Nursery & Landscape Notes Fall 2023

Page 17



The NCNLA Political Action Committee (PAC) represents the interests of the nursery and landscape industry at the state capitol in Raleigh, NC.

NCNLA-PAC 2023 Contribution Form

Complete and return this form with payment. Contributions are for the 2023 calendar year. Contributions must be made by personal check (no company checks), personal credit card or personal bank draft. PAC funds are used to support candidates for state elective office who share NCNLA’s policy goals and understand the importance of maintaining a positive legislative environment for the green industry. Thank you for your contribution!

Legacy Society Annually ($6,400)

Advocate Club Annually ($500)

My payment is by:

Capitol Society Annually ($4,500)

Bicentennial Club Annually ($200)

President’s Circle

Champion’s Circle

Annually ($2,500)

Annually ($1,000)

Century Club Annually ($100)

Other $

Personal check (payable to “NCNLA-PAC”) Amount: $ Personal credit card/bank draft Amount: $

Please provide the following information: Name:



City, State Zip:

Employer/Company Name:

Job Title:


All contributions must be from a personal account. We cannot accept company/corporate checks or credit cards. If you are contributing using your credit card or bank draft, you will be invoiced electronically at the email address you provided. If contributing by check, please make personal checks payable to NCNLA-PAC and mail to: NCNLA-PAC, 968 Trinity Road, Raleigh, NC 27607. If submitting this form electronically, please email it to North Carolina law requires political action committees to report the name, mailing address, job title and name of employer for each individual whose contributions total in excess of $50.00 in an election (defined as the period beginning the day after the general election up to and including the primary and the period beginning the day after the primary up to and including the general election). Contributors may not give more than $6,400 per election. Contributions are not tax deductible for federal or state income tax purposes.



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