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Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point



Northern California Professional Photographers Officers

Committee Chairs and Coordinators

President Kevallyn Paskos 925-766-3121

Membership Bill Baker 510-701-7685

1st Vice President Programs / Education Nicole diGiorgio 925-207-6347

Blog / Website Wayne Miller 925-330-8737

2nd Vice President Image Competition Malcolm Slight 925-330-8737 3rd Vice President Membership Bill Baker 510-701-7685 Treasurer Mark Gebhardt 925-408-8175 Secretary Ann Gordon 510-222-4115 Chairman of the Board Kevallyn Paskos 925-766-3121

Newsletter – Focal Point Editor Tom O’Connor 925-586-2745 FP Copy Editor Wayne Miller 925-330-8737 Social Media / Facebook Tod Gomes 925-787-1063 Image Competition Malcolm Slight 925-330-8737 Hospitality Kevallyn Paskos

Newsletter Info.

Send Newsletter information to: Tom O'Connor. Deadline for submission of articles and ad copy is the 25th of each month. Information received after the deadline cannot be guaranteed publication Advertising Costs: 11 Issues per year Contact FP Editor NCPP Members: · ·

Additional / Larger Ads: · · · ·


1/4 Page for 3 months - $25 1/2 Page for 3 months - $50 Full Page for 3 months - $75 Change to ad $25

Note: Members can use the Yahoo Group email to advertise at no cost. Sustaining Members: · ·

You supply camera ready art work and text. Full Page per year - Free

Non Members Non Sustaining Members: ·

Photographer Tom O’Connor

You supply camera ready art work and text. 1/4 page for 3 months per year - Free


You supply camera ready art work and text. Full Page per year - $500

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


February Table of Contents

Presidents Message – Kevallyn Paskos


February Meeting – Jennifer Bagwell – “Boost Your Business on a Budget”


Preparing an image for "Projected Image Comp"


Image Comp Entries, Info and Calendar


Image Comp Winners – January 2013

9 – 10

Western Regional Print Competitions 2013 – Tim Mathiesen


January Meeting Images

12 - 15

Membership Information


Why Join NCPP?




NCPP Founders, Presidents, Awards & Degrees

18 - 19

NCPP Member Advertisements


Coming next month – Scot and Sharon Benton – “Lighting and Posing”


Certification Information


PPCC Certification and PPA Merit & Degree Programs


Focal Point & Image of the Month History

24 - 31

Membership Classifications and Fees for 2013


Sustaining Members

33 - 36

Our Neighboring Affiliates


Calendar - Important Dates


Sunset Chart


Special 3rd Thursday Meeting Day NCPP MEETING THIS MONTH THURSDAY, February 21st, 2013 Meeting is at: Crown Plaza, 45 John Glen Drive, Concord Click here for map


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February Presidents Message – Kevallyn Paskos


Dear NCPP, Well, the New Year is upon us like a Northern California power storm! This has been a very cold winter, but we all know that Mother Nature is doing her job to guarantee a gorgeous year ahead. We are located in some of the most beautiful demographics and can’t wait to explore new landscapes and territories throughout 2013. January Guest Speaker – Shelly Waldman was an enthusiastic and informative speaker shedding light on the performance measures of doing business as a photographer. Since January was the perfect opportunity to reflect on last year’s performance, Shelly discussed how to look at last year’s numbers to forecast for 2013 and lead a panel discussion with fellow photographers about their struggles in running a business. Furthermore, she invited an accountant and a lawyer to talk about tax and law issues associated with growing a business and what needs to be in place when you hire your first employee. This was a great night shared by all and we learned invaluable tips to help build our own success with proper planning. Print Competition – This was our first night back in a couple of months and enjoyed viewing images on the big screen! The room was full of participants, members and judges enjoying the opportunity to check out the competition. The final congratulations goes to…1st Place – Wayne Miller “Dreamer“ and 2nd Place – Wayne Miller “The Blues”. Great job Wayne for demonstrating such a great variety of images to our lineup! Get ready for next month’s print competition as we are sure to see many more creative works of art. Judging Academy with Tim Mathiesen – Stay tuned to learn more about this upcoming event. Tim Mathiesen has put together a workshop for prospective judges so that we can raise the quality of all competitions around the state. The details of this class are: An all day workshop on the judging process, based on the PPA judging system and a place on the PPC qualified judging list. This workshop is very intense and involves hands on judging and discussion of the many aspects of judging. We are looking forward to planning this event! Happy Birthday NCPP – It is with the utmost respect that NCPP shares its gratitude with our founding members at this time. We are so incredibly fortunate to have such a continued history of doing business for 14 years and look forward to many more years. Our Mission Statement says it all and will continue to uphold our purpose and inspire others. NCPP will continue to make a difference in providing outstanding service and excellence to its membership. Sincerely, Kevallyn There is no such thing as a self-made man or woman. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken a word of encouragement to us, has entered into the makeup of our character and our thoughts as well as our success. George Matthews Adams NCPP Mission Statement: The Northern California Professional Photographers is an organization dedicated to advancing the business of professional photography. Our purpose is to create an environment amongst professional photographers that will inspire each of us and to help one another grow as business professionals and artists. 4

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point



NCPP Proudly Presents Jennifer Bagwell on February 17, 2013 “Boost Your Business on a Budget� Jennifer Bagwell has been a wedding photographer for 5 short years and with each year she has grown her business. In 2012 she shot 35 weddings as the primary photographer which was 13 more than she did in 2011. She attributes her success to savvy marketing and building a brand based on happy clients, happy guests, and a social media frenzy. Jennifer will discuss the things that she tried along the way that worked and what didn't and how to make marketing investments with a great return. Learn how to create a brand that is talked about, celebrated and yields a fully booked schedule today, and future clients for tomorrow.

Petaluma based photographer Jennifer Bagwell has used her retail experience to get a leg-up in the photography industry. At Best Buy she worked on a special board that worked hand in hand with the Gallup Organization where they studied the psyches of different customers and their shopping habits along with studying work staff personalities and how to better utilize them to service customers. She was also the head of PR for Best Buy in San Francisco and handled all of their media relations while managing the SF store. She is also the proud stay-at-home mom of two adorable children as well as a full-time photographer.


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


Preparing your image for "Projected" Image Comp This article will remain permanently in the Focal Point.



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point



2013 New Year new way of enjoying NCPP monthly image competition! This article will remain permanently in the Focal Point.

1-Images will now be projected on the big screen for all to enjoy. 2-You must sign in with the 2nd VP Image Chair and be present during the entire competition or your entry will be disqualified. 3-Each entry will place your name in an end of year drawing for one year free membership. 4-Two images per month, $5 cost per image, must be received via PayPal by the Tuesday prior to the meeting by Midnight. NCPP (current 2013) members only can enter. Max of 30 images per month and Print Chair may adjust entry amounts and Print Chair may allocate one entry per member to keep it within 30 images. 5-Entries must be received in correct format and correctly sized at 3.5MB or smaller to qualify for the early bird $5 each entry fee. Projected Submission Specifications. (this size fits within the PPA rules, except PPA requires your PPA# not your name in the file name): 1. Files must be sized 4000 x 2200 pixels x 200ppi). Each file must contain an embedded color profile of either sRGB or Adobe RGB1998 and be saved at a JPEG quality setting of 10. Total file size should not exceed 3.5 (3 1/2) MB. Link to JPG canvas: 2. Files are to be named, Member's first and last name_Image_Title. (use_for spaces). 3. Example file name: Bill_Jones_Mount_Diablo_Sunset. 4. Images must be emailed to 2nd Vice President no later than the TUESDAY prior to the Thursday meeting, at Midnight to be qualify for the $5 entry fee. 5. Entry fee of $5.00 per image must be paid via Pay Pal no later than the TUESDAY prior to the Thursday meeting, by Midnight to be qualified for the $5 entry fee. 6. Late entries after Tuesday Midnight or Walk-ins accepted (on zip drive) at the door, $10 per each image, with a deadline of 6:50pm the night of the meeting.

See this link on the NCPP website for more information.


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February Image Comp Info and Calendar


If you are interested in volunteering with image comp, please contact: Malcolm Slight at 925-330-8737 or email Malcolm at

For PPA Style Projected Image Competition see rules in this Focal Point issue. People’s Choice Print Competition see rules just below. 2. People's Choice Image Competition a. Entry Rules 1) At the discretion of the Image Comp Chair, a theme may be assigned to a People's Choice competition once each year. The theme may or may not pertain to the subject of the speaker's program. The theme will be announced at the meeting, published in the Focal Point and also sent by e-mail to NCPP members. 2) Entries for People’s Choice may be framed, or in albums, mounted to alternative substrates, etc., in addition to PPA style mounted prints. 3) Each NCPP member may submit up to two entries. 4) Entries must be signed in with the image comp chair at least ten minutes before the start of the meeting. 5) Entries will be assigned a number by the image comp chair. Titles are not required. 6) Depending on the style of the entry, the photographer's name or studio logo may be an integral part of the entry and therefore may remain visible during judging. 7) You may also enter Projected Images using a Laptop or iPad IMAGE COMP 2013 CALENDAR January:

PPA Style and Year End People’s Choice


PPA Style

March: April: May: June: July: August: September: October: November:

People’s Choice


Year End PPA Style 8

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February Best of Show January 2013


“Dreamer” by Wayne Miller I first met Camille and her parents about 6 months prior to the image “Dreamer”. She was a fun subject to work with, even though we only had a few minutes shooting, and did a quick example of her ballerina skills. The next time I met with the family, and her younger sister whom is also a ballet dancer, we had more time and found this arched window at the Elk’s Hall in Sacramento to shoot in front of, I set up the shot with a high-key style image in mind because of the great light coming into the window. I used two speed-lights at 45 deg. – 6ft from the subject to light her while still keeping the background bright. For the gear heads: Canon 5d Mk2, 24-70mm f/2.8 shot at 48mm 1/60 @ f/4.5, ISO 800, Manual, and speed-lights were set a ½ power bounced into a small card that Velcro’s to the flash. The original walls were cream and the trim was a dark walnut. I decided to composite the image with a cloud background to further the high keyed effect. Thus the tile “Dreamer” felt more appropriate.


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February Image Comp January 2013


2nd place: “The Blues” by: Wayne Miller This image was created at a photo shoot that I organized with nine models and a few photographer friends. The theme was SteamPunk and it created a lot of interest from the models, although most of the photogs had to have the concept explained J I had shot several other times with Stephanie and this was the first time with Conrad. This was the last shot of the day, after most of the others had left, and I wanted to do a smoke filled room themed shoot. There was an old beat up grand piano (hardly visible) that they were next to. Conrad had a great attitude and brought his saxophone so we incorporated it with the smoke from two smoke machines, one key light (3ft sq. Soft box) and a bare bulb with blue-jell on the smoke. It was a challenge getting the smoke machines in sync without covering the subjects, but with help and several attempts, some tweaking it all worked out. Gear heads: Canon 5d Mk2, 24-70mm f/2.8, shot at 40mm 1/125 @ f/8.0, ISO 100, and two Alien Bees mono-lights, Paul C. Buff radio triggers. During the competition one of the judge’s comments was the background look “cheesy” without any real explanation why he felt that way or what he would have done to make it better. A lot of people might take offense to comments like this but I took it at face value that the judge might not be experienced in judging and expressing himself, or having a bad day. Image competition is PPA style which means it is geared toward IPC International Print Competition. You have to have though skin to compete, and take some of the comments for what they are worth. Print comp is to help one grow as an Artist not to stroke egos. With that in mind I did go back to the image and rework the background to enhance the smoke vs. “Cheesy” background. Know what he was right I like it better with the smoke cloned over the tie-dyed background.


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February Western Regional Print Competitions 2013


2013 is an exciting year for PPC and the Western Regional Print Competitions. For the first time in the history of PPC there will be two district competitions this year. The first competition will be in February and the second in August in conjunction with Pro Photo Expo. Why is this happening? Since PPC changed our dates for Pro Photo Expo from winter to summer, we have had to change the sequence of competitions to stay within the competition calendar of PPA. The PPA International Print Competition is held each summer and PPC has to conduct our print competition prior to the PPA judging. The February District Competition will be for the 2012/2013 competition. The August District Competition will be for the 2013/2014 competition year. This will only happen this year. All following years we will only have one District Competition and that will be conducted during our annual conference and Expo in August. The District competition is hosted by PPC and all entrants will have the opportunity to earn the PPA Seal of Approval. The competition in 2012 was a district event. The same categories will be judged and awards selected in February and August of this year by PPA qualified jurors. The award ceremony for both competitions will be held at the 2013 Pro Photo Expo in Pasadena. Entries for the February competition will be accepted beginning January 21, 2013 and close on February 15, 2013. Walk in cases will be accepted up until 7 PM and digital files must be uploaded by 5 PM EST. Read the rules completely and thoroughly. Any part of the rules that are not followed exactly will cause the entry to be disqualified.

Tim Mathiesen, M.Photog.Cr, F-ASP, FPPC


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February January Meeting Images


Images by: Tom O’Connor 12

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February January Meeting Images


Images by: Tom O’Connor 13

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February January Meeting Images


Images by: Tom O’Connor 14

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February January Meeting Images


Images by: Tom O’Connor 15

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February Membership Information


Contact Bill Baker with / for any Membership information. Email: Phone: 510-701-7685 If you have comments or information regarding prospective members, please send them to: Bill Baker, NCPP Membership Email: Phone: 510-701-7685

Nominees for NCPP 2013 are as follows‌


PROSPECTIVE NCPP MEMBERS Brad Norling Aspiring Bright Future Photography Pleasanton Sponsor: Bill Myers Marilyn Schaeffer Aspiring Marilyn Schaeffer Photography Benicia No web site Sponsor: Kevallyn Paskos Philip W. Lee Aspiring No Business Name Given Lafayette No web site Sponsor: Mike Dubnoff Wayne Francis Aspiring No Business Name Given Brentwood No web site Sponsor: Denny Weigand Les Gadula Aspiring No Business Name Given Moraga No website Sponsor: Wayne Miller Barbara Brady-Smith Professional-Active Share the Joy Photography Lafayette Sponsor: Ann Gordon Julie Cheshire Professional-Active Julie Cheshire Photography Concord/Clayton Sponsor: Bill Baker


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February Why Join NCPP?


General Membership • Attend monthly meetings for free. • Attend monthly guest speaker presentation for free. • Participate in Image Competition for members only monthly. – Images are judged by a panel of NCPP judges and usually our guest speaker. – PPA type scoring range 70 to 100 and comments about the image from the judges. – This is an excellent way to help you grow your craft. • Receive the Monthly Award Winning Focal Point Newsletter for free. • Free advertisement for 3 months a year in the award winning Focal Point Newsletter. • Discounts for attending Night School. • Discounts for NCPP sponsored Workshops. • Free online Yahoo group: Help, job requests, job opportunities from our membership. • Interaction and friendships with many top professional photographers with whom you can share and learn from each other’s knowledge of photography. • Photographers you can reach out to when you need help. • Access to earning Certification and Photography Degrees. • Collaboration with National (PPA) Professional Photographers of America and State (PPC) Professional Photographers of California. Sponsor: New members are required to have a sponsor to join NCPP. Your NCPP sponsor will help you get the most out of the organization by helping you understand all the benefits of the organization. Your sponsor will also assist you in print competition and introduce you to members that are in the same area of photography. No worry if you do not have a sponsor NCPP membership will help you find one. Sustaining Membership: 1. Advertisement in the Newsletter-Focal Point and NCPP Website. 2. Display of products and services at meetings. 3. Recommendations to members to use their service…taking notice of discounts offered. 4. Membership advantages…attending meetings and seeing speakers at no cost. 5. Business solicitation while at meetings.

NCPP Blog Be sure to visit our NCPP Blog. There is a ton of information, How To’s, Tutorials and much more!! The site has a completely fresh new look and is very user friendly! Visit:


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


NCPP Founders, Presidents and Member Awards


NCPP was founded in September 1997 by the following people: Peg Jackson Jim Fidelibus Judy Host Richard Stahlberg Stephanie Piper

Michael Van Auken Cricket Hamilton Steve Brandt Walter Gausch Sylvia Michaels

Past President’s 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Michael Van Auken Judy Host Jim Fidelibus Linda Johnson Walter Guasch Kimberly Peterson Jim Fidelibus Michael Gan

2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Michael Gan Laura Cottril Leslie Artis-Gan Brent Walton Randy Cazinha Wayne Miller Kevallyn Paskos Kevallyn Paskos

Member of the Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Peg Jackson Michael Van Auken Jim Fidelibus Jim Fidelibus Kay Simon Shelly Najera Linda Johnson Heather M. Whiting

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Michael Gan Laura Cottril Tom O'Connor Brent Walton Wayne Miller Denny Weigand

2006 2007 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Leslie Artis-Gan Michael Van Auken - Tie Richard Stahlberg - Tie Richard Stahlberg Wayne Miller Wayne Miller Wayne Miller

Photographer of the Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Peg Jackson Jim Fidelibus Richard Stahlberg Michael Gan Richard Stahlberg Shelly Najera Leslie Artis Richard Stahlberg


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February NCPP Member Degrees


PPA Master Craftsman Photographers Lisa Evans Peg Jackson Michael Gan Judy Host Leslie Artis-Gan

PPA Master Photographers Jim Fidelibus Linda Johnson Deidre Ligenfelter Mary Small

PPA Craftsman Photographers Denny Weigand Wayne Miller

PPCC Certified Professional Photographers Leslie Artis-Gan Laura Cottril Lisa Duncan Michael Gan Jill Hager Judy Host Greta Heintz Tammy Hughes Linda Johnson

Scott Kouns Dana Smith Richard Stahlberg Arleen Thomas Darleen Tom Denny Weigand Wayne Miller Brent Walton Pam Biasotti


Jennifer Chesterman Jennifer Fink Stacey Flurscheim Nicole Gee Tod Gomes Ann Gordon Malcolm Slight Terry Riggins Mary Small

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February NCPP Member Advertisements



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point



NCPP Proudly Presents March 14th, 2013 – Scot and Sharon Benton Lighting & Posing We believe that lighting and posing go together. Can’t have one without the other. We touch a little on basic posing and focus on the details that define professional photographers. We do this with a PowerPoint presentation and live models. Scot’s strength is lighting while Sharon’s is posing. We show how we work together to create the images we are known for. Our presentation is fun and upbeat. We encourage questions during the presentation.


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


PPCC Certification, and PPA Merit & Degree Programs



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February Educational Opportunities


If you are interested in becoming a Certified Professional Photographer, Master of Photography, Master of Electronic Imaging or a Photographic Craftsman, click here. Or, contact Wayne Miller or Denny Weigand PPCC CPP Liaisons. This link will take you to the PPA website and you will see the page shown below. The image below is just a screen shot of the website, the links are not hot.


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2013



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2012



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2011



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2010



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2009



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2008



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2007



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


NCPP Focal Point and Image of the Month History 2006



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point


NCPP Membership Classifications and Fees for 2013


Professional Active: Annual Dues $135. A professional photographer is an individual who on a regular basis, takes and sells photographs or photographic services. Must satisfy federal, state (resale permit), & local license requirements. Professional Active members have full membership privileges (Free meetings, voting, use of NCPP logo for self promotional use, and image competition). Aspiring*: Annual Dues $135. An individual who does not work in the photographic field, or derive any income from photography but plans to enter the profession. Limited to one year. Membership privileges: Meetings and entering image competition, but may not vote, hold office or use the NCPP logo. May not actively sell their photography or advertise/promote themselves as a photographer for hire. Limited to 20% enrolment. Student*: Annual Dues $50. Members preparing for a career in photography and currently enrolled in a school as a full time student. Applicant must show evidence of enrollment. Membership privileges: Meetings and entering image competition, but may not vote, hold office or use the NCPP logo. Limited to 10% enrolment. Sustaining: Annual Dues $150. Membership issued to the business name of the organization, which is a supplier, vendor, or manufacturer of photographic materials, supplies or photographic services. One representative of the organization shall have meeting privileges only, additional pay guest fees. *Aspiring & Student Classifications must assist/help six events per year to maintain classification, submit 2 images per month in Aspiring image competition (free), and attend Business 101 A to Z a new photographers guide to business success ($99) in order to move to Professional Active.


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February NCPP Sustaining Members



APF is a full-service wholesale custom framing facility. We work closely with Fine Art and Framing Galleries, Interior Designers, Professional Photographers, Art Consultants, Retailers and others in need of custom framing at wholesale prices. APF specializes in creating custom programs or packages to your individual business or market needs. We offer superior quality with flexible pricing to fit your individual needs. Contact: Mike Moretti 1084 Shary Circle, #B Concord, CA 94518 (Located behind Costco) E-mail: 925-689-5177 web:


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February NCPP Sustaining Members


BAY PHOTO LAB Contact: Debbie Thomas E-mail: 510-585-7049 web: 2161 Delaware Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95060 800-435-6686 fax: 931-475-5257


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February NCPP Sustaining Members



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February NCPP Sustaining Members



Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February Our Neighboring Affiliates


PPC Professional Photographers of California Affiliates


Company Name â–˛


All Valley Professional Photographers - AVPP

La Canada Flintridge

(818) 262-7903

Associated Image Makers - AIM



Central Valley Professional Photographers - CVPP


559 266-0305

Channel Islands Professional Photographers Association - CIPPA


(805) 573-7637

Gold Coast Professional Photographers Association - GCPPA

Pismo Beach

805 733-5197

Inland Empire Professional Photographers & Videographers - IEPPV



Northern California Professional Photographers - NCPP

Walnut Creek

925 330-8737

Professional Photographers of California


Professional Photographers of Los Angeles County - PPLAC

Culver city

(818) 344-0671

Professional Photographers of North Valley - PPNV



Professional Photographers of Orange County - PPOC

Mission Viejo


Professional Photographers of Sacramento Valley - PPSV


530 363-0138

Professional Photographers of San Diego County - PPSDC

San Diego

(858) 695-9563

Professional Photographers of Santa Barbara County - PPSBC

Santa Barbara

(805) 403-6556

Professional Photographers of Santa Clara Valley - PPSCV

San Jose

408 244-2293

Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay Area - PPGBA

So. San Francisco

530 574-6033

Professional Photographers of the Redwood Empire - PPRE

Santa Rosa

707 548-1181

Stanislaus Professional Photographers - SPP


209 847-0540


Web Site

Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February NCPP Calendar


February 2013 Fri. 15th

Western Regional Print Competition Deadline is Feb 15th. See page 11 of this month’s Focal Point

Thur. 21st: NCPP Meeting – Crown Plaza, 45 John Glen Drive, Concord Special Meeting Night. 3rd Thursday this month. Jennifer Bagwell - “Boost Your Business on a Budget” NCPP Awards Night Mon. 25th: Focal Point articles due Thur. 28th: Focal Point Publish March 2013 Thur. 14th: NCPP Meeting – Crown Plaza, 45 John Glen Drive, Concord Scot and Sharon Benton – “Lighting and Posing” 7th – 14th: WPPI 2013 – MGM Las Vegas, NV. Info: Mon. 25th: Focal Point articles due Sun. 31st:

Focal Point Publish


Northern California Professional Photographers

Focal Point

February Sunset Table for Walnut Creek



Northern California Professional Photographers

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