The Panther Post Volume 3 // Issue 7 (November 2015 Key Club Newsletter)

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Region 7, Division 1S Volume 3 // Issue 7














Editor’s Corner Hey, Key Club! Happy Thanksgiving I hope you enjoyed the themed events this month. I know I had lots of fun. Keep Volunteering! -Lexi Cepak, NCKC Editor




Vincent Berardi, Webmaster, shops for clothes for his bear at the Build-A-Bear Social.

Hey everyone! M sure to stay active in Key Club! I’m really thankful that we have so many new members this year because having more members means getting to impact the community in a more meaningful way! You’re awesome. Continue to volunteer throughout the holiday season! We have lots of festive events coming up!

Yours in service,

NCKC Vice President


However, our lock-in lasted from Friday evening to Saturday morning. Friday night we meet up, all staggering in due to various prior obligations like other volunteer events and work, although we all came together during the night. Saturday morning, we all woke up and made breakfast for each other; it was so much fun eating together and laughing around the table. Many of us brought food and ingredients the previous day in order to For 30 hour famine, we chose to have a lock-in at one of our officer’s houses, Jordan Peyton’s, so we could be together during the famine. It was so much fun having everyone together, playing games and talking all night long. Before we all met up, most of us went to a Dallas park carnival, where we were given over eighty pumpkins to carve during our event. They were generous to give us so many pumpkins because it was a great reward for our hard work at the carnival and our 30 Hour Famine lock-in. Although we did not have the materials, like knives, to carve them at my house, we did have many members take the pumpkins home. I had many of those pumpkins still left at my house after the members took half of them home. Although we didn’t use them personally, they went to a good cause; churches made pumpkinthemed dishes for the homeless out of them. Our 30 Hour Famine went from 12 mid-

contribute to a wonderful breakfast. Yera, our treasuer, brought bread for everyone. Daisy, our president, brought basic breakfast ingredients. Hayden and Hunter, members, brought a griddle, waffle iron and other breakfast ingredients. Other members brought extra blankets and pillows in order for everyone to be comfortable. Even after hours of hard work volunteering, we never seemed to get tired. It was amazing to have everyone together for a lock-in; we were all gathered in one room, laughing, joking around, watching videos, talking, playing games, and just having a fun time. I look forward to having another lock-in in the spring. I enjoy spending time with everyone during Key Club events, and since this is my last year as a Key Clubber, as I'm a senior, I would love to do more lock-ins like this with everyone involved. I always love doing the 30 hour famine and the ramen and I look forward to participating again in the spring.

night Thursday all the way through Saturday at 6am.

Article By: Jordan Peyton


Article By: Lexi Cepak

On Saturday, November 15th, I attended Barnes & Noble Storytime. This storytime was Thanksgiving themed to get the children ready for the upcoming holidays. We helped the children make hand -shaped turkeys for their parents. They got to decorate the turkeys by coloring them and adding festive accents like googly eyes. The children all asked for help, and our Key Clubbers were more than happy to step in and assist the adorable children at Barnes & Noble.

own origami book art at home.

After we were done making origami, North Crowley Key Club headed to the Storytime area where a worker helped us read Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, as well as other pigeon stories like The Pigeon Needs a Bath! After Elias and the worker read the books to the adorable children holding Pigeon stuffed animals, the Barnes & Noble worker taught the children how to draw the Pigeon from the books on a gigantic notepad. The chilOne child, after having finished his dren then headed to the craft area where turkey, asked me to help him make a blue they got to draw the pigeons themselves flower to give to his mother. It was the with the help of Key Clubbers. sweetest thing. He couldn’t cut out the Barnes & Noble Storytime is one of petals, so he had me cut them for him, the best events for Key Club members like and he arranged them in the shape of a myself that love working with children. I’m flower to give to his mother that was very devastated that Barnes & Noble won’t impressed with his beautiful artwork. He have any more storytimes for us to run until was an adorable kid and I really enjoyed the new year, but it gives me something to getting the opportunity to help him make look forward to, and I can’t wait until I get a gift for his mom. to volunteer there once again come the The following Saturday, I attended glorious month of January. Barnes & Noble Storytime once again. Since the other Key Club members and I got there early, the manager asked if we would like to participate in their Saturday crafts. We gladly accepted, and were taken to a table where a lady taught us origami. We learned how to make origami hearts to give to the people we love and were given free supplies to make our


BUILD-A-BEAR SOCIAL huggable. Jordan gave it a quick hug test before the bear was sewn up. After David and I went through the heart ceremony as well, we took our bears to the washing area where we and Vincent, our club’s webmaster, washed our bears and brushed them until their fur was soft and neat. Penultimately, we headed over to the naming station, where we named our bears before heading to the counter and paying for them. On Saturday, November 7th, I attended the Build-A-Bear Social in order to help make bears that will be donated to the Ronald McDonald house and contributed to our district project. When David, a Key Club member, and I walked into Build-A-Bear, we were greeted by other Key Clubbers from our region. We then carefully picked out our bears

After all of the bears had been named and paid for, we lined up for a huge group picture that included everyone that had attended the regional event. The fun was over, but there was still work to be done. After all of the bears were loaded into boxes, we transported them to Jordan’s car. They barely fit. Build-A-Bear Social is one of my favorite

from the shelves. I picked out one hypo-

events because it gathers everyone in our re-

allergenic bear and one regular brown bear.

gion together and we get to make bears that

David picked out a bear of a different shade.

will go to children. I like to imagine the happy

We socialized while waiting in line to stuff our

look on their faces when they receive a bear


on Christmas. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy

When we got to the front of the line, we watched Jordan stuff her bear. The lady at the stuffing machine told her to make a wish on the bear’s heart and seal it with a kiss before placing it gently inside the bear’s body. After

inside. I can’t wait to see the kids this year when we go door to door and hand out toys as part of our Divisional Project with Beautiful feet ministries. I’m really excited, but I’m also sad because this year is going by too quickly!

Jordan tucked the heart into the bear, the worker put the bear’s open end on the stuffing machine and filled it up until it was fluffy and Article By: Lexi Cepak



Article By: Karen Duarte-Escobar

On Sunday November 22, 2015 fellow Key Clubbers and I spent our afternoon volunteering at the Parade of lights. The event was from 4pm-8pm.What is the Parade of lights? The Parade of lights is a parade held in downtown Fort Worth during thanksgiving break. The parade is one of many fun attractions Fort Worth has to offer. At the end of the parade you will find Santa wishing everyone a merry Christmas. After being in the parade Santa moves to help light up The Sundance Square Christmas Tree. Some people say that after the parade the Christmas season has officially started. This was my third year volunteering in the parade and God willingly not my last. Unfortunately it was my last year as a North Crowley High School Key Clubber. This is my senior year I happy for the big changes but sad to leave friends and high school. My mom gave me and my friend and fellow Key Clubber, Kaylee Hernandez, a ride downtown. When we arrived we went to the Panther Pavilion parking lot to the shack to sign in. While waiting in line to sign in we ran into other Key Clubbers. When we signed in we received our shirts. Our shirts were the highlight of the day because they were a neon yellow color. I wore my shirt over my sweater because it was really cold and getting colder that night. We had to wait in a designated area until we were assigned floats. While waiting all of NCHS Key Club took a group picture. Some members weren’t able to get a shirt because they were out.


More people volunteered than expected. After about twenty minutes of waiting an event coordinator gave instructions and started numbering of floats. Kaylee and I were assigned float #74 and the pair behind us got #75. When we went to look for our float it wasn’t there neither was #75. We asked the people from #76 if they knew where #74 and #75 were. They said that they were #74, 75, and 76. After finding our floats we still had to wait about an hour for the parade to start. So some munched on food. There was a float that had a DJ and was playing music. Key Clubbers got in on dances like the cha-cha slide and the quan. We had a lot of fun dancing to pass time. Shout out to Vincent’s dancing. Before we knew it the parade was starting. Kaylee and I were moved last minute to another float that was actually #74. Apparently it was parked out of line that’s why we couldn’t find it. So the people from #76 were wrong. The float we were marshals for in the end was for 95.9 The Ranch. As parade marshals we were to instruct the driver when to speed up, slow down, stop, and go. Throughout the parade we had fun waving, dancing, cheering, and giving high fives to little kids. Within the first five minutes of the parade I found a dollar on the street. Throughout the parade our hearts got warmed from the smiles of the people in the crowd. In the end we all had a lot of fun and our feet hurt. I can’t wait for next year.


Article By: Daisy Doan

On Thursday, November 26th, 2015, North Crowley Key Clubbers spent their Thanksgiving morning volunteering at the annual Fort Worth Turkey Trot. Turkey Trot is a run and walk that raises money for the YMCA Youth Scholarship and also spreads the thanksgiving festivities. Key Clubbers arrived early in the morning at 4 am to start off by setting up. Some volunteers were assigned to help carry t-shirt boxes to the tables outside in order to pass out to the runners and walkers. Another group all gathered at large haul trucks to carry supplies out to the tables. Many volunteers from other schools and organizations were also there so everyone worked together to get the job done. Key Clubbers joined with other volunteers in forming an assembly line from the truck to the stop tables. Some got on the truck to bring the items down to the volunteers in the line and each person passed the item to the next. Many items such as gallons of water, banana boxes, and yogurt boxes were extremely heavy to carry, but with everyone working together, it made the job done easier and much more fun! Once all the items were set up, volunteers were split up into groups to be dispersed to their tasks. Some groups were assigned water stations in which they had to set up cups, pour water, and hand them out to the runners/walkers at each stop. Others were assigned route guides and clean up crew. Route guides were taken onto a truck to be dropped off at each stop in the street to guide the walkers/runners the right direction and cheer them on. The truck was packed with 30 volunteers which made the ride so much fun because everyone was trying to keep balance in a moving, packed truck. This brought enthusiasm and excitement to everyone! Volunteers were assigned 2-3 per stop and

as they were there, they would cheer on and direct the walkers and runners the right way. It was such a great feeling seeing how happy the walkers and runners got when we cheered them on wished them a Happy Thanksgiving! The smile and motivation they got continued to remind me of why I joined key club in the first place- to make a difference in the world and others. When the race was finished, many route guides joined together to walk and cheer on the last walker. This warmed my heart to see such compassion and support for others! The race came to an end and volunteers came back to help clean up. There were many yogurt boxes left so volunteers were welcomed to take some home. There were many extras, so North Crowley Key Clubbers all came up with the idea of donating them to the local homeless shelter. We all gathered boxes into our cars and headed out to Union Gospel of Tarrant County to donate the yogurt. The workers there were so excited and happy to be given yogurts and told us that the members of the community would love the yogurt. It made us feel so appreciative of what we were blessed with and made us truly thankful to be able to give back to the community, especially on Thanksgiving.



ber 11th from 6:30-9 pm at Beautiful Feet Church


21st from 9-12 or 1-5 pm at 541 North Main Street


cember 14th from 6-7 pm at Sears at Hulen Mall

DECEMBER DCM/PLACE FOR GRACE CHRISTMAS PARTY - December 12th from 1:30– 4:30 pm at Antonio’s Mexican Restaurant

VANESSA’S CHRISTMAS PARTY December 12th from 5–8 pm at our Lt.G’s House

SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING - December 19th from 10 am–6 pm at Kroger

ONGOING EVENTS AGAPE MEAL: Every Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Broadway Baptist Church



Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble

CONTACT President, Daisy Doan: Vice-President, Jordan Peyton: Vice President, Olivia Courtney:

Editor, Lexi Cepak:

Historian, Sara Al-Midany:

Secretary, Danielle Scott:

Vice-Secretary, Karen Duarte-Escobar:

Treasurer, Year Duran:

Parliamentarian, Crystal Phan:

Webmaster, Vincent Berardi:

Officer At-Large, Elias Laura:


Vanessa Casta単eda, Lt.G of Division 1 South:

Rachel Iselin, District Governor:

Lily Nguyen, District Secretary:

Emily Zhao, District Treasurer:

Matthew Riley, District Editor:

Megan Reynosa, Convention Liaison:

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