The Panther Post - Volume 2 // Issue 8 (December 2014 Key Club Newsletter)

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District 7, Division 1S Volume 2 // Issue 8













Editor’s Corner Hi, Key Club! I hope you all enjoyed your winter break! Happy New Year! Continue your great work on the projects for District Convention, which you’ll definitely want to attend (Pages 5-6). -Lexi Cepak, NCKC Editor

Happy New Years everyone! I hope all of you had a great start to the new year and stayed active during Christmas break. Big reminder that our weekly Story time at Barnes and Nobles is back on! I know many of you enjoyed this ongoing event, and if you haven’t been able to attend I would recommend members to help out atleast once before the school year is over because it is an awesome mini event. Not only does it give us a warming heart and smile to interact with children but the children also enjoy our help and enthusiasm within the stories and crafts. So be sure to attend and if any members have younger siblings tag them along! It is from 10am-12pm, the reading begins at 11am promptly, and as soon as we are done with that, the kids will be invited to make crafts. Also, DCON is just around the corner in April and this is such an exciting event! Key clubs all in the Texas-Oklahoma district will be gathering in Dallas through contests, games, and projects! DCON is a huge event and we need all the help from North Crowley Key Club members to create and elevate our projects that will be entering contests during district convention. Hope you all have a great day back at school! :) Yours in service,

Demi Carrion NCKC President


2015 Texas- Oklahoma

District Convention

District Convention, or DCON, will be held from April 9th to April 12th at the Sheraton hotel in Dallas this year. It’s a great opportunity for key club members to meet people from Key Clubs all over the TexasOklahoma district. Attendees will get the opportunity to compete in


(L - R) Lexi, Jordan and Felipe making friends at District Convention; Lexi and Jordan winning second place for their nontraditional scrapbook; North Crowley Key Club at “Aloha” event.

competitions, participate in activities and workshops, and make lots of friends. DCON is fun, exciting, and a great place to learn more about Key Club. Make sure to attend DCON and begin your service adventure! Last year’s convention was amazing, and this one is sure to be even better. For more information, please go to the district website or talk to an officer. See you there! Lexi Cepak NCKC Editor

The Jingle Bell Run was a great event filled with excitement and activities. It was on Saturday, December 6th in Burnett Park. The 5K run/walk was the nation’s largest holiday 5K race aimed to cure arthritis. In Fort Worth alone, it raised over $145,000 for the Arthritis Foundation. Before the race started, members helped set out snacks and drinks for those in the race while other members braided ribbon and helped decorate. They also got to hand out shirts and set up their information booth. Members like Ashely VanKeer even handed out real jingle bells for runners to tie to their shoe laces! Key Club members got the opportunity to give out pamphlets and information about the Jingle Bell Run before and after the race to those who wanted it, as well as information about other events like the Arthritis Foundation’s bone Bash and Walk to Cure Arthritis. They gave out information about how arthritis isn’t a disease of old age, and how two thirds of people with arthritis are under the age of 65, including 300,000 children. They told about how over 50 million Americans have arthritis, so their cause is truly one worth donating to or running for.



Article By: Lexi Cepak

When they finished setting up, giving information, and handing out t-shirts, Key Club members got to cheer on runners as they raced in the streets. Runners wore their holiday spirit in the form of Santa hats, holiday socks, and other festive apparel. Next, they got to help out with kids’ activities. Jordan Peyton, Daisy Doan, Olivia Courtney, Demi Carrion, and members of North Crowley Key Club were in charge of painting faces. Demi painted a beautiful butterfly on a little girl’s face and Jordan painted a flower on another girl’s face. They spread lots of joy and holiday cheer to kids and their parents. After that, Key Club members posed with Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus like Daisy and Danielle Lockridge (see back cover). Everyone had a great time, especially when they got to gather around a beautiful Christmas tree and take pictures. This fun and exciting event shows the true spirit of the holiday season, and will always have a special place in North Crowley Key Club members’ hearts. I’m sure everyone will participate again next year, as this event is one of the best events to set the mood for the holiday season.

COWBOY SANTAS boy or girl would be thrilled to have. To get work done more quickly, some members even made it into a competition to see who could finish off their lists the fastest without missing anything. Everyone had a great time picking out American Girl books for the girls and Transformers for the boys. Walking down isles and isles of baby dolls, stuffed pet dogs, skateboards, and Cowboy Santas is my new favorite Key

electronic cars made me feel like I was in The

Club event. On Saturday, December 20th I

North Pole. They had a wonderful selection in-

went to 541 N Main Street to volunteer, but I

cluding things all of my friends’ younger siblings

had no idea what to expect. When I arrived, I

would want for Christmas like bracelet makers

was ushered into a building full of toys. Olivia

and art kits. It was comforting to think about

helped explain to me that first, I needed to get

children that normally don’t get much getting

a list. On the list, there were the names and ag- so many nice new things. es of all of the children in a family. I was then to Envisioning the smiles on kids’ faces when pick out two books, one game, one stocking they opened their presents on Christmas mornstuffer, one arts and craft item (or a stuffed aniing warmed my heart and put all of the Key mal), and one toy for each child. I had to put Club members’ hearts in the holiday spirit. each of these things in a shopping cart, and When the event ended, no one wanted to go when I finished, I was to give it to the people home because they all felt like they were truly that bagged the presents for the families. making a difference, and like their work would I decided to partner up with Karen, our truly benefit others. We smiled for a group picclub’s vice-Secretary, and we had a wonderful ture and then we had to depart from the wontime picking out presents for all of the families. I derland of toys, although we were all relieved felt like Santa Claus when I double checked my to know that we could come back on the follist and made sure that there were toys for eve- lowing Monday. ry boy and girl in every family—toys that any

Article By: Lexi Cepak







ONGOING EVENTS AGAPE MEAL: Every Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Broadway Baptist Church



Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble

CONTACT President, Demi Carrion:

Vice-President, Daisy Doan:

Editor, Lexi Cepak:

Historian, Jordan Peyton:

Secretary, Olivia Courtney:

Vice-Secretary, Karen Duarte:

Treasurer, Elias Laura:

Parliamentarian, Bernice Ogbondah:

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