Meet The Officers of 2016-2017!

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Yerasly & Cheyenne & Vincent Andrew



Kelly & Fawaz


Sand Jail


dy & line


Brian & Tina

Iggy & Pictures

Officer Info




Meet Yerasly Durán, President. The first time that Yerasly heard about Key Club was through the band kids in her math class during freshman year. They told her about B&N storytime, & she thought it sounded fun.

Yerasly’s love for Key Club caused her to run for president. Also, to get experience, she began shadowing Daisy, the former president. Because of this, Yerasly came to enjoy the role of the president that plans and organizes events.

Yerasly’s favorite event is the B&N Storytime, because she loves reading to and doing crafts with the children. Seeing their smiles when they’re finish with their crafts makes her very happy.

Yerasly has high hopes for North Crowley Key Club (NCKC), as she hopes for membership to increases and for members and officers to develop a strong connection. Overall, she hopes for NCKC to be a big family.

Meet Vincent Berardi, Vice President. While at a Computer Science Summer Camp in 2014, Vincent met Jordan & Lexi, former officers of Key Club. It was through them that he learned about Key Cub, how fun it is, and how it can better your college application. Since Vincent was a freshman at the time, he was a bit reluctant to join. But then he thought, “Why not?” and joined to get a feel of it. Now, he is glad that he has joined, & his time is most dedicated to Key club.

When asked if he enjoys being an officer in Key Club, Vincent said that he 100% enjoys it. Even though it’s a big responsibility for Vincent since he’s one of the youngest officers, he enjoys that he can “contribute more to the club that he has already put his time into and watch it live, grow, and achieve.” One of Vincent’s favorite events is the Hangman’s House of Horrors. It is his favorite, because he enjoys scaring the daylight out of the visitors in the horror house. Besides being in Key Club, Vincent is also active in Video Games Fight Club. One of Vincent's interests include computers & coding.

Meet Cheyenne Capuchino, Co-Vice President.

Cheyenne joined Key Club, because she wanted to better her school and community, and Key Club provides her an opportunity to do that.

She chose to run for her position as co-vice president, because she wanted to be more involved the club and thought that her role as an officer could benefit Key Club.

Cheyenne’s favorite type of events are the all-day events, such as Cowtown and Turkey Trot. She likes them, because she could see all of the hard work and dedication that Key Clubbers would pour into these events. Also, it’s events like this that Key Clubbers could cheer and encourage people. It’s like everybody is part of one big process.

One of Cheyenne’s biggest hopes for NCKC is that “we can continue to grow and become more like a family than just a club.” Also, she hopes that we can be more involved in the community, so we can reach out more to those in need. Besides being part of the Key Club family, Cheyenne is also part of NHS, drama club, president of Student Council, & historian of VGFC.

Meet Andrew Moon, Secretary. Andrew was introduced to Key Club through his friend, Robin, who goes to UT. Through Robin, Andrew learned that Key Club is not just like any other organization. Key Clubbers go beyond what is expected of them and contribute to not only their school but also their community, so he joined. Andrew was glad that he did, because it was through Key Club that he is able to become a better person, meet new people, and make new friends.

Andrew chose to run for secretary, because this role offers many challenges, and he believes he is determine enough to take on and overcome these challenges. One of Andrew’s hope for North Crowley Key Club is for it to remain one of the top Key Clubs in the T-O District. Another hope of his is for the amount of members to grow, so that more and more people can fulfill their roles in the community.

Besides being an active member of Key Club, Andrew is also part of the National Honor Society where he ran for the position of recording secretary. Outside of school, he enjoys playing video games and hanging out with friends. Also, he likes to socialize with other people and try new things.

Meet Kelly Le, Editor. Kelly first heard about Key Club through her older brother who was a former Key Clubber. She learned that Key Club is a club that centers around volunteering services & bettering the community & thought it was interesting. She has been a member since sophomore year.

At first, Kelly was a bit hesitant about running for officer as she though that she wasn’t fit enough to fulfill the role of an officer in Key Club. However, after some encouragement from Yerasly, the current president, she decided to run for editor. She’s now glad she did, because she’s more involved and is having more fun in Key Club than ever.

Kelly’s favorite events are Turkey Trot & Jingle Bell Run, because they’re holiday-themed events & they’re during breaks! She also likes to cheer on the runners & volunteering with her friends is a fun activity to do. Besides being editor in Key Club, Kelly is also parliamentarian for Student Council & a member of NHS.

Meet Fawaz Khan, Webmaster. Fawaz was encouraged by Jordan, a former officer, to join Key Club one day, and he did. At first, Fawaz thought that Key Club would just be like any other club that would look good on his resume. However, as he became more involved, he found that Key Club is not just like any other club. He discovered that Key Club is like a big family that shares a common goal — to serve. Fawaz chose to ran for webmaster since he loves designing and working on websites. Even though the process of working on a website can be frustrating, it is all worth it in the end.

One of Fawaz’s favorite events is the Main St. Art Festival in downtown Fort Worth. He likes this event, because seeing the kids’ faces light up after he had painted their faces is a blessing. Another favorite is the Hangman’s House of Horrors. When doing this event, he gets to dress up in costumes and scare grown adults. Also, misleading people in the mirror room is another reason why he likes the event.

Besides being a dedicated member of Key Club, Fawaz is also part of the National Honor Society (NHS), National Technical Honor Society (NTHS), set crew for theatre, and is the newly elected Parliamentarian for Video Game Fight Club. Outside of school, he loves hanging out with his cousins, try new restaurants and food, and going on road trips. He enjoys a piece of medium-well steak with a side of potato salad and a warm biscuit smeared in butter. One day, Fawaz hopes to backpack all around Europe.

Meet Sandy Nguyen, Historian. Sandy was inspired to join Key Club by her sister. She saw that her sister was out often doing services for the club & wanted to do the same thing instead of doing nothing at home. She now has been in Key Club since sophomore year.

Sandy’s favorite events are the Parade of Lights and Jingle Bell Run. She likes these events, because they happen around Thanksgiving and Christmas break time, and what’s better than spending the holidays bettering the community? She loves the holidays, and volunteering at holiday-themed events is even better with the addition of free t-shirts!

She ran for Historian, because she loves taking pictures, & the role requires her to take lots of pictures.

Sandy’s hopes for NCKC is to fundraise enough money to attend conventions such as DCON and ICON. Also, she would like for NCKC to win as many trophies as we can, place #1 club in the T-O District, & get the recognition of being the most diverse club. Outside of school, she enjoys hanging out with her friends & dancing. Most importantly, she volunteers with her friends a lot. After all, Key Club is life.

Meet Jailine Contreras, Treasurer. Jailine’s older sister’s friend talked to her into joining Key Club when she started high school. She said that Key Club is a great way to get involved in the school, community, and it will look good on her college application. She was already determined to be an officer right from the first meeting and felt that she could contribute more to the club.

For Jailine, her favorite event is the Finish Strong event. She likes this event, because seeing so many people who are willing to help students complete their high school education brings her hope for the future.

Like other officers, one of Jailine’s hopes is for more members to join Key Club. Also, she wishes for there to be more new events. Outside of school, Jailine still likes to volunteer and relax.

Meet Brian Tran, Officer At-Large One of Brian’s interest is to better and serve his community. So when his friends encouraged him to join Key Club, he saw this as an opportunity and took it. Brian didn’t really had the intention of running for an officer position. However, due to his dedication and hard work toward the club, he was offered the position of officer at -large.

Brian has high hopes for North Crowley Key Club, as he hopes for the club to bring home more trophies and become the #1 club in the T-O District next year.

Outside of school, Brian enjoys hanging out with his friends and exploring new restaurants. His favorite restaurant is Olive Garden, because their alfredo and cheesy ravioli are very good. He also enjoys Thai and Vietnamese food a lot.

Meet Tina Tran, Officer At-Large Because of her constant desire to volunteer, Tina’s teachers suggested that she should join Key Club. She didn’t really think much of it until she attended the Back To School Bash hosted by key Club. The former president, Daisy, informed Tina about Key Club and what it stands for, and from then on, she is hooked on Key Club.

Apart from Key Club, Tina is also a dedicated AVID student, president of HOSA, sophomore class vice president, Spirit Crew Senator for Student Council, secretary for the P.R.I.D.E. Project, Partners in P.E., & a member of VGFC.

Tina’s favorite time during the school year is the homecoming season, so this is why her favorite event is the mum making event for special needs students. Through this event, Key Clubbers’ were able to let out their creativity as they design their own mum. Also, they were able to bond since it’s one of the first events in the year. “It’s amazing to see how much we can accomplish as a team.”

Meet Iggy Previto, Parliamentarian. What inspired Iggy to join Key Club are his friends. Since most of his friends are in Key Club, he decided to join. It’s always fun to volunteer with your friends! He ran for parliamentarian, so he could get an opportunity on what it’s like being a Key Club officer & plans on to run again next year. One of Iggy’s most favorite event is the Cowtown Marathon. He likes this event, because he sees it as an opportunity to bond with other members since it’s the first event in the club. Also, he likes to cheer on the runners.

Iggy’s hopes for NCKC next year is to gain more trophies at DCON and for the club to continue to work together. Outside of school, he likes to play sports & hang out with friends.

President, Yerasly Duran:

Vice-President, Vincent Berardi:

Co Vice-President, Cheyenne Capuchino:

Secretary, Andrew Moon:

Editor, Kelly Le:

Webmaster, Fawaz Khan:

Historian, Sandy Nguyen:

Treasurer, Jailine Contreras:

Parliamentarian, Iggy Previto:

Officer At-Large, Brian Tran:

Officer At-Large, Tina Tran:

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