North Central NJ Natural Awakenings - August 2019

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FEEDING HEALTHY HABITS A 10-Step Guide for Helping Children Thrive


WILD Foraging for Foodies


Cycling for a Healthy Brain

21 Century Parenting st

Preparing Kids for the Future August 2019 |

Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex Co. Edition


The Holistic Dental Center Working Together with Other Holistic Practitioners to Create a True Holistic Approach to Your Health


team approach to your overall health and it starts at the Holistic they don’t see, I do, and vice versa, seeing dental infections and Dental Center in Millburn, New Jersey, with their highly skilled how they can affect organ systems through meridians or directly and team of trained professionals in holistic and biological dentistry. From utilizing the benefits of networking with a holistic practitioner can and their award winning doctors and their state of the art technology to does make all the difference in patient care…I wouldn’t have it any their use of ozone and self-healing therapies, they are committed other way,” Dr. Gashinsky says about working with other practitioners. to not only treating your dental related symptoms, but also, the root So if you’re looking for an approach that is inclusive of all aspects cause thereby eliminating disease and promoting optimal health. of holistic care, visit Dr. Gashinsky and his team at The Holistic Dental Little did conventional practitioners know so many years ago that Center in Millburn, New Jersey. It’s their priority to ensure complete it took more than just looking at the mouth. A generation ago there holistic care by promoting the benefits of holism. “It’s not just your was a disconnect, a thought that our mouth and teeth had no bearing teeth anymore,” as he says, “It never was,” but now they have the on the health of the rest of our body. Now more and more research ability to not just treat overall disease but truly prevent and promote has been showing that there is a strong connection between dental whole body wellness. disease and systemic health. Dr. Gashinsky, Holistic Dentist, has always known that. A holistic approach to health is multifaceted, so he Other than being a dentist for 40 years, Dr. Vladimir Gashinsky, is a has built a network of healthcare practitioners to assist his patients in certified nutritional consultant, Accredited by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, SMART certified and a Naturopathic obtaining their desired level of optimal wellness. doctor “My passion for learning is never complete, I will continue to Working hand in hand with Naturopaths, Functional Medicine research and learn the latest in alternative treatments and team up practitioners and many others in the field of holistic medicine has with the best in the fields of holistic and alternative medicine to bring expanded Dr. Gashinsky’s ability to help more people. “I find it to be my patients the best treatments available, this I can assure you.” incredibly fulfilling to work synergistically with these practitioners to be able to improve patients’ health so dramatically. Some are coming Holistic Dental Center is located at 91 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, to me so very sick and by working together we’re seeing drastic New Jersey. For more information, call (973) 457-4688 or visit improvements in their quality of life,” says Dr. Gashinsky. Dr. Gashinsky feels strongly in the need to practice in such a manner as to take patients whole health into consideration. So much so, that he traveled to Switzerland this past spring to visit the Paracelsus Clinic and Swiss BioHealth Clinic; two healthcare models that promote the oral-body connection, to study their holistic approach to patient care. Dr. Gashinsky says, “To truly practice holism; the thought that everything is understood in relation to the whole and not just its parts, it’s important to remember that when treating a person it’s not just what one practitioner does, but how they can work together to improve the final outcome.” “Finding and working with like minded practitioners to help my patients has not only been professionally satisfying, but also on a personal level knowing that my patients are being well taken care of,” say Dr. Gashinksy. “Finding and addressing the root cause of disease in all our disciplines is the key to success in our patients’ health. What __________________________________________ A D V E R T O R I A L __________________________________________

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.






Foraging for Foodies



Preparing Kids for the Future



Regenerative Agriculture Takes Aim at Climate Change




Practice Intentional Self-Love



A 10-Step Guide for Helping Children Thrive


Treating the Whole Pet

44 HEALING HARMONIES Music As Medicine

advertising & submissions how to advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 908-405-1515 or email Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. Editorial submissions Email Deadline for editorial: Articles (5th of the month); News and Health briefs (10th of the month). calendar submissions Submit calendar events online at NaturalAwakeningsNJ. com. Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month. regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets, call 239-434-9392. For franchising opportunities, call 239-530-1377 or visit Serving the counties and surrounding areas of Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex. Natural Awakenings ~ your muse for a healthy YOU and a healthy PLANET. 4

North Central NJ Edition



Cycling for a Healthier Brain

DEPARTMENTS 7 news briefs 12 health briefs 14 global briefs 17 eco tip 18 roots 23 conscious

eating 33 inspiration 34 kudos 35 green living 36 therapy spotlight

39 healthy kids 41 teen voices 42 natural pet 44 healing ways 46 fit body 48 local yoga 50 calendar 58 business

directory 63 classifieds

publisher letter


Listening with Both Ears


t’s easy to forget that listening is a “pay attention” decision, and the easiest way to ride right past that decision is when talking is involved. Every conversation has different components that dictate the outcome of how we handle communication and listening in general. But here is a bit of observation and personal direction.

Joe Dunne, Publisher

When we engage in conversation, we set our priorities on what we define as important to us.

We interrupt quite a bit, anxious to get to our turn. Why? Because we’re listening to ourselves rather than listening to what is being said. Or we’re influenced by who we are in conversation with and just can’t help ourselves. We take over. We interrupt—sometimes on topic and sometimes to redirect. About interrupting: I do not remember being taught that interrupting is a normal feature in good communication (though my teenage son tells me that interruption is the way normal people communicate, and that I must be weird to think it’s not okay). We interrupt others to tell our thoughts, our story or our experience, even though we know it’s very hard to hear others when we’re listening to ourselves. There must be a reason for “two ears, one mouth,” yet the ego asks, “why should I listen when talking is so much more rewarding, especially to me?” Creating the discipline to be aware, to listen, to be respectful is all on me. When listening to myself, I should be listening for my tone with others, my clarity with others, instead of just listening to my own urge to interject what I want into the conversation. Being a good listener is hard; being a great listener is dynamic. I think we take it for granted that listening and communication in general is complex. The components of listening are mind boggling. Active listening, body language, eye contact, facial expressions, subject matter, situational listening and understanding the message you are trying to convey, along with setting up the environment to be heard, eliminating noise and setting the tone of the communication are all involved. So yes, it is complex. Despite its complexity, the first step to improvement is to make the decision. So, starting today, my intention is to become a better listener. To be present in every conversation, to be attentive, to draw on my knowledge from the courses, books, audio tapes and TED talks I have taken and listened to, as well as my life experience and sales background and apply them to become a better listener. I know I can improve with the simple, little act of good intention and paying attention. Becoming a great listener is rewarding to everyone involved. Let’s all pay attention to what is being said. In peace, love and laughter,

north central nj edition PUBLISHER Joe Dunne • 908-405-1515

Managing Editor Kathy Tarbell

Editor Lana Dykes Design & Production Kim DeReiter

CopyEditor Julie Vitto yoga section Rosie Lazroe • 732-596-7384

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contact the publisher Joe Dunne • Bedminster, NJ

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national team CEO/FOUNDER Sharon Bruckman coo/ franchise sales Joe Dunne national Editor Jan Hollingsworth Managing Editor Linda Sechrist national art director Stephen Blancett art director Josh Pope f ranchise support Mgr. Heather Gibbs National Advertising Kara Scofield Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4933 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 203 Naples, FL 34103 Ph: 239-434-9392 • Fax: 239-434-9513 © 2019 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. The content herein has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not meant to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any condition. Statements are the opinion of the author/speaker. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.

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August 2019


news briefs

Self-Mastery Mentorship Program at Blossoming into Light


t’s time to release what no longer serves us and tune into our intuitive guidance to discover our soul’s purpose. Through this process, a person can express their authentic self on the path to their highest purpose. Beginning in September, Blossoming into Light will be offering a yearlong Self-Mastery Mentorship program to four amazing individuals who are committed to their personal growth, raising their consciousness and uncovering their unique gifts all while defining and refining their goals. These lucky participants will have the opportunity to explore potential paths and gain clarity along with the support of the teachers and other students. Each self-mastery mentorship group that comes together focuses on a synergistic purpose. A questionnaire is given to applicants who wish to join and the group of four individuals are chosen based on their responses to create harmonious goals. Taught by Rev. Sue Freeman and Rev. Leslie Treloar, the groups will learn how to live life on purpose and answer their soul’s calling. The groups meet once a month in person and once a month via Zoom. Each participant also receives quarterly one-on-one mentoring as well as suggested reading and homework. Applications will be due by September 1. Location: Blossoming into Light, IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. For the application and questionnaire, email For more information, call Sue at 862-222-4268 or visit See ad, page 10.

Marketing Your Business for

3 A Day Starts Here!


Reach 30,000 Readers in Northern New Jersey Natural Awakenings Resource Guide per month.


Joe Dunne, Publisher Bedminster, NJ 07921 PH: 908-405-1515 • FAX: 877-635-3313 A monthly publication dedicated to providing healthconscious individuals with insights and information to improve the quality of life p h y s i c a l l y, m e n t a l l y, emotionally and spiritually.


Joe dunne, publisher 908-405-1515

August 2019


news briefs

Jin Shin Jyutsu Certification Course Begins in September in Morristown


s healthcare shifts toward prevention, the demand for holistic practitioners who are certified is increasing. To help meet that need, Atlantic Health System and the Mary Burmeister Institute are pleased to present its professional practitioner certification training in the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu. This three-level course—Foundations, Developing Proficiency and Excellence in Practice—will prepare the student to meet certification criteria, and provide the knowledge and skills needed to practice Jin Shin Jyutsu in a variety of professional settings. The course begins September 13 and runs for nine weekends over a period of one year. No prior experience is necessary. Jin Shin Jyutsu is a gentle, non-invasive form of energy medicine that originated in Japan in the early 1900s. It utilizes unique and detailed diagrams of the major energy channels within the body and 26 sets of key locations used to restore harmony and balance. It is an effective component of integrative care, and a valuable modality for self-care. Participants will experience a newly designed core curriculum, which includes supervised hands-on practice, integrative anatomy and physiology and professional practices. Upon course completion, the participant will be eligible to apply for certification and earn the certification credential. Successful completion awards 151 CE to nurses and massage therapists. Location: Morristown Medical Center, 100 Madison Ave., Morristown. For information, contact David Burmeister, Program Director, at 480-998-9331 or, or visit See ad, page 16.

The most important thing that I learned in growing up is that forgiveness is something that, when you do it, you free yourself to move on. ~Tyler Perry

Acorn Holistics Offers Hypnosis and Meditation Sessions


he brain is like an iceberg. The conscious mind is the 10% that can be seen above the water and comprises logical thinking and memories. The subconscious mind is the 90% that cannot be seen and deals with beliefs, emotions and imagination. A hypnotist taps into the subconscious mind to rewire the brain to create positive habits. Bruce and Debbie Cialfi, co-owners of Acorn Holistics, help their clients retrain their brains in order to solve their problems and overcome life’s obstacles. At Acorn Holistics, a client first receives a complimentary phone consultation to target what they have been trying to achieve or change. Then, they attend a series of safe, confidential appointments where Debbie or Bruce speak to their subconscious mind and guide them through hypnosis with positive statements and affirmations that are targeted to work on specific triggers. Meditation can be another tool in the toolbox when trying to tackle problems such as anxiety, stress, smoking or weight loss. Debbie explains, “through meditation, a person can tap fully into the subconscious mind, just as a hypnotist does in hypnosis. Through instruction in meditation, one can learn to calm and focus the mind.” Many people feel that meditation is not for them because they cannot “turn off their brains,” but in reality, they just need guidance. Accessing the mind is attainable through hypnosis and meditation. Location: Acorn Holistics, 46 Main Street, Netcong. For more information, call 973475-8989, email or visit See ad, page 13.


North Central NJ Edition

Directory of Advertisers

Thank you for being part of our community! Acorn Holistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Aesthetic Family Dentistry . . . . . . . . . 31, 64 Align Healing and Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Bee You Yoga & Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Blossoming Into Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Center for Systemic Dentistry . . . . . . . . . . 57 Chimney Rock Crossfit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Cindy Nolte, Fresh Look on Life . . . . . . . . 55 Connectivity Therapy and Holistic Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 CopperZap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 David Burmeister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Dhyana Yoga Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Dr. Andy Rosenfarb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Dr. Edward Magaziner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Dr. Derek Rodger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Dr. John Gallucci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Dr. Tammy Kaminski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Effortless Hypnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Enhanced Living Hypnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Empowered Light Holistic Expo . . . . . . . . . 11

Functional Brain Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 HempWorx - Kristen Ragucci . . . . . . . . . . 21 Holistic Dental Center - Dr. Vladimir Gashinsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Huna Healing Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Ideal Soul Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Inner Truth Hypnotherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Joy & Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Kangen Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Kelly Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Learning RX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Leslie Lobell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Lewis Healing and Wellness . . . . . . . . . . 34 LightWing Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Lisa’s Thermography and Wellness . . . . 26 Living Waters Wellness Center . . . . . . . . 43 Morning Star Family Health . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Mountain Lakes Organic Coop . . . . . . . . 50 MultiPure Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Nancy Weber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Natural Home Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Naturally Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 NJ Advanced Acupuncture . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 NJ Total Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Personally Yours Lingerie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Philip Stein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Portal of Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Shakti Yoga & Living Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Starseed Bakery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Studio Yog Madison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Sunshine Gifts and Yoga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Sussex County Food Co-op . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 The Whole-istic You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ThetaHealing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ThinTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Transform Yoga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Tru Nature Yoga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Unlock Your Hidden Beauty . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Unwind Yoga & Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Whispering Willows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Whole Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 WholeListic Hair Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Wisdom Health & Wellbeing . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Yoga Anonymous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 * New Advertiser

Let them know you found them in Natural Awakenings North Central NJ! August 2019


Innovative Nutrition Course!

news briefs

• Join one of the fastest growing careers in our country today! • “Proper nutrition” is the key to a healthy body. • Learn the benefits of “Alternative Healing Methods”. • Live a healthy lifestyle, using a holistic approach to wellness. • Learn about how Herbology, Homeopathy and Essential Oils can enhance the quality of your life. • Understand the power of “Energy Healing” Brenda Woodruff, CNC using Bio-Feedback, Reiki, Vibrational Energy and Kinesiology. • We teach a “Positive” approach to healing. Attitude is everything.

Empowered Light Holistic Expo Returning to Philadelphia in September

“Knowledge is Power!” Use this knowledge to improve the quality of your life and the lives of your loved ones, and teach others as well.

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Whispering Willow Holistic Center Classes taught in Sparta, New Jersey

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Blossoming Into Light! Providing the Bridge to Your Highest Potential Join Leslie & Sue for

Classes & Events Blossoming Into Light • 401 Rt 24, Chester 862-222-4268 • 10

North Central NJ Edition


he Empowered Light Holistic Expo—a weekend of activities, products, services, lectures and classes promoting healthier lifestyles and spiritual development—is coming to the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center September 6 through 8. Visitors can try mini-sessions in meditation, sound healing and reiki; receive an intuitive or psychic reading; browse vendor booths; talk with a life coach or published author; listen to presentations by experts in health or spiritual development and register for hourly raffles. Featured speakers are Jason Quitt, author and speaker on Ancient Mysteries; international speaker on exopolitics and metaphysics Laura Eisenhower; John Desouza, former FBI special agent and collector of the real-life “X-Files” and psychic Brad Johnson, the personal channel of the multidimensional consciousness known as Adronis. Desouza, now a leading writer and researcher on the paranormal, will present Para Investigators & the Globalist Terror on September 7 and Hacking the Matrix on September 8. Johnson will present Channeling Adronis: The Golden Age on September 6 and Spirit Ambassador Workshop on September 7 and 8. Eisenhower will present Into the Unified Field on September 7 and 8. Anyone can watch and participate in these seven presentations via live-stream. Before founding the Expo, Sue Greenwald operated a wellness center offering yoga, dance, healing energy treatments, massage and spiritual and self-development classes. “The Empowered Light Holistic Expo started as a persistent idea,” she says. “I decided to pursue it, starting with the contacts I had from my wellness center. I rented the Expo Center and learned everything just doing it—alone. The expo is designed so that people can learn, be inspired, try different types of classes, make new friends and have fun doing so.” Location: 100 Station Ave., Oaks, PA. Hours: September 6, 4-9 p.m.; September 7, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.; September 8, 10 a.m.-5p.m. For more information, visit See ad, page 11.

August 2019


Stopping smoking has the long-term benefit of reducing the risk of developing seropositive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by 37 percent over 30 years, say researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in Boston. The study was based on data from the 230,000 women that participated in two longitudinal Nurses’ Health Studies, and focused on the 969 women that developed seropositive RA. Risk began to go down about five years after women quit smoking and continued to decrease the longer they stayed non-smokers. Patients with seropositive RA generally have more severe disease manifestations, including joint deformities and disability.

Take It Easy on the Eggs Eggs should only be a now and then thing, the latest research from Northwestern Medicine, in Chicago, indicates. The new study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, looked at pooled data on 29,615 U.S. racially and ethnically diverse adults with an average of more than 17 years of follow up. It found that for every 300 milligrams (mg) of dietary cholesterol eaten per day, risk of death from heart disease increases by 17 percent and mortality from any cause increases by 18 percent. One large egg has a whopping 186 mg of cholesterol in the yolk, and eating three to four eggs a week increases heart disease mortality by 6 percent and all-cause mortality by 8 percent. Frank Hu, M.D., at the Harvard School of Public Health, comments that low to moderate intake of eggs can be included as part of a healthy eating pattern, but they are not essential. Dietary cholesterol also comes from red meat, processed meat and high-fat dairy products such as butter and whipped cream. 12

North Central NJ Edition

Trong Nguyen/

Use Probiotics to Shed Pounds For the one-third of Americans struggling with obesity, new research on probiotics from the Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, in China, offers a promising approach. In a meta-review of 12 randomized, placebocontrolled studies that tested 821 obese and overweight people, probiotic supplementation was found to significantly reduce body weight, weight circumference and fat mass, and to improve cholesterol and glucose metabolism measures. Probiotics were administered in forms that included sachet, capsule, powder, kefir yogurt and fermented milk, in durations that ranged from eight to 24 weeks.

Evgeny Karandaevl/

Quit Smoking to Avoid Rheumatoid Arthritis

Running novices that trained for six months and then ran their first marathon actually reversed the aging of major blood vessels—and older and slower people benefitted most, report researchers at University College London. The study of 139 healthy first-time marathon runners, ages 21 to 69, was presented at the 2019 European Society of Cardiology Congress. It found that those firsttimers reduced their arterial age by four years and their stroke risk by 10 percent over their lifetime. In another study presented at the Congress that was based on data from 605 heart failure patients, researchers reported that those walking the farthest in a six-minute test, indicating better fitness, were significantly less likely to have the cognitive impairment that afflicts 67 percent of patients with heart failure.

Dean Drobot/

Walk or Run to Keep Blood Vessels and Brains Young

health briefs

reclaim your calm with hypnosis

T his ultra-relaxing therapy offers the tools you need to free yourself from stressful thoughts and anxiety to feel the calm oasis within. Hypnosis offers many of the same benefits as meditation, Call Today to learn if hypnosis is right for you.

ACORN Holistics

Bruce Cialfi, Hypnocounselor 46 Main St., Unit 2A, Netcong, NJ


August 2019


Coral Care

global briefs

Climate change has inspired farmers to turn to regenerative agriculture, which pulls carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and stores it in their soil. Regenerative agriculture incorporates the practices of planting trees, cover cropping, no-till farming and rotational grazing. As the groundswell of support grows, 250 soil health bills have been introduced in state and federal legislatures in the last two years. At a U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee climate change hearing, Nebraska soybean farmer Matthew Rezac said that keeping soil healthy, not just reducing greenhouse gas emissions, was a key part of what farmers could do to cool a warming planet. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, the bills have different justifications, but they all focus on soil health. As disastrous floods and drought sweep away farmland, the idea that regenerative agriculture could make for more productive farming is gaining traction.

Moon Rocks

Tectonic Activity Shakes Geologists

Long considered to be geologically inactive, our 4.6billion-year-old moon is showing signs of tectonic activity via seismometers deployed between 1969 and 1972 during the NASA Apollo program. Although some “moonquakes” have been recorded near cliff-like fault scarps on the surface, they may be caused by the irregular gravitational effects of orbiting the more massive Earth or extreme temperature differences created by sunlight in the vacuum of space. Employing more sensitive equipment has been proposed for future missions to assist in choosing potential colonization sites. 14

North Central NJ Edition


Farmers Responding to Climate Change

Critical habitat is threatened for 12 coral species in Florida, the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean, while all corals worldwide are experiencing dramatic declines due to the impacts of climate change, pollution and overfishing. The Center for Biological Diversity, a Tucson-based nonprofit focused on species protection, intends to file a lawsuit against the federal government for failing to protect coral habitat as required under the Endangered Species Act. Benefits of securing a critical habitat designation from the National Marine Fisheries Service include improved water quality throughout the coastal zone, limits on overfishing, protection of spawning grounds, reduced impact from development and dredging, and reduced human pressures on thousands of species that inhabit the reefs. Nearly 30 percent of all corals have already been lost to warming ocean temperatures and ocean acidification due to greenhouse gas pollution; scientists predict that the rest could be gone by the end of the century without help.

Fluorescent Findings

Artificial Light Tied to Inflammation Fluorescent lighting is one of the most common sources of artificial light, but new research from Texas State University suggests there may be unexpected consequences at the genetic level. Team member Ronald B. Walter says, “Over the past 60 years, we have increasingly relied on artificial light sources that emit much narrower wavelength spectrums than does the sun. Yet, little research has been conducted to determine gene expression consequences, if any, from use of common artificial light sources.” Their findings, published in the online journal Genes, show increased inflammation in tissue and organs and increased immune response in the subject animals, regardless of whether the species is primarily active in the day or night.


Hot Topic


Reefs to Get Their Day in Court

Bagging It Bogdan Sonjachnyj f/

New York State Bans Plastic Bags

On Earth Day, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law a statewide ban on single-use plastic bags in retail stores that goes into effect next March. It’s estimated that New York uses 23 billion plastic bags every year, with 50 percent ending up in landfills and around cities and waterways. New York is the third state in which plastic bags are illegal, after California and Hawaii.

Bad Air


Pollution Harms Mental and Physical Health

It’s well established that air pollution’s poisons and particles shorten lives, impair learning and increase risk for dementia. Now, a study published this spring in JAMA Psychiatry, which followed 2,232 children in Britain for 18 years, has found significant associations between exposure to air pollution and psychotic experiences during adolescence. Air pollution is believed to be responsible for 7 million deaths per year globally, according to the World Health Organization.

Copper Conflict

Don’t leave the girls hanging...

Bjoern Wylezich/

Opponents Fight Mine in Arizona Desert

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has reversed course without explanation, greenlighting the Rosemont copper mine proposed by Canadian mining company Hudbay Minerals in Arizona’s Santa Rita mountains, 30 miles from Tucson. The Corps approved Rosemont’s Clean Water Act permit this spring after recommending its denial more than two years earlier. Environmentalists, local leaders and indigenous people are suing over the violation of this environmentally sensitive habitat. The Tohono O’odham, Pascua Yaqui and Hopi tribes consider the land sacred. The Cienega Aquifer will be severely impacted by a conical pit a mile wide and up to 2,900 feet deep. Tailings will cover miles of streams and trucks would haul an estimated 50 daily shipments of copper concentrate down the adjacent twolane highway.

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North Central NJ Edition

eco tip


Age-Defying Bodywork


Keeping It Earth-Friendly

plus: Yoga Therapy

SPK Lifestyle Stock

vibrant at any age ISSUE

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August is prime time for camping out in the woods or at a music festival. Communing with nature or enjoying the beat outdoors for extended periods can stress the environment—but with proper planning, it doesn’t have to. The Association of Independent Festivals has launched its Take Your Tent Home campaign in the UK, according to The group is urging concertgoers to not discard their tents at venues and retailers to stop marketing camping gear as intended for single-use; festival organizers also have been asked to eliminate single-use cups, bottles and straws. In America, reports that carbon credits are being offered to help offset trips to and from Lollapalooza, in Chicago, from August 1 to 4. Pickathon, taking place on the same days outside Portland, Oregon, will have a free bike parking lot, as well as a dedicated shuttle for cars, plus no single-use serving ware. advises campers to look for tents and related products made with recycled material and natural fibers like hemp, cotton, coconut husks and bamboo. Marmot, Lafuma, Sierra Designs and The North

Face all use recycled materials in making their tents, including coconut shells, polyester, water bottles, garment fabrics and factory yarn waste. The website also suggests carpooling with family and friends, choosing a site that’s closer to home and packing light to reduce weight in the car, thus improving mileage. Also, if we bring trash into a campsite where there are no receptacles, leave with it. Don’t burn it in the fire, as that contributes to air pollution; instead, pack it up and dispose of it properly at home. Set up a method for collecting rainwater to use to wash dishes. recommends bringing unbreakable, washable plates, cups, utensils and napkins, a small basin or bucket, sponge and biodegradable soap, and a bag to store items that are too dirty to reuse. Stock up on batteries to power lights and lanterns or use solar power with a LuminAID light lamp. Follow the “leave no trace” motto: no litter, smoldering fire pits, ripped-up grass, crushed bushes or repositioned boulders. Stay on marked trails, never pick plants, flowers or berries, and never harm or disturb wildlife.


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August 2019


healing with nature’s pharmacy War has been declared on the opioid epidemic, and at long last, Americans are realizing that they’ve been overmedicated for too long. There are alternative healing options available, and the awakening is happening across the country.


lant medicine is emerging as a powerful ally in the war on drugs. It’s strange how using herbs, plants, roots, flowers and bark as medicine is considered alternative, or off the beaten path when, in reality, it’s the oldest and most natural way to treat and cure countless maladies that plague the human race. For many millennia, research has been taking place regarding the medicinal value and properties of plants. One of the oldest written resources for plant medicine can be found in an ancient Egyptian papyri, Ebers Papyrus, which dates back to 1550 BC and is believed to have been rewritten from an even older record. Through countless trial and error experiments, ancestors of the human race have been discovering the many benefits that Mother Earth has to offer through her foliage. They’ve passed this information onto us through writings, teachings and oral histories. Many countries and cultures throughout the world still rely heavily on Earth’s bounty for healing. 18

North Central NJ Edition

It’s difficult to identify exactly how, when and why some cultures continued to follow nature’s trail, while others decided to follow a concrete runway which led to manmade pharmaceuticals. Perhaps it’s how east and west differ on their view of total health. Most eastern philosophies view medicine as treating the whole person, which includes the body, mind and spirit. It is all connected through one energy, and when one element is treated, they are each treated in turn. In the west, however, there is an obvious distinction between the body, mind and spirit. It is that scientific divide that drove the evolution of how people and ailments are diagnosed and cared for. As more and more Americans are being called to fight in their own health management battle, it is vital that they have all of the information that is available, so a well-developed plan of attack can occur. Education is key. The more people know about their medicinal options, the stronger their arsenal will be when they take a stand and command control of their whole health—mind, body and spirit.



is a naturally occurring chemical compound that is found in the spice turmeric. The two words are sometimes used interchangeably, but the technical difference between the two is that turmeric is the yellowish powder used to flavor foods, while curcumin is a chemical contained within turmeric.

healing with nature’s pharmacy

Eat Plants to Live Longer

Daxiao Productions l/

At least one-third of early deaths could be prevented if people moved to a largely plant-based diet, prominent scientists from Harvard University Medical School have calculated. An international initiative, “Food in the Anthropocene,” published in the medical journal The Lancet, linked plant-based diets not only to improved health worldwide, but also to global sustainability. The report advocates a diet high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and nuts, and low in red meat, sugar and refined grains. “Unhealthy diets pose a greater risk to morbidity and mortality than does unsafe sex, and alcohol, drug and tobacco use combined,” it concludes.

Natural Awakenings is proud to introduce the newest section of the magazine, ROOTS: Healing with Nature’s Pharmacy.

This section is an educational tool for our readers. Each month the section will highlight natural medicines and provide useful information such as their history, their uses and their benefits. We will put you in contact with local businesses and practitioners that work within the belief system that nature is medicine.

Are you a practitioner? Call Joe at 908-405-1515 to participate. We want to hear from you!

Savor Cherries to Lower Metabolic Syndrome Risk Montmorency tart cherries, first discovered by Roman legionnaires along the Black Sea, have been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, according to scientists. Now a study from the UK’s University of Hertfordshire published in the Journal of Functional Foods has found that the cherries can mitigate factors that lead to metabolic syndrome, a condition that increases the risk of stroke, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Just two hours after being given cherries in the form of juice or capsules, subjects showed significantly decreased systolic blood pressure, and insulin levels were significantly lower after one and three hours compared to those given a placebo. August 2019


healing with nature’s pharmacy

Herbal First Aid Kit by Wendy Warner


simple way to get to know herbs is to use them for first aid issues. Consider making up a box filled with remedies to take with you on vacation, or to send to college with your child. Be sure to include instructions. Which remedies to include in an herbal first aid kit can be determined by keeping in mind who might be using them: What allergies do they have; What might they be exposed to; What issues might arise? Be aware of the vast quality differences in products on the market. Especially when it comes to herbs, the cheapest will not be the best. Avoid ordering products from large online suppliers, as they do not keep their warehouses appropriately temperature- and humidity-controlled, which damages the products. Consult an informed practitioner if pregnant, nursing or on any prescription or over-the-counter medication, as there could be interactions with the herbs.

There are many different herbs one could include in a kit. Below is a sample of the most common and easiest to come by. Andrographis: for viral illness when taken internally. Still works after several days of symptoms (unlike echinacea). Take 200mg every two hours for the first 12 hours, then four times daily until symptoms resolve. Although liquid herbs— teas or tinctures—are typically preferred, this herb is best as a tablet or capsule, as the tincture is extremely bitter and unpleasant. Arnica: for wound healing, bruising, muscle soreness. Safe when used as a homeopathic, either topically or internally. Do not use the

herbal tincture internally. For the homeopathic form, use several “pellets” under the tongue three times daily until the bruising starts to turn yellow/green. For the topical cream or gel, use as needed for muscle pain or bruising. Note: Once the bruise starts to turn yellow/green, switch to the homeopathic remedy Ruta, at the same dosing, until the bruise is resolved. Cantharis: a homeopathic remedy for bladder infections. Use 30C strength, several “pellets” under the tongue every three to four hours for symptoms. If started when symptoms first arise, one can avoid a full-blown infection; use for several days. Can use up to 10 days to treat a mild bladder infection and avoid antibiotics. If bladder infections frequently arise after intercourse, take one dose as a preventative after each intercourse event. Chamomile: for wound healing and insect bites when used as a topical ointment; for indigestion, IBS, cramps (either gastrointestinal or menstrual), headaches, insomnia when taken internally as a tea. Tea: use one tablespoon dried herb in 10 ounces of water. Drink three to four cups per day. Tincture: use 60 to 120 drops in water three times daily. To make a topical ointment, mix two drops essential oil in one teaspoon aloe gel and apply to skin.


North Central NJ Edition

Cinnamon: for nausea/ vomiting from food poisoning (kills E coli) when taken as tea; for heavy menstrual flow when taken as tincture internally; also helps regulate insulin when taken internally. Tea: one teaspoon powder in eight ounces water; steep covered for 20 minutes. Drink four ounces three to four times daily. Tincture: use 40 drops in water two to four times daily until bleeding slows. (This can be used each month, on a regular basis, for heavy flow). Jamaica Dogwood: use internally for mild to moderate pain of any kind. Tincture: 60 to 120 drops in water, every two to three hours as needed. Combines well with California poppy (same dose). Add passionflower tincture also if the pain is causing anxiety (60 drops.) Marshmallow: use internally for GERD and stomach upset. Works especially well when used with an infusion of ginger root. Use 40 drops tincture in water in the morning for GERD. For ginger infusion, chop ginger root finely; place in tea infuser. Put this in a mug, cover with boiling water for 10 minutes. One cup each morning. Motherwort: for muscle spasms, palpitations, stress related heart disorders, anxiety when taken internally. Tincture: 60 drops in water three times daily. Tea: one teaspoon dried herb in eight ounces water; steep 20 minutes. Two to three cups daily. Caution: use only for short periods of time if hypothyroid; could make thyroid condition worse. Oscillococcinum: This isn’t an herbal, but a proprietary homeopathic remedy. Extremely effective for colds and flu. It is sold in “individual dose” vials, but in reality, that small vial is actually two to three doses. Take one-half to one-third of the vial (small “pellets”) and dissolve under the tongue once or twice a day until feeling better. Some believe

that it is helpful to use as a preventative once a week to avoid seasonal colds. This isn’t proven but can’t hurt. Peppermint: use internally for gas, nausea, indigestion and morning sickness. Tea: one to two teaspoons dried herb in eight ounces water; steep 15 minutes. Three to four cups daily. The essential oil has many uses: place on gum for tooth pain, inhale to relieve headaches. Mix several drops with aloe gel and use topically to speed healing of herpes lesions and athlete’s foot. Plantain: This is a common weed, and during most of the year it can easily be found outside—worth learning what it looks like. Use bruised, fresh leaves to speed healing of cuts, insect bites, poison ivy (chew up or mash/cut up fresh leaves, place on area and wrap up with gauze bandage). As a tea or tincture, for gastritis, cystitis, bronchitis. Tea: two teaspoons dried herb in eight ounces water; steep 15 minutes. Three to four cups daily. Tincture: 60 to 120 drops in water twice daily. Sweetish Bitters: used internally for indigestion and constipation. The actual herbs in this herbal blend will vary slightly by manufacturer, as many different bitter herbs will work. Typically included are milk thistle, dandelion, gentian, fennel. Tincture: 60 to 120 drops in water one to two times daily. Option: Make a “mocktail” with bitters in sparkling water; add fresh lime slice. Drink this prior to a big meal that might cause indigestion. Valerian: for insomnia with anxiety; also for diarrhea and stress-induced gastrointestinal symptoms. Tea: one-half teaspoon dried root in eight ounces water; steep 60 minutes. Two to four cups daily. Tincture: 30 to 60 drops in water three to four times daily. Note: This herb should not smell like dirty socks. If it does, it is a poor quality product and should be avoided. Also note that some people have an idiosyncratic reaction to this plant and August 2019


healing with nature’s pharmacy actually become more agitated when taking it. This is unpredictable; if it occurs, discontinue use.

Herbs are trophorestorative, which means they work on the deepest level to bring about vitality and healing. It has been found, through scientific research, that plants benefit us by actually transferring information to our bodies on a genetic level. Now, that’s what I call deep healing!

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North Central NJ Edition

Yarrow: use internally for IBS, bleeding ulcers, heavy periods, “nervous stomach”. Topically, stops bleeding. Tea: one teaspoon dried herb in eight ounces water; steep 15 minutes. Drink three to four cups daily. Tincture: 60 to 120 drops in water three times daily. For topical use, liquid tincture can be placed directly on the cut, then wrap the area with gauze bandage. Wendy Warner, M.D., ABIHM, IFMCP, practices holistic medicine at Medicine in Balance, in Langhorne. For more information, call 215-741-1600 or visit

GOOD TO KNOW Sunflowers as Medicine?

Around the country, people can agree that the sunflower is one of the most beautiful flowers that can be grown. They bring a cheerful backdrop to any garden and can be seen nodding in the wind and following the sun’s passage overhead. Not only is the sunflower plant one of the most recognizable, it also has some medicinal value. The large, beautiful flower can be used to make a tea that will help lower fevers, suppress coughs and support the lungs when suffering from bronchitis. Eating sunflower seeds will also provide a boost in zinc, copper and manganese, which are essential minerals needed to maintain a healthy body.


conscious eating

Wild and Wonderful Foraging for Foodies


by April Thompson

Wild plants, here is such a thing because they must take care as a free lunch, and of themselves, tend to be because they it awaits adventurmore nutritious than cultimust take care of ous foragers in backyards, vated plants—particularly themselves, tend to city parks, mountain in terms of phytochemicals be more nutritious and antioxidants. They also meadows and even sidewalk cracks. From nutritend to be lower in sugar than cultivated tious weeds and juicy berplants—particularly and other simple carbs, and ries to delicate, delicious higher in fiber.” in terms of flowers and refreshing Purslane, a wild phytochemicals tree sap, wild, edible foods succulent, has more abound in cities, suburbia omega-3s than any other and antioxidants. and rural environments. leafy vegetable, says John ~Deane Jordan Throughout most of Kallas, the Portland, history, humans were foragers that relied on Oregon, author of Edible Wild Plants: local plant knowledge for survival, as both Wild Foods From Dirt to Plate. Mustard food and medicine. Today’s foragers are garlic, a common invasive plant, is the reviving that ancestral tradition to improve most nutritious leafy green ever analyzed, diets, explore new flavors, develop kinship says Kallas, who holds a Ph.D. in nutriwith the environment, and simply indulge tion. “However, the real dietary benefit of in the joy and excitement of finding and foraged plants is in their great diversity, preparing wild foods. as each has a unique profile of phytochemicals. There is no such thing as a Wild Foods As ‘Superdiet’ superfood, just superdiets,” he adds. “There are many benefits to eating wild food,” says Deane Jordan, founder of EatTheWeeds. com, of Orlando, Florida. “Wild plants,

Know Thy Plant Rule number one of foraging is to be 100

percent sure of your identification 100 percent of the time, says Leda Meredith, the New York City author of The Forager’s Feast: How to Identify, Gather, and Prepare Wild Edibles. Foraging experts say the fear of wild plants is largely unfounded. “The biggest misconception is that we are experimenting with unknowns,” says Kallas. “Today’s wild edibles are traditional foods from Native American or European cultures we have lost touch with.” For example, European settlers brought with them dandelions, now considered a nuisance weed, as a source of food and medicine. All parts of it are edible, including flowers, roots and leaves, and have nutritional superpowers. To assess a plant, Kallas adds, a forager must know three things about it: the part or parts that are edible, the stage of growth to gather it and how to prepare it. “Some plants have parts that are both edible and poisonous. Others can be toxic raw, but perfectly edible cooked,” he says. Timing is everything, adds Meredith. “A wild ingredient can be fantastic in one week, and incredibly bitter a week later, so it’s important to know when its prime season is.” Kallas recommends staying away from highly trafficked roadsides and polluted areas. Given that many lawns and public areas are sprayed with herbicides, Sam Thayer, author of The Forager’s Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants, recommends not foraging in an area if it’s uncertain whether chemicals have been applied. Environmental awareness includes understanding how foraging may positively or negatively affect the ecosystem, says Meredith. “Overharvesting can endanger future populations. But there is a ‘win-win’ way to forage, where I get fantastic food and the landscape is better for my having foraged, by clearing invasive plants around natives or planting seeds while collecting a local plant gone to seed.” Thayer, of Bruce, Wisconsin, suggests collecting where species are abundant and thriving: “Fruit, for example, can be harvested limitlessly, as can wild invasives that disrupt the balance of the ecosystem and crowd out native species.” August 2019


Proud to Distribute at:

Bridgewater 319 Chimney Rock Road Bound Brook, NJ Clark 1255 Raritan Road, Unit #150 Clark, NJ Metuchen 645 Middlesex Avenue Metuchen, NJ Millburn—Union 2245 Springfield Avenue Union, NJ

Meal Preparation Vinegars, jams and cordials from wild fruits and flowers can be wonderful, but require some patience for the payoff, yet many wild edibles can be eaten raw or lightly sautéed, requiring very little prep work. Thayer recommends sautéing wild greens with just a little soy sauce, vinegar and garlic.

Buttered Cattail Shoots With Peas and Mint Yields: 4 servings

Remove from the heat and stir in the mint with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Serve warm.

Madison 222 Main Street Madison, NJ

Garlic Mustard Pesto on Crisp-Creamy Polenta

Newark 633 Broad Street Newark, NJ

West Orange 235 Prospect Avenue West Orange, NJ


North Central NJ Edition

Melt the butter in a pot over medium heat. When the butter has melted, add the cattail shoots and water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring often, until the cattail shoots are tender and most of the water has evaporated. Add the peas and cook for 2 minutes more, stirring.

Morristown 110 Washington Street Morristown, NJ

Ridgewood 44 Godwin Avenue Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Connect with Washington, D.C. freelance writer April Thompson at

Simply Wild: Forage Recipes

Montclair 701 Bloomfield Avenue Montclair, NJ

Princeton 3495 US Route 1 South Princeton, NJ

Foraging builds confidence, powers of observation and connections to the natural world. The biggest benefit, says Thayer, may just be the fun of it. “You can experience food and flavors you cannot have any other way. A lot of these foods you cannot buy anywhere, and really, it’s better food than you can buy.”

Yields: 4 servings This is a riff on the traditional English springtime dish of lettuce wilted in butter with peas and mint. The pleasingly mild flavor of the cattail shoots stands in for the lettuce. Stick with just the whitest parts of the shoots for pure tenderness or include some of the pale green bits if you want a sturdier dish. 2 Tbsp unsalted butter 3 cups cattail shoots, chopped ½ cup water 1 cup fresh or frozen shelled peas (if frozen, defrost them first) 2 Tbsp fresh mint, minced Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Leda Meredith, author of The Forager’s Feast: How to Identify, Gather, and Prepare Wild Edibles, says, “Wild food aficionados

may roll their eyes when they see that I’m including this recipe because pesto is used as the go-to recipe for this plant so often that it’s become a cliché. But there’s a reason for that: it’s really, really good. “You can toss garlic mustard pesto with pasta, of course, but a spoonful added to soup just before serving is also wonderful, as is a smear of it on focaccia or toast. My favorite way to enjoy garlic mustard pesto is on pan-fried polenta that is crispy on the outside and creamy within.”

1 tsp garlic, minced (wild or cultivated) ¼ cup Parmesan or Romano cheese, grated ½ cup plus 2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, divided 2 Tbsp butter 8 slices (½-inch-thick) cooked polenta Put the garlic mustard leaves, nuts and garlic into the blender or food processor. Pulse until the leaves are chopped. Add the cheese. With the motor running, add ½ cup of oil a little at a time until the mixture is well blended, but not completely

smooth. (You want a bit of texture from the nuts and greens to remain.) Heat the butter and 2 tablespoons oil in a large nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Add the polenta slices. (You can use the precooked polenta that comes out of a tube, or if you cooked some from scratch, spread it out ½-inch thick on a baking sheet and refrigerate until sliceable.) Don’t try to move the polenta slices until they’ve browned on the bottom side. You’ll

2 cups fresh garlic mustard leaves and tender stems 3 Tbsp walnuts or pine nuts, chopped

Beginner’s Tips From Master Foragers


on’t try to learn foraging; just try to learn about one vegetable or fruit, says Sam Thayer. “Take it one plant at a time. It takes the intimidation out of it.” Find a good local instructor that has a solid background in botany and other fundamentals of foraging, says John Kallas. “Also, get some good books, and more than one, as each will offer different dimensions,” says the author and instructor. Conquer the fear of Latin and learn the scientific names of plants, suggests Leda Meredith. As there may be several plants with the same common name, or one plant with many common names, knowing scientific names will help clear up potential confusion in identifying them. You don’t have to go far to find food, says Deane Jordan. “In reality, there is often a greater selection around your neighborhood than in state parks. In suburbia, you find native species, the edible weeds that come with agriculture, and also edible ornamentals.” Bring the kids: They make fabulous foragers, says Meredith. “They learn superfast and it’s a way to pass cultural knowledge along and instill that food doesn’t come from a garden or a farm, but from photosynthesis and the Earth and the sun.” August 2019


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know that’s happened when they dislodge easily. Use a spatula to flip them over and brown the other side. Plate two slices per person, with the garlic mustard pesto spread on top. Serve hot or at room temperature. Tip: If you want to keep this pesto in the refrigerator for up to a week or in the freezer for up to six months, blanch the garlic mustard greens in boiling water for 20 seconds, then immediately run them under cold water or dip them in an ice bath. Squeeze out as much water as you can, then proceed with the recipe. This blanching step prevents the pesto from losing its bright green color and turning brown in cold storage.

Simple Supper Garlic Mustard Pasta Yields: 4 servings

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This is a simple, but satisfying one-pot meal that comes together in about 20 minutes total. You can embellish the recipe with additional ingredients such as chorizo sausage or pine nuts, but it’s really not necessary. Sometimes simple is best. 1 lb penne pasta 1 lb garlic mustard leaves and shoots, washed and coarsely chopped (ideally, you’re using garlic mustard at the stage where the stems are still tender and the flowers are either budding or just starting to open)

4 garlic cloves, peeled 1 to 2 medium-hot red chili peppers (pepperoncini), stems and seeds removed ¼ cup plus 1 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, divided (use your best as this is one of the main flavors of the sauce) Salt to taste ½ cup Parmesan or Romano cheese, freshly grated (again, use the best you’ve got) Freshly ground black pepper Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the penne and set a timer for seven minutes. While the pasta is cooking, prep the other ingredients: wash and chop the garlic mustard, mince the garlic or put it through a garlic press, chop the chili peppers. After seven minutes, add the garlic mustard to the pasta in the pot and cook until the pasta is al dente, usually about five minutes more. Scoop out a ladleful of the pasta cooking water and set it aside. Drain the pasta and garlic mustard in a colander. Return the pot to the stove over low heat. Add 1 tablespoon of the olive oil to the pot along with the garlic and chili pepper. Cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute. Return the reserved pasta cooking water and the drained pasta and garlic mustard greens back to the pot. Raise the heat to medium and cook, stirring, for a minute or two until the liquid is mostly evaporated or absorbed. Remove from the heat, then stir in the remaining olive oil and salt. (Go scant on the salt because the grated cheese you’ll be adding is salty.) Serve hot with freshly grated cheese and freshly ground pepper. Other wild edibles you can use in this recipe include any leafy greens, as well as the leaves of any wild garlic species. Recipes and photos from The Forager’s Feast: How to Identify, Gather, and Prepare Wild Edibles. Reproduced by permission of The Countryman Press. All rights reserved. August 2019


Develop strategies and techniques to Live Happy & Healthy

Helping Children Cope with Emotions by Susan Lieberman

Feel empowered! Get on a positive path to growth and well-being. As a solution-focused therapist, my goal is to help you uncover your true potential and lead a life that is worth celebrating.


Annabella Sollaccio

Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC, MA 59 E Mill Rd 3-201 | Long Valley, NJ 973-296-1876 |


ibling rivalry, homework, extra-curricular activities, playgroups, peer pressure, bullying, social media and a world that feels unsafe. These are some of the stressors our children face more than any previous generation. Children are expected to behave but unaddressed emotions can cause many to “act out” in unhealthy ways. In fact, adolescent depression and suicide is at an all time high. So, how can we help our children cope with their emotions in a healthy way? How can we teach them to self-regulate and gain control over their lives? One way is through using Jin Shin Jyutsu®, a time-honored Japanese healing art that offers simple self-help tools. It’s as easy as holding our own fingers, regardless of whether it’s on the right or left hand. Just hold the finger with the opposite hand: Thumb Finger/Worry - When you feel anxious about school, homework, or a test, hold your thumb finger until you’re not worried. Index Finger/Fear - You may feel afraid of something, such as the dark or trying a new activity. Hold your pointer finger until you’re not so afraid. Middle Finger/Anger - People can make you angry. Hold your middle finger until you don’t feel like pushing or hitting. Ring Finger/Sadness - You may feel sad, like when a friend moves away. Hold your ring finger to feel better. Little Finger/Try To - You can feel upset and tired after trying hard all day. Hold your pinky finger until you feel calmer. These holds work for adults, too. You will “Worry FAST!” Susan Lieberman, MBA, BSN, LMT, is a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and instructor in the Jin Shin Jyutsu Professional Practitioner Program. She is also a nurse, massage therapist, and meditation and qi gong instructor. For information on Jin Shin Jyutsu or becoming a practitioner, visit See ad, page 16.


North Central NJ Edition


PARENTING Preparing Kids for the Future Evgeny Atamanenko/


by Meredith Montgomery

oday’s children have more opportunities to change the world than ever before. Teenagers are organizing global activism movements, LEGO lovers are mastering robotics and young entrepreneurs are launching successful businesses before they’re old enough to drive. But for Mom and Dad, this fastpaced, technology-driven childhood looks drastically different from their own. To help kids thrive, parents must learn to mindfully embrace today’s modern advances without losing sight of timeless virtues and skills such as kindness, creativity and critical thinking.

Finding Balance

After-school hours used to be filled with outdoor free play in which kids independently developed their natural capabilities as self-learners and creative problemsolvers. The Children & Nature Network has reported that just 6 percent of children ages 9 to 13 play outside on their own. Instead, stress and anxiety are on the rise in our competitive culture as many kids attempt to balance heavy homework loads with an overflowing schedule of extracurricular activities. With the ability to connect to the world at our fingertips, Thomas Murray, director of innovation for Future Ready Schools, in Washington, D.C., notes that devices can also disconnect us from those right next to us. “It’s a massive struggle to find balance and mindfulness, but it’s vitally important. How often do we see an AP [advanced placement] kid that is falling apart emotionally? As parents, we need to recognize that kids have a lot on their plate—more than ever before.”

Salt Lake City-based Courtney Carver, author of Soulful Simplicity: How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More, worries that parents are creating résumés for a life their children probably don’t want. On her website, she focuses on living with less clutter, busyness and stress to simplify life and discover what really matters. “It’s challenging to maintain close connections when we’re overwhelmed with what’s in our inbox, or on Instagram or what the kids are looking at online,” she says. On her own journey to practical minimalism, she gained a greater sense of presence with her daughter. “When you can pay attention to a conversation and not feel distracted and antsy, especially with young kids, that is everything,” says Carver.

Knorr helps parents make sense of what’s going on in their kids’ media lives. “We can think of media as a ‘super peer’: When children are consuming it, they’re looking for cues on how to behave and what’s cool and what’s normal.” Parents need to be the intermediary so they can counterbalance the external messages with their own family’s values. Today’s devices are persuasive and addictive. “As parents, we need to set boundaries, model good digital habits and help

It’s a massive struggle to find balance and mindfulness, but it’s vitally important. How often do we see an AP [advanced placement] kid that is falling apart emotionally? ~Thomas Murray

Managing Technology

The ubiquity of digital devices is a defining difference between today’s youth and that of their elders, making it difficult for parents to relate and know how to set boundaries. As senior parenting editor at nonprofit Common Sense Media, Caroline August 2019


community around you, recognize true and false info, be involved in democratic processes and making your voice heard about issues you care about.” Parents are often uncomfortable with their kids socializing digitally, but Culatta encourages the introduction of interactive media sooner rather than later, so they understand how to engage with the world online before they are old enough to have social media accounts. Geocaching, which uses GPS-enabled devices to treasure hunt, and citizen science


Common Sense Media ( provides education and advocacy to families to promote safe technology and media for children. They provide independent, age-based, media reviews for TV shows and movies. Each detailed review includes pertinent information for parents, plus talking points to foster critical thinking skills.


kids to self-regulate more—which is our ultimate goal,” Knorr says. To raise good digital citizens, Richard Culatta, CEO of International Society for Technology in Education, in Arlington, Virginia, believes conversations about device use shouldn’t end with screen time limits and online safety. “Ask kids if their technology use is helping them be more engaged and find more meaning in the world or is it pulling them out of the world that they’re in,” he says. “Talk about how to use technology to improve the

We need to create an intentional family culture where virtues like kindness and respect are talked about, modeled, upheld, celebrated and practiced in everyday life. ~Thomas Lickona

Let Grow ( seeks to restore childhood resilience by pushing back on

overprotection, and shows concern that even with the best intentions, society has taught a generation to overestimate danger and underestimate their own ability to cope. Its programs work with schools and parents to give kids more of the independence to do the things their parents did on their own as children—bike to a friend’s house, make themselves a meal or simply play unsupervised in the front yard.

The Choose Love Movement ( offers a free social

and emotional learning program for educators and parents. Students learn how to choose love in any circumstance, which helps them become more connected, resilient and empowered individuals.

apps provide family-friendly opportunities to engage in both outdoor activities and online communities. “The majority of our kids will need these digital communication skills to be able to work with anyone at any time,” says Murray. He’s witnessed the impact of connecting classrooms around the world, observing, “When students learn to navigate time zones and language barriers to communicate and collaborate, they see that they can solve the world’s problems together.”

Raising Innovators

“The world doesn’t care how much our children know; what the world cares about is what they do with what they know,” says Tony Wagner, senior research fellow at the Learning Policy Institute, an education research and policy nonprofit in Palo Alto, California. In his latest book, Most Likely to Succeed: Preparing Our Kids for The Innovation Era, he emphasizes the importance of creative problem-solving and the joy of discovery, especially as more jobs become automated. “We’re born with a temperament of creative problem solvers. But then something happens. The longer kids are in school, the fewer questions they 30

North Central NJ Edition

ask, the more they worry about getting the right answer and fewer and fewer think of themselves as creative in any way,” he says. “Instead of listening and regurgitating, kids need to learn how to find and be a critical consumer of information,” says Murray. Fewer employers are asking for college transcripts—including Google—as they discover the disconnect between what students are taught and what innovative skills they actually need. While most schools are slow to adapt to the modern needs of the future workforce, parents can proactively foster the entrepreneurial spirit and discourage a fear of failure at home by offering safe opportunities for risk-taking and independence. After speaking extensively with compelling young innovators around the world, Wagner discovered that their parents explicitly encouraged three things: play, passion and purpose. Their children were provided with many opportunities to explore new interests, as well as to learn from their mistakes. “The parents intuitively understood that more important than IQ is grit, perseverance and tenacity. You don’t develop that when Mom is yelling at you to practice; you develop it because you have a real interest.” To create a culture of innovation, Murray encourages teachers and parents to get to know the interests, passions and strengths of today’s children “and prove to them every day that they matter.” When that interest blossoms into a passion, it can lead to a deeper sense of purpose and a desire to make a difference. According to Wagner, this happens when parents and teachers instill one simple, but profound moral lesson, “We are not here on this Earth primarily and only to serve ourselves; we have some deep, profound obligation to give back and to serve others.”

Teaching Kindness

In a culture that is obsessed with selfies and threatened by cyberbullies, it’s a tough task for parents to teach compassion and kindness. “We need to create an intentional family culture where virtues like kindness and respect are talked about, modeled, upheld, celebrated and practiced in everyday life.

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August 2019


When you choose love, you transform how you see the world from a scary and anxiety-producing place to a loving and welcoming one. ~Scarlett Lewis What we do over and over gradually shapes our character, until it becomes second nature—part of who we are,” says Thomas Lickona, Ph.D., a developmental psychologist and education professor emeritus at the State University of New York College at Cortland, and author of How to Raise Kind Kids: And Get Respect, Gratitude, and a Happier Family in the Bargain. Sesame Workshop’s 2016 Kindness Study found that 70 percent of parents worry that the world is an unkind place for their kids, but Scarlett Lewis believes it’s all in our mind, saying, “When you choose love, you transform how you see the world from a scary and anxiety-producing place to a loving and welcoming one.” After losing her 6-year-old son Jesse in the horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, she attributed the tragedy to an angry thought in the mind of the shooter. Her compassion fueled the founding of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement to educate and encourage individuals to choose loving thoughts over angry ones. “Although we can’t always choose what happens to us, we can always choose how to respond,” she says. The evidencebased Choose Love Enrichment Program teaches children to live a life with courage and gratitude, practice forgiveness and be compassionate individuals. While we don’t want to overwhelm kids with all the evils in the world, Lickona notes that it is valuable to make them aware of human suffering and how we can help. “Cultivate the belief that we’re all members of a single human family. Teach [them] that one of the most important ways to show gratitude for the blessings in our life is to give back.” Meredith Montgomery publishes Natural Awakenings of Gulf Coast Alabama/ Mississippi ( 32

North Central NJ Edition


LOVING OURSELVES MADLY Practice Intentional Self-Love


by Scott Stabile

t’s not enough to wish for more self-love. We must be intentional about creating it and commit to loving ourselves by practicing these habits every day.


Don’t believe our thoughts. Our minds lie to us all the time, especially where our self-worth is concerned. The moment we become aware we are mentally abusing ourselves, we can refuse to believe these thoughts. The fact is, we are worthy and enough exactly as we are. Any thoughts that contradict this truth are lies. We must not go to war with our mind, but should definitely get in the habit of challenging our mind’s lies and not believing them when they run amok.

Replace self-abuse with self-love. Not believing our crueler thoughts is step one. Replacing them with kinder, more compassionate and loving thoughts is step two. When

our minds call us ugly, we must sink into our hearts and remind ourselves that we are beautiful, as we are. When our minds insist we’re weak, we must declare our strength. Every single thought and word that speaks to our worth is a powerful and sustaining reflection of self-love. Substitute self-abuse with love as often as possible and then watch our lives change in powerful ways.

Set boundaries and enforce them. To love ourselves, we have to set clear boundaries with the people in our lives. State what works and what doesn’t work. If we don’t clearly speak our boundaries, people will trample them, and we’ll only have ourselves to blame. Boundaries show respect for all involved. A lack of boundaries will almost certainly lead to resentment.

Make time for happy places. We all have places that tend to bring us peace and/or joy: a walk among the trees, curled up with a good book, coffee with a close friend. Make time for these experiences. Every second we spend giving energy to the people, places and things that bring us joy is a second of dedicated self-love. It matters. Just as important, pay attention to the people, places and things that are depleting, that feel unhealthy and toxic, and give less energy to them. Knowing what to eliminate can be as impactful as knowing what to add. How we love ourselves is our responsibility. The greater commitment we make to self-love, the greater chance we create of living a more peaceful, joyful and meaningful life. Scott Stabile is the author of Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide-Open Heart. Learn more at

August 2019


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North Central NJ Edition


udos to our own Reshma Shah, who was recently recognized as a “woman who brings change and uplifts the community” by Ladies Of All Nations International (LOANI). Shah’s contribution focused on the betterment of children, uplifting special aid kids, and helping women find empowerment through identifying their strength and power through self-love and interdependence. LOANI’s main mission is “connecting various cultures and uniting together of nations around the world, every language, every tribe, every clan, every culture, every diversity and every individual community coming together for a great cause.” Shah’s expertise as a business owner and ThetaHealing practitioner and teacher are key strengths she brings to her work with LOANI and her community. She describes her core value in this way, “We are all the same at the energetic level; if we embrace this instead of differences, we can accomplish major positive change.” For information, call 908-2654344 or email Info@ See ad, page 8.


green living

Beyond Sustainability

Regenerative Agriculture Takes Aim at Climate Change by Yvette C. Hammett


ost people have never heard of regenerative agriculture, but there’s plenty of talk about it in the scientific and farming communities, along with a growing consensus that regeneration is a desirable step beyond sustainability. Those that are laser-focused on clean food and a better environment believe regenerative agriculture will not only result in healthier food, but could become a significant factor in reversing the dangerous effects of manmade climate change. This centers on the idea that healthy soils anchor a healthy planet: They contain more carbon than all above-ground vegetation and regulate emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. “We have taken soils for granted for a long time. Nevertheless, soils are the foundation of food production and food security, supplying plants with nutrients, water and support for their roots,” according to the study “Status of the World’s Soil Resources,” by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Most of the world’s soil resources, which also function as the planet’s largest water filter, are in fair, poor or very poor condition, the report states. Tilling, erosion and chemicals all play significant roles in soil degradation. Regen-

erative agriculture seeks to reverse that trend by focusing on inexpensive organic methods that minimize soil disturbance and feed its microbial diversity with the application of compost and compost teas. Cover crops, crop and livestock rotation and multistory agroforestry are all part of a whole-farm design that’s intended to rebuild the quantity and quality of topsoil, as well as increase biodiversity and watershed function. “True regenerative organic agriculture can improve the environment, the communities, the economy, even the human spirit,” says Diana Martin, director of communications for the Rodale Institute, in Kutztown, Pennsylvania. Rodale, a leader in the organic movement, has been carrying the global torch for regenerative agriculture since the 1970s, when Bob Rodale, son of the institute’s founder, first began talking about it. “He said sustainability isn’t good enough. In the U.S., we are depleting our topsoil 10 times faster than we are replenishing it. We only have 60 years of farmable topsoil remaining,” says Martin. The institute is working with corporate brands in conducting a pilot project on farms around the world to certify food as regenerative organic. It has three pillars that were created with the help of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Or-

ganic Program: soil health; animal welfare; and social justice, the latter because people want to know that workers are being treated fairly, Martin says. “In some ways, we felt the organic program could do more, so we introduced the regenerative organic certification. It is a new, high-bar label that is very holistic,” says Jeff Moyer, an expert in organic agriculture and the executive director at the Rodale Institute. The pilot phase involves 21 farms with connections to big brands like Patagonia, Lotus Foods and Dr. Bronner’s. “We needed relationships with brands to make this a reality,” Moyer says. Product should be rolling out by this fall. “There’s kind of a broad umbrella of things going on,” says Bruce Branham, a crop sciences professor with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “No-till farming certainly is a small step toward regenerative ag, because every time we till the soil, we essentially expose a lot of the carbon dioxide, which burns off carbon.” Cover crops can be planted right after harvesting a cash crop to help regenerate the soil, adding nitrogen and organic matter, he says. “It is a long-term benefit, so a lot of farmers are hesitant. It takes a while to improve soil fertility through cover crop use.” It doesn’t cost much, but for a corn or soybean farmer making almost no money right now, every expense matters. “The real things we are working on are more toward different cropping systems,” he says, in which farmers are growing perennial tree crops that produce nuts and fruits, absorb carbon and don’t require replanting or tilling. There’s considerable interest in regenerative organic agriculture in Idaho, as many farmers there have already adopted no-till practices, says Sanford Eigenbrode, a professor at the University of Idaho, who specializes in entomology, plant pathology and nematology. Farmers want to try to improve retention of soil carbon to both stabilize soils and improve long-term productivity, he says. “There are economic and environmental advantages.” Yvette C. Hammett is an environmental writer based in Valrico, Florida. She can be contacted at YvetteHammett28@hotmail. com.

August 2019


therapy spotlight Karen Adamo, owner of RedTail Energetics, has seen how stuck or scrambled Rhythm energies can have a negative effect on her client’s ability to think creatively and manage life stresses. For example, one person had recently received a negative review at work. She found that the Water, Wood and Fire Rhythms were out of balance and the relationships of Water-Fire, Fire-Metal and Metal-Wood were weak. Since the stress emotions of Water are fear and despair, Wood are anger, frustration and irritation and Fire are panic and anxiety, it’s clear what state they were in! During the 90-minute session, she strengthened and reconnected the Rhythms and gave him self-care work to

Balancing the Emotions with Eden Energy Medicine

by Lana Dykes


den Energy Medicine is a modality that looks at nine different energy systems, one of which is the Five Rhythms. Known in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as the five elements or five seasons, the Five Rhythms (water, wood, fire, earth, metal) pulse through and imprint all the body’s energies. A person’s primary Rhythm informs the way they move through life, how they relate to others and what their strengths and challenges are.

While everyone is influenced by all the Rhythms, one or two are dominant in most people. Their Rhythm will affect everything from the type of food they like, physical characteristics, emotional strengths and vulnerabilities and what is important to them. The Rhythms relate to each other in a dynamic way and, when those relationships are out of balance, it can affect one’s ability to function effectively.

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do at home. The next day, he reached out to let Karen know that he had thought of several solutions to improve himself at work and, rather than being depressed, he now had a positive desire to “win.” The balanced emotions of Water are courage, belief and hope, Wood are assertiveness and confidence and Fire are joy, passion and connection. Another example of Rhythm imbalance is a client who was experiencing stress and overwhelm from various temporary life events, both past and upcoming. Among other things, Karen found her Water, Fire and Metal Rhythms to be out of balance. She was not able to move forward to resolve problems and feeling resentful and out of control as a result. She was not able to let go of what was no longer serving her or come up with any creative ideas to change the current situation. After balancing, Karen gave her self-care homework: play more! Within a week, she let me know that things were much better, she had thoroughly enjoyed her family event and was feeling excited about having finally finished a closet clean-up job she had started several months before. The connection between the Five Rhythms was mapped by the Chinese thousands of years ago and is still relevant today. Eden Energy Medicine techniques can find and correct these imbalances easily and effectively.

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There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. ~Edith Wharton August 2019


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North Central NJ Edition

healthy kids

Feeding Healthy Habits A 10-Step Guide for Helping Children Thrive by Melinda Hemmelgarn


t’s not easy raising children in today’s media-saturated landscape. From TV and video games to internet and mobile devices, our kids are exposed to a steady stream of persuasive marketing messages promoting low-nutrient junk foods. Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association warn that media’s pervasive influence over children’s food preferences increase their risk for poor nutrition, obesity and chronic diseases later in life. Protecting children against marketing forces may seem like an uphill battle, but these strategies can help provide a solid foundation for good health.

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Teach children to be media savvy. Andrea Curtis, Toronto-based author of Eat This! How Fast-Food Marketing Gets You to Buy Junk (and how to fight back), says, “Kids don’t want to be duped.” By showing children how the food industry tricks them into buying foods that harm their bodies and the Earth, we can turn kids into food detectives that reject processed foods and sugary drinks.


Feed children’s curiosity about where food comes from. Take children to farmers’ markets and U-

pick farms; organic growers reduce exposure to harmful pesticide August 2019


Keep emotion out of eating, and allow children control over how much they eat. ~Connie Liakos residues. Kids that might turn up their noses at supermarket spinach tend to eat it in bunches when they’ve helped grow, harvest and prepare it. That’s the story behind Sylvia’s Spinach, a children’s book by Seattle-based author Katherine Pryor.


Introduce children to the rewards of gardening. Connie

Liakos, a registered dietitian based in Portland, Oregon, and the author of How to Teach Nutrition to Kids, recommends introducing children to the magic of planting seeds and the joy of caring for a garden—even if it’s simply a pot of herbs on a sunny windowsill or a small plot in a community garden.


Teach children how to cook. Teresa Martin, a registered dietitian based in Bend, Oregon, says learning how to cook frees us from being “hostage to the food industry.” She believes cooking is such an essential life skill that we should be teaching it along with reading, writing and arithmetic in kindergarten. When we cook, we’re in control of the ingredients’ quality and flavor. Plus, cooking together creates parent-child bonding. Invite children to help plan and prepare family meals and school lunches. (Remember to slip a note inside a child’s lunch box with a few words of love and encouragement.)


Visit the library. From simple children’s stories about

food adventures to basic cookbooks, libraries open up a world of inspiration and culinary exploration. Find stories about seasonal foods to prepare with a child.


Prioritize family meals. Children that eat with their

families are better nourished, achieve greater academic success and are less likely to participate in risky behaviors. Family meals provide time to share values, teach manners and enjoy caring conversations. To foster peace and harmony at the table, Liakos advises families to “keep emotion out of eating, and allow children control over how much they eat.” Establish rules banning criticism, arguing and screens (TV, phones) during mealtime.


Reject dieting. Weighing, shaming and putting chil-

dren on restrictive diets is a recipe for developing eating disorders. Instead of stigmatizing children by calling them “obese”, Liakos emphasizes creating healthy eating and activity habits for the entire family. Children may overeat for many reasons, including stress or boredom. Pay attention to sudden weight gain, which could be an indication that something is wrong, she says.


Find or create a “tribe” of like-minded parents.

Set up play groups with parents that share similar values. Advocate together for improved school food policies, establish a school garden or plan group field trips.

Resources to Help Children Thrive Oksana Klymenko/

Center on Media and Child Health: Common Sense Media: Eat This! How Fast-Food Marketing Gets You to Buy Junk (and how to fight back), by Andrea Curtis: Prevention Institute:


How to Teach Nutrition to Kids, Connie Liakos: I’m Like, So Fat!: Helping Your Teen Make Healthy Choices about Eating and Exercise in a Weight-Obsessed World, by Dianne Neumark-Sztainer.

Gardening Activities

Media Literacy

American Academy of Pediatrics: A Healthy Family Media Use Plan: Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood: Screen-free Activism: 40

North Central NJ Edition

Storybooks About Gardening, Cooking, Farms and Food

Review of farm-to-school children’s literature: Growing-Minds. org/childrens-literature. Sylvia’s Spinach:

Nature Play

Vitamin N: The Essential Guide to a Nature-Rich Life, by Richard Louv:




The Present is the Future

Spend more time in nature.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends one hour of daily physical activity. Locate parks and hiking or biking trails to strengthen children’s innate love for their natural world. According to research at the University of Illinois, spending time in nature also helps reduce symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Protect children’s sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises against TVs, computers and smartphones in children’s bedrooms. Children, depending on their age, need eight to12 hours of undisturbed sleep each night to support physical and mental health, and help prevent obesity. Remember that our children are hungriest for parental time, love and support. Melinda Hemmelgarn, the “Food Sleuth,” is an award-winning registered dietitian, writer, speaker and syndicated radio host based in Columbia, Missouri. Contact her at


Coming Next Month

Yoga Therapy Plus: Age-Defying Bodywork vibrant at any age ISSUE


by Isabella Dussias


e are in the season of fresh fruits and vegetables, abundant with superfoods and antioxidant-rich produce that thrive in the summer weather. During this time, I always indulge in these seasonal benefits, but some teens may not see the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When we are growing up, many things influence the adults we will become. Often, we are so caught up in SAT scores, college applications and maintaining relationships that we forget about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and don’t realize that failing to be concerned with proper self-care can be extremely impactful. Epigenetics studies how external factors, such as diet, exercise and environment, can potentially affect the expression of our inheritable genes. What we do in childhood and young adulthood can possibly impact not only our future health, but also the health that we pass on to our children. Studies are exploring how substances like curcumin, resveratrol and polyphenols from green tea, apples, coffee and other sources might modulate biochemical pathways and have effects on future health outcomes. In order to be well, we must not only have concern for our dietary health, but also our mental health. Last August, I unfortunately lost my grandmother to lymphoma that was in her bone marrow and spleen. She emigrated from Poland after WWII through England and Argentina, landing in the United States at age 12. She had a very rough childhood. I can’t help but wonder if any of her health issues were impacted by past stressors. Many studies have looked at the association between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and adverse health outcomes in adults. The first study was published in 1998 and showed a clear relationship between the two. We may not be able to control what happens to us, but we can control how we react to certain events. Whether we’re putting processed foods into our bodies or holding in deep-rooted stress, we are potentially altering ourselves negatively. Especially now, faced with the stresses of starting a new academic year, we need to be consciously aware of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Exercise, relaxation and meditation can be extremely helpful in relieving the mounting pressures. Overall, it is important that we have an awareness of how we are affecting our bodies, both physically and mentally. Isabella Dussias is a 16-year-old singer-songwriter/composer from New Jersey. She enjoys writing about issues that are important to today’s youth, and she believes music is an important outlet to connect people and share messages through the creativity of lyric and melody. For more information, please visit August 2019


VET CHECK Treating the Whole Pet by Julie Peterson


bout 10 years ago, Kim Krouth’s dog, Buckeye, was suffering from severe allergy symptoms. The mixed-breed shepherd was licking and biting her paws until her toe pads were bleeding. “Our conventional vet prescribed steroids,” recalls Krouth. “It helped some, but also agitated Buckeye. When I found out that other side effects could include serious health problems, I didn’t want to put her at risk.” The Madison, Wisconsin, animal lover headed to a holistic pet supply store to ask about alternative treatments for the dog’s allergies. She learned about herbal remedies, and was advised to take Buckeye to a holistic veterinarian. “Treating her holistically seemed like a better option than the side effects of treatment with drugs,” she says. The holistic veterinarian recommended acupuncture. It helped, but the dog

later became sensitive to the needles. At that point, she was given homeopathic plant-based treatments that worked well with no side effects. Buckeye, now 15, has also received laser light therapy and spinal manipulation to help with mobility in her senior years.

The Holistic Difference

Holistic veterinarians have been treating dogs, cats, chickens, livestock and exotic animals across the nation for some time, but many people aren’t entirely clear about how their approach—and their training—differs

from a conventional vet. Both enter the profession after earning a doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM) degree. Holistic practitioners can then choose to train in a variety of modalities, including acupuncture, herbs and physical rehabilitation, plus trigger point, megavitamin and stem cell therapies. “Any method that is sufficiently different from conventional medicine requires extra training ... over a period of weeks, months or years,” says Nancy Scanlan, DVM, the executive director of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundation, in Mount Shasta, California. Veterinarians, holistic or not, typically do the same initial examination of an animal, she says. From there, a holistic vet may look at additional areas or assess things in a slightly different way. “For example, someone trained in veterinary osteopathy or veterinary chiropractic would explore the range of motion of joints or the spine.” In treatment, holistic DVMs use an integrative approach. The goal is to look at the animal as a whole and treat the underlying condition, rather than treating the symptoms. “Integrative medicine is about broadening our medical options, blending both conventional medical and holistic approaches. It focuses on client education and participation in the healing process of their pet,” says Danielle Becton, DVM, of Aloha Pet & Bird Hospital, in Indian Harbour Beach, Florida. Holistic veterinarians may also choose to use fewer conventional drugs and limited

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vaccinations. “Vaccine titers can be used to determine if a patient has adequate antibodies to a disease to create immunity,” says Becton. “If a pet is already immune, they may not need another vaccine booster that year.” Becton and Scanlan agree that alternative treatments such as acupuncture, laser therapy or massage can be used in lieu of drugs for pain management. However, Scanlan does note that in an acute or emergency situation, many natural methods do not work fast enough, “and that is when holistic veterinarians are more likely to use drugs.”

for humans may not understand animal anatomy or physiology. Ultimately, choosing a veterinarian is a personal decision, and seeing a beloved pet thrive is the best confirmation that it was the right one. “We are so glad that we still have Buckeye at this golden age, and believe

Julie Peterson lives in rural Wisconsin with her husband, dogs and chickens. She has contributed to Natural Awakenings for more than a decade. Contact her at

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Choosing a Holistic Veterinarian

Pet owners seek out holistic veterinarians for different reasons. In Krouth’s case, it was the unacceptable side effects to drugs that led her to explore other options. Becton points out that she gets clients looking for a more natural approach for their pets after they personally have had success with human integrative medicine. However, it’s important that pets are treated by professionals that are trained to treat animals. People with holistic training

it’s due to holistic care that she has lived a comfortable, long life,” says Krouth.

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Frozen Shoulder

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Tennis Elbow August 2019


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HARMONIES Music As Medicine by Marlaina Donato


rom ancient Mongolian shamans that used drumming for physical and emotional healing to modern, board-certified music therapists that work with special needs kids, science now confirms what we’ve always known: Music makes us feel better. Decades after Don Campbell’s groundbreaking work about the cognitive effects of listening to the music of Mozart, growing research reveals music’s ability to reduce chronic and acute pain, restore brain connections after a stroke, boost immunity and promote brain development in children. Recent studies of the benefits of music published in BJPsych International show decreased depression in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders and improvement in people with certain types of epilepsy.

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North Central NJ Edition

Listening to music we find pleasurable can have an analgesic effect on the body, and researchers theorize that the brain releases a cascade of natural opioids, including dopamine. A pilot study on cancer patients published in the Indian Journal of Palliative Care in 2016 shows a significant reduction of pain when individuals are exposed to music for 20-minute intervals. Music also minimizes chronic pain associated with syndromes like fibromyalgia. Collective studies published in Frontiers of Psychology in 2014 suggest that relaxing, preferred choices of music not only reduce fibromyalgia-related pain, but also significantly improve mobility.

Dementia, Stroke and Brain Development

Board-certified music therapists like Sheila Wall use live and recorded music to catalyze therapeutic changes in their clients. In

Jozef Klopacka/

healing ways

her Eau Claire, Wisconsin, practice, Wall works with a wide range of clients ranging in age from 3 to 104. “Music bypasses the language and intellectual barriers in the brain that can prevent healing. Music helps the brain compensate for whatever damage that has occurred through illnesses, disease or trauma,” she says. “I also work with children to help them build language and motor skills through music. Research last year by the Brain and Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles has shown that music training strengthens areas of the brain that govern speech, reading skills and sound perception in children. The results, published in Cerebral Cortex, indicate that only two years of music study significantly changes both the white and gray matter of the brain. Kirk Moore, in Wheaton, Illinois, is a certified music practitioner who provides live therapeutic music for people that are sick or dying. He says he sees daily changes through music. “I see heart rates slow down and blood pressure reduced. Breathing becomes steadier; pain and nausea cease.” Moore has also witnessed patients with aphasia—a language impairment caused by stroke or other brain damage—spontaneously sing-along to songs and regain the ability to speak. One memorable patient could only utter a single word, but listening to Moore ignited a dramatic change. “I sang ‘You Are My Sunshine’ and within seconds, she was singing. After 20 minutes of music, I expressed to the patient my hopes that the music had been helpful to her. ‘Oh goodness, yes!’ she responded.”

took part in 90-minute drum circles during the course of the 10-week study.

Music and End of Life

Music’s capacity to bring healing and solace also extends to the end of life. Classically trained musician and certified music practitioner Lloyd Goldstein knows firsthand the power of providing music for cancer patients and the terminally ill. “I feel a deep responsibility to be as present as I can possibly be, to what I’m doing, the people I’m playing for,” says Goldstein,

who left a secure orchestra position to join the team at The Arts In Medicine Program at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida. “It’s taught me how to be a better musician and a better person.” As much as the musician gives, music gives back. “I end up calmer than when I begin a session. That healing environment travels with me,” Moore says. Marlaina Donato is a composer and the author of several books. Connect at

Pick Up a Drum

Drumming has been proven to be able to balance the hemispheres of the brain, bolster immunity and offer lasting physical and emotional benefits for conditions ranging from asthma to Parkinson’s disease, autism and addiction recovery. Medical research led by neurologist Barry Bittman, M.D., shows that participation in drumming circles helps to amp up natural killer cells that fight cancer and viruses such as AIDS. Recent research published in PLOS/ONE reveals a profound reduction of inflammation in people that August 2019


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Take a Cerebral Spin Cycling for a Healthier Brain

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North Central NJ Edition

by Marlaina Donato

opping on a dopamine and serotonin, There is not one bicycle on a neurological disease as well as brain-derived beautiful day neurotrophic factor— that cannot benefit BDNF—a protein that or taking a spin class at from aerobic exercise, increases during aerobic the gym offers proven cardiovascular benefits exercise. Low levels of from Parkinson’s like lowering cholesterol BDNF have been linked disease to Lou and blood pressure. Now, to obesity, excessive apGehrig’s disease. growing research shows petite, clinical depression, that it also packs a power- ~Laurence Kinsella, M.D. anxiety and cognitive deful punch for brain health. cline. According to a 2016 Aerobic exercise has been found to study by the New York University Langone have the greatest impact on cognitive abilMedical Center published in the journal ity, and low-impact cycling leads the way. eLife, higher levels of BDNF help decrease David Conant-Norville, M.D., a Portland, symptoms of depression while improving Oregon psychiatrist, recommends cycling memory function. to help children challenged by attention BDNF helps maintain brain health deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). and stimulates the growth of new neurons. Pedaling regularly can fire up brain cell production by at least twofold; cycling only 20 to Depression and Memory 30 minutes a day can decrease symptoms of “Cycling brings more oxygen and nutrients depression—and might even prevent it. to the cells,” says Carmen Ferreira, owner of SunShine Barre Studio, in Rocky Point, New York. “When we ride our bikes, our Cycle for Alzheimer’s brains also increase their production of and Parkinson’s Diseases proteins used for creating new brain cells.” “For years, we’ve been touting the benefits Cycling has been shown to sigof mental exercises for Alzheimer’s disease, nificantly boost the neurotransmitters but physical exercise is also highly beneficial.

When we ride our bikes, our brains also increase their production of proteins used for creating new brain cells. ~Carmen Ferreira There is not one neurological disease that cannot benefit from aerobic exercise, from Parkinson’s disease to Lou Gehrig’s disease,” says Laurence Kinsella, M.D., a neurologist at the SSM Health Medical Group, in Fenton, Missouri. According to 2017 Canadian studies involving Parkinson’s patients, cycling improved motor function during a 12-week period. The results, published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, also show a marked improvement in gait. Promising 2018 research published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reveals cycling and other forms of aerobic exercise to be the most effective activity in slowing Alzheimer’s-related cognitive decline.

Build Stress Resistance

In general, living a sedentary life sets up a hair-trigger stress response in the body, while forms of exercise like cycling help to regulate excessive levels of age-accelerating stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Kinsella says, “Exercise like cycling makes us channel that part of the ancient brain that helped our ancestors run from a tiger, and when we engage the brain to run, chase or survive, the aging process slows down.” Cycling can also be beneficial for people with fibromyalgia. Ferreira notes, “I have a few students with fibromyalgia who have reported having more energy, as well as better mood.”

Shorter Sessions, Better Results

While cycling can be a memory booster, it can also temporarily impair cognitive function if sessions are too intense or long. Kinsella recommends that his students work up to 75 percent of maximum heart rate. He also emphasizes common sense. “Strive for a reasonable pace, and by that, I mean ramping up your heart rate gradually over three weeks. Go slowly with beginning any vigorous exercise and accept that it will take months.” For Alzheimer’s patients, he recommends breaking a sweat with five, 30-minute sessions a week. Ferreira also advises moderation. “Do as much as your body allows—15, 20 or 45 minutes, the latter being the duration of a full-length class. Have clear communication with the instructor to help you reach your goals.” Whether objectives are accomplished on an outdoor or stationary bike, it is important to be consistent. Kinsella suggests making it enjoyable. “You can get on your bike and watch your favorite television show for 30 minutes or more and get a good workout.” Marlaina Donato is the author of Multidimensional Aromatherapy and several other books. She is also a composer. Connect at

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Find the studio, teacher or style that fits you best



Yoga Central

Awakening Point Yoga

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Shakti Yoga & Living Arts

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Transform Yoga 435 Hollywood Ave 973-334-2787

flemington Be Here Now Yoga 63 Main St, Ste 202 908-642-0989 48

North Central NJ Edition

Andrzej Leszczynski 609-742-3140


Studio Yoga Madison

6 Main St, PO Box 2114 973-948-YOGA (9642)

Healing Touch Healing Movements Solutions

Unwind Yoga & Wellness 1280 Springfield Ave, 2nd Fl 908-665-YOGA (9642)

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Yoga Anonymous 470 Prospect Ave, Ste 100 973-204-7900 (call or text)


Rosie's Corner By Rosie Lazroe

Coordinator of our Natural Awakenings Local Yoga Directory

Crystology & Yoga


he use of crystals during yoga and meditation is gaining in popularity. On my crystal-healing journey, I have been blessed to collaborate with Anita Shukla-Accardi, who holds a master’s degree in crystology and pairs people with their complementary crystals throughout the tri-state area. Shukla-Accardi graciously shares some of her knowledge below.

Which crystals might be good to use during yoga/meditation?

While I could suggest a few specific crystals that might enhance one’s meditation practice, I am more inclined to ask questions first. Crystals can and do have a powerful effect on one’s experience, but the effect is more of a collaboration or relationship. Before choosing a crystal, a practitioner could benefit from reflecting upon what challenges her as she steadies the body, quiets the modifications of the mind and connects with the wisdom of the collective mind.

What do you mean by “a collaboration or relationship”?

What we experience as “feeling something” from a crystal is the interaction of our electromagnetic fields with those of our crystals. This relationship can begin when you see a crystal and are mesmerized by its beauty, feel it tingling in your hand or feel like laughing or crying in its presence.

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Your experience is a field interaction and an indication that you all may have some good work to do together.

Do you mean that my energy field will merge with that of the crystal?

When we are in a relaxed, receptive state, our fields can entrain (or sync) with that of the crystals. This synchronization translates to a more optimally functioning energetic body and, consequently, a more resilient physical body and a clearer mind.

What types of crystals do you often recommend?

There is certainly an abundance of information regarding the vibrations held by particular crystals. If one is challenged with respect to grounding (being in the body), I often suggest black tourmaline, red tigers eye, ruby, red jasper or shungite. A few really calming and soothing stones I use and recommend are blue calcite, lepidolite, amethyst, moonstone and fluorite. For spiritual connection, my absolute favorite stone is ulexite. I also love and recommend selenite, lapis lazuli, super seven, kyanite, larimar, faden quartz, all hues of tourmaline and moldavite. I could go on, but I won’t. My hope is that you can find guidance from those who share knowledge, while opening the door to communicating and working with them to co-create the harmony and balance you deserve. Rosie Lazroe is a certified yoga teacher and master reiki practitioner. For more information, call 732-596-7384, email Rosie@ or visit

Your input helps shape this section while our input helps you grow!

For information, email Rosie@ August 2019


AUGUST calendar of events


All calendar events for the September 2019 issue must be received by August 10, 2019 and adhere to our guidelines. Email for guidelines and to submit entries.

Candlelight Yoga with Jane Caulfield – 6-7:15pm. The room is dimly lit by candlelight creating a calming and safe ambience. It’s a chance to slow down, focus inward and gently stretch without breaking a sweat. The restorative poses will relax your body and mind. The use of props creates a sense of support and helps with unwinding after a long week. Studio Yoga Madison, 2 Green Village Rd., Madison.

Pet Aromaharmony with Nancy Orlen Weber – 11am-12:30pm. Do you know that most animal species behavior is ruled by their scent. Learn to use the best natural means of taking care of your beloved furry, feathered, thin or scaly friends. Learn how Young Living Essential Oils can help support your pets and why using high quality essential oils matters. $10. Denville location, address provided on registration. Register at: https:// For more information email



Intuitive Readings with Meghan McSweeney – 10am-4pm. In-depth readings that will present you with opportunity, where you are holding yourself back, and a solution to help you conquer it. Meghan uses a variety of oracle cards and tools in her readings. ½ Hour $65, 1 Hour $130. For appointments contact Sue at 862-2224268 or Walk-ins accepted based on availability. Blossoming into Light @ IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester.

Healing with Crystals Level I – 10am-5pm. Learn how to use crystals in healing work. Great to combine with Reiki and other healing modalities. You will learn what different crystals assist with and how to combine it with other work. You will learn about layouts and using your intuition in this work. Discussion and hands-on practice. For details and to register: Blossoming into Light @ IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. Info: info@ or text/call 862222-4268.

Complimentary Class & Yoga Teacher Training Info Session – 10:15-11:45am. Interested in yoga teacher training? Complimentary yoga class followed by an information session to review the curriculum, tour the studio, and meet the educators that will guide you through your yoga journey. Free. Tru Nature Yoga & Wellness, 219 Espanong Road, Lake Hopatcong. For information, contact or 862-803-9252.


North Central NJ Edition

Reiki Soul Celebration – 1-4pm. Enjoy Reiki healing, meditation, high vibration crystal singing bowls, drum, gong, flute, koshi bells, ting-sha and chants. Instructor: Beth Wishbow, Reiki Master Teacher. $15, walk-ins welcome. eZential Wellness Center, 1 Lamington Road, Branchburg. For information contact 908-526-0002 or Beth@ InsightHolisticHealth. com.

Meditation Mini-Retreat with Ramananda John Welshons – 1-5:30pm. Join us for this beautiful afternoon of meditation, relaxation, and quieting. Open to beginners and experienced meditators. Embark, renew or deepen your meditation practice. Sitting meditation, walking meditation, and lying-down meditation, interspersed with short dharma talks and opportunities for questions and answers. Studio Yoga Madison, 2 Green Village Rd., Madison. Sound of Soul Event – 1:30-2:30pm. Are you seeking spiritual growth and transformation? Experience HU, an ancient sacred Mantra, that has been sung for thousands of years in many lands for spiritual unfoldment. Chant HU, have contemplative time, and share in spiritual conversation. Eckankar Center, 11 Park St., Montclair. 800-870-9139.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 6 Wellth: The New Wellness – Doors open 6:30pm, talk is from 7-8pm. Dive into an empowering understanding of why food, brain, movement, mind and environment are more vital parts to

$ave Time and Ga$ Things do change. Please call in advance to ensure that the event you’re interested in is still available.

the whole you than you’ve ever considered. Free. Functional Brain Training with Dr. Don Joergens at Parsley, 30 Wall St., Rockaway. Seating limited; RSVP required to 862-209-7333 or email

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 Achieve a Clear Quiet Mind – 6:30-8pm. Janet StraightArrow of Be The Medicine offers foundational practice to live in awareness, personal power, and peace. Become present and open to life, spirit, and all from a quiet mind and open heart. Donation. Brookside Community Church, 8 E. Main St., Brookside. RSVP to Janet@ For information email Janet at or 973-647-2500.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 8 Special 8-8 Lion’s Gate Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Join us for the Lion’s Gate meditation and celebration occurring on this sacred date. The Lion’s Gate opened on July 26 and the 8th is a day when we are called to move into our full power as the masters of light that we are. It’s a time to step into a greater potential and prepare for the new energy of 2020. $33. For details and to register: Blossoming into Light @ IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. Info: or text/call 862-222-4268.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 9 Inclusion Festival – Aug. 9-11; time varies. Inclusion Festival, the nation’s first and only sensoryfriendly music and wellness festival, is an event designed to include and accommodate people of all ages and abilities. Attendees are invited to participate in a variety of educational and

wellness workshops, enjoy sensory-friendly live music, engage in mindfulness practices, and build supportive connections. Mountain Sky Festival Grounds, 63 Still Meadow Lane, Jermyn, PA. Tickets, sponsorships, volunteer, and vending opportunities are available at InclusionFestival. com. For information, call 716-204-8881 or email

and ask any questions you have about teacher training. Our widely-celebrated expert teaching team includes Kelly Kamm, Michael Hewett, Betsy Davis, Vanessa Nassif and Vaidya Vasudha Gupta. Free. Dhyana Yoga Arts, 95 W Main St, Chester. For information contact 908-888-2223 or info@ 300-hour-yoga-teacher-training.

Women’s Vision Quest Catskill Retreat – 9/9-11; 3pm. A powerful weekend of ceremony, journeys, transformation. Awaken clarity, life purpose, and joy. Rebirth you into the next phase of your life. Shaman Janet StraightArrow facilitates. $575. Location is at a private retreat center in Accord, NY. To RSVP and for information, contact Janet StraightArrow at or 973-647-2500.

Sacred Geometry – 1pm-3pm. In nature we find designs and patterns everywhere we look. These forms follow geometrical archetypes which reveal different energetic vibrations. If you’re interested in experiencing the energies of Heaven that are manifested for you here in our physical world, these classes are for you. $60. Inner Truth Hypnotherapy and Meditation Center, 1386 US Highway 22, Lebanon. 908-617-1535.

Community Reiki Share – 8-10pm. Come experience an introduction to the chakras and learn all about Reiki energy healing! We are holding space for practitioners to practice while allowing the community to get a taste of what Reiki is all about. All are welcome! All you need to bring is an open heart and a hearty sense of curiosity. $5. Tru Nature Yoga & Wellness, 219 Espanong Road, Lake Hopatcong. For information, contact or 862-803-9252.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 Astral Travel – 10am-12noon. Have you ever wondered about leaving your body? Do you know that you naturally do it every night in your dreams? In this class learn to leave your body safely, in a guided manner. Learn the techniques to do it whenever you wish. $60. Inner Truth Hypnotherapy and Meditation Center, 1386 US Highway 22, Lebanon. 908-617-1535. INFO Meeting for 300hr Yoga Teacher Training – 12:15pm. Meet with Deanna, founder of Dhyana Yoga Arts and lead trainer in 300DYTT,

SUNDAY, AUGUST 11 Universal Kabbalah – 10am-4:30pm. The purest form of esoteric study available on the planet. The study of God and the God essence within humans is a noble and essential part of being a spiritual being. The very DNA of life is explained here and manipulated so that we can even change our outward and inward appearance. $325. Inner Truth Hypnotherapy and Meditation Center, 1386 US Highway 22, Lebanon. 908-617-1535.

MONDAY, AUGUST 12 Sacred Science, Western Mysteries – 8/12-16. 20 sessions. This is a non-dogmatic esoteric system. A training in sacred science, based on western mysteries. It includes ancient metaphysical practice, the way of King Solomon, kabbalistic ritual and meditation. a Pure Component-Life, Wellness and Meditation Center, 1386 US Highway 22, Clinton. To register, call 908 617-1545 or visit




The Call of Soul

Empowered Light Holistic Expo

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August 10, September 14, October 12

Discover the Spiritual Path of Freedom Free and Open to All

Enjoy inspiring lectures, meditations, alternative healing treatments, as well as angelic and intuitive readings. Try healthy food samples and purchase natural products or unique gift items. Empowered Light Holistic Expo will focus on healthier lifestyles, stress reduction and self-care as well as new information, ideas and connection.

Eckankar Center 323 Main Street, Metuchen, NJ 800-870-9139 •

Greater Philadelphia Expo Center, Halls D & E Oaks, Pennsylvania

Presented by ECKANKAR The Path of Spiritual Freedom

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Have you heard the Call of Soul? Are you listening to your inner Guidance? Do you know that you are Soul, a Light of God?

Sunday, September 22 10:30am-1:30pm Doors open at 10:00am and close at 10:30am Join us to celebrate nature. This non-dogmatic celebration takes advantage of the power of the seasons and how it influences our lives. We honor a bountiful harvest as we prepare for the darkness of winter in our own manifestation. Bring canned food for homeless shelter. Investment $25 Inner Truth Hypnotherapy & Meditation Center 1386 US Highway 22, Clinton NJ 08833 For more information or to register call 908 617-1545 or visit

August 2019




Yoga for 12-Step Recovery Leadership Certification – 8/16-18. Fri. – 5-9pm, Sat. – 9am-6pm., Sun., 10am-4pm. Through ancient texts and modern research in neuroscience, we will learn how the cognitive approach of the 12-step program, the trauma-informed approach of Somatic Experience and the body-based approach of yoga and mindfulness practices work together to bring about changes in brain patterning. $375. Bee You Yoga, 3 Middlebury Blvd, Randolph. For more information and to register: 973-7759577. y12sr-leadership-certification/.

Raindrop Technique with Nancy Weber & Sue Freeman – 10am-6pm. Certification Class & 14 CEs for Nurses Raindrop Technique® is powerful, effective, and non-invasive. The technique uplifts the spirit, relaxes and soothes the mind and body, to help create a sense of equilibrium. The Raindrop Technique® has quickly become an important tool in the kit of holistic health practitioners. Learn from the best and become certified in Raindrop Technique®. https:// Blossoming into Light @ IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. Info: or text/call Sue at 862-222-4268.

Becoming: A Sacred Women’s Circle – 7:309:30pm. Monthly circle to discuss, create, sing, dance, learn, meditate and so much more – all are welcome! Let go on the beach with bon fire find your Primal Expression under the moonlight. $20. Tru Nature Yoga & Wellness, 219 Espanong Road, Lake Hopatcong. For information, contact or 862-803-9252.

Crystal Quartz Singing Bowls Meditation with Tory Kragt – 7-8pm. Energize and infuse a personal intention for healing and manifestation or just relax and attune. Includes improvised vocal toning. $20. Shakti Yoga & Living Arts, 1861 Springfield Ave., Maplewood. For information call 973-763-2288.


SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 Breakfast Benefits: Learn about Laser Treatment – 9am. 3rd Sat. All are welcome to share breakfast and learn about the benefits of laser treatment. Facilitated by Dr Paul M Bizzaro, DC. Free. The offices of Dr Bizzaro, 81 S Main St, Yardley. RSVP to 215-493-6589. Complimentary Class & Yoga Teacher Training Info Session – 10:15-11:45am. Interested in yoga teacher training? Complimentary yoga class followed by an information session to review the curriculum, tour the studio, and meet the educators that will guide you through your yoga journey. Free. Tru Nature Yoga & Wellness, 219 Espanong Road, Lake Hopatcong. For information, contact or 862-803-9252.

The Stress Behind Concussions – Doors open 6:30pm, talk is from 7-8pm. Why do some people develop unresolvable symptoms after brain trauma while most heal without issues? The key is something made them weak BEFORE the concussion. Free. Functional Brain Training with Dr. Don Joergens at Parsley, 30 Wall St., Rockaway. Seating limited; RSVP required to 862-209-7333 or email

THURSDAY, AUGUST 22 5 Day Hatha Yoga Retreat – 8/22-26; times vary. With Robert Moses, Meenakshi Moses, Anna Winkler (Amba) & Special Guest Speaker Eddie Stern. An intensive experience with much guided and self-practice, study and enquiry, fresh air and sunshine, outdoor walks and inner contemplation,

great food and company. Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing, 191 Cragsmoor Road, Pine Bush, NY. For info and to register, see https://namarupa. org/product/hatha-yoga-retreat-in-pine-bush-nyaugust-2019/. Back to School Basics with Young Living Essential Oils – 7-8:30pm. Join us for a fun and informative class where we will share about Young Living Essential Oils and back to school basics. Sample different products and get ready for the school year. Inc. special gift drawing. Free. Blossoming into Light @ IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. Info: or text/call 862-222-4268.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 Reiki I Training & Certification – 8/24-25; 1:306:30pm. Learn this ancient art of healing and self-empowerment. Beginner level. $225. Instructor: Beth Wishbow, Reiki Master Teacher. eZential Wellness Center, 1 Lamington Road, Branchburg. Register at Beth@ Enhancing Intuition with YLEO’s with Nancy Orlen Weber – 7-9pm. Join Nancy for an informative and experiential class as she guides us on how to enhance our intuition and enjoy discovering new gifts of sacred powers using Young Living Essential Oils. $30. Denville location, address provided on registration. Register at: https:// For more information email

SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 Intuitive Card Readings with Phyllis McGeehan – 10am-4pm. Schedule your reading with Phyllis. She uses a combination of oracle cards in order to provide guidance on your journey. She connects to angels and guides bringing through messages. She is popular and tends to fill up quickly. ½ Hour $65, 1 Hour $130. For appointments contact Sue


Sacred Science, Western Mysteries February 17-21, 2020 20 sessions • 8am-6pm Have you ever wanted to know what Secret Societies know? Learn how to manifest your needs and feel more active, creative and healthy with this esoteric training. Achieve your manifestations by learning what people in the Secret Societies do. Investment: $2,225. Inner Truth Hypnotherapy & Meditation Center 1386 US Highway 22, Clinton NJ 08833 For more information or to register Call 908 617-1545 or visit

Natural Awakenings M agazine is Ranked 5th Nationally in Cision’s 2016 Top 10 Health & Fit ness Magazines List


North Central NJ Edition

at 862-222-4268 or Walk-ins accepted based on availability. Blossoming into Light @ IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. Light and Sound Service: How to Find God’s Love in Your Life – 11am-12noon. Join others seeking to bring more insight and divine love into their lives at this special celebration. Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, offers spiritual exercises to help you experience the twin aspects of the Light and Sound of God within. Share your spiritual insights. Eckankar Center, 11 Park St., Montclair. 800-870-9139.

Book Lovers Day August 9

again on first Saturday in November

This day encourages you to find a place in the shade and to relax with a good book.

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New discovery stops colds “It worked!” sinuses. Attorney Donna Blight had he exclaimed. a 2-day sinus headache. When her “The cold never CopperZap arrived, she tried it. “I am got going.” It shocked!” she said. “My head cleared, worked again no more headache, no more congestion.” every time. He Some users say copper stops nighthas not had a time stuffiness if used just before bed. single cold for 7 One man said, “Best sleep I’ve had in years since. years.” New research: Copper stops colds if used early. He asked Copper can also stop flu if used early cientists recently discovered a relatives and friends to try it. They said and for several days. Lab technicians way to kill viruses and bacteria. it worked for them, too, so he patented placed 25 million live flu viruses on a Now thousands of people CopperZap™ and put it on the market. CopperZap. No viruses were found alive are using it to stop colds and flu. Soon hundreds of people had tried it soon after. Colds start when cold viruses get in and given feedback. Nearly 100% said Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the teams your nose. Viruses multiply fast. If you the copper stops colds if used within confirming the don’t stop them early, they spread in 3 hours after the first sign. Even up to discovery. He placed your airways and cause misery. 2 days, if they still get the cold it is millions of disease In hundreds of studies, EPA and unimilder than usual and they feel better. germs on copper. versity researchers have confirmed that Users wrote things like, “It “They started to die viruses and bacteria die almost instantly stopped my cold right away,” and “Is literally as soon as when touched by copper. it supposed to work that fast?” they touched the That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyp“What a wonderful thing,” wrote surface,” he said. tians used copper to purify water and Physician’s Assistant Julie. “No more People have even Dr. Bill Keevil: Copper quickly kills used copper on cold heal wounds. They didn’t know about colds for me!” cold viruses. viruses and bacteria, but now we do. Pat McAllister, 70, received one sores and say it can Scientists say the high conductance for Christmas and called it “one of the completely prevent outbreaks. of copper disrupts the electrical balance best presents ever. This little jewel really The handle is curved and finely in a microbe cell and destroys the cell in works.” textured to improve contact. It kills seconds. Now thousands of users have simply germs picked up on fingers and hands to Tests by the stopped getting colds. protect you and your family. EPA (EnvironPeople often use Copper even kills deadly germs that mental Protection CopperZap preventivehave become resistant to antibiotics. If Agency) show ly. Frequent flier Karen you are near sick people, a moment of germs die fast Gauci used to get colds handling it may keep serious infection on copper. So after crowded flights. away. It may even save a life. some hospitals Though skeptical, she The EPA says copper still works tried copper for tried it several times a even when tarnished. It kills hundreds of touch surfaces day on travel days for 2 different disease germs so it can prevent Sinus trouble, stuffiness, cold sores. months. “Sixteen flights serious or even fatal illness. like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and not a sniffle!” she exclaimed. CopperZap is made in the U.S. of and other illnesses by over half, and Businesswoman Rosaleen says when pure copper. It has a 90-day full money saved lives. people are sick around her she uses back guarantee when used as directed The strong scientific evidence gave CopperZap morning and night. “It saved to stop a cold. It is $69.95. Get $10 off inventor Doug Cornell an idea. When me last holidays,” she said. “The kids each CopperZap with code NATA11. Go to or call he felt a cold about to start he fashioned had colds going round and round, but toll-free 1-888-411-6114. a smooth copper probe and rubbed it not me.” Buy once, use forever. gently in his nose for 60 seconds. Some users say it also helps with




ongoing events

Kindly call to confirm date, location, time.



Ropes, Slings & Things – 10am. Alignment & Play! Cultivate alignment, strength, flexibility and a sense of playfulness and adventure through practice that includes the yoga rope wall for fun, traction, and a challenging yet meditative practice. Open to all levels. Dhyana Yoga Arts, 95 W Main St, Chester. For information contact 973-489-9623 or

Yoga for Backcare – 11:15am. Yoga for back pain, back care, postural issues, injuries, and address disc herniation, scoliosis, sciatica, spondilolysthesis, degenerative discs, etc. Focus on poses that help alleviate back pain and strengthen the core, back, and other areas. Open to all levels. Dhyana Yoga Arts, 95 W Main St, Chester. For information contact 973-489-9623 or info@dhyanayogaarts. com.

Sunday Celebration Service – 10:30am. Dr. Frankie, practitioners, and musicians create an inspiring, uplifting time to be reminded of our spiritual connectedness. Center for Spiritual Living Morristown, 331 Mt. Kemble Ave, Morristown. For information contact call 973-539-3114 or email

Because I Love You (B.I.L.Y.) Parent Support Group – 7-8:30pm. Confidential self-help group for parents experiencing substance abuse issues with their children. Free. Jefferson Twp. BOE Community Room, 31 Rte. 181, Lake Hopatcong.

Sunday Service – 10:30am. Only words of Love are spoken here. To live in health, happiness and prosperity is everyone’s birthright, whether we choose to follow a certain path is our individual choice. No dogma or belief system is imposed upon anyone. Institute for Spiritual Development, 15 Sparta Ave, Sparta.


Nia Moving to Heal – 11am-12:15pm. Ideal class for people recovering from illness and injury. Instructor: Teresa Dangelo. Nia Dojo, 10 Summit Ave, Berkeley Heights. For info on Nia Dojo, call 908-300-7294 or visit For more class info, visit

Stress, Hormones & Health (The true cause of belly fat) – 6pm, select Tuesdays. Presented by bestselling author & speaker Jean GoldenTevald, DO of Morning Star Family Health Center. Learn about Hormone Imbalances and what really works. Yes, this is for men too. Free dinner seminar. Seating is limited. Registration is required. For dates and restaurant location contact Carol May, Program Coordinator at 908-528-8121.

Laughter Yoga of Montclair –3:45-4:45pm. Boost joy, reduce stress and have fun like never before. We combine laughter exercises with childlike play and movement, add in deep breathing to connect, unwind, and let go. Free. NJ Acupuncture Massage & Fertility - The Wellness, 70 Park St., Ste. 208, Montclair. For information, contact Joan Castellano at 201-240-5073 or joan.zarod@gmail. com.

Intuitive/Spiritual Development – 7:30-9:30pm. Tap into your intuitive abilities. Exercises each week to raise your vibrations such as psychometry, readings, meditation, past life, channeling and more. Everyone welcome. $10. RSVP required. Huna Healing Center LLC, 5 East Main St., 2nd floor (Parking in back ), Denville. Lory 973-224-0096 or register@hunahealingcenter. com.

WEDNESDAY White Oak Center Organic Co-Op – Every other Wednesday. Delivered by Albert’s Organics. Membership $20, then $35 bimonthly. White Oak Center, 33 Woodport Rd., Sparta. For more info, contact Brian Trautz at 973-729-1900 or Yoga for Scoliosis – 6pm. Yoga for back pain, back care, postural issues, injuries, and address disc herniation, scoliosis, sciatica, spondilolysthesis, degenerative discs, etc. Focus on poses that help alleviate back pain and strengthen the core, back, and other areas. Open to all levels. Dhyana Yoga Arts, 95 W Main St, Chester. For information contact 973-489-9623 or info@dhyanayogaarts. com. Awaken the Master Within – 6:30-8:30pm, 3rd Wed. each month. Workshop/Class on Transformation through the Art of Self-Mastery. $25. Portal of Healing, 50 Main Street, Chester. 201-841-0358. Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Support Group of Morristown – 7–9pm. First Wednesdays, except

Cindy Nolte ...Find your inner peace.

Reiki Animal Reiki Hypnosis Coaching Jin Shin Jyutsu ® Past Life Regression Corporate and Group Lectures Certifications and Workshops Augusta, NJ


August 2019


July and August. Support for patients and their families. Speakers. 95 Madison Ave., Suite 109A, Morristown. 973-219-8092. Wen5500@hotmail. com.

Nothing says


like being a Natural Awakenings distribution site


The Morris County (West) Chapter of Holistic Moms Network – 7:30pm. First Wednesdays. Held at Chester Field House, 107 Seminary Ave., Chester. Sound Bath – 7:30pm. Relax and rejuvenate with healing sounds at Awaken Sound Health. Each Sound Bath is a 60-minute group session that alternates between sound and silence to bring participants to a place of deep relaxation, and provide for revitalization of one’s body, mind and spirit. $20. Awaken Sound Health, 32 Grove St., Chester. Register: pricelist-1-3/. For information contact Alison Iati, VSTCP at 201-874-7255 or AwakenSoundHealth@ Cultivate a Purpose Driven, Soul-Empowered Consciousness – 8-9pm. Cultivate a purpose driven, soul-empowered consciousness. Live online webinar, each Wednesday, except for 3rd Wednesday of the month when we meet in person. $29/month. Portal of Healing, 50 Main Street, Chester. Regiser at or text Debbie Carcuffe at 201-841-0358 or email PortalOfHealing. com. AA Meeting (O-B-ST) – 8pm. Open to those struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction. Free. Cranford United Methodist Church, 201 Lincoln Ave., Cranford.


Call Joe at

908-405-1515 and see just how easy it is to bring our readers to your door

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Meeting – 6:30-8pm. Are you having trouble controlling the way you eat? 12-step program for recovery from food addiction. No dues, fees or weighins. Free. 350 Essex Rd., 3rd flr, classroom A/B, Paramus Questions? Ellen Mutz 973-945-2704 or

FRIDAY Sound Bath – 10:30-11:30am. Relax and rejuvenate with healing sounds at Awaken Sound


Call Today!


North Central NJ Edition

Health. Each Sound Bath is a 60-minute group session that alternates between sound and silence to bring participants to a place of deep relaxation, and provide for revitalization of one’s body, mind and spirit. $20. Awaken Sound Health, 32 Grove St., Chester. Debtors Anonymous Meeting – 5:30-6:30pm. Twelve-step meeting for those dealing with debt, overspending and under-earning. Downstairs Main Bldg. at Redeemer Church, 37 Newton Sparta Rd., Newton. 877-717-3328. AA Meeting – 7:30pm.St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 70 Maple Ave., Morristown. 973-5380555. Al-Anon Meeting – 8-9:30pm. Center for Practical Spirituality - Religious Science, 331 Mt. Kemble Ave., Morristown. 973-539-3114.

SATURDAY Breakfast Benefits: Learn about Laser Treatment – 9am. 3rd Sat. All are welcome to share breakfast and learn about the benefits of laser treatment. Facilitated by Dr Paul M Bizzaro, DC. Free. The offices of Dr Bizzaro, 81 S Main St, Yardley. RSVP to 215-493-6589. Yoga for Backcare – 9:15am. Yoga for back pain, back care, postural issues, injuries, and address disc herniation, scoliosis, sciatica, spondilolysthesis, degenerative discs, etc. Focus on poses that help alleviate back pain and strengthen the core, back, and other areas. Open to all levels. Dhyana Yoga Arts, 95 W Main St, Chester. For information contact 973-489-9623 or info@dhyanayogaarts. com. Overeaters Anonymous Meeting – 10:15am12:15pm. Weekly gathering of the free support group that helps people lose weight and keep it off. Downstairs meeting room, Parsippany Library. 973-335-1717. Classic Nia Mind-Body Fitness – 11am-12noon. Nia is a practice that will help you feel alive in your body through cardio conditioning through a world of music that evokes imagination and emotion. Instructor: Teresa Dangelo. $20 walk-in. Benessere Wellness Center and Spa, 510 Morris Ave., Summit. For information call 908-277-4080, email or visit

advertiser specials Mention Natural Awakenings to take advantage of these terrific specials.

AUGUST SPECIAL Newly Expanded – Summer Savings! Enjoy discounts on products, memberships and spa services as we pre-launch the newlyexpanded Tru Nature Yoga.

90 Minute Massage & Facial $95 or 30 minute HImalayan Salt Sauna & 60 Minute Massage $95. Tru Nature Yoga & Wellness Center 219 Espanong Road, Lake Hopatcong

For information, or 862-803-9252 See ad on page 25.

summer SPECIAL ThetaHealingÂŽ Private Sessions 15% OFF Expand your spiritual awakening through one-on-one private sessions. Tailor made to help with your targeted issues, these sessions are not only useful, they are fun!

Gift Certificates Available For Classes or Private Sessions Location: Westfield. For more spiritual awakening, call 908-264-4344 or visit See ad on page 8.

August 2019


North Central New Jersey Community

business directory

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Your local source for natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.




Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, ND, LAc

Align Healing & Therapy

New Jersey Total Health

84 Broadway, Ste B, Denville 973-784-3027 •

Dr. Vincent Caruso, Jr. 124 Little Falls Road, Ste B, Fairfield 973-227-2170

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine 332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 • Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in the field of holistic eye health. He is passionate about helping people with degenerative eye diseases. Learn of his astounding work in this area—call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad, page 27.

NJ Advanced Acupuncture Morgan Reade, LAc, MS 616 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell 6 Green Village Rd, Madison 201-400-2261 Morgan Reade has studied Acupuncture, herbal and dietary therapy. He is board certified and licensed in Florida and NJ. He specializes in female health including autoimmune and fertility. Other areas of expertise include digestive disorders, food allergies and Lyme disease. Born and raised in West Caldwell, where he currently resides, he opened his first office there. His second location is in downtown Madison, NJ. See ad, page 43.

Attorney (Holistic) Kelly M. Brown, Esq. 973-909-0999 • Licensed in NJ & PA With quality preparation, legal tragedies can often be prevented, or damage can be minimized or eliminated. Kelly Brown has been practicing law for 20 years. In addition, Brown is a Certified Life Mastery Coach, theologian and interfaith minister. Her current practice brings a holistic perspective to legal planning for families and businesses. See ad, page 37.


North Central NJ Edition

Regenerate your spirit, ground and balance your body, elevate and align your spirit. Ayurveda is the solution of our humanity and a treasure to revive. An ancient and authentic practical science of health for the mind, body and soul. See ad, page 53.

Bakery/Specialty Starseed Bakery Linda Beg 100 Hibernia Avenue, Rockaway 973-957-0500 100% gluten-, dairy-, soy- and GMO-free retail and wholesale bakery. Available products: artisan breads, custom cakes, pies, cookies, desserts, seasonal, vegan, Paleo, natural sugars, nut-free. See ad, page 33.

Beautification Services Unlock Your Hidden Beauty Natalia Schweitzer, Licensed Esthetician & Board Certified Permanent Makeup Artist 1236 US Highway 46 West, Suite B-1 Parsippany 862-432-9074 We provide natural permanent makeup application: microblading (hairstroke brows), powdered brows, eyeliner, lip blush, 3D realistic areola and nipple reconstruction, and n a tu ra l s ki n re j u ve n a t i on treatments. Our permanent makeup and skin rejuvenation services can help enhance your natural beauty and make you feel more relaxed, confident and beautiful. See ad,

page 36.

A unique blend of chiropractic and traditional Chinese medicine with individualized treatment plans that bring your body back into balance. We also focus on helping you understand the messages your body is sending you enabling you to live a healthy, happy life. See ad, page 26.

Coaching Law Of Attraction Life Coach David Scott Bartky, CLOALC 973-444-7301 D a v i d i s a ce r t i f i e d a n d experienced Law of Attraction life coach. His clients all have great success because he teaches them powerful processes and techniques so they can attract what they want, instead of what they don’t want in all areas of life (both materialistically and emotionally). The Law of Attraction is always responding to you, so if you’re ready to say “Yes!” to attracting what you want, and/or improving your life in some way, contact David today. Coaching sessions are held over the phone and the first session is always free.

Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart. ~Pablo Casals

Colon Hydrotherapy

Energy Medicine

Living Waters Wellness Center

Jin Shin Jyutsu

Ann Ochs • Colon Hydrotherapist I-ACT Certified, Advanced Level Certified National Board for Colon Therapy, Body Ecology Diet Certified 26 Elm St, Morristown 973-998-6550 •

David Burmeister 480-998-9331

Ann Ochs has more than 20 years experience as a colon hydrotherapist. She holds an advanced certification from the International Association of Colon Therapists (I-ACT), is certified by the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy, and is a certified body ecologist. Living Waters offers the Angel of Water ®, an advanced colon hydrotherapy system, designed to offer the ultimate in privacy and dignity. Call today for an appointment. See ad, page 43.

Next Level Healing Of NJ, Inc. Susan Richter, RN, CCH, Nutritionist, LDHS 166 Franklin Road, Denville 973-586-0626 Scared to try a colonic? Susan has 31 years experience with colon hydrotherapy. Her system is gentle and thorough, and you have her expert assistance throughout the session. Colon cleansing has long been used to help the body absorb nutrients and eliminate waste effectively - a great way to enhance your chosen method of maintaining health and wellness. Call her for a free 15 minute consultation to determine if a colonic would be beneficial for you, as there are certain conditions that would wa r ra nt e n z y m e t h e ra py fi rst ! Vi s i t to get the scoop!

Education/Schools LearningRx, Millburn/ShortHills Romana Kulikova, MD 150 Main Street, Millburn 973-376-4646 ofc, 908-232-0211 fax

LearningRx, Warren Michael DiCristino 34 Mountain Blvd, Warren 908-222–7246 LearningRx offers one-on-one brain training through customized exercises to improve weak cognitive skills/IQ in children or adults with learning disabilities, attention deficit, traumatic brain injuries, intellectual disabilities or age-related cognitive decline. See ad, page 38.

This September a new Jin Shin Jyutsu® Professional Practitioner Course will start in Morristown, NJ. Jin Shin Jyutsu is a gentle, non-invasive form of energy medicine. Ideal training fo r b e co m i n g a ce r t i f i e d practitioner or simply to help yourself and others with health issues. See ad,

page 16.

Enzyme Nutrition Next Level Healing Of NJ, Inc. Susan Richter, RN, Nutritionist, CCH, LDHS Denville • 973-586-0626 Enzyme nutrition is rapidly becoming a sought after therapy for the underlying digestive issues related to autism, autoimmune diseases, chronic pain, skin problems, mood disorders, bowel issues and allergies. The system of analysis is scientific, non-invasive, and based on anatomy and physiology. The methods of correction are food-based, drugfree, and have no side effects. Regardless of age or diagnosis, correcting digestion, supporting the immune system, and following guidelines for healthy choices are the backbone of Susan’s successful private practice of 36 years. If you are looking for a gentle approach to healing, call her.

Functional Medicine Morning Star Family Health Center 54 Old Highway 22, Clinton 908-735-9344 MorningStar’s team of health professionals cares for you like family. Our membership-based practice cares for men, women and children age 8 and up with a functional approach to primary care. See ad, page 13.

Believe in yourself even when no one else will. ~Sasquatch

THANK YOU for your loyalty and support over the past 25 years.




individuals to live a healthier lifestyle on a healthier planet. To


communities on the latest in natural health and sustainability. To


readers with local wellness resources and events, inspiring them to lead more balanced lives.

August 2019


Holistic Center HEALTHY LIVING


2019 editorial calendar EE FR










TheWorld’s Healthiest Cuisines Upbeat Kids Five Steps to Positivity

Fitness in

March 2018 | Location-Edition |

health & wellneSS ISSUE


Feature: Strengthen Organ Vitality Plus: Healthy Homes


Feature: Heart Health Plus: Socially Conscious Investing

natUral Food ISSUE


Feature: Nutrition Upgrades Plus: Managing Allergies


Feature: Sustainable Living Plus: Creative Arts Therapy

women’S health ISSUE


Feature: Mental & Emotional Well-Being Plus: Healthy Vision

Brain Health JUNE Feature: Plus: Green Building Trends

Urban & Suburban Agriculture JULY Feature: Plus: Gut Health Feature: Children’s Health Plus: Natural Pet Care

Vibrant at anY age ISSUE Age-Defying Bodywork SEPT Feature: Plus: Yoga Therapy


Feature: Oral Health Plus: Chiropractic Care


Feature: Natural Sleep Solutions Plus: Optimal Thyroid Function


Feature: Uplifting Humanity Plus: Earth-Friendly Holidays


North Central NJ Edition

Holistic Dental Center Vladimir Gashinsky, DDS 91 Millburn Avenue, Millburn 973-457-4688 We focus on performing holistic dental care that is good for the body as well as teeth and gums. We put an emphasis on a more natural or holistic approach to dentistry. As a holistic dentist, Dr. Gashinsky treats the cause of the problem and not just the symptoms. He seeks to improve his patients’ quality of life through holistic dental care that respects and honors the body. See ad, page 3.

Holistic Medical George C. Wang, MD, PhD 51 John F Kennedy Parkway, 1st Floor West, Short Hills 973-671-1868 • We are an integrative and functional medicine practice that empowers people to transform their lives by creating true health in body, mind and spirit. We offer holistic approaches to care, including acupuncture, and teach lifelong skills for healthy living.

See ad, page 9.

Holistic Healing Services

better SleeP ISSUE


We offer Holistic Practitioners specific ordinations relating to your practice. Certification programs on Young Living aromatherapy and more available through our seminary. See ads, pages

Wisdom Health and Wellbeing

local Food ISSUE


Nancy Weber 27 Bald Nob Rd, Denville 973-586-3936 •

30 and 56.

10 Minutes

January 2014 | Location-Edition |

Lightwing Center


Linda Sercarz Certified Heartmath Coach Serving North Jersey & surrounding area 973-714-8650 • Heartmath+♥ consists of simple heart-focused, science-based meditations. The techniques are designed to change the way your body responds to stress by learning to self-regulate. They create more resilience, coherence, c l a r i ty (eve n i n s t re s s f u l situations), and the capacity to self-regulate. Heartmath+♥

Huna Healing Center Lory Sison-Coppola 23 Diamond Spring Rd., 2nd fl., Denville 973-224-0096 The Center offers different modalities that will raise your Spiritual Awareness, heighten y o u r v i b ra t i o n s . We a r e dedicated to understanding and providing for those with specific needs. Classes, certifications, healing sessions, readings and counseling are offered. See ad, page 31.

Reshma Shah Meditation and Thetahealing Reshma Shah Westfield 908-264-4344 • Reshma is a certified ThetaHealing Teacher and Practitioner with a passion for helping individuals recognize their limiting belief patterns and tap into their true potential. Her students learn the practice of ThetaHealing and her clients benefit from one-on-one sessions healing them from illness, trauma, chronic pain, spiritual and emotional restriction giving them miraculous transformations. Reshma specializes in working with children and their parents, teaching them mediation, the use of alteration in life style with ThetaHealing ® and the power of developing intuitive abilities to transform their lives to their desires. As per debut month, first time clients get 25% off their first session. See ad, page 8.

Holistic Healing & Therapy Awakening Wellness, LLC Hilary D. Bilkis, MS, CST CranioSacral Therapy • SomatoEmotional Release Work • Visceral Mobility Energy Healing • MELT Method Instruction 973-479-2229 • Hilary uniquely blends CranioSacral Therapy with other healing modalities to alleviate chronic pain, headaches, stress and accumulated tension. Treatment benefits physical, emotional and energetic levels. Hilary facilitates the body’s selfhealing process; gently releasing restrictions in the connective tissue and removing energy blockages. Using her intuitive abilities, she also helps release stored injury, trauma, memories and emotions. Clearing the body of stuck stress improves health, feelings of wellness, ability to feel calm, centered and empowered.

Morris Hypnosis Center

Homeopathy Homeopathy Cure Dr. Iqbal Nazir, MS, DPharm, DHS Licensed Lab Medicine Practitioner 954-226-3652 Natural cure in homeopathy of the most diseases and symptoms. No side effects. Learn Homeopathy, sixty days crash course on one to one basis, no books to read or exam.

Hypnosis Acorn Holistics Bruce Cialfi, Hypnocounselor 46 Main St., Unit 2A Netcong 973-475-8989 Acorn Holistics offers hypnosis, meditation instruction and crystal therapy. We partner with you to develop with an alternative plan to conquer issues such as weight loss, anxiety and chronic pain. Our services are not a replacement for traditional medicine; the services are designed to support you through your journey and offer you a means to be in control of your body and your life. See ad, page 13.

Enhanced Living Hypnosis Rachel Stein, Hypno-Counselor Morristown • 973-285-3979 Comfortable Childbirth Learn the “why” and “where” most pain associated with childbirth comes from; and learn Basic and Advanced Self-Hypnosis Techniques for a Comfortable Childbirth. “Hypno-Counselors help ordinary, everyday people with ordinary, everyday problems using individual hypnotic techniques.” See ad on page 39.

Linda West, BA, ACH 55 Madison Ave, Morristown 973-506-9654 • Advanced Clinical Hypnosis using an interactive, personalized technique; based on a lengthy interview at our first session and dialogues at following sessions. I don’t talk “at” you; we both speak before and during your hypnosis. I also teach you self-hypnosis. Specializing in weight, stress, smoking, chronic pain, releasing the past, performance, obsessive thoughts, substance use, sleep, fears, confidence and attention issues. Hypnosis can get you unstuck in virtually any area of your life. If you have constraints that you can’t seem to break through, hypnosis can free you and put you back in charge. Come for a free consultation to learn how you can reframe your past and design your future.

Soul Point Hypnosis 401 Rt 24, Chester 973-615-9261 Mention ad for 15% off first visit. D o c to r re fe r re d ce r t i fi e d medical hypnotist with 10 years experience. Successful approach with all ages addresses stress, confidence, fears, pain, performance, smoking, weight release and symptom relief. Plus learn self-hypnosis and other techniques.

Hypnosis Certification Effortless Hypnosis Susan Lembo Sparta and Whitehouse Station 908-246-3096, call or text Certified HypnoCounselor and Certified Hypnosis Trainer for the National Guild of Hypnotists. Interested in helping people lead more fulfilling lives? Consider a ca re e r i n hy p n o s i s . N ex t certification training: September 2019 in Sparta. Also, private sessions, tapping and hypnosis for weight loss, smoking cessation, stress and pain management and more. See ad, page 15.

Metaphysics Nancy Orlen Weber 27 Bald Nob Rd, Denville 973-586-3936 Classes and mentoring online for all interested in and/or practicing the metaphysical arts. Variety of areas include creativity, intuition, mediumship/psychic/animal communication and more. See

ads, pages 30 and 56.

Natural Healing Naturally Healing Dr. Sonoo Advani 101 Old Short Hills Rd, Ste 502 West Orange 973-992-1070 We are a functional medicine practice board-certified in integrative holistic medicine and endocrinology. We practice whole body functional medicine i n co r p o ra t i n g a d va n ce d diagnostic testing to discover the root cause of medical problems and deliver personalized solutions utilizing natural and high-tech protocols. See ad,

page 21.

Natural Medicine Dr. Lisa Lewis, ND, MBA, LAc Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist 470 Prospect Ave, Ste 100, W Orange 973-486-0148 • D r. L ew i s i s t h e h e a l t hy superwoman expert, owner of NatureDrs Nutraceuticals, and Bastyr University graduate. With over 30 years’ experience as a visionary and wellness doctor, she helps female leaders, professionals and entrepreneurs experience less stress, better health and hormone harmony. See ad, page 34.

National Creamsicle Day August 14

National Watermelon Day August 3

Sweet and tasty, watermelons, are one of summer's favorite fruit. So grab a slice and celebrate watermelons on National Watermelon Day.

This is one of several chilly ice cream and frozen snack days to enjoy on a hot, sticky August day. Just make sure to eat your creamsicle quickly before it melts. August 2019


Organizing Solutions

Spiritual Enlightenment

Vision/Eye Health

Everyday Organizing Solutions by Sherry

Eckankar – The Path of Spiritual Freedom

Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, ND, LAc,

Sherry Onweller, Professional Organizer Serving NJ 908-619-4561 • Everyday Organizing Solutions by Sherry provides sympathetic and nonjudgmental organizing and decluttering services to residential and business clients, as well as helping female adults with ADD get their physical space/time management in order and helping children and teens to get organized.

Psychotherapy Leslie Karen Lobell, MA, LPC Pompton Plains (Rte 23) and Montclair 908-577-0053 • Do you suffer from anxiety or stress? Do you want to lose weight, stop smoking, gain self-confidence or change a habit? Do you need support and guidance through a life or career transition? Are you ready to achieve your goals, pursue your dreams and actualize your potential? You CAN create the Life You Desire... I can help you MAKE IT HAPPEN! Using proven techniques such as Holistic Psychotherapy, Hypnosis, Stress Reduction, Reiki and Dream Interpretation, I help teens & adults create happier, healthier, more peaceful and fulfilling lives. Allow me to assist you!

See ad, page 34.

Sound Healing Awaken Sound Health Alison Iati 32 Grove Street, Chester 201-874-7255 License Number: 81-1853104 Sound Healing for individuals and groups. Vibrational Sound Therapy. Weekly sound baths. Sonic tools include Tibetan and crystal bowls, chimes, forks, vocal toning and more.

11 Park St, Montclair 800-870-9139 • A truly spiritual way of life for the individual in modern times. Teachings provide a framework and spiritual tools for anyone to explore their own spiritual experiences. Studies of Dreams, Past Lives, Soul Travel.

Spiritual Healing, Teaching Be The Medicine Janet StraightArrow 973-647-2500

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine 332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 • Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in the field of holistic eye health. He is passionate about helping people with degenerative eye diseases. Learn of his astounding work in this area—call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad, page 27.

Weight Loss

Shamanic Healing, Energy Medicine, Past Life, Medical Intuition, Life, Health, Spiritual Coaching, Astrology Readings, House and Land Clearings. In p e rs o n , p h o n e o r S ky p e. Professional Reiki, Shamanism, and Medical Intuitive Training. Retreats. 40 years’ experience.

Thermography Lisa’s Thermography and Wellness

Thintech Weight Loss Dr. David Rendelstein 74 US-9 North, Marlboro 226 Centennial Ave, Cranford 1901 Hooper Ave, Toms River 844-428-7632 We provide an all-natural, scientific and holistic detox and weight loss program and a 20+ pound guarantee! See ad on page 2.


Lisa Mack, CCT, HHC Thermographer and Holistic Counselor See website for locations in NJ, NY & PA 855-667-9338

Dhyana Yoga Arts

Thermography gives a very early look at the most important indicator of a potential health problem—inflammation. Early stage disease screening is an area in which thermography excels. Whether your pain is acute or chronic, or you are merely curious about the state of your health, thermography can help provide answers. Radiation-free breast and full body screenings for men and women. See ad, page 26.

Teacher of Yoga with Depth, Clarity & Heart. Celebrator of Yoga’s power in cultivating SelfRealization and nourishing the body-mind-spirit. Teacher and Mentoring Teachers for over a decade. Deanna specializes in Alignment, Yoga for Backcare & Scoliosis, Vinyasa, Restorative Yoga, and Ayurveda teaching classes, privates and trainings throughout the east coast. See ad,

Deanna Sidoti Founder, Yoga for Backcare & Scoliosis Specialist Vinyasa & Restorative Teacher Trainings 908-888-2223 •

page 45.

More Herbs, Less Salt Day August 29

More Herbs, Less Salt Day promotes use of healthy herbs over salts. Late August is a very appropriate time to celebrate this special day. The harvest of garden herbs is at a peak. There's nothing better than fresh garden herbs in your favorite recipes. And, we all should have less salt in our diets. 62

North Central NJ Edition

Tru Nature Yoga & Wellness Center 219 Espanong Road, Lake Hopatcong 862-803-9252 201-289-6366 cell An intimate, nurturing space for all that cultivates a healthy community through the wisdom of yoga and the sacred healing gifts of nature. The center features a variety of classes, massage and reiki services, yoga and wellness retreats, yoga teacher training and certifications, workshops, fostering personal growth and enriching our community. Tru Nature Yoga strives to serve the community in finding their Tru Nature so that we may all lead joyous, abundant, peace-filled, centered lives; body, mind & spirit. See

Interested in

SALES? Want to sell for Natural Awakenings ?

ad, page 25.

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

~Thomas A. Edison


Joe Dunne



classifieds Have a business opportunity, job opening, space for rent or other need? Place your classified ads here, 30 words for $30, extra words $1 each. Email to Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ. com by the 10th of the month prior to publication date.



READINGS Oracle card and palmistry readings offered in person, phone, parties welcome. Spiritually guided channeled messages are for your highest good. Let my gifts guide you! Reasonable rates. Cheryl 908-268-8029.

CLIENT CARING LAWYER SEEKING PART-TIME BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT NINJA. Seeking a part-time, spiritually-mind, wellnetworked person to establish/foster relationships with client leads and prospects in the community by setting up speaking engagements, running ads, identifying expos for us to attend, managing direct mail campaigns, identifying auctions where we can contribute, and otherwise getting our law firm seen and heard in the community. You will follow up on leads and schedule appointments. Must be technology savvy. Compensation is performance based – per presentation booked, meeting scheduled, and client engaged. This is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a novel, unique law firm that is changing how legal services are delivered. Send your resume and cover letter to kelly@kmbrownlaw. com and clearly convey why you should be hired, what you’re looking for in a job and how many hours a week you would love to be working. Serving Morris and Somerset County.

SPACE/office FOR RENT Office Space Available: Nicely furnished office space at the 94 Valley Road Building in Montclair is available for sublet (full days preferred, may consider half days if multiple days are taken). Fridays and weekends available now. Tuesdays and Wednesdays available starting in April. Building has own parking lot. Other therapists in building offer a sense of camaraderie. Close to Whole Foods and walking distance to many restaurants and shops. EmailLeslie@ for details. SPACE FOR RENT Event & meeting rental space in Morristown, NJ. Great for recitals, weddings, practice/rehearsal space and fitness classes. Accommodates up to 175 people. Plenty of parking, convenient to Route 202 or 287. Call 973-539-3114 or email for details.

August 2019


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