1 minute read
____________ Plays The Basement
It’s quarter past 11 in the evening and _____________________ just started playing some _____________________ basement in the wild, wild indie rock world of Raleigh, North Carolina. We’ve got _____________________ on tap, and it’s just lit like nothing else. There’s a/ an _____________________ in the pit, and _____________________ is crowd surfing on top of everybody’s heads. Then, a/an _____________________ occurred, and everybody started running around like chickens with their damn heads cut off. You and your friends hop in a/an _____________________________ and take off to _____________________. Then, all of a sudden a/an ________________________ appears in front of your ___________________________. Everybody grabs the nearest _____________________ they have and start fighting the _____________________. After _____________________ kicked this _____________________’s ass, everybody piles in the car and heads to _________________________________ to celebrate their survival.