Volume 4 // Issue 4 (August 2016 Key Club Newsletter)

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Region 7, Division 1S Volume 4 // Issue 4














Editor’s Corner: Hey Key Club! School is back, and a new year for Key Club has started! Good luck on your studies and keep volunteering! -Kelly Le, NCKC Editor.

Sears was generous to give us a $200 gift card, a 20% discount, and tax exemption for the back-to-school shopping! Hello everyone! School has started again, and so is another fresh year for Key Club! I can’t wait to see what exciting things will unfold for us all this year. Don’t forget to sign up for Remind101 to be informed about new events, and our meeting is every Thursday. Yours in service, NCKC Vice-President Vincent Berardi.



Article by: Vincent Berardi

PING On August 13th at 8 A.M., Key Clubbers attended the back-to-school shopping event located at Sears in Hulen Mall! This is an annual event hosted by Sears every summer right before school starts, and it’s offered for different groups. On this day, the store hosted it for Diamond Hill Elementary. Luckily, we had plenty of volunteers who loved shopping. As a result, everyone was ready to put their shopping skill to the test. When we met the kids, there were 19 in total, and they were as eager as we were to begin shopping! When we began, the kids were split with a volunteer. Then, Sears gave us all a $200 gift card. On top of that, they were generous enough to give us a 20% discount and tax exemption! This money was used to purchase the kid’s school uniforms and supplies. We had to get shoes, socks, underwear, tops, bottoms, skirts, dresses, backpacks, jackets, and some formal wears. Everything had to be in dress code since we were buying clothes for young students. It was exciting searching clothes for the kids to see what they preferred. Also, we played dress up with some of the kids and wore ridiculous outfits! There is nothing like a little horse play every now and then for smiles and laughs. After picking the clothes out, we moved on to the items they greatly wanted. We got stuff from heelies, to fun socks, then to oompa loompa pillows! The possibilities were endless. One kid even bought a build-a-bear, and it was

adorable. The whole process was a real blast and at an affordable price! Everyone made sure to bring their own money for the food court, so we didn’t get real hungry. I’m certainly grateful for that as I was starving from all that shopping! Picking nice clothes at the right size wasn’t exactly a piece of cake, but it was worth it. Another memorable moment about the event was getting to know the kids. They all had unique and fun personalities. Some were Taylor Swift fans while others couldn’t get enough of Drake. One girl even knew all the words to a Kendrick Lamar song!

I’m certain they all went back to their school with a smile on their faces. This event was incredibly fun for many reasons. One, we were able to express our inner and deep craving to shop. Two, we became closer together, which is great for any Key Club. Three, it was nice to get to know the kids and make them laugh and smile. Four, I can’t over how we made a difference in their lives! Seeing the way their faces lit up cannot be forgotten. The Kiwanians were a great help, and so was Sears who provided 20% discount and tax exemption. The back to school shopping is only the beginning of a long year of volunteering that will improve the community, bring us all closer, and spark a fire in ourselves, a spirit to improve the world we live in.


Article by: Brian Tran My favorite event in the summer was most likely the Texas Rangers event. In this event, volunteers had to work one full shift at a Texas rangers game twice. This was different from our usual Key Club events as it gave us real work experience, and that is one of the most memorable experience for me. It was truly a once in a life time. Other memorable experiences for me was when I saw the vacant stadium and heard the roar of the fans whenever our team scored. Even though the work completely wore me out by the end of the day, I still greatly enjoyed it. For example, the rush was our busiest and craziest time of the day. So when it was rush time, everybody was completely in the zone. You could see tons of hot dogs and hamburgers flying as quick as lightning from the back to the front. Orders were yelled out by the cashiers and everybody would just try to be as quick as they could. After this event, I will never forget the smell of hot dogs because I felt like I became part hot dog from wrapping tons of them!


Even though rush hour was extremely hectic and you would have to work twice as hard, you get this sense of being part of successful team. You work with people who have the same goal as you and you all strive to make things work, and that’s an incredible feeling. On top of that, 10% of the income the stand made went toward the Key Clubs who volunteered. So being able to raise money for our club for the upcoming school year made us all greatly excited! Furthermore, I was able to learn a lot from this event as I was able to experience what it would be like working in the fast food industry. It’s not easy as pie, that’s for sure. By volunteering at the Texas Rangers, Key Clubbers gained one significant lesson: teamwork. Everybody must work together and if one personal falls short, the whole team would be in jeopardy. That is why it’s critically important for everybody to be on the same page. Overall, Texas Rangers was an incredible experience for all of us. I had the opportunity learning important things I would otherwise not learn from the usual Key Club events.



Kiwanis Awards Banquet:

Sept. 2nd from 4:30 - 6:00 P.M.

Sept. 19th at 6:30 P.M. at Mariposa’s Latin Kitchen.

COWTOWN CLASSIC: Sept. 10th from 5 A.M. - 1 P.M.

KIWANIS/KEY CLUB SOCIAL: Sept. 17th from 11 A.M. 1P.M. at Christ Lutheran Church.


BARNES & NOBLE STORYTIME: Every Saturday from 10 A.M. - 12 P.M. at Barnes and Noble on Hulen.


AGAPE MEAL: Every Thursday from 5:30 7:30 P.M. at Broadway Baptist Church.



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CONTACTS President, Yerasly Duran: nckcpresident@gmailcom Vice-President, Vincent Berardi: nckc.vicepresident@gmail.com Co Vice-President, Cheyenne Capuchino: nckc.covp@gmail.com

Editor, Kelly Le: nckceditor@gmail.com

Webmaster, Fawaz khan: nckc.webmaster@gmail.com

Secretary, Andrew Moon: nckc.secretary@gmail.com Vice-Secretary, Clarence Manglal-Ian: nckc.secretary@gmail.com

Treasurer, Jailine Contreras: nckc.treasurer@gmail.com Historian, Sandy Nguyen: nckc.historian@gmail.com

Officers At-Large: Tina Tran & Brian Tran Parliamentarian, Iggy Previto: nckc.parliamentarian@gmail.com


Division 1 South’s LTG, Nithure Rema: ltg1s@tokeyclub.com

District Governor, Dianna Cardenas: governor@tokeyclub.com

District Secretary, Mackenzie Merbach: secretary@tokeyclub.com

District Treasurer, Leia George: treasurer@0tokeyclub.com

District Secretary, Sophia Tran: editor@tokeyclub

Convention Liason, Chris Do: cl@tokeyclub.com


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