age t i r r a M chmen Enri And r ie d l o S Singleetreats R
The Silent Ranks Special poem highlighting
Military Spouses
PainTricks in ofthe Budget the Trade to make
managing finances a little smoother
Community Outreach spreads Across the Atlantic
Unit receives unique care packages with North Carolina flavor
MilitarySpouse Appreciation
Custom print-out
It is hard to believe that May is almost here and soon we will be spending more time celebrating the weather with Family and friends. The children will be out of school soon and it's time to start thinking about what camps are available and what activities will keep Summer interesting for them and us. North Carolina National Guard Chaplains and Family Programs want to extend an invitation again this year to our Service members and their Families to attend one of our Strong Bonds Retreats which focus on the importance of who you are and what you do. This year we have a new event which is focusing on Families of our Deployed Service Members. Please look for more detailed information in this month's Family Matters. Do you know that May is a very special month? Yes, we're reminding you that Mother's Day is May, but May is also National Military Appreciation Month. Military Spouse Appreciation day is always the Friday before Mother's Day. There are also many other Military specific days throughout the month of May. Please take a look at Page 13 to see what those days are, and remember that May finishes up with Memorial Day on 27 May this year. There is never a mission, job or task that our Service Members or Families to accomplish alone. We are always aware that inevitable changes will arise. Some of you are facing some of those challenges right now. I want to remind you that the Integrated Behavioral Health System is always here to serve you. It is a FREE, CONFIDENTIAL service that you can call 24/7/365. Please also remember that we have Military Family Life Consultants and a Personal Financial Counselor available to you and they are also FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.
We are very fortunate that even as our Guardsmen return home from a Mission, Annual Training or a School, our North Carolina communities recognize and support them by dedicating time and money to ensure they know they are appreciated and supported.
Please remember to say "Thank You" to all those who support you, especially your Family. Without their support and dedication, our Service Members wouldn't be able to train and accomplish their Missions without their support. Also, don't forget the Family Readiness Groups Leaders (FRG) and Volunteers who always take care of you and support you, no matter what your Mission or deployment status may be. Sometimes a very simple "Thank You" can lift the spirits of a Family member (child, spouse, parent, sibling and/or a significant other) or a volunteer and remind them they are a VERY IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR LIFE. Our FRG Leaders and Volunteers are part of the driving force that support each of you, in the Unit, the Community and the Nation. We hope each of you have a wonderful May and wish you a safe start to the Summer. Warmest Regards,
Diane Coffill About Family Matters Family Matters was created to provide Servicemembers and Families the most up-to-date information and services available. If you would like to contribute to future issues, or if you have suggestions and comments, please contact the NCNG Family Programs Marketing and Communications Department personnel, Angelena Dockery or Kathryn Jarvis, at E-Versions of Family Matters can be downloaded at the NCNG Family Programs webpage at References in this newsletter to any specific commercial products, processes, services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCNG Family Programs.
FA MILY MAT T ERS MAY 2013 Dia n e C off il l S t a t e Fa m il y P rog r a m Direct or d ia n e. l . coff il l . civ @ m a il . m il ( 919) 664- 6324 M S G R a m on a S cot t Fa m il y P rog r a m s S pecia l is t r a m on a . k. s cot t . m il @ m a il . m il ( 919) 664- 6000 E x t . 47005 S G T Ta m m y Fow l er Fa m il y P rog r a m s A s s is t a n t ta m m y. l . f ow l er. m il @ m a il . m il ( 919) 664- 6000 E x t 46876 Wen d i Bel l Fa mil y A s s is t a n ce C en t er S pecia l is t w en d i. h . b el l . ct r @ m a il . m il ( 919) 664- 6078 L a n a G reer S t a t e FA C C oor d in a t or l a n a . m . g reer. ct r @ m a il . m il ( 800) 621- 4136 E x t . 11667 Ter r y H en d er s on Ai rm a n & Fa m il y Rea d in es s P rog r a m Mg r. t er r y. h en d er s on @ a n g . a f . m il ( 704) 398- 4949 A l ice Dea n L e a d C h il d & You t h C oor d in a t or a l ice. c. d ea n . ct r @ m a il . m il ( 919) 520- 9548 A n g el en a Docker y M a rk e t in g & C om m u n ica t ion s Ma n a g er s a l l ie. a . d ocker y. ct r @ m a il . m il ( 919) 485- 9570 Ka t h r y n Ja r v is M a rk e t in g & C om m u n ica t ion s Ma n a g er ka t h r y n . a . ja r v is . ct r @ m a il . m il ( 919) 485- 9571 Ju d y R ich a r d s on S en ior FR S A j u d it h . r. r ich a r d s on . ct r @ m a il . m il ( 800) 621- 4136 E x t . 11346
The Silent Ranks Author: Unknown I wear no uniforms, no blues or army greens. But I am in the military in the ranks rarely seen I have no rank upon my shoulders - Salutes I do not give. But the military world is the place where I live. I'm not in the chain of command, orders I do not get. But my husband is the one who does this I cannot forget. I'm not the one who fires the weapon who puts my life on the line. But my job is just as tough. I'm the one that's left behind My husband is a patriot, a brave and prideful man And the call to serve his country not all can understand. Behind the lines I see the things needed to keep this country free. My husband makes the sacrifice but so do our kids and me. I love the man I married, Soldiering is his life But I stand among the silent ranks known as the Military Wife.
Illustration by Mrs. Abby Millsap
Marriage Enrichment and Single Soldier Retreat
North Carolina National Guard Family Programs is hosting this May a special double
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Strong Bonds events in Raleigh.
06 07 09
Child and Youth Programs
Kids on Guard ramping up for forestry visit and more...
Join us Friday, May 3rd through Saturday, May 4th for a dual Strong Bonds. We’ll have the Marriage Enrichment Retreat for Couples; you’ll gain tips on how to “Laugh your Way to a Happier Marriage.” This “getaway” provides a fun, safe and secure environment where you can address the impact of separations such as deployments and frequent trainings, and military lifestyle stressors. Then, at our Single Soldier Retreat, “How Not to Date a Jerk or Jerkette,” you’ll get some tips on how to make good relationship choices by finding a mate that is supportive of your military career. There will be time for relaxation, recreation, fellowship and fun!! FREE HOTEL ~ DINNER ON FRIDAY NIGHT ~ BREAKFAST/LUNCH ON SATURDAY Childcare will be provided for both events. LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE; REGISTER SOON
Pain in the Budget
Gain experience on how to make budgeting less "painful"
Community outreach spreads across the Atlantic
A local community business and its employees rally for care packages to be sent overseas.
14 15 17 19
Family Readiness Group Volunteer Webinars
This month's webinars and special events 800-621-4136 EXT. 46078 OR WENDI.H.BELL.CTR@MAIL.MIL
News for You
Free stuff and more...
Private First Class Richard - Bear Update
Teams up with "battle buddies" to accomplish the mission.
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Page 17
Military Spouse Appreciation Day
This May 10, the Friday before Mother's Day, is Military Spouse Appreciation Day.
Now we're easier to find. Just type (or search)
ON THE COVER: Charlotte N.C.Members of the 505th Engineer Battalions, HHC and FSC arrived home on Friday April 19,2013. They were welcomed at the Charlotte Armory by their families and loved ones. Photo courtesy of the North Carolina National Guard Public Affairs
Visit us on Facebook
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@ncngfamily 4
FA M I LY M AT T E R S M AY 2 0 1 3
Happy Mother's Day May 12, 2013
FRIDAY, MAY 3 – SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2013 LOCATION: RALEIGH AREA Join us Friday, May 3rd through Saturday, May 4th for a dual Strong Bonds. We’ll have the Marriage Enrichment Retreat for Couples; you’ll gain tips on how to “Laugh your Way to a Happier Marriage.” This “getaway” provides a fun, safe and secure environment where you can address the impact of separations such as deployments and frequent trainings, and military lifestyle stressors. Then, at our Single Soldier Retreat, “How Not to Date a Jerk or Jerkette,” you’ll get some tips on how to make good relationship choices by finding a mate that is supportive of your military career. There will be time for relaxation, recreation, fellowship and fun!! FREE HOTEL ~ DINNER ON FRIDAY NIGHT ~ BREAKFAST/LUNCH ON SATURDAY Childcare will be provided for both events. LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE; REGISTER SOON
WENDI BELL @ 800-621-4136 EXT. 46078 OR WENDI.H.BELL.CTR@MAIL.MIL M AY 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
Child and youth After two days of nonstop researching, preparing, and practicing our presentation, we were ready to present to the White House Office of Science TechNCNG CHILD & YOUTH PROGRAM STAFF nology Policy (OSTP). On Tuesday, we had one last roundtable session to finalize everything with our presentation before heading out to the White House Alice Dean Lead Child And Conference Center to make our presentation. The Youth Coordinator & presentation itself went extremely well, and the staff (919) 693-3651 Ext. 12183 from OSTP seemed extremely enthused that young people were dedicated to helping our nation with environmental issues, and wanted to get others involved. Later that day we had a debriefing session Kristi Wagner at the USDA building, which was our final official Youth Coordinator & meeting with our roundtable group, where we got to (800) 621-4136 Ext. 12023 discuss what went well, what did not, and give any suggestions that we had.
Blake Stoddard, Secretary of the NCNG Triangle Teen Council, along with other Nation Guard delegates at 4-H Conference. He is the son of CW2 Seth Taylor, full time FMS 19 and drill weekend with 1452nd Trans. Co
NCNG TRIANGLE TEEN COUNCIL MEMBER ATTENDS WASHINGTON, D.C., CONFERENCE My name is Blake Stoddard and I recently returned from the National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C. Every state sends a delegation to the conference that represents their states’ 4-H program. I was part of the National Guard delegation. There were nine of us, from across the US, and we were seen as the voice of the military child while at the conference. Before you leave for the conference, every delegate chooses a roundtable topic. The one that I choose was Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The first time we met our roundtable group, we were given the chance to vote on what topic we wanted to present to our federal partner. At the end of that meeting, we had successfully chosen Citizen Science as the topic that we would be presenting to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Along with the roundtable, we had two workshops that we attended that we choose the topics of. The two that I was assigned were Stories of Military Life and Citizenship Advocacy. The Stories of Military Life workshop featured a presentation about Backpack Journalists, which is a program for military kids that have a knack for writing and other forms of art. The National Guard delegation also had the chance to share some of our stories with the other people that were in the workshop. The second workshop I participated in was Citizenship Advocacy. During the second workshop, a lady from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services came and spoke to us, giving us a presentation about what someone would go through to become a citizen. It really opened my eyes to what other people go through to become a citizen of this wonderful country.
FA M I LY M AT T E R S M AY 2 0 1 3
While at the conference I made a promise that I would bring home the research I did, and put it to work in my community. My specialty in my roundtable was trail mapping. My plan is to get the National Guard Teen Council, as well as other NG teens to help in my effort to map the trails of our states parks, thus reducing the burden on the Forest Service. With Conference over, and seeing all of the posts around the internet, I see the impact of having the military children represented and I encourage everyone to become involved with your local outreach programs!
Leslie Taylor Assistant Child And Youth Specialist & (919) 693-3651 Ext. 12181
KOG Special Day Events
Coming to a
KOG Day Drills
KOG Overnight Weekend Camp
M one y & F in a nce
an organizational chart by starting out with three columns titled: Must have, Must have with wiggle-room and Wants/ Wish.
Pain in the
Then, organize each item of your budget into one of the columns listed. Examples are rent, mortgage or car payments under must have. These items are fixed and inflexible. Utilities and food would go under column two. You need them to live, but you can try to reduce these expenses. Column three, or wants, are items you can live without. These include entertainment, travel, hairstyling and
nail care, and tickets to sports events. Now the hard part: Start slashing items in column three, and search for ways to trim column two expenses. Another thing you can look at doing is using automated services in tandem with your basic budget such as the online tools and services offered by most large banks, some smaller banks and credit unions to automate the execution process. Use your bank's bill-pay service and similar services by utilities and cellphone companies to make automatic, recurring payments for all fixed monthly bills. For savings, use your bank's funds transfer service to set up
by Mr. Chip Jurgensen, CFP
We all know we need to budget, but the reality isn't as easy as it sounds. And who really has the time to stick to a strict money schedule and keep track of every little expense? The answer…most people, but here are a few things that can make this seemingly terrible task a little easier to swallow. automatic recurring transfers to a savings account (pay yourself 1st!!!). For all other expenses, including gas, groceries, spending money, etc., leave money in the checking account and access it via debit card, or get cash from the bank and divide the money into envelopes. Each envelope will contain the amount allocated in the budget. For example, if you allocate $200 for spending money, place $200 cash in an envelope marked "spending money" each month. An alternative is to use a prepaid debit card or reusable gift cards. You can add the money to it, so you do not have the cash in your wallet. One last little trick is to use the 10/10/10 savings formula for your budget/finances. Put 10 percent of your gross income aside for short-term needs such as a vacation and holiday gift-giving; 10 percent for anticipated midterm needs and potential emergencies such as a new car, major appliances, a new roof or college tuition; and 10 percent for retirement. This allows you to pay cash for both routine purchases and inevitable emergencies, and to avoid or curtail bank and credit card debt. Always remember this is a process and nothing will happen over night, so keep working at it and soon it will become second-nature and,then, the next hard thing you will have to do is figure out where to put all that money you saved!!! Mr. Chip Jurgensen is a Certified Financial Planner who provides FREE one-on-one personal finanical couseling services for Servicemembers and their Families. Contact Jurgensen today at (919) 334-8313.
Home Loans for Veterans Did you know the VA’s Home Loan Program Benefit is not a onetime benefit, but can be reused? Since 1944, more than 20 million Veterans and Service Members have enjoyed the benefit of a home purchase through the VA Home Loan program. Veterans who have already used their VA benefit in their home purchase may reuse that benefit to purchase another residence, or to refinance to a lower rate. This is referred to as an Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan (IRRRL) or Streamline Refinance Loan. No appraisal or credit underwriting is required.
Consider this:
If a Veteran used their benefit, perhaps while on active duty, to purchase a home, they should compare their interest rate with current rates in their area. That Veteran can reuse their VA benefit to refinance their home with “no money out of pocket,” as costs may be included in the loan.
If that Veteran has since separated or retired from the military and receives disability compensation of at least 10%, he or she is exempt from the funding fee. This can be a considerable monthly or total savings for the Veteran. On average, Veterans saved more than $200 per monthly payment on IRRRLs last year, saving those Veterans over $900 million in their first two years alone! Learn more about IRRRLs on the VA website: Veterans may obtain a Certificate of Eligibility online through eBenefits or through their lender. Veterans are encouraged to seek the advice of a financial professional and to contact several lenders for quotes to determine what is in their best interest. If you have any questions, you can contact your closest VA regional office with Loan Guaranty staff by calling 877.827.3702, or visiting M AY 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S 7
Kids on Guard At the Birthplace of Forest Conservation Cradle of Forestry 11250 Pisgah Hwy Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 18 May 2013
Flight Simulator Underground Exploration Bugs Eye View Forestry School Before Computers Ages 5 – 12 Registration required. Deadline May 6. Lunch will be provided. Dietary restrictions identified during registration. Day of the event sign-in will begin at 8:45am. Activities start promptly at 9:00am. To submit completed Registration Forms and/or further information, please contact: Leslie Taylor, (800) 621-4136 ext 12181 / Registration Forms may be downloaded at, Child and Youth Programs Tab
Murphy-Brown, LLC Community outreach spreads across the Atlantic
By Angelena Dockery, NCNG Family Programs
he media is filled with stories of Servicemembers returning home from deployment. Yet we all know that we still have Military Members overseas. Local companies haven’t forgotten to support those individuals and let them know they are appreciated. Earlier this year, a boy scout approached a North Carolina pork production company and subsidiary of Smithfield Foods, Inc., Murphy-Brown, for help getting care packages overseas. Angela Romaine, HR Manager, with Murphy-Brown, said “… we assisted by paying for most of the postage to ship his packages.” Then, the light bulb went off for Romaine. During the process, Romaine said, “I realized immediately that ‘we can do that,’ ‘we can do this,’ and ‘we should do this.” And, they did. Romaine, who works with the West Region of Murphy-Brown in Laurinburg, N.C., set out to rally employee-support for the project of providing care packages to local Soldiers deployed overseas. “I sent one memo to our employees and got an overwhelming response,” she said. “Everyone was like, ‘this is a great idea.’” Photos courtesy of Angela Romaine, Human Resources Manager, Murphy-Brown, LLC.
M AY 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
J oining F orces - M u r p h y - B ro w n After several phone calls to local National Guard Armories, she was put in touch with the North Carolina National Guard Family Programs FAC Network Coordinator, Judy Howard. Howard was able to provide her with the contact information of a deployed North Carolina National Guard unit, the 2/130th Airfield Operations Battalion out of Fayetteville, N.C. and throughout the project served as the liaison for connecting Murphy-Brown and the unit.
She provided information to Lt. Col. Brett Russ, 2/130th Commander, about the company wanting to send care packages and if there were particular items that they wanted and/or needed. Lt. Col. Russ contacted Romaine the next day. He told her, “Thanks so much for getting your company involved in helping to provide our North Carolina Soldiers a little touch of home. I know they all will appreciate a little something from back home.”
Microsoft Clip-Art Image
Check this Out
Above and Below: Murphy-Brown West Region provided 66 care packages to the troops in Kuwait from the 2-130th Airfield Operations Battalion from North Carolina. Our selected soldiers are from North Carolina. Murphy-Brown employees wrote letters, sent pictures and a few personlized boxes. One of our employees has a disabled child. Her name is Rikayla Collins, she was so excited to help support our troops she typed them a letter in braille which her father translated.
Lt. Col. Russ polled the Soldiers to find out what they’d like, and provided the list to Romaine. So, Romaine and about 200 Murphy-Brown colleagues joined forces to put together care packages for approximately 60 Soldiers deployed with the unit. The care packages were collected and shipped in about a week and a half. Romaine says that they sent personal hygiene items, snacks, movies, and more. “Everyone was so excited and wanted to know when we could do it again,” she said. While many companies support our Troops by sending care packages, a few things made this one special. One of Lt. From left to right: Pfc. Wells, Staff Sgt. Chan, andCol. Russ’ Soldiers is vegan. He made a Spc. Leander recieve care packages from specific effort to include that detail in the Murphy-Brown, LLC. while deployed overseas. response. Photo courtesy of 2/130th Airfield Operations (Continued on Page 12) Battalion
FA M I LY M AT T E R S M AY 2 0 1 3
§Provides short term, situational, problem-solving counseling services to service members and their families §Provides psycho-education to help military service members and their families understand the impact of stress, deployments, family reunions following deployments and the stresses of military life §MFLC services augment existing military support services §Flexible service delivery (Outreach/Rotational and On-Demand) Services can be provided on or off military installations §Services provided to individuals, couples, families, and groups Children’s Support Program addresses military impact on children §MFLCs are mandated reporters of child abuse, domestic abuse and duty-to-warn situations §Services are otherwise confidential and private taff: S John Alleman Adult and Family Specialist (919) 745-9635 Betty Steelman Youth and Family Specialist (919) 665-9178
Kids entering Kindergarten for the 2013-2014 school year! Join us for a fun and interactive day dedicated to the most important things to know before you enter Kindergarten! We will learn through:
Running, jumping and playing games Playing with blocks Coloring Doing puzzles
Register today by emailing the child’s name, age, parents name and branch of military to You will receive a confirmation email with more information. Younger siblings are not allowed. Parent(s) are required to stay with their child for the event. Space is limited. R.S.V.P by May 6th.
In partnership with Fayetteville Technical Community College. Hosted by Army Reserve Child, Youth & School Services M AY 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
J oining F orces - M u r p h y - B ro w n (Continued from page 10) “Our Soldier orders all her food from back in the States. I don’t know if you know someone who’s a vegan or work with someone who is, if not, no big deal, but if so, I know a special care package just for her would be much appreciated,” Lt. Col. Russ mentioned. In fact, that Soldier did receive her very own care package. “We found organic food to send to her. We asked them what they would like to have, and that’s what we wanted to give them,” said Romaine. Another unique factor was “One of our employees has a child that is blind. She wrote a letter to the Troops in braille. And, her parents translated it,” she added. “We all found that to be very touching.”
Staff Sgt. Smith poses with his package sent by Murphy-Brown, LLC, a pork company out of Smithfield North Carolina.
Over 60 packages, some individually decorated by the employees' children with pictures of flags and expressions of thanks. Romaine said that personal letters, cards and photos of the employees and their families were also included. “We wanted to let them know who we were and to personally thank them,” she said. “We also sent them information about Murphy-Brown so they would know more about the actual company and how it values community outreach, and, supports its employees’ ideas of how we want to reach out,” Romaine stated. She said it was the company that paid for the postage to ship the packages and the employees donated Warrant Officer Hale and the items. Maj. McAuliffe pick up their package sent from Murphy-Brown, LLC.
After receiving the packages, Lt.Col. Russ said, “Wow! All different shapes and sizes, some even decorated. Thanks for your kindness, and that of your coworkers and volunteers.” Staff Sgt. Reeves picks up a carepackage sent to the unit from Murphy-Brown, LLC. Company employees collected enough items to fill more than 60 boxes for members of the 2/130th Airfield Operations
Battalion out of Fayetteville, N.C.
The employees of Murphy-Brown do not plan to stop here. “We are planning to do this again later this year, if we still have Troops deployed,” said Romaine. She said that she and her colleagues are looking to make this a company tradition. “As long as we have Troops deployed overseas, we will continue to support them.” A special thanks to the 2/130th Airfield Operations Battalion (AOB) and Murphy-Brown, LLC. for the photos included in this edition of Family Matters.
NC National Guard and Families first line of Defense Call the new Behavioral Health # at 1-855-322-3848
Personal Financial Counselor Our Personal Financial Counselor can provide one-on-one financial counseling services for you and your Family. Mr. Chip Jurgensen, CFP (919) 334-8313
FA M I LY M AT T E R S M AY 2 0 1 3
Spouse Education & Career Opportunities Whether you are just starting your education, trying to advance in your career, or looking for that next great career opportunity, the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program can help you search for information on portable careers, get you started on your education, finalize that perfect resume, or assist you with your career planning. Use these resources, tools, and articles to help you get started!
2013 Hiring Our Heroes Veterans Events Across North Carolina Join us at a location near your., for a job fair for veteran job seekers, active duty military members, guard and reserve members, and military and veteran spouses. This event will be a one-of-a-kind FREE hiring fair for both employers and job seekers. Asheville Army Reserve Center 224 Louisiana Avenue Asheville NC 28806 Thursday, May 9, 2013 9:00AM to 12:00PM For more information, to register and about event sponsors visit
Start Today at
NC National Guard Yellow Ribbon Employment Program
Be Ready, Get Prepared OUR SERVICES FOR SERVICEMEMBERS AND SPOUSES: Individual Employment Plans Job Search Help Transition Resources Career Assessment Resume Preparation Employment Preparation AND MORE!
Western, NC David Ponder Office: (828) 274-8571 Cell: (919) 485-9567 Eastern, NC (800) 621-4136 Ext. 46740 Jeremiah Bigham Donnie Blackburn M AY 2 0 1 3   FA M I LY M AT T E R S  
V o l u nteer Webin a rs Volunteer Management (VM)
Volunteer Community Network (VCN) Guest Presenter
Charlotte: Nikkie Newsome Ext.14548
Session 1 o
to be announced
Clinton: Sarah Strickland Ext. 14735
Goldsboro: Greg Smith Ext. 15423
Links will be published prior to each session. Session details are still underway.
TOPIC: Parent Themed Panel – special guest
Session 1 – 7th 10:00 AM EDT Session 1 – 9th 9:00 PM EDT Session 2 – 14th 10:00 AM EDT Session 2 – 16th 9:00 PM EDT
High Point (Temporary location due to Construction): Gloria Fields, Ext.15620 Jacksonville: Judy Richardson Ext. 11346 Morrisville: Darlette McCormick Ext. 16313 Oxford: Norman Dean Ext. 12182 Raleigh: George Lane Ext. 46714
May is National Military Appreciation Month…where the nation is encouraged to observe this month as a symbol of unity, to honor the current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces, to include those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in pursuit of freedom. There are six observances to honor our military this month... -Loyalty Day, 1 May 2013, -Public Service Recognition -Week, 5-11 May 2013, -Victory in Europe Day – VE Day, 8 May 2013,
-Military Spouses Appreciation Day, 10 May, Celebrated on the Friday before Mother’s Day, May 12, -Armed Forces Day, 18 May 2013, and last but not least -Memorial Day, 27 May 2013. I’d like to pay special tribute to the Military Spouse, especially, to the many Military Spouses that take on that additional service on top of their already taxed, and over taxed roles as Military Spouses, Mother’s and Caregivers to all… FRG VOLUNTEERS! Thank you for supporting the men and women of the North Carolina National Guard and serving in the Silent Ranks. Ju d y Ri c h a r dso n
FA M I LY M AT T E R S M AY 2 0 1 3
Military Spouse Appreciation MATH Elementary Reception Algebra I and II Geometry Trigonometry Friday, May 24, 2013 Calculus Statistics
“This Is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it. This helps me a great deal, especially when my mom doesn’t know the answers.” – Military Student
6 p.m.—8 p.m. Trinity Baptist Church SCIENCE Earth Science Biology 216 Shelburne Rd., Asheville, N.C. Chemistry Physics
Featuring Keynote Speaker: Darlene Houghton, Vocabulary Grammar MotherCenter of 3 Active Duty Soldiers Writing
Light refreshments will be served. SOCIAL STUDIES Please RSVP by Monday, May 20th to: Debra Collington, FAC Network Coordinator PROOFREADING 828.274.8571 TEST PREP ~Hosted by Trinity Baptist Church~
S tro n g Bo n d s May 31-June 2 Family Wellness Retreat for Families of Deployed Servicemembers June 21-23 Family Wellness Retreat July 19-21 Single Soldiers Retreat August 9-11 There will be TWO Marriage Enrichment Events this weekend at the same location announced August 23-25 is Single Soldiers Retreat “This service incredible! September Family Retreat Being deployed13-15 to Iraq, I wasWellness very
worried about my kids’ grades. ThisFor is a questions, great service.”please call
Wendi Bell at (800) 621-4136 – Army Parent ext. 46078 or via email at
Registration Forms are online at FP/Pages/SB.aspx. Dates are subject to change. Locations have not yet been confirmed.
Go to to see a complete list of who is eligible to access the program.
Webinar: How to use for U.S. Military Families Register online at M AY 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S
Webinar Sessions
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
ARNG YRRP Integration with EventPLUS This presentation will introduce you to the EventPLUS tools and features that support Event Coordinators with Event Set Up, Registration Management, Attendance Tracking and Event Reporting activities. Wednesday May 8, 2013 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Eastern Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser) aspx?Mode=ReadOnly&Id=5E59A33D-7049-4936-B796-0081D4EA2480
May 2013
Communicating in JSS During this session, you will learn how JSS enables you to connect with JSS members through Announcements, Blogs, Forums, Email Campaigns, the File Library and Groups. Wednesday May 8, 2013 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Eastern Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser) Using the Volunteer Activity Tracker – Staff This session orients Staff to relevant reports detailing volunteer activities. This includes how to view and export the User Report and enter and view volunteer activity hours. Wednesday May 15, 2013 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Eastern Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser) Updating Your User Profile in JSS During this session, you will learn how to request a change to your state affiliation and role permissions, update your personal information, reset your JSS password and view your JSS History. Wednesday May 15, 2013 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Eastern Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser)
dance Tracking and Event Reporting activities. Wednesday May 15, 2013 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Eastern Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser) Creating an Event in JSS This session orients ESGR, FMAP, Family Program, PHP, SAPR and Warrior Support Staff on how to create an event in JSS. This includes how to create events, register for events and manage event registrations. Thursday May 23, 2013 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Eastern Register here (or cut and paste entire link below into browser)
ANG YRRP Integration with EventPLUS This presentation will introduce you to the EventPLUS tools and features that support Event Coordinators with Event Set Up, Registration Management, Atten***JSS Training provides Family Programs staff and Yellow Ribbon staff instructions on utilizing Joint Services Support applications and features***
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Photos: March 9, 2013 Families joined together to tie yellow ribbons in the town of Taylorsville for the return of Soldiers of the North Carolina National Guard 882 Engineer Company. Courtesy of Nancy Davis, Family Assistance Center Coordinator, Morganton, NC
A Strong Bonds Weekend Retreat for Families of Deployed that can help you cope. Taking care of all the responsibilities at home while your Soldier is deployed can be very stressful. NC National Guard Chaplains and Family Programs do not abandon our Families when your Soldier is deployed. So, this Retreat is designed especially for you.
TOPICS INCLUDE: We Are In This Together (All together—Networking and Ice-Breaker.) Why Do I Feel This Way? (Adults; Children—Separate Age Groups—Managing change and expectations.) Finding My Voice (Adults; Children-Separate Age Groups—Listening & Communication) My Sources of Power (Adults; Children Separate Age Groups—”Life Preserver”) Strength For the Journey (Adults; Children—Separate Age Groups—Spiritual strength & resilience) We Are Family (An together—Working Together.)
The goal of this program is to strengthen Spouses and Military Children of deployed Soldiers relationally, emotionally and spiritually during deployment through an off-site, inviting Retreat experience. This is accomplished through a learning process which encourages discussion and relevant reinforcement activities.
Friday, May 31—Sunday, June 2, 2013 Location: Sea Trails Resort, Sunset Beach, NC
Events starts at 6 p.m. on Friday // Concludes prior to lunch on Sunday Sunday’s Special Session for all participants “WE ARE FAMILY” Children are encouraged to attend and participate in this event. Childcare will be provided for those children ages 0-4, while children age 5+ will participate in the Retreat. Adults and children 5+ will participate together in the initial Module “We are in this Together,” then children will break out in the age specific groups, covering the same material as the adults, but designed age appropriately. Meals during the event will be provided (Saturday dinner is on your own).
For Questions and/or to RSVP, please contact: Wendi Bell at (800) 621-4136 ext. 46078 or Registration Forms are online at: M AY 2 0 1 3 FA M I LY M AT T E R S 1 7
N e w s for Yo u Pfc. Richard helps Spc. Hart, 2/130th Airfield Operations Battalion (AOB), perform maintenance on a truck.
Pfc. Richard helps Sgt. Nesmith work in Operations.
Pfc Richard working with Spc. Burke as he performs an inventory at Camp Arifjan
Photos submitted by 2/130th AOB FRG Leader, Jacci Connell, spouse of SFC Andrew Connell 18
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with love, ________ with love, _______
with love, ________
Winston-Salem Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) (Temporary location due to construction in Greensboro) 2000 Silas Creek Pkwy., 27103/(800) 621-4136 Ext. 15651 Sandy Harrison, FAC Specialist,
with love, ________
Wilmington Unit Family Contact Center 2412 Infantry Rd., 28405/(800)621-4136 Jim Marley,, Ext. 16918 Judy Howard, FAC Network Coordinator, Ext. 16925
with love, ________
Southern Pines Unit Family Contact Center 500 Morganton Rd., PO Box 1317, 28387 / (800) 621-4136 Ext. 12863 Earlene Capps,,
car wash
Smithfield Unit Family Contact Center 406 Hospital Rd., 27577/(800) 621-4136 Ext.12784 Abby Millsap,
breakfast in bed
Raleigh Unit Family Contact Center 4105 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC, 27607/(800)621-4136 Lisa Faison,, Ext. 47100 Mark Woolbright,, Ext. 47102
kitchen clean-up
Morganton Unit Family Contact Center 411 Kirksey Dr., Morganton, NC, 28655/ (800)621-4136 Ext. 11869 Nancy Davis,,
movie night
Lenoir State Family Assistance Center 1535 Beecher Anderson Rd., Lenoir, 28645/ (800)621-4136 Ext. 11242 Frances Johnson,
special dinner
Kinston Unit Family Contact Center 2875 Dobbs Farm Rd., 28504/(800)621-4136 Ext. 15817 Gabrielle H. O’Flanagan,
Kannapolis Military Family Resource Center 6001 Gateway Ctr. Dr., Suite 109, 28081/Fax: (704) 788-0550 Lynn White,, (704) 788-4554
High Point Unit Family Contact Center (UFCC) (Temporary location due to construction in Greensboro) 3515 Armory Dr., 27260/(800) 621-4136 Ext. 15649 Katy Jones, FAC Network Coordinator,
Greenville State Family Assistance Center 1401 N. Memorial Dr., 27834/(800) 621-4136 Ext. 11150 Dawn White,
Family Assistance Centers are located across the State to provide assistance to ALL Military Service Members and their Families. If you know of a Service Member or Military Family that has a question or concern, please share our contact numbers, web site, newsletter, and Facebook link. We're here to help.
Charlotte Unit Family Contact Center 4240 West Blvd., 28208 /(800) 621-4136 Carry Bandy, FAC Specialist,, Ext. 14547 Doretha McLaughlin, FAC Specialist, Ext. 14548
Family Assistance Centers
special coupon special coupon special coupon special coupon special coupon FOR MILITARY FOR MILITARY FOR MILITARY FOR MILITARY FOR MILITARY
Asheville Military Family Resource Center 7 Yorkshire St. Suite 101, 28803/Fax: (828) 274-7209 Debra Collington,, (828) 274-8571
May 9Ͳ12, 2013
Military Personnel & Family Members y y
$12 Ticket!*
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To purchase tickets: To purchase tickets: 1) Show this flyer and Military ID at the US Cellular Center Ͳ Asheville Box Office 2) Use promo code BRAVE online at * Ticket price valid on $22 full price tickets, only, at performances on Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. No double discounts. Ticket price shown includes $2 facility fee. Limit of 6 tickets per order. Restrictions and additional fees may apply.
For more information, contact Group Tickets USA Email: ~ Phone: 1Ͳ256Ͳ603Ͳ2420 20
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