The Panther Post Volume 3 // Issue 3 (July 2015 Key Club Newsletter)

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Region 7, Division 1S Volume 3 // Issue 3













Editor’s Corner Hey, Key Club! I hope you’ve enjoyed your summer. As we get closer to the school year, things will start to speed up again. Keep up the good work and enjoy the rest of your summer! -Lexi Cepak, NCKC Editor




Key Club members from the district pose for a group photo at the Camp David Social. Hello, fellow key clubbers! I can’t even begin to express how excited I am to kick off my senior year as Vice-President alongside Jordan Peyton! North Crowley had a wildly successful run last year and I can’t wait to see what else we can all accomplish as the upcoming year approaches. As last year’s secretary, I understand how much stress and time goes into making sure a club is active and organized. I applaud each and every one of you who take time to volunteer, help those in need, and make the community a better place. Don’t ever think the little things you are doing aren’t making a big difference somewhere or to someone. You are greatly appreciated! So thank you for your hard work and I look forward to seeing many of you at DCON! You’ve got this! #KeyClubIsWhereIt’sAt

Yours in service,

NCKC Vice President


Kiwanis family members participate in The Eliminate Project walk to raise funds and awareness.

C A M P D AV I D S O C I A L food was set out to be self-served, the Key Clubbers worked together to set the tables and chairs for lunch. After all the Key Clubs arrived, lunch was served and everyone gathered at the table to mingle, meet and greet, eat, and get to know one another. Once lunch was done, everyone helped clean up and prepared for the first team-building activity-Introduction. All the clubs were asked to gather in a circle, each On Saturday, July 18th, 2015, North Crowley Key Club hosted the first Camp David Social. Camp David is a camp located in

member standing next to a Key Clubber from another club and club presidents at the end of the circle. Each member introduced them-

selves, stated what school they were from, Flower Mound, Texas owned by Mr. Carrizales, and something they like. the leader of H.I.K.I.D.S., and his family, and After each member went, the next perwas generously opened to allow the Key son continued to reinforce it until the leaders Clubs to join together in a leadership camp at the end had to repeat every person’s day. North Crowley Key Club officers worked name, school, and like. It was a very fun and hard to plan a day where the Key Clubs in diffocus-centered activity to loosen everyone ferent schools and divisions could come toup and get to know one another. Once the gether to celebrate service, summer, and the Introduction was finished, the members lightupcoming year with games, team-building ened up the mood by adding a dance move activities, food, water balloons, reflections, to their introduction and the circle repeated. and much more. This created a fun and exciting atmosphere The officers and some members as everyone laughed, acted silly, and enpitched in to provide food, such as, hotdogs,

buns, chips, dip, drinks, supplies, and a variety of desserts. Officers arrived at Camp David at noon to set up and prepare the food along with Mr. Carrizales and his family. After the

joyed one another. The Key Clubbers had free time to mingle as all the clubs got closer to one another‌ (Continued on next page)

Article By: Daisy Doan


C A M P D AV I D S O C I A L finished, the Key Clubbers gathered to play giant “Jenga” and then had a water balloon fight. These activities brought everyone together as a huge family by allowing everyone to come out of their comfort zones, grow closer to one another, let loose, and have fun. As the day came to an end, all the Key Clubs gathered around the camp fire to roast Other team-building games played were “Multitask Juggling”, where everyone

marshmallows, make s'mores, and reflect on their day. Everyone shared their experiences with one another and expressed what they

had to learn to focus and juggle the ball with- enjoyed most. The Key Clubbers then were out dropping it as multiple balls were added given a sheet of paper and pen to write to the circle and “Moon Ball”, where all the

down some burdens they had to burn in the

Key Clubbers blew up a balloon, wrote a pos- campfire as a symbol of leaving those issues itive trait on it, put it in a trash bag, and made behind, and leaving the camp with a new a goal to volley it up in the air a certain

amount of times to reach their goal, then later added a water balloon to signify the power of teamwork needed to keep a “contrast” up and going in a group. These team-building games not only allowed the members to have fun, but to also teach valuable lessons about teamwork, cooperation, determination, and positivity that is needed to succeed in Key Club, officers, members, and in life. Many officers from other clubs loved the ideas and wanted to use them as “Ice Breakers” in future Key Club Meetings. Once the team-building activities were

perspective and light. Camp David was one of the most enlightening and enjoyable experiences throughout my Key Club years. It was so refreshing to see many clubs come to support and spend time together to become a greater and stronger family. I’d like to give a big thank you to Mr. Carrizales for not only allowing us to use his camp, but to also join us and help out, Ms. Newsham for coming out to support us, and all the Key Clubs that came out such as Paschal, Burleson, Birdville, and Saginaw with Division 1N’s LTG, Avalon Wolfe.

Article By: Daisy Doan


Article By: Danielle Scott

On Saturday, July 25th, I had the opportunity to be in charge of Barnes and Nobles story time while other North Crowley Key Club members attended our carwash fundraiser. I was excited to know that I would be reading a book called the “Ninja Bunny” to children that were just as excited as I was for our weekly story time. I arrived an hour early so that I would have time to set up everything for story time. I made sure that the supplies were organized for the activities and I also made sure that the chairs were properly placed in front of the stage so that the children would be able to see me while I read to them. Once I finished organizing everything, I had a few minutes left to snap a few pictures of the display of the activities. I also had extra time to walk around the store to encourage the parents to come with their child to story time. Around five minutes before the start of story time at 11 a.m., one of the employees from Barnes and Noble made an announcement that story time for children would be starting very shortly. The closer that time got to the start of story time; the more anxious I was to begin story time. As 11a.m. came, I began to read to the children. As I read the “Ninja Bunny,” I noticed



that the author of the book, Jennifer Gray Olson created a step-by-step manual for children and anyone else interested in learning how to become a “ninja bunny.” While I read to the children, I enjoyed keeping them engaged by asking questions related to the book. By asking the children questions, I felt that I was keeping the children interested and interactive with the book. I also felt that asking questions was a good way to see if the children were still following along with the story. After I finished reading the “Ninja Bunny” I announced to the children and their parents that I had a few activity sheets and a certificate for the children to work on. The activity sheets included: a maze, a coloring sheet, and a connect the dots worksheet. While the children and I were at the activity table I was overjoyed to see that they were having a great time. After the children were finished with all of their activity sheets, I had the pleasure of signing a certificate that would officially grant them the opportunity of becoming an official “ninja bunny!” Overall, I had a great time volunteering at Barnes and Nobles for the weekly story time and I’m glad that I had the opportunity to learn how to become a “ninja bunny!” I would have to say that Barnes and Noble Story Time for the “Ninja Bunny” theme was an event that will be one of the most memorable volunteer experiences I’ll have.

JULY CAR WASHES signs for the car wash because our old ones had been to many car washes and were in poor shape. When the first car pulled up, I was excited. Although I own a car, I had never washed one by hand before. The other Key Clubbers instructed me to take the sponge, dip it in soapy water, and scrub the car. Julie and I scrubbed one side of the car while everyone else scrubbed the other side. Once we were done scrubbing, Karen took the hose and rinsed the soap off of the car. We then At the early hour of 9 a.m., Key Club-

took dry wash cloths and wiped the car until it

bers set up for their car washes. On Saturday, was clean and dry. For the finishing touch, we July 25th, North Crowley Key Club had our

squeegeed the windows. Our customer was

second to last car wash at Chick-fil-A. While

very satisfied with our job and thanked us for

we waited for Daisy to arrive with the supplies, our hard work before driving away. we gathered by the Chick-fil-A and chatted

While we waited for another customer, I

with each other and chatted about recent

finished painting my second poster. I painted events. Karen jokingly inquired about whether a green car on it. Karen remarked that she or not I had celebrated tequila day on Friday. had never seen a green car before. The next While we were waiting, I was introduced to

thing we knew, a green car pulled up to our Karen's friend, a future Key Club member that car wash! This time, my fellow Key Clubbers had kindly taken time out of his day to assist taught me how to wash the wheels of the us with our car wash. When Daisy arrived, we helped her unload everything from her car. We unfolded the table and set all of our art supplies on top of it, and then we prepared our hose. Daisy went inside and had the manager help her hook up the hose for the car wash. While Karen and her friend held signs

car. The job was done quickly because more volunteers had shown up while we were waiting. I never would have guessed that cars could be fun. It was a great learning experience. I'm glad I shared it with the members of my school's Key Club.

and tried to attract customers, I painted more Article By: Lexi Cepak



Article By: Lexi Cepak

On Thursday, July 30th, North Crowley Key Club celebrated Miracle Treat day with other Key Clubs in our region at the Dairy Queen in Crowley. At 2:00, I arrived at Dairy Queen. I walked in the door and immediately found Daisy and Danielle sitting at a table. They were talking about how Danielle just got her driver’s license. I was happy to hear from them. Soon after our club arrived, Paschal Key Club came in. I was really hungry, so I got in line first. There was a long wait because everyone was visiting Dairy Queen in support of Miracle Treat day, where Dairy Queen donates $1 to Children’s Miracle Network for each blizzard they sell. I heard the people behind me talking about the chicken strips, so I ordered them. I devoured them while socializing with an old acquaintance, Paige, who is currently the president of Paschal Key Club. (Sara stealthily took a hilariously embarrassing picture of me wolfing down my chicken strips.) Soon after, Burleson Key Club members arrived. We had a great time socializing and ordering Blizzards together. I got the Oreo Blizzard, but the strawberry Blizzard and the Jurassic Blizzard looked equally as delicious.


Once everyone ordered their Blizzards, we all sat down at the largest tables we could find and took a picture together. So many people attended the Dairy Queen social that we almost didn’t have enough room to fit them all in the picture! One girl, Sue, didn’t fit at her club’s table, so we let her sit with us. She seemed really nice, and I learned that she was a Key Club editor like me, which was really neat, because there aren’t many editors in our region. We welcomed her and treated her like part of our club and attempted to take a panorama of our whole table, but a fly kept messing them up. After we finished our Blizzards, we each held our regular Key Club meetings. It was an interesting experience because we got to witness how other clubs plan for future events. Paschal Key Club brought a laptop to use to take notes, whereas our club prints out copies of the agenda and fills all of the white space with hand-written notes. It felt great to observe them as they got excited about their meetings, as I always do. After we all finished our meetings, we said out goodbyes and parted ways. Although we were hesitant to leave, we’ll all meet again on Saturday for a PCM and a pool party.

MINION TRIVIA EVENT kept mixing them up. Jordan's coloring page was super awesome and said, "Gone batty!" Sara's goggles matched Jordan's coloring page, as they both only had one eye. After they finished their coloring pages, the children sat down for story time. They listened to a story about minions while everyone organized the coloring pages and put up the crayons. As usual, the kids wiggled in their seats and couldn't sit still, so Key Clubbers suOn Friday, July 17th, at 6:00 p.m., North Crowley Key Clubbers attended the Minion event at Barnes and Noble, a part of Barnes and Noble's summer "Get Pop-Cultured" series of events. The volunteers headed over to the Storytime area. They put a poster on the wall then prepared their stations where they helped children with coloring pages and minion goggles. Daisy and her sister helped the children make their minion goggle headbands while Jordan and Sara helped with minion coloring pages. The goggles were super cute. First, the children positioned and taped the eyes they wanted to their headbands. Then, Daisy took the three black strips of paper, taped them together, and fitted them to their heads. There were lots of choices of coloring pages. The children loved them. There was a great turnout for this event, so there were more kids than there was room on the table! Jordan kept trying to organize all of the coloring pages in neat, separate stacks, but the children

pervised while a Barnes and Noble worker read the story. By the end of the coloring and story session, the kids were tired and ready to go home. When it was time to leave, at 8:00, the parents had their children thank the volunteers before they went home. After the kids left, everyone took pictures together. Jordan showed off her coloring pages, and everyone posed with the "Villain-Con" sign for a group photo. Overall, it was a great event. Everyone had an amazing time. The volunteers got service hours by having fun and being kids themselves! They had a great time socializing, getting to know each other, taking selfies, and helping kids. All of the volunteers were sad to leave, but they still had one event to look forward to: the next Barnes and Noble "get PopCultured" event, which was Dr. Seuss themed. They couldn't wait for another summer evening event, but they were sad to know that it would be the last one of the year. Article By: Lexi Cepak


D R . S E U S S S P E C TA

AC U L A R On Friday, July 31st, North Crowley Key Clubbers gathered at the Barnes and Noble Storytime table for the Dr. Seuss event. We were all excited to get to participate in the final "Get Pop-Cultured" evening event. Around 6:00, we were asked to sort various items for the crafts. We were then given our choices of booths to work. We split into pairs and each chose our groups. Jordan, LaAsia and MiAsia worked the Horton Hears a Who elephant booth, Daisy and her sister worked the Horton Hears a Who tree-making booth, Danielle and Karen worked the Green Eggs and Ham booth, and Olivia and I worked the Cat in the Hat booth. In anticipation for the event, I bought a red and white striped hat, picked out a black and white shirt, tied a red ribbon around my neck, and drew whiskers on my face, so I thought the Cat in the Hat booth would be perfect for me! Before the children showed up, I took pictures of everyone at their booths. Then, I returned to my booth and began cutting out hat shapes for the children to make their own colorable Cat in the Hat headbands.

find an alternative taping method for the hats. Luckily, my second try was successful. I loved getting to help the children with their hats, but they were afraid to let me fit the headbands to their heads. They'd hide behind their parents until they were urged forward and told that everything would be alright. After the children finished their hat headbands, Olivia played a game of Cat in the Hat Says (Simon Says) with the kids. They were very enthusiastic about the game, but their parents had to give them hints so they wouldn't lose the game immediately. When they finished the game, we gave the children word searches and tickets for a raffle before sending them off to their next station. After four rotations, the crafting part of the night was over. The kids were all handed balloons and went home. Barnes and Noble kindly offered us coffee from Starbucks before we left, which ended the night on a pleasant note.

Soon, a group of children was directed toward our booth. I excitedly handed all of the kids their hats and some crayons. When they were done coloring, I taped their hat to a black paper band and fitted it to their heads. The first had I made, sadly, flopped, so I was forced to Article By: Lexi Cepak


UPCOMING EVENTS PCM- August 8th (Cookout and

Swim Party) in Burleson from 3-7 p.m.



at NCHS from 7-8:30

SEARS BACK TO SCHOOL SHOPPING- August 15th at Sears at Hulen Mall from 8-10 a.m.

BACK TO SCHOOL BASH / MEET THE PANTHER- August 21st from 2-5p.m. and MTP from 5-7p.m.

BACK TO SCHOOL CELEBRATION WITH WALMART- August 22nd at TCC South Campus from 10-3 p.m.

COWTOWN CLASSIC- September 12th at NCHS time TBD.

ONGOING EVENTS AGAPE MEAL: Every Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Broadway Baptist Church



Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble

CONTACT President, Daisy Doan: Vice-President, Jordan Peyton: Vice President, Olivia Courtney:

Editor, Lexi Cepak:

Historian, Sara Al-Midany:

Secretary, Danielle Scott:

Vice-Secretary, Karen Duarte-Escobar:

Treasurer, Year Duran: Parliamentarian, Crystal Phan:

Webmaster, Vincent Berardi:

Officer-At-Large, Elias Laura:

21 17

Vanessa Casta単eda, Lt.G of Division 1 South:

Rachel Iselin, District Governor:

Crystal Loh, District Secretary:

Emily Zhao, District Treasurer:

Matthew Riley, District Editor:

Megan Reynosa, Convention Liaison:

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