The Panther Post - Volume 2 // Issue 12 (April 2015 Key Club Newsletter)

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District 7, Division 1S Volume 2 // Issue 12














Editor’s Corner Congrats to everyone for helping us win first place for the non-traditional scrapbook, second place for our newsletter, and third best club in the Texas-Oklahoma district! Jordan and Sara are getting ready for International convention because of all of our hard work! Keep it up, Key Club! -Lexi Cepak, NCKC Editor

I'm Daisy Doan and I'll be your new 2015-2016 Key Club President! I'm very excited, (and a bit anxious), for this upcoming year because I want to lead and provide the best for our club and all of Key Club. With the support of all the officers, members, Kiwanis, friends, and family, I am sure that this year will be a success. I'm very excited to implement new ideas and receive new ideas from everyone to strengthen our service and club. One of my main goals is to create unity and a "family-atmosphere" within our club so everyone can feel at home and comfortable with one another. This way, our communication, participation, and club will be much stronger! I'm looking forward to meeting new members, as well as getting to know current members this upcoming year and I hope to provide the best service to you all. I hope everyone has a great and successful end of school year Yours in service, Daisy Doan NCHS Key Club President

L to R: Sara Al-Midany, Julie Tran, Jordan Peyton, De place non-traditional scrapbook award, third best clu


emi Carrion, Lexi Cepak, Daisy Doan, Danielle Scott, and Ms. Laing at District Convention with their first ub award, and newsletter award.





This has truly been one amazing year of Key Club. It is with sadness and with joy that I bid farewell to 20142015 President, Demi Carrion, and Parliamentarian, Bernice. These two girls are truly extraordinary individuals. Together, they helped make North Crowley Key Club truly amazing. Without their hard work, we wouldn’t have become the third best Key Club in the Texas-Oklahoma district. I am sad to see them leave, but I know that they will impact the world in great ways with their future pursuits. We will all deeply miss their smiling faces, cheerful personalities, and their dedication to service, but we know that they will continue to make the world a better place because of their ability to step up to challenges and face them, and their dedication that allows them the ability to succeed. Both Demi and Bernice are remarkable people and role models to us all. I can’t wait to see how they’ve influenced the world within the next ten years.



On Saturday, April 4th, Daisy Doan and other members of Key Club helped

Daisy Read Little Bunny Foo-Foo and Betty Bunny Loves Easter, then she taught th

paper and toilet paper rolls to make their own Easter bunnies. First, they covered

tively colored construction paper. Then, they glued pre-cut ears and googly eye

pleted the faces with marker and decorations of their choice. The kids had a gre

members enjoyed interacting with them, as always. Barnes & Noble Storytime alw

since I love working with kids. This event was a great way to get children and Ke er spirit.



children make Easter crafts.

hem how to use construction

d the toilet paper rolls with fes-

es to the bunnies. They Com-

eat time and the Key Club

ways brings joy to my heart

ey Clubbers alike into the East-


My experience at DCON is definitely something I will always remember as one of the best weekends of my life. Since it was my second year to attend DCON, I already had an idea of how scheduling, contests and awards will go, which made the whole process of getting prepared for the convention even more exciting. I was able to see familiar faces from the previous year, spend quality time with my group and just reunite with my entire key club family. DCON was unbelievably amazing, not because of the amount of rewards and recognition everyone received, but because everyone treated each other as family, which is why DCON was the best weekend of my life. As a key club member for 3 years, I have learned to acquire organizational and management skills because it was my duty as President to keep the club on task and active. But attending DCON made me learn so much more than just organization and responsibility skills. I learned of so many service projects and fundraising ideas that I never would imagine being very successful for clubs. There are abundant amounts of ideas for key club groups to participate in that I wish I could’ve looked into. Because of DCON, I was able to gain people skills and was able to work on projecting my voice. Every event I attended I was able to meet a new friend or was given the opportunity to speak my opinions and ask questions. Not only am I able to apply these to my key club life but my general life as well. Key club given me the greatest opportunities to better myself as a

Article By: Demi Carrion

student and leader; therefore, these skills I have gained from DCON will only make me more wise and confident as a leader. During convention, I attended multiple forums which were all completely organized and some were very encouraging such as the CMN Project. I appreciated the fact that many students and adults took time out of their weekend to create informative and honest projects, which allowed members to fully understand/relate to our guests and district officers. Adding on to that, I found the opening session greatly entertaining. I was able to marry my Vice-President, Daisy Doan, in which members donated a quarter for every marriage proposal being acted upon. From the donations within the marriage booth, TO Key Club ended up raising over $500 to donate to the United Nations Children’s Fund. Besides the marriage booth, our club was also able to throw our baby historian dinosaur, Jordan Peyton, in the animal cage in which she had a fabulous time singing Meghan Trainor’s “All About That Bass” and Nicki Minaj’s famous hit “Anaconda.” I have never seen a larger group that was more proud and happy to represent their clubs, and I am honored to have attended DCON 2 years in a row. It was such a bittersweet experience for me and I will always remember everyone having a smile on their face, while being wrapped around in toilet paper because Collin Gonzalez wanted everyone to display a dinosaur act


SOUTHWEST HIGH SCHO spell on the older sister, then invited them both to lift up a box that was sitting on the table. The little girl, miraculously, was able to lift the box from the table, but her older sister was not. She was baffled by her little sister’s strength. That box just did not want to move! It was amazing. For another trick, the magician called a boy onto the stage. He asked him to pick a card and had him tear off the corner. The boy kept the card. A basket with a snake inside This month, on April 24th, North Crowley Key Club attended the Southwest High School

was then wheeled onto the stage by the magician’s assistant. The boy was told to tap on the table three times to awaken the snake, who

Magic Show in order to support their local Kiwa- would miraculously give the boy a matching nis Club. Due to inclement weather including card. The boy tapped on the table three times lots of rain, high winds, and the threat of a tor-

nado, only a small group of people attended, but everyone had fun nonetheless. Our only job was to keep the kids off of the stage unless they were chosen out of the

and the (plastic) snake went flying up into the air! It did, indeed, have his card, but the amusing part was hearing the audience scream surprise a fake snake. For the magician’s final trick, he got a girl

audience to help the magician with his tricks, so to sit on a magic carpet resting on top of a Key Club members got to watch a fascinating platform. He then asked the girl to believe that magic show. The kids had a blast. Their minds were blown as coins were pulled out of their

she was floating and removed the platform

from underneath her. He even passed a hula ears. Coins were found in their hair and even in hoop over her to ensure us that she actually their hands when they reached into the air and was floating. The girl seemed just as surprised wished hard enough.

as the audience.

One of my favorite tricks was where the

Going to the magic show was a lot of fun magician selected two girls from the audience. for Analiese and I. I can’t wait to support KiwaThey were sisters, one older and one younger. nis again next year by attending their annual The magician told the younger sister that her older sister would no longer be stronger than

magic show!

her as soon as he cast a spell on her. He cast a Article By: Lexi Cepak




By: Lexi Cepak

Once again, at the end of the month, Key Club helped their school by recycling all of the paper wasted by teachers and students at North Crowley High School. They collected and carried buckets of recycling to the recycling bin behind the school. Together, they recycled over 100 pounds of paper and had fun doing it! Sara, Karen and Jordan all had a great time bonding over recycling, evident by the big smiles in their pictures. They may have even pushed each other down the hallway in the recycling carts a few times. Members came together before school and after school to contribute. They bonded with each other and helped the planet at the same time. This event is a truly rewarding one, both because it leaves your muscles sore from lifting the recycling up to the opening in the large recycling bin, and because it leaves you with a sense of fulfillment. You know you’re helping the world and that you’re doing something worthwhile. In 2010, Americans recovered 63.5% of U.S. paper, but threw away $2.8 billion dollars worth, enough to cover 26,700 football fields (Keep America Beautiful). Together, we’re working to decrease the amount of paper waste in our school and community.



By: Lexi Cepak

On Saturday, April 4th, North Crowley Key Club got together to make food for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. They gave families the home-cooked meals that help them feel comfortable. They had fun making tacos and other fun foods to serve the one hundred or so people that are staying there. This was the first time most members had been to the Ronald McDonald House of Hope, but they thoroughly enjoyed their experience. Destiny Salcido, Jordan Peyton, Emily Briones, and Sara AlMidany bonded with other volunteers from the Fort Worth area while serving their community. These “meals from the heart” helped keep families healthy and happy. The Ronald McDonald House of Fort Worth served 567 meals to families in 2014, and North Crowley Key Club plans on helping this number grow. It was a fun experience that everyone enjoyed and will likely never forget. They got to cook healthy meals that would give them a sense of fulfillment rather than the feeling of guilt that usually comes along with eating delicious food. We look forward to participating in this event again and strengthening the bonds of our Key Club in the Ronald McDonald House of Fort Worth’s kitchen.

UPCOMING EVENTS MAYFEST– May 2nd & 3rd at Trinity Park


May 9th at Wilkinson Grinds Athletic from 1:30 - 2:45 or 3:00 4:30.


22nd at the North Crowley High School Field from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY May 23rd from 8 a.m. -12:30 p.m. in Granbury.

STC - May 16th from 9:30 - ? At


Arlington High School.

May 30th from 12-5 p.m. at JA Hargrave.

ONGOING EVENTS AGAPE MEAL: Every Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Broadway Baptist Church GROUP DAY TBA



Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble

CONTACT President, Daisy Doan: Vice-President, Jordan Peyton: VicePresident, Olivia Courtney:

Editor, Lexi Cepak: Historian, Sara Al-Midany:

Secretary, Danielle Scott: Vice-Secretary, Karen Duarte-Escobar:

Treasurer, Year Duran: Parliamentarian, Crystal Phan:

Webmaster, Vincent Berardi: Officer-At-Large, Elias Laura:

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