The Panther Post - Volume 2 // Issue 4 (August 2014 Key Club Newsletter)

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District 7, Division 1S

Volume 2 // Issue 4

01 03 11

Hey guys! School just started, and I want to wish you all a fantastic 2014-2015 School year! As Editor, I’ll try my hardest to make it the best one yet. Although we’re all busy with school work, make sure to go to as many events as you can! It’s worth it. Good luck! Lexi Cepak, Editor.

Hometown Hero by: Daisy Doan

Hometown Hero

On Saturday, August 23rd, 2014, Key Clubbers Daisy Doan and Victor Amajor spent their morning volunteering and assisting a special event at the weekly Barnes & Noble Storytime. Normally, North Crowley Key Clubbers would plan a specific theme for each week to read and make a fun craft about, but this week had a very special and exciting event called "Hometown Hero". "Hometown Hero" was a theme created by Barnes & Noble to celebrate and educate the children on Emergency situations, EMT occupations, and ambulances. A very generous and enthusiastic EMT from MedStar appeared as a special guest to give the children informative talk, answer questions and give a tour inside the MedStar ambulance truck. Key Clubbers Daisy and Victor were given a book called "Busy, Busy Town" and "Cars and Things That Go" by Richard Scarry to read at the beginning of storytime. There were many children and parents that participated in storytime, enthusiastically asking questions and commenting on the story. The readers were adding character, voice and excitement in the readings and made the children very drawn in. After the reading, the MedStar EMT came onto the reading stage and introduced himself. He told the children about himself, his career, what he does & about safety. The children were actively asking questions and being drawn into what he had to say. One boy asked "why do lights flash on the ambulance?" and the EMT replied, "so the ambulance can get the attention of people on the road". After the discussion was over, the EMT gathered the children to head outside towards the ambulance. Key Clubbers Daisy and Victor helped guide the children in a mannerly fashion out to the ambulance and helped keep the children from running around. The manager, Mr. Brown was also involved in helping out. Once things were settled outside, the EMT came out to discuss about the ambulance and then opened up the back of the truck. The EMT gave a tour and allowed the children to hop onto the back. The children awed and gasped in wonder as they explored something incredible and new. The EMT then allowed each child one by one to sit on the gurney to get their heart rate measured. The EMT assured all the children's worries and they all came out much more informed and relieved about ambulances and safety. Parents and children both commented that they are not afraid of ambulances anymore and had such a great and informative time! Key Clubbers then helped guide the children back in to the building to pass out activity and coloring sheets. The EMT gave a last concluding discussion before leaving. "Hometown Hero" week turned out to be a wonderful success. It was a great experience for both the children, parents and Key Clubbers to get informed while also having fun in learning/exploring new things!


Dairy Queen Social

By: Crystal Phan


Thursday, August 14th, North Crowley Key Club had an ice cream social at Dairy Queen. We had the social right after another event, in which we gave teachers a special breakfast. On that particular day, it was Miracle Treat Day at Dairy Queen. This means that for every ice cream treat that we bought, $1 or more was donated to Children's Miracle Network hospitals all around the area. So, not only were we enjoying ourselves and indulging on double chocolate ice cream, but we were donating and helping out to a hopeful cause as well. At the time, there were 8 North Crowley Key Clubbers who came to the social, but more than that went to a Dairy Queen some time during the day to support the cause as well. At the social, the keyclubbers and some of their siblings sat around at a small corner booth inside a dainty little D.Q. There, we learned more about each other, captured moments together on pictures, laughed together and grew even closer. We talked about everything and did a whole bunch of fun, silly things, from watching a video of a sedated Olivia Courtney after her wisdom tooth removal to trying to capture pictures of other members while they were unaware. The D.Q. was empty when we came, but before we even realized it, the place was pretty packed, as if our positive energy had attracted them. It was nice to see so many people come and give a little to the Miracle Treat Day, whether they knew about it or not. It was a very sociable social. Some of the members even bumped into a friend that they haven't seen in years at that place. Although it didn't feel like it, an hour and a half had gone by and dairy treats were eventually devoured. It was sweet to meet up with other members after a long summer with little contact with each other and tell stories about how our summer days went. The only thing that made it sweeter was, of course, the ice cream.


Teacher Orientation Breakfast By Lexi Cepak On August the 13th, the evening before the teacher orientation breakfast at North Crowley High school, Key Clubbers gathered together to prepare breakfast burritos, eggs, and potatoes for their teachers. They put their blood, swear, and tears into making a delicious meal to welcome the teachers to the beginning of a new and amazing school year. Several hours and over one hundred eggs later, the breakfast was ready to go. They packed the food into the fridge for the next day, and went home to get a few hours of sleep before having to get up to finish preparing, and serve breakfast to teachers. At the early hour of 6:00 am, North Crowley Key Club headed to the health science* rooms to put the final touches on their breakfasts, and assure that they were hot and fresh prior to serving them. Hundreds of breakfast burritos were piled into ovens, and cooked until they were sizzling hot and perfect. The food was then carted downstairs to the cafeteria, and the breakfast feast began. Teachers swarmed over our club's food, and every last bit of it was gone before breakfast was over. The teachers raved about our breakfast burritos, thanked us for making them, and begged us for our recipe. Although the breakfast took a lot of hard work and determination to make, out club pulled it together in the end, and was rewarded by the praise of our teachers' smiling faces, as they shoved the food we made into their mouths and devoured it, before salivating over our potatoes and scrambled eggs, and gobbling them up. Overall, we were proud to have helped start off the teachers' first morning back on campus after summer a pleasant one. After everyone was done eating and the teachers dispersed, key club stayed behind to help clean up the tables and cooking supplies. We made sure to do our part, and leave the school in nice shape, since the janitors had kept it clean all summer, and we wanted it to look nice for our first day back, as well. By the time we had finished cleaning up, everyone was starving, so a key clubbers gobbled down the left over food, competing to see who could clean their plate the most quickly. After everyone's belly was full and everything we neded to do was done, the key clubbers began to feel exhausted, but their work was not done. They had another event to attend within the hour.

Key Club Car Washes

At Joe’s Pizza & Pasta. On August 16th North Crowley Key Club hosted a free car wash at Chik-fil-a from 10am-2pm. President Demi Carrion and Historian Jordan Peyton arrived promptly at 9:30am to set up. Once 10 o'clock hit, we had a total of 9 members helping out, half were holding posters to advertise our fundraiser and the others were washing cars thoroughly, decorating posters and establishing new ideas for the new key club year. Towards the beginning the process was slow until lunch time came around and we had 5-6 cars at a time! Although the day was very hot, the members worked hard and we ended up raising a total of $160.00 from donations and washed a total of 20 cars! The car wash was a great way for all members to bond and create a lively environment. Everyone had such a great time and had smiles on their face! All members were required to switch stations so all could have a rest. Chik-fil-a was a great area for a car wash, we even had people stop by just to drop donations. General member Danielle Scott states "as a member of Key Club @ North Crowley, volunteering at the carwash fundraiser @ Chick-filla was a good experience that required a lot of hard work. In the end, our hard work paid off and we were able to raise a lot of money, to put towards our club. Would I do it all over again? Yes! The car wash was an amazing time for everyone! (Demi Carrion.)


On Saturday, August 9th North Crowley Key Club held their second free car wash of the summer at Joe’s Pizza on Alta Mesa. There were a total of seven people helping out at once, some advertising while others, like our president, Demi, were sponging off cars and rinsing them clean. The guys even squeegeed car windows clean and washed the tires. As the day went on, more and more cars piled up, and everything got very busy. The longer the line, the more attention it seemed we got from cars on the road, which worked to our advantage. We ended up raising $120 for our club. (Lexi Cepak.)

Outside Chick-fil-a.

Poster Making Social

On Tuesday, August 19th Key Club got together to make Posters at Historian Jordan Peyton’s house in order to get ready for the upcoming school year. We all had a great time socializing at our poster-making social, while making cute posters for the club. Some of the members even made up corny jokes like, “Don’t be off- key! Join Key Club!” and “Wanna bee lu-key? Join Key Club!” Overall, everyone had a fantastic time bonding over the creative outlet of poster-making, and it helped make our first meeting successful, with the great turnout of having over 75 people in attendance. Having poster making socials over the summer was a great idea that made the club’s bonds stronger, even though there weren’t any general meetings.

Key Club Meet the Panther Night Meet the Panther Night, on Friday, August 22 nd was the perfect opportunity for Key Clubbers to spread the word about what we do, and gain more members. First, North Crowley Key Club got the honor of giving tours to the sophomores after sophomore orientation, which gave us the opportunity to show them where all of our Key Club meetings would be held, talk about our club, and inform them about our sponsor. Aside from it helping us get promotion for our club, this truly was a necessary task, since the freshmen attend classes in a separate campus, and coming to a larger, unfamiliar campus. Trying to figure out your schedule on the first day of school can be a daunting task, especially when there are lots of unfamiliar faces in the hall, and everyone is bustling through the halls, frantically trying to get to their next class before the bell rings. It also gave us the opportunity to befriend the underclassmen that we didn’t already know. After we finished up giving tours and sophomore orientation was over, everyone went outside to set up the Key Club booth, where Demi Carrion, Jordan Peyton, Daisy Doan, An Vu, Bernice Ogbondah, and others handed out flyers and got the opportunity to inform freshmen, juniors, sophomores, and even some middle school students about Key Club’s mission. We also had a balloon dart activity set up for those who wanted to participate in the game for an opportunity to win some candy that allowed us to break the ice with some of the potential members. The whole school was buzzing with activity. People weren’t just outside playing games, so I stayed inside and handed out flyers to those who didn’t want to be out in the Texas heat, and I successfully got quite a few people to consider joining the club, and got a few pictures for this newsletter, as well. This event is one of the bigger contributing factors that lead to our first meeting’s large attendance, so it was a huge success for the club, as well as a fun event for everyone. After making some new friends, and getting to socialize with Key Club friends, no one wanted the night to be over, but soon we had to pack up because everyone left to go to the football game later that night. (Lexi Cepak.)


The Blue Zones Project On Wednesday August 27th, North Crowley Key Clubbers volunteered at the Northside Community Center for an event Blue Zones was having. All the Key Clubbers carpooled to the community center. Meeting right after school by Ms. Laing’s classroom and leaving. We stopped to get a quick bite and were off on the road again. When we finally arrived we were greeted by Ricky Cotto and the rest of the Blue Zone members. We were given name tags to wear and told we would be running the obstacle course. At the obstacle course kids had to start with 10 jumping jacks moving on to 10 hula hoops. Then 10 side to side jumps moving on to 10 hops. Finally they had to run back to the start. During this process the kids were timed and would sometimes race others. Even Key Clubbers raced kids and had fun. “I would personally like to give a shout out to Olivia Courtney, our clubs secretary, for her great enthusiastic cheers and help to the kids.” All the Key Clubbers that attend enjoyed themselves with the kids. “I enjoyed this event because I liked seeing the kids with a big smile!” “I also enjoyed this event because it showed the kids how to stay active while having fun!” At the end we helped clean up, took a picture, said our goodbyes, and were on the road again home.” Lastly thank you Jordan Peyton, our clubs historian, for the ride and everyone that went and helped. (Karen Duarte-Escobar.)

Grace Fall Fest:

Cowtown Classic:

On September 6th at Grace Fall.

At North Crowley High School on Saturday, September 13th.

Barnes & Noble Story Time: Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. At Barnes & Noble (;


Agape meal: Every Thursday from 5:307:30 p.m. At Broadway Baptist Church


President, Demi Carrion:

Vice-President, Daisy Doan:

Editor, Lexi Cepak:

Historian, Jordan Peyton:

Secretary, Olivia Courtney:

Vice-Secretary, Karen Duarte-Escobar:

Treasurer, Elias Laura:

Parliamentarian, Bernice Ogbondah:

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