10 The Fruit of Fearful Faith: Worth Once again, let’s begin this chapter with a little overview and review before our preview of some of the fruit of fearful faith. In our previous chapters, we saw that a true fear of God results in what the Bible calls wholeheartedness. And the evidence of that kind of wholehearted love and obedience is that we love what God loves and hate what God hates. Conversely, we saw that a lack of a fear of God results in wickedness, or hating what God loves and loving what God hates. We also saw that just like there are degrees of fear, there are also degrees of sin. However, all sin is still sin! There is never a time or circumstance when sin ceases to be sin. It is the same in every circumstance, country, and culture. Sin never evolves or morphs into non-sin. When God says something is sin, it is sin for all eternity. If we could give degrees of sinfulness to sin, the greatest sin of all is wickedness or iniquity. This sin is a spiritual heart problem. It represents inward corruption, willful inversion, and character perversion. This describes the rebellious heart before God. However, wickedness or iniquity is not primarily a sin of the heathen committed out of ignorance. This is a sin of willful rebellion. It is a sin of religious perversion by people