Meet the Officers

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North Crowle 01 03 05 07 09

ey Key Club

Meet Demi Carrion, President. At first, Demi was reluctant to take on the daunting task of being the President of North Crowley Key Club, but she knew she wanted to make a difference, and Samantha Bryant, the former President, knew that Demi would make a great leader, and an amazing president.

Demi’s favorite event was the Car Wash at Chick-Fil-A, because she loves raising money for her club, while helping others. She doesn’t working outside in the Texas heat if she’s with fellow Key Club officers and members, and is doing something for a good cause. Demi’s second favorite event was the Chisholm Trail bike race, because she enjoyed watching bikers race on the new toll way, and she liked getting the opportunity to help hydrate them, making sure that they’re safe and healthy. Demi is friendly and intelligent. She is an officer in NHS, as well as the President of Key Club. She devotes a lot of her time and effort into being the best president that she can be, and attends as many events as possible.

Meet Daisy Doan, Vice President. Daisy joined Key Club because she saw recruiting signs around the campus and got info about what Key Club was about. She immediately grew an interest in Key Club, and wanted to serve the community and be involved in service. Key Club is special to her because it is both a local and an international club that is full of motivated, positive, and good spirited people ready to share their passion and care for others.

“I’m looking forward to a new year of service, fresh ideas, inspirations, & meeting and getting to know great people!” -Daisy Doan

Daisy aspired to become VP because she “wanted a closer and more involved relationship to the club and its members.” This position will allow her to improve her leadership role while giving her the, “opportunity to share her passion and ideas on how to make the club more involved and successful in service, friendships, and character. “

Daisy’s favorite event was Cowboy Santas because she was able to pick out toys and presents for families and kids during Christmas time. She thought it felt great to know that Key Club was making a positive impact on children’s lives. Daisy’s second favorite event was the Turkey Trot because it was fun to cheer on runners and share the positive spirit during the holidays. Daisy accomplished her fifth year of piano and recitals. She got confirmed in her Vietnamese-Catholic church and will start her third year of Junior Volunteer at the Harris Methodist this summer. Her goal is to become a doctor and give back to her community as much as she can. She wishes to unify Key club to create stronger bonds and motivate members to join and take part in service.

Meet Lexi Cepak, Editor. Lexi went to her first Key Club meeting because she thought that being in Key Club would look good on her college application. Little did she know that it would change her life. Lexi was inspired by the club to help her community, and she now wants to spread her love and passion for Key Club to others. Lexi decided to become Editor because she loves Graphic Design, and wanted to play a bigger role in making a difference.

Lexi’s favorite part of Key Club was getting to go to District Convention and spending time getting to know the current and future officers for the club. She also enjoyed getting second place for her Non-traditional Scrapbook with Jordan. Lexi also enjoyed volunteering at Main Street Arts Festival and helping little kids make sand art. Outside of Key Club, Lexi enjoys drawing and playing video games. She is also President of Latin Club and Computer Science Club. She is currently ranked 8th in her class, and hopes to get a medical or Computer Science related job where she can help others while still doing what she loves.

Meet Jordan Peyton, Historian. Before Jordan knew what Key Club was, she was dragged to the very first 2013-2014 North Crowley Key Club meeting by some of her friends. She decided that Key Club “sounded interesting,” and stuck with it. Jordan loves working as part of a team with fellow Key Clubbers and meeting new friends. She loves “being a part of something bigger,” so she has become the new Historian for North Crowley Key Club.

“I want burgers!” -Jordan Peyton

Jordan enjoyed making the non-traditional scrapbook for Key Club with the new editor, for which they won second place at District Convention. One of her favorite experiences was going to District Convention and “feeling like part of the Key Club family.” She also enjoyed volunteering at Hangman’s House of Horrors and getting her makeup done. Outside of Key Club, Jordan enjoys riding her horse, Santana. She takes part in FFA and is the Vice President of Latin Club.

Meet Olivia Courtney, Secretary. Olivia joined Key Club because she wanted to give back to her community and make a difference. It allowed her to see the world in a different light. It made a positive outcome on her life, and she feels honored to be a part of they Key Club family. Olivia decided to become Secretary because organization is one of the most essential factors for the success of any club or business, and attends to make the club the best it can be!

Olivia’s favorite event was Main Street Arts Festival. She had the opportunity to work with lots of talented and amazing kids. She can’t wait to volunteer there again next year! Olivia also enjoyed Cowboy Santas. She said that, “being able to pick out toys for children and acting as if I was their personal ‘Santa Claus’ was gifting.” She loved imagining their faces when they opened their presents. It gave her a true feel for the holiday spirit. Olivia is a very gregarious and optimistic person. She dreams of going to UCLA and becoming a pediatrician after graduating in 2016. She adores Disney movies, the beach, and traveling. Key Club has become a very important part of her life, and she can’t wait to fulfill her duties as secretary!

Meet Karen Escobar, Assistant Secretary. Karen joined Key Club because she loves helping people. Her passion for law means that she likes fighting for their rights, but she also likes to help them with the power of community service. Because of this passion for bettering the lives of humankind, Karen decided she wanted to play a bigger role in Key Club, and became the assistant secretary to ensure that everything for the club is well-organized and efficient.

Karen’s favorite event is Barnes & Nobles, because she loves reading to children, and seeing their smiling faces as they listen to her tell stories. She also loves watching them make art, and helping take the stress off parents by allowing them to shop in the bookstore while she’s reading. Karen had a great time making posters for North Crowley Key Club’s car washes, and then getting the special task of holding them up proudly for the world to see. Karen is a brilliant and inspiring person. She’s academic, and loves helping others in any way she can. Her goal is to study law and become a human rights activist.

Meet Elias Laura, Treasurer. Elias’ sister told him how special Key Club was. She told him that it was rewarding, and allowed her to make lots of new friends, so Elias decided to follow in her footsteps and join Key Club, as well. Elias loves making friends throughout the year, while making a difference in his community by volunteering at various events. He decided to become Historian because he is responsible and good with money.

“I like big butts and I cannot lie.” -Albert Einstein

Elias enjoyed volunteering at Hangman’s House of Horrors because he loves scaring people, when it’s all in good fun. He had a great time , even if it appears that more sh*t was scared out of him than the people he was scaring. Elias also enjoyed the Color Run, where blah blah blah. Key Club isn’t the only thing Elias is interested in. He spends his free time studying, making pizza, and hanging out with friends.

Meet Bernice Ogbondah, Parliamentarian. Bernice decided to join Key Club to be with her friends. She then learned that Key Club is about helping others. Bernice wanted to make a bigger influence in the club and community, to give more, and get more out of her Key Club experience, so she became the Parliamentarian.

Bernice’s favorite Key Club event was the Color Run or Dye because she enjoyed throwing paint a people. She also enjoys the early events because she likes getting to see the selflessness of everyone in Key Club. Bernice is a member of NoCro Student Trainers.

President, Demi Carrion:

Vice-President, Daisy Doan:

Editor, Lexi Cepak:

Historian, Jordan Peyton:

Secretary, Olivia Courtney:

Vice-Secretary, Karen Escobar:

Treasurer, Elias Laura:

Parliamentarian, Bernice Ogbondah

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