The Panther Post Volume 3 // Issue 4 (August 2015 Key Club Newsletter)

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Region 7, Division 1S Volume 3 // Issue 4













Editor’s Corner Hey, Key Club! I’m excited to meet all of the new members that decide to join our club this year! I love meeting new people that want to spend their free time helping our community! -Lexi Cepak, NCKC Editor











Key Clubbers shop for food for the Back to School Breakfast for Teachers.

Hey everyone! I’m Daisy Doan, your new 2015-2016 Key Club president! I am so excited and motivated to start this new year of Key Club because I get to meet new people while fulfilling my passion to make a difference through leadership and service. My main goal for this year is to bring everyone closer together as family, which is why this year’s theme is “Service Means Family”. I want to have everyone know each other better and to have stronger bonds in order to achieve more not only for Key Club services, but for our personal lives as well. I look forward to meeting new faces and growing closer to each and every one of you through this Key Club journey. I hope everyone will have a great year as we start it off strong and finish it off stronger!

Yours in service,


NCKC President

Kiwanis family members participate in The Eliminate Project walk to raise funds and awareness.

B AC K T O S C H O O L B R E classroom, but thankfully, we got the job done before the breakfast started. Around 8:15, we carted the fruit and some drinks downstairs to the cafeteria, where the teachers were already starting to gather. We put forks in the fruit so people could get their fruit without contaminating the rest of the container. We allowed the teachers to line up and choose their fruit and drinks while we waited for the breakfast tacos to arrive. The teachers Every year, North Crowley High School Key Clubbers and NHS members provide a breakfast for the teachers on their first day back to school. They really enjoy seeing our smiling faces and knowing that someone appreciates them.

were all really excited about their breakfast and thanked us profusely. Once the breakfast tacos arrived, we sorted them and put them in separate containers. The teachers eagerly got back in line for their Taco Cabana breakfast tacos. The line practically wrapped all the way around the cafete-

On Thursday, August 13th, I arrived at school at ria! 7:00 a.m. Other Key Clubbers and I lined up in After the teachers had finished their breakfast, front of the doorway to the Lifetime Nutrition we took pictures as a group and then went to and Wellness room, where we would prepare the cafeteria where our Principal, Ms. Allen, fruit for the Back to School Breakfast. Once we thanked us for our hard work. We then went were let into the room, we collected all the back to the cafeteria and cleaned up. There knives we could find. Some Key Clubbers was plenty of extra food, so the Key Clubbers washed and cut bananas while Jordan, Karen had their own mini breakfast afterwards to celand I washed apples and stacked them neatly ebrate their hard work. After everything was inside containers. After all of the fruit aside cleaned up, we offered the remaining food to from the watermelons had been sorted, the janitors and left the rest of the drinks in the washed and cut, we grabbed knives and beteachers’ lounge in case anyone wanted it. gan cutting the watermelon into more manOverall, the Back to School Breakfast was a ageable chunks. It took a long time because huge success. I wish I wasn’t graduating so I we couldn’t find the right kind of knives in the could do it again! Article By: Lexi Cepak



Article By: Yerasly Duran

Storytime is one of the ongoing events North Crowley Key Club runs. It is also one of my favorite events. Sometimes, we are provided with special themes, and sometimes we get to pick our own. This week, Barnes & Noble picked out a theme for us. This week's theme was from the book "The Day the Crayons Came Home”. Kids of a variety of ages, usually from zero to six attend Storytime on Saturdays. We start off by reading one or two books to them. Later on, we assist them with an activity or craft that is related to the story. The book, “The Day the Crayons Came Home,” was very fun to read to the children that attended. They highly enjoyed it, and so did I. I recommend this book for all parents and older siblings who are looking to read to a younger audience, like their children and younger brothers and sisters. This book is the spin-off and sequel to the first book, "When the Crayons Quit". We read both books to the children, as well. Afterwards, for our craft, Barnes & Noble provided us with cardboard boxes so the kids could make a fort. In the book, a boy made a fort out of cardboard boxes. His crayons, which were portrayed in the story as animate, human-like beings, “quit” in the



first book, but returned in the second, so he was able to use them to color his fort. Like the boy, who drew on his fort with crayons, the kids happily built a gigantic fort and colored it. First, all of the children attending helped each other out in making the huge fort! The volunteers and the parents had to help the kids stack some of the boxes because they were too short to reach, and the children wanted the fort to tower above them like a castle. After we were done assisting with the fort, the children picked out their favorite colored crayons and drew beautiful and creative designs on their fort. The little girls drew butterflies and other cute animals, while the little boys drew dinosaurs. Some kids, however, just sat down and scribbled on their boxes in one single color! This Storytime was probably one of the most popular ones I've attended. It was also my favorite Storytime event so far. The children and parents enjoyed the event as well, and some said they’d come to the event every Saturday!

S E A R S B AC K TO S C H O O where we got our girl a pair of My Little Pony sneakers. Then, we got a backpack for her. Earlier, she had informed me that her favorite color was purple, so I pointed out a purple and pink backpack princess cat backpack to her. I said, “Do you like cats?” She grabbed the backpack and hugged it to her chest, which we all took to mean that she loved it. Next, we went to the clothing section, where we helped pick out skirts, jumpers, and skirts for Mary Helen. She didn’t like pants, so we bought her some tights to wear unOn Saturday, August 15th, I arrived at the Sears at der her skirt instead. After picking out hair accesHulen mall. Daisy and I were directed to the

sories, socks, underwear, more hair accessories,

break room where Kiwanis and Key Club mem-

and a dress, we headed back to the shoe sec-

bers from all over our region were gathered. We

tion. Mary Helen picked out a pair of boots, and I

listened to a Kiwanian give us the instructions on

picked out a pair of flats with cat faces on them,

the Back to School Shopping event. I was excited which she adored. By this time, Mary Helen had to shop for an underprivileged kid, but I was over- transformed into the most social child I had ever joyed when he told us that we would actually get met, and she was so excited by her new things to take the child shopping. Kiwanis gave us a

that she began running around the store. It took

$300 budget for each disadvantaged child from

Daisy and I at least five minutes to catch her,

a local elementary school, and Sears gave us a

even though we outnumbered her.

25% discount. After the Kiwanis member finished explain-

Finally, we headed to the cash register, but to our surprise, we still had money left to spend.

ing, Daisy, Sara and I were paired with a Kiwanis

We quickly grabbed a cat stuffed animal purse

member and a child. Our child was a cute girl

for her because she said her sister had one, and

that was going into the first grade. She was small

then we finally checked out. This event was one

and cute and we all fell in love with her as the

of the best experiences of my life because I

event went on. Once we paired up with her, we

learned about a kid and bonded with her. It

asked her what her name was and she shyly mut- makes me happy to know that this girl will be bettered, “Mary Helen.” I thought for sure we’d have ter off and have a great school year thanks to a hard time picking things out for her since she

Key Club and Kiwanis. This, to me, is what Key

hardly spoke, but I was wrong.

Club is all about.

Our first stop was the shoe section of Sears, Article By: Lexi Cepak




Article By: Hunter Lewis

CC SOUTH CAMPUS I was happy to participate with Key Club ing. The room also had a DJ to play music for last month at the TCC and Wal-Mart collabora- everyone to enjoy and for the little kids to tion to help less fortunate kids to get a better

dance to. As the event went on, a man came

start at the school year. At this convention, Jor- to the center of the room with a microphone, dan Peyton, Daisy Doan, and I set up a booth

introducing himself as the organizer of the

at the TCC gymnasiums in order to inform chil-

event. He thanked all of the volunteers for

dren and their parents about key club. We

coming and for providing the families with the

were alongside other volunteers that were rep- opportunity be informed about various clubs resenting different organizations, such as a

and organizations. As the man continued his

dental health assistance program, a science

speech, he introduced two men that walked

club, an Air Force recruiter, representatives

up beside him. They were NFL players who

from Ozarka, and more.

came to support the cause. This attracted

As families walked around the gymnasium, they brought around a piece of paper that listed all of the organizations that were

many people to the front to ask questions and meet the players. After another hour or so of the NFL play-

present at the event. The families collected sig- ers answering questions, the DJ jamming, and natures from each of the booths onto this

us teaching others about Key Club, the event

sheet of paper. If the children received a cer-

concluded. Most of the volunteers cleared out

tain amount of signatures, Wal-Mart promised

while the rest of us stayed and helped put up

to provide free school supplies so they could

chairs and clean up trash. As soon as we

start off the school year with everything they

cleaned up the room, we gathered our things

needed. On top of all of this, the booths pro-

and headed home. I am glad that I went that

vided goodies to the participants, such as

day; it was a great experience for all of us and

toothbrushes (the dental health assistance pro- was very helpful to the less fortunate children. I gram obviously), balloons, pamphlets, and

would go again at any time.

cookies. Our group brought information sheets and homemade cake-pops, which attracted many of the families. Even though we were there for a while, there were many things to keep us occupied. We conversed with other booths as well as with the parents that went around, learning about their situations and what they found interest-



Article By: Lexi Cepak

On Saturday, August 8th at 4:00, I arrived at our Lieutenant Governor, Vanessa’s house for a Presidential Council Meeting and Pool Party Social. Prior to the event, I got my senior pictures taken, so I came in just as the icebreaker was ending. Daisy introduced me to the attendees, dedicated Key Club members and officers from our region, and then we sat down to go through the agenda. Vanessa talked about lots of cool projects. She told us that we’d be collecting toys for Christmas and that this year, instead of making bears at Build-A-Bear and sending them somewhere for someone else to give to underprivileged children, we’d get to hand them out ourselves. She told us all about Fall Rally and the “free money” from the YOF Grant. Vanessa made me really excited for the new year of Key Club!


After we finished going over the agenda, Vanessa handed out our regional t-shirts. I was really excited about them because I had the pleasure of designing them this year. Vanessa came up with the amazing idea of making a Key Club “tree” with all of the clubs in our region as leaves and different words describing Key Club as the branches. It felt awesome knowing that my t-shirt design would be worn not only by North Crowley Key


Clubbers, but by people that live in Fort Worth and the surrounding cities that our region encompasses. After I got my t-shirt, the pool party social began. Key Club had been responsible for burgers, and people told us that they were really tasty! Some of the North Crowley Key Clubbers, however, felt uneasy eating them because we had joked about buying patties from McDonalds and scraping the toppings off. After I got my food, I sat down with the officers of North Crowley Key Club. Vincent, our webmaster, started talking about the website and about Key Club in general. Our youngest officer, he seemed really concerned about how Key Club would go on without us since he and our treasurer are the only officers that are underclassmen. Once we finished discussing our club’s plans for the future, we all decided to dip our feet in the pool and socialize. It was nice getting to know more about my fellow Key Club officers, since all we usually talk about is work. Overall, I had an amazing time at Vanessa’s PCM/Pool Party Social. I can’t wait for her Halloween-themed PCM!

BACK TO SCHOOL BA low frosting on top. They looked very patriotic and very professional. I couldn’t resist buying two of them for myself. They were delicious. Along with selling Key Club colored cake pops and old Key Club shirts, Back to School Bash was an important event because it let people know about Key Club. It gave us an opportunity to hand out flyers and spread information about our club. People seemed really interested in joining Key Club, and almost everyone bought a cake pop, so this On Friday, August 21st, I attended Back was a really successful event. We got the opto School Bash at North Crowley High School. portunity to tell them about District ConvenSetup began around 2:00 p.m. I copied flyers

tion, the benefits of joining Key Club, various in the teachers’ workroom for Key Club along leadership opportunities, scholarships, and with flyers for other school clubs I’m in, and most importantly, what Key Club is about: serthen I helped the various clubs set up their

booths. Jordan, Daisy, Emily, Hunter, and Karen set up the Key Club trifold. They arranged the trophies we won at District Convention last year on the table, and then hung a sign that told the price of various amounts of cake pops. The table overflowed with the cake pops Key Clubbers made as a fundraiser for Back to School Bash.

vice. (“No, we don’t make keys!”) After the event ended, Key Clubbers and NHS members helped clean up any trash that was left on the floor and in the surrounding area. Everyone helped transport the leftover cake pops into Daisy’s car. (They sold really well on the first week of school.) After the cafeteria was clean, Key Clubbers were sad to go. One of the best parts of Key Club is re-

The day before, Key Clubbers gathered cruiting other members and watching the at Jordan’s house to make 300 cake pops, club change their personalities, and more im-

which were all sold within a week for $1 each. portantly, their lives. Without Key Club, I would Key Club members rolled cake pieces into be a much less mature, responsible person, so balls, cooked them in the oven, iced them with blue frosting, stuck sticks in them, and then decorated them with a squiggle of yel-

it’s nice to see the club change others as well. Article By: Lexi Cepak



UPCOMING EVENTS GRACE FALL FESTIVAL- September 26th from 10a.m.-3p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church

SOCIAL AT IT’Z- October 12th


from 11a.m.– 11p.m. in Burleson from 3-7 p.m. $28 if you’re bowling. $24 if you’re not bowling.

12th at NCHS 5a.m. - 2 p.m.

HALLOWEEN PCM- October 31st

FALL RALLY- October 3rd at Six

more info TBA.

Flags 10:30-11:30a.m. meeting, rest of day hangout. $35.


ber 7th at Build-A-Bear at Ridgmar Mall from 3-6 p.m.

ONGOING EVENTS AGAPE MEAL: Every Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Broadway Baptist Church



Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble


CONTACT President, Daisy Doan: Vice-President, Jordan Peyton: Vice President, Olivia Courtney:

Editor, Lexi Cepak:

Historian, Sara Al-Midany:

Secretary, Danielle Scott:

Vice-Secretary, Karen Duarte-Escobar:

Treasurer, Year Duran: Parliamentarian, Crystal Phan:

Webmaster, Vincent Berardi:

Officer-At-Large, Elias Laura:

19 17

Vanessa Casta単eda, Lt.G of Division 1 South:

Rachel Iselin, District Governor:

Crystal Loh, District Secretary:

Emily Zhao, District Treasurer:

Matthew Riley, District Editor:

Megan Reynosa, Convention Liaison:

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