The Panther Post Volume 3 // Issue 10 (February 2016 Key Club Newsletter)

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Region 7, Division 1S

Volume 3 // Issue 10
















Editor’s Corner Hey, Key Club! Keep serving! I hope everyone has a good spring break! Keep prepping for DCON!

-Lexi Cepak, NCKC Editor

Key Club officers gather to trade presents for their Secret Santa Gift Exchange.

Hey everyone! DCON is right around the corner! Make sure to help us with our non-traditional scrapbook among other entries we may have. Keep participating in the Conversation on Conservation, and continue to stay active! It’s a new year, but there are still plenty of service opportunities, including fundraising for DCON and ICON, which we will focus on after spring break. Yours in service,

NCKC President




Thank you everyone for your generous donations! Because of you, kids were able to have a merry Christmas!


Sara and Jordan celebrate their Non-Traditional Scrapbook win at District Convention.

District Convention is a yearly event where Key Clubbers can enter competitions, participate in activities and workshops, and make lots of friends. DCON is fun, exciting, and a great place to learn more about Key Club. Make sure to attend DCON and accept your mission! Attend DCON from April 21st—April 23rd!


VALENTINE’S DAY Senior Citizen Cards

This month, North Crowley Key Club created cards for the senior citizens at Bethesda Gardens. Everyone decorated cards during a Key Club meeting, then they were delivered to the citizens, who loved the effort that was put into their creative and thoughtful designs.



officer elections 2 0 1 6 | N E W


This month, North Crowley Key Club elected the 2017 officer board. Congratulations to Yerasly (President), Vincent and Cheyenne (Vice President), Andrew (Secretary), Clarence (Vice Secretary), Kelly (Editor), Jailine (Treasurer), Fawaz (Webmaster), and Iggy (Parliamentarian)!


On Monday, February 22nd, 2016, North Crowley Key Clubbers helped out with the Kiwanis' "Minute to Win It" Senior event at the Brookdale Retirement home. This event was a reenactment of the "Minute to Win It" game show where players had 60 seconds to complete and win a challenge against another competitor. It was a creative way for the senior residents to have fun and interact with one another! Key Clubbers, along with the Fort Worth Kiwanis Club, set up by bringing chairs to the activity room and gathering the supplies. The head coordinator began to introduce the game and members and began by choosing two Key Clubbers to play the first round. I, along with another Key Clubber named Hayden, challenged each other on the first round which was to solve a puzzle. It seemed easy, but looks can be deceiving. We both frantically tried to match the pieces, but couldn't make it on time and both lost. Although we lost, we had such a fun time, especially by sharing

laughs and excitement with the senior residents and other members. This also broke the ice for the senior residents to play the next round. The next round's challenge was to separate M&M's by color and whoever had the most colors separated first win the challenge. Everyone had a blast watching and cheering on the seniors as they raced to win! The next challenge was to pick up and collect the most marshmallows-- with chopsticks! The two gentlemen playing were hesitant at first, but they were relieved when they found out they could use cheaters on their chopsticks. With both men skilled in using chopsticks, they both won the challenge! Many of the other challenges included balancing chocolate "ding-dongs" on the forehead which the staff and Key Club members participated in as well. It was so funny watching everyone become a unicorn as they raced to balance the dingdongs on their forehead. Key Clubbers continued to participate by challenging the senior residents in the cookie race in which a cookie is placed on the forehead and the person that gets it in their mouth the fastest without using their hands wins! This challenge was not only fun, it brought all the members and Seniors closer together as everyone enjoyed themselves. As the challenges came to an end, Key Clubbers helped bring back the chairs and clean up around the room. Everyone said their final goodbyes and reminisced about the fun afternoon.

Article By: Daisy Doan


Article By: Yerasly Duran

On Saturday, February 27th, at 10 in the morning at Barnes and Noble’s, near Bed Bath and Beyond, we had a story time for the local children. This is one of our ongoing events our club has throughout the year; it is also one of my favorite events that North Crowley Key Club has to offer. Our members get to interact with children of all ages and read to them. Often, the event is nostalgic to us because we read books that we enjoyed in our childhood.

Now-a-days, in our generation, many children are no longer reading, and only want to watch television or play video games. But on Saturday mornings, Barnes and Noble offers the opportunity for children to read books and do activities they would no longer normally do.

Aside from the books, crafting, and activities, we also had puppets in which the children enjoyed playing with. It was a nice experience overall, and the kids seemed to really enjoy it. It also gives a The volunteers arrive at Barnes and chance for the parents to get some leiNoble’s, located by the Hulen Mall, at 10 sure time to look around for some books, o’clock in the morning to set up the activ- or to grab a cup of coffee. However, ities, crafts, chairs, and books for the chil- some parents decide to stay and hang dren. Later on, when children start arrivout with us until the event is over. After ing, we get our volunteers to step up in the event is finished, many parents thank the little stage we have at the location. us for Storytime and ask if they can come Usually, we start reading the book at 11 in again next week. It's great to see the the morning, but sometimes we will wait a same kids attending every week that enlittle after 11 to see if more children and joy having us read to them as much as parents want to join us! The book two of we enjoy reading to them. our members read was "Peter Rabbit," and after the book was read, we went over to the table that is set for crafts and we did coloring sheets with the kids. Some of the sheets included activities such as crosswords or mazes. The purpose for Storytime at Barnes and Noble is to encourage kids to read and color -- to get their creative juices flowing.


Article By: Oanh Nguyen

On February 13th, 2016, I went to Barnes and Noble Storytime. This is my favorite volunteering event and is also ongoing every Saturday. I have been doing this many times before participating as a reader, or just interacting with the kids. I love the way the kids are so attentive and focus on the story which reminded me of how I was when I was younger.

me, which is why she was attracted like me.

Following the story came craft time, where all of the kids can participate in coloring and craft. We had a coloring activity set up for all of the kids participating. Then as they color, we would talk to them and participate as well. I learned that many of these younglings have more artistic talents As I entered Barnes and Noble’s junior than I do. I am amazed by how well some section, I saw Key Club vice secretary, Ka- colored and when I asked for their age, I ren, and other key clubbers. I sat down and found out they were only three or four. we begin to discuss each other’s roles. AriThe reason why I love Barnes and Noana and Kaylee volunteered to read while ble Storytime so much is because of the joy the rest of us wanted to interact with the I felt as I watch kids interact us high schoolkids. The stories we were reading were ers. Some are shy and others are really outcalled the Love Monster and the Last going like the girl that came up to the Chocolate by Rachel Bright. They were stage. I could see the shy children become about the Love Monster’s adventure on more welcoming and open up to us volunValentine’s Day and how he learned to teers. Each child has a sparkle in his or her share with his friend. Since Valentine’s was eyes that show me how much they love to on Sunday, it sense that the book was Val- hear the stories. This is why Barnes and Noentine’s theme. ble Storytime is my favorite event since I

In the middle of the story, a little girl joined Key Club. walked up the stage and started pointing in the book. She looked happy as she participated with the readers. She was more outgoing than I was when I was little. Everyone around her watched with enthusiasm waiting for what she would do next. Then suddenly she walked to me, and she waved her little hand at me. I founded out later that she had a cousin who looked like


Va l e n t i n e C a r n i va l


Article By: Andrew Moon

colored all over my face. At the end of the day, I was wearing more face paint than they were! The games that were involved in were basic party games ranging from Simon says to

concentration, while in the face painting section kids could get skulls and butterflies painted on their arm and face. The kids were very interactive and competitive. Many kids participated with joy as we moved from game to game. On Saturday, February 22nd 2016, North Crowley participated in the Valentine at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Key Clubbers arrived and were ready and eager to serve. In this event, Key Clubbers served food to the children that came and they interacted with them as they ate. There were salads, cookies, mac and cheese, and chicken

Musical Chairs especially brought many kid’s attention to the games side. Because the game was so familiar to many of the kids, they were very involved in the game and were very ambitious. I enjoyed the games more because I wasn’t getting colored on during them. In addition to not being colored on by children, it was great to see how energetic and enthusias-

tic the children were. They all rolled around on fired steaks. I enjoyed serving the children food the floor and had a great time. This was a because they were really happy and bubbly great way to give their mothers a break beand it made me feel good to know that I could cause we got to watch them for a while. help serve them a meal that they might otherThe games kept up for three hours until wise not get. the kid’s parents came to pick their kids up. Afterwards, the key clubbers spilt off into Though the departure was sad, it was a great groups in order to satisfy each children’s wants. experience that I and many key clubbers will One group went face painting while the other never forget. I love getting to work with chiltook the other kids and played games with

them. It was a great opportunity to bond with the kids that live in the community and it was

dren, and I can’t wait to do this event next year. I hope to participate more in Key Club

since I’ve been elected as the new Secretary. I heartwarming to see them laugh and play. The only hope next year that I don’t end up covchildren loved me. They put my hair up and ered in paint!

Panthers Recycle

Article By: David Correa

I've been in Key Club for about two years now, and I've recently started recycling with the other Key Clubbers. Recycling was an interesting experience for me. Since I recycle regularly at my house, it was the a similar experience, but on a bigger scale. During a week of every month, North Crowley Key Club helps recycle around our school. It's a great way to stay green in our community and help our school. On one morning before school and in the afternoon after school, I helped recycle. Recycling was hard work since we had limited time in the morning before school, and since not many people could stay after school because they had other extra-curricular activities.


I chose to stay after school every day for that week helping Key Club recycle. I made lots of new friends and the work was hard because we had to make lots of trips from the classrooms to the recycling bins at the back of our school. Sometimes, it's hard to get the bins from the classrooms because the teachers leave early and don't leave the bins out for us to take. To help with this, we send an email out to all of the teachers urging them to take out the bins before leaving. This helps us out a lot during the recycling process.

The recycling process is very complicated, but we make it simple because we only grab about three boxes at a time to take outside and dump. Then, we have to return the boxes and do it again. This whole process takes almost the entire afternoon until nighttime if there aren't enough people to help. That's why I like to help recycle with key club a lot – I like getting the opportunity to help my school. I'd like to make this process a lot smoother and get more people involved in recycling with North Crowley Key Club since we don't have many other members helping and the event is heavily run by a lot of officer involvement. Recycling is a good way to keep our school and community cleaner. Not only do we recycle in our school, but we also send a positive message to the students that do choose to recycle or don't usually recycle because it allows them to assist their community in even the small ways, like recycling paper. Recycling with Key Club has opened my eyes as not just a Key Club member, but as a member of my community. I hope to recycle more before I graduate.

Article By: Lexi Cepak




This year, our club decided to try a new fundraiser in order to raise more money for District Convention in April. We decided to try out a raffle where we buy prizes and sell tickets to people around the school for a chance to win the prizes. Since Valentine’s Day was right around the corner, we decided to make Valentine’s gift baskets. A few weeks before Valentine’s Day, Key Club officers bought movies, chocolate, hearts, stuffed animals, and other things for our gift baskets. They bought supplies for two baskets: one smaller basket and one larger basket. Our president, Daisy Doan, wrapped the gift baskets up in cellophane and made them look pretty.

ticket was drawn. It was a suspenseful moment for Key Clubbers and other students at North Crowley alike. There was a buzz around the room as Daisy drew a single ticket from each bucket. One winner was our incoming Vice President, Cheyenne. She was very excited to have won a basket. The other student that won the drawing gave his basket to his girlfriend, who seemed really happy.

Overall, this was a great fundraiser for our club. It didn’t take much effort, we made people happy, and most importantly, we turned a profit. Everyone chipped in and sold tickets, so it wasn’t a difficult task. The new officer board has agreed to do this fundraiser again next year because we Over the next couple of weeks, we liked it so much. They may even do anothadvertised on the announcements that er themed raffle fundraiser during the year we’d be selling tickets during lunch on the because it was so successful. This, along cafeteria stage for our raffle. We sold tick- with the candy boxes we’ll be selling over ets for the smaller basket for $1 and tickets the next few weeks after our spring break, for the larger basket for $2. People were will help significantly with our District Conreally excited to get the chance to win vention expenses. something nice for their girlfriends and boyfriends because this gave them an opportunity to make the day special without breaking the bank. We took down their name and phone numbers so we could let them know if they won the drawing. We held the drawing for the Valentine’s Day gift basket raffle during lunch at one of our Key Club meetings. The tickets were placed in large buckets and a single


Officer Elections

Article By: Lexi Cepak

We recently elected the 2017 officer board for North Crowley Key Club. It was a day filled with mixed emotions because it made the current officers realize that our reign is almost over. We are about to move on from Key Club to bigger things – college and hopefully Circle K. Our election was held after school at 4:10. We started by writing the names of the candidates on the board while members filed into the classroom. The chatter of both excitement and nerves filled the room as we set up the projector and got ready to start the meeting. The first people to speak were the candidates running for the office of parliamentarian. First, Iggy spoke about why he should become the club’s parliamentarian. After he finished his speech, we questioned him on why they wanted the position and what plans he had for the future. Next, the three potential secretaries ran. Then, the vice presidents ran. The editor and webmaster and treasurer and president gave their speeches. Some of the younger candidates seemed nervous about speaking in front of a crowd, but everyone did an amazing job and seemed really inspired to become a bigger part of Key Club. It was nice to see all


of the passion and drive they had to do something amazing and to become more involved. After everyone spoke, it was time to vote. We cut and handed out pieces of paper to all of the members. They were instructed to write the names of the candidates they wanted on separate sheets and to include the office of the person they were voting for. We cast our votes, then sorted the slips of paper into piles based on position, then divided those up by candidates. The classroom roared with anticipation. The officer board gathered around an empty table and counted and recounted the votes several times. Everyone traded off and counted the other piles to make sure the count was accurate. Unfortunately, there was a tie for one position. We later had to re-vote in order to decide who would become the Co-Vice President of North Crowley Key Club. After all of the excitement was over, Daisy announced the winners then made a speech about how even if someone didn’t get the position they ran for, they could still have an amazing role in Key Club and increase their involvement. Overall, it was a great day, and I’m really excited to get the opportunity to train and work with the new officer board over the next few months.


Tarrant area Food Bank th

Finish Strong Event - March

March 5 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at 2600 Cullen Street, Fort Worth, TX 76107

19th from 2:00 – 5:00 pm at Greenbriar Community Center

IHOP National Pancake Day -

at North Crowley High School from 8:30 - 10:30 am


March 8 location TBA from 5:00 7:00 pm

Cowtown Cleanup – April 2nd

ONGOING EVENTS Agape Meal: Every Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Broadway Baptist Church


Barnes & Noble Storytime: Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble

CONTACT President, Daisy Doan: Vice-President, Jordan Peyton: Vice President, Olivia Courtney:

Editor, Lexi Cepak:

Historian, Sara Al-Midany:

Secretary, Danielle Scott:

Vice-Secretary, Karen Duarte-Escobar:

Treasurer, Year Duran: Parliamentarian, Crystal Phan:

Webmaster, Vincent Berardi:

Officer At-Large, Elias Laura:


Vanessa Casta単eda, Lt.G of Division 1 South:

Rachel Iselin, District Governor:

Lily Nguyen, District Secretary:

Emily Zhao, District Treasurer:

Matthew Riley, District Editor:

Megan Reynosa, Convention Liaison:

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