Family Matters December 2013

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Family Matters


Inside this Issue:

Teen Council Spreads Across the State Joint Servies Support Why Join? Unit Events For Families

National Service Internship Program

Project YES! is a national service internship program dedicated to providing quality youth development programs to children and youth of military families. Project YES! invites college students to join in meeting the needs of military families facing deployment. Created in response to the growing needs of military families, Project YES! provides youth development programming throughout the entire deployment cycle. While parents or guardians participate in Yellow Ribbon or other military support programs, children experience youth development programs and activities lead by Project YES! interns.


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National Service Internship Program Project YES! Interns: + Volunteer for a one-year commitment + Receive training in leadership, youth development, group facilitation, and project management + Travel to various locations, nationwide + Work with professional mentors + Deliver hands-on, engaging, interactive, and fun youth programming to children and youth ages 6–18 years old + Complete a career-enhancing project related to their specific area of interest

If you are interested in becoming a Project YES! intern, contact: Project YES! North Carolina State University 512 Brickhaven Drive Campus Box 7606 Raleigh, NC 27695 James C. Johnson, Director (919) 513-3165

Visit Project YES! at

This material is based upon work supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Office of Family Policy, Children and Youth, U.S. Department of Defense, under Award No. 2009-48667-05833 and developed in collaboration with North Carolina State University.

Contents NCNG TEEN COUNCIL Make the Connection

07 Tricare & The Affordable Care Act Learn how new health care reform impacts Tricare

08 Joint Services Support (JSS) JSS contains a wealth of information, most only accessible with a user account. Take advantage of the tools, email campaigns and more with your registration.

10 Army National Guard Soldiers and Families have a way to find tools, topics, and resources on health and medical readiness.

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Avoid Holiday Weight on your Finances

Personal Financial Counselor Chip Jurgensen gives some tips on how to give during the Holidays without breaking the bank.

13 Part 3 of a 6-part series on FRG Fundraising

Get the FRG Fundraising Tips you need to keep your group running smoothly and by the book, while working to accomplish your Unit's goals for Families.

14 Holiday/Unit Events Check our listing of upcoming holiday events, and stay tuned on Facebook as more events come our way.

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Your All-Access Pass to Support

Family Programs Staff stand ready to help answer your questions and connect you with the resources you may need.


When Everyone Plays A Part

The Charlotte Family Assistance Center (FAC) held what they called the "Thanksgiving Community Dinner and Celebration" Organizations. who helped make the dinner a success includ: the American Red Cross, the USO, American Legion Post 261, Johnson & Wales University, Honey Baked Ham, AMJ Catering, Your Dream Day Planning & DĂŠcor, Riverwood Worship Center

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Youth Group, and West Charlotte High JROTC.

ON THE COVER: Sgt. 1st Class April Smith, Mobilization-Day (M-Day) Non-Commissioned Officer In-Charge (NCOIC) at the Joint Force Headquaters, (JFHQ) Education Services Office (ESO), poses for a photo with her new born son, Christian James Smith. Photo by Smith's sister, Mrs. Heather Adkins.

Do you have a photo that would be great on the Cover of Family Matters? Email a photo you have persmissions for to with a description of the photo and who took the picture.

Happy Holidays! It is hard to believe that we’re planning for the Holidays AND bringing another year to a close! Where did the time go? This is always our busiest and most fun time of the year. This is the time that we get a chance to reach out to our Military Families and hear from many of our Community Organizations and benefactors who want to say “Thank You” to you. The Holidays allow our Benefactors that special opportunity to show you that your service doesn’t go unnoticed. We receive support that gets passed on to you like the Annual Spouse Pamper Day, put on by Fairway Ministries and Celebration Family Church; or the Holiday in the Hangar event with RDU and the USO of NC; or the Angel Tree that is set up at JFHQ and many of our Soldiers/Airmen choose a National Guard child to support at Christmas. This time of year is also when many of our Units bring their Soldiers and Family members together for a Unit Family Day. It’s a great time to enjoy a meal together, laugh, and catch up. We would also like to say ‘THANK YOU’ to all the individuals and Organizations that partner with us to help support those in need, at the Holidays and always. Even though we’ve gone through Furloughs, a Shutdown and October cancellations, North Carolina’s communities continue to show us that no matter what we face in Military Life, we are not alone. With the aid of very generous Benefactors, we were able to pull together our Turkey Express again this year.


As in the past, Military children were invited to create a Christmas ornament to be placed on 1 of the Christmas Trees in the Governor’s Mansion. There are opportunities for Private Tours of the Governor’s Mansion and many that open to the public. If you would like to participate in one of those, please look for the information on how to get signed up on our Website. We want to wish you and your Family the very best.. great times, fun memories and more. We want encourage everyone to be mindful of not “Breaking the Bank”. The most special Gift is always the time you give to each other. For those of you who have a Service member currently deployed, we’d like you to know that you’re always in our thoughts and prayers, along with your Loved Ones. We here to support you though the Holidays and always. As you take a look through this edition of Family Matters, please note the many FREE resources available to you, from Legal Assistance to a Personal Financial Counselor. We’re always here to answer questions about child care and activities, as well. Please look around your Community or local Churches for a Holiday event in your area. There are some amazing activities happening in your own backyard. I want to wish each and every one of you a VERY Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year. If you need any assistance, please contact your local Family Assistance Center. Be safe, and we’ll talk to you in 2014!

Diane Coffill

FA MILY MAT T ERS De ce mb e r 2013 Dia n e C off il l S t a t e Fa m il y P rog r a m Direct or d ia n e. l . coff il l . civ @ m a il . m il ( 919) 664- 6324 M S G R a m on a S cot t Fa m il y P rog r a m s S pecia l is t r a m on a . k. s cot t . m il @ m a il . m il ( 919) 664- 6000 E x t . 47005 S G T Ta m m y Fow l er Fa m il y P rog r a m s A s s is t a n t t a m m y. l . f ow l er. m il @ m a il . m il ( 919) 664- 6000 E x t 46876 L a n a G reer S t a t e FA C C oor d in a t or l a n a . m . g reer. ct r @ m a il . m il ( 800) 621- 4136 E x t . 11667 Ter r y H en d er s on Ai rma n & Fa m il y Rea d in es s P rog r a m M g r. t er r y. h en d er s on @ a n g . a f . m il ( 704) 398- 4949 A l ice Dea n L ea d C h il d & You t h C oor d in a t or a l ice. c. d ea n . ct r @ m a il . m il ( 800)621- 4136 E x t 12183 Kr is t i Wa g n er You t h C oor d in a t or kr is t i. l . w a g n er 4. ct r @ m a il . m il ( 800) 621- 4136 E x t . 14761

NC National Guard and Families first line of Defense Call the Behavioral Health at

1-855-322-3848 About Family Matters Family Matters was created to provide Servicemembers and Families the most up-to-date information and services available. If you would like to contribute to future issues, or if you have suggestions and comments, please contact the NCNG Family Programs Marketing and Communications Department personnel, Angelena Dockery or Kathryn Jarvis, at E-Versions of Family Matters can be downloaded at the NCNG Family Programs webpage at References in this newsletter to any specific commercial products, processes, services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCNG Family Programs.

A n g el en a Docker y M a r ket in g & C om m u n ica t ion s Ma n a g er s a l l ie. a . d ocker y. ct r @ m a il . m il ( 919) 485- 9570 Ka t h r y n Ja r v is M a r ket in g & C om m u n ica t ion s Ma n a g er ka t h r y n . a . ja r v is . ct r @ m a il . m il ( 919) 485- 9571 Ju d y R ich a r d s on S en ior FR S A ju d it h . r. r ich a r d s on . ct r @ m a il . m il ( 800) 621- 4136 E x t . 11346

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OPEN Winston Salem Area 3 December 2013 Calvary West Campus 155 Commerce Dr. Advance, NC 27006

Charlotte Area 5 December 2013 Charlotte NG Armory 4240 West Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28208

HOUSE Events

Wilmington Area 10 December 2013 Wilmington Armory 2412 Infantry Rd. Wilmington, NC 28404

Assume a leadership role... Get in on the ground stages!!

Where are they Now? Trey Cook, former NCNG Triangle Teen Council member, is now a freshman at East Carolina University Honors College majoring in biochemistry. As part of the Honors College, students participate in various research projects and service initiatives. Currently students are working with an ECU managed research partnership called Operation Reentry. Operation Reentry and the ECU Honors College are designing a rover van that is intended to provide medical care to homeless veterans in eastern North Carolina.

Our Triangle Teen Council is going strong and we're looking to expand across the State. You are invited to attend upcoming December Triangle Teen Council Meeting and "Open Houses." All our meetings are from 5:30pm - 8:00pm Dinner is provided For more information and to RSVP, please contact: Alice Dean Lead Child & Youth Program Coordinator Phone: 800-621-4136 ext 12183 Email: 6 

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NCNG Triangle Teen Council Meetings

Tuesday 17 December 2013 Wake County Extension Office 4001 Carya Drive Raleigh, NC 27610

The Affordable Care Act, also known as the health care reform law, requires you to maintain basic health care coverage—called minimum essential coverage. Beginning in 2014, if you don't have minimum essential coverage, you'll have to pay a fee for each month you aren’t covered.

Tricare & The Affordable Care Act Plans that are Minimum Essential Coverage

If you’re using any of the following health plans, you have the minimum essental coverage required by the health care reform law. Unless you’re considering other health coverage, you don’t need to take any action at this time. • • • • • • • • • • •

TRICARE Prime TRICARE Prime Remote TRICARE Prime Overseas TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas TRICARE Standard and Extra TRICARE Standard Overseas TRICARE For Life TRICARE Reserve Select (if purchased) TRICARE Retired Reserve (if purchased) TRICARE Young Adult (if purchased) US Family Health Plan

VA Offers Dental Insurance Program WASHINGTON – VA is partnering with Delta Dental and MetLife to allow eligible Veterans, plus family members receiving care under the Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPVA), to purchase affordable dental insurance beginning Nov. 15, VA officials announced today. “VA continues to explore innovative ways to help Veterans get access to the care and services they have earned and deserve,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “This new dental program is another example of VA creating partnerships with the private sector to deliver a range of high-quality care at an affordable cost, for our Nation’s Veterans.” More than 8 million Veterans who are enrolled in VA health care can choose to purchase one of the offered dental plans. This three-year pilot has been designed for Veterans with no dental coverage, or those eligible for VA dental care who would like to purchase additional coverage. Participation will not affect entitlement to VA dental services and treatment. There are no eligibility limitations based on serviceconnected disability rating or enrollment priority assignment. People interested in participating may complete an application online through either Delta Dental,, or MetLife, www. beginning Nov. 15. Coverage for this new dental insurance will begin Jan. 1, 2014, and will be available throughout the United States and its territories. Also eligible for the new benefits are nearly 400,000 spouses and dependent children who are reimbursed for most medical expenses under VA’s CHAMPVA program. Generally, CHAMPVA participants are spouses, survivors or dependent children of Veterans officially rated as “permanently and totally” disabled by a service-connected condition.

Transitional Health Plans

You also have minimum essential coverage if you are covered by either of these transitional health plans: • Transitional Assistance Management Program (premium-free, 180 days) • Continued Health Care Benefit Program (if purchased, 18-36 months)

Dental services under the new program vary by plan and include diagnostic, preventive, surgical, emergency and endodontic/restorative treatment. Enrollment in the VA Dental Insurance Plan (VADIP) is voluntary. Participants are responsible for all premiums, which range from $8.65 to $52.90 per month for individual plans. Copayments and other charges may apply. Historically VA’s free dental services have gone to Veterans with dental problems connected to a medical condition that’s officially certified as “service connected.” Free dental services will continue for those Veterans.

For more information on VADIP, visit, or contact Delta Dental at 1-855-370-3303 or MetLife at 1-888-310-1681.

When You Don't Have Minimum Essential Coverage

Veterans who are not enrolled in the VA health care system can apply at any time by visiting, calling 1-877-222-VETS (8387) or visiting their local VA health care facility.

If you're only eligible for care at military hospitals and clinics, and you're not covered by any other TRICARE plan (as listed above), you don't have minimum essential coverage. Source:

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Become a Registered Member on Joint Services Support (JSS)! JSS can be accessed via the web, mobile and touch tone phone: JSS Portal www.jointservicessupportorg JSS Mobile JSS Touch Tone# 1-877-JSS-NOW1 The JSS online portal (, the gateway to the JSS system, contains both public and members-only components. The information available on the public side of the site is limited. To see more detailed event and resource information, and obtain access to administrative tools, it is recommended that you register as a JSS member.


must be 8 characters in length and include the following: Two Uppercase Letters (A, B, C, D…) Two Lowercase Letters (a, b, c, d…) Two Numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…) Two Special Characters (! @ # $ %...) Make the creation of your password easy by: • Allowing the system to generate it for you automatically. Click the Generate Password button to generate a 10 character password automatically. OR • Creating your password manually using the following steps adapted from

• • • •


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How to Register in JSS To register as a JSS member: 1. Click the Join JSS link under the login bar or go to 2. Complete the registration form. The following fields are mandatory: • State - Enter your NGB affiliated state • Role • Name - Include your unit affiliation*, salutation, etc. • ZIP • Phone • Username and Password –Password must be 8 characters in total. You can create it manually or generate one automatically. • Primary Email 3. When complete, click Submit to send your account request for approval. The account will become active once approved by the appropriate program leadership. *If your unit does not appear in the system, use the Resource Finder to locate your Family Readiness Support Assistant (FRSA). In general, your local state Senior FRSA (SFRSA) can assist you with unit management. This includes adding missing units, updating unit information or removing units that are no longer in operation. Once your role has been approved, you can log in to access: • A variety of tools that help you to support and target content to Service members and their Families, including event management, communication, tracking and reporting tools, as well as the Resource Finder online resource library. • Ability to upload state-specific emergency announcements. • A fully customizable, personal dashboard providing quick access to announcements, local events and state contacts. • Dynamic menus that let you navigate to program-specific sub-portals to see state-specific content.


1. Think of a long sentence that means something special to you. “We love to golf.” – 4 words long 2. Keep the first letter of each word in your sentence to use as part of your password. “wltg” – 4 Characters 3. Change up the capitalization. “WlTg” 4. Drop in two numbers. “WlTg12” – 6 Characters 5. Add two special characters. “!WlTg12#” – 8 Characters

Congratulations you’re finished!

Why Join?

Vo lu n t e e r s

Benefits of Registering as a JSS Member (STAFF) • A variety of tools that help you to support and target content to Service members and their families, including event management, communication, tracking and reporting tools, as well as the Resource Finder online resource library. • Ability to upload state-specific emergency announcements. • A fully customizable, personal dashboard providing quick access to announcements, local events and state contacts. • Dynamic menus that let you navigate to program-specific sub-portals to see state-specific content. Benefits of Registering as a JSS Member (SERVICEMEMBERS) Once logged in you can access: • A fully customizable, personal dashboard that provides quick access to announcements, local events and state contacts. • Dynamic menus that let you navigate to program-specific sub-portals to see state-specific content. • A variety of tools such as the File Library, online training center, and group discussion forums. How Volunteers Use JSS National Guard volunteers set the bar high for ingenuity, spirit, and genuine concern for the Guard community. They come from all walks of life, from every state and territory, and share a common goal – to support the well being and readiness of National Guard Service members and their Families. Volunteers can use JSS to: • Take online training • Find state POCs and local resources • Connect with others, share stories • Keep track of volunteer hours (Activity Tracker) This ensures that volunteers are equipped to serve. Training – Online Learning In JSS, you can train by taking a multitude of online learning courses on a variety of topics including finance, resilience, family readiness and much more. The course catalog lists and provides links to all available courses and you can track your progress on My Training Dashboard. When you complete each course, you can print out a Certificate of Completion. Email Campaigns JSS allows you to send emails to large groups quickly and easily using the Email Campaigns tool. It also allows you to target your email campaign to both specific JSS members and to audiences outside of JSS. For example, FRGs might send an email campaign to invite Families to meetings, training, events and anything else their Command approves. JSS also records these campaigns for future reference. Activity Tracker Tool The Activity Tracking feature allows National Guard volunteers to maintain and track their personal volunteer hours online. These contributions are aggregated for various state and national leadership reports on the system. This provides insight into the time it takes to plan, prepare and implement volunteer-supported activities. Tracking your volunteer hours also benefits you directly. It lets you see the time you have volunteered for your own personal knowledge, time records, or for tax purposes. For FRGs, it also allows you to provide information to your Unit Military POC/Cmdr when asking for FRG monthly, quarterly update reports. You can also record your Unit FRG status directly through JSS. Benefits for Family Members Connect to other Families Find Events Get Service Contacts Find Resources close to home The Joint Services Support system is your gateway and safety net – here to support you throughout your loved one’s Military Career and beyond. Join today, and take advantage of the many features the JSS provides to remind you that help is available. Get Registered Today and begin to utilize the many tools JSS has to offer!!

Communicating in JSS Webinars During this session, you will learn how JSS enables you to connect with JSS members through Announcements, Blogs, Forums, Email Campaigns, the File Library and Groups. Please register online. Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent via email. Wednesday December 4, 2013 10:00 - 10:30 AM EST, Eastern Register here (or copy the entire link below into your browser) aspx?Mode=AddNew&Id=cb833d70-f821-4192-b293-0ca87b6eb895 Using the Email Campaigns Tool in JSS This webinar shows staff how to use the email campaigns tool, including create an email campaign for the JSS Community or an event, view the email queue and edit or delete a saved draft. Please register online. Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent via email. Wednesday December 4, 2013 11:00 - 11:30 AM EST, Eastern Register here (or copy the entire link below into your browser) aspx?Mode=AddNew&Id=154e82a3-5cd3-4e2d-9f2a-21e039bf6686 Updating Your User Profile in JSS During this session, you will learn how to request a change to your state affiliation and role permissions, update your personal information, reset your JSS password and view your JSS History. Please register online. Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent via email. Tuesday December 10, 2013 12:00 - 12:30 PM EST, Eastern Register here (or copy the entire link below into your browser) aspx?Mode=AddNew&Id=f64ededb-6873-45d6-b3be-009de024fb2c Maintaining Unit Information in JSS Keeping unit data current in JSS is critical for a variety of system functions. This webinar shows SFRSAs how to maintain unit information, including step by step instructions for adding, deleting, and editing units in JSS. Please register online. Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent via email. Tuesday December 10, 2013 1:00 - 1:30 PM EST, Eastern Register here (or copy the entire link below into your browser) aspx?Mode=AddNew&Id=5105b1d3-013a-44cc-88d1-c0752324128f After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 3   FA M I LY M AT T E R S


Guard Your Health provides a central place for Army National Guard Soldiers and family members to find information and resources on health and medical readiness. The site supports the Army National Guard Chief Surgeon’s efforts to build and sustain a resilient, adaptable and medically ready Citizen-Soldier force. Tools



APFT Calculator

Smoking Savings Calculator

The Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) Cal-

Could your nicotine habit pay for a vacation?

culator allows you to determine your level of

Use this calculator to add up the money you’ll

fitness by APFT standards. Simply input your

save when you quit tobacco.

total number of push-ups, sit-ups, and twomile run time, along with your gender and age, Diabetes Risk Finder and the calculator will display your scores.

Does diabetes run in your family? Use this tool to see if you are at risk for Type 2 diabetes.

Alcohol Spending Calculator How much do you spend on beer, wine or

Heart Attack Risk Finder

booze? Use this calculator to figure out your

Use this tool to learn your risk of a heart at-

average spending on alcohol per week, per

tack in the next 10 years.

month, and per year. Homemade foods have always been healthier than processed, prepared, or restaurant meals. And eating too much unhealthy food can pack on the holiday pounds. But let’s face it, the holidays are hectic. Getting a home-cooked dinner on the table during the holidays may seem impossible, so we have some helpful tips: 1. Get friends involved. 2. Get the kids in the kitchen. 3. Get a slow-cooker. 4. Stop and freeze. 5. Get pre-washed when possible. 6. Get "no cook" side dishes. 7. Plan for leftovers. See More at the National Fatherhood Iniative website at :


How To Keep From Adding Holiday Weight To Your Financial Bottom Line As we approach the holiday season and start feeling the euphoria of gift giving to friends and family I think it is important that we reflect on what we have to be thankful for first. For many of you it was the safe return of a son, daughter, husband, wife, brother or sister. It may have also been a year of new beginnings, such as a new addition to the family or changing your financial situation (you know I had to get that in there). Now that we have put the holidays in perspective let’s talk about how we can keep ourselves from regretting the holiday spending come January 1. Listed below are something’s to keep in mind when preparing for gift giving and may help you avoid that bloated financial feeling.


Keep things simple. Instead of an elaborate holiday party,

why not a bon fire or a pot luck dinner with friends. 2.

Make your own gifts. I don’t know about you but I love

getting homemade baked goods much better than store bought


stuff. How about giving gift certificates for your services. Such

consider this: You may be able to avoid crowds and get first

services could include babysitting, running errands, cooking a

dibs on everything by shopping after 6 p.m. on the day before

nice dinner, doing handyman work, repairing or detailing a car,

the sale officially kicks off. While this doesn’t always happen,

be creative with your certificates. ;)

it’s fairly common for the discounts to be activated in the store’s


system the night before the sale.

Consider all costs. Remember that gifts aren’t your only

Time the sales. When you see an ad for an enticing sale,

holiday expense. Factor in the costs of travel, food, candy, a tree, decorations, gift-wrapping paper, greeting cards and postage when calculating your holiday budget.

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Look at what you did last

holiday season. Take a look at your holiday bills from a year ago and think about whether your financial situation has improved or worsened since then. Be brutally honest with yourself. Are you really up for a repeat spending performance this year? If not, start thinking hard about how much you can afford to spend. 6.


repeat DO NOT USE PLASTIC!!!!!! Does this really need an explanation? If you don’t have it don’t spend it…… I hope that some of these tips will help you enjoy the holidays without stressing about money. I personally would like to send a heartfelt thank you to all the service members and their families for sacrificing so much to protect our freedoms. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Article By: Mr. Chip Jurgensen, CFP, NCJFSAP. Mr. Jurgensen is a Military Family Life Consultant with the North Carolina National Guard. To make an appointment call (919) 334-8313.

FREE Resources National Child Traumatic Stress Network offers a free, downloadable series which provides culturally competent materials for educating families, medical professionals, and school personnel about how to better serve military children who are experiencing traumatic grief. For more information or to view the series visit: topics/military-children-andfamilies#q1


Parenting for Servicemembers & Veterans offers free online courses that feature key tools to support parenting such as; -Parenting information and strategies -Guidance to help you reconnect with your children after a deployment and beyond -Videos of real families’ stories -Helpful exercises and practical parenting tip sheets. Visit

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7-8 December 2013 Yellow Ribbon-PDHRA 5-113th FA & 732nd FSC Koury Convention Center 3121 High Point Rd., Greensboro 27407 Questions for Yellow Ribbon? Call (800) 621-4136

Vo lu n t e e r s

Family Readiness Group Funds

FRG Fundraising Tips & Reminders…Part 3 of 6 FRG Fundraising Tips & Reminders Fund Designation- Sales Tax:

WHO Can Fundraise?

•FRGs ARE NOT a nonprofit organization •501-3c (like Red Cross, Girl/Boy Scouts) •This is an IRS status which allows donors to receive IRS tax advantages •501-3c organizations have a tax exempt number •FRGs ARE a Not for profit organization –FRGs do not have a tax exempt number, therefore they pay sales tax

•2 Family Readiness Group Volunteer Categories –Statutory –Gratuitous –What are the differences in the 2 categories?

•Statutory FRG members may only conduct internal fundraising amongst themselves (“by us for us”) which means within the National Guard property and National Guard members and their families. –Statutory volunteers serve in official capacity in direct support of the National Guard Family Program like FRG Lead Volunteers and treasurers. –Seek credit for their volunteer hours –Have signed Volunteer Agreement (DD 2793) & on file in State Family Readiness Office (also signed by SFPD or Commander) –Agreement states that they donate time and services to FRG projects and activities –Recognized as official in matters of tort claims & for purposes of reimbursement under provision 10, US Code 1588 –Can be reimbursed for expenses such as paying for postage with approval from the unit in advance –May be placed on Invitational Travel Orders

Fundraising – Can We? “by us for us”

•Can be done if there is a specific purpose for the funds (for which Appropriated (military) funds are not authorized).

•Questions to ask prior to fundraising: –Why do we need to raise the money? –Will it benefit the entire FRG membership? –Has the commander approved it? –Does it duplicate other resources within the community? –Can we get it somewhere else? –Is it an authorized fund raiser according to guidance? –Has it been discussed with FRG members at a meeting? •Examples of authorized FRG fundraisers include: –Bake sales –Car washes –Fun runs –Concession booth at installation/unit events –Talent show –Opportunity (silent) auctions of donated goods and services •Examples of prohibited FRG fundraisers include: –Gambling –Chain letters and pyramid schemes –Door to door solicitations –Any activity involving military members in uniform –Any activity or product that is dangerous or unduly risky –Any activity on private property without proper permission

(Continued on Next Page)

2014 Military Child of the Year Award: Recognizing young patriots. Nomination period ends December 14,2013

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F R G F u n d r a i s i n g Pa r t 3 (Continued from Previous Page) •Gratuitous FRG members may conduct fundraising completely separate from the FRG and unit at any time. –Gratuitous volunteers have Not signed a volunteer agreement (DD 2793) –Periodically offer support to FRG, but not in an official capacity –Can engage in fundraising efforts outside of the FRG as long as they DO NOT represent themselves as being connected to the FRG or the military Official FRG:

Consists of Statutory Volunteers Sanctioned by commander, endorsed by the military Government Entitlements Authorized Appropriated Funds for Travel/Training Account limited to $10,000 “By us for us” fundraising

Informal Organization: Consists of Gratuitous volunteers Not controlled by the military or FRG, no military endorsement No $ limit to account, but subject to laws on reporting of income and potential tax liabilities after $10,000 Completely separate from the FRG Can fundraise outside of FRG and military Separate account from FRG •Call themselves “Friends of “ or “Supporters of” not “888th Family Readiness Group” –No endorsement by the National Guard (military) –Completely separate from the FRG –Not controlled by the military or FRG, but •Subject to laws on reporting of income and potential tax liabilities to the IRS –Have completely separate account from the FRG –Can make a donation to the FRG



ISR/505th EN, 8am-5pm/Mocksville Armory, US Hwy 64 East, Mocksville, 27028


ISR/505th EN, 8am-8pm/ Gastonia Armory, 2100 Robinwood Rd., Gastonia 28054 ISR/505th EN, 8am-5pm/Winston Salem Armory, 2000 Silas Creek Pkwy., Winston Salem, 27104 Operation Homefront Stocking Stuffers, 9am-2pm/Lenoir Armory, 1535 Beecher Rd., Lenoir 28645 Family Day/Christmas Party, 2pm-10pm/Smithfield Armory, 406 Hospital Rd., Smithfield 27577 Christmas Party, 3pm-10pm/Fayetteville Armory, 449 E. Mountain Rd., Fayetteville 28304 Christmas Party, 3pm-10pm/Country Club of Whispering Pines, 2 Clubhouse Blvd., Whispering Pines, 28327 211th MP Co. Family Day, 6pm-9pm/Haywood Co. Armory, Jones Cove Rd., Clyde 28721


881st ENG Drill, 8am-4:30pm/Rockingham Armory, 1207 Rockingham Rd., Rockingham 28379 630th CSSB & 1540th TC Family Holiday Party, 9am-4pm/Lenoir Armory, Lenoir Armory, 1535 Beecher Rd., Lenoir 28645 105th MP Family Day, 10am-3pm/Asheville Armory, 100 Minuteman Dr., Asheville 28806 210th MP Family Day, 11am-4pm/Faith Baptist Church, 714 Webster Rd., Sylva 28779


Military Spouse Pamper Day, 10am-4pm/Celebration Family Church, 8700 Capital Blvd., Raleigh 27616 3rd Annual "Holiday in the Hangar," 11:30am-2:30pm/RDU General Aviation, TAC Air, RDU Note: Dates, Times and/or Locations may change. Please confirm the event prior to arrival. Also note that some events are unit-specific. For questions, please contact a NCNG Family Programs staff member. Happy Holiday!


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The Armed Services YMCA is proud to announce the

2014 ASYMCA Essay Contest!

Theme: My Military Hero x Volunteers will be reading all of your essays and will award the 1st prize in grades 1-8 category with an IPod Touch! Winners in Grades 9-12 will receive an IPAD. x Children of all Active Duty or retired (with 20+ years of service) military personnel from Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force, Coast Guard and National Guard/Reserve families in first through twelfth grade are eligible to enter. x Grades 1-8 should write an essay of at least 100 words but not more than 300 words! x Grades 9-12 should write no less than 300 words and no more than 500. x All mailed entries must have an essay entry form found in this packet and also at the ASYMCA website: x All entries must be postmarked by March 14, 2014. Mail Entries to: The Armed Services YMCA Attn: 2014 Essay Contest 7405 Alban Station Court, Suite B 215 Springfield, VA 22150 x Email Entries may also be sent to by March 14, 2014. Entries must include all the information that is on the entry form! x If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email Giselle Schneider at All of the Essays become property of the non-profit Armed Services YMCA and will not be returned. Visit the Armed Services YMCA website at for complete rules and extra entry forms.

The Armed Services YMCA is rated as an “Exceptional” Charity by Charity Navigator in 2012 and has helped make military life easier since the Civil War. Volunteer, Donate or Participate at D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 3   FA M I LY M AT T E R S



When Everyone Plays A Part by Angelena Dockery, NCNG Family Programs In November, the Charlotte Family Assistance Center (FAC) held what they called the "Thanksgiving Community Dinner and Celebration" at the Charlotte National Guard Armory with more than 100 attendees and numerous volunteers. Carry Bandy, Family Assistance Specialist, said, "The purpose of the "Thanksgiving Community Dinner and Celebration was to highlight and show appreciation of Servicemembers, retirees, veterans, community partners, and supporters." The Charlotte FAC Team, which also includes Gabrielle O'Flanagan and Nikkie Newsome, had worked to plan the event since September. While many events were cancelled during the planning process, due to the government shutdown, this event went on. Charlotte's community joined forces with the FAC to make the "thank you" event continue with a meal, festivities, all the trimmings, and fun. The outpouring of support for the Thanksgiving Community Dinner and Celebration came in the form of a variety of organizations. Participants included the American Red Cross; the USO; American Legion Post 261; Johnson & Wales University; Honey Baked Ham; AMJ Catering; Your Dream Day Planning & Décor; Riverwood Worship Center Youth Group; and West Charlotte High JROTC. What could have simply been a date on the calendar, with the help of the community, resulted in an elegant evening for North Carolina's military community, with a Color Guard presentation, gala-like decor, catering, and more. SSG Ronnell Bryant said, "My wife and I felt the evening was wonderful and well-planned. Each of the Military Families we spoke with concurred and were impressed with the coordination of the event." "From the turkey to the variety of desserts, the meal was outstanding and will put many of our own thanksgiving feasts to shame," Bryant added. "This event was a phenomenal success," Bandy said, "because of the joint effort of each organization." "No one individual made this happen," she said. "Everyone played a part." Encouraged by the results of the event, and the turnout, the Charlotte Family Assistance Center are encouraged to do this again. "We have had several requests to make this an annual event," Bandy added.

Photos Courtesy of Gabrielle O'Flanagan, Charlotte FAC Specialist


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DECEMBER 2013 Volunteer Community Network (VCN) What Have I Got Myself Into? Guest Presenter: Pam Lindenmeyer Please register using the following links. (Or you may cut & paste entire link into browser)

Session 1 December 3rd 10:00 AM -11:00 AM, Eastern December 5th 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Eastern Life’s fast pace is evident now more than ever. Volunteers are committed to their careers, their family and desire to volunteer. On any given day you can find a volunteer who has put in a full day at the office, taxied one child to soccer practice, another child to the dentist, attended a parent teacher conference, fixed dinner and then had a FRG meeting to plan the upcoming Holiday Event all the while wondering where is the time for me. Juggling a career, family and volunteerism can be overwhelming and without the right balance can cause you to throw your hands in the air and wonder What have I gotten myself into?” In Pam Lindenmeyer’s class “What Have I Gotten Myself Into” you will learn how to de-clutter your world and de-stress your life. She teaches you how to identify the branches of you life that may need a little pruning and those areas where you can apply more energy. But most importantly, she teaches you how to make time for you! This webinar will consist of 1 session that will be offered at three different times. You will earn approximately 1 hour for this session, you will then earn a certificate of completion. This is a Voice over “Internet” (VoIP) session, please use where possible. Follow prompts post login. Speakers for sound are required & microphone (optional) to participate in the conversation. If you do not have a microphone & want to be able to speak or attend by telephone please use the toll free line: 1-877-380-7755 - access code 4665215 For further information, please contact, (703-607-5309) or After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. Upon joining the webinar, you will not be able to hear the sound through your computer. You will have to call the phone number provided in the registration. System Requirements, PC-based attendees, Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista, Macintosh®-based attendees, required: Mac OS® X 10.4 (Tiger®) or newer. D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 3   FA M I LY M AT T E R S


Family Assistance Centers

Family Assistance Centers are located across the State to provide assistance to ALL Military Service Members and their Families. If you know of a Service Member or Military Family that has a question or concern, please share our contact numbers, web site, newsletter, and Facebook link. We're here to help. Asheville Military Family Resource Center 7 Yorkshire St. Suite 101, 28803/Fax: (828) 274-7209 Rebekah Torres, (828) 274-8571 Charlotte Unit Family Contact Center 4240 West Blvd., 28208/(800) 621-4136 Carry Bandy, FAC Specialist,, Ext. 14573 Gabrielle H. O'Flanagan,, Ext 14547 Greenville State Family Assistance Center 1401 N. Memorial Dr., 27834/(800) 621-4136 Ext. 11150 Dawn White, Lenoir State Family Assistance Center 1535 Beecher Anderson Rd., 28645/ (800) 621-4136 Ext. 11242 Frances Johnson, Raleigh Unit Family Contact Center 4105 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC, 27607/(800) 621-4136 Lisa Faison,, Ext. 47100 Mark Woolbright,, Ext. 47102 Bob Bowman,, Ext. 46979 Raleigh JFHQ Unit Family Contact Center 636 Gold Star Drive, Raleigh, NC, 27607/800-621-4136 Ext. 46078 Wendi Bell, Smithfield Unit Family Contact Center 406 Hospital Rd., 27577/(800) 621-4136 Ext.12784 Abby Millsap, Southern Pines Unit Family Contact Center 510 W. Morganton Rd., PO Box 1317, 28387/ (800) 621-4136 Ext. 12863 Earlene Capps,, Wilmington Unit Family Contact Center 2412 Infantry Rd., 28405/(800) 621-4136 Jim Marley,, Ext. 16918 Winston-Salem Unit Family Contact Center (Temporary location due to construction in Greensboro) 2000 Silas Creek Pkwy., 27103/(800) 621-4136 Ext. 15651 Sandy Harrison, FAC Specialist,

Statewide Support Personal Financial Counselor Our Personal Financial Counselor can provide FREE one-on-one financial counseling services to you and your Family. Mr. Chip Jurgensen, CFP, NCJFSAP (919) 334-8313


~Provides short-term, situational, problem-solving counseling services to Servicemembers and their Families ~Provides psycho-education to help military Servicemembers and their Families understand the impact of stress, deployments, family reunions following deployments and the stresses of military life ~MFLC services augment existing military support services ~Flexible service delivery (Outreach/Rotational and On-Demand); Services can be provided on or off military installations ~Services provided to individuals, couples, families, and groups ~Children’s Support Program addresses military impact on children ~MFLCs are mandated reporters of child abuse, domestic abuse and duty-towarn situations ~Services are otherwise confidential and private S​ taff: John Alleman Adult and Family Specialist (919) 745-9635 Betty Steelman Youth and Family Specialist (919) 665-9178


Charlotte: Nikkie Newsome Ext.14548

Morrisville: Darlette McCormick Ext. 16313

Clinton: Sarah Strickland Ext. 14735

Oxford: Norman Dean Ext. 12182

Goldsboro: Greg Smith Ext. 15423

Raleigh: George Lane Ext. 46714

High Point: (Temporary location due to Construction): Gloria Fields Ext.15620 Jacksonville: Judy Richardson Ext. 11346

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