10 minute read

Assessment 2 Details: Start up Pitch (50

This assessment requires you to deliver an individual presentation outlining your full solution which you have been developing across Semester 2. You should provide details of your sustainable business model and cover marketing and social media, your sales strategy, financial sustainability, intellectual property and legal considerations, founder skills/talent planning, as well as any further marketresearch that was conducted in Semester 2. Your presentation should last 15 minutes, and you should prepare to respond to Q&A from the assessors for a further 10 minutes.

You must also provide a Supporting Appendix which provides additional information to that offered in the presentation. The appendix is an opportunity for you to offer further details which have been explored, but which are not essential to cover in the presentation due to the time constraints. This means that you need to decide what the most important information is to include in your verbal presentation, and then supplement your presentation with anything else that you would like to demonstrate to the assessors that you have considered. An essential requirement of this Appendix is your reflective log which evidences your 25 hours of learning activities.

NCL2100: Semester 2 Assessment Criteria

Further market research

(10%) Fail 0-39

There will be no evidence of further market research from Semester 1.

Third 40-49

There will be highly limited evidence of any further research from Semester 1.

2:2 50-59 2:1 60-69 70-79



There will be evidence of some further market research building on what you learnt from your target market from Semester 1. You will use this research to justify a few of the business model decisions you have made such as branding choices or marketing techniques.


There will be evidence of good further market research building on what you learnt from your target market from Semester 1. You will use this research to further validate your idea and justify some of the business model decisions you have made such as branding choices, marketing techniques, You will outline further detailed market research that has been undertaken in Semester 2 in order to validate your idea and sense check the business model that you have built around your solution.

This may include things such as: evidence gathered from conversations In addition, you will outline highly impressive multi-level market research (more than one round of primary research) which builds on your understanding of your customer’s problem.

Marketing and social media


There will be no evidence of an attempt to outline a marketing and social media strategy. There will be no evidence of a sales strategy. You will have a poor marketing and social media strategy which feels unclear or mismatched to your idea or target

Sales strategy


audience. There will be a poor sales strategy which will feel unclear or mismatched to your target market. You will have a marketing and social media strategy which is demonstrated through visual examples of your ideas although these will be minimal. There will be an attempt to include goals with this strategy, but they may feel confusing or misjudged. There will be a sales strategy which will outline your sales channels and the tactics you intend to employ to convert sales methods, and



You will have a clear marketing and social media strategy which is demonstrated through visual examples of your ideas and how they would work in practice. The strategy will include goals and success metrics.

There will be a good sales strategy which will outline your sales channels and the tactics you intend to employ to convert with suppliers and competitors, investigations into competitor business models above and beyond your original competitoranalysis, further insights gained from new conversations with your target market to learn more about their problem, or the ways in which they would like to engage with your solution, marketing and branding primary research or testing a prototype with your target market. You will have a strong marketing and social media strategy which is demonstrated through good visual examples of your ideas and how they would work in practice.

The strategy will include clear goals and relevant success metrics. There will be a strong sales strategy which will outline your sales channels and the tactics you intend to employ to convert In addition, you will be able to outline a return on marketing investmenttimeline.

In addition, your sales strategies will be highly original and you will include an action timeline of how exactly you will ensure

Financial sustainability


There will be no financial sustainability considerations.

Intellectual property and legal considerations


There will be no evidence of a consideration of intellectual property. There will be a limited consideration of how you intend to be financially sustainable. There may be incomplete information or errors.

There will be an outline of which legal structure you intend to base your business on. This may be too vague or an inappropriate form to select. your target market into paying customers.

There will be an attempt to include goals with this strategy, but they may feel confusing or misjudged.

There will be some consideration of how you intend to be financially sustainable. This may include things such as a startup costs analysis, and/or a consideration of fixed and variable costs.

You will outline options for how to raise the initial funds for your idea and have a pricing strategy, but these may seem like unrealistic ideas which would fail to make your finances sustainable if put into action.. There will be an outline of which legal structure you intend to base your business on. This may be lacking in detail or not the most appropriate form against your idea.


your target market into paying customers.

The strategy will include goals and success metrics.

There will be a good outline of how you intend to be financially sustainable. This will include a start-up costs analysis, and a consideration of fixed and variable costs.

You will outline options for how to raise the initial funds for your idea and have a pricing strategy which could make your idea financially sustainable. There will be a good outline of which legal structure you intend to base your business on. There will be a clear intellectual property (IP) section which your target market into paying customers and encourage them to become repeat customers.

The strategy will include clear goals and relevant success metrics. There will be a strong outline of how you intend to be financially sustainable. This will include a detailed start-up costs analysis, a consideration of fixed and variable costs and how you intend to balance these costs.

You will outline how you intend to raise the initial funds foryour idea and have a well thought through pricing strategy which would make your idea financially sustainable. There will be a clear outline of which legal structure you intend to base your business on. The choice selected will be the most appropriate form. to meet your sales goals.

In addition, you will have a clear and realistic break-even

timeline. In addition, you will outline how yourIP will strengthen your competitive advantage.

Founder skills / Talent planning


Presentation quality


There will be no evidence of a consideration of the existing foundertalent or what/who else would be needed to drive your idea forwards. The communication skills will be extremely poor. The speaker will be hard to hear or understand and the information conveyed will be hard to follow. There will be an intellectual property section which is severely lacking in detail or which

includes errors. There will be a vague consideration of the existing foundertalent within your business. There will be roles allocated which appearmismatched and there will still be prevalent skills gaps which have not been considered.

The presentation will be appropriately designed but poorly delivered. Itwill be clearthat the presentation has not been rehearsed.

There will be poor communication skills throughout with a lack of appropriate pacing and volume and There will be an intellectual property (IP) section which either outlines which types of IP you would need to pursue but lacks detail, or attempts to justify why you would not need IP protection without successfully convincing the assessor that this is correct.

There will be some consideration of the existing foundertalent within your business and which role/s you will take on to drive the idea forwards. This may seem unrealistic or there will still be prevalent skills gaps which have not been considered. The presentation will be appropriately designed and delivered. It may appear that the presentation has not been rehearsed.

There will be a mix of communication skills throughout with some appropriate pacing and volume and


outlines which types of IP you would need to pursue.

There will be a wellconsidered founder skills audit which will underpin your talent strategy. This will be honest and realistic with an outline of individual roles and what/who else is needed moving forwards.

The presentation will be well designed and confidently delivered. It will be obvious that the presentation has been rehearsed.

There will be good communication skills overall with appropriate pacing and volume and There will be a strong intellectual property (IP) section which outlines which types of IP you would need to pursue and includes an action plan for how you would do so.

There will be a strong founderskills audit which will underpin your talent strategy. This will be honest and realistic with clear roles for each existing team member and specific recruitment aims/considerations of how to fill skills gaps.

The presentation will be professionally designed and confidently delivered. It will be obvious that the presentation has been well rehearsed.

There will be strong communication skills with varied tone and pitch, appropriate pacing and volume In addition. your talent strategy will demonstrate true originality of thought.

In addition, the presentation will flow with ease and it will be obvious that this has been exceptionally well rehearsed. The presentation skills will be consistently excellent, and the content will be persuasive.

Supporting Appendix quality


There will be highly inappropriate slide design –lacking key information, or completely overloaded with information. There will be no consistent theme to the presentation slides. There will be no appendix. negative body language.

The presentation slides may be overloaded with information, include errors, or lack a consistent theme/style throughout. The appendix will be difficult to engage with due to its unorganized layout. It will provide highly limited further evidence of research, knowledge and understanding against each element of your business model, or some elements listed below may be completely missing: • marketing and social media • pitching and selling • financial sustainability • intellectual property considerations • team dynamics / positive body language.

The presentation slides may be overloaded with information, include errors, or lack a consistent theme/style

throughout. The appendix will be easy to engage with due to its simple layout.

It will provide limited further evidence of research, knowledge and understanding against each element of your business model: • marketing and social media • pitching and selling • financial sustainability • intellectual property considerations • team dynamics / talent planning


positive body language.

The presentation slides will not be overloaded with information or include obvious errors and there will be a consistent theme/style throughout.

The appendix will be easy to engage with due to its simple layoutand will be well designed.

It will provide some further evidence of research, knowledge and understanding against each element of your business model: • marketing and social media • pitching and selling • financial sustainability • intellectual property considerations • team dynamics / talent planning and positive body language including eye contact with the assessors.

The presentation slides will not be overloaded with information or include errors and there will be a consistent theme/style throughout.

The appendix will be professionally designed and mirror the theme that was used in the presentation.

It will provide good further evidence of research, knowledge and understanding against each element of your business model: • marketing and social media • pitching and selling • financial sustainability • intellectual property considerations • team dynamics / talent planning In addition, it will provide extensive evidence of research, knowledge and understanding against each element of your business model and will be appropriately referenced with references that go above and beyond the material of the course.

talent planning any further market research.

It will be lacking references and contain major errors.

It will include your reflective log of 25 hours of learning activities. any further market research.

It will be appropriately referenced butwill contain many minor errors.

It will include your reflective log of 25 hours of learning activities. any further market research.

It will be appropriately referenced and will contain few errors.

It will include your reflective log of 25 hours of learning activities. any further market research.

It will be appropriately referenced and will not contain errors.

It will include your reflective log of 25 hours of learning activities.


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