Fall 2018 - Issue 7

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New College of Florida's student-run newspaper







Halloween Horror Nights scareactors face harassment and assault by park guests necklace sold in the park] popped out of my boo-hole [the place where a scareactor is stationed to work from]. Instead Due to licensing, scareactors cannot say that of reprimanding their son, his parents someone played a specific role, the proper laughed over the incident. I ran out of term is “hung out with ____ (character).” my boo-hole and got my stage manager. If I hadn’t left he would have done it Halloween Horror Nights (HHN) again. I currently have a welt on my arm is a popular seasonal event in which tourfrom this experience. I was told by two ists and locals visit realistic scare zones other actors in the house the child swung and haunted houses at Universal Studios at their boo-holes but — thankfully — in Orlando. Each house and scare zone is missed.” equipped with actors called “scareactors” According to Regner, the actors are that interact with the guests in intricate trained in a seven-hour orientation to costumes in an attempt to scare and thrill try and prevent these interactions with those in attendance. Universal states on guests through a tactic known as “Boo their event website that safety is their top and Skidoo.” The Boo and Skidoo methpriority for guests, but scareactors often od teaches scareactors to quickly pop out must deal with guests who harass and asImage courtesy of Ryan Blagg and then get back into their boo-hole, sault them with little to no accountability which is usually located behind an obfor their actions. Madisen after makeup to go and “hang out with” Rapunzel from ScaryTales. ject or door in order to prevent injury by It is hard to gain statistics on the rate of these encounters, as Univer- with the Sentinel, he claimed that there they did not immediately respond to re- guests. “They [HR] told us to get the stage sal has not released them. The Orlando had been a reduction in the number of quests for comment. “I was attacked by a boy who was manager if we are touched or hurt but Sentinel spoke to Universal spokesman incidents between scareactors and guests Tom Schroder in 2015 after a string of over the course of a few years, but would [probably around] 10 with a fake ax,” you don’t always have access to them publicized incidents. He told the Senti- not release these statistics. The Catalyst Madisen Regner, a current scareactor, nel that the staff is trained and that they reached out to Universal Orlando’s public said. “I saw a blinking light through my continued on page 7 care about the employee. In the interview relations department for these statistics; mask [and thinking it was a light up


Haunted history permeates old campus buildings BY BAILEY TIETSWORTH

https://doc-0k-18-docs. googleusercontent.com/ docs/securesc/s7jurnmk912se8sp3mgg3hd8llrh0uos/obdpo7fpcdn719co01n4qb7

As the night of fright looms ever closer, people crave the adrenaline which accompanies the haunting sensations of Halloween. Ghost stories provide the perfect outlet for that feeling, as they allow for the listeners to immerse themselves in the suspense while in the safety of their own comfort blanket. Haunted mansions and spooky corridors exist in the realm of narration and lie far away from the safety of our own beds ... or do they? The shadows of unknown figures lurk in the windows of buildings just around the corner. Come along on a journey around campus and explore the stories of paranormal interactions from days gone by. College Hall, a majestic mansion whose pink exterior complements the colorful Sarasota sunsets, stands on the bayfront side of campus. Built in 1926, College Hall served as the Florida residence of Charles Ringling and his family. Charles did not live in the building that

Faculty, staff and students now use College Hall as a place for work and study, but the Ringlings are not as absent as they seem. Liz Reed, one of the co-founders of the Paranormal Society of Bradenton FL (PSOBFL), along with PSOBFL members and volunteers from New College, investigated Old Caples and College Hall on Aug. 25, 2015. Both buildings received “haunted” certifications. Reed has extensive knowledge of the history of the Ringling family, and always greets Edith and Charles whenever she and her husband enter the front entrance. “We always walk in now, even when we’re just visiting the property, into his Bailey Tietsworth/Catalyst house, and we always say, ‘Hello Mr. Charlie and hello Mrs. Charlie,’ because A peek into the basement of College Hall. of the story of her saving the circus after long after construction finished; unfortu- ities to manage the progress of the cir- Charles died,” Reed explained. The investigation unearthed mulnately he died on Dec. 3, 1926. His wife, cus. Edith’s notable impact on the circus’ tiple pieces of evidence of paranormal Edith Ringling, maintained residence in continuous success earned her the nickthe mansion with their children, Robert name “Mrs. Charlie,” after a similar epand Hester, after he passed. Edith carried ithet, “Mr. Charlie,” affectionately given continued on page 7 on in Charles’ administrative responsibil- to Charles.

4 Artpool fashion show

5 Pumpkin festival

6 Activist Newsletter

6 Handshake



Wednesday, October 31, 2018 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


briefs by Eileen Calub

Archaeologists unearth ‘vampire burial’ site in Italy Archaeologists have found a tomb containing the remains of a 10-year-old child in the Lugnano commune in Teverina, Italy. Oddly, the skeleton’s mouth had been stuffed with a limestone rock. This strange discovery gives modern-day researchers clues into an ancient society plagued by a terrifying and inexplicable disease. The remains were found at La Necropoli dei Bambini, or the Cemetery of the Babies, a Roman villa turned mass graveyard dating back to the fifth century. Disease spread easily throughout the Roman Empire through contaminated food and water, enabling a deadly malaria outbreak in northern Italy. Evidence collected from the bones suggests that the child had been infected with malaria. Ar-

chaeologists were also able to determine the age of the child from the bones, but were unable to determine the gender. The remains, uncovered by archaeologists from the University of Arizona and Stanford University with help from local experts, were discovered this past summer. Depressions in the cement that covered the stone led archaeologists to believe the rock had been inserted into the child’s mouth postmortem, a funeral ritual to keep the child from “rising from the dead and spreading the disease.” Thus, archaeologists call them “vampire burials.”

Arizona Democratic Senate Nominee Krysten Sinema, recently associated with witchcraft.

The Washington Examiner has uncovered emails from Arizona Democratic Senate nominee Kyrsten Sinema describing her participation in “feminist witchcraft.” On International Women’s Day in March 2003, Rep. Sinema alleg-

The skull of a “vampire” found in Bulgaria.

Spooky activities at the second annual Library After Dark

Arizona Democratic Senate nominee associated with witchcraft

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Information for this article was gathered from CBS and the Washington Post.

edly called upon Pagan Cluster, a group of “feminist witches,” to join her for a peaceful protest against the Iraq War. In the same year, Sinema enlisted the aid of Pagan activists once more at an anti-war protest in Miami, Florida. Sinema wrote that she was “singing and spiraling in the pagan’s circle only five rows back from the police line.” In preparation for the demonstrations, Sinema reportedly told the witches of Pagan Cluster to wear “colorful clothing and come ready to dance, twirl and stay in touch with your inner creativity and with the Earth.” On their blog, Pagan Cluster describes themselves as a “gathering of individuals and affinity groups who bring an earth-based spirituality to global justice and peace actions.” Currently, Sinema is head-to-head against Republican Rep. Martha McSally in the heated Senate race for Arizona. Sinema’s involvement in “witchcraft” has been used by her opponent in negative campaigns.

Tonight, come celebrate Halloween with some spooky activities at the Jane Bancroft Cook Library from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Students are encouraged to wear costumes to this event. Students can enjoy myriad activities throughout the evening. Tasty treats and drinks will be available for free. Check out a creepy tale from the shelves or snag a horror movie to watch with friends. Attendees can also engage in arts and crafts, like rock painting. Featured activities include “The Little Shop of Horrors”

Corrections In the article “The FL midterms could be decided by the youth” published in our October 24 issue, the campus organization NextGen America was incorrectly referred to as Democracy Now. In the article “Sunshine State gubernatorial race heats up” published in our October 10 issue, Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine was incorrectly referred to as Philip Putnam.

Information for this article was gathered from the Observer.

© 2018 the Catalyst. All rights reserved. The Catalyst is available online at www.ncfcatalyst.com, facebook.com/NCFcatalyst instagram.com/NCFcatalyst twitter.com/ncfcatalyst The Catalyst is an academic tutorial sponsored by Professor Maria D. Vesperi. It is developed in the New College Publications Lab using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign and printed at Sun Coast Press with funds provided by the New College Student Alliance.

hosted by the New College Carnivorous Plant Society, “Bats, Rats and Cats: Oh My! Spooky Origami” and “Divination from Around the World” with Misha Nell. On Monday, Oct. 29, the Library also hosted a “Halloween Prequel Event” with Monica Cross, production manager and technical director of the Black Box Theater (BBT). Cross held a spooky makeup workshop and taught students how to apply frighteningly realistic gore effects.

General Editor Managing Editor Copy Editor Online Editor Layout Editors Staff Writers & Photographers

The Catalyst apologizes for these inaccuracies. Audrey Warne Michala Head Cassie Manz Bailey Tietsworth Charlie Leavengood & Cait Matthews Eileen Calub, Katrina Carlin, Alexandra Conte, Izaya Garrett Miles, Calvin Stumpfhauser

Direct submissions, letters, announcements and inquiries to: The Catalyst 5800 Bay Shore Road Sarasota, Florida 34243 ncfcatalyst@gmail.com The Catalyst reserves the right to edit all submissions for grammar, space and style. No anonymous submissions will be accepted. Submissions must be received by 12:00 p.m. Friday for consideration in the next issue.


Wednesday, October 31, 2018 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


Passions are sparked at final gubernatorial debate BY IZAYA MILES In less than a week’s time, either Andrew Gillum, Democratic Mayor of Tallahassee, or Ron DeSantis, Republican former congressman, will be the Governor-elect of Florida. Both men have given no quarter to the other in this tooth-and-nail race, and the tension between them when they met for their final debate on Oct. 24 was palpable. The passions were so high that even the moderator’s requests to withhold applause did not stop the live audience from bellowing their favor throughout the spectacle. Moderator Todd McDermott, a local news anchor wearing a pale purple bowtie, tried to shepherd the candidates through a number of questions dealing with topics such as political civility, healthcare, guns, personal corruption and the economy. In many dimensions, the candidates were sharply divided. On immigration and immigration enforcement, Gillum reiterated his support for the abolishment of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the transfer of immigration enforcement from the Department of Homeland Security to the Department of Justice. DeSantis claimed that if Gillum is elected “sanctuary cities” (defined by Attorney General Jeff Sessions as cities that willingly refuse to share information about individuals’ immigration status with federal authorities) will arise in Florida. The candidates also depicted two dramatically different pictures of the economy. DeSantis’s message centered around continuing the “momentum” of Governor Rick Scott’s administration, while Gillum seeks to raise corporate taxes by over $1 billion in order to provide for programs such as raising funds for teachers and implementing a $15 minimum wage. On gun control, DeSantis and Gillum differ about as much as their respec-

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Democratic nominee Andrew Gillum.

Republican nominee Ron DeSantis.

tive “A” and “F” rankings from the National Rifle Association (NRA) would lead one to suspect. DeSantis believes in maintaining Florida’s firearm-friendly laws and suggests increased school security and stricter enforcement of laws that would bar specific individuals from possessing guns. “Our proposal is simple,” Gillum said. “If you want to fire a weapon that shoots multiple rounds of ammunition in 60 seconds, you join the military.” Gillum supports the ban against private ownership of “assault weapons.” Healthcare was another major point of contention between the two. During his time in the House of Representatives DeSantis voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act (often called “Obamacare”) over a dozen times, on the principle that increased state involvement in healthcare leads to higher prices for everyone. Gillum has said that he would like to immediately expand Medicaid to cover an additional 800,000 Floridians and ad-

vocates for a federal-level ‘Medicare for All.’ But any account of the debate would be lacking if it failed to recount the personal attacks used by both candidates. Gillum accused DeSantis of a poor race record throughout the debate, drawing upon DeSantis’s comment urging voters not to “monkey up” the state by electing Gillum, his attendance of the right-wing conferences held by conservative firebrand David Horowitz and his support from sources, such as a $20,000 donation from a man who referred to former President Barack Obama as a “Muslim n-----.” DeSantis was particularly incensed by criticism of his attendance at Horowitz’s conferences. “How in the hell am I supposed to know every single statement someone [Horowitz] makes?” DeSantis said. “Let me just say this straight up ... When I was down-range in Iraq we worked to-

gether as a team, regardless of race. We had the American flag on our arm. We wore the same uniform and we fought for the country. When I was a prosecutor I stood up for every race, color and creed. That is the only way to do it in this country ...” Additionally, Gillum raised concerns over DeSantis’s travelling expenditures of over $140,000 in taxpayer-funded travel because he has not produced an itemized list of receipts. DeSantis’s criticism of Gillum was just as choleric. Throughout the debate, DeSantis accused Gillum of corruption. These accusations centered around a pair of gifts that Gillum had received during his tenure as mayor, including tickets to the Broadway musical Hamilton, worth over a thousand dollars, and a luxury trip to Costa Rica. Both of these gifts are under investigation by the Florida Commission on Ethics. Gillum dismissed these accusations, saying that, “I take responsibility for not having asked more questions,” in regards to how the Hamilton tickets were purchased, but that Florida “got 99 issues and Hamilton ain’t one of them,” to the applause of the crowd. Student reaction at New College was decidingly pro-Gillum. “Everytime DeSantis would go on a long rant about Gillum or Tallahassee, Gillum would say one word and dismantle his argument,” first-year Carlos Gonzalez said. “DeSantis got his butt handed to him,” first-year Nicholas Warming said. “He lacked clear policy and just attacked Gillum’s policy the entire time.” Among those that did not watch the debate, a certain exasperation for the volatile process was present. Thesis student Harvey Andrews justified not watching the debate with the simple sentiment: “Self care is important.”

Trump administration’s Local democratic Title IX memo leaked candidates debate at NCF BY KATRINA CARLIN In a leaked memo obtained by The New York Times, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is attempting to constrain the definition of gender under Title IX to be based on biological sex. This policy is the latest attempt by the Trump administration to undermine the rights of transgender people. According to the Times, “the Department of Health and Human Services has privately argued that the term ‘sex’ was never meant to include gender identity or even homosexuality, and that the lack of clarity allowed the Obama administration to wrongfully extend civil rights protections to people who should not have them.” Transgender rights first caught national attention when the Trump administration took away people’s rights to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. The attempt to redefine gender under Title IX by the HHS is supported by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Crit-

ics worry that it will give more ground to battles in schools over students’ right to use their bathroom of choice and further complicate other aspects of navigating gender identity in schools, since Title IX is the federal law that prohibits educational discrimination based on gender. Sarasota County Schools has released new “Gender Diverse Guidelines” that contradict the Trump administration’s latest move. According to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Sarasota students will be allowed to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond to their preferred gender identity. The county guidelines also advised that students should be addressed by their preferred names and pronouns, and affirmed that the student alone could make the decision to share their identity. However, the guidelines also contained vague language that maintains some of the status quo; when asked about it by the Herald-Trib-

continued on page 7

BY KATRINA CARLIN With the Nov. 6 election fast approaching, candidates are doing some last minute campaigning, trying to sway the votes in these contentious midterms. Three local candidates joined the debate-turned-panel hosted by the NCF Democrats at the Keating Center on Oct. 23. The NCF Democrats invited candidates from both parties in three races, and the Democratic candidates in each race attended: Wesley Beggs, a New College alumna running for District 2 of the Sarasota County Commission, Ruta Jouniari, for District 4 of the Sarasota County Commission, and Olivia Babis, for District 23 of the Florida Senate. The candidates all tried to tap into the youth vote by answering questions proposed by New College students in an intimate hour-long panel. Thesis student and NCF Democrats co-president Eva Ernst said that she was “excited to bring candidates directly to the students,” and that she hoped to

emphasize student issues in the panel. Questions proposed through a form sent out to the student body and from the audience concerned red tide, improving the LGBTQIA+ friendliness of Sarasota, making Sarasota a more youth-friendly city and dealing with houselessness. “Florida ranks 46th in the nation for accessibility,” Babis said, who, as a member of the disabled community, wants to use her power in politics to advocate for disability rights and intersectional issues that are associated with accessibility. “We need a big number [of young voters] to come out and be active, so hopefully we’ll make real change tonight,” Jouniari urged the audience. Beggs emphasized that young voters have the power to have a say in many of these issues, locally and nationally. “It is now more than ever essential [for millennials to vote],” Beggs said. “We are going to be the ones who are living through the consequences of these decisions, and it’s important that we have a seat at the table.”

Artpool hosts a Boo-tiful show BY CHARLIE LEAVENGOOD “Every show that we do is super themed, but this one is out-of-the-box crazy,” Marina Williams (‘06), owner of Artpool and New College alumna, said, referring to the annual Halloween Costume Bash ART pARTy that took place on Oct. 27. Williams opened Artpool, a vintage clothing, vinyl and local art store in St. Petersburg, in 2008. She studied art and was a member of the Catalyst in her time at New College. The Halloween Costume Bash ART pARTy featured dozens of models in an array of costumes and body paint to celebrate the festive season. Artists of all mediums were part of the show including photographers, illusionists, painters, musicians and balloon artists. The show was truly spooktacular. Members of the St. Pete community, as well as other local communities, volunteered as fashion models, costume designers, body paint models or body painters. “I made my own outfit,” Pamela Poole, a runway model and designer, said. “I used the crinoline from my wedding dress and parts of a dance costume from my studio and a sugar skull table runner.” The show promotes members of the community with little to no runway experience to come out and express themselves in a supportive atmosphere. There is a fashion model interest meeting open to the public the Saturday after each show to assemble the next runway show. “I love the chance for someone like me to show my creativity and to blossom that one night of the year and come out of my shell,” Poole said as she adjusted her handmade flower crown. Before the runway show, entertainers of professional and beginner levels performed dances and routines. One of the numbers was a burlesque, courtesy of Coyote Caliente. Paired with artist Chevy Johnson, Caliente was covered head to toe in body paint that resembled a colorful wolf. “In Hispanic culture there are these

little wood carvings in Dia de Los Muertos called “Alebrijes” and one of the most popular animals that they carve is the coyote, and it’s great, I glow in the dark!” Caliente said. The monthly Artpool Fashion Show has been going strong for a decade. Each month’s party has a different theme, but some have been annual traditions since the start. Williams credits New College Walls and Palm Court Parties (PCP) as inspiration for many of her show themes, like the MUSE Art and Body Art Show in February. “It was inspired by the Body Art Wall at New College,” Williams said. “It encompassed people bodypainting themselves and their friends and getting down to great music as living canvases. That happened while I was at New College from 2002 to 2006.” Other fashion show themes include Gatsby Gala, Mermaid Underwater, Mad Hatter and Trashion Fashion, a fashion show that requires all clothing to be made out of upcycled and recycled materials. Williams’s all time favorite was her Bowie Fest shows. “Bowie Fest is a love child of mine,” Williams said. “We’ve done two here, one prior to his passing and one after.” Williams encourages New College students who make art to contact her about her other monthly event, the Crafty Fest. The Crafty Fest is a small market in the courtyard of Artpool that promotes local artists and hosts vendor booths. Williams ended her interview with words of wisdom to young artists at New College: “From everything you learn in life, take those best things that you appreciate and meld them into your own art form and you will find your way.”

All images courtesy of Charlie Leavnegood/Catalyst

Coyote Caliente in his glow-in-the-dark bodypaint.

To contact Williams, email artpoolgallery@ gmail.com. Artpool is located at 2030 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, FL. Admission to Artpool fashion shows are $15. Visit www.artpoolrules. com/model-application--rules.html to learn more about how to volunteer/participate in the runway shows.

Williams poses in front with the fashion models.

An optical illusion installation at the show.

A burlesque dancer bares all to “Sweet Transvestite.”

Body paint and fashion models walk the runway.

30th annual Pumpkin festival Sparks Fall feelings in srq BY CAIT MATTHEWS AND CALVIN STUMPFHAUSER All of the senses are stimulated as one makes their way from the parking lots to the grounds of the Fruitville Grove Pumpkin Festival; the air is a medley of kettle corn, foods fried in Canola oil and a thriving community of farm animals. One might hear discussions of fruit marmalades and apple butters, bleating kids—of both human and goat varieties—or squealing pot-bellied pigs. The eyes are met with shades and hues typical of autumn. A newly covered entrance area, lovingly dubbed the “Pumpkin Palace,” teems with folks in the mood for something that feels like fall. “You’re not gonna find a perfect pumpkin,” a passerby explained to their child, though one couldn’t have asked for a better day to visit the Pumpkin Festival. During the weekends of October in Sarasota, the Fruitville Grove Farm Fresh Market celebrates an annual tradition that brings thousands of families and fall-seekers to its grounds. This year marked the 30th annual festival. The cyclical tradition of such a thoroughly planned autumnal event can be appreciated by people of all ages due to its many activities, decorations and—of course— pumpkins. Kim White, the owner of Fruitville Grove, has organized the event since its creation. “I thought, maybe I should bring a piece of fall to Florida,” White said. And so she did.

The available activities this year, as listed on their website, include: hayrides, pony rides, a butterfly garden, a wildflower maze, inflatable activities, a mini-train ride, a playground, face paint, pumpkin painting, an animal petting zoo, a giant rock wall, a bungee jump area and laser tag. In addition to all of the on-site activities, many local craft vendors sign up every year and offer creations ranging from handmade crafts to woodfired pizza. During the time of the festival, the market is also open, which has a range of goodies including local preserves, honey and fresh produce. The market’s regular hours are Monday through Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m., and Sunday, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. One important thing that the festival-throwers stress is keeping general admission and parking for the festival free, a gratuity that they are able to honor because of the pumpkin sales. Some of the individual rides and activity booths set a price ranging from $2 to $7, such as hugging a goat ($2), going on a hayride ($2) or holding a piglet ($3). The website recommends bringing cash to the event, since some of the vendors do not take credit card payments. Mark your calendars! In March, there will be a Berry Festival at the same location: 7410 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota.

The inhabitants of the “Pumpkin Palace.”

Information for this article was gathered from www.fruitvillegrove.com and www. heraldtribune.com.

A cat basking in the sunlight on the path to sweets. What a great place for a rest!

A couple of goats enjoying the contents of $1 food cups available to patrons.

all images courte

sy of Cait Matth

Friends pondering which activity they should partake in next.

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There were oodles of informative signs across the grounds.



Wednesday, October 31, 2018 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst

Photos Courtesty of The Party for Socialism and Liberation-Floirda


CEO launches Handshake

The Activist Newsletter In the last week before the midterm elections (10/31–11/7), this Activist Newsletter brings you all things political! Activists have the opportunity to support transgender students’ rights at the upcoming School Board meeting, participate in phone bankings and canvassing for the upcoming election and gain some lastminute knowledge about the ballot before voting on Nov. 6! Read on if you want to get involved in the community regarding the midterm elections and transgender rights!

BY CASSIE MANZ Thurs., Nov. 1, What You Need to Know / Phone Bank @ 5:30 p.m. New College of Florida, Old Mail Room - 5800 Bay Shore Rd., Sarasota. Join Generation Action for answers to any final questions about the upcoming election. Club leaders will discuss the amendments on the ballot, what to do if you get denied voting at the polls, provisional ballots and more. After the panel, the club will be hosting a phone bank to make calls to voters to discuss Amendment 4, which aims to restore voting rights to Floridians with felony convictions. Bring a smartphone, laptop and earbuds! Thurs., Nov. 1, #TeamGillum Phone Bank @ 6 - 8 p.m. Hosted by DeeAnna - 2377 Burton Ln., Sarasota.

by Democracy Matters! There will be pizza and prizes! Mon., Nov. 5, “Get Out the Vote” Canvass @ 5 - 7 p.m. On the last day before the election, join forces with Planned Parenthood and knock some doors in the Sarasota community! Visit https:// plannedparenthoodevents.ngpvanhost. com/ngpvanforms/57394 to sign up. Location will be provided after filling out the online form. Tues., Nov. 6, Support Sarasota’s New Trans Inclusive School Guidelines @ 4 p.m. Sarasota County Schools - 1960 Landings Blvd., Sarasota.

On Nov. 6 the Sarasota County School Board will hold its biweekly Do you love talking on the meeting. The Party for Socialism phone? Want to get engaged in and Liberation - Florida (PSL) and democracy? Come out and make Answer Suncoast invites community some calls for gubernatorial candidate members to join them at the meeting Andrew Gillum! Bring a smartphone, in supporting Sarasota County laptop and earbuds. Visit https://www. Schools’ newly released “Gender volunteersignup.org/3CJLB to sign up. Diverse Guidelines” that recognize and protect trans and nonbinary students’ Fri., Nov. 2, Happy Hour Phone gender identities. It is expected that Bank @ 5 - 7 p.m. these guidelines will be discussed at the The Reserve - 1322 N. Tamiami Trl., upcoming School Board meeting. Sarasota. Tues., Nov. 6, Election Night Watch Make some last-minute calls with Party @ 7 - 11 p.m. Planned Parenthood in preparation for Fogartyville Community Media and the election at this local coffee shop / Arts Center - 525 Kumquat Ct., bookstore. Keep up the energy with Sarasota. a handcrafted coffee beverage and locally-made pastries! It’s the night we’ve all been waiting for! And what better way to Sat., Nov. 3, Election Trivia @ 6 - 8 watch the results roll in than with p.m. your friends and fellow community New College of Florida, HCL 8 - 5800 members! Join the Suncoast Women Bay Shore Rd., Sarasota. of Action and Progressive Sarasota and enjoy live music from NexxLevel Band, Come test your knowledge about featuring Troy Nichols from Tuesday our country’s democratic process Morning Soul School. Food and and the fast-approaching midterm drink will be available for purchase; elections at this trivia night, hosted admission is free!

all images courtesy of Lisandra Jimenez The CEO launched Handshake on Monday, Oct. 22 at 11 a.m. in the Hamilton “Ham” Center, in coordination with the cafeteria’s re-opening after Fall Break renovations.

BY CASSIE MANZ For many New College students whose college careers are nearing the finish line, the question, “So, what are you doing after graduation?” is enough to incite instant panic. With Handshake, the Center for Engagement and Opportunity (CEO) hopes to help with this pre-graduation anxiety. The CEO launched Handshake, a virtual career development and management program that connects students with employers, on Oct. 22 in coordination with the re-opening of Hamilton “Ham” Center after its Fall Break renovations. Handshake houses over 500 institutions nationally and offers local, national and global employment opportunities, according to Madeline Heath, assistant director of career technology and outreach at the CEO. “It’s the top system that higher education institutions are using to help connect their students and that career centers are utilizing,” Heath said. Handshake is replacing the CEO’s Job Board, previously the site where students could find internships and jobs. Handshake is similar to the Job Board, but also offers the chance to create an online presence, similar to LinkedIn, connect with employers and schedule appointments with the CEO. In addition, Handshake will list on-campus jobs, like Teaching Assistants (TA) and Resident Advisors (RA). “In the past it’s been difficult to find where those [on-campus jobs] are ... unless you know people or word of mouth,” Heath said. “We want students to be able to find those opportunities easily.” Handshake is changing the platform of where New College students go to find job opportunities and is much more “accessible and user-friendly,” according to Heath. She also reports that local employers are already familiar with Handshake, as University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee (USF-SM) and State College of Florida (SCF) both use it. Gradually, Heath said, Handshake’s job listings and partnerships with employers will become more robust. Currently, Heath estimates the CEO has requests from over 400 employers, a

number she said “is growing everyday.” Before partnering with an employer, the CEO conducts a vetting process to make sure it is a legitimate employer. The CEO sees Handshake as a valuable asset for all students, not just ones who are getting ready to graduate. To Heath, Handshake “connects the dots” between students, employers and the CEO. “Even if you’re unsure of what you want to go into, it’s still a great way to explore all of the opportunities that are out there and get started early on,” Heath said. And Heath made clear that Handshake is a resource not just for all current students, but alumni as well. The CEO is currently in the process of contacting the 2018 graduates to let them know about Handshake and will eventually focus on reaching out to all alums. They have also been in contact with the New College Foundation alumni to discuss how they can connect with alums as employers through Handshake. “We have something for every student in every step of the way, whether they want something on campus or whether they’re a fourth-year and they’re looking to find a job before they graduate,” Heath said. “Or even an alumni who comes back and says, ‘I’m doing a career shift, what resources do you [have].’ We can get them on Handshake and they can find something on there as well.” Aside from focusing on launching Handshake, the department has faced a recent succession of employees, as Assistant Director for Community Engagement Andrea Knies left the CEO in February 2018 and Acting Associate Director Michelle Flint left in July 2018. Kay-lynne Taylor was hired as Director of the CEO in the beginning of January 2018. Lisandra Jimenez was hired as Assistant Director of Career Readiness and Employability in August 2018. Heath began working at New College on Sept. 10. Prior to her employment at the CEO, she worked in the Admissions Department at USF-SM. “With the new staff, we’ve hit the ground running,” Heath said. “We’ve

continued on page 7


Wednesday, October 31, 2018 www.ncfcatalyst.com | @ncfcatalyst


sal Orlando (FL) and Hollywood (CA) as scareactors.) Regner states that she makes $10 an hour and $15 an hour for overtime. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Regner’s primary solution to reduce negative interactions between guests and [because of location or where guests are scareactors would be for Universal to located],” Regner said. “You need to then regulate the alcohol consumption in the go to the ops and house attendant at that park. Alcohol is found in the systems of point. However, the stage managers are perpetrators trying to commit rape, murder, harassment and other violent crimes preferred because they stick up for us.” House attendants and operations more often than any other illegal sub(ops) are the security team members who stance. According to statistics released by stand in the corners of houses to make CampusSafety, 69 percent of those acsure the lines are flowing and that guests cused of attempted rape and assault were and actors are safe. Stage managers are found to be intoxicated at the time of the there to supervise the scareactors and crime. At HHN soft drinks, water and guarantee their well-being throughout alcohol are sold both in the streets and their shifts. Off-duty officers of the Or- in the lines for attractions. With the wait lando Police Department (OPD) also time for houses being anywhere between 30 to 95 minutes, these carts are a huge work the event for security purposes. The “Know Before You Go” page moneymaker for the park. “Even with the incidents [I expeon the event’s website states that “if you mistreat any of the Halloween Horror rienced], my love [of the job] outweighs Nights performers, you’ll be sent home.” the minor transgressions of guests,” RegHowever, according to Regner, not every ner said. “I trust my stage managers very person who mistreats scareactors is much and definitely want to work the event again next year.” kicked out of the event. “A guy punched a scareactor in Information for this article was gathered Trick’r Treat [ Regner’s primary house] and her lip was busted and bleeding,” said from glassdoor.com, The Orlando Sentinel, Campus Safety Magazine and the NaRegner. “She went up to the ops in the tional Council on Alcoholism and Drug corner and he did not do anything about Dependence, Inc. it. We are not sure if he just ignored her or just didn’t realize she was injured because of the fake blood [that is part of her costume]. She ran to the stage manager who called security on the guy who hit her. But he was let go because he claimed CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 it was an instinctual reaction he had to the scare.” Regner was hit in the neck by a activity, some of which occured in the guest, but could not see through her Music Room in College Hall. Aside mask when “hanging out with” Sam (a from interactions with Edith, Hester and character from the Trick’r Treat film). As Robert, Reed reported some supernatural a result, she cannot tell if the action was findings from the organ. “We’ve picked up someone sitting intentional or not. She also “hung out at the organ, and activity going off on our with” the bagged clown character and said several people have touched her arm meters, but you know that’s in plexiglass, and hands in that costume. She is unsure nobody can be sitting there and nobody if guests understand that she is real or can be playing with it, and that has no power to it,” Reed stated. “So it wouldn’t think she is simply a prop. “A scareactor in the Stranger Things set off any equipment because it has no house who “hangs out with” Steve was power. So it’s still being used by somepushed against a wall by a group of wom- body.” At one point, the equipment caught en,” Regner said. “One [woman in the group] forced herself on him and tried two shadows upstairs, one smaller in size making out with him as he held a prop than the other, which they assumed bebaseball bat between them to fend the longed to one of the parents and one of the children. group off.” “The little one went by and then the Regner says that a scareactor in her house who “hangs out with” a drunken bigger one went by,” Reed said. “Maybe cat lady had her breast grabbed and an- they were tucking them in for the night.” The spectral forms of the Ringlings other woman who “hangs out with” the live on in their mansion, according to witch in ScaryTales was groped. While these events do happen, Reg- Reed, because they enjoy the time they ner says the house attendants and securi- spent there and want to remain in their ty have stepped in during urgent times. home. “I think that they just love it so When she “hung out with” possessed Jamie (a character from the Halloween much that they don’t want to leave it,” film series) a guest started pointing at her Reed said. “So they’re just going to conand screaming “shoot her, shoot her” and tinue enjoying it. That’s the feeling that security ran in within seconds to remove we get from it, that it’s not harmful. They the guest. Regner was not sure if it was a just enjoyed their house so much that real threat or not, but she was happy the their energy and everything is going to stay there.” situation was taken care of swiftly. Along with College Hall, Reed Even with these incidents, many investigated Old Caples with the same scareactors are seasoned veterans and regroup of people that night. Old Caples apply to work the event year after year. Scareactors make between $11 to has attained a notoriously frightening $15 per hour according to Glassdoor, a reputation since students and alums have website where employees and former spread stories about their night-time employees anonymously review compa- scares. The Caples building, along with nies and their management. (Glassdoor the Carriage House, was built in 1930 does not discriminate between the rate of for Ralph and Ellen Caples. Ellen passed pay between those who work at Univer- the estate on to New College in 1962 and


lived there until she died in 1972 at 98 years old. “We communicated with Ralph Caples,” Reed stated. “You could actually feel the change in the room when he entered; a chill went through the room. [He] was a very business, stern-type man, but he was joke-y. It was only in his office.” She also described an interaction with an unknown presence when she was sitting with one of the volunteers, former New College employee Andrea Knies. “We were sitting in a room that’s downstairs, I think it used to be the dining room in Ralph Caples’ house, and I was sitting on one side and she was on my left side and neither one of us realized that we were messing with ourselves, because I felt like my necklace was falling off and actually what happened was it was being pulled outward to the side. At the same time, she felt like her hair was being pulled on that side. So it was like somebody was standing between us. We didn’t know it until I walked out of the room, and I said, ‘It felt like somebody grabbed my necklace at some point, a lot,’ and she said, ‘Something was moving my hair.’ Then we watched the video and you could actually see it happen on video.” Moving further inland, the Palmer buildings have also generated stories of unsettling encounters. Alumna Shane Donglasan (‘10), former Catalyst editor, spent many nights in Palmer E where the Catalyst office was located in the spring semester of 2012. Donglasan experienced two different events while working in the office on seemingly normal occasions. The first time happened to her while she was alone one night. “I went to use the bathroom, which was right across the hall,” Donglasan explained in an email interview. “I turned the light switch on to the restroom. Normally I turned the lights off as well when I leave the bathroom but knowingly left them on because I knew it was going to be a late night and I would use the bathroom again soon. Next time I went in, the lights had been turned off. I was 100 percent certain no one else was in the building and who would have turned the light switch off ? Anyway I turned the lights on again to use the bathroom and that’s when they started flickering. It didn’t spook me too much at the time because it’s an old building and sometimes these fluorescent lights will flicker for a while before turning themselves on all the way. It never stopped flickering. Even when I turned the light switch to off. I flipped the light switch on and off for a while but it just kept flickering. That’s when I hauled ass and left the building.” Donglasan and other Catalyst members learned after they moved into the office that Palmer E was condemned and that nobody should set foot inside the building. After hearing these stories, any brave soul that feels compelled to carry out their own paranormal investigation should be prepared. Reed encourages that people bring a friend, cell-phone and a digital camera. “But don’t antagonize, show ‘em respect, always show ‘em respect and they’re going to respect you back,” Reed said. “When you leave the area say, ‘Thank you,’ and ‘Goodnight, I enjoyed talking to you.’ Whether they get a response or not they should always do that because there’s someone there listening. I don’t care what anybody says, there’s always a



spirit around.” Information for this article was gathered from wikipedia.org, sarasotahistoryalive. com and NCF Admissions staff member Cliff Lundin.

Trump CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 une, a district spokesperson said that policies would be addressed on a caseby-case basis according to a student’s proclaimed needs. However, some school board members are opposing the memo; one wants to bring it up for discussion with parents at the next School Board meeting on Nov. 6. This small victory is overshadowed by the uncertainty of what the Trump administration’s latest move means. According to an Instagram post by the Trans Lifeline, calls to the hotline increased by fourfold in the day following the announcement. Hal Trejo, thesis student and president of All Rainbow and Allied Youth Inc., a LGBTQIA+ youth group in Charlotte County, said in an email interview that “so many of the youth I work with face discrimination at school, work and at home; this memo is just another brick in the wall.” According to Out Magazine, new proposed federal rules must go through a “notice and comment” period. Legal organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Trans Law Center (TLC) will release updates and talking points for the comments; they expect the comment period within the next two months. To contact Trans Lifeline, call 877565-8860 or visit https://www.translifeline.org/.

The Sarasota School Board meeting is on Nov. 6 and is open to the public.

Handshake CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 really learned a lot, we’ve made a lot of connections and partnerships, especially with SA[u]CE and the Student Affairs area. We’ve made a lot of connections with faculty ... We’re really trying to get ourselves out there in the New College community and let students and faculty and staff know who we are, what we do and what we can offer.” Aside from continuing their usual work with career readiness, that includes help on resumes, grad school planning, internships and fellowships, a large part of the CEO’s focus has been rolling out Handshake. Perhaps most unique is the CEO’s vision for Handshake; they hope it will be something students use long after they graduate, to stay connected to the New College community. “It’s that 360-circle,” Heath said. “Our students go through New College, they utilize our Handshake resources, become awesome contributors to the community and making a difference in the world and then they also come back around and invest in our students and hire our students as employers.”

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