oxL g} clGtd ;f; lnG5f} t;y{ ;dfhsf nflu s]xL ug'{ xfd|f] st{Jo xf] . Pp6f kz' klg hGdg], afFRg] / dg{] sfo{ ub{5 t/ xfdL Ps ;+j]bgzLn k|f0fLn] c?nfO{ s]xL lbg hfGg'kb{5, ;dfhsf] ;Da[l4 / ljsf;sf nflu s]xL ug'{k5{ . xfdL ;dfhsf] s'g} klg If]qsf] ljsf;sf nflu tTk/ /xg'k5{ . Ps ;Ifd JolQmn] cfˆgf] yf]/} k};f / ;do lbP eg] wgL / u/La aLrsf] b'/L 36\g] dfq geO{ s;}n] gofF lhGbuL lhpg kfp5g\, s;}n] slt lbgsf] ef]sf] k]6 eg{ kfpF5g\ eg] slt a];xf/fn] ;xf/f kfpF5g\ . To;a]nf h'g cfTd;Gt'li6 k|fKt u5f{}+ xfdLn] c? s'g} a]nf k|fKt ug{ ;Sb}gf}+ . xfdL cfhsf o'jfx? clxn]af6 g} ;dfh;]jfdf nfu]/ :jod\ ljsf;, ;dfh clg /fi6«sf nflu of]ubfg lbg'k5{ . o;n] ubf{ xfd|f] JolQmTj ljsf;sf ;fy} unt sfo{ nfu'cf}ifwLsf] b'Jo{;gLaf6 6f9f /xG5f} clg ;dfhsf nflu s]xL u/f}+ eGg] efjgf xfdLdf hfu[t x'G5 / xfdLn] eljiodf ;dfhsf nflu 7"nf7"nf of]ubfg lbO{ b]z ljsf; ug{ ;S5f}+ . xfdL s'g} ;+:yfdf /x]/ dfq ;dfh;]jf ug{ ;S5f}+ eGg] klg xf]Og, h'g;'s} hflu/ jf Joj;fodf nfu]sf JolQm JolQmut :jfy{ dfq gx]/L ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ klg ;dfh;]jf xf] . ‘Ps y'sL ;'sL, ;o y'sL gbL’ eg]em}+ xfdL cfk"m klg ;dfh;]jfdf nfuf}+ / c?nfO{ klg nfUgsf nflu clek|]l/t u/f}+ clg Pp6f gd"gf ;dfh / b]z agfcf}+ . 

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l;4afaf ckm;]6 k|]; xflsdrf]s, e/tk'/, lrtjg kmf]gM )%^–%@^@$%

z'4, ;kmf, pRr:t/Lo, /+uLg 5kfO{sf nflu=== 114

On da way to Michael's cafe.......

d'Qms 

cfgGb >]i7 


b]z kms{g d}n] cfpg' eg]kl5 cfpg' ;f]r] h:tf] ;'Gb/ dxn ag]kl5 cfpg' 3/df clxn] ltdLeGbf k};fs} 5 vfFrf] yfSg] u/L xftn] k};f ug]kl5 cfpg' .

Rtr. Monoj Kumar Mahato

I wonder, why was my heart induced with some sort

of internal contentment that day..I saw his face glow up with delight .His smile was indifferent...a smile that had an intrinsic joy, an exhilarating freshment to life never experienced in him before. It was the impulse of his great delight that was being induced in me...On the way

dfG5] las] h:t} u/L cbfnt glasf];\ jsLn lasf];\ t/ s'g} jsfnt glasf];\ ljZjf; laS5 eG5g\ oxfF kfkL dfG5]x? 5ftL lasf];\ t/ s'g} cdfgt glasf];\ .

to michael's, i had heard his cell ring..I wondered, had he set the Thames on fire or had be been booned with wings to fly up in the blues....Later I came to know that it was the matter of heartly relations....He is an exemplar of an incredible love that evokes some pathetic moments and still picturizes in my mind like a movie as he had

vfnL kfgf /fv]sf] 5' e5f{} eg] e/ lk|of ¤ d}n] h:t} ltDn] ;fx; u5f{} eg] u/ lk|of ¤ lhGbuLsf] s] e/f];f s}n] lgE5 dgsf] lbof] ¤ d]/f] glhs b'O{rf/ sbd ;5f{} eg] ;/ lk|of ¤

cited me....And today after a long pathetic break, her lively words flowed in him like energetic electrons whose transition released a spectrum of heavenly joy... Wow! It was really a the day for him. It was the reunion of broken tides of ocean...Affliction of love had once turned him like a tree in the autumn and now a

d]/f] d'Qms ;'Gg ltdL dWo/ftdf p7\of} /ftdf dnfO{ n'6\5' eGYof} ltDn] lbgd} n'6\of} lbgdf cGt} /ftdf cGt} Jo:t /}’5f} ltdL ;Fu}–;Fu} cfpFbf–cfpFb} bf]af6f]d} 5'6of} .

glimpse of joy rejuvenated him to the swaying trees in the gentle breeze of spring....I heard somebody say 'A broken relation can b soldered but is never sound'. But 2day I don’t appreciate this theme and I pray, ur relation, whether as love or frenship be the phoenix....and your smile never fade up till the end...Now, Hey guys, come on lets go to the michael's ,who knows it may be a the

b'wsf] b'w / kfgLsf] kfgL 5'6ofOb]pm g k|e' cfFvfaf6 e|d / gfgL 5'6ofOb]p g k|e' h;nfO{ b]Vof] /fd|} b]Vg] cfFvf xf] of pd]/ ¤ cfh}b]lv o:tf afgL 5'6ofOb]pm g k|e' .


day for U…..

The life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier - Albert Schweitzer

/f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 tyf /f]6ยฅofS6 Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf] jif{ @)!#รท!$ sf] gofF sfo{ ;ldltsf] k"0f{ ;kmntfsf] z'esfdgf JoQm ub{5f}+ .

dgf]h vfB pBf]u jL/u~h, g]kfn


y'g]nf] (Mastitis) 

/f]6\= ;l~hj kl08t

la=le=P;\=;L= P08 P=Pr=, cf7f}+ ;qfGt

y'g]nf] /f]u b'wlbg] kz'x?df sNrf}8f] ;'lgP/ x'g] Ps ;+qmfds Pjd\ cfly{s b[li6n] cToGt dxŒjk"0f{ /f]u xf] . h;sf] k|efj 8]/L pBf]ux?df k|ToIf ?kn] kb{5 . of] /f]u cfly{s b[li6sf]0fn] ufO{ / e}+;Ldf cToGt a9L b]lvG5 . ljZjsf nueu $%–%)Ü ufO{ e}+;L s'g} g s'g} ;dodf y'g]nf] /f]uaf6 u|l;t ePsf] tYofª\sn] hgfPsf] 5 . g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df klg $%Ü hltufO{ / #%–$)Ü e}+;Lx? y'g]nf]af6 u|l;t 5g\ .

!_ b'wdf • b'wsf] /Ë kftnf], kx]nf] / lkmSsf x'g] • b'wdf emf]n / rf}6f x'g] • b'wdf n]u|f–n]u|L cfpg], • b'wdf kLk jf /ut ldl;P/ cfpg] .

@_ sNrf}8f]df • sNrf}8f]sf] Ps efu ;'lGgg], b'Vg] / tftf] x'g], • sNrf}8f]sf] s'g} Ps efu jf k"/f efu ;fx|f] eP/ s] n] ubf{ of] /f]u nfU5 < cfpg', ljleGg lsl;dsf lhjf0f', ls6f0f', ljiff0f', • sNrf}8f] k'/} ;'lGgg] / b'Vg] . dfOqmf]Knfhdfx?n] of] /f]u u/fpF5 . lhjf0f'df d'VotofM :6«]k6f]sf]s;, :6\kmfOnf]sf]s;, sf]/Llgj]S6Ll/od, #_ kz'df dfO{qmf]a}S6Ll/od 6\o'j/s'nf]l;;, :o'8f]df]gf;, ;fNdf]g]Nnf, • bfgf kfgL gvfg], n]K6f]:kfO{/f, a'|;]NnfPjf]6{; cflb . s]xLk|sf/sf 9';Lx?n] • b'w b'x'g vf]Hbf lgs} 56\k6fpg], klg of] /f]u pTkGgug{ ;Sb5 . jftfj/0fdf hyfefjL • b'w pTkfbg PSsf;L 36fpg], 5l/P/ /x]sf] lhjf0f' tyf cl3Nnf] a]tdf yfls;s]kl5 • Hj/f] cfpg], of] j]t gljofpFb} aLrsf] ;dodfsNrf}8f] leq ljsl;t • al;/xg] t/ gpu|fpg], eO{ a;]sf] lhjf0f'n] ubf{ of] /f]u nfU5 . ;fwf/0ftof • y'gaf6 b'wcfpg ;w}+sf] nfluaGbx'g] / pkrf/ y'gsf] Kjfnaf6 y'gleq lhjf0f'x? k|j]z u/]sf] v08df gu/]sf] v08df hgfj/sf] d[To' ;d]t x'g ;S5 . hgfj/nfO{ of] /f]u nfUb5 . slxn]sfxLF y'gdf rf]6k6s nfUbf ePsf] 3fpaf6 klg hLjf0f'x? y'gdf k|j]z ug{ s:tf] cj:yfdf kz'nfO{ a9L vt/f x'G5 < ;Sb5g\ . b'wfn' ufO{e}+;Ldf 7Ls tl/sfn] b'w gb'xFbf, • b'x'g]sf] cj:yf M ufO{ jf e}+;L AofPkl5sf] z'?sf] kmf]x/ xftn] b'w b'xFbf, kmf]xf]/ kfgLn] y'g kvfNbf / k"/f -b'O{ dlxgf_ b'wg b'x'Fbf of] /f]u nfUb5 . y'lgnf] Ps ;?jf /f]u xf] . • gZn M a9L b'wlbg] ufO{jf e}+;L ;fjwfgL gckgfPsf] v08df of] /f]u cGo hgfj/x?df • pd]/ M rf}+yf] j]tkl5sf] b'x'gf] ufO{ / e}+;L klg ;g{ ;Sb5 . of] /f]u e]+8f–afv|fnfO{ klg nfUg ;Sb5 . • 3fp M y'gsf] 6'Kkf]df 3fp ePsf] ufO{ / e}+;L • uf]7 M a9L lxnf] / kmf]x/ uf]7df /x]sf] ufO{ / e}+;L s:tf] nIf0fx¿ b]lvG5 < • b'x'g] tl/sf M xTs]nfn] lyr]/ gb'x'g] t/ a9L 75 of] /f]u nflu;s]kl5 b'wdf, sNrf}8f]df / cf}+nfn] sNrf}8f] / y'gsf] aLrdf lyr]/ b'lxPsf] kz'dfc;fdfGo kl/jt{gx? kfpg ;S5f}+ . ufO{ / e}+;L 117

• xft M kmf]x/ xftn] b'x'g] u/]df .

/fv]/ gfd n]Vg'k5{ .

cfly{s gf]S;fg /f]usf] pkrf/, lgoGq0f Pjd\ /f]syfdsf pkfox? • b'w pTkfbgdf k|ltufO{ jf e}+;Ldf &)Ü n] sdL, !_ y'g]nf] /f]u nfUgf ;fy pkrf/ ug'{kb{5 / of] /f]u -!) ln= b'wlbg] ufO{n] y'g]nf] nfUbf # ln= hltdfq b'w nfUg} glbg ufO{e}+;LnfO{ zfl//Ls tfut a9fpg] w'nf] lbG5_ cf}ifwLx? -h:t} Immunity Powder_ x? v'jfpg'k5{ . • y'g]nf]af6 ldNsfO{g] ufO{ / e}+;L of] /f]usf] pkrf/sf] lglDt k]lgl;lng, :6«]K6f]dfOl;g, -!)) j6f ;+qmldtufO{df !$ j6f hltsf dgnfUg] clS;6]6«f;fO{lSng, PlDkl;lngsf] ;'O{ / oL x'G5g\_ PlG6afof]l6s ePsf] ljz]if cf}iflw hgfj/sf] y'gdf • pkrf/ vr{M s'n cfly{s gf]S;fgsf] *Ü hlt xfNg'kb{5 . oL cf}iflwx? x/]s @$ 306fsf] pkrf/df vr{ x'G5 . cGt/fndf $–% lbg;Ddk|of]u ug'{kb{5 . y'gaf6 k"/f b'w lgsfln;s]kl5 dfq y'gdf cf}iflw xfNg'kb{5 . s;/L yfxf kfpg] t < y'g ;'lGgPsf] l56f] lgsf] ug{sf] nflu sl6{sf]:6]/f]O8 (Corticosteroid) sf] OGh]S;g lbg ;lsG5 . • b'wdf b]lvg] kl/jt{gaf6, b'wsf] dfqf 36\g] @_ y'g l5gd} /lGsP/ cfPdf a/kmn] ;]Sg] . • sNrf}8fdf b]lvg] kl/jt{gaf6 #_ ufO{÷e}+;Lsf] uf]7 ;kmf /fVg] . • b'wsf] lk=Pr= 6]:6af6 $_ uf]7df /fd|f];Fu kf]6f;kfgL jflkmg]n 5ls{g] . • Soflnkmf]lg{of d:6fOl6; 6]:6af6 (CMT) • t'?Gt} glhs}sf] e]6]/Lg/L lSnlgS; jf e]6]/Lg/L %_ kf]6f; kfgLn] b'w b'x'geGbf cl3 / kl5 sNrf}8fsf] lzIf0f c:ktfnfdf b'wgd'gf kl/If0f ug{ n}hfg] / /fd|f];Fu ;kmf ug{] e]6]/Lg/L 8fS6/;Fu cfjZos k/fdz{ lng] . ^_ xft ;fa'gkfgLn] wf]O;s]kl5 dfq b'wb'x'g] . &_ b'w k'/} lgvfg{] u/L b'x'g] . *_ b'wb'lx ;s]kl5 y'g %Ü cfof]l8gsf] emf]ndf 8'afP/ b'w kl/If0fsf] gd'gf ;+sng s;/L ug{] t < kl/If0fsf] nfluNofOPsf] b'wljlwgldn]/ kmsf{pg' kg{] lgsfNg] . x'G5 . To;}n] tn pNn]lvt ljlw cg';f/ gd'gf b'w ;+sng (_ b'w b'lx ;s]kl5 ufO{e}+;Lsf] y'g gln s]xL a]/;Dd ug'{ pko'Qm x'G5 . v'Nnf x'G5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf hgfj/ e'O{+df a;]df • ;+sng ug'{eGbf klxn] sNrf}8f] / y'gkf]6f; kfgLn] lhjf0f' y'ggnLaf6 leq hfG5 / /f]u nfU5 . t;y{ ;kmf ug'{k5{ . b'w b'x'g] lalQs} kz'nfO{ a:g glbgsf nflu kz' • ;kmf sk8fn] k'5\g'k5{ . cfxf/ -3fF;, k/fn_ lbg'kb{5 . • ls;fgn] ;fa'gkfgLn] xftwf]P/ dfqb'wb'x'g k5{ . !)_ klxn] :j:y y'g b'x'g] clg dfq c:j:y y'g b'x'g] . • gd'gf b'w ;+sngug{] af]tnsf] lasf{] vf]n]/ !% !!_ y'lgnf] /f]usf] nIf0f b]Vg] lalQs} kz' lrlsT;ssf] ldg]6;Dd pdfNg'k5{ . ;Nnfx adf]lhd cf}iflw pkrf/ ug'{kb{5 . • af]tnsf] d'vdf g5f]Osg b'w ;+sng ug'{k5{ . !@_ cf}iflw pkrf/ u/]/ lgsf] ePsf] hgfj/sf] b'w • ;+sngubf{ af]tnsf] d'vn] y'gsf] 6'Kkf] 5'g' x'Fb}g . $ lbg;Dd pkof]udf Nofpg x'Fb}g / b'w b'x]/ • cl3 pdfn]sf] lasf{] /fd|/L nufO s'g y'gsf] xf], kmflnlbg'k5{ . lsgsL pQm b'wn] dflg;df k]6sf] aflx/ n]v]/ /fVg'k5{ . ;d:of lgDTofpg ;S5 .  • Pp6} sNrf}8f]sf] 5'§f5'§} y'gsf] b'w 5'§f5'§} af]tndf 118

/f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 tyf /f]6¥ofS6 Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf] jif{ @)!#÷!$ sf] gofF sfo{ ;ldltsf] k"0f{ ;kmntfsf] z'esfdgf JoQm ub{5f}+ .

p4j hf]zL /f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 tyf /f]6¥ofS6 Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf] jif{ @)!#÷!$ sf] gofF sfo{ ;ldltsf] k"0f{ ;kmntfsf] z'esfdgf JoQm ub{5f}+ .

;k ‘Pg’ uf] l8kf6{d]G6n :6f]/ k|ultky–@, gf/fo0fu9 kmf]gM )%^–%@)@&^


k|f]= lg/h >]i7 df]=M (*%%)%())@

/f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 tyf /f]6ยฅofS6 Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf] jif{ @)!#รท!$ sf] gofF sfo{ ;ldltsf] k"0f{ ;kmntfsf] z'esfdgf JoQm ub{5f}+ .

n'lDagL hg/n OG:of]/]G; s+= ln= zfvfM xl/x/ dfu{, gf/fo0fu9 df]=M (*%%)%(^#$ 120

/f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 tyf /f]6¥ofS6 Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf] jif{ @)!#÷!$ sf] gofF sfo{ ;ldltsf] k"0f{ ;kmntfsf] z'esfdgf JoQm ub{5f}+ .

o'gfO{6]8 OG:of]/]G; k|f= ln= zfvfM d]g/f]8, gf/fo0fu9 df]=M (*$%)$&(*# -/fd u'?Ë_ 121

/f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 tyf /f]6ยฅofS6 Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf] jif{ @)!#รท!$ sf] gofF sfo{ ;ldltsf] k"0f{ ;kmntfsf] z'esfdgf JoQm ub{5f}+ .


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/fh]Gb| cf]nL cWoIf

Knfli6s Joj;foL ;+3 gf/fo0fu9, lrtjg kmf]gM )%^–%@*!**

/f]6/L Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9 tyf /f]6¥ofS6 Sna ckm gf/fo0fu9sf] jif{ @)!#÷!$ sf] gofF sfo{ ;ldltsf] k"0f{ ;kmntfsf] z'esfdgf JoQm ub{5f}+ .

k|f]= ;/f]h vgfn

Pg= P;= ;Knfo;{ s[i0fk'/, sfkm/rf]s kmf]gM )%^–%@^#!(, df]=M (*%%)^)#!(

lgdf{0f ;DaGwL lu6L, afn'jf, 9'·f tyf l6k/af6 9'jfgLsf ;Dk"0f{ ;fdu|Lx? ;'ky d"Nodf xfdLnfO{ ;Demg'xf];\ . 123




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