The Panther Post Volume 3 // Issue 5 (September 2015 Key Club Newsletter)

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Region 7, Division 1S Volume 3 // Issue 5













Editor’s Corner Hey, Key Club! Stay active! I’m really excited to volunteer with everyone since we have such a large, amazing group of members this year! Thanks for the amazing articles this month! -Lexi Cepak, NCKC Editor




Key Club officers pose for a group photo to be featured on NCKC’s website,

Hey everyone! Make sure to check out our new District Project, Conversation on Conservation! Conversation on Conservation is a project that is focused on maintaining, protecting, and improving our communities. It will focus on water, deforestation, and pollution. Your first task for “The Conversation on Conservation” is a local task. This task involves improving your community by cutting back on unnecessary indulgences and promoting growth of environmental awareness in your community. Also, make sure to stay active in Key Club! I’m really thankful that we have so many new members this year because having more members means getting to impact the community in a more meaningful way! You’re awesome.

Yours in service,


NCKC Vice President

Circle K International members support one another during The Eliminate Project walk.

C O W TO W N C L A S S I C marathon started. Many of the bike riders came during that time to start the fifty-nine mile marathon. Before the marathon started, most of the members went to outside to support the bike riders. There was loud music playing, and the volunteers were told that they could make song requests. The next marathon started nine o’clock in the morning. It was the forty-five mile marathon. After the marathon bikers had all pedaled away from North Crowley, we socialized with each other The Cowtown Classic event was on Sat- and waited for their highly anticipated return. urday, September 12th. Cowtown Classic is a

During the time, we danced and sang to the

seventeen annual bike ride marathon. There

music. At times, we talked to each other and

are three marathons: the fifty-nine mile mara- posed for pictures. Then, at ten o’clock in the thon, twenty-one mile marathon, and forty-

morning, all of the Key Club members came

five mile marathon. The Cowtown Classic is

back to the school to take one large group

run by the Kiwanis Club, which is like Key Club picture. for an older crowd. We woke up early – at five o’clock in

Every time a bike rider came to the finish line at the school, the person who was running the

the morning – to go to the school to help set

music would press the applause key, and the

up the tables in the cafeteria. Next, the Kiwa-

members would scream excitedly and hold

nis asked us if we could fold the Cowtown

the signs up to show the bike riders. Cowtown

Classic t-shirts for the bike riders. It took us

Classic was a fun experience. I enjoyed help-

about thirty minutes to fold all of the t-shirts.

ing the Kiwanis members, and even though I

After folding the t-shirts, some of us cut the or- woke up at four in the morning, it was worth it. anges and the bananas for the bike riders to I love how everyone helped each other by eat. Next, some of the members were asked

asking what needed to be done. Everyone

to paint signs for the biker riders. The signs

was friendly and happy the whole time, even

were to encourage the bike riders. Some of

though we were all tired. This event helped

the signs said “Just do it”, or “keep going!”

me realize that doing community service is a

At eight o’clock in the morning, the

wonderful thing. Article By: Jailine Contreras


BARNES & NOBLE STORYTIME out our second book. Vincent and Karen, along with her gang of siblings, arrived shortly after. We discussed what Key Club was all about and told the new members about our favorite things about Key Club.

On Saturday, September 19th, I attended Barnes and Noble Storytime. Since I missed Cowtown Classic because it was on the same day as the ACT, Storytime was the first event I attended after we had our first general meeting. Naturally, I was excited to meet new members and show them the ropes. I arrived before eleven o’clock and found eager new Key Club members already roaming around the store. We gathered in the Barnes and Noble, Junior section of the store, where I had everyone sign in to the event. I then asked a worker for the crayons, color sheets, and book of the week.

One member was really nervous to read to the children, so I got up on the stage and read one of the books with her. She ended up loving it. After

everyone was doing reading, we headed over to the craft area where we helped the kids with coloring sheets. They all seemed really excited about coloring, but for some reason, they always try to use the white crayons.

We try to explain to them that colAfter I got the book, we decided oring with a white crayon on top of who would read what part of the book to the children. Next, we picked white paper won’t work, but they’ll


th w

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Article By: Lexi Cepak

spend hours trying unless we take he white crayons away from them, which they’re never too happy about.

One little boy decided to pick up a ack-in-the-box to play with instead of coloring. He kept trying to open the box with his hands, but we insisted that he play with the toy the correct way. He’d otate the handle on the box cautiously, nsure of when the clown would pop out. very few turns of the handle, he’d pull his and away, afraid, but we urged him to continue. When the clown popped out,

he got up from his seat and screamed! At first we thought he was upset, but then he burst into a fit of laughter. We made him do this several times because every time he saw the clown, he had the same reaction. It was amazing. Volunteering at Barnes and Noble Storytime is always a rewarding experience. I especially loved meeting new members that seem eager to volunteer in their community. I can’t wait to see what cool things we’ll get to do this year since we have so many dedicated members!

AC H F A L L C L E A N - U P windows and doors and other things that were dirty. We cleaned the windows we could reach, and then we used teamwork to try to clean others that were too high for us to reach alone. We also cleaned the stair handles and the signs of the houses, making them look clean and look nice for when people come to visit. Additionally, we cleaned the doors, making them look as if they were brand new. Another thing we also cleaned was by the fence areas so that the outside wouldn’t I recently attended the ACH cleanup

look unkempt. We split up into groups of two

on Saturday, September 19th. The goal of this

people and grabbed trash bags, and acted

event was to clean up the homes of the chil-

as though we were having a race; we each

dren who have been neglected and abused

tried to pick up as much trash as we could get

and make the place look nice for visitors.

and then throw it away before the other team

There were so many places to clean that we


had split up into groups of six people or less. Some groups were assigned to cleaning up the playground or fixing up the volleyball court and many more things that needed work.

I really enjoyed volunteering at this event and being able to be with other Key Clubbers. Even though I had just met them, I felt like I had known them for a long time. I learned during this experience that you don't

My group was assigned to cleaning the

need technology to have a good time; all

outside of the children's home and cleaning

you need is some friends and a fun activity

around fence areas to make sure it was not

like beautifying an area in the community. I

filthy and there was no trash there. The first

really want an event like this to happen again

thing we did was clean the porches of these

in the future. I am really hoping to have an-

houses and make sure they looked clean and other event like this because it was helpful to nice to view, as well as usable for the children. the community and fun and at the same time. My group cleaned up all the kids’ things and

I learned that I enjoy doing things that benefit

put them in order and cleaned up any visible

others. Events like these make me want to stay

trash. The next thing we did was clean the

in Key Club. Article By: Diego Cadenas



Article By: Domenic Belmares

Agape Meal is an event held every

After the meal a prayer service is giv-

Thursday at the Broadway Baptist Church,

en, which none are required to stay for if

from roughly six to seven p.m. Despite be-

they wish not to, followed by a clean up. In

ing held at a church the work is kept sepa- the event of an influx of volunteers other rate from religion, with helping others being roles are created such as tea and dessert the priority, beliefs are respected and not

serving. Every visit is unique in it’s own way,

pushed upon anyone. Every visit brings new those who attend make it so. Both volunfaces and experiences, it's something we

teers and guests are kind and friendly giv-

should all try to do at least once, to directly ing a warm positive environment for everyserve those less fortunate is very humbling and gives a feeling that can't be explained in words. Starting about a month or two ago,

one. During this visit Hunter and I were joined by a number of friends including our friend and officer Vincent Berardi. To me

my friend Hunter Lewis and I have failed to

this isn't something you do for service hours

miss a meeting, it's difficult to find a reason

to get into college or whatever self benefit

not to go in all honesty, it doesn't very

you choose, it's something you do so some-

much feel like work but rather an oppor-

one else knows the feeling of having a per-

tunity to learn and benefit society, helping

son that cares about them, being able to

another is the best way to help oneself. At

share this experience with my friends and

the event one usually provides one of two

anyone who shares these beliefs is some-

services either table serving or table host-

thing I will always remember, something to

ing. The table host eats and converses with cherish and keep. the guests, making sure they feel welcome and are well fed, while providing an ear for some that may have none else to listen. Those who wish to be a table server are paired with a table host, who they regularly check up on, and occasionally other tables to make sure they stay supplied with both food and drink as well as utensils.



Article By: Sara Al-Midany

Although recycling sounds very boring and difficult, I look forward to it every month. It is one of my favorite things in key club, because the little things are the ones that matter most. We did it over two days and 4 shifts on Thursday, September 24th in the morning and afternoon, and Friday, September 25th in the morning. We didn’t have to stay the afternoon on Friday because, amazingly, we were able to get everything done in three shifts. This was largely due to the number of members that participated in this event. I have to admit that it was the easiest time ever. It's usually just 3 to 5 of us doing all the work and it takes forever. But this time we had a lot of members come and help us, so the work was easy for everyone, and we were done very quickly. We sent out an email for all teachers to put their recycling bins outside and that makes our job easier because then we don’t have to go inside every classroom and find the recycling bins. However, many teachers didn't have a recycling bin since it was the first recycling event of the year; so, we wrote their names down and we'll make sure they get what


they need before the next recycling. I really want to thank everyone who came and helped get this done faster than ever! And please try to make it next time if you couldn't the first time, because it is so much fun. I had a great time watching the new members eagerly walk down the hallway with us. They all wanted to take turns pulling the dolly we use to carry the recycling buckets, and they were all eager to get to know more about us. They each helped left the heavy recycling bins, and they had lots of fun posing for pictures as they jumped and slam-dunked the papers into the large recycling bins outside. I had a great time finding out more about the sophomores and juniors that just joined Key Club this year. One sophomore that stood out to me was Courtney Brumbalow, because she seemed really eager to dive in and help out. Overall, everyone had an amazing time. Recycling papers may seem like a boring job, but it can be lots of fun if you have a positive attitude and use the time to get to know your peers.


Article By: Lexi Cepak

On Saturday, September 26th, at Grace

party shown in movies when parents leave for

Lutheran Church, Key Clubbers attended

the weekend. They had a great time socializ-

Grace Fall Festival. At precisely ten o’clock,

ing with each other and helping out.

volunteers arrived to set up the balloon darts

While volunteers cleaned and helped booth. Once they finished blowing up balloons with tickets, Key Clubbers worked their balloon and sticking them to a board, members split dart station. It was, by far, as some members up. Some worked at the hotdog stand, some helped with balloon darts, and some helped distribute tickets. Before people trickled into the festival

claim, the most fun booth they could’ve helped with at the festival. Yerasly Duran, our club’s treasurer, handed children darts to throw at the colorful balloons. Very few were

area, some members got to spend some quali- able to pop them, but when one boy hit a balty time with the horses. Olivia Courtney, Vice

loon, he screamed! He wasn’t prepared for

President, and Elias Lara, Officer At-Large, en-

the loud popping noise that would follow.

joyed petting the horse. He was a calm horse, so they were happy the children would get to

Daisy Doan, North Crowley Key Club’s

president, also worked at the balloon dart meet him. They were sad to depart from him to booth. She handed safer, less pointy darts to go to their separate stations as the event bethe younger children, who seemed really excitgan.

ed about popping the balloons. She noted At the hotdog stand, members both

that the kids were really adorable, but they

made and sold hotdogs. Some took people’s

sometimes needed help because they could

orders while others prepared the food. For

barely even see over the table. One kid at-

some volunteers, it was their first experience

tempted to pop a balloon with his finger by

working behind a counter. They thought it was leaning over the table, but he was so small really fun, and some decided that getting a

that his arm wouldn’t even reach!

job over the summer might be a beneficial experience because of it. While some volunteers were working hard at the hotdog stand, others were helping distribute tickets. When there was a lull, they would walk around the area and make sure all of the trash was picked up. They ensured that the church wouldn’t look like the inside of a home after the notorious high school house


FALL RALLY Clubs guessed the theme before it was even reveled, they guessed it with just two clues being released! Finally at the end of meeting our 2016 DCON theme was released, our theme this year is Mission Impossible! After the meeting was over we enjoyed the rest of our day at Six Flags. The first ride we got on too was a Roller Coaster called Pandemonium. The lines to all the rides, however, were extremely long but when you Fall Rally at Six Flags has been one of my favorite Key Club events/activities we have done so far. At Fall Rally many members and officers from different Key Clubs all join together at Six Flags and attended a meeting. In this meeting we play games and icebreakers such as "Jelly Fish", "Hand and

have a good group of friends to talk to and laugh with while waiting in line for rides, the lines honestly don't seem too bad. After our first ride, we were all hungry so we headed out of the park and towards the picnic area where we all ate our lunches, played with the ducks, and just talked and got to know each

other a little bit better; there were a few new Feet", and a very intense version of "Rock, Pa- members that had attended. per, Scissors, Shoot." We also played Kahoot Once we were done eating we headin which we were asked 20 questions, some ed back to the park were we rode even questions were from Key Club and some more rides, like the pirate ship that one memweren't. The top 5 people with the highest ber almost threw up from riding, waited in score would win a gift bag, but unfortunately even longer lines, and took pictures with the none of our Key Club members won. superheroes and zombies; it was Fright Fest, At Fall Rally, the DCON 2016 theme is after all! It was such a long, tiring, but fun day also revealed! Throughout the whole meeting at Fall Rally. I really enjoyed hanging out with we were giving clues and every ten minutes my Key Club family and making even more we will hear a sound and that sound would

reveal a puzzle pieces which led us closer to our DCON 2016 theme! However some Key

Key Club memories with them. I cannot wait until next year’s Fall Rally!

Article By: Yerasly Duran



PUMPKIN PATCH- October 23rd

4:10pm-TBA at NCHS


HANGMAN’S HOUSE OF HORRORS– October 10th and 23rd at 4400 Blue Mound Rd from 5:30 pm-12am

BLOOD DRIVE- October 20th at NCHS from 1st-8th period

from 4:10pm– 9pm at Dallas Park October 24th 8:30-11am at NCHS

FALL FESTIVAL– October 24th at Greenbriar Community Center from 5-8 p.m. HARVEST FEST– October 31st at Northside Community Center from 12:30-5pm

ONGOING EVENTS AGAPE MEAL: Every Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Broadway Baptist Church



Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble

CONTACT President, Daisy Doan: Vice-President, Jordan Peyton: Vice President, Olivia Courtney:

Editor, Lexi Cepak:

Historian, Sara Al-Midany:

Secretary, Danielle Scott:

Vice-Secretary, Karen Duarte-Escobar:

Treasurer, Year Duran:

Parliamentarian, Crystal Phan:

Webmaster, Vincent Berardi:

Officer At-Large, Elias Laura:


Vanessa Casta単eda, Lt.G of Division 1 South:

Rachel Iselin, District Governor:

Crystal Loh, District Secretary:

Emily Zhao, District Treasurer:

Matthew Riley, District Editor:

Megan Reynosa, Convention Liaison:

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