Volume 4 // Issue 2 (June 2016 Key Club Newsletter)

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Region 7, Division 1S Volume 3 // Issue 11
















Hey Key Clubbers!

The month of June is a busy month for us all, as we have one of the biggest fundraisers - the Texas Rangers fundraiser! It was incredibly hectic, but I loved it! Remember to keep volunteering and stay safe!

-Kelly Le, Editor.

North Crowley Key Club gathered at Tommy’s Burger on June 20th to help the Kiwanians assemble bags for ACH!

Hi everyone! This summer has been a rough ride, but it’s nothing we cannot handle! Our new Key Club board has proven to put in the time and effort to do what it takes to pull through. So far, our summer has consisted of Barnes and Nobles, Agape Meal, and a few other events, but the main volunteering opportunity has been Texas Rangers. This is one of the greatest opportunities for NCKC to earn money, so don’t slack off and keep volunteering! Yours in service, NCKC Vice-President Vincent Berardi



International Convention, or ICON, is the biggest event of the Key Club year. By attending from July 6 - 10, you’ll be able to meet thousands of Key Clubbers from all over the US! You’ll get to listen to amazing speakers, learn about servant leadership, and elect next year’s International Board! In addition, you’ll get to see all of the attractions in Atlanta, Georgia. If you can’t attend, make sure to show your support by buying a t-shirt that supports North Crowley’s trip to ICON on our website, nchskeyclub.com.

Article by: Vincent Berardi Over the month of June, the Texas Rangers games offered a great opportunity for our Key Club in terms of fundraising and experience. We were offered to take control of a fast food concession stand that sold to hundreds of customers every day. All of our officers were required to volunteer at least twice, and for every day that we had a volunteer, our club would take a cut of the earnings. This made Texas Rangers one of the biggest fundraising opportunities NCKC has ever seen, and we are greatly thankful for that! Arriving at Texas Rangers proved to be difficult for us. There was a 40-minute drive along with frequent traffics, and many of our parents couldn’t take us since they had to work too. However, due to being told months ahead about the days we had to volunteer, we all managed to figure out a plan and arrive to the games on time! This proves that communication and preparation are key to a successful club and events. Initially, many volunteers were reluctant to take on Texas Rangers. This was all new to us, so the idea of having to serve food to potentially tens of thousands of customers was definitely sweat inducing. Thankfully, the Kiwanians who were there volunteering by our side helped us with whatever we needed! They guided us through the process of prepping food


and how to handle a rush, which could get extremely hectic! The work was relatively straightforward: you were either a runner, a cook, or you prepared the food. Runners brought orders to the cashiers, in which they later gave to the customers. The cook fried French fries and grilled sausages, hamburgers, and hot dogs. All food made by the cook went to the people who prepared the food before giving it to the runner.

Everyone was a cog in a well-oiled machine which allowed us to keep pace with the orders. There were certain times when the amount of orders spiked, and we were on the edge! In the end, every volunteer worked hard and fast enough for the day to be successful. When the games were finished, we cleaned up our stand in preparation for the next day of volunteering, took inventory of all of our supplies, and counted the money we earned that night! It definitely gave our volunteers experience on what work is like, and this will help us in the future when it comes to entry level jobs. It also helped advanced our communication and teamwork skills, as running a fast food stand is no easy task without working together. This goes to any Key Club - if we want to make a difference, we have to work together!


NCE prepping the food, such as hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, briskets, fries, nachos, and tenders. All of this was in preparation for the madness of the rush hour that ensued!

From June 3rd to June 26th, North Crowley Key Club participated in the Texas Rangers fundraiser. It was a mandatory event that officers who are 16 and older must attend to at least twice. This event was different from the others in the aspect that it was similar to a real job. Volunteers must arrive at Global Life Park in Arlington, also known as the home stadium of the Texas Rangers. Since I drove there, I was directed to park in Lot H, the employee lot, and then take the shuttle to the stadium. When Sandy and I arrived there, we proceeded to Stand 215, which was the stand sponsored by the Kiwanians. This event was important for us to participate in because part of the earnings that the stand made goes into our NCKC funds, so it was not an opportunity to be missed! To me, this was like a real job because of the lengthy hours we worked, which was usually eight hours. We also had to arrive two hours before the game started to begin cooking and

During the rush hour, there were hot dogs, cheeseburgers, and hamburgers being flung everywhere to the cashiers! You could hear everybody shouting orders everywhere. The back was where the all the food preparation occurred, which was where I was at most of the time. Rush hour was the most crucial part of the day because when those orders spiked, you have to do everything in your power to keep up with it! Wrapping all of those hot dogs and hamburgers proved to challenging as the demands rose. My hands were defeated at the end of the day! Working at Texas Rangers wasn’t all about hard work as we had lots of fun too! We received perks such as unlimited fries and drinks. There was also a 10 minutes break for everyone, which gave our legs and backs the much needed break. Then, at the end of the day, we had to clean everything up and prepare for the next day. My duty usually consisted of washing all of the utensils and dishes that we used, which was not very pleasant. However, despite the long hours and busyness, I felt greatly fulfilling since I know that I was earning money for my club!

Article by: Brian Tran


Article by: Sandy Nguyen This carwash was on June 19th, and it was located at Chick-fil-A on Altemesa from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. We have had many car washes before, but we made the most money this time! The benefits of carwashes for NCKC is to help with fundraising. The money that we fundraise from this will benefit our funds for conventions and projects. Due to unfortunate weather during our last carwash, we were not able to raise a lot of money. However, at the end of this carwash, we made over $100! We had lots of volunteers there helping us hold signs and wash cars. Even though we had unexpected competition across the street, I’d say we did pretty well! The weather that day had no mercy on us, and I’m certain that everybody came home with a tan. Our secretary, Andrew, kept complaining about the heat and how it gave him a sunburn, which he was not too pleased about. However, our president, Yerasly, received the worst tan! She made the mistake of wearing capris tights, which was pretty funny. Despite the overbearing heat, we still had lots of fun! We brought a speaker and blasted music while


we washed cars, and we even had the chance of getting free drinks at Chick-fil-A! Our team was greatly enthusiastic during the event as some would even yell out “FREE CARWASH” to passersby. Two ladies even gave us free tips without getting a carwash, which I thought was pretty nice of them! When we were not washing cars, I decided to chill and relax with my feet in a bucket of cold water. It felt like I was at the spa, and it was really nice too since it was over 100 degrees outside. We then decided to have fun ourselves by having a water fight! We would spray and splash each other with water. I was trying to avoid getting wet because I had my phone on me, and that was not good. On the other hand, the others were drenched in water and soap! This definitely saved us from the hot and humid heat. At around 2 P.M., we started cleaning up. We gave Chick-fil-A back their supplies and kept what was ours. The carwash was successful, and we had lots of fun! We’re planning another carwash in July, and I hope it will be even more successful!


Article by: Yerasly Duran

we will want to use in our trivia that will be held after the event has started! Once we decided what questions we will use, we prepared the answers by writing them down. Lastly, we set up the board that held all the points you may win and the names of the categories that were offered.

On Friday, June 24th, North Crowley Key Club volunteered at our local Barnes and Noble for a special Harry Potter event! We have an ongoing event every Saturday at this Barnes and Nobles. In this event, we meet up on a Saturday morning, usually from 10 A.M. to 12 P.M., and we hold a storytime for our local children in the area! We have been doing this for many years and plan to do it for many more. However, on this night, the Harry Potter Special was unique because it was held for the new book release from the Harry Potter series, which is called Harry Potter and the Cursed Child! The event started at 6 P.M., but before that, we had to set everything up! First, we started by pulling out chairs and tables. Then, we set out the theme coloring/activity sheets and all of the coloring and writing utensils needed. After everything was set up, we moved on to figuring out what questions

At approximately 7 P.M., all the Harry Potter fans started coming in to join us in this special event! I was amazed to witness some of the fans dressing up as Harry Potter characters while others just had their favorite Harry Potter shirts on. They all looked so amazing and cute! When the people started coming in, we tried to get them to enter a raffle and if they won the raffle, they would be winning 7 special Harry Potter book posters! To start of the night, we all began by coloring and filling out the activity sheets that were provided. After a while, we moved on to the next activity booth, which was the trivia. For this trivia, we had to make 4 different teams, and they all had super cool Harry Potter related team names! The competitiveness of the trivia escalated quickly, but thankfully, everybody seemed to enjoy themselves! Overall, everyone enjoyed the special night and we are all super excited for the release of the new Harry Potter book!



Article by: Tina Tran

NIGHT The White Settlement Senior Services Center hosted its annual Senior Citizen Casino Night on Saturday, June 25th, 2016. A total of 135 reservations were made with roughly 145 guests attending. Tickets were sold for ten dollars each, which included meals and $2,500 play money. To our surprise, the mayor made a special appearance! He made a special speech, and it concluded with two hours of entertainment by Richard Palomino!

Throughout the night, I was able to have quite a few heartwarming conversations with the staff, other volunteers, and guests. Everyone was incredibly friendly and insightful! One guest shared with me that this was the only time she ever got to leave her house. Through the help of the welcoming staff, she was able to break out of her comfort zone and make new friends! I felt very happy for her.

The doors opened at 5 PM, and our Key Clubbers’ duty was to serve dinner from 5:30 P.M. to 7 P.M. All guests were given salad as an entrée and the option between sausage lasagna or chicken bake ziti. Along with that, they received dessert. They had the choice to decide between a raisin cookie, chocolate chip cookie, or a brownie. Dinner ended promptly at 7, and the night officially began!

I was amazed at how many services the White Settlement Senior Services Center provides for their local residents! Their services are completely free, and it include breakfast and lunch every weekday and transportation for their residents. I greatly enjoyed my time here and would do it every day, but I unfortunately cannot. However, there are over thirty different volunteer positions available throughout the center, and they are always looking for extra help!

The first game of the night was bingo. Anyone, regardless of their age, could participate in bingo. Cards were available for purchase for $100 each (fake money of course). I participated in this game and had lots of fun! Later on in the evening, they began to play roulette. Unlike bingo, this game had a minimum age limit of 18. The roulette dealers came all the way from Mineral Wells! The last event of the night was an auction. There were multiple gift baskets with most goodies donated by local merchants. During the auction, I noticed a really cute ABC quilt that was raffled off! All proceeds went to the center’s food program.



Article by: Yerasly Duran


During the summer, we often time find ourselves with lots of spare times and are bored as a result. To combat this, NCKC has decided to dedicate our time to fundraisers! One of the ways we fundraise is by having carwashes at our local Chick-fil-A on Altemesa. Carwashes are the best during this time of year due to the intense heat, and who could turn down free carwashes! All of the money that we earn will go towards DCON and ICON. Since conventions can be expensive, we want to earn as much money as we can, so the prices won’t be such a burden! Another way that we fundraise is by volunteering at Texas Rangers with the Kiwanians! For this fundraiser we had to work the concession stand. This means that we were in charge of preparing and serving food and making sure everything ran smoothly. The games were long and tiring, but it was a great fundraiser for our club! In total, the clubs that helped out in our divi-

our division will receive 33% of the earning of the night. Later on, this 33% will be divided amongst the other clubs that volunteered that night. The percentage may be small, but the money racked up quickly since there were countless people buying from us! I am extremely proud to say that our club attended 12 out of the 13 games that we were offered! Sometimes, it was difficult to get there, or we were tired from the previous game. However, we never lost motivation and persevered through! We’re proud to help out at the games and are excited to know that because of this, we may have cut our DCON cost by a large fraction! Lastly, our final fundraising event we’re have during our summer is selling cake pops at our Back-To-School Bash! The day before the event, our members and officers would meet at our school or someone’s house. Then, we would spend the rest of the day preparing the cake pops from scratch! First, we’d make the cakes, crumble them, and wait for them to cool off. Second, we shape them into balls and decorate them with chocolate sprinkles. Finally, we wrap them and put them in the fridge to be ready for the event! This is one of my favorite fundraisers because it’s a start-off fundraiser for the upcoming school year. Furthermore, many of our members are always delighted to participate in this event. We also mustn’t forget how delicious this fundraiser is!





July 8th at 3 P.M. at SafeHaven of Tarrant County Fort Worth.

July 18th at 4 P.M. at Ronald McDonald House.



July 9th from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. at Chick-Fil-A near Altemesa.

July 30th at 8 A.M. at Sears in Hulen Mall.


BARNES & NOBLE STORYTIME: Every Saturday from 10 A.M. to 12 P.M. at Barnes & Noble.


AGAPE MEAL: Every Thursday from 5:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at Broadway Baptist Church.

B & N

CONTACTS President, Yerasly Duran: nckcpresident@gmailcom Vice-President, Vincent Berardi: nckc.vicepresident@gmail.com Co Vice-President, Cheyenne Capuchino: nckc.covp@gmail.com

Editor, Kelly Le: nckceditor@gmail.com

Webmaster, Fawaz khan: nckc.webmaster@gmail.com

Secretary, Andrew Moon: nckc.secretary@gmail.com

Vice-Secretary, Clarence ManglalIan: nckc.secretary@gmail.com

Treasurer, Jailine Contreras: nckc.treasurer@gmail.com Historian, Sandy Nguyen: nckc.historian@gmail.com

Officers At-Large, Brian Tran & Tina Tran

Parliamentarian, Iggy Previto: nckc.parliamentarian@gmail.com


Division 1 South’s LTG, Nithure Rema: ltg1s@tokeyclub.com

District Governor, Dianna Cardenas: governor@tokeyclub.com

District Secretary, Mackenzie Merbach: secretary@tokeyclub.com

District Treasurer, Leia George: treasurer@tokeyclub.com

District Secretary, Sophia Tran: editor@tokeyclub

Convention Liason, Chris Do: cl@tokeyclub.com


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