Internal� Evaluation� System
Keller and Heckman LLP • M&G Duravent Marriot Lancaster PA New York State Chimney Sweep Guild PA Guild of Professional Chimney Sweeps SaverSystems South Carolina Chimney Sweep Guild Virginia Association of Chimney & Hearth Professionals Veracity Insurance • Wisconsin State Guild
March/April 2014 Volume 38 #3
Table of Contents Features 12 Explore Columbus P.14
14 Measuring Tape Marketing 16 Consider a Historical Financial Product 20 How Top Companies Build a Better Business at Convention
22 Innovation 2014 Exhibitor Profiles 38 CSIA Auction 2014
Departments 3 President’s Report 4 Editor’s Letter 6 Technical Q & A 8 Coach’s Corner 19 Sweep Advantage
P.20 Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology (ISSN# 10416692) is published 11 times annually, by the National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. Annual dues to the National Chimney Sweep Guild are $479 for Voting Member Companies and $689 for Supplier Member Companies, of which $80 goes toward a subscription to Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology. Additional annual subscriptions are available for $80 by contacting the National Chimney Sweep Guild at the office of publication (NCSG, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168). POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168
37 Progressive Perks 39 Perspective 40 Dates & Events 41 Humor 42 History Project 44 Classifieds
Committee Chairs and Task Forces for 2013-2014 Bylaws Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141
Government Affairs Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776
NFPA 211 Representative Randy Brooks (805) 646-8961
Convention Site Selection Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460
International Relations John Pilger (631) 863-2460
NFPA 31 Representative John Pilger (631) 863-2460
Ethics Mark Stoner (615) 459-2546
Long Range Planning Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141
NFPA 54 Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400
Governance Jay Walker (850) 562-4692
Membership Bob Ferrari (530) 221-3331
Technical Advisory Council Michael Segerstrom (908) 253-9190
TECHNICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL To contact any member of the Technical Advisory Council, please call (317) 203-0088 and select the extension for the person who is best qualified to answer your question: Chris Prior Masonry Construction and Restoration and Priorfire Fireboxes (317) 203-0088 x: 2 Jim Brewer Gas Venting and NFPA 54 (317) 203-0088 x: 3 John Pilger Oil Flue Sizing, Relining or NFPA 31 (317) 203-0088 x: 4
Fred Joy Installation and Venting of Pellet Stoves (317) 203-0088 x: 7 Jay Walker Dryer Vents (317) 203-0088 x: 8 Rett Rasmussen Vented and Vent Free Gas Logs and Controls (317) 203-0088 x: 9
Randy Brooks IRC, NFPA 211 or Customer Communications (317) 203-0088 x: 5 Bart Ogden Stainless Steel Lining, Video Scanning and Narrative Report Writing (317) 203-0088 x: 6
Rich Martinez Dryer Vents or Masonry (317) 203-0088 x: * Rich Rua General Sweeping or Relining (317) 203-0088 x: 0
Be advised that advice given by NCSG’s Technical Advisory Council (TAC) reflects best practices of the chimney sweeping industry. However, we are unable to account for any particular type of situation since regional variations in construction practices and additional environmental, physical and geographical factors necessarily vary the level of service appropriate for a particular fireplace and/or chimney. Additionally, local laws and ordinances may govern and/or supersede the information and any recommendations provided. Final determinations are the responsibility of a local professional with firsthand knowledge of the situation, and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Neither NCSG nor any member of TAC will be held liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance on information provided by anyone associated with TAC. By your use of this member benefit you acknowledge acceptance of these terms.
ADVERTISING RATES for Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology may be obtained by contacting Malisa Minetree at (317) 815-4688 or Design by Laura Houser Design • • (317) 213-7497 NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press release and articles to interim editor Cindy Dashnaw at Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format. In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing, nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release. NCSG further reserves the right to reject at any time any advertising determined not to be in keeping with the publication’s standards. Acceptance of advertising by Sweeping magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products or services advertised. NCSG does not make any effort to review or substantiate claims made by advertisers. © 2013 National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. (317) 837-1500
NCSG BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-2014 President, At-Large Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460 Vice President, At-Large Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 Treasurer, Region 2 Bob Fleer (410) 544-7600 Secretary, At-Large Fred Joy (785) 986-6432 Region 1 Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776 Region 3 Ron Rust (803) 730-5858 Region 4 Ken Hoelscher (937) 833-0505 Region 5 Jasper Drengler (715) 304-8934 Region 6 Bob Ferrari (530) 941-5818 At-Large Director Gregg Boss (636) 391-2226 Supplier Representative Edmund Poplawski (570) 504-7107
STAFF 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-1500 Fax: (317) 837-5365 Frances Kelly Excecutive Director Megan McMahon Director of Finance Debbie Cornelius Membership Development Coordinator Donna Lee Kasmer CSIA Certification Coordinator Claire Rutledge Program Coordinator
Darcy Marlett Director of Communications and Marketing Tom Spalding CSIA Director of Communications and Marketing Ashley Edridge Director of Education Sara Sichting Office Manager
President’s Report
ell, the Bad weather still seems to be affecting many across the nation. Many are trying to just work the best they can when they can. I hope you all take the precautions necessary when working in the types of weather we have been experiencing.
Region 1 Phil Mitchell, Region 2 Bob Fleer, Region 3 Ron Rust, Region 6 Bob Ferrari. Kevon Binder is Region 4 new director. Jeremy Biswell and I remain At-Large-Directors. Congratulations to all.
See you in Columbus, The staff has been working long and hard on getting things in Diane Pilger place for the upcoming NCSG Innovations 2014 Convention NCSG - President and Tradeshow. The program is in place and the trade show is sold out. If you haven’t registered yet you still a little time left. Don’t forget about our off-site event on Wednesday evening at COSI. The theme for the Auction on Friday night is A Night at the Zoo. You can bring something if you like to donate to the Ignite your potential with Thermocrete™, patented technology, guaranteed results. CSIA Auction, as well as for the silent auction which goes to help sponsor Sweeps Week. You can get all the information you need at WWW.NCSG. org then scroll down to the bottom and click on the Innovation icon. I hope you all come and take advantage of all the educational offerings, as well as all Just ask the professionals,Thermocrete Ceramic Flue Sealant is the most versatile the trade show Vendors have to offer. solution for chimney restoration and repair. Please plan on attending the Pete Luter Innovation Awards presented by SNEWS on Thursday evening. Call for information to become
Seal Your Bottom Line
Thanks to all who took the time to vote during the NCSG Board of Director elections. Also, thanks to all who stepped up to the plate and ran for a seat. The following Directors have retained their seats.
a Thermocrete dealer.
• Professionals welcome to apply for dealerships. • Training also available for Dealers with new employees. • A commitment of marketing support after training makes us unique and effective.
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“Taking the Thermocrete training put our new business into the black. It was the smartest move we could make as businessmen.”
toll free 866-439-0069 phone 207-439-0069 MARCH/APRIL 14 SWEEPING 3
Editor’s Letter
arch is finally here and with it NCSG Innovation 2014. The last few months have flown by as the staff and I have worked hard to make sure our members have a great experience in Columbus.
you to read through the convention articles and consider joining us next year. With a little planning ahead of time attending the national convention can not only be an informative experience but an affordable one as well.
If you are going to convention this year you will find many articles in this issue on how to get the most out of your experience. There are tips on networking, the tradeshow, places to eat while out and about in Columbus and even costume ideas for the auction. Also be sure to get ready for the tradeshow by reading through the profiles of some of the companies that will have booths this year.
If you see me be at convention be sure to stop and say hello. I am very excited to meet everyone in person and speak with members about what they want to see in Sweeping Magazine. See you in Columbus! Cheers,
For those of you not joining us in Columbus this year I encourage
Sweeping_Smoothcore Z-Max 7.35x4.875_January 26, 2013.pdf
9:30 PM
Triple Lock® Smoothcore™ All Fuels Chimney Liner • Eliminates the turbulence that’s inherent with corrugated liners, improving draft • Resists corrosive attack by not impeding the flow of condensate down the liner and less opportunity for soot to accumulate
Z-Max Rain Cap & Lock ‘N Go Base Tee • Z-Max Rain Cap with protective ember screen shields chimney from snow, driving rain and animal intrusions. Quick removal for easy cleaning
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• Z-Max Lock ‘N Go Base Tee installs in half the time of standard tees, with no special installation tools required • All products cULus tested and listed by UL to UL1777 and ULC S635
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Take advantage of our Early Buy Loyalty Program and Olympia will extend to you a 5% or 10% Loyalty Discount on all future orders for the remainder of the year. BUY NOW Purchase any of our products between February 1, 2014 and July 31, 2014 .** • Orders under $4,000 receive special payment terms. • All orders $4,000 - $8,000 receive a 10% discount off of the Early Buy order and special payment terms. 5% Loyalty Discount. *** • All orders over $8,000 receive a 10% discount off of the Early Buy order and special payment terms. 10% Loyalty Discount.*
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* Valid Credit Application must be on file ** Minimum Order $200 *** With the Loyalty Discount, the customer receives the applicable discount on all future orders after the placement of the Early Buy order. The Loyalty Discount applies to manufactured items only, excluding custom components and purchased products. The Loyalty Discount expires on January 31, 2015. Early Buy and Loyalty Discounts are not combined. **** Subject to credit approval
w w w. o l y m p i a c h i m n ey. co m • P h o n e : 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 6 9 - 1 4 2 5
Technical Q&A
I recently started my own sweeping and repair business after working for somebody else for many years. The guy I worked for was a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild but we never went to Convention. I’m a member of the NCSG with my new company, and I want to know why I should go to convention?
Years ago I personally found myself in the same position. I had learned more about the National Chimney Sweep Guild and Convention just by joining with my company, than I had learned in the years I had worked for somebody else. There are many reasons to go to Convention, and the importance of each reason can vary company to company, from sweep to sweep, but each reason is important. Here we will highlight a few. People. Going to Convention gives us an opportunity to meet people. We will often get to meet our NCSG region director as well as other key people such as the NCSG President, other Board Members, the Executive Director, and staff members. We will get to put faces to the names of people we might speak to, read about, or hear about. There is also a good chance that will be able to spend some time with them and get to know them a little, and let them get to know us. We also get to meet the vendors, manufacturers, and distributors at the trade show. We might get to meet the person we talk to when we order a chimney liner, some brushes, or a chimney cap. This gives us a chance to have great discussions at their booth, as well as at the other events at convention. Some of us can use that as an opportunity to thank them for their customer service, or even offer suggestions on products we want them to carry, or ways that they can improve the products they have, and we can do this face to face. We also have an opportunity to meet the CSIA President, and often most of the CSIA Board of Directors shaking hands, learning more about the CSIA and what they do. We can visit their booth, ask questions, and if we are not CSIA certified, we can perhaps learn more about the value of the credential. How it has changed over the years, and how it is the foremost sweep certification in the industry.
And we get to meet fellow sweeps. Sweeps that work in our area, sweeps that work in our region, sweeps that work all across the country, and we even get to meet some sweeps from other parts of the world!. At the convention we can meet our brothers and sisters in soot, we can talk shop, we can swap stories of customers, stories of hard jobs, ask about the different products and tools used in different areas, and become friends with those that we used to call competitors. Many of us have made good friends at convention, and some of us have made lifelong friends! Education. Whether or not you are certified, there’s always great education at convention. Classes on chimney inspection, sales and marketing, safety, code changes, troubleshooting chimneys, repairing chimneys, even how to build a fireplace. From year to year the classes change, but there’s always a good variety of offerings. If you are certified, these classes earn you CEUs towards recertification! Certified or not, continuing education is a great way to stay on top of changes in the industry. Tools, equipment, and products. Convention is a great time to see the latest innovations in the industry. The trade show offers a wide variety of things to see! Manufactures will often launch new products at convention, and we’ll get to see it first hand. Some manufacturers will also enter their products in the Pete Luter Award competition, which takes place at Convention. We’ll get to see changes to the products we already use, and improvements that may be available with our repair and servicing tools. Booth by booth, we can walk through and see all kinds of things. Will get some swag along the way, and we can also often buy things right at convention and even get convention discounts! Many times I’ve wondered if a new product or tool would be right for my company, and then I saw it at convention, got to hold it in my hands, maybe even use it, and it really helped me decide. These are just a few of the reasons to go to convention. There are more. The keynote speaker, a chance to volunteer and give back, the CSIA Information Meeting, the NCSG Annual Membership Meeting, the Banquet and Awards Ceremony, The CSIA Benefit Auction, to name a few. Bringing our employees is also a great idea. They get to meet other sweeps, swap stories, get education and see new products too! For those of us who have been going to convention for years, each of us has our highlights, has our convention stories, and has our most important reason to go. The only way to find out your reason is to go, and take in as much as we can. I hope to see everyone at Convention, catching up with old friends and making new ones!
LOCKED TO LAST! 100% Unbreakable
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Listed here are ALL the chimney Liner Manufacturers with a BASE TEE Horizontal Connector That Installs in LESS THAN 20 SECONDS!
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Coach’s Corner
Your Roadmap To Domination
ne of the objectives I promote to each business owner is that they create a roadmap to reach their businesses desired goals. In order to do this, it is important that a business’ numbers are both known and understood. This is a skill that is not under the responsibilities of an accountant as many will assume, rather it is the role of the Chief Financial Officer, who we call the CFO. This is a specialized skill that all companies should have. However very few companies have the financial resources
to afford this position full time. There is a solution, however, and that is to engage the services of a contract CFO who will provide these serves to an array of businesses. I recommend the services of several of these and have requested that one of my network partners, Patricia Lawrence, who was recommended to me by Susanne Dombrowski as a great contract CFO, author this month’s column. I hope the information she provides you gives you a firm foothold on your own roadmap. -Jerry Isenhour
Visit us at the Trade Show Booth #615 & #617
If you’re like many entrepreneurs and business owners I talk to, you probably ask yourself, “what’s all this fuss about a budget? I know what’s going on with my business.” While that may be the case at this particular moment, what about the plan that is in your head for what you want to achieve this year? Do you know what level of profit is possible for the sales that you envision? How much cash is required? There are so many questions that can be answered by the budget process and a good budget model, including the ones above. Bottom line – a budget is a vital tool for your company’s success. Quantifies Business Goals. To be sure, a budget is NOT a crystal ball; however, it can serve as a place to consolidate and quantify all of your planning ideas so that you can see the financial impact of all of those thoughts before you act on them. If you have a strategic plan (you do, don’t you?), you should review the tactical items that
need to be implemented in Year 1 – this year. These tactical items (goals) will need to be achieved during the year in order for you to make progress against your strategic plan. Quantifying goals is fairly straightforward – list the goal, calculate the revenue it will generate (along with when it will happen), estimate the cost associated with it (additional employees, marketing expense, etc.) and add it to your current base of business. Once your goals are quantified, they can be broken down into smaller pieces (departmental sales and expense budgets) to be shared with managers and staff. That way everyone will be able to make a contribution toward achieving the overall goal. Your job will be to motivate everyone along the way to achieve the overall company goal and to put in place processes that ensure accountability. Serves as a Roadmap. Not many folks use roadmaps anymore – you know, the kind that you have problems folding back up into that neat little packet? Now we rely mainly on GPS to get us where we want to go. Whichever you prefer, both provide you with the path to get from Point A to Point B. Similarly, a budget will serve as your financial roadmap for the year, with your annual business goals embedded in the details. Discipline, however, is required to ensure that the overall goal is fully achieved. And because you can’t foresee all possible risks and opportunities for the coming year as you build your budget, you are starting with a platform from which you can evaluate future events. What good is your roadmap if distances aren’t indicated? You can’t answer the question, “Are we there yet?” You need to be able to regularly assess your progress toward your goal. “You can’t change what you don’t measure” – this sums up the importance of a budget and regular measurement. Measurement of progress against the budget is the ultimate test of discipline! Mitigates Risk. As a result of your preparation, ongoing measurement and discipline to your budget, you should be making fewer READY-FIRE-AIM decisions for your business. These are the unplanned, spontaneous decisions (think impulse buying) that tempt you throughout the year. Some of these decisions have high risk-high reward profiles, but were never contemplated for budget purposes. These opportunities may be fabulously profitable and seem like they should have been budgeted. To that I say, “No worries!” You just need to drop back (before you pull the trigger on your decision), put pencil to paper (or use Excel), and calculate the cost and benefits of your opportunity – this is called decision modeling. It is far better to make a mistake on paper than it is to implement a bad, and many times, costly decision. Enables Faster Decision Making. It should go without saying that if you have the financial impact of your 2014 goals quantified, any decisions that you will contemplate over the course of the year will be much easier to evaluate. The reason – you have put much thought into your budget, and any opportunities that come along will utilize the budget as a basis for the decision. For example, say an opportunity to launch a new service presents itself in August. You will be able to MARCH/APRIL 14 SWEEPING 9
determine if your business is achieving its goals (how is your performance to-date against budget?) and if so, understand how the opportunity (revenue, expenses and cash) fits into your plan. To be sure, there will be a separate analysis performed on the viability of the opportunity (does it fit/expand your customer base, what is the competitive landscape for this service, will it grow or cannibalize current sales, etc.). However, you will be much more prepared to make a decision given the wealth of information available from your budget process. Anyone can pull together pieces of a budget. Most owners feel pretty comfortable estimating their sales and know what big plans they have for the New Year. And while those are two major components of a budget, there are many more details that must be weighed and considered as part of the process. Assumptions, historical trends, economic climate, customer preferences, vendor relations, competitive environment, pricing, wages, taxes, benefits, staffing, utilities, travel – all these (and more) need to be rationalized and quantified. To do it right and make the budget a real “GPS” for your business, it helps to partner with a professional who has hands-on operational expertise and has experience constructing budgets. These folks understand all of the various facets of a budget, appreciate the importance of getting the process right, and can provide a fresh perspective. Typically, they are not the same individuals
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who prepare your tax return. A controller or CFO would be the person doing this type of work inside your company. If you don’t have either of these on staff, consider a “CFO for hire” who has an operational background. These are the folks who are experts at planning and will agree that budgeting is both art and science. About the Author: Patricia Lawrence, CMA is a principal and consulting CFO with the firm Implementation Management Group LLC. She has over 25 years of combined corporate and consulting experience in the areas of accounting, business analytics and financial management. To begin the proper planning that creates lasting, impactful change or for more information, contact or by phone at 717.917.0342. Follow her on Twitter @_PattyLawrence. About the Author: Jerry Isenhour is an industry consultant, educator and coach who authors a monthly article in Sweeping as a service to the industry. For more information about Jerry and how his team can assist you individually and your business in your quest for success and your ascent to the next level, take a look at his web site He can be contacted at or by phone at (704) 425-0217. You can also obtain great business tips from his Facebook page CVC Coaching.
The premier chimney cap for keeping smoke out of living spaces. • Vacu-Stack® works with single wall, double wall, triple wall, or masonry. • Solves draft problems related to hills and mountains, tall trees, and tall buildings near the chimney. • Sizes available from 3” to 30”+; custom and oversize available. Air cooled and non-air cooled.
Model VSA-TDW for air cooled chimney
the authentic Available from leading distributors nationwide.
• Standard construction is 100% austenitic stainless steel; also available in other alloys including copper and Type 316 for marine/coal appliances. Improved Consumer Products, Inc. PO Box B Attleboro Falls, MA 02763 (508) 695-7000 Fax: (508) 695-4209
Although there have been
many attempts to copy it over the last 40+ years, there is only one Vacu-Stack®.
Always ask for it by name and look for
the seal of authenticity on top of the cap.
100% made in USA
Explore Columbus
Columbus has one of the country’s most innovative food scenes. From vegan to BBQ, you’ll find more than 100 restaurants downtown offering most every kind of cuisine.
ith a lively arts and entertainment scene, great shopping and professional sports, there’s always something fun happening in Ohio’s capital city.
Your COMPLETE Fireplace Source!
Four of Columbus’ top entertainment areas surround downtown meaning you don’t have to venture far to have a good time. Next to the Greater Columbus Convention Center, the Arena District is home to the Blue Jackets NHL and Clippers Triple-A Baseball teams, concerts, restaurants and nightclubs. In the neighboring Short North Arts District, you’ll find restaurants, galleries, boutiques and nightclubs. South of downtown are German Village, a historic district with restaurants and shops, and the Brewery District, home to the nation’s largest theater troupe, Shadowbox Live. Visiting over the first Saturday of the month? Check out the Short North’s Gallery Hop, when the galleries and boutiques stay open late and entertainers line the streets.
Explore downtown’s new parks - Columbus Commons and the Scioto Mile that stretches along the riverfront with a stunning fountain at its southern end. Central Ohio is packed with fun attractions, including the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, voted the favorite zoo of America by USA Travel Guide, and COSI Columbus, the No. 1 science center in the country for families according to Parents magazine. Central Ohio is known for shopping. At Easton Town Center, just 15 minutes from downtown, you’ll find Macy’s, Nordstrom and hundreds of specialty stores, along with one of the city’s best collections of restaurants and entertainment venues. Head 20 minutes north to Polaris Fashion Place, which has five anchors including Saks Fifth Avenue.
What Can Sweeps America Offer To You?? ü Fireplaces Galore! ü Stoves - Wood AND Pellet! ü Glass Enclosures! ü Gas Logs - Vented & Vent Free! ü Electric Heaters! ü More Hearth Accessories Than You Can Count! ü FREE 216 Page Catalog - Call Us!
Serving Sweeps for 35+ Years! A Division Of Fireside Distributors ~ Raleigh, NC
Spend your nights at one of Columbus’ performing arts events. Among your choices are BalletMet, Broadway Across America-Columbus, the Columbus Jazz Orchestra, The Columbus Symphony and the Contemporary American Theatre Company. See world-class visual art at the Columbus Museum of Art, the Wexner Center for the Arts, The King Arts Complex and Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, the only botanical garden in the world with a permanent collection of glass artwork by Dale Chihuly. Sports fans can cheer on the Blue Jackets NHL ice hockey team, the Crew Major League Soccer team and the Columbus Clippers, the Triple-A affiliate of the Cleveland Indians. There’s also the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Jack Nicklaus Museum-a mustsee for golf fans.
Tired of Sweeping Pre-Fab Chimneys with No Up-Sales? Increase Revenue and Add Value on Your Next Chimney Cleaning Call How many times have you finished cleaning a chimney only to find the hearth is cracked? You’re perfectly proud of your work, and yet the job isn’t complete – not with unsightly cracks or, worse yet, unsafe refractory panels. So what happens next? You tell your customer you’ll have to order a replacement only to find later that the company is out of business, or the part is on backorder, or the new panel has arrived – broken. By the time you get back with your customer, their interest in this repair job is gone.
Don’t let a Real-Time Sales Opportunity be Missed!
2" x 6½" Brick Pattern PFP2433SB
24" x 34" x 1⅛"
24" x 42" x 1⅛"
Have a stock of our Premier Refractory Panels on your truck ready to go. You’ll be able to replace the firebox walls and floor, to make the whole hearth look like new. National Chimney’s Premier Refractory Panels are made from the highest quality materials, are thicker than most factory-supplied panels, and are made “Cut-to-Fit” for easy installation. There are 6 different size/pattern combinations to choose from. And if you order now, Shipping is Free when you order 10 panels or more.
Hurry, offer expires 4/30/14
4" x 8" Brick Pattern PFP2442LB
24" x 42" x 1⅛"
42" x 24" x 1⅛"
with orders of 10 or more Refractory Panels Mention code 1-14CSSSnews when calling Think about it…In most markets, you can recover the cost of your entire order by doing just TWO panel replacement jobs. Plus, You Pay Nothing for Shipping! You may order any combination of our 10 Premier panels and still get this great deal. But don’t delay. This offer will be over before you know it.
Call 800.897.8481 NOW to order your panels and start increasing your profits!
12" x 24" x 2"
15¾" x 24" x 2"
No Brick Pattern
– Ask about our skylights and solar attic fans –
Measuring Tape Marketing
’m sure you have heard the phrase, “If all you have is a hammer, then every problem you encounter ends up looking like a nail.” It’s a funny thought, but there’s a lot of truth to it. We rarely think about a challenge we face with anything other than the usual solutions in our toolbox. The more familiar the solution, the more it seems to appeal to us.
truly needs to grow. It may be that in your part of the world, direct mail circulars really are the most cost-effective means of reaching your target market. No one would be as surprised as I if that indeed turned out to be the case… But stranger things have happened, and you’ll never know for sure unless you measure.
Always Measure. We could even take this analogy further and apply it to business marketing. If a business owner has always relied on ValPak, then ValPak may be the only thing he’s willing to invest in, even if it no longer packs the same value it once did. To another, the answer is still Yellow pages advertising, because the answer for him has always been Yellow Pages. And when it doesn’t work as well as it used to, the answer is to double down, doing even more of the same thing, hoping for a different result. I bet you would expect a digital marketer like me to follow those statements with something like, “You should really be using online marketing instead, because that’s the sharpest tool in the toolbox,” right? Wrong. Surprised? Let me explain. The most important tool in your marketing toolbox is feedback. Information. Data. It’s your measuring tape. Without it, you’ll never have a clear idea of what marketing mix your business
As a consultant, I am amazed every time I talk to a small business owner who doesn’t know where his core business is coming from. There is usually a vague sort of sense of what may be working, but when I ask for the numbers, there aren’t any to be had. Nothing. No actual measurements were made, no tracking implemented, no periodic evaluations of the marketing budget. Just year after year of high-dollar spending, literally throwing money into the air and hoping the wind doesn’t come sweep it all away before any of it has a chance to take root and do any good. I call it the “Spend and Pray” model of marketing, and any business owner who employs it is succeeding despite himself, if he is succeeding at all. The only way you will ever know if a marketing tactic is bringing you back more than you are putting out is to measure results. This does require patience and diligence, but you’ll be rewarded with the kind of competitive intel that others only dream about.
How to measure? You can get as high-tech or as old-school as you like on this part, but start with the six little words that you should say every time you talk to a customer for the first time. These words come right after the word Hello, and they are “How did you hear about us?” But it’s not enough to simply ask the question. You must record the answers. Keep a pad of paper next to every phone and computer in your place of business. Make it a part of your religion to ask and record, and soon, you will have a much more accurate understanding of how people are finding out about you. It’s a start. I’m under no illusions about online marketing. It’s not a holy grail (queue the angelic choir), and it’s by no means the only strategy you should be trying. But the reason I love online marketing so much is because it is so easy to get meaningful feedback very quickly. With web site tracking tools, I can know within minutes or hours if a new tactic on a web site is going to perform well. And if not, I can make adjustments the same afternoon, and by the following afternoon, measure again. Try that with magazine advertising. I thought so. But there are ways to track the effectiveness of your offline ads and marketing, too. Much of the time the measurements will be made via those six magic words, either over the phone, or a web site contact form.
By measuring not only how many customers are coming from a particular source, but also the quality of customers you are getting from each source, you are now equipped to make some business-altering decisions. You are finally able to stop wasting money on the ineffective kind of marketing, and to start applying your resources to only those activities that are showing you the kind of return on your marketing investment you deserve. If you approach every marketing opportunity with a measuring tape, you’ll never be disappointed in your results. In fact, every new marketing tactic you try will yield exactly what you need it to: information. Knowledge about what works and, more importantly, what doesn’t. Never again will you be even remotely tempted to allow that pushy salesperson to talk you into a big premium package, not unless you already know it’s working for you. And that’s what Measuring Tape Marketing is really about: putting YOU back in charge of your business decisions. Carter Harkins is one-half of the ownership at Spark Marketer, an online marketing agency which is taking seriously the charge of equipping its customers with data-driven strategies, training and tools for marketing success. Photo by
What to measure? When gathering up all of this glorious data, the temptation is to simply count up the number of times a particular marketing source is mentioned, and then jump to the conclusion that this is the one thing that is working out the best for you. But you’d be doing yourself a real disservice if you chose to stop there. With a little extra work, you can track the actual customer through your system, from first call to paid invoice. This is where the real enlightenment begins. In my experience, when a business owner pulls this information together for the first time, they are shocked to learn two things. First, the best source of new business is rarely what the business owner has always assumed. And second, there is usually a big surprise when it is revealed which marketing source brings in the best kind of business (the kind of customers who spend more, and stay loyal.)
Consider a Historical Financial Product for Uncertain Times – Life Insurance
ould you like to have ‘permission’ to enjoy your retirement with a more tax efficient legacy and more confidence in providing for a surviving spouse?
If you can achieve a legacy through your retirement account, congratulations! After you pass, however, will you be happy that your heirs may spend your money on travel, a new car, a boat, other toys, and the second home that you passed up?
For retirement we all tend to have two primary objectives: income to live on and a legacy.
There is another kick in the chops with this strategy – will your heirs pay more in taxes on your retirement accounts than you saved on taxes?1
Funding a tax deferred retirement account is intended to provide income in retirement. However, do you know what that income will be? Would you be afraid to spend down your retirement assets which may result in running out of money if you ‘live too long’, experience a long term care event, possible market losses, inflation/deflation, potential tax increases, or other risks?
To avoid the above unintended consequences I strongly recommend that you: 1. Consider your retirement income distribution strategy 2. Define and fund your legacy plan 3. Start your wealth accumulation plan
Do you also want to maintain your nest egg for your children or other heirs?
Consider reallocating a percentage of your assets to a life insurance policy that can significantly help to fund your legacy with an income tax free death benefit (note: the death benefit could be subject to estate taxes – consult with your tax advisor).
Will you skip out on travel, going out, a new car, a boat, enjoying your hobbies, or a second home to maintain your nest egg for your heirs?
How many of you have dealt with parents or other loved ones who incurred significant expenses due to ill health or long term care before passing? How did the surviving spouse maintain
a respectable lifestyle? How did the heirs feel about watching their inheritance evaporate to pay the bills? In a single or dual parent household having life insurance on Father AND Mother is a moral obligation to consider. The surviving parent or children can receive a tax free death benefit to help: • Replace lost retirement income such as a social security check • Replace retirement assets lost to pay medical expenses or market losses • Repay the out of pocket expenses paid by children to care for their parent(s) There are several living benefits to Life Insurance including but not limited to: • Disability protection – the insurance company pays your premium if you are unable to work due to injury or illness • Guaranteed future life insurance purchases without medical underwriting2 • Consider obtaining a more inexpensive term policy with quality conversion options to a permanent policy when you become more successful • Permanent life insurance (whole life) policies may have cash value accumulation • Some policies allow for a cash contribution in excess
of the annual premium – this will help build cash value and death benefit • Some policies may achieve ‘premium offset’ – when cash value is adequate dividends can be used to pay premium instead of you writing a check to pay premium3 • Cash Value can be used during your working years or as a retirement supplement while alive • However, the tradeoff of taking a cash value loan or withdrawal would be an expected reduction in your death benefit.4 • This tradeoff may be acceptable for emergencies or by a surviving spouse, which is up to you when the time comes Permanent life insurance can be a very flexible financial product that can give you ‘permission’ to enjoy your retirement with less worry about a surviving spouse or wrecking your legacy, and doing so in a more tax efficient manner. However, one must be aware of the proper use of life insurance in your overall planning. Getting the most out of versatile life insurance for your working, retirement, and estate planning means acknowledging the reality of needing a knowledgeable advisor, and/or a highly rated insurance company.
Energy-Saving Dampers Setting The Standard For
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Life insurance is a long term investment with upfront costs and must be properly funded. This is not a get rich quick scheme, and requires proper funding. Do not use your permanent life insurance policy as a temporary ‘savings account’ – money placed in a cash value life insurance policy should be intended to fulfill a long term goal. There is a reason why people either maintain or purchase permanent life insurance after the age of 60. Stretch out your time horizon and find out about this historically proven strategy early in life so it is easier to implement. You now have ‘permission’ to enjoy your life. Brian has helped many business owners and individuals strengthen their lives and wealth with historically proven strategies that matches each individual’s core values and beliefs. He can be reached at (860) 606-0834 or Brian_Noe@
Superior Design • Permanent Cast-Aluminum Construction • Easily Mounts Atop a Flue Tile • Silicone Rubber Prevents Energy Loss • Easy Opening with Power-level Assist • Less Fraying Due to Larger Diameter Cables • Low Profile to Maintain the Authentic Look of the Chimney
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Registered Representative and Financial Advisor of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS), 197 Scott Swamp Road, Farmington, CT 06032, 860-677-2600. Securities products/services and advisory services are offered through PAS, a registered broker-dealer and investment advisor. Financial Representative, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian), New York, NY. PAS is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Guardian. MW Financial Group, Ltd. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. PAS is a member FINRA, SIPC. 1
uardian, its subsidiaries, agents or employees do not give G tax or legal advice. Individuals should consult a qualified professional to evaluate their individual circumstances. Riders may incur an additional cost. Rider benefits may not be available in all states. Dividends are not guaranteed. They are declared annually by Guardian’s Board of Directors. Policy benefits are reduced by any outstanding loan or loan interest and/or withdrawals. Dividends, if any, are affected by policy loans and loan interest. Withdrawals above the cost basis may result in taxable ordinary income. If the policy lapses, or is surrendered, any loans considered gain in the policy may be subject to ordinary income taxes. If the policy is a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC), loans are treated like withdrawals, but as gain first, subject to ordinary income taxes. If the policy owner is under 59 ½, any taxable withdrawal is also subject to a 10% tax penalty.
GEAR 2013-14220
2013 – 2014 Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program Featured Coupons of the Month The 2013 – 2014 offers are available in the “Members Only” section of the NCSG website at These coupons will be good until June 30, 2014 unless otherwise noted Copperfield Chimney Supply • Canterbury Enterprises • ENERVEX, Inc. • Firesafe Industries, Inc. • HearthMasters, Inc.• HY-C Company • Lindemann Chimney Supply • Meyer Machine and Equipment • National Chimney Supply • Olympia Chimney Supply • RLH Industries, Inc. • Royal Chimney Supply • SaverSystems • Spark Marketer • Ventech Industries, Inc./Thermocrete/Smoktite • Wohler USA Inc. • Z-Flex
SAVE UP TO $ Varies
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One FREE pail of Smoktite with the purchase of a complete Smoktite System
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These are just a few of the many offers available to you as a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. Visit to learn more and to start saving!
How Top Companies Build A Better Business At Convention
little forethought will bring you big returns when you attend the National Convention. Try not to think of it as a vacation but rather as a unique time to invest in yourself and your business.
1. Plan your travel. Arrive the day before. You can start the convention showered and rested. If you are crossing times zones it’s even more important. That extra cost for a hotel night will pay you back in alertness and focus through the week. Scope out registration, meeting areas, and restaurants in advance. You’ll sleep better. 2. Stay at the host hotel. You may shave some dollars by staying elsewhere but it will cost you in parking fees, time, and connectedness. There will be much more going on than is on the official list and you’ll be glad to stay late and be part of the action. There is scientific evidence that key insights come from random interactions with people you don’t know and who are not like you. You can leverage these big time after official hours.
3. Why are you going? Get clear about three things that, should they happen, will complete your goals for this year. You have the “Where”, get the “Why”, and the “Who” and “What” will be obvious. 4. Who would you like to meet? Make a list of three key people whose brains you’d love to pick. Contact them in advance and ask if they’d have time for some coffee or a beer during convention or ask your Regional NCSG Rep if they can help connect you. You might not get them alone but you’ll get to be part of some stimulating conversation and make new friends. 5. Check out the vendors ahead of time. Are any of them potential allies in hitting your goal? Highlight them and phone or email them to set up a meeting prior to convention. That’s why they come. Once again, your Regional NCSG representative is there to connect you to who might be able to help you.
6. Have a budget. There are some great convention prices to take advantage of. You can pay for large costs of your trip just in savings by purchasing tools or materials, that you are going to buy anyway, at a convention price or at auction. Have an amount set in advance and know what you want to buy. Set aside an amount for yourself to share for meetings with key people and others. Givers gain. 7. What seminars are you attending? Mark them out in advance with their times and rooms. If there is a conflict between two choose just one. Don’t make getting CEUs the priority. You are after knowledge and relationships. 8. If it is your first convention or you are a new Sweep business - be sure to attend the new sweep orientation. You’ll be glad for the results.
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Exhibitor Profiles A. W. PERKINS COMPANY 36 Curtis Avenue Rutland, VT 05701 (800) 698-7412 (802) 773-3600 A.W. Perkins Company is the industry’s leading supplier of Professional Chimney Power Sweeping Equipment and Rotary Dryer Vent Cleaning Equipment. Our Rutland, Vermont manufacturing facility builds the unsurpassed RoVac Chimney and Dryer Vent Cleaning Vacuum which both collects dust during sweeping and picks up sweeping debris. Our RoVac Cleaning Systems pairs our RoVac Vacuums with the original ButtonLok Chimney Rods, Enforcer ButtonLok Steel Rods/Tools and ButtonLok Chimney Brushes and Medusa whips, Stinger whips and creosote removing chains. Our spring mounted brushes for dryer vent cleaning have become industry standard, and we now offer versions for pellet stoves and air ducts. Our newest items are a video recording flashlight and a PAPR respirator. We also make a line of high-temperature cements and mortars, high temperature silicone sealants, Hearthglass Cleaner, and Break-N-Burn fire starters. Contact us today for a catalog and look for us at industry trade shows.
AHRENS CHIMNEY TECHNIQUE INC. 2000 Industrial Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104 (800) 843-4417 Fax: (605)335-1525 A successful chimney professional needs products and knowledge to solve customer problems at a profit. Internationally respected for the Ahrens poured-in-place chimney lining system, Ahrens offers the products and tools to boost your bottom line. Chamber-Tech 2000, an amazing high temperature insulating mortar for smoke chamber restoration, along with our newly developed Ahren-Fire fireplace restoration system are just a couple of specialty products available as profit potential to you. Call and receive our Chim-Pro Chimney & Fireplace Restoration catalog and handbook. It contains all the tools, products and knowledge to get the job done right.
Breckwell Hearth Products 227 Industrial Park Road South Pittsburg, TN 37380 866-606-8444 Breckwell has been a leader in the hearth industry since 1987, raising the industry standard for dependable performance by which other companies measure. We began manufacturing pellet stoves in 1987, and gas stoves in 1993. Our focus is to get “affordable alternative heating” into as many homes as possible. We do so by using energy efficienct designs, automated manufacturing and a knowledgeable, dedicated dealer network. Breckwell continues to earn it’s reputation as the most “Bullet Proof” brand of pellet stove.
CANTERBURY ENTERPRISES - EARTH’S FLAME INC. 440 E. Harrison Ave. Corona, CA 92879 (800) 321-6566 Wood Burning Fireplace Retro-fit Technology Approved by EPA for Partnership Program Earth’s Flame has the lowest rating on the market and has received such inclusion in this program. Reduces emissions up to 78%, while doubling the radiant heat. Safety features include reducing creosote accumulation which lessens potential for chimney fires and decreases carbon monoxide by 60%. For every 1,000 homes burning a ½ cord of wood per year, the Earth’s Flame retrofit could reduce their total emissions by 5.5 tons per year. Earth’s Flame is the answer to ensure that there is reliable heat in homes. Increasing radiant heat up to 115% compared to a standard cast iron grate. Furthermore, Earth’s Flame produces up to 20 times more radiant heat than a wax fire log, and 5 times more than a gas log set. Even if there are power outages or no gas, Earth’s Flame will still increase the radiant heat by 40%, so it is the solution to heat homes.
Certified Chimney Professionals PO Box 300, Lemont, PA 16851 814-689-1576 Certified Chimney Professionals has been providing an alternative in Chimney Sweeping Certification since 2010.
ComfortGeni, LLC. 1427 W. 86th St. Suite 328 Indianapolis, IN 46260 Tel: (317) 650-5348 Fax (317) 471-0107
We offer the traditional Chimney Professional Certification and the industries FIRST comprehensive Chimney Relining Certification and Certified Master Chimney Technician Certification. We set you apart from your competition.
Winner of the Hearth & Home 2012 Vesta Award for Hearth Accessories ComfortGeni ( produces residential fan products designed to efficiently move air from roomto-room and level-to-level increasing the capabilities of wood, gas or pellet stoves. ComfortGeni operates at a safe, low voltage with an energy efficient automatic temperature sensor, which turns the fan on and off, as heat is available. ComfortGeni is easy to install and is operated by remote control providing unmatched convenience. The whisper quiet operation and neutral appearance allows the product to blend into any décor. ComfortGeni is available throughout the US and Canada through a growing number of hearth distributors (
Our certifications are designed around the needs/desires of the modern sweep. Online certification, comprehensive, & at a low cost. We save you time, travel and $$$! Visit our website at: for more information or our booth for our latest Coupon Program where we have coupons you can actually use which can save you thousands of dollars!
Chimney Safety Institute of America 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-5362 Fax: (317) 837-5364 The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) is a 501 ©3 nonprofit organization governed by volunteer industry professionals and technical experts across the country. Established over 30 years ago, the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep (CCS) credential is still the best method for homeowners to measure a chimney sweeps professional education with a commitment to the elimination of residential chimney fires, carbon monoxide intrusion and other chimney related hazards that result in the loss of lives and property. CSIA devotes its resources to educating the public and related industries through its public relations efforts and its relationships with affiliated trades such as home inspectors, oil heating service managers and the media.
CHIMNEY SWEEP NEWS, THE (SNEWS) 12119 Lupine Ln Klamath Falls, OR 97603 (800) 474-5196 The Chimney Sweep News (SNEWS) is the essential publication for today’s chimney professional - timely, educational and entertaining. In six issues each year, The Chimney Sweep News features the latest information on products, business building, skills and techniques. Our acclaimed original writing and photography is contributed by working chimney sweeps, suppliers and experts in related trades. There is no other publication in the world like The Chimney Sweep News, devoted to the North American chimney professional. “Nurturing, troubleshooting, self-directly learning, risky, hard working. And above all, amazing. The magazine fits the profession, doesn’t it?” wrote John Crouch. Please subscribe today call us at 800-474-5196.
Copperfield Chimney Supply 304 South 20th Street, Fairfield, IA 52556 800-247-3305
Copperfield Chimney Supply has been filling the supply and accessory needs of chimney professionals, hearth retailers, masons, and contractors for over 35 years. Copperfield has the privilege of serving over 80% of the chimney professionals in America. In addition to being a one-stop wholesale shopping headquarters for chimney professionals and hearth retailers, Copperfield plays a major role in providing the industry with business building and marketing information. From its headquarters in Fairfield, Iowa, customer orders are transmitted to the appropriate warehouse in Auburn MA, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, or California. All orders placed before 3:00 p.m. (the customer’s time zone) are shipped the same day.
DUCT CLEANERS’ SUPPLY 11153 S. Wilton River Rd. New Richland, MN 56072 (800) 634-2822 Fax: (888) 634-2822 Duct Cleaners’ Supply has the innovative products you need to get the job done and the every day items you use at affordable prices. Our Patented Build-A-Brush™ and Revolution Rods™ allow you to sweep systems with ease and give you unmatched versatility. For more information check out our website at www. or call (800) 634-2822.
ENERVEX, INC. 1685 Bluegrass Lakes Pkwy. Alpharetta, GA 30004 (800) 255-2923 MARCH/APRIL 14 SWEEPING 23
Fax: (770) 587-4731 ENERVEX, formerly EXHAUSTO, is a manufacturer of high quality chimney top mounted chimney fans that are guaranteed to assure a proper draft and to correct existing draft problems in almost any chimney. Use the fans for wood, gas, pellet, oil and coal fuel appliances—and the fans mount on any type, size and shape of chimney. To ensure correct draft and best performance of appliance, the fans are equipped with a variable speed control. Various optional controls are available to fit almost any application. Also available is the EcoDamper Fireplace Draft Damper System for gas fireplaces. Call or email today for your free dealer package and tool kit. And be sure to be added to our preferred dealer list!
Estoban Corporation Chim-Scan® Booth Numbers: 100 & 102 1643 Hwy 34 W. Fairfield, IA 52556
Tom, Esther and Shelley Urban invite you to stop by our trade show booth in Columbus ,OH We are celebrating 30 years of serving the chimney industry by providing vision to the interior of chimneys and educational seminars. We will feature our new rotating “Lighthouse” camera and the new Model 250 Chim-Scan. The Chimney Data System will be demonstrated showing you how to easily gather data and create reports and create repeatable procedures. One look at the “C.D.A.” reports and you will want to set your company apart from others. See us at booths # 100 & 102
Fireside Distributors PO Box 41226 Raleigh, NC 27629-1226 or call: 919.872.4434 Fireside Distributors is a specialty distributor serving the specialty hearth and service dealer for over 48 years. Known for our customer service and deep inventory, Fireside offers perhaps the largest selection of hearth accessories, gas, electric and wood appliances, and venting in addition to a complete line of outdoor living products from a single source. Stocked products include: Tool Sets; Folding Screens; Wood Burning Fireplaces; Wood Burning Stoves; Gas Fireplaces; Gas Stoves; Gas Inserts; Venting and Fireplace Maintenance Products; Gas Logs; Electric Fireplaces, Zone Heaters, European Hearth Products; Outdoor Kitchens; Fire pits and so much more.
Food Wisdom Rx Address: 44 Treetop Drive Asheville, NC 28704-3000 Phone Number: (828) 551-8603 Website: Email Address: “Chef, Author & Macrobiotic Consultant Roxanne Koteles-Smith is
the founder of Food Wisdom Rx™, a results-oriented, international nutrition consultancy and culinary program. A former corporate proposal manager, Roxanne is the author of the successful Cancer Cookbook and founder of the Food Wisdom Gluten Elimination Program and supporting modules. She is also the creator of the popular Roxanne’s Remedies™ brand of fresh prepared gluten-free, sugar-free, organic vegan foods. The personalized food programs, cooking courses & intensives of Food Wisdom Rx combine the best of macrobiotics, traditional cooking methods & organic, whole foods with an emphasis on gluten-free, sugar-free, & dairy-free choices.” Shepherds Watch Farm 752 Swedesboro Ave, Mickleton NJ 08056 Phone Number 856-241-0490 Website: Email Address:
Gelco, Lyemance, Lock-Top 304 South 20th Street, Fairfield, IA 52556 800-334-2154 Gelco, Lyemance, Lock-Top is the premier manufacturer of chimney caps and energy saving top sealing dampers for chimneys in North America. More Gelco chimney caps and top sealing chimney dampers have been installed in homes throughout North America over the past three decades than any other brand. The sole reason for this is the confidence chimney and hearth professionals have in the quality of our products and the strength of our warranties. GLL sells its products to chimney professionals through a network of distributors throughout the United States and Canada. These include chimney service professionals, hearth specialty shops, contractors, architects, and roofers.
HearthMasters, Inc. 1134 S Pearl St, Independence, MO 64050 816-461-3665 HearthMasters Masonry School teaches basic to advanced masonry. Our project this summer is an outdoor brick bake oven building project with finishing work for experienced masons. Wholesale dealers for Plusaire whole house ventilators and draw collar. T-shirts and chimney collectables. Chimney education materials such as The Chimney and Hearth Pro’s Resource Book and 5 CD set Power Point Presentations for Chimney Professionals, which you can use to promote your business and conduct ready-made classes. HearthMaster’s instructors are available for seminars and meetings nationwide.
HY-C COMPANY 10950 Linpage Place R Saint Louis, MO 63132 SPONSO (800) 325-7076 Fax: (314) 241-2277 HY-C has been an industry leader manufacturing Chimney Covers and Fireplace Accessories for over 67 years. Our complete line of both stock and custom-sized Chimney Covers are available
in Copper, 304 Stainless Steel, Black-Painted Galvanized Steel, and Aluminum in a wide variety of models and styles. HY-C also manufactures Stainless Steel and Galvanized Chase Covers, a full line of Type 2 UL1618 Stove Boards and Hearth Extenders; Firewood Storage Racks/Covers and Cast Iron Fireplace Grates. HY-C continues to grow our Fire Chief line of wood/coal burning add-on furnaces with the addition of the FC450 and FCOS1800D units. Made in the USA for three decades, the Fire Chief forcedair furnaces can efficiently and affordably heat most homes. The outdoor units boast the patented heat dump feature, which protect the units in the case of a power failure (the nemesis of outdoor furnaces). The indoor furnaces feature a thermostatically controlled draft, 360° cast iron roller grates and a three speed blower producing 1800 cfm.
ICC INDUSTRIAL CHIMNEY CO. 400 J-F Kennedy St. Jerome, QC, J7Y4B7 (450) 565-6336 ICC is an industry leading manufacturer of residential venting, specifically insulated chimneys, single and double walled stove pipe, rigid chimney liner for wood burning applications as well as venting products for pellet and gas appliances. RSF Fireplaces, the most complete line of high-efficiency, clean-burning wood fireplaces on the market is also manufactured by ICC. The latest product lineup, Renaissance Fireplaces is a market leader in the rapidly growing new category of clean-burning open fireplaces as well. As an engineering driven manufacturer, they focus on products which enable better, faster installations while using fewer parts; thus improving installation efficiency. This ensures that the consumer benefits from safer installations and competitive pricing.
In-O-Vate Dryer Products 810 Saturn Street, Suite 20 Jupiter, FL 33477 (561) 744-0473 For nearly two decades, In-O-Vate Dryer Products has manufactured dryer venting products that have primarily been used by builders in new construction nationwide. Recently, we’ve opened our sales channels and are proud to partner with duct cleaning companies nationwide to introduce a NEW line of premium, innovative solutions for the laundry room. In an effort to maximize venting efficiency while minimizing the threat of dryer fires, our patented products continue to benefit homeowners and add value to your product/service offerings. Overall, we’re a niche business focused on dryer venting accessories and we can help improve your reputation and strengthen your bottom line.
B80 7AX UNITED KINGDOM TELEPHONE NUMBER: 0044 1527 857814 WEBSITE: EMAIL ADDRESS: The Eccostove is an innovative new concept in woodburning technology using silicon carbide to create energy efficient wood combustion providing whole home heating without plumbing. Eccostove has an 85.3% efficiency rating and still emits 25% of stored heat up to 12 hours after firing (dependant on model). There are four models in the range that will heat anything from a two bedroom property, right through to a five bedroom property, provided doors around the home are left open. For more information on Eccostove, check out our website www.eccostove. com or email us at . Come and visit us on stand 419.
LIFETIME CHIMNEY SUPPLY LLC 132 Dupont Street Plainview New York 11803 (516)576-8144
Don’t you owe it to yourself to find out why over 800 customers switched to Lifetime. With the most innovative technology, best quality products and personalized customer service, Lifetime Brands continues to redefined the industry standards. It’s simple. We treat all our customers like Family; provide the best quality products from UL Listed Smoothwall, Singlewall and Heavy Flex Lining Systems; AND we offer the most competitive pricing in the industry. We know that when selecting a supplier it’s a critical step in your business. Let us suprise you and come by and check out our booth. Every now and then it’s ok to be surprised! Let our Family take care of yours .....hopefully for a LIFETIME. We look forward to seeing you at the show. Lindemann Chimney Supply 110 Albrecht Dr, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 800.722.7230 At Lindemann Chimney Supply, we measure our success by the impact we have on the world. The vehicle is a whoelsale distribution company that delivers supplies and tools to the chimney service industry. Yet, it is not success if all we do is get you what you need, when you need it, and make a few bucks. We’re about building relationships with our customers forged from trust and mutual respect. We partner with businesses, learn how they operate, and listen to how we can help. We leverage our talents and years of experience in the field to help businesses grow.
M&G DuraVent Address: 877 Cotting Court, Vacaville, CA 95688, United States 1-800-835-4429
MARCH/APRIL 14 SWEEPING 25 M&G DuraVent is a recognized technological leader in the venting industry. Consistently the first to market with new innovations in venting systems, DuraVent has captured a leadership position in emerging markets. With patents for several products, DuraVent continues to design safe and technologically advanced venting. Scientifically proven materials and unequaled engineering make DuraVent products the only choice for professional quality venting. DuraVent’s Engineered Excellence is a commitment to continue this trend, providing the industry with cutting-edge products and refinements to existing products that go beyond the demands of today’s heating products market. Learn more at http://www.
METAL-FAB, INC. P.O. Box 1138 Wichita, KS 67201 Phone: (800) 835-2830 Metal-Fab Inc. was founded in 1959 in Wichita, KS on the idea that offering better products and services are the key to success. They began as an independent, privately owned business and continue today with the same values. Metal-Fab is a leading manufacturer of vent pipe for the Hearth and Chimney Sweeps market. These products include Solid Fuel vent, Stainless Steel and Aluminum Chimney Liners, Type B gas vent, BioMass vent, Direct vent, Condensing vent, plus other vent. Metal-Fab’s vent pipe is manufactured in the USA. They have made their name by shipping in 1 to 2 days and 100% complete. Metal-Fab’s independence is an important factor in the superior service they provide customers.
MEYER MACHINE & EQUIPMENT, INC. 351 Main Street Antioch, IL 60002 (800) 728-3828 QUALITY air duct cleaning equipment at an affordable cost. Add a duct cleaning service to your company with the POWERFUL General or Ranger POWER VACUUM today. Turn key packages include TRAINING, and start at only $13,000. Stop by our BOOTH # 501 at Innovation 2012 to get more info and kick the tires of your newest MONEY MAKER. For SWEEPERS already on board, TEST-DRIVE the Ranger with the HUM-V!
Monsma Marketing Corporation 2450 Buchanan Ave. S.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49548 800-968-8714 Monsma Marketing Corporation is a two – step distributor of hearth and building products, based in Grand Rapids, MI. We have been in the building products business since 1930 and providing hearth products to retail dealers since 1991. We do business in 15 states while carrying many major hearth lines
to serve your needs. We have an experienced sales staff of both outside and inside representatives who are dedicated to hearth products to serve your needs. Among many other dealer services, Monsma has an online catalog and “Partnerview” which is your own online pathway to your account, our inventory and many other capabilities for 24 / 7 access.
National Chimney 3 Green Tree Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 (800) 897-8481
National Chimney is the Premier Chimney Liner manufacturer for the chimney industry and a proud member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. We manufacture Stainless Steel flexible liners that include Light Flex, Smooth Wall and Heavy Flex. We also manufacture quality Aluminum liners, Refractory Panels and Damper Caps. National Chimney has the industry’s largest variety of sizes, alloys, and Custom chimney liners and components. We also carry a wide array of chimney supplies for the sweeping industry. We are dedicated to superior products, service, and safety.
NATIONAL FIREPLACE INSTITUTE 1901 Moore Street, Suite 600 Arlington, VA 22209 703-524-8030 The National Fireplace Institute® is the professional certification division of the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Education Foundation (HPBEF, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization for the hearth industry. NFI’s objective is to increase public safety by establishing meaningful credentials for professionals involved in planning and installing residential hearth appliances and venting systems. NFI certifies planners and installers in three hearth product categories based on fuel type: • NFI Gas Specialist • NFI Woodburning Specialist • NFI Pellet Specialist NFI also recognizes individuals who have successfully gained all three NFI Certifications as Master Hearth Professionals (MHP). These individuals have reached the highest level of certification in the hearth industry.
NORTHEAST DISTRIBUTION 11 COMMERCE WAY, EXETER NH 038733 1-800-801-6472 WWW.NDLHEARTH.COM CHIP@NDLHEARTH.COM Established in 2001, Northeast Distribution LTD is the supplier for specialty hearth retailers and chimney sweeps across
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland, DC, and Pennsylvania. We supply the finest quality fireplaces, inserts, stoves, chimney, grills, ductless mini splits, gas furnaces, indoor & outdoor wood furnaces, wood hybrid furnaces, tool sets, and many other accessories. As a result, our product lines include some of the most reputable names in the industry, such as Innovative Hearth Products (Lennox), Warmland, True North, ICC, RSF, Pacific Energy, Piazzetta, Rutland, Condar, Imperial, Town & Country, Renaissance, Kozy Heat, Green Mountain Grills, BBQ Delight, CoMate, Comfort Geni, HY-C, Vistaflame, Napoleon, UTL, Fire Chief and MORE! We have over 200 combined years of experience in the hearth industry bringing the best products & information to the specialty hearth retailers across New England and the Mid Atlantic states .
OLYMPIA CHIMNEY SUPPLY, INC. 600 Sanders Street Scranton, PA 18505 (800) 569-1425
Olympia Chimney Supply Inc. located in Scranton, PA is a manufacturer of Stainless Steel Class-A Chimneys, Pellet Pipe, Gas Direct Vent, Chimney Liners, Chimney Components and Single and Double Wall Black Stove Pipe. Its quality products are backed by a Forever Warranty that is transferrable to the next homeowner and are tested and UL listed by Underwriters Laboratories. Olympia also distributes many other chimney related items for your convenience; such as chimney restoration products, tools, brushes & rods and much more. It has a Custom Shop in-house that will fabricate anything to your specifications and a Customer Service Department that is comprised of CSIA certified techs who are able to assist you with any technical questions that you may have. Olympia, better known as Your Partner in the Business, strives to provide exceptional customer service to put the needs of your business first and foremost. Call us today; visit us on the web or like us on Facebook!
Professional Products of Kansas, Inc. 4456 S Clifton Ave., Wichita, KS 800-676-7346 Email Address: Professional Products of Kansas, Inc. is in the business of developing, manufacturing and marketing superior water repellent and graffiti resistant products. Special emphasis is placed upon providing exceptional technical and administrative support to our customers. We are committed to building lasting relationships based on integrity, courtesy and professionalism. Our products, Professional Water Sealant (PWS), are clear, penetrating, breathable, RTV Silicone Rubber based water repellents formulated for use on brick, block, concrete, stone and other above grade masonry surfaces. PWS can effectively protect even the most porous of substrates from damage caused by water intrusion or unwanted graffiti. The unique, RTV Silicone Rubber technology provides PWS with a crack bridging capability that sets it apart from other penetrating water repellents.
RASMUSSEN GAS LOGS & GRILLS 12028 Philadelphia Street Whittier, CA 90601 (562) 696-8718 Rasmussen is the Sweep’s factory direct source for everything you need in vented and vent-free gas logs and contemporary gas fires. Our knowledgeable staff can assist you in determining the right fit for a particular fireplace or answer any technical questions you may have. We also make custom sets for large and/or unusual vented fireplaces. We offer to Sweeps our full line of Solaire Infrared Grills and Bromic Radiant Patio Heaters for sale to customers or to buy at trade discount for personal or friends’ use. Rasmussen is a fourgeneration family business located in Whittier, California, and is a proud supporter of the NSCG and its Innovation show. Please sign up for our informative newsletter at http://gaslogsandgrills. com/ which is dedicated to providing you with business building information and assistance. We look forward to helping you make more money.
Ray Murray, Inc. Lee, MA – Bensalem, PA - Flint, MI 800-628-5044 100 Word Company Bio/ Description: Since 1973, RMI has been a premier wholesale distributor for hearth, grill, heating and gas equipment. From 3 strategically sited locations we offer fast shipping of the following major brands. Hearth: Breckwell, Efel, Monessen, Napoleon, RH Peterson, White Mountain Hearth, Duravent, Skytech. Grill & Outdoor: American Fyre Designs, AOG, Broilmaster, Bromic, Delta Heat, Firegear, Firemagic, Primo, Twin Eagles, Vermont Castings.
Regency Fireplace Products 1710 Afton Road Sycamore, IL 60178 | (815) 756-3110 fax: (815) 756-3130 For over 35 years, Regency products have been proudly made locally in North America. We use only the finest materials in our manufacturing facilities; taking pride in building a reliable, quality product. Our state of the art facility spans over 240,000 square feet and is constantly being upgraded with the latest tools of the trade. Our commitment to quality is practiced at every step of the process, including a final inspection before anything is approved for shipment. All Regency Wood Stoves and Inserts have been certified by the Environmental Protection Agency. Regency engineers have carefully designed the firebox to create airflow around the wood so that it burns completely, resulting in very little ash and next to no polluting smoke into our environment. We are committed to your satisfaction. Our Regency, Hampton, and Excalibur products are sold through a carefully selected network of over 2000 professionally trained specialty fireplace retailers.
RLH INDUSTRIES, INC. 1574 Calkins Drive Gaylor, MI 49735 (800) 289-2446 Fax: (866) 353-9329 RLH Industries, Inc. is a service centered, factory direct source for premium UL listed stainless steel and aluminum chimney lining systems since 1983. In addition, we manufacture our exclusive line of beautiful direct vent terminations: the Homestyle and Eurostyle Collections. We understand your frustrations when suppliers overpromise then fail to deliver. In contrast, we have the right people, systems and company culture to guarantee your expectations are not just met, they are exceeded. Our commitment to innovation, service, safety and the highest manufacturing standards make us an industry leader. With RLH Industries, Inc. you can “Expect More!”. Call for your free catalog today.
Rutland Products 100 Europa Dr., Ste. 565 Chapel Hill, NC 27517 800-544-1307 RUTLAND PRODUCTS has been the resource for homeowners and professional chimney sweeps for over 130 years. With over 700 premium products, Rutland’s full line of Chimney, Fireplace, Hearth and Professional Grade Products include high temperature silicones, cements, mortars, paints, polishes, brushes, rods and other great tools. They also offer creosote removers, glass cleaners, gasketing, fire starters, gas log maintenance products, masonry cleaners and more! Find out how RUTLAND can increase your business by checking them out at their booth at the NCSG Innovation Trade Show.
Fax: (765) 935-4999 SaverSystems has manufactured the ChimneySaver line of repair and maintenance products for masonry chimneys since 1987. ChimneySaver Water Repellent is the industry standard for eliminating water penetration in chimneys. CrownCoat, CrownSeal and FlashSeal offer long term, cost effective solutions for repairing damaged crowns and flashings. ACS and Cre-Away, the industry’s leading creosote modifiers, assist in the removal of glazed creosote. SaverSystems recently began offering two products for smoke chamber repair. HeatShield Chamber Coat which is trowel applied and Cerfractory Foam for spray application (videos available on Download your free copy of our Chimney Problem Checklist from our website to assist you with solving difficult chimney leaks. Call or email us for your free Chimney Care DVD to learn how to increase your sales and correctly apply these problem solving products.
SBI – Stove Builder International 250 de Copenhague Street Saint-Augustin, Quebec, Canada G3A 2H3 Tel. 418-878-3040 ext. 231 Cel. 418-575-7713 E-mail: SBI specializes in the design and fabrication of residential heating appliances using various types of fuels such as wood, wood pellets, and biomass. SBI commercializes its products through multiple brands enjoying a high level of recognition in their respective market. SBI has a diversified customer base consisting of distributors, wholesalers, home centers, chimney sweeps, and specialty retailers located throughout North America. SBI also services a few export markets such as Brazil, Australia, NewZealand and Europe.
Sand Hill Wholesale & Mfg., Inc. 1955 Alum Creek Drive Columbus, Ohio 43207 800-258-5496 Fax 800-958-5497
Security Chimneys Address: 2125 Monterey, Laval, Quebec Canada, H7L 3T6 1-800-361-4909 (US)
Sand Hill is America’s oldest national distributor of fireplace, wood and gas heating products. We are proud that we can offer you over 2,200 quality products featured in our 118-page color catalog. We offer the Sweeps Perfection™ line of chimney caps, Homeowners Choice™ relining systems, chimney brushes, custom chimney caps, replacement catalytic combustors, custom-ovalized chimney liner, and much more. Sand Hill provides customer satisfaction by giving excellent service. We ship the same day when we receive your order by 2:00 P.M. Eastern Time. We offer the best dating programs in the industry and give Free Freight on qualified orders.
(97 words) Security Chimneys is an established supplier of quality chimneys and fireplaces in North America. The company’s dedication to quality is prevalent in the continuous research and development of innovative products in both residential and commercial markets. With a manufacturing facility in Laval, Quebec, Security Chimneys is fully equipped to ensure that all products are certified in accordance with UL and ULC standards. As one of the leading innovators in the industry, Security Chimneys has managed to set the standard for a complete line of commercial and residential chimneys that other manufacturers have often imitated, but never matched.
SAVERSYSTEMS 800 South 7th Street Richmond, IN 47374 (800) 860-6327
SELKIRK CORPORATION 200 Northpoint Drive-Suite 300 Coppell, TX 75019 610-368-2073
28 SWEEPING MARCH/APRIL 14 During the 1920’s, Robert Williams and William Wallace began manufacturing stovepipe along with many other metal products and invented a lightweight metal chimney that would become one of the most popular chimneys for nearly a century. The company name has changed over the years, but the commitment to providing high-quality venting products remains steadfast. Today, Selkirk Corporation manufactures venting and chimney products under the Selkirk and Heatfab brand names all across North America and is still well respected as one of the leading manufacturers of innovative venting solutions. Products available from Selkirk Corporation include several models of all-fuel chimney systems, Direct-Temp direct vent, Direct-Temp venting for pellet stoves, type-b gas vent, and aluminum and stainless steel chimney liner systems. The latest innovation, the UltimateONE all-fuel chimney system, has been engineered to exceed industry standards. When it comes to venting solutions, Selkirk Corporation is the company to trust.
SLEEPY HOLLOW CHIMNEY SUPPLY 85 Emjay Boulevard Brentwood, NY 11717 (800) 553-5322 Fax: (631) 231-2364 Founded in 1977 by three chimney sweeps, Andy, Ray and Fred, our vision and quest were to become an innovative service company on the cutting edge. This vision led to a small supply company with industry-first products like Super-Flex® and components in 1980, Cera-foil® ceramic blanket in 1985 and North America’s largest specialty selection of chimney cleaning equipment and tools. We have become a formidable fabricator of high temperature stainless alloys and manufacture the Bellfires® Refractory Fireplace, since 1986. As our industry grew, we were at the forefront addressing wood, oil, coal and gas fuel venting solutions, educating through classic hands-on workshops coast to coast.
Spark Marketer 201 Point East Dr. Nashville, Tennessee 37216 Toll-Free Number: 855-646-3538 Order Line: 855-646-3538 Technical Help Line: 855-646-3538 Web Address: Email Address: Spark Marketer exists to help local chimney companies with complete online marketing tools and services. Our mission is to help you create a solid online pipeline that you own and control, from your web site to your visibility, your reviews, reputation and much more. Our workforce assists you to build your business and support your goals, bringing new customers through ongoing efforts. We believe your business needs more than a place to spend
advertising dollars. You need tools, training, support, advice, and experience to grow your business online. If that describes you, consider a partnership with us. Sweeps America/ Fireside Distributors Fireside Distributors is a specialty distributor serving the specialty heath and service dealer for over 48 years. Known for our customer service and deep inventory, Fireside offers perhaps the largest selection of hearth accessories, gas, electric and wood appliances, and venting in addition to a complete line of outdoor living products from a single source. Stocked products include: Tool Sets; Folding Screens; Wood Burning Fireplaces; Wood Burning Stoves; Gas Fireplaces; Gas Stoves; Gas Inserts; Venting and Fireplace Maintenance Products; Gas Logs; Electric Fireplaces, Zone Heaters, European Hearth Products; Outdoor Kitchens; Fire pits and so much more.
TIMBURN, INC. 211 River Ridge Circle South, Suite 103 Burnsville, MN 55337 Toll Free (877) 439-7400 Fax: (952) 513-2088 Timburn Firestarter & Kindl-Stone Creosote Modifier in a One Match Firestarter System The ideal leave behind. Keeps your name on the clients hearth and keeps everything in the chimney brushable so that your next sweeping goes smoothly and on schedule. Timburn’s firestarters do NOT contain chlorides that may damage fireplace and stove systems with either metal or masonry chimney flues. Clients will love the one match starting of nearly any wood and at just $0.60 per light/treatment it is a great value. FREE labels with your company information and NSCG affiliation included with every order. It’s the Chimney Sweep’s Refrigerator Magnet!
TOTAL HEARTH, INC. PO Box 1247 Mount Sterling, KY 40353-5247 (800) 874-0791 (859) 498-7457 From hard to find replacement stove parts to exclusive hearth appliance lines, Total Hearth is the “one stop shop” for all your hearth appliance needs. We invite you to “Experience the Total Hearth Advantage”.
VALOR RADIANT GAS FIREPLACES 190-2255 Dollarton Hwy North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7H 3B1 800-468-2567 Miles Industries is North America’s exclusive designer, manufacturer and distributor of Valor Radiant Gas Fireplaces. Warming homes since 1890, Valor continues to set new standards in gas fireplace efficiency, comfort control and fashionable design. MARCH/APRIL 14 SWEEPING 29
Safely Reline A Factory-Built Chimney DuraVent Has A Solution! We now have a NEW U.L. (Underwriters Laboratory) listed, patent pending, lining system designed and tested to be installed in a Factory Built Chimney for wood, coal, oil, gas, or pellet burning appliances. When an insert is installed into an existing U.L. 127-listed fireplace, relining the existing chimney is critical for proper performance and safety. Find out more at
VENTECH INDUSTRIES, INC. 384 Harold L Dow Hwy, Unit One Eliot, ME 03903 (866) 439-0069 Fax: (207) 439-0269 Ventech Industries is the originator of spray ceramics for the chimney industry. Our products are designed to make restoration and repair faster, easier, and more profitable! Spray Thermocrete™ to increase safety and performance while adding strength and durability to both residential and commercial flues. Thermocrete is listed and labeled and carries a Lifetime Warranty. Easy to use Smoktite™ will conveniently coat, seal and improve the operation of smoke chambers, reaching even the hardest to get areas without ever removing the damper frame. Dynacote™ with Emisshield® will enhance the firebox by returning up to 30% more heat to the room while extending the life of the firebrick. Accept no imitations. Use the original ceramic products with the finest precision machined equipment that have stood the test of time.
Veracity Insurance Solutions, LLC 260 South 2500 West, Suite 303 Pleasant Grove UT 84062 801.763.1375
Veracity Insurance is the NCSG endorsed insurance provider and insures hundreds of sweeps nationwide. We understand the sweeping industry. Our goal is to provide each NCSG member with a competitive insurance product that will respond to your unique and specific insurance needs.
WAKEFIELD BRUSH 160 Freedom Court Elyria Ohio 44035 Phone 800-264-7007 Fax 800-525-3427 Wakefield Brush manufactures a variety of traditional English chimney sweeping equipment to maintain and care for fireplaces, chimneys and wood burning stoves. Products include hand crafted poly brushes with a complete line of rods, fittings and accessories. Wakefield Brush has been supplying England’s chimney sweep trade for more than 60 years. Our hand made equipment ensures the finest quality that sweeps have experienced for decades.
WOHLER USA, INC. 20 Locust St. Danvers, MA 01923 978 750 9876
Engineered Excellence. 800-835-4429 © 2014
For more than 75 years, Wohler has manufactured high-quality, technologically advanced measuring instruments, visual-inspection systems, and cleaning
equipment for heating, ventilation, and facility-management applications. Wohler specializes in filaments, cleaning instruments, and brushes for the chimney sweep industry. Their products are continuously developed in order to meet changing conditions and standards and keep you competitive in your field. As a family-owned enterprise with an international focus, Wohler places particular value on customer and supplier relationships. Wohler’s headquarters are in Bad Wünnenberg in Germany, but their market presence is worldwide. The Wohler USA office is located just outside of Boston, MA. For more information, please visit www. or call 978-750-9876.
Z-FLEX (US), INC. 20 Commerce Park North Bedford, NH 030110 (800) 654-5600 Z-Flex, part of the Novaflex Group of companies, is the leading manufacturer of specialty venting systems for furnaces, boilers, water heaters, oil heaters, fireplaces, and more. Z-Flex has been pioneering flexible answers to gas, oil, pellet and wood venting applications since 1979. Included are our flexible chimney liner solutions, and special gas vent (AL29-4C). We are a family owned business and pride ourselves on our well trained technical service, and helpful customer service staff.
Chim-Pro Interlock Flex
Chim-Pro Corrugated Flex
Chim-Pro Rigid
Strong Triple Locking Crimp Holds T ogether , Even On Tough Jobs
Double Locking Crimp Remains Strong Yet Very Flexibl e With No Memo ry
Horizontal Sides Of Corrugation Offer Added Strength & Flexibility
Featuring In Which ALL FITTINGS Are Attached With A Band, Even The Tee Cap And Elbows, Quick & Simple, No Drilling & Riveting
Visit for more details Manufactured by
CHIMNEY TECHNIQUE INC. • 2000 Industrial Ave • Sioux Falls, SD 57104
NewNCSG Members
REGION 2 PENNSYLVANIA Philip Ciminera • Lehigh Valley Chimney Specialists William Deck • Meenan PA • Tullytown
REGION 1 Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
GEORGIA Charlie Martin • Martin, Charlie • Madison FLORIDA Rob Westerfield • Chimney Sweep of Florida • Pinellas Park Mike Dexter • Air Quality Control Environmental • Cold Springs
WEST VIRGINIA Tim Harrison • Harrison, Tim • Fayetteville
Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
REGION 4 MICHIGAN Michael Robert Sarkisian • Sarkisian, Michael Robert • Wyandotte INDIANA Art Schlangen • Rescue Duct • Greenwood
REGION 5 MINNESOTA Ralph Dvorak • Dayco General Inc. • Loretto
NCSG Charter Members Paul Bourque, Huntsville, AL
Dale Meisinger, N. Augusta, SC
Don Leavitt, San Diego, CA
Alan Hisey, St. Louis, MO
David Harris, Broken Arrow, OK
Eva B. Horton, Greenwich, CT
Dan Wheeler, Santa Rosa, CA
Harry Richart, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
OHIO Robert Corrin • QPS • Elyria
John Cline, Menlo Park, CA
Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio
REGION 5 Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin
REGION 6 Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
In his own words:
John Pilger, 59, who steps down in March as CSIA’s first president, reflects on his tenure
It’s been three years, but I remember when the CSIA board voted me in as president -- Feb. 8, 2011 in Hartford, Connecticut -- like it was yesterday. I’m pretty happy in the direction we’ve taken. I feel good about what I did and even better leaving it in (president-elect Mark Stoner’s) capable hands. One of my proudest contributions was to promote what I call the ‘Pilger Doctrine.’ That is, at any chimney sweep gathering, CSIA will be there to spread the message and to let sweeps know what we are doing for them and how we are working hard for them. We’ve always had a great product, but we never took time to promote ourselves or tell everybody about it. I do that as much as I can in person, but also using social media and also videos, and I think it’s something all CCS certified sweeps should continue to promote.
Even though CSIA had been in existence for 30 years, we never had our own president. Establishing ourselves independently from the NCSG wasn’t as easy as it might have seemed, and negotiations got a little testy, but that break has proved to be a good move for both organizations.
“From his very first day as president of the CSIA, John has worked selflessly with the staff, board of directors and sweeps across the country to make the Certified Chimney Sweep credential the industry standard.” -- Chuck Hall “John gave many, many hours to a position that is unpaid. I appreciate his integrity, experience and perseverance.” -- Mark Stoner “John has worked tirelessly at promoting the CSIA here and abroad both within and outside our industry. He has set the standard for all future CSIA Presidents.” -- Jim Bostaph
A New York style, maybe a little rough around the edges, also compassionate, but no-nonsense. I’ve defended and championed the chimney sweeping industry with Dateline NBC, CNN, American Journal, Associated Press and News 12 Long Island, to name a few.
It’s been a dream come true. I had a vision and a whole list of things I wanted to get done. My primary goal was to raise the bar on CSIA certification, making the CCS credential the only one that our affiliated trades would want to have, with no regrets. Not only home inspectors, but building officials and manufacturers and fire marshals - anybody who is in a position to recommend a chimney sweep. Now we’re trying to do the same for the C-DET certification.
From his peers
I believe in industry education but also homeowner resources -- avoiding fires -- and that stems mainly from my public safety background. I started off as a junior firefighter at 14 years old and became professional at 18 (my associate’s degree is in fire protection technology.) I’ve been a fire chief and fire marshal. I’ve been in it almost 41 years! How do I describe myself? I’m a combination of outgoing and tough. ADVERTISEMENT
My favorite moments involved traveling overseas to work with ESCHFOE and at local conventions, and getting CSIA financially in the black a few years ago, and it’s still going strong. I’ve been a sweep since 1983 and CCS certified through CSIA since 1987, and C-DET certified since 2000. I’m extremely passionate about CSIA and what we do for sweeps and for dryer exhaust specialists. That won’t change even when my run as president of the board is over. -- John Pilger, as told to CSIA, 2/18/14.
MARCH/APRIL REPORT New CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps Congratulations! Illinois Alan Harter | Superior Chimney Services | Lombard Judy Stelmaszek | Robinson Maintenance + Repair, Inc. | Wood Dale Massachusetts David Spurr | Sweepnman, Inc. | North Reading Minnesota Andrew Aasen | Black Goose Inc. | Duluth New Jersey Alex McNichol | Bowden’s Fireside | Hamilton Tennessee Christopher Young | Ashbusters Chimney Service Inc. | Smynra
CSIA on social: January By the Numbers Facebook/chimneysafety – 929 likes; (previously 911 on 12/31/13 and 894 on 11/30/13). *Twitter/Chimney_Safety – 508 followers; (previously 489 on 12/31/13 and 477 11/30/13). *Twitter/DryerVentSafety – 9 followers. *YouTube/ChimneySafetyUSA: 1,318 views, 1,810 minutes watched in January; up from 934 views and 1,596 minutes. Best performing video: “Hire a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep: the better choice.” E-Learning Icons Make Debut offers 70 of the industry’s favorite seminars in a self-paced online format. Our e-learning course offerings range from “Accident Causes, Prevention and Control” to “Working in Cold Weather.” Now sweeps who enroll in Chimney Academy will have a new way to update their individual profiles on our zip code finder. The categories are bronze, silver, gold, and, for our prolific students, platinum!
CSIA website [] sets record for visits in 2013
Chimney 101
CSIA was pleased to host, teach and preach to students of American Home Inspection Training Institute in midFebruary. They know enough to call in a CSIA sweep to assist clients.
Credibility, referrals, value AND $50 off - but hurry up!
A quick statistical snapshot of the web traffic on shows why it’s such a valuable part of your certification. Google Analytics says we set a new record in 2013 with 338,956 visits producing 800,161 page views. Of those clicks, 282,459 were unique visitors. And 2014 is off to a strong start, with 81,142 visitors and 149,000 page views through mid-February. A historically cold winter has many homeowners thinking about chimneys and wood stoves, perhaps like never before. CSIA is here to help you take advantage!
CSIA to welcome greenhorns April 14-19 marks the start of the 2014 National Chimney Sweep Training School, a 6-day hands-on course, and we’ll have a full first class at the CSIA Technology Center. Other classes will be held June 23-28, August 11-16 and September 22-27. See our advertisement on page 4 for more information!
April 1 is the deadline to use a $50-off coupon toward new certifications and certifications lapsed 6+ months. As CCS CSIA sweep Joe Sauter says, don’t miss this opportunity. Thanks again to sponsors ChimneySaver, Copperfield, Lindemann, National Chimney, Olympia Chimney Supply and Regional Chimney Supply. Call (317) 837-5362 to get signed up!
Photos to share? Want to write for our blog? Need a video for a website? E-mail ADVERTISEMENT
CSIA 2014 Education Calendar As of 2/18/14 - Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Chimney Safety Institute of America prior to making travel arrangements.
CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exam
CSIA E-Learning
March 18 | Columbus, OH [NCSG Convention, Hyatt Regency]
Online |
April 11 | Manchester, NH [sponsored by Northeastern Association of Chimney + Hearth Professionals]
CSIA now offers 70 of the industry’s favorite seminars in a self-paced online format. It’s good for you and your business - and more convenient than ever to get education that fits your schedule at a price you can afford.
April 25 | Denver, CO May 16 | Scranton, PA [sponsored by Olympia Chimney] May 23 | Baltimore, MD June 6 | CSIA Technology Center June 20 | Rhode Island August 1 | CSIA Technology Center August 8 | Richmond, VA September 19 | Atlantic City, NJ [Sheraton Atlantic City Convention Center Hotel]
Installing and Troubleshooting Gas Hearth Appliances July 14–18 | CSIA Technology Center Service and installation, including appliance standards, combustion requirements, pipe sizing and installation, troubleshooting, carbon monoxide testing and fuel conversion. CEUs: 4-T 4-CS 4-HS 4-CL | NFI CEUs: 16 T
October 10 | Albany, NY [Quality Inn & Suites Albany Airport] November 14 | CSIA Technology Center
Inspection and Report Writing
In-person intensive review sessions help candidates prepare for the exams. The review sessions are not a substitute for advanced study. CSIA CEUs: 1.25-T, 1.25-CS, 1.25-HS, 1.25 CL | NFI CEUS: 6T
May 12-13 | CSIA Technology Center
Get $50 off CSIA CCS review fees * Valid for new certifications and certifications lapsed 6+ months * Hurry! Offer ends April 1, 2014
Chimney inspections and evaluations, report writing including regional and environmental influences, effective photo documentation, digital organization and admin procedures. CSIA CEUs: 6-T, 6-CL | NFI CEUs: 12 T
CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® Review/ Exam March 18 | Columbus, OH [at NCSG] July 30-31 | CSIA Technology Center November 6 & 7 | CSIA Technology Center
National Chimney Sweep Training School April 14 – 19 | CSIA Technology Center June 23 – 28 | CSIA Technology Center August 11 – 16 | CSIA Technology Center September 22 – 27 | CSIA Technology Center Fundamentals of sweeping and inspection of chimney systems, equipment operation, health and safety considerations and step-by-step instruction in codes, clearances, standards and practices. CCS CEUs: 4 T, 4 C&S, 4 C&L, 4 H&S | NFI CEUs: 16 T
In-person intensive review sessions help candidates prepare for the CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® exam. The review sessions are not a substitute for advanced study. CSIA CEUs: 1.25-T, 1.25 CS, 1-HS, 1-CL | NFI CEUs: 4 E
Masonry Repair for Chimney Professionals May 19-21 | Waldorf, MD [sponsored by Virginia Association of Chimney & Hearth Professionals] Classroom theory and hands-on projects relating to theory lessons. CSIA CEUs: 12 T (2 day) or 16T (3-day)
Register today at or call us at (317) 837-5362.
Send us your greenhorn.
in 6 days, we’ll send you back a PRO.
You can spend weeks trying to get your new chimney service employee up to speed. In the process, you’ll have used up your valuable time, your patience, and more money than you would like to admit. Instead, send your employee to the most popular, cost-effective chimney sweep training in North America: CSIA’s National Chimney Sweep Training School. In less than a week, we’ll create an employee that you’ll be proud to send on a call – and happy to count toward your bottom line.
Budget now to send your staff in 2014!
During this six-day hands-on course, attendees will learn: How to inspect and service chimney systems serving any fuel burning appliance. About residential heating appliances, including wood stoves, pellet stoves, inserts, factory-built fireplaces, central heaters and furnaces. NFPA 211 standards. CSIA CEUs: 4T, 4C & S, 4H & S, 4C & L NFI CEUs: 16T
How to navigate the International Residential Codes. Chimney performance problems: understanding draft and flow, diagnosing down drafts, flow reversals, inadequate flow, stack effects, updrafts, pressure effects and gauges. Health and safety equipment and methods.
Register at or call us at (317) 837-5362.
Progressive Perks
Insurance Coverage Specific To Chimney Sweeps – Things You Need To Know! Veracity Insurance has been working with the NCSG and its members since 2005 and during this time there have been several changes within the industries. According to Chris Van Leeuwen, CIC VP Sales at Veracity, “The insurance industry goes through cycles referred to as “hard” and “soft” markets, and currently the insurance industry is in a hard market. During a “hard” market, insurance carriers re-underwrite their book of business, evaluate premium structure, pull out of undesirable states, eliminate specific classes/lines of business, and restructure rates.” Some of our members insured through Veracity or elsewhere, are experiencing the effects of these industry changes. Due to the adverse loss history for sweeps, Berkley Assurance has decided not to write chimney sweeps any longer. Veracity was forced to seek a new insurance carrier that would provide similar coverage to those that NCSG members were accustomed to, including the soot coverage, professional liability and installation coverage. Many of these specific coverage’s are not standard to the insurance industry and have been created specifically for our organization. Other insurance carriers have an ability to write chimney sweeps but many have eligibility restrictions on installations and may not provide any coverage for soot or inspections. When you are looking for insurance coverage make sure you ask about, and understand, the coverage’s, limitations and exclusion on the policy. We wanted to share some specific industry claim statistics from our insurance providers that may provide some insight to some of the current circumstances that chimney sweeps are facing.
The information provided is data accumulated over the past 10 years: • T he sweep industry has an 86.7% loss ratio. This means for every dollar of premium received by the insurance company they have paid out .87¢ in claims, factor in the expense cost and the loss ratio is in excess of 100%. Carriers are looking for loss ratios below 50%. • $ 200,000 in claims has been paid out under the soot coverage; ¾ of the soot claims occurred in 2012. Loss control is critical for our industry and your organization. Implementation of simple items like customer sign off, closed flue notifications and keeping customer record 5 years. Managing your claim frequency and severity is important. Before making a claim to your carrier, call Veracity and discuss your options. Evaluate if it’s beneficial to pay smaller claims to avoid adverse loss history for your company. As of this print, Veracity has launched a new program. In the meantime, Chris Van Leeuwen apologizes for any inconvenience this has caused any of their NCSG clients during this transition. Chris said, “Veracity has had a long standing relationship with the NSCG and many of its members, and strive to provide the highest level of service possible –and due to recent circumstances, they have fallen short of our own expectations. We look forward to launching the new program and providing the broadest coverage for sweeps in the industry again.”
CSIA Auction 2014 Our host city for Innovation 2014 also happens to be home to Jack Hanna and the Columbus Zoo. In that spirit the CSIA Auction is headed to the zoo! Of course no one has to dress up but for those who would like to below are some ideas on how you can join in on the fun. 1. Decorate your top hat- Add a zebra print band or maybe some tiger ears! 2. Come as the zoo keeper- All you need it is a khaki shirt and khaki pants, for an extra touch add a hat. 3. Show your spots- Break out your leopard spotted, zebra printed and tiger striped accessories. 4. Represent- Do you have a t-shirt from your local zoo or aquarium? Show off your hometown pride by wearing it to the auction.
Golden Flue The Cure For The Flue
• Golden Flue Cast Masonry Liners • Stainless Steel Insulating Mix
5. Feeling brave? - Dress up as an animal: lions, tigers, bears or even apes! 6. Flap your wings- Have a pair of butterfly wings from a kids Halloween costume or school play? Throw them in your suitcase and represent the zoo’s butterfly garden.
GF Cast Masonry Mix • Reline Fireplace & Smokechamber • Reline Oil Or Gas Flues Reduce Creosote / Increase Draft
GF SS/Insul Mix • Offer Exceptional Protection Over Wrapped Insulation
TO ORDER CALL 1-800-468-1052 Visit:
7. Bring your zoo pal- Bring a snake, monkey or parrot (stuffed only please) to rest on your shoulder. 8. Dream of being a dolphin trainer as a kid?- Grab a whistle, put on a rash guard and live out your childhood dream.
Meet me in Columbus How often I found where I should be only by setting out for somewhere else. – R. Buckminster Fuller
reetings everyone! By the time this issue is in your hands, The NCSG 2014 convention will be only days away. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to come to Columbus and meet everyone. March will mark my 7th month with the Guild and CSIA. During those few short months, I’ve already had the opportunity to talk with many of you on the phone. A few I’ve met in person while they were either teaching or taking a course at the Technology Center in Plainfield, IN.
to convention is an easy way for you to learn more technically and to learn methods to grow your customer base.
Regardless of the format of the interaction, I can see and hear the pride each of you takes in your profession. You are eager to share the history, learn more and to please your clients. Coming
I look forward to meeting each of you soon! Be sure to stop and say hello.
When you need to take a break after the seminars, there are many options for places to grab a bite and relax. From the Arena District with Frog Bear & Wild Boar to Downtown with Flatiron Bar & Diner and on to Katzinger’s Deli and Schmindt’s Sausage Haus in the German Village, there is truly something for everyone in Columbus.
Energy Savings and Safety for a
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IntelliDraft™ Venting System • Protect against downdrafts • Cease spillage and CO release • Auto shut off for fireplace when unsafe • Integrate almost any fireplace design
• Eliminate the need for glass doors • Automated damper closes when not used • Save fuel with proper draft • Eliminate unnecessary carbon emissions
For more information, call 800.255.2923 or visit
Dates & Events March 17-21, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit March 18, 2014 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exams Columbus, OH - NCSG Convention For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit March 18, 2014 CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® Review & Exams Columbus, OH - NCSG Convention For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit March 19-22, 2013 NCSG Innovation 2014 Convention Columbus, OH For more information, please call (317) 837-1500 or visit March 24-28, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit
March 28, 2014 SaverSystems – Richmond, Indiana HeatShield Installer Factory Training For more information call (800) 860-6327 x105 or email stuartk@ March 31-April 4, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit April 7-11, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit April 11, 2014 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exams - Sponsored by: New Hampshire Association of Chimney Professionals Manchester, NH For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit April 11, 2013 SaverSystems – Richmond, Indiana HeatShield Installer Factory Training For more information call (800) 860-6327 x105 or email stuartk@ April 14-19, 2014 CSIA National Chimney Sweep Training School CSIA Technology Center- Plainfield, IN For more information, please call (317) 8375362 or visit April 14-18, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 8375362 or visit April 21-25, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 8375362 or visit April 25, 2014 SaverSystems – Richmond, Indiana
HeatShield Installer Factory Training For more information call (800) 860-6327 x105 or email
Manchester, NH For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit
April 25, 2014 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exams Denver, CO For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit
May 12-13, 2014 CSIA Inspection and Report Writing Plainfield, IN For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit
April 28-May 2, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit May 5-9, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit May 9, 2014 CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® Review & Exams - Sponsored by New Hampshire Association of Chimney Professional
May 12-16, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit May 14, 2014 SaverSystems – Richmond, Indiana HeatShield Installer Factory Training For more information call (800) 860-6327 x105 or email May 17, 2014 SaverSystems – Richmond, Indiana HeatShield Installer Factory Training For more information call (800) 860-6327 x105 or email Please send notice of your events for NCSG Dates & Events listings at for inclusion here, in weekly posts to the discussion list and online at www.NCSG. org/dates. The event must be considered educational or informative for the industry (sales events and open houses will not be listed).
New.. Improved.. Secure Pellet® Vent System for Biofuels
· Twist-lock, no fasteners required · Super-ferritic inner wall resists corrosion from biofuels
· Galvalume outer wall · Laser-welded seams on inner and outer walls
· Encapsulated o-ring provides a secondary seal
· 1” clearance to combustibles · Available in a black painted finish · Limited lifetime warranty
800-361-4909 US 800-667-3387 Canada Security Chimneys International © 2014 Cartoon gladly donated by Midtown Sweeps.
The Measure of Technology
History Project This month the History Project column is taking a look back at the Guild’s first convention in 1977.
Booth 304
Wohler VIS 400 Visual Inspection System with Viper Kit
• Modular system gives you the flexibility to choose individual components to meet your specific needs • Compact, lightweight, and easy to use • Perfect for bottom-up or top-down chimney inspection • Pan-and-tilt camera head • Bright, LED lighting and vibrant display screen • Includes carry strap and protective pouch with anti-glare protection • Video, photo, and voice recording options
Wohler USA Inc. • 978-750-9876
Severe weather crown repair & protection
Centering system for metal chimney liners.
The most advanced chimney liner in the world
FireGuard Ceramic mortar joint & resurfacing system
“My company uses most products available to chimney contractors, but Firesafe’s products and systems are hands-down the very best, and the most profitable. Great technical support and their constant improvements make the products even better, which makes my company stand out over my competition.” Kevin Knight, Chadds Ford Chimney Sweeps, PA
TO order call: 800-545-6607 MARCH/APRIL 14 SWEEPING 43
Classifieds Gotta chimney question? Sizing? Codes? Call Royal Edwards! Make Royal your tech department. CALL NOW (813) 982-0219 for on-call tech support. Continuing Education special bonus – Ask how you can get the Fridaymorning e-Blast for FREE. CALL NOW (813) 982-0219 GasVent Software for Sizing Chimneys only $195. Call 1-800648-9523 for more info. Or visit to download a free trial version.
37 Year Old Company Seeks Experienced Gas Fireplace Professional London Chimney Service, a member of the NCSG, HPBA, and GSCSG is seeking to hire one or more NFI Gas Certified Technicians who are familiar with Fireplace Xtrodinair, Regency, Heat N Glo, Majestic, Lennox/Superior and Valor appliances. A strong applicant will have the ability to diagnose various components in an appliance. Familiarity with pilot assemblies, thermocouples, thermopiles, sensors, gas valves, spill switches, control modules and programming remote control receivers is also a must.
Our company is located just north of San Francisco in Marin County, California. This location offers wonderful weather along with great opportunity due to a strong local economy. We have an immediate opening for the right individual and offer salary, commission, benefits, holiday/vacation pay and profit sharing. Interested candidates should send resumes to londonchimney@comcast.nete or phone 415.380.0330 and ask for Mark. For more information on our company visit, and
CLASSIFIED ADS FREE FOR NCSG MEMBERS Members can run one 35-word classified free each year! Regular classified ads are $2/word or $1/word for NCSG members. Classified ads are non-commissionable and must be pre-paid. To place a classified ad, please contact Sara Sichting at or 317-837-1500.
Display Ad Index Page #
31 Ahrens Chimney Technique 40 Duct Cleaners’ Supply 39 ENERVEX Inc. 43 Firesafe Industries, Inc. 18 Gelco, Lyemance, Lock-Top 38 Golden Flue, Inc 10 ICP 15 Landy Vent UK Ltd BC Lifetime Chimney Supply LLC 9 Lindemann Chimney Company 19 MC Refractory 30 M&G DuraVent 11 Meyer Machine & Equipment 13 National Chimney 5 Olympia Chimney Supply 21 Sand Hill Wholesale 17 SaverSystems, Inc 41 Security Chimneys International 8 Smoktite 12 Sweeps America 7 Trans Continental Equipment 3 Thermocrete 31 Wakefield Brush 42 Wohler 4 Z-Flex (Novaflex)
Email or Website Address
800-582-1392 800-634-2822 800-255-2923 800-545-6607 800-334-2154 800-468-1052 508-695-7000 01527 857814 877-234-7473 (PIPE) 800-722-7230 760-956-1884 800-835-4429 800-728-3828 800-897-8481 800-569-1425 800-258-5496 800-860-6327 800-361-4909 866-439-0069 866-880-3473 800-825-9145 866-439-0069 800-264-7007 978-750-9876 800-654-5600
National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168
BUY 1 LINER KIT AND GET 1 HALF OFF! Offer valid from March 1st through April 30th. New customers and catalog prices only.