North Central NJ Natural Awakenings - June 2019

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GOING MINIMAL Families Trade Clutter for Calm

CONSCIOUS FATHERING Knowing Ourselves Comes First

BRAIN HEALTH Smart Strategies for

Preventing Dementia

June 2019 |

Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex Co. Edition


The Holistic Dental Center Working Together with Other Holistic Practitioners to Create a True Holistic Approach to Your Health


team approach to your overall health and it starts at the Holistic they don’t see, I do, and vice versa, seeing dental infections and Dental Center in Millburn, New Jersey, with their highly skilled how they can affect organ systems through meridians or directly and team of trained professionals in holistic and biological dentistry. From utilizing the benefits of networking with a holistic practitioner can and their award winning doctors and their state of the art technology to does make all the difference in patient care…I wouldn’t have it any their use of ozone and self-healing therapies, they are committed other way,” Dr. Gashinsky says about working with other practitioners. to not only treating your dental related symptoms, but also, the root So if you’re looking for an approach that is inclusive of all aspects cause thereby eliminating disease and promoting optimal health. of holistic care, visit Dr. Gashinsky and his team at The Holistic Dental Little did conventional practitioners know so many years ago that Center in Millburn, New Jersey. It’s their priority to ensure complete it took more than just looking at the mouth. A generation ago there holistic care by promoting the benefits of holism. “It’s not just your was a disconnect, a thought that our mouth and teeth had no bearing teeth anymore,” as he says, “It never was,” but now they have the on the health of the rest of our body. Now more and more research ability to not just treat overall disease but truly prevent and promote has been showing that there is a strong connection between dental whole body wellness. disease and systemic health. Dr. Gashinsky, Holistic Dentist, has always known that. A holistic approach to health is multifaceted, so he Other than being a dentist for 40 years, Dr. Vladimir Gashinsky, is a has built a network of healthcare practitioners to assist his patients in certified nutritional consultant, Accredited by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, SMART certified and a Naturopathic obtaining their desired level of optimal wellness. doctor “My passion for learning is never complete, I will continue to Working hand in hand with Naturopaths, Functional Medicine research and learn the latest in alternative treatments and team up practitioners and many others in the field of holistic medicine has with the best in the fields of holistic and alternative medicine to bring expanded Dr. Gashinsky’s ability to help more people. “I find it to be my patients the best treatments available, this I can assure you.” incredibly fulfilling to work synergistically with these practitioners to be able to improve patients’ health so dramatically. Some are coming Holistic Dental Center is located at 91 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, to me so very sick and by working together we’re seeing drastic New Jersey. For more information, call (973) 457-4688 or visit improvements in their quality of life,” says Dr. Gashinsky. Dr. Gashinsky feels strongly in the need to practice in such a manner as to take patients whole health into consideration. So much so, that he traveled to Switzerland this past spring to visit the Paracelsus Clinic and Swiss BioHealth Clinic; two healthcare models that promote the oral-body connection, to study their holistic approach to patient care. Dr. Gashinsky says, “To truly practice holism; the thought that everything is understood in relation to the whole and not just its parts, it’s important to remember that when treating a person it’s not just what one practitioner does, but how they can work together to improve the final outcome.” “Finding and working with like minded practitioners to help my patients has not only been professionally satisfying, but also on a personal level knowing that my patients are being well taken care of,” say Dr. Gashinksy. “Finding and addressing the root cause of disease in all our disciplines is the key to success in our patients’ health. What __________________________________________ A D V E R T O R I A L __________________________________________

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.





Trading Clutter for Calm

25 JUST ADD WATER Aquatic Workouts for Him

27 BRAIN-SAVERS Smart Strategies for Preventing Dementia



Beyond Buttons and Portabellas





Transportation Drives Urban Planning


Protecting Pets and the Planet


38 FATHERHOOD’S advertising & submissions how to advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 908-405-1515 or email Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. Editorial submissions Email Deadline for editorial: Articles (5th of the month); News and Health briefs (10th of the month). calendar submissions Submit calendar events online at NaturalAwakeningsNJ. com. Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month. regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets, call 239-434-9392. For franchising opportunities, call 239-530-1377 or visit Serving the counties and surrounding areas of Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex. Natural Awakenings ~ your muse for a healthy YOU and a healthy PLANET. 4

North Central NJ Edition


We Must Face Our Own Story First

40 SANJAY GUPTA ON ‘Chasing Life’

42 NATURE’S TOOLBOX The Key to Prostate Health

DEPARTMENTS 7 news briefs 12 health briefs 14 global briefs 19 eco tip 22 teen voices 23 healthy kids 25 fit body 31 conscious


34 green living 36 natural pet 38 inspiration 40 wise words 42 healing ways 44 local yoga 46 calendar 53 classifieds 54 resource guide

publisher letter


Kids, Teens and Fathers

Last year, we introduced a new column called Teen Voices written by Hannah Adamson. The idea behind it was to help parents (and other adults) gain a glimpse into the world through a teen’s eyes. Although with tears of sadness, we now wish a joyous farewell to Hannah as she moves on to attend George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. In her words, “I’m in the honors college and planning to double major in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, and Global Affairs. I’m very excited. I loved writing for Natural Awakenings and hope I have contributed to a teen’s world.” We think teens need a voice, and we are pleased that we can help provide a forum for their views. If all goes well, we will introduce a new contributor next month. The column was always intended to welcome a variety of voices. So, if you know a good teen writer candidate who might like to lend their time and talents, please drop us a line. In 2018, we received a lot of positive feedback on our June Publisher’s Letter so, by popular demand, here is our tribute to fathers again. In raising my own four children, striving to better understand their world through their eyes was one of the most powerful tools I found. This simple approach does help build a foundation of trust, however, building trust with a teenager is a day-to-day business. Some days, you are best friends. The next day, one of us is from another planet. As in most things, it is a process. Listening (when my 16-year-old talks to me) is more important than speaking. No Einstein moment here. The goal is to learn something, not tell something, and keeping that in focus is paramount to building trust. But let’s step back to the beginning, long before the teen years. Today I asked a friend to tell me about being a father. (He has a three-year-old (his first), and a 16-year-old stepson.) “I love being a father. It feels totally natural. Nothing has been more rewarding,” he replied. “The father-son relationship is incredibly special. The responsibility of being a guide to his future makes me a better person every day of my life. Seeing the world through his eyes brings me back to the purity of being a child where everything is new, exciting.” As he was speaking, it dawned on me that happy should fit in there someplace because who really laughs, smiles and shows happiness more than children? My friend also pointed out a reminder to us all: Children can put your day in true perspective. Their simplicity reminds us that we are the ones who complicate the equation. However, parenting is complicated. It is not easy. It brings feelings of joy, sorrow, guilt, anxiety and every other emotion you can possibly think of—sometimes all within five minutes. Fatherhood has certainly changed in my lifetime, and I am so thankful for how fathers today have embraced the profession of fatherhood. Some of us had to get ego, selfishness, predetermined behavior, learned behavior and, in some cases, bad models out of the way before we could even comprehend what fatherhood was about. I am so proud as I watch my friends embrace their role as a father—the sacrifices they make, the dedication they display, the love they show. We have come a long way as men and as fathers. For the younger male reading this, it might be hard to imagine but take my word—we have come a long way, baby. So, to all the fathers out there—keep growing. Model for your children something to be proud of. Give them the love, give them the dad they deserve. Be their hero, be the best dad you can be, and they in turn will build the model for their children. Isn’t that how it works. Be love, be happy, be joy, be the man, BE DAD.

Happy Father’s Day!

north central nj edition PUBLISHER Joe Dunne • 908-405-1515

Managing Editor Kathy Tarbell

Editor Lana Dykes Design & Production Kim DeReiter

CopyEditor Julie Vitto yoga section Rosie Lazroe • 732-596-7384

Social Media Amy Hass website Kyle Hass sales & marketing Joe Dunne 908-405-1515

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contact the publisher Joe Dunne • Bedminster, NJ

Cell: 908-405-1515 • Fax: 877-635-3313

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national team CEO/FOUNDER Sharon Bruckman coo/ franchise sales Joe Dunne national Editor Jan Hollingsworth Managing Editor Linda Sechrist national art director Stephen Blancett art director Josh Pope f ranchise support Mgr. Heather Gibbs National Advertising Kara Scofield Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4933 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 203 Naples, FL 34103 Ph: 239-434-9392 • Fax: 239-434-9513 © 2019 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. The content herein has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not meant to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any condition. Statements are the opinion of the author/speaker. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.

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June 2019



Hair Loss Solution

may already be in your blood


With PRP your blood is drawn and then atching your hair in the bottom of a processed in such a way to separate out the shower or remaining on your brush is platelets. Platelets contain growth factors not a fun thing to experience. Many men and which promote healing. These platelets are women experience hair loss at different times then injected into the underactive hair follicles of their lives. For anyone who is experiencing to enhance the some level Real Results with PRP Treatment regenerative of hair loss phase of resulting in hair growth. thinning hair This boost or their solution wake-up call is may be in their just what the own blood. follicles need Platelet Rich After Before to start new Plasma (PRP) hair growth. Although PRP does not reverse treatment for hair loss is becoming a popular solution for thinning hair. You might have seen baldness, the medical community has found good results with thinning hair and early hair this demonstrated on television news stations loss. or read about it in a recent health article. Your hair normally cycles through periods of growing, resting, falling out and regenerating. During the resting phase of a hair follicle your hair naturally falls out and then regenerates in the next phase in the same hair follicles. For some people their follicles do not function properly and they start to lose more hair then they are regenerating.

Recent studies have demonstrated significant hair growth with the use of Platelet Rich Plasma. PRP has been found to increase hair density and thickness and promote new hair growth in dormant hair follicles. This works best for persons whose hair loss began with the past 6 years and depends upon the amount of remaining hair follicles. Results vary from patient to patient, but many patients see

Dr. Magaziner is a pioneer in the field of regenerative medicine with over 25 years experience. results following multiple sessions over three to six months. Vitamins and growth factors may be used to enhance results. Dr. Edward S. Magaziner of North Brunswick, NJ is a pioneer in the field of Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine using Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cell Grafts for over 25 years. He has successfully treated thousands of patients with regenerative medicine for joint, tendon and ligament injuries. He is now offering men and women this powerful regenerative science to treat cosmetic and functional difficulties brought on with aging. These are safe procedures with no serious side-effects. Find out more about how regenerative medicine may be able to help you. Contact the East Coast Spine, Sports & Regenerative Medicine at (732) 297-2600 or visit

2186 Rt. 27, Ste 2D | North Brunswick, NJ 08902


Edward S. Magaziner, MD is the director of East Coast Spine, Sports & Regenerative Medicine, Assistant Professor New York Medical College, and Assistant Professor Rutgers Medical School. | 877-817-3273 | North Central NJ Edition


news briefs

New Book on Meditation and Spirituality


s God in That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth, by John D. Sambalino, is the true story of a personal quest for spiritual enlightenment and the many benefits of meditation. The new book, published by Vanishing Circle Press, is based on the author’s 44 years of daily meditation, yoga, tai chi and qigong. “We live in very stressful times,” says the South New Jersey author. “While this book can help learn how to release stress naturally through meditation, it’s not a how-to book and does not teach meditation. [It addresses] how meditation can relieve stress and help [you] to make a happier, healthier, more productive person.” Vijayendra Pratap, Ph.D., president of the Yoga Research Society, says, “I would love to see this book in the hands of practitioners of all paths for self-realization.” Kirkus Reviews calls the book a “lively and intensely readable story of one man’s use of a variety of spiritual practices to reveal the nature of reality.” Cost: $16.95. For more information or to order the book, visit See ad on page 59.

Enhancing Intuition with Young Living Essential Oils Workshop


ancy Orlen Weber, author of The Life of a Psychic Detective, transformed her life from a crime victim to a crime solver when she began to view the challenges she faced as an opportunity to trust her intuition and respect her soul’s guidance. Her powerful spiritual suggestions have deeply impacted her readers, and she continues to develop her psychic gifts. She uses her intuition and psychic gifts for everything from day-to-day choices to medical intuitive, working as a medium and on crime cases. On June 22, Nancy will present her workshop, “Enhancing Intuition with Young Living Essential Oils,” at Blossoming into Light, in Chester. The class will teach participants how to respect and nurture their own gifts in order to manifest them into a powerful tool for both themselves and the world. Nancy suggests that people bring a journal and one photo of someone (living or deceased, person or pet), placed in a sealed envelope. Nancy brings a world of ideas to all who seek to make a difference in their own lives and others. There will be a book signing at the end of class. Location: Blossoming into Light, 401 Route 24, Chester. For more information, visit See ad on page 19.

June 2019


news briefs

Flahavan’s Irish Oats Launches All New Packaging 2019 Natural Jersey New Visual Identity Conveys Commitment to Family Farms and Summit Natural, Sustainable Oatmeal


Flahavan & Sons Ltd., producer of Ireland’s bestselling oatmeal brand and oldest family-owned food company, has unveiled its new packaging for the USA. While oatmeal lovers will continue to enjoy the same high-quality, minimally processed, naturally creamy Flahavan’s oats, the new visual identity marks a change in communicating the company’s values. Flahavan’s has been producing quality Irish oats for over 230 years and seven generations at the family-owned mill in Kilmacthomas, beneath the Comeragh Mountains in County Waterford. Each pack features a spotlight on a local oat farmer who has supplied these wholesome oats to the Flahavan’s mill for generations. Flahavan’s works with like-minded farmers, from families they know and trust, to select the best quality non-GMO oats, while protecting and sustaining the land. Flahavan’s oats are naturally low in saturated fat, are a good source of soluble fiber and may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Flahavan’s oats are a versatile superfood that can improve the health and taste profiles of favorite recipes thanks to their naturally creamy texture. These qualities result from a combination of the optimum Irish oatgrowing climate and Flahavan’s unique slow-milling process. The new packaging will cover the full U.S. range, including Rolled Oatmeal, Steel Cut Oatmeal and Quick-to-Cook Steel Cut Oatmeal. Available in Stop & Shop, Kings Foods Markets, ShopRite and Fairway and other fine grocery stores. For information, visit @FlahavansUSA. See ad and coupon, page 29.


North Central NJ Edition


oin Dr. Vladimir Gashinsky for an exciting holistic seminar event on the weekend of June 3-5. This free, virtual conference will feature three jam-packed days of interviews with 30 industry experts who will share their valuable knowledge and give advice on how people can lead more natural and healthier lives. Topics include hormones and weight loss, holistic healthcare for the whole family, the impact of GMOs and much more. Interviews will be conveniently broadcasted online, which allows interested participants to listen and learn from the comfort of home. For more information, visit

Directory of Advertisers Aesthetic Family Dentistry . . . . . . . . . 26, 60 Align Healing and Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Bee You Yoga & Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Blossoming into Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Budd Larner, PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Center for Systemic Dentistry . . . . . . . . . . 41 Center of Spiritual Living Morristown . . . . 16 Cindy Nolte, Fresh Look on Life . . . . . . . . 51 Clinical Hypnotherapy of NJ . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Connectivity Therapy and Holistic Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Deep Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Dhyana Yoga Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Dr. Andy Rosenfarb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Dr. Edward Magaziner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Dr. Derek Rodger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Dr. John Gallucci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Dr. Tammy Kaminski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Enhanced Living Hypnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Flahavan’s Irish Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Functional Brain Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

HempWorx - Kristen Ragucci . . . . . . . . . . 33 Holistic Dental Center - Dr. Vladimir Gashinsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Huna Healing Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ideal Soul Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Joy & Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Kangen Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Kelly Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Leslie Lobell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Lewis Healing and Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . 17 LightWing Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 32 Lisa’s Thermography and Wellness . . . . . 21 Living Waters Wellness Center . . . . . . . . 25 Morning Star Family Health . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Mountain Lakes Organic Coop . . . . . . . . 46 MultiPure Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 NA Singles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Natural Home Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Natural Wellness Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Naturally Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 NJ Advanced Acupuncture . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

NJ Total Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Peace Within Spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Personally Yours Lingerie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Phillip Stein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Portal of Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Prana Yoga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Sambalino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Shakti Yoga & Living Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Soul’s Inspiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Starseed Bakery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Sunshine Gifts and Yoga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Sussex County Food Co-op . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 The Whole-istic You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 ThetaHealing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ThinTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Unlock Your Hidden Beauty . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Whole Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 WholeListic Hair Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Wisdom Health & Wellbeing . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Yoga Anonymous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 * New Advertiser

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Joe Dunne, Publisher Bedminster, NJ 07921 PH: 908-405-1515 • FAX: 877-635-3313 A monthly publication dedicated to providing healthconscious individuals with insights and information to improve the quality of life p h y s i c a l l y, m e n t a l l y, emotionally and spiritually.


Joe dunne, publisher 908-405-1515

news briefs

Free Webinar Explores Holistic Coaching Career Options


he Natural Wellness Academy (NWA) is hosting a free online webinar, Creating a Lucrative Holistic Coaching Career You’ll Love, at 8:30 p.m. on July 11. Working in tandem with the explosive growth of natural wellness specialties, this meet-and-greet webinar focuses on Certified CBD/Cannabis Coach, Holistic Health & Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist and MindGut Guru careers. Attendees will interact with holistic health professionals from around the globe and learn their secrets for starting a successful business. NWA graduates in 19 countries will share cutting-edge developments, discoveries and disciplines in these fast-changing professions. NWA’s personal mentors, who guide students through the certification and beyond, will be a part of the webinar, as will information about tuition-financing programs designed to make training in these dynamic health specialties affordable. A member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, NWA has been training holistic health professionals via the internet since 2013. As an internet-based educational institution, all NWA certification programs are available 24/7, so students can learn at their own pace, anytime, anywhere. An access code is required to attend the webinar, easily obtained by contacting NWA. For more information and for an access code, call 813-333-2626, email Support@ or visit See ad on this page.


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June 2019


Imbibe Less to Lower Blood Pressure Even moderate alcohol consumption—seven to 13 drinks a week—increases the risk of high blood pressure, according to a new analysis of the health records of 17,000 U.S. adults. Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center researchers found that the average blood pressure among nondrinkers was about 109/67, among moderate drinkers 128/79 and among heavy drinkers 153/82, based on data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the years 1988 to 1994. The higher readings could be the result of alcohol’s affect on the brain and liver, or because it raises caloric intake, partly by increasing appetite, say the researchers. 12

North Central NJ Edition

Eat Med Diet to Boost Performance What we consume can boost our body even in the short term, a new study from St. Louis University shows. After eating the Mediterranean diet for just four days, athletes ran faster than after eating a Western diet. In the study, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, seven women and four men ate one of two diets for four days: the Mediterranean, with its emphasis on whole fruits and vegetables, nuts, olive oil and whole grains, or the Western, high in trans and saturated fats, dairy, refined sugars, refined and highly processed vegetable oils, sodium and processed foods. After a nine-to-16-day break, they followed the other diet. The athletes exercised on a treadmill for five kilometers after each diet and were found to have run 6 percent faster after following the Mediterranean diet, despite similar heart rates and perceived levels of exertion.

Ljupco Smokovski/

Regardless of the type of protein consumed, lowcarb diets significantly increase the risk of atrial fibrillation (AFib), according to a study presented at the latest annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology. Analyzing the records of almost 14,000 people over a 20-year period, researchers found that diets such as Atkins, ketogenic and paleo, which emphasize protein instead of fruits, vegetables and grains, boosted the risk of AFib by 18 percent compared to diets with moderate carb intake. Researchers theorize that consuming less produce and fewer grains may aggravate inflammation, while eating high amounts of protein and fat may increase oxidative stress. Both conditions are linked to AFib, in which the heart beats irregularly, potentially causing palpitations, dizziness and fatigue. It’s also linked to a five-fold increase in strokes.


Eat More Carbs to Lower Heart Risk

For those that don’t move vigorously throughout the day—whether stuck behind a desk or lying on a couch in front of a screen— there’s good news in a recent American Cancer Society study: Replacing just 30 minutes a day of stationary time with such moderate physical activities as brisk walking and dancing reduces the risk of dying over 14 years by a whopping 45 percent. Even light activities such as walking slowly, playing pool and doing housework like vacuuming for half an hour reduce mortality risk by 15 percent.

ESB Professional/

Sit Less to Live Longer

health briefs

Evan Lorne/

Take Magnesium to Optimize Vitamin D Magnesium seems to optimize vitamin D, increasing the vitamin’s utilization for those with insufficient levels and decreasing it in those with excessive amounts. In a randomized trial of 250 people between ages 50 and 85 that were considered at risk for colorectal cancer, researchers at the VanderbiltIngram Cancer Center found that changes in blood levels of vitamin D were significantly affected by the intake of magnesium—a mineral in which 80 percent of Americans are deficient. In addition to supplements, magnesium-rich foods include dark leafy greens, beans, whole grains, dark chocolate, nuts, avocados and fatty fish such as salmon.

Find a Green Space and Make a Friend Integrating green spaces among living areas increases trust among strangers, according to a study from Canada’s University of Waterloo. Participants in walking tours of a Vancouver neighborhood were asked to complete a smartphone questionnaire at six stops, including at a rainbowpainted crosswalk and both wild and manicured community gardens. Researchers found that colorful design elements and green spaces were linked to higher levels of happiness, plus greater trust of strangers and environmental stewardship. “The urban design interventions we studied are relatively simple and low cost, but show great potential to improve individuals’ emotional and social lives,” says Hanna Negami, lead author.


Legal Pot Lifts Junk Food Sales Apparently, the fabled marijuanainduced “munchies” cravings don’t have people reaching for carrots. A new study from the University of Connecticut found that shortly after Colorado, Washington and Oregon legalized recreational marijuana, increases in purchases were recorded in those states for potato chips (5.3 percent), cookies (4.1 percent) and ice cream (3.1 percent).

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global briefs

Green Surfing

Clark 1255 Raritan Road, Unit #150 Clark, NJ Metuchen 645 Middlesex Avenue Metuchen, NJ Millburn—Union 2245 Springfield Avenue Union, NJ Montclair 701 Bloomfield Avenue Montclair, NJ Morristown 110 Washington Street Morristown, NJ Madison 222 Main Street Madison, NJ Newark 633 Broad Street Newark, NJ Princeton 3495 US Route 1 South Princeton, NJ Ridgewood 44 Godwin Avenue Ridgewood, NJ 07450 West Orange 235 Prospect Avenue West Orange, NJ


North Central NJ Edition

Aqua Breakthrough

Clean Water Solution in the Pipeline

With the world facing a future of climate change and water scarcity, finding an environmental way to cleanse drinking water is paramount. Researchers in China contend they are working on a method to remove bacteria from water that’s both highly efficient and environmentally sound. By shining ultraviolet light onto a two-dimensional sheet of graphitic carbon nitride, the team’s prototype can purify two-anda-half gallons of water in one hour, killing virtually all the harmful bacteria present. This technique of photocatalytic disinfection is an alternative to current eco-unfriendly water filtration systems such as chlorination or ozone disinfection.

Baby Balking

Climate Change Discourages Childbearing

USA Today has reported that concerns about climate change are giving women pause about bearing children. The U.S. birthrate has been falling for years, and in 2017, it was 60.3 births per 1,000 women, the lowest fertility rate since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began keeping such records in 1909. Related causes such as women marrying later, worries about the economy and the difficulty of finding affordable child care have all been suggested. But prospective parents are also thinking about the increased frequency and intensity of storms and other natural disasters such as drought and wildfires. Further, geopolitical unrest and scarcity of water and other resources are convincing some to at least postpone their decision to increase the population.


Bridgewater 319 Chimney Rock Road Bound Brook, NJ

Internet users can help fight global deforestation even while surfing. German online search engine Ecosia, now used in 183 countries, diverts its advertising revenue from click-throughs to planting trees worldwide to the tune of more than 52 million since 2009. With each search, the company says, it removes around twoand-a-half pounds of carbon dioxide from the air. Christian Kroll, Ecosia’s founder, wrote, “Climate change is a very real threat, and if we’re to stop the world heating above the 1.5 degrees warned about in the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] report, we need to plant trees at scale.” Kroll suggests that if Ecosia were to get as big as Google, they could absorb 15 percent of all global carbon dioxide emissions. Users can find it at


Search Engine Company Plants Trees

Far Out

Romolo Tavani/

Earth’s Atmosphere Extends Past Moon

The scientific boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and space is the Kármán line, 62 miles high. But a team of astronomers have published evidence in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics that the geocorona, a tenuous cloud of neutral hydrogen in the outermost region of the Earth’s atmosphere that glows in far-ultraviolet light, extends much farther than the moon. The discovery means that telescopes positioned in the geocorona will need to have some of their settings adjusted for deep-space observations.

Hopper Stopper

Endangered Frogs Keep Millions of Acres as Habitat

A federal court has dismissed a lawsuit challenging the protected status of 1.8 million acres of critical California mountain habitat for the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frogs and the mountain yellow-legged frogs, species that have declined by 90 percent, and Yosemite toads. In 2017, a year after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service designated the land as protected under the Endangered Species Act, the California Cattlemen’s Association challenged the decision. U.S. District Court Judge Trevor McFadden stated the group had failed to establish that any of its members suffered injury from the designation.

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North Central NJ Edition

China Forces U.S. Cities to Change Specs

China, one of the world’s main importers of recyclable waste, is rejecting shipments that are more than 0.5 percent impure, so loads contaminated by a greasy pizza box, disposable coffee cups and the odd plastic bag could end up in the local landfill instead. Most single-use cups, for instance, are lined with a fine film of polyethylene, which makes the cups liquid-proof, but also difficult and expensive to reprocess. Most waste management facilities will treat the cups as trash. Since China banned impure plastics, many U.S. municipalities no longer accept plastics numbered 3 to 7, which can include yogurt cups, butter tubs and vegetable oil bottles. Another contamination culprit is food residue. Washing out food scraps from recyclables can be just as important as putting the appropriate item in the recycling bin.

Gino Santa Maria/

In Norway, up to 97 percent of the country’s plastic bottles are recycled, and other countries are taking note. The government’s environmental taxes reward companies that are eco-friendly. If a company recycles more than 95 percent of its plastic, then its tax is dropped. Customers pay a deposit on each bottled product they buy. To get back their money, they must return their used bottles to one of the 3,700 machines found in the country’s supermarkets and convenience stores. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation estimates that if current global trends continue, plastic trash in the ocean will outweigh fish by 2050.


Your Success, Stress, and Way of Life Could be Sabotaging Your Health Stop Suffering in Silence


Action Alert Banish Toxic Air in Plane Cabins

Flying safety is more than making it to our destination; it’s about the air we have to breathe while in the skies. Toxic fume events can occur when air, contaminated by engine exhaust, fuel fumes, de-icing fluids and/or ozone, enters the aircraft cabin through the jet engine intake. Exposure to even low levels of these contaminants can incapacitate passengers and crew, and long-term exposure could lead to debilitating health issues. In April, U.S. Representative John Garamendi (D-CA) and U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced the Cabin Air Safety Act (H.R. 2208) to protect commercial airline passengers and crew from toxic cabin air. Follow its progress at GovTrack.US. The bill would require training on toxic fumes for all pilots, crew members and flight attendants; make sure the Federal Aviation Administration maintains a record of all reports of and conducts investigations into all toxic fume occurrences; and direct the airline industry to install detectors in the air supply system of planes to locate sources of contamination. Contact a congressional representative, listed on GovTrack.US, to support the bill.


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North Central NJ Edition

eco tip

Mold Matters


Kill It Naturally

Heavy rains, leaky pipes and floods can lead to mold growth, which can create poor and even toxic indoor air quality. Irritating the eyes, skin, nose, throat and lungs of both mold-sensitive and non-allergic people, mold can also cause immediate or delayed respiratory symptoms; some can be extremely severe in individuals prone to asthma. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that people with a weakened immune system are at higher risk of health effects from mold, which can also instigate a chronic cough. Toxic reactions can include pulmonary hemorrhaging in infants and memory loss in young children. A roof leak, burst pipe or malfunctioning water heater can all set the stage for mold to take root, sometimes hidden behind walls and cabinetry. Even in homes that haven’t been damaged by excessive water, mold can be found wherever humidity levels are high, including basements, garages and showers. Proper ventilation and repair of leaky fixtures can help keep mold growth at bay. According to the CDC, mold growth can be removed from hard surfaces with soap and water. Natural antimicrobials such as plain white vinegar and baking soda are also powerful cleansers; tea tree oil is a

natural, antibacterial and antiseptic fungicide that can kill black mold on impermeable surfaces. Remediation of extensive mold growth on drywall and other permeable building materials is best left to professionals to arrest its spread and prevent toxic spores from becoming airborne. There are many companies that use ecofriendly “green” methods and materials. If choosing to go the DIY route, sequester the area to be worked on and use specialized HEPA filters and a respirator to avoid inhaling spores. Use protective goggles and gloves throughout the entire process. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency suggests that surface sampling may be useful to determine if an area has been adequately cleaned or remediated. Sampling for mold should be conducted by professionals that have specific experience in designing mold sampling protocols, sampling methods and interpreting results.


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North Central NJ Edition

by Dr. Don Joergens


he brain is made up of two halves, near mirror images of each other, much like the right and left hands and feet. Unfortunately, clinical teachings often choose to view this miraculous organ as a whole, instead of two separate parts. With this in mind, physicians and other health professionals diagnose and prescribe treatments from a whole-brain model as opposed to recognizing that our brains are actually functioning and communicating through the body as two self-governing half-spheres. However, this neglects the fact that the brain is divided so that humans have a greater chance to survive. If the two-sided brain grants greater survivability, then it must also be able to create more powerful states of healing in order to ensure that life continues. This opens up the door to a new world of understanding and healing, for both the brain and the body, in greater, more natural

ways. An understanding of the brain in this way is a vital step in enhancing daily life and reducing or completely eliminating suffering. Today, the doctors and therapists who choose to assess the human being using this deeper intelligence of how the brain operates are discovering unequaled success in treating conditions such as ADHD, sensory processing disorders, post-concussion syndromes, balance disorders, anxiety, depression, stress, chronic pain, cognitive thinking and more. When the two-sided brain isn’t working together properly, a person may find themselves unmotivated, unhappy and bombarded with negative thoughts. In realizing that there is an imbalance in the brain, a professional can repair and re-empower normal functionality. When areas of the brain are in a strongly dynamic balance, people are able to perceive the world around them,

organize it and respond in more constructive ways. Essentially, a brain of two sound halves dynamically balances itself within the stresses and experiences of the external world, as well as its own internal thoughts and stimulations, and has the opportunity to enjoy all the possibilities of life. How can a health professional bring the two sides of the brain back together into a dynamic, strongly balanced relationship? Those learned in this science can define the underactive or overactive areas and give simple but specific movements of the eyes, body, automatic reflex actions and various gentle drives to the involved regions, immediately creating change. This positive bridging begins to lessen the gap, thus restoring higher capacities and health. Within a short period of time, along with continuing progressions to strengthen and balance the disconnected brain, a person can begin to heal. From this incredible vantage point, doctors can design beneficial, individualized and effective programs for their patients. For example, a doctor might design a routine that may include high intensity circuits, yoga or Pilates. Detailing the exact type of breathing, frequency and duration to strengthen the exact portion of the nervous system, as well as very specific dietary guidelines, will help clients maximize their healing. By viewing the brain as two separate parts working together, a person can begin to take control of their health and facilitate lasting and positive change. Dr. Donald Joergens, D.C., (ret), FBt, founder of Functional Brain Training, has been an innovative thinker for over 25 years. His proprietary developments and patent using the discoveries of cutting-edge functional neuroscience, reflect his powerful belief and vision in the inclusion of functional brain-based methods to potentiate the lives of all people. Location: The Functional Brain Training center is located in Rockaway, New Jersey. For information, to schedule a free phone consultation or to set up a talk, call 862-7778612 or email DrDon@functionalbraintraining. com. See ad on page 7.

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North Central NJ Edition

teen voices

Living in Gratitude by Hannah Adamson


don’t want to do my homework,” “Ugh, my room is messy,” “I don’t like the way I look today.” These types of complaints somehow manage to creep their way into our lives. At school, sometimes it seems that we are listing complaints more than actually communicating. Yes, life can be challenging sometimes, but it should not be the focal point of our perspective. The homework I need to do means that I am fortunate enough to have an education. The room that needs cleaning means that I have a safe place to sleep every night. The reflection I see means I have the gift of sight to see every day. We have to make the conscious decision to appreciate our lives, especially when it comes to the tasks we may not like doing. Changing your perspective to one of appreciation can help make the little daily challenges more manageable. A bad day? Chances are it was not completely bad. Many times, negative moments and challenges interrupt a normal day; they do not usually last the whole day. It is our perception that can either manipulate these moments into larger problems or relieve us of the stress they cause. Instead of focusing on the one bad hour of the day where you were embarrassed, hurt, stressed or annoyed, recognize all the good parts of your day. The friend that complimented your outfit. The food you had to eat. The person that you vent to about your not-so-good moments. Even if you cannot think of anything like this, the point is that you had a day: you woke up and you lived. It is so easy to get caught up in the things that bother us. Focusing on negativity can become a habit, integrated into our daily routine. Changing your perspective, while maybe not so easy, can ease the burden of life’s more difficult moments. By altering the way we view each day, we can recognize and appreciate the positivity within our lives. Hannah Adamson is a senior in high school. She practices meditation and takes ThetaHealing courses with Reshma Shah in Westfield, New Jersey.


healthy kids

The Minimalist Family Trading Clutter for Calm


by Meredith Montgomery

hen Denaye Barahona, of New York City, became a parent, she felt compelled to buy everything for her son. “We are inundated as a culture with so many products for our kids that it’s hard to differentiate what we need; it really wears us down,” she says. While working on her Ph.D. in child development, Barahona discovered—both in research and personal experience—that kids actually thrive with less stuff. And so she began her journey toward minimalism by purging toys and clothes, eventually founding Cary Fortin and Kyle Quilici, of San Francisco, believe time is better spent experiencing life with people than managing, organizing, cleaning and buying things. Their book New Minimalism: Decluttering and Design for Sustainable, Intentional Living is a call to adopt a more mindful life. Fortin says, “You decide first what you value, how you want to spend your days, how you want to feel, and then reflect these values in your physical space.” “Minimalism is not about living in a tiny home and never owning more than

100 things; it’s about figuring out what brings value and purpose to your life and letting go of the rest,” says Atlanta’s Zoë Kim, author of Minimalism for Families: Practical Minimalist Living Strategies to Simplify Your Home and Life.

The Benefits

Time is precious, especially for parents. More free time is gained when a toy collection is significantly reduced, but other benefits result, as well. A 2018 University of Toledo study published in Infant Be-

havior and Development suggests toddlers engage in more focused and creative play when faced with fewer choices. “Kids who previously tore through bins or who didn’t care about their belongings immediately begin engaging with toys more appropriately and for longer periods of time,” says Barahona, the author of Simple Happy Parenting: The Secret of Less for Calmer Parents and Happier Kids. Research also indicates that our limited stores of willpower are depleted more quickly when we are flooded with decisions. “When you have less stuff in a room and less choices to make, your mental state actually improves—you have more clarity and can focus better,” she says. “Because kids are so much more easily stimulated, they feel the impact of a chaotic room even more than adults.” Minimalism also arms children with self-reflection tools and introduces them to the process of letting go and donating. “They learn to ask ‘Am I enjoying this? Could I repurpose it?’ while understanding that some things we can mend and enjoy for long periods of time, and other things we outgrow— which we can then give away,” says Fortin.

Where to Start

Experts agree that in family households, the shift toward minimalism should begin with the adults. “It gives them time to under-

Because kids are so much more easily stimulated, they feel the impact of a chaotic room even more than adults. ~Denaye Barahona

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stand how the process feels and models the behavior for their children,” says Fortin. Barahona streamlines her home by focusing on active spaces. “Active items are the things you use regularly, such as your two favorite pairs of jeans—not the 13 pairs you rarely wear.” When active and storage items accumulate in the same space, the need to sort through extra “stuff ” wastes time and energy, she says. “We’ve all lost our keys when we’re already running late and then suddenly we’re yelling at our kids. Simplifying so we can prevent these scenarios positively impacts our mood and our ability to be present with our kids.” Although the decluttering process starts with the parents, children should be involved as much as possible, and in a positive light. “Kids don’t like cleaning up, but with ongoing conversations and small consistent shifts, children see how less stuff can lead to more time for enjoyable activities,” says Kim. Minimalist strategies can be applied across many realms of life, such as scaling back the family calendar and hovering


North Central NJ Edition

less as a parent. “Family life always seems to speed up, but we can break the cycle of busy by scheduling blank time. Being intentional with time goes hand-in-hand with minimalism,” says Quilici. To stay inspired, find social media pages and websites to follow for ideas. “You’re going to hit roadblocks, so it’s im-

portant to surround yourself with inspiration,” Kim says. “Now that I’ve let go of the lifestyle I thought I needed, it’s nice to have less, but it’s even better to want less.” Meredith Montgomery publishes Natural Awakenings of Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi (

How to Keep the Clutter Out

Set Physical Boundaries

Establish rules for what can be stored, where and how much. Childhood keepsakes, artwork, craft supplies and school papers can accumulate quickly. Limit how much can be kept by designating a box for toys or a wall to display art. Digital photos allow the memories to be kept without taking up physical space.

Create a ‘Why’ Statement

Determine how we want to feel in a space, document it and refer to it for inspiration and guidance, especially when feeling frustrated or lost.

Practice ‘One In, One Out’

Every time a new item enters the home, an old item needs to leave.

Buy Better Toys

The right toys invite kids to play more creatively over many years. Character toys may invoke more initial joy and giddiness, but a great block set will manifest longer-lasting value for kids.


fit body

JUST ADD WATER Aquatic Workouts for Him


by Marlaina Donato

hen it comes to chiseling muscles, recovering from injury or reducing stress, men are finding that hitting the pool might even surpass hitting the gym. “Water aerobics is a great form of exercise for men looking to sculpt their bodies, because water offers multidirectional drag resistance that assists in developing muscle balance within the body,” says Denver aquatic fitness trainer Sean Sullivan. Pool workouts offer men and women of all ages and condition a low-impact, energizing way to get fit and burn calories. From specialized classes for patients with Parkinson’s disease to relief from the pain of arthritis and fibromyalgia, water aerobics harbors benefits for everyone. The Mayo Clinic adds improved cardiovascular health to the reasons why more men are joining classes that were previously considered to be a women’s domain. A recent meta-analysis of 14 studies published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that aquatic exercise can significantly lower blood pressure. Another study published in the Asian Journal of Sports Medicine reached a similar conclusion when men that underwent 55 minutes of aquatic exercise three

times a week exhibited marked reductions in hypertension.

Go Vertical for Stronger Muscles

Water aerobics classes, which don’t involve swimming, are conducted in waist-high water. These vertical workouts provide 75 percent more resistance than land-based

exercise. “When you perform a bicep curl in the water with no equipment, not only do you exercise the bicep muscle on the way up, but because of drag resistance, you’re also exercising your triceps muscle on the way down, for a balanced workout,” says Sullivan. Exercise physiologist Clinton Maclin, of the Piedmont Atlanta Fitness Center, in Georgia, concurs. “Aqua aerobics helps all muscle groups benefit from increased endurance, resistance and range of motion.” For optimum fitness, Maclin recommends getting wet for a minimum of two-and-ahalf hours per week to stay in condition. The heart is also a muscle that benefits greatly from aquatic fitness. “Hydrostatic pressure is a property of water that aids in blood flow return to the heart, which may lead to a reduction in heart rate,” says Sullivan. “It’s a physiological benefit from simply immersing oneself in water.”

Less Pain, More Flexibility

A number of recent studies have shown that aquatic exercise can ease pain in conditions such as fibromyalgia and also improve flexibility in joints. It’s recommended by both the Osteoarthritis Research Society International and by the American College of Rheumatology. In the water, older individuals can exercise without the risk of falling. “The water creates buoyancy, making it less likely to make sudden movements. The low impact of the water allows longer partici-

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pation time, mobility and stability,” says Maclin. “Seniors can participate in higherintensity movements and perform more activities, even while injured.” Aqua aerobics helps improve balance and is also a boon to soft tissue. “Warm water provides a tremendous benefit to tendons and ligaments, adding mobility, flexibility and well-being,” notes instructor and fitness trainer Márcia Wilken, in Shawano, Wisconsin. “Seniors can benefit most from water exercise at least twice a week. It can also improve cognitive thinking and helps to promote a better sleep pattern.”

Rehabilitation, Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis

Aquatic therapy in warm water helps to facilitate recovery after joint surgery and injuries, including anterior cruciate ligament tears in the knee. “Warm pools are a great environment for young athletes recovering from sports-related injuries. Hydrostatic pressure reduces swelling of the injured area, allowing for greater range of motion. Buoyancy reduces the load placed upon the injured area and reduces pain,” says Sullivan. “The properties of water allow injured athletes to begin the recovery process sooner.” For individuals with Parkinson’s, the American Parkinson Disease Association recommends aquatic exercise for improved balance and pain reduction. In 2014, the European Journal of Experimental Biology published an eight-week Iranian study involving 60 men with multiple sclerosis that concluded it improved balance. Water resistance does a body good, but the experts suggest one-on-one attention for best results. “I strongly recommend finding an aquatic fitness and rehabilitation specialist, because not all exercises are beneficial for everyone,” says Sullivan. Wilken agrees. “A trainer can teach technique and different ways to move in the water, as well as proper breathing and good body alignment. It will double the benefits.” Marlaina Donato is the author of several books on spirituality and clinical aromatherapy. She is also a composer. Connect at


North Central NJ Edition

gillmar/ Sebastian Kaulitzki/

About Wheat and Other Grains

Brain-Savers Smart Strategies for Preventing Dementia


by Melinda Hemmelgarn

ith 5.8 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, there’s no shortage of advice on how to enhance, preserve and restore brain function. Judging from the assortment of brain training games and apps to the multitude of books promising ways to avoid or even reverse dementia, a growing number of aging Americans want to know the best strategies for preventing and treating cognitive decline and memory loss.

Prevention: A ‘No-Brainer’ As with any disease, prevention throughout the life cycle is key, but especially important for Alzheimer’s—the leading cause

of dementia worldwide. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the illness is considered a slowly progressive brain disease that begins well before symptoms emerge. Despite predictions that the number of afflicted Americans will reach nearly 14 million by 2050, there are no drug cures. David Perlmutter, M.D., a board-certified neurologist based in Naples, Florida, and an editorial board member of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, summarizes a recent study evaluating the effectiveness of currently available Alzheimer’s medications. “Not only were Alzheimer’s patients who were taking these drugs not gaining any benefit, but their rate of cognitive decline was worsened when they were on

When considering whether to restrict or include grain in one’s diet, consider the following: n Individuals with celiac or non-celiac gluten sensitivity should avoid wheat and other gluten-containing grains such as barley and rye. n According to nutritional epidemiologist Martha Clare Morris, diets rich in high-fiber whole grains, including wheat, decrease inflammation and oxidative stress, and improve cognition. She says, “Diets higher in fiber are linked to lower rates of diabetes and heart disease,” both of which increase risk of dementia. n Author Brenda Davis’ “grain hierarchy” promotes whole, intact grains as key in controlling blood sugar. n Whole grains are high in vitamins E and B, which protect against cognitive decline. n Dr. David Perlmutter, who supports high-fiber diets, but advocates avoiding gluten, warns against shopping in the gluten-free aisle. Foods there might not have gluten, he says, but they’re going to “powerfully raise your blood sugar.” n Choose organic grains to avoid exposure to pesticide residues. June 2019


the Alzheimer’s medications,” thus making lifestyle risk reduction even more critical. Dale Bredesen, M.D., a professor in the UCLA Department of Neurology and author of The End of Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline, has studied the disease’s neurobiology for decades. He believes drug therapies have failed because scientists neglected to focus on why individuals develop the disease in the first place. He emphasizes, “Alzheimer’s is not a single

disease,” even if the symptoms appear to be the same. Bredesen says it’s the result of the brain trying to protect itself from multiple metabolic and toxic threats. Bredesen developed the ReCODE (reversal of cognitive decline) protocol, an ambitious, comprehensive and personalized therapeutic program that includes genetic, cognitive and blood testing, plus supplements and lifestyle improvements, including stress reduction, improved sleep, diet and exercise. With the goal of

Learn More

n The Alzheimer’s Association diet study: n Beyond Pesticides: n Blue Zones: n Brain Health Education and Research Institute: n assesses effectiveness and safety of supplements conducive to brain health. n Glycemic index and load: n Integrative Environmental Medicine, edited by Aly Cohen, M.D., and Frederick vom Saal, Ph.D. n Food Sleuth Radio interviews: Aarti Batavia: to be posted on Food Sleuth site this month Brenda Davis:, Brenda Davy: Teresa Martin:, Martha Clare Morris: David Perlmutter: to be posted on Food Sleuth site this month Dorothy Sears:

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identifying and treating the individual’s pathway to disease, ReCODE addresses fixing five key areas he believes form the underlying origins and progression of Alzheimer’s disease: insulin resistance; inflammation/infections; hormone, nutrient and nerve growth factors; toxins; and dysfunctional nerve synapses. The Lancet International Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care also advocates multiple points of action. By addressing nine “potentially modifiable risk factors” throughout the lifespan, the commission says, “More than one-third of global dementia cases may be preventable.” These factors include maximizing education in early life; controlling hypertension, obesity and hearing loss in mid-life; and in later life, managing depression and diabetes, increasing physical activity and social contact, and not smoking.

Food as Medicine Martha Clare Morris, Sc.D., a nutritional epidemiologist at the Rush University Medical Center, in Chicago, and author of Diet for the MIND: The Latest Science on What to Eat to Prevent Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Decline, says, “Given that Alzheimer’s disease is known as an oxidative-inflammatory disease, there has to be a dietary influence.” From two decades of research involving more than 10,000 people, Morris developed the MIND diet, which stands for “Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay”. It’s a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets, modified to include specific components from each that offer the most protection against dementia. Morris identifies 10 brain-healthy dietary components: leafy greens, vegetables, berries, whole grains, nuts, seafood, poultry, beans and legumes, olive oil, and one glass of wine per day; plus five unhealthy components to limit: sweets and pastries, red meats, fried and fast foods, whole-fat cheese and butter or margarine containing trans fat. Morris found those individuals that most closely followed the dietary

recommendations lowered their risk for Alzheimer’s disease by as much as 53 percent, while those following the diet moderately well showed a reduction of about 35 percent. Morris acknowledges a number of common aging-related, yet treatable, conditions that can cause “dementialike symptoms,” including low thyroid hormones and vitamin B12 deficiency. She also identifies specific brain-protective compounds including vitamins E, B12, folate and niacin, plus lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, beta carotene and flavonoids found in colorful fruits and vegetables, tea and nuts. She is currently testing the MIND diet, plus a mild calorie restriction on 600 individuals 65 to 84 years old living in Boston and Chicago; results are expected in 2021. The Alzheimer’s Association is also recruiting individuals for a new lifestyle intervention study. Aarti Batavia, a registered dietitian based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and a certified practitioner of functional medicine trained in the ReCODE protocol, says, “Diets that are good for the heart are good for the brain.” But she also warns that many common medications such as statins, antihistamines, some antidepressants and proton pump inhibitors (that reduce stomach acid, which is required for absorbing vitamin B12) can increase the risk for dementia.

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the risk for dementia. Brenda Davis, a registered dietitian in Vancouver, British Columbia, and author of The Kick Diabetes Cookbook: An Action Plan and Recipes for Defeating Diabetes, advises reducing the glycemic load of the diet by limiting refined carbohydrates and sugars, and eating a high-fiber, plant-based diet.

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June 2019


As we continue to discover how genetics, environment and lifestyle factors intersect, take the following smart steps to promote longevity and vibrant brain health:


Dorothy Sears, Ph.D., a member of the executive committee of the Center for Circadian Biology at the University of California, San Diego, says it’s not just what we eat that matters, but when. She discovered multiple metabolic benefits, including reduced blood sugar, with prolonged nightly fasting—13 hours between the last meal at night and the first meal in the morning. Brenda Davy, Ph.D., a registered dietitian and researcher at Virginia Tech, in Blacksburg, says hydration can influence blood sugar, weight and cognition, especially among middle-aged and older populations. She recommends drinking two cups of water prior to meals to moderate food intake.


Focus on ‘good’ fats: Olive oil,

nuts, avocados, and omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty, cold-water fish protect both the heart and brain. Michael Lewis, M.D., based in Potomac, Maryland, recommends an “omega-3 protocol” to help his patients recover from traumatic brain injury, which can increase risk for dementia. Spice up your diet: Batavia recommends cooking with brain-protecting herbs and spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, thyme and rosemary, which can help reduce inflammation and risk for dementia.



Mind your gut: Western medicine

has historically separated the brain from the rest of the body. But research on the “gut-brain axis” shows there’s communication between our gut microbes and brain, plus direct links to neurodevelopmental disorders and dementia. “What goes on in the gut influences every manner of activity within the brain: the health of the brain, the functionality of the brain, the brain’s resistance to disease process and even mood,” says Perlmutter. Both Perlmutter and Teresa Martin, a registered dietitian in Bend, Oregon, emphasize the importance of high-fiber plant foods that gut microbes need to produce beneficial, short-chain fatty acids to protect against inflammation, insulin resistance and “leaky gut”.


Prioritize sleep: All brain (and gut)

experts recommend adequate sleep— seven to eight hours each night—to restore body and mind.


Exercise: Both Morris and Perlmutter recommend aerobic activities in particular, like walking, swimming and cycling, to improve blood circulation to the brain and increase the production of a hormone called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which is responsible for

stimulating neuron growth and protecting against cognitive decline.


Avoid environmental toxins:

Exposure to pesticides, pollutants and heavy metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic can increase the risk of neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Choosing organic food both reduces exposure to toxins and protects water quality and farmworker health. Virginia Rauh, Ph.D., deputy director of the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health, in New York City, spoke at the National Pesticide Forum in Manhattan in April. She explains that of the 5,000 new chemicals introduced each year, “at least 25 percent are neurotoxic,” and even very low-level exposure can harm children’s neurodevelopment.


Socialize: In studies of “Blue Zone”

populations that enjoy longevity with low rates of dementia, social engagement appears to be the secret sauce for quality of life. Melinda Hemmelgarn, the “Food Sleuth”, is an award-winning registered dietitian, writer and nationally syndicated radio host based in Columbia, MO. Reach her at

Dietitian Teresa Martin suggests:

n Strive to eat a wide variety of plant species and at least 30 grams of fiber every day (some cooked and some raw). n Limit “microbial assassins”, including refined carbohydrates and added sugar (no more than 25 grams or six teaspoons of added sugar per day); sugar substitutes; food additives such as polysorbate-80 and carboxymethylcellulose; smoking and vaping; chronic stress; antimicrobial soaps and sanitizers; antibiotics; proton pump inhibitors; high-fat diets; and processed meats. n Move every day for at least 30 minutes; don’t sit for more than 30 minutes and get outside. n Relax with yoga, meditation or mindfulness. n Sleep seven to eight hours each night. 30

North Central NJ Edition


Protecting and Nourishing Gut Microbiota

Africa Studio/

conscious eating

Mushrooms are pretty spectacular. All edible species benefit the immune system and together, support just about every system in the human body. ~Stepfanie Romine cells. “Lion’s mane is a cognitive enhancer, and it helps creativity, motivation and memory, as well as brain function,” Romine says.

Ancient Health Aids

MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS Beyond Buttons and Portabellas


by April Thompson

handful of mushrooms a day just might keep the doctor at bay, according to a mounting body of research providing powerful evidence of the fungal kingdom’s abilities to promote health and fight disease. “Mushrooms are pretty spectacular. All edible species benefit the immune system and together, support just about every system in the human body,” says Stepfanie Romine, an Asheville, North Carolina, health coach and author of Cooking With Healing Mushrooms: 150 Delicious Adaptogen-Rich Recipes that Boost Immunity, Reduce Inflammation and Promote Whole Body Health. When Robert Beelman started doing nutritional research on mushrooms 20 years ago, they were touted for what they didn’t have: fat, calories, sugar, gluten and cholesterol. “Today, we can talk about all the good things they contain: fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other important micronutrients,” says the director of the Center for Plant and Mushroom Foods for Health at Penn State University. Beelman’s research has focused on several micronutrients that are bountiful in mushrooms, including the amino acid ergothioneine, an antioxidant not found in significant amounts in any other plant-based food source. Ergothioneine levels decrease with age, and larger drops are associated with cognitive impairment, he says. Several large epidemiological studies in Japan and Singapore have significantly correlated higher mushroom consumption with decreased rates of dementia. Countries where residents eat larger amounts of mushrooms also enjoy a higher average life expectancy, even after controlling for other variables, says Beelman. Lion’s mane is one variety known to protect cognitive health; it stimulates nerve growth factor, a protein that promotes healthy brain

Cordyceps and reishi mushrooms are also adaptogens—botanicals used for centuries in Asian medicine to help the body adapt to stresses, regulate bodily functions and support the immune and adrenal systems, according to Romine. Turkey tail is one such medicinal mushroom, a longtime treatment for cancer and other diseases in Asia. The tree-based fungus contains polysaccharide-K (PSK), that is believed to inhibit cancer cell growth and repair immune cell damage after chemotherapy. “Medicinal mushrooms have been approved adjuncts to standard cancer treatments in Japan and China for more than 30 years and have an extensive clinical history of safe use”, either alone or combined with radiation or chemotherapy, according to a literature review published by the National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute. Oyster mushrooms, another fungal superstar, contain cholesterol-lowering lovastatin, plentiful B vitamins and up to 30 percent protein, according to Paul Stamets, one of the world’s leading mushroom authorities. Oysters are also the most easily digestible mushroom, according to mycologist and herbalist Christopher Hobbs, author of Medicinal Mushrooms: An Exploration of Tradition, Healing & Culture. Hobbs’ 2017 article in HerbalGram, the peer-reviewed journal of the American Botanical Council, cites 122 different studies supporting the safety and efficacy of medicinal mushrooms such as oysters.

More Than a Pizza Topping There are myriad creative ways to incorporate mushrooms into a diet, says Romine, who recommends aiming for a half-cup daily cooked serving. “Mushrooms are nature’s sponges, and will take on the flavor of any sauce, so start simply and add sauces sparingly.” She suggests sautéing mushrooms with a neutral oil, then adding wine or sherry and finishing with fresh herbs. Cooking with wine can help unlock the beneficial compounds the fungi contain, says Romine. Fresh or dried culinary mushrooms like oysters, shiitakes or maitakes can also be great additions to morning meals like savory oatmeal or tofu scrambles. Powdered mushroom extracts, available online or in health stores, are an easy way to infuse meals with fungi’s beneficial properties. They mix well into everything from raw desserts and baked goods to teas and smoothies. Whole mushrooms that are tough, like reishi and chaga, can be boiled to extract the healthful elements and consumed as a tea or used for soup broth. Romine says raw mushrooms are June 2019


not as flavorful, digestible or nutritional as cooked. While a mushroom-rich diet can help protect and promote health, Romine cautions that they are not a cure-all or a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. To address specific health concerns, she recommends working with a dietician or clinical herbalist to develop appropriate and effective ways to incorporate mushrooms into a health regimen.

Rebecca Fondren Photo/

April Thompson is a freelance writer in Washington, D.C. Contact her at

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North Central NJ Edition

Know Your Fungi Many beneficial mushrooms are available in the wild, and some exclusively so. Foraging for them can be rewarding, but proceed with caution; some edible mushrooms may have deadly lookalikes, so only forage with the help of a trained expert. Health food stores and online vendors are good sources of mushroom powders or extracts, which have a long shelf life. Look for a manufacturer of 100 percent organic mushroom extracts and supplements. Many farmers’ markets also carry specialty mushrooms like king oysters, lion’s mane or others not easily found in grocery stores. Not all mushrooms are created equal. Button mushrooms and others in the Agaricus family are lowest in micronutrients like ergothioneine, with porcinis in the Boletus family yielding the highest, according to Robert Beelman, director of the Center for Plant and Mushroom Foods for Health at Penn State University. Don’t expect magic from mushrooms, cautions author Stepfanie Romine; like most lifestyle changes or holistic treatments, it can take some months to yield results.

photo by Alexa Bonsey Photography


Creamy Old Bay King Oyster ‘Scallops’

hen marinated in classic Old Bay Seasoning and sliced into hearty rounds, king oyster mushrooms are a pretty convincing stand-in for scallops—especially once they’ve been seared and braised. Corn furnishes a bit more heft, while artichokes lend their lightness and detoxifying properties. Yields: 4 servings

For the marinade

1 tsp kelp seasoning blend 2 tsp Old Bay Seasoning 2 Tbsp safflower oil or melted butter 1 Tbsp lemon juice 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar ⅛ tsp pepper

For the “scallops”

2 (6-oz) packages king oyster mushrooms, sliced into ¾-inch rounds 1 Tbsp safflower oil 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 cup artichoke hearts 1 cup corn kernels (optional) ½ cup dry white wine 1 Tbsp butter 1 Tbsp heavy or cashew cream 1 Tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley for garnish or prepared mashed potatoes or grits for serving Mix all marinade ingredients together in a container with a tight-fitting lid. Add the mushrooms, toss to combine and marinate for at least two hours. Remove the mushrooms and reserve the remaining marinade. Place a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the oil, then sear the mushrooms on both sides, about two minutes per side, then add the remaining marinade, garlic, artichoke hearts and corn (if using it). Deglaze the pan with the wine, scraping the bottom to loosen any brown bits.

Reduce the heat to medium-low. Cover and cook for 10 minutes, until the sauce has thickened and the artichokes and corn are heated throughout. Editor’s note: To make an organic substitute for Old Bay Seasoning: 1 Tbsp paprika 1 Tbsp ground bay leaves ½ Tbsp sea salt 1 tsp black pepper ½ tsp red pepper flakes ½ tsp white pepper ½ tsp allspice Recipe used with permission from Cooking With Healing Mushrooms: 150 Delicious Adaptogen-Rich Recipes that Boost Immunity, Reduce Inflammation and Promote Whole Body Health, by Stepfanie Romine.

Natural Awakenings recommends using organic, non-GMO (genetically modified) and non-bromated ingredients whenever possible. June 2019


~Tom Saxton, Plug In America

Pre-Wired for the Future Transportation Drives Urban Planning by Jim Motavalli


he Congress for the New Urbanism, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy nonprofit, has some decisive views about what makes a walkable community: “complete streets” that are designed for bicyclists, pedestrians and transit. What it doesn’t have is cars—at least not those with tailpipes. City planners are increasingly designing green buildings without parking, and mandating—where it exists—that wiring for zero-emission electric vehicles (EV) is part of the plan. Oslo, Norway, for instance,


North Central NJ Edition

has become known as the electric car capital of the world, yet it has also replaced considerable on-street parking with bike lanes and sidewalks. Its city center went mostly car-free this year, and according to Fast Company magazine, it’s a huge success: “Parking spots are now bike lanes, transit is fast and easy, and the streets (and local businesses) are full of people.” Until recently, a new apartment building without parking was unthinkable, but architects are now contemplating—and building—just such new

construction. A 13,000-square-foot, mixed-use development in Boston is being built with 16 rental units—and no onsite parking. Boston is a transitfriendly city and the complex is just a quarter mile from a Red Line subway stop. The city is a hub for what the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Institute, a project of the U.S. High Speed Rail Association, calls “the creation of compact, walkable, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use communities centered around high-quality train systems.” Also proposed in the city is a fivestory, 56-unit apartment building that features a gym, media room, a rack for several dozen bicycles—but no parking. The structure is adjacent to the Red Line, and the plan aligns with efforts by the Boston Planning and Development Agency to reduce—to zero in some cases—the ratio of units to parking spaces. The Boston Redevelopment Authority has expressed concern that the residents of buildings without parking will simply add to congestion on neighborhood streets, but a report by Atlantic Cities (now called CityLab) found that 45 percent of residents in five census tracts around one proposed car-free Boston building didn’t even own cars, so a possible “no cars” covenant could be part of a lease. According to the Smart Growth America report Empty Spaces, most TOD developments build reduced parking lots, yet even those turned out to be too big; on average, its study of five such developments shows they were 58 to 84 percent occupied.


It’s super-important to prewire for EVs. New buildings will last for 50 to 100 years, and in that time, EVs will become a much bigger slice of our transportation future than they are now.

green living

Wiring for EVs: It’s the Law

It can be expensive to retrofit buildings with wiring for electric cars, because “trenching” under existing pavement is usually required. A California Air Resources Board report in 2015 put these costs per building at between $3,750 and $6,975, and that’s just for the wiring. Costs are reduced 64 to 75 percent if the buildings are wired when they’re built, according to an Energy Solutions/Pacific Gas and Electric report. California has become the leader in requiring EV prewiring in new construction of multifamily dwellings and nonresidential developments. The state began requiring wiring for Level 2 (240-volt) EV charging in 2015. Chelsea Sexton, a Los Angeles-based electric car advocate and advisor, backs the state law, with caveats. “Where there is parking included,” she says, “most buildings and public lots should be pre-wired for EV charging—while it is the most cost effective to do so and preserves the most flexibility for that property going forward.”

It’s not just California. Atlanta passed a city ordinance in 2017 that will require all new residential homes and public parking areas to accommodate EVs. Some 20 percent of the spaces have to be ready to be connected. In Washington state, 5 percent of parking spaces in new construction have to be wired for EVs. In Colorado, which has the goal of nearly a million EVs on state roads by 2030, the cities of Denver, Fort Collins, Boulder and Aspen all require new one- and two-family residential construction to be EV-ready. There are also EV-friendly laws in New York City, Hawaii, Oregon and Montgomery County, Maryland.

Tom Saxton, the chief science officer of the Plug In America advocacy group, based in Los Angeles, says, “It’s super-important to prewire for EVs. New buildings will last for 50 to 100 years, and in that time, EVs will become a much bigger slice of our transportation future than they are now.” Jim Motavalli, of Fairfield, CT, is an author and freelance journalist. Connect at

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June 2019


natural pet

Anything that goes on your lawn goes into your pet’s body.

NONTOXIC LAWN CARE Protecting Pets and the Planet W

by Marlaina Donato

armer weather has arrived, and so begins many homeowners’ annual quest for a well-nourished, weed-free lawn. However, the grass isn’t always greener—or healthier—using conventional approaches. Turf grass covers up to 50 million acres of American land, and according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, about 60 million pounds of synthetic pesticides are used each year in yards and gardens, in addition to tens of millions more pounds applied in parks, schoolyards and other public spaces. Americans spend billions of dollars growing and maintaining manicured lawns resulting in a high price for pets, people and wildlife. Nitrogen from fertilizers seeps into surface water and groundwater, contaminating wells and spawning harmful algae blooms; pesticides kill off more than 70 million birds each year in the U.S. alone; and bees and other pollinators are also succumbing to the toxic chemicals at an alarming rate.


North Central NJ Edition

Pets at Risk

Chemicals routinely used in lawn care are especially problematic for the family dog or cat. “Animals are close to the ground, and their feet touch the ground, so every substance you choose to allow in your home and yard will affect them,” says Ashley Geoghegan, DVM, of VetNaturally, in Mandeville, Louisiana. A study conducted by the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at Purdue University concludes that common lawn chemicals like glyphosate, 2, 4-D and permethrin are linked to canine bladder cancer. A six-year study by the Foster Hospital for Small Animals at the Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine reveals that exposure to professionally applied lawn pesticides and herbicides increased the risk for canine malignant lymphoma by 70 percent. In pets, chronic or sub-chronic exposure to conventional lawncare chemicals manifests as eye damage and thyroid, urinary and reproductive conditions. Feline gastro-

intestinal distress is also a consequence, and even indoor cats are at risk from contaminants brought into the home. “Anything that goes on your lawn goes into your pet’s body. Pets walk through it, roll in it and then groom themselves,” says Michele Yasson, DVM, of Holistic Veterinary Services, in St. Augustine, Florida. “Max, one of my canine patients, developed acute, life-threatening pancreatitis just hours after his yard had been treated by a commercial lawncare service.”

Go Natural for Lush Lawns

Opting for a toxin-free lawn helps grass roots to anchor deeply into the earth, making them less likely to fall victim to weeds, disease and drought. An organic lawn has beneficial microbes; helpful insects like ladybugs and lacewings thrive, while pesty insects decline. Instead of chemical fertilizers and “natural” alternatives like borax, vinegar, garlic, essential oils and cocoa mulch, which can also be toxic to pets, try using grass clippings, seaweed, corn gluten meal, single-ingredient bone meal, diatomaceous earth or Bacillus thuringiensis (BT); all are better options. Redefining beauty and working with nature can also have a positive impact. “Set a goal to gradually reduce the area of your yard devoted to grass, and begin to establish plants like butterfly bush or bee balm that support pollinators such as bees,” recommends Sandy Long, of Greeley, Pennsylvania, a knowledgeable pet parent and executive director of the nonprofit environmental education organization SEEDS (Sustainable Energy Education and Development Support).

Simple Precautions

Simple precautions like removing shoes before entering the house, storing lawn products out of reach of pets and avoiding conventionally treated areas for at least 48 hours after application are paramount. Also:

Grigorita Ko/

~Michele Yasson, DVM


4 Close windows during application. 4 Increase frequency of pet baths during spring and fall, when chemical application is highest.

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4 Eliminate accumulation of water on lawns where pets might drink. 4 Leash pets during walks to keep them away from treated areas. 4 Wipe paws with a damp cloth after being outside. After weighing alternatives, dog trainer Rebecca Porter, owner of Rosy Dogs, in Stoughton, Wisconsin, settled on prescribed burns, mowing and hand removal of invasive plants. “It works, and now my dog gallops safely through the waist-high grasslands. As for my yard, I enjoy the volunteer plants. It’s a decision all landowners can make.”

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Marlaina Donato is the author of several books and a composer. Connect at

GREAT LINKS Handbook of tips from Eight tips for a non-toxic lawn at

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We Must Face Our Own Story First by Chris Bruno


have worked in the corporate world, served as a missionary in the Middle East during 9/11 and the Iraq War, been assaulted with a knife, launched a small business and a nonprofit and suffered deep loss at the early deaths of dear friends, but nothing has terrified or paralyzed me more than fathering my own son. It has demanded me to first face my own father-story with an intensity and intentionality I would rather flee than engage.


North Central NJ Edition

My parents more than adequately provided for my physical needs. I had friends, lived in the suburbs and even had a horse. From the outside looking in, I had nothing to complain about. Any time the haunting ache of father-hunger emerged from my soul, I quickly squelched it, telling myself to simply move on. It is the story of most men in my generation. I continued to live as if all was well until I married and had a son of my own. I

was now a father, and the weight of this title sent my soul into a tailspin. What is father? Who am I as father? What does it mean to father? And finally, with the force of a left upper jab to the jaw: How was I fathered? I realized that to father him, I, myself, still needed to be fathered. In my conversations with men about their father-stories, the most frequent sentence I hear is, “My dad did okay. He did the best he could.” But no child wants an “okay” dad. Every child longs for a dad to know, see, pursue, hope, envision, create and bless. Franciscan friar and author Richard Rohr states, “If we do not transform our pain, we will transmit it in some form.” Untransformed pain from our father, whether from his absence, vacancy or violence, will inevitably be transmitted to our children. I can only take my son as far as I myself have gone. Our sons were born into an already existing story—our story—and for them to know who they are, we need to know who we are, in all of our glory and pain. From this place of freedom, we can usher our sons into a manhood we can come to know together. Reprinted with permission from Chris Bruno, the director of the Restoration Counseling Center of Northern Colorado and the president of the Restoration Project. He is the author of Man Maker Project: Boys are Born, Men are Made.

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Frozen Shoulder

Carpal Tunnel

Tennis Elbow June 2019


wise words

Sanjay Gupta on by Jan Hollingsworth


uring nearly two decades with CNN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta has covered wars, natural disasters and the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. Along the way, the Western-trained, practicing neurosurgeon has explored myriad health topics, including the science of alternative medicine and the benefits of medical cannabis, the subject of his CNN docuseries, Weed.

He’s written three books: Chasing Life: New Discoveries in the Search for Immortality to Help You Age Less Today, Cheating Death: The Doctors and Medical Miracles that Are Saving Lives Against All Odds and a novel-turned-TV series, Monday Mornings. CNN’s chief medical correspondent recently found himself in Japan, soaking in a scalding bath—a form of stress relief practiced there—along with owl cafés and forest bathing. The visit was part of a six-country, immersive journey in some of the happiest and healthiest places on Earth—including India, Bolivia, Norway, Italy and Turkey—to explore ancient traditions and modern practices that lead to a healthy and meaningful life. The result: Chasing Life, a new docuseries that aired in April and May, is now available on demand via cable/satellite systems, the CNNgo streaming platform and CNN mobile apps.

What inspired your interest in exploring holistic and alternative healing?

On a very basic level, a lot of people are surprised to hear that U.S. life expectancy has dropped three years in a row and the cost of health care is more than $3.5 trillion a year. Yet there are places around the world where people are living happier, healthier lives for a lot less, and longer. They must be doing something that’s beneficial, and we wanted to find out what that might be: What do places around the world have to teach us?

To what do you attribute the reemergence of traditional Indian healing practices?

Ayurvedic medicine is widely practiced in India among the healthiest people in that part of the world. It’s stood the test of time, so it’s worth exploring. In the U.S., we have an amazing medical system for people who are sick, but they aren’t doing as well as expected [which is why] there’s an open-mindedness that’s happening about one of the oldest medical traditions.

What role might ancient traditions play in reshaping 21st-century health care?

If you look at chronic disease in the U.S., one could make the argument that 70 to 80 percent of it is entirely preventable—most of it 40

North Central NJ Edition

photo courtesy of CNN


related to our food. When you look at the Ayurvedic diet, how does a culture come up with a way of eating going back thousands of years? In the U.S., most of our diet is based on palate. With Ayurveda, it is more about the function of food: Every morsel must have some function. The type of food, the timing and the temperature at which it is cooked is also important. If we really are a little more thoughtful about how we view the calories we’re consuming, it can make a big difference in our health. When we say food is our medicine, what does that really mean? In India, they’re showing us what it means. It’s not that taste is sacrificed; it’s just that Ayurveda was driven by function and palate came after.

What was the most surprising discovery you made on this journey?

There were a lot of surprises along the way. If you look at the U.S. and life expectancy, there are a lot of countries that are pretty similar in terms of economics, labor force and other things. But what is happening in the U.S. is pretty unique in a lot of ways. In the U.S., this notion of rugged individualism is a marker for success. We’ve seen high rates of social isolation and loneliness—and the toxicity of that. Italy is one of the healthiest places in the world, and a lot of that has to do with social fabric. That this social cohesion could be so protective, even without paying attention to things like diet and exercise— I think the power of that surprised me.

What is an important takeaway for you from this experience? There is a long-held belief that wealth will buy health. In Bolivia, there is an indigenous tribe that has virtually no evidence of heart disease and they don’t even have a healthcare system. We shouldn’t automatically equate health to wealth. There are a lot of things we can do in our lives that can help—right now. Jan Hollingsworth is the national editor for Natural Awakenings.

June 2019



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The Key to Prostate Health


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North Central NJ Edition

by Melanie Laporte

he prostate is about the size of a pollen extract. He says, “It seems to work walnut, yet this tiny gland can be wonders.” the source of major problems for Confronting Cancer many men. Most potential health risks According to the American Cancer Society, are preventable and treatable with proper about one in nine men will be diagnosed diet, lifestyle changes—and a new array of with prostate cancer, the second-leading natural approaches. cause of male deaths in U.S. However, it’s Holistic and integrative practitioners also one of the most preventable cancers. are looking beyond traditional supple“The key is to make our body inhospiments like saw palmetto, lycopene, pygeum table to mutating cells which could form and green tea extract to treat common concancer that ultimately threatens your life,” ditions such as enlargement of the prostate says Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D., director of or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), the Integrative Medicine Program at The which can develop as men grow older. University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Rob Raponi, a naturopathic doctor Center, in Houston. Part of the answer may in Vaughan, Ontario, sees men struggling lie in the human gut, which makes diet with nocturia, an effect of BPH that wakes central to addressing prostate issues. them during the night with the urge to According to a recent review of urinate. “It interrupts your sleep, which research published in Prostate Cancer and accumulates and starts to interrupt your Prostatic Diseases, the microbiome—a day,” says Raponi, who uses zinc-rich community of microbes that supports ground flax and pumpkin seeds to ease digestion and the imBPH urinary symptoms The key is to make our mune system—may and inflammation. He’s body inhospitable to influence prostate also achieving positive mutating cells which could inflammation and the results by utilizing comform cancer that ultimately development of prosbinations of rye grass

threatens your life.

If you stop prostate cancer when it’s still in stage one or early on, the five-year survival rate is 100 percent, but if it’s later on, it starts to drop into the 70s. tate cancer. “The microbiome’s ability to affect systemic hormone levels may also be important, particularly in a disease such as prostate cancer that is dually affected by estrogen and androgen levels,” it concludes.

The Nutritional Factor

“A plant-centered diet with low-glycemic-load foods feeds your microbiome, which is at its healthiest and will thrive when it’s fed healthy soluble fibers provided exclusively from the plant world,” says Cohen, the author of Anticancer Living: Transform Your Life and Health with the Mix of Six. Antioxidants and plant nutrients counterbalance oxidative stress and damage, adds Cohen. “Cruciferous and bracken vegetables—raw kale, broccoli, Swiss chard, dark leafy greens and soy—invigorate the prostate. Also, a couple of Brazil nuts per day give a healthy dose of selenium to decrease risk factors.” Jim Occhiogrosso, a Fort Myers, Florida-based natural health practitioner and author of Your Prostate, Your Libido, Your Life, notes that most incidences of prostate cancer are slow growing and not aggressive. “One of my first clients was in his early 80s, was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and treated it with only herbs. Fifteen years later, in his mid-90s, he still has prostate cancer. He’s still doing fine and getting around, albeit slowly.” Occhiogrosso says he uses herbal mixtures of saw palmetto, “which is a good supplement for beefing up the immune system— also solar berry, mushroom extracts, vitamin C and full-fraction vitamin E.” Mark Stengler, a naturopathic doctor and co-author of Outside The Box Cancer Therapies: Alternative Therapies That Treat and Prevent Cancer, recommends a blend of five grams of modified citrus pectin, 200 milligrams of reishi mushroom and 1,000 milligrams of green tea extract taken two to three times per day, plus vitamin D. The five-year survival rate for men diagnosed with prostate cancer is about 98 percent, and it’s been rising for the last few years. Early diagnosis is critical, says Raponi. “If you stop prostate cancer when it’s still in stage one or early on, the five-year survival rate is 100 percent, but if it’s later on, it starts to drop into the 70s.” The same measures employed to prevent prostate issues— whole foods, natural herbs and regular exercise—should still be pursued, but more aggressively if cancer should develop. “The intensity becomes more salient after diagnosis,” says Cohen, “but we don’t need a diagnosis to up our game with healthy living.”


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Melanie Laporte is a licensed massage therapist and health writer based in Austin, Texas.

June 2019



Find the studio, teacher or style that fits you best

branchburg 953 Rt 202 N 908-707-0759

branchville Sunrise Studio

Andrzej Leszczynski 609-742-3140



254A Mountain Ave, Ste 2A 973-670-7421



Highland Yoga

1572 Rt 23 973-838-9642

Shakti Yoga & Living Arts

caldwell Indigo Yoga Studios

1861 Springfield Ave 973-763-2288

351 Bloomfield Ave 973-241-5338



Dhyana Yoga Arts

Lotus Lounge Holistic Healing Sanctuary

95 W Main St, Ste 1 908-888-2223

5 Washington St, 2nd floor

denville Prana Yoga Center

new providence

78 Broadway 973-627-9642

Unwind Yoga & Wellness 1280 Springfield Ave, 2nd Fl 908-665-YOGA (9642)


Transform Yoga 973-334-2787 North Central NJ Edition

63 Main St, Ste 202 908-642-0989

Awakening Point Yoga

6 Main St, PO Box 2114 973-948-YOGA (9642)


Be Here Now Yoga

Healing Touch Healing Movements Solutions


Yoga Central

pennington Anew Life Yoga Wellness Studio 129 Rt 31 609-954-3715

Bee You Yoga & Wellness 3 Middlebury Blvd (Aspen Business Park) 973-775-9577

roxbury township

Sunshine Gifts and Yoga 760 US 46 W, Kenvil 973-252-2099

robbinsville Calm Waters Wellness & Yoga Center (Hatha-Kundalini) 2378 Rt 33 609-259-1547

west orange

Yoga Anonymous 470 Prospect Ave, Ste 100 973-204-7900 (call or text)

Rosie's Corner By Rosie Lazroe

Coordinator of our Natural Awakenings Local Yoga Directory

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The Zen of Kickboxing


lthough yoga is a major part of my life, there is nothing like a good cardio workout. Every so often I explore a new type of cardiovascular exercise, and as I dove in to my latest cardio adventure, I wondered when my love for cardio began. A trip down memory lane led me back to high school, when the seeds of a physically fit lifestyle were first planted. I recalled that as a teen I had a hearty appetite and loved food of all kinds. Like many teens, I enjoyed lounging around eating junk food. In fact, one of my favorite pastimes included digging into an entire chocolate cake while playing video games. It was glorious! Gradually those lifestyle choices took a toll on my girlish figure, and I gained a ton of weight. To my rescue, my father introduced a structured, healthy eating plan based on height and age. Shortly thereafter, he enrolled me at a reputable taekwondo studio, and I began taking several classes per week. One year later I was 25 pounds lighter. In my teenage years, the groundwork and foundation for a health-conscious lifestyle was built. I believe that when we introduce ideals to our children with a joyous

heart, it can have a positive impact on them for life. Establishing healthy eating habits and a regular exercise routine as a teenager was paramount in helping me remain physically fit as an adult. Which brings me to my latest cardio adventure, American kickboxing. Of course at this point in my life journey I explore everything from a yogic perspective. I breathe deeply as I wrap my hands and prepare to punch and kick things for an hour. I connect with my inner yoga ninja to use my muscular structure mindfully as I dive into my 47th burpee. I make sure to reward myself with a few yoga postures in between reps, and I know that it’s only a matter of time until I let out a robust “Hi-yah!” Rosie Lazroe is a certified yoga teacher and master reiki practitioner. For more information, call 732-596-7384, email Rosie@ or visit

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For information, email Rosie@ June 2019


calendar of events SATURDAY, JUNE 1 Shamanism 101 Begin the Journey – 6/1-2. 10am-4pm. Introduction to Shamanism and Journey Training. A weekend of Shamanic Initiations, greater Spiritual connections, medicine wheel teachings, and learning how to Journey into aligned worlds of reality, guides and teachers through Shamanic Journeys. $295. Be The Medicine, 39 Greenood Ave., Madison. For information, contact Janet StraightArrow at 973-647-2500 or

SUNDAY, JUNE 2 Breathe Meditation– 6/2-7/7; 9-9:45am. Meditation is the art of looking inside and discovering one’s own inner being. Come and join Alexandra Juryte on this wonderful transformation of Breath Meditation. $120 for 6 wks. Huna Healing Center, 23 Diamond Spring Rd, Suite 7, Denville. Lory 973-224-0096 or Tarot Card Readings with Rhonda – 10am-4pm. Rhonda has over 20 years of experience and hosts Tarot Meet Ups. $65 ½ hr, $130 hr. Blossoming Into Light, IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. To reserve your appointment time, contact Sue at 862-222-4268 via text or phone. Or email Reiki Soul Celebration – 1-4pm. Enjoy Reiki healing, meditation, high vibration crystal singing bowls, drum, gong, flute, koshi bells, ting-sha and chants. EZential Wellness Center, 1 Lamington Road, Branchburg. $15. Walk-ins welcome. Speaker: Beth Wishbow, Reiki Master Teacher. 908-526-0002 New Moon Planetary Gong Meditation – 7-8pm. A gong meditation is a sonic invitation to connect our world with the larger world and offers a moment to experience a greater sense of place in our cosmic home. $20. Shakti Yoga & Living Arts, 1861


North Central NJ Edition

Springfield Ave, Maplewood. 973-763-2288. Info@

MONDAY, JUNE 3 2019 Natural Jersey Summit – 6/3-5. Dr. Vladimir Gashinsky, Holistic Biological Dentist and founder of The Holistic Dental Center will be featured. You will be able to watch interviews with 30 industry experts on how to live a more natural and healthy life. Free virtual online conference. Visit for more information. Breathe Meditation – 6/3-7/8; 7-7:45pm. Meditation is the art of looking inside and discovering one’s own inner being. Come and join Alexandra Juryte on this wonderful transformation of Breath Meditation. $120 for 6 wks. Huna Healing Center, 23 Diamond Spring Rd, Suite 7, Denville. Lory 973-224-0096 or

TUESDAY, JUNE 4 The Metaphysics of Intention and How to Create Your Reality – 7-8:30pm. Your ability to turn your intentions into reality already exists. You use it every day, in every moment. Come learn how to create much more. Free. Functional Brain Training, Dr. Don Joergens, Parsley, 30 Wall St, Rockaway. Registration required. Call 862-209-7333 to register or email

FRIDAY, JUNE 7 First Friday Healing Circle – 7-8pm. Along the journey os spiritual unfoldment, we are called upon to heal that which no longer heals. us. Spiritual support during this time is often helpful in moving forward on our path. The Healing Circle is a caring and loving way in which healing can be experienced. Love Offering. Center for Spiritual Living Morristown, 331 Mt. Kemble Ave, Morristown. For information contact call 973-539-3114 or email

SATURDAY, JUNE 8 Conquer the Fear of Failure – 10-11am. Have you ever been so afraid of failing that you decided not to try it at all? Learn how to overcome the fear of failure. $10. Joy and Success, 59 E Mill Rd, Suite 3-201, Long Valley. Call 973-296-1876 to register or visit

TUESDAY, JUNE 11 Conquer the Fear of Failure – 6:30-7:30pm. Have you ever been so afraid of failing that you decided not to try it at all? Learn how to overcome the fear of failure. $10. Joy and Success, 59 E Mill Rd, Suite 3-201, Long Valley. Call 973-296-1876 to register or visit

FRIDAY, JUNE 14 Buti-Yoga® Certification – 6/14-16. 8am-8pm. Three days of full instruction, demonstration and testing with a Buti Yoga Master Trainer. Upon successful completion of this course and testing, students will receive their AFFA, NASM and Yoga Alliance accredited certification. Love offering. Bee You Yoga, 3 Middlebury Blvd, Randolph. For more information and to register: 973-7759577. Buti-Yoga-Certification. Thetahealing Dig Deeper – 6/14-15; 10am-5pm. ThetaHealing® is a mind, body and soul experience of transformation that helps you tap into your full potential and move beyond expectations into possibilities you may have yet to explore. Westfield,NJ. For more information call 908-264-4344 or email Summertime with Essential Oils & Essential Oil Infused Products – 7-8:30pm. Between sun and bugs, fun, overeating and much more, there are great essential oils and products infused with essential oils to use. Free. Blossoming Into Light, IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. Register at https://summertimeeosjun14. For more information, contact

Sue at 862-222-4268 via text or phone. Or email Sound of Soul Event – 7:30-8:30pm. Are you seeking spiritual growth and transformation? Experience HU, an ancient sacred Mantra, that has been sung for thousands of years in many lands for spiritual unfoldment. Chant HU, have contemplative time, and share in spiritual conversation. Eckankar Center, 11 Park St., Montclair. 800-870-9139.

SATURDAY, JUNE 15 Reiki II Training & Certification – 6/15-16. 1:30 – 7pm. Expand your Reiki abilities in this comprehensive and in-depth training & certification. $225. EZential Wellness Center, 1 Lamington Road, Branchburg. Instructor: Beth Wishbow, Reiki Master Teacher. Register at Reiki. Breakfast Benefits: Learn about Laser Treatment – 9am. 3rd Sat. All are welcome to share breakfast and learn about the benefits of laser treatment. Facilitated by Dr Paul M Bizzaro, DC. Free. The offices of Dr. Bizzaro, 81 S Main St, Yardley. RSVP to 215-493-6589. Re-Treat one day with Dr. Frankie Timmers – 10am-4pm. We shall meditate, pray, vision, play, rest, deepen our connection with the Divine and restore our connection with our True Self. No lunch; we will practice fasting -water & tea provided- (If you must eat, feel free to bring it) Feel free to bring journal, yoga mat, blanket etc. for personal comfort. $75 minimum conscious contribution. Center for Spiritual Living Morristown, 331 Mount Kemble Avenue, Morristown. Connie Weiss 973-539-3114 or CSLMorristown. org.

TUESDAY, JUNE 18 The Link Between ADD/HD, Video Games, Smart Phones, Drugs & Medications – 7-8pm.Come discover the incredible new research regarding ADD/ ADHD which integrates the dopamine/serotonin connection with environment and ultimately a rarely understood operational model of the brain. Free. Functional Brain Training, Dr. Don Joergens, Parsley, 30 Wall St, Rockaway. Registration required. Call 862-209-7333 to register or email JandJParsley@ Levels of Consciousness Class Via Zoom – 7-9pm. Based on the work of Dr. David Hawkins. Learn about these levels, how Dr. Hawkins calibrated these levels, why it’s important, and how you can focus on raising your level of consciousness. $33. Blossoming Into Light, IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. Register at https://levelsofconsciousnessjun18.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19 The Spiritual Illumination Hour – 7-8:30pm. Join us for this 90-minute online Zoom event every 3rd Wednesday. Explore and accelerate spiritual growth. Shine a light on intuitive gifts, explore your soul’s purpose and learn about vibrational tools. Are you sensitive, an empath, clairvoyant… these and future topics await plus tools for how to work with your gifts. $22. Pre-registration a must to receive link to participate. Contact Sue at info@ or call 862-2224268 for registration info.




Holistic Education on Special Needs with Nancy Orlen Weber – 10-11:30am. Nancy will share what she has learned from her pilot study on children with special needs using essential oils and her 40 years of experience, $5. Denville. Register at https:// Holistic Education on Special Needs via Zoom with Nancy Orlen Weber – 8-9pm. Nancy will share what she has learned from her pilot study on children with special needs using essential oils and her 40 years of experience, $5. Denville. Register at


Begins June 24 Now accepting applications for this special summer weekday training perfect for those with daytime availability. It runs for 9 weeks instead of 6 months so it’s an “immersive education in Yogic Arts”. Instructor: Deanna Sidoti, Yoga for Backcare & Scoliosis Specialist and founder of Dhyana Yoga Arts Dhyana Yoga Arts 95 W. Main St., Ste #1, Chester

Light and Sound Service: “ Road to Spiritual Freedom” – 11am-12noon. Join others seeking to bring more insight and divine love into their lives at this special celebration. Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, offers spiritual exercises to help you experience the twin aspects of the Light and Sound of God within. Share your spiritual insights. Eckankar Center, 11 Park St., Montclair. 800-8709139.

For information, visit

The Element of the Soul: Summer Solstice Celebration – 10:15am-1:30pm; doors open 10am, and close at 10:30am. Join us to celebrate nature. This non-dogmatic celebration takes advantage of the power of the sun and how it influences our lives. We honor the longest day of the year as we access this energy of growth for our own manifestation. Bring canned food for homeless shelter. $25. a Pure Component-Life, Wellness and Meditation Center, 1386 US Highway 22, Clinton. To register, call 908 617-1545 or visit

The Element of the Soul

Summertime with Essential Oils & Essential Oil Infused Products – 2-3:30pm. Between sun and bugs, fun, overeating and much more, there are great essential oils and products infused with essential oils to use. Free. Blossoming Into Light, IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. For more information, contact Sue at 862-222-4268 via text or phone. Or email


Summer Solstice Celebration Sunday, June 23 • 10:15am-1:30pm Doors open at 10:00am and close at 10:30am Join us to celebrate nature. This non-dogmatic celebration takes advantage of the power of the sun and how it influences our lives. We honor the longest day of the year as we access this energy of growth for our own manifestation. Bring canned food for homeless shelter. Investment $25 a Pure Component Life, Wellness and Meditation Center 1386 US Highway 22, Clinton NJ 08833

Spiritual Book Club (In-Person and Via Zoom) – 4-5pm. Join Sue & Leslie for a discussion. Each month we will select a book or two with a focus on

For information or to register: Call 908 617-1545 or visit

All gardening is landscape painting. ~William Kent

June 2019


a specific topic. You can come in person or email us at and we will send you the link to join in via Zoom. Free. Blossoming Into Light, IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. For more information, contact Sue at 862-222-4268 via text or phone. Crystal Quartz Singing Bowls Meditation with Tory Kragt – 7-8pm. Come to energize and infuse a personal intention for healing and manifestation or for relaxation and energy attunement. Participants will receive a singing bowl vibrational sound healing meditation along with improvised vocal toning. Shakti Yoga & Living Arts, 1861 Springfield Ave, Maplewood. 973-763-2288.

MONDAY, JUNE 24 200-Hr Yoga Teacher Training – 6/24-8/24; daytime hours; 3 weekdays per week. Explore yoga with depth, clarity and heart with our expert teaching team. All levels welcome. Deepen your practice and learn good habits from the start! Dhyana Yoga Arts, 95 W. Main St, Ste 1, Chester. For information, contact 908-888-2223 or info@dhyanayogaarts. com.

savethedate SPIRITUAL LAW OF PLENTY Friday, July 5 • 7:30-8:30pm Free Spiritual Discussion Are you aware of the spiritual laws of the universe? Explore special keys to open yourself to the abundance that is available to you as Soul. Eckankar Center 11 Park S., Montclair, NJ 800-870-9139 • Presented by ECKANKAR The Path of Spiritual Freedom

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 Smart Scents of Essential Oils with Nancy Orlen Weber – 10-11:30am. Join Nancy for a lively discussion and experience the smartest scents on the planet for our lives. $5. Denville. Register at https:// S.A.D. States: Revelations in the Reasons and Solutions to Stress, Anxiety and Depression – 7-8pm. A profoundly new and vitally important understanding of what stress, anxiety and depression are and where true solutions exist. It will transform how you think. Facilitated by Dr. Don. Free. Functional Brain Training, Dr. Don Joergens, Parsley, 30 Wall St, Rockaway. Registration required. Call 862-209-7333 to register or email JandJParsley@ Smart Scents of Essential Oils with Nancy Orlen Weber – 7:30-9pm. Join Nancy for a lively discussion and experience the smartest scents on the planet for our lives. $5. Denville. Register at https://

FRIDAY, JUNE 28 Enhancing Your Metaphysical Gifts with Essential Oils with Nancy Weber – 7-9pm. Join us for an informative and experiential evening with Nancy Orlen Weber as she guides us on how to enhance our intuition. Enjoy discovering new gifts. $25. Blossoming Into Light, IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. Register at https://nancyweberclassjun28. For more information, call Sue at 862-222-4268 or email Info@BlossomingIntoLight. com.

SATURDAY, JUNE 29 Soul Shamanism Path to You – 6/29-30; 10am5pm. Direct experience of your-soul-self, access your inner wisdom and knowledge, learn how to deepen this every day. $395. Be The Medicine, 39 Greenwood Ave, Backdoor-1st flr, Madison. For questions and to register, contact Janet StraightArrow at 973-647-2500 or

SAVE THE DATE THURSDAY, JULY 11 Creating a Lucrative Medical Marijuana Coaching Career – 8:30-9:30pm. This free internet webinar will show you how you can create substantial income and a great profession from the explosive growth of natural wellness specialties. The meet-and-greet session will focus on Certified CBD/Cannabis Coach, Holistic Health & Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Mind-Gut Guru careers. LJ Rose, 813-333-2626. Support@NaturalWellnessAcademy. org.

THURSDAY, JULY 11 Creating a Lucrative Holistic Coaching Career – 8:30-9:30pm. This free internet webinar will show you how you can create substantial income and a great profession from the explosive growth of natural wellness specialties. The meet-and-greet session will focus on Certified CBD/Cannabis Coach, Holistic Health & Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Mind-Gut Guru careers. LJ Rose, 813333-2626.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 9 Vision Quest Mitote – 9/9-11; 3pm. Private retreat in the Catskills Accord, NY. Are you moving through big change this year? Come for a powerful weekend of ceremony, Journeys, transformation, and rebirth, with Shaman Janet StraightArrow as she blends the Toltec Mitote with the Quest with intent and focus that allows for transformation. Awaken clarity, life purpose, and joy, as we break through illusions, fears, and ego. Energy Exchange is $575, includes lodging and healthy food for the weekend. Early bird discounts and payment options available. Preparation begins at sign up. Join us for a Shamanism Training Weekend April 6-7 for advanced learning in Madison. For information, call 973-647-2500 or visit





Sacred Science, Western Mysteries

Friday, August 9-11 Begins at 3pm. Come for a powerful weekend of ceremony, journeys, transformation, and rebirth, with Shaman Janet StraightArrow. A Vision Quest is an opportunity to be alone in nature to hear your heart speak and receive the fullness of who you are and open up to the next stage of your life path. It is a gift that is magical, deep, and transformative.

August 12-16, 2019 20 sessions This is a non-dogmatic Esoteric System. A training in Sacred Science, based on Western Mysteries. It includes Ancient Metaphysical practice, the way of King Solomon, Kabbalistic Ritual and meditation.

$575. Includes food and lodging.

a Pure Component Life, Wellness and Meditation Center 1386 US Highway 22, Clinton NJ 08833

For information, contact Janet StraightArrow at or 973-647-2500

For information or to register: Call 908 617-1545 or visit


North Central NJ Edition

Sacred Science, Western Mysteries – 8/12-16. 20 sessions. This is a non-dogmatic esoteric system. A training in sacred science, based on western mysteries. It includes ancient metaphysical practice, the way of King Solomon, kabbalistic ritual and meditation. a Pure Component-Life, Wellness and Meditation Center, 1386 US Highway 22, Clinton. To register, call 908 617-1545 or visit

FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 Yoga Training for 12-Step Recovery – 8/16-18. Fri. – 5-9pm, Sat. – 9am-6pm., Sun., 10am-4pm. Through Y12SR leadership training, you will learn how to understand the 12-step process of addiction recovery. Learn to create safe, sacred, open and inclusive space. $375/$350 prior to July 7. Bee You Yoga, 3 Middlebury Blvd, Randolph. For more information and to register: 973-7759577. Buti-Yoga-Certification.

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ongoing events Kindly call to confirm date, location, time.

Community Room, 31 Rte. 181, Lake Hopatcong.


Montclair. For information, contact Joan Castellano at 201-240-5073 or

Breathe Meditation– 6/2-7/7; 9-9:45am. Meditation is the art of looking inside and discovering one’s own inner being. Come and join Alexandra Juryte on this wonderful transformation of Breath Meditation. $120 for 6 wks. Huna Healing Center, 23 Diamond Spring Rd, Suite 7, Denville. Lory 973-224-0096 or

Gentle Beginners – 7-8:15pm. Tailored for those who would like to slow down, de-stress, and heal whether it be from an illness or injury, or simply from the stresses of daily life. Slow-paced class focuses on creating structural balance and health. Single class $20; package discounts available. Prana Yoga Center, 78 Broadway, Denville. 973-6279642.

Stress, Hormones & Health (The true cause of belly fat) – 6pm, select Tuesdays. Presented by bestselling author & speaker Jean Golden-Tevald, DO of Morning Star Family Health Center. Learn about Hormone Imbalances and what really works. Yes, this is for men too. Free dinner seminar. Seating is limited. Registration is required. For dates and restaurant location contact Carol May, Program Coordinator at 908-528-8121.


Candlelight Restorative with Tara Temple – 7:30-8:45pm. Restorative Yoga is a passive floor practice. Support by bolsters, blankets and blocks allow poses to be held longer for deep relaxation that allows the body to repair and restore a natural balance. No experience needed. Especially nurturing for those with chronic illness, pain or injury. Single class $20; package discounts available. Prana Yoga Center, 78 Broadway, Denville. 973-627-9642.

Ropes, Slings & Things – 10am. Alignment & Play! Cultivate alignment, strength, flexibility and a sense of playfulness and adventure through practice that includes the yoga rope wall for fun, traction, and a challenging yet meditative practice. Open to all levels. Dhyana Yoga Arts, 95 W Main St, Chester. For information contact 973-489-9623 or info@ Sunday Celebration Service – 10:30am. Dr. Frankie, practitioners, and musicians create an inspiring, uplifting time to be reminded of our spiritual connectedness. Center for Spiritual Living Morristown, 331 Mt. Kemble Ave, Morristown. For information contact call 973-539-3114 or email Sunday Service – 10:30am. Only words of Love are spoken here. To live in health, happiness and prosperity is everyone’s birthright, whether we choose to follow a certain path is our individual choice. No dogma or belief system is imposed upon anyone. Institute for Spiritual Development, 15 Sparta Ave, Sparta. Nia Moving to Heal – 11am-12:15pm. Ideal class for people recovering from illness and injury. Instructor: Teresa Dangelo. Nia Dojo, 10 Summit Ave, Berkeley Heights. For info on Nia Dojo, call 908-300-7294 or visit For more class info, visit Laughter Yoga of Montclair –3:45-4:45pm. Boost joy, reduce stress and have fun like never before. We combine laughter exercises with childlike play and movement, add in deep breathing to connect, unwind, and let go. Free. NJ Acupuncture Massage & Fertility - The Wellness, 70 Park St., Ste. 208,

Yoga Tune Up® Flow with Tisha Hennen – 9:1510:30am. Mixed-level yoga practice explores the link between your breath and movement for a fluid workout that is both challenging and rejuvenating. Includes therapeutic self-massage techniques. Gain strength, flexibility, and resiliency. Single class $20; package discounts available. Prana Yoga Center, 78 Broadway, Denville. 973-627-9642. Yoga for Backcare – 11:15am. Yoga for back pain, back care, postural issues, injuries, and address disc herniation, scoliosis, sciatica, spondilolysthesis, degenerative discs, etc. Focus on poses that help alleviate back pain and strengthen the core, back, and other areas. Open to all levels. Dhyana Yoga Arts, 95 W Main St, Chester. For information contact 973-489-9623 or Breathe Meditation – 6/3-7/8; 7-7:45pm. Meditation is the art of looking inside and discovering one’s own inner being. Come and join Alexandra Juryte on this wonderful transformation of Breath Meditation. $120 for 6 wks. Huna Healing Center, 23 Diamond Spring Rd, Suite 7, Denville. Lory 973-224-0096 or Because I Love You (B.I.L.Y.) Parent Support Group – 7-8:30pm. Confidential self-help group for parents experiencing substance abuse issues with their children. Free. Jefferson Twp. BOE


Cindy Nolte ...Find your inner peace.

Reiki Animal Reiki Hypnosis Coaching Jin Shin Jyutsu ® Past Life Regression Corporate and Group Lectures Certifications and Workshops Augusta, NJ


June 2019


WEDNESDAY White Oak Center Organic Co-Op – Every other Wednesday. Delivered by Albert’s Organics. Membership $20, then $35 bimonthly. White Oak Center, 33 Woodport Rd., Sparta. For more info, contact Brian Trautz at 973-729-1900 or BTrautz@ Yoga for Scoliosis – 6pm. Yoga for back pain, back care, postural issues, injuries, and address disc herniation, scoliosis, sciatica, spondilolysthesis, degenerative discs, etc. Focus on poses that help alleviate back pain and strengthen the core, back, and other areas. Open to all levels. Dhyana Yoga Arts, 95 W Main St, Chester. For information contact 973-489-9623 or Yoga Fusion with Michelle Radley – 6-7:15am. Mixing yoga, Pilates and barre, this core strengthening class is accessible but challenging. Work up a sweat with spot specific movements. Gain further stability and strength in your daily life. Single class $20; package discounts available. Prana Yoga Center, 78 Broadway, Denville. 973-627-9642. The Spiritual Illumination Hour – 7-8:30pm. Join us for this 90-minute online Zoom event every 3rd Wednesday. Explore and accelerate spiritual growth. Shine a light on intuitive gifts, explore your soul’s purpose and learn about vibrational tools. Are you sensitive, an empath, clairvoyant…

advertiser specials Mention Natural Awakenings to take advantage of these terrific specials.

these and future topics await plus tools for how to work with your gifts. $22. Pre-registration a must to receive link to participate. Contact Sue at info@ or call 862-2224268 for registration info. Awaken the Master Within – 6:30-8:30pm, 3rd Wed. each month. Workshop/Class on Transformation through the Art of Self-Mastery. $25. Portal of Healing, 50 Main Street, Chester. 201-841-0358. Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Support Group of Morristown – 7–9pm. First Wednesdays, except July and August. Support for patients and their families. Speakers. 95 Madison Ave., Suite 109A, Morristown. 973-219-8092. Tarot Meet-Up with Rhonda – 2nd & 4th Weds; 7:30-9:30pm. Join this Tarot Meet Up to practice and study tarot in a relaxed and fun group. Open to all levels, even beginners. $10. Blossoming Into Light, IWC, 401 Route 24, Chester. For more info or to reserve your place, text Sue on 862-222-4268 or email The Morris County (West) Chapter of Holistic Moms Network – 7:30pm. First Wednesdays. Held at Chester Field House, 107 Seminary Ave., Chester. Sound Bath – 7:30pm. Relax and rejuvenate with healing sounds at Awaken Sound Health. Each Sound Bath is a 60-minute group session that alternates between sound and silence to bring participants to a place of deep relaxation, and provide for revitalization of one’s body, mind and spirit. $20. Awaken Sound Health, 32 Grove St., Chester. Register: For information contact Alison Iati, VSTCP at 201-874-7255 or AA Meeting (O-B-ST) – 8pm. Open to those struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction. Free. Cranford United Methodist Church, 201 Lincoln Ave., Cranford.

THURSDAY Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Meeting – 6:30-8pm. Are you having trouble controlling the way you eat? 12-step program for recovery from food addiction. No dues, fees or weighins. Free. 350 Essex Rd., 3rd flr, classroom A/B, Paramus Questions? Ellen Mutz 973-945-2704 or

SPRING SPECIAL ThetaHealing® Private Sessions 15% OFF Expand your spiritual awakening through one-on-one private sessions. Tailor made to help with your targeted issues, these sessions are not only useful, they are fun!

Gift Certificates Available For Classes or Private Sessions Location: Westfield. For more spiritual awakening, call 908-264-4344 or visit See ad on page 19.


North Central NJ Edition

FRIDAY Sound Bath – 10:30-11:30am. Relax and rejuvenate with healing sounds at Awaken Sound Health. Each Sound Bath is a 60-minute group session that alternates between sound and silence to bring participants to a place of deep relaxation, and provide for revitalization of one’s body, mind and spirit. $20. Awaken Sound Health, 32 Grove St., Chester. Healing and Message Circle – 11am-1pm. Join Rev. Susan Nigra of Indigo Peace LLC every Friday

for healing and messages. All healing modalities welcome. You do not have to be a healer or psychic medium to participate. We start with meditation and healing on each other, and end with messages from spirit. $10. Huna Healing Center LLC, 5 East Main St., 2nd floor (Parking in back ), Denville. Lory 973-224-0096 or Healing Graces/From Cancer to Wholeness with Tara Temple – 12:30-1:45pm. This class is designed specifically for those who are on their journey through cancer and on their path through recovery. Benefits includes meditation, stress management, increases immunity, flexibility and strength, healing touch and more. Single class $20; package discounts available. Prana Yoga Center, 78 Broadway, Denville. 973-627-9642. Debtors Anonymous Meeting – 5:30-6:30pm. Twelve-step meeting for those dealing with debt, overspending and under-earning. Downstairs Main Bldg. at Redeemer Church, 37 Newton Sparta Rd., Newton. 877-717-3328. First Friday Healing Circle – 7-8pm. The Healing Circle is a caring and loving way in which healing can be experienced. Love Offering. Center for Spiritual Living Morristown, 331 Mt. Kemble Ave, Morristown. For information contact call 973-539-3114 or email AA Meeting – 7:30pm.St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 70 Maple Ave., Morristown. 973-538-0555. Al-Anon Meeting – 8-9:30pm. Center for Practical Spirituality - Religious Science, 331 Mt. Kemble Ave., Morristown. 973-539-3114.

SATURDAY Breakfast Benefits: Learn about Laser Treatment – 9am. 3rd Sat. All are welcome to share breakfast and learn about the benefits of laser treatment. Facilitated by Dr Paul M Bizzaro, DC. Free. The offices of Dr Bizzaro, 81 S Main St, Yardley. RSVP to 215-493-6589. Yoga for Backcare – 9:30am. Yoga for back pain, back care, postural issues, injuries, and address disc herniation, scoliosis, sciatica, spondilolysthesis, degenerative discs, etc. Focus on poses that help alleviate back pain and strengthen the core, back, and other areas. Open to all levels. Dhyana Yoga Arts, 95 W Main St, Chester. For information contact 973-489-9623 or Overeaters Anonymous Meeting – 10:15am12:15pm. Weekly gathering of the free support group that helps people lose weight and keep it off. Downstairs meeting room, Parsippany Library. 973-335-1717. Classic Nia Mind-Body Fitness – 11am-12noon. Nia is a practice that will help you feel alive in your body through cardio conditioning through a world of music that evokes imagination and emotion. Instructor: Teresa Dangelo. $20 walk-in. Benessere Wellness Center and Spa, 510 Morris Ave., Summit. For information call 908-277-4080, email info@ or visit


NATURAL AWAKENINGS MAGAZINE? Now you can receive it monthly in your home!

classifieds Have a business opportunity, job opening, space for rent or other need?

Only $36/year. Makes a great gift! Visa, MasterCard, American Express and PayPal accepted. Call or text Asta at 908-405-4040 or email Asta@

Place your classified ads here, 30 words for $30, extra words $1 each. Email to Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ. com by the 10th of the month prior to publication date.

Services READINGS Oracle card and palmistry readings offered in person, phone, parties welcome. Spiritually guided channeled messages are for your highest good. Let my gifts guide you! Reasonable rates. Cheryl 908-268-8029.

SPACE/office FOR RENT Office Space Available: Nicely furnished office space at the 94 Valley Road Building in Montclair is available for sublet (full days preferred, may consider half days if multiple days are taken). Fridays and weekends available now. Tuesdays and Wednesdays available starting in April. Building has own parking lot. Other therapists in building offer a sense of camaraderie. Close to Whole Foods and walking distance to many restaurants and shops. EmailLeslie@ for details. SPACE FOR RENT Event & meeting rental space in Morristown, NJ. Great for recitals, weddings, practice/rehearsal space and fitness classes. Accommodates up to 175 people. Plenty of parking, convenient to Route 202 or 287. Call 973-539-3114 or email Office@CslMorristown. org for details.

June 2019


community resource guide Acupuncture



Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine 332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 •


Linda Beg 100 Hibernia Avenue, Rockaway, NJ 973-957-0500

Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in the field of holistic eye health. He is passionate about helping people with degenerative eye diseases. Learn of his astounding work in this area— call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad on page 35.

100% gluten-, dairy-, soy- and GMO-free retail and wholesale bakery. Available products: artisan breads, custom cakes, pies, cookies, desserts, seasonal, vegan, Paleo, natural sugars, nut-free. See ad on page 38.

NJ Advanced Acupuncture


Morgan Reade, LAc, MS 616 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell 6 Green Village Rd, Madison 201-400-2261

M o rg a n R e a d e h a s s t u d i e d Acupuncture, herbal and dietary therapy. He is board certified and licensed in Florida and NJ. He specializes in female health including autoimmune and fertility. Other areas of expertise include digestive disorders, food allergies and Lyme disease. Born and raised in West Caldwell, where he currently resides, he opened his first office there. His second location is in downtown Madison, NJ. See ad on page 39.


973-909-0999 • Licensed in NJ & PA With quality preparation, legal tragedies can often be prevented, or damage can be minimized or eliminated. Kelly Brown has been practicing law for 20 years. In addition, Brown is a Certified Life Mastery Coach, theologian and interfaith minister. Her current practice brings a holistic perspective to legal planning for families and businesses. See ad, page 15.

BEAUTIFICATION SERVICES Natalia Schweitzer, Licensed Esthetician & Board Certified Permanent Makeup Artist 1236 US Highway 46 West, Suite B-1 Parsippany, NJ 07054 862-432-9074 We provide natural permanent makeup application: microblading (hairstroke brows), powdered brows, eyeliner, lip blush, 3D realistic areola and nipple reconstruction, and natural skin rejuvenation treatments. Our permanent makeup and skin rejuvenation services can help enhance your natural beauty and make you feel more relaxed, confident and beautiful. See ad on page 37.


Dr. Vincent Caruso, Jr. 124 Little Falls Road, Ste. B, Fairfield 973-227-2170 A unique blend of chiropractic and traditional Chinese medicine with individualized treatment plans that bring your body back into balance. We also focus on helping you understand the messages your body is sending you enabling you to live a healthy happy life. See ad on page 21.

National Adopt a Cat Month


84 Broadway, Ste B, Denville 973-784-3027 • Regenerate your spirit, ground and balance your body, elevate and align your spirit. Ayurveda is the solution of our humanity and a treasure to revive. An ancient and authentic practical science of health for the mind, body and soul. See ad, page 53.


North Central NJ Edition

Help a cat find their forever home.

Coaching LAW OF ATTRACTION LIFE COACH David Scott Bartky, CLOALC 973-444-7301

David is a certified and experienced Law of Attraction life coach. His clients all have great success because he teaches them powerful processes and techniques so they can attract what they want, instead of what they don’t want in all areas of life (both materialistically and emotionally). The Law of Attraction is always responding to you, so if you’re ready to say “Yes!” to attracting what you want, and/or improving your life in some way, contact David today. Coaching sessions are held over the phone and the first session is always free.


Ann Ochs • Colon Hydrotherapist I-ACT Certified, Advanced Level Certified National Board for Colon Therapy, Body Ecology Diet Certified 26 Elm St, Morristown 973-998-6550 Ann Ochs has more than 20 years experience as a colon hydrotherapist. She holds an advanced certification from the International Association of Colon Therapists (I-ACT), is certified by the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy, and is a certified body ecologist. Living Waters offers the Angel of Water®, an advanced colon hydrotherapy system, designed to offer the ultimate in privacy and dignity. Call today for an appointment. See ad on page 25.


Susan Richter, RN, CCH, Nutritionist, LDHS 166 Franklin Road Denville, NJ 07834 973-586-0626 Scared to try a colonic? Susan has 31 years experience with colon hydrotherapy. Her system is gentle and thorough, and you have her expert assistance throughout the session. Colon cleansing has long been used to help the body absorb nutrients and eliminate waste effectively - a great way to enhance your chosen method of maintaining health and wellness. Call her for a free 15 minute consultation to determine if a colonic would be beneficial for you, as there are certain conditions that would warrant enzyme therapy first! Visit to get the scoop!




Vladimir Gashinsky, D.D.S.

Enzyme nutrition is rapidly becoming a sought after therapy for the underlying digestive issues related to autism, auto-immune diseases, chronic pain, skin problems, mood disorders, bowel issues and allergies. The system of analysis is scientific, non-invasive, and based on anatomy and physiology. The methods of correction are foodbased, drug-free, and have no side effects. Regardless of age or diagnosis - correcting digestion, supporting the immune system, and following guidelines for healthy choices are the backbone of Susan’s successful private practice of 36 years. If you are looking for a gentle approach to healing, call her.

We focus on performing holistic dental care that is good for the body as well as teeth and gums. We put an emphasis on a more natural or holistic approach to dentistry. As a holistic dentist, Dr. Gashinsky treats the cause of the problem and not just the symptoms. He seeks to improve his patients’ quality of life through holistic dental care that respects and honors the body. See ad on page 3.

Susan Richter, RN, Nutritionist, CCH, LDHS Denville, NJ. 973-586-0626


MorningStar’s team of health professionals cares for you like family. Our membership based practice cares for men, women and children age 8 and up with a functional approach to primary care. See ad on page 24.


91 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, NJ 07041 973-457-4688

HOLISTIC MEDICAL WISDOM HEALTH AND WELLBEING George C. Wang, MD, PhD 51 John F Kennedy Parkway, 1st Floor West, Short Hills 973-671-1868 •

We are an integrative and functional medicine practice that empowers people to transform their lives by creating true health in body, mind and spirit. We offer holistic approaches to care, including acupuncture, and teach lifelong skills for healthy living. See ad on page 9.



Linda Sercarz Certified Heartmath Coach Serving North Jersey & surrounding area 973-714-8650 •

We offer Holistic Practitioners specific ordinations relating to your practice. Certification programs on Young Living aromatherapy and more available through our seminary. See ads on pages 19 and 32.

Heartmath+♥ consists of simple heart-focused science-based meditations. The techniques are designed to change the way your body responds to stress by learning to self-regulate. They create more resilience, coherence, clarity (even in stressful situations), and the capacity to self-regulate. Heartmath+♥

Nancy Weber 27 Bald Nob Rd, Denville 973-586-3936 •


Always First Saturday in June

National Trails Day

National Trails Day is established to celebrate, improve and enjoy America's magnificent trail system. It is the nation's largest celebration of trails, and all that goes with it


Lory Sison-Coppola 23 Diamond Spring Rd., 2nd fl., Denville 973-224-0096 The Center offers different modalities that will raise your Spiritual Awareness, heighten your vibrations. We are dedicated to understanding and providing for those with specific needs. Classes, certifications, healing sessions, readings and counseling are offered. See ad on page 15.

Reshma Shah Meditation and ThetaHealing

Reshma Shah Westfield 908-264-4344 • Reshma is a certified ThetaHealing Teacher and Practitioner with a passion in helping individuals recognize their limiting belief patterns and tap into their true potential. Her students learn the practice of ThetaHealing and her clients benefit from one-on-one sessions healing them from illness, trauma, chronic pail, spiritual and emotional restriction giving them miraculous transformations. Reshma specializes in working with children and their parents, teaching them mediation, the use of alteration in life style with ThetaHealing® and the power of developing intuitive abilities to transform their lives to their desires. As per debut month, the first time clients get 25% off their first session. See ad on page 19.


Hilary D. Bilkis, MS, CST CranioSacral Therapy • SomatoEmotional Release Work • Visceral Mobility Energy Healing • MELT Method Instruction 973-479-2229 • Hilary uniquely blends CranioSacral Therapy with other healing modalities to alleviate chronic pain, headaches, stress and accumulated tension. Treatment benefits physical, emotional and energetic levels. Hilary facilitates the body’s self-healing process; gently releasing restrictions in the connective tissue and removing energy blockages. Using her intuitive abilities, she also helps release stored injury, trauma, memories and emotions. Clearing the body of stuck stress improves health, feelings of wellness, ability to feel calm, centered and empowered.

HOMEOPATHIC CARE AUNT ALBERTA’S REMEDY Homeopathic Pain Relief Cream 973-715-9097

Try Aunt Alberta’s Remedy to ease joint and muscular aches and pains from sciatica, gout, arthritis, neuralgia, fibromyalgia and more. Great buy! Get a 4oz jar for $15. See website for more options. All natural ingredients! Refer a friend and get 10% OFF your purchase. Read what people are saying about Aunt Alberta’s Remedy at our website.

Get out on a trail with family or friends. Enjoy a wonderful time with nature. June 2019






Dr. Iqbal Nazir, M.S, D.Pharm, DHS Licensed Lab Medicine Practitioner 954-226-3652

27 Bald Nob Rd, Denville 973-586-3936

Natural cure in homeopathy of the most diseases and symptoms. No side effects. Call Dr. Iqbal Nazir, Homeopathic Specialist, for an appointment.


Classes and mentoring online for all interested in and/or practicing the metaphysical arts. Variety of areas include creativity, intuition, mediumship/psychic/animal communication and more. See ads on pages 19 and 32.




Learn the “why” and “where” most pain associated with childbirth comes from; and learn Basic and Advanced Self-Hypnosis Techniques for a Comfortable Childbirth. “HypnoCounselors help ordinary, everyday people with ordinary, everyday problems using individual hypnotic techniques.” See ad on page 37.

We are a functional medicine practice board-certified in integrative holistic medicine and endocrinology. We practice whole body functional medicine incorporating advanced diagnostic testing to discover the root cause of medical problems and deliver personalized solutions utilizing natural and hightech protocols. See ad, page 28.

Dr. Sonoo Advani 315 East Northfield Rd, Ste 1C Livingston, NJ 973-992-1070

Rachel Stein, Hypno-Counselor Morristown • 973-285-3979 Comfortable Childbirth


Linda West, BA, ACH 55 Madison Ave, Morristown 973-506-9654 • Advanced Clinical Hypnosis using an interactive, personalized technique; based on a lengthy interview at our first session and dialogues at following sessions. I don’t talk “at” you; we both speak before and during your hypnosis. I also teach you self-hypnosis. Specializing in weight, stress, smoking, chronic pain, releasing the past, performance, obsessive thoughts, substance use, sleep, fears, confidence and attention issues. Hypnosis can get you unstuck in virtually any area of your life. If you have constraints that you can’t seem to break through, hypnosis can free you and put you back in charge. Come for a free consultation to learn how you can reframe your past and design your future.

401 Rt 24, Chester 973-615-9261

Mention ad for 15% off first visit. Doctor referred certified medical hypnotist with 10 years experience. Successful approach with all ages addresses stress, confidence, fears, pain, performance, smoking, weight release and symptom relief. Plus learn self-hypnosis and other techniques.

North Central NJ Edition


Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist 470 Prospect Ave, Ste 100, W Orange 973-486-0148 • Dr. Lewis is the healthy superwoman expert, owner of NatureDrs Nutraceuticals, and Bastyr University graduate. With over 30 years’ experience as a visionary and wellness doctor, she helps female leaders, professionals and entrepreneurs experience less stress, better health and hormone harmony. See ad, page 17.


Sherry Onweller, Professional Organizer Serving NJ 908-619-4561 •

Soul Point Hypnosis



Everyday Organizing Solutions by Sherry provides sympathetic and nonjudgmental organizing and decluttering services to residential and business clients, as well as helping female adults with ADD get their physical space/time management in order and helping children and teens to get organized.


Pompton Plains (Rte. 23) and Montclair 908-577-0053 • Do you suffer from anxiety or stress? Do you want to lose weight, stop smoking, gain self-confidence or change a habit? Do you need support and guidance through a life or career transition? Are you ready to achieve your goals, pursue your dreams, and actualize your potential? You CAN create the Life You Desire... I can help you MAKE IT HAPPEN! Using proven techniques such as Holistic Psychotherapy, Hypnosis, Stress Reduction, Reiki and Dream Interpretation, I help teens & adults create happier, healthier, more peaceful and fulfilling lives. Allow me to assist you! See ad on page 17.

SCHOOLS / TRAINING NATURAL WELLNESS ACADEMY Professional Holistic Health Training 813-333-2626

NWA will show you how to create substantial income and a profession from the explosive growth of natural wellness specialties. Become the Certified CBD/Cannabis Coach, Holistic Health & Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Mind-Gut Guru you’ve always wanted to be. See ad, page 10.


Alison Iati 32 Grove Street, Chester 201-874-7255 License Number: 81-1853104 Sound Healing for individuals and groups. Vibrational Sound Therapy. Weekly sound baths. Sonic tools include Tibetan and crystal bowls, chimes, forks, vocal toning and more.


11 Park St, Montclair 800-870-9139 • A truly spiritual way of life for the individual in modern times. Teachings provide a framework and spiritual tools for anyone to explore their own spiritual experiences. Studies of Dreams, Past Lives, Soul Travel.


Janet StraightArrow 973-647-2500 S h a m a n i c H e a l i n g , E n e rg y Medicine, Past Life, Medical Intuition, Life, Health, Spiritual Coaching, Astrology Readings, House and Land Clearings. In person, phone or Skype. Professional Reiki, Shamanism, and Medical Intuitive Training. Retreats. 40 years’ experience.

THERMOGRAPHY Lisa’s Thermography and Wellness

Lisa Mack, CCT, HHC Thermographer and Holistic Counselor See website for locations in NJ, NY & PA 855-667-9338 Thermography gives a very early look at the most important indicator of a potential health problem— inflammation. Early stage disease screening is an area in which thermography excels. Whether your pain is acute or chronic, or you are merely curious about the state of your health, thermography can help provide answers. Radiation-free breast and full body screenings for men and women. See ad on page 21.

Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. ~Charles R. Swindoll

THANK YOU for your loyalty and support over the past 25 years.

MISSION STATEMENT: To EMPOWER individuals to live a healthier lifestyle on a healthier planet. To EDUCATE communities on the latest in natural health and sustainability. To CONNECT readers with local wellness resources and events, inspiring them to lead more balanced lives.

June 2019


Vision/eye health HEALTHY LIVING


2019 editorial calendar EE FR










TheWorld’s Healthiest Cuisines Upbeat Kids Five Steps to Positivity

Fitness in

10 Minutes

January 2014 | Location-Edition |

March 2018 | Location-Edition |

health & wellneSS ISSUE


Feature: Strengthen Organ Vitality Plus: Healthy Homes


Feature: Heart Health Plus: Socially Conscious Investing


Feature: Nutrition Upgrades Plus: Managing Allergies


Feature: Sustainable Living Plus: Creative Arts Therapy

local Food ISSUE


Feature: Urban & Suburban Agriculture Plus: Gut Health


Feature: Children’s Health Plus: Natural Pet Care

Vibrant at anY age ISSUE Age-Defying Bodywork SEPT Feature: Plus: Yoga Therapy Feature: Oral Health Plus: Chiropractic Care

better SleeP ISSUE


Feature: Natural Sleep Solutions Plus: Optimal Thyroid Function


Feature: Uplifting Humanity Plus: Earth-Friendly Holidays

Teacher of Yoga with Depth, Clarity & Heart. Celebrator of Yoga’s power in cultivating Self-Realization and nourishing the body-mind-spirit. Teacher and Mentoring Teachers for over a decade. Deanna specializes in Alignment, Yoga for Backcare & Scoliosis, Vinyasa, Restorative Yoga, and Ayurveda teaching classes, privates and trainings throughout the east coast. Info@ See ad on page 18.

WEIGHT LOSS Thintech Weight Loss

in eVerY iSSUe...

North Central NJ Edition

Deanna Sidoti Founder, Yoga for Backcare & Scoliosis Specialist Vinyasa & Restorative Teacher Trainings 908-888-2223 •


April Linson, Christy Linson 973-627-9642 Prana Yoga Center is a well-established studio in the heart of downtown Denville offering alignment-based beginner to intermediate yoga classes, gentle and restorative yoga, mat Pilates, specialty workshops and teacher training. See ad on page 49.

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SALES? Want to sell for Natural Awakenings ? Call



Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in the field of holistic eye health. He is passionate about helping people with degenerative eye diseases. Learn of his astounding work in this area— call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad on page 35.

Feature: Mental & Emotional Well-Being Plus: Healthy Vision

Brain Health JUNE Feature: Plus: Green Building Trends



Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine 332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 •

We provide an all-natural, scientific and holistic detox and weight loss program and a 20+ pound guarantee! See ad on page 2.

women’S health ISSUE



Dr. David Rendelstein 74 US-9 North, Marlboro 226 Centennial Ave, Cranford 1901 Hooper Ave, Toms River 844-428-7632

natUral Food ISSUE


Joe Dunne



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June 2019


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