FORTUNA IRON 2832 Old State Hwy• Fortuna CA 95540 (Across the highway from Hansen’s)
Tourism Maps at Visitor’s Center RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL CUSTOMIZATION CUSTOM WELDING & FABRICATION Gates, Railings, Stairs, Custom, Ornamental Iron, Lumber Racks, RVs, Trucks, Trailers and Heavy Equipment Repair CERTIFIED WELDING Punching, Shearing & Forming, Structural Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminum
Build to edge of the document Margins are just a safe area
The store that still measures your feet
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Mon.-Fri. 9-5 Sat. 10-3 465 N. Fortuna Blvd, Fortuna
726-7745 • 10
otus Mountain recently designed and installed five graphics on the windows at the Fortuna Chamber office as part of a project by the Chamber’s Tourism & Marketing Committee and funded through Measure W. Each window shows a different area in Fortuna featuring restaurants, banks, retail stores, gas stations, hotels, and public facilities for tourists to explore. By scanning the QR Code with a smartphone, visitors will be routed to the Fortuna Chamber website where they will find information on each area with links to the businesses. Additional businesses not shown on the map that are not in the tourism & hospitality industry will be listed on the website. While we cannot include every business license holder in the city (there are over 700!), our intent is to include those businesses and services that tourists and new residents to the area would find helpful. If your business is not currently a Chamber member, but you would like to be featured on our website, give us a call at the office at 725-3959.
Since 1931 (707) 725-3316 210 12th St. Fortuna CA 95540