The Panther Post - Volume 2 // Issue 9 (January 2015 Key Club Newsletter)

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District 7, Division 1S Volume 2 // Issue 9











Editor’s Corner Hey, Key Club! I hope you’re having a great new year. Things are about to pick up. Get ready!

-Lexi Cepak, NCKC Editor

District Convention, or DCON, will be held from April 9th to April 12th at the Sheraton hotel in Dallas this year. It’s a great opportunity for key club members to meet people from Key Clubs all over the Texas-Oklahoma district. Attendees will get the opportunity to compete in competitions, participate in activities and workshops, and make lots of friends. DCON is fun, exciting, and a great place to learn more about Key Club. Make sure to attend DCON and begin your service adventure (for only $120 if you register early)! Last year’s convention was amazing, and this one is sure to be even better. For more information, please go to the district website or talk to an officer. See you there! Lexi Cepak NCKC Editor


My name is Jordan Peyton and I spent the majority of my Saturday the January 18th volunteering at the annual Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo with a group of my fellow North Crowley Key Clubbers. Since this year the theme for the Stockyards was Hispanic Heritage I got to learn a little more Spanish which helped me out a lot when trying to give directions and help people out. I have taken 3 years of Spanish previously and I’ve finally gotten the chance to practice and while volunteering too which is a big bonus because it gave me a good feeling to be able to help people while helping myself as well. The event itself was really amazing and fun to work at. The people whom I volunteered with from other key clubs like Paschal were really friendly and I had a really cool time with them. I got to meet many different people, some were new to volunteering at the Stock Show like me, and some had been doing it for many years and had many to teach me. I was stationed near the Ferris wheel and my job was to give directions to people who were lost or needed to find somewhere to be. It never once got boring and there were always people there to make me laugh like


Article By: Jordan Peyton

the people I was volunteering with and the people that I was helping. It was an amazing experience overall and I learned so much from it. I learned a little Spanish, meet some extraordinary people, had fun with fellow key clubbers from other schools and made some new friends who I probably would have never met before if it wasn’t for me volunteering at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo this year. I would definitely volunteer again next year and tell my fellow North Crowley Key Clubbers that they should also follow pursuit. There are just so many great things to learn and it is an amazing experience to have under your belt for future reference. I believe that there are many more things I could learn about with every volunteer event I go to. Volunteering expands my view of the world and allows me to get to meet interesting people and learn about things I would have never even thought of before. I encourage everyone around me to volunteer with me and to have a good time while doing it.


Barnes & Noble Storytime started back up this January. Since then, Nor

has had many new and exciting story time themes. My favorite theme was Amajor (depicted on the right) dressed up as Arthur, wearing a striped shirt

er, a bowtie, and a giant Arthur head! All of the kids loved him. He was a g

the costume, since most Key Clubbers wouldn’t want to be seen in it, and h

WONDERFUL Arthur. Victor has an amazing heart and shows the true spirit o

Along with the Arthur-themed Storytime, Key Club also had a Say PLEASE

where the kids got to make neat crafts. Overall, everyone is really excited t Noble and interact with cute kids. I can’t wait to go this Saturday! 07


Article By: Lexi Cepak

rth Crowley Key Club

s Arthur because Victor under a yellow sweat-

great sport for wearing

he made a

of Key Club.

E, Mr. Panda story time

to get back to Barnes &

PANTHERS RECYCLE Overall, Panthers Recycle impacts our school immensely. It helps our school, the environment, and our Key Club. Panthers Recycle requires members to work together as a team instead of working solo or with a partner, which is different from a lot of Key Club events. It also helps the club figure out the best ways to strategize and divide and conquer (still in groups) in order to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Although Panthers Recycle isn’t glamourous, it’s one of my favorite Panthers Recycle is a monthly event for North Crowley Key Club. We set aside time during the afternoon to collect recycling for our teachers. This month, the recycling bins were

events. Surprisingly, Panthers Recycle is an event I’ve fallen in love with, though it may not sound

very appealing. Panthers Recycle is one of the overflowing with papers, it being so close to the few times I get to associate and bond with othend of the semester. There was so much that er Key Club members, even if it is by teaming we had to have some of the stronger guys in Key Club do all of the heavy lifting (above). Karen and Crystal teamed up to cover

up with Jordan and Daisy to (playfully) lock the other members out of the building. Panthers Recycle is primarily about impacting the world

the art wing (that recycles a surprising amount

through what the name implies—recycling. Re-

of paper), while Sam, Jordan, and I covered

cycling with my friends in North Crowley Key

the English hallway. Although recycling is hard

Club, however, will forever have a special

work, we had a fun time sorting through all of

place in my heart, as to me, it is time to be with

the recycling bins and pulling out the trash.

my friends and time where I don’t have to wor-

Sam Dokken-Snowden and Elias Lara, the ry about studying for my next exam or planning North Crowley Key Club treasurer, had a really for a club meeting. It means getting to hang great time throwing the recycling into the large, out with wonderful members while making a difference in the world, making it a truly wonblue bins outside (left). They did twirls and leaped into the air as they flung bags of recy-

derful event.

cling into the bin. They even almost fell off of the platform a few times, which Daisy got a kick out of. Article By: Lexi Cepak



Article By: Karen DuarteEscobar

On Saturday, January 30th, 2015 North Crowley High School Key Clubbers volunteered at the Bill R. Johnson CTE center for a law enforcement/firefighter competition TPSA was having. What is TPSA? TPSA stands for Texas Public Service Association. It was founded in 2005 to help high school Law/Public Safety/ Corrections/Security students experience interaction with other students and working professionals in an effort to pinpoint their future career expectations through competition and education. This was the first year the CTE center had the honor to host the competition.

and you could add condiments such as cheese, meat, butter, and sour cream. I thought they were good as long as you knew what condiments you wanted.

While the judges placed competitors in each event, competitors had a break and enjoyed their time. During their free time they could visit a few colleges that were there, talk to law enforcement departments, or network with other competitors. I only saw a few competitors networking. While competitors did what they pleased, Key Clubbers were networking. We got to meet and converse with Crowley High School’s Key By 8am everyone arrived because that is when the shift Club President. Some members spoke with college repstarted. We had 6 members, one officer, and I another resentatives while others spoke with competitors from officer show up in total. At the start of our shift we had other schools. Some even got digits while networking. a meeting with one of the coordinators, Mr. West, who Around 4:30pm the award ceremony began. Only told us our jobs for the day. Our jobs were to usher first, second, and third place was given. A new award competitors to their locations, signal when judges were was given this year for the school that had the most ready for another school, and assist judges with what students place. Guess what? Our Bill R. Johnson CTE they needed. I was a runner meaning I ushered people center team won overall. After the ceremony was over to the events they were competing in. You think I all schools were on their way back home. Key Clubbers would be tired but not really because there were many got together for a picture than were all on their way other runners and not everyone was competing at the home. same time. Mostly all of the events were done by lunch time 12pm.At lunch all events stopped and lunch was served. For lunch the only option was baked potatoes


Article By: Lexi Cepak The week prior to the blood drive, January 19th through January 23rd, Key Club officers signed students up for the blood drive during lunch. We handed out forms for their parents to sign, as well as notes that would be passes for them to get out of class in order to donate.

for me because since the school year is so busy, I hadn’t had the opportunity to bond with Bernice since District Convention, almost a year ago. We had a great time catching up with each other, and I enjoyed getting to meet her friend. During eighth period, Demi even joined us, making our time even better. I enjoyed drawing dogs with Bernice and watching her draw silly On Wednesday, January 28th, North Crowley pictures of Demi during the lulls of the blood drive, and I Key Club officers helped out with the Blood Drive during enjoyed running errands for Mrs. Laing during the super the school day. We helped keep track of who had dotense hypes. nated blood, helped them sign in and out, directed them to the Carter BloodCare vehicles, and kept track Thanks to the blood drive, I learned the important of their forms. Every time we hold a blood drive, many skill of how to use a copy machine in the teacher’s students are unfortunately unable to give blood due to lounge in order to make copies of the sign-in sheets to not having their parents permission. turn in to the attendance office to show that the people who generously participated in the blood drive didAlthough some were unable to give blood because n’t skip class. their iron was too low, over 130 people were able to successfully give blood to Carter BloodCare in order to Overall, the blood drive was a successful event, help save lives around the area. as always. I particularly enjoyed getting to spend time with fellow Key Club officers like Demi and Bernice. AltBlood drives are another favorite event of mine hough I’m always disappointed that I can’t donate, I because they provide an opportunity for me to bond can’t wait for the next blood drive to help out and sowith other Key Club members. This time, I volunteered cialize with my friends. Volunteering at the blood drive is during seventh and eighth period with Bernice Ogbona truly unique experience. 10 dah, her friend, and Mrs. Laing. This was really exciting



Lock-in Camp David at 2700 Surveyors Lane, Flower Mound, TX COOKS CHILDREN STORYTIME - TBA

DCON PROJECT PREPARATION– January 6th after school at Jordan’s house Baking for LTG - January 5th in the Lifetime Nutrition room

ONGOING EVENTS AGAPE MEAL: Every Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Broadway Baptist Church



Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble

CONTACT President, Demi Carrion: Parliamentarian, Bernice Ogbondah:

Treasurer, Elias Laura: Vice-Secretary, Karen Duarte: Vice-President, Daisy Doan: Editor, Lexi Cepak: Secretary, Olivia Courtney: Historian, Jordan Peyton:

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