The Panther Post - Volume 2 // Issue 10 (February 2015 Key Club Newsletter)

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District 7, Division 1S Volume 2 // Issue 10













Editor’s Corner Hello, Key Club! Thanks to all of the snow, a lot of our February activities got cancelled, but don’t worry! It’ll heat up in no time and we’ll be able to volunteer once again! -Lexi Cepak, NCKC Editor

Hey guys, I hope everyone has been enjoying this mini winter break and caught up with sleep and homework! First off, Congrats to our new LTG for 2015-2016 year: Vanessa Castaneda. I want to give a big THANK YOU to all those who participated in the 30 Hour Famine. I know 30 hours without eating was not the best feeling in the world, but I’m proud that no one gave up and were able to experience the hunger many children go through across the world. We truly are all making a difference in this world and I could not be more happier with the outcome. Because the weather ruined our lockin date for everyone to attend, we will be rescheduling to a date that is convenient for most members and will announce it shortly after. So please attend meetings and sign up for our weekly reminder texts to get updates! Our ongoing event at Barnes and Nobles is beginning to pick up a bit due to spring break around the corner, so please try to attend story time during the break and check in with daisy (Vice President) before doing so. It’s a great way to interact and be creative with the crafts! We are always considering any new ideas for crafts that members may have for us. Also don’t forget to attend Agape Meal during spring break. Our group day is coming up so I would appreciate many coming out to help feed the less fortunate. I hope everyone has an amazing Spring Break and stay safe!!! (and warm) yours in service, Demi Carrion NCHS Key Club President Hey Key Clubbers! As spring break approaches, I start to realize how fast this year has been going already! I'm so glad that this year has brought new faces, events, excitement, and ideas to our club. With our newly elected officers, I am so excited and am looking forward to being on board with all of you. I'm especially looking forward to seeing what everyone's ideas are for the upcoming year, whether it's for fundraisers, socials, events, or just for our interactions with each other. DCON is just around the corner and I hope that all the upcoming officers and general members are planning to go to experience Key Club taken to the next level! It will be such a fun, life-Changing, and impacting experience because you'll learn so much, meet new people, compete in different areas, receive awards, and much more. Our club is preparing to fundraise in order to raise money for this trip. Well, I thank everyone for being active and involved in our service and I hope you all enjoy it as well! Yours in service, Daisy Doan NCHS Key Club Vice President









See the

results in the n ext issue!

District Convention, or DCON, will be held from April 9th to April 12th at the Sheraton hotel in Dallas this year. It’s a great opportunity for key club members to meet people from Key Clubs all over the Texas-Oklahoma district. Attendees will get the opportunity to compete in competitions, participate in activities and workshops, and make lots of friends. DCON is fun, exciting, and a great place to learn more about Key Club. Make sure to attend DCON and begin your service adventure (for only $120 if you register early)! Last year’s convention was amazing, and this one is sure to be even better. For more information, please go to the district website or talk to an officer. See you there! Lexi Cepak NCKC Editor


My name is Jordan Peyton and 30 famine was an amazing event I was able to take part in again this year. It gave me a chance to put myself in another persons place, making me realize that others are not as fortunate as we are to have such prosperous lives. Although we did not dwell too much on the sad part but we were very thankful for what we did have after the famine. 30 hour famine should have taught us all a lesson, not just key clubbers who participated but everyone who would lend us an ear. The famine started at 6pm on Thursday, February 26th and ended at 6am Saturday, February 28th. We spent the night at one of our Officers, Elias Lara's, house as a sort of lock in. The weather was pretty bad but we still had people show up, Daniel, Sarah, Brandon, Elias (the home owner) and me. We played games, went breakfast food shopping and watched plenty of movies throughout the night to keep out minds off of wanting to eat. We even went outside to play in the snow, bundled up nice and tight we waddled out the door and had a snowball fight which made us really cold and wet when we came back indoors to warm up. After that we joked



Article By: Jordan Peyton

about having dinner, thankful we could still drink 100% juice during the famine. We must have had 100 juice boxes floating around Elias's house when the event was over. Pineapple, strawberry kiwi, fruit punch, Apple, mango and so on, the varieties of juices we dined on we're miraculous. In the end we fell asleep so late that we woke up for lunch instead of the breakfast we planned. That didn't damper our mood though, we still made a hearty breakfast but we weren't able to leave the house because of the icy roads so we continued to play games and have fun. 30 hour famine is truly an amazing, informative and special event that I believe all people who are able to take a part in should take a part in. It not only informed us about what else was happening around the world but allowed us to create a stronger bond between us. I would have never really connected with Sarah or Brandon if it weren't for this event. I look forward to participating in this event again next year!


Although Barnes & Noble Stor

dren and Key Club members hav

cited about the new stories they c

Storytime takes place every Satur

members for an hour. The kids lov

favorite, Olivia the pig. This event

friends dressed up as funny childr

the roadways will melt so children Noble Storytime.



Article By: Lexi Cepak

rytime was cancelled this past weekend due to the crazy weather, chil-

ve been flocking to Barnes and Noble for the new year. Everyone is ex-

can read, new crafts they can make, and new people they can meet.

rday, giving parents a break while their kids are entertained by Key Club

ve having stories read to them, especially if they’re about my personal

t will always be a Key Club favorite because members get to see their

ren’s book characters and interact with children. Hopefully the ice on

n and North Crowley Key Club members can participate in Barnes &

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR western film vibe. She traced and cut out letters for the title, then printed out posters and information about the event. After she finished and it was time to bring the poster to the elections Lexi showed her club the poster and everyone was amazed by the its flashing lights. At the Lieutenant Governor convention, Key Club members along with Kiwanis members piled into a large room and listened to speeches. It was fastenating for members to see how elections worked on the district level In February, our district had their Lieuten- versus the club level. Vanessa Castaneda was ant Governor elections, but before the elecelected Lieutenant Governor for our district. tions could take place, Key Club had to pre-

Everyone, Demi, Jordan, and Emily included,

pare. North Crowley Key Club baked brownies was happy to hear that she had been elected. to bring to the elections in the Lifetime Wellness We’re all eager to work with her and see her at and Nutrition kitchen at school. Elias and Crys- our meetings in the near future. An Bui was extal had a great time being harassed by Jordan cited to get to see someone take over her old who took a million pictures of them baking

their brownies. The brownies looked so good that after all of Key Club’s hard work, Crystal had to try one for herself. Lexi, the North Crowley Key Club Editor got the opportunity to make a poster to send to the Lieutenant Governor Elections. The Fri-

position as Lieutenant Governor. After the elections, key clubs served drinks and snacks to everyone. They also showed off their posters and socialized. Everyone had a great time getting to know members from other clubs in our district and getting to know the members of Kiwanis. Overall, it

day night before the elections, she got out her was a wonderful event and a great start to the shimmery yellow paper and her flashing poster new year of Key Club, setting the tone for the lights. She made a border around the poster board with black card stock to attach the lights to without puncturing holes in the poster itself. Since the theme of the poster was Cowtown, the border gave off an old time movie or

club elections, which would be held on February 26th and March 6th and the elections at District Convention on April 9th through April 12th.

Article By: Lexi Cepak




? By: Lexi Cepak

North Crowley Key Club members have been working hard on their District Convention non-traditional scrapbook at Jordan’s house on Saturdays! You’ll have to go to District Convention to see what they’ve come up with, but so far, it’s looking amazing, and likely better than last year’s “Four Seasons of Key Club” tree that got third place. Keep working hard, you guys!



By: Lexi Cepak

During a Key Club meeting at North Crowley High School, members got to make Valentine’s Day cards. They all had a great time cutting out hearts and writing sweet messages in them to be given to senior citizens at Bethesday Gardens on Valentine’s Day. Some people even drew cool drawings of cats, puppies, and cupids because everyone loved the idea of brightening an elderly person’s day. This was a craft that everyone loved. It allowed the members of our club to bond over making something nice for our community, even if some of their Valentine’s Day cards ended up being grammatically incorrect or not making much sense (cough, a Valentine’s day bunny that says “meow”). This event is one we’ll definitely do again next year. Hopefully making cards for senior citizens will become a club tradition.



SPECIAL OLYMPICS BASKETBALL - March 7th at Boles Jr High School from 7:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

30 HOUR FAMINE TBA (rescheduled)


March 28th at NCHS from 8 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

MAIN STREET ARTS– April 9th - April 12th

ONGOING EVENTS AGAPE MEAL: Every Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Broadway Baptist Church GROUP DAY TBA



Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble

CONTACT President, Demi Carrion:

Vice-President, Daisy Doan:

Editor, Lexi Cepak:

Historian, Jordan Peyton:

Secretary, Olivia Courtney:

Vice-Secretary, Karen Duarte:

Treasurer, Elias Laura:

Parliamentarian, Bernice Ogbondah:

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