The Panther Post - Volume 2 // Issue 2 (June 2014 Key Club Newsletter)

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District 7, Division 1S

Volume 2 // Issue 2

01 02 05 06 11 13

Hi everyone, I hope you all are having an amazing and eventful summer. I myself have taken this opportunity to relax and enjoy time with friends, but let’s not forget that Key Club is also active in the summer. Service is a never-ending virtue because it allows us to leave a lasting impact on the world around us. I am ecstatic for all the summer service ahead of us, and would love to interact with all the members in the division. Therefore, please don’t forget to invite me to any events that your club may have. I know that we will make a difference all around our community and bond even more as a family. To start off, the LTG of 1N and I are planning a joint PCM. This is a chance for our division to get together and participate in a service project at the Salvation Army. We will discuss plans for the upcoming school year and answer any questions that you may have. I look forward to seeing you all there! Yours in service,

— An Bui An Bui, LGT Division 1S

Hey Key Club, I hope you’re enjoying my newsletter so far! I’m really thrilled to have the opportunity to do it, so I hope you like reading it. Have a great summer and continue to serve your home, school, and community! Stay amazing. Yours in service,

— Lexi Cepak Lexi Cepak, North Crowley Key Club Editor



he Key Club of North Crowley High School highly anticipates the many projects and activities we have planned for this summer! At our most previous officer meeting, board members brainstormed different activities we could hold during the summer months. The weekly Agape Meal is still scheduled for every Thursday from 5:30PM until 7:00PM at Broadway Baptist Church. Barnes & Noble Story Time will also be continued every Saturday from 10:00AM until 12:00PM. Our club hopes to get even more people familiar with these events so that the service can spread throughout the community. Another activity we plan to be part of is the building of a picket fence at the Salvation Army in Cleburne. We are more than excited to be presented with these opportunities! Our first project was brought to light by Demi, our club’s president. She mentioned having numerous car washes throughout the summer. We would voluntarily


donation in return to support our club. We even hope to begin collecting donations for the Children’s Miracle Network. Elias, our club’s treasurer, brought upon the idea of having bake sales. If

given the appropriate permission, we initially plan to hold these bake sales in front of a small market or store. Our club would get together to bake multiple goods, such as muffins and cookies to sell for donation. Because of our involvement with Barnes & Noble, Daisy, our club’s vice president, suggested having a sale there as well. We’re in hopes that the parents will purchase a sweet to snack on while their children are being read to. Another thing brought

to our attention was introduced by Jordan, our club’s historian. She idealized having a lemonade stand sometime in the summer to collect money, much similar to that of the bake sale. We plan to sell this delicious lemonade in multiple places surrounding our neighborhood, including the park and in front of stores such as Walgreens and CVS. Though the projects and activities that I have listed above are few, we plan to hold meetings over the summer months to schedule more. Staying connected through group texts, Remind101, and email helps us to plan ahead and get together for enjoyable summer service events! We plan to stay very active in our community this summer and can’t wait until our next project!


nce a month, North Crowley Key Club is responsible for taking care of the recycling at North Crowley High School. On the designated day, Friday, June 6, during school, Key Clubbers meet in Mrs. Laing, one of the Key Club advisors’ room. The club members work in an efficient manner by splitting up or getting into groups to get the job done. We were assigned the job of collecting recycling from the rooms of coaches, so we wheeled around carts and picked up peoples’ recycling a few buckets at a time, before taking them outside to one of the large recycling bins. This recycling would normally just be thrown in the trash by custodians and janitorial staff, but we make sure that since schools waste so much paper, we do our part in helping reduce our school’s carbon footprint in any way that we can. Thousands of papers are able to be

recycled, preventing more trees from having to be cut down each year.

Crowley Key Club. I hope that as Key Club grows, more schools start a program like this, beRecycling is an important event cause together, just like our school saved thousands of pathat recurs every month, so that nothing gets dumped in the trash. pers, Key Club as a whole could Since June was the last month we save of trees. attended school before getting out Overall, I had a great time for the summer, it was the last helping the school ‘go green,’ time we could participate in Panwhile still having fun with my thers Recycle for the year. friends. It was hard work, but it Panthers Recycle is not only about saving the environment, but about working with friends and socializing while helping the school and in turn, our community. I enjoyed getting to work with all of the Key Clubbers, especially Delaney and Jordan, who were in my group (since we split up to more quickly cover more ground around the school). This was a life changing experience, since it showed us what the school would have wasted if it weren’t for North

was fulfilling because the teachers seemed to be really grateful for us, since they hate wasting paper, yet don’t have time between teaching, tutoring, and doing their lesson plans to recycle for themselves. I know that earth will thank us in the future, and I look forward to doing Panthers Recycle next school year.

Article By: Lexi Cepak, Editor.


n Friday, June 6th, North Crowley Key Club and other students from North Crowley High School attended the Cats Game at LaGrave Field to support Kiwanis in helping the Children’s Miracle Network. Each ticket was sold for $5, so lots of students were able to attend. Although there wasn’t much actual volunteer work to be done, everyone in Key Club was eager to do something for their Kiwanians, and to get to have fun watching a baseball game on their last day of school. Everyone bought hot dogs, burgers and drinks, (which were apparently amazing,) and got ready to watch the game between the Cats and the White Wings. Jordan enjoyed getting to talk to Kiwanis member, John Nagely and hearing what he had to say about Kiwanis. The Cats game was also a good time to socialize with friends and get to have fun. This was a great experience, even for those who weren’t members or active members in the club, because it gave them exposure to some of the members, officers, and Kiwanians, giving them the opportunity to see what Key Club is really about. Who wouldn’t want to join Key Club if it meant helping children, meeting new people, and having fun with friends?


Before the game, some of the kids from the Children’s Miracle Network even got to come onto the field and introduce themselves in front of the crowd. (That’s something someone like me would have a very hard time doing.) People even jumped out of a plane with the American and Texas flag into the middle of the field as part of the show. It was exciting to get to see the baseball players stretch and play baseball in the field and getting to cheer for the Cats. Our Key Club even got pretty good seats, seeing as they got to see the whole team up close, from behind the fence.

Although the Cats lost the game and the White Wings won, everyone had a bunch of fun watching them play for a good cause, the Children’s Miracle Network, allowing us to help out Kiwanis, meeting new people, and doing something for charity. This is an event that everyone enjoyed, and would look forward to going to, if they ever have it again. It could’ve only been better if the Cats had won.

Article By: Lexi Cepak, Editor & Jordan Peyton, Historian.

friends from Key Club. After everyone had finished with their ice cream, we cleaned up and headed to their gym area, where we played volleyball, basketball, and soccer for recreational fun. Everyone en-


ey Clubbers from North Crowley and Crowley were invited to go to Christ Lutheran Church on Sunday, June 8th, to an Ice Cream Social held by Kiwanis. Future potential members of Key Club attended, as well. Everyone sat down at festively decorated tables as the members of Kiwanis turned down the lights and started their presentation. They talked about what every group in Key Club was about, including Builders Club, Kiwanis Kids, Key Club, Circle K, Kiwanis, and Aktion Club, and how to get people involved in these clubs. Donna Newsham talked about her work as Lieutenant Governor of our area, and all of her duties for Kiwanis to help us understand what our volunteering future holds for us, and how we can help as we grow older, and graduate from high school and college. They also talked about the Cowtown

joyed building their teamwork skills while getting to compete Classic race that they put on every with their friends to play basyear, that North Crowley Key Club ketball games like “horse,” volunteers at. They had an implaying mini soccer games, and pressive display of all of the shirts passing the volleyball around to they had made for the race in the each other, learning about each past years that they have held it other’s strengths while learning at North Crowley High School. how to efficiently communicate with one another. Although games are more about having fun with friends than winning, I did enjoy getting to show off my basketball skills and being the first of the group to finish playing horse. When we wrapped things up, everyone was sad to depart and go their Before we knew it, it was time for separate ways, because of all the fun they had that day. ice cream. Everyone gathered Hopefully there will be more around as we got our vanilla, events like this in the future, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream and drenched it in choc- because it truly was a worthwhile experience that I’d love olate syrup and other toppings. to participate in and be a part The ice cream was delicious, and everyone had fun socializing with of again next year. the members of Kiwanis and their Article By: Lexi Cepak, Editor


arnes & Noble Storytime is a weekly event North Crowley Key Club holds every Satur-

day morning at 11 am at the Overton Ridge Barnes & Noble. This student led event allows Key Clubbers to interact and spend quality time with children and their families, sharing knowledge, education, and creativity. Key Clubbers come at 10 am geared with their craft supplies to prepare and plan a specific “craft” for the week’s theme. The craft genThis month, we had four different story times that each had a separate theme.

erally and usually corresponds with

On Saturday, June 7th, there was a Cat in the Hat theme where children got to interact with a member that cheered up everyone’s day by being in costume.

by the members. Generally, there

On June 21st, Eric Carle books were read, and children made Eric Carle-themed crafts.

the week’s planned out book chosen are two books chosen to read each week. Once things are prepared and settled, Key Clubbers set up the reading stage by moving and setting out chairs for the children and families to sit. The Barnes & Noble staff announces that Storytime begins throughout the store to inform customers about the event. Once 11:00 am hits, the Key Club members begin to sit on the stage and welcomes everyone to Storytime. The theme is announced and the members begin to read the first book, followed by the second.



hroughout the readings, members engage with the children, allowing them to

socialize, ask questions, or make comments about the story time. Once the reading is finished, a member welcomes the children over to the craft table to join in making the week’s craft. Key Clubbers make sure each child is seated correctly and safely around the table, along with any parents or families that would like to join. A member begins to explain the week’s craft and shows the children how to make it. The necessary supplies are passed around to each child and the craft making begins. Key Clubbers constantly are engaged around the children, interacting, helping, and guiding the children with their crafts. If any child has questions or needs help, the members are there to support them through it all. The satisfaction and joy in seeing the kids’ enjoyment and excitement is priceless!

Article By: Daisy Doan, VP.

On June 14th, there was a father’s day theme, where Key Clubbers helped children make crafts for their fathers.

On June 28th, there was an early July 4th theme for those who had plans on July 5th, and children made flags as their craft.

Presidential Council Meeting (July 19th): At Salvation

Granbury Kiwanis 5K Firecracker Run (July 4th):

Army(Fort Worth) Time: TBA

Starts at 7:00am at Tidwell Field Behind GHS parking lot.

Barnes & Noble Story Time:

Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m.— 12:00 p.m. At Barnes & Noble (;


Agape meal:

Every Thursday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. At Broadway Baptist Church

July 2014 Sun










B&N 5




9 AGAPE 10


B&N 12




16 AGAPE 17


B&N/ PCM19




23 AGAPE 24


B&N 26




30 AGAPE 31


President, Demi Carrion:

Vice-President, Daisy Doan:

Editor, Lexi Cepak:

Historian, Jordan Peyton:

Secretary, Olivia Courtney:

Vice-Secretary, Karen Duarte-Escovar:

Treasurer, Elias Laura:

Parliamentarian, Bernice Ogbondah

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